Magnolia susan care. Magnolias for the middle lane

Surely, many people at least once had to stop in the spring in front of someone's yard or garden, involuntarily admiring an unusual picture - luxurious pink, white or purple flowers on a beautiful and delicate tree without leaves. This is a magnolia blossom. At first glance, it may seem that only experienced gardeners can grow such a miracle by investing a lot of money and putting in a lot of effort. Let's try to figure out if this is so by talking about how to grow a magnolia.

Magnolia (Magnolia)- deciduous or evergreen decorative tree and a shrub from 2 to 30 m high with beautiful large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, which are located one at a time at the ends of the branches.

This is a very old plant. There is an opinion that it is the progenitor of modern flowering plants. This tree is popular in China, where there are many beliefs about it.

Did you know? Magnolia is valued not only for its beauty. Its leaves, flowers and fruits contain essential oils, which help with high blood pressure, rheumatism and digestive problems. They are also used in perfumery.

The tree came to Europe in the 17th century and it was here that it got its name - Magnolia - in honor of the director of one of the botanical gardens in France, Pierre Magnol. Since then, breeders have bred a huge range of species and varieties of magnolia. Today, about 80 species are cultivated, different in shape and size of the crown, color and shape of flowers.

Magnolia: choosing a landing site

Before you take care of growing magnolia in your garden and caring for it, you need to choose the right type, variety and place for planting. Since the main problem of the magnolia tree is poor frost tolerance, when choosing a plant species, you need to pay attention to how cold the winters in your area are, and which species is suitable for your climatic conditions. The most frost-resistant are Kobus and Lebner magnolias. Magnolia Sulange, Wilson, Ash tolerate the harsh winters relatively well.

When choosing a place for planting, it must be borne in mind that this plant does not tolerate drafts, so the site should, if possible, be covered from the wind from the north and east, for example, by taller trees.

Important! Do not plant magnolia under fruit trees, since falling fruits can damage the flowers and break the branches of the plant.

It is necessary to take care of sufficient illumination of the place so that the tree is not located in deep shade. Also, direct sunlight should not penetrate the plant. Exceptions may be for magnolias Lebner, Kobus and stellate, which can grow in open areas. Kobus is also resistant to exhaust gases and industrial emissions, which allows it to be planted near busy highways and in industrial areas.

Today, magnolia is often used in landscape gardening, so many recommendations have been written on how to grow a flower tree with your own hands, the main of which we share with you.

When to plant magnolia in the garden

The tree can be planted both in spring and autumn. Although experienced magnolia owners still recommend the latter option. This is due to the fact that before the autumn planting, the plant is at rest, and it is easier for him to endure the winter. And during the spring planting, the tree begins active growth, gives a large increase and often meets winter already with shoots, which by this time have not yet had time to become covered with wood and die off.

How to plant a magnolia

Magnolia is not very whimsical, but when planting and caring for it, you must follow some simple rules, which, first of all, relate to the composition of the soil, watering and feeding.

Soil composition

Magnolia seedlings are best purchased in well-established specialized stores. Usually there they are sold in containers. Such plants tolerate both spring and autumn planting, because they land with a clod of earth, to which they have already adapted. Gardeners with experience for planting recommend purchasing plants 1 m tall with a couple of flowers that have already blossomed. This way you will know for sure that your local climate is suitable for this type of magnolia.

The soil for planting should be light, well-drained and moderately moist. Neutral or slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter, is perfect.

Important! Magnolias are contraindicated in calcareous and saline soil.

If the soil in your area is limed, then peat can be added to it, which will increase the acidity.

Optimal soil composition:

  • deciduous or sod land - 1;
  • peat - 2;
  • sand - 0.5.

Magnolia Planting Scheme

A pit for planting should be prepared in advance, 3-5 times the size of the tree's root system. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit - 15 cm high. Then a layer of sand (10 cm), a layer of manure (15 cm), again a layer of sand (15 cm) and the prepared soil mixture are laid. After that, the seedling is placed in a hole and covered with earth, while making sure that the root neck is not buried. The maximum recommended depth is 2.5 cm. The earth should be lightly tamped and watered abundantly. The near-trunk area can be covered with coniferous bark, which will allow you to maintain the desired level of moisture.

Magnolia does not tolerate transplants, so it must be immediately planted in a permanent place. If you plan to plant several trees, then the distance between them should be at least 4-5 m.

Features of caring for magnolia

After proper fit Magnolia her well-being will depend on her care. There are no fundamental differences from caring for ordinary fruit trees in this case.

Watering the plant

You need to water only young plants, and in the dry season and adults. For the well-being of the tree, it needs watering once a week in the amount of 2-3 buckets of water. If the summer is too dry or magnolia grows in sandy soil, then the regularity and abundance of watering can be increased.

soil care

The roots of magnolias are superficial, so the earth in the root area must be loosened to a depth of 20 cm, and this should be done with caution, preferably without using either a shovel or a rake. Weeds are best pulled out by hand. After the tree reaches 3 years, the trunk circle can be mulched with organic materials (coniferous bark, peat, sawdust, manure). This will insulate the soil and serve as an additional source nutrients. After this procedure, the earth can no longer be loosened.

When and how to fertilize magnolia

It is necessary to feed and fertilize a tree no earlier than 2 years after planting it. In early spring, you can feed your beauty with a mixture of 1 kg of mullein, 15 g of urea, 25 g ammonium nitrate. In early autumn, fertilizing with nitroammophos (20 g / 10 l of water) is useful. Irrigation rate - 40 liters per tree.

You can use the fertilizer "Kemira-Universal" (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water), as well as special fertilizers "For magnolia".

Important! If at the end of July the leaves on the magnolia began to dry, this means that there was an overdose of fertilizers. In this case, the plant is prescribed weekly abundant watering.

plant pruning

Since magnolias do not tolerate pruning, this procedure is necessary only for decorative purposes in the first years after planting to give the desired shape to the crown. It is contraindicated to get involved in this process, as this can provoke less active flowering. In the future, only sanitary pruning is recommended once a year, in which dry, bent, damaged branches are removed. If the crown is thickened, then it thins out. In order for the sections to heal quickly, they must be covered with garden pitch.

Magnolia: how to save a plant in winter

Mature trees tolerate temperatures down to -25-30°C in winter. Therefore, the question of how to preserve a mature magnolia in winter is no longer in front of its owner. But you need to worry about young plants. In the first 3 years, their lower part of the trunk and the root system (or even the entire tree) must be insulated with special agrofabric (lutrasil), burlap, straw or spruce branches. With age, the frost resistance of magnolias increases.

In subsequent years, the ground in the trunk circle in the fall should be mulched with sawdust, pine bark, and peat.

Magnolia Propagation Methods

Magnolias reproduce in three ways:

  • seeds,
  • layering and cuttings,
  • vaccinations.


In nature, magnolias reproduce by seeds dispersed by birds. You can also try to sow a tree from seeds. This should be done in the fall, immediately after picking the berries. Or postpone until spring, but keep the seeds in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

Pre-seeds must be filled with water for 3 days, and then cleaned from a dense oily shell (for example, by rubbing through a sieve). After cleaning, they should be washed in a mild soapy solution and rinsed in clean water several times. Sow in boxes 3 cm deep in universal soil. Remove the containers to the cellar until spring. In early March, they need to be moved to the windowsill before germination. Seedlings can be planted in a year. So you will have a magnolia grown by your own hands, by the time of the birth of which you will already know well how to care for it.

One of the most beautiful trees is the beautiful magnolia, belonging to the magnolia family. Anyone who has seen her unusual flowering at least once will never be able to forget this moment. Particularly impressive appearing luxurious inflorescences on bare branches, without a single leaf.

The magnolia tree is a miracle

flowers look like a butterfly

First of all, because blooms incredibly beautiful bright big flowers similar to exotic butterflies. At that moment, when many plants have not yet had time to release leaves, the beauty already pleases those around her with her flowering.

She begins to produce the first flowers in April, and they fill the gardens and parks with their vanilla aroma.

Grow prefers in the southern regions, where a warm climate prevails. Magnolia flower, which is endowed with the brightest colors, does not allow you to tear off the eyes of all tourists.

Some people who dream of seeing how it blooms go on vacation not in the warm summer, but in the middle of spring, when it is still quite cool and the sun is just starting to warm everything around.

Legends and myths

It was brought to Europe from mysterious China.

According to one of the Chinese legends, the beautiful flowers that bloom on the tree are young beauties who once lived in a village. When it was destroyed by enemies, and only one girl managed to escape death. It was she who asked the mother earth so that the dead girls could live on.

In the morning, when the invaders saw a tree that suddenly appeared, they decided to get rid of it. Having cut it down, they split it into the smallest chips and scattered it around, only in those places where the chips fell, young sprouts appeared, which were called magnolias.

If you dream of seeing this amazing flower, then this can be done not only in the southern regions and warm countries, because the growing magnolia in Belarus also produces beautiful flowers.

To do this, you just need to visit Minsk Botanical Garden where the first garden of these beautiful trees was planted a couple of years ago.

What you need to know about magnolia

In the presented family, there are about 70 varieties of plants. The shape of the crown can be either spherical or wide pyramidal. Depending on the height, the height of the tree also changes. Some of the representatives can grow up to 20 meters, but basically their height varies from 5 to 8 meters.

At least once, after seeing this, you will surely want a charmer to grow in your garden. It looks great both in a single landing and next to coniferous evergreen bushes.

How is flowering

After planting, if the conditions for growth and development are favorable, most trees begin to bloom only after about 8-10 years.

A variety of colors and flavors will allow you to choose the most suitable variety for you. Some of the representatives release buds only after leaves appear on them, while others first release and bloom their chic buds, and only then do the leaves open on the branches.

But no matter which variety you choose, by planting this beauty in your garden, you will become the owner of a unique plant.

After flowering has ended, petals begin to fall off from each flower, which slowly descend to the ground. "Magnolia rain" is what gardeners call this process.

But even this beauty has its drawbacks. You don't need to sleep near her! The fact is that the aroma emanating from flowers often turns out to be very strong, and if you inhale it for a long time, then a headache may soon appear.

Types of magnolias

There are many species, of which, by crossing one with another, an even greater number of varieties of unusual appearance and colors have appeared. Consider the main "basic" and hybrid varieties popular among lovers of horticultural exotics.

  • magnolia star

Proper planting and care of the Magnolia stellata flower. After this variety begins to bloom, the entire territory surrounding it is filled with an unforgettable aroma. In March, the first flowers begin to bloom, after which leaves saturated with emerald green appear. Closer to autumn, they become brownish-bronze. Stellata stands out for its extra decorative characteristics due to the unusual coloring of autumn foliage.

  • Siebold

This the species is considered the most frost-resistant, because he is able to withstand frosts reaching up to 36 degrees. The height of this shrub reaches only 4 meters, and its branches are covered with elongated leaves, among which snow-white flowers can be seen. Flowering begins after leaves appear on the branches. Magnolia Siebold is grown throughout Russia, and in special large tubs, which can always be brought in if necessary, are cultivated even in the Urals and Siberia.

  • Magnolia Kobus

Proper planting and care brings stunning results for an ornamental variety. It begins to bloom in mid-spring, releasing fragrant white unforgettable flowers. Magnolia evergreen with the onset of summer colors its foliage in a rich green color, and as soon as autumn comes, it turns yellow-brown.

  • Lilyflower Magnolia liliiflora

This variety originates in China and is bred throughout Europe.

Considered a bicolor variety. The outer side of the petals is crimson red, while the inner side is snow-white or white-pink.

The flashing bloom begins in early spring and lasts for several wonderful weeks, filled with an airy aroma spread by the inflorescences.

  • Black Magnolia Nigra

Refers to the lily-colored species. The flowers are ruby-colored on the outside of the stone, but their inner part is white-lilac. Because of this combination of colors she looks almost black. You can see these unusual beautiful flowers in the 30th days of April or in the early days of May.

  • Magnolia Susan planting and care

A hybrid of star and lily-colored varieties. Susan is the most sought after species among exotic lovers.

Large 15 cm lily-shaped inflorescences at the base are rich pink-raspberry, and towards the tips they are lighter, as if luminous.

During the long and lush flowering, which begins at the end of May, less often in June, you can enjoy a pleasant unobtrusive aroma.

  • Tulip Magnolia Sulange

Planting and care is similar. The shape of the flowers of this variety can be both goblet-shaped and tulip-shaped. The tulip-shaped variety begins to bloom before the first leaves appear on it. After the fragrant flowering is completed and the last petal falls from the plant, it continues to be decorated with decorative dark green obovate leaves.

  • Magnolia Ash

Magnolia ashei. The leaves, which are 70 cm long and 30 cm wide, are painted green. Their lower part is silver-gray and slightly pubescent. First, leaves appear on the tree, and only then, in the last days of the spring month of May or, somewhere in the beginning of June, gradual flowering begins. Creamy white flowers that radiate a light citrus jasmine fragrance, have a circumference of about 20-30 cm.

  • Hybrid cultivar Jenny

Magnolia soulangeana Genie. The result of crossing Nigra lily-colored and tulip-shaped Sulangi. Beauty landing and care in open field, for which you will not take much strength, produces unforgettable red ruby ​​petals. The tulip-like flowers begin to open in late April and the first days of May before the leaves appear. This the variety is one of the frost-resistant (among dark magnolias) and is able to withstand up to 30 degrees of frost. After the first wave of flowering, lasting about a few weeks, has ended, you can enjoy the second stage, which will begin in late summer.

  • Ivolistnaya

A very rare specimen for wide access. Finding this variety in stores will not be easy. The height reaches 10 meters, the shape is pyramidal. The bark is smooth silvery. Fragrant flowers about 8 cm in circumference.

  • Kuvenskaya

A hybrid of the willow-leaved variety and Kobus. It is decorated with 10 cm bell-shaped snow-white flowers, from which a delicate aroma emanates.

Flowering begins in May before leaves appear on the tree. A fast growing variety that can handle light frosts.

it seems that not only from the flowers, but also from the foliage and branches comes a thin, barely perceptible anise flavor.

  • pointed

It is a rather large tree, decorated with pointed twenty-centimeter leaves. The petals are yellow-green in color and bloom only after foliage has appeared on the branches. The crown is pyramidal in shape, smoothly turning into a spherical one. The height of this variety can reach up to 24 meters.

Variety Sulange in Crimea Yalta video:

Magnolia planting and care in the open field

As mentioned earlier, the tree prefers to grow in cities and countries where a warm and humid climate prevails.

Having decided to decorate your garden with this pattern, make sure that it will develop comfortably in your area.

  • A sunny place is suitable for landing, where there are no north and east winds and drafts.
  • It is also worth considering that the bush should not be placed near large trees, since a solid shadow is harmful to it.
  • Slight shading is allowed if planted in the southern region.

Some of the varieties that include Loebner, Kobus, star magnolia and some other varieties will do well in open areas.

But this cannot be said about capricious ornamental varieties such as Siebold, Sulange or, for example, Chinese magnolia, because they need places where constant and bright sunlight does not fall.

What should be the soil

Gardeners wondering how to plant a magnolia should first find out what kind of soil it prefers to grow in. She will be well-behaved in a subacid endowed organic fertilizers soil.

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  1. 2 parts of sod land
  2. 1 share of peat
  3. 1 share of compost

The soil in which the tree will be planted must be drained, not forgetting to loosen it. In the event that the area where the bush is planted contains too dense earth, be sure to add sand to it.

In addition, if it is possible to add rotted horse manure to the ground, it will also not be superfluous.

What to pay attention to when boarding

When a magnolia is planted in the Moscow region, planting and care should be borne in mind that it is not too complicated, but still requires some attention.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the root system of the seedling, since the hole where the bush will be planted should be 3 times larger than the roots.
  • Also consider the fragility of the roots, which can be easily damaged if you tamp the ground down hard after planting.
  • Don't forget to fall asleep with bark coniferous trees near-stem circle, which will retain moisture in the soil.
  • When buying seedlings, preference should be given to meter-long specimens, on the stems of which there are 1-2 buds.
  • The root system must be closed, which will allow it not to dry out. Those roots that are stored in a container can be planted at any time of the year except winter.

When seedlings are planted

Planting magnolia in autumn is the most favorable time. The middle and end of October are most suitable for this procedure, because at this time the seedlings are at rest. If you plant in the fall, then almost all seedlings will take root. If you decide to plant in the spring, then this should be done in April. But at the same time, do not forget to take into account that even slight frosts will harm the future tree.

Proper watering

Watering is an equally important process that should be given attention.

Young trees, which are no more than 3 years old more than others, need careful watering. Water them often and plentifully.

In the event that the weather is dry, then do not let the soil dry out, this can be prevented using the mulch method.

Mulching is preferable:

  1. peat
  2. sand
  3. spruce branches

What to fertilize and feed

Advice! After planting, the magnolia should not be fertilized for the first few years, but after three years, start feeding. It is worth fertilizing from the first days of spring until the very autumn.

growing tree fertilizer

To do this, you can buy mineral fertilizers and use them according to the instructions.

You can also make your own top dressing using 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of urea and 1 kg of mullein. All this must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Remember that one bush takes about 40 liters of water. It is necessary to fertilize once a month, using prepared top dressing instead of the usual liquid for watering.

Sometimes it happens that the magnolia shrub begins to dry out ahead of time, but behind this lies a real threat. The fact is that there may be a sufficient amount of fertilizers in the ground and additional feeding has led to their excess. To avoid death, be sure to stop fertilizing and water it a little more.

Magnolia care and cultivation: transplant

Magnolia prefers to grow all its life in the place where it was originally planted, but only sometimes there are situations when it needs to be urgently transplanted. To do this, you need to find a site that suits her according to all criteria.

  • Before you start digging a bush, be sure to thoroughly water the soil around it.
  • It is also worth considering that the earthen clod that remains on the root system depends on how well the landing specimen will take root in a new place.
  • The plant should be moved with oilcloth or plywood.
  • You need to transplant, observing all the rules, as well as when landing.
  • The first thing to do is dig a hole, lay drainage, sand, do not forget about fertile soil, and only then you need to install a tree and fill the hole with earth.
  • Tamp the soil a little, but do not use force so as not to damage the root system.

plant pruning

Magnolia is a tree or shrub, if you decide to plant something, it is worth remembering that it is unnecessary to cut branches to form a crown. Also remember that pruning is not done in the spring, as at this time of the year sap will begin to stand out from the cuts, which can lead to the death of the tree.

After waiting for the magnolia to fade, carry out sanitary pruning. Frozen branches, wilted flowers, dry shoots are removed from the shrub. Those stems that are frozen must be removed to a healthy area. Do not forget to process the cuts using a garden var for this.

How does it endure wintering

Magnolia cultivation in central Russia is carried out in almost the same way as in other regions. Be sure to cover the bush, even if it is frost-resistant. Spring frosts kill the buds, so future flowering will not occur at all.

Burlap is most suitable for shelter. It is necessary to wrap in several layers, without injuring the branches. The trunk circle is also wrapped in mulch, only this is carried out a little later, when the ground is slightly frozen. In the event that you rush to do this a little earlier, then there is a risk that mice will start in it.

Now that you know how to cover magnolia for the winter, you can be sure that no frosts will be terrible for her if you follow the wintering rules.

For many years it was believed that these representatives of the magnolia family were not disturbed by pests and ailments, but there are still problems that can be encountered when growing shrubs.

  • If yellow spots appeared on the leaves, and their veins remained green, then this means that the plant was attacked by chlorosis. This is an indicator that the soil contains a lot of lime, in which the roots cannot grow, which leads to their death. Adding acidic peat or coniferous soil to the soil will correct the situation. Special ready-made products will also help regulate acidity.
  • An excess of nutrients is also harmful, as this will slow down the development and growth of the shrub. You can find out about such a problem by the drying edges of the leaves in the last days of July. To remedy the situation, you need to stop feeding and start watering the bush a little more.

With the onset of cold weather, rodents that feed on roots and root collars can attack. Finding out about such a problem is not easy, because for this you need to remove the top layer of soil. In order to get rid of pests, use a 1% solution of Fundazol.

To avoid problems in the future, you need to cover the near-trunk circle only after the soil freezes.

Reproduction methods

There are three various ways to propagate magnolia.

seed propagation

Seedlings that were collected on the territory of Ukraine or Vladivostok will take root best in central Russia, and grown seedlings will endure frosty days much better. Those seeds that are collected in the southern regions of acclimatization in the north are bad.

  • Seedlings are not stored, so magnolia from seeds is grown at home immediately after they are collected in the autumn.
  • Be sure to damage the seed coat a little, as it is too dense.
  • Once you complete this procedure, get rid of the oily layer by washing them in soapy water and rinsing in clean water. After everything necessary actions completed, start sowing.
  • You will need seedling boxes filled with an all-purpose substrate, where seeds are sown to a depth of about 3 cm.
  • Take them to a dark, cool room where they will be stored until early spring.
  • After the spring days come, you need to put the seedlings on the windowsill, not forgetting to periodically moisten the soil.

It will take about a year before the seedlings reach 45 cm. Magnolia tree description, which says that it should be dived after only a year. It is worth replanting in light soil, which contains peat. Remember the most favorable time for picking is autumn.

Layering as a method of reproduction

propagation by cuttings

For this purpose, you will need young shrubs that are no more than 2 years old, as they grow faster than older trees.

Stop your choice on the shoot, which is located the lowest. Without separating it from the plant, lay it in a prepared hole and cover it with earth. In order for it to surely take root, it is necessary to pinch the layers.

A year later, roots should appear on them, which are a sign of readiness for layering, which means they can be separated from the main shoot and planted in a container where it will grow until the period is right to plant it in open ground.


This method is only used if you have a greenhouse with heated soil. If these conditions are not present, then the stalk will not take root. The most suitable time period for cuttings is mid-late June.

Why magnolia does not bloom long after planting

  • Freezing.

The formation of buds, the flowering of which begins the next year, takes place in late summer and early autumn. This means that if the buds freeze, then flowering will not begin.

  • Growing from seed.

You can become the owner of a flowering plant only a few years after planting. The first flowering comes from which variety you chose. It is worth choosing seedlings that have been propagated by grafting. They begin to bloom 2-4 years after planting. In the event that the bush has grown, but flowering has not begun, this means that you have acquired a tree grown from seeds. Such an instance will delight you with its flowers after 10 years.

  • Improper care.

It prefers to grow in sunny areas protected from the winds. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely manner, which will help the buds to tie. Abundant watering is equally important for active growth and development. Dry autumn can cause insufficient moisture intake by the kidneys.

Use in landscape design

Magnolia is an unusual and beautiful tree, the flowering of which begins quite early and unexpectedly even for its owners. With its beauty, it adorns parks, alleys and other public recreation areas. But only its flowering begins very early, so only owners of the most beautiful shrubs can enjoy fragrant exotic flowers.

They will feel great in group plantings next to other plants that need similar care and growing conditions. There are varieties that develop well in slightly shaded areas. This is the reason that, next to the bushes, a green fern, and some evergreens covering the ground, can be quietly located. coniferous plants. The magnolia tree in Sochi on the Crimean peninsula feels good even in frequent estates without special care, since the soil is almost always wet and will not dry out.

Preparing for winter and pruning a magnolia tree video:

Magnolia refers to flowering plants, which began its existence in the era of dinosaurs. It is not surprising that the heat-loving culture has taken root in the Moscow region and Belarus. Living at a time when there were no bees yet, it was pollinated with the help of bugs. Magnolia has not lost this ability even now.

Description of magnolia

Different types of magnolia grow in the form of a bush or tree. Some have brown bark, others are ashy with a gray tint. Outwardly, it is scaly, smooth or furrowed. In height, the tree can reach up to 20 meters, although there are also undersized representatives with a height of 5 meters. Elliptical leaves grow on the branches. Nearby are large buds and flowers, reaching a diameter of 35 cm. The colors of the inflorescence are white, red, lilac or purple.

Cone-shaped fruits, consisting of a large number of leaflets. When they open, black seeds hang from the threads.

magnolia siebold

Siebold presents one of 200 varieties of magnolia. It usually grows as a shrub, but is also found as a deciduous tree. The leaves reach a length of 15 cm, and the diameter of the cups of flowers is 10 cm. The flowering period falls on the month of June. The variety is very frost-resistant, can withstand negative temperature up to 36 degrees.

However, if the plant is only biennial, it cannot be left for the winter without shelter. Even with a height of 1.5 meters, the tops of the shoots can be damaged in the spring. While a three-year-old culture, even with a growth of 1 meter, tolerates a harsh winter well.

magnolia susan

Susan also belongs to one of the varieties of magnolia and can grow as a shrub or tree from 2.5 to 6 meters high. In youth, the crown of the tree has a pyramidal shape, however, in the process of growth, it changes and becomes round and dense. The life of the plant is 50 years. The casting is the same size as the Siebold. Flowers grow vertically upwards. Outwardly, they have a bakal form. Along the perimeter there are 6 petals 12 cm long. Flowering begins at the end of April and continues until June.

Before planting a magnolia, you need to check the root system of the seedlings, which should not be damaged. The landing site is selected taking into account:

  • The site must be protected from through winds.
  • Magnolia cannot grow in calcareous soil. If the soil is exactly like this on the site, then peat must be added to it.
  • The soil when planting should not be sandy and should not be waterlogged.

The optimal place for planting magnolia is considered to be a sunny, but sometimes shaded area, with fertile black soil.

The best planting date is October. At this time, the growth of seedlings stops, because they begin a period of hibernation. In mid-autumn, frosts had not yet begun, but the heat subsided.

It is possible to plant a plant in the spring, but it is risky. Spring frosts can cause irreparable harm to a young seedling. It is better to plant magnolia in the fall, without risk and the guarantee of survival will be high.

Landing is carried out in the following order:

  • A hole is dug, which exceeds the root system of the seedling by 3 times.
  • The soil is checked, if it is dense, then sand is introduced into it.
  • A young plant is inserted into the hole and covered with pre-prepared soil.
  • It is important not to deepen the neck of the root, but to plant it 2 cm above ground level.
  • The soil around the seedling is trampled down and watered.
  • As soon as the soil absorbs water, the last step in planting is to mulch the black soil with peat and sand.

Growing magnolia from seeds

Planting seeds is best done in the fall., after harvest, because they are very poorly stored. Seeds are pre-treated. Their surface is very hard. In order to better germination, the side walls are undermined with a file or sandpaper. You can just pierce with a needle.

Given that the surface of the seeds is oily, they should be washed in soapy water and rinsed in clean water. Planting seeds is carried out in boxes, deepening them into the ground by 3 cm. The soil must contain a universal substrate. Then, until spring, containers with seeds are lowered into the basement. In March, they are taken out and placed on the windowsill. So that the soil does not dry out, occasionally water it. In a year, the seedlings will grow by 50 cm, and only after that they are planted in open ground.

Growing by cuttings and taps

Cuttings are cut at the end of June so that 3 leaves remain on top. From below, they are treated with a solution that stimulates the growth of the root system. Then they land in a mixture consisting of sand and peat. The container is covered and placed in a warm place. The temperature in the enclosed space should be maintained at 19-22 degrees. After 8 weeks, roots begin to appear. Landing in open ground is carried out only after a year.

Magnolia can be grown by layering. Branches located near the ground are dug in in the spring and in these places they take root. After a couple of years, they are separated from the mother bush, and the young plant begins to exist.

Magnolia in care is not a very demanding plant, but some attention demands for itself:

Magnolia is a plant that can decorate any garden plot. It's pretty easy to take care of. but it takes patience because the culture develops slowly. However, if you follow the right care for her, in a couple of years she will please her long wait with her flowering.

Magnolia, a tree or tall shrub native to North America and South-East Asia, in the gardens of our country magnolia is valued as ornamental plant with white, yellow and pink flowers. The cultivation of magnolia in central Russia is limited due to the harsh climate, but in fact, the opinion about the high risk of magnolia freezing is somewhat exaggerated. The gardener, following the basic principles of care and investing a little of his attention, will receive from the magnolia the expected gratitude for many years.


Magnolia includes more than 120 species of trees and shrubs, some of them are deciduous, others are evergreen. Unfortunately, not all magnolias are suitable for our climate, but with confidence we can choose three frost-resistant types - star magnolia, Cobus magnolia and Sulange magnolia.

Star magnolia blooms in March - April, takes the form of a branched tree up to 3 m high, fragrant flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, on average, each flower has 12 - 18 petals, color from white to pink. This species blooms in 2-3 years, has sufficient frost resistance, but the magnolia flower is delicate, with spring frosts the petals are damaged.

Magnolia Kobus is the most frost-resistant species, which makes it in demand. The tree reaches 10 m in height, as it grows, it acquires a conical or spherical shape. Varieties of this type of magnolia bloom before the leaves bloom - at the end of April. The most frost-resistant variety of this species is considered "Borealis" originally from northern Japan.

Magnolia Sulange is one of the most beautiful magnolias and is presented in a large number of varieties. Among the magnolias of this species there are both shrubs and trees, shrubs reach 4 m in height, trees up to 10 m. Sulange magnolias are distinguished by large flowers with a diameter of up to 15 cm, they bloom very luxuriantly, completely covering the tree with flowers in late April or early May. Sulange does not tolerate cold winters as well as Kobus magnolia, freezing of the plant is manifested by rare flowering. We note the most popular varieties of Sulange magnolia:

  • Alba Superba - blooms white
  • Alexandrina - takes the form of a shrub several meters high, blooms with pink flowers
  • Speciosa - very beautiful light pink flowers, almost white

Other species to grow in our gardens are Magnolia Liliaceae and Magnolia Susan Hybrid. Magnolia Liliaceae is a shrub up to 3 m in height with purple flowers. The species has an average resistance to frost.

Magnolia Susan 4 m in height in last place in terms of frost resistance, does not tolerate cold winds.
The species richness of magnolias is very diverse, but the health and flowering of these exceptional trees depend on proper growing conditions.

magnolia planting

The deadline for planting deciduous magnolias is August, it is better to plant seedlings in May, when there are no frosts, and there is time for rooting until autumn. A place for planting magnolias is chosen open to sunlight, protected from the wind.

The soil should be permeable and slightly acidic (pH 5 - 6), fertilized with humus. Magnolia does not like strong competition, so let's exclude shrubs and trees growing nearby, snowdrops, anemones, violets, field daisies and crocuses are acceptable, but the reproduction of the listed flowers should be limited.

We consider landing among the lawn with caution, the sun is available on the magnolia lawn and good food for the roots, but there is a significant drawback - the wind, this problem can be easily solved by surrounding the lawn with a fence or tall plants.

Be careful when planting magnolia seedlings, the hole should be the size of the roots, the seedling is not cut off, and moreover, branches accidentally broken during planting delay the rooting of the plant.
After planting, the soil around the plant is covered with pine bark or peat with a layer of 30 cm to protect the roots from freezing. The root system of magnolias is very fragile, remember that further transplantation may lead to the death of the plant.

magnolia care

As already mentioned, the magnolia is not pruned, not during planting, not after. Pruning magnolia will not improve flowering, but on the contrary, will only worsen the condition of the tree. Magnolia blooms for about a month, pruning of dry branches damaged by frost after flowering is recommended. Magnolia does not tolerate drought; from May to August, the tree is regularly watered.

Some varieties of magnolias do not bloom until three years, fertilization will help bring the flowering period closer to 2 years, but if your seedling is grown from seed, the first flowering will not occur earlier than after 10 years. For magnolias, fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used, they are applied in March before flowering and in June. Autumn application of phosphorus and potassium will prepare magnolia for winter.

For the first three years, magnolia is sensitive to severe frosts, while a small seedling is covered with spruce branches. Magnolia from May to September is attacked by spider mites, the leaves brighten, dry out and fall off. Also, aphids will attack the plant, the whole plant should be treated against the pest. Magnolia are prone to fungal diseases, the best prevention is proper watering - only the soil is moistened, and the leaves and branches must remain dry, fungicides are used when infected.

Blooming magnolia, this is the result proper care in the first few years after planting, make no mistakes during this time.

Culture can be evergreen or deciduous. In total there are 120 varieties of culture. Many varieties of magnolias bred by modern breeders are perfect for cultivation in the middle lane. Evergreen magnolias are intended for southern regions with a humid warm climate. Deciduous trees are frost-resistant magnolias that can tolerate low ambient temperatures for a long time.

Types of magnolias grown in cold regions: large-leaved magnolia, Cobus magnolia, star magnolia, Lebner magnolia, three-petal magnolia, virgin magnolia.

Conditionally winter-hardy species that prefer warm weather, without severe frosts: Sulange magnolia, lily-colored, Ash magnolia.

Exotic cultures of southern latitudes: large-flowered magnolia, evergreen "Gallisoninsis grandiflora", "Gallisoninsis Nana".

Sweet bay

Sweet bay- This is a deciduous or semi-evergreen tall bush, reaching a height of 20 m. The trunk of representatives of the species is straight, the branches are bare, the buds are covered with tiny villi. Magnolia virginiana has oval, semi-evergreen leaves, with a pointed apex and a wide base, up to 12 cm long. From above, the leaf plate is dark olive, smooth, polished. From below, the leaves are smoky-turquoise, tender, velvety, pubescent along the midrib. Petioles are small, no more than 2 cm long, smooth, not pubescent.

The flowering period of representatives of the variety begins in April; blooms until July, not abundantly, but steadily. Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, milky white, fragrant, petals about 9 - 12 pieces.

Many fans of culture believe that magnolia virginiana flowers have an inimitable, intoxicating aroma.

The fruits of the plant are dark purple in color, up to 5 cm long, shaped like an ellipse or cone. The seeds are covered with a dense purple shell.


Magnolia Susan

Magnolia Susan is a popular hybrid of lilac magnolia and star magnolia. It is a dense shrub up to 4 m high, at first resembling a cone, and the older it acquires a rounded shape. The leaves are large, dark olive. The flowers are voluminous, up to 1 cm in diameter, dark scarlet at the base, lighter at the ends. Representatives of the variety do not smell strongly, but pleasantly. The flowering period is long and violent.

The plant prefers sunny places, without strong winds, and slightly acidic, fertile soils. In winter, specimens of the variety need shelter only in the first couple of years after planting.

Magnolia Susan is a variety that seems to be specially created for small, cozy gardens.


magnolia macrophylla

magnolia macrophylla- This is a deciduous tree up to 23 m high, with a dense, elongated, rounded crown, shaped like a pyramid. The trunk is straight, with a diameter of up to 50 cm; the bark is thin, smooth, smoky. In adult representatives, the bark acquires the ability to crack into tiny flat plates. Young shoots are covered with thin fluff. Representatives of the variety have large, thin leaves, up to 100 cm long, with wavy edges and a blunt apex, heart-shaped at the base. Above the leaf plate is glossy, malachite, below the leaves are grayish, covered with delicate short hairs.

Large-leaved magnolia has flowers of an unusual color in the upper tier of the crown: three blueberry spots on the inner petals. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, fragrant: at first they are snow-white, and closer to the end of flowering, they acquire a shade of ivory. The buds of the plant appear after the leaves bloom, in April - May. The fruit ripening closer to August is an oval lilac multi-leaf, up to 8 cm long.


Magnolia Loebner

Magnolia Loebner "Leonard"- This is a deciduous tree up to 9 m high, a hardy hybrid of magnolias Kobus and Star-shaped, with a rounded crown and a wonderful aroma. The leaves are oval in shape, their arrangement is regular. The flowering time of the culture begins in mid-spring. Volumetric buds of the plant, up to 14 cm in diameter, resemble stars in shape, white or mother-of-pearl. The outer petals of the flower are distinguished by blue-scarlet or pink-purple stripes, inside the petals are white.

Representatives of the species prefer acidic, fertile, moist and drained soils. Place for the plant is chosen in the open sun or in light shade. A favorable time for planting deciduous magnolia is early spring.


Magnolia hybrid Betty

Magnolia hybrid Betty is a deciduous shrub up to 4 m high, with a rounded crown. The leaves are oblong, up to 10 cm long. The flowering stage begins in mid-spring, before the leaves bloom. The flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter, scarlet on the outside and white-pearl inside, the petals are narrow, slightly twisted. The culture blooms profusely until early July.

For rapid formation and growth, the culture must be planted in an open sunny place, protected from the winds.


Umbrella tree

Umbrella tree- This is a deciduous tree up to 12 m high, with a crown similar to an impressive umbrella. The bark of the trees is light smoky, smooth. The shoots are dense, crimson-lead or brown-olive, with pronounced leaf scars, the buds are brown-green. The leaves are large, oblong, with a pointed apex. From above, the leaf plate is light olive, even, the leaves below are greenish-gray, with convex veins, covered with short hairs.

Three-petal magnolia has large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, creamy in color, shaped like oblong goblets. Thanks to this structure of the flowers, the beetles that pollinate them freely penetrate the buds. The fruits of the culture are multi-leaflets of an oblong shape, wine-colored, containing resinous, flat seeds. The flowering period begins after the leaves bloom.


magnolia willifolia

magnolia willifolia- This is an elegant deciduous tree or large shrub up to 10 m high, with a conical crown having several tiers. The bark of the trunk of magnolia willow is smooth, smoky shade. Young shoots of representatives of the species are lead-olive, tender and silky. Mature shoots are smoky-brown, greenish. The leaves are long and narrow, pointed, oval in shape. The leaf plate is light olive above, gray below, covered with tiny hairs along the veins.

Magnolia flowers are creamy in color, with a strong anise smell, shaped like bells. The flowering stage begins before the leaves bloom, in the first half or mid-April. Re-blooming is possible in August or September. The fruit is a modular leaflet, shaped like a slightly curved cylinder.

Interestingly, in the process of growth, on the illuminated side, the fruits get a pinkish tint. If you grind the vegetative parts of the plant, the air will be filled with an anise fragrance.


magnolia lilyflower

Magnolia Lilyflower Nigra or an orchid tree is a shrub or tree up to 6 m high, with rather branchy, voluminous foliage. The bark of the tree trunk is even, light smoky in color. Young shoots of the culture are initially olive in color, adult specimens have crimson-brown branches. The leaves of the plant are large, oval-shaped, narrowed at the base, dark olive above, light green below.

Flower buds are covered with lemon-silver hairs. The flowers are narrow, shaped like cups, scarlet on the outside, milky inside, with a delicate, barely perceptible aroma. The flowering time begins in late spring, along with the appearance of leaves. Re-flowering is possible between July and September.

The fruit is a multi-leafed cylindrical shape, crimson colors with black seeds, ripens in late October - November.


magnolia brooklyn

magnolia brooklyn is a fast-growing deciduous tree up to 6 meters high. The crown is small, pyramidal. The light chestnut or smoky bark of the plant is covered with grooves. The branches of specimens of the species are purple-brown-gray. The leaves are dark olive in color, elongated, satin, with solid, slightly wavy edges.

The flowers of the representatives of the species are of a wide variety of shades, ranging from lemon and yellow-green to lilac-blue. The first buds appear in late spring - early summer. The fruits are pink-scarlet leaflets, shaped like a pine cone. Fruits in September. For planting, plants choose a sunny place, sheltered from piercing winds, with acidic or neutral soil.

Magnolia Elizabeth

Botanists' favorite cultivar of the Brooklyn magnolia: Magnolia cultivar Elizabeth. Yellow Magnolia or Magnolia Elizabeth is a medium-sized evergreen or deciduous, depending on the local climate, a tree about 8 meters high, with foliage resembling a pyramid. The leaves are oval, leathery, glossy, olive in color. The flowers of the plant are straw-colored, goblet-shaped, odorous. Magnolia flower buds open in late spring and early summer.

Representatives of the variety grow actively in areas lit by the sun or in partial shade. Even in an almost mild climate, the weather is unpredictable, and cold winters cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the frosty season by collecting material for shelter in a convenient corner of the garden. Spruce branches, reed or straw mats, mature compost can be used for protection.


Camellia Genie

Genie is a hybrid of Sulange magnolias and Lilyflowered Nigra. Deciduous compact shrub up to 3 meters high, with an exquisite columnar crown shape. Elastic young olive-colored shoots acquire a chestnut hue over time. The leaves are tobacco green, oval.

Volumetric, goblet-shaped flowers of dark wine color, shaped like tulips or lotus flowers. Abundant flowering representatives of the hybrid lasts all spring. Blooms again in late summer.


Magnolia Kobus

Magnolia Kobus is a deciduous tree or shrub up to 25 meters high. The fleshy roots of the plant are located in different ways: close to the surface of the soil and deep in the thickness of the earth. Young trees have a narrow, pyramidal crown, adult representatives have delicate leafless shoots and a rounded crown. The bark of the plant stem is dark grey. The leaves are oval, with a wedge-shaped apex, dark malachite above, light below. The flowers are white and creamy, with a sweet aroma. Culture pleases with the appearance of buds in early spring, until the leaves bloom.

The tree grows quite quickly, prefers fresh, porous and moist soil. Tropical beauty is perfect for slightly acidified and humus-rich soil.

Seedlings of the sultry lady will start flowering after 7 years, but sometimes flora lovers have to wait 30 years for the first buds to appear. Vegetatively propagated representatives of the culture delight with wonderful flowers 10 years after planting. If the growing conditions are unfavorable, the culture may not bloom at all.

Kobus is the most resistant of all East Asian species, the culture withstands short-term frosts down to -34 degrees. As for pruning trees, it is carried out for sanitary purposes, as needed.

This type of magnolia has a popular northern shape, with a cone-shaped crown and mother-of-pearl flowers that are larger than the main species. The northern magnolia is more frost hardy than the typical magnolia.


magnolia grandiflora

Magnolia grandiflora- an evergreen tree up to 30 meters high. Magnolia grandiflora has a wide crown, shaped like a pyramid. The bark is smoky or chestnut. The flowers of the magnolia tree are solitary, growing on the tops of the shoots, voluminous, white-creamy, with an intense intoxicating smell. The flowering time lasts from May to September. Tropical culture bears fruit in October-November. The charming enchantress remains viable with a short drop in temperature to -15 degrees.

magnolia nude

magnolia nude

magnolia nude It is a deciduous tree or tall shrub. It blooms with large milky-cream flowers with a pleasant rich aroma. The flowering stage of the plant begins before the leaves bloom. When growing representatives of the species from seeds, the first buds will appear no earlier than after 4 years, and in some cases, magnolia will delight with flowers only after 10 years. Breeders have bred several hybrid forms of representatives of the culture, differing in appearance and flowering periods.


Magnolia Sulange

Magnolia Sulange is a hybrid of naked magnolia and lilac magnolia. Magnolia Sulange is a deciduous tree or shrub up to 8 meters high. The leaves are large, light olive. The dazzling culture delights its fans with lush flowering in mid-spring. The fruits of the plant appear closer to autumn.

Magnolia of this species is able to withstand frosts down to -22 degrees. If provided for the development of culture sunny places protected from cold winds, it will abundantly and quite early reward its fans with luxurious buds. The plant is able to withstand the influence of adverse climatic conditions and actively develops on various soils, preferring fertile, porous soil.

Representatives of the species constantly need sunlight, so they feel bad even in partial shade.

As for late frosts, they can harm the flowers, but the plant is able to recover rapidly.

Widely known exotic forms and varieties:

  • f. Lennei - flowers are fragrant, scarlet, with a mother-of-pearl hue on the outside, milky inside;
  • f. rubra - bright, crimson-pink flowers;
  • f. Alexandrina - mother-of-pearl flowers, dark scarlet outside;
  • f. Niemetzii is a plant with a cone-shaped crown and a variety of flower colors, mostly white and strawberry.


magnolia siebold

Magnolia Siebold is an elegant deciduous tree or shrub up to 10 meters high. The leaves are large and wide. The flowers are milky, fragrant, on a thin pedicel, covered with fluff. The plant gives buds in June, sometimes there is a repeated single flowering at the end of summer. The tropical goddess bears fruit in late September or October. Magnolia fruits are multi-leaf oblong, crimson hue. The culture is frost-resistant.


magnolia star

Already in March, white and pale crimson flowers make magnolia, barely reaching 3 meters, perhaps one of the most beautiful, early blooming garden shrubs. Star magnolia has the ability to drop leaves for the winter and has a fairly voluminous crown. The leaves are large, fleshy, glossy, oval.

The main difference between the representatives of star magnolia: lush flowering earlier than other species. Flowers, similar in shape to a star, consist of 15-40 petals, have a delicate, intoxicating aroma.

The buds open before the leaves appear, in mid-spring. The flowering period lasts about 20 days. Scarlet knobby fruit of the plant appearance looks like a cucumber. The place for planting the crop should be open to sunlight and protected from the winds.

Popular varieties of star magnolia:

  • Royal Star. Shrub up to 3 meters high, covered with fragile, snow-white flowers in spring. This variety is considered to be more adapted to harsh weather conditions than the wild form. The shrub is able to endure a drop in temperature to -30 degrees;
  • Rosea. Shrub up to 2 meters high, the crown of which is shaped like a ball. Mother-of-pearl flowers are large, fragrant. The winter hardiness of the variety is the same as that of the wild-growing ancestor;
  • Doctor Massey. The height of the crown of the plant reaches 2.5 meters. Representatives of the variety surprise with long and violent flowering. Magnolias of this variety are distinguished by strawberry-colored buds, which become snow-white after blooming. Culture tolerates frost well;
  • Jane Platt. Very beautiful variety, with mother-of-pearl flowers and a large number of petals. The variety has good winter hardiness.

magnolia officinalis

magnolia officinalis

Deciduous tree up to 20 meters high. The bark of the trunk is smoky in color, young shoots are covered with thin, tiny, delicate villi, later the shoots become satiny, straw-smoky or lemon. The kidneys are olive-colored, covered with a reddish fluff, the generative ones are greenish-lead. The leaves, located at the ends of the branches, are in the form of an umbrella, oval in shape, with a wedge-shaped apex. The leaf plate, olive above and smoky green below, is covered with hairs, which later remain only along its veins.

This species gives buds in April, after the appearance of leaves. The flowers, similar to narrow cups, are white, fragrant, shaped like water lilies. The fruit of the plant is an oval-shaped multi-leaf, with a rounded top, crimson in color. Winter hardy plant.

The tropical angel is used not only as a decoration and landscaping of various settlements, but is also grown for medicinal purposes. The results of various scientific tests indicate a sufficient content in the bark, leaves and buds of representatives of the culture of a large number of aromatic ingredients and alkaloids.