What does the name Nicholas mean in Greek. What does the name Nikolai mean for a boy

The name number five (5) symbolizes an independent person, full of desire for freedom. They are skeptical about the opinions of others, most of all they value their personal life experience and often rely on intuition. The name Nicholas means a propensity for risk and even adventure, so they often experience both success and failure.

Nicholas loves to travel and discover new things. They are prone to reflection, have an analytical mindset, find a way out of any situation. But at the same time, their actions often look strange and unusual to others.

The number five (5) for the name Nicholas means heightened sexuality. They have all thoughts about sex, they are immersed in experiences and fantasies on this topic. May engage in sexual intercourse at the first meeting, with strangers disregarding all security measures. On the other hand, people with the name Nicholas treat sex as an art, it is difficult to find more sophisticated lovers. They are prone to betrayal, as they strive for everything new, unknown and exotic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Nicholas

H- sociable, talkative, creative, gloomy, diligent, conflict.
And- passionate, sympathetic, intelligent, creative, indecisive, gloomy.
To Ambitious, impulsive, insightful, responsive, pragmatic, honest.
O- passionate, insightful, pragmatic, cheerful, cautious, spiritual.
L- sociable, talkative, restrained, intelligent, creative, diligent.
BUT- enterprising, self-centered, ambitious, impulsive, creative, honest.
FROM- Ambitious, impulsive, restrained, intelligent, pragmatic, cautious.

Notable people named Nicholas

  1. Lawyer, Dick
    Dirk (Dick) Nicholas Advocat (Dutch. Dirk (Dick) Nicolaas Advocaat (inf.), IPA: [ˈdɪk ˌɑtfoˈkaːt]; September 27, 1947 (1947-09-27), The Hague) - Dutch
  2. Hulkenberg, Nico
    Nicolas (Nico) Hulkenberg (German: Nicolas Hülkenberg; born August 19, 1987 in Emmerich am Rhein, Germany) is a German racing driver; Formula 1 driver (with
  3. Almagro, Nicholas
    Nicolás Almagro Sánchez (Spanish: Nicolás Almagro Sánchez; born August 21, 1985 in Murcia, Spain) is a Spanish professional tennis player; owner
  4. Cage, Nicholas
    Nicholas Kim Coppola (eng. Nicholas Kim Coppola; born January 7, 1964 (1964-01-07), Long Beach, California, USA), professionally known as Nicholas
  5. Adrian IV
    Hadrian IV
  6. Mountbatten, Louis
    Louis (Louis) Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (eng. Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl
  7. Nemeth, Nick
    Nicholas Theodore "Nick" Nemeth (born July 27, 1980) is an American professional wrestler known by the ring name
  8. Lopez Rodriguez, Nicholas de Jesus
    Nicolás de Jesús Lopez Rodriguez
  9. Massu, Nicholas
    Spanish surname; here Massu is the father's surname and Fried is the mother's surname. Nicolás Alejandro Massú Fried (Spanish Nicolás Alejandro Massú Fried; born October 10
  10. Dinardo, Daniel Nicholas
    Daniel Nicholas DiNardo (eng. Daniel Nicholas DiNardo; born May 23, 1949, Steubenville, USA) is an American cardinal. Soo City Coadjutor since August 19
  11. Kieft, Wim
    Willem Cornelis Nicolaas "Wim" Kieft (Dutch. Willem Cornelis Nicolaas "Wim" Kieft; born November 12, 1962, Amsterdam) - Dutch football player, striker
  12. Maduro, Nicholas
    Spanish surname; here Maduro is the surname of the father and Moros is the surname of the mother. Nicholas Maduro Moros (Spanish Nicolás Maduro Moros; genus
  13. Gill, Theodore
    Theodore Nicholas Gill (eng. Theodore Nicholas Gill; March 21, 1837, New York - September 25, 1914, Kensington) - American teriologist, ichthyologist, malacologist
  14. Mason, Nick
    Nick Mason full name Nicholas Berkeley Mason Nicholas Berkeley Mason; January 27, 1944, Birmingham) - British musician, architect
  15. Cave, Nick
    Nick Cave
  16. Monroe, Nicholas
    Benjamin Nicholas "Nick" Monroe (eng. Benjamin Nicholas Monroe; born April 12, 1982 in Oklahoma City, USA) is an American tennis player; winner
  17. Kiefer, Nicholas
    Nicolas Kiefer (German Nicolas Kiefer, born July 5, 1977 in Holzminden, Germany) is a German tennis player; silver medalist Olympic Games 2004 doubles
  18. Shackleton, Nicholas
    Nicholas John Shackleton (June 23, 1937, London - January 24, 2006, Cambridge) - a prominent British English geologist, pioneer
  19. Nicholas, Charlie
    Charles Nicholas (eng. Charles Nicholas; December 30, 1961, Glasgow, Scotland), better known as Charlie Nicholas (eng. Charlie Nicholas) - Scottish
  20. Brown, Nicholas Edward
    Nicholas Edward Brown (born July 11, 1849, Redhill - November 25, 1934, London) was an English botanist and taxonomist. Nicholas Edward

Compatibility with the name Nicholas

Compatible US female names with the name Nicholas:

Rachel , Marilyn , Gaynor , Sharyl , Ricky , Peggy , Darcia , Sandy , Rosemary , Lee

Compatible American male names with the name Nicholas.

The meaning of the name Nicholas, like other names, must be sought in its origin. And so, the history, and then the meaning of the name Nikolai.

The name Nikolai came into the Russian language along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Russia. Most of the names popular today are of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. The name Nicholas is a Greek name, consisting of two parts. These are Greek νικαο - "to conquer" and λαός - "people". Consequently, The meaning of the name Nikolai is "victor of nations".

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a child

Little Kolya grows up as a calm and sociable child. He easily makes acquaintances in the kindergarten and at school, he makes good contact with adults. Nikolai is rarely naughty, and if he shows impatience, then most likely it is not his fault. He is appreciated by friends and he is popular in the children's team.

In his studies, Nikolai's calmness is transformed into perseverance and perseverance. He does not always grasp everything on the fly, but his zeal helps him learn from good level. Various active sports are well given. He enjoys going to training after school. Especially for various martial arts.

Nicholas is in good health. He is growing into a wonderful healthy child. But like everywhere, not without problems. It is desirable to direct his activity in adolescence in a peaceful direction. Sports and parents' attention to education will do their job.

Abbreviated name Nicholas

Kolya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Nikolakha, Nika.

Diminutive names

Kolya, Kolyushka, Nicky, Kolyunya, Nikusha, Nikolasha, Nicolas.

Patronymic of children

Nikolaevich and Nikolaevna. Folk forms of abbreviation - Nikolaich and Nikolaichna.

Name Nicholas in English

AT English language the name Nicholas is spelled Nicholas or Nikolas.

Name Nicholas for a passport- NIKOLAI, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Nikolai into other languages

in Arabic - نيكولاس (This is how the name of St. Nicholas is spelled)
in Armenian - Նիկողայոս (Nikolaos)
in Belarusian - Mikalai, Mikola
in Bulgarian - Nikola
in Hungarian - Miklós
in Greek - Νικόλαος and Νικόλας
in Georgian - ნიკოლოზ (Nikolóz)
Spanish - Nicolás
in Italian - Nicolas and Niccolò
in Chinese - 尼古拉斯
in Latin - Nicolaus
in German - Nickolaus and Nicolas
in Polish - Mikołaj
in Portuguese - Nicola
in Romanian - Nicolae, Niculae
in Serbian - Nikolaj, Nikola
in Slovak - Mikoláš, Mikuláš and Nikola
in Slovenian - Miklavz
in Ukrainian - Mykolaj, Mykola
in Finnish - Nikolaus
in French - Nicholas
in Croatian - Nikola and Nikula
in Czech - Mikuláš, Mikoláš and Nikola
in Swedish - Nikolaus and Nicklas
in Japanese - ニコラス (Hitonoshiri, which means "victory of the people")

Church name Nicholas remains unchanged - Nicholas. Nicholas is one of the most revered names in the church.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

If you try to briefly characterize Nikolai, then his main feature can be called endurance (self-control). He is so unshakable in his calmness that sometimes there may be a feeling of some kind of detachment, but this is not at all the case. This is one of external manifestations his analytical mind. He seems to be watching everything from the outside and only occasionally intervenes in what is happening.

Work for Nikolai is quite important in life. He tends to systematize any processes. In his pursuit of efficiency, he completely loses his humanity, which sometimes becomes an obstacle in communicating with colleagues. However, for the position of manager or systems analyst, he is an ideal candidate.

Family for Nikolai is one of the most important components of his life. He perceives the family as one of the criteria for assessing his own success, so that the family will be like in the picture. He likes to work around the house, and especially if it's not an apartment, but a house. She loves children and enjoys spending time with them. He likes to have a good time with his family.

The secret of the name Nikolai

The secret of Nikolai can be called a tendency to tyranny in managing employees. He is so industrious himself that the slightest flaw in a subordinate causes a fit of anger in him. You will not envy its employees, they will work up to a sweat or 24 hours a day.

Another secret can be called the jealousy of Nicholas. He will not allow even the lightest flirting to his soulmate. Even a friendly kiss on the cheek can make him jealous. However, the lady who puts up with this will have next to her wonderful man and a great life partner.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

totem animal- Horse or elephant.

Name color- Green.

Wood- Ash.

Plant- Gladiolus.

Stone- Emerald and sapphire.

Career, business and money

Kolya has a sharp mind. He is smart. Able to summarize and analyze information. He does not show off his abilities. This makes him a versatile worker. A man can work and successfully build a career in almost any field. The authorities appreciate him for such qualities: diligence, commitment, diligence, decency, physical endurance.

Nikolai is not a careerist. But it may well take a leadership position. As a boss, he is strict, does not forgive mistakes, categorical and adamant in his decisions. He is associated with a despot. Suitable professions are a politician, a military man, an actor, an artist, a musician, a writer, a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher.

This man has an entrepreneurial streak, but risk is contraindicated for him. To eliminate the possibility of losing financial investments, before starting a business, you need to carefully check and analyze the business plan. Study entrepreneurial activity Nicholas needs on his own. Partnership is not for Kolya. Lotteries, stock market games, and investments are contraindicated for him.

Marriage and family

In marriage, Nikolai behaves like a jealous man. He does not forgive betrayal and betrayal, although he himself can easily have relationships on the side. A man is silent with his wife and undemanding in everyday life. Housework associated with brute physical strength, performs willingly. He easily copes with the care and improvement of the home, garden, orchard.

Helps his wife with housework when he is in the mood. Has a passion for delicious food. Likes to welcome guests. In a circle of friends he feels free and relaxed. Kolya is very attached to children, strives to create a good material base for them, to give them a good education. With all relatives is in a warm relationship. Has few friends. The latter is very loyal and devoted.

Sex and love

Nikolai is very stingy with emotions towards the opposite sex. But his character is characterized by increased sexuality. He cannot imagine his life without the presence in it beautiful woman. The man is in love. He is attracted to ladies with a pleasant appearance, innate intelligence. The chosen one should be soft, gentle, compliant - all these qualities make it possible to smooth out the sharp corners of Nikolai. Next to such a partner, he becomes kinder. It is desirable that a woman has a higher social status. This will amuse Kolya's pride.

Nikolai's sexual preferences are plump ladies with a decent breast size. He considers the chosen one with such forms soft and sensual. The man will look after sincerely, but without any sentimentality. A representative of the fair sex that she likes can make an offer after a couple of days of dating. Kolya is good in sex, but he does not differ in fidelity to his girlfriend.


Nicholas does not pay due attention to his health. In old age, he has a lot of problems. Most of all, the internal organs are at risk - the liver, kidneys, heart.

A complex character, the habit of getting annoyed over trifles lead to stress, and the result is a deviation in the work of the nervous system and psyche. The man is prone to overeating and alcoholism. Bad habits quickly take root and are cured with great difficulty.

Interests and hobbies

Nikolai prefers hobbies that are fruitful. This includes fishing, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms. He can disappear for hours in the garden, doing landscaping and planting new trees. In his youth, Kolya is fond of sports - football, basketball, martial arts.

In adulthood, he loads himself with work so much that there is practically no time left for entertainment. Rest for this man is a company of friends and a delicious dinner on the table. The evening can pass by reading a book and listening to your favorite music.

Short form of the name Nicholas. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakh, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.
Synonyms for Nicholas. Nikola, Mykola, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nikolaou, Miklos, Niklas, Nikogos, Nikos.
Origin of the name Nicholas The name Nikolai is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Nikolai in Greek means "victor of nations". The meaning of the name Nicholas is identical to the name Nicodemus. AT different countries Europe, this name has analogues. In France - Nikola, Cola, in Hungary - Miklos, in Germany - Nikolaus, in Scandinavia - Niklas. Abbreviated appeals to Nicholas in Europe became independent names - Klaus, Niels. The affectionate appeals used in Russia Nikola, Mikola also gained independence and self-sufficiency.

On behalf of Nikolai, several female names are formed. In different countries, girls will be called Nicoletta, Nicole, Nikulina, Colette, Klasina, Nicolas, Nicholas and other names.

Among Christians, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, is especially revered. He is better known as Nicholas the Pleasant or Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas once helped one very poor family, which had several daughters, without a dowry it was not possible to marry them. He threw a bag of gold into their house. Hence the tradition appeared - to give gifts for Christmas, and St. Nicholas himself, as a kind giver who gives gifts to children, later became known as Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of sailors, fishermen, travelers and merchants. He also patronizes such states as Russia, Greece, the island of Sicily, the cities of Amsterdam, Liverpool, Naples, Lutsk, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Friborg and the University of Paris. For the name Nikolai will be indicated Orthodox name day. Catholic name day of Nicholas - see the name Niels.

The character and fate of Nicholas. Nikolai is inherently a very secretive person. He always strives to move forward, absolutely not paying attention to others. One can never be absolutely sure what Nicholas is up to at the moment. His motives often remain a mystery. At the same time, such a person is endowed with self-control. There are very few things that could really hurt his rather callous soul. He looks somewhat down on the conventions that have developed in society, while regularly observing them. Despite outward friendliness, Nikolai constantly analyzes everything. There are moments when it shows aggression. At the same time, he, like everyone else, needs care. If he feels a manifestation of kindness towards himself, then he responds in kind.

Usually the fate of Nikolai is not easy. His youth often passes stormily, and over the years develops into a monotonous life. When the owner of this name has grandchildren, he begins to devote a lot of time to them. It is worth noting that some men with the name Nikolai are able to unexpectedly change their fate.

Nikolai is a rather selfish person with conservative convictions. In life, he does not use his intuition, but relies on personal conclusions. Such a man cannot be called sociable. He is quite smart and quick-witted, but usually does not clearly show his abilities. Nicholas is characterized by extraordinary decisions.

In life, Nikolai is strict not only to the people around him, but also to himself. If he sees someone as a deceiver, he immediately loses any respect for him. A dishonorable person will never become a friend of Nikolai.

Nikolai is able to fully devote himself to work, not sparing himself at all. The team appreciates him. If the owner of this name takes a leadership position, then it becomes quite tough. If necessary, he is able to master any skills.

As a wife, Nikolai needs a sensual and soft woman. Usually he tries to choose a partner who is higher than him in social status. In marriage, he behaves like a jealous husband. Under no circumstances will he be able to forgive betrayal and betrayal by his beloved. For a long time he does not delay with a marriage proposal with a woman he likes. AT family life Nikolai is rather silent and does not make serious demands on everyday life. He does a good job of improving his own home. Always ready to help his wife with the housework. Likes delicious food. Feels relaxed in a circle of friends.

Name day of Nicholas

Nikolai celebrates name day on January 6, January 8, January 10, January 14, January 17, January 24, January 31, February 1, February 4, February 6, February 7, February 8, February 14, February 16, February 17, February 26 , February 28, March 2, March 5, March 7, March 8, March 11, March 13, March 15, March 20, March 22, March 26, April 18, April 24, May 3, May 4, May 7, 9 May, May 10, May 16, May 17, May 18, May 22, May 29, May 30, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 18, June 20, June 23, June 27, July 4, July 8, July 17, July 27, August 2, August 6, August 9, August 10, August 11, August 13, August 16, August 21, August 25, August 26, August 27, September 1, September 5, September 10, September 15 , September 16, September 17, September 20, September 23, September 24, September 25, September 26, September 28, October 2, October 5, October 6, October 8, October 9, October 11, October 17, October 20, 21 October, October 25, October 26, October 27, October 31, November 2, November 3, November 4, November 5, November 6, 10 November, November 11, November 13, November 16, November 17, November 19, November 20, November 23, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 3, December 8, December 9, December 10, December 11, December 12, December 15, December 16, December 17, December 19, December 23, December 24, December 26, December 27, December 29, December 30, December 31.

Notable people named Nicholas

  • Nicholas I ((1796 - 1855) Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland. From the imperial house of the Romanovs, the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty, the third son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Feodorovna, brother of Emperor Alexander I, father of Emperor Alexander II. He began his reign with the suppression of the Decembrist uprising.During his reign, legislation was codified; at the same time, dissent was suppressed, censorship was tightened, and political investigation was strengthened.The Polish uprising and the revolution in Hungary were brutally suppressed.A bloody war was waged in the Caucasus.As a result of wars with Persia and Turkey ceded to Russia the mouth of the Danube, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.He died during the losses of the Russian army in the Crimean War.)
  • Nicholas II ((1868 - 1918) Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish, the last Emperor Russian Empire. From the Imperial House of the Romanovs. Colonel (1892); in addition, from the British monarchs he had the ranks: admiral of the fleet (1908) and field marshal of the British army (1915). The reign of Nicholas II was marked economic development Russia and at the same time - the growth in it of socio-political contradictions, the revolutionary movement, which resulted in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the revolution of 1917; in foreign policy- expansion into Far East, the war with Japan, as well as the participation of Russia in the military blocs of European powers and the First World War. Nicholas II abdicated during the February Revolution of 1917 and was under house arrest with his family in the Tsarskoye Selo Palace. In the summer of 1917, by decision of the Provisional Government, he was sent into exile with his family to Tobolsk, and in the spring of 1918 he was moved by the Bolsheviks to Yekaterinburg, where he was shot in July 1918, along with his family and close associates. Glorified in the face of Russian saints Orthodox Church like a passion-bearer (2000).)
  • Nikolai Annenkov ((1805 - 1826) Russian military and statesman, Russian amateur poet)
  • Nikolai Sheremetev ((1751 - 1809) Russian Count from the Sheremetev family, son of Count Pyotr Borisovich, patron of the arts. Chief chamberlain, real privy councilor, senator, director of the Moscow Noble Bank, founder of the Hospice House (almshouse) in Moscow (now the building of the Moscow Research Institute ambulance named after N.V. Sklifosovsky) and the Neva almshouse in St. Petersburg; philanthropist; musician; owner of the village of Ivanovo (now the city of Ivanovo).)
  • Nikolay Golitsyn ((1850 - 1925) Russian statesman, last chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire)
  • Nikolai Rubinstein ((1835 - 1881) Russian virtuoso pianist and conductor. Founder of the Moscow Conservatory (co-founder Prince Nikolai Petrovich Trubetskoy) and its first director.)
  • Nikolai Nikitin ((1907 - 1973) Soviet architect and scientist in the field of building structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970) and the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951). Author of the project of the Ostankino television tower.)
  • Nikolai Novikov ((1744 - 1818) Russian journalist, publisher and public figure, educator)
  • Nikolay Bukharin ((1888 - 1938) Soviet political, state and party leader. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929).)
  • Nikolay Pirogov ((1810 - 1881) Russian surgeon and anatomist, naturalist and teacher, founder of the atlas of topographic anatomy, founder of military field surgery, founder of anesthesia. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.)
  • Nikolai Sklifosovsky ((1836 - 1904) Honored Professor, Director of the Imperial Clinical Institute of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg, author of works on military field surgery of the abdominal cavity)
  • Nikolai Berdyaev ((1874 - 1948) Russian religious and political philosopher, representative of existentialism)
  • Nikolai Gogol ((1809 - 1852) surname at birth - Yanovsky, since 1821 - Gogol-Yanovsky; Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, widely recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. The most famous works: "Dead Souls", "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", "Inspector".)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus ((1473 - 1543) Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, canon; best known as the author of the heliocentric system of the world, which marked the beginning of the first scientific revolution)
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky ((1792 - 1856) Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry, figure in university education and public education. The famous English mathematician William Clifford called Lobachevsky the "Copernic of Geometry." Lobachevsky taught at Kazan University for 40 years, including 19 years of leadership him as rector; his activity and skillful leadership made the university one of the leading Russian educational institutions. In the words of N.P. Zagoskin, Lobachevsky was the "great builder" of Kazan University.)
  • Nikolai Ozerov ((1922 - 1997) Soviet tennis player, actor, sports commentator)
  • Nicholas Roerich ((1874 - 1947) Russian artist, philosopher, mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure, freemason, poet, teacher)
  • Nikolai Naidenov ((1834 - 1905) Moscow entrepreneur, banker, local historian, publisher of the albums "Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches" (1882))
  • Nikolai Notovich ((1858 -?) Russian intelligence officer, writer, journalist, nobleman and Cossack officer. Known for the book written in French "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" (better known as the "Tibetan Gospel"), allegedly containing the early sermons of Jesus and suggesting that Jesus lived in India from 12 to 30 years.)
  • Nikolai Pilyugin ((1908 - 1982) Soviet design engineer in the field of autonomous control systems for rocket and rocket and space complexes. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of Chief Designers of Rocket and Rocket and Space Technology, headed by S.P. Korolev.)
  • Nikolai Leikin ((1841 - 1906) Russian writer and journalist, author of the famous book "Ours Abroad", published the humorous weekly "Shards" in St. Petersburg)
  • Nikolai Iossa ((1845 - 1916) Russian mining engineer and metallurgist)
  • Nikolai Khaladzhan ((1931 - 2004) academician, doctor pedagogical sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences, author of the theory of fundamental authorized education. He is the founder of the Moscow External University for the Humanities, his pedagogical contribution is appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad. Winner of numerous domestic and foreign awards, diplomas and medals, orders. In 1999-2000, he was included in the British international list "Person of the Year", in the "Golden Book of Russia - Business Elite of the XX-Century", as well as in the American encyclopedia "Who's Who in the World". Author of more than 300 scientific and methodical works.)
  • Nikolai Eichenwald ((1873 - 1934) Russian architect, master of modernity)
  • Nikola Tesla ((1856 - 1943) physicist, engineer, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering. Widely known for his scientific and revolutionary contribution to the study of the properties of electricity and magnetism in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work provided the basis for the invention and the development of many modern devices powered by alternating current, polyphase systems and an electric motor, which made it possible to make the so-called second stage of the industrial revolution. He is also known as a supporter of the hypothesis of the existence of the ether: his numerous experiments and experiments are known, which aimed to show the presence of the ether as a special form of matter that can be used in technology. The unit of measurement of magnetic flux density (magnetic induction) is named after N. Tesla. Among the many awards of the scientist are the medals of E. Cresson, J. Scott, T. Edison. Tesla was considered by contemporary biographers to be "the man who invented the 20th century" and the "patron saint" of modern electricity. After demonstrating the radio and winning the "War of the Currents," Tesla gained widespread recognition as an outstanding electrical engineer and inventor. Tesla's early work paved the way for modern electrical engineering, and his early discoveries were innovative. In the US, Tesla could rival any inventor or scientist in history or popular culture in terms of fame.)
  • Nicolas de Courteille (artist, academician of painting)
  • Miklós Jancso (Hungarian film director)
  • Miklós Forrai (Hungarian choir conductor)
  • Miklós Spanyi (Hungarian pianist and organist, specialist in historical performance on instruments of the 18th century)
  • Miklós Ibl (Hungarian architect, a prominent representative of pseudo-historicism in European architecture. The Hungarian State Opera House is Ibl's most famous work. According to the project of Miklos Ibl, the main avenue of the Hungarian capital, Andrássy Avenue, was laid)
  • Niels Henrik David Bohr (Danish theoretical physicist and public figure, one of the founders of modern physics. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physics (1922). Bohr is known as the creator of the first quantum theory of the atom and an active participant in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He also made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, interaction processes elementary particles with environment)
  • Sir Niels Olaf (a king penguin living in the Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. Niels is the mascot of the Norwegian Royal Guard, holds the rank of Colonel (Colonel-in-Chief), and was knighted in 2008)
  • Nils Wilhelm Gade ((1817 - 1890) Danish composer, organist, violinist and conductor, the largest Danish composer of the 19th century)

Nikolai is a fairly popular name, strong and reliable. It endows its owner with various contradictory qualities. The character of such a man combines sociability and intractability, initiative and slowness, friendliness and despotism, cheerfulness and pedantry. Therefore, it is often very difficult to find a common language with Kolya, despite his curiosity and versatility.

Name origin

The name Nicholas is of ancient Greek origin. It consists of two words - "nika" ("victory") and "laos" ("people", "people"). In translation, the name means "victor of nations."

There is also a female form of the name, not common in our country, but popular in Europe and the USA - Nicole (Nicoletta, Nikolina).

Forms of the name Nikolai

Short forms of the name:

  • Kolya;
  • Kolka;
  • Kolyan;
  • Nikola;
  • Nicolas;

Diminutive forms:

  • Kolya;
  • Nikolka;
  • Kolyunya;
  • Nikolasha;
  • pricking;
  • Kolyusha;
  • Kolyan;
  • Kolyasha;
  • Nikolayka;
  • Nicholas;
  • Ringlet.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Nikolai - paradise, land, by chance, harvest, as well as many verbs in the imperative mood (shine, play, wish); Kohl - will, share.

Photo gallery: name forms

Nicholas - full name
Kolya - the most common short form of the name Nikolai Kolenka - one of the options for affectionate appeal to Nikolai Nick - one of the short forms of the name, popular abroad

The church form of the name is Nicholas.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - NIKOLAI.

The patronymics formed from this name are Nikolaevich and Nikolaevna.

Nikolaevichs are stubborn and quick-tempered. They rarely compromise, stubbornly achieve what they want, often take the initiative, always tend to uphold justice. Nikolaevnas are emotional, responsible and hardworking. Such girls are very demanding, it is difficult to please them.

Table: name variations in different languages

LanguageIs writtenread
EnglishNicholas, NicholasNicholas, Niklas
Chinese尼古拉斯 Nigulasi
Korean니콜라이 Nikollay
Japaneseニコライ Nikoray
DeutschNikolaus (Klaus)Nikolaus (Klaus)
ItalianNicola, NicoloNicola, Nicola
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianNicklas, Nikolaus, NikolaiNiklas, Nikolaus, Nikolai
DutchNicolaas, NicolausNicholas, Nicholas
IrishNioclas, NicolNiklas, Nicol
FinnishNiilo, NiklasNiilo, Niklas
Arabنيكولاس Nikulas
GreekΝικόλαος Nikolaos
PolishMikołaj, Nikola, MikułaMikolay, Nikola, Mikula
Romanian, MoldovanNicolae, Nicolai, NiculaiNicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas
HungarianMiklos, KolosMiklos, Kolos
BelorussianMikalai, MikolaMikalai, Mykola

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Nikolai:

  • Viktorovich;
  • Grigorievich;
  • Ivanovich;
  • Pavlovich;
  • Evgenyevich.

There are many songs with this name. Among them are "Nikolai" by Nikolai Baskov and Natalie, "The Bell" by Claudia Shulzhenko, "Wade" by the Aquarium group, "Nikola" by Vika Antonova, the folk song "Valenki".

Video: song "Nikolai" by Nikolai Baskov and Natalie

Nickname options for social networks

  • nikolay;
  • nickollo;
  • nick;
  • kolya;
  • kolyan.

Patron saints of Nicholas, name day dates

Nicholas is patronized by 23 saints. The most famous of them:

  • Archbishop and Wonderworker Nicholas of Myra;
  • holy fool Nikolai Novgorodsky;
  • martyr Nicholas of Sebaste;
  • holy fool Nikolai Pskovskiy;
  • schemamonk Nikolai Slavyanin;
  • Presbyter Nicholas of Athens.

The famous Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas. In many languages, the short form of the name sounds like Klaus (Klaus).

In the Christian religion, Nicholas of Myra, known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, is especially revered. He was born to a pious couple and brought up in faith in the One God. According to legend, from infancy he observed a fast (he took mother's milk only twice a week - on Wednesday and Friday).

Nicholas showed mercy to all those in need. Moreover, he tried to do good deeds secretly. So, according to legend, the Miracle Worker threw three bags of gold out the window of a man suffering from poverty and about to make his daughters harlots. So there was a tradition to give gifts to children on the day of St. Nicholas.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - the patron saint of men with this name

Nikolaev has angel days in every month of the year:

  • 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 24 and 31 January;
  • 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 26 and 28 February;
  • 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 26 March;
  • 18 and 24 April;
  • 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 29 and 30 May;
  • 1, 5, 10, 18, 20, 23 and 27 June;
  • 4, 8, 17 and 27 July;
  • 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 25, 26 and 27 August;
  • 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 September;
  • 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 and 31 October;
  • 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 and 29 November;
  • 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 and 31 December.

On the day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, December 19, those people who want to get married soon order a prayer service. It was believed that on these days one should not lend, including lending any things (household utensils, clothes, etc.). They believe that this way you can give good luck and prosperity. But to receive guests, especially wealthy ones, is fortunate and prosperous.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive character traits of Nicholas:

  • diligence;
  • optimism;
  • energy;
  • quick wits.

Negative qualities:

  • obsession;
  • waywardness;
  • inability to keep their emotions under control.

Kolya in childhood

Kolya is a very active and restless child who loves to play outdoor games. In the yard among the boys, he is a real ringleader and entertainer. His pranks infuriate adults, but no conversations and punishments can make the tomboy settle down. All adults can do is try to redirect the boy's energy in the right direction. By enrolling their son in wrestling, football, or a modeling club, parents will help him use his activity for development.

Little Kolya is an active and energetic child

Kolenka is a smart and versatile little boy, he likes to be in the center of everyone's attention. In order to once again prove his ingenuity and maintain authority among classmates, he is ready to take risks and violate discipline.

Due to selfishness, stubbornness and willfulness, the little owner of this name is difficult to educate. In order to develop in the boy his inherent love of life and instill in Kolya best qualities Parents need to be patient.

Kolya teenager

In his youth, Kolya is carefree, energetic, eccentric. He tends to commit reckless acts, because of which he often gets into various troubles. This guy tries to keep up everywhere and everywhere, wanting to achieve fame and recognition of others at all costs. Nikolai does not know how to value friendship, especially since it is very difficult to be a friend of such a fickle, straightforward and selfish young man.

In my youth, Nikolai was among my friends. This guy stood out for his incredible charm, the ability to captivate, infect with an idea. If he offered to go somewhere or start something, the company simply could not resist his vigor and pressure. Friendship he both valued and neglected. On the one hand, he was always ready to listen, communicate, discuss problems, and on the other hand, being carried away, he could say a lot of nasty things and absolutely demotivate. Now, as far as I know, few of his many childhood friends keep in touch with Kolya. However, it is still interesting to communicate with him now due to the versatility of the character of this man and his charisma.

In his youth, Kolya is eccentric and somewhat selfish.

The character of young Nikolai combines authoritativeness and sociability, windiness and resourcefulness. He needs affection and understanding, which he seeks in communication with girls. Many consider Kolya a closed and controversial guy. He is practical and pragmatic, but the actions of this young man often go against the rules set by society.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult man

Boris Khigir claims that Nikolai is a strong-willed and purposeful man, inclined to work hard. He is resourceful and judicious, constantly generating ideas about extra income. As a leader, the owner of this name is strict and even despotic, he is able to oppress and impose his opinion on subordinates. In business, he is often guided by feelings, and not by common sense. If anything does not go according to plan, this man loses his temper. However, Kolya is quick-witted and able to admit his mistakes.

According to Mendelev, Nikolai is good-natured, serious and responsible. He sets high goals for himself, and achieves them with perseverance and endurance. This man is always true to his beliefs and principles, it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Kolya is harsh and rude in his judgments, as he does not forgive other people's shortcomings.

According to Mendelev, Nikolai is serious and good-natured

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima indicate that the energy of this name is characterized by mobility. She surprisingly combines sociability and peremptoryness, cheerfulness and rigidity, lightness and rigor. On the one hand, this gives Nikolai a contradictory character, and on the other hand, it results in the breadth of his views and the versatile interests of a man.

Pierre Rouget believes that Nikolai knows what he wants from life, and stubbornly goes towards his goal. This man is demanding of himself and others. He can be modest and delicate, skillfully hiding his true feelings. He devotes most of his time to work and business development, he practically does not have time for his personal life.

According to Ruget, Kolya is purposeful and persistent

According to Pavel Florensky, the owner of this name overestimates his own importance in the lives of others. Such a man considers it his mission to patronize those for whom, as it seems to Nikolai, he is responsible. As a result, he takes on his shoulders an incredible amount of worries, under their weight he gets incredibly tired, but he does not refuse responsibility. Kolya is not able to trust fate, life, or give other people the opportunity to act independently and "stuff" their own bumps.

Talents and hobbies

For Nikolai, fruitful leisure is important. He loves to travel, go out with friends to nature and have picnics. At the same time, such a man appreciates comfort in any situation. He likes to arrange parties and organize everything so that the holiday is unforgettable.

Nikolay likes to relax with friends

Nikolay's career and business

Nikolai is a strong-willed and purposeful man, able to achieve success in any field. The owner of this name works hard, but he can hardly be called a workaholic. He will not devote more than the allotted time to work, because in his free time he prefers to deal with personal matters. If Kolya liked the chosen profession and brings him a decent income, he will develop in this area, gain experience, improve and achieve new goals.

At work, Nikolay is purposeful and responsible

Such a man can become a successful businessman. Usually he knows his business perfectly, competent in any matters. But Nikolai does not like moralizing, he prefers to make all decisions alone. Therefore, the bearer of this name does not need partner support. Thanks to discipline and prudence, Kolya is able to cope with difficulties without outside help. Often his business flourishes and brings good profits.


Nicholas is distinguished by strong immunity and excellent health. But the lack of proper rest can affect the nervous system of a man. Also, the owner of this name should pay attention to nutrition and refuse bad habits. Eating unhealthy foods and alcohol can lead to liver disease.

Nicholas in love and marriage

Nikolay is very amorous. Having met a girl he likes, he will not spend years courting and studying the temper of his chosen one. After a couple of dates, a man can make a marriage proposal. Kolya's life partner must be attractive, flexible, resourceful and patient, because not every girl can withstand the endless scenes of her husband's jealousy.

My father Nikolay proposed to my mother to marry him already about a month after the start of their relationship. Their marriage came as a surprise to many of my mother's friends, because most of them had not even had time to find out that she had a boyfriend. However, the family did not last long - the parents divorced a year and a half after the wedding because of the numerous scenes of the father's jealousy and his inability to control his own emotions.

Nikolay is amiable towards the fair sex, he is characterized by romantic courtship. Such a man is well versed in women, he is able to predict the desires of the chosen one. Kolya can have many hobbies, and he considers each of his ladies of the heart "the very one, the only one."

Kolya is an amorous romantic

The owner of this name decides to start a family in a rather early age believing that marriage will help him become more independent and mature. But that's not the case at all. Married Nikolai cannot say goodbye to the habits of a bachelor life. He still has fun with his friends instead of spending time with his family. If the wife has the patience to forgive everything to her husband, such a marriage union can last a long time.

Kolya is caring loving husband and father. He gets along well with children, adequately provides for his family. But he also has personal hobbies that help a man to relax and unwind. Stability and harmony in relations with his wife are built only if the spouse fully satisfies him intimately. If not, Nikolai is capable of committing treason. However, he will not tolerate such a betrayal by his life partner.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship features
Olga100% 60% Nikolai and Olga quickly flare up feelings for each other, they are united by passion and mutual attraction. But bright emotions quickly fade, and these people are no longer connected by anything.
Anna80% 90% The prudent and docile Anna is ready to support the temperamental Nikolai in everything, and he provides her with reliable support and protection. This union is full of harmony, love and understanding. Often such couples never break up.
Elena90% 40% Sensitive and gentle Elena conquers the good-natured disposition of Nikolai. He gallantly looks after his chosen one, trying to earn her favor. But in marriage, a man becomes too demanding, tries to suppress the girl, as a result, the family breaks up.
Julia100% 60% The relationship of these people is full of love and understanding. Nicholas appreciates his wife for complaisance and ingenuous disposition. Julia is a wonderful hostess, she keeps the house clean and tidy. In their family, everyone is in their place, harmoniously complementing each other.
Anastasia90% 40% Despite the fact that Nikolai and Anastasia are similar in many ways, they cannot reach an agreement in any way. Partners are constantly in conflict, do not want to compromise.
Tatiana100% 90% Nikolai and Tatyana are perfect for each other, they have many common interests, they like to spend time together. Their relationship is full of love, trust and understanding. Such a marriage will be long and happy.
Catherine100% 60% This couple has no time to be bored, they have a lot in common, their every day is like a holiday. Nikolai and Ekaterina get along well with each other, there is no place for quarrels in their house. Spouses are constantly improving, setting themselves high goals and achieving them together.
Natalia70% 100% The relationship between Nikolai and Natalia is full of love, care, trust and mutual understanding. They are both strong-willed and purposeful people, so they can easily create a family business. Their union is strong and stable, no sorrows and hardships can separate them.
Maria90% 40% In society, this couple creates an imaginary image of the ideal, it seems as if everything is always perfect with them. But the reality is completely different. Tatyana is used to living in luxury and not denying herself anything, and if her husband does not meet her requirements, she will soon leave him.
Irina100% 40% Both partners are stubborn and wayward people who are used to making individual decisions. Lack of agreement brings discord in their family. Only serious trials can unite Nikolai and Irina.
Svetlana90% 50% This is a tandem of two loving hearts. The union is full of passion and sincere feelings. But different life positions and beliefs can cast doubt on their joint future.
Victoria100% 60% Nicholas provides his wife with protection and support. Victoria, surrounded by her husband's love and attention, serves as his adviser and assistant in many matters. They set high goals for themselves and achieve them with conscience.
Kseniya90% 50% The compatibility of this couple is not great, since the partners have different ideas about a prosperous family life. Nikolai needs comfort and tranquility, while energetic Xenia dreams of vivid impressions. Such a marriage union is usually short-lived.
Daria70% 50% Both partners are demanding and freedom-loving people. They do not want to adapt to the interests of each other and concede. Constant conflicts and scandals can cause the separation of Nikolai and Daria.
Ludmila90% 60% This couple is blinded by passion and attraction. But over time, they begin to annoy each other's shortcomings. Spouses often quarrel over trifles. This can lead to a violent breakup.
Evgenia100% 60% A wonderful romantic relationship develops between Nikolai and Evgenia. But in family life, these two realize that they are completely unsuitable for each other. Quarrels often break out between them. Often such a couple diverges in the first year after marriage.
Hope100% 80% Both partners are emotional and quick-tempered. They often quarrel and sort things out, but, oddly enough, violent scandals benefit them. For Nikolai and Nadezhda, this is a kind of relaxation, after which they are again ready to love each other passionately.
Elizabeth70% 80% In this pair, Nikolai and Elizabeth equally show leadership qualities, which can lead to quarrels and, in the future, to parting. But if the partners learn to give in and find compromises, they will have a happy joint future.
Valentine100% 80% Valentina inspires and spurs her husband to new achievements. Thanks to his chosen one, Kolya can become a successful businessman and a diversified personality.

The meaning of each letter of the name

N - critical attitude to everything. Selectivity in contacts. inclined to lead healthy lifestyle life. Conscientious and responsible worker.

And - grace, a subtle vision of beauty. At the same time - sarcastic and excessive straightforwardness.

K - endurance, initiative, pragmatism. They attract attention with their versatility.

O - have a deep worldview. Few are initiated into their secrets. They are lucky in everything.

L - have their own vision of beauty. Prefer natural beauty. Creative personalities.

A - the desire for active action, creation, leadership.

Y - emotionality, irascibility, nervousness, unpredictability, arrogance.

Seven letters in the name Nikolai are a sign of the conservatism of such a man, his stubbornness. He remembers insults well and rarely forgives ill-wishers. Likes order in everything. Excellent professional, efficient and accurate. Knows his own worth.

Table: name matches

StoneEmeraldA symbol of purity, holiness and innocence. It has long been used in love rituals. Protects its owner from witchcraft, negative impacts. This stone is able to relieve tension, normalize sleep, clear the mind of bad thoughts. Also, the emerald is able to attract good luck, prosperity and happiness.
ColorWhiteEternal fighters for justice. They always keep their word and keep their promises on time. Noble. Their material values ​​are far from being in the first place.
Number6 Caring and attentive. They are not indifferent to other people's troubles, they never stand aside. Smart and thoughtful. Usually these people are successful, they inspire others with their example.
PlanetJupiterThese people know exactly what they want from life, they stubbornly go towards their goal. They are not afraid to lose, failure only makes them stronger.
ElementEarthPrudent and pragmatic, incapable of spontaneous and reckless actions. Everything is prejudiced. They get irritated for any reason, can be rude and even despotic towards others.
AnimalElephantA symbol of power, endurance, happiness, wisdom and complaisance. Among the peoples of India, this animal is considered sacred and symbolizes nobility, sanity.
Zodiac signScorpionThey carefully hide their feelings. Very distrustful, open only to those people whom they have known for a long time. They have high self-esteem, they do not allow anyone to insult and humiliate them. They are not inclined to admit mistakes, so repentance should not be expected from them.
WoodAshThe personification of power, good spirits, valor and generosity. It has long been believed that this tree can bring success to male warriors, giving them confidence, strength and agility. An ash talisman is able to protect its owner from evil magic and negative influences.
PlantGladiolusThis flower is an amulet that protects a person from various ailments and evil magic. Gladiolus was given to warriors to protect them in battle. It is a symbol of generosity, friendship and devotion.
MetalIronA symbol of endurance, perseverance, power and the struggle for justice. In Christianity, iron represents enmity, power and endurance.
auspicious dayWednesday
Important years of life23, 54

When was Nicholas born?

Winter Nicholas is pragmatic, arrogant and power-hungry. He has the gift of persuasion, knows how to suppress the will of others. This man is not devoid of deceit, he will never miss the benefits. Indifferent to other people's misfortunes, prefers to stay away from other people's suffering. But at the right time, he can be very polite and courteous.

Nicholas, born in winter, power-hungry and pragmatic

Kolya, who was born in the spring, is selfish, inclined to act only in his own interests. But thanks to innocence, sociability and responsiveness, such a man is forgiven a lot. Versatile developed, loves to attract the attention of others. He is not afraid of difficulties, in case of failure, he stubbornly continues to move towards the goal.

Spring Nikolay - sympathetic merry fellow

Nikolai, celebrating his birthday in the summer, is cunning and agile. He is able to take advantage of any situation. Such a man is respected and appreciated for hard work and perseverance. He is extremely distrustful of other people.

Nikolay, who was born in the summer, is cunning and ambitious

In autumn, Nicolais are born with pronounced leadership qualities. Such men are vain and arrogant, capable of subordinating people to their will, oppressing and imposing their own opinion on them. In communication, they keep their distance, because they do not trust others and do not want to reveal the weaknesses of their character.

Autumn Nicholas secretive and silent

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn optimistic, responsive and sociable man, always ready for changes in his life. Able to enjoy every little thing. Nicholas-Aries is sincere and sociable, so it is not surprising that he is surrounded by the same faithful and open people.
TaurusHardy, strong-willed and purposeful man. Trusting and vulnerable, poorly versed in people. He is often overtaken by disappointments due to injustice and betrayal of loved ones. But Kolya-Taurus is unforgiving, quickly forgets insults.
TwinsIt is unpredictable, its mood can change several times a day. This man does not know how to restrain emotions, which is why he often gets into various unpleasant situations. Nikolai-Gemini is amorous and romantic, able to win the heart of any woman.
CrayfishDiversified, talented and open. Nikolai-Rak is a pleasant conversationalist, a wonderful storyteller and a faithful comrade. He knows how not only to cheer up, but also to give good advice. He is oppressed by routine and monotony. He prefers short-term relationships with the fair sex, as he does not want to take on more responsibility.
a lionEmotional, temperamental man, accustomed to an active lifestyle. Responsive and sociable, he does not tolerate lies and duplicity, therefore it will not work to win his trust with hypocrisy and flattery, but it is quite possible to earn his contempt and indignation. In girls, he appreciates sincerity and fidelity.
VirgoA prudent, reasonable and cheerful man who lacks self-confidence. He is afraid to take any responsibility. Lost in case of unforeseen circumstances. Nicholas-Virgo does not seek to take the post of leader, often content with a modest position.
ScalesA dreamy, vulnerable man with a rich imagination. Often found in the world of his dreams. His dreams have nothing to do with reality, and this further depresses and disappoints Nicholas-Libra.
ScorpionA freedom-loving and independent man who values ​​​​his personal space and does not allow anyone to interfere in his affairs. Nikolay-Scorpio cannot have a strong and stable relationship for a long time, because he does not trust girls.
SagittariusImpressive, cheerful and peaceful, but at the same time a windy man who wants to achieve universal recognition. If Nicholas-Sagittarius does you a favor, he will remind you of his generosity more than once. A lover of flattery and compliments, this can appease him or win him over. The family is caring, sincere, understanding and devoted.
CapricornAn active, enterprising and businesslike man who does not sit still and longs for new achievements. He rarely brings his affairs to the end, there can be many reasons for this: he did not calculate his capabilities, lost interest, the task, in his opinion, became impossible. In a relationship, fickle and frivolous.
AquariusExplosive, emotional and unpredictable, Nikolai-Aquarius is able to sacrifice his moral principles if necessary. Often gets irritated over trifles and loses his temper. It is difficult for him to contact with people, because of this he is often lonely.
FishI am ready to sacrifice my interests for the sake of others, to help without any benefit for myself. Nicholas-Pisces is very hurt by other people's problems, he is unable to get past someone else's misfortune. A wonderful family man, loving husband and caring father. For the sake of the well-being of his family, he is able to go to great lengths.

Famous people

Notable men with this name:

  • Nicolaus Copernicus - Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world, who made a revolution in natural science;
  • Nicholas II Alexandrovich - the last Russian emperor;
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky - Russian mathematician, creator of non-Euclidean geometry;
  • Nikolai Gogol - writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, classic of Russian literature;
  • Nikolai Nekrasov - Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature;
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian composer, conductor, musical and public figure, member of the Mighty Handful;
  • Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay - Russian scientist, traveler and public figure, ethnographer, anthropologist and biologist;
  • Nikola Tesla - a great inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, an engineer;
  • Nicholas Roerich - Russian painter, theater artist, archaeologist, traveler, writer, mystic philosopher; one of the brightest and most popular masters of Russian symbolism and modernism;
  • Nikolai Gumilyov - Russian poet of the Silver Age, prose writer, creator of the school of acmeism, translator, literary critic;
  • Nikolai Makarov - Russian designer of firearms, created a nine-millimeter PM pistol, laureate of the USSR State Prize;
  • Nikolai Kuznetsov - Soviet intelligence officer, partisan, who personally eliminated 11 generals and high-ranking officials Nazi Germany; one of the prototypes of Maxim Isaev (Stirlitz);
  • Nikolai Karachentsev - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of Russia;
  • Nikolai Rastorguev - Soviet and Russian musician, singer, leader of the Lyube musical group, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Nikolai Perumov (Nick Perumov) - Russian science fiction writer;
  • Nikolai Valuev is a Russian professional boxer who performed in the heavy weight category, a politician;
  • Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera singer, film actor, TV presenter, teacher, People's Artist of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

Poems with the name Nikolai: "Letter from the Village" by Vladimir Vysotsky, "Rainbow" by Yuri Vizbor, "One Rhyme" by Sergei Mikhalkov.

Photo gallery: famous Nicholas

Nick Perumov - Russian science fiction writer Nikola Tesla - great inventor Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor
Nikolai Baskov - Russian pop and opera singer Nikolai Valuev - Russian professional boxer
Nikolai Gogol - writer, playwright, classic of Russian literature Nikolai Gumilyov - Russian poet of the Silver Age Nikolai Karachentsev - Soviet and Russian actor Nikolai Copernicus - creator of the heliocentric system of the world Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay - Russian scientist, traveler Nikolai Rastorguev - leader of the Lube group Nikolai Roerich - Russian painter, many of his paintings are dedicated to Tibet

Nicholas is a winner in life. Such a man acts as an authority for many people. Often takes a leadership position, as a boss he is strict, but fair. He will not demand from others what he cannot handle himself. The owner of this name does not stand still, he constantly develops and keeps up with the times. Kolya is dedicated to his work and his family. Strives to be of benefit to society.