How to check poisoned mushrooms or not. How to check mushrooms for edibility by folk methods, and is it dangerous

Many are familiar with the excitement of a mushroom picker who dreams of collecting a full basket. At the same time, in a hurry, you can put in a box not only a harmless honey agaric, but also many other representatives of the mushroom kingdom that are dangerous to health. The only thing that can improve the situation is a thorough examination of each of the mushrooms found, which we will discuss below.

How to test mushrooms for edibility?

The main rule to help prevent undesirable consequences from eating mushrooms is the following: it is better to come home with half a basket than to rush to collect unknown and “suspicious” specimens, the use of which can lead to poisoning. So, let's figure out how to check mushrooms for edibility.

How to check champignons for edibility

The main danger that awaits a mushroom picker when collecting champignons is the possibility of confusing an edible mushroom with a poisonous pale toadstool. Their external similarity can confuse an inexperienced mushroom picker.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, take a closer look at the color of the plate located on the cap: in champignon it is slightly pinkish or even brown, if the mushroom is already old, and death cap has a white or light beige plate.

How to check mushrooms for edibility

Often, other, inedible mushrooms that have a certain resemblance to them can be mistaken for mushrooms. However, you can distinguish a real honey agaric from its poisonous counterpart by paying attention to the stem of the mushroom. Mushrooms must have a so-called "skirt", located slightly below the hat, on the leg. In addition, mushrooms never have a bright color of the hat itself. If you have a mushroom in front of you, painted in bright Orange color better to bypass it.

Is it possible to get poisoned by edible mushrooms?

When wondering how to test mushrooms for toxicity, one must take into account that completely edible mushrooms can also pose a health hazard if storage or processing rules are not followed.

  • It should be remembered that mushrooms are a perishable product. Their shelf life in raw form and at room temperature is no more than a day.
  • You can not store a ready-made dish of mushrooms in aluminum dishes or in galvanized containers.
  • Mushrooms must be thoroughly fried. This is a product that requires a long heat treatment.
  • Use for making soups only the most suitable species: boletus, boletus, porcini.
  • Do not eat raw mushrooms.
  • It is not recommended to roll the product into jars with a metal lid during the canning period. This can encourage the growth of bacteria that cause deadly botulism.
  • When cooking mushrooms, the water must be changed several times.
  • Only boiled mushrooms are subject to freezing.
  • You can not pick mushrooms during a drought and in extreme heat.

How not to test mushrooms for edibility

When checking mushrooms, one should not trust folk methods: throw an onion into a saucepan with boiling mushrooms and monitor its color change, rub a silver spoon or other silver object on a mushroom cut. These methods are by no means effective.

The ability to check mushrooms for edibility and a little patience will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences associated with eating an unsuitable or even poisonous product.

Delicious, white, fried in sour cream, rich mushroom soup - the number of dishes with mushrooms cannot be counted. Many people prefer to pick mushrooms for home cooking on their own, because this is not only a profitable, but also a pleasant pastime. However, such activities can have unpleasant consequences if you do not know all the intricacies of the process. How to distinguish from, and why errors are dangerous in such cases - we will discuss in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that edible mushrooms can be harmful to health. This product actively absorbs substances from environment on which it grows, the hands that collect it. So natural vitamins, which are rich in mushrooms, get into the composition, but they also easily get there:

  • bacteria. They are everywhere, including in food. Uncooked foods are a direct path to poisoning. The risk group includes those whose recipe does not provide for cooking. And in case of a lack of salt, such a marinade is harmful to health;
  • toxins. Their mushrooms can pick up both during the growth period, being near highways, plants and factories, and in the process of storing an already harvested crop. For example, for a long stay in a galvanized dish.

In addition to the harmful composition, they cause poisoning:
  • overuse. It is difficult for the stomach to process such food, so large portions cause a violation of the digestive processes. Particularly at risk are people suffering from chronic diseases in the active phase, the elderly, children, allergies;
  • wormy, spoiled, damaged specimens. Decay products that are poisonous to humans have already appeared in their fruiting bodies;
  • mushrooms incompatible with alcohol. Species such as the club-shaped talker, gray and white mushrooms have a toxin that is absolutely harmless when boiled or pickled, if not consumed with alcohol. Under its influence, the toxin dissolves, and within an hour the first signs of poisoning appear;
  • improperly preserved pickles. Undercooked or undersalted pickled mushrooms stored in glass containers quickly deteriorate, and harmful bacteria are born in them. This can also happen due to a poorly screwed lid.

Important! To understand that something is wrong with conservation, and it is better not to use it, will allow swelling of the lid on the jar.

There are many ways among the people to identify poisonous mushrooms, but such methods are very doubtful. Novice mushroom pickers believe that the smell will help in this matter: supposedly harmful varieties have an unpleasant, specific smell.

However, each person perceives aromas in his own way, and besides, some edible species also smell unpleasant (for example, ordinary).

Someone believes that insects and worms do not eat poisonous pulp, therefore they collect only undermined specimens. A fundamentally wrong practice that does not have scientific confirmation. In addition, we remember what the use of wormy products is fraught with.
But the most threatening statement was the thesis that drinking alcohol with mushrooms can neutralize poison of even the most dangerous kind. Alcohol does not have these properties, moreover, in some cases, it only worsens the situation.

Folk methods and their effectiveness

Among folk methods, there are some of the most popular, the effectiveness of which we will now evaluate from a scientific point of view.

Checking with a bow

To conduct an edibility test, onions or garlic are often taken. Mushrooms are washed, cleaned and sent in a pot of water to gas. When the water starts to boil, add a few cloves of peeled onions or garlic, and then watch carefully.

It is believed that vegetables will acquire a brownish tint if poisonous specimens are boiled in a saucepan.

Video: checking mushrooms with onions But in fact, everything is simpler: onions and garlic change color under the influence of tyrosinase, an enzyme that is present in both edible and poisonous mushrooms. That's why this way cannot be considered valid.

Did you know? For a long time, scientists did not know which kingdom mushrooms belong to, because in terms of protein they are closer to the animal world, but the amount of carbohydrates and minerals brings them closer to plants. The dispute was resolved in 1960 with the creation of a separate kingdom of mushrooms.

We use milk

An equally simple and affordable way is to check with ordinary milk. It is believed that if poisonous mushrooms get into the liquid, the milk will quickly turn sour. From a scientific point of view, the statement is unjustified.

Souring is provoked by organic acids, as well as pepsin, an enzyme that is found in different types mushrooms, and does not affect their suitability for consumption.

How to test mushrooms with silver

Another myth concerns silver. The folk method says that a silver object thrown into a container with boiled mushrooms will definitely darken upon contact with poisonous species.

Video: checking mushrooms with milk and silver And the silver is really dark. Only not from poison, but from sulfur in mushroom amino acids.

Important! Sulfur is found in many edible species, but, most dangerously, this substance is absent in some poisonous varieties, so it will not be possible to calculate them in this way.

Vinegar and salt to kill mushrooms

Some folk remedies are not aimed at identifying, but at neutralizing the poison. The most popular method in this case involves the use of vinegar and salt.

During the cooking process, it is necessary to add an acetic-salt solution to the mushrooms, and it supposedly will destroy the poison. Yes, a similar result is possible with low-toxic species (for example,), but truly poisonous specimens of the type do not care about this method either.

When going to the forest after the next rain to harvest, remember that a mushroom picker, like a detective, must take into account a lot of factors, analyze various signs, before choosing a worthy replenishment for his basket.
First of all, remember:

  • In fact, there are few deadly poisonous species, so you need to know them thoroughly. Find out from more experienced colleagues or on the Internet what dangerous varieties grow in your area, and study them in detail. It does not hurt to upload even a photo to the phone, so that at the right time there is an example for comparison;
  • dry and hot weather- not best time for "silent hunting";
  • do not take overgrown mushrooms(we will discuss the reasons below);

Did you know?The largest white mushroom in the world grew in the USA. Its weight was 140 kg, and its diameter was 2 m.

  • before use, soak the crop for several hours in ordinary water, periodically changing it to remove more toxins. If possible, try to cook mushrooms, so the likelihood of poisoning is significantly reduced.

And we will consider the basic rules of a real mushroom picker in more detail.

Everyone who has been involved in mushroom hunting knows that all edible species have poisonous counterparts, from which they are distinguished only by small details. It is these features that the mushroom picker must know in order to harvest a crop that does not harm health.

Let's look at examples of the most common types:

  • . His main "trick" is a white or beige hat. If you see a mushroom with a red, brown, yellowish cap, do not touch it. You can also break off a piece of the hat. The present white variety the place of the fault will not change, but blue will begin to appear there;

  • . It is very easy to make a mistake here if you do not pay attention to the leg in a timely manner. In real mushrooms, a “skirt” stretches from the leg to the cap, as if connecting these parts. There is no such accessory. The second sign is a lamellar cap with scales, which is found only in edible species. Poisonous specimens smell unpleasant and have an unnaturally bright color;

  • . Real representatives of the species are distinguished by a slippery cap and leg. From touching them, traces remain on the fingers, as if from oil, this is especially noticeable in damp, cool weather. In sunny times, their skin is glossy and easily stretches when removed with a knife. The bottom of the cap resembles a sponge, but the color of edible species may vary.

Important! Inedible specimens can be identified by cutting a piece of pulp. The cut point in poisonous varieties will immediately turn red or blue.

  • . Its main counterpart is the poisonous pale grebe. Mushroom pickers distinguish them by their skin (in champignons it is smooth, dry, sometimes scaly), a hat (round in an edible mushroom and slightly flattened in a poisonous one) and plates under it. In champignon, they darken when touched, but in grebe they do not react in any way. On the leg of an edible specimen is seen light film at the base, which the pale grebe cannot boast of. In addition, these comrades prefer a different environment: champignon grows in open places, edges, marshy meadows, in vegetable gardens, while the poisonous double lives in the shade of deciduous forests;

  • . Here it will be more difficult to determine the insidious double. Sign one: a clean bezel. Usually false boletus have a bitter taste, so insects and worms avoid them. The second sign: a clean leg. It should have a pattern resembling birch bark. If it is missing, or there are streaks that look like blood vessels, discard such a specimen. The third sign: a greenish or brown shade of the cap, which is pink from below. A real boletus does not have such flowers. Fourth sign: hat rim. If a velvety surface is felt under the fingers, this is bad, because the edible one has a smooth surface. And finally, break the pulp - the boletus will be scrapped white, not pink;

edible boletus

Did you know?Mushrooms are the progenitors of antibiotics. It was from yeast fungi that penicillin was extracted in 1940.

  • . It is rarely confused with other species, but among its counterparts, bitter fungus (bile fungus) is closest to it. Unlike it, the boletus does not grow in coniferous forests, it has a mesh pattern on the stem, its tubular layer casts pink, and the flesh after the cut gradually changes color from white to pink. And the bile double always looks beautiful, neat, so experienced mushroom pickers avoid it.

Gorchak (bile fungus)

The right place: where you should not pick mushrooms

Although mushrooms can grow almost anywhere, this does not mean that they can be collected everywhere. It must be remembered that this culture eagerly absorbs substances from the environment, and try to avoid:

  • roads . Exhaust gases are not the best supplement for human health, so we move away from large highways into the forest at least a kilometer, and 500 m from a regular highway will be enough;
  • railway tracks;
  • factories and factories;
  • oil storages and fuel bases;
  • landfills;
  • agricultural enterprises(when growing their products, they can use chemicals and pesticides, which are transmitted through the soil to mushrooms growing nearby).

overgrown mushrooms

A separate risk group is represented by old specimens of edible varieties. Even growing in safe areas, they are capable of accumulating enough heavy metals and harmful components for a long time to spoil a person’s health. For this reason, try to collect only young shoots.

Did you know?The pressure of mushrooms can reach 7 atmospheres, so characteristic hats are often found in the middle of asphalt roads. During the period of its growth, such a "baby" is able to break through not only concrete, but also marble, iron.

But if it was not possible to avoid overgrowth, then boil them for at least 20 minutes before use. After the water must be drained, and only then the mushrooms will be ready for further processing.

Mistakes, unfortunately, sometimes happen to experienced mushroom pickers, so it is extremely important to be able to provide first aid in case of poisoning.

This is a set of activities that includes:

  1. call an ambulance. This must be done as soon as the first signs appear;
  2. gastric lavage. Vomiting can ensure the speedy removal of poison from the body. To do this, let the victim drink 1-2 liters of potassium permanganate solution (preparation instructions should be on the package). The same effect will be caused by the use of sorbents (activated, white carbon) at the rate of 1 gram of the drug per 1 kg of human weight. Vomiting is continued until only water remains in the stomach. If there are no special equipment at hand, ordinary salt will do. For 1 glass of water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. salt and give to drink. Such a solution will have a laxative effect. For this, ordinary laxatives are also used (1-2 grams per 1 kg of weight), but the total number of drugs should be divided into 2-3 doses during the day;
  3. fluid replenishment in the body. Vomiting and diarrhea are very drying, so after removing toxins, the first thing to do is replenish the fluid balance. To do this, use sweet tea, mineral water.

It also does not hurt to put a warm heating pad under the legs or on the stomach of the patient in order to normalize blood circulation. With correctly rendered first aid, the ambulance team will continue the treatment process. In such cases, timeliness is important, it is she who helps to avoid complications.

When going to the forest, do not rely on folk methods: whatever the reasons for their occurrence, the effectiveness of such remedies has not been scientifically proven. If any mushroom is in doubt, do not take it. Remember the rules of mushroom hunting and take care of your health and your loved ones.

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68 times already

It seems that now it is not fashionable to pick mushrooms on your own, but some townspeople still go to the forest to hunt mushrooms. This is both an opportunity to be in the fresh air away from the noise, and a useful thing to bring dinner home, and at the same time, prepare mushrooms for the winter. But such a pleasant thing can end badly if an inexperienced mushroom picker brings a poisonous crop from the forest. Details on how to determine whether a poisonous mushroom or not are in our article.

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from unfit for food?

Many mushrooms dangerous to humans are difficult to distinguish from their edible counterparts. And therefore - do not cut the mushroom at all, if it calls at least slightest doubt. There is a misconception that it is enough to taste a dubious crop by slightly biting a hat or a leg to determine whether it is poisonous or not. Allegedly, if bitterness appears, then this species cannot be used in cooking. Such experiments can end in terrible poisoning. Mushrooms need to be checked only by appearance, no taste experiments.

Types of poisonous mushrooms and how to identify them:

How to identify poisonous mushrooms when cooking

Mushrooms brought from the forest must be boiled immediately. Otherwise, after a few hours, the entire crop is inedible. All forest finds must be well washed, sorted and cleaned. Immediately discard old, very large and not strong mushrooms. After cooking, they will become soft, lose all taste, and their use can also result in poisoning. While the mushrooms are sorted out, their "authenticity" is checked once again. Again, only visually. All the myths that silverware darkens from contact with poisonous mushrooms are not. You should not believe that poisonous mushrooms are not wormy; when cleaning, you still will not be able to identify them on this basis.

When everything is checked, the mushrooms are cut and begin to cook. And here there is another secret, how to determine a poisonous mushroom or not, already in the process of cooking. Together with the forest harvest, the bulb is immediately lowered. If the poisonous mushroom still gets into the pan, the onion acquires a bluish tint. Then you have to part with undercooked soup. If the bulb has become transparent, all mushrooms are edible. After they are cooked, just before removing from the heat, you can carefully check the broth for taste. If there is no bitterness, then the dish can be eaten.

How to test mushrooms for toxicity? On your own, no way. Just drag the suspect to the lab. But, often, it costs a lot of money, so many people collect unknown mushrooms at their own peril and risk.

How many times have they told the world: never take unknown mushrooms. Don't even touch it with your hands. The juice of the pale toadstool, getting into the wound on the finger, causes fatal poisoning. And after all never you will think, why the bad state of health has begun.

Well, we will not describe all the symptoms of poisoning or list poisonous mushrooms. Let's debunk the most common myths.

Silver check

The most widespread myth. Throw a silver item into a bowl with mushrooms and boil. Or even rub silver on the fracture of the fungus. Allegedly from poisonous silver will darken. Pfe twice. It will also darken from certain substances in edible mushrooms.

onion check

“My grandmother also tested mushrooms for poisonousness!” I'm sure I only checked the edible ones. Otherwise, her grandson would not be writing such heresy now.

The method is to throw a peeled onion into a saucepan with mushrooms. It seems to turn blue from the poison of mushrooms. Well, yes. Now let someone answer:

  1. For how many mushrooms to take a bulb of what size?
  2. Should the head be purple, white, yellow? Onion spicy or sweet salad?
  3. Do all poisonous mushrooms have the same poisonous substance? Or different?
  4. How much poison triggers the onion indicator?

When there is a person who will accurately answer all questions and scientifically substantiate (prove) the veracity of his statements, then this method will be considered 100%.

In the meantime, let the supporters of this myth try to boil any poisonous mushrooms with an onion. Yes, just for the sake of experimentation. Then let them admire the result. That's when we'll talk. Now, quit.

milk indicator

Another babkin way. Allegedly, from a poisonous mushroom, milk curdles to whey. Well, yes, but it turns from edible into oil. Or in sour cream.

Check back. Bathe in milk any edible mushrooms in turn. And look at ... the curdled mass in the vessel. It is not poison that causes such a reaction, but enzymes, of which there are many in many mushrooms.

The method has not been considered in scientific research and cannot be considered reliable.

How to check mushrooms for toxicity in the forest

We repeat once again: do not take strangers! And don’t even take those who look like friends! Not all edible mushrooms have poisonous counterparts, but sometimes even experienced foragers get confused. Do not risk your health in favor of gluttony and greed.

By the way, did you know that even edible mushrooms under certain conditions can cause severe indigestion? And why is it not poisoning? Such dangerous properties mushrooms are acquired when:

  1. Collected along the track or a busy road. Heavy metals, lead, dirty exhaust - all this is remarkably absorbed by the mycelium.
  2. Damaged by larvae. Waste products of worms are highly toxic substances. And besides, such mushrooms, as a rule, are already subject to decay, even if it is imperceptible to the naked eye.
  3. Get old or huge.

Instead of the joy of finding a giant mushroom, there should be a healthy fear. Why did this mutant grow to such a size? What rubbish did he eat that he became abnormally large? And it’s good if everything works out with indigestion or hallucinations.

Advice. Be sure to include your head on a quiet hunt. The rapture of finds can cost you and your household the life.

There are several unshakable rules that will help to avoid trouble. You need to remember them and apply them in the forest.

  1. All deadly poisonous mushrooms are from lamellar. There are no tubular poisonous ones in Russia. Inedible due to bitterness or excessive hardness - yes.
  2. Most poisonous mushrooms have a drop-shaped thickening of the stem at the base and a skirt under the cap itself.
  3. Edible mushrooms grow only in deciduous forests. In coniferous - only false.
  4. Pale grebe has the above features and absolutely white plates.
  5. For a real mushroom picker, any unfamiliar mushroom is a toadstool.

Following these rules, some comrades may begin to mow all tubular mushrooms in the season. You don't have to do that. This is fraught with serious trouble. At least indigestion, at most fatal.

How not to test mushrooms for toxicity

For the smell. There is an opinion that poisonous mushrooms smell of some kind of technical smell. Nonsense. Not all, far from all deadly poisons smell bad. Some of them have a mild aroma, others emit the smell of mushrooms.

To taste. There are recommendations to bite off a piece of the cap or lick the flesh on the break. Say, poisonous mushrooms will be bitter. Generally dangerous advice. After such contact of the oral mucosa with the juice of the pale toadstool, there is a great risk of forgetting about quiet hunting forever. That is, to forget eternal sleep.

Or so. Let us assume that a person believes in this method. I went into the forest, found a breast, a wave, valu. And he doubts. Broke the pulp, licked. What will he feel? That's right, bitterness. milky juice always bitter. No wonder such mushrooms are soaked before cooking. Are they also poisonous?

For color. Russula's hat is red, pink, green. Palepoganka's hat is also green. The plates of real champignon are pink. A number of poisonous mushrooms have the same color of the plates. The poisonous pulp on the break quickly changes color from light to red, dark pink or blue. However, the edible also changes color in some. And how not to confuse? Very simple. Do not take strangers!

By place of growth. There is an erroneous version that deadly poisonous mushrooms grow only in deciduous or coniferous forests. Allegedly, in the meadows and fields, you can safely collect any mushrooms, there will be no danger of poisoning.

Sheer nonsense. Poison mushrooms can grow anywhere. They can be found in any area.

According to the age. Another life-threatening statement: all young mushrooms are edible. No doubt, most poisonous mushrooms accumulate a terrible substance as they grow. But some are deadly from infancy. And small mushrooms are very easy to confuse with safe ones.

There is a story among the people that if you boil the result of a quiet hunt in a strong solution of vinegar and salt, and even change it several times to fresh, and boil for seven hours ... It’s as if the poison will all collapse, boil out, evaporate ...

A strange recipe for a deadly snack, don't you think? Wasting so much time, electricity or gas just to hypothetically protect yourself? Isn't it easier to do everything quickly and effortlessly? It is necessary to throw out suspicious mushrooms. Reliable and safe.

There is no reliable way to test mushrooms for toxicity at home. You need to have access to chemical reagents or to a professional laboratory. There are no other methods with 100% results.

How to test mushrooms for toxicity? You have to do it with your head, only with your head. And do not put mushrooms in your mouth or sniff them, but turn on your brains. Collect only those mushrooms that you know. Or go on a quiet hunt with knowledgeable people.

Video: how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous

Some time ago, many inexperienced and novice mushroom pickers tested the edibility of mushrooms in several ineffective ways, using the so-called "folk" means, but such methods do not always reliably determine toxicity, so there is a high risk of confusing an edible mushroom with a poisonous one.

Checking with a bow

The method of checking the edibility of mushrooms with an onion still does not lose popularity. Quite often garlic is used instead of onions in such recipes, but the principle of such a check is the same:

  • clean and wash the mushrooms;
  • cut clean fruiting bodies and immerse in water;
  • add onion or garlic cloves to boiling water with mushrooms.

It is generally accepted that if there are poisonous mushrooms in the pan, onions or garlic will turn brown. However, the color change is due to the presence in the fruiting bodies of a special enzyme called tyrosinase. Such an enzyme is contained in both some edible and poisonous species, so the method cannot be considered effective.

Milk test

Very often you can find the statement that when poisonous mushrooms are immersed in milk, the drink turns sour quickly enough. However, the souring of milk has nothing to do with toxicity and occurs solely as a result of the action of an enzyme such as pepsin or as a result of the action of organic acids, which can be found in varying amounts even in the fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms.

Boil test

No less popular is the method of determining the toxicity when cooking mushrooms. In this case, it is supposed to use any silver object, a silver spoon, which must be lowered into the mushroom broth. Silver is expected to turn black in the presence of poisonous mushrooms. This common myth has long been debunked: silver, of course, will darken under the influence of amino acids that contain sulfur and can be part of the pulp of not only poisonous, but also completely edible mushrooms. Among other things, many poisonous mushrooms are known to lack sulfur-containing amino acids.

How to identify edible mushrooms (video)

Also, during the cooking process, it is supposed to remove the poison from the fruiting bodies by adding an acetic-salt solution. The method is not bad when cooking mushrooms with low toxic pulp, such as stitches, but when used to neutralize the poison of pale toadstool or other highly toxic mushrooms, it is absolutely useless.

Other myths about self-determination of edibility

Many mushroom pickers are still convinced that the use of pre-boiling for a long time contributes to the complete removal of poisonous, toxic substances from the mushroom pulp. But, unfortunately, all the most dangerous poisons are heat-resistant, and even a very long boil has no effect on them.

It should be noted that the erroneous opinion that a poisonous mushroom necessarily has an unpleasant and specific odor, more often than others, causes serious poisoning. For example, the aroma of champignon is almost indistinguishable from the smell of the pulp of the most dangerous, deadly poisonous mushroom - pale toadstool. Among other things, different people smells are perceived very differently and cannot serve as an assessment of the quality and edibility of the fungus.

There is also an opinion that insects and slugs do not touch the pulp of poisonous mushrooms, which also has no basis. scientific justification. However, the most deadly misconception is the myth that strong alcohol is able to neutralize mushroom poison, while alcohol-containing drinks, on the contrary, are almost instantly capable of spreading the toxins of poisonous mushrooms throughout the body.

Expert opinion

All experts are unanimous in their opinion that all the "folk" methods that supposedly allow you to check whether a mushroom is edible are pseudoscientific and have absolutely no justification. Even with the slightest doubt about the edibility of the found mushroom, it should not be taken into the basket. It is impossible to postpone the revision of the entire harvest, therefore, immediately after returning from a “quiet” hunt, it is necessary to carefully review and sort out the mushrooms. Also, you can not collect old, wormy and overgrown mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms: identification methods (video)

Mushroom pickers should definitely adhere to the five basic rules of "silent" hunting:

  • all dangerous, deadly poisonous species of mushrooms must be "know by sight";
  • it is important to carefully examine the collected mushrooms and be able to distinguish edible species from twin mushrooms;
  • mushroom picking is not allowed industrial areas and near highways;
  • it is not recommended to collect mushrooms in dry and hot weather;
  • you can not collect overgrown mushrooms, even edible species.

It is very important to subject the collected mushrooms to a thorough heat treatment. by the most in a reliable way there is still cooking of mushrooms, which allows to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the fruiting bodies. in a good way is the soaking of mushrooms for several hours with repeated water changes.

Why is self-examination dangerous?

One of the most dangerous is the mushroom poison phalloidin, which is found in large quantities in the pulp of pale grebe. The effect of this toxin on the human body is comparable to snake venom, and for a fatal outcome, it is enough to consume only a few grams of the fruiting body.

It should also be remembered that mushroom dishes are very heavy food for the body and people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and metabolic disorders may experience some problems after eating them. It is strictly forbidden to cook and store cooked mushrooms in aluminum, zinc or ceramic pans covered with glaze, since in such containers the fruiting bodies completely lose their edibility. It is important to remember that " silent hunting"is not at all a safe activity, therefore, when collecting them, you need to be extremely careful and attentive.

How to cook mushrooms (video)

Every year, with the onset of the mushroom season, a very large number of poisonings are recorded, so you should not endanger your life and use absolutely ineffective "folk" remedies to check the harvested crop.