Gorgeous toilets. Small bathroom design for big achievements

Not everyone can boast of a spacious toilet in the apartment, so knowing a few ways to expand such a modest space does not hurt. Designers have already accumulated sufficient experience in turning even the smallest toilet rooms into functional and spacious enough spaces, and these are the techniques that everyone can use when arranging their own toilet.

It is important not to forget that this room should not only be attractive in appearance, but also functional. It is good that the modern market of finishing materials offers a huge selection of the most different ways finishes that are adapted to exposure to high humidity, can be easily cleaned, do not deteriorate under the influence of aggressive detergents, etc. You can use moisture-resistant drywall, glass, plastic, etc.

So, in what ways can you visually expand the space of a small toilet, make it more functional and aesthetic?

No. 1. Light color scheme

Use light colors in a small room to visually enlarge it - an idea as old as the world. Great option for a small toilet - White color , which can be used for finishing and ceilings, and walls, and ceilings. In combination with white fixtures and with successful lighting, the boundaries of the room will be so blurred that it will be simply impossible to consider the lack of space.

If such whiteness is not to your liking, then you can always use any light shade, and monochrome is welcome: any color can be combined with white. The toilet can be decorated, for example, in gray and white, but it is important so that the ceiling is as light as possible, after all dark color can significantly reduce even the most spacious room.

Many designers also advise using vertical or horizontal stripes to visually expand the space and slightly change its geometry, but still in a very miniature toilet it is better to use a plain light finish.

No. 2. Decoration Materials

Most often used in toilets ceramic tiles , because it is easy to clean, not affected by moisture, has a nice appearance. It is not necessary to tile everything from floor to ceiling: it is quite enough to cover the toilet half or 2/3 in height with it, combining it with another finishing material.

Great alternative to ceramic tiles washable paint. This option is also suitable if the walls in the toilet are not quite even: under the paint, this defect will not be so conspicuous, but under their tiles. This whole procedure will steal priceless centimeters of space. But if your choice still fell on paint, then choose light spring, light and pastel shades, but in this case it is better to refuse white - in narrow rooms the walls get dirty quickly, and they will need to be washed more often: if it’s not scary for tiles , then even washable paint is better not to wash so often.

In some European countries it is no longer uncommon to use the toilet moisture resistant wallpaper. You can use this idea and pick up a light wallpaper with a medium-sized pattern.

Even a small toilet can be made fun and interesting using special stickers. They can be glued to wallpaper or painted walls, and the whole process takes a minimum of time and effort. In this way, you can create interesting pictures in your toilet, breathe in a certain mood, etc.

Don't forget about fake diamond , which can be competently combined with other finishing materials, getting not only a more spacious space, but also a more stylish room.

Number 3. Compact plumbing

In a small space allotted for a toilet, it would be illogical to stir large plumbing items. Stop at miniature models without forgetting, of course, about your own comfort. Naturally, in a small toilet it is very problematic to place something other than a toilet bowl. Therefore, the “maximum” option is to use a toilet bowl complete with a sink there, but you will most likely have to forget about the bidet, urinal and other plumbing fixtures. But for a small toilet there is another option - combi-toilet, which, in addition to the function of the toilet itself, also performs the function of a bidet and washbasin. It is very convenient, practical, and most importantly, that a minimum of space is wasted.

It is worth taking a closer look at the design of the toilet itself: it is optimal that it be with an oblique outlet, but the connecting corrugation in our case is contraindicated, as it is able to push the toilet forward, from which the room will not become more comfortable. Owners of small toilets can be advised to use small volume flush tanks, and it’s great if they are built into the wall, then visually the room will be perceived a little more.

To create the illusion of free space, you can use hinged plumbing. If someone doubts the reliability of the wall-mounted toilet, then it can withstand about 400 kg, so it can be safely installed in any apartment. By the way, if you put all the plumbing items in the toilet along one wall, you can save a lot of space.

No. 4. Minimum furniture

As for all kinds of furniture and accessories, they should be kept to a minimum. Of course, you can’t do without a cabinet for all cleaning products and a shelf for hygiene items, but everything else can be superfluous. A locker with everything you need is best placed directly above the barrel or under the very ceiling: both of these locations are beneficial from the point of view that they are not very conspicuous, thereby not cluttering up the space.

Do not forget about the mirror: in addition to its direct function, it also performs the function of expanding space. A well-placed mirror surface can work wonders and transform a very tiny bathroom into a normal sizes room.

By the way, the door to the small toilet should open outwards. If this is not the case in your case, then make sure that when you open it, it does not touch the objects installed there. Otherwise, you will have to redo the door a little.

No. 5. Lighting

It's good if the toilet boasts natural light but not everyone is so lucky. Therefore, you need to take care of proper artificial lighting so that the small toilet does not look even smaller. You will need bright lighting, but the main thing is not to overdo it so that the room does not turn into a kind of operating room.

If you used white or pastel colors in the decoration, they will reflect light, making the room brighter, so powerful light sources are not required. Perfect fit spot lighting, which is built into the ceiling or walls. If you supply all this with a dimmer, then you can adjust the power of lighting.

The toilet is specific and, by the way, one of the most frequently visited rooms in an apartment or house. And cleanliness and order in the bathroom where guests are sure to drop in, often becoming a kind of “indicator” that can tell a lot about the owners of the home. Therefore, its arrangement is probably no less important than the choice of interior for other rooms.

And this means that it is necessary to approach the development of the design concept taking into account all the features of this room. The design of the toilet chosen and implemented in practice depends on several nuances. To know where to start drafting a project, you need to consider each of them.

The design solution for decorating the toilet depends on the preferences, financial capabilities of the owner of the apartment, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and the choice of the main items of sanitary equipment. Great importance always has also how neatly the risers of common house communications pass through the bathroom. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to act step by step.

Designing a bathroom design

Despite the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room, it is still worth drawing up a preliminary graphic design for its design, as it will become more clear which materials are best suited for facing surfaces, how many of them will be needed, and what costs must be foreseen for repairs. In addition, it is better to see an approximate end result, reproduced on paper, without spending a dime on this process, than, having made repairs, to your great surprise, to find that the design does not meet expectations at all. And it's best to even think a few options design solutions, in which the design will be made in different materials and in different colors.

Nowadays, many computer applications are available that allow for such a design of a room, including a toilet. But if such a “close friendship” does not develop with a computer, then there is no need to be considered an artist in order to draw a small room by hand, providing for the perspective and dimensions, and then apply the color and pattern of the future cladding to the surface.

When drawing up a project, not only the type of finishing materials is taken into account, but also the method of installation, since some of them provide for the installation of a crate, which "eats" a part of an already small area.

In addition, you must immediately decide on the choice of the design of the toilet, since it will depend on what area this device will occupy in the room.

Different types of toilet designs

These plumbing fixtures are presented in our time in the widest variety. And if the traditional material for their manufacture was previously exclusively ceramics, today on sale you can find products made of enameled steel, cast iron, stainless steel, reinforced acrylic, and even stone or glass. The cost of a toilet bowl depends on the material of its manufacture, design, as well as design performance.

By design, this plumbing accessory is divided into free-standing, monoblock toilet bowls and wall-mounted toilets that are becoming more and more popular. In addition, toilet bowls are wall-mounted and corner, which can also be taken into account when drawing up a project.

  • Free standing toilet can have a wall and corner design. The first of these can be called the most popular option, since such devices are presented in a large assortment and usually have the most affordable cost. Usually they are a set consisting of a bowl and a drain tank - a tank. These basic parts are assembled and fixed together into a single structure directly when the toilet is installed in place.

For some toilet rooms, one of the corner stand-alone models is perfect - saving usable space is obvious. The main difference from the usual ones is the shape of the drain tank, which has a protruding right angle at the back.

But corner models are hardly suitable for a toilet with a typical layout of apartments of old projects. The corner model will fit well into the rooms of the combined bathrooms - it is there that you can save space with the help of a specific shape of the toilet bowl.

  • Monoblock structures differ from other models in that the drain tank and the toilet bowl are inseparable from each other. Due to the fact that there are no connecting nodes, the possibility of leakage is excluded. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the reliability of sealing the connection between the tank and the bowl.

Monobloc models can be made of ceramic or reinforced acrylic. The second option is less massive and easier to install, but ceramics are highly reliable and durable.

Monoblocks may have different forms and sizes, and acrylic models are also produced in a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose a product that will harmoniously fit into the style of the room.

  • Hinged or wall-mounted toilets - this is construction with an installation that fixed to the wall and closed decorative trim. Installation in this case is called a metal frame on which the toilet is held, as well as a hidden drain tank. In the toilet room, in addition to the toilet bowl, there is only a button that controls the flush.

Thanks to a special metal frame and a tank of small thickness, the design takes up much less space in the room than a toilet with a traditional drain tank. True, there will be much more fuss with its installation and subsequent wall decoration.

A new trend in the arrangement of bathrooms - hanging toilets

Some apartment owners are not even aware of the existence of such plumbing fixtures. Meanwhile, they have already proven their practicality and convenience. How to approach k - read in a special publication of our portal.

Some doubt the strength of this design, especially people who are overweight. However, if the installation is fixed and the bowl is suspended correctly, then the wall-mounted toilet bowl is able to withstand a load of up to 350÷400 kg.

Decoration Materials

We roughly figured out the designs of toilet bowls. Now you need to decide on the material with which the surfaces of the room will be lined. It is important to choose a finish for the walls of the floor and ceiling, which will be well combined in shades and patterns.

Due to the fact that there is no toilet in the apartment daylight, then it is better to give preference to light colors that enhance artificial lighting. Moreover, it is no secret that many people use the toilet room as a “reading room” and even equip shelves for books and magazines with crossword puzzles on one of the walls.

Toilet ceiling materials

The ceiling surface of the toilet room can be lined with different materials. And their choice will depend on the height of the ceiling and its evenness, and, of course, on the desire of homeowners.

  • Plastic panels. The most popular cladding for both the bathroom and the toilet today are plastic panels, which are affordable and easy to install. In addition, they can be embedded Spotlights, as well as built-in elements of the ventilation system.

A suspended ceiling made of plastic panels will help hide all the flaws in the floor slab. But it should be borne in mind that it will lower the horizontal surface by at least 50 mm, and if you plan to build spotlights into it or tear off engineering communications (for example, ventilation ducts), then even more. Therefore, this circumstance must be taken into account if the ceiling in the room is already low. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is not critical for the toilet.

The panels are produced in different colors, as well as various patterns or imitation of natural textures of wood or natural ornamental stone can be applied to them. This greatly expands the possibilities when choosing finishes.

  • Recently, more and more popular are slatted ceilings . Panels made of thin metal are very light, they can have a different external design, unlike plastic, they are not subject to “aging”, that is, yellowing and deformation, they are not afraid of high humidity, they are easy to clean. Inserts-layouts of contrasting colors can be placed between the panels-rails, which gives an additional decorative effect. In addition, such a pronouncedly linear shape allows you to visually expand a cramped room. And any home craftsman should cope with the installation of a rack ceiling.

Slatted ceiling - can it be hung on its own?

Yes, it is quite possible to cope with such a task with your own hands, without resorting to calling the masters. To verify this, read the information posted in a special article on our portal.

  • Dropped ceilings cassette type. They are a metal structure that defines the cells correct form, in which the slabs or panels are laid on top. These panels can be made from different materials- gypsum fiber, glass, plastic, metal, etc.

A suspended cassette ceiling is somewhat more difficult to arrange, but it is also feasible to deal with it on your own. And it looks pretty impressive. This is especially true for frosted glass ceilings with overhead lighting. Some panel options additionally have decorative ornaments made in the form of drawings or ornaments. When choosing such a ceiling, it is necessary to provide for its harmonious combination with the decoration of the walls and floor of the room.

  • Plasterboard false ceiling. This option is also quite popular due to the availability of self-assembly and the low cost of materials. Drywall sheets allow you to level the surface and hide the unsightly appearance of ceilings and communications, as well as install spotlights or strip lighting. When choosing this material for leveling a horizontal surface, it should also be ensured that the ceiling drops by at least 50 mm.

Drywall sheets are fixed on a metal frame structure assembled from special galvanized metal profiles.

The plasterboard ceiling consists of almost continuous advantages, with the exception that in case of emergency, accompanied by leaks from above, drywall sheets will have to be replaced completely - they are not “friendly” with water. While plastic panels can be temporarily, before the floor slab dries, dismantled and then returned to their place.

  • . This version of the ceilings is not so often used to design toilet rooms, as it has quite high cost and requires special equipment to install it. In addition, in a very cramped room, the process of stretching the web is extremely difficult, but with a strong desire, this project can also be implemented.

This type of ceiling has a number of qualities that can compensate for the costs and complexity of its installation - this is elasticity, strength and water resistance. Thanks to them, the stretch ceiling will be able to protect the room and its decoration in case of leaks from the upper floors, as the material is able to withstand weight up to 100 kg per 1 m².

In the event of a "cataclysm", when leaking from above, the water will not fall on the walls and floors of the room, but will collect in the ceiling membrane, which will stretch and form a kind of "capacity". When the accident is eliminated, the collected water can be removed through a small hole on its own, or you can invite a master to carry out this process. The main thing is that the main decoration of the premises will be saved.

Another advantage stretch ceilings can be called a very wide variety of colors. One of them is sure to go well with the color scheme of the main design of the toilet.


For flooring in the toilet room, several materials are suitable that have the necessary characteristics - these are traditional ceramic tiles, cork, linoleum, one type of wood flooring, as well as

All materials are easily cleaned from dust and dirt and have an aesthetically attractive appearance. But each of them has its own characteristics.

  • Ceramic tile . Most often, ceramics are chosen for flooring in the bathroom and toilet, as it has optimally suitable characteristics. The main one is ease of cleaning, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom.

Ceramic tile is a strong and durable material. Having laid it once, you can forget about repairing the floor for decades. Even in emergency situations, properly laid tiles will not suffer and will not move away from the surface.

A variety of design solutions for tile design allows you to choose this material by color and pattern for any style of interior space. True, it is the floor tiles that should be chosen - replacing it with a wall tile, even if it is a very attractive design, is not welcome. The material must be durable, able to withstand considerable loads, and have a surface with anti-slip qualities.

disadvantage ceramic coating its traditionally cold surface can be considered, therefore, the “warm floor” system is often placed under this floor material. Some of the difficulties of high-quality tile laying can also be attributed to conditional disadvantages. But even with this you can cope on your own, especially since the area is small.

  • Wooden flooring. This group of materials includes solid or parquet boards, parquet, as well as non-standard solutions use of wood.

For example, a coating made of wooden saw cuts looks very advantageous, which is no less aesthetically pleasing than ceramics. Of course, the manufacture and installation of such a floor is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but if it is carried out with high quality, then the material will last for many years and will only please homeowners.

Any wood flooring characterized by natural warmth and beautiful textured pattern, strength and durability. However, if the premises are flooded with water, then the coating that is poorly protected from moisture will have to be changed - the material swells and deforms from waterlogging.

  • Bulk This way of decorating floors has not yet become as popular as, for example, ceramic tiles. But in terms of its operational and aesthetic qualities, it significantly surpasses all other types of finishes.

Bulk floors are able to imitate any surface of both natural and artificial origin - it can be sea waves, sand, stone, flower meadow, grass, etc. At the same time, the craftsmen give such coatings a spatial volume that strikes with the naturalness of the elements that form the image.

Self-leveling floors have a perfectly smooth surface, are easy to clean, are not as cold as ceramic tiles, and can be used until they get tired of their appearance. This type of coating, in fact, is also the most reliable waterproofing for the floor, so it is not afraid of any leaks.

  • Linoleum. This flooring option remains quite popular, as it has an affordable cost and is produced in various design designs. Linoleum can imitate ceramic tiles, wood flooring or have a geometric or floral pattern, which means that you can pick it up for different tastes, colors and styles.

The material does not absorb dirt and dust - they are easily removed from the surface with wet cleaning. Linoleum is pleasant for barefoot or slippery feet, has enough warm surface. A lot of high-quality material will serve, unless an emergency occurs in which the material will have to be dismantled. If an insulated version of linoleum is used for flooring, then, alas, it will have to be thrown away. Non-insulated material must be washed and dried well, and then it can be returned to its place. Do not forget that for laying linoleum it is necessary to create a perfectly flat floor surface.

  • Cork is a unique material that is produced in different options decoration and glued on a leveled base. The cork is suitable for any style of toilet design, as it has a warm wood color of different shades, which will not be superfluous in any color combination.

The cork does not attract or hold dirt and dust, it is easy to clean, resistant to abrasion, durable, does not absorb moisture. Small leaks to a well-laid coating are not terrible. In addition, the cork has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities, it is pleasant for the feet, as it always has a warm, slightly shock-absorbing surface. Therefore, having laid such a coating in the toilet room, there is no need to use a rug, which anyway quickly clogs with dust and absorbs unpleasant odors.

Toilet wall cladding

The material for lining the walls of a narrow toilet room must meet several criteria - this is compactness, that is, a small layer thickness, strength, that is, resistance to abrasion, decorativeness, hygiene and moisture resistance. Several types of finishes have these qualities, and, as a rule, ceramic tiles take the first place among them, therefore it is the most popular finish for the walls of bathrooms.

In recent years, more and more homeowners are choosing more affordable material - which have their own merits.

In addition, it is quite acceptable to finish with washable or cork wallpaper, lining with wooden clapboard or painting.

In some cases, a combination of several facings will be very appropriate. For example, for the panel part of the wall, a more durable material is used, and for the top - less resistant to abrasion, but having a pronounced decorative look.

  • Ceramic wall tiles has the same qualities as the floor, but differs from the latter in a smaller thickness and a wider range of colors and patterns.

Walls tiled with high-quality ceramic tiles have a very aesthetic appearance, and such a finish will last for a long time. Having applied tiles for facing, you can forget about repairs for many years. However, if suddenly there is a desire to update the interior of the bathroom room, then this process will be very expensive, since dismantling the tiles and putting the walls in order for subsequent finishing is a process pretty dirty and labor intensive.

  • Plastic panels. If the choice fell on this finishing material, then you need to know that on sale you can find not only high-quality panels that are easy to install and operate for a long time, but also those what deformed even with a small mechanical impact.

Experts working with this material are advised to purchase Bachetto panels, which have proven their reliability and durability. This manufacturer produces cladding in various colors and patterns, but it is well combined with each other. Therefore, if it is decided to use materials of different design for the walls, then you do not have to worry that the panel locks will not match.

Plastic panels can be mounted in two ways - on the crate, fixed on the surface of the walls, or directly on the surface. For very narrow rooms, only the second option may be suitable, but the panels can only be glued onto a very flat surface. If you mount the panels on the frame crate, then it will reduce the room on each side by 30 ÷ 50 mm. Therefore, before purchasing this material, you should first calculate all the parameters on the spot.

Plastic panels fixed to the crate are also convenient because, if desired, they can be easily replaced with a cladding that has a different design. In addition, very often, with such a finish, they immediately perform the “masking” of all communications passing through the toilet room.

  • Wall painting. In the event that it is not possible to purchase ceramic tiles, install plastic panels, or if the owners simply plan to create an interior in a classic style, then the walls can be carefully leveled and painted.

Naturally, in order for them to end up looking spectacular, it is necessary to prepare with special care. Alignment can be done using moisture-resistant drywall by gluing it to the walls. To hide communication pipes that can ruin any interior, they are lined up around them. metal carcass, sheathed with plasterboard sheets. Then the sheathing is puttied, sanded, and only after that the selected paint is applied. For painting drywall surfaces, water-based formulations are used.

It is not an easy task to qualitatively prepare the walls for painting.

It will be a mistake to believe that painting the walls is the easiest and fastest solution. To make the finish look really high quality, you will have to spend a lot of effort to prepare the surfaces. is described in detail in a special article of our portal.

If the walls in the room are relatively even, then you can do without drywall by pasting the surfaces with wallpaper for painting.

Painted walls harmonize well with wide ceiling borders and skirting boards in a contrasting color to the main shade. If they are not supposed to be rolled with a special roller, then plain surfaces are decorated with various decorative accessories - mirrors in beautiful frames or paintings that match the style.

  • Wallpaper on the walls of the toilet. Wallpaper can be considered the most affordable, both in price and in self-fulfillment, the choice of which today is not lacking. Some of the species have a very respectable appearance and rich pattern. Wallpapers are made from different materials, each of which has its own advantages. For finishing the walls of the toilet, it is best to choose canvases that are designed for wet cleaning.

Wallpapers can be combined with each other, making interesting compositions that visually expand the space of a small room. But the surface of the walls for wallpapering, as well as for painting (maybe with slightly lower quality requirements), must be prepared - drywall or leveling and puttying the walls in a “wet” way is also used for this. If this process is not done correctly, then any, even the most expensive wallpaper, will not look properly.

Another good option for wall decoration is cork wallpaper.

This material has qualities that make it suitable for use as decoration for absolutely any room in an apartment or house. It has a warm surface, soundproofs the room well, does not attract dirt, is not afraid of moisture, and also has natural antiseptic properties. In addition, cork wallpapers and boards are produced in different colors and can have bright inclusions that dilute the monotony of the interior.

Toilet design options

This section of the article will present several interior options that can be "try on" on the premises requiring reconstruction. And perhaps one of them will solve the problem of the toilet design project.

Modern design

This toilet design option is suitable for adherents of modern styles who prefer the presence of a minimum number of decorative elements in the interior.

In this case, the toilet room has a medium-sized area, so it was possible to place in it another sink and a shower system that replaces the bidet.

The fullness and volume of the interior is given by ceramic tiles laid in the form of puzzles and having a pattern familiar to the urban landscape of wall painting using the “graffiti” technique.

The back wall and the floor of the room are decorated with tiles, so that the transition from the vertical to the horizontal plane is almost imperceptible. Thereby design technique the area of ​​​​the room visually seems more voluminous. The side walls, clad in white tiles, give the room a neat appearance and maintain the lighting that should be quite intense due to the lack of natural light in the room.

The colored tiles are done in blue-gray tones interspersed with white and black shades, which are perfectly combined with red, used as bright accents, giving expression to the interior.

Toilet interior with wallpaper on the walls

This type of design is suitable for those who like to sit in solitude with a book or a crossword puzzle. In order for everything necessary for the "beloved pastime» was at hand, the design of the toilet room provided space for a bookshelf. Visually expands the space quite large a framed mirror mounted above the washbasin, which, thanks to its compact dimensions, also fits well into the interior of the room.

Interestingly, the designer approached the use of a communication pipe in the interior of the room. It is not hidden, as usual, in a box that “eats up” an already small space, but, on the contrary, is highlighted in white, which adds light to the room. Thanks to this technique, the seemingly unsightly pipe is turned into a decorative element of the composition.

The walls of the room are covered with wallpaper in restrained soothing colors and have big enough a vegetal stylized pattern reminiscent of the style of tapestry previously used to decorate walls. A well-chosen color scheme, as it were, masks a large pattern on the cladding, and it does not narrow the space of the room and does not protrude forward, but is an impeccable background for the main interior accessories.

The floor of the toilet, decorated in black and white, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, creates the effect of an expanded space, and in combination with the color of sanitary accessories enhances the lighting of the room. The flooring is in perfect harmony with the wide white skirting boards, which give the interior a complete and neat appearance.

Toilet design in the "English style"

Some homeowners prefer to make a “work of design art” even from a small toilet, decorating it in a certain style that matches the overall design of an apartment or house.

The photo shows a vivid example of such a solution, which is made in a version close to the English style using modern plumbing accessories and finishing materials. The interior found an organic combination of dark chocolate-colored ceramic tiles, which decorate the panels of the room, and light wallpaper with a stylized floral pattern, corresponding to the style direction.

Communication channels are hidden behind a false wall, but wooden doors decorated with wallpaper and framed with small ceramic tiles are provided for their maintenance.

The interior uses modern plumbing fixtures and accessories, but made in a common design style.

To visually expand the space of the room, a mirror enclosed in a gray frame and an illuminated niche located opposite the reflective surface were used. An open chandelier with small glass elements mounted on a metal decorative frame with a gold finish illuminates the bluish ceiling surface that reflects light into the room. The design design provides areas for placing decorative elements that can create accents that enliven the interior with bright colors.

Wooden finish toilet

The surfaces of the toilet room can be decorated with well-crafted wood that has a beautiful shade and textured pattern. For this purpose, a quality lining is suitable, which can be fixed vertically or horizontally, depending on the desired effect. Horizontal installation is able to visually expand the room, and vertical - "raise" the height of the ceiling. To give "weightiness" to this design, the floors can be made darker than the walls. If it is necessary to let more light into the room, then all surfaces are decorated in light colors.

Wood is a warm, even in color, natural material that can be coated with water-based varnish to preserve the textured pattern. And over time, if you want to change the design, paint with a high-quality composition in the selected shade.

In this interior, the designer used the space of a small room as rationally as possible, providing original shelves for storing the necessary items for use in a given room. Supplies and hygiene items. Shelves do not load the interior and do not interfere with the operation of the bathroom.

The sink, so necessary for the toilet, but for which there is often no place in a small area, in this case is installed above the toilet. This, by the way, also gives the effect of considerable water savings - it goes from the sink to replenish the tank.

When choosing lining for wall decoration, it must be borne in mind that its installation is carried out on a crate. In this regard, the room will decrease by at least 30 mm on each side, which, I must say, is significant for a small area. Therefore, the thickness of the crate and facing material must be calculated in advance.

This design is most suitable for those who prefer the rationality and comfort of using the premises to elaborate decorations.

Toilet lined with plastic panels

This is what a toilet room located in an apartment with a standard “Soviet” layout will look like if its walls are lined with plastic panels.

This design decision uses two finishing materials: light-colored ceramic tiles for flooring and PVC panels with an unobtrusive floral pattern for wall cladding. The panels in this version are fixed to the frame of the crate, so the room has significantly decreased, especially due to the camouflage box arranged around the communication pipes. However, the master doing the finishing work also provided a place for placing an electric one, which fit well into the niche above the toilet.

The area of ​​the toilets of the standard layout does not allow the installation of a sink in the room, however, in this case, you can use the idea of ​​placing it above the toilet bowl, as shown in the previous design.

Using the presented projects and adding your own ideas to them, it is quite possible to create an exclusive design option for even such a small room as a toilet. Not only should the walls of the room have an aesthetic appearance - it would be best to use every centimeter of its area rationally to the maximum.

At the end of the publication, we invite the reader to look at an interesting selection of design solutions for the design of a small apartment toilet. Perhaps something will be just to your taste and will be taken as a basis when drawing up your own project.

Video - An interesting selection of toilet design options in a standard city apartment

The toilet room in small apartments, the smallest room in size. However, it is it that is the most visited. When repairing this room, they pay little attention, but in vain, because its interior can be made cozy, very functional and beautiful.

Despite the fact that the toilet room has a small size of 1.2 sq. m. or 1.5 sq. m., its area should be used with maximum benefit. Thanks to modern materials and novelties in the plumbing market can come up withentertaining small toilet design.

Starting the repair in the toilet, it is necessary to draw up a plan for the ongoing work:

  • leveling the surface of the floor uneven walls;
  • replacement of communication and toilet bowl;
  • erection of a niche or openings;
  • wall and floor decoration;
  • ceiling decoration and installation of fixtures;
  • plumbing connection.

After compiling a list of works, go to buy the necessary materials.Paying attention to the functionality of this room, we must remember that the toilet room is a place where you can put yourself in order. In the presence of large areas in such rooms, not only a toilet is installed, but also a bidet and a wash basin. You will probably be surprised by the fact that all this equipment can be had in a small toilet, only it will be more compact and functional. This will allow you to make the most of the small toilet area. It is enough to buy a combo toilet and you will get three in one. A sink with a mixer is located on the lid of the barrel, the soapy water washed off the hands enters the barrel of the toilet bowl, and then flushes into the toilet, making it even cleaner. This toilet model is also equipped with a hygienic shower and is a replacement for a bidet, this necessary element not only for ladies, but for all family members. The hose with a shower head is mounted on the wall with a clamp and does not take up extra space.

Now let's talk about wall decoration and a more advantageous color scheme for a small toilet. Most people use tile to finish the toilet. On the modern market tile is presented in a wide range, which helps to implement any design idea, it is durable, wear-resistant, with it it is easy to maintain perfect cleanliness in the room. To visually enlarge the room, use only light-colored tiles (white, beige, coffee with milk, light green, etc.). In addition, tiles can only be laid up to the middle of the wall, and the rest painted over.

Moisture-resistant material for finishing the walls of the toilet are plastic panels that look presentable and easy to clean.

The option with tiles and panels is good, but given the curvature of the walls, you will have to apply a lot of mortar or install the crate, which will take extra centimeters from an already small area. Therefore, washable paints will be a good alternative and you can choose any colors, and if necessary, you can repaint at any time.

Another way to visually enlarge the space is to install good lighting. An economical and beneficial solution would be to install small built-in bulbs in the center of the ceiling, the light from them will be soft and bright enough.

To completeentertaining small toilet designit is necessary to complete the installation and design of the sanitary cabinet, which is located on rear wall premises. Such a niche can be closed using lifting blinds or wooden swing doors. Such a niche can store paper towels, soap, toilet paper, fresheners, household chemicals, and more.

The accessories you choose can make the interior of the washroom cozy and fun. Toilet paper holders, a brush, towel rings, containers for liquid soap - all this can be chosen in modern supermarkets.

Learn more about finishing the bathroom by reading the article about "". Perhaps you are interested in creative ""?

Make the design of your small size toilet beautiful and cozy!

And now we bring to your attention a detailed master class on the topic "entertaining design of a small toilet"!

At the first stage, we will clean the walls and floor from excess debris, from old coatings, if, of course, you got secondary housing such as Khrushchev Soviet buildings.

Second and most important point- this is the replacement of all old rusty pipes with new plastic ones. Modern sewer pipes are now reminiscent of the Lego constructor, and it is not difficult to assemble them in the desired sequence. As for water supply, it is better to contact a specialist, since installation will require a professional soldering iron and experience that you do not yet have. We used the services of friends, of course, a more experienced specialist could assemble the pipes by hiding them in the wall, but he would also charge 2-3 times more for this.

The installation of pipes is completed, and we proceed directly to repairing the toilet with our own hands, to preparing the walls and floor. We cover with putty all the irregularities and properly coat everything with a primer. The next step is the floor screed. To do this, we need iron beacons, a small package of alabaster and a bag - two of a cement-sand mixture. We expose the beacons by the level in 2-3 rows on small slides of alabaster. Since alabaster dries very quickly, try to do everything quickly. After all the beacons are leveled, you can begin to knead the screed mortar. For this, an ordinary bucket and a drill with a mixer are enough. Gradually adding the mixture to the water, mix thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous composition of thick sour cream. Try to keep all the following batches approximately the same in consistency, otherwise the screed may crack. Carefully pour the solution so as not to move the beacons, and level the surface with the rule.

Do-it-yourself toilet renovation saves a lot of money. Naturally, we put tiles on the floor, but since I have more than two packs left wall tiles from the renovation of the bathroom, it was decided that she would also make the floor in the toilet. Although it is designed for walls, it behaves quite normally on the floor, does not crack and does not particularly slip. We lay tiles in the toilet with our own hands, starting from the observation wall - this is the one that you see first of all when opening the door. We pre-coat the screed well with a primer. Wet the tile with water, apply glue with a notched trowel and press it well. Unforgettable about the crosses, I took small ones of 2 mm so that the seams were smaller and more accurate. You will also need a tile cutter. It is better to choose the grout for the joints to match the color of the tile or darker, the light one will quickly change color and will look dirty.

There were many options for how to design a small toilet, photos that were previously viewed on the Internet suggested a lot. interesting solutions. It was decided to stick on the walls ordinary wallpaper, thereby saving on tiles. We chose dark ones with a crinkled fabric texture, they look quite interesting, and if you smoke in the toilet, they will not darken over time.

Two spotlights built into the design of a small toilet fit well into the design. Since we did not have tiles on the walls, the installation of the ceiling cost a penny. There are a lot of prejudices regarding the installation of stretch ceilings in wet rooms, when repairing a bathroom and a toilet, but as practice has shown, all this is nonsense, for more than 2 years no problems have been noticed, and there won’t be, even if it’s a toilet repair in Khrushchev.

The design of a small toilet leaves not so many options for creativity, but even here there was a place for its use. It was decided to cover the pipes with a backlit shelf. The design was chosen in the style of minimalism, simple and at the same time practical. Toilet repair in panel house hampered by a large amount of work with a perforator. To assemble the frame for the shelf, I had to tinker a lot, we used a standard drywall profile. Having previously outlined the attachment points, the installation was carried out and the main structure with drywall was assembled. The upper part was assembled from translucent plastic used in outdoor advertising. All elements were lined in corel, sawn out on a milling cutter and glued into small blocks with a cosmofen.

When choosing lighting for our design of a toilet in a panel house, moisture-proof was preferred led strip. Due to the flexibility and ease of switching, such a backlight is easy to mount even in the most inaccessible places and give the backlight any shape, in our case it is a semicircle. For fastening, ordinary plastic clamps were used and the entire installation process took no more than 30 minutes.

In the final, the upper part of the shelf was assembled from plastic blocks, which are simply inserted between the wall and the edge of the protruding drywall like puzzles, and do not require additional fastening. So we got a rather unusual design of a small toilet in a minimalist style, simple and quite modern.

The final touch remains - we make a locker in the toilet with our own hands! After some thought, we decided to complement our small toilet design in a minimalist style and add another bright touch. They took a standard Soviet closet in the toilet as a basis, sanded all the metal elements with their own hands, returning them to their former brilliance of Soviet design. Well, club flyers from parties were pasted on the yellowed plastic in a chaotic manner. As a result, another interesting element of decor turned out, which perfectly complemented our design of a small toilet with colorful bright colors.

There are other equally interesting repair options.

If the toilet room is small (hello "Khrushchev" and panel houses), then this does not mean that it does not require unusual design finds. Quite the contrary - the interior design of a small toilet should be worked out in detail, taking into account the rest of the interior in the house or apartment and, of course, with the main functional purpose this room. The right interior of small toilets will visually increase the limited space.

Interior ideas for a separate toilet

In our understanding, the bathroom and toilet are one, even if they are separated by a wall. That is why in the tiny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet, the same Decoration Materials, the same colors, the same shapes, textures and techniques for decorating the water and sewer risers as in the next bathroom. The interiors of the toilet and bathroom are twins, the separation of which can spoil the overall impression of the whole house.

Separate bath and toilet - a photo example of rooms made in the same style:

To create a harmonious interior of the toilet room, you must:

  • replace old communications with new PVC pipes;
  • hide sewer risers and water pipes under finishing materials (for this, you should use simple plasterboard structures that can be easily disassembled in case of an emergency);
  • install new plumbing (if the toilet is suspended, then it can be fixed immediately - before the walls are finished, the floor model is already installed on the new floor);
  • lay the flooring, tiles and then sheathe the walls and ceiling;
  • mount lamps of small sizes (any overall chandelier will instantly reduce an already small room).

Small toilet - how to visually enlarge the space?

Having decided on the general concept of the toilet (and it should be combined with the style of the house and the bathroom in particular), you can begin to repair.

Read on to learn how to create the illusion of free space, with the immediate proximity of floors, walls, ceilings and doors.

I would like to talk about deep black, saturated blue, but, in our case, we will talk, of course, about light shades - about warm and cold pastels.

Delicate, as if washed out by water, pastel shades are especially good in the interiors of small toilet rooms.

Ultramarine, mint, lilac, turquoise and delicate rose will visually fill the interior of the toilet with coolness and emphasize the textural feature of each accessory in the room.

You can revive a pastel interior with color accents, for example, a bright graphic panel or an intricately shaped lamp on one of the walls.

Another well-known technique is soft contrast.

The only wish is that the interior of the toilet in pastel colors does not give off a cheap “scoop”, do not lay square tiles in the toilet, but simply paint the walls in these colors. It will be elegant and fresh, we promise!

If you want to make the interior of a flat and lifeless toilet brighter and more interesting, then in no case use tiles of the same color in the decoration of the toilet.

Remember, the smaller the space, the more bold the color combination should be.

Creation of accent areas. Tile pastel-colored tiles on almost the entire surface of the toilet room, and finish the wall behind the toilet with a different, brighter color.

or like this...

As for the new trends in the design of the toilet, today it is more than relevant to design these rooms in a somewhat pretentious style, something like rococo, baroque or renaissance.

For those who are frightened by the prospect of sitting in a bathroom with gold trim, we offer a photo of a toilet decorated in an eco-style - both original and modern.

Interested in the color of the toilet according to Feng Shui? Then for walls, plumbing and accessories, it is better to use soft, blue, white and green shades that blend perfectly with the elements of water.

One of the most risky and complex design options for a small bathroom is a black and white toilet interior.

There can be no mistakes here, since the line between despondency and luxury, melancholy and solemnity, is too thin.

Of course, the amount of white in a small bathroom should exceed the amount of black. In this case, the option in which the lower parts of the wall are tiled with black tiles will look great, and the ceiling, floor and upper parts of the wall will remain light.

If you decide to paint the walls with plain washable paint, do not be lazy and decorate one of them with wall decorations: unusual drawings, photographs, simple paintings or stickers.

Or so...

What materials to use in the design of a tiny toilet?

As for classic materials - ceramic tiles, plastic panels and multi-colored mosaics, so much has already been said and written about them ...

Yes, they are easy to clean, tolerate chlorine-containing cleaning products and do not absorb unpleasant odors.

Unlike wallpaper, which is too sensitive to moisture, tiles and panels are practically not soiled and always look clean.

But really, in our high-tech age, haven't there been any interesting novelties in the interior design of the toilet and bathroom? Toilets are not decorated with a single tile!

Appeared, and not one, not two, but hundreds of new ideas, but ceramic tiles (oh, you can’t hide from it anywhere, even in the toilet!), As they say, “rules”.

What is there to argue, a competent design of tiles in the toilet is a win-win option, with which you can not only maintain perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, but also almost double its area.

Don't believe? Then try to use a technique in the toilet room that is often used by experienced designers - tile the toilet with a non-contrasting imitation of texture material: fabric, sand, natural stone, etc., or use 3D panels.

What should be the shape and size of ceramic (tile) tiles in a small toilet?

For tiny toilets, it is preferable to use small rectangular tiles. A well-balanced, successful option is a combination of walls covered with small square tiles and a mosaic floor.

But tiles of a complex polygonal shape should not be used - such a design will visually reduce and crush an already modest area.

How to lay tiles in the interior of a small toilet?

A method that definitely does not hide the volume of the room is butt-to-butt.

Lighting in the toilet

You can turn a cramped typical toilet into a stylish and comfortable room by properly organizing the lighting. The light in a small toilet should not hit the eyes and be too bright, it is much better if the backlight is diffused and soft. An interesting effect is given by waterproof spotlights and halogen lamps.

Which toilet is better to choose for a small toilet room?

According to the installation method, toilets are:

  • hanging (save space in a small bathroom and facilitate cleaning);

  • floor (traditional version);

  • built-in (differ in elegance and significantly save space);

  • with a closed eco-system (a sink is installed on top of the toilet bowl, the water from which is cleaned and enters the drain tank).

To optimize the small space in the toilet room, you can put a small cabinet with high legs behind the toilet. This solution will allow you to store things of an intimate nature in the toilet that you would like to keep here.

A cistern with a sink is the perfect solution

A small toilet that has been refurbished irresponsibly looks, as a rule, depressing.

Show some imagination! Just do not overdo it, as in the photo below)

The interior of a small toilet - photo design ideas

Creating a unique interior in the toilet or bathroom. Photos of new products in 2017 for the individual design of your bathroom. Tips for choosing plumbing, floor and wall materials, and colors and design of toilets of various sizes.

How to choose materials for decorating a toilet?

When we hear about interior decoration bathroom or toilet, the first thing that comes to mind is a tile (or ceramic tile). Many people prefer to use it for facing these rooms. After all, it will become a universal solution to the main consumer requests:

  • moisture resistant (does not get wet);
  • practical (easy to clean and wash);
  • durable (does not lose its attractiveness and color over time);
  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • with skillful combination, it is able to visually change the space of the room.

If you are not too conservative, then you can not limit yourself to one tile, there are many other beautiful and no less practical options.

Plastic panels will look no worse than tiles or porcelain stoneware. They also do not get wet and are easily cleaned of all kinds of dirt without losing appearance for its period of use. But if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour toilet is small, we do not recommend decorating the walls with them - during installation, they use a crate, which hides part of the space, which is not much in the toilet of a simple apartment.

the most budgetary and in a simple way decorate your bathroom will be - it's beautiful and inexpensive. But they must also be resistant to high humidity (there should be a corresponding mark on the roll about this). The best option will become:

  • vinyl;

The latter appeared quite recently, but have already been successfully used in the design of premises. They are applied to the wall with a special roller, after hardening they must be covered with a water-repellent solution. A wide selection of colors and shades will delight you.

Read also our article about!

“If you are not too conservative, then you can not limit yourself to one tile, there are many other beautiful and no less practical options.”

On the choice of plumbing and furniture

In order for your bathroom to acquire its unique finished image, you have to put a lot of effort into design and repair. But everything will be in vain if you inattentively consider the choice of furniture and other necessary accessories for this room. Having chosen high-quality plumbing, having completed the finishing of walls and floors, you can begin to select various shelves, bedside tables and other functional interior items.

You may find it strange that we have raised such an issue - with regards to the design of the toilet, but in fact - this is not just a room where you relieve yourself. Here you tidy yourself up - washing your face in the morning, washing your hands before dinner, or combing your hair and removing makeup before bed. But, if there are no mirrors, towels and shelves for everything you need, will you be able to do it? I think no.

These premises are available in all public places (restaurants, hotels, offices), and private houses and apartments are no exception. Most often, restrooms are located on the ground floor, where it is most convenient for guests to visit them. But in any apartment, a small bathroom combined with a toilet (or both of these rooms separately) needs shelves to store all these bottles and vials, household chemicals, air fresheners and other things.

Options look no less elegant and stylish, where cabinets for all kinds of little things are hidden behind wall panels. From the first time, you don’t even understand that behind the usual wall decoration lies an overall shelter for household needs. Such an interior, of course, remains holistic and neat.

When creating a complete image, pay special attention to the selection of suitable accessories and fittings:

  • towel holders;
  • soap dish;
  • stands for toothbrushes and fragrance;
  • toilet paper holder;
  • brush and stand under it.

“Undoubtedly, the furniture should not stand out too much from the overall style of the bathroom.”

If you have such an opportunity, then order a rack according to your individual sizes and install it behind the toilet. It will look like the closet and the toilet are one. This is convenient, because there is additional space for storing something.

In addition to the "classic" accessories for the bathroom, all kinds of baskets and drawers for linen, bottles, towels are perfect. This will give the room a more cozy, domesticated look.

A great addition to the washbasin or sink, built into the cabinet, which also serves as additional storage space, will be a large mirror, it will visually expand the space in a large but narrow room.

Undoubtedly, the furniture should not stand out too much from the overall style of the bathroom. If you have classic style, as well as retro or country, then prefer wooden furniture.

And if the entire bathroom is made in the style of Hi-Tech or modern - plastic, glass and metal will be more appropriate.

Color solution for design

We considered finishing materials and the choice of furniture. Now I propose to move on to the visual correction of non-standard bathrooms. Color will become the main tool. By varying certain shades, you can expand or narrow the available space.

Using light tones or shades of the cold spectrum (white, silver, blue sky, romantic lilac, pale lemon, purple or pink), you can expand any room. Be sure to use this tip if you have a narrow toilet.

Be careful when using rich and dark tones. Most modern design magazines offer to design a bathroom in such a style that literally screams with its bright accents. But such a move can significantly narrow your toilet. If you don't want this, then avoid this choice.

Most often, only a combined bathroom can boast of its spaciousness, when the bathroom and toilet are combined. Less often, if it was conceived even in the project during the construction of a private house. But the owners of average apartments are faced with cramped toilets.

It is equally important when decorating the toilet room to take into account the pattern of the walls. If they show a large pattern or a massive mosaic is laid out, or even a photo that is voluminous in size, then for a clearer perception, a room with such a lining should have an impressive size.

If you tiled the bathroom, then its geometric shape, types of location, and combination with each other will come to your rescue. So, a rectangular tile should be placed with a long side along a short wall, which will expand a narrow room. But if high ceilings are added to this, then you will need to make a tile border about half the distance between the ceiling and the floor. In this case, the bottom should be darker than the top or brighter.

However, with a low ceiling and sufficient width, it is better to make vertical inserts to choose a contrasting tile or a bright pattern.

If you have enough finances with a narrow bathroom, then you can, as an option, try laying tiles diagonally not only on the floor, but also on the walls - this allows you to expand any space, but be prepared for high costs, because there will be a lot of trimmings.

Today, tiles have a huge variety of shapes and sizes, so keep in mind that excessively small or huge tiles in small interior unlikely to fit harmoniously. Therefore, be careful and, if this is not justified by the general plan, then such a choice should be excluded.

No matter how original and creative you design your toilet during the renovation, it will be faded and unattractive without the right lighting. This is a whole science, but we will try to tell you about the most important thing.

"In any bathroom, not only large sconces located on the walls, but also the so-called spotlights under the ceiling or on the floor will look most advantageous."

In principle, here, as in any other room, you must certainly feel comfortable. People who think that one dimly lit light bulb can do will be wrong. When designing lighting, it is important to consider the size of the room, finishing materials and other design elements.

For example, for a small toilet in Khrushchev, the lighting should be brighter so that the walls do not “press” on you. But the restroom in new buildings is mainly suitable for subdued light. In any bathroom, not only large sconces located on the walls, but also the so-called spotlights under the ceiling or on the floor will look most advantageous.

Sometimes, using the most ordinary items, you can recreate an original and unique design without applying any great effort. In any case, there is no need to overload the already small bathroom with all kinds of souvenirs, vases and panels. It is quite possible to make this room cozy and beautiful without them.

For more than one year, ceramic tiles or granite and marble slabs have been used as the main material for decoration. And due to the fact that the bathroom in a simple apartment is not large in size, the main task of these materials is to maximize the expansion of space, varying the location of the plates and the use of colors to enhance this effect. It is also important to select plumbing fixtures of small size, or with a suspended structure.

The main idea is to make the most efficient use of a small space. The toilet, again, is better to choose a hanging one. And if there is also a tank built into the wall - great. This will greatly reduce the space occupied by plumbing.

In a room with such an area, you can also fit a modest washbasin. Suitable as well as a sink suspended from the wall, near which there are hooks for towels and a small mirror that adds extra volume to the available space.

For wall decoration, light shades or glossy tiles are suitable. When choosing a completely white color for the walls, do not forget to dilute it with a few bright elements so that the overall design does not turn out to be too faceless and faded.

Having a large area of ​​​​the bathroom, I want to make it as beautiful and as modern as possible, so that it is convenient and comfortable to use, and its interior has become not only practical, but also durable.

If your bathroom is combined, then not only a bathtub will fit perfectly into it, but also. From household appliances can be used in the interior washing machine, which can be either built-in or located outside the walls and cabinets under the sink. It will perfectly complement the design of the room with all sorts of original jewelry- vases, plates with drawings, photographs and the like.

If a very large space bothers you, you can finish the walls in dark colors, which will significantly narrow the space. Also, the presence of cabinets and bedside tables will allow you to take empty places in the interior.

Large sconces should not be bright if the toilet has ample space.

Knowing that your bathroom does not have a large area, you can easily fix this by using mirrors and spotlights in the design of the walls. Stylish and properly located, they visually expand a narrow room, help to recreate harmony in the overall interior or in a certain part of it.

Read also our material about to find even more ideas for creating a unique design!

This design is applicable only in small bathrooms. Where it is not possible to arrange a lot of furniture and accessories. However, there is everything you need - a toilet, a sink, a mirror, a few small shelves for small items and towel holders.