How to grow pansies yourself. Pansies: how to grow a flower of fidelity and love from seeds Pansies flowers are perennial or

Viola belongs to the violet genus. The genus of these flowers includes 400-700 species of plants. You can meet violets in all parts of the world where temperate climate. Violet grows on mountain slopes and in tropical forests, subtropics and New Zealand. Viola is popularly called pansies. For many centuries this flower has remained popular. They decorate houses for the holidays, collect flower garlands. Viola when grown does not require constant attention of the gardener, so it can be cultivated by a novice grower. Plant easily adaptable to external conditions. Dwarf varieties are grown in indoor floriculture.

Description of common species and varieties

The plant has several names. Violet (Violaceae) belongs to the genus of plants of the violet family. Viola (Viola) is called a flower in Latin. Pansies, or tricolor violet, is a perennial plant, the species of which belongs to the genus violet.

Viola flower is found in nature as an annual and perennial plant. In the form of a small shrub, viola can be found, but rarely. On average, the plant grows from 15 to 30 cm in height.

In Russia, the viola became famous at the end of the 18th century. She was brought to St. Petersburg from Altai and subsequently received the name Altai violet. The most famous and popular types and varieties of flowers:

  • Altai violet, tricolor and horned.
  • Viola wittrock white, red, pink and many others.
  • Violet fragrant odorat ("pleasantly fragrant" in Greek) and spotted, ampelous viola.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, this plant was widely studied, and the famous Swedish botanist Veit Wittrock developed the most popular to date, a new hybrid type of violets by crossing three colors: yellow, tricolor and Altai violets. This hybrid plant species is called wittrock violet and currently has several hundred varieties.

The hybrid is a dense, branched bush, reaching a height of 30 cm. The flowers grow large, up to 11 cm. They are irregular in shape and have a wide variety of shades. Monochromatic petals in this species are almost never found. Many varieties of viola are grouped into series for ease of classification:

  • Swiss giants - large-flowered species with a flower 7 cm in diameter. The plant is low, 25 cm. Blooms until the first frost.
  • Rococo - the flowers of the plant have a corrugated edge, they are of unusual lilac, orange, lilac shades. Cultivated as an annual and biennial crop. When grown from seed by sowing in open ground blooms the following year from May to October.
  • Bambini is a plant averaging 20 cm tall. It differs in color and the obligatory presence of a white or beige "butterfly" in the center of the flower.

perennial. It got its name due to the presence of a spur on the back of the flower, similar to a horn. The bush is low, up to 25 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, 4-5 cm. The petals of the plant are painted in bright lemon, purple, lilac and sky blue colors. Viola horned differs by darkening or lightening in the center of the petals.

Violet horned perennial - unpretentious plant . It endures frosts and is not afraid of snow cover; it does not require additional shelter.

There are varieties that bloom three weeks after germination from winter dormancy.

Tricolor violet, or pansies, differ from other varieties in their colors - the famous tricolor. The upper petals are dark purple and the lower petals are bright yellow. Closer to the center of the flower on the petals dark stripes, and the edges of the petals have a velvety border.

Ampelous violet is widely used due to its shape. plant with narrow leaves looks like a ball. There are a lot of flowers in ampelous varieties. The size of the flower does not exceed 4 cm, and they are usually painted in one color. Can be found ampelous viola with variegated petals.

Bushy ampelous violet grows up to half a meter. When flowers appear, shoots begin to hang in a cascade. Flowering persists until the first frost.

Features of planting and care

Before you grow violets, you need to study it varietal features and growing technique. Viola is a winter-hardy and shade-tolerant plant. However, you should pay attention to the choice of a place for a flower bed. Lack of sunlight will affect the duration of flowering. Hot, open sunlight will speed up the flowering period and make it short. The peduncle with the bud will stretch, and the size of the flower will become small. The best place for growing violets will be a place that is open to sunlight in the morning and evening and with shade in the afternoon sun.

Violet needs protection from drafts. Planting a plant on an alpine hill will help to get an excellent result. The optimum temperature for growing flowers is 15 °C.

For proper development, growth and reproduction of the viola, it needs fertile soil. The flower grows well on loamy and sandy soil. In this case, the plant needs to provide good drainage. The absence of excess moisture will preserve the root system of the flower, which is located superficially near the violet, from damage by rot and disease. When constructing a flower bed, the soil is dug up, sand and peat are added. The composition is thoroughly mixed.

Viola responds well to different kinds fertilizers and top dressings. The flower grower can use purchased mineral mixtures and carry out top dressing. You can apply organic fertilizers. The only thing that the viola does not tolerate is top dressing with fresh manure. The plant dies.

Watering flowers require periodic and moderate. The flower is able to endure drought, but this will affect flowering, so it is necessary to water the flower bed as the top layer of soil dries.

Violet loves loosening, so it provides its root system with oxygen. It is not worth loosening deeply, the roots are easily damaged.

Viola cultivation methods

Viola wittrock can be grown in several ways:

  • Seeds.
  • seedlings.
  • Bush division.

The choice of a method for propagating flowers depends on the goals of the grower and the final result that he will receive. Flowers grown in an annual crop bloom in mid-summer in the year of planting, but this method is carried out using seedlings. The grower's desire to admire flowering from May to October is feasible if the seeds are sown in the summer. In this case, the violet will bloom next year. The existing violet bush can be propagated even when flowering. In this case, the plant will calmly survive the division and will not suffer, continuing grow and bloom.

seed method of reproduction

To cultivate the plant, you can purchase seeds at a specialized store or use flower seeds that have grown on the site before. Pay attention to the expiration dates of the seeds. If seedlings do not appear within 10 days, then don't wait for them. Germination time depends on the variety. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to this. The manufacturer must indicate the germination time for a particular variety.

Before planting seeds, if desired, they should pre-prepare. Seeds are soaked in a solution of a stimulant for a day. You can apply root, zircon or epin. The decision on which drug to prefer, the florist takes on his own. Seed germination is low, so a large number of seeds should be planted. Approximately 50-60 pieces per bed of half a meter.

You can plant seeds from May to the first decade of June. In this case, the plant will bloom in late August or September under good weather conditions. In winter, the viola leaves with flowers. The following year, flowering begins in May.

The practice of planting seeds before winter, in August - early September, is common. During this time, the plant sprouts, develops the root system well and goes into a dormant period healthy. The violet will bloom next year.

Seeds are sown in prepared soil, while the depth of seed placement does not exceed 5 mm. A thicker layer of earth will not allow the seeds to germinate. The soil needs to be loose and light.

At first, the plant needs the sun's rays, so you should not shade the seedlings. Watering needs moderate. Try to keep the soil moist and prevent the soil from drying out.

Growing seedlings

The seedling method of growing is the most common among flower growers. You can get flowers that can grow outdoors by sowing seeds in February or March. Before planting seeds in seedling containers, it is recommended to stratify them by creating an artificial winter. In January, the seeds are placed in a cool place and kept until the period of their sowing in the ground.

A fertile loose substrate will help grow seedlings of violets. You can buy land for violets in the store, you can cook it yourself by mixing garden soil with sand, peat and humus. Containers, seedling cassettes, peat cups are filled with soil, the choice depends on the individual preferences of the grower.

A shallow groove of 0.5 cm is made in the container, seeds are laid out on the surface (a distance of 1-2 cm from each other). The groove is lightly sprinkled with earth. Water the containers with warm settled water or spray with a spray bottle. The drawers are covered with foil and provide warmth. Lighting, while there are no shoots, does not matter. Tanks are periodically ventilated. The shoots that have appeared are gradually accustomed to the surrounding climate on the window. To do this, the opening time of the film is gradually increased, and over time it is removed completely.

Seedling care consists in timely watering. Do not allow the top layer of soil in the container to dry out. The amount of water should be such that the surface of the earth is moist, not wet. Do not fill the boxes, pour excess water from the pan.

Plant picking is required as soon as two true leaves have grown. Small violets are seated in separate containers. Deepen the plant to the cotyledon leaves.

A good bushiness of the viola will be provided by pinching the crown of the flower. It must be done when the flower grows six true leaves.

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground when stable warm temperatures. On the glazed balcony, the viola can be planted in containers and planters at the end of March. The volume of soil in the flower pot should be at the rate of 2 liters per bush. In a flower bed with open ground, flowers are usually planted in May or June. The distance between the bushes is left at 10-15 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

It is recommended to divide the existing violet bush in spring or autumn. However, the reason for the division will be the formation of small flowers on the plant and their small number. Violet will survive the division in the summer. The divided plant will continue its abundant flowering, and the flowers will recover in size.

As the plant grows, it forms shoots that take root in the ground. They should be separated from the mother bush and transplanted into a separate hole. Sometimes this method is the only one in viola propagation. Some varieties and hybrids are not able to produce seeds with maternal qualities.

Shoots with two or three buds are suitable for reproduction. It's not worth burying them. The hole is made 1 cm deep. New bushes are watered. Rooting occurs in about a month, the young bush gives new leaves.

During the rooting period, the violet must be shaded and the top layer of the soil should not dry out.

Rules for watering and feeding

The main requirement for good growth and flowering of violets is timely watering. The root system of flowers develops in the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm, so in dry summers it should be watered more often, but only when the top layer dries. Violet is enough natural moisture, which comes with precipitation.

Timely removal of faded buds will promote the development of new ones. So the grower will have flowering plants all season long. Dry leaves should also be removed.

You can fertilize the bushes once a month. Buy fertilizers for flowering plants with the least amount of nitrogen.

For the winter, the violet is covered with spruce branches or leaves.

Each person has their own preferences. Someone likes large inflorescences on tall stems, someone likes smaller and more tender plants. The indisputable choice in most cases is violet, this flower has long been popular. Most often it is given in a flowerpot as indoor plant, but sometimes the inflorescence itself becomes an element of a beautiful bouquet.

Many gardening enthusiasts exclusively grow pansies on their plots as an annual plant. However, there are also perennial species these bright flowers that can decorate the garden for many years.

Perennial violets (Viola) are predominantly May flowers, but may please even earlier. Violets often "come" into the garden from the nearby forest, in a businesslike way, located in flower beds, crevices of stones or under trees. Such a natural self-seeding hand does not rise to weed, and charming creatures remain in the garden forever, already acquiring the name garden violet (or viola).

Look at the photo, what a perennial garden violet looks like, its leaves are arranged on the stem in the next order or collected in a rosette:

The flowers are usually blue, white, bright red and yellow.

AT different countries this flower has different names, since it has a wide geographical distribution, in Russia it is often called pansies.

Varieties and types of garden violets (pansies): photos, names and descriptions of perennial flowers

There are a lot of violets that can be grown in the garden. Conventionally, they are divided into two groups: some have a horizontal sprawling rhizome, while others have all the shoots growing from one root collar.

Among the existing flowers, the following varieties of garden violets can be distinguished:

Scattering in different sides squat plants fragrant violets (V. odorata) In spring, they bloom profusely with purple flowers. This violet is the record holder for the rate of reproduction.

sister violet (V. sororia) behaves more modestly: the curtain wins back only 5-10 cm per year. How varied and large its flowers are!

Growing even slower violet (V. pedatifida). This is a delicate delicate look with leaves that look like small fans. The flowers are lilac, common for violets.

There are garden violet flowers suitable for rockeries, look at the photo - this is a charming plant with small bright yellow flowers, Caucasian violet (V. caucasica), like the previous species, has a creeping rhizome.

Labrador violet (V. labradorica) in terms of conquest of territories, it can compete even with fragrant. Its seeds are literally shot out of the boxes. Self-seeding is very persistent.

How the ephemeroid behaves violet single flower (V. uniflora). In spring, it is a bush with large, original-shaped leaves and numerous sunny yellow flowers. From mid-summer, the plant goes to rest.

Violet horned (V. cornuta). Delicate in appearance, it overwinters with green leaves and even retains some buds. Violet blooms from snow to snow, although, of course, the first wave in May is the most stormy.

Self-sowing gives an interesting variable color of flowers. But cultivars for some reason they do not winter. They are probably of hybrid origin.

After reviewing the description of some varieties and types of garden violets, learn about the rules for their cultivation.

How to plant pansies outdoors

The easiest way to propagate violas is by division and cuttings. To do this, it is enough to cut off a leaf with a stem and put it in water until the root appears. It should be noted that even if the reproduction of the plant is not planned, then at least once every three years it must be removed from the soil and divided. Otherwise, due to excessively dense growth, the flowers become small and may lose their appearance.

In species with a horizontally creeping rhizome, the bush can be divided. This is done as follows: you need to moisten the soil well, remove the plant and divide it, disassembling it into full-fledged bushes. Then each plant separately in flowerpots or in open ground. Do this in the spring, before flowering, or in September.

In other species, branches can be separated from the base of the bush and rooted right in the right place. Under the banks, the cuttings of the horned garden fragrant violet take root in two to three weeks.

If a decision is made to breed plants through seeds, then you need to know what planting should be and proper care behind a garden violet. The seeds must be good quality and the soil is properly prepared. It is important to know that sandy soil is not particularly favorable for perennial garden flower violets. Such soil should be improved with organic fertilizer, but not with humus, as it is aggressive to the soil and can burn the delicate roots of the plant.

For perennial garden violets, during planting and care, timely and moderate watering remains an integral part. It is worth noting that overflow has a bad effect on this plant, as well as too cold water. This does not mean that it should be warm, but room temperature water when watering is simply necessary.

In extremely dry weather, watering should be adequate. With a lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller, the color fades, and the plant stops blooming. To prolong the flowering period, it is necessary to remove stems with faded petals more often.

Violas are sometimes affected by pests such as cutworms and aphids, so certain measures should be taken in time to protect the plant.

In order to properly process perennial garden violet bushes, without injuring them during planting and care, you can see a photo with a sequence of actions:

Outdoor perennial violets in garden compositions

Any of the above can be attributed to this type of viola, since all violets grow in open ground without much whim. Their root system is located in such a way that they quickly germinate in loose soil. Such a flower can be a good addition or even a highlight of any composition. Balconies, flower beds, designer slides are decorated with street violets. Varied Options the design of flower beds with the participation of street violets can be seen in the photo:

Violets are very plastic and unpretentious in growing conditions. They can be grown both in the sun and in shady places. This allows you to create clearings from violets under the crowns of trees among other spring plants. In a garden, a perennial street violet is widely used to decorate borders, alpine slides and flower beds. They can be planted in a luxurious carpet between trees and near artificial reservoirs.

Take a look at the photo of flowers, a street violet growing by the pond, the variety of shades forms a delightful carpet and complements the landscaping of the place to relax.

Labrador violets have purple leaves and lilac flowers. It can be planted next to plants that have silver or yellow leaves.

You get a nice contrast. How can you arrange a garden violet in a flower garden so that it sparkles with all colors, look at the photo:

Horned violet, another species actively used in landscape design. It has small peduncles, in connection with this it is planted in groups.

Another of its features is the short stature of the bushes, so in flower arrangements it is planted in the foreground. The miniature size made this species a regular on balconies and verandas, it is convenient to use in portable flower beds and flowerpots.

A good neighborhood in garden compositions will be:

  • coniferous shrubs;
  • host;

Taller plants will give violas much-needed shade on a hot day.

Fragrant garden violets: varieties of perennial flowers

If you look into the history of the appearance of the viola in Europe, then the first mentions begin with the perennial fragrant garden violet. It was she who first adorned the monastery gardens, and soon a mountain variety of the plant appeared behind her. Fragrant garden violet is planted as a perennial crop and is often used in traditional medicine as a remedy for severe congestive cough.

In almost every garden, even a beginner amateur grower, you can see how the pansy violet opens its petals and fascinates with tenderness. This flower is a type of perennial garden violet. As for the variety in the variety, there are two most known species this flower:

  • viola tricolor (the so-called original);
  • Wittrock hybrid (this is a hybrid of a tricolor species and other wilder varieties: Macedonian, morning, subalpine).

It is the second species (hybrid) that is so popular in gardening because of the variety of colors, there is even an unusual black hybrid. The disadvantage of all hybrids in general, and this in particular, is the weak resistance to various diseases.

Pay attention to the photo, pansy violet flowers in the lower part of the peduncle are bright yellow, and in the upper part they are purple.

The plant has a very beautiful flowering. Recently, various hybrids of this flower have been bred by selection, so it can be found in very bright colors and amazing combinations. For example, each petal can be of a different color, or different kinds of dots, stains, stripes are placed on one of them. It looks really nice. Look at the photo how they look different varieties pansy flower:

As for the variety of Wittrock, he does not have a single classification. There are several of them, and each takes its own approach:

Variety difference in size, shape, color:

  • bush height (short, medium, tall);
  • the size of the inflorescence (small-flowering and large-flowering);
  • with a wavy edge (smooth, slightly wavy, strongly wavy);
  • by color (one-color, striped, marble, four-color, different-color).

Types depending on the time of planting, flowering method, color:

  • winter varieties (which bloom very early);
  • large-flowered (flower diameter up to 10 cm);
  • very wavy and newest varieties(varietal series "Swiss Giants").

Look at the photo of pansies of all known varieties and their names:

Such a flower can charm anyone. It is not for nothing that this plant has been endowed with magical properties for a long time. There is a belief that pansies were used as a means for a love spell. The beauty of these flowers is admired not only by the Slavic peoples, they are popular in different countries. The English, with the help of pansies, confess their feelings to girls, sending a flower to their chosen one and indicating their name. Inhabitants

France and Poland use the flower as a symbol of farewell and parting.

All types of pansies are perennial plant varieties, but most often they are bred as biennials, their inflorescence is similar to violet. This flower bushes spreading, grows 15-20 cm in height, the leaves open and stems appear in their axils with a color that reaches 7 cm in diameter.

Take a look at the photo of how a perennial violet looks 3 weeks after planting, if the conditions and care are chosen correctly:

Proper planting of fragrant pansies in open ground

This kind of violet, when planted in open ground and with good care, can please with flowering twice a year. This is very convenient for decorating flower beds or designer flower beds. They bloom in early spring and late autumn, depending on when they were planted. To get flowering in early spring, it is necessary to sow the seeds in the summer, that is, six months in advance. If the seeds fall into the ground in May or at the very beginning of summer, then the plants will delight in flowering in the fall.

Pansies perfectly take root in open ground, tolerate wintering well. Of course, if in autumn they were subjected to abundant moisture, and in winter frosts did not spare them, then freezing is possible. Spring floods can also have a detrimental effect, and under favorable climatic conditions, this plant is not particularly whimsical.

To get good flowering, you need to know how to properly plant pansies in open ground. It should be borne in mind that the land for sowing must be cleared of weeds and well loosened. Therefore, it will be necessary to make beds and place seeds in the holes, avoiding sowing density. When planting pansies in open ground, the first shoots should come out of the ground in a week or two, then the seedlings can be thinned out. The distance between the bushes should be approximately 20 cm. The soil near the bush must be watered and loosened from time to time so that the root system breathes freely.

With rational hydration and timely treatment from pests, pansies in the spring of next year quickly grow and delight with abundant flowering. Ready-made flowering plants can be used to decorate all kinds of flower beds and compositions. Florists often decorate bridal bouquets or boutonnieres with violets of this kind. Planting pansies in prepared open ground can be carried out even by a novice amateur gardener, since this flower does not have special care requirements and takes root perfectly everywhere. It is important to remember that if the flower garden is placed in a sunny place, then the flowers will be bright and large, if in the shade - a little smaller and paler.

Pansies, regardless of the variety, can be grown both in special greenhouses and in garden conditions in the yard of a private house or in the country.

Care when breeding perennial violets

Many violets are not easy to grow through seedlings. At first glance, this is strange, because self-seeding in most species is quite aggressive. The explanation is simple: only fresh seeds germinate well in violets. After storage, they require stratification.

The quantity and quality of flowering can be adjusted by choosing the time of sowing and the features of lighting and heating. It is also important to remember that frequent contact with water on the leaves can cause rotting, so it is better to water from below, using a pallet, or soak the soil under a growing flower.

Perennial garden violet does not require spraying when planting and caring for it, but moist air is necessary for it, like for most plants. To satisfy this need, it is enough to put a small container of water next to the flowerpot. If the plant is outdoors, then more frequent spraying of the nearby area or neighboring plants should be carried out to ensure the necessary level of moisture on hot days (approximately 50%).

It must be remembered that violets, although not whimsical plants, are afraid of drafts. This is especially true for flowers that are indoors. Yes, and street specimens are also better placed in a cozy place.

An important place in the cultivation of viols is occupied by fertilizer. Now there are many different solutions that can be added when watering, or treated with roots when planting a plant in the soil. To choose a good fertilizer for violets, you need to focus on a product for flowering plants. It is necessary to process the plant, adhering to the instructions and dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

How not to make a mistake when buying violets

When the choice fell on violet for breeding flowers at home, you need to know how not to make a mistake when buying.

If you decide to buy ready-made violets in a flowerpot, then you can use the following tips:

  1. The plant should be with dense leaves, without spots.
  2. The ends of the leaves should not be dry.
  3. There should be no lethargy.
  4. Violet must be in bloom.
  5. There should be no smell of rot or decay from the soil.

When choosing the right violet for the interior, you also need to take into account some features:

  1. Color combination.
  2. The size of the flowerpot and the outlet itself.
  3. Illumination of the intended place (a pale flower will become even paler if it stands where there is little light).
  4. If the walls of the room are dark in color, then the flower should be lighter and brighter.
  5. The color and style of the flowerpot also needs to be considered.

Perennial violets can be selected in the photo below:

Viola of any variety can successfully merge into a variety of interiors. These flowers look equally harmonious both outdoors and indoors. The main thing is to determine where the most suitable place for their placement.

The solution to the problem "Pansies: growing from seeds" should begin with the study of information on this issue. Following the recommendations of experienced flower growers will help decorate a garden flower bed, vase, path, border or balcony, get aesthetic pleasure and delight your home with colorful plants.

Ancestor of "anyutok" in wild nature tricolor violet became a perennial plant common in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, and North America. In Russia, it is known as Ivan da Marya and was used in folk medicine as a treatment for furunculosis, diathesis, and bronchitis. The first pansies, hybrids from crossing a tricolor violet with a horned one, were obtained in England. Swedish professor of botany Veit Wittrock devoted many years to studying this plant and wrote a book about it. In his honor, pansies received a second name - Wittrock violet.

The plant beloved by gardeners is a herbaceous, slightly sprawling bush 15-35 cm high. The roots go 15-20 cm deep. Five flower petals are arranged in a fan; have a diameter of 5-6 to 11 cm, different colors and shades. A speck stands out in the center of the flower, this makes the flower look like an eye with a pupil. The fruit is a box with small seeds (width - about 1 mm).

Viola and the language of flowers

Flowers were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Mini-bouquets served as an addition to the outfits of ladies of high society. A garland of pansies adorned the hair and sash of Anna Karenina's black ball gown. In the language of flowers, this meant the beginning of falling in love and thinking about one person. Butterfly-like flowers quickly settled on ladies' hats and umbrellas.

Lilac-yellow pansies look at us from napkins, tablecloths and curtains, embroidered in the 50s and 60s of the last century.

Gardeners appreciated this fragile-looking, but unpretentious plant. Pansies have become popular in the design of city parks and home gardens. Their combination with early bulbous flowers is successful: viola replaces hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering.

Choice of growing method

Pansies are perennials, but after the 2nd year the flowers on the bushes become smaller, the buds almost do not form. With two-year cultivation, a bush is formed during the 1st year of life, flowers appear in the next season. This period can be extended by more early dates depending on how the plant is grown. The choice of method for breeding viola depends on climatic conditions and the preferred flowering period.

Table. Methods for planting pansies.

What is the methodprosMinuses
Plant in April - May purchased ready-made seedlingsBlooms soon after plantingVariety and species unknown
Sowing seeds in the ground in mid-May - June - July, transplanted to a permanent place in AugustSeedlings have time to take root well before the cold weather, bloom early next springBlooms only one season
Sow seeds in late February - early March in a containerWill bloom for two seasonsIf a cold winter is expected, it is necessary to cover

The best is to grow the plants from seeds and sow them in a container at the end of winter. In this case, you can admire the flowers for 2 seasons, even in the middle zone. For regions with cold winters, this method is also suitable, but the viola must be grown as an annual or very securely covered before the onset of cold weather. The most popular varieties of pansies: Dynamite, Freedom, Aurora, Strawberry with cream.

Growing pansies from seeds can be implemented according to two schemes:

  • sowing in containers - picking - transplanting to the site;
  • sowing in the soil - transplanting to a permanent place.

Note! Seeds give good germination if stored for no more than 2 years.

How to grow pansies from seed in a container

To obtain viable seedlings in a given time, you need:

  • quality seeds;
  • tweezers (manicure);
  • container for sowing seeds;
  • priming;
  • glass or film;
  • lamp for additional illumination - LED lamp or phytolamp;
  • a room where the temperature is not higher than 23ºС (preferably 18-20ºС);
  • containers for picking (pots with a diameter of 10 cm or boxes, if there are a lot of seedlings);
  • container for settling water;
  • spray;
  • watering can with a capacity of about 1 liter.

Important! Better to use led lamp: in its spectrum there are blue and red colors necessary for plants; they are economical and safe to use.

Video - Pansies: abundant flowering in the year of planting

Sowing seeds in a container

To implement this stage, you need to do the following:

Important! The solution should not contain undissolved potassium permanganate crystals.

Sowing seeds is carried out according to the principle:

  1. seeds are taken by hand or with tweezers and laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance from each other;
  2. the required number of seeds is counted, poured into a container and distributed in it with tweezers.

Seeds can be:

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

This method is becoming popular, as the process of picking plants is facilitated.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • tablets (for example, BiTi) are released from cellophane packaging and tightly placed in a container, warm water is poured into the bottom in portions;
  • when the tablets swell, collect the remaining moisture with an absorbent cloth or sponge;
  • place 1 seed in the recess in the center of the tablet, if there is no confidence in the quality seed, then two;
  • sprinkle the seeds a little with soil;
  • cover the container with a lid with cut ventilation holes;
  • put on a window with sufficient lighting.

Important! This method is preferably used by experienced flower growers. Growing seedlings in tablets has many advantages, but requires attention and skill.

Crop care

Crop care includes:

  • short-term ventilation since condensation begins to form on the walls of the container;
  • timely and moderate watering: do not flood and prevent drying;
  • temperature regime: 18-22ºС, 25 is allowed;
  • if the window faces south, shade the crops;
  • care of seedlings of flowers.

Creating favorable conditions for sprouts

When sprouts appear, you should:

Seedling picking

Occurs around the beginning of April and includes the stages:

  • if space permits, prepare containers according to the number of sprouts, otherwise some of the sprouts can be transplanted into a box;
  • containers are filled with soil. It is desirable that this be the same type of soil in which the viola is to grow in the open air;
  • thoroughly water the soil in new containers and make a recess in it;
  • pour the soil from the watering can into a container with sprouts.
  • for better extraction of sprouts, you can use convenient objects: a spoon handle or a spatula;
  • if seedlings are grown in peat tablets, the dive stage is not needed - the viola continues to grow until planting in open ground.

Note! A little damage to the roots is not dangerous for the plant. This will be a plus: it will launch a root system growth program.

The next month is devoted to such seedling care, in which it will take root faster and continue to grow:

Planting pansies in open ground

In early May, buds appear on the bushes. This is a sign that the viola can be sent to the flower bed. A possible drop in temperature, even small frosts, will not harm the plants.

You must first:

Plant care during the summer

  • periodic watering as needed;
  • obligatory loosening after watering;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with sawdust;
  • weed control that weakens the plant;
  • timely removal of wilted flowers will stimulate the formation of new buds;
  • removal of reddened leaves, they will be if frosts have occurred;
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

Note! If the plant is planted in a flower bed, it should be fed 1-2 times per season. When grown in decorative pots - every two weeks.

Video - Pansies: care and reproduction

Growing pansies with seeds in the open field

Growing seedlings can be organized by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The crucial point is the determination of the sowing time. If sown too early, the violet will begin to bloom without getting enough root mass. By winter, the plant will weaken and may not tolerate frost. With a late disembarkation, the viola will not be able to take root well enough after picking and get stronger for wintering. Optimal time depends on the region - in the Leningrad region this is the second half of July, in middle lane- the second half - the end of May.

To do this, perform the following work:

  • choose a well-drained place, in the lowland the violet will freeze;
  • the best option is loamy or sandy soil with acidity not higher than 8pH;
  • carefully prepare a place for future crops - dig up beds, outline rows;
  • sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • lightly sprinkle with earth on top and mulch;
  • form each variety in a separate row.

Shoots will appear on the 10-14th day.

Crop care:

After 2 weeks, the plants are planted in a permanent place, the distance between the shoots and rows is 20 cm. In order for the viola to get stronger and take root well by winter, it should be ensured.

Pansies or tricolor violet (viola) is a common variety of flowers that is loved by many gardeners because of its unpretentious care and variety of flowering. The color palette of the plant varies from white-milky to black-violet. Due to the unusual pattern of inflorescences and seed box, reminiscent of a human face, pansies are associated with many legends and superstitions. It is believed that the plant helps to find love, to bewitch a loved one. And in France and Poland, this particular flower is given after a long separation. Pansies will decorate any household plot, flower bed or lawn with its charming look.

plant description

Pansies (Viola Wittrock) belong to the group. However, due to their large distribution in mid-latitudes, they are more often grown for no more than two years. The height of the bush depends on the variety and climatic conditions, as a rule, 15-30 centimeters. Outwardly, the flowers are very similar to violets, from which they were bred. The plant has a fibrous root system and an upright main stem.


In the first month after planting, the bush is compact, and by the end of the first year of life, it can grow significantly in width. Flowers are solitary, but on one bush their number can be more than 10, the diameter of one inflorescence is up to 7 centimeters, depending on the variety. The color scheme of pansies is diverse, which is often used by gardeners to decorate a flower bed or terrace. There are single-color varieties and three-color hybrids.

Many flower growers love this plant for its early flowering, which falls in April-May, when other plants are still in a state of growth.

Species and varieties

With the help of breeding, numerous varieties of pansies have been bred, which differ in their growth habit, resistance to adverse climatic conditions, diseases, and also have different shades of petals. There are more than 400 varieties of this plant, divided into groups depending on the size of the flower.


The diameter of one flower in these species does not exceed 6 centimeters.

  • Hemalis winter. This is the combined name for numerous varieties of pansies, characterized by early and very long flowering. They are frost-resistant and compact, which will allow you to grow them even on the balcony. The most famous varieties of Hemalis: Nordpol (white flowers), Helios (bright yellow), Mars (saturated Blue colour), Jupiter (white-red petals);

  • Wagon F1. This group includes 10 varieties, characterized by small bushes and abundant flowering;
  • Rococo. This variety is characterized by corrugated petals of a purple hue;
  • Flamenco F1. A variety that does not tolerate frost well, but has a unique color - a blurry yellow spot in the center of a red-orange petal.


In these varieties, the diameter of the flowers is from 6 to 7.5 centimeters.

  • Trimardo. One of the oldest types of pansies. They have a spreading bush and abundant flowering. The shape of the flower is classic, the color depends on the variety. For example, Adonis (light blue petals), Cardinal (dark red), Morenkönig (black);

  • Swiss giant. The advantage of this species is the early onset of flowering and unique resistance to frost. The most famous varieties of this species are Firneshnee (white petals), Flamme (orange-red), Bergwacht (violet-blue).
  • Joker F2. The petals of this hybrid species are painted in two or three very bright colors. 7 varieties have been bred, the most famous of them is Jolly Joker;
  • Veseler Ice F1. This species is represented by 8 varieties of different colors;
  • Quedlinburger Riesen. A fairly common type of pansies in Europe. It has abundant early flowering, but poor resistance to low temperatures.


The diameter of these types of pansies reaches 8.5 centimeters.

  • Crown F1. This species has large flowers with small bushes. Great for decorating flower beds. Presented 9 varieties;

  • Power F1. Petals of plants of this species have bright colors and long flowering. The most common are 13 varieties;
  • Chalon Supreme. The species is represented by only 5 varieties, the peculiarity of which is corrugated petals of various shades of purple;
  • Dynamite. One of the most interesting series of viols. 13 cultivars have single color petals with a large patch of contrasting color; 10 varieties - completely monophonic. The most unusual variety of this species is Strawberry, the flower petals of this hybrid change color depending on the air temperature.

Giant violas

Varieties of this type have flowers with a diameter of 8.5 centimeters.

  • Super Majestic Giants F1. This type of pansies is represented by 8 varieties with a long flowering period. The diameter of the flowers reaches 11 centimeters with a relatively small size of the bush. The color of the petals is represented by a wide range from beige to purple;
  • Magnum F1. The newest type of the series with early flowering. 12 varieties have been bred.

This is not all types and varieties of viols. With the help of breeding methods, new hybrids are regularly developed that have unusual coloring and flowering characteristics.

Features of growing from seeds

Some gardeners plant pre-grown seedlings in prepared soil. This method reduces the risk of plant death while still in seed state and is excellent for regions with adverse climatic conditions.

Care during the flowering period

During flowering, plants need special care, they need constant watering, loosening the soil, as well as getting rid of weeds. This improves the quality of the flowers and prolongs the flowering time.

  • immediately after planting, regular loosening of the soil and daily moderate watering are necessary;
  • for the active growth of plants and the successful formation of ovaries, it is important to feed pansies. As a fertilizer, complex mineral additives can be used, but the use of organic fertilizers. Read more about the types and features of the application of mineral fertilizers;

Mineral fertilizers

  • during the flowering period, faded buds should be removed in time to allow new ones to grow. Plus, this technique avoids fruiting, which will lead to the cessation of flowering;
  • when growing spring varieties of viola after flowering, they need to be dug up, after which summer species can be planted.

Cultivation as an annual crop

Often pansies are used as annuals. To do this, the seeds must be planted in containers that are closed with a transparent plastic wrap. Starting from April, you can transplant seedlings into a greenhouse or hotbed, after a month the plants are completely ready for planting in an open sunny place. In warm regions, planting is permissible from the beginning of spring, this will allow flowering by mid-June. As a rule, violas begin to bloom after 2 months after planting.

Annual flowers are distinguished by a smaller diameter of the petals and small dimensions of the bushes. Therefore, this type of cultivation is not suitable for the formation of a large flowering lawn.


Many pansy hybrids can be grown from cuttings. This method allows you to save and improve all the species characteristics of an individual.


  1. Shoots, on which there are several ovaries, are harvested from early May to late July. Then they are planted in prepared soil;
  2. Planting cuttings is desirable in well-packed beds with high density. It is important to monitor the depth of landing, it should not exceed a few centimeters. For 1 square meter you can plant up to 400 plants;
  3. After the cuttings are in the ground, the soil must be moistened with a spray gun or a small watering can and complex fertilizer should be applied;
  4. For better adaptation of colors, you can cover the area with damp paper or a glass jar. This will protect the plants from adverse external conditions. AT further care the same as for seed planting.

With the help of cuttings, you can rejuvenate perennial plants that lose their qualities and grow strongly over the entire area. More than 10 new plants can be obtained from one pansy bush.

Diseases and pests

Even though pansies are known for their disease and pest resistance, there are a number of problems gardeners can face.

The most common diseases are:

  • rot- affect the stem and roots of the plant, causing blackening of the surface and wilting. With a small lesion, the infected areas of the plant can be removed, and with a significant infection, the use of fungicides is necessary;

Only regular preventive treatment and compliance with growing conditions will help to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases. Often, the appearance of a disease on one plant can lead to the death of the entire planting.

Pests are no less dangerous for viols. As a rule, they appear in humid climates, as well as on old plants with frequent planting.

  • Aphid. These are very small insects living in large colonies. They infect the entire surface of the plant, most often the stem, and feed on its juices. As a result, the flower dies or is significantly weakened. You can get rid of aphids with insecticides;
  • Root-knot nematodes. This is a type of worm that appears in the roots of pansies. Settling inside the root system, they eat it from the inside. As a result, galls or swellings form on the roots, because of which the plant quickly dies. The only way to deal with the problem is with insecticides. As a rule, it is necessary to treat plants twice, since chemicals do not act on nematode eggs;
  • . Pests eat the weight of the aerial parts of the plant. They affect not only pansies, but also other flowers on the site. To get rid of slugs, you can use soil mulching or make special baits.


For a good example of growing pansies from seeds, see ivdeo


Pansies or viola are charming flowers that will decorate any personal plot. They have numerous colors and sizes of petals, which allows you to create whole flower paintings in your garden. Plus, these are perennial plants that, with proper care, will delight you for a single year. Read more about the varieties and cultivation of garden viola.

Pansies (violet, viola) - an unpretentious flower, the violet family, can grow and bloom for many years.

Gardeners love pansies for unpretentious care, early and constant flowering, simple and elegant decoration of the garden, balcony, sidewalks, paths, flower beds, etc.

Description of the pansy plant

Types and varieties of pansies (violets)

There are many species and cultivars of pansies/violets, as well as bred hybrids:

  • terry;
  • semi-double;
  • many-flowered;
  • semifloral;
  • potted;
  • for flower beds;
  • ampelous, etc.

Perennial or annual?

Pansies are perennials but are bred as annuals and biennials.

This is due to the fact that a flowering and growing pansy plant over 3 years old begins to age, its flowers become smaller and the variety degenerates.

Growing on the site

You can plant violets immediately in the soil, on the site, but in order for violets to bloom a lot and for a long time, it is better to plant seedlings already. Places for landing should be chosen according to the following criteria:

  • sunny place;
  • well ventilated;
  • loose fertilized soil;
  • without overheating.

Violet is sown several times:

  • in June - in July they are sown so that flowering is in early spring, it is sown sparsely, the soil is constantly watered and loosened, after the seedlings dive. And next spring, pansies quickly begin to grow and bloom. In early spring, the beds can be covered with a film, then flowering will begin earlier;
  • in February - in March, in order for flowering to begin in summer, the seeds are sown in a box, the sprouted seedlings swoop down, and when they get stronger, they are planted in the ground in a permanent place;
  • in April - in May for flowering in autumn, they are also grown.

Many people like to decorate their balconies with flowers, so pansies are a great option. You need to take containers or boxes, fill it with fertilized soil and sow violet seeds. Care, top dressing and watering do not require much effort. If the balcony is on the sunny side, then the violet will bloom profusely, but not for long, if on the shady side, then vice versa.


  • The ground for pansies must always be moist, otherwise the flower will quickly fade.
  • For longer-term flowering, already set seeds are removed, especially if the flowers are planted in pots, planters, boxes, etc.
  • You can plant seedlings as soon as the last frosts end, while on the terrace or balcony you can already in March - April, but in the soil (beds, flower beds) already in April - May.
  • It is necessary to plant flowers in a sunny, but cool place, and shading from direct sunlight.
  • Flowers should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other, since pansies are cross-pollinated, they stop blooming when pollinated.

Reproduction of pansies

Pansies are propagated in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings (vegetatively);
  • dividing bushes.

Growing from seed

Pansy seeds are harvested after the first autumn frosts, as soon as the seed pod has turned yellow, and before the pod, having dried in the sun, cracks and easily flies off, and the seeds crumble.

In order to get blooming pansies in the spring, you need to sow the seeds by the end of February. To plant seeds you will need:

  • box (container) for planting;
  • soil, better ;
  • scoop or spatula;
  • gauze fabric.

Landing steps:

  • spread and moisten gauze (cloth) with water and leave for 20-24 hours;
  • temperature above 10, but below 20 degrees;
  • soak the seeds in warm water and leave overnight;
  • pour soil into the box and make furrows about 2 cm;
  • evenly pour the seeds along the furrows and cover with moist soil;
  • shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks;
  • harden and air the flowers before planting;
  • prepare the ridges - weed and fertilize;
  • dive seedlings;
  • can be planted when a few leaves appear;
  • plant flowers at intervals of up to 20 cm, otherwise the roots and flowers will rot;
  • after landing, crush and water the earth;
  • water every other day in sunny weather;
  • weeding from weeds that transmit diseases;
  • fertilize at least once a month.

Reproduction by cuttings

Vegetatively or cuttings, the flower can be propagated throughout the summer, getting enough material for planting. Cuttings are shoots with two to three nodes. Cutting preserves the original properties of the flower, preserves the purity of the plant variety.

  • Cuttings are carried out in May - June, planting in the prepared soil to a depth of one node (up to 1 cm), close to each other so that the leaves touch;
  • The planted cuttings are shaded and constantly sprayed with water;
  • After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into the ground (on flower beds, beds, along paths, etc.);
  • Plant transplantation is tolerated positively, almost all cuttings take root. The cuttings taken in August will bloom only next spring;
  • For the winter they should be covered with leaves, and in winter with snow.

The division of the bush

Division is used to propagate perennial flowers:

  • The division of the bush is carried out in early spring;
  • Old plants that have grown and bloomed more than 3-4 years old are subject to division, since they are already growing and blooming worse every year, degenerating completely;
  • Therefore, old plants are dug up, divided into several parts and planted in holes, after which the flowers grow, become full-fledged bushes and retain the variety.


In addition, pansy flowers can reproduce on their own: when the seed pods ripen, they open and the seeds scatter on the ground. In a year, you can expect new flowers in different places. After the flowers fade, you need to cut their bushes 5 cm from the ground and after about 15-20 days flowering will begin again, and next year it will be even more abundant.

How to transplant

Pansies are transplanted, even if they bloom. The plant easily withstands transplanting at any time of its growth and in various places: in boxes, on a balcony, on ridges, on terraces, in flowerpots, etc. You need to transplant with an earthen lump, so the flower will take root and bloom faster.

Care for pansies

The main thing in caring for pansies (violet) is timely watering, weeding, removing dried flowers, fighting diseases and pests, as well as top dressing.

This plant loves moisture, but so that there is no stagnation of water in the form of puddles. Therefore, the most the best option watering is spraying, which also contributes to the appearance of bright and large flowers on the bushes, as well as moderate watering under the root.