Men's names in Latin. Latin names

Name Augustine (August): meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

August always tries to adhere to his own morality, not noticing and not taking into account the opinions of other people. This is a balanced, patient person, living more with the mind than with feeling, however, he gives the impression of a person who does not always act in accordance with logic and common sense. Fate is preparing a lot of trials for August.

Name Albert: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Albert has an extremely energetic disposition since childhood. He lives a rich inner life, he has a wild imagination, which, however, goes well with pragmatism, which allows him to achieve very great heights in life. He is incomprehensibly able to penetrate into the essence of things at a glance. His mind is thin and flexible, but there is almost no room for feelings in his life. This area is completely uninteresting to him, but despite this, he is successful with women.

Name Amadeus: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

This is an impressionable, vulnerable and painful boy. Parents should be attentive to his health. Little Amadeus reacts very sharply to what is happening around him. Any negativity can deprive him of sleep for several days, even seen on the TV screen.


The name Benedict: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

The children named by this name grow up as calm children, as a rule, without causing concern to their parents. At school, too, everything goes smoothly, they are successful in their studies, they do not conflict with teachers. They are characterized by such traits as kindness, adherence to principles, prudence, commitment.

Name Valentin: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Philosophy and psychology are the areas to which Valentine has an inclination almost from birth. He is well-read and smart, with a sense of humor is all right. Thanks to his perseverance and hard work, Valentin can achieve a lot, he knows how to act in a changing environment. He has great creative potential.

Name Valery: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

In a company, this is a pleasant interlocutor, the impression can only be spoiled by Valery's habit of saying taunts, not caring about the reaction of another person. Climbing up career ladder it will not be easy for Valery, but he will eventually be able to overcome all the difficulties along the way. He is diligent and gets things done well.

The name Benedict: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

In early childhood, Venya is everyone's favorite. He is a kind, not pugnacious, not a capricious child. At school, there are also no problems with studies, although Venya is not a crammer. He loves pets, can pick up a sick kitten on the street and take care of him touchingly.


Name Victor: name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Victor is a very fair boy, if suddenly something unseemly happens before their eyes, they will try by all means to prove it to their loved ones and appeal to their conscience and prudence. Victor has a number of other positive qualities: he is thorough, patient, unhurried and can do some very painstaking work for a long time. Their nature is stubborn and sometimes tough.


The name Dementius (Domentius): meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Dementia has a gentle nature. People are attracted to him by his kindness and responsiveness. He is one of those who can be trusted with the innermost, knows how to sympathize and empathize. The warmth and calmness of Dementia warm those who have failed and who need to thaw their souls. Dementy is reliable and faithful in his affections.

Name Demyan (Damian): name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Demyan is prone to bouts of depression, from which his own sense of humor will help him get out.
Career for him is not in last place, and he can achieve significant success in life. However, Demyan can go to the goal "over the corpses", i.e. stopping at nothing. However, this does not bring him big dividends.

The name Jordan: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

By nature, Jordan is a very calm child who is easy to educate. But by nature, Jordan is contradictory, he is a man of mood: sometimes soft, sometimes irritable. Little Jordan is trusting, without a shadow of a doubt he believes everything he is told, and only later, having thought and realizing that he was deceived, is very upset.

Name Donald: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

early age Donalds are sickly children, they have an unstable nervous system, they can be aggressive, stubborn.
Donalds born in winter are talented but conflicted, so they can often change jobs. They often become champions of justice, protect their colleagues from the arbitrariness of their superiors.

Name Donat: name day, meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Donat is a creative person with a rich imagination. True, due to conflicts, he can often change jobs, which has a bad effect on his well-being: for Donat, it is more comfortable to be in a familiar environment for years. He may not make a big career, because his prudence and habit of weighing everything prevent him from “hurrying up” in time, more efficient colleagues are ahead of him.

The name Innokenty: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

Innocent is a romantic. He is very smart and well-read. Books generally considers a good cure for life's troubles. It is very important for Innokenty to find his social circle, where he can truly open up, be sociable and witty. If people close in spirit are not nearby, Innokenty can finally withdraw into himself, the world of brute force does not attract him. It is hard to experience failures, it is unlikely that he will be able to forgive the insult inflicted to the end.


Name of the Roots: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

From childhood, he seems outwardly dry and unemotional, but this is somewhat deceptive. It's just his self defense. He does not like to fuss, the noise annoys him. Well, if Korney grows up in a family with established rich traditions, he likes it.


Name Leon: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

The name Leon gives its owner optimism and sociability. Compassion, responsiveness are not alien to him. Always ready to help friends and strangers. Since childhood, Leon has a calm, even imperturbable temperament, respects elders, and is not prone to quarrels. Thanks to a well-developed memory, problems with learning do not arise.

The name Luka: meaning, origin, characteristics, compatibility with other names

However, he never rushes to conclusions, but carefully analyzes everything with a cold mind. Not the slightest insincerity will hide from him. Luka is a rather enterprising person, but he does not always have the patience and endurance to bring the matter to the end.

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MU) of the author TSB

From the book Dictionary-reference book of Russian personal names author Melnikov Ilya

Male names AAaron Rus. bibl. (from other Hebrew); Russian unfold Aron.Abakum rus. (from other Hebrew and means a hug (of God)); church Avvakum.Abram and Abramy Rus. in-you bible. them. Abraham (from other Hebrew and means the father of many (peoples)). Abrosim Russian; in-t im. Ambrose. Abrosia Rus. abbr.

From the book Crossword Guide author Kolosova Svetlana

Male names

From the book The Complete Symptom Handbook. Self-diagnosis of diseases author Rutskaya Tamara Vasilievna

Male names Alexander - something good, big, courageous, active, simple, beautiful, majestic, cheerful, joyful, loud, brave, powerful. Alex - something good, bright, beautiful, light, safe, round. Albert - something good, big ,

From the book Name and Fate author Danilova Elizaveta Ilyinichna

Male names AAbo, I.8 (Georgian). Avvakum, D.2, Il.6 - God's love (Heb.). Augustine, John. 15. Avda, Mr. 31 - servant (Khald.). Avdelai, Ap. 17 (pers.). Avdies, Ap. 9 - servant of Jesus (Heb.). Obadiah, N. 19, p. 5 - servant of the Lord (Heb.). Avdikiy, Ap. 10 (pers.). Avdifaks, Il. 6 (pers.). Avdon, Il. 30 - servant (Heb.). Abel,

From the book The Great Atlas of Healing Points. Chinese medicine for health and longevity the author Koval Dmitry

Vintage male Russian

From the book Universal Encyclopedic Reference author Isaeva E. L.

Men's French

From the book Your name and destiny author Vardi Arina

Men's church

From the book Big Dictionary of Quotations and popular expressions author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

Men's German

From the author's book

From the author's book

Section 2. Male names Aaron - the name came from the Hebrew language and means "covenant ark." Angel Day: July 20. Habakkuk - translated from Hebrew as "God's embrace." Angel days: July 6, December 2. August means "sacred." The name comes from Latin

From the author's book

Men's diseases Points on the chest and abdomen Da-hen ("across the large intestine") is located 4 cun outward from the navel (Fig. 2.7, a). Additional effect of exposure to the point: treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, cramps in the limbs .Kuan-yuan ("key to primary qi")

From the author's book

Winged Latin phrases Alma mater. (Mother-nurse.) Aurae mediocritas. (Golden mean.) Aut disce, aut discede. (Either study or leave.) Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I exist.) De facto. (In fact, in fact.) De jure. (By law.) Dictum factum. (No sooner said than done.) Divide et impera. (Divide and conquer.) Dum spiro, spero. (While I breathe

From the author's book

From the author's book

4. Latin anonymous quotations and expressions 415 The devil's advocate. // Advocatus diaboli. Since the 17th century the common name of the participants in the process of canonization of the saint, who was supposed to put forward arguments against canonization (the official name is “faith strengthener”, “promotor fidei”). This function

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Roman (Latin) names

Roman male and female names and their meaning

Male names

Women's names






Anufry (Onufry)














Ignat (Ignatius)




Kasyan (Kassian)


Klim (Clement)















Martin (Martin)

















Flavian (Flavius)










































Blast furnace

















Lucia (Lucia)





Natalia (Natalia)



Peacock (Paulina)





















The meaning of Roman (Romano-Byzantine) names

Roman male names and their meaning

Men's: August (sacred), Anton (Roman generic name, in Greek - entering the battle), Valentine (heavy man), Valery (strong man), Benedict (blessed), Vincent (victorious), Victor (winner), Vitaly (vital), Dementius (dedicated to the goddess Damia), Donatus (gift), Ignatus (unknown), Innocent (innocent), Hypatius (high consul), Kapiton (tadpole), Claudius (lame-footed), Clement (indulgent), Constantine (permanent), Kornil ( horned), Laurus (tree), Lawrence (crowned with a laurel wreath), Leonid (lion cub), Leonty (lion), Maxim (largest), Mark (sluggish), Martin (born in March), Modest (modest), Mokey (mockingbird ), Paul (finger), Prov (test), Prokofy (successful), Roman (Roman), Sergei (Roman generic name), Sylvester (forest), Felix (lucky), Frol (blooming), Caesar (royal), Juvenal (youthful), Julius (fidgety, curly), Januarius (gatekeeper).

Roman female names and their meaning

Women's: Aglaya (shine), Agnes (sheep), Akulina (eagle), Alevtina (strong woman), Alina (non-native), Albina (white), Beatrice (lucky), Valentina (strong, healthy), Victoria (goddess of victory), Virginia ( virgin), Diana (goddess of the hunt), Kaleria (alluring), Capitolina (named after one of the seven hills of Rome), Claudia (lamefoot), Clementine (indulgent), Margarita (pearl), Marina (sea), Natalia (née), Regina (queen), Renata (renewed), Ruth (red), Silva (forest).

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Most of the names we give our children today are of Latin origin. Sometimes we don’t even think about their origin, and yet, belonging to this family, they have such ancient and noble roots.

Before moving on to the characteristics of the denunciations themselves, we should dwell a little on the principle by which the boys and girls were previously named. by the most interesting fact is that the family thought about how to name the child only if he was the first, second, third and fourth. If the fifth and subsequent ones were born, then they were assigned the so-called serial numbers - derivatives of numerals. By the way, the famous Sixtus was originally the sixth child in the family.

In addition to the personal name, a generic component was necessarily added to the common name, and the third part was some kind of nickname. The generic component is the part that today represents a person's surname. This triple name is unique to male Romans. Women were not given a personal denunciation. Most often these were derived from the name of the genus. For example, Claudia is the one that came from the Claudian clan.

Women with Roman roots

There are a lot of female derivatives from Latin adjectives. They are on a par with ancient Greek and Hebrew. The most beautiful, popular and interesting at all times remain:

  • Aurora - morning dawn. Has a severe and unpredictable character, but is very vulnerable;
  • Albina is white. She has masculinity and temperament. He likes to lead, to be a leader, to lead. Often enters into conflicts or is their instigator. Sometimes such excessive masculinity prevents her from revealing herself as a woman;
  • Victoria is a winner. Differs in temperament, purposefulness and desire for leadership. Has a creative beginning and skillfully develops this potential in himself;
  • Violetta is a violet. She has a very developed intuition, has a high intellect, is prone to analytics;
  • Gloria is glory. An inquisitive and talented girl, overly self-confident and sometimes irritable;
  • Dominica - Mrs. Impulsive, able to perform spontaneous actions;
  • Laura - crowned with a laurel crown. Energetic, with developed logical thinking. Does not like to sit in one place, tends to constantly be in motion;
  • Margarita is a gem. The leading features are intelligence, as well as ingenuity and quick wits;
  • Natalya is dear. Soft, gentle, calm. Very vulnerable and emotional. It is characterized by moral deeds;
  • Rimma is a thrower. Passionate and tender at the same time. Prone to impulsive, extraordinary actions;
  • Rose - the meaning is similar to the flower after which it is named. Sexy, feminine. If she likes the chosen profession, then she will go into it with her head;
  • Julia is alive. Very combative, mobile. Easily achieve everything that you planned.

Men in Latin

Male adjectives with Roman roots are no less than female ones. Here is some of them:

  • Anton is wide. Calm, serious. Knows how to wait and endure, as well as achieve their goals;
  • Vitaly is vital. Calculating, pedantic and reasonable. Loving, popular with women;
  • Constantine is permanent. Curious, interested in many things, has a great imagination. Kind and decent;
  • Maxim is the greatest. Independent. Prefers solitude. Has a great sense of humor;
  • Mark is a hammer. Has a strong character, very practical;
  • Roman is a Roman. An inquisitive and independent person who wants everything to be done perfectly.

This is not the whole list of names of Roman origin, but only a small part of them.

Names of Roman citizens

Male names

In classical times, a full Roman male name usually consisted of three components: a personal name, or prenomen ( praenomen), generic name, or nomen ( nomen), and an individual nickname or name of a branch of the genus, a cognomen ( cognomen).


The personal name was similar to the modern male name. The Romans used a small number of personal names (18 names out of a total of 72); usually they were ancient origin that in the classical era the significance of most of them was forgotten. In the inscriptions, personal names were almost always written in abbreviated form (1-3 letters).

Common Roman Personal Names
Praenomenon Reduction Note
Appius app. Appius; according to legend, this name comes from the Sabine Atta and was brought to Rome by the Claudian family
Aulus A. or Avl. Avl; in common parlance there was an archaized form Olus, so this name can also be abbreviated O.
Decimus D. or Dec. Decim; archaic Decumos; from the ordinal number "tenth"
Gaius C. Guy; very rarely abbreviated as G.
Gnaeus Cn. Gney; archaic form Gnaivos; very rarely abbreviated as Gn.; meet forms Naevus, Naeus
Kaeso TO. quezon
Lucius L. Lucius; archaic Loucios
Mamercus Mom. Mamerk; name of Oscan origin, used only in the Aemilia family
Manius M`. Manius; the comma in the upper right corner is a remnant of the five-line outline of the letter M
Marcus M. Mark; there is a spelling Marqus
Numerius N. Numerius; osk origin
Publius P. Publius; archaic Poblios, abbreviated as Po.
Quintus Q. Quint; colloquially Cuntus, meet Quinctus, Quintulus; from the ordinal number "fifth"
Servius Ser. Servius
Sextus sex. Sextus; from ordinal number "sixth"
Spurius S. or sp. Spurius; can also be used not as a prenomen, but in its original meaning "illegitimate"
Titus T. Titus
Tiberius Ti. or Tib. Tiberius

Other personal names were rarely used and were usually written in full: Agrippa, Ancus, Annius, Aruns, Atta, Cossus, Denter, Eppius, Faustus, Fertor, Herius, Hospolis, Hostus, Lar, Marius, Mesius, Mettus, Minatius, Minius, Nero, Novius, Numa, Opiter, Opiavus, Ovius, Pacvius (Paquius), Paullus, Pescennius (Percennius), Petro, plancus, Plautus, pompo, Popidius, Postumus, Primus, Proculus, Retus, Salvius, Secundus, Sertor, Status, Servius, Tertius, Tirrus, Trebius, Tullus, Turus, Volero, Volusus, Vopiscus. personal name Pupus(boy) was used only in relation to children.

The boy received a personal name on the eighth or ninth day after birth. There was a tradition to give a personal name only to the four eldest sons, and ordinal numbers could serve as a personal name for the rest: Quintus(fifth), Sextus(sixth), Septimus (seventh), Octavius ​​(eighth), and Decimus (tenth). Over time, these names became common (i.e., turned into personal ones), and as a result, a person bearing the name Sextus was not necessarily the sixth son in the family. As an example, we can recall the commander Sextus Pompey, the second son of a member of the first triumvirate of Gnaeus Pompey the Great, who fought Julius Caesar for a long time.

Often the eldest son received the father's prenomen. In 230 BC e. this tradition was enshrined by a decree of the senate, so that the personal name of the father began, as a rule, to pass to the eldest son. For example, the emperor Octavian Augustus, like his great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather and father, bore the name Guy.

In some genera, a limited number of personal names were used. For example, the Cornelius Scipios had only Gnaeus, Lucius and Publius, the Claudii Neroes had only Tiberius and Decimus, the Domitii Ahenobarbs had only Gnaeus and Lucius.

The personal name of the criminal could be forever excluded from the genus to which he belonged; for this reason, the name Lucius was not used in the patrician family of the Claudians, and the name Mark was used in the patrician family of the Manlievs. By decree of the Senate, the name Mark was permanently excluded from the Antonian clan after the fall of the triumvir Mark Antony.


Origin and suffixes of generic names
Origin The ending Examples
Roman -ius Tullius, Julius
-is Caecilis
-i Caecili
sabine-osca -enus Alfenus, Varenus
umber -as Maenas
-anas Mafenas
-enas Asprenas, Maecenas
-inas carrinas, Fulginas
Etruscan -arna Mastarna
-erna Perperna, Calesterna
-enna Sisenna, Tapsenna
-ina Caecina, Prastina
-inna Spurinna

The family name was the name of the genus and corresponded, approximately, to the modern surname. It was indicated in the form of a masculine adjective and ended in the classical era with -ius: Tullius- Tullius (from the genus Tulliev), Julius- Julius (from the genus Julius); in republican time there are also endings -is, -i. Generic names of non-Roman origin had different endings from those named.

In inscriptions, generic names are usually written in full; in imperial times, only the names of very famous families were abbreviated: Aelius - Ael., Antonius - Ant. or Anton., Aurelius - Avr., Claudius - Cl. or clavd., Flavius - fl. or Fla., Julius - I. or Ivl., Pompeius - Pomp., Valerius - Val., Ulpius - vlp.

The total number of generic names, according to Varro, reached a thousand. Most generic names are of such ancient origin that their meaning has been forgotten. Only a few make specific sense: Asinius from asinus(a donkey), Caelius from caecus(blind), caninius from canis(dog), Decius from decem(ten), Fabius from faba(bean), Nonius from nonus(ninth), Octavius from octavus(eighth), Ovidius from ovis(sheep), Porcius from porca(pig), Septimius from septimus(seventh), Sextius and Sextilius from sextus(sixth), Suillius from suilla(pork).

From the 1st century BC e., when the prerequisites for the transition from a republican form of government to autocracy appeared in Rome, the persons who seized the supreme power began to justify their rights to power by descent from ancient kings and heroes. Julius Caesar, for example, pointed out that his paternal family goes back to the gods: Jupiter - Venus - Aeneas - Yul - the Julius family, and on the mother to the kings: Marcius Rex descended from Anka Marcius (lat. rex- tsar).


An individual nickname once given to one of the representatives of the genus often passed on to descendants and became the name of the family or a separate branch of the genus: cicero- Cicero, Caesar- Caesar. For example, the families of Scipio, Rufinus, Lentulus, etc. belonged to the Cornelian clan. The presence of a cognomen is not necessary, and in some plebeian clans (among the Marius, Antonius, Octavius, Sertorius, etc.), personal nicknames, as a rule, were absent. However, the absence of a cognomen was an exception to the rule, since many of the genera of Rome were of such ancient origin that each of them consisted of several branches.

Since the personal name of the father passed to the eldest son, in order to distinguish the son from the father, it was necessary to use a third name. In the inscriptions there are Lucius Sergius the First, Quintus Emilius the Second; in one inscription, the grandfather, son, and grandson are called Quintus Fulvius Rusticus, Quintus Fulvius Attian, and Quintus Fulvius Carisianus.

Cognomens arose much later than personal and generic names, so their meaning is clear in most cases. They can talk about the origin of the clan (the Fufis moved to Rome from the Campanian town of Cales and therefore had a cognomen Calenus), about memorable events (a cognomen appeared in the plebeian family of Muciev Scaevola(left-handed) after in 508 BC. e. during the war with the Etruscans, Gaius Mucius burned his hand on the fire of the brazier, which caused the enemies and their king Porsenna to tremble), about appearance ( Crassus- thick, Laetus- fat, Macer- thin, Celsus- high, Paullus- low, Rufus- ginger, Strabo- cross-eyed, Nasica- sharp-nosed, etc.), about the character ( Severus- cruel, Probus- honest, Lucro- glutton, etc.).


There were cases when one person had two nicknames, the second of which was called agnomen (lat. agnomen). The appearance of the agnomen is partly due to the fact that the eldest son often inherited all three of his father's names, and thus there were several people with the same names in the same family. For example, the famous orator Mark Tullius Cicero had both father and son Mark Tullius Cicero.

Agnomen was most often a personal nickname in the event that the cognomen was hereditary. Sometimes a Roman received an agnomen for some special merit. Publius Cornelius Scipio in honor of the victory he won over Hannibal in Africa in 202 BC. e. , began to be called solemnly African (lat. Africanus, cf. nicknames of Russian commanders - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov Rymniksky, Potemkin Tauride). Lucius Aemilius Paullus got a nickname Macedonicus for the victory over the Macedonian king Perseus in 168 BC. e. The dictator Sulla himself added the agnomen to his name. Felix(happy) so its full name became Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix. Agnomen Felix from a personal nickname turned into a hereditary one (consul 52 AD. Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix).

As a rule, members of ancient and noble families had agnomen, numbering many branches and cognomens. In such genera, the cognomen sometimes almost merged with the generic name and was used inseparably with it for the name of the genus. The well-known plebeian family of Caecilians ( Caecilii) had an ancient cognomen Metellus, whose value is forgotten. This cognomen, as it were, merged with the name of the genus, which became known as Caecilia Metella. Naturally, almost all members of this genus had an agnomen.

The patrician family of Cornelius had many branches. One of the members of this genus received the nickname Scipio(rod, stick), because he was the guide of his blind father and served him, as it were, instead of a staff. cognomen Scipio entrenched in his descendants, over time, Cornelia Scipio occupied a prominent place in their family and received agnomens. In the III century BC. e. Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio received the agnomen Asina(donkey) for bringing a donkey loaded with gold to the Forum as a pledge. The nickname Asina passed to his son Publius ( Publius Cornelius Scipio Asina). Another representative of the Korneliev Scipio received the nickname Nasica(sharp-nosed), which passed to his descendants and began to serve as the name of a branch of the genus, so that in the genus Cornelius, the Scipio Naziki stood out from the branch of the Scipios. Naturally, the Scipio Nazica received the third cognomen as an individual nickname, so that the full name could already consist of five names: Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul 138 BC. e. ; nickname Serapio(from the Egyptian god Serapis) he was given by the people's tribune Curiatius for his resemblance to a dealer in sacrificial animals.

Some people had two generic names, it turned out as a result of adoption. According to Roman customs, the adopted child took the personal name, family name and cognomen of the one who adopted him, and kept his family name in a modified form with the suffix -an-, which took the place of the agnomen. Gaius Octavius, the future emperor Augustus, after his adoption by Gaius Julius Caesar received the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus- Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian.

Women's names

In late republican and imperial times, women did not have personal names, the female name was the feminine form of the generic name: Tullia- Tullia (from the Tullian clan, for example, daughter of Mark Tullius Cicero), Julia- Julia (from the Julius clan, for example, daughter of Gaius Julius Caesar), Cornelia- Cornelia (from the Cornelian family, for example, daughter of Publius Cornelius Scipio). Since all women in the same clan had the same name, within the clan they differed in age. When another daughter appeared in the family, a prenomen was added to the name of both: Minor(younger) and Major(older); other sisters were called Secunda(second), Tertia(third), Quintilla(fifth), etc.; praenomen Minor was with the youngest.

A married woman retained her name, but her husband's cognomen was added to it: Cornelia, filia Cornelii, Gracchi- Cornelia, daughter of Cornelia, (wife) Gracchus.

Noble women could wear, in addition to the generic name, the cognomen of their father; for example, Sulla's wife was the daughter of Lucius Caecilius Metellus Dalmatica and was called Caecilia Metella, the wife of Emperor Augustus was the daughter of Mark Livius Drusus Claudian and was called Livia Drusilla.

In the inscriptions with the names of women, the prenomen and cognomen of the father are sometimes indicated, as well as the cognomen of the husband in the clan. case: Caeciliae, Q(uinti) Cretici f(iliae), Metellae, Crassi (uxori)- Caecilia Metella, daughter of Quintus Kretik, (wife) Crassus. From the inscription it follows that this woman was the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Kretikos and the wife of Crassus. The inscription was made on a large round mausoleum near Rome on the Appian Way, in which Caecilia Metella, daughter of the consul 69 BC, is buried. e. , wife of Crassus, presumably the eldest son of the triumvir Mark Licinius Crassus.

Slave names

AT ancient times slaves did not have individual names. Legally, slaves were considered children of the master and were just as deprived of rights as all members of the family. This is how archaic slave names were formed, made up of the personal name of the master, the father of the surname, and the word puer(boy, son): Gaipor, Lucipor, Marcipor, Publipor, Quintipor, Naepor (Gnaeus = Naeos + puer), Olipor (Olos- archaic form of personal name Aulus).

With the growth of slavery, there was a need for personal names for slaves. Most often, slaves retained the name they bore when they still lived as free people. Very often, Roman slaves had names of Greek origin: Alexander, Antigonus, Hippocrates, Diadumen, Museum, Felodespot, Philokal, Philonik, Eros, etc. Greek names sometimes given to barbarian slaves.

The name of a slave could indicate his origin or place of birth: Dacus- Dacian, corinthus- Corinthian, Sir (born in Syria), Gallus (born in Gaul), Frix (from Phrygia); are found in the inscriptions slaves with the name Peregrinus- a foreigner.

Slaves were also given the names of mythical heroes: Achilles, Hector; names of plants or stones: Adamant, Sardonic, etc. Instead of a name, a slave could have the nickname “First”, “Second”, “Third”.

It is known that the slave share in Rome was very difficult, but this did not affect the names of the slaves, who do not have mocking nicknames. On the contrary, slaves have names Felix and Faustus(happy). Obviously, these nicknames, which became the name, were received only by those slaves whose life was relatively successful. The inscriptions mention: Faust, the baker of Tiberius Germanicus, and Faust, the head of the perfume shop of his master Popilius, Felix, who was in charge of the jewelry of Gaius Caesar, another Felix, the manager of the possessions of Tiberius Caesar, and another Felix, the overseer in the wool-weaving workshops of Messalina; the daughters of a slave from the house of the Caesars were called Fortunata and Felicia.

Slaves often have a name Ingenus or Ingenuus(freeborn). Slaves born into slavery have names Vitalio and Vitalis(living).

There were no firm rules regarding the names of slaves. Therefore, when buying a slave in an official document, his name was accompanied by a clause "or whatever other name he was called" (lat. sive is quo alio nomine est).

In the inscriptions after the name of the slave, the name of the master in the genitive case and the nature of the slave's occupation are indicated. After the name of the master is the word servus(slave) always abbreviated ser, very rarely s, it can also stand between two cognomens of the master; there is no strict word order. The word "slave" is often absent altogether; as a rule, slaves belonging to women do not have it. For example, Euticus, Aug(usti) ser(vus), pictor- Euthycus, slave of Augustus (imperial slave), painter, Eros, cocus Posidippi, ser(vus)- Eros, cook, Posidipp's slave, Idaeus, Valeriae Messalin(ae) supra argentum- Ideas, treasurer of Valeria Messalina.

The sold slave retained the generic name or cognomen of his former master in an altered form with the suffix -an-: Philargyrus librarius Catullianus- Philargir, a scribe bought from Catullus.

Freedmen's names

A freedman (that is, a slave who received freedom) acquired the personal and generic names of the former master, who became his patron, and retained his former name as a cognomen. So, the secretary of Cicero Tyro, freed from slavery, was called: M. tullius M. libertus Tiro- Mark Thulius, a freedman of Mark Tiron. A slave named Apella, set free by Mark Manney Primus, became known as Mark Manney Apella. The slave Bassa, released by Lucius Hostilius Pamphilus, received the name Hostilius Bassa (women did not have premen). Lucius Cornelius Sulla set free ten thousand slaves belonging to persons who died during proscriptions; they all became Lucius Cornelii (the famous "army" of ten thousand Cornelii).

The inscriptions often contain the names of imperial freedmen: the baker Gaius Julius Eros, the tailor of theatrical costumes Tiberius Claudius Dipterus, Marcus Cocceus Ambrosius, who was in charge of the emperor’s triumphal white clothes, Marcus Ulpius Euphrosinus, who was in charge of the emperor’s hunting clothes, Marcus Aurelius Succession, who was in charge of receiving the emperor’s friends, etc.

In the inscriptions between the nomen and the cognomen of the freedman, the personal name of the master is abbreviated and stands l or lib (= libertus), a tribe is very rarely indicated: Q(uintus) Serto, Q(uinti) l(ibertus), Antiochus, colonus pauper- Quintus Sertorius Antiochus, freedman of Quintus, poor colonel. In rare cases, instead of the personal name of the former master, there is his cognomen: L(ucius) Nerfinius, Potiti l(ibertus), Primus, lardarius- Lucius Nerfinius Primus, freedman of Potitas, sausage maker. Freedmen of the imperial house are abbreviated in the inscriptions Avg l (Avg lib), i.e. Augusti libertus(after a generic name or after a cognomen): L(ucio) Aurelio, Aug(usti) lib(erto), Pyladi, pantomimo temporis sui primo- Lucius Aurelius Pylades, imperial freedman, the first pantomime of his time.

Rarely are freedmen with two cognomens: P(ublius) Decimius, P(ublii) l(ibertus), Eros Merula, medicus clinicus, chirurgus, ocularius- Publius Decimius Eros Merula, a freedman of Publius, general practitioner, surgeon, ophthalmologist.

Freedmen of women in inscriptions are indicated by the abbreviation Ɔ L(the inverted C is a remnant of an archaic female personal name Gaia): L(ucius) Crassicius, Ɔ (= mulieris) l(ibertus), Hermia, medicus veterinarius- Lucius Crassicius Hermia, woman's freedman, veterinarian.

The freedmen of the cities received the name Publicius(from publicus- public) or city name: Aulus Publicius Germanus, Lucius Saepinius Oriens et Lucius Saepinius Orestus- vacationers of the city of Sepina in Italy.