How to lay the floors on the veranda. Modern terrace coverings - what to choose and how to mount

Reliable and durable floors on the open veranda will provide a beautiful look to your home for a long time and save the owners from constantly updating the coatings and spending money on it. Experience shows that more expensive flooring often pays off. However, it is important to remember that in addition to the quality of materials, compliance with the technology and the accuracy of the work are important.

Foundation types

There are two types of foundations that are suitable for building a veranda - tape and pile.

Traditionally, the foundation for the veranda is the same as the supporting part of the main building. This practice is widespread and virtually has no complaints. At the same time, differences are allowed, especially in cases where a light veranda is not built at the stage of the main construction, but is added later. In such cases, a house standing on a strip foundation may also have a veranda on a pile foundation.

Features of the open veranda

When choosing what to make the floor on the veranda with your own hands or with the help of hired workers, it should be borne in mind that the operating conditions of the coating will not actually differ from the outdoor space. The presence of a roof and fences do not protect the surface from temperature changes, precipitation and exposure to sunlight. Accordingly, the materials should also be immune or slightly susceptible to such factors.

There are also distinctive features in operation, due to the location and design features of the veranda. So, unlike balconies, they always enter the veranda in the shoes they wear on the street. Sharp heels, hard heels are an additional risk factor and require the selection and use of the most durable materials as flooring.

The photo shows an example of an open veranda

Before painting the floor on an open veranda, if it is made of wood, it is important to know that some additional nuances will also affect its durability.

  • So that the floors do not collapse under the influence of microflora (do not rot from dampness, to put it simply), you can use special impregnations. When using conventional boards as a preparation, drying is rarely used. For this kind of construction, it is customary to use material with natural moisture. Those who are not constrained in funds may prefer a decking floor for a veranda made of decking boards - the material is expensive, but has a greater durability compared to conventional boards. In addition, the terrace board is more convenient during installation.
  • The likelihood of putrefactive processes is minimized with proper installation of the coating. So, if the size of the gaps does not exceed 3-5 mm, it will be sufficient to compensate for natural expansion during temperature changes, but too small to allow moisture to seep in and go down, and it is precisely its presence that provokes premature destruction of the coating.

Preparatory work before painting the floor

Experts say that when equipping the floors on the veranda with their own hands, close attention should be paid preparatory work. The high quality of their performance is an indispensable condition for the durability of the coating and 75% success. On the contrary, poor surface preparation can cause rapid destruction, regardless of how to cover the floor on the veranda.

Please note: The floor on the outdoor terrace must be waterproofed and drained. The latter easily replaces a slight slope of the surface in the direction from the house.

Painting a wooden floor

Painted wood floors can also be classified as classic options. It is believed that in open space conditions such a coating will be short-lived, however, the correct application of a well-chosen paint can extend its service life to 3 years or more.

  • Choose moisture-resistant formulations for application. Well proven, for example, acrylic compositions for outdoor use.
  • A good alternative to paint can be a special terrace oil.
  • Lacquering allows you to preserve the color and texture of natural wood. To improve the properties of the material and obtain a more interesting color, you can use a stain before applying the varnish.
  • If you are painting new boards, blend the first coat well.
  • When applying the first coat, you can use rollers to apply in the middle and thin brushes to cover hard-to-reach areas.
  • Several thin layers will be more reliable and durable than one with a large thickness. The best option is three thin layers, each of which is applied after the previous one has completely dried.
  • The first layer on new boards is dried for at least 4-5 days.
  • After the last layer has dried, the floors are washed hot water.

Floor coverings on the open veranda

Each material suitable for flooring on an open veranda has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to decide how to cover the floor on the veranda, taking into account the totality of characteristics, comparing the pros and cons of the materials.


Tile is considered a "cold" material. Indeed, it is unpleasant to walk on such a coating barefoot and in slippers with thin soles. If you plan to be on the veranda in street shoes, consider laying tiles on the floor - they are durable and moisture resistant, and are not afraid of temperature changes. These qualities are inherent in materials for outdoor work. For safety, make sure that the surface of the cladding was non-slip. If perfect cleanliness is important to you, and you are thinking about how to cover the floor on the open veranda so that it can be washed as often as you like, the tile will also become rational decision. It is resistant not only to humidity, but also to chemical attack, for example, active elements of detergents.

By choosing porcelain stoneware instead of ordinary tiles, you will spend a little more, but you will get best quality. Porcelain stoneware is more durable and has no pores, where it could get and freeze, destroying the structure, in winter time, moisture.

Important: Consider the fact that the tile creates a sufficiently large additional load, this can be important when using a pile foundation.

You can learn about what it is from our separate article. This modern flooring material also has a number of advantages.

And about that, read in another article on the site. In it you will find a list suitable materials and helpful tips for work.

We told the page about the features of energy-saving double-glazed windows.


The plank floor is traditional, but not outdated, but always up-to-date. Natural wood is perfect for country house and dachas. Most often, coniferous boards are chosen, which are more resistant to moisture than others due to the presence of resinous substances. Quite expensive, but oak boards are also durable, their ability to resist decay is due to the presence of tannins.

Special terrace boards (decking) will require costs that will pay off with the durability of the coating. You can choose solid wood terrace boards that have undergone special processing or composite products that combine the advantages of natural wood and durable and resistant to external factors of various kinds of polymers.

Terrace board flooring combines beautiful appearance and high reliability.

self-leveling floor

Self-leveling floors are not the cheapest, but one of the most durable and reliable options. On sale it is easy to find dry building mixes for similar purposes. To achieve the desired result, it remains only to accurately follow all the instructions for preparing the solution and its use.

rubber floor

Rubber is one of the coating options that deserve special attention. It has all the qualities necessary for use in open spaces. It is unlikely that there will be another material than to cover the floor on the terrace, as light, moisture resistant, practical, durable and non-slip. When choosing the type of material, consider your experience and capabilities. Rubber conglomerate (crumb or granules) require the use of special technologies. It is much easier to purchase coverage by the meter or in the form of modules that are assembled into a solid coverage using convenient locks.


Linoleum is an economical option for a veranda. It is beautiful, but has very mediocre performance, and therefore in a few years it will require replacement. Deciding what to make the floors on the veranda from open type, choose linoleum only with a budget deficit.

The veranda is a very special room in a country house. First of all, this name hides a huge variety of designs, architectural and design solutions. So, the veranda can be completely closed, it can have large full-wall windows that are removed for the summer, or it can even turn into an open terrace in the warm season, protected from the weather only by a canopy - a favorite vacation spot for the owners of the house. Such a variety of options, of course, cannot but raise the question - how to cover the floor on the veranda?

How to cover the floor on the veranda

There are many options. They depend on the design of the extension itself, and on its foundation, the degree of insulation, openness atmospheric air, features of the operation of the premises. Of course, in all cases, a good owner will also think about the aesthetic side of the issue - so that the veranda is beautiful.

Before deciding on the choice of coverage for the veranda, you need to know exactly what foundation it is located on. In principle, the problem can be defined even differently: even when planning the construction of a veranda, it is necessary to immediately decide on the type of its foundation, and, accordingly, on the type of finishing coating of its floor.

Two of the most common case - a veranda on a strip foundation or an extension on a columnar (pile) base.

  • If the veranda itself is conceived as a capital structure, as a full-fledged building of the house, and the main building itself is located on a strip foundation, then it would be better to install an extension on a similar basis.

It is clear that in this case the floor, most likely, will require any kind of insulation, it must have a solid surface, reliable waterproofing, excluding water from entering the voids located under it. If it is planned to remove windows (walls) for the summer period, then the problem of atmospheric moisture and precipitation entering the room should be thought out. Probably, a slight slope to one of the sides or a storm drain with a ladder will be required, so that the water from the veranda can easily find a way out without stagnation and without penetrating through the coating.

If the veranda is planned to be made completely enclosed, then you can think about enhanced thermal insulation of the floors or even,if there is an opportunity and desire, about their heating in one way or another.

  • A completely different picture, if the veranda is a light extension to the main building, and for a significant part of the year, and sometimes all year round, remains open, being something in between the interior and the terrace. With such a layout, it is most often placed on a pile foundation, so that free space remains on the floor and the ground level.

The foundation can be made of brick columns, which are laid out on cement-filled “patch patches” buried in the ground by 50 ÷ 70 cm.

Another option is screw piles or asbestos-cement pipes embedded in the necessary places.

Bearings are attached to the piles wooden beams, on which the subfloor is then mounted (if necessary) and logs for laying the outer, finishing floor.

If the veranda is open, then very often the flooring is made not solid, but with slots, which will ensure the outflow of rainwater from the territory. Another option is to consider a stormwater system (surface slope, drains, drainpipes, etc.).

Basic requirements for the floor on the veranda

Whatever the veranda is conceived, no matter how open it is to external influences, characteristics of this room leave an imprint on the requirements for floors.

  • They always enter the veranda in outdoor shoes, sometimes carrying with them a large amount of dirt, dust, and moisture - rainwater or snow. Thus, the floor should be easy to clean regularly, not absorb dirt and not swell under the influence of high humidity.
  • Of all the premises of the house, it is at the entrance, and on the veranda - in particular, the most intense human flow. This means that the floor must withstand significant mechanical loads and be resistant to abrasion.
  • The veranda is located in the intermediate zone, between outdoor and indoor temperatures. The fluctuations in values ​​can be quite significant, especially in winter. Conclusion - the coating should equally well tolerate both summer heat and winter cold. At the same time, it should not be subject to thermal deformation.
  • The state of high humidity, combined with temperature changes, can cause the floor to become very slippery, dangerous for injuries. This means that the surface must have certain properties that increase the grip of the sole of the shoe with the floor, so as not to pose a danger to people.
  • And, finally, the decorative effect of the coating is important for everyone - even on the veranda it should be beautiful and cozy.

What floors are suitable for the veranda

So, based on the architectural features of the veranda itself and the requirements for floors in this room, you can choose one of several coatings:

Concrete floor

Yes, if the veranda "rests" on a strip foundation, then there may well be such a solution. Of course, this does not mean just a rough screed, even perfectly aligned. Modern concrete processing technologies make it possible to create a high-strength coating, which, in terms of its decorative qualities, is quite capable of competing with other types.

We are talking, of course, about polished and hardened concrete. The introduction and grouting at the stage of pouring special dry mixes - toppings, gives a perfectly even coating that is not afraid of literally anything - no stress, no moisture, no temperature changes. Various color shades of additives open up the possibility of decorating the floor in accordance with one's own design. Surfaces can be given both a glossy and matte rough structure.

Another option with a concrete floor is grinding it. Of course, this is a rather laborious process that will require special equipment. A mosaic grinder can be rented for a certain period, but there is another option - to use a hand-held power tool, up to special nozzles for a powerful grinder.

Floor grinding can be done independently with a hand tool

The result is a perfectly even coating that can be brought even to a polished sheen. And if, when pouring the screed, include it in component composition fragments of granite or marble, then the decorative effect of the surface will be beyond praise.

The main thing for the veranda is not to overdo it with polishing, so that the surface does not turn out to be too slippery.

Tiled flooring

Such a coating on a veranda with a powerful foundation is almost an ideal solution. You can, of course, lay the tiles in the room, standing on piles, but this will be an unnecessary load on the wooden parts of the beams and the log - for these cases there are more acceptable solutions.

Ceramic tiles are quite suitable for closed verandas, and for open or semi-open spaces. With proper installation and careful grouting of tile joints with the required composition, he will not be afraid of getting a large amount of water, high humidity. Ceramics withstands all kinds of mechanical loads very well, especially abrasive impact. She does not care for significant temperature changes.

It will be even better if, instead of the usual tile, apply porcelain stoneware. Its operational parameters are significantly higher. Designed specifically for areas where there is a high risk of slipping, it has a textured outer coating that reduces the risk of slipping to a minimum.

The disadvantages of such a coating include its coldness - it is not always pleasant to become barefoot on it. It can be argued that in the summer, in the heat, this is more likely to be an advantage, and in winter, access to the veranda without shoes is extremely unlikely. In addition, ceramic tiles with their ability to accumulate heat, if desired, become an excellent finishing coating for underfloor heating.

The decorativeness of the tile allows you to realize the most daring ideas. If the feasibility of using ceramic coating enters contrary to the desire to have a “wood-like” floor, then in this case there is a tile with a very reliable imitation of the wood structure.

The main thing when choosing a tile for a veranda is its intended use for rooms with heavy traffic and a rough surface texture.

Natural wood floors

By its natural comfort natural wood simply has no competitors, therefore, sometimes to the detriment performance characteristics sex, the choice is stopped on it. With floors on the veranda, several options are available:

  • High-quality tongue-and-groove board - it gives an excellent even coating, which is both decorative (with appropriate installation and design) and good performance.

The lack of a tree is its “dislike” for water in all its manifestations, so such a floor is most often acceptable only in completely enclosed verandas, where direct rainfall is excluded.

So that the floor is not afraid of high humidity and dirt applied from the street, it must be covered with a layer of special waterproof transparent varnish or paint. As a rule, such a wooden floor will require reliable thermal and waterproofing under it, otherwise the boards may not last long. Although, modern impregnating compounds for wood will help minimize the vulnerability of such a coating to changes in humidity and temperature inherent in the veranda.

  • The second option is much more resistant to all negative influences. This refers to decking, a special deck (terrace) board made of durable wood (most often it is Siberian larch, although exotic breeds are also used) and treated with special impregnations, which give it additional protection.

Tecking - high-quality "deck" board from special types of wood

Such a coating is already universal - it can be laid both indoors and on open verandas with a ventilated subfloor. So that rain moisture does not accumulate on the territory of the veranda, the boards are laid at intervals from each other - the water simply flows down. For the same reason, the boards do not need a tongue and groove lock - they are smoothly trimmed on both sides.

In the production of such coatings, numerous longitudinal grooves are necessarily milled on the front surface - it is simply impossible to slip on such a floor.

The floor on the veranda, completely laid out of this material, has excellent decorative effect - smooth lines along with natural colors and textures. coniferous tree give a completely unique effect.

Composite deck board

This is a worthy replacement. expensive natural decking, quite comparable to it in terms of performance, and losing, perhaps, only in matters of environmental friendliness and natural warmth. The material for the manufacture of such “liquid wood” is woodworking waste (chips, sawdust, dust) mixed with polymer compositions and molded on extrusion lines. As a result, panels of a special hollow structure are obtained - light, high-strength, not afraid of negative impacts external environment, externally repeating the shape and texture of a natural deck board.

This coating is successfully used on all types of terraces, open or semi-closed verandas. Fastening it to the lags is carried out in a hidden way, with the help of special brackets, which is another advantage of this floor.

Video - installation of a composite decking board

A veranda finished with such material will not visually differ from a room with a natural floor covering. From the point of view of ecology, a tree is certainly preferable, but in open areas this disadvantage of a wood composite practically “vanishes”.

Linoleum on the veranda

Undoubtedly, this is also an acceptable option, especially since it "bribes" both the cheapness of the material and the ease of laying the finishing surface. If you purchase linoleum that is resistant to mechanical and temperature extremes, then it should last a long time.

Linoleum on the veranda - despite the shortcomings, also has a "right to exist"

It would seem that a very good option in terms of hygiene, ease of cleaning, water resistance. However, a material with an insulated felt or fabric base for this room is not entirely appropriate - there is no escape from high humidity, and such a base will eventually become damp, begin to rot or rot. And one more big minus - no matter how high-quality linoleum is, under the influence of high temperatures (a common occurrence on the veranda in summer time) a peculiar “synthetic” smell may appear.

Self-leveling polymer floors

About these floors on the veranda, we can say that they are probably devoid of shortcomings from an operational point of view. Practically not afraid of anything, high-strength, with unlimited possibilities for decorating for the most sophisticated taste, they would most likely be ideal solution, if you do not take into account their pronounced "artificiality". Fans of natural material do not always like them.

Their second significant drawback is a rather complicated and multi-stage pouring process, which requires both rather laborious preparation of the base and special skills in work. If we add to this a considerable price for high-quality materials and for paying for the work of masters, then their low popularity in such premises becomes quite understandable.

rubber coating

But about such a coating is very often forgotten in vain. It is the best suited for open or semi-enclosed verandas.

It has excellent anti-slip properties, is harmless from an environmental point of view, is absolutely not afraid of moisture and temperature fluctuations, has a pronounced shock-absorbing effect, is safe from the point of view of injuries - what else is needed for a room where people constantly pass, where there can be high humidity and pollution?

Rubber coatings can be produced in the form of tiles, modules with a lock connection, or in the form of a conglomerate (crumbs or granules) that requires laying using a special technology.

The device of such a floor will remove at once a lot of problems inherent in a veranda or terrace. Another advantage is that it can be laid on almost any base.

So, there are many options for covering the floor on the veranda. You should correctly evaluate the features of a particular room, your own vision, the advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions, your financial capabilities - and make the right choice.

AT country house and in the country, many dream of creating a cozy corner where you can relax and have a good time with family and friends. Often such a room or recreation area is a veranda. If there are no questions with the walls and roof, then the question of how to cover the floor on the veranda in the country worries many owners of suburban real estate.

What is a veranda

A veranda is an open or closed room, which is a continuation of the house. This building is usually operated only in the summer, and therefore it is most often not equipped with communications for heating.

In the case of a closed structure, the veranda is glazed and used in the cold season. At the same time, warm-type material (board or timber) is used for the floor. For the construction of the roof and supports, the material from which the house or tree is built is used.

Requirements for the floor on the veranda

Due to the fact that in most cases the operating conditions of the floor on the veranda of the cottage will be similar to the conditions of being in open space, floor coverings must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistance. The floor on an open veranda, as well as on a closed one, may be exposed to excessive moisture penetration, due to walking in wet shoes or getting water during rain. If the material is selected without taking into account this factor, then it can be damaged and become unusable quickly enough, requiring repair or complete replacement;
  • Resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress various types. The constant flow of people on the veranda and the furniture installed there put a significant load on the floor;
  • Endurance. Frequent exposure to sunlight and temperature fluctuations should not affect the quality and service life of the veranda floor, cause its deformation or damage. The material should respond equally well to any changes in the microclimate;
  • Safety. After rain and water getting on the surface of the veranda, snow and ice freezing on it, there should not be situations that contribute to injuries. The base should be covered with a material that has good adhesion to any type of shoe sole.

Advantages and disadvantages of flooring materials

Depending on preferences, budget and design features, common options for a veranda, cozy terraces of country houses, cottages or cottages, the floor is made of the following materials:

  • Wood;
  • decking;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Rubber cover;
  • Linoleum;
  • Bulk floor;
  • Concrete;


The wooden floor of the veranda will fill this recreation area with cozy energy, make it calm and elegant at home. This option is especially relevant on a closed veranda, with glazed openings, where moisture from rain does not get.

Among the benefits of using wood flooring for the veranda, environmental friendliness, high thermal conductivity, durability and strength can be noted. At proper care a board coated with antifungal impregnations, varnished or tinted will last a long time.

Even in the absence of heating on the veranda, it is not at all cold to stand on such a floor in the cold season. Wood radiates warmth and makes the atmosphere calm and peaceful.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing the floor of the veranda, as excess moisture will contribute to the development of fungus and decay, from which the floorboard will quickly become unusable.

The main disadvantage of using wood is the high cost of the material, as well as flammability. In addition, the board requires special care and regular treatment with antiseptic compounds.


Decking - a versatile alternative wooden floor especially on the veranda. Wondering how to cover the floors on the open veranda, and at the same time use eco-friendly material, then great solution may be the use of decking. It is based on wood shavings, with polymer binders. One important disadvantage of this material is flammability. But otherwise, it has undeniable advantages:

  • Lightweight panels that are easy to transport and install;
  • Due to the special structure, with the presence of grooves in the structure, moisture does not linger on the surface, flowing down. At the same time, the main thing is that the drainage system is properly organized under the floor;
  • Such a coating is not afraid of either the sun's rays or sudden changes in temperature;
  • Due to the special impregnation, it is impossible to develop the processes of decay and the appearance of insects;
  • The top layer of the corrugated structure prevents injuries and slipping;
  • Long service life. With proper care, it is more than 30 years old.

Attention! Higher quality has a composite board, which includes PVC-based impregnations, polyethylene binders are of poor quality.

The cost of such material is not the lowest, but with all its advantages and the corresponding budget, it is optimal for an open veranda or terrace.

Ceramic tile

ceramic coating a good option, which also has advantages and will cost less than using wood. The tile looks beautiful, it is not too demanding to maintain and is easy to install. In case of damage to the coating, the repair does not cause difficulties and does not require a complete dismantling of the entire premises.

Attention! For those who prefer that the tiles cover all the irregularities of the floor, you should thoroughly prepare it for laying.

Among the advantages of ceramic finishing of the base are:

  • This coating is not afraid of moisture, sun and temperature changes;
  • The tile is not affected by fungus and mold, and if dark spots appear in the seams, you can quickly and easily remove the grout and re-lay it;
  • Ease of maintenance. The floor covered with tiles can be washed with plain water using liquid cleaning products;
  • High fire safety and the possibility of installing a fireplace or barbecue in the room;
  • A wide variety of shapes, colors, textures and patterns. You can choose tiles for any interior of the veranda.

However, such a floor is not without some shortcomings that can be corrected if you know the methods:

  • The cold emanating from such a coating does not change with the time of year. The tiles are cold even in the hottest heat. When arranging such a coating in an open veranda, it will additionally provide coolness. In a closed structure, you can install a warm floor, which will allow you to comfortably use the veranda in the cold season;
  • With point impacts or frequent walking in heels, the tile may crack or be damaged. But it is not difficult to replace the damaged area if there is a supply of material;
  • For outdoor terrace it is better to choose options with a rough surface to prevent injury and slipping.

Rubber cover

Rubber tiles are a practical and functional type of material that is used for verandas and outdoor areas. It can also be used to cover an old wooden floor, without dismantling it. It is available both in the form of rolls, and in the form of tiles or crumbs. Rubber tile is a modern versatile material that has such advantages as:

  • Can be laid on different kinds bases (concrete, wood, metal);
  • Long service life (more than 10 years without repair work);
  • Even various chemicals (alkali, acid, and others) are not afraid of such a coating. chemical solutions);
  • The coating is not afraid of high humidity or sudden changes in temperature;
  • Easy to care for and undemanding to detergents;
  • Not subject to deformation and shrinkage;
  • For rubber tiles are not afraid of mechanical damage, it is strong enough and pleasant to the touch.


This material will optimally complement the interior and will become a functional and practical covering on a closed-type veranda with heating. The main advantage of linoleum is its low cost and availability in various designs. But such a floor covering requires maximum evenness of the surface. In addition, with constant exposure to sunlight, it may not produce the most pleasant smell. This material is easy to install and easy to maintain, it is not afraid of excessive moisture.

self-leveling floor

Practical and ultra-modern, self-leveling floor is beautiful and original solution for the veranda. You can do its installation on your own only if you have some experience, it is better to seek help from professionals. Among the advantages of this floor can be identified:

  • Long service life of the coating (more than 20 years);
  • Practicality. The coating does not wear out over time, does not deteriorate from mechanical influences and loads, its appearance does not change;
  • Ease of maintenance and cleaning.
  • It can be mounted on both concrete and wooden flat surfaces.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, but if funds are available, using a self-leveling floor for a veranda is the right choice.

Attention! Recently, self-leveling 3D floors have been popular, allowing you to make any pattern or ornament.


Modern developments in the field of production building materials do the incredible. Do not think that a simple concrete floor on the veranda will look boring and dull. Using a topping with dyes will help make the concrete floor beautiful and original. Among the advantages of such material can be noted:

  • Strength and durability;
  • Not afraid of moisture and sun, as well as temperature changes;
  • Possibility to decorate as you wish.

Among the disadvantages of such a coating, one can single out the laboriousness of the installation process and the lack of a heat-saving effect. How to make a concrete floor on the veranda is shown in the video:


Plastic flooring can be installed both on open and closed verandas. It is practical, easy to install and undemanding to maintain. Such a coating is not afraid of mold and fungus and can even be installed on a surface with a not very flat plane. In addition, a variety of colors, designs and patterns will help you choose such a floor for any interior of the recreation area. Coating can mimic ceramic tiles, or wood, as well as other textures.

The choice of floor material for a veranda or terrace is relevant not only at the construction stage, over time the old coating wears out and becomes unusable. There are two options here - completely dismantle it, replacing it with a new one, or find modern material for overhaul without dismantling. It is important to choose the right way to cover the floor on the veranda in the country or in a private house, because it depends on how durable, comfortable and safe the room will be.

Basic flooring requirements for an open annex

The floor on the veranda should be safe at any time of the year

In order for the beauty to be preserved for a long time, and in a year it would not be necessary to carry out repairs, it is important during construction and final work to decide how to cover the floor on an open veranda, unprotected from weather surprises. When choosing a material for flooring, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • moisture resistance - even having equipped a canopy, the floor of the veranda cannot be protected from rain and snow, moreover, wet cleaning is carried out here often;
  • endurance - the floor must withstand the weight of the furniture standing on the veranda, react neutrally to a sharp drop or decrease in temperature, direct rays of sunlight;
  • strength - in this room people walk in street shoes, the flooring should not deteriorate, wipe off from constant movement, be afraid of heels with shoe heels or falling sharp, heavy objects;
  • safety - the floor must be able to adhere to the sole during the movement of people, especially during periods of high humidity and low temperatures.

The best materials for covering the floor of the veranda

In building stores, sellers interested in selling are happy to tell how to cover the floor on the veranda, informing about each material, its main positive qualities, but it would be useful for the consumer to know the advantages and disadvantages of various floor coverings so that after purchase and installation they will not be disappointed.

Expensive and practical tree

On the veranda for the floor, it is often recommended to use wood. It is expensive, but the investment will not be wasted. This material is environmentally friendly, with proper care it will last a long time, a painted or tinted wooden floor looks beautiful and rich. You can cover the floor of the closed veranda with carpet or natural carpet. For an open extension, be sure to think over the drainage system, take care of waterproofing.

Terrace board from a larch

It is best to use oak. It is strong, reliable, not afraid of temperature changes, not prone to decay, but it is expensive. A cheaper option is to choose softwood. For finishing, well-dried, perfectly planed and sanded (smooth on at least one side) boards, treated and impregnated with antiseptics, should be selected. You can cover the floor of the veranda with a board over the old coating, after which it must be varnished.

The main advantages of a wooden floor are as follows:

  • long service life with proper care;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • Helps control indoor humidity
  • environmentally friendly material, does not cause allergic reactions and skin rashes.

The wooden floor on the veranda looks beautiful and rich

There are also disadvantages:

  • flammable material;
  • requires periodic updating of the surface, regular treatment with an antiseptic;
  • with constant exposure to water, it rots;
  • a lot of bugs, bacteria, mold destroys the tree, eating it;
  • beauty is lost over the years, the surface darkens and fades;
  • requires scrupulous selection of special cleaning products.

Alternative to wood - decking

Considering that the tree is very afraid of constant exposure to moisture, it is better to make a decking floor on an open veranda. Decking is a mixture of wood chips with a polymer binder. Decking is a highly combustible material - this is the only drawback. But otherwise, the flooring can be considered universal.

To confirm its main advantages:

  • panels are lightweight, easy to saw and attach to the base;
  • thanks to the many grooves on the panels, moisture does not linger, it flows down;
  • not afraid of a sharp change in temperature, does not deteriorate and does not fade in the sun;
  • thanks to impregnation with a special solution, it does not lend itself to decay and destruction by pests;
  • has a corrugated surface, it is impossible to slip on such a floor;
  • With proper care, it lasts about 30 years.

When choosing boards made of composite material, it is important to consider that those where PVC is used as a binder are better and of better quality. Boards, for which polymer binders are used polyethylene, are much worse.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic flooring on the veranda

Ceramic flooring is easy to care for

A great solution is to cover the floor on the veranda with ceramic tiles. This material looks beautiful, aristocratic and rich, absolutely not capricious in care, easy to install and repair. It is worth giving preference to ceramic tiles for the following reasons:

  • not afraid of moisture, indifferent to sudden changes in temperature;
  • fungus and mold are not terrible, and if dark spots are found between the seams, the grout is removed and updated;
  • easy to clean the surface without the use of chemical detergents;
  • does not fade, does not lose its original appearance and gloss for many years;
  • accidentally damaged tiles without professional help is replaced, while the floor does not have to be completely dismantled;
  • not afraid of fire and thermal appliances;
  • aesthetic, a huge selection of ornaments, colors.

Arrangement of a warm floor will provide comfort in the room

Although the ceramic floor is considered ideal for the veranda, but before giving preference to this material, it is worth exploring the disadvantages. They are essential, but if desired, everything can be corrected.

  1. The ceramic floor is very cold. If it is decided to lay this on a closed veranda, it is recommended to make a heated floor. In cases where this is not possible, it is worth considering how to cover the floor for warmth. Otherwise, in winter it will be cold and uncomfortable to walk on tiles without shoes with thick soles. For an open veranda, this drawback is irrelevant.
  2. You can break and damage ceramics in no time. In order for a crack to go or a small piece to break off, it is enough to drop an iron bowl on the surface or accidentally break a cup. In case of damage, you can always replace the tile, so when buying it is worth buying a few pieces in reserve.
  3. When choosing a tile for an open veranda, you should give preference to one that has a rough surface. Ideally smooth (especially glossy) tiles become unsafe if there is water on the surface (ice in winter). It is easy to slip and seriously injure yourself.

Universal rubber tile

Rubber coating is one of the best and most practical materials, including when you need to cover the old wooden floor on the veranda without dismantling. You can buy it in rolls, tiles or chips. No help from a builder is required for installation. The installation process is intuitive, everything can be done by hand.

rubber floor perfect choice for open veranda

Rubber tiles can be called universal, which is confirmed by its advantages:

  • laid on a base made of concrete, wood, metal;
  • it will not be necessary to dismantle the aged, for example, plank floor, the rubber coating is laid on top;
  • serves for a long time, about 10 years does not even require cosmetic repairs;
  • not afraid of alkalis, acids, chemical solutions;
  • not afraid of water, high humidity, a sharp decrease or increase in temperature;
  • easy to clean from dirt;
  • does not shrink over time, does not deform;
  • nice to walk barefoot;
  • it is almost impossible to damage the surface with an awkward movement.

Everyone's favorite cheap linoleum

Linoleum as a floor covering is suitable for a heated covered veranda. Although, there are summer residents who, in order to save money, glue this material as a floor covering on an open veranda. The cost of linoleum is low, and this is one of the main reasons for its popularity. A perfectly flat surface is required for a perfect installation.

It is also allowed to lay linoleum on an old concrete or plank floor, but such a coating is short-lived. If the surface is uneven, a screed must be made or the floor is sewn up with moisture-resistant chipboard sheets or DVP. For a veranda, it is better to use linoleum without a fabric or felt base, otherwise rot will appear under the coating over the years, and dampness will be felt in the room.

Commercial linoleum is the most durable

Wanting to save money and cover the floor of the veranda with this budget material, it would be useful to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of linoleum. The positive characteristic is as follows:

  • for installation, you do not need to hire builders;
  • easy to care for, dirt is washed off with water without household chemicals;
  • moisture will not seep under the coating;
  • thermal conductivity is low.

The disadvantages of linoleum include:

  • under the rays of the sun heats up and emits an unpleasant odor;
  • when exposed to high temperature and melting, it releases substances harmful to humans;
  • zero vapor permeability.

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete floor

Do not think that the concrete floor is devoid of aesthetics, and therefore will destroy the beauty of the interior. Modern technologies and a rich selection of quality materials will make the concrete floor worthy of the highest praise. It will not resemble a rough surface, similar to that which is built in garages, warehouses. Thanks to topping with dyes, you can create a floor of unique beauty on an open and closed veranda.

Concrete floor can be sanded to a perfect smoothness

Concrete serves for a long time, is particularly durable, does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture or the sun, chemical solutions do not affect the material. If desired, the concrete surface can be polished to a shine or marble chips can be added at low tide. But for terraces it is better not to do this, so as not to end up with a very slippery floor.

Ultra-modern self-leveling polymer floor

Once you see a self-leveling polymer floor, you will definitely want to have the same one. It is versatile, practical and incredibly beautiful. It is impossible to make such a coating on your own without experience and special skills; only professional builders can do it.

Main advantages:

  • guaranteed service life of at least 20 years;
  • does not wipe off, does not deteriorate, does not lose its external aesthetics;
  • mechanical influences are not terrible;
  • easy to clean and wash.

The polymer floor is expensive, but it looks aesthetically pleasing and will last a long time.

The disadvantage is that the polymer does not allow steam to pass from the dwelling, but if desired, this point can be corrected. Such flooring is expensive, but the money invested is justified.

The material can be applied to concrete or wooden surface provided that the boards are even, smooth, without signs of rot, mold, cracks.

There are plenty of options for how to cover the floor on the veranda. There are plenty to choose from. For a closed and heated veranda, you can use linoleum, wood, ceramic tiles, self-leveling polymer coating. For an open-type building, you should choose a floor covering that is not only resistant to moisture and frost, but also safe for people. Ideal options are rubber flooring or decking.

The veranda is a great addition to the main building. Thanks to her, an area appears where you can comfortably spend time with friends and relatives, while you don’t have to worry about bad weather, because most often there is a cover over the veranda. But such a pleasant place requires some maintenance. It consists, for example, in the periodic change paintwork. What is the best way to paint the floor on the terrace? This will be discussed in the article.

Operation features

Even if the outdoor terrace has a canopy, this does not mean that precipitation does not fall on the floor surface. With a strong oblique wind, rainwater easily brings to the floor of the veranda. Someone prefers to preserve the terrace for the winter, wrapping it in a membrane, but this is not always the best way out of the situation. In addition to the paintwork, antiseptic impregnations are also used during maintenance.

With a certain frequency, it is necessary to change part of the flooring boards on the terrace. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to protect wood from exposure with a 100% guarantee. external factors. In addition to rainwater, snow and ice, the floor surface is subjected to constant mechanical stress when walking on the surface.

The sun's rays also contribute to the destruction by drying out the wood and causing it to delaminate. These factors speak in favor of how responsibly it is necessary to approach the choice of the composition that will be used for surface finishing.

If you follow all the technical nuances, you can maximize the life of the wood floor on the terrace. One of them is the correct laying of boards. For example, they should not be placed end to end. A gap of 3 mm is provided between the individual elements.

This is done to ease the removal of liquid, which otherwise would simply accumulate on the floor plane. The slots are also designed to provide floor ventilation. With such a device, the service life of the boards is significantly increased, which will reduce the cost of repair work.

But the correct laying of boards on the floor in the terrace does not replace the need for wood processing. The selection of the paint and varnish coating should take place in accordance with the operating conditions, as well as in accordance with the characteristics of the flooring that will be on the floor. In most cases, pine boards are used, but as an option, a composite material can be used, which is far from wood, but also requires maintenance.

Advice! The key to a long service life of the floor on the veranda will be the correct selection of material for the floor.

Boards must be dried in natural conditions, and not in special ovens. There is no need to purchase the highest quality floorboards, because it will still be covered with paint or varnish.

How to paint

The choice of composition must be approached with all seriousness. If everything is done correctly, then you can forget about re-staining for three or more years. Integral materials that will accompany varnish or paint are priming fluids and antiseptics. Each of these compositions contributes to increasing the resistance of wood to various influences. In addition to the paintwork, you will need a tool for processing the surface of the veranda floor. It can be attributed to:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • grinder;
  • solvent.

The best coloring composition for floor treatment is a special oil for wood or yacht varnishes, which perfectly tolerate the effects of logs. It is better to immediately refuse oil paints, because they are used for indoor surfaces. In addition, from the constant exposure to moisture, which is normal for a terrace, peeling of the composition begins to occur. Oil for impregnating the floor on the terrace has an excellent water-repellent effect and is selected depending on the operating conditions. The manufacturer usually specifies temperature regime and expected loads that are allowed for a coating treated with a particular type of oil.

If you want to emphasize the structure of wood more or give it a special shade, you can use wood stains. These are liquid solutions that are saturated with pigments. Some of them are alcohol-based, which increases the degree of penetration into the wood. To fix the color, you will need to cover the surface with varnish on top, which will prevent fading and washing out of the pigment. For the wooden floor on the terrace, yacht paints are also used, which completely hide the structure of the wood and make the surface uniform. Acrylic compounds are also successfully used to paint the wooden floor on the terrace.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage before applying the paintwork on the wooden floor of the terrace is also very important. The first step is to remove the paint or varnish that is already on the surface of the wood. To do this, you will have to make a lot of effort, because the process is carried out manually. One of the solvent options that is suitable for processing is marked CM-1. During operation, the upper part of the board changes color to gray. To get rid of it, you need a grinder. It is necessary to walk it over the entire surface of the floor on the terrace.

If it was decided to varnish the floor on the terrace, then you need to be patient. The first coat of varnish is applied to the wooden base evenly and without excess. The fibers should be well saturated. You can work with a roller to cover large areas faster. Hard-to-reach places are processed with a small brush. After applying the first layer of varnish on the wooden base on the terrace, it is necessary that the base is dry. During this time, some of the fibers will rise. They must be removed. It's done grinder and fine sandpaper. Three or more layers are applied in this way.

Note! When using paint instead of varnish, you will also need to apply several coats with occasional sanding if the fibers rise. After the paint has completely dried, it is necessary to pour hot water over the floor to strengthen the surface.

Other flooring options

In addition to the wooden floor, another surface can be used on the terrace, which is less demanding on maintenance.

concrete base

A concrete floor on the terrace will be an excellent solution if it has a strip foundation under it. Only he is able to withstand such a load of weight. At the same time, the terrace does not lose its attractiveness, since there are many concrete processing methods available that make it more attractive. One of them is grinding. When finishing, special additives called toppings are added to the raw concrete mix. They allow you to achieve a perfectly flat surface for the floor on the terrace.

The advantage of this solution is the complete absence of the need for maintenance, except for cleaning. The concrete floor on the terrace is immune to moisture or chemicals. In addition, such a floor perfectly withstands loads. The user can choose the texture and color of the future surface. Filling and finishing can be done by hand, but it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Tile covering

Finishing the floor on the terrace with tiles is considered one of the best solutions. Tiles can be laid both on a base, which is located both on piles, and on a strip foundation. For an open terrace, the use of clinker tiles is an excellent option. It perfectly tolerates the effects of high and low temperatures. Thanks to almost zero water absorption, you can be sure of a long service life. In addition, the pores of the material are not clogged with dirt, which means that cleaning the floor on the veranda will be reduced to wiping the surface with a wet cloth.

Note! When using floor tiles on the terrace, care must be taken to ensure the quality of the seams. If this is not done, then moisture can get under the tile, which will lead to its delamination.

Composite materials and linoleum

Composite material for laying on the floor of the terrace is also an excellent option. It is a hollow panel that has high strength. It is also called liquid wood. The flooring is made from wood industry waste, which is mixed with polymer components. The extrusion method allows you to give the panels the desired shape. The advantage of using such a material is its low weight, as well as resistance to various kinds of influences. In addition, by appearance this flooring resembles an ordinary board. A video of such flooring for the terrace is below.

Another material that can cover the floor on the terrace is linoleum. Linoleum will look great on the terrace floor. It is always possible to choose the most suitable pattern and color. For laying, you will need to properly prepare the subfloor on the terrace, but this will not be a problem. The advantage is a long service life, as well as ease of cleaning. At the same time, for the floor on the terrace, it is necessary to purchase linoleum, which is designed for heavy loads, and not the one that is usually used indoors. An unpleasant nuance of linoleum as a floor covering on the terrace is a specific smell from heating under the sun's rays.

Note! Another solution for the floor on the terrace is a self-leveling floor. Its advantage is the ability to apply any three-dimensional pattern that will delight visitors.


As you can see, the choice of flooring on the terrace must be approached with all seriousness. Wood flooring requires special care, which repels many from this option. But in appearance it is wood that most often outperforms other decking. For flooring, you should not choose materials of bright or light colors. The former quickly get bored, while the latter quickly get dirty and are difficult to wash, which creates certain difficulties. If there is no self-confidence, then it is better to entrust the laying of the flooring for the terrace to professionals.