Orthodox fasting calendar table. Orthodox church calendar

Fasting is an integral part of the Christian faith. This is a voluntary renunciation of spiritual and bodily saturation. In other words, abstinence. At such a time, a person restricts himself in pleasures, amusements, food and drink for the sake of prayer and charitable deeds. In Orthodox Christianity, the time of fasting is equated to holidays. Sometimes the number of fasting days reaches two hundred.

Basic information

Every year, all believing Christians observe 4 multi-day and 3 one-day fasts. All alone are equated with the great celebrations of the church. Also, the tradition of fasting on Fridays and Wednesdays has been preserved to our time. The exception was the days of continuous weeks, when you can’t limit yourself from food.

A modest diet is considered an important component of any fast, although against the background of spiritual purification, this is only a kind of addition to complete harmony with oneself. At the same time, very often the transition to eating more modest food improves human health. It should be remembered that during any fast, without exception, it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin: meat, fish and eggs. In no case should you use dairy products: sour cream, kefir, butter, fermented baked milk and the like. Also, during fasting, you can not eat fatty desserts, fast food and sweet pastries. It is also a good idea to limit the use of salt, spices in dishes and sugar. But alcohol in the form of unfortified wine is allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays, or on the days of memory of saints.

Also in the calendar, you can mark such a diet as dry eating. This means that a person must refuse any food that has previously undergone heat treatment. Most often, such a diet includes bread, dried fruits, honey, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables. Usually, dry eating is used during fasting only by Old Believers and monks. In the world, such abstinence is inherent in priests.

The period of rest between fasts is called meat-eaters and it is better to know in advance what date it begins. During this time, food of animal origin is allowed. A person needs a meat-eater in a mandatory manner so that the body can restore the necessary level of protein in the body, and the most important vitamins. True, you should not be too fanatical about it, and at any suitable opportunity to engage in gluttony. After abstinence, a sharp overeating of fatty and sweet foods can lead to a sharp jump in blood sugar.

Post Calendar

Great Lent - 27.02-15.04

The most important post in 2017 for all Christians. It precedes the Easter holiday and honors the memory of Jesus Christ. On weekdays, food can be taken only once a day, cold (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) or warm (Thursday, Tuesday). On weekends, you can eat twice a day and even drink unfortified wine. Such strict rules of abstinence must be especially carefully observed in the first and last week of this fast. On February 27, as well as on April 14 and 15, eating is not allowed at all. If you can't fast for health reasons, you should just eat only vegetables, nuts, and raw fruits.

Hot meals with butter can only be consumed on the days of the memory of the great saints, which usually fall on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. If such holidays fall on Wednesday or Thursday, you should not add oil to food, although you can drink wine. But fish can be eaten on April 7 on the day of the Annunciation, and on April 9, when Palm Sunday takes place in 2017.

1. Monday - dry eating.

3. Wednesday - dry eating.

5. Friday - dry eating.

Petrov post - 12.06-11.07

The main difference between Petrovsky Lent and the Great Lent is the possibility of eating fish. This post is dedicated to the memory of Peter and Paul, two disciples of Christ. The abstinence period should begin 7 days after Trinity, while the food itself will no longer be as strict as during Lent. For example, on Monday you can use hot food with butter. On the birthday of Ion the Baptist on June 7, you can add fish to the diet. It is better to serve seafood to the table in boiled, baked or stewed form. But the church strictly prohibits fried fish. On weekends you can drink some wine.

2. Tuesday - fish dishes.
3. Wednesday - dry eating.
4. Thursday - fish dishes.
5. Friday - dry eating.
6. Saturday - fish dishes.

This post was established by the church in honor of the Virgin Mary. In 2017, believers will honor the memory of this saint through a restriction in food and entertainment. During the two-week fast, the diet is quite simple. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, only cold dry food is allowed, while on all other days hot food without oil is allowed.

August 19 - the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is considered a fish day. This day is called the Savior, which in Orthodox calendar only 3.

1. August 14 - Honey Savior or the Origin of the Cross of the Lord. On this day, the products of apiaries are consecrated in the church, which can be freely consumed on this day.

2. August 19 - Apple Spas or the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this holiday, fruits are brought to the church, which must be in the diet.

1. Monday - dry eating.
2. Tuesday - hot food without oil added.
3. Wednesday - dry eating.
4. Thursday - hot food without oil.
5. Friday - dry eating.
6. Saturday - hot food with butter.
7. Sunday - hot food with butter.

Christmas post - 28.11-06.01

The winter fast coincides with the feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. The period of prolonged abstinence begins on Philip's day and ends on bright Christmas Eve. In the first week of Lent, the menu completely coincides with Petrovsky Lent. True, fish at this time is strictly prohibited.

December 4 marks the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos - a great holiday, in honor of which we can serve fish dishes, hot food with butter and wine. After Nicholas, fish is again excluded from the diet. But after the meeting of the New Year 2017, oil can be added to food only on weekends. On January 6, it is worth abstaining from food throughout the day, until the first star appears in the sky. On this day, it is better to pray and drink water. Kutya is usually prepared for a festive dinner, and uzvar is used as a drink.

1. Monday - hot food without oil added.
2. Tuesday - fish dishes.
3. Wednesday - dry eating.
4. Thursday - fish dishes.
5. Friday - dry eating.
6. Saturday - fish dishes.
7. Sunday - fish dishes.

1. Monday - hot food without oil added.
2. Tuesday - hot food with butter.
3. Wednesday - dry eating.
4. Thursday - hot food with butter.
5. Friday - dry eating.
6. Saturday - fish dishes.
7. Sunday - fish dishes.

January 2 to January 6

1. Monday - dry eating.

2. Tuesday - hot food without oil added.
3. Wednesday - dry eating.
4. Thursday - hot food without oil.
5. Friday - dry eating.
6. Saturday - hot food with butter.
7. Sunday - hot food with butter.

Post on Wednesdays and Fridays

Both Wednesday and Friday are considered weekly one-day fasts. Refraining from food on Wednesday is timed to coincide with the betrayal of Christ by Judas, and on Fridays people commemorate the torment of Christ on the cross. These days it is strictly forbidden to eat any food of animal origin. If on any of these days the day of remembrance of some saint falls, then the ban on eating food with vegetable oil is lifted. On the largest Christian holidays, you can also add fish to the diet. Another restriction regarding food is removed during the Solid Weeks:

  • January 7-18 - the period of Christmas holidays;
  • February 6-12 - Week of the Publican and the Pharisee;
  • February 20-26 - Maslenitsa or Cheese week, when you can not eat meat;
  • April 17-23 - Bright or Easter week;
  • June 5-11 - Trinity week.

One day posts

The Orthodox calendar has an additional 3 holidays when you should also fast. Believers at this time should not eat food of animal origin and fish. But hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.

1. January 18 - Christmas Eve before Epiphany. On this day, you should prepare for the upcoming holiday, do not eat or drink until the candle is taken out of the church after the morning liturgy. On this day, it is also customary to cook kutya and uzvar. All other dishes on the table must necessarily be lean, while their total number must be equal to seven, nine or twelve.

2. September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist. On this day in 2017, all Orthodox commemorate the death of John the Baptist, who was beheaded by order of King Herod. On this day, nothing can be cut, so any dish should be prepared in advance. Also, do not put food in a round dish on the table. Usually these days they prefer to eat pies, oatmeal jelly and mushroom soup.

3. September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross. On this day, Christians around the world commemorate Jesus Christ, who was tortured on the cross. Also during this time of 2017, it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin.

It is worth noting that there are some groups of believers for whom the prohibitions during fasting can be slightly relaxed. These are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of 14. Also, the elderly and sick people, as well as all those who are engaged in hard physical labor, can count on relief. True, before this, you should still talk with your spiritual mentor in advance.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that mainly fasting is aimed at repentance and humility, so even if you cannot refuse some food, just pray. Trust me, you will always be heard.

Believers are preparing for the onset of the strictest Great Lent, which ends with a great church holiday- Happy Easter. When does Lent begin and how long does it last, what is its essence, what can and cannot be eaten at this time?

In 2017, Great Lent begins on February 27, the day after the final day of Maslenitsa. The end of Lent falls on April 15th.

History of Lent

The main purpose of Great Lent is to prepare for the main Christian holiday- Bright Resurrection of Christ or Easter. Therefore, Great Lent is considered the most important in Christianity and has beautiful traditions.

According to ancient legends, once Jesus Christ was led by a spirit into the desert, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. And all this time Christ did not eat anything. And during the last week of fasting, Holy Week, believers remember the last days of earthly life, endured torment, suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

During the observance of Great Lent, thanks to prayers, food restrictions, attendance at the temple and church services, the destructive manifestations of the human soul are completely eradicated.

Great Lent is divided into several parts. Lent is the name given to the first 40 days of Lent. Lazarus Saturday - one day - the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday - the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem - one day a week before Easter. Holy Week - six days (from Monday to Saturday) of the strictest fast before the Easter holiday.

Food calendar during Lent 2017

During Great Lent, believers must observe several basic rules in nutrition. So, all modest (having animal origin) products fall under the ban - meat, butter, milk, eggs and so on.

Traditionally, the strictest weeks of fasting are the first and last. And these days you need to carefully observe the diet.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week of Great Lent, only raw food is allowed, that is, eating food only cold and without oil. In addition, these days it is allowed to eat only in the evening - once a day.

On Tuesday and Thursday of each week of fasting, it is also allowed to eat food once a day in the evening, but already hot, although without oil.

On certain days of Lent, it is allowed to eat fish

On Saturday and Sunday, slight indulgences were allowed: according to the established rules, it was possible to eat dishes prepared with the addition of vegetable oil and even twice a day to drink a little red wine.

A special dietary calendar operates during Holy Week, which ends Lent. For example, on Saturday Holy Week believing fasting Christians do not eat at all. On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, if it does not fall on Holy Week, believers can eat fish. In addition, fish is allowed on Palm Sunday.

What is allowed to eat during Lent

The Church allows sick people, children and the elderly not to fast. For those who decide to fast, doctors advise to carefully consider their diet, paying attention to not very popular, but very useful products.

In addition to traditional vegetable crops - potatoes, white cabbage, beets and carrots - it is necessary to include Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and chinese cabbage. Diversify the diet of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, celery, as well as all kinds of greens rich in vitamins.

Good during fasting and dishes from various cereals - they are rich beneficial substances and give a long feeling of satiety. Nutritionists advise not to opt for two or three popular types of cereals, but to look at new types for you. Also during Lent, dishes from legumes are recommended. Peas, beans and beans are sources of vegetable protein. Mushrooms can also be an excellent substitute for meat and fish, from which sauces, first and second courses can be prepared.

During Lent, almost all types of fruits and those sweets that are prepared without the use of fast foods are allowed.

The tradition of following Great Lent, which begins before Easter and ends on its last day, originates from Ancient Russia. Until today, this tradition has been preserved among Christians. Orthodox believers must adhere to the rules of the Fast in order to express respect for Heaven and purify their body, as well as their soul, from various sinful thoughts. What date does the Fast before Easter begin in 2019? The beginning of a significant date for Orthodox believers is set for March 11. The day of the week falls on Saturday. The completion of the strict restriction will happen before the onset of Easter, namely, the date is April 28. The very same celebration of the great Easter is scheduled for the 16th day in the month of April. When determined by the Christian calendar Easter in 2019, the beginning of Lent is important for Christians.

Since ancient times, Christians have considered Great Lent the most important, strict and long-term restriction. At the same time, it is important to know that the restrictions apply not only to the intake of habitual food, but the characteristic prohibitions also apply to the usual areas of life. The main purpose of this restriction is to prepare the physical body and the inner spirit for the celebration of a bright Easter. As you know, in Orthodoxy and in some other religions, Easter is the most important and festive day, because this day is associated with the sacred resurrection of the Savior Jesus. As mentioned above, most people associate Strict Fasting with significant food restrictions. But such an opinion is deeply erroneous. Fasting implies a complete renunciation of human passions, which often lead people to negative situations in life. Fasting before Easter 2019 also means the respect of believers for the feat of Christ, when the latter starved in the name of the people and lived in the desert for 40 long days.

Great Lent

Any beginning of Lent in 2019 implies respect and reverence by believers for the feat of the Lord, when he, for the benefit of human destinies, went to the desert and spent 40 long days there without food. The restriction introduces believers into Passion Week, that is, believers' memories of the last days of Christ on earth, when he had to suffer, suffer.

Christ, by his example, showed to all people who believe in him that for a long 40 days you can renounce the earthly blessings familiar to everyone, and thereby eliminate sinful thoughts and devilish tricks from the soul. Not only restriction in diet and habitual lifestyle helps to cleanse the body, but also the soul. Believers during the duration of the Strict Restriction must read prayers, attend sacred services, thereby drawing closer to God.

Related news:

Fasting before Easter in 2019 in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 11 to April 28. All this time, believers are supposed to follow the strict and important rules of the Christian life.

The duration of Strict Abstinence is 48 days. This whole period is divided into 4 parts:

  • initial 40 days - Forty Days;
  • festive celebration - Lazarus Saturday (6th Saturday in a row during the entire duration of Lent);
  • the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (better known as Palm Sunday) - the 6th Sunday in a row during the entire period of the duration of Strict Lent;
  • Holy Week.

Meals in Post

The Christian calendar defines important foundations that all believers are supposed to follow during the entire duration of the restriction:

  • At the time of the duration of the restriction, Christians are strictly forbidden to eat food that is of animal origin. This includes all dairy, as well as sour-milk products, meat dishes, eggs, all varieties of animal fat and butter;
  • The first week after the start of the restriction is especially strict. On most days, it is completely forbidden to eat any food or eat only raw vegetables;
  • The last week of Lent is similar to the initial period, it is also severe and quite strict;
  • On all Mondays, as well as Wednesdays and all Fridays, believers are allowed to eat only once a day. Food must be raw and vegetable oils cannot be added to ready-made dishes;
  • On Tuesday, as well as every Thursday, it is also allowed to eat once in a full day. It is best to eat in the evenings. But on these days, food can be hot, that is, cooked by thermal influence;
  • Weekend periods can be spent in a little relaxation. At such moments, it is allowed to eat food to which vegetable oil is added. You can also drink 2 glasses of red wine;
  • On the final Saturday before the end of Lent, it is not recommended to eat at all. Believers spend all day on only one water;
  • On the Friday before the end of Abstinence, food is also not recommended;
  • On holidays that are observed during the entire duration of the Strict Restriction, it is allowed to feast on boiled fish. Such festive dates are the Annunciation, as well as Palm Sunday;

Last week of Lent

The beginning of Lent before Easter in 2019 is set for March 11 Believers must adhere to Christian norms. But the final week of Strict Abstinence is considered the most responsible and important. It is filled with various Orthodox rites and traditions.

  • Monday - the houses and apartments of believers are preparing for the coming of Easter. To do this, it is necessary to make a complete cleaning and get rid of unnecessary trash;
  • Tuesday - Christians prepare festive clothes for the celebration, and also prepare fresh bedding;
  • Wednesday - all ends necessary work at your own home. Believers prepare eggs for dyeing, stock up on paintings and paints;
  • Thursday is the time that you want to devote to baking sacred cakes. The process of cooking Easter cakes is necessarily accompanied by prayers. On the same day, Christians wash and bathe in baths, it is very important to cleanse the surface of the body from all kinds of sins and other contaminants;
  • Friday - the date is held in full restriction from everything. You can not eat, have fun, sing songs, chat on fun topics. You can devote this day to reading prayers;
  • Saturday is the most troublesome day, at this moment it is necessary to prepare festive dishes, paint eggs, stock up on a festive mood.

Lent 2017: food calendar by day

The beginning of Great Lent in 2017 for the Orthodox is approaching - the most serious and long fast that believers spend in thought over their lives and prayers, spiritual and physical cleansing. And, of course, with certain food restrictions.


Lent in 2017: what date does it begin and end

It should be noted that the dates of Great Lent 2017, as in other years, are constantly changing and depend on the date of Orthodox Easter.

The dates of Great Lent in 2017 fall on the period from February 27 to April 15, until Easter itself, which Orthodox Christians celebrate on April 16 this year.


Lent in 2017: dietary restrictions

During Lent, meat and meat products, eggs, milk and dairy products should be abandoned. But even allowed food has its limits, and only allowed food should be eaten every day of the week.

If you decide to fast during this period, make your menu in accordance with church rules. To do this, you will need our calendar of Great Lent 2017 by day, which describes the allowed food for each day in the form of a convenient and visual table.


Lent 2017: food calendar by day

Thanks to this calendar, you can easily find out which foods can be consumed on each day of Lent, and which ones are better to abstain from. After all, in addition to observing church rituals, it is also important not to harm your health and provide yourself with a full, varied and proper diet.

© Evgenia Lutchenko, tochka.net

It should be noted that the first and last weeks of Great Lent, according to the church charter, require special strictness, however, simple believers are allowed to relax, for example, instead of dry eating, it is permissible to eat boiled food. Before you start fasting, it is better to consult with your spiritual mentor and your doctor about the severity of the chosen fast for yourself.

By the way, what can be cooked in Lent - see.


Watch the video recipe for lean fish with vegetables:

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Lenten Recipes fast food recipes Lenten recipes with photos delicious lean recipes fast days recipes fast recipes for every day fast food recipes for every day easy lean recipes delicious meatless recipes photos recipes for great post Lenten recipes for Lent recipes for Lent Lenten Lent Recipe recipes for Lent recipes in a great post for every day great post recipes Lenten menu recipes meals during fasting menu for every day great post recipes meatless dishes great post lean recipes with photos great post recipes for every day what to cook for a great post what to cook great post recipes what to cook great post recipes with photos what to cook for dinner in Lent

The longest, strictest and most famous post in Christianity is called the Great. In Orthodoxy, it is called "Fourteen" because it lasts forty days and precedes Easter - Christ's Sunday. After Fortecost comes the most severe time of abstinence - Holy Week. The purpose of fasting is the spiritual and physical cleansing of the believer, therefore, during the entire "lenten" time, the laity completely restricts themselves in the use of meat, and partially - fish and dairy food. In Lent 2017 , starting February 27 , Christian food will also be modest. What can and cannot be eaten at this time, the rules of nutrition for every day and for weeks can be found in special calendars published on Orthodox websites.

Food calendar for Lent 2017

Spiritual cleansing during fasting includes daily prayers and repentance, forgiveness of enemies; physical cleansing involves strict adherence to the rules of the diet. The food calendar for Lent was introduced at the end of the 4th century. It was necessary to limit oneself in certain types of food already six weeks before the start of the resurrection of Jesus - Easter. Today, many who fast for forty days consider abstaining from meat food as a cleansing diet. During the entire Great Lent 2017, spicy spices, alcohol, and meat are forbidden to eat. On some days, wine may be on the table.

Beginning of Lent 2017 - Diet according to the calendar

Opens Great Lent 2017 Clean Monday February 27 - the day of the most strict abstinence at the beginning of the next forty days (except for the last Holy Week). Believers are starving; only water is allowed. After the end of Clean Monday, you can eat only bread for another four days. In the future, the laity must adhere to general rules eating food. They involve eating cold, dry foods on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Animal oils and fats, meat are prohibited. Food should not be cooked. The main foods included in a lean diet are mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. On Tuesday and Thursday of Great Lent, hot food is allowed (soups, baked or stewed vegetables, cereals). Every Saturday and Sunday of forty days of abstinence, you can use a little wine and oil, and on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, you can also eat fish. The use of fish products is prohibited on Saturday of the 6th week of Lent (Lazarus Saturday). In the last, Holy Week of Lent, from Monday to Wednesday, only fruits and vegetables are eaten. On Pure Thursday, the consumption of oil and wine is allowed, and on Good Friday, believers go hungry. On the last Saturday before fasting, in the evening, you can eat food that has not been cooked. However, many fasting people do not eat anything until Passover.

In the calendar, strict fasting days are indicated in gray, on which one should eat a meager meal, consisting of bread and water.

The color blue is the days when hot food without oil is allowed. Liquid and hot buttered food - yellow tint.

Dry eating days are marked in green:

Mondays - 27.02, 6.03, 13.03, 20.03, 27.03, 3.04, 10.04;

Wednesdays - 01.03, 10.03, 17.03, 24.03, 31.03, 05.04;

Fridays - 03.03, 25.04, 01.04, 08.04, 15.04, 22.04

Great Lent 2017

During Great Lent, believers train not only the body, but also develop their will. Not every person, especially those who often eat meat and fish at other times, will be able to resist the temptation to taste, for example, fried chicken or brisket. Lean food is food of plant origin. The monks in the monasteries fast very strictly, avoiding even fish, which is allowed for the laity on certain days of abstinence. According to the basic rules of a fasting diet, meat and animal fats are completely excluded from the fasting diet.

How to eat on the days of Great Lent 2017 for the laity

Lent 2017 is not the same diet. The quality and quantity of food allowed to be eaten during these days varies. For example, the most strict fast is to be observed by the laity on Wednesday and Friday. Those who fast according to the full charter do not even use vegetable oil these days. The most moderate days of fasting, allowing even wine, are Saturday and Sunday. The main principle of fasting is the rejection of meat. Strict or moderate adherence to the rest of the rules of "Fourteen" is associated with the personal zeal of each person, his piety, opportunities, health, and many other factors - location, age, degree of churching, etc.

Lent 2017 - Food for every day strictly according to the rules

Great Lent 2017, starting on February 27, involves both complete abstinence from food and moderate consumption of fish and dishes with the addition of vegetable oil. According to the church charter, fasting consists of Forty days, Lazarus Saturday, coming before Palm Sunday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and Holy Week before Easter. Those who are fasting at this time must strictly follow the rules of nutrition. They depend on the days of fasting.

Meals for the days of Great Lent 2017

Great Lent 2017 begins on Clean Monday, February 27th. The first week runs until March 4th. On Monday, one should refrain from eating any food, but already on Tuesday it is allowed to eat bread. March 1, Wednesday, the consumption of raw food is allowed - greens, vegetables, fruits, water and bread. On Thursday, church people go hungry, and on Friday, March 3, they eat boiled or baked food once a day. On Saturday, March 4, laymen can eat hot, but, of course, lean food twice a day. The Second Week, from March 5 to March 11, allows the use of hot food. On the rest of the days, up to the strictest abstinence in Holy Week, it is better to follow the general rules of Great Lent by day: eat hot food of plant origin in moderation on Tuesdays and Thursdays, strictly fast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and even allow yourself to taste diluted wine on Saturdays and Sundays . Those who are interested in more precise dietary rules for Great Lent can read the tables giving detailed information by day.

Diet rules for Great Lent

The main rules of nutrition in Lent, as mentioned above, are the complete rejection of animal food. However, do not forget that fasting is also a spiritual cleansing. Daily prayers, appeals to the Lord, forgiveness of enemies must also be observed. The strictest days of Great Lent 2017 are the first Week from February 27 to March 4 and the Seventh Week from April 9 to 15. You can find out about the exact rules of nutrition on these and other days from the tables.

What can you eat according to the rules of Great Lent

The dietary rules for Lent were drawn up many hundreds of years ago. At that time, some products that appeared in the diet of believers later did not yet exist. Today in Lent 2017 it is allowed to eat seaweed and other algae, a variety of nuts, durum wheat pasta prepared without adding eggs to the dough, unleavened bread, croutons, vinegars. Cakes and cookies, sweets on milk and chocolate can be replaced with figs, dates, raisins, prunes, dried apricots. Very healthy and tasty stewed vegetables with the addition of tomato paste. On days that allow the use of fish products, you can cook fragrant stuffed fish. The list of lean foods allowed to be eaten can be found below.

Great Lent 2017― Meals by Week

Speaking about nutrition for the days and weeks of Lent 2017, we should not forget about those who, for various reasons, cannot limit themselves to the use of certain foods. It also happens that a nutritionist or doctor does not allow believers to strictly adhere to fasting rules. For example, a doctor may recommend a diet rich in protein to a patient - in this case, you can and should eat fish, dairy products. Fasting should not be observed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients recovering from major operations or illnesses, young children, pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, in the presence of certain diseases, a lean diet is recommended. For people with problems of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, kidney failure, abstinence from meat and dairy products will only benefit. Remember, fasting is not the same as dieting. Yes, it includes strict abstinence from certain foods. However, the main thing during Lent is prayer, a daily conversation with the Lord, a rethinking of one's life.

How to eat during Lent 2017

If a believer, accustomed to regularly eating foods such as meat, strong broths, salads such as Olivier, fried foods, decides to start fasting, his body may experience some stress. During a change in diet, a person gets used to new food gradually - it all depends on the ability of a person to adapt to sudden changes in nutrition. An active, healthy middle-aged person will adapt to a change in the diet and quality of food much faster than the elderly and children. Do not forget that food restriction should not become an end in itself during Great Lent 2017. Lent is a time of reflection, so thoughts about food should not distract the believer from prayers and reflections. It makes no sense to prepare specially for each day of fasting, since in this case the layman will only think about the diet. Fasting should be approached gradually - depending on age, health status and readiness for restrictions. It is also worth remembering that you should leave the post gradually, at first still maintaining the restriction in the consumption of animal food.

In Lent 2017, food for the laity should be limited. The rules of strict abstinence in food by day and week can be found in the nutrition calendar, produced by various book publishers and published on sites dedicated to Christian topics.