It will be ordinary wallpaper to paint with paint. Painting old wallpaper

It happens that the owner of the apartment or house wants to change appearance premises, but he has no desire to start a full-scale renovation. Or the financial situation simply does not allow. How to be?

Alternatively, you can change the color of the paper wallpaper to something more pleasant or to match the style of the new furniture. Painting wallpaper - the procedure is quite simple, because it is quite possible to do it yourself, but before you start painting paper wallpaper several questions need to be answered:

  • How well are they glued?
  • Is there damage on the surface?
  • Are there greasy or dirty spots?

If the answer to at least one question is “yes”, then it is worth considering the expediency. It is unlikely that paper wallpapers will last long, so why paint them? it extra costs time and effort. Another thing is when the surface of the paper web is good and the wallpaper will last for many more years.

Wallpaper for painting

Today, such a thing as paper wallpaper for painting does not surprise anyone. They can be freely found in the market or hardware stores. The main difference is the lack of paint on the surface. The factory, as it were, gives the buyer the opportunity to independently choose and apply the color they like on the wallpaper.

Naturally, this version of paper wallpaper is much cheaper, but good paint “compensates” for this. Such a canvas has 2 advantages: a long service life and the ability to change colors at any request.

Varieties of wallpaper for painting

Wallpaper for painting on paper basis

Among all types, they are the most popular. This is due to the fact that they can be used even on walls with an uneven surface. Most brands produce paper wallpapers consisting of 2 layers, each of which is treated with a special substance that increases the life of the canvas.

Coarse fiber wallpapers are very popular. Their secret lies in the fact that wood chips are placed between the two layers. This combination forms an interesting texture of the surface of the wallpaper without any pattern.

If you use this canvas for gluing a room and ceiling, then after drying, the effect of a seamless pattern will be created. Due to the lack of complex images, the gluing process is extremely simple - no need to select pictures.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

They are made from a special fiber, which is compressed in the form of segments. This structure is extremely durable and allows you to close various deformations or damage on the walls.

On the one hand, the canvas turns out to be perfectly even, on the other hand, a pattern is applied to it using foamed vinyl. It looks, of course, beautiful, but in practice it is very fragile. The entire relief of the wallpaper can be removed with a fingernail with little or no effort. Painting such a surface significantly increases the strength.

Non-woven wallpaper is quite easy to glue, in fact, like paper, the only difference is that the adhesive base must be applied to the wall.

Glass fiber

The manufacturing process is significantly different from the previous 2. The paper base is combined with fiberglass thread and impregnated with a substance that makes them fire resistant.

You can find canvases with and without drawings, the material allows you to change the surface texture in any direction. They have an original appearance and look very organic on the wall. For gluing, you must use a special glue.

What is needed for painting

The list of the most necessary things for painting paper wallpapers is practically no different from other similar works. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the paint. The quality will depend on it.

You will also need brushes and a roller. To simplify the work, it is better to have these tools different sizes, especially if the room is irregular in shape or has a large number of "difficult" places, such as windows, corners, decor elements, and so on.

To exclude the possibility of paint getting on the baseboard, you can purchase mounting tape. It will take quite a bit of time to glue the entire perimeter, but this will save you from further laundering the surface of the plinth.

Surface preparation

If possible, then remove all furniture and, in general, everything that can be carried away from the room. Such piles will only interfere, besides, paint can get on them. If it is not possible to take out, then it is necessary to cover everything plastic wrap. If it is not, then it is worth buying, in the future it will definitely come in handy on the farm.

Important! On new vacuum cleaners, it is possible to set the minimum speed - this must be done.

Despite the outwardly strong wallpaper, this device can capture part of the canvas. On almost all old vacuum cleaners, it is possible to reduce the suction force using a special hole on the handle.

In some situations, there are small areas of wallpaper that have peeled off and you don’t want to re-paste the whole room because of them. In this case, you can either glue this area, or carefully cut it off with scissors.

Paint selection

This stage must be taken very responsibly, because there is a huge variety of colors that are completely different in their characteristics. For example, based on their appearance, they are divided into:

  • glossy,
  • semi-gloss,
  • satin,
  • matte,
  • semi-matte.

Basically, you should choose a certain type of paint, based on the illumination of the room and surface. For example, matte paint will look great in large rooms, but semi-gloss can be used for the kitchen. On the one hand, it washes well, which is especially important in conditions of constant cooking, on the other hand, such a surface perfectly reflects light.

What should be considered when choosing paint for paper wallpaper?

  • Will it show through after applying to another?
  • Can it be washed?
  • What is its resistance to light?
  • How long does it take to dry completely?
  • Are there harmful impurities?

Usually such information is written on the label with paint, but if it is not there or if it is difficult to find it, it is better to contact a specialist for advice. For paper wallpapers, water-based paint is usually used, it may differ in the origin of the components.

Professionals prefer to use acrylic paints, due to the fact that they have the most suitable qualities. Of them:

  • set of shades and colors,
  • abrasion resistance,
  • vapor permeability,
  • waterproofing.

With this paint you can paint even in conditions of high humidity. If the budget does not allow, as an option, use a water-based paint with a PVA base. Other types will not work, because for a low price you have to pay with quality.

Some craftsmen use special formulations with latex-based binders. The surface is pleasantly matte with good resistance to moisture. On the other hand, such paint has a weaker resistance to abrasion.

How to paint

The easiest and most convenient option is a paint roller.

Important! You should only purchase a mohair or wool roller.

Foam rubber for painting paper wallpaper is not suitable. This is due to the fact that it periodically slips and, after drying, a shiny, well-marked trace forms in this place.

On the other hand, if the wallpaper has some kind of pattern, then foam roller just missing in the recesses. Experts recommend using only a special tray as a container for paint. No bucket or jar will replace it.

Paint is poured into the lower compartment, then the roller is well fanned and wiped against the top of the tray. If this is not done, then the paint, instead of getting on the wallpaper, will end up on the floor. In hard-to-reach places, you can use narrow brushes or a brush.

Ideally, you need to apply paint on paper wallpaper in an even layer. If this is done for the first time, then it is better to start from the place that will be covered by furniture. Even if a mistake is made, it will be safely hidden.

If the ceiling is painted before the paper wallpaper, this will prevent streaks on the walls. If they dry out, it will be quite problematic to get rid of them.

In most cases, one coat of paint is not enough. Therefore, before applying the second one, you need to make sure that the first one has dried well. It usually takes at least 4 hours. If after this layer the color of the paper wallpaper is not visible anywhere, then the painting can be completed. If spots are visible somewhere, you can cover the paper wallpaper with another layer.

To see an example of how to paint paper wallpapers, you can watch the video:

Wallpaper is part of the interior of so many houses. Often we change this finish to a new one, or another way to decorate the walls. The process of removing wallpaper is very long and takes a lot of effort, so not everyone wants to repeat it. But, why not just paint the wallpaper in a new color and thereby update the look of your home? Moreover, it is quite simple to do it yourself.

Many of us have heard that there are wallpapers specifically designed for painting, but what about the usual look of this wall covering? As it turned out, all paper wallpapers are suitable for coloring, with small nuances, which we will discuss below.

When should you apply this type of paint?

Wallpapers are beginning to not suit us for many reasons. They are torn or initially are poorly glued. In this case, the exit with coloring is not suitable, since it is better to clean the wall, and then apply paint to it. However, if your wallpaper is in perfect condition, and you just don't like its color or pattern, then the coloring option is appropriate here.

What paint on paper wallpaper is ideal?

Acrylic paint is better suited for these purposes than water-based or alkyd. The reason is the stability of the color, as well as the fact that such paint can be washed.

Other than that, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The paint should cover everything that is located under it. You don't want the wallpaper pattern to treacherously show through the painted surface;
  • Glossy or matte? The first is ideal for kitchens, and the second for large rooms.
  • Before you start painting, you need to walk on the wallpaper with a roller with a water-repellent coating. It is better to start painting in a day, when the coating dries;
  • It is best to paint in two layers. The second must be applied after a few hours, as soon as the first dries;
  • It is best to paint from above, use rollers and brushes, and also protect everything that cannot be painted, but is “in the affected area” with masking tape.

Despite the quality and beautiful drawing, sooner or later the wallpaper loses its color, and the drawing becomes boring. Depending on the type and characteristics of roll wallpaper, they can be painted with any paint color you like. The main thing is that the coloring composition is fully consistent with the upcoming work.

Wallpaper type

Before you start painting old wallpaper, you need to determine their type:

  1. Paper simple. They require pre-treatment with a water-repellent mixture, and only after that it is allowed to paint with a small amount of paint, otherwise the wallpaper will billow.
  2. Waterproof and dense. Painting is allowed immediately.
  3. Vinyl, non-woven, fiberglass. Do not require a preliminary primer, painted immediately.

What paint is better to take?

If you decide to paint paper-type non-woven wallpaper with a convex curly pattern, you should choose a water-based coloring agent that contains binders (organic and inorganic). Widely used paints are acrylic, which have a number of positive properties: indelible quality of the surface layer, water resistance, wide choice of colors. If you want to choose a budget option material, it is permissible to take a PVA-based emulsion composition. It is worth considering that cheap coloring matter does not match the quality, it accumulates steam, the palette of shades is minimal.

Tips: The latex suspension as part of the binding components keeps well on curly wallpaper. With this composition, you can safely paint paper or duplex wallpapers. After its application, the canvas becomes glossy, does not fade in the sun, but, compared to acrylic, is erased faster.

The best option for painting paper wallpaper is water-dispersion paint. This kind of mixture is suitable for painting children's rooms, as it does not contain harmful components, being an environmentally friendly product. Such a coloring matter dries within an hour. In the process of painting work, water-dispersion paint does not emit a toxic odor.

The choice of water dispersion paint

Water-dispersion coloring matter is different. There are three main types of it: latex, adhesive and acrylic.

The choice of painting decor

Before repair work, you should think about the variety of shades and patterns. Among the painting options you can consider:

  • color combination;
  • mixing colors;
  • stencil drawing or pattern.

Creative ideas will help create an unusual, unique and original home interior. To separate strips of wallpaper before painting, it is convenient to use adhesive tape.

Painting process

Before starting repairs, you should remove the furniture and rugs from the room so as not to stain them with paint, which will be problematic to get rid of. It is necessary to isolate the sockets in the room, using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust particles from the surface of the relief pattern on the wallpaper. If there are peeled corners of the wallpaper, they need to be glued or cut off. Next, we prime the surface - an important factor that allows you to protect the canvas from the penetration of paint into the structure.

Tip: The primer will give strength to the wallpaper and contribute to less wear.

After the primer has completely dried, you can begin to paint the walls. To apply the paint evenly, you need to prepare a paint roller with a soft pile. Under the paint should take a plastic tray. A bucket or basin will not work, because after taking the paint with a roller, streaks will remain on the wall

A wide brush is used to paint corner walls. To get a rich color or combined shades, you need to add a couple of drops of color to the general composition of the emulsion. Strokes on the wall are applied in any direction, the main thing is that the layer is proper, without gaps and differences in shades. We carry out with a roller or a wide brush from left to right, heading from the ceiling to the floor. Each subsequent stroke should run a few centimeters over the previous one.

As you smear the paint applied to the roller, you should walk over the previous section to remove excess streaks. Applying one coat of paint to the wall is unlikely to be enough: after the first application, you need to wait a while and repeat the staining procedure.

The painting must be uniform so that the old color does not show through the new layer, otherwise the appearance of the wall will be spoiled. Dilute the coloring composition with water, if required by the instructions, mix until a homogeneous consistency.

Tip: Apply the emulsion perpendicular to the previous strokes.

To avoid stains different color, the paint should be quickly and evenly distributed over the area. It is better to paint the walls in parts so that it does not dry out and the transitions are visible. Re-staining is possible after 2-4 hours.

You can check the surface to be painted for gaps using a directional light source (lamp) on the wall. Drying of the paint occurs during the day, but it depends on the air temperature and humidity in the room.

To cover non-woven wallpaper evenly with the coloring matter, staining should begin from the outside. In the presence of a relief pattern, several layers of paint should be applied from the wrong side to obtain a more saturated color. With this application, the canvas will be saturated, the background will acquire the desired shade. Thin vinyl wallpapers are not suitable for painting. If they are non-woven, it will be difficult to paint them.

Paper canvases are suitable for staining with any composition. In this case, the surface primer will be insufficient, it will be necessary to pre-treat it with water-repellent agents.

Tip: The paint base used for paper wallpaper should be water repellent.

If the walls in the room are pasted over with ordinary wallpaper, which wrinkle after applying the primer, it is better to refuse the process of painting the wallpaper. If painting is done for the first time, in order not to waste the paint in vain and not to spoil the paper coating, it is better to invite a painter.

Any paint released for sale is accompanied by instructions on which to navigate the dilution process for painting paper-based wallpaper. Non-woven fabrics are able to transfer up to 10 stains. Paper type material can be deformed even after the first repainting. Foamed vinyl wallpaper will not take the coloring composition due to the repulsive reaction of the material. As a result, it turns out that you can paint old paper-type wallpaper rolls, the main thing is to purchase a high-quality coloring composition, a terry roller, a primer and a water-repellent agent, and everything will certainly work out.

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A popular type of wall decoration - painting wallpaper with water-based paint - has several undeniable advantages. But you need to do the work in accordance with the rules, otherwise the effect of the repair may be unexpected.

What wallpaper can be painted with a water-based emulsion?

Choice water-based paint for wallpaper is dictated primarily by its price. Mixtures based on latex or polyvinyl acetate are also suitable for painting wallpaper, but are a bit more expensive. Water-based dye has long been known to the inhabitants of Russia, it is familiar and relatively cheap. Among its other benefits:

  • the possibility of tinting the white base in any shade;
  • resistance of the painted surface to fading and abrasion;
  • ease of care (can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no strong odor upon application.

High-quality material has good hiding power. You can apply just 1 layer of water emulsion and get an excellent result when painting wallpaper. But for an ideal effect, the wall should be painted twice, drying the first coat of coating during the time specified by the paint manufacturer.

Not all wallpapers are suitable for coloring. Usually, materials for painting have an appropriate marking and a textured plain surface. But even in this case, to work with water-based (acrylic) compositions, it is better to understand in advance which wallpapers can be painted:

  1. Paper ones withstand water-based treatment quite satisfactorily. The paint covers their surface well, slightly impregnating the base. As a result, painted walls retain an attractive appearance for a long time. Apply paint to dry wallpaper with a paint roller.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers for painting with a water-based emulsion, you need to choose on a non-woven basis. The coating is produced in the same way - with a roller on a dry texture.
  3. Fiberglass varieties will also look ideal. These paintable wallpapers are able to hold a water-based dye for a long time. Fiberglass can be repainted if you want to change the color scheme in the room. The number of stains is indicated on the package.

When painting embossed varieties, the water-based emulsion must be applied in several layers.

How to prepare for work?

Before you paint the wallpaper with water-based paint, you need to prepare everything necessary materials. To work, you will need the following:

  • paint roller (long pile);
  • velor roller (for embossed wallpaper);
  • brush flat 6-7 cm wide;
  • cuvette for roller;
  • masking tape;
  • water-based paint (white base);
  • color.

You can tint the purchased white paint right in the store. In large firms, there is a service for computer selection of shades. The specialist will calculate the amount of dye needed to obtain a suitable color. The information will be saved in the program memory: by the shade number, it will be possible to order an additional volume of the same color if repairs are needed or there is not enough material.

If the wallpaper has already been pasted and is being repainted, then before starting work, wipe the surface with a damp cloth. This will help remove dust and other contaminants that may leave streaks on the new coat or prevent the paint from laying flat (grease stains). The cleaned surface must be dried for 1-2 hours, and then proceed to painting the walls.

How to paint different types of wallpaper?

New wallpaper must be dry before painting. It usually takes 24-48 hours after sticking them on the walls. If the repair was made more than 2-3 days ago, then painting can be started at any time.

The biggest concern is the paper cover. But with careful work with a roller, even this fragile material will not suffer. When painting paper wallpapers, you can also use a non-contact method: using a paint sprayer.

The first stage is painting the corners of the room, the places where the walls adjoin the ceiling or baseboard. If it is possible to remove the plinth, sockets, decorative door slopes, then it is better to do this before painting the walls. But in older buildings, you will have to paste over the edges of these interior details with masking tape. Such a measure will protect the surfaces of the parts from getting water-based paint, which is more difficult to wash off after drying.

You need to paint over difficult places with a soft paint brush, without trying to press hard on it. Walls near doorways, corners, rosettes and other protrusions should be hand-painted to a width of about 5 cm. Without waiting for the paint to dry, proceed to the next step:

  1. Pour a little coloring composition into a cuvette and roll it out with a roller over a ribbed surface to soak the pile well.
  2. Start painting from the middle of a small area in the upper corner of the wall. Move from the center to the edges, capturing part of the pre-painted stripes.
  3. When the paint on the roller dries up, roll it several times over the emulsion poured into the cuvette. Continue work in the specified sequence.

It is necessary to paint 1 wall in 1 step, preventing the paint from drying along the edges of neighboring areas. When applying the emulsion to a new area, it is necessary to capture 1-2 cm of the already painted surface with a roller. So the paint will lie in an even continuous layer.

How to paint interlining and vinyl?

Non-woven wallpaper (with or without vinyl coating) can be painted before sticking to the wall. Coloring is done from the inside out. In this case, the paint will saturate the loose material, speaking on the front side.

This method of staining is good because the wallpaper can be wiped with a damp sponge without the risk of washing off the paint. A transparent vinyl layer on the surface will also protect the non-woven base. Vinyl coated wallpaper is moisture resistant and can be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

The foamed vinyl cover will prevent the wallpaper from being painted before sticking. Embossed tapestries can be painted in the usual way, using a roller with a long pile. In this case, the ink will fall into the depressions of the embossed pattern.

fiberglass wallpaper

They are best for coloring. To highlight the relief, coloring can be done in several layers:

  • apply 2 coats of base paint of the desired shade;
  • after drying the base, use a velor roller to highlight the protruding parts of the pattern in a different color.

Shades for such coloring are chosen to taste. Can withstand the pattern in a single color scheme, but contrasting shades look no less impressive.

Fiberglass wallpapers can be repainted up to 10 times. This makes repairs easy and economical. If you want to refresh the interior, you can very quickly cope with the task by repainting part of the surface or highlighting one wall.

You can even paint ordinary non-woven and thick paper wallpapers that are not intended for this. But on a vinyl film, the paint will stick worse, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the labeling of the wallpaper.

Paintable wallpapers are a great way to create a rich and unique interior in a short amount of time. However, it is not possible to give color to the walls with ordinary paint, as it emits volatile caustic substances that are very harmful to health. Today, a special paint is produced for painting, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

Before painting wallpaper for painting, you should determine the type of wallpaper. For example, any paint can be suitable for those made of fiberglass, but for non-woven ones it is exclusively water-based.

The modern construction market offers a huge selection of paints for wallpapers in a wide variety of color variations. However, if you cannot stop at one color, then white paint is suitable for you, which, when combined with a special dye, can be turned into a unique shade.

Paint application technology:

  1. Before applying paint to the wallpaper, you need to make sure that their surface is dry and clean - only in this case it will lay down a beautiful even layer.
  2. If the interior of your room is pasted over with relief wallpaper, then the paint should be applied in two stages: the first layer, and then, after it has completely dried, the second.
  3. Water-based painting of wallpaper is carried out using a roller with a pile of medium length. Thanks to this, the paint is evenly distributed over the surface and does not leave streaks and clots.
  4. It is not recommended to take a foam rubber roller - it is not suitable for such work.

If your wallpaper has already been painted before, then the second time they are painted only after preliminary cleaning, elimination of irregularities and degreasing. For several layers of paint, non-woven and glass wallpapers from Graham & Brown, Sanderson, etc. are ideal.

The choice of paint for wallpaper

However, in order to choose the right wallpaper paint, you first need to decide what kind of final coating you would like to see.

Types of paints:

  1. Satin. It has a smooth structure, wear-resistant and is suitable for any room.
  2. Semi-gloss. Reflects light well and is easy to clean. This type is considered an ideal cover for the kitchen, bath and children's room. It must be applied to a smooth surface, otherwise you will emphasize all the imperfections.
  3. Glossy. It is rarely used in residential areas and is an excellent option for dark rooms.
  4. Semi-matte. Used in bedrooms, gives a little shine.
  5. Matte. Used in halls and large rooms.

What types of wallpaper can be painted

If you are wondering if it is possible to paint non-woven wallpaper from Marburg, AS-Creation, etc., then the answer is yes. Moreover, this can be done both before gluing them, and after it. If you decide to betray the color of the canvases before applying them to the wall, then you should wait until the paint dries and only then start working. If staining is to be done after gluing, then it is recommended to do this no earlier than in a day.

Can vinyl wallpaper be painted?

Vinyl wallpapers produced by BN International and Decori&Decori are quite elastic and dense, wash well and do not fade. They are not recommended for use in a room where air exchange is difficult, because the walls must breathe. Vinyl wallpapers can be painted, but it is advisable to do this on foamed vinyl.

Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper?

Paper wallpapers by Emiliana Parati and other types that can be painted have an embossed pattern and consist of several layers. The first layer is necessarily covered with a water-repellent composition, and then color is applied. Such wallpapers are considered environmentally friendly and safe for human health, as well as affordable. Their only drawback is that over time, scuffs may appear on them.

Is it possible to paint liquid wallpaper?

Such wallpapers are quite simply applied to the surface and give it perfect smoothness, but their disadvantage is that they are afraid of dampness. You can paint them, but with a special paint, since when using, for example, a spray can, they will absorb the color, and you will need a large amount of paint.

Is it possible to paint ordinary wallpaper?

Can washable wallpaper be painted?

If you have inexpensive washable wallpapers on your walls, then you need to paint them with a special paint-lacquer for PVC. However, if you calculate the cost of such staining, you will prefer to re-glue them.

Painting wallpaper on the ceiling

Today, many households prefer to use wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, as it is much cheaper than purchasing stretch ceiling or perfect retouching of an existing one.

When painting such wallpapers, one should adhere to the principle - the faster the better and apply the paint in stripes about a meter wide, preventing the previous layers from drying out.

Color selection

Be sure to make sure your room is saturated daylight. Remember that some colors can visually reduce the room or not. in the best way affect the mood of the owners, so do not make the room cold and cloudy, but bring in more warmth and comfort.

Advantages and disadvantages of a certain type of paint

Before giving preference to a certain type of paint, one should take into account not only its decorative, but also its protective function. Each surface has its own type, which has a peculiar chemical composition.

Paint characteristics to consider:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • hiding power - the ability to overlap another paint or color qualitatively;
  • the period required for absolute drying;
  • resistance to exposure to light rays;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to detergents.

Types of paint for wallpaper:

  • alkyd-based (TEKNOLAC 50, Lacra paint, etc.);
  • water-based or latex (manufacturers Dulux, Beckers, Tikkurila and many others).

To make the right choice, read the product label in detail. Remember that water-dispersion paint, marked with the letters VD, is great for wallpaper. In addition, it can be polyvinyl acetate (PVA base), acrylic and latex.

  • The first type is the most inexpensive, but it can only be used on a mineral surface.
  • Acrylic ("VD-AK") - universal and great for all types of surfaces, including wallpaper. It washes well and does not fade even under regular exposure to sunlight.
  • Latex paint (VD-VA) is more often used for painting glass and textured surfaces. Differs in water resistance, but at the same time assumes a special technology of use.

Diamond Matt paint is very resistant to abrasion. Bekers has no analogues, it is distinguished by reliability and durability. If you wish to receive quality coating, then Dulux Trade Diamond Matt will be the best option, and if you want to save money, then buy Dulux Trade Supermatt.

Before you buy paint for wallpaper, we suggest you look at the instructions for use: