Church name calendar. We choose the name for the newborn according to the Orthodox saints

“Let us fast with a fast that is pleasing, noble to the Lord,” says the Lenten stichera.
In the Orthodox Church, the observance of fasts and fast days is one of the most important traditions. Believers, as far as possible, in accordance with their health, observe the calendar of fasting days and follow it.

Before fasting, be sure to take a blessing from the priest and understand if you are able to withstand the Charter of the Church regarding fasting - it has indulgences. From year to year the custom of fasting finds new followers. People want to be cleansed both spiritually and physically. This is a wonderful desire, but the tradition of fasting has a number of nuances, as well as its own history.
How to fast on fast days, what are the dates of long fasts in 2018 - and they are rolling from year to year - we will tell in our article.

Post history

It is known that the fasts have a gospel institution. Already the Lord Jesus Christ, at the beginning of His earthly ministry, stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and fasted.

Long fasts are a tradition established in the first centuries of Christianity. They are established by the Church so that we come to bright holidays with a pure heart, a light soul and a renewed body. The Lord and His Mother do not need expensive gifts, but our pure heart, good deeds and the fulfillment of the word of God given in the Gospel.

It should be noted that fasting as such cannot be called a holiday — each fast is only a preparation for the celebration of Easter, Christmas, the Assumption, the memory of the holy apostles — however, symbolically, fasts are called a spiritual holiday.

Duration of posts in 2018

    Great - is calculated 47 days before Easter, which is a moving holiday, ends with the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. All next Holy Week believers also strictly fast until Easter. In 12018, it lasts from February 19 to April 7.

    Petrov - also considered 50 days after Easter, immediately following the Spiritual Day (Monday after the feast of Pentecost) day. It ends on July 12, on the feast day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (that is, July 11 is the last fast day). In 2018, it runs from June 4 to July 11.

    Assumption is the only post that is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It begins on August 14 - on the feast of the Origin (that is, the acquisition and honoring) of the Tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It is also called the Honey Savior (by this day, the honeycombs are filled with honey and its collection begins, for which they are blessed with a special prayer) and the Wet Savior (according to the peasant tradition, wells were cleaned on this day and water-blessed prayers were performed over them), ends on the feast of the Assumption. In 2018, it lasts from August 14 to 27 - its dates are stable.

    The Advent fast is also permanent: it begins on November 28 (15, according to the old style) and lasts until January 7 (December 25), lasts for forty days, and therefore is called the Fortecost in the Church Charter, just like Great Lent. Since the conspiracy for fasting (the last non-fasting day) falls on the day of remembrance of St. Apostle Philip, then this post is popularly called Filippov, Filippovka.

    Also on Wednesday and Friday every week, except for certain ones, Orthodox Christians fast in remembrance of the betrayal of the Lord Jesus by Judas (on Wednesday) and the Crucifixion of the Lord (on Friday).

Solid weeks without fasting in 2018

Weeks (more precisely, in the church, a week in our understanding is called a week, and Sunday is a week) without Lenten Wednesday and Friday is

  • Christmas time - from Christmas to Epiphany, January 7-18.

  • The Week of the Publican and the Pharisee is the week on the eve of Lent.

  • Maslenitsa (transient, the last week before Lent) - they no longer eat meat, but eat all other fast food.

  • Bright week. the first week after Easter.

Bright Week and Christmas time mark our great joy from the great holidays of Easter and Christmas, and Maslenitsa and the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee remind us that one cannot be hypocrites, the main thing is not to be proud of fasting, to have time and have fun, to rejoice in the gifts of God, to prepare for a serious time of fasting.

Church charter for fasting and its indulgences

Let's start with the full church charter. Perhaps only monks can keep it, but according to your diligence, you can also observe such a fast. On ordinary fasting Wednesdays and Fridays, you can’t

  • Meat,

  • Dairy products,

  • Eggs,

  • Fish.

People who depend on smoking are encouraged by the Church to stop or limit it.

It is important to understand that fasting is not a goal, but a means for humbling one's flesh in order to be cleansed from sins through abstinence from food. It is abstinence, and not exhaustion of the body, therefore, everyone should measure the rules for observing fasts in relation to food with their own strength, with the degree of their preparation for fasting.

The duration and measure of fasting may vary depending on the internal state of a Christian, as well as the objective conditions of his life. In particular, in acute or chronic diseases requiring a special diet, fasting in relation to food can be reduced, facilitated or canceled. The same applies to Christians who, on a temporary or permanent basis, stay in a secular community, which involves general nutrition(military units, hospitals, boarding schools, special schools, places of detention).

A long fast for a pregnant woman remains a limitation in strength: for example, with the refusal of only one type of food (or meat, or milk and eggs, or fish). Sometimes, for the health of a child, doctors forbid food restrictions - this must be taken calmly, informing the priest at confession. During pregnancy, in illness - peace of mind and tranquility, the health of mother and child, and fasting is secondary! The main thing is not to overeat, eat in moderation and not for the sake of pleasure, do not indulge in gluttony.
Also, fasting preparation for Communion for pregnant women is reduced. It usually takes 2-3 days of fasting, in the morning before the Liturgy, you can also not eat or drink anything - if possible.

Lenten Recipes

Remember what needs to be replenished nutrients in organism. In fasting, animal proteins are limited, so replenish them with vegetable proteins.

Eat more vegetables - cereals and potatoes quickly gain weight. Try eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas; use more vegetable oil(olive, sunflower and others).

Use more spices. Such a salad, like a simple vinaigrette, will become especially tasty if you pour a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce with a spoonful of vegetable oil, sprinkle with lemon juice, add ground pepper and salt to taste.

You can use any cereals and mixed cereals.

Happy fasting time

Without prayer and repentance, fasting becomes just a diet. Fasting bodily, without spiritual fasting - good deeds, correcting your heart, getting rid of bad habits in words and deeds, it brings little for the salvation of the soul, it can also be spiritually harmful if a person, abstaining from food, is imbued with the consciousness of his own superiority from the consciousness that he is fasting.

True fasting is associated with prayer, repentance, abstinence from passions and vices, eradication of evil deeds, forgiveness of offenses. You should try to visit the church more often, increase communication with your family, care for elderly relatives or even orphans.

Lent was given to us as a spiritual school, a time of “intensified training”, in which we must get used to a lot. If we restrict ourselves only in food, then the soul will benefit little from this. Fasting should not only be fasting for the body. This is abstinence from worldly fuss.

When a wedding is not performed in Lent

Before submitting an application to the registry office, check the church calendar for the weeks when you are planning a celebration!

Weddings are allowed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. However, they do not marry on the following days:

  • On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, because the wedding night will fall on a Lenten day (Wednesday, Friday) or a festive day (Sunday - Little Easter).

  • Before church holidays - the twelfth, great, as well as the patronal feast of the temple (the memory of that saint, feast or icon of the Mother of God, in whose honor the temple was consecrated). On the days of the holidays, getting married is also not recommended, but it is not forbidden either - you can ask the priest about it.

  • On church holidays that are both days of mourning and strict fasting: the Beheading of the Prophet and Forerunner John (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Cross (September 27).

  • During fasts: Veliky, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky.

  • On Maslenitsa (Cheese) week, at Christmas time (on the week immediately after Christmas) and on Bright Week (on the week immediately after Easter)

An exception to the rule can only be made by a bishop at a special request, in special circumstances, for example, in danger of the life of one of the newlyweds. You should not persuade the priest, promising him a special monetary reward: A wedding performed on a day when this Sacrament is prohibited by the church charter is invalid.

  • What to do if you have planned a wedding date and submitted an application to the registry office, or maybe even invited guests, but the wedding is not taking place on that day?

Get engaged. This is not traditional, but the Sacrament of the Wedding today consists of two parts, historically separated: betrothal, when the newlyweds do not stand at the very altar, but closer to the middle or the doors of the temple and exchange rings. Priests rarely go for it, but they can agree.

The ceremony is very touching, because you already promise each other to be together. It is during the betrothal that the priest asks the people if there are among those gathered who are against the fact that the bride and groom are united forever in marriage.

When choosing a name for a newborn, it is important to find out is it in the holy calendar, what names can be used for baptism. It is also very useful to figure out what the name you have chosen means (translated into Russian), look at full list diminutive (short) forms of the name, find out its place in p name popularity rating. That's what this guide was created for."A Thousand Names" (flip through an introductory copy). If you find this book useful, in 2-3 days you will be able to hold it in your hands! (more information).

Birthday calendar. Women's names.Male names

January February March/April - June /July - September /October - December

On this page you can choose a name for baptism (baptismal or baptismal name).

Here are the most famous and "popular" saints.

Some saints have several days of memory (2-3) per year, which means there are several name days!

January. Names in alphabetical order:

Amelia, Amalia (see Emilia)

Anisya, Anisiya, godname: Anisiya

Apollinaria, godname: Apollinaria

Saint Apollinaria of Egypt, January 5/18

Notes: 1) St. Apollinaria had the gift of healing and miracles; she carried monastic service in a male image under the name Dorotheus, only after her death it turned out that she was a woman; 2) the name Apollinaria is sometimes chosen as a godfather for the name Polina

Apraxia (see Eupraxia)

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedor)

Vasilisa, Vasilina, godname: Vasilisa

Holy Martyr Basilissa of Egypt, January 8/21

Dana (see Fedo ra)

D o mnika, Domnika, Dominika, godname: Domnika

Holy Venerable Domnica of Constantinople, January 8/21

Eugenia, godname: Evgenia

Eupraxia, Apraksia, godname: Eupraxia

Saint Venerable Eupraxia (Euphrasia) of Constantinople, Tavenskaya, Elder, January 12/25

Claudia, godname: Claudia

Leonia, Leonida, Leontina, godname: Leonilla

Holy Martyr Leonilla (Neonilla) of Langonia, January 16/29

Note: the name Leonilla can also be advised as a godfather for the "non-calendar" name Eleanor (according to "consonance")

Maria, godname: Maria

Holy Reverend Mary of Radonezh (mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh), this saint has two memorial days a year: January 18/31, and September 28/October 11 (respectively, two birthday days)

Melania, Melania, godname: Melania

Notes: 1) the Russian folk forms of the name, now out of use, were Malania and Malanya, 2) the names Melania and Melania should not be confused with the names Milena and Milan, which have a different origin.

Nastasya (see Anastasia)

Nina, godname: Nina

Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, January 14/27

Ruslana, godfather Orthodox name: absent

Note: There is no name Ruslan in the Orthodox calendar, the name Leonilla may well be a suitable name for baptism, since its meaning is “lion”, “lioness” (Greek)

Holy Martyr Leonilla (Neonilla) of Langonia, January 16/29 (optional)

Tatyana, godfather Orthodox name: Tatiana

Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome, January 12/25

Ulyana (see Juliana)

Fedora, Theodora (as well as Bogdana, Dana, Bozena, Dora), godname: Theodora

Saint Theodora of Caesarea, December 30 / January 12
- Saint Theodora of Tsaregradskaya (Constantinople), December 30 / January 12
Note: Theodora's name is not popular, but it may well serve as a godfather for such passport names as Bogdana, Dana, Bozena (according to the general meaning of the name). The name Dora can also be considered as a passport (as a truncation of the name Theodore)

Emilia, Emma (and also Amelia, Amalia), godname: Emilia

Saint Emilia of Caesarea (mother of Basil the Great), January 1/14

Note: The names Amalia and Amelia have a different origin, from the ancient Germanic amal, amala - “hardworking”, “diligent”, “tireless”, but due to the similarity of sound, it is good for them to use the godname Emilia

Holy Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya, January 2/15
- Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia, December 21 / January 3

Holy Blessed Princess Juliana Vyazemskaya, martyr; this saint has two memorial days a year: December 21 / January 3, and June 2 / 15 (respectively, two birthday days)

January. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to the new style)

3. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

4. Anastasia + Nastasya

6. Evgenia; Claudia

10. Agafia + Agafia + Agatha

12. Anisya + Anisya; Fedora + Theodora (as well as Bogdan, Dana, Bozena, Dora)

13. Melania + Melania

14. Emilia + Emma (and also Amelia, Amalia)

15. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

18. Apollinaria + Polina

21. Vasilisa + Vasilina; Do minka + Domini ka + Domini ka

25. Eupraxia + Apraxia; Tatiana

27. Nina

29. Leonia + Leonida + Leontina + Leonilla (as well as Eleonora, Ruslana)

31. Maria + Marya (and also Marietta, Marietta)

February. Names in alphabetical order:

(first date after church calendar, the second - according to the new style)

Agafia, Agafya, Agatha, godname: Agafia

Holy Martyr Agathia of Sicily, Palermo, February 5/18

Agnia, Agnes, Inessa, godname: Agnia

Aksinya (see Xenia)

Anna, godname: Anna

Holy Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod (otherwise - Reverend Anna of Novgorod), February 10/23
- holy righteous Anna the Prophetess (daughter of Phanuilov), February 3 / 16, and also August 28 / September 10

Afanasia, godname: Afanasia

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedor)

Valentina, godname: Valentina

Holy Martyr Valentina of Caesarea (otherwise - Valentina of Palestine), February 10/23

Note: In recent years, the names of Vitalin and Vitaly are increasingly registered. Obviously, these are analogues of the male name Vitaly, which comes from the Latin vitalis (that is, “full of life”, “living”, “giving life”). A good godname for Vitalina and Vitalia can be Valentina - both in general meaning and in sound

Galina, godname: Galina

Holy Righteous Galina, February 10/23

Dana (see Fedo ra)

Dorothea, Dora, godname: Dorothea

Holy Martyr Dorothea of ​​Caesarea (from Cappadocia), February 6/19

Evdoksia, godname: Evdoksia

Eusevia, godname: Eusevia

Saint Eusebius of Milas (after baptism she received the name Xenia), January 24 / February 6

Zoya, godname: Zoya

Saint Rev. Zoya of Bethlehem, February 13/26

Inessa (see Agnia)

Inna, godname: Inna

Holy Martyr Inna Novodunsky, Slav, January 20 / February 2, and June 20 / July 3

Note: the patron saint is the martyr Inna; in Russia, the names Inna, Rimma and Pinna are considered female, but in the calendar they are contained in the section "Male Names"

Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea, February 6/19

Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana, godname: Ksenia

Saint Rev. Xenia of Milas, January 24 / February 6
- Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, January 24 / February 6, and also May 24 / June 6

Maria, godname: Maria

Holy Reverend Mary of Constantinople, January 26 / February 8
- Holy Martyr Mary of Asia, February 6/19
Note: Possible passport forms of the name can also be Marya and Marietta (Marietta)

Martha, Marta, Martina, godname: Martha

Holy Martyr Martha of Asia, February 6/19

Oksana (see Xenia)

Pelagia, godname: Pelagia

Polina, godname: Pavla

Holy Martyr Paul of Caesarea, February 10/23

Note: sometimes the name Apollinaria is taken as a godname for Polina (see January)

Rimma, godname: Rimma

Holy Martyr Rimma Novodunsky, Slav, January 20 / February 2, also June 20 / July 3

Note: the patron saint is the martyr Rimma; in Russia, the names Inna, Rimma and Pinna are considered female, but in the calendar they are contained in the section "Male Names"

Svetlana, godname: Svetlana (Fotinia)

Holy Venerable Photinia (Svetlana) of Palestine (5th century), February 13/26

Holy Righteous Theodora, Queen of Greece (who restored the veneration of icons) (867 AD), February 11/24

Christina (see Christina)

Felicia, godname: Filizata

Feoktista, godname: Feoktista

February. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to the new style)

2. Inna; Rimma

3. Agnia + Agnes + Inessa

6. Eusebia; Ksenia + Aksinya + Oksana

7. Felicia

8. Maria + Marya (and also Marietta, Marietta)

12. Pelagia

13. Athanasius; Eudoxia; Feoktista

16. Anna

18. Agafia + Agafia + Agatha

19. Dorothea + Dora;Christina + Christina; Maria + Marya (as well as Marietta, Marietta); Martha + Martha + Martina

23. Anna; Valentina (as well as Vitalina, Vitaly); Galina; Pauline

24. Fedora + Theodora (and also Bogdan, Dana , Bozena , Dora)

26. Zoya; Svetlana

March. Names in alphabetical order:

(the first date is according to the church calendar, the second is according to the new style)

Avdotya (see Evdokia)

Alena (see Elena)

Anastasia, Nastasya, godname: Anastasia

Saint Anastasia Patrickia (Constantinople, Alexandria), March 10/23

Antonina, Antonia, Antonida, godname: Antonina

Holy Martyr Antonina of Nicaea, March 1/14 and June 13/26

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedor)

Victoria (see Nika)

Galina, godname: Galina

Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth, March 10/23 and April 16/29

Dana (see Fedo ra)

Evdokia, Avdotya, godname: Evdokia

Holy Martyr Evdokia of Iliopol, March 1/14

Elena, Alena (as well as Elina, Nelly, Lina, Ilona), godname: Elena

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena of Constantinople, March 6/19, as well as May 21/June 3
Notes: 1) the godfather name Elena is also a good option (by consonance) for such passport names as Eleonora, Elvira, Ella, 2) sometimes the church Neonilla / Leonilla is used as a godfather for the name Nelly (see January, the name of Ruslan); Neonilla from Latin neon, Greek neos - "young, new").

Ilona (see Elena)

Iraida (see Raisa)

Kira, godname: Kira

Christina, Christina, godname: Christina

Holy Martyr Christina of Persia, March 13/26

Lina (see Elena)

Marianna, Maryana, godname: Mariamna

Nastasya (see Anastasia)

Nelly (see Elena)

Nika, Victoria, godname: Nika

Holy Martyr Nike of Corinth, March 10/23 and April 16/29

Note: in Ancient Greece Nike (Nike) - the goddess of victory, among the Romans she corresponded to Victoria (Victoria)

Raisa, Iraida, godname: Raisa, Iraida

The Holy Martyr Raisa of Alexandria, Antinopolis (the same saint is known as Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis), respectively, in her honor, the girl can be called Raisa or Iraida, this saint has three days of remembrance - March 5/18; September 5/18; September 23 / October 6

Ulyana (see Juliana)

Fedora, Theodora, godname: Theodora

Note: Theodora's name is not popular, but it may well serve as a godfather for such passport names as Bogdana, Dana, Bozena (according to the general meaning of the name). The name Dora can also be considered as a passport (as a truncation of the name Theodore)

Christina (see Christina)

Elina (see Elena)

Yuliana, Yulianna, Ulyana, godname: Juliana

Holy Martyr Juliana of Ptolemaida, March 4/17 and August 17/30

March. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to the new style)

2. Marianna + Mariana

13. Kira

14. Antonina + Antonia + Antonida; Evdokia + Avdotya

17. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

18. Raisa + Iraida

19. Elena + Alena (Elina, Nelli , Lina , Ilona , and also Eleanor , Elvira , Ella)

23. Anastasia + Nastasya; Galina; Nika + Victoria; Fyodor + Theodora (as well as Bogdan, Dana , Bozena Detailed information about each of the given names

you will find in the book of Evgeny Vasiliev "A Thousand Names"

The information in this birthday calendar is in this format:

all possible passport forms of the name (to be entered on the Birth Certificate) - cross name (to be entered on the Baptism Certificate) - full name saint saint - saint's memorial day (moreover, the first date is indicated according to the church calendar, and the second date is according to our modern calendar); the day of the memory of the saint - this is the day of the celebration of the name day; some saints have several days of memory (2-3) during the year, which means there are several name days!

Key words: Cross name. Baptismal name. Name for baptism. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Baptize a child, a girl. Christening. Church name. Name by consonance. Meaningful name. Russian Orthodox Church. Russian saints. Belarusian saints. calendar name. Non-calendar name. Canonical name. Non-canonical. Name according to the church calendar. Russian name. Christian name. For girl. Women's names. For a newborn. Name naming. Naming. Church calendar. New style. According to the old style. Monthly. Orthodox. Saints. Name according to saints. Names according to saints. Name day. Name day. When to celebrate. Birthday calendar. Day Angel. Saint's Day. Popular, famous saints. Holy. Holy saints. Martyrs. Righteous. Righteous. Rev. Faithful. Blessed Princess. Hieromartyr.

The tradition of naming a child in honor of a saint comes from the depths of centuries - in Rus' it appeared after the adoption of Orthodoxy. It was believed that a person who bears the name of a saint has a close connection with him and even adopts part of his good qualities and strength. Moreover, parents, giving the child a name in honor of a powerful saint, rely on the fact that this saint will protect him from the dark forces of evil throughout the life of the baby, will be his guardian angel. The name in honor of this or that canonized saint was chosen by the parents or the clergyman according to the Saints, or the Monthly Book - a list of names of canonized saints, compiled by months and dates. In the Saints, or in the Orthodox church calendar, each date is church holiday, or the memory of the saint. Almost every day of the year is the day of memory of at least one saint, and in some cases there may be up to several dozen of them on the same date. The same name in the Orthodox church calendar corresponds to several dates at once - these days a person named after a saint celebrates his name day.

Names according to the calendar in the church calendar

The church calendar is an inexhaustible source of names even for modern parents, who are not always true believers and keep all the traditions of Christians. The fact is that the list of names of saints currently consists of more than 1000 names of various origins. Among them are names of Slavic and Greek origin, Latin and Hebrew names. Many names from the Saints are currently an anachronism, but in recent years there has been a tendency to call the child a rare, little-used name. In the event that parents want to choose a rare and unusual name for a child, the Saints are a great source of inspiration.

How to choose the right name for a child according to the Saints?

According to the rules, parents choose a name for the child according to the Saints, based on the date of his birth. Most often, they look at exactly which saints are commemorated on the child's birthday, but let's say the choice of a name among the names of saints, whose memory is celebrated on the eighth day from the birth of a child. This tradition is connected with the fact that in ancient times it was on the eighth day that a holiday was held for naming a child. If there were no suitable names that fall on the child's birthday, as well as on the eighth day from the day of his birth, then let's choose a name from those that fall on the fortieth day from the child's birthday. This tradition is connected with the fact that it was on the fortieth day that the child was brought to the temple for baptism. As an exception, a child can be named after a saint especially revered in the family.

In the Saints, there are significantly more male names than female ones. Therefore, girls can be named after a male saint if there is a used analogue of a male name in a female version: for example, if the date of birth of a girl falls on the day of the memory of St. Eugene (Victor, Alexander, Anastasia, Apollinaria), then it is permissible to call her Eugenia (Victoria, Alexandra, Anastasia, Polina) in honor of the male saint, choosing him as the patron saint for the child.

Our ancestors did not have such a problem as choosing a name for a newborn. Today, in some families, this comes to a scandal, since dad wants to name his son Jordan, mom - Apollo, and grandparents dream of Vanechka. But in the old days, everything was decided by the church Orthodox book, which was called "Saints". Parents came to church, and the priest offered a choice of several names of Christian saints, whose memory was honored on the baby’s birthday. And if now parents want to make a choice in this way - how to choose a name for a child according to the holy calendar?

How to choose the right name according to the holy calendar?

Birthday, Angel's Day, name day ... Many people confuse these concepts and congratulate them on their birthday on their name day. In fact, a birthday is the day on which a person was born, and name days are the day of memory of the saint in whose honor he was named. The second name of the name day is the day of the Angel or the day of the namesake. Previously, these days almost coincided for everyone, but now - almost none. Despite this, some people began to celebrate the day of the Angel on a par with the birthday.

The Saints contain about 1700 different names. Most of them are for men, moreover, they are mostly out of use. This is not surprising, because many names for modern people seem ridiculous, for example, Popius, Mnasen, Kurduva or Yazdundokta.

If you decide to name the newborn according to the calendar, remember the following:

  1. It is best to choose a name for the baby of the saint who is honored on his birthday. For example, your child was born on February 1st. You are truly lucky, because according to the calendar, the newborn can be called by the following names: Arseny, Gregory, Heinrich, Louise, Euphrasia, Mark, Makar, Meletius, Savva, Theodosia, Fedor or Januarius.
  2. If you have a boy, and on this day there are no names for a male representative, then the modern church usually advises looking a few days ahead. You can do the same if you didn’t like the proposed name (or names) at all.
  3. The name at baptism is given once in a lifetime and does not change anymore (an exception is the name changes when tonsured to monasticism and when changing faith).
  4. Recently, some parents give their children double names: one is secular, and the second is church. Someone does this on purpose, and someone accidentally - it’s just that at birth the baby is given a non-Orthodox name, and in the church the parents learn that under the name, for example, Stella or Camilla, the child cannot be baptized. In this case, the priest invites parents to choose an Orthodox name for the baby - close or consonant with the "passport".
  5. If the saint, in whose honor you named the baby, is revered several times a year, then the day of the Angel is the next name day after the day birth.

From antiquity to our times

The Orthodox book "Saints" is nothing more than complete list all the names of the saints that he honors Orthodox Church. The second name of this book is “The Book of Months”, since the whole year is painted in it, day by day, by month.

Giving a name to a child according to the holy calendar is an ancient tradition of many peoples. The Slavs were no exception in this. People believed that when a baby receives the name of a saint who is revered on the day of his birth or baptism, he will have a happy and long life. At the same time, it was not advisable to call the child the name of the great martyr - then he was destined for a hard life, full of hardships and suffering.

If several saints were commemorated on the child's birthday, then the parents could choose a name from several proposed by the priest. If the name was one, then the parents, alas, had no choice. People did not dare to argue with the church. Later, if no saint was commemorated on the birthday of the new little man, or the name really didn’t like it, then the parents began to “increase” the list of names: it was possible to consider the names of saints whose memory is celebrated on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the child. The fact is that our ancestors believed that the name of the newborn should be given no earlier than the eighth day, and the sacrament of Baptism had to be performed on the fortieth day.

"Monthly" was used until the revolution of 1917. With the advent of Soviet power, when churches began to be massively exterminated, and religion was prohibited, the tradition of naming children according to the holy calendar was abandoned. Nowadays, parents are much more likely to turn to Orthodox calendar to choose a name for the child. Many believe that it will make the baby happy, and the saint, after whom he was named, will become an intercessor and guardian angel for the child. And some parents simply follow modern fashion, because today an old or unusual name is the “last peep”. So there are children in kindergartens and schools with the names Luka and Akulina, Spiridon and Evdokia, Illarion and Pelagia.

Calendar of names according to the holy calendar for each month

Name day in January

Names in February

Names in March

Names in April

Names in May

Names in June

Name day today is perhaps the most important holiday in the life of every churched person. According to the rules, if the parents did everything according to the canons of the church, this holiday coincides with the real day of your birth. The fact is that the name that a person bears usually belongs to a saint who is considered his heavenly patron.

The Church honors the saint on various occasions - birth, death, significant events in his earthly life. Accordingly, each saint can have more than one day of remembrance. All of them are listed in a special calendar, which is called the Saints, and in Rus' children were always named after these same Saints.

The name depended on the date of birth, was tied to it. After the departure of the country from God in Soviet period, reducing the role of the church in the process of recording acts of civil status, the tradition has practically died out.

Today, name days are being revived again with the restoration of the influence of the church (not so much political as moral), and parents are increasingly trying to connect them with the real date of birth, and call the child a suitable name.

The rules are much softer than before, but it is not recommended to name children after saints whose memorial day has not yet come this year.

In addition, a great many saints were glorified at the end of the 20th century as new martyrs and confessors - almost any traditional name (especially Alexander and Vladimir) can now be found in the Saints for any day.

Whose name day is March 23?

In the ancient calendar it is noted that on March 23, name days can be celebrated by those who received such feminine and male names like Vasilisa, Galina, Victor, George, Denis, Mikhail, Pavel and some others.

According to the church calendar for 2019, we find, that the birthday people on this day are also those who were named in honor of the Hieromartyr Dmitry(Legeydo), canonized only at the beginning of this century.

How to celebrate?

The pious tradition, which corresponded to the spirit and meaning of the holiday in the old days, is now being revived. Considering that the name day today is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name you bear, it is necessary to address him with a prayerful doxology. You can go to church, light candles and mentally communicate with the Lord and His saint, who patronizes you at every stage of your life path.

Orthodox Christians, communing for the first time after receiving holy Baptism, subsequently have a tradition of partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ on the day of the angel, whether today or on any other day, with special awe and reverence. This, however, does not mean that it is worth taking communion only on your birthday - you need to resort to this saving remedy as often as possible.

It is necessary to sincerely and sincerely ask for help, but not be limited only to prayer. Faith is good, but faith alone, without good deeds, will be worthless. Do you believe in the Lord and claim that you live according to the laws of God, but at the same time you won’t help an old neighbor to bring a heavy package to the apartment? This is not faith, this is pretense, both before oneself and before God.

If your angel day is today, you, (as on any other day, however), need to do good deeds, give alms, do good deeds and treat near and far with love and kindness.

A feast is also not forbidden - in accordance with the church rules of nutrition (days on which the consumption of lenten food is prescribed, many days of fasting, and so on). Everything is allowed, but not everything is useful - a bright holiday (which is also popularly called the day of an angel) should not be turned into an unbridled party. You can drink (in moderation), dance and have fun (within the limits of what is permitted).

In any case, you should not celebrate name days on fasting days (if this is a one-day fast - Wednesday or Friday, transfer the celebration to a weekend, it is also better to keep your mind strict on long fasts, and you can rejoice and have fun after the holiday).

Everyone loves gifts

What to give a birthday? This question sooner or later arises in every person. How can you please your loved one? First, you need to consider gifts with holiday symbols. This may be a nominal icon, a book - the life of a saint, a piece of jewelry (pendant, medallion) with the image of a heavenly patron. Buy these products in Orthodox church shops and shops, where the products will be consecrated.

Consider the inclinations, tastes and preferences of the birthday person, otherwise you may upset the person instead of giving him joy. Do not give religious gifts to people who are militant towards religion - do not allow quarrels and do not provoke a loved one once again.

It is necessary to take into account both your financial capabilities and the inclinations and predilections of the birthday man - you do not need to take on the unbearable amounts allocated for a gift, but you also do not need to “gift away”.

Read forums and websites on relevant topics, break your head a little, ask mutual friends, and in the end, turn on your imagination - if you have a desire to bring joy to your loved one, it is not at all necessary to spend huge sums.

Do not forget to add a postcard - you can use both funny cards (consider the birthday man's sense of humor, do not offend him, even if unintentionally), as well as serious postcards with a beautiful drawing, homemade postcards. Do not give postcards with typewritten texts - drop at least a couple of sincere and warm words personally from yourself.