The birth of a healthy baby, unfortunately. What does it take to have a healthy baby? When do you need the help of a geneticist?

Any person who is expecting a child dreams that he was born healthy. Unfortunately, these dreams do not always come true. Nothing can be done - even crumbs are prone to serious illnesses, to say nothing of all sorts of congenital diseases and disorders.

Many of them can be prevented by averting trouble from the long-awaited baby long before his appearance. And it is his parents who will have to take care of this first of all - as soon as they plan an heir.

Preparation for pregnancy begins even before conception, and it is a pity that many people neglect this. The modern way of life leads people to overload of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, chronic stress, irrational nutrition and physical inactivity.

Few people closely monitor their health, not noticing alarming symptoms for the time being; having many diseases in a latent or chronic form, you can affect the health of the unborn child without in the best way. This is especially true for residents of metropolitan areas. Huge cities, in terms of ecology, are not the best place to live.

Some rely on their own health, age, hoping that everything will work out and so - nature will help. Helps, but not always. Often, human nature is simply not able to cope on its own with the grave consequences of all sorts of shocks and stresses that are falling in our time on the life of an ordinary average person.

When planning an upcoming pregnancy, you should try to eliminate possible violations and deviations - not only in external environment but also in the state of health of both parents. There is no need to be ashamed of the examination before pregnancy, the main thing is to take care of the future little man.

First of all, the expectant mother should consult a gynecologist; Most likely, the spouse will also have an interview. In some cases, consultation with other specialists is required - it is important to assess the heredity of potential parents and assess their physical condition.

The greatest attention, of course, is paid to the well-being and health of the expectant mother. She will have to see a gynecologist, check for oncological diseases - an examination of the mammary and thyroid glands, a smear. A routine examination will certainly complement the ultrasound, which is prescribed in the initial phase menstrual cycle.

Infections that threaten the fetus

A number of infections that can affect both mother and father often have a latent course and serve main reason damage to the fetus, its death, as well as the appearance of various deformities. Many diseases occur in a latent form, threatening to cause congenital diseases of the fetus.

All microorganisms and viruses are divided into unconditional pathogens that cause infection of the fetus, and conditional, whose pathological effect has not yet been proven.

More often the cause of the disease are viruses (cytomegalovirus infection, herpes simplex, rubella, hepatitis C and B, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, HIV); bacteria (treponema, streptococcus, klebsiella, chlamydia, listeria, staphylococcus); protozoa (toxoplasma, malaria, plasmodia); Candida mushrooms. Detection of microorganisms in the fetus does not necessarily cause the development of the disease, but increases the risk of possible negative impact. Even a woman who has been ill during pregnancy can have a completely healthy baby.

From mother to fetus, the infection is transmitted either through the genital tract or through the placenta. To infect a child, it is not enough to have an infection in the mother's body; there must be a large number of microorganisms; this happens with an acute infection or with a sharp exacerbation of a chronic one. But in this case, the child does not necessarily get sick.


When in childhood we heard that it is better to get sick with other diseases before growing up, it was not very clear what we were talking about. But faced with pregnancy, many understand that this opinion is not without logic.

Exist infectious diseases, which in childhood proceed almost harmlessly, but for pregnant women are very dangerous. The disease transferred in childhood is accompanied by the production of antibodies, making the body immune to the pathogen and eliminating the possibility of infection in adulthood, especially during pregnancy.

Among other infections, chickenpox is potentially the least dangerous. It should be emphasized - less dangerous, but not completely safe. Firstly, this disease cannot go unnoticed, and a person almost always knows for sure whether he had chickenpox in childhood. Secondly, chickenpox is a childhood disease in 90% of cases.

Thirdly, its course is characterized by a low risk of embryo damage. Chicken pox becomes a disease dangerous for pregnancy if it occurs before twenty weeks of pregnancy, as well as before or after childbirth immediately.

But this does not mean that at other times chickenpox is not a reason to see a doctor. The risk may always exist, and only a qualified specialist can determine how best to minimize it.


The rubella virus for a pregnant woman is considered the most dangerous: most often it is transmitted to the fetus and causes irreversible damage. Often congenital rubella is the cause of heart disease, cataracts and deafness. Sometimes pneumonia develops, blood disorders, physical underdevelopment is possible. The most dangerous infection in the early stages - the likelihood of congenital deformities is high.

The causative agent is transmitted by airborne droplets, the source of infection is sick children; the expectant mother should avoid such contacts. Infection requires fairly close and prolonged contact with a sick person, such as sharing a room or caring for a sick person.

But a strong immunity is developed to the disease, so if a mother had rubella in childhood or was vaccinated, she may not be afraid of infection. In other cases, it is better to take a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the pathogen.

If pregnancy is planned in advance, then a vaccination is given months before conception, followed by a check for the presence of antibodies confirming the formation of immunity. And another one salient feature the course of the disease in pregnant women - infection in the second half of pregnancy, after 20 weeks, has practically no negative effect on the baby.


It is considered the second most dangerous infection among those transmitted by airborne droplets and sexually. The worst option is infection of a pregnant woman from a sick person with an acute form, because the absence of antibodies in her body allows viruses to freely cross the placenta and affect the fetus.

If a woman was infected with the virus before conception, and during pregnancy the disease worsened, the antibodies present significantly weaken the virus, preventing it from entering the fetus. When infected in the early stages, the likelihood of developmental anomalies or spontaneous miscarriage increases. At a later date, polyhydramnios, "congenital cytomegaly" may develop, and premature birth is possible. The baby will have jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver, anemia, damage to the hearing, eyes and central nervous system. The best preventive measure is to avoid contact with infected and sick people.


Herpes virus among others viral infections It is considered the least dangerous due to the fact that the probability of infection of the baby or the appearance of certain pathologies is low. A serious situation is an exacerbation of genital herpes in a future mother after 32 weeks. If the presence of the disease is confirmed by doctors, a caesarean section is indicated, which excludes the possibility of infection of the baby in the birth canal. To be calm on this score, at the beginning of pregnancy it does not hurt to be tested for the presence of the herpes virus.


Everyone knows about the dangers of the flu, and infecting a future mother with it can cause quite serious consequences. It is no longer the pathogen itself that is dangerous, but the complications of the immune system, kidneys and heart caused by it. In addition, the disease is fraught with premature birth or threatened miscarriage. After the flu, it is easier to catch a staph or pneumococcal infection.

Influenza has the most severe impact on the early stages of embryo development - in the first trimester. It is during this period that the main laying and initial development of the most important systems and organs of the fetus takes place. The conclusion suggests itself - to increase the immunity of the expectant mother, hardening, good nutrition and vitamins are recommended.


The greatest danger of bacterial infections is toxoplasmosis, which can be contracted through contaminated meat or contact with a sick cat. If a woman had been ill before pregnancy, she received lifelong immunity. The danger of toxoplasmosis grows in parallel with the increase in the term. Infection in the first trimester is unlikely to cause pathology; in the second, the possibility of a congenital disease increases by 20% - numerous pathogens accumulate in the tissues of the brain and nervous system of the fetus.

The frequent consequences of such a lesion are increased intracranial pressure, epilepsy, mental retardation and blindness. In the last trimester, the probability of the disease is 50-60%. As a preventive measure, expectant mothers are advised to eat well-processed meat and avoid contact with cats.

Other infections

Diseases such as thrush, or candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, gardenellosis, trichomonas, listeriosis and chlamydia can pose a real threat to both mother and fetus. A severe course of the disease can cause spontaneous miscarriage and lead to stillbirth. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment suppress the infection without leaving the slightest trace of it. The main thing is to take the prescribed tests in a timely manner and obey the doctor in everything.

Prevention of deviations in the baby

If the couple has had previous unsuccessful pregnancies and various problems leading to premature birth, miscarriage or the birth of sick babies - it needs a thorough examination. It should include detailed analyzes, ultrasound at certain stages of the menstrual cycle (to determine the state of the endometrium), a consultation with a geneticist.

With the onset of pregnancy, studies and consultations are necessary even for a completely healthy woman - they will help to identify possible deviations and disorders. Even with a weekly delay in menstruation, the size of the fetal egg and its position in the uterus can be determined using ultrasound.

In about a couple of weeks, the expectant mother will have a comprehensive examination, including a visit to the therapist, otolaryngologist and dentist. A mandatory next ultrasound is prescribed for a period of 10-12 weeks and serves to exclude obvious violations in the development of the embryo.

If you suspect the presence of chromosomal abnormalities (especially if the age of the potential parents is above 35 years), a genetic analysis can be performed - a chorion biopsy. This method allows you to reliably exclude certain severe disorders or diseases of the unborn child in the shortest possible time.

From 20 weeks of pregnancy, using ultrasound, you can directly monitor the condition of the fetus: during the procedure, its organs are clearly visible, the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta, the quality of blood flow in the umbilical cord and uterine vessels, and other important indicators are determined.

Pregnancy and lifestyle

In planning pregnancy, not only the health of the unborn child and parents is important. Not later than 2 months before the intended conception, parents should begin to prevent probable deviations and disorders - just during this time, the entire “reserve” of spermatozoa is completely renewed in men.

You should try to avoid overwork and stress, beware of "accidental" diseases and colds, exclude alcohol and, if possible, stop smoking. Taking medications should be agreed with the doctor, with the exception of drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

The expectant mother should lead a proper lifestyle and follow a diet: eat vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cottage cheese and dairy products. They are indispensable sources of protein and calcium so necessary for the baby. They are necessary for the full formation of the fetus, bones of the skeleton and teeth, as well as to replenish the losses of the female body and to maintain the health of a woman.

It is better to limit flour dishes and sweets - excess weight adversely affects the course of pregnancy. Various sodas, strong tea and coffee, which have an increased load on the cardiovascular system, will not benefit. It is better to replace them with healthy fruit drinks and fruit juices, and remove unnecessary gases from mineral water.

Physical activity should be moderate and planned; special complexes have been developed to preserve the health of both the child and the mother, as well as to prepare for childbirth. Swimming in an indoor pool is useful - it prepares the muscles of the pelvis, back and abdomen for the upcoming loads. In the pools, there are groups of special health-improving exercises for pregnant women, and their own complexes have been developed for different periods.

Swimming in natural reservoirs is better to limit or even leave for later - the possibility of catching an infection in one of them is too great. Reasonable caution is necessary, physical activity should be alternated with rest. The expectant mother should eat wholesome and varied food, regularly consult and be examined by a doctor - then the pregnancy will proceed without complications, and the child will be born on time and healthy.

The pregnancy planning stage is extremely important, but not all couples go through it properly. Often everything important analyzes begin to give up after the onset of pregnancy. If, according to their results, infections threatening pregnancy are found, you can not self-medicate. It is not dangerous for pregnant women, but here it can cause disastrous consequences. The doctor leading the pregnancy must prescribe competent and adequate treatment that can minimize possible risks.

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The birth of a family occurs at the moment when the spouses decide to become parents. Pregnancy planning begins with a responsible approach to future status. To give birth to a healthy child, it is recommended to undergo an examination, get rid of bad habits to eliminate risks.


A few decades ago, planning a pregnancy meant giving up contraceptives. Now we need to improve the body, cure diseases. Negative factors affect the future baby.

How to carry and give birth to a healthy baby:

  1. to refuse from bad habits;
  2. eat well;
  3. undergo an examination;
  4. get vaccinated;
  5. normalize body weight;
  6. Get genetic counseling.

Is it possible to have a healthy baby? Yes, both parents exclude alcohol and smoking six months before conception. Proteins, vegetables, fruits are added to a full-fledged diet in order to get a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. When visiting a gynecologist, an ultrasound scan and tests are prescribed.

During a genetic consultation, blood is taken from both parents. Diagnosis is necessary to calculate the likely risks of fetal pathologies. They give advice on planning and carrying a pregnancy. You will need vaccination to avoid dangerous infections: rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus. Diseases affect the development of fetal defects, lead to his death.

The following laboratory studies are underway:

  • analysis of blood, urine;
  • determination of the Rh factor and group;
  • smear for genital infections;
  • antibodies to chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • coagulogram;
  • colposcopy.

In order for a child to be born healthy, it is necessary to do an examination of sex hormones, a thyroid gland, and an immunological study. They check male reproductive health, especially if the woman has no problems conceiving.

9 practical advice how to give birth to a healthy baby:

  1. calculate ovulation;
  2. refuse contraceptives;
  3. undergo an examination;
  4. get rid of alcohol, smoking;
  5. normalize body weight;
  6. take folic acid;
  7. collect a family history;
  8. eat properly;
  9. study literature.

Sperm not only fertilizes, but also contains pathogens of sexual infections. Chronic prostatitis can occur in a latent form. Diseases transmitted in childhood are affected. About 75% are external factors: ecology, social conditions, material base. The remaining 25% are genetics. When deciding to become pregnant, they visit a urologist or andrologist, they do a spermogram analysis.

Preparing the mother's body

To give birth to children without deviations, they are examined for infections. Mother and father can be carriers. Hidden forms lead to congenital deformities, fetal death.

Why are children born with disabilities:

  • heredity;
  • malnutrition;
  • ecology;
  • diseases.

The latter factor most often causes health problems, which is why children are born with Down syndrome, with mental or physical retardation. Check for the presence of rubella viruses, herpes hepatitis B and C. Among bacteria, chlamydia, treponema, streptococcus, staphylococcus are affected.

If you pass tests for toxoplasmosis and fungi of the genus Candida, the likelihood of having a healthy baby will increase.

Infections do not always lead to a violation in the body and the baby may appear normal. Transmission of infection occurs through the placenta, the mother's genital tract. Most often due to exacerbation during pregnancy.

Rubella. The most dangerous virus that is transmitted to the fetus in 95% of cases. Leads to cataracts, deafness, heart disease, pneumonia. There are violations of the blood circulation, physical underdevelopment. Severe form, if the pregnant woman fell ill for up to 5 weeks. Tests for antibodies are taken before conception, they are vaccinated.

Cytomegalovirus. It passes through sexual or airborne droplets. The absence of antibodies leads to the penetration of infection through the placenta, damage to the fetus. If the infection occurred before conception, and during pregnancy the disease worsened, antibodies reduce the risk of bacterial penetration to the fetus. Leads to an increase in the liver, anemia, jaundice, damage to the central nervous system, eyes, hearing.

Herpes. It has a low probability of infection and fetal pathologies. Problems arise with an exacerbation of the disease after 32 weeks. The obstetrician will prescribe a caesarean section so that the baby does not become infected when passing through the birth canal.

Flu. The danger lies in the virus itself. Gives a complication to the kidneys, immune system, heart. There is a threat of miscarriage, premature birth. It is harder to treat when infected for up to 12 weeks. Hardening, vitamins, good nutrition will help.

Toxoplasmosis. Occurs when in contact with a pet, when eating low-quality meat. The risk increases with gestational age. From the second trimester, pathogens affect the brain, affect vision, and the central nervous system of the fetus. Increased intracranial pressure, noted mental retardation, epilepsy.

other infections. These include thrush, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia. The risk of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth increases. Revealed on early stage, are treatable.


Every woman has a chance to give birth to a healthy child. A responsible approach, timely visits to a gynecologist, and testing will support confidence in the normal conception of a baby without pathologies. Relationship matters. The risk of genetic hereditary diseases increases.

During pregnancy, the fetus receives a certain set of genes. If one of them is damaged, there is no replacement for a healthy one from another partner, since close people have a complex system. One of the parents often finds out about their problems after the baby appears. To rule out questions, consult a geneticist.

If you conceive a fetus from relatives, the same percentage of children are born both talented and physically retarded. Confidently say only after a full examination. If the baby is born healthy, there is a chance that he will have children with pathologies. With single incest, there is an opportunity to correct the situation if new genes are introduced. To do this, the child should not have a relationship with relatives. Over time, genetic material with mutations accumulates, the genus degenerates. Often the fetus dies in the womb.

Suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities is confirmed by analysis of single cells. Perform a biopsy of the chorion. The study will help to exclude serious diseases and disorders in the development of the fetus.

How to have a smart baby:

  1. prepare for conception in advance;
  2. consume Omega-3;
  3. take vitamins to maintain the nervous system;
  4. get rid of bad habits;
  5. cure extragenital diseases;
  6. lead an active lifestyle.

The birth of a healthy child is possible if contraceptives are excluded 3 months before pregnancy planning. Ovulation occurs both in the first and after 2-3 cycles. To get pregnant faster, you need to adjust the rhythm of life, provide a balanced diet. This will help normalize the reproductive and endocrine system of women, improve ovarian function. Among the factors affecting the time of conception after stopping the drugs, the duration of their use, age, previous births and weight.

How to give birth to a calm child:

  • do not pay attention to others;
  • do not be nervous;
  • treat everything with humor.

Lubricants without a special spermicidal effect, when mixed with sperm, affect its functionality and inhibit mobility. When deciding to conceive, you must abandon them. Vaginal lubrication damages the protein complex of spermatozoa, destroys the structure of the DNA molecule, and leads to the absence of conception.


Childbirth, as is commonly believed, is a long and painful process. To prepare for it, to learn to control all stages, you need to lead the right way of life. Family planning includes monitoring the health of parents, preventing violations and deviations in order to raise a healthy child.

Compliance with the diet leads to successful conception, easy pregnancy. You can limit the diet in the process of preparation. Protein is taken from poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products. Includes cereals, nuts, cereals, vegetables, fruits. In the process of preparation, the use of semi-finished products, smoked meats, and fried foods is limited. Tea or coffee is replaced with fruit drinks, juices.

Regardless of how a woman eats, be sure to take iron and folic acid. They reduce the risk of developing malformations of the central nervous system, have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. With good nutrition, other vitamins are not needed.

How to give birth to a beautiful child:

  1. is located in an ecologically clean environment;
  2. strive for the perfection of the body;
  3. take care of your inner beauty.

Moderate physical activity, walks are useful. Preparation for childbirth takes place with a set of exercises. Classes in the pool, water aerobics adapt the mother's body to the loads of the muscles of the back, pelvis and abdomen.

How to know if a healthy baby is born:

  • register on time;
  • perform an anatomical ultrasound;
  • perinatal research.

They avoid nervous stress, overwork, protect their health in order to exclude colds. Refuse alcohol and cigarettes, from the usual way of life. The dream becomes sensitive, the character changes. In the first trimester, hormonal levels change. It is necessary to take a contrast shower more often, sleep during the day.

If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby, after confirming the pregnancy at home, they visit a gynecologist and become registered. Issue an individual card. They take tests, do ultrasound, are examined by narrow specialists. They check blood for sugar, take a smear for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Do coagulogram and colposcopy.


Every woman wants to give birth to a healthy child, so it is necessary to help the obstetrician with your actions during the release of the fetus. It is important to know about all the stages, physiological changes, in order to experience moderate pain feelings, to react less emotionally to what is happening.

By the end of pregnancy, they experience discomfort in the abdomen and lower back. If the pain increases, the first stage of childbirth has come. The intervals between contractions are the same, they become shorter. There are three stages: latent, active and transient. The uterus opens from 3 cm to 10 cm.

In the second phase, the waters leave. If this does not happen, pierce the water bladder. By the end of the period, the woman is taken to the hospital. Contractions are less than 5 minutes apart. In the third phase, the obstetrician observes the patient. The head of the embryo descends into the pelvic cavity.

How a baby is born:

  1. slow opening of the uterus;
  2. attempts;
  3. the appearance of the fetus.

At the last stage, the children's place should completely separate. The organ is cleansed so that there is no inflammation or prolonged bleeding. The baby is applied to the chest.

What can happen during childbirth:

  • bleeding;
  • breaks;
  • shoulder dictation;
  • uterine atony, inversion;
  • cord injury;
  • fetal asphyxia.

In vaginal delivery, anesthesia is used: medical and natural. The second group includes acupuncture, massage, relaxation, aromatherapy. Medical is epidural and spinal. The first reduces the sensitivity of the lower body.

The woman remains conscious. The drug is injected into the spine. The spinal view is injected below the border of the spinal cord. Pain relief occurs within 5 minutes. The activity of the uterus decreases in the mother, the term of childbirth increases, the child is drowsy after birth. There is dizziness, heaviness in the limbs.

The process of developing a healthy baby depends on the parents. Beautiful smart children are born if the pregnancy is planned. Mom and dad need to take tests, undergo an examination. The entire period of gestation surround yourself beautiful people and objects, do what you love, think only positively.

There is a whole list of diseases in which pregnancy and childbirth are categorically contraindicated. If conception did occur, then the only way out in this situation is an abortion. In some particularly difficult cases, the doctor may even suggest that the woman be sterilized to avoid an accidental pregnancy.

  1. Autoimmune diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus, cirrhosis of the liver, acute forms of rheumatism, scleroderma. A woman with such a diagnosis has very little chance of bearing a healthy child. According to statistics, in 50% of cases, pregnancy ends in miscarriage or the birth of a fetus with developmental disorders incompatible with life.
  2. Severe forms of cardiovascular disease. During the bearing of a child, the heart and blood vessels of the mother experience an enormous load, which only a healthy body can cope with. If there are pathologies of the cardiovascular system, then severe complications are inevitable, often leading to the death of the woman in labor and the fetus. However, with the development of medicine, the ban on the birth of women with similar problems is becoming less and less stringent. With the strictest control, pregnancy and childbirth in patients with coronary heart disease and mild forms of other diseases still become possible.
  3. Renal failure. During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases significantly. If a woman suffers from kidney failure, the organ can simply fail, leading to the death of both the mother and the child.
  4. Lung diseases - emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An enlarged uterus during childbearing leaves little room for breathing, even for healthy women shortness of breath appears. Sick lungs can not cope with the supply of a woman's body with oxygen in sufficient quantities.
  5. Acute forms of endocrinological diseases. Serious disorders in the endocrine system, such as diabetes, can also become contraindications for pregnancy. If the disease is treatable, then after recovery, the woman may be allowed to have a child. In chronic forms, the chances are close to zero.
  6. Diseases of the blood. In violation of blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, uncontrolled bleeding during childbirth and thromboembolism may occur.
  7. Oncological diseases are an absolute contraindication for pregnancy. Active restructuring of the entire female body can cause tumor growth and, as a result, the death of a woman.
  8. Epilepsy. The disease does not leave a woman a chance to bear a child. Doctors categorically do not recommend pregnancy for patients with such a diagnosis. Pregnancy exacerbates epilepsy, and during seizures, the likelihood of miscarriage is very high.
  9. various genetic diseases. If a woman or her spouse suffers from, for example, phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, retinoblastoma, or another serious genetic disease, then it is very likely that it will be inherited by the unborn child.
  10. Syphilis. In this case, the probability of intrauterine infection of the fetus with this dangerous disease is also very high - about 90%.

In addition, there are also diseases, the ban on pregnancy and childbirth in which is temporary. If the woman successfully completes the course of treatment and recovers quickly, or (if a full recovery is not possible) carefully observes all prescriptions and safety requirements, this prohibition can be lifted.

  1. Infectious and viral diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and some others. In the acute period, it is strictly forbidden to become pregnant and give birth, but after recovery, a woman may well become a mother.
  2. HIV. There is an opinion that HIV is an absolute contraindication for pregnancy, but an infected woman is highly likely to give birth to a completely healthy child, sometimes this probability reaches 90%. Proper preparation for pregnancy plays a decisive role here.
  3. Underweight or overweight. Weight problems can also negatively affect the health of both the mother and the fetus.

You should not become pregnant while taking medication or immediately after surgery. In such cases, the period to wait before conception is usually determined by the attending physician.

gynecologist-reproductologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics "Nova Clinic"

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are used not only for the treatment of infertility. If a single woman wants to give birth to a child, the doctor of the reproductive center recommends the use of donor sperm, egg freezing or surrogacy (if indicated). Let's talk more about these options.

Donor programs

Donor sperm always has a high fertilizing capacity. Actually, this is the main requirement for genetic material. Thus, the chances of pregnancy increase.

Naturally, you would like to know more about potential candidates. Of course, no one will show you the photo, since the donation of germ cells is anonymous. But to find out about nationality, age, external data, height, weight, education and profession - please. Some donor banks give you the opportunity to look at an infant photo of the donor.


What is important, all donors undergo a mandatory medical examination, so you don’t have to worry that they can pass on some dangerous diseases to the child. In order to definitely exclude the presence of infections such as hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV, cryopreserved (frozen) sperm are kept in quarantine for 6 months. After that, the donor retakes the tests. If everything is in order, the genetic material can be used in the ART cycle.

Insemination with donor sperm

Intrauterine insemination is the closest method to natural conception. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor, using a special catheter, places the male genetic material directly into the uterine cavity. After that, the spermatozoa must act independently: get through the fallopian tubes to the egg, which is moving towards it, and fertilize it.

IVF using donor sperm

IVF involves the fertilization of a woman's eggs outside her body.

The program can be carried out both in a natural and in a stimulated cycle. In the second case, doctors with the help of hormonal drugs initiate the maturation of several (and not one, as is usually the case) eggs at once. As a result, the chances of pregnancy increase significantly.

After ovarian stimulation, follicle puncture is performed, during which doctors receive oocytes. They are then fertilized with donor sperm and the results are evaluated 24 hours later. The resulting embryos are grown for several days in special incubators, where optimal conditions are created (almost the same as in a woman's fallopian tubes), and then one or two of them are transferred into the patient's uterine cavity.

A logical question arises: what happens to the rest of the embryos? They can be frozen using a modern vitrification method, and then used in a new IVF cycle. At ultra-low temperatures, embryos can be stored for many years without losing their original quality.


This procedure gives a chance to become mothers to women who are not able to endure and give birth to a child on their own (for example, if they do not have a uterus or have serious diseases).

Also, surrogacy may be recommended if several IVF programs fail even though the embryos were of good quality.

The procedure assumes that the embryos obtained as a result of the fertilization of the woman's eggs with the donor's sperm are transferred to a surrogate mother, and she bears a child who is not genetically related to her. After the baby is born, it is handed over to the biological mother.


If you are still not ready to give birth to a child right now, then modern medicine allows you to freeze eggs at a reproductive age (up to 35 years) and use them when you meet someone with whom you would like to raise a child, or when you realize that you want to give birth for yourself .

Serious thoughts about the health of the unborn baby often come along with pregnancy, when it is too late to change anything. According to medical statistics, in perfectly healthy young people, the risk of giving birth to a handicapped child is 5%. If the family does not fall into these percentages, then this is, of course, not much. What if it hits...

To give birth to a healthy child, not so much is needed - knowledge of some issues of human biology. According to statistics in 2001, only two out of 100 children were born healthy. Why? What needs to be done to give birth to a healthy baby? Can it be done?

It is necessary to start with expectant mothers, from the period of pregnancy, because the health of the unborn child is laid in the womb. Nature ordered that the human body develops up to 22-25 years, at 25-40 years the body is self-sufficient, after 40-45 years the aging of the body begins.

What happens? The age of the first pregnancy, as a rule, is up to 25 years, i.e. when the body still lacks everything for its own development, it is loaded additionally, because the child is another organism that needs to be fed. Despite the naturalness of the processes, the health reserves of a pregnant woman at this time are at the limit. This problem is also relevant due to the environmental situation, accelerated rhythms of life provoke stressful situations The food is not always of good quality. A situation is created when, regardless of desire, various deficient conditions develop in the body of a pregnant woman, when vitamins begin to be lacking, nutrients, minerals, etc. As a result of this, the child's body from the first days of its development in the mother's womb begins to receive all the necessary substances in a limited amount. How to be?

The first thing that comes to mind is special diets, medical support, dietary supplements (biologically active additives). However, it must be remembered that practically no medicines without side effects. There is another option, which is more based on a mild effect on the human body due to the correction of mineral metabolism and the activation of the human body's own reserves accumulated by the human genetic memory over many years of evolution. It must be remembered that a deficiency of various macro- and microelements can cause the development of various pathological conditions that develop very quickly during the period of intrauterine development of a child.

It is known that a deficiency of Mg - magnesium ions initiates a disease of the cardiovascular system and metabolism, lethargy, calcium ion is essential for bone formation and the need for it during pregnancy increases by 1.5 times, a lack of iron Fe ions leads to a slowdown in psychomotor and physical development, a decrease in the intake of iodine J provokes the birth of handicapped children (deaf-mute, cross-eyed, undersized), with a deficiency of silicon Si ions, rickets develops, a pregnant woman needs Si 5 times more than an adult, a decrease in zinc Zn ions affects the growth and nutrition of tissues , the development of the central nervous system, and a deficiency of lithium ions Li causes an increase in child mortality and the frequency of miscarriages. Selenium (Se) deficiency increases the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology in the fetus and newborn, malignant neoplasms, and can lead to sudden death syndrome. Baby food products practically do not contain selenium. Selenium deficiency has been noted in premature babies - diseases of the respiratory system occur. Due to selenium deficiency, frequent diseases, muscular dystrophy, and pancreatic disease can occur.

There are few of these elements in the products, and we eat them mostly frozen, then boil, fry, with such processing they lose up to 80% of their value, and the body absorbs up to 50% from the rest, while from water - 75–80% ( 6-7 times more effective). Furthermore, mineral water activate the work of the digestive organs, promote the absorption of nutrients and their better assimilation. These effects are directly related to the ability of mineral waters to enhance the secretion of various hormones that have a powerful activating effect on metabolism, which is very important for the mother and child. In this regard, there is no alternative to mineral waters.

It is impossible to see all the waters. I will talk about the waters, the effect of which on the body I can explain. These are Donat Mg mineral water from Slovenia, Sulinka from Slovakia, Stelmas Mg and Stelmas drinking water from Russia. They contain almost all macro- and microelements, the deficiency of which can adversely affect the child, and at the same time, many are in the amount that allows them to specifically affect the body. These include Mg (magnesium), Si (silicon), Fe (iron), Li (lithium), J (iodine). Stelmas water contains deficient vital selenium, zinc, iodine, chromium, manganese.

Magnesium. Magnesium is a balm for nerves and muscles, as doctors call it. Participates in almost 300 enzymatic processes, contributes to the formation of strong bones (without Mg, Ca is not absorbed in a 1: 2 ratio, it is not balanced by Ka, you must first take Mg, and then Ca, K), participates in the removal of decay products, the formation and renewal of soft tissues . Together with Ca, it regulates the proper functioning of smooth muscles. Ca causes muscles to tense up, and Mg promotes relaxation. If there is not enough Mg, uterine contractions begin, provoking premature birth. With a small amount of Mg, a child may not gain weight and be born prematurely, and premature babies are more likely to get sick and the risk of their mental and physical retardation is higher. Breastfeeding mothers should receive an additional 60 mg of Mg per child. The daily requirement of pregnant women is 450–500 mg Mg, children under 3 years old - 50–150 mg, from 4–6 years old - 200 mg, 7–10 years old - 250 mg, 11–17 years old - 300 mg.

Iron. About 57% of iron is in the hemoglobin of the blood. In the body of a woman, the most deficient substances are calcium and iron. The daily requirement for pregnant women is 38 mg. Iron deficiency leads to a violation of intelligence and behavior, a slowdown in psychomotor and physical development, a decrease in the ability to memorize, a violation of intelligence and behavior. Disease of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract.

Silicon (silicic acid). The element of life - neither a person, nor an animal, nor a plant can live without it, the element of beauty, affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails, the element of youth - young people have 2 times more silicon in the body than the elderly. Silicon is necessary for the formation of bones and cartilage, is actively involved in the blood coagulation system, is necessary for the construction of nerve cells, and what is very important, it is necessary for balanced work and absorption of almost all micro and macro elements J, F, Fe, Zn, Ka, Ca, Mg , Na. Almost all of them are in "Donat Mg" and perhaps this explains unique properties this water. The daily requirement of an adult for Si is 20–30 mg. The need for pregnant women and children under 11 years of age is 5 times greater.

Lithium. Together with Mg, it has an anti-sclerotic effect and is widely used in psychiatry for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, as well as allergic and cardiovascular diseases. Lack of lithium: predisposition to high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, bronchial asthma and diabetes. With severe deficiency - psychosis, schizophrenia ... According to various sources, the daily requirement is 2-2.2 mg.

Iodine. Affects growth, physical and mental development, skin and hair condition, participates in the development of the nervous system and the regulation of the psyche, the development and regulation of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive and musculoskeletal systems, metabolism, is essential for normal growth and development of children, deficiency threatens to disrupt the physical and mental development, weakness, lethargy, memory and hearing loss, depression, etc. The daily norm for adults is 200–300 mcg, children under one year old - 50 mcg, up to 12 years old - 90–120 mcg, young people - 150 mcg.

In the process of taking mineral waters, the body will be saturated with macro- and microelements. At the same time, Li, Mg, Si, J, S, Fe minerals with their specific effect have a calming effect on the nervous system, thyroid gland. Under their influence, the body quickly calms down, sleep normalizes, external irritating factors are perceived much calmer, and nervous stresses are tolerated. In this state, the body reacts more easily and quickly to other specific reactions, leading to the normal course of pregnancy and the prevention of possible complications.

Dear expectant mothers, Donat Mg, Sulinka, Stalmas Mg mineral waters and Stelmas drinking water help even the elderly to become healthy and therefore, be sure that after drinking these waters you will give birth to healthy children with healthy bones and muscles, nerves and the cardiovascular system, etc. And in the future, when breastfeeding, if you drink them, you will not have problems with constipation, insomnia, diathesis, etc. Then you can drink babies from a spoon. Consult with your doctor, call our pediatricians to explain the importance of drinking this water.