Large male sex organs. normal penis size

Irrelevant . However, this topic worries both representatives of the stronger and weaker sex.

Men are obsessed with him, give him nicknames, treat him with special respect and compare him to others.

They consider it a symbol of masculinity, pride and joy.

AT different countries it is called by its own name. For example, the French call it "crossbow", Bulgarians "chock", Italians "scarecrow", and in Russia "stick", "twenty-first finger" and others nicknames.

There are a number of common superstitions about the relationship between some external signs and the size of manhood.

Although there is no scientific evidence that such a connection really exists, there are several methods that give clues about whether a man is indeed naturally endowed with large dimensions.

Dimensions of male dignity

Does he sway a little or shuffle a little when he walks, or does he walk a little clumsily, as if something is in his way? A man's walk can give away what he's hiding in his pants.

After all, it is much more difficult to walk when you have a "third leg" between your legs.

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This is one of the common methods for determining the size of manhood, which most people resort to. It is believed that the shape and size of a man's hand is a direct indication of how big he is.

The fact is that the amount of prenatal testosterone that boys are exposed to in the womb directly affects the production of hormones, which is reflected in the hands and genitals. In this way high level testosterone can lead to big arms and more.

© Andrew Poplavsky

Often men who are confident are those who have impressive genitals.

If he is very attentive, passionate, affectionate and always finds an excuse to accidentally touch a woman, then he knows that he has nothing to worry about.

A man who knows you won't gasp in surprise tends to be more relaxed and doesn't look for an excuse to flirt with you.


If a man constantly praises his achievements and abilities, you should be careful. In general, such behavior is already questionable.

It may also indicate that he has an exaggerated opinion of himself and his manhood.

Male length

© Koldunova_Anna / Getty Images

Many also believe that the shape of the fingers can be an indication of what to expect. If his fingers are short and thick, then his causal place is the same.

If they are long and thin, then nature endowed it with length, but not width.

There are also scientific studies stating that if a man's index finger is shorter than his ring finger, then his performance is above average.

© rclassenlayouts / Getty Images

If you want to know about his size, you should not judge by how pumped he is. A man can dial muscle mass by visiting the gym to hide your real body shape.

Often very pumped up men who do not go out of gym, exercise their body to look more attractive and compensate for those parts of the body that they cannot change.

© Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images

This is another cliché-like comparison, but many argue that there is some truth in it.

And yet, you can meet a man with big feet and large dimensions, but also someone who has huge feet, but not such a big manhood.

© Syda Productions

If he constantly boasts about his size or the fact that he is good in bed, then most likely this is just theater. Men who think a lot about themselves have little to brag about in terms of physical data.

Perhaps he just wants to divert attention from his complexes and make you believe that he is the real God.

© sematadesign / Getty Images

It seems like a stereotype, but some part of it has been confirmed. scientific research. It has been proven that men from certain countries are large due to genetic factors.

The penis is not in vain called manhood. After all, the size of this organ often affects the self-esteem of a male representative, and its small size can cause serious psychological discomfort. But does the prevailing idea of ​​​​the normal size of the reproductive organ in men always correspond to strict scientific data? Perhaps this issue needs to be sorted out.

The structure of the penis

The structure of the penis is due to its main functions. Firstly, this is the function of childbearing, participation in sexual intercourse and the excretion of sperm, and secondly, the excretion of urine.

The penis has a cylindrical shape. Its main parts are the base, head and trunk. In an erect state, the volume of the organ increases several times. This function is provided by special formations that make up the penis - cavernous and spongy bodies, connected into a single whole. During sexual arousal, blood fills these bodies, resulting in an erection. Inside the spongy body passes the urethra, the end of which is located in the middle of the head. However, the function of the channel is not only to remove urine, but also to remove sperm.

A developed network of arteries and veins located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity is intended to feed the penis with blood. The innervation of the male genital organ is carried out by the dorsal nerve, which branches off from the pudendal nerve.

penis size

The length of the penis can vary different men. Here it must be borne in mind that we can talk about both the length of the penis in an inactive state, and the length in an erect state. If we talk about the length of the penis at rest, then it should fit within the interval of 7-10 cm. If the penis is less than this value, then this may indicate a deviation from the norm. But exceeding the value is also not considered normal. The average value is considered to be 8.5-9 cm. There are, of course, microscopic members 2 cm long. The reason for such an anomaly can be various pathologies, for example, an insufficient amount of testosterone in the body during sexual development.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the measurements of the penis must be carried out according to a certain methodology. It is necessary to measure the length of the penis from the place where its base is attached to the groin. The end of the penis should be considered the tip of its head. It is also important to consider the measurement conditions. Even in a calm state, in the absence of sexual arousal, the penis does not have a constant length. In cold air, there is an outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies, and the penis is slightly reduced in size, while in warm air, on the contrary, its size increases. Therefore, it is best to measure the length of the penis in a state of comfort, at room temperature and normal humidity.

The length of the penis changes during different periods of a man's life. In newborn children, the penis has a tiny size, but, starting from the age of 12, it begins to grow rapidly and within three years it almost reaches adult length. After 18 years, the length of the penis may increase, but only slightly. The maximum length of the penis reaches the end of sexual development, approximately 20 years. It has been established that in adult men who have reached the age of andropause, it tends to decrease. Also, the length of the penis depends on the body mass index - the larger it is, the smaller the length of the male genital organ. Thus, from excess weight usually leads to a decrease in male dignity. But in tall men, you can often find large penises than in short men. There is also some, albeit relatively weak, relationship between penis length and race. The greatest length of the penis are the inhabitants of Africa, the smallest - Asia. Europeans in this regard are somewhere in the middle.

At the same time, it is worth noting the important circumstance that the dimensions of the penis do not affect the process of excretion of urine or sperm. In addition, for sexual life much more important is another parameter - the length of the penis in a state of erection. As a rule, this parameter is between 12 and 16 cm. The average length is approximately 14 cm, and only 4% of men have a penis 18 cm or more in length. The maximum recorded length of an erect manhood is 30 cm.

And here it is revealed amazing fact. According to numerous studies, there is no obvious relationship between the length of the penis in an inactive state and its length in an erect state. In other words, the owner of a modest size of manhood at the time of erection may be among the leaders in its length. Conversely, many men do not experience significant elongation of the penis during erection.

These circumstances indicate that many representatives of the strong half of humanity attach unreasonably much importance to the length of their reproductive organ in a passive state. It has very little effect on the ability to conduct a full-fledged sexual life. Not to mention the fact that the small size of dignity does not indicate insufficient potency and lack of masculine qualities in an individual male.

Surgery to increase - is it necessary or not?

Meanwhile, many surgeons involved in operations on the genital organs very often encounter men who experience complexes about the allegedly small size of their penis. And, based on these complexes, insisting on an operation to increase it.

But the operation to increase male dignity is far from always simple and safe, and may not always lead to the desired consequences. Some types of operations, despite the visible increase in the size of the penis, can adversely affect erections. Experts also have a negative attitude towards the use of silicone or other types of fillers. The operation is indicated only for those men who really have a small penis size - 5 cm or less in a calm state (8 cm or less in an erect state). Such men are actually only a fraction of a percent. The rest are recommended consultations of a psychologist and a sexologist, who should convince the patient that his problem is far-fetched.

However, according to surveys, more than 45% of the stronger sex believe that their penis is much smaller than the average parameters. This leads to a large number of completely unjustified medical operations. This situation is also explained by the aggressive advertising campaign conducted by many manufacturers of pharmaceutical products offering products to increase the size of male dignity.

It is also necessary to take into account elementary psychological self-deception. After all, when looking at your own penis from top to bottom, many men think that it is smaller than it really is. Meanwhile, if you look at it from the front or in the mirror, then this effect is not observed.

Women's view of the problem

Most women do not have such high requirements for the size of the penis compared to men. According to studies, the majority of women (85%) are satisfied with the size of their partner's penis.

In addition, in this regard, another question arises - is the length of the penis so important for a successful sexual life? As it turns out, here, too, many representatives of the strong half of humanity fall victim to delusions. After all, many believe that the longer the penis, the more successful they are with women. But actually it is not. Studies show that women are far from being as concerned about the length of their partner's penis as the thickness of the penis. The greater the thickness of the penis at the time of erection, the more pleasure a woman gets from intercourse. Meanwhile, the relationship between the thickness of the penis and its length is also far from obvious. There are several types of penis - some men can have a long and thin penis, while others can have a thick and short one. The proportions of the penis may be different. In some, the penis is cylindrical, in others it is thickened at the base, in others, the thickest part is located near the end of the penis.

What are the average penis width parameters? The average circumference of the non-erect penis in most men is about the same - 9-10 cm. The average circumference of the erect penis is 12 cm, and the maximum recorded circumference reaches 18 cm.

It should also be borne in mind that most of the problems on sexual grounds and divorces are not due to the insufficient size of the male genital organ, but due to the illiteracy of partners in sexual matters.

The average length of the penis in men during sexual arousal varies between 13-16 cm. The greatest influence on the size of the penis is belonging to the race, as well as individual characteristics: genetic heredity, endocrine disorders and some pathologies of the genitourinary system. According to studies, most men overestimate the optimal length of the penis, while women's preferences are in line with the average data.

Average sizes

The collection of statistical data for men was carried out by many researchers, and their results are mixed:

The sexual organ in men begins to actively increase during puberty, and by the age of 15-18 reaches its maximum size. The average penis size by age is presented in the table:

Over the course of four years, from 1998 to 2002, Russian sociologist and sexologist Igor Kon interviewed 8,267 men over the age of 18 about the length of an erect penis. The data obtained in the form of distribution of sizes according to their prevalence as a percentage are summarized in the table:

Penis size (percentage of men surveyed)

It can be concluded that nThe most common (average) penis length for men in Russia is 15 cm.

The information collected by foreign researchers (LifeStiles Condoms) correlates with the data of domestic doctors:

Based on the generalization of the data obtained from world statistics, it can be established that the normal length of an erect penis is the range of 13.8-16.6 cm, and the circumference of its trunk is 11.4 cm. Most studies of the size of the penis were carried out in an erect state, since it was this is the most important for men and women.

The degree of swelling of the genitals during sex varies from person to person. In many men with a long penis at rest, the increase in size during erection does not exceed 2 cm, and in those who have a short penis, it can increase by 2-3 times.

The woman's vagina also changes in different ways. With strong excitation, the sizes can differ by a factor of 2.

Possible deviations

Penis sizes of 40-50 cm are observed in rare cases, with endocrine diseases or elephantiasis - a violation of the lymphatic flow, as a result of which the organ swells.

The largest officially recorded penis length in a healthy man is 34.5 cm in an aroused state and 24 cm in a calm state.

A common problem is insufficient penis size. In surgical practice, there is another criterion for assessing the optimal length of manhood. The lower limit of normal size is 9.5 cm, since with a smaller size, a full-fledged sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

In this regard, two concepts are also used in medicine:

  • small penis, the length of which is in the range of 2-9.5 cm;
  • micropenis: size less than 1.5-2 cm, diameter - up to 1 cm. If the pathology is caused by endocrine disorders, then the use of hormone therapy contributes to normal. With the ineffectiveness of such treatment, an operation is performed to change the sex to a female.

The small size of the penis in children and adolescents can be due to several reasons:

  • lack of growth hormone or gonadotropic hormones produced in the human pituitary gland;
  • insensitivity of the genital organs to steroid male sex hormones;
  • congenital disorders of the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system: the absence of part or all of the pituitary gland, its underdevelopment, brain tumors, hydrocephalus;
  • deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone due to a lack of 5-alpha reductase.

The development of this pathology is affected by the intake of certain medications by the mother during pregnancy: hydantoids (Difenin, Phenytoin, used in the treatment of seizures), estrogen- and progesterone-containing drugs, as well as unfavorable environmental factors leading to endocrine disruption.

The most active growth of the penis in guys falls on 12-14 years. According to statistics, dissatisfaction with the size of the penis in men often occurs at a more mature age. The length of an erect penis is influenced by several factors:

  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • tissue elasticity;
  • stubbornness of the protein membrane;
  • connection with surrounding tissues.

The extensibility of the penis depends on the content of elastic and collagen fibers in the albuginea and cavernous bodies. Over the years, their flexibility and elasticity decrease. in length is observed in the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • trauma;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • congenital or acquired erectile deformity.

Factors affecting penis size

In addition to pathological abnormalities, there are other factors that affect the size of the penis: race and anthropometric characteristics. The higher the height of a man, the longer his penis, and the greater the weight, the shorter it is. Other types of relationships (foot, nose, toe sizes) with penis length have not been officially confirmed.

The thickness of the penis at rest is directly related to height, but is not related to body weight. In overweight men, the length may appear smaller due to the pubic fat fold hanging over the penis, although in fact its size remains the same. Such a phenomenon in andrology is called a hidden penis.

Some males underestimate the size of the penis due to the angle obtained when looking down on it, or due to incorrect measurement techniques. The results are also influenced by the ambient temperature and the general health of the man.

There are medical studies that indicate the dependence of penis size on belonging to race. In black men, the length in a calm state is on average 1-3 cm longer than in whites, and in an erection, the values ​​are practically comparable.

Asian men have the smallest penis sizes in Cambodia, India, Thailand and Japan. The average penis length during erection is 11-12 cm. The obtained statistical data are taken into account when selling condoms and making penile prostheses in these regions.

Women's Preferences

According to an anonymous survey, over 70% of women would prefer a man with large genitals. Other studies show that 85% of girls are satisfied with the size of the chosen one's penis, and 6% consider it to be below average. In men, this figure is much lower - 55% are satisfied with the length of their penis, and 45% would like to increase it.

Most women give importance to the width of the penis, not its length. This is due to the fact that the penis of a larger diameter stimulates the clitoral area more effectively. Too thick penis causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. There are no sensitive areas in the depths of the vagina, so the length is not so important.

As the statistics show, ideal sizes women's penis is considered to be at the upper level of the average: length 16 cm and 12 cm in girth. Contrary to popular belief, the main role in obtaining sexual satisfaction is played not by the size of the organ, but by the introductory caresses and attention from the partner.

How to enlarge the penis?

You can increase the size of the penis using several methods:

  • Vacuum. A vacuum is created around the soft tissues of the penis using a hand pump. The procedure is carried out for half an hour daily. The average is 3 cm in 3-6 months.
  • Traction, based on the principle of tissue stretching under the influence of constant prolonged physical impact. Stretching is performed using cord, strap or vacuum extenders. The optimal wearing time is 6-8 hours a day for 2-4 sets. The result is achieved within six months (an average lengthening of 3 cm).
  • Surgical. It allows not only to make the penis longer, but also thicker. The most universal method of lengthening is ligamentotomy - the intersection of the supporting ligament and the release of the cavernous bodies to the level of the arteries. After dissection, the cavernous bodies are fixed in a new position. The operation allows you to increase the penis by 3-5 cm.


The standard result of surgical lengthening is 2.5-3 cm. Effective and reliable surgical techniques do not exist. The condition may be minimal or completely absent.

Produced in the following ways:

  • The introduction of synthetic gels or alloderm under the skin of the penis - specially processed human adipose tissue extracted from corpses.
  • Transplantation (subcutaneous wrapping) of a fragment of the muscles of the chest, back or rectus abdominis muscle taken from the patient.
  • Subcutaneous injection of implanted adipose tissue extracted from the suprapubic region.
  • Transplantation of a skin-fat flap cut from the gluteal or inguinal folds.

Who understands this, he will never get hung up on the size of his penis. Conclusion: normal size the penis is a rather vague indicator. Scientists believe that the normal size of an erect penis lies in the range of 12 to 20 centimeters. What penis size is normal? The thickness of the penis is more important than its length.

The question of the average size of manhood has always worried many men, especially in adolescence and middle age. Practically each of the representatives of the stronger sex was interested in what the normal penis size is, and compared with their own parameters. There was a lot of discussion around this topic at one time, but now it's time to look into this issue and put an end to this topic.

Currently, regarding the size of the penis, there are such concepts:

  1. micropenis- if the length of the stretched penis is not more than 2 cm
  2. small penis- penis less than 9.5 cm long when erect
  3. normal penis- statistically average size of 9.5 cm or more in erection

The length of the penis is closely related to the anthropometric characteristics of a man - a positive correlation was found with height and a negative correlation with the weight of a man.

In the course of numerous world studies in this area, scientists have not found any relationship between the size of the penis in a relaxed state and in a state of erection.

The size of the penis must be measured according to 3 parameters:

  • at rest
  • at maximum stretch
  • erection

The measurement is taken along the dorsal surface, from the peno-pubic angle (the angle formed by the base of the penis and the anterior abdominal wall) to the edge of the head. The penopubic angle should be 90 degrees.

By shape three main types prevail. The first is cylindrical, when the base and tip of the penis are up to about the same diameter. The second type is pointed, when the opposite is clearly wider, then the third type is mushroom-shaped, with a wide head and a narrow base.

By lenght male organs are also significantly different from each other. All those that reach 24 centimeters during an erection are included in the group giant. To the commonwealth standard include penises from 16 to 22 centimeters. strong men organs are named from 8 to 16 centimeters long. Of course, there are unique ones - huge, more than 25 centimeters, and very small ones shorter than 2.5 centimeters, these are included in the extreme group, which is of interest to surgeons, endocrinologists and sex therapists.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy surgeons recently decided to clarify and determine the normal size of the average man's penis. The results of the studies showed that the average length of the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the experts of the academy came to the general opinion that the penis enlargement surgery is very often unreasonable. According to French surgeons, men insist on such an intervention, considering that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of those who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that the existing methods of penis size correction are very limited in terms of effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause erectile dysfunction. And the increase in size with the help of fat implantation gives only a temporary and insignificant cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that such a method should be banned altogether.

The use of these techniques can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the groundlessness of such requirements and notify him of the possible consequences.

Curious facts

According to a sociological survey of Russian women, the majority believe that the normal length of a penis is 15 cm and its thickness is not important, but its length.

Women will be interested to know that a man's sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least that's what Camilla Ferdenzi, a sexologist at the University of Geneva, made. And the popular publication Men's Health, in one of its articles, reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, at rest, the size is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in sizes in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of a penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be attributed to the first type and only 21% to the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protection products LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest subject of male pride was 34.3 cm.

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Actors in adult films? In fact, the average size of the genitals varies greatly from this indicator. It is better to learn about this from a statistical study conducted specifically for this purpose.


As it turned out in numerous studies, the size of the erect penis ranges from 13 to 15 cm. Men who have reached puberty participated in the studies.

Penis length classification:

10-12 cm - small penis

12-18 cm - average penis

> 18 cm - big penis

Read on the topic:

The average length of the penis at rest is 7.5 to 10 cm in length. It is by these indicators that men are used to comparing their merits and drawing any conclusions from this, which is fundamentally wrong, since a small penis in a calm state tends to increase more during an erection.

Thus, a small penis at rest may be larger in erection than a member whose dimensions at rest exceed the size of a small penis.

As for adolescents who have a period of transitional age (12-16 years), then measuring a penis at this age is meaningless, because. the sexual organ is in a period of active growth (increase). Active penis growth continues until about 17 years of age, after which the penis ceases to increase in size or increases slightly (up to 25 years).

Girth (width)

It should be said that the size of the penis is not only its length, but also the width (girth). By the way, this parameter is even more important than the length of the penis, since it is the girth of the penis that creates sensual sensations when the penis is rubbed against the vagina. Like length, the width of the penis can vary greatly, ranging from 8 to 15 cm. The average penis circumference is approximately 12-13 cm.

How to measure the penis correctly?

It is necessary to measure the penis while standing in a state of full erection. To do this, it is necessary to bend the erect penis to a horizontal state parallel to the floor and apply a ruler (measuring tape), placing it along the upper surface of the penis, measure from the beginning of the pubis (the ruler touches the pubis, but does not press into it) to the end of the head. If the ruler has an indented measuring scale, add its length to the result.

To determine the thickness of the penis, a centimeter tape, thread or strip of paper is needed. Wrap a tape around a member in a state of full erection in the middle of the trunk and fix the readings.

What determines the size of the penis?

  • Heredity. The factor of heredity has great importance on the final dimensions of the penis. This is well expressed in the difference in the sizes of the individual races. For example, Chinese men are on average smaller than Europeans, while Africans are considered to have the largest sizes.
  • Features of development and growth. The main growth of the penis falls on 13-17 years. It is at this age that it is determined what size a man will have in the future. If during the period of active growth there are violations of sexual development associated with a lack of sex hormones (testicular disease), this negatively affects the size of the penis. In severe situations, there is a micropenis (less than 10 cm) - a condition that requires medical intervention.
  • Pubic fat layer. There is an opinion that in obese men, whose pubic part has an abundant fat layer, the penis is somewhat shorter. This is because the fat layer helps to hide the visible part of the penis, which makes it seem smaller. Losing weight to normal size will increase the visible size of the penis.
  • Growth. The dependence of penis length on growth indications has not been proven by more than one study.

Is it possible to increase the size of the penis?

The unequivocal answer is yes. And there are several methods for this:

  • Manual increase - with the help of special exercises (, stretching);
  • Enlargement with the help of special devices (extender, vacuum pump, hanger);
  • Surgical augmentation.

On the importance of penis size

Penis size is just numbers on a ruler and nothing else. They do not say anything about a man as a lover, and in no way reflect the sexual abilities of a man (read more

The penis size is determined by its length and width both at rest and during arousal. These indicators are important during sexual intercourse and for a man to feel his own usefulness. For functions such as urination and reproduction, penis size is not responsible.

It is worth determining the indicator of the length and width of the phallus at room temperature, in a state of psychological comfort, since when the temperature drops environment, stress or excitement, the size of the penis decreases. The average is measured with a ruler from the pubic region (the ruler should not be strongly pressed into it) to the tip of the head of the phallus. If a man weighs a lot, which means that the subcutaneous fat is excessively expressed, the functional dimensions decrease.

To determine the length of the penis, it is necessary to reject it parallel to the floor and attach a ruler. The width of the penis is measured using a centimeter ruler, which is wrapped around the erect organ of a man exactly in the middle.

Average parameters

There is an opinion that the size of the male genital organ directly depends on race.

Optimal length indicator

What indicator of the length of the penis in an unexcited state is considered normal? The average size of the male sexual organ in a calm state varies from 7 to 10 cm. You should not judge the state of the phallus at the time of erection by these indicators. It is believed that a modest penis length can show a significantly greater increase in arousal than a penis that has a large or normal indicator at rest.

How many centimeters should be the length of the erect organ of men?

The normal length in an erect state ranges from 12–18 cm. The length of 15 cm is considered optimal.

In a newborn, the penis has an average of 2.5 to 3.5 cm, in a stretched state - about 3.5 cm.

Outside an erection is about 8.5-10.5 cm, and in an erect state 12-18 cm (average 15 cm).

Normal width borders

The width plays a more important role than the length and thickness of the penis, because it provides tight contact with the walls of the vagina, greatly enhancing the sensations of men. Therefore, it is the average of this size that should be measured in the first place.

The dependence of the size of dignity on age

The average for boys who have just been born is only 2.5-3 cm. The growth and formation of the external genitalia completely ends at the age of 17-18 years. By this time, the penis reaches its maximum length and width and practically does not change until old age. The increase in the organ occurs unevenly both in different age periods and in different people.

So, up to five years there are practically no changes in the parameters, before the onset of puberty there is a slight increase in the penis, but from 10-12 years the most intensive period of development begins. The average length of a member of the French according to the results of research is:

By the age of 17-18, the formation of the penis ends and some decrease in its length to 16 cm is possible.

With age, there is also an increase in coverage. At 12 years old, the thickness of the penis averages 7.6 cm, by the age of 14 this parameter increases to 10.3 cm, and by 16 the average circumference of the penis is 11 cm. by 1-1.5 cm.

Average penis size by nationality

Many people know the statement that among representatives of certain nationalities, the average size of the male penis can be either much higher than the average, or lower than it. Is it so?

Numerous studies and surveys conducted by scientists from different countries confirm the fact that the parameters of the penis can be influenced by race and living conditions. Representatives of peoples living in warmer climatic zones and eating spicy dishes and a sufficient amount of meat are distinguished by large dignity. The colder the climate and the lower the content of seasonings and meat in the diet, the smaller the length and volume of the penis in men.

Representatives of the African continent are in the lead in the rating. The average size of male dignity among the inhabitants of the Congo is almost 18 cm, in Ghana - 17.5 cm. Quite high rates are also in Latin American countries: Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela (from 17.7 to 17.3 cm). Among Europeans, the leading positions are occupied by the Hungarians, whose average size of the male dignity was 16.1 cm, the French with 16 cm of average length and the Czechs with 15.9 cm.

In the post-Soviet space, the first place belongs to Georgians (15.6 cm), followed by Belarusians (14.6 cm), Ukrainians (14 cm), Estonians (13.8 cm) and Russians (13.2 cm) due to the mixture with Asian peoples.

As for the thickness of the penis, here one can also notice a certain dependence of the value of the parameter on nationality. African men are once again leading the way. The first place is occupied by the inhabitants of Cameroon (the average circumference is 15.6 cm), followed by the representatives of Benin (15.5 cm), and the third place is taken by the Ecuadorians (15.3 cm). As in the previous ranking, Europeans are in the middle of the table, and Asians are in the last places in the list.

Dignity Size Distribution: Golden Ratio

As you can see, the concept of "average penis size in men" has very vague meanings and can depend on many factors. However, based on the results of many studies, a general table was compiled, which contains the percentage of the average length of the male genital organ.

The size

Percentage of men
Less than 10.1 cm1,9%
10.1 - 11.4 cm2,8%
11.4 - 12.7 cm6,4%
12.7 - 13.9 cm10,4%
13.9 - 15.2 cm13,7%
15.2 - 16.5 cm20,5%
16.5 - 17.7 cm15,2%
17.7 - 19 cm10,5%
19 - 20.3 cm7,0%
20.3 - 21.5 cm6,1%
21.5 - 22.8 cm3,4%
22.8 cm or more2,1%

The survey involved 3,000 men aged 18 to 55 years. As you can see, the average size of a man's dignity (the table is placed below) is in the range from 13.9 cm to 17.6 cm and is approximately 15.75 cm. As for the girth, the middle is considered to be a value that is in the range of 12-13 cm.

Experts believe that one of the characteristics of men is the tendency to evaluate themselves not in terms of objectivity, but in comparison with other members of the stronger sex. Not knowing the big picture, many consider themselves deprived of nature. In most cases, this opinion is erroneous and unfounded.

Average diameter 11cm? Are you sure you understand the term diameter correctly?)))

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is the penis. What do merit depend on?

This issue is of interest not only to the stronger sex, but also to the bulk of the female population. There are a huge number of beliefs and signs that supposedly explain what men depend on. Below, the most common of the speculations will be considered and will either be confirmed or refuted.

How is the male reproductive system

The reproductive organs of the strong half are divided into internal and external. The former consist of the testicles, prostate, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles, while the latter consist of the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of the penis

Male flesh - this is what is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during copulation, as well as the removal of urine from the body.

The phallus consists of a base, a body and a head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - cavernous and spongy, containing many gaps filled with blood. At the end of the spongy body there is a thickening - the head, the edge of which closes the endings. It is closed by the most delicate skin (foreskin), which has an abundance of glands responsible for smegma.

The appearance of the penis in each man is unique, at rest it is straight, but during an erection it has a strong bend.

penis size standards

The size of the genital organ in men in an inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during arousal it reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses increase in erection more than long ones. But the shape and slope in this period are individual. The penis, the length of which in an erect state is from 16 to 18 cm, is considered to be large, and the one that reaches 18-20 cm or more is considered a giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, at about 6 cm, then this organ actively grows until adulthood, and after 18 and up to 25 years it does not increase much.

At the moment of excitation, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to a decrease in venous outflow during the contraction of special muscles near the base.

So what determines penis size in men?

Major misconceptions

The most common mistake is the opinion that the size of manhood depends on the length of the nose. But this is absolutely not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory organ has nothing to do with the size of the penis. It is also generally accepted that the length of the penis in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely wrong.

Another misconception is comparing the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle one with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and is completely groundless.

Also, the researchers could not prove that there is any relationship between the height of a man and the size of his reproductive organ. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently, there is an opinion that among representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, the phallus has a more impressive size than among heterosexuals, but this is absolutely not true, which was proved by Richard Edwards, in whose study 1768 people took part.

Does weight class matter?

The next common question is: "Does penis size depend on weight?" Let's figure it out.

When a man is overweight, a large amount of fat deposits accumulate in the pelvic area, because of this, the visible size of the penis decreases. But when returning to normal body weight, the dimensions of the phallus also become the same. So what determines penis size in men really?

Factors Affecting Male Flesh Size

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as other parts of the body) is determined by heredity! Genes are the most important factor influencing and structural features of the body as a whole.

Of course, the features of growth and development also play their role. If even before the birth of a boy or by the time of puberty there was a failure in the formation of testosterone, then the formation of the genital organs may not proceed correctly.

The reasons for the small size of the penis can be trauma, surgery, epispadias, hypospadias.

The infamous professor Richard Lynn conducted a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of what determines penis size. Turns out it's racial!

So, according to the test results, the leading position is occupied by the inhabitants of Africa, namely men from In this country, most of the representatives of the stronger sex have a phallus length of 18.0 cm. Ecuadorians follow - 17.77 cm. In third place were men from the country of Ghana.

Europeans follow only from the 10th line in this list, and the Hungarians are in the lead among them (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average penis size is 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of standard penis sizes around the world. So to speak, the golden mean. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather, their male part, have a "dignity", the length of which does not exceed an average of 9.66 cm. Asians took all the last places in Richard Lynn's table.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the researcher is right, and the nationality of a man plays a significant role in the size of such an important body.

The opinion of a sexologist regarding this issue

From the point of view of the sexologist Salov Pavel Pavlovich, the main factor on which the size of the penis depends is still genetics. He also explains the desire of men to have "great dignity" by the fact that for a strong half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. This perception is present in every son of Adam on a subconscious level, and this state of affairs has existed from time immemorial.

It's just that men with outstanding sizes are more ambitious, which is why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing wrong with a small penis (if it is not a pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, then there will definitely be no problems with the fair sex.

And finally, we will discuss whether men should worry about amorous affairs, and whether orgasm depends on penis size.

More is better?

Most women without hesitation answer that the size of the "dignity" of a partner does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and ability!

As you know, Casanova were the owners of phalluses of very modest size, but women, nevertheless, went crazy over them. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring your beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure: you just need to find the right approach to your partner, do not be shy in the process of intimate games and the act itself. A huge role in such a delicate situation is played by the psychological factor: what less man complexes about the size of the penis, the more relaxed he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers the woman with his skills.

The question sometimes arises in the head of some women: what is the average penis size for men in different countries and different nationalities?

If we take the CIS countries, the surveys revealed interesting fact that the size of manhood depends on nutrition and on the place of residence of the man. The further you move west and north, the more the average length of the penis increases. Of the residents of the CIS countries, only Georgian men are an exception. They have a larger penis on average than all other men who live in countries that are the former USSR.

The average size of dignity in men living in the CIS is 14.5-15 centimeters.

And if we take different states in the world? In Korea, the average penis size is 9.6 cm, in Colombia - 13.9 cm, in Chile - 14 cm, in Saudi Arabia - 12.4 cm, in India - 10.2 cm, in Greece - 12.18 cm, in Mexico - 14.9 cm, in Venezuela - 12.7 cm, in Italy - 15 cm, in Brazil - 12.4 cm, in Japan 13 cm, in France - 16 cm, in Spain - 13.58 cm, in Germany - 14.48 cm, in the USA - 12.9 cm.

If we take the average study of the virtues of men around the world, we get the following division: micro-penis up to 12 cm, small penis - 12-15 cm, average penis 15-17 cm, large penis - 17-20 cm, extremely large penis - from 20 cm

The largest, officially registered penis was 33.5 centimeters long, and the smallest - 7 centimeters.

The ratio of men and women to the size of the penis

Men are often interested in what penis size can be considered average, on what points the penis is compared, what size is needed for sexual intercourse and how to increase the size. Why are men interested in these questions? The stronger sex is accustomed to assessing themselves not from an objective point of view, but from the position of comparing themselves with other men. As a result, the man is trying to find confirmation that he is not the last on this celebration of life.

What do women think about this? In most cases, they do not pay attention to the size of the penis. For them, it is more important that next to them there is a man who would love them, take care of them, be strong, handsome, who could financially provide for common children, and in general become a good husband and father. Yes, and during sexual contact, the length of the penis plays practically no role if it is not the largest or smallest. The main thing in bed for a man is the ability to excite a woman and act correctly in general, and not the size of the penis.

The common stereotype of hot Spanish men excites the female imagination. It is believed that in this country, if not every first, then certainly every second is Don Juan. Impulsive, emotional and incredibly sexy Spanish machos have long been legendary.

Spanish macho temperament

In fairness, it should be said that these legends and rumors are not so unfounded. To understand the Spaniard, it is necessary to realize that pleasure is above all for him. He does not take criticism and is rarely tormented by remorse. For the most part, Spanish men are very energetic and unpredictable, so here there can be no talk of organization and punctuality.

But such, at first glance, the ideal Spanish family idyll has a downside. Due to widespread feminism, there are practically no men left in Spain who believe that providing for a family is an exclusively male occupation. For the most part, they are of the opinion that a woman should work and replenish the family budget on an equal basis with a man.

There are exceptions to any rule, representatives of the same nation sometimes radically differ from each other. “Behave like a Spaniard in Spain” is an old but completely useless saying. A real Spaniard himself does not know how he will behave in a given situation. Anything can be expected from them.

Men have penises of different lengths. Some are longer, others are shorter. What sizes are considered normal?

Most men are of sufficient size to be good partners. But men constantly compare the size of their "dignity" with other people's penises. Often they do not take into account one nuance - a man sees his penis at an angle, which visually shortens it.

Nearly 90% of men have a flaccid penis between 8 and 12 cm long. However, measurements of the flaccid penis are inaccurate, as the size of an unexcited penis depends on temperature, mood, and other factors. Therefore, to determine the size of the phallus should be in an excited state. According to the research of Richard Edwards, in an excited state, the members are divided by length into small (up to 14 cm), medium (14 - 16 cm) and large - (more than 16 cm). In this study, scientist Edwards found that 69% of men have an erect penis longer than 16 cm.

Normal penis sizes are 10-19 cm when erect. If the length of the phallus is less than 5 cm - this is a micropenis, more than 20 cm - megalopenis. Giant members (those that are shown in porn films) are found in only 1% of men and more often give them trouble than pleasure (they need a large volume of blood to achieve an erection).

The difference between a boy and a girl appears in fetal development from 8 weeks. Under the influence of the male hormone, by the time of birth, the penis grows to its normal length (about 4 cm in infants). Factors that interfere with the production of sex hormones also affect the size of the penis. Low or high testosterone levels in adolescence determines what penis size a man will have in the future.

How to measure penis length correctly? Measurements should be taken at room temperature, standing on your feet with a ruler in your hands. It should be measured from the pubis to the end of the head along the back (upper surface) in a state of erection. It is necessary to make several measurements on different days. The results obtained are averaged. Measurements taken lying down, sitting and on the underside of the penis are not reliable. It is worth considering that a sluggish erection and excessive deposition of fat in the pubic area can reduce the length.

With age, the length of the penis may decrease. This is due to the fact that with aging, the number of elastic fibers decreases both throughout the body and in

average value

When asked about penis size, there was a difference between the measurement result and the size reported by the man before the test. Naturally, the man reported a larger size.

An erect penis has an average size of 13.5 cm. Almost 70% of men have a penis size of 12 to 15 cm, 13.5% - from 10 to 12 cm, the same number - from 15 to 17 cm, and only 2.5% men are larger than 17 and less than 9.5 cm.

The relationship between shoe size and penis size

Anthropological work finds no relationship between foot size or finger length and male penis size. However, there is some relationship between penis size and height. The higher the height of a man, the more chances for a large penis size. However, in fat subjects, the size turned out to be smaller.

Does size matter for girls?

The fact that they are only interested in penis size, said 9% of women surveyed. And 67% admitted that the main thing is "the ability to use".

Difference. Statistics say that the average length of an erect penis is no more than 13.5 centimeters. At the same time, 68% of men in Russia have an average length of 11.7 to 15.2 centimeters, and 13.5% have a length of 9.7 to 11.4 centimeters. A similar number of men had an average penis length between 15.5 and 17.3 centimeters, while 2.5% showed a length of less than 9.4 and more than 17.5 centimeters.

According to the results of independent measurements, the participants in the studies significantly exaggerated their size.

To measure the average length of the penis, the scientists used a hands-on method in which a resting organ is manually pulled out and measured. The result is almost the same performance as with an erect penis, since a hard member has the same maximum length as a stretched, relaxed organ. However, measurements can also be taken on an erect penis - this is how the actual possible size is determined, which is much smaller with a disease such as erectile dysfunction.

How to measure penis length

At home, it is best to measure the length of the penis in an erect state, tightly applying a ruler or a folding ruler to the organ from the pubis itself. The length is measured to the tip of the glans - this also takes into account the thickness of the fat layer around the penis, which allows you to get more accurate results. It is because of this thickness that the penis length indicators can either increase or decrease with weight loss or gain.

To compare the average length with different forms of the penis, you need to choose the shortest distance between the tip of its head and the pubis when measuring.

The topic of the importance of penis size is one of the most popular conversations not only in men's society, but also in women's conversations over a cup of coffee. In addition, and in scientific circles, they are discussing the question of whether size matters or is it just one of human prejudices.

Sociological research on the importance of the size of manhood

To resolve this dilemma, scientists around the world began to conduct research. For example, University of Ottawa biologist Brian Mautz tested 105 Australian women using questionnaires and drawings (53 images). Women had to choose the most attractive, in their opinion, male body according to three parameters: height, hip-to-shoulder ratio, penis length.

According to the results, it turned out that most of the women gave their preference to tall men with a large indicator of the proportion of shoulders to hips and with an average penis length. The given dimensions, which significantly exceeded the average static measurements of the penis, did not arouse particular interest among the subjects.

Scientists have calculated that the most acceptable penis sizes for women range from 12.8 to 14.2 cm in a non-erect state.

For information, according to the Soviet sexologist A.M. Svyadoshcha, the average length of the penis of a European is from 10 to 15 cm in a state of erection, rarely - 20 cm. A length exceeding 20 cm is inherent in the population of the African continent and Arab countries.

That is why, given national characteristics, it is rather difficult to achieve the truth.

In an online survey of more than 50,000 people, it turned out that 85% of the female audience is quite satisfied with the size of their partner's penis. And only 55% of the male audience is delighted with their parameters.

Based on the data sociological research, the size of the main manhood matters, but still success in achieving sexual pleasure lies in something else - in male confidence, experiments in bed and sexual compatibility partners.

Sexual compatibility of partners: the importance of penis size in bed

When it comes to intimacy, most partners face such a problem as sexual incompatibility. In some cases, it occurs due to the size of the penis. For women with narrow vagina a large penis can cause pain. And for women with a wide entrance to the vagina, intimacy with the owner of a small penis does not bring any special sensations.

But not everything is so sad, because nature took care of everything. In the first case, the walls of the vagina are quite elastic and over time, thanks to patience and frequent training, partners can jointly solve the problem of size mismatch. In this case, the main thing is to avoid positions associated with deep penetration, such as "cowgirl" or "doggy style", and also not to use force and rudeness.

As for the problem with the small size, a woman can correct the situation here. Using the technique of wumbling (training the muscles of the vagina), she can easily achieve contraction of the walls of the vagina, and then come into close contact with the "little dignity" of the man. From the partner, in turn, a good erection is required.

Thus, we can conclude: the size does not really matter. With the right approach and the ability to feel his partner, a man with any penis size is able to give a woman great pleasure.