General strengthening gymnastics program for children. Physical exercise for children

General strengthening exercises for children from 4 to 7 years old are shown by a specialist physical education and Sports (Ural University of Physical Education and Sports), Andrey Malkov, karate instructor of the regional dance center "Dance Hall" and his pupil Misha (6 years old).

1. Squats

Effect: strengthens the muscles of the legs.


  • feet shoulder width apart, arms extended forward
  • back straight
  • heels pressed to the floor
  • perform from 20 to 50 times, depending on the physical fitness of the child

2. Push-ups

Effect: the muscles of the arms and chest are strengthened. It is important to do push-ups after squats in order to unload the muscles of the legs and load the upper shoulder section - this will evenly distribute the load on different muscles.


  • depending on the width of the position of the arms, you can choose the load: if the arms are close to each other, then the biceps are being worked out, if the arms are wide apart, the chest part is being worked out
  • the body should be in a straight position, only the arms are bent
  • perform a maximum of 10 times
  • another option is to smoothly lower to the floor in this order - knees, pelvis, body, just as smoothly you need to go up to the starting position

3. Burpee

Effect: development of general endurance. The work includes legs, abs, body, arms. It is carried out in six stages.


  • starting position - standing
  • emphasis crouching
  • jumping out with two legs at point-blank range
  • lie down completely on the floor, do push-ups
  • pull your legs to your chest, once again in the squatting position
  • jump up, making a clap with your hands over your head while jumping
  • perform 10 times

At the initial stage, you need to achieve the correct execution, then gradually increase the pace during the exercise.

4. Press


  • starting position - lying on your back, legs straight, arms behind the head or arms along the body straight
  • first, the child pulls his arms, creating inertia, then his head, shoulders rise, twisting is done gradually, reach his socks with his hands - in order to rest at this moment of stretching
  • gently slide back
  • you can not fall sharply with a straight body back and rise sharply forward
  • for ease of execution, you can hold the child’s legs or hook the socks on the base of the sofa so that the legs do not come off the floor when lifting
  • perform 10-15 times

5. Boat

Effect: .


  • starting position - lying on your stomach, arms straight along the floor, feet together
  • at the same time, the child raises both arms and both legs, creating tension in the lower back
  • no need to freeze in this position
  • perform 20 times

6. Throwing the legs over the head

Effect: stretches the lumbar region.


  • starting position - lying on your back
  • gradually raise the legs and throw over the line of the head
  • emphasis on the shoulders, not on the neck and head
  • perform 10-15 times

IMPORTANT: during classes at home, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen - no more than one or two sips of water with a frequency of two exercises, in total a child should drink one and a half liters of water per day. It is better to eat one and a half to two hours before class and saturate the food with complex carbohydrates. After class, the child needs to eat, but not earlier than after 30-40 minutes.

Does your child play sports?

In preschool and primary school age, the main thing for children is a non-intensive load on the large muscles of the body and the formation of correct posture. For these purposes, classes are held.

Complex №1

"Rope Ladder"

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Raise the left leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of the right hand. Then raise the right leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of the left hand. Repeat 6-8 times.


Standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt. Transfer body weight to the right leg, bent at the knee, put the left leg on the toe. Return to starting position. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, bent at the knee, put the right leg on the toe. Return to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times on each side.


Lying on your stomach, straight arms extended forward. At the same time, raise straight arms and legs, stretch up. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.

"Deck - Hold"

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Sit on toes, straight, knees to the sides, hands forward (adults and children say: “Hold”). Return to starting position (adult says: “Deck”). Repeat 6-8 times.


Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Jump to spread your legs to the sides, at the same time make a clap with your hands above your head. Repeat 6-8 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a gymnastic stick)

"Stick Above"

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, in hands (hold it with a grip closer to the ends) lowered down. Raise the stick up with straight arms. Lower the stick to your shoulders behind your head, raise the stick above your head, then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.

"Forward bends"

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a stick lowered. Tilt forward, hold the stick in front of you, do not lower your head, do not bend your knees. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.


Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a stick in front. Turn to the right side, do not lower the stick, say: "To the right." Return to starting position. Do the same to the left side, say: "To the left." Return to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times on each side.

"Step Over"

Standing, legs parallel, hands with a stick below. Holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without releasing it from your hands) with your right foot, do not lower your head. Return to starting position. Holding the stick as close to the ends as possible, step over it (without releasing it from your hands) with your left foot, do not lower your head. Return to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.


Standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt, gymnastic stick on the floor. Perform 10-15 jumps on two legs over a stick (jump forward, turn around, jump forward again). Repeat 3 times.

Complex №3


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. Rising on toes, gently raise your hands up, stretch, take a breath. Gently lower your hands down, exhale. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.


Standing, feet together, hands down. Raise your arms through the sides up, clap above your head, inhale. Tilt down, bring your head closer to your legs, clap behind them, exhale. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.


Lying on the floor, arms to the sides, legs straightened. Sliding your feet on the floor, pull them up to. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times.


Standing, legs wider than shoulders, arms lowered. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, tilt, without bending your knees. With lowered straight arms, simultaneously perform forward and backward movements. Repeat 6-8 times.

"Rocking chair"

Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. Wrap your arms around your knees, tilt your head. Make several rolls on the back back and forth. Return to starting position.

"On one leg"

Standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt. Do 5-6 jumps on the right leg, and then 5-6 jumps on the left leg.

Complex No. 4 (with a rope)


Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope, folded four times, in front in lowered hands. Raise straight arms forward, then up, rise on your toes, bend over, look at the rope. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-7 times at a slow pace.


Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the rope folded in half around the neck, hold the rope by the handles. Turn the torso to the right, right hand to the side, return to the starting position. Perform the same movement to the left, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times on each side.


The foot of the right foot is in front in the middle of the rope, the handles of the stretched rope are in bent arms. Raise your hands up, bend your right leg at the knee - up. Return to starting position. Perform the same movement with the other leg. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg.


Sitting, legs in front, hook the rope, folded in half, onto the feet and pull. Perform backward bends, legs straight, sway, trying to keep. Repeat 3-5 times.


Standing straight, rope folded in half in hands. Rope up over the shoulders, inhale. Squat with a straight back, jump rope forward, exhale. Stand up, jump rope by the shoulders, inhale. Return to starting position exhale. Repeat 6-10 times at a slow pace.

"Through the jump rope"

Standing straight, hold the rope at the back by the ends. Jumping on two legs in place through a rotating rope. Perform 2 times 30 jumps.

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most popular sports for girls. And this is not surprising, young gymnasts are delighted with bright costumes, communication with peers and the first small victories. For parents, in turn, it is important that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful. Gymnastics is the ideal sport to achieve these goals. It includes dance elements, acrobatic etudes and a good psychological preparation. Thanks to this, gymnasts from a young age have grace, plasticity, flexibility, a sense of rhythm and psychological stability.

It is important for parents that their girls grow up graceful, strong and successful.

Parents should be aware that behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries to your child. You should also correlate desires with financial capabilities, gymnastics is not a cheap sport. Sewing bright costumes, buying the necessary shells and shoes will fall on the shoulders of the parents.

Having assessed the pros and cons of sports, as well as the potential and desire of you and your child, you must definitely send the girl to rhythmic gymnastics.

Getting Started in Rhythmic Gymnastics

How old can you practice

At what age to start doing gymnastics depends on the goals. You can start classes for yourself personally, that is, to maintain harmony, form flexibility and plasticity at any age. However, it must be remembered that there is a strict age limit for serious gymnastics.

The first time to train should come at the age of 3 years. At this age, bring your child to the rhythmic gymnastics hall for one hour a week. This is necessary for the baby to get used to the environment. At 4 years old, the baby can be brought to classes 2-3 times a week, however, to overcome psychological discomfort, parents should be close to the sports school at this time.

The official enrollment of young athletes in the rhythmic gymnastics section begins at the age of five. At this age, qualified coaches can conduct a cruel selection, after which only those children who are well developed both physically and psychologically remain in the sport.

Parents should be prepared that a lot of time is spent on training. By the age of 12-14, the gymnast will spend 5 hours daily in the gym. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a child from childhood for the fact that sport requires certain efforts, without which success cannot be achieved.

How to get your child interested in rhythmic gymnastics

Children and sports are inextricably linked, however, when a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal. Sooner or later, a young athlete will face difficulties and will not want to go to classes.

When a child starts playing sports, he experiences psychological and physical shock, this is normal.

Often parents think that children do not understand anything because of their age and you can simply force them to go to gymnastics. However, remember that children in sports mature psychologically very early, so try to explain to your child the benefits of playing sports:

  • Prospects for the future
  • Can get a job early
  • The figure of a gymnast girl is distinguished by harmony and smartness
  • Internal psychological core

If the child is too small for serious conversations about the future and interest in prospects, try not to force him, but to distract him:

  • Buying a beautiful uniform for classes
  • Makeup and hair workout
  • Training in a swimsuit for performances
  • Buying equipment and accessories (rope, ball, etc.)

The most important thing is to distract the child before the first performance. If the result is successful, then he will still have an incentive to study for a long time. If the first time is not successful, do not scold the athlete, but praise him for the elements that turned out. In both cases, it is necessary to devote some time to mistakes so that the next time the little athlete improves his result.

Never compare your child with others, and in no case say in front of him that there are few chances at the competition, because there will be very strong competitors. By doing this, you doom your young athlete to low self-esteem. If you think that the child is still too young and does not understand anything, you are deeply mistaken. At a young age, children absorb any information like a sponge.

Gymnastics for beginners

The best option to start classes is to enroll in a sports school. However, gymnastics is available to all ages. If you decide to go in for sports at a conscious age, it is best to start with individual rhythmic gymnastics lessons. A qualified trainer will assess your athletic abilities and body condition. He will be able to build a training methodology for a girl in such a way as to get the desired result in a minimum amount of time and without negative consequences.

Behind the veneer of this romantic sport, a hidden world can hide: the first defeats and disappointments, hard work and even injuries.

If it is not possible to take individual rhythmic gymnastics classes in gyms, start exercising at home. Get a mat and a comfortable sportswear, consult your doctor about the absence of contraindications and start doing gymnastics exercises for beginners.

Rhythmic gymnastics for beginners includes rules, the implementation of which will help in achieving results:

  • Training should be regular (3-4 times a week)
  • The duration of the session must be at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not eat 40 minutes before the start of the workout
  • Warming up is a mandatory element of training, you must remember that you need to develop all muscle groups to avoid injury.
  • After training, it is necessary to carry out a hitch and stretching

Basic exercises

Gymnastic basic exercises will help to learn rhythmic gymnastics at home, they include general physical training, so the implementation of these elements by beginners will not require special skills. They should be performed physically separately. When your muscles get stronger and the body gets used to the loads, you should move on to more complex elements.


Beginners should do the exercise with support on a chair. We perform 15 repetitions with the left and right legs. The angle in front of the standing leg should be blunt, the knee should not go beyond the heel. The knee of the supporting leg drops to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the abs, thighs and buttocks.


Performed with support on the wall. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, the hand reaches for the knee. We make 10-15 repetitions. We perform the exercise exclusively on warm muscles. The muscles of the body are involved.


You should spread your legs wide, make sure that the socks look exactly forward. We shift the body weight from the left leg to the right, perform 15 approaches. This exercise targets the inner thighs and buttocks.

Push ups

Beginners need to start the exercise with an emphasis on the knees. To obtain the desired effect, you need to keep your back straight and reach your chest to the floor. The exercise engages the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and shoulders.

Knee lift

We stretch our arms parallel to the floor, we start walking, we pull our knees to our hands.

Schedule and school performance

People believe that serious sports cannot be combined with good studies. This opinion is completely wrong. Often athletes learn better than their peers due to discipline and responsibility. A busy schedule from childhood allows the child to concentrate on homework and complete lessons faster than peers.

Movement is life, and for a small child it is also development. Gymnastics for children 3-4 years old is needed to strengthen the muscular corset and the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system, posture. Physical activity stimulates the immune system and brain activity kids. Its benefits are enormous, and there are practically no contraindications. But how to deal with the baby at home, what exercises are suitable for the age of 3-4 years?

Gymnastics at home

Children who attend Kindergarten Do gymnastics before breakfast every day. A set of exercises in preschool called charging. The performed volume is quite enough for the general strengthening of the body. Home activities are recommended for children who stay at home, including during the holidays, on weekends.

The benefits of gymnastics for children from 3-4 years old:

  • strengthens muscles, increases strength and endurance;
  • provides correct formation musculoskeletal system (prevention of scoliosis, valgus and other skeletal deformities);
  • improves coordination of movements, orientation in space;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and increases appetite;
  • stimulates the work of all organs and systems, improves health.


Definitely you can not force a child to do gymnastics by force. It is necessary to introduce him to the sport only through interest. As for prohibitions for health reasons, physical activity is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic;
  • bleeding or the threat thereof;
  • pain;
  • oncological diseases.

Children with serious problems of the musculoskeletal system, various neurological diagnoses need gymnastics like no other. However, in such cases, a set of exercises should be selected by a specialist in physical therapy. The same rule applies to all children who are registered with the dispensary, have heart, liver, kidney failure, suffer from asthma.

When and how to carry out?

Children's gymnastics is carried out in the form of a game. For class, you need to prepare dynamic music. Doing exercises with sound accompaniment is not only fun, but also useful. Music helps keep the rhythm and develops the ear. Also can pick up to movements interesting names(for example, “now do it like a fish”, “be a little monkey and pick a banana”). Another option is to conduct gymnastics classes to rhymes (an example of a poetic set of exercises awaits you below).

What are the rules for charging?

  1. The air in the room must be fresh. In the summer it is better to move the activity outside.
  2. You need to perform exercises in the morning, in the interval between hygiene procedures and breakfast. In extreme cases, you can do gymnastics 40-60 minutes after eating.
  3. An adult should ensure that when performing exercises, the child breathes in through the nose and exhales through the mouth.
  4. If the baby is 3-4 years old, the duration of home gymnastics should not exceed 15 minutes. It is optimal to do exercises for about 10 minutes, so that the lesson is beneficial and not boring.

Exercises for children 3-4 years old

Any gymnastics begins with a warm-up. These can be movements of the hands up and down, sipping, walking in a circle (on toes, heels, inside and outside of the feet), tilting the head back and forth, towards the shoulders. The warm-up part lasts 4-5 minutes. Then proceed to the main exercises. Complete the gymnastics with a calm walk. To normalize breathing, the child is offered to take a deep breath and at the same time raise his arms to the sides and up. On exhalation, you need to return to the starting position. The duration of the final stage is 1-2 minutes.

Exercises for children 3-4 years old, the main part:

  1. Running with knees up. The child runs in a circle, trying to raise his knees as high as possible. The execution time is 1 minute.
  2. Heels to buttocks. The essence of the exercise is to tighten the knee while running so that the foot touches the priests. Runs within 1 minute.
  3. Walking on oaths. The child squats down, hands on the belt. You need to go through 1-2 small circles (40-60 seconds).
  4. Crosswalk walking. A necessary attribute is a low, stable bench with a width of 30 cm and a length of 1 m. You can replace the bench with a rug folded several times. The child walks back and forth with arms raised to the sides at chest level.
  5. Jumping over low obstacles. For the exercise, gymnastic hoops are well suited, which are laid out right next to each other. The child jumps with both feet, takes a step and jumps again. The number of jumps is 6-10. Also, an obstacle course can be made of jump ropes, sticks located at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other.
  6. Leaning forward. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. The child stretches up, raising his arms, and then leans down. The handles should touch the toes, and the knees should remain straight. The duration of the exercise is 40 seconds, or 6-8 repetitions.
  7. Lunges to the side. The child is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. You need to stretch your left hand and head as far as possible to the right side, leaving the lower body motionless. After 6-7 repetitions, lunges are made with the right hand to the left side.
  8. "Bike". Everyone knows the exercise. The child lies on his back, raises his legs and makes synchronous circular movements, reminiscent of riding a bicycle. The execution time is 1 minute.
  9. Raising the legs. Position - lying on your back, arms along the body. The child raises both legs up with even knees. The number of repetitions is 6-9.
  10. "Scissors". The starting position is the same. The child raises even legs up, and then spreads to the sides and crosses. The exercise is repeated 5-7 times.
  11. "Boat". The baby lies on his stomach, hands in front of him. You need to raise your arms and legs up, using your back muscles. "Boat" is done 5-7 times.
  12. "Plank". Starting position - emphasis lying on your hands. The child stands like this for 15-20 seconds.
  13. "Kitty". You need to get on your knees, and rest your palms on the floor. First, bend and round the back 6-9 times. Then they imitate the sipping of a cat, slowly sitting back and keeping their palms on the floor. The number of repetitions is 6-9.

Once every 2-3 weeks, a set of exercises needs to be adjusted, complicated, and new elements added. So the gymnastics will not bother the baby, and he will perform it with pleasure. You can add movements from the pictures below. They are all great for 3-4 year olds.

Gymnastics in a playful way

With a 3-year-old child, it is better to do exercises with rhymes. For example, kids will like the following set of exercises:

Bear cubs lived in more often,

They turned their heads.

(tilts head to shoulders)

Like this, like this

They turned their heads.

(circular head movements)

Bear cubs were looking for honey

And in the forest, and in the forest,

(tilts to the sides, the hand makes a visor at the forehead)

In the meadows and in the flowers

On raspberry bushes.

(bends down to the floor)

Friendly tree rocked

Like this, like this

(swinging with outstretched arms on tiptoes)

Friendly tree rocked

Like this, like this.

(circular movements of the pelvis, hands on the belt)

Collected a lot of honey

They scooped it with spoons,

(forward bends sitting on the floor, legs to the sides)

They ate soft bread

They drank mint tea.

(child shows how he eats)

And then they danced

Like this, like this

(spring squat with torso twist)

Paws raised higher

Like this, like this.

(jumps with knees up)

You can also play other games with elements of gymnastics. For example, these:

Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the growing body. The child develops harmoniously, he forms the correct posture, and immunity increases. Home exercises for girls and boys can serve as a start sports career. At the age of 3-4 years old, coaches take children in the rhythmic and artistic gymnastics sections. In any case, choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the preferences of the baby, his physical abilities, and the state of health at the moment. Classes should bring pleasure and give a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Gymnastics is a universal set of exercises and is distinguished by its diversity, simplicity and accessibility. Each athlete, regardless of age or level of physical fitness, is able to choose the most appropriate set of gymnastic exercises and improve overall health.

Regular performance of gymnastic exercises will noticeably affect the relief muscle mass, flexibility, mobility, endurance of the body, reduction excess weight, and will also positively affect breathing, cardiac activity and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the direction of the exercises, gymnastics is divided into general developmental, tonic, athletic and recreational.

Health-improving or therapeutic gymnastics involves the implementation of a set of exercises prescribed by the doctor, selected individually for each patient.

Athletic physical education is distinguished by the use of various sports equipment to enhance the gymnastic effect. As weights, weights, barbells, expanders or power simulators are often used.

The tonic effect is achieved through musical accompaniment, continuity of exercises and a certain pace of movement.

Such gymnastics is an integral part of weight loss programs and has a strict focus on problem areas of the body.

However, among all types of gymnastic exercises, the most popular and in demand is general developmental.

General developmental gymnastics

Universal gymnastic exercises are characterized by universal and restorative movements that have a complex effect on all organs and systems of the body.

Such gymnastics is the basis of every sports activity, suitable for both children and the elderly, does not require special training and includes many variations of varying complexity.

Exercises without objects

The most convenient and affordable training option is to perform exercises without additional sports equipment. Freedom of action makes it possible to actively engage outside the gym or fitness club, at home or in the fresh air. In this case, the load is its own weight, frequency and sharpness of movements.

Below are a few universal exercises that you can include in your gymnastic complex:

The starting position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the shoulder blades are brought together, the head is raised, and the eyes are looking forward. Alternately raise your arms up through the sides, forward, do "scissors" and "wheel", doing at least two repetitions for each of the listed movements.

From a similar starting position, we make inclinations forward and backward, to the left and right sides, as well as circular movements. Each option is performed 20 times.

From a standing position, we make a deep squat, after which we return to the starting position, alternately raising the knee of each leg to the chest. Next, swings and lunges of the legs are performed. Each exercise is repeated up to 20 times in several approaches.

Stick exercises

To diversify the exercises and enhance the effect, you can use a gymnastic stick or any other suitable elongated objects.

With the help of such a long projectile of 120 cm, the shoulder, dorsal and pectoral muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons are developed.

So, with the help of a gymnastic stick, you can perform an exercise to twist the spine:

  • Take the starting position while standing, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, pressing your feet parallel to the floor, lifting your chin and straightening your chest;
  • Fix the projectile on the elbow bends behind the back;
  • Keeping your back straight and without taking your legs off the floor, make movements to the left and right side;
  • All movements must be done without the help of hands and only due to the muscles of the back and abdomen;
  • Perform the exercise about 30 times, repeating it in three sets.

Other devices can be used as gymnastic equipment: a roller, a bench, a Swedish wall, dumbbells.

Photos of gymnastic exercises clearly show that most often such physical education is performed easily, fun and in a big company. Simple technique, versatility and accessibility make gymnastics an integral part of the life of every person who cares about his health and physical fitness.

Photo of gymnastic exercises