How to dilute the paint what is added there. Features of dilution of water-based paint

In order to obtain as a result of staining quality coating, paint and any materials used for surface preparation must be thinned in accordance with the instructions. The viscosity of the material is very important in the process.

Even after careful grinding of the surface before painting, some irregularities and roughness still remain on it. If you apply too thick paint, it will not be able to fill all the microcracks and irregularities, so various defects on the painted surface are possible.

You can go to extremes and heavily dilute the paint for the spray gun before painting the body vehicle. In this case, you may encounter a problem of a different kind - thick paint will not be able to spread well over the painted surface, so shagreen leather may appear and the paint itself will dry very poorly.

And this applies not only to paint, but also to varnish, on which depends appearance vehicle, its gloss and durability of the applied coating.

How to properly paint a car? The result will depend not only on compliance with the painting technology and the appropriate conditions in which the painting is carried out, but also on whether the paint was properly diluted before applying to the surface.

Almost all modern enamels and acrylic paints that are commercially available are already diluted and sold in liquid form.

But nevertheless, it is also necessary to add a solvent to the mixture so that the paint lays better on the surface, and after drying it creates a coating that will reliably protect the body from corrosion processes and various mechanical damage.

Since the solvent will evaporate from the coloring composition gradually, as the pigment dries, all solvents can be classified according to this parameter:

  1. Fast. They are usually used in cases where painting is carried out at low temperatures. environment.
  2. Slow. Masters use them when the weather is hot outside and there is a need to paint the car body.
  3. Universal. They are considered the best option that is suitable for use in any season.

car paint

All automotive enamels are divided into several groups in accordance with the indicator of the concentration of components in them:

  • Highly filled.
  • Medium filled.
  • Low-filled (strongly dilute them before performing work is not recommended).

This indicator determines how much solvent and other components were added by the manufacturer to the enamel so that it does not dry out during the storage of the coloring composition. Such paints are marked accordingly and before applying them, you must carefully read the instructions.

How much paint do you need to paint a car? This question is asked not only by those car owners who are painting the car for the first time, but even by those who have already encountered this. It must be understood that this amount is individual and may fluctuate in different specific cases.

In addition, paint consumption is greatly affected by how much it was diluted and what solvent the master used for this. Solvent types:

  1. Polar.
  2. Nonpolar.

Before diluting the paint, you need to determine which solvent will be used for this. To avoid compatibility issues that can cause a variety of defects on a freshly painted surface, experts advise using a thinner and car enamel from the same manufacturer.

If the paint was made from a polar substance, it is recommended to select the same solvent (polar ones include: ketones, alcohols and other substances whose molecules contain a hydroxyl group).

Non-polar - white spirit, kerosene and others, which are made from liquid carbons. Trying to replace alcohol with white spirit and vice versa is strictly prohibited.

After reading the information on how to dilute the paint for the spray gun, you must definitely know all the intricacies of the viscometer. This is a special device that measures the viscosity of any paintwork materials.

As a rule, it is inexpensive, but its benefits are invaluable. A viscometer is a small container, the opening of which is strictly calibrated. If viscosity needs to be measured different materials- viscometers are used, which have different volumes and hole diameters.

How many seconds does it take for the coating material to flow through the viscometer orifice - such is the viscosity of the measured material. When carrying out measurements, it is imperative to observe a certain temperature regime otherwise the data may be inaccurate.

How to dilute paint for an airbrush

The spreading rate of the coloring composition over the surface and its drying completely depends on the ambient temperature, under the influence of which these processes occur. To avoid the possible appearance of defects, modern manufacturers produce special thinners, each of which is recommended to be used at a certain temperature.

How to thin car paint? Experienced craftsmen do not recommend determining the amount of solvent by eye and measuring its content in the coloring composition. It is best to use solvents that are optimally suited for temperature gradation:

  1. Fast. They are used at low temperatures (up to 20C). Their feature is accelerated evaporation and the paint dries faster, so there is no risk of smudges on the surface.
  2. How to dilute the paint for the spray gun, if the ambient temperature is considered optimal for painting work? At 25°C it is recommended to use normal solvents, the evaporation rate of which is medium.
  3. If the temperature is more than 25C, it is better to buy a solvent that evaporates slowly. The paint in this case will spread well over the surface and you can get a durable protective coating of the body.

If coloring is performed in shades mother-of-pearl or metallic, it is better to purchase slow solvents. In this case, the paint layer on the surface will turn out to be homogeneous and there will be no defect in the form of clouds.

This completes the preparation of paint for painting a car, it remains only to strain it using a special filter or a regular nylon stocking. Now you can start coloring.

How much paint do you need to paint a car

Material consumption is influenced by many indicators, the main of which are:

  • Surface area to be painted.
  • Brand of paint (coating may spread differently).
  • Color. Some pigments need to be applied in multiple coats to achieve the desired shade, so consumption can be greatly increased.
  • The primer that was used in preparing the surface for painting (its color is also important).
  • Features of the device of the spray gun, which is used to paint the body.

If you dilute car paint correctly, this will noticeably affect its consumption. A viscometer will be useful in the work, but if it is not available, you can use a regular ruler.

Very often, in the process of work, it becomes necessary to dilute the thickened paint in order to achieve a thin and even layer of protective coating, to clean clothes or objects from accidentally getting paint, or to put them in order. In all these cases, we need a solvent, and for different types paints need different compositions. Which paint thinner to choose depending on the type of coloring compositions used, this article will tell.

1. What is a solvent and why is it needed?

Solvent is a rapidly evaporating inorganic or organic matter. Depending on the composition may be:

  • one-component;
  • multicomponent.

Depending on the type of substance included in the composition, one-component solvents are divided into:

  • organic ( turpentine, kerosene, white spirit, solvent, gasoline);
  • inorganic (water, liquid ammonia, phosphorus and sulfur salts).

Organic solvents, despite the smell, are more in demand, and according to the evaporation rate, they are divided into the following types:

  • hardly volatile used to dilute car enamels and oil paints. This group includes, known to all, turpentine;
  • medium volatile suitable for acrylic or oil formulations. This type includes kerosene, which undergoes special purification and only after that acquires the necessary properties;
  • volatile used for car enamels, acrylic paints and varnishes and oil formulations. This includes white spirit, gasoline and solvent.

On a hot day, when direct sunlight is inevitable and the temperature is already high, it is better to use the third type, in the cool season - the first.

Apart from dilution coloring compositions and restore them when dried, before direct application to surface, it needs to be degreased. This will help increase the level of adhesion, especially if the surface is very smooth, such as metal. In addition, the paint will be easier to spread over the surface, and the dried layer will be smooth and even. In the case of applying a paintwork not with a conventional brush or roller, but with special sprayers, it may be necessary reduce density and viscosity of the composition. An accidental drop that was not noticed in time and had time to dry up can be easily wiped off with a suitable agent. For a successful result, it is only necessary to choose the right solvent suitable type of paints.

2. Operating principle

To understand this process, you need to know which component is the main one or another. Therefore, the solvent is selected similar in composition. When you add it to dried paint, it complement her compound and replenish the evaporated part of the base. Thus, you will be able to achieve almost its original state. Main, to stir thoroughly components among themselves, reaching to the very bottom, so that the solvent does not float on the surface and the composition becomes uniform in density.
Basically, all interior paints are sold ready-to-use and do not need additional dilution. Only in the cases described above. There are a few simple rules following which, you will achieve the best result:

If you add too much solvent, your paint will not stick and will simply run off the surface to be treated. This is especially true of vertical planes, on which streaks instantly form. Together with that declining And index operational qualities and service life of the coating. Let us consider in more detail the most common types of interior paints and the types of solvents suitable for them.

3. Thinner for alkyd paints

This oil formulations based on drying oil and enamel based on varnish. Resins are added as foaming agents. Depending on their type, they are pentaphthalic(marking - PF) or glyphthalic(GF) enamels. In addition to liquid paints based on drying oil, they also produce thickly grated compositions (GF-013, PF-014, etc.). They are used for both outdoor and internal works when finishing plastered, wooden or metal surfaces. They are flammable, but it is absolutely non-toxic and light-resistant.

  • The most common and affordable means for diluting this type of paint is White Spirit. It is obtained in the process of distillation of petroleum products. Despite this, it is considered one of the most harmless and has the least pungent smell. It is also used for eliminate oil spots from the surface before coating and eliminating the viscous defect. With it, you can rinse the brushes after work, speed up the drying process of oil compositions, from exposure to moisture and bark beetles.
  • Turpentine obtained in the process of distillation of resin from coniferous wood. Most often used as diluent And degreaser surfaces. You will not confuse this solvent with any other because of its pungent and unpleasant smell. Paint thinned with turpentine will take much longer to dry, which is sometimes necessary. In contact with the skin in small quantities, it does not cause burns or irritation, if has a high degree of evaporation. However, the surface treated with such a composition will be flammable.
  • Solvent obtained during the pyrolysis of petroleum raw materials or during the coking of coal. It is a composition of light hydrocarbons. Has a very pungent odor and is toxic and flammable. Therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to provide air access to the room. And keep containers with it in a ventilated place without direct sunlight. When added to the paint, it is able to dry in a very short period of time, thanks to its high degree of evaporation. It does an excellent job of removing oil and wax stains.
  • xylene(R-646) is organic chemical compound, obtained in the process of oil refining. It is a liquid with faint smell and very high evaporation rate. Used as diluent to obtain compositions of the required viscosity or to removal alkyd paints from the surface. In the first case, it is added in small portions and thoroughly kneaded. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes causes irritation. Therefore, work with it must be carried out in protective clothing and gloves, and upon contact, quickly rinse with soapy water under running warm water.

Alkyd paints in the home are most often used for painting ceilings, window frames, or various pieces of furniture due to the fact that they form a denser and more durable coating. When choosing a solvent, carefully read the directions on the labels, because not all of them are suitable for working with wooden surfaces.

4. Solvent for silicate compositions

Silicate paints belong to the category mineral, because the basis for them is liquid glass. They are fireproof, breathable and poorly responsive to moisture. Can be used for finishing plastered, stone or concrete surfaces indoors and outdoors. To dissolve this type of coating, it is not necessary to resort to the use of aggressive substances with pungent odors. Enough to apply silicate primer, which can be found at any hardware store.

5. Thinner for emulsion and glue paints

Emulsion paints share on water-based, latex, acrylic, polyvinyl acetate and water-dispersion. They can be applied to concrete, metal, wood or plastered surfaces. Are non-toxic And fireproof. Adhesives are made on the basis aqueous solutions organic polymers such as cellulose ether, polyvinyl alcohol, starch and casein. By their properties they are very similar to emulsion ones, but they are less resistant to moisture. Because of this, they are used for painting inside dry rooms. These species coatings practically have no smell and due to the simple composition can dissolve plain water in small quantities.

6. Characteristics of some solvents according to their number

Due to the emergence of a large number of various types of multicomponent solvents, the most common and frequently used of them, assigned numbers. This greatly simplifies the selection.

Be careful, all solvents whose number begins with the letter "P" are industrial, and therefore extremely hazardous to health.

7. Safety

Never neglect your own safety! Especially when working with toxic fumes such as solvents and paints. Necessarily stick to the basic rules:

Car paint thinner is one of the most important and indispensable components in painting work. There are a large number of them and only certain ones are needed for the correct dilution of the paint. So, in order not to be mistaken, how to dilute paint, acrylic or any other, we will consider the main types of solvents and their use.

In principle, diluent and solvent are the same substance. Both serve to bring the material to the required viscosity (lacquer, paint, primer, liquid putty, base enamel, etc.)
The manufacturer always indicates which solvent is best used for painting cars. Each paint system has its own required hardener and thinner. Be sure to read the instructions on the back of the container before use. It will indicate what type of thinner to use, at what temperature and for what material.

It’s worth saying right away which solvents should not be used in order to dilute acrylic paint - these are organic 646, 647, 650, etc. If they dilute paint or varnish, defects and difficulties in painting may occur. Use them only for cleaning spray guns or other tools. The price for them is not great for cleaning the most it.

If branded acrylic is over or you want to save money, then you can use a domestic manufacturer of materials thinner P12 universal solvent. It has been successfully tested on almost all acrylic materials (lacquers, acrylics, primers, epoxies). There were no problems or defects. It can be safely considered as a universal solvent. P12 is "normal.

And so, the main criterion for choosing a thinner for diluting paint is the ambient temperature. It is necessary to determine the ambient temperature before painting and, as a result, select the right one. Temperature affects the drying time of the material. In hot weather, the solvent evaporates faster and the paint does not have time to spread. Defects appear, large shagreen, overspray. In cold weather, evaporation will be too slow, there may be smudges and there will be more debris.

There are three groups of acrylic thinners:

It should be noted that there is no special thinner for varnish or for primer, acrylic. For their dilution, a universal acrylic thinner is used. But for the base enamel there is a solvent for the base. Although many use the usual universal.

Solvents for transition

In addition to universal ones, there is also a solvent for the transition. They are not designed to dilute varnishes and enamels. Their purpose is to make an inconspicuous transition between old and new paint or varnish. To do this, the transition thinner is applied from a paint sprayer or aerosol can to dry "dust" in the transition zone of varnish or acrylic paint.

It is extremely important to note that the solvent for transitioning over varnish or acrylic paint is "acrylic" and for transitioning through the base, it is also called "Binder" are completely different products. The binder for painting is something like a transparent base. It is used so that the metallic grain does not stick out like a "hedgehog" in the transition zone, but correctly "subsides", which will provide a high-quality invisible transition.

How to mix colors correctly.

Each has its own advantages and what to use is purely everyone's choice. The measuring ruler is reusable, it will last a very long time, unlike a measuring cup. Measuring rulers are double-sided (each side has a different mixing ratio). Basically like this: 2:1 and 4:1 and another option 3:1 and 5:1.
How to use a measuring ruler and a glass in the photo below, there is nothing complicated about it.
Be sure to read the instructions on the package before mixing paints, in what ratio to dilute the material. Below I will tell you in what proportions to mix various coatings.

Mixing acrylic paint "acrylic":

For Vika paint, this is a 4:1 ratio with a hardener and 20% -30% thinner. And for Mobihel 2:1 with hardener and 10%-20% thinner.

Base mixing:
Base paint is generally mixed 2:1. That is, the base itself and half of it is a solvent. It can also be mixed 1:1.

Varnish mixing:
With varnishes, almost the same story as with acrylics. Varnish is diluted 2:1 with hardener and thinner from 0% to 20%. Depending on what viscosity you need it.
All the above mentioned figures are approximate, they can change for certain needs and the type of work, and application technique. In general, see the instructions before use and there will be no problems.

To accurately determine the viscosity of paint, there is a special tool called a viscometer. The work of the viscometer: the viscometer is immersed in paint, taken out and noted for how long it takes to empty. As soon as the jet begins to drip, the stopwatch is stopped.

And finally, a couple of comments and tips:

  • What to do if the paint is dry or thickened? Fill it with solvent, stir, close and leave for a while.
  • Do not forget about Health, solvent vapors are very volatile and poisonous, prolonged exhalation can harm your health. Use a special respirator
  • How to dilute alkyd paint? Recently, alkyd paints are practically not used in car painting. And you can dilute alkyd enamel with white spirit.

How to dilute car paint?

Dilution of paint depends on many factors. Such as ambient temperature, which spray gun will be used. For normal spraying, the temperature in the workshop or in the spray booth should be around 20 degrees Celsius.

Thinning depends on how you will spray the paint. This refers to the speed of the spray gun, the distance to the surface and, as already mentioned, the temperature in the workshop. It is necessary to dilute it so that when spraying it does not form too large shagreen (thick paint) and that there are no smudges (too liquid paint).

Acrylic two-component paint

The mixing ratio for 2K acrylic paint is 2 parts paint, 1 part hardener and 10% thinner. The paint is made of acrylic and melamine polymer, which is mixed with poly-isocyanate resins, which are part of the hardener.

Base paint

The base paint must not contain hardener. After application and drying, it is varnished.

The base paint is mixed 50 to 50. 1 part base + 1 part thinner. Some products are thinned at a ratio of 2 parts paint to 1 part thinner.

Varnish dilution, depending on the manufacturer, can have proportions of 4/1 or 2/1. That is 4 parts varnish to 1 part hardener or 2 parts varnish to 1 part hardener. Thinner is usually added 10%. It must be remembered that the amount of hardener and the speed of its hardening largely affect the spreadability of the varnish (see below). The thinner has more influence on how the varnish will be sprayed. The thinner is responsible for delivering the varnish from the nozzle to the surface.

Waterborne paints

Mixing proportions for water-soluble paints differ from classical ones.

Water-soluble diluted with 10% water-based thinner.

Types of hardeners and thinners

Thinners are fast, medium and slow.

The same with hardeners. Their curing rate must match the rate of evaporation of the diluent.

Fast ones are used if the temperature in the room where the painting takes place is low. Fast (+10), medium (+20), slow (+30 and above).


This is a device with which you can measure the viscosity of paints and varnishes. Using a viscometer, you can accurately bring the paint or varnish to the desired fluidity. There are expensive viscometers designed for use in laboratories, and there are also cheaper options that can be used to determine the viscosity of car paint. It is quite possible to use inexpensive plastic viscometers.

Measuring viscosity is very easy. It is necessary to stir the paint in the right proportions. If bubbles appear at the same time, then you need to wait until they disappear. Next, the viscometer is immersed in the paint and filled to the brim, then the device rises up so that the paintwork material flows from the hole below. At the same time, you need to start the stopwatch. As soon as the smooth flow of paint stops, and it begins to break and drip, the stopwatch must be stopped. This will be the viscosity data you need. There are special tables in which you can find data on the viscosity that must be in order to use paint with an airbrush having a nozzle of a certain size.

Temperature affects the viscosity of paints and varnishes. The lower the temperature, the more viscous the paint becomes and vice versa, the higher the temperature, the thinner the paint. Before dilution and use, paint and varnish must be at normal temperature.

For dilution of paints and varnishes, you can use special measuring containers. Such containers have a scale. Thus, it is possible to breed not "by eye", but quite accurately.

How to thin car paint

Almost any car paint consists of:

  • binder- a very important element that helps to keep it on the painted surface. It is thanks to this component that a glossy, even plane is obtained as a result.
  • pigment- a powdered paint element, the main purpose of which is to achieve the desired color and tone.
  • solvent, which gives the paint a viscosity level suitable for its uniform application. By the way, during operation, the solvent evaporates, leaving only the pigment and the binder.

The reliability of the protective properties of the coating mainly depends on the density, elasticity, hardness and other physical properties paints. For example, using car paint with high hardness rates, you can protect your iron friend from possible scratches or chips. There is a certain combination of these parameters: high hardness values ​​lead to an increase in density values ​​and a decrease in elasticity.

Varieties of car paints

Paints depending on chemical composition subdivided into:

  • alkyd enamel, the basis for which is an oily alkyd resin. Their main feature is the presence of rapid polymerization under normal conditions (normal temperature and atmospheric oxygen). But, it is not recommended to carry out a full car painting with such paint, because it requires additional layers of varnish, as well as polishing. Alkyd paint is characterized by excellent polymerization, low cost and resistance to aggressive environments. Acquaintance with the advantages, at the same time reveals the disadvantages, for example, due to the fact that the paint dries very quickly, forming a thin film, the surface cannot dry evenly.
  • melamine alkyd enamel, requiring very high temperatures for drying - 110-130 ° C (it will not be possible to eliminate defects in the garage). Such enamel creates a durable coating on the surface, and a rich color palette will please many buyers. Typically, a factory uses this type of paint, because only the factory can achieve the required working conditions.
  • acrylic enamel. Almost all car owners love it. Automotive acrylic paint contains two components: a pigment and a hardener. The main advantage is the following point: there is no need to apply varnish, because the surface already becomes glossy after it dries completely.
  • nitro paint designed for minor repairs. The main advantage of this paint is the short period of time required for drying - about 30 minutes at +20 degrees. Performing a full painting of the car is also possible, however, it will be necessary to cover everything with varnish.

Depending on the concentration of components, the entire range of automotive enamels on the market is represented by:

  • highly filled;
  • medium-filled;
  • low-filled (they should not be diluted too much).

When determining the right amount of solvent, you need to rely on the value of the indicator described above - then the paint will not be too liquid and will not partially dry before all paint work is completed.

Thinning car paint

An ordinary solvent usually consists of: white spirit, boluene, xylene, butyl acetate, nefras, etc. By the way, the main part of the diluting compositions differs only in the ratio.

To determine the answer to the question: how to dilute car paint, let's clarify the following points:

  • White Spirit will not be able to cope with the dilution of acrylic paint, but on the other hand, it is well suited for slate, conventional or bituminous mastic. And most often they are used when you need to degrease the surface.
  • in the most popular № 646 the main advantage and disadvantage is aggressiveness, which not only dilutes the base, but also changes the composition. Acrylic and the bulk of primers can withstand it, in other cases, its use is quite dangerous.
  • application area 647 solvent- this is a dilution of nitro enamels and varnishes, although it must also be used with caution - it is very aggressive. No. 650 has a softer composition, it is preferred by most car painters for enamel and varnish.
  • multicomponent solvent R-4, which contains toluene, butyl acetate and acetone, is recommended for alkyd paints.
  • enamel based on chlorinated polymer should be diluted with pure toluene and xylene.

In addition to all of the above, You also need to pay attention to the presence or absence of polarity in the paint itself., because the solvent will need to choose the appropriate one. Molecules of the hydroxyl group present in the composition of the solvent indicate its polarity (alcohol). And for the production of non-polar (white spirit, kerosene), liquid hydrocarbons are used. Water-based paint and water-soluble acrylic enamel are best combined with alcohol or ether, but in no case should they be replaced with white spirit - a completely different substance. A positive reaction of acetone can only be observed in combination with a polar substance, and xylene is a universal solvent suitable for the main part of enamels and benzene.

Dilution of acrylic paints, which are based on water, requires a special hardener, followed by the addition of a solvent, the purpose of which is to bring the material to the desired consistency. Currently, there are solvents with a special composition that stimulate the drying process of acrylic paint, although they are not cheap. If the budget is small, then you can use solvents such as R-12 or No. 651.

Alkyd paint prefers P-4 solvent, although you can also use pure toluene or xylene. Such paints do not quite meet environmental standards, which is why their use is minimized.

Nitro enamel, used mainly only to give the car metallic effect. To do this, it is necessary to apply two layers: first, synthetic nitro enamel, and then acrylic car varnish, required for protection. This type of paint is very sensitive to solvents and manufacturers often try to indicate the recommended one on the can itself.

In general, to decide how to dilute the paint for a car, you need to rely on the composition of the paint itself.

How do car paint and thinner interact?

The result of the work for the most part depends on the moment when the paint was diluted. Automotive enamel is always a liquid mixture, to which a solvent must still be added. This will have a positive effect on the smoothness of the surface and on the value of the reliability index. When the painting is completed and the pigment begins to dry, the solvent evaporates at a certain rate. So, in accordance with this characteristic, they distinguish:

  • fast recommended for use at low temperatures;
  • slow or long, which is better to use during the heat;
  • universal, which is used during the transitional season.

Smooth and glossy surface - the dream of every car enthusiast

The desire to properly dilute the paint should not be reduced only to strict compliance with everything that is written in the instructions.

It is quite clear that the use of too thick paint will not allow you to get anything good as a result - everything will be spoiled by “shagreen”. And if excessively thick paint is used when painting a car from an airbrush, this will lead to a lack of gloss and an attractive appearance. A brush and a spray gun give different results: when working with the latter, the paint particles are mixed with additional air, which dries them greatly. Accordingly, the surface is covered with dry paint particles, which cannot be completely dissolved and evenly distributed over the surface, thereby significantly spoiling the attractiveness of the element or the car as a whole.

So, how to dilute the paint for painting a car? To obtain a smooth uniform painting, you need to follow the following recommendations of experienced people: each spray gun and each manner of painting are individual, and as a result, they require a certain “own” paint viscosity. To measure this indicator, it is worth using a special device - a viscometer.

The exact proportions of paint and thinner are unknown to anyone. In each situation, it is necessary to rely on the totality of conditions available at the present time.

Illustrative examples (with the appropriate hardener and thinner for each type of paint):

  • If the room has a good temperature regime, then the paint turns liquid after the hardener has gone into it in the recommended amount. This means that the diluent should be added in the very minimum amount (about 3-5%).
  • In a cold space, the thinner should be used in larger quantities - from 5 to 15%. Although you can get around the situation and warm up the paint, then it will return to a liquid state.
  • If it was not possible to paint the car at the point in time when the paint was diluted, then more solvent will most likely need to be added to it. By the way, this moment is often the reason that the second layer of paint lay down much worse than the first - 20 minutes of time is enough for the hardener to make the paint thicker. To avoid such unpleasant moments, you can rinse the spray gun and check the viscosity index after each applied layer.

How to dilute paint before painting a car

In order to obtain a quality coating as a result of painting, paint and any materials used for surface preparation must be diluted in accordance with the instructions. The viscosity of the material is very important in the process.

how to dilute paint

Even after careful grinding of the surface before painting, some irregularities and roughness still remain on it. If you apply too thick paint, it will not be able to fill all the microcracks and irregularities, so various defects on the painted surface are possible.

You can go to the extreme and heavily thin your spray gun paint before painting the vehicle body. In this case, you may encounter a problem of a different kind - thick paint will not be able to spread well over the painted surface, so shagreen leather may appear and the paint itself will dry very poorly.

And this applies not only to paint, but also to varnish, on which the appearance of the vehicle, its gloss and durability of the applied coating depend.

How to properly paint a car? The result will depend not only on compliance with the painting technology and the appropriate conditions in which the painting is carried out, but also on whether the paint was properly diluted before applying to the surface.

Almost all modern enamels and acrylic paints that are commercially available are already diluted and sold in liquid form.

yellow paint

But nevertheless, it is also necessary to add a solvent to the mixture so that the paint lays better on the surface, and after drying it creates a coating that will reliably protect the body from corrosion processes and various mechanical damage.

Since the solvent will evaporate from the coloring composition gradually, as the pigment dries, all solvents can be classified according to this parameter:

  1. Fast. They are usually used in cases where painting is carried out in conditions of low ambient temperature.
  2. Slow. Masters use them when the weather is hot outside and there is a need to paint the car body.
  3. Universal. They are considered the best option that is suitable for use in any season.

car paint

All automotive enamels are divided into several groups in accordance with the indicator of the concentration of components in them:

  • Highly filled.
  • Medium filled.
  • Low-filled (strongly dilute them before performing work is not recommended).

This indicator determines how much solvent and other components were added by the manufacturer to the enamel so that it does not dry out during the storage of the coloring composition. Such paints are marked accordingly and before applying them, you must carefully read the instructions.

How much paint do you need to paint a car? This question is asked not only by those car owners who are painting the car for the first time, but even by those who have already encountered this. It must be understood that this amount is individual and may fluctuate in different specific cases.

In addition, paint consumption is greatly affected by how much it was diluted and what solvent the master used for this. Solvent types:

  1. Polar.
  2. Nonpolar.

Before diluting the paint, you need to determine which solvent will be used for this. To avoid compatibility issues that can cause a variety of defects on a freshly painted surface, experts advise using a thinner and car enamel from the same manufacturer.

If the paint was made from a polar substance, it is recommended to select the same solvent (polar ones include: ketones, alcohols and other substances whose molecules contain a hydroxyl group).

Non-polar - white spirit, kerosene and others, which are made from liquid carbons. Trying to replace alcohol with white spirit and vice versa is strictly prohibited.

After reading the information on how to dilute the paint for the spray gun, you must definitely know all the intricacies of the viscometer. This is a special device that measures the viscosity of any paintwork materials.

dilute the paint

As a rule, it is inexpensive, but its benefits are invaluable. A viscometer is a small container, the opening of which is strictly calibrated. If it is necessary to measure the viscosity of different materials, viscometers are used that have different volumes and hole diameters.

How many seconds does it take for the coating material to flow through the viscometer orifice - such is the viscosity of the measured material. When taking measurements, it is imperative to observe a certain temperature regime, otherwise the data may be inaccurate.

How to dilute paint for an airbrush

The spreading rate of the coloring composition over the surface and its drying completely depends on the ambient temperature, under the influence of which these processes occur. To avoid the possible appearance of defects, modern manufacturers produce special thinners, each of which is recommended to be used at a certain temperature.

How to thin car paint? Experienced craftsmen do not recommend determining the amount of solvent by eye and measuring its content in the coloring composition. It is best to use solvents that are optimally suited for temperature gradation:

  1. Fast. They are used at low temperatures (up to 20C). Their feature is accelerated evaporation and the paint dries faster, so there is no risk of smudges on the surface.
  2. How to dilute the paint for the spray gun, if the ambient temperature is considered optimal for painting work? At 25°C it is recommended to use normal solvents, the evaporation rate of which is medium.
  3. If the temperature is more than 25C, it is better to buy a solvent that evaporates slowly. The paint in this case will spread well over the surface and you can get a durable protective coating of the body.

If staining is carried out in shades of "pearl" or "metallic", it is better to purchase slow solvents. In this case, the paint layer on the surface will turn out to be homogeneous and there will be no defect in the form of clouds.

This completes the preparation of paint for painting a car, it remains only to strain it using a special filter or a regular nylon stocking. Now you can start coloring.

How much paint do you need to paint a car

Material consumption is influenced by many indicators, the main of which are:

  • Surface area to be painted.
  • Brand of paint (coating may spread differently).
  • Color. Some pigments need to be applied in multiple coats to achieve the desired shade, so consumption can be greatly increased.
  • The primer that was used in preparing the surface for painting (its color is also important).
  • Features of the device of the spray gun, which is used to paint the body.

If you dilute car paint correctly, this will noticeably affect its consumption. A viscometer will be useful in the work, but if it is not available, you can use a regular ruler.

How to dilute paint for painting a car

Carrying out painting work involves not only the preparation of paint and varnish, but also the preparation correct composition for this procedure.

The overall result depends on the physical properties of the paint material.

If the work will be carried out using an airbrush, then the composition must be liquid, so smudges can be avoided. But holding brushes in your hands, you should use viscous paint.

As a rule, all manufacturers indicate how their product should be bred, but sometimes the instruction can be an excellent promotional event that promotes related products of the same brand, and it can be expensive.

To minimize costs, to get high-quality components for painting a car, you should know the criteria for choosing paint, solvent, their interaction conditions, and much more.

When carrying out high-quality grinding work on the body, some cracks still remain on it. To fill all the micro cracks, it is worth applying a less thick paint.

Otherwise, the manifestation of small deformations on the surface of the car, which is painted, is possible.

It is also not worth diluting the paint strongly, because this is fraught with the appearance of shagreen, while the surface will dry for a long time and worse, and who knows what may occur during this time.

This result directly depends on the paint, but varnish plays an equally important role in the result, it is responsible for the gloss and durability of the coating that was previously applied.

But all the same, the solvent is added to the paint so that it lays on the surface more easily, the question remains only in proportion, which depends on all the conditions where the painting is carried out, taking into account technologies, volumes and many other points.

The quality of the applied coating depends on the protection of the body from corrosion and other physical damage.

Solvents are divided depending on the temperature and the time for which the paint dries, but the first step is to decide on the paint, how to choose it?

Choosing paint for car painting

Depending on the concentration of the components, all enamels are divided into: highly filled, filled to the middle, low-filled.

In the first case, such paint is marked with the abbreviation VHS, but low-filled ones are recorded as LS.

"Fullness" - a property that is responsible for the viscosity and volatility of the material. Knowing this criterion, you can determine how much solvent and other components are added to the paint so that it does not dry out.

Before applying paint, always read the instructions for it.

How much paint does it take to completely decorate a car with it? This question is of interest not only to beginners in this business, but also to more experienced motorists who have already encountered this issue.

This issue must be approached on an individual basis. The amount of paint used is also affected by the previously selected solvent.

They also happen polar And non-polar. To avoid possible problems with compatibility, many experts recommend using the goods of one manufacturer, because this is the only way to avoid all kinds of defects.

Paint from polar components is mixed with the same solvent, where there are substances of the hydroxyl group - ketones, alcohols, etc. non-polar include other substances, for example, white spirit, kerosene.

Trying to make a replacement is strictly prohibited. In order to change the viscosity of the consistency, you can use a special device viscometer.

Such a device will not cost as much as you think, but its role is irreplaceable. The openings of this container are calibrated.

When working, you can use viscometers of different volumes and diameters. How many seconds the material will flow out of this device, these are the indicators of its viscosity.

To obtain the most accurate data, all work with the device must take place in a certain temperature regime.

In order to correctly determine the type of composition, one should understand what type of solvent is recorded in the instructions for the paint.

For example, if the composition contains acetone, then it is in contact only with polar compositions. Many consider xylene and benzene to be universal solvents, they are not so tied to the constituent components of the paint.

Paint and varnish compositions have their own numbers, which allows you not to get confused in the options presented:

  • No. 646 is a very aggressive solvent that dilutes the paint and can make a real difference in its composition.
  • No. 647 - also a very aggressive composition, dilutes nitro enamel and nitro varnish, requires increased security;
  • No. 650 - softer action, used with many paints and varnishes;
  • P-4 - for paint, where the composition contains chlorinated polymers.

How to dilute spray paint

The rate of spreading and drying of the paint depends on the external temperature. To protect and avoid a bad result, manufacturers try to play it safe and recommend that each diluent be used at a certain temperature.

Auto enamels are provided in liquid form, and when you open it, this does not mean that it is ready for application, you need to know the proportions that will allow the paint to lie easily and evenly on the metal surface.

When adding a solvent, take into account the composition of the paint, because it may already contain a certain amount of it.

Do not engage in self-measurement and add solvent by eye.

Therefore, a solvent is ideal for painting a car, which:

  1. Used for low temperatures, the paint dries quickly, so the streaks do not even have time to appear.
  2. If the ambient temperature is within 25C, you should pay attention to a solvent with an average evaporation rate.
  3. If the temperature is above 25C, then a solvent with slow evaporation properties is suitable. When the paint begins to spread over the surface, the car owner will receive strong body protection.

If the color you choose is “pearl” or “metallic”, then you can’t imagine anything better than a slow solvent.

This is the only way to achieve a uniform color and the absence of other defects.

The paint is ready and it remains only to filter it, the most common way is to use an ordinary nylon stocking for this, only after this procedure can the surface be painted.

How much paint do you need to paint a car

Painting involves a certain amount of the use of materials, the consumption depends on a number of reasons:

  1. What surface is covered, its dimensions;
  2. Due to the brand of paint, the coating spreads differently.
  3. To achieve the desired color, sometimes the paint must be applied several times.
  4. It is important to know what kind of primer was used, its color and quality.
  5. The spray gun and its main properties are important when painting the body.

Properly diluted paint is not so consumed, which allows you to save money and achieve high-quality painting.

A viscometer will be no less useful in work, but if it is not at hand, it is enough to use a regular ruler.

Only experienced craftsmen can dilute the paint with a solvent by eye, but for beginners, real instructions are needed.

Two-component enamel assumes the following proportion: 100 ml of hardener plus 500 ml of solvent is mixed with a liter of paint.

In order not to confuse with the proportion, it is best to use a measuring ruler or even a glass. An equally important task is to achieve the required viscosity.

If there is no instrument at hand to measure this indicator - a viscometer, then you can use folk method: if the paint does not pour, but drips, then everything is normal with viscosity.

The fluidity of the paint is also an important factor when using an airbrush, in this case, a liquid composition is needed for a device with a small nozzle diameter, but if the work is carried out with a roller, then the density is important here.

Before you start painting, the diluted substance is best tested on a coating that is not a pity to use.

To make sure that the diluted material is correct, you don’t need a lot of substance, you need to wield a brush or device a couple of times.

Do not forget that fluidity is directly dependent on temperature, it turns out that the warmer, the greater the viscosity.

It is not worth keeping the paint in a container for a long time, over time it will harden, so for full-fledged work it may be necessary to dilute a new proportion of the solution.

The woman begins to change with her hairstyle. A beautiful shade of dyed hair must be constantly maintained, because the pigment burns out, roots grow. For this purpose, there is a huge selection of cosmetics. That's just the color you need not only to choose the right tone, but also to cook. Each package contains 2 tubes - a pigment and an oxidizer for hair dye. What is oxide, how to choose it correctly.

Why do you need an oxidizing agent in any hair dye

The oxidizing agent is an important component of any product. It is this component that allows the color to acquire the necessary pigment. After mixing a colorless composition with it, a shade begins to appear.

All oxides contain hydrogen peroxide. The active substance is contained in different percentages, but not more than 12%. This information is indicated by manufacturers on the tube with the substance. It is H2O2 that allows the hair to be dyed.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the rods, hydrogen peroxide breaks down the original color, which is easily washed out. With the help of a pigmenting base, a new tone is fixed on the curls.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenereologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

As part of some colors, as an addition, ammonia may be present. Such tools are considered very resistant, but harm the structures of the rods. Ammonia adversely affects curls, damages their stratum corneum.

Hydrogen peroxide is a catalyst for dyeing strands. Without this component, not a single blonde would become a brunette, girls would not amaze with bright and bold shades, and older women would not be able to hide their gray hair.

How to choose an oxidizer

It is desirable to purchase oxide for coloring, starting from the characteristics indicating the content of hydrogen peroxide. The minimum content of perhydrol in the developer is 1.2%, the maximum is 12%. Color fastness as a result of staining directly depends on this indicator.

All oxides are divided into several categories:

  1. Low Percentage Compounds containing H2O2 in the developer up to 3%. This option is better to choose the owners of hair with light shades - blondes. They give the effect of a slight toning. Damage to the hair is minimal.
  2. Oxidizers with 3% content of hydrogen peroxide. Such compounds do not pose a danger to curls. With the help of such means, a cardinal change in shade will not work - the maximum effect is lightening or darkening the strands by just 1 tone. Paint with such a developer will not hide gray hair.
  3. Oxide 6%. The tool is intended for coloring in 2 tones. Often just such a developer can be found in the kit in packages with red colors. It is used to cover a small amount of gray hair.
  4. Developer 9%. It changes the previous shade to 3 tones. The tool is suitable for rods with a rigid structure and completely colors gray curls.
  5. Oxidant 12% - aggressive developer. This composition is able to change the color of curls by 4 tones. Such a tool easily turns dark-haired girls, even with hard curls, into blondes. But a large percentage of hydrogen peroxide adversely affects the hair, thinning and drying out the rods. Therefore, the frequent use of such an oxidizing agent is not recommended.

Proportions of paint and oxidizer

When buying a color for home use, the manufacturer must indicate the proportions in which it is necessary to mix the oxidizer and pigment. Usually, it is necessary to dilute the paint with the developer in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is enough to squeeze it into a container and pour in the oxide.

If the substance and the oxidizing agent are purchased separately, then in this case they must be mixed strictly according to the instructions attached to the staining process or described on the developer bottle.

Expert opinion

Selyutina Marina Valerievna

ChudoMed Medical Center, experience 23 years

The manual should say what shade will turn out when using a certain amount of oxide.

Getting the paint right

The instructions clearly spelled out the scheme of dilution of the product. For these purposes, you will need a container made of plastic, glass or ceramics, but not metal. As well as a spatula made of silicone or plastic.

  1. An oxidizing agent is poured into a bowl, then a color.
  2. The components interact almost immediately, so you need to mix them thoroughly and quickly. The mass must be of a homogeneous structure.
  3. The substance is applied to the roots and distributed over the entire surface of the hair.
  4. When painting, the composition is periodically mixed. Otherwise, the wrong shade may appear on the hair.

"Fatal" mistakes

Sometimes the result of staining does not meet expectations. This happens for one reason - the ratio of paint and oxidizer is incorrectly calculated. Ignoring instructions with instructions can be fraught with different consequences, depending on what kind of mistake is made.

  1. Small amount of developer. In this case, the color can be taken unevenly or the hair is not pigmented at all.
  2. More oxidant than required. In this situation, in addition to uneven coloring, there is a risk of damaging the curls. An excessive amount of hydrogen peroxide, which is part of it, dries the hair, makes it brittle, faded. It is difficult to restore the former health of the hairstyle after such a “stress”.
  3. The use of color and developer of different companies. The key to successful staining is the use of components from the same manufacturer. A different brand of oxidizer may contain more or less H2O2 than required to achieve a particular shade. The ratio of the components in this case must be calculated independently. If the oxidizer and paint are produced by the same company, then they can be used at any percentage of perhydrol in the developer.
  4. The exposure time is increased or decreased. On the packaging or in the instructions, the manufacturer must indicate the time interval required for high-quality hair coloring. Neglect of the recommendation can lead to damage to the rods when the mixture is overexposed, and if washed out ahead of schedule, to uneven staining of the strands.

Overview of popular oxidizers

All oxidizers for paint, regardless of manufacturer or price, contain the same main component - hydrogen peroxide. It also includes:

  • water;
  • thickeners;
  • stabilizers;
  • emulsifiers (softening);
  • foaming agents.

Some manufacturers add components of natural origin to the oxygen: vitamins, plant extracts and extracts. This allows the tool to have a caring effect on the hair.

See also: mixing ratios of powder and oxygen for hair bleaching (video)

Popular oxidizers:

  1. Professional color developer with Estel De Luxe brand. It is the standard agent for paint pigmentation. It contains no additional ingredients. An oxidizing agent with a hydrogen peroxide content of 3% to 12% is available in vials of different volumes (maximum 1000 ml). Product price from 65 rubles. for a vial with a capacity of 60 ml up to 500 rubles. for 1 liter
  2. Professional activator from Kapous. This product, in addition to typical components, contains ginseng extract and rice protein, which contributes to a gentle effect on curls and reduces their damage. The oxidizing agent is packaged in vials with different capacities - from 150 to 1000 ml. The content of H2O2 in oxygen is from 1.5% to 12%. The minimum price for a small bottle in online stores is 70 rubles. Liter containers of this brand are sold for 300-350 rubles.
  3. Oxidizer brand Londa Professional. In addition to standard components, etidronic, phosphoric and salicylic acids are added to it. The consistency of the developer is creamy, perfectly mixed with the pigmenting substance, without lumps. Gently lays on the hair and evenly stains the strands. As with other manufacturers, you can find 3, 6, 9 and 12 percent oxygen. The price per liter is 550-600 rubles. Smaller vials (150 ml) are available for single use.
  4. Line Loreal Recital Preference. It is designed for home use. An additional component of the developer is glycerin. The paint with an oxidizing agent and a pigmenting substance is easily diluted. After staining, the curls do not lose their softness, they become smooth. You can find a developer, both with a minimum (3%, 6%) peroxide content, and with a maximum (9%, 12%). The cost of a 1000 ml bottle is from 900 rubles. In specialized cosmetic stores, the product is sold for bottling in small containers for single use.
  5. Matrix Developers. They are considered one of the best among competing products. These products can only be found in professional salons. When combined with the paint of the same brand, the hair after dyeing looks natural and well-groomed. For the procedure, you can choose an oxygen agent with any content of the active substance (hydrogen peroxide) from 3 to 12%. The disadvantages of the product include a high price - the cost of a liter bottle is from 600 rubles.
  6. Wella Professional. Another manufacturer trusted by professional stylists and many women. The oxidizing agent contains active polymeric compounds that have a beneficial effect on the structure of curls. The developer mixes remarkably well with the colorant and lays down evenly, providing complete staining. On sale there are emulsions for paints with a hydrogen peroxide content of 1.9 and 4%, as well as oxidizing agents 6%, 9% and 12%. The cost of a liter bottle is from 800 rubles. The product is also sold in small portions for one application (60 ml each), the price is from 100 rubles.

Separately or together

Some women do not see the need to buy color and developer separately. Indeed, on the shelves of cosmetic stores, supermarkets there is a wide variety of ready-made kits. They are easier and more familiar to use than professional tools. Yes, and the characteristics, at first glance, are the same. However, it is not.

Standard sets are designed for all types of hair, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the hair of a particular woman. Often, the result of staining from a store color scheme is not encouraging - the shade differs from that declared by the manufacturer. Sometimes the color lies unevenly, unpigmented areas remain. This is because the developer from the kit has a standard percentage of perhydrol.

With professional paint, the risks are minimal.


  1. Profitability. Standard packaging is designed for one application for medium length hair. A tube of color and a bottle of developer can last for 2-3 uses, depending on the length of the curls.
  2. Independent possibility of selecting the durability and intensity of the shade. By varying the percentage of hydrogen peroxide, you can achieve the desired performance.
  3. 100% color match. On butyl, the exact proportions of the active substance (peroxide) are detailed in order to obtain the desired color.

Water based paint is durable and non-toxic, easy to apply, does not crack, and is affordable. The dye is easy to use, provided the correct consistency is achieved. How to dilute water-based paint, what types of it are, we will consider in this article.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a paintwork material, the basis of which is water. It is mainly used for painting interior surfaces of premises, but some varieties are also used for outdoor work.

Water-based dyes are divided into the following types:

  • based on PVA glue - polyvinyl acetate, the cheapest material;
  • based on liquid glass - silicate, have poor moisture resistance;
  • resin-based - silicone and acrylic, have the best indicators of durability and strength, the latter are also the most expensive in price;
  • latex - resistant to fading and moisture.

Any type of the listed water-based paints can be diluted with water, which is convenient and practical to use.

When to dilute the water-based composition

Usually, if the paint was bought still within the expiration dates, it is not diluted after uncorking. In this case, the consistency of the composition is optimal for use.

Dilution with water is required in two cases:

  • if a previously opened and already standing can is taken for reuse, the paint in which has had time to thicken and dry;
  • if the staining process will take place using an airbrush, into which a more liquid composition is required.

To determine whether it is necessary and water, it is thoroughly mixed. If a large amount of non-flowing composition remains on the blade, then dilution is required, the amount of liquid is determined by eye. The main thing to consider is not to overdo it with the addition of water, as this can disrupt performance characteristics applied layer.

If, after opening, it is found that the composition is too liquid or an excess amount of water is added when diluted, the paint is left open for a while.

Many are interested in the question: is it possible to dilute water-based paint if it has dried? No, in case of strong drying, the paint cannot be restored.

What is applied

Water-based paint is a quick-drying water-based composition without a strong odor. In the dye, along with water, small drops of various fillers are dissolved, which give it the final performance properties. After applying the paint to the surface, the liquid from its composition is partially absorbed, and partially evaporates. The speed of the process allows the protective layer to form quickly, but the end result depends on what the surface is made of. Moreover, on what the coloring composition will be applied, it will depend on whether and how to dilute the water-based paint.

Applied in two ways:

  1. Manual. In this case, rollers and brushes are used. With this application of paint on ceilings and walls, a more viscous structure of the mixture is required, in this case it is easy to ensure a uniform application of the layer and its quality, in which there will be no smudges.
  2. Mechanical. In this case, a spray gun or spray gun (manual or electric) is used. The use of the device can greatly facilitate the process of staining and cover large areas. The peculiarity of this equipment is that the ink mixture passes through nozzles under pressure, due to which it lies on the base in a more uniform layer. Therefore, the composition for use in the spray gun should be more liquid consistency than in the first method, about one and a half to two times.

Breeding rules

To apply a quality layer to the surface, you need to know how to properly dilute water-based paint.

The following rules must be observed:

  • the amount of water for dilution should not exceed one tenth of the total volume of the thickened dye;
  • it is necessary to dilute the paint gradually, achieving the necessary consistency with thorough stirring (the procedure can be carried out with a construction mixer or a drill with a mixing nozzle);
  • having received the composition of the desired density, it is not used immediately for dyeing - you should wait for the foam to settle.

To determine the sufficiency of diluting the paint, you need to draw a brush moistened with it over the surface - the layer should be uniform, without smears, not drain or roll.

To be sure to do everything right, you should use the advice of the masters on how to properly dilute water-based paint.

They are as follows:

  1. On the packaging with paint, the volume of the composition is usually indicated, but when it is necessary to dissolve the residues, it will not be possible to accurately determine their amount. In order to calculate with a minimum error how much coloring composition is left, you need to pour it into another dish using a measuring cup or liter jar.
  2. The temperature of the water used to dilute the paint should be about twenty-five degrees. too cold or hot water negatively affect the quality of the resulting mixture.
  3. The best diluent is purified bottled water. Impurities in ordinary or technical water adversely affect the quality characteristics of water-based paints.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve good quality coloring composition.

How to breed color

To implement design solutions, the use of a colored dye is often required. But it is not always possible to find the required shade on sale, or only the white composition remains available. To get the desired tone, you can use special pigments and study the question of how to dilute the color in water-based paint. Moreover, it is quite simple to do this.

For work you will need:

  • a container with a color of the desired shade;
  • clean paint can;
  • mixer;
  • purified water at room temperature.

It is required to pour the existing white water-based paint into the washed and dried container, determine whether it needs to be diluted with water. Then you should gradually add pigment to it with constant stirring with a mixer until the desired color is obtained. It is important to add pigment in small portions so as not to miss the moment of obtaining the desired shade.

Adding decor

Often design solution requires the use of not only colored dyes, but also the addition of decorating elements (additives) to them in the form of sparkles, mother-of-pearl powders and more. Such compositions help to create non-standard fabulous or space interiors.

Before diluting water-based paint for walls or ceilings, you need to consider how much of it you need for painting. The remaining paint with dissolved decorating additives is used for further application of patterns.

It should be remembered that when applying several layers, each subsequent one is applied an hour after the previous one, otherwise the paint may not set and will continue to roll down.

Breeding water

Sometimes you can find recommendations that solvents for enamels and oil dyes can be used to dilute water-based paints. This is wrong, because with this method, the coloring composition collapses, and this may not happen immediately. The best liquid for diluting water-based paints is water.

  1. Liquid temperature. For internal work, water at room temperature is used, and for external work, water is used, which slightly exceeds the corresponding indicators of ambient air.
  2. When deciding how to dilute a water-based paint, one must take into account the fact that at low temperatures the compositions thicken, and at high temperatures they become more liquid.
  3. It is recommended to use drinking purchased, distilled (sold in pharmacies and car dealerships) or home-purified water (boiled and settled).

Analysis equipment

To obtain a high-quality layer during painting, the coloring composition must have an optimal consistency. With the wrong viscosity, adhesion is significantly reduced, which is fraught with peeling of the coating. This, in turn, leads to redoing the work, up to the removal of the soil layer.

At home, when repair work is carried out quite rarely, the viscosity is determined visually. And for those who do painting work quite often, it is useful to have a device called a viscometer in the household.

This device is very useful when deciding how to dilute water-based ceiling paint - its consistency should not be either too thick, as this is fraught with uneven coloring, or too liquid, which will lead to drops and sagging.

The tool is a measuring container with a calibrated hole. With its help, the viscosity is determined by the time it takes for a certain amount of dye to flow out. As the dilution proceeds, the composition is poured into the viscometer by plugging the hole with a finger. Turning on the stopwatch and opening the hole, detect the moment when the paint stops flowing out - the value of the stopwatch will be an indicator of viscosity. For each type of dye, the optimal value is indicated on the package.