The female name Svetlana - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Svetlana: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Svetlana: the meaning of the name, character and fate.

Svetlana (Sveta)- a benevolent, kind and bright person who tries to build his life as correctly as possible. And although she does not always manage to do everything perfectly, she tries not to notice her mistakes and goes through life with her head held high. More detailed information about the energy of the name you can find in our article.

What does the name Svetlana mean according to the church calendar?

The meaning of the name according to the church calendar

If you look into church calendar, then you will find in it several decodings of the name Svetlana at once. It was originally thought to mean Light or crystal. In ancient times, they were called girls if they wanted to grow up and devote themselves to serving God.

But already in the 18th century, the name Svetlana began to be deciphered a little differently. It was divided into two separate words Light and Lan and began to be translated as transparent and earthly. But still, no matter how it is translated, we can definitely say that it carries a lot of positive energy, which helps the owners of this name to leave a good mark behind.

Saint patron named after Svetlana

Svetlana Palestinskaya is considered to be the patron saint of all living on earth. The fate of this woman was very difficult. Together with her family, she decided to make a trip to new lands, and having almost reached her destination, she got into a very strong storm, as a result of which all her loved ones died.

She was thrown onto the shore of the island on which Blessed Martinian lived as a hermit. He told her that he lives on this piece of land all alone and only three times a year a man comes to him who brings him provisions. Svetlana decided that this was a sign from God and persuaded Martinian to let her stay.

After a little thought, he gave his consent and blessed the woman to serve God. Svetlana lived as a hermit on the island for about six years, all the while praying to the Almighty. After her death, the person who brought her food brought her remains to Caesarea where she was buried, and then elevated to the rank of Holy People.

The secret of the name Svetlana

The secret of the name Svetlana

Since childhood, Svetlana has been independent. The owners of this name try to get rid of the guardianship of adults very early and sometimes go for little tricks for this. At school Light has little interest in science. They go there rather for the sake of communication and fun. The most interesting thing is that such an attitude to learning does not prevent them from studying quite tolerably. Even at school age, they make friends with whom they are friends until old age.

Growing up, Svetlana does not lose her kind disposition and openness, which allows her to easily merge into her new environment. As practice shows, wherever she is, she will always find someone to communicate and be friends with. The downside of the nature of the owners of this name is that they cannot bring what they have started to its logical end.

And they do this not because of laziness, but because they simply run out of enthusiasm and patience. But still, if at such a moment there is a person near her who will push her to further actions, then she will do everything to make the result of her actions as ideal as possible.

What nationality is the name Svetlana?

Nationality named after Svetlana

Svetlana is considered an ancient Slavic name, which in those days was translated as Pure. Initially, it was exclusively male and sounded like Svetlan. It was usually worn by monks (living in monasteries who dedicated their entire lives to the service of God.

Some sources claim that this beautiful and kind name also has Iranian roots. In this country, they were called people with a good soul, who devoted all their time to helping poor and sick people. Translated from Iranian, the name Svetlana sounds like Bright face.

Name Svetlana: meaning, popularity

It is impossible to say that the name Svetlana is now popular. Yes, they are sometimes called children, but still most often parents prefer more modern variations, such as Veta. But if you look at the spelling of this name, you can understand that it is not easy to name girls for them, but it is necessary.


  • FROM- striving for a sound financial position
  • AT- tries to make all plans come true
  • E- makes a person diplomatic
  • T- enhances leadership qualities of a person
  • BUT- helps develop intuition and enhances intellectual abilities

Svetlana - deciphering the name from Greek

Although the name of Sveta is considered to be truly Slavic, in the Greek language there is its word form, which sounds like Photinia. This word is translated into Russian as Light.

Name Svetlana (Sveta) in French, in different languages

Name Svetlana (Sveta) on on different languages

A person's name is unique and may sound very different in foreign languages. So that you can understand how differently people on our planet pronounce the same word, we offer you information about the pronunciation of the name Svetlana in different languages.


  • American- Lana
  • French- Lucia
  • Belorussian- Svyatlana, Svyatlanka, Sveta
  • Czech- Svetla, Svetlushka
  • Bulgarian- Svetlinushka, Svetlina
  • Serbian- Svetlanka, Tsetsa

How is the name Svetlana spelled in the passport?

Probably, it’s not even worth saying that a passport is an important document in which each letter must be written correctly. If at least one word is mistaken, then you may have problems right upon arrival in a foreign country.

That is why you must double-check whether you entered the name correctly (it must be written in Latin). The name Svetlana in the passport must be written as Svetlana.

Svetlana: what is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Svetlana: short name

Although the name Svetlana sounds pretty sweet and beautiful, it still suits an adult woman more. If you call them a young girl or a little girl, it will be better if you try to use shortened and affectionate forms of this word for this.


  • Svetik
  • Svetulya
  • Svetulushka
  • Svetunchik
  • Svetusya

Svetlana: the meaning of the name character and fate

For people who first saw Svetlana, it may seem that she is a very careless and easy person. Yes, these traits are also present in her character, but behind them are commanding and leadership qualities that simply doze off until a certain time. Moreover, if Sveta is offended by something, then she can be tough, insidious and vengeful.

Moreover, she will take revenge on her offender only after she thinks well how to do it so that the people around her do not think badly of her. But still, the owners of this name show more positive qualities. As a rule, Svetlanas are very responsive, kind and open. They know how to find a common language with all people and do it with great joy. But fate is not very favorable to Svetlana.

She always comes up with some obstacles for them that prevent them from simply enjoying life. But fortunately, this state of affairs only incites girls with that name, and they try to rise as quickly as possible to the level from which they fell. Due to the fact that these women have to fight all the time for a place in the sun, closer to forty years old they become overly ambitious and try to independently control everything that happens around them.

Name Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

As a rule, Svetlanas prefer the society of men to the society of women. That is why they easily start new relationships and fall in love very often. This behavior is very much disliked by the rest of the fair sex, so they try to do everything to make Sveta feel not very comfortable in their company.

Ladies who bear this name treat sex as something ordinary, so they quite calmly agree to sex immediately at the first meeting. But do not think that such girls are too easily accessible. They take this step only if they understand for sure that their sympathy is mutual. But as practice shows, these ladies connect their lives with men with whom they have a very strong spiritual connection.

They believe that mutual understanding and respect are extremely important for marriage, and only in the last place in this matter do they pay attention to sexual relations. Most often, Svetlanas marry guys who perceive them as they are and do not try to remake them for themselves. If she comes across a patient and faithful man, she will live with him all her life.

Name Svetlana: health and psyche

The main problem of all Svetlanas is their moral and psychological health. Due to the fact that they are very nervous and in constant voltage They often get headaches. If a woman bearing this name finds strength in herself and immediately turns to a doctor, then this problem disappears very quickly.

If she delays going to a specialist, then her condition worsens and depression is also connected to headaches. For this reason, the Lights must strictly follow the regime of their day and, if possible, give their body a rest and, at least sometimes, be distracted by something pleasant.

It can be a quiet evening with family, going to the cinema or a concert, or just a walk in the park. In addition, these girls should be very attentive to their women's health. Problems in this area begin to arise in them at a young age, and if left untreated, they can cause infertility.

What middle name suits the girl to the name Svetlana:

Middle names suitable for Svetlana

The name of the father has a strong influence on the fate of Sveta. The middle name Nikolaevna suits her least of all. His energy is so negative that sometimes the owners of this name on a subconscious level want to distance themselves from their father. Most often, such representatives of the fair sex have a very difficult fate.

As a rule, they live their lives in poverty and die alone. A more positive influence on Svetlana has a patronymic Vsevolodovna. It gives the girl strength to deal with problems and pushes her to right choice in difficult life situations.

Middle names suitable for Svetlana:

  • Alexandrovna
  • Gavrilovna
  • Davidovna
  • Stepanovna
  • Igorevna
  • Leonidovna

Svetlana: compatible with male names

If you carefully read our article, you probably remembered that Svetlana very easily converge with the representatives of the stronger sex. Unfortunately, most men perceive their openness as accessibility and consider it impossible to build a serious relationship with them. That is why the owners of this name are suitable only for calm and understanding men who understand their subtle nature.

An ideal couple for Sveta would be:

  • Anton. It has a mild character, therefore it will support its chosen one in all its endeavors.
  • Vadim. The guys who bear this name are very well-read and smart, so an alliance with him will help Svetlana improve her intellectual abilities a little.
  • Gleb. It will help a woman to love herself and help her to try to get rid of her negative traits.
  • a lion. More than others, Svetlana is suitable for exactly how he can protect her from the attacks of outsiders. As practice shows, the union with this man always turns out to be very strong.
  • Sergey. Although men with this name are very quick-tempered, they know how to support their chosen one. In such a union, Light will feel happy, loved and desired.

When is the name day, Angel Day at Svetlana according to the Orthodox calendar?

If you open the Church Saints, you will find that the usual name Svetlana is not there. But still, the owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day 3 times a year. In Svyatki, Svetlana is spelled as Photinia or Fotina. In view of this, the Day of the Angel of All Light is celebrated on the days of veneration of St. Photinia.

In 2017 these will be the following days:

  • February 26
  • April 2
  • November 16

Congratulations on Angel Day for Svetlana: short, in verse and prose

Congratulations #1

Congratulations #2
  • Svetlana, we congratulate you on Angel Day! We wish your heavenly protector to help you quickly rise after your fate trips you up. Be happy dear!
  • May the sun shine brightly on this beautiful day! We wish your Guardian Angel to show you an easy and bright path to your happy future.

Songs with the name Svetlana

Tattoo with the name Svetlana: photo

Tattoo with the name Svetlana

Gold pendant for Svetlana: photo

Pendant #1

Pendant #2

Name Svetlana: intuition, intelligence, morality

The intuition of most Svetlanas is very poorly developed. Since they often live with feelings, they sometimes do things that greatly harm them. As for intelligence, the owners of this name have no problems with this. Despite their easy nature, they love the exact sciences and know how to think logically.

Moreover, if they feel the support of their relatives, they are even capable of scientific discoveries. With morality, these women are also in perfect order. Although, at first glance, they seem a little eccentric, they know how to behave in society and try to make others perceive them correctly.

Name Svetlana: hobbies, activities, business

Svetlanas are the type of women who are able to do monotonous work for hours. That is why most often they are fond of sewing, embroidery or knitting. If you go into the house of the owner of this name, you will surely find in it a lot of things made with your own hands.

Some Lights make their passion a business and sell products to friends or just acquaintances. As for the choice of profession, then in this case they cannot be called fussy. These women can quite easily work at any job, the main thing is that it brings them a stable income and gives them moral pleasure.

What zodiac sign does the name Svetlana fit?

Zodiac signs for Svetlana

Virgo is considered the most suitable zodiac sign for Light. In this case, the stars will have the most favorable influence on the fate of the girl and, as a result, adult life she will practically not have the negative features that are inherent in the rest of the owners of this name.

Svetlana-Virgo is a comprehensively developed personality, capable of self-realization, and always very quickly achieving good results in all her endeavors. The constellation Aquarius will have the same positive effect on ladies bearing this name. In this case, the woman will be smart, beautiful and charming. All these character traits will help her make good acquaintances and move very quickly along the way. career ladder.

Stone talisman to the name Svetlana

The owners of this name have two talisman stones at once. It's the purest rhinestone and bright black opal. As practice shows, it is best for Svetlanas to carry both stones with them at the same time. Rhinestone will attract a soul mate to her and give her peace of mind. Black opal will play the role of a protector, who will make sure that the negative surrounding the girl does not have any effect on her.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Svetlana

lily orientalis

Svetlana's totem flower is lily. It is believed that it is able to give a person strength to fight for their future, and also helps to gain faith in all the best and most beautiful.

The totem tree of these women is considered Birch. In view of this, if Svetlana has problems in life, then it is best for her to periodically come to this tree and give her negativity to it.

Totem animal named after Svetlana

The totem animal of these girls is hare. And although it is believed that he achieves his goal through cunning and deceit, in the case of the Lights, this helps them quickly cope with frequently occurring problems.

Numerology Of The Name Svetlana

Numerology Of The Name Svetlana

The life of Svetlana is controlled by the number 6. It helps them not to get confused in serious situations and directs them in the right direction when it seems that there is no way out. If the owner of this name is not lazy, she will quickly reach the top and be able to forget about problems for a long period.

It originated from the Slavic word "light". No one knows exactly when it originated, but this name is still popular today.

The form of pronunciation of the name Svetlana in other countries: Ukraine - Svitlana, Belarus - Svyatlana, Czech Republic - Svetlushe.

A diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Svetik, Svetlanochka, Sveta, Svetusik, Svetlanusik, Svetulya, Svetusya, Svetka, Svetochka, Svet, Svetulka, Lana, Lanochka, Lanusik, Lanka.

Svetlana celebrates her name day 3 times a year:

  • February 26th.
  • 2 April.
  • November 16th.

Patron saints of Svetlana

Church form named after Svetlana - Fotina.

  • Photina Palestinian. Honored February 26th. During the shipwreck, Fotina was thrown onto the island, where she met a Christian who, having converted her to the Christian faith, sailed away, leaving her alone in prayers. For the next six years, until Fotina's death, a Christian periodically sailed to bring her food.
  • Fotina Roman. Honored April 2. She is described in one of the stories of Jesus' life as a girl who gave him drink at the well of Jacob. Fotina, along with her sons, was killed in 66 for the Christian faith.


The nature of Svetlana depends on the time of the year of birth:

Winter - Powerful, ambitious, ambitious, careerist.

Spring - Unsure, suspicious, depressive, weak character.

Summer - Talented, sociable, sympathetic, kind.

Autumn - Distrustful, non-conflict, reasonable, pragmatic.


Little Svetlana is growing up as a very active, cheerful, sociable girl. Always surrounded by friends, with whom she likes to walk from morning to evening and play numerous games. At the same time, he does not refuse to help his mother with household chores and look after younger brothers and sisters. From a young age, she chooses the clothes that she will wear, the hairstyle that her mother will make her. He likes to spin in front of the mirror in his mother's clothes, look into his mother's cosmetic bag. In a word, it grows like a real coquette.

Thanks to her good memory, Svetlana studies well at school, but without much interest in subjects. If parents succeed in instilling Svetlana in reading, then she will grow up as a comprehensively developed person. AT transitional age Svetlana is more interested in hanging out with friends than studying. If no one follows her school progress, she will soon lose interest in her studies and after school she will not want to continue her studies at a higher educational institution. Svetlana knows how to make friends, she will always come to the aid of her friends, for which they appreciate her.

And in adulthood, Svetlana remains friendly and optimistic, loves to meet new people. There is no envy in her, she is incapable of harming anyone. Svetlana cannot always bring things to an end, but no one around knows about this, since she has the ability to inspire people that she keeps the situation under control. Svetlana does not like to listen to other people's advice, but loves to be praised. She is very quick-witted, having flared up at the interlocutor, after a minute she calmly continues the conversation. She almost never has a bad mood. He always dresses with taste, follows fashion, carefully selects jewelry for clothes, likes to visit beauty salons. She can easily start her life from scratch.


The emotional and impressionable Svetlana may have problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In adulthood, Svetlana, due to nervous overstrain, may be haunted by frequent migraines. She needs to take care of herself and not overexert herself, take light sedatives.


Not always at school age, Svetlana knows who she wants to work as an adult, so after graduation educational institution she can change several professions until she finds one that can unlock her full potential. But few of the Svetlanas climb the career ladder, because of their unwillingness to work from dawn to dusk and improve their skills. She will make an excellent cook, sales assistant, operator, manager, musician, artist, actress. It’s better for Svetlana not to start her own business, she lacks the business acumen that is so necessary in this business. Basically, Svetlana just goes with the flow, preferring not to think about work problems. If she does not like something at work, then she will resign without regret and find another job.


Beautiful and well-groomed Svetlana is popular with men, with whom she feels more at ease than with women. Often Svetlana looks like a real snow queen, but appearances are deceiving. In fact, Svetlana is very tender and passionate in love, she gives herself to her beloved person. For her, the appearance and size of a man's wallet are unimportant. If she likes a man, then she will meet with him, she may even agree to a one-time sex without obligations. Having truly fallen in love, Svetlana will not cheat on her chosen one, and he will be happy with her.

A family

It is unusual for Svetlana to marry the first man she comes across. She understands the value of marriage, so she carefully chooses her husband, thanks to which she practically does not make mistakes in her choice and divorces very rarely. She can quit her job for the sake of her family, devote herself entirely to housekeeping and raising children. Thanks to Svetlana's ability to adapt to any person, her husband will be comfortable with her and will not have to change his habits. The husband will have to manage the family budget in the family, since Svetlana can spend all the money in a short time and not save anything for a rainy day.

Short form of the name Svetlana. Sveta, Svetulya, Svetlanka, Svetunya, Svetusya, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana, Svetlanochka, Svetik, Svetachka, Svetka, Svetochka, Svetusik.
Synonyms for the name Svetlana. Svetla, Fotinya, Fotina.
Origin of the name Svetlana The name Svetlana is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox.

The name Svetlana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Svetlana was invented and first used by A. Kh. Vostokov in the romance "Svetlana and Mstislav" (1802). It gained wide popularity after the publication by the poet Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky of his ballad "Svetlana". There is also a version that the name was invented by A.S. Pushkin.

According to the second version, the name Svetlana was used by the Slavs in Russia, and Vostokov was taken from forgotten names. The name Svetlana is Slavic, Russian name. It was formed by adding two concepts "light" and "lan". “Light” literally means “light”, “lan” in Old Russian means “earth”. It is the Ukrainian word "lan" that just means arable, and in a broader sense fertile, fertile land or land of habitation, since people did not settle on barren lands. It turns out that the name Svetlana means "Light of the Earth", and her short form of Light is simply "luminous". Also interpreted as "light". It can be interpreted as light in appearance, for example, “fair-haired”, and “pure in soul”. A related and cognate name is Svetla.

According to the third version, the name Svetlana is a tracing paper Greek name Photinia, under which Svetlana is baptized by the Orthodox. Photinia's name literally translates from Greek as "light".

The name Svetlana became widely used after the publication of Vasily Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana". Previously, this name could not be used for naming, as it was not mentioned in Orthodox saints, so it could be found in the names of ships, enterprises. They began to actively call this name after the October Revolution, or rather from the end of the 1930s, and the fact that this was the name of the only daughter of I.V. Stalin played an important role in popularizing the name Svetlana. In 1943 Russian Orthodox Church recognized the name Svetlana and made it permitted in the church rite of baptism, and in the 1950-1970s this name became widespread. In Soviet times, the name Svetlana was given the ideological meaning of the name, namely the word “bright” made a semantic emphasis on the construction of a “bright future”, on the movement of society along the “bright path” to communism.

The name Svetlana has enough analogues in foreign languages ​​with the meaning "bright", "radiant", "clear", "radiant", "pure". For example, Italian Chiara (Chiara), German and French Clara (Klara) and Claire (Claire), Italian Lucia (Lucia), Celtic Fiona (Fiona), Jewish Liora, ancient Greek Faina, Eulampia (“candle, I shine”), Aglaida ( "shine, light"), Tajik Ravshana, Armenian Lusine, Kazakh Saule, Greek names Fotina and Fotinia, as well as the name Elena ("torch", "light"). In Persian, the name Svetlana corresponds to woman's name Forug.

In Russia, the name Svetlana is often shortened to the name "Sveta", and in Western Europe and English-speaking countries - up to "Lana". Diminutives Weta and Lana are also short forms for other names and independent names.

The character and fate of Svetlana. Svetlana gives the impression of a light, bright and sociable girl. However, in fact, Svetlana is a real commander with a very controversial character. On the one hand, she is unusually kind to people, but if necessary, she can cause pain in such a way that it doesn’t seem enough. Sveta suffers from manic accuracy and high self-esteem, at the same time she is a very disinterested person, persistent and resolute. But at crucial moments in her life, Svetlana for some reason fails to keep events under control.

Sveta is not afraid of work, she has diplomacy, but all this is spoiled by the desire to command. In a male society, Svetlana is always easier; she hardly finds a common language with women. Although the girl is sensitive to her family, she is not used to reckoning with gossip and public opinion. On the contrary, the more they talk about her, the better she feels.

Sveta is quite distrustful, especially in relation to men. She believes that you can not rely on anyone.

Happiness does not always accompany Svetlana. She is often beautiful, but she does not get a job in life. Although she has a high opinion of herself, her academic success is very average. Responsibility for the fate of Sveta has to be taken by her parents, since in her youth she can equally likely lean on the side of good and on the side of evil. Svetlana's character is shaped by what surrounds her: her parents, the environment, and herself. Ultimately, it all depends on the desire of the girl. She is able to make herself.

In Svetlana, the spiritual principle is clearly distinguished. Her thoughts and aspirations are pure and light. This is a very artistic and contrasting girl. She happily hurries to where she is expected. Svetlana has a subtle intellect. The most important thing for her is closeness with her family.

Svetlana is a sensitive friend. She has a good effect on those who are close to her. Gives timely advice, capable of disinterested help. After communicating with the Light, warmth and hope remain in the souls of people. She is a charming woman of mystery.

Men can see in Svetlana something that is inaccessible to the prying eye. She always remains unobtrusive, but to the one in whose feelings she is sure, Sveta gives herself without a trace, completely adjusting to the chosen one. In a partner, she primarily appreciates his experience and passion, appearance is secondary for her. Sveta cannot imagine her life without men.

Sveta does not decide on marriage for a long time, trying to make sure that the chosen one is really worthy of her. With her husband, she is diplomatic, gets along well with all relatives, which deserves their love. Sveta becomes an exemplary mother and mistress. She is devoted to her husband, takes care of the children.

Sveta is a great fashionista, especially in her younger years. However, she does not always know a sense of proportion.

Since Svetlana often manifests herself as an imperious and authoritative person, it is easy for her to work in a leadership position. She is interested various areas activities, and she is good at manipulating people. However, sometimes Svetlana becomes indifferent to everything, limply goes with the flow. If necessary, Sveta will change her work and environment without hesitation, she is able to improve herself.

Name day of Svetlana

Famous people named Svetlana

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova ((born 1950) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991), winner of the Nika Prize.)
  • Svetlana Savitskaya ((born 1948) Soviet cosmonaut, the second female astronaut in the world and the first female astronaut in the world to walk outer space. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1982). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.)
  • Svetlana Svetlichnaya ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974))
  • Svetlana Zhiltsova ((born 1936) Russian TV announcer, host of KVN programs, "Song of the Year", "Morning Mail". Honored Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Svetlana Khorkina ((born 1979) Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars (1996, 2000), three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1995))
  • Svetlana Surganova ((born 1968) musician, poet and composer, soloist and violinist of the Night Snipers group in 1993-2002. Now she is the leader of the Surganova and Orchestra group.)
  • Svetlana Stepchenko (Toporova) ((born 1965) famous violist, soloist of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia, actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Svetlana Zhurova ((born 1972) Soviet and Russian speed skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1996). Five-time Russian champion in sprint all-around (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005). World champion in sprint all-around (2006) and at a distance 500 m (1996) Olympic champion in 2006 at a distance of 500 meters (one of three Olympic champions in speed skating in the history of Russia along with Svetlana Bazhanova and Alexander Golubev).
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva ((born 1937) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980))
  • Svetlana Toma ((born 1947) real name- Fomichev; famous Moldavian actress, Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR (1979), Honored Artist of Russia (2001), People's Artist of Moldova (2008). The artistic pseudonym of Tom is usually pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. The actress herself, however, points out that originally Toma (with the accent on the second syllable) was the surname of her maternal great-grandmother, of French origin.)
  • Svetlana Druzhinina ((born 1936) Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).)
  • Svetlana Aleksievich ((born 1948) Belarusian writer, author of the books “War has no female face”, “Last Witnesses”)
  • Svetlana Bestuzheva ((born 1950) Russian scientist, sociologist, journalist, writer, specialist in the field of social demography, social demography and social psychology; candidate historical sciences, orientalist-arabist)
  • Svetlana Varganova ((born 1964) Soviet swimmer, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1982))
  • Svetlana Rozhkova ((born 1965) pop artist, Honored Artist of Russia (1996))
  • Svetlana Fedorenko ((1972 - 2009) Russian pilot, aviator, Honored Master of Sports, absolute European champion in aircraft sports)
  • Svetlana Parkhomenko ((born 1962) nee - Cherneva; Soviet and Russian professional tennis player and tennis coach, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991). Champion of the USSR in singles (1985), nine-time champion of the USSR in women's and mixed doubles, winner of eight Virginia Slims/WTA tournaments in women's doubles, European amateur champion in women's and mixed doubles (1983), four-time European champion among girls in singles and doubles.)
  • Svetlana Vysokova ((born 1972) Russian speed skater, bronze medalist of the winter Olympic Games 2006, Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2006), International Master of Sports)
  • Svetlana Iosefiy ((born 1963) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
  • Svetlana Kriveleva ((born 1969) Soviet and Russian athlete who competed in the shot put. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1992). World champion in 2003, silver (1993) and two-time bronze medalist of the world championships (1991 and 1999). Was a participant in seven Four times (1992, 1993, 1999 and 2003), Svetlana showed the best result of the season in the world in the shot put. At the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, ​​Kriveleva won the gold medal, ahead of the Chinese woman Huang Zhihong and the German woman Katrin Naimke.)
  • Svetlana Loboda (Ukrainian singer, presenter, actress, designer of her own brand, photographer. Represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. Performs under the stage name LOBODA.)
  • Svetlana Pecherskaya ((born 1968) nee - Davydova; Soviet and Russian biathlete, silver medalist of the 1992 Olympic Games in the individual race, seven-time world champion, multiple medalist of the world championships, winner of the World Cup season 1990/1991. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990 ).)
  • Svetlana Alliluyeva ((1926 - 2011) nee - Stalin, in exile - Lana Peters; Soviet philologist-translator, candidate of philological sciences; memoirist. She became widely known as the daughter of I.V. Stalin, about whose life she left a number of works in the genre of memoirs. She emigrated from the USSR to the USA in 1967. The mother of the Russian cardiologist I.G. Alliluyev.)
  • Svetlana Svetikova ((born 1983) Russian pop singer, actress, musical artist)
  • Svetlana Sorokina ((born 1957) Russian journalist, member of the Russian Television Academy, former member Council for Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation (2009-2011), lecturer at the Higher School of Journalism, host (2010) of Program Guides on Channel Five and the program In the Circle of Light on the Ekho Moskvy radio station)
  • Svetlana Sichkar ((1936 - 2012) Soviet animator. She took part in the creation of more than 80 cartoons, including "Mom for a Mammoth", "The Adventures of Munchausen", "Magnificent Gosh", "The Adventures of Funtik the Pig".)
  • Svetlana Kharitonova ((1932 - 2012) Soviet theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoevich ((born 1950) theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Danilchenko ((born 1938) Soviet actress)
  • Svetlana Kharlap ((born 1940) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, master of dubbing and dubbing)
  • Svetlana Chuikina ((born 1975) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Svetlana Shevchuk ((born 1967) Ukrainian writer (writes in Russian))
  • Svetlana Koroleva (Russian model, TV presenter, winner of the All-Russian national beauty contest "Miss Russia 2002" and the international beauty contest "Miss Europe 2002". In 2003, the main Snow Maiden of the country. Since 2008, the singer of the song of the charity event "Miss Russia for Children.")
  • Svetlana Martynchik ((born 1965) contemporary writer and artist. Known as the author literary works, reviews and reviews published under the name of Max Fry, and as the host of the radio program Free Entry. Some early works, published under the name of Max Fry, were created in collaboration with Igor Stepin.)
  • Svetlana Yakir, Blume Yakir ((1936 - 1971) Russian writer)
  • Svetlana Yusim ((born 1941) Ukrainian artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine)
  • Svetlana Bless ((born 1942) Soviet and Latvian actress)
  • Svetlana Okruzhnaya ((born 1947) People's Artist of Belarus (1991), member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus)
  • Svetlana Vilkina (Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus, technical director and senior coach in the kata section of the Belarusian Shotokan Karate-Do Federation. The only owner in Eastern Europe of the fifth dan of the World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation.)
  • Svetlana Gladysheva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian alpine skier, vice-champion of the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer in the super giant. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994). One of two Olympic medalists in alpine skiing in the history of Russian sports. The second is Evgenia Sidorova , who won bronze in slalom in Cortina d'Ampezzo in 1956. On March 31, 2010, she was appointed Acting President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia. On May 14, 2010, by unanimous decision of the Presidium of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia, Svetlana Gladysheva became President of the FGSSR.)
  • Svetlana Garon, Lana Garon (theater critic, theater critic, essayist)

One day the Savior was passing through the land of Samaria preaching the gospel. To rest and recuperate, He stopped near the town of Sychar. At the same time, a Samaritan woman came to the well for water. Her name was Photinia.

Christ asked her for water, to which Photinia, amazed, asked how He, being a Jew, asks for water from a Samaritan woman, because Jews and Samaritans did not communicate in those days. The Savior answered her: “If you knew the gift of God and who says to you: give Me a drink, then you yourself would ask Him, and He would give you living water.” Photinia did not immediately understand Him, but Christ said to her: “Everyone water drinker this, he will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty. but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”

In his words, the Lord meant Himself and His teachings by “living water”, but Photinia decided that it was about fresh running water. At the same time, Jesus Christ told her about her life filled with sin, and the woman recognized in Him the Great Prophet and Teacher. She began to ask Him: who worships God correctly: the Samaritans or the Jews? To which Jesus replied: “The time will come and has already come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for such worshipers the Father seeks for Himself. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. The woman says to Him: I know that the Messiah, that is, Christ, will come; when He comes, He will announce everything to us. Jesus says to her, It is I who am talking to you. After this conversation, Saint Photinia rushed to the city, where she told many about her meeting with Christ. Along with her, many more Samaritans believed in Him.

Thus Saint Photinia became one of the devoted disciples of Christ, who preached the Gospel in many parts of the world.

The name Svetlana is one of the most beautiful native Russian, Slavic names. It was worn by many prominent women. It has an unusual history; linguists often argue about its origin.

The name Svetlana was brought into use during the period of New History, in contrast to most Slavic names that originate from ancient times. Linguists consider it the only one artificially invented (with the exception of Aelita A. Tolstoy).

Svetlana was first mentioned in the early 1800s in the ballad "Svetlana and Mstislav" by A. Vostokov. Later, V. Zhukovsky popularized the name in the ballad "Svetlana", it became fashionable and its "literary" origin was forgotten.

However, there is a version that the name originates from the rare male name Svetlan, which was called the boys in Ancient Russia. According to another theory, Svetlana is formed from the words "light" and "lan" (in Ukrainian - land).

Researchers who are inclined to look for Greek roots in the origin of Slavic names claim that Svetlana comes from the Greek name Photinia. It is difficult to say whether there is a succession between these names, but they are translated in the same way. Svetlana means "source of light", or "bright", "pure".


However, Svetlana is not a defenseless angel at all. She is able to be quick-witted and vengeful, passionate and cold-blooded, altruistic and selfish. Sveta has a controversial character, which depends on what time of the year she was born.

Winter Light is always in the spotlight, she is a leader and leader. With each achievement, her self-esteem grows. Only a strong, intelligent, self-confident man will be able to muffle her imperiousness.

Born in the spring, Sveta lacks self-confidence. The conflict between needs and the inability to state them can cause a tendency to depression. Spring Svetlana will have to gather all the will to start managing her life. A patient man who will accept her for who she is can help her in this.

Svetlana, who was born in the summer, is very sociable. She playfully converges with people and therefore easily achieves success in journalism, social work, pedagogy, psychology, trade, acting craft. Selfless and trusting, Svetlana radiates love and concern. It is good if a kind, faithful and open man is next to her.

Autumn Svetlana is reasonable, thrifty, vulnerable and closed. Each inflicted insult leaves a mark in her soul, prompting her to fence herself off more and more. By adulthood, Svetlana can become completely distrustful and withdrawn. Only a reliable, laconic man can warm her up, who will take on all the worries and provide her with a rear.

In childhood

Little Svetochka is a serious, thoughtful child. About Us early years wants to help parents. Her thinking is so independent and critical that sometimes she discourages adults with her questions. Her childhood statements in the family are often quoted, wondering what a smart, non-standard girl she was already at three or four years old.

It is important for Sveta to be a role model. She tries her best to be set as an example to other girls. This is not just vanity or pride: each Svetochka has an innate mechanism for self-improvement. She wants to become better and carries this desire throughout her life.

Clever, reasonable Sveta tries to study diligently. However, the majority of the Light, although they grasp new knowledge on the fly, are too lazy to deepen it, remain "average" in their studies. But Sveta clearly manifests herself in social activities. And he likes to command, although he rarely becomes a leader. She does not manage to be strict and demanding for long: she is too good-natured and inconsistent.

At a young age

In her youth, Svetlana makes an impression on others of a light, windy person. This is a false impression. Sveta is a rational girl, able to defend her point of view. She does not always have enough consistency and will to establish herself as a leader, but she can earn the respect of those around her.

Sveta seeks to help, patronize, it is important for her to be needed. Outwardly independent, she is very sensitive to the opinions of others. Svetlana needs to hear warm words addressed to her, and not just criticism, which can completely reduce her unstable self-esteem. Anyone who criticizes Svetlana must take into account that she is very touchy and vulnerable.

Girls named Svetlana follow fashion trends, not feeling the golden mean, and can be so carried away by trends that they turn themselves into a hanger of fashionable outfits that do not fit one another. Young Svetlana needs a delicate friend with good taste who will tell her what suits her and what does not.

In adulthood

Having formed and matured, Svetlana will become a full-fledged mistress of her own life. Achieving success, she can simultaneously lose friends, because she is not inclined to forgive insults, even children's ones. It is increasingly difficult for new people to find their way to Svetlana's closed soul. At the same time, she is not at all closed, she has a wide circle of contacts and a stormy social life.

Adult Svetlana is mysterious, independent and uncompromising. She perceives any problem as an opportunity to gain new experience and build character.

Full, abbreviated and pet name

The abbreviated (most frequently used) name of Light is directly associated with the word "light". This is one of the most pleasant to hear Slavic names, short, sonorous and beautiful. Svetlana readily responds to such variants of her name as Veta and Lana.

She is affectionately called:

  • Svetochka (the most common, sounds like a "flower");
  • Svetik.
  • Svetulya.
  • Svetanya.
  • Svetunya.
  • Svetlanka.
  • Twig.
  • Lanochka.

Church name and name day

Until the name Svetlana was in the calendar, all the Lights received the name Photinia or Fotina at baptism. Nowadays, Svetlana can get her birth name as a baptismal one.

By Orthodox calendar girls named Svetlana celebrate name days three times:

  • February 26 - the day of the Angel of Svetlana (Photinia) of Palestine;
  • April 2 is the name day of the Martyr Photina (Svetlana) the Samaritan of Rome;
  • November 16 is the day of the martyr Svetlana (Photinia).

The fate of Svetlana

A controversial name predicts a difficult fate. Sveta remains faithful to the moral principles on which she builds her picture of the world and the system of relationships with others.

He who is true to himself is betrayed by others. It is difficult to find at least one woman named Sveta who did not survive the treacherous blow. Her strength is her ability to learn from any situation. Her weakness is that, having survived the blow, she forever loses confidence in people.

In love, Svetlana reveals herself completely. Having fallen in love seriously, she runs the risk of becoming dependent on a man. If her chosen one is worthy of reckless love, Svetlana will be happy with him. But betrayal can make her soul close, depriving her of the opportunity to love again and find happiness.

Svetlana herself can destroy her happiness if she begins to command her beloved, mistaking his complaisance for weakness of character.

Name colors

Girls named Svetlana are protected by the following colors:

  • Blue . The main color-defender: bottomless, attractive, pure. People buy blue and of blue color when they want to feel confident. Blue color is soft, democratic, neutral. It is difficult to meet a person who would be annoyed by this color.
  • Brown . The color symbolizes stability, reliability, fidelity and stability. This is the color of the earth, fertility, life, but at the same time - depression, longing, disappointment, withering and routine. The brown color is not independent: its orientation depends on what colors it will be “in conjunction” with. Iridescent colors balance the brown color, neutralizing and muting the negative overtones.
  • Red . This is the sharpest, brightest and most catchy color, which does not get along well with other tones. colors. The color of creative energy, anxiety and eternal search, a symbol of blood and fire, encouraging activity.
  • Green . It is considered the color of fertility, grass, kindness, tranquility, peace. This harmonious and warm color corresponds to the kind, disinterested, sympathetic soul of Svetlana.

Patron plants: tree and flower

Plants patronizing Svetlana are lily and birch.

Birch displays conflicting forces: death and rebirth, dawn and sunset, good and evil. The contradictions inherent in each Svetlana resonate in this tree.

Lily symbolizes purity. In Christian symbolism, this delicate flower corresponds to the immaculate Virgin Mary. Whether Svetlana is so pure is a moot point, but she certainly has a desire for perfection.

Analogues of the name in other languages

In different languages, names that mean the same as Svetlana are sometimes similar in sound to her, and sometimes not:

  • In Greece, Svetlana will be called Photina or Photinia.
  • Arriving in America, Svetlana will respond to the name Lana.
  • Instead of Svetlana, the Spaniards have Clara.
  • The French have Claire and Lucien.
  • The Italians have Lucia.
  • For Armenians, this name is similar to the Spanish version: Lucia.
  • In Hebrew, Svetlana is called Orli or Orit.
  • In an African dialect - Lesedi.
  • Fatima or Saniya - this is how the Tatars call Svetlana.
  • Selenge - affectionately call in Mongolia a girl with the brightest name.
  • Svetlana will remain Svetlana in Poland.
  • Svetlina is in Bulgaria.
  • Among Moldovans, she is called Sveta.
  • Also Svetlaya, or Svetlushka, will be called in the Czech Republic.
  • The familiar Slavic Svitlana (Ukrainian) and Svyatlana (Belarusian) sound related, almost homely.
  • The sharp, scratchy name Tsetsa is in Serbian.
  • Drita is Albanian.
  • In China, girls with the name Svetlana are called Siweitelan.
  • In Japan, Arirukuchikatakata.

Svetlana and her patronymic

Ideally, melodic, melodious patronymics are suitable for the name Svetlana:

  • Anatolievna.
  • Afanasyevna.
  • Andreevna.
  • Mikhailovna.
  • Vasilevna.
  • Ivanovna.
  • Nikolaevna.
  • Olegovna.

However, some patronymics containing hard consonants get along well with Svetlana:

  • Arsenievna.
  • Vladimirovna.
  • Sergeevna.
  • Valerievna.
  • Dmitrievna.
  • Georgievna.

Not very suitable middle names for Svetlana: Igorevna, Denisovna, Maksimovna, Yurievna. They can amplify the contradictions that already complicate Sveta's life.

The patronymic affects the given name in the same way that the given name affects its owner. The patronymic can emphasize, aggravate or weaken, nullify the secret meanings inherent in the name. So:

Compatibility with other names

In love and marriage, Svetlana is best suited as partners:

  • Michael.
  • Alexander.
  • Arseny.
  • Daniel.
  • Konstantin.
  • George.
  • Igor.
  • Vadim.

If she meets a man with one of these names, their relationship will be happy and harmonious.

Svetlana's average compatibility is established with men with the following names:

  • Alexey.
  • Oleg.
  • Ilya.
  • Denis.
  • Pavel.
  • Vladislav.
  • Evgeny.
  • Gregory.
  • Roman.
  • Anton.
  • Vasily.

The soil for a relationship is not ideal, the result depends on what outweighs: Svetlana's need for a man or her own ambitions.

Worst of all, Svetlana is compatible with owners of such names as:

  • Peter.
  • Maksim.
  • Victor.
  • Gleb.
  • Dmitry.

However, if Svetlana really falls in love with a man with that name, her intuition will tell her how to keep love.

How the name declines

Famous Lights

A lot of Svetlanas became not just famous actresses, but also popular favorites:

  • Pismichenko.
  • Kryuchkov.
  • Khodchenkov.
  • Svetlichnaya.
  • Druzhinin.
  • Nemolyaev.

Svetlana glorified the name in the musical field:

  • Rootless.
  • Varguzov.
  • Loboda.
  • Surganov.

Also, women named Svetlana are known among screenwriters (Karmalita), in ballet (Zakharova) and in big sports (Khorkhina, Pecherskaya, Zhurova, Masterkova, Knysheva, Chernousova).

Writer Aleksievich received Nobel Prize on literature. Savitskaya is a brave Soviet female cosmonaut. Burlak is a world-famous linguist-orientalist. Morgunova is a well-known announcer of Central Television. Alliluyeva - Stalin's daughter, part-time dissident defector, wrote a lot about her father. The names of famous Svetlanas can be listed indefinitely.

Studies of the name Svetlana, its origin and meaning, not only reveal the unusualness of this name, but also show how difficult it is for the owners of such a name in life. And it depends only on Svetlana herself whether she will be able to become strong, proud, successful - in other words, a winner.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Svetlana
