Interpretation of the name Bogdan. Bogdan: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and fate of a person

Parents are trying to find out everything about the name Bogdan, who like the name that connects the earthly inhabitants with God and keeps a certain secret in itself, as well as those who are sure that the baby was sent down to them by grace Higher powers. It often happens that, for one reason or another, a married couple cannot give birth to a child, and such parents are ready for anything, so long as children's laughter sounds in their house, and they feel like a full-fledged family. Years of treatment, huge amounts of money, trips to churches and monasteries, and hours spent in prayer often lead to the expected result. When a child is born, it becomes a real miracle, and parents often call the baby Bogdan.

The meaning of the unusual name Bogdan for a boy

The Slavic name Bogdan, whose meaning is "God-given", "God-given" or "God's gift" is often used as a variant of such Orthodox names as:

  • John;
  • Theodore;
  • Theodotus.

It is these ancient Slavic counterparts that have the same meaning, and in Orthodox Church a child with this name is baptized under the traditional name Theodotus.

Name origin

Bogdan, meaning given by God, is the name that the boy is most often called by Russians and Ukrainians, since it has Slavic roots. Bogdan is also found among the Bulgarians, and its meaning remains unchanged, since it sounds like “Bozhidar” among them. Representatives of other peoples (Jews, French) also call boys this way, though it sounds completely different for them.

The fate of a man sent by God

In early childhood, the boy Bodya or Bogdanchik is a sickly, capricious child, which causes a lot of trouble for his parents, especially his mother, who often devotes her life to raising him. The father does not take much part in the life of the child, who grows up attached to the mother, who belongs entirely to the son and does not have the right to communicate with other people, since Bogdasik takes it hard. The boy rarely finds friends among his peers. Lazy, studies average and is not active.

Having matured, Bogdan manages to get rid of laziness, and he becomes a calm man who knows his worth well. Obsessed with the desire to get everything from life that is due to a man, the meaning of whose name allows you to count on a special disposition of fate. Bodya often chooses a profession that requires risky decisions, which is not characteristic of his indecisive nature. Most often, people whose name means "given by God" become:

  • the military;
  • historians;
  • musicians;
  • artists.

Character Body

Body's character is such that in family life he takes on the role of leader and head of the family, and often succeeds in becoming a good husband. But family happiness often depends on whether he finds suitable wife who can be submissive and obedient to him in everything. Since the proud masculine disposition of Bogdan often leads to quarrels, and his arrogance and categoricalness - to problems and disagreements in family life.

name day

Name day Bogdanchik, meaning "God's gift", celebrates several times a year. Beginning February 6th, then March 19th, then July 17th. In August, you can congratulate Bodya twice: on the 10th and 31st. The celebration continues on October 9 and the last time he is ready to accept congratulations on December 10.

Name incompatibility

Bogdan should not associate fate with women whose names are:

  • Angela;
  • Dina;
  • Tamara;
  • Oksana.

Talismans suitable for Bogdan

The planet Mars patronizes Boda, his stone is green marble, Wednesday is a good day for him, and the animal - a talisman for a person with a name meaning "granted by God" - is a bat.

Career, business and money

Of great importance for Bogdan is material independence, choosing a profession, he tries to find one that will give the greatest prosperity. He will take on any business, the implementation of which will allow him to receive a large amount.

There are several areas of activity that attract Bogdan. He can become an excellent teacher, politician, doctor. Such a man is an ideal military or engineer.

This person loves a big income, but he tries to spend all his free time with the household, so he should not choose professions associated with long business trips. Bogdan can easily become a successful businessman - he is responsible, diligent and organized. Does not like to share his success with other people, so he will be the only leader.

Marriage and family

Bogdan chooses his life partner responsibly, he will study his partner for a long time before the proposal. He needs a smart and obedient wife without pretensions to a dominant position in the family.

If Bogdan is not lucky with his first marriage, then he will long term forget about relationships, and also lose confidence in communicating with ladies, greatly disappointed in women. If he is lucky, he will be strict and categorical in dealing with household members. A man devotes a lot of time to his family, he brings up children strictly. Mom for Bogdan is an important person, so the life partner will have to try to find a common language with her.

Sex and love

In a partner, Bogdan appreciates erudition and gentleness, beauty does not play a decisive role. Relationships for such a man are very important, he does not approve of casual short relationships, therefore he is demanding of a woman. Jealous, does not like even light flirting on the part of the partner in relation to others. In dealing with her, Bogdan is open, gentle and sentimental. His companion will always feel loved.

For Bogdan great importance has intimacy, but he can only allow it with the lady he trusts. The reciprocal feeling from the partner is very important, otherwise the man will be constrained and indecisive.


Bogdan has good health, which he likes to follow. Very hardy. Congenital restraint and the habit of hiding true emotions sometimes lead to the development of neurological diseases, mental stress and depression. For a man under this name, it is especially important to get enough rest and observe the daily routine.

In old age, heart problems may appear. It is also worth monitoring the diet so as not to gain excess weight, avoid stress.

Interests and hobbies

Most of all, Bogdan likes to spend time with his family. If a man goes in for sports, he will involve his whole family in this hobby.

He loves to go to nature with his family, travel with loved ones. Being a curious person, Bogdan will lay the routes of his travels through little-known and mysterious places.

Also, Bogdan loves fishing, he is able to look at the float for a long time.


The name Bogdan is considered purely Russian and comes from two Russian words “God” and “dan”, or “given by God”. The literal interpretation sounds like "God-given". But unfortunately, it is not in the name book according to the Saints, so the name day is celebrated by the name of Theodotos.

The male name Bogdan today enjoys incredible popularity among the common people, like many old names, while decades ago it was famous only among people from the highest social stratum.

Conversational options: Boyda, Bogdik, Bodya

Modern English counterparts: Bagdan

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the male name Bogdan promises a lot to the boy named by him good qualities. Among them are ambition, perseverance, poise, purity of mind and motives, control over emotions, calmness and self-confidence. But along with these excellent qualities, the baby is also rewarded with negative ones, such as irascibility and stubbornness, categoricalness and excessive demands on the people around him.

Nevertheless, for the most part, Bogdans are good people. They always have many friends and comrades, many like-minded people. And yes, girls are very popular with them. These people always achieve their goals, try not to leave anything halfway, and overcome all obstacles if possible. But there is one “but” - it is not uncommon for the Bogdans to become independent too early and run away from parental care.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, kindness and benevolence, disinterestedness, the ability to get along with people of all types, willingness to help everyone around, great fantasy and good imagination, excellent sense of humor, desire to develop.

Bogdan treats badly people who allow themselves to be rude or rude to interlocutors, liars and traitors, individuals who want to "leave" due to the weaknesses of other people. And Bogdans for the most part avoid communication with people-leaders ...

The boy, who received the name Bogdan at birth, is baptized not under him, but under the godname Theodotos.

The nature of the name Bogdan

The nature of the name Bogdan is such that it promises the bearer of this name form a difficult nature. This is usually a dual person - on the one hand, he likes to dominate people from the environment and looks for people who are compliant, weak-willed and weak for this, but on the other hand, he always reaches out to strong personalities, to those that can act as protection for him. , walls from the surrounding world. As a result, his environment is divided into two halves. And his character is also not easy due to the presence of such a feature as distrust - he wants to be trusted, wants people to trust him with their secrets, wants to be aware of everything around, but at the same time does not want to share his own secrets with anyone and no one does not dedicate to their experiences. And also, excessive emotionality clearly does not color his character - Bogdan is sometimes violent and aggressive. True, he quickly leaves and can even apologize to the person whom he undeservedly offended. Well, plus everything, its nature suggests a complete lack of planning, which often leads to unplanned actions and decisions.

On the other hand, the nature depends on many additional factors and may not correspond to the above description. It depends on parental upbringing, on the sign of the zodiac, the patronage of the planet over the name, and even on the season of birth ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the male name Bogdan, is full of interesting moments, positive energy and positivity. Bogdan, this is a positive and positive child from all sides, but in need of protection - that is why the principle of choosing friends for this boy is to surround himself with mentally and physically strong children. The meaning promises him good nature, benevolence, kindness and justice, a cheerful disposition and optimism, unscrupulousness, energy, activity and mobility.

At the same time, obedience distinguishes this boy from all children - he never disobeys his mother, follows her morals and acts solely according to his conscience. With his father, in most cases, a boy named Bogdan has a less warm and close relationship - he is most attached to his mother, seeing her as a protector and patroness. Another significance endows this boy with excellent imagination and impressive imagination - Bogdan never gets bored and does not sit still, even when alone, he will find something to do in any situation.

Plus, Bogdan can also be gifted with diligence. But it is expressed not in the study of something, but only where it comes to matters of interest to him. Friendliness, eloquence, the ability to join the team, justice, perseverance, purposefulness - these are the qualities. With which, in addition, Bogdan stands out against the background of other small children ...


A teenager who is patronized by the meaning of the name Bogdan is a kind, stubborn, respectable, fair, attentive, talkative, agile, compromise, purposeful, persistent, principled, planned boy. At this age, the boy Bogdan is rewarded with a bunch of additional qualities, but the most important thing is not even this, but the fact that Bogdan is, in one hundred percent of cases, a decent and disinterested boy with practically no flaws. Although he still has several disadvantages, and the first of them is shyness, which does not give him a chance to become a leader in society, or at least an organizer. He is not a bright personality, not a leader, not an organizer, this boy has no leadership inclinations, but a kind soul and disposition, which in its own way has a good effect on the position in society. Bogdan gets along well with his classmates, the value rewards him with everything he needs for this, he has many comrades, but there are very few real friends, this is a fact - not only is he mostly surrounded by selfish people. Seeking benefits in dealing with him, he also has practically no like-minded people. And the value promises him a unique mindset - he is easily able to study any school subject and easily copes with any tasks, only now the value promises him at the same time and laziness, which plays against him in most cases ...

grown man

An adult Bogdan, over whom there is still, as such, the patronage of such a factor as value, is still a more or less calm man. Having turned from a boy into a full-fledged man, he becomes noble, kind, attentive and caring, principled and persistent, emotional and cheerful. By and large, good man but not without drawbacks. Thus, such shortcomings as selfishness, independence, and self-confidence can give meaning to an adult Bogdan - it is they who are to blame for what Bogdan does in adult life many mistakes, acting thoughtlessly and spontaneously. Although prudence is also present in him, only now it manifests itself in cases where Bodya himself can benefit from this. In principle, he is disinterested, he will never allow himself to take advantage of someone else's weakness for his own benefit, but he can show self-interest in relation to people unpleasant to him. As for professional activities, everything is simple here - he especially likes those professions that provide for communication and career growth, it is important for him that he has chances for growth, that there is some kind of incentive, without this you should not expect from him becoming a good worker.

The interaction of the character of Bogdan with the seasons

Winter - a boy who was born in the winter months, due to the meaning of Winter, usually has an eccentric and extraordinary nature, although he is creative person, stubborn, eloquent, obvious dreamer. This one has simply incredible potential, he can reach heights that they don’t even dream of, but emotions prevent him from doing this, control over which he cannot always gain.

Spring - the bearer of the name Bogdan, who was born in the spring, is too narcissistic and careless by nature, and therefore often becomes a symbol of disagreement in companies. In addition, he is frivolous and impulsive at the same time, which leads to conflicts at work. He wants to achieve harmony with the world around him, but this is not easy for him to do.

Summer - a sensitive and emotional representative of the male half of humanity is born here. He is fair, honest, sincere, but vulnerable and touchy. Has a tolerant nature. Extremely negatively perceives criticism, but easily criticizes people. This is the owner of a complex character. But in his personal life, he is well - not to take away stormy novels.

Autumn - this boy is strict and diplomatic, prudent, choosy, easily delves into the nature of the oncoming person, biting into his personality. Tries to help and act in accordance with moral values. Strives for universal respect and reverence, and he does not need material wealth. He has a great personality.

The fate of the name Bogdan

The fate of the name is the most mysterious and at the same time theoretical factor, and the reason for such a “disposition” is only that it is simply impossible to predict the fate of a person as such by analyzing the characteristics of his name. Nevertheless, many researchers at one time were interested in these questions, thanks to which we managed to find out several interesting points about what the fate of the name Bogdan is ...

In short, the fate of the name form Bogdan suggests that the bearer of this name will have a difficult personal life. Bogdan himself loves cheerful, active, energetic and at the same time self-sufficient women, and usually looks for just such women. That he will have successful relationships only with compliant, calm, complaisant and submissive women. The reason is the desire to dominate, which almost every Bogdan is endowed with. And it is also assumed that the Bogdanovs will become womanizers in half the cases.

At the same time, fate also presupposes the final becoming of Bogdan as a good father and an exemplary family man, but only if he himself puts on the golden mean between dominating his wife and respecting her opinion. On the other hand, one should not forget that fate itself is only a theoretical factor, which means that all of the above does not necessarily have to come true ...

Love and marriage

The bearer of the name Bogdan is very serious about creating a family, so he is looking for a chosen one for a long time and carefully, and diligently looks at each potential spouse. It is important for him that the chosen one be a smart and at the same time submissive wife who will not try to move him from the leader's bar.

Bogdan in marriage behaves rather ambiguously. On the one hand, he behaves a little tyrannically, demonstrating to everyone his supremacy in family relationships. He can shout at his wife even in the presence of strangers. But on the other hand, Bogdan works tirelessly for the benefit of his family, so that his loved ones are satisfied with their financial position. In addition, he likes to spend time with his family and even recognizes only family vacations.

The final decisions in such a family are always made by a man, although he still consults with his wife. Bogdan's idea of ​​the duties of a wife most often boils down to creating home comfort and caring for children, a beloved husband.

Bogdan as Father

Men named Bogdan most often become caring, but strict fathers. From childhood, they teach their sons and daughters to discipline, responsibility and hard work. Raising children in strictness, they strive to grow out of them hardworking and stress-resistant people.

Bogdan tries to take maximum part in the cultural education of children. He makes sure that his children attend various circles, sections, theaters, exhibitions. During the holidays, his children are always waiting for family trips and general recreation.

His children know that behind the extreme dryness and strictness of their father lies a quivering and tender paternal love, which is most clearly manifested not in verbosity, but precisely in the behavior and actions of their father, Bogdan.

Horoscope named after Bogdan


Bogdan, who was born under the auspices of the meaning of Aries and received the name Bogdan, principled and overly tough, not trusting any of the people. This one loves loneliness, prefers independent pastime, because he is so calmer. In women, she loves calmness and intelligence. He does not like emotions, rarely shows them himself.


Taurus is, by the origin of nature and character, an executive and responsible, sensible boy named Bogdan. He rarely makes mistakes and always acts as common sense tells him. Witty and eloquent - easily lures women and men to his side. Especially popular with the female half - they appreciate and revere him.


Gemini is soft and charming, open, sincere. He hates loneliness, tries to stay exclusively in noisy companies, and for good reason - he is always a welcome guest in them. He is attracted only to emotional and passionate women. Calmness and predictability are repulsive.


Cancer is an impressionable and vulnerable person who has demonstrated a commitment to constructive dialogue since childhood. You can’t argue with this, if you’re wrong - he criticizes only on the merits, is honest and straightforward, but shy, and therefore seeks support and reliable support in women.

a lion

Leo is a man named Bogdan, who has an excellent charm that attracts everyone around. Easily manipulates people, a vivid example of an exemplary leader. But there is no sincerity and honesty in him, he is mercenary, and therefore he is often lonely and not satisfied with life, even with material wealth.


Virgo is a strong and purposeful guy, whose compatibility with almost all zodiac signs. But it’s still difficult for him to pick up a woman - he is demanding and will go into a relationship only if he sees serious intentions. Smart and smart, but not self-confident.


Under the sign of the scales, Bogdan is born, dependent on the whole world around him. He needs the support of people, the approval of loved ones, help and excessive attention. He is restrained and serious, but does not accept those people who do not notice his merits. Has a bright temperament.


Scorpio is the owner of a very complex and extraordinary character. Quick-tempered, emotional, stubborn and categorical, intolerant, critic. It’s hard to get along with such a person, but you don’t want to push him away from you either. Only a patient and sacrificial lady can fall in love with him.


Sagittarius is completely harsh and rude, although this is just a mask. Inside, he is not a confident and timid little man, afraid to be in a stupid position, to disgrace himself or become the subject of attention. He does not know how to be sincere and open, he hides feelings and emotions behind a thick crust of rigidity.


Capricorn will be a practical and prudent boy, with early years waiting for help in everything from relatives and friends. Stability and constancy are its main features. He needs a confident and open lady, one who respects and appreciates him, tolerates antics and is delighted with them.


In Aquarius, such traits as tact and diplomacy take over. He is eloquent and positive, he is surrounded by a huge number of people, they like to be with him. He knows how to listen and understand, and even advise, but he perceives hysteria and conflict negatively. So it is better not to approach him.


Pisces - this zodiac sign promises a guy named Bogdan good compatibility with other zodiacs. Good-natured and polite, does not harbor evil and hatred, is not vindictive, but not gullible. It is difficult to achieve his location - it will be difficult for a woman, especially a fickle woman, to achieve his location. He wants a strong relationship, is a connoisseur of family "jewels".

Compatibility with female names

The question of compatibility of the name Bogdan with female names is quite complex and is interpreted by different specialists in different ways, but there are also several factors on which all researchers agree.

For example, it is known that the best combination in a relationship can be created by pairing with Nina, Olga, Clara, Lyudmila, Dina, Kapitolina, Lada and Nelly. There will be marriage, and warm feelings, and sincerity, and fidelity.

But with people like Lina, Ninel, Elsa, Dora, Mirra, Iya, Elena, it’s better not to try to create a couple, because in this case there will only be endless quarrels, scandals, disagreements, and betrayals.

The male name Bogdan is not common, although earlier, in Russia, it was very popular and many men and boys wore it.

The very meaning of the name Bogdan is caught by ear, and it is true. Its origin is Old Slavonic, so it can be said to be primordially Russian. The name appeared in Russia in ancient times, and it was given to those children whose appearance was expected for a very long time, whose birth was desired and associated with difficulties. Often this was the name given at the baptism of the last boy born in the family. Therefore, the meaning of the name Bogdan is “given by God”, “sent by God”.

The name Bogdan is of ancient Slavic origin, so it is both Russian and Ukrainian. At the baptism of a boy with this name, Theodotus is sometimes called. There is another old form - Bozhidar, it has the same meaning, and this name is more Ukrainian, not common in Russia. Diminutive forms - Bodya, Bogdasha, Bogdanchik. There is a feminine form of this name -.

Future and character

In Russia, our ancestors called Bogdan the boy they were waiting for. It could be the firstborn, whose birth was associated with certain difficulties, or the last son. Today, unconsciously, women often do the same thing, naming the most long-awaited child by the name Bogdan. That is why mothers so cherish and cherish their son, protecting him from all sorts of troubles and dangers in life.

Bogdan develops a soft character, primarily because his mother gives him a huge amount of her affection and care. He takes on maternal qualities and character, and the masculine, paternal fades into the background in him.

But this does not mean that the boy grows up dead and sissy. On the contrary, the child, whose name is Bogdan, fate endows with a mass of wonderful masculine qualities from birth. Maternal care and guardianship save him from aggressiveness, excessive militancy and other qualities that are often inherent in his peers. This means that Bogdan is growing up as an obedient, kind boy who protects the younger ones, knows how to take care of others, he is very decent, honest and courageous.

At school, the boy, whose name is Bogdan, is a bit lazy and is rarely an excellent student. But this is only because he is dreamy, lives in the world of his own fantasies and diligently deals only with what he is really interested in. If he is not captivated and interested, then he simply will not waste his time on it.

Bogdan is not stupid, loves to read books and learn new things, he finds his life calling from an early age. It can be art, architecture, music, travel and more. Bogdans often open their own cozy cafes, restaurants, build houses or engage in the hotel business. Whatever he decides to do, his mind, strength, courage and commercial streak will always help him live with dignity and secure a comfortable existence.

Bogdan is looking for a woman seriously and responsibly. In his youth, this guy boldly meets girls and likes them, even if he is not endowed with beauty. But there is no fear in him, he does not fawn, he speaks directly and knows how to surprise.

His strong character and bold, reckless actions, spontaneous surprises - all this can drive you crazy. If the guy, whose name is Bogdan, decided to win the heart of a girl, he will do it - there is no doubt. And I'm ready to fight for at least a month, at least a year, until she gives up. And then, if in a couple of days Bogdan realizes that she is not the one he was looking for, he will end the relationship without regrets and go on further searches. Such is his nature!

From Bogdan it turns out great husband and reliable family man. He will not leave his family in poverty, he will definitely build a house, grow a tree (or even a whole garden), and raise at least a couple of sons. The family for him is a part of self-realization, it is of great importance - we can say that Bogdan lives for the sake of building a strong family and a reliable home nest.

True, in relationships he is a little rude, does not shower his chosen one with compliments and is not prone to romance. But he is faithful, reliable and instead of beautiful words does great things. A real man!

Let's talk about personal...

The solid character of a man, whose name is Bogdan, sometimes scares away fragile and capricious girls from him. Nevertheless, courageous and too independent women do not interest him. He needs a real woman - one that he wants to protect, protect and go for real feats for her sake. If she is independent and does not need a man's shoulder, Bogdan is simply not interested.

Available girls, who have a too simple character and who are actively looking for men themselves, also repel him - he needs to win his woman. So, despite the many hobbies, the one and only Bogdan is looking for a long time and marries already in adulthood. But divorce is rare.

Honesty and loyalty are of great importance in a relationship. He himself will repay with loyalty, devotion, will always provide for his beloved and will not let her be offended. He is monogamous and demands the same from his chosen one. Bogdan is very conservative and will not tolerate his chosen one playing games with him, manipulating him and hiding something.

In a fit of jealousy, he can become just a beast, so he is looking for an exceptionally faithful woman. In addition, he needs a smart, intellectually developed woman with a wide range of interests. The one who lives for the sake of marriage and thinks only about her external beauty will never interest Bogdan.

1. Perfect match with female names: Bogdana, Anna, Elena, Olga, Nadezhda, Yulia, Svetlana. Women with these names are most often endowed with exactly the qualities of the soul that he is looking for. They are faithful, waiting for the one and only, ready to submit to their husband and know how to educate their strict man with love and tenderness. With them, the likelihood of an ideal family is high.

2. Good compatibility also with the names: Anastasia, Valentina, Nelly, Larisa, Inna, Lyudmila. There may be difficult periods of “grinding”, but often everything turns out well, and a strong family is formed.

3. Poor name compatibility: Dina, Oksana, Angela, Tamara. These girls are looking for something completely different and will not understand Bogdan. And he is unlikely to pay attention to this girl, since they are from different planets. Of course, there are wonderful exceptions when love wins!

At baptism, the boy may be called Bogdan, Bozhidar or Theodot, these names are considered synonymous. His name day:

  • February 6.
  • 4 and 19 March.
  • July 17th.
  • 10 and 31 August.
  • October 9th.
  • December 10th.

Bogdan is a real man, the pride of his parents, a favorite of fate. You can safely choose this beautiful old name for a boy and know that fate will never deprive him of happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

The meaning of the name Bogdan is God-given.

Name origin

The origin of the name Bogdan is Old Slavonic. According to another version, this name is a literal translation Greek name Theodotus, which is interpreted as "given by God." Bogdan is often a late, long-awaited and only child.

Derivatives: Bogdash, Bogdanka, Bogda, Dana, Bodia, God.

Name characteristic


Bogdan always gives the impression of a pleasant and easy person. The characteristic of the name Bogdan is a balanced, calm, self-controlled man. Although in childhood- This is a capricious boy, strongly attached to his mother.

He is interested in the world around him, spends his whole life in search of perfection. He has an intuitive nature, he is self-absorbed, dreamy and quite smug. By nature, he is timid and reserved, but sometimes he can make risky decisions.

Bogdan has a well-developed memory and intuition. Among friends, he is known as a walking encyclopedia. Always extricate himself from any hopeless situation. He is ready to find his own solution to the problem.

It is always a pleasure to live or work with Bogdan. He prefers to rotate in a simple society, where he has enough love and understanding.

Gives the impression of spontaneity. He avoids hard efforts, the reaction speed is slow. Sociable, he is able to gather around him friends who share his views, sympathies, tastes.


Bogdan is attracted by psychology and medicine. He can become a good teacher, writer, politician.

By the seasons

  • "Winter" Bogdan is a man with a strong character, eccentric, purposeful.
  • "Autumn" - a good diplomat, strict in judgments, tends to medical research.
  • "Summer" - sensitive, amorous, hard going through any failures.
  • "Spring" - spends a lot of time at the mirror, selfish, careless, merry.

Personal life

Bogdan has many qualities that characterize him as good husband. For example, he is economical in expenses, does a good job, is persistent in search of earnings. As a rule, all his life he loves one woman. He devotes himself to his wife and children.

In communicating with his wife, the main thing for Bogdan is understanding, spiritual closeness, similar intellectual interests. He is very jealous, he will never forgive his wife for infidelity.

Name compatibility

Good compatibility of the name Bogdan with patronymics: Filippovich, Mikhailovich, Viktorovich, Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich, Vitalievich, Aleksandrovich, Nikonovich, Yakovlevich, Gavrilovich.

Good spouses for him can be: Svetlana, Anastasia, Julia, Venus, Barbara, Bogdana, Nelly, Victoria, Elena, Olga, Nadezhda. A high probability of an unsuccessful marriage with Valeria, Angela, Clara, Wanda, Nina, Oksana, Tamara, Dina, Yana.

name day

Patron Saints: Bogdan of Rome, Bogdan of Kessari, Bogdan of Darianopol.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Bogdan: Belsky, Khmelnitsky, Voitsekhovsky, Schweitzer, Titomir, Shishkovsky, Benyuk, Nilus, Shershun, Mortar, Zvonko, Lobonts, Saltanov, Glinsky, Belsky, Gelfreich 1st, von Glazenap, Kiselevich, Chaly Filov, Hashdeu , Goronzhuk, Zalesky, Khitrovo, Filov.