Beautiful names for the group in English. Examples of beautiful company names in various fields


I AM - LifeHealthLoveYouthBeauty

МудростьСовестьДоброЧистотаЛадГармонияИстинаМастерствоОптимизмРадушиеУспехСозиданиеЩедростьЧуткость ПреображениеДарРомантикаЭнтузиазмРазвитиеЕстественностьСветТеплотаЦветениеВечностьПутьБлагоЯсностьУверенностьГениальностьПростотаРадостьУстремлённостьДостоинствоУдальСмелостьОбаяниеУникальностьБодростьАктивность СознательностьМысльСловоДействиеИнтуицияПесняСердечностьВерностьТвёрдостьЧестьЭнергичностьНадёжностьСамостоятельностьДуховностьСилаВоляТочностьГибкостьНежностьЛаскаСчастьеЕдинениеДушевностьРодЗнаниеУмениеБыстротаВосприятиеЛёгкостьДвижениеДостижениеВесельеСмехДетствоОсноваБыль ЭволюцияБожественностьСостояниеВолшебствоЛучениеОткрытостьСвободаЦелостность Забота Чувство ОбщительностьАккуратностьПорядокМузыкаЗвучаниеОбраз

MiracleInspirationFlyingFreshnessPeaceCreativityWealth Climbing NobilityGratitudePerfection...

Good Thoughts = Good Words = Good Deeds = Joyful Life

Portrait of the Russian Red Maiden.

The highest expression of life.


Always young in soul and body, cheerful in spirit.

The mood is cheerful. In love with life. I live from the heart.

I have a clear, sober head. With a king in my head Wise.

I do good deeds.

Gentle, kind, sweet, affectionate, caring, beautiful.

Harmonious facial features.

A radiant smile on his lips.

thick Brown hair, color of rye fresh straw, silky, slightly wavy. Tight braid.

Healthy blush on the cheeks.

The body is filled with strength and energy. The figure is slender, stately, fine, with beautiful ovals. The posture is even, graceful. Height 170 cm.

Soulful. Hospitable. Reliable.


The Goddess herself and I create Gods.

I honor my parents and ancestors.

Success follows me. Secured. Rich.

Where I am - Russian Red Maiden, it is good, cozy and warm.

Portrait of the Russian Dobrodets.

(which I like and suits me)

The highest expression of life.


The body radiates White Warm Light.

Always young in soul and body, cheerful in spirit.

The mood is cheerful. In love with life. I live from the heart.

I bring the good news to all the inhabitants of the earth and to the whole world.

I have a clear, sober head. With a king in my head Wise.

I do good deeds.

Harmonious facial features.

eyes bright of blue color shine with joy.

A beaming smile on his lips.

Thick blond hair, the color of fresh rye straw, silky, slightly wavy.

Healthy blush on the cheeks.

The physical body is filled with strength and energy. The figure is slender, strong, of a heroic warehouse, with beautiful muscles and broad shoulders.

Tall, 185cm. The back is straight, developed chest, narrow hips.

Light brisk walk.

Soulful. Hospitable. Reliable.


God Himself, the creator of the Gods.

I honor my parents and ancestors.

I follow the laws of morality.

With the help of my mind, I build my happy life, improve my body, equip the natural environment.

I think beautifully, I speak beautifully, I act beautifully, I live beautifully.

Success follows me. Secured. Rich.

I can do everything. Building Paradise on earth.

I maintain perfect order in the house.

I see the essence of things, people and events. I support only the good.

Where I am - Good Russian Good fellow, it's good there.

Complete the portrait with your kind words--

You have probably asked yourself more than once why English words are so beautiful and attractive to the ear, and why you want to learn the language as soon as possible.
And the point is not only that it is one of the most popular, along with French and Spanish, languages, knowing which, you open up a new world of previously incomprehensible possibilities. Beautiful English words

Why is English so attractive to millions of people today?

  1. The first, probably, comes from our subconscious craving for euphony.
    Indeed, if we conduct a brief phonetic analysis:
    • in this language there are practically no hissing sounds adjacent to each other
    • many open and long vowels and diphthongs
    • many combinations of English consonants -l, —m, —n, —b, —d, —v with vowels - a, —o, e, —i, —u, —y etc.
    • there are no words that are difficult to pronounce (such as, for example, our borsch), although English has its own articulatory features
  2. The second is inherent in the very semantics of the English language:
    • versatility, word recognition
    • borrowing from other languages:

    Cosmopolitan— cosmopolitan
    Delicacy- delicacy
    Eternity- eternity
    Fantastic- fantastic
    Galaxy- galaxy
    Liberty- freedom, etc.

    If we imagine that we are all children of the same mother, then the language memory is dormant in our genes. The English language, in terms of borrowings, is like a sponge that has absorbed the most valuable linguistic forms over the centuries. Maybe that's why from birth he seems to us initially beautiful

  3. And the third indisputable quality of English speech is the enormous possibilities of its emotional vocabulary:
    • colloquial slang and idioms
    • use of diminutive suffixes and other attributes

Interesting experience of British linguists

British linguists, huge fans of different polls, recently came up with another poll to identify the most beautiful words in their language. To this end, they interviewed many foreigners. Ask - why foreigners? Apparently, it is difficult for a native Englishman to dispassionately determine the beauty of a word by its sound, since he will always tie a word to its meaning. Conversely, a non-native speaker often likes beautiful, albeit incomprehensible, words.

The winner in the poll, of course, is a beautiful and understandable word in all languages mother, and this is not surprising - we know it from the very moment of birth.

  • young people liked words from the love, romantic, musical lexicon
  • older people - philosophical, "eternal" concepts
  • businessmen and politicians - more specific and "tangible" terms of business and political life
  • housewives - everyday words, as well as from the world of TV shows and shopping

As a result, the survey did not reveal anything particularly surprising. It has been proven once again that the environment in which a person lives, his lifestyle, work, hobbies - all this affects lexical preferences. Beautiful words for everyone.

List of the most beautiful English words with translation

But still, among the thousands of words, we managed to weed out those that everyone liked.

Here are the 50 winning words (words in alphabetical order) Top 5 beautiful words Aqua- water
Banana- banana
Bliss- bliss
Blossom- flourish
Blue- blue
Bubble- bubble
Bumblebee– bumblebee
Butterfly- butterfly
Cherish- cherish
Cosmopolitan— cosmopolitan
cozy- cosy
Cute- cute
Delicacy- delicacy
Destiny- fate
Enthusiasm- enthusiasm
Eternity- eternity
Extravaganza- extravaganza
Fantastic- fantastic
Freedom- freedom
Galaxy- galaxy
Giggle- giggle
Gorgeous- fabulous
grace- grace
Hilarious- happy
Hope- hope
If- if
Kangaroo– kangaroo
Liberty- freedom
Lollipop- lollipop
Love- love
Lullaby- lullaby
moment- moment
Mother- mother
Paradox- paradox
passion- passion
Peace- world
Peekaboo- peekaboo
Pumpkin- pumpkin
Rainbow- rainbow
Renaissance- revival
Sentiment- mood, feeling
Serendipity- intuition
smile- smile
Sophisticated- sophisticated
Sunflower sunflower
Sunshine- sunlight
sweetheart- sweetheart
Tranquility- calmness
Twinkle- flicker
Umbrella- umbrella

Among these 50 words, the following 10 words were recognized as super popular (the list is given in descending order of popularity)::

Mother- mother
smile- smile
Love- love
Freedom- freedom
Peace- world
Hope- hope
grace- grace
Blue- blue
moment- moment
Bubble- bubble

You may find slightly different words in other sources. This is due to the fact that the results were carried out locally, in many places, at different times, and their results could vary.

The biggest secret of beautiful words

Surprisingly, it’s completely different - all these words, “donated” to linguists by those who, in fact, do not really know the language, turned out to be beautiful not only in sound, but also in their meaning. They are all positive, even the word bubble(bubble), apparently, because this word refers to balls that are filled with gas, and then they fly away into the sky.
Thus, the survey was also valuable for psychologists - it showed that the concept of beauty in all of us is associated with something kind and good.
Sakura trees Also, marketers, advertising workers, designers and other creative people took advantage of the survey. And this is also understandable: if the keyword in an advertisement, logo or store name (company, campaign) is beautiful, then this, of course, will attract attention.

In order to speak beautifully and correctly, study English lessons on our website: headings Polyglot, English courses, vocabulary, etc.

English is included in the list of the most common languages. Almost every person first tries to master it. Its popularity is not the only reason, as English contains a lot of beautiful words, and listening to which causes positive emotions.

The beauty of English vocabulary

The presence of beautiful words in English in terms of sound is due to the peculiarities of phonetics. For example, in the words of this language there are almost no hissing, located nearby, there are no hard-to-pronounce sounds. However, there is a huge number of long and open vowels, combinations of voiced consonants and vowels. In addition, a lot of vocabulary is borrowed from other languages, so it is not difficult to learn it and figure out the meaning without previously encountering a translation. For example, liberty, fantastic, galaxy and others. This is another reason that English seems beautiful - it consists of a mass of borrowed words that have retained the most valuable linguistic forms.

A characteristic feature of the language is a high emotional level of vocabulary. With the help of colloquial slang, idiomatic expressions, diminutive words, you can fully describe feelings, express emotions.

Linguists from Britain have repeatedly conducted surveys among the population to find out which words are considered the most beautiful. At the same time, only foreigners participated in the survey. Native speakers of a language, accustomed to it since childhood, are not able to objectively assess the beauty of words, because, first of all, they associate it with meaning. According to the results of a survey conducted on leading position among beautiful English words it turned out mother. Otherwise, lexical preferences were influenced by different factors: age category of people, habitual among habitats, etc. For example, words related to romance and music turned out to be popular among young people; older participants named words from philosophical topics.

Ratings of the most beautiful and melodic words with translation

Based on the results of the survey, a list of about a hundred English words was compiled, here are the ten most popular of them:

  1. Mother - mother;
  2. Love - love;
  3. Freedom - freedom;
  4. Grace - grace;
  5. Moment - moment;
  6. Blue - blue;
  7. Smile - smile;
  8. Hope - hope;
  9. Bubble - a bubble;
  10. Peace - peace.

Obviously, calling beautiful word on the English language, a person, consciously or not, associated it with the meaning, so the rating includes vocabulary that is perfect both in sound and in meaning. Each of these words has a positive connotation. The survey turned out to be useful for linguists, as well as for representatives of other areas: psychologists, marketers, etc. In the psychological aspect, it became clear that people associate beauty with goodness.

With regard to marketing, then, first of all, you should use melodic English words for names, slogans and commercials; potential buyers will pay attention to them.

If you evaluate the beauty of a word only by sound, then you can form a new one, guided only by the phonetic features of the vocabulary:

  • Golden - golden;
  • Luminous - luminous;
  • Camellia - camellia;
  • Melody - melody;
  • Rosemary - rosemary;
  • Eternity - eternity;
  • Destiny - destiny;
  • Sunshine - sunlight;
  • Blossom - flowering;
  • Rainbow - rainbow;
  • Smashing - amazing;
  • Coconut - coconut;
  • Giggle - giggle;
  • Paradox - paradox;
  • Felicity - happiness

It is noteworthy that the most elegant words turned out to be not root, but borrowed. This emphasizes the multinationality of people or the development of speech, its expansion. In addition, words that contain the letters "s" or "q" are popular. There are practically no verbs among such vocabulary - most of it is represented by adjectives and nouns.
The melodiousness of English words is a good reason to master this language. What is nice to say

When simple words learned, common topics have found their place in the head, it's time to learn the words that every graduate should know.

Such vocabulary will be useful to those who are going to donate or receive. That is why today's article will be devoted to those "non-obvious" rare English words to help you take the next step towards success.

A study conducted among American students shows that, on average, out of over 5,000 students, only 21 knew the meaning of all the words in the list in this article. 166 people overcame 95% of the test, but 3254 people were able to deal with only 60% of the questions. At the end of the article, you will find out which words were recognized as the easiest and most difficult.

Abjure- refuse, renounce
Abrogate- declare invalid, cancel (synonym - nullify)
Abstemious- temperate, moderate (synonym - moderate)
Acumen- insight, ingenuity (synonym - perspicacity)
Antebellum- pre-war (meaning what happened before civil war in the USA (1861))
Auspicious- favorable (synonym - favourable)
Belie- distort; expose; slander (synonyms - misrepresent, contradict, slander)
Bellicose- militant, aggressive (synonyms - militant, hostile)
Bowdlerize- Throw out everything undesirable from the book. The term comes from the name of Professor T. Bowdler, who in 1818 published a special edition of Shakespeare's plays, where words and expressions that should not be spoken aloud in front of children were omitted.
Chicanery- prevarication, slander
Chromosome– chromosome
Churlish- rude, unfriendly (synonym - boorish, vulgar)
Circumlocution- verbosity, allegory, paraphrase.
Circumnavigate- swim around
Deciduous- shedding, deciduous, shedding leaves, for example, deciduous teeth- baby teeth.
Deleterious- harmful, dangerous (synonym - harmful)
Enervate- weaken, weaken (synonym - weaken)
Enfranchise- grant voting rights; give freedom
Epiphany- Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord; insight, insight
Equinox- equinox
Evanescent- disappearing; fleeting
Expurgate- cross off
Facetious- playful, joyful
Fatuous- senseless, stupid (synonym - foolish, silly)
Feckless- weak, helpless (synonym - useless)
Fiduciary- guardian, guardian
filibuster- pirate, piracy
Gauche- clumsy, clumsy The word came from French, therefore, has an unconventional pronunciation for English.
Gerrymander- election scams
hegemony- domination, supremacy (synonym - supremacy)
homogeneous– homogeneous
hubris- arrogance, arrogance (synonyms - arrogance, conceit)
Inculcate- inculcate, instill
Jejune- meager; monotonous, meaningless
Kowtow- earthly bow; bow low
Moiety– component, half, share

  • chromosome
  • photosynthesis
  • respiration
  • plagiarize
  • hemoglobin
  • metamorphosis
  • oxidize

The most difficult words were recognized unctuous- unctuous, insinuating and pecuniary- monetary, financial, the meaning of which was known by about 29% to 34% of respondents. , and let any words be on your shoulder!

Each language has its own unique set of words that sound great, can evoke the most tender feelings and create a sensation. When you study English, you will learn many new words and expressions. At the time of publication of the article, there are approximately 1,025,109 registered words in the English language. In today's article, we want to pay attention to only 11 of our favorite words, with transcription, translation and of course an example of use in speech! And so, there is no better time than now to learn something new!

  1. ethereal[ɪ'θɪərɪəl] - so light and gentle that it seems magical. (Unearthly, divine)
    Example: Many people speak about the ethereal beauty of the Northern Lights. I'd love to see them myself one day. — Many people talk about the unearthly beauty of the Northern Lights. I would like to see him one day.
  2. Ineffable[ɪ'nefəbl] - too great or big to express in words. (Indescribable)
    Example: The Grand Canyon left me in an ineffable daze; the immense size and scale of the sight was unbelievable. “The Grand Canyon left me in inexpressible amazement; the sheer size and scale was unbelievable.
  3. Melancholy[‘melənk(ə)lɪ] - a feeling of thoughtful sadness, usually without a clear reason. (Melancholy)
    Example: I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it's raining. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy. — I like to listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it's raining. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy.
  4. Mellifluous- a sweet, smooth sound that is pleasant to hear. (Mellifluous)
    Example: The singer had a soft mellifluous voice and performed her song beautifully. — The singer had a soft, mellifluous voice and performed his song beautifully.
  5. Nefarious- evil, criminal, villainous, or despicable. (Unholy)
    Example: The man was stopped by police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed far more nefarious crimes. The man was stopped by the police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed far more heinous crimes.
  6. Opulent[‘ɔpjulənt] - something lush or luxurious, rich. (pompous, chic)
    Example: The Palace of Versailles is one of the most opulent historical buildings in France. I wish I could live there! The Palace of Versailles is one of the most luxurious historical buildings in France. I would like to live there!
  7. Ripple[‘rɪpl] — a small wave or a series of waves on the surface of the water. (Ripple)
    Example: When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripples they created. “When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripples they made.
  8. Solitude[‘sɔlɪt(j)uːd] - a state of isolation or a feeling that you are alone / alone in the whole world. (solitude, loneliness)
    Example: Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it's important to understand the value of solitude too. Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it's important to understand the value of being alone too.
  9. Wanderlust[‘wɔndəlʌst] - passion for travel; wanderlust.
    Example: I watched "Eat Pray Love" with my mum yesterday, and now I'm experiencing strong wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali! I watched Eat Pray Love with my mom yesterday and now I have a strong wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali!
  10. Catharsis- the realization of emotional stress, especially through art or music. (Catharsis)
    Example: I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them let go of their troubles. — I think artists like Vincent van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them to let go of their problems.
  11. Cuddle[‘kʌdl] — a long hug full of affection and/or love.
    Example: One of my favorite things to do in winter is to watch a movie and cuddle my cat, whose name is Fluffy, on the sofa. — One of my favorite things in winter is to watch a movie sitting on the couch and hug my cat, named Fluffy.