An effective antiviral remedy for colds. Drugs for the treatment of viral infections

Today, the pharmacological market is overflowing with medicinal products, which, according to manufacturers, have unique properties that can prevent respiratory disease and instantly neutralize serious pathogens, such as the flu virus.

Are all pharmacy products, the effectiveness of which we hear every day from advertising sources, really powerful and trouble-free "weapons" in the fight against viral infections? Given the fact that many unscrupulous firms produce drugs under the guise of antiviral drugs, in which the chemical composition does not correspond to the information described in the instructions, since it does not contain a biologically active substance from the virus at all, the effectiveness of such “pacifiers” is zero. It turns out that the big words of some manufacturers, calculated on the incompetence of the consumer, are just a business ploy to increase sales and make a profit.

Most of the antiviral drugs in the assortment of domestic pharmacies, unfortunately, have not been subjected to clinical control trials regarding their ability to effectively affect viruses and safety for the patient's health. Too troublesome procedure, requiring time and expense on the part of the pharmaceutical manufacturer, is ignored in most cases. Therefore, there is simply no evidence that such a medicine really has an antiviral effect and will not harm the body.

The drug market in Russia is expanding every year in assortment, earning tens of billions of rubles on antiviral and cold medicines in one epidemiological season. For example, the average annual “contribution” of the common population to the prosperity of pharmacological campaigns that produce symptomatic drugs for colds and various “miraculous” drugs with dubious antiviral effects is about 32 billion rubles. Meanwhile, people do not even realize that very often they buy an absolutely unexplored and untested remedy that is either not able to treat viral infections at all, or has too little effect.

The whole series of antiviral drugs is usually classified into 3 groups, these are:

  • antiviral vaccines - biologically active solutions containing microdoses of pathogenic antigens and providing a person with the development of stable active immunity for certain time in relation to the selected virus;
  • antiviral immunomodulators - drugs to stimulate the body's defense reactions, which are activated at the time of taking the drug due to a special composition based on synthetic interferon inducers or based on natural human interferon;
  • antiviral medicines - a series of drugs, the action of which is directly aimed at combating the antigen by suppressing the enzymatic functions of viral neuraminidase or inhibiting the viral protein (M-2 channels).

Let's consider the most common drugs that our people know as "antiviral agents", and also find out what immunostimulating pills really are, which are often prescribed by doctors and swept away from pharmacy windows at the peak of colds.

We will tell you which medicines have been proven effective by laboratory and clinical studies against viruses, and which have nothing to do with antiviral activity. And will therapy with means without evidence-based examination bear fruit? In addition, let's pay attention to the simple symptoms that are so often confused with drugs for viruses and are used by us in the treatment of influenza.

Antiviral immunomodulators

Modern drugs designed to activate the production of antibodies interfere with the natural biological processes of the body, artificially affecting the work of the immune center. Benefits and safety of unnatural stimulation of key immune mediators on this stage is in doubt. How can the main system that provides the body with protective regulation “respond”?

Complex mechanisms immune system differ in a specific algorithm of functioning, which at any moment can change and begin to "work" against its own "owner", causing pathophysiological processes in his body. And even today, experts cannot give a clear explanation for some immunological reactions, not to mention the prospects for the body after its “correction” with immunomodulators.

Considering the fact that such a series of drugs is a relatively “young” generation of drugs, which does not yet have unequivocal evidence of the appropriateness and safety of immunostimulating antiviral therapy with their use, such drugs should be used with extreme caution. This is especially true for children, since the children's immune system is still in the course of development, and any interference with the natural formation processes can adversely affect its functioning in the future.

Expert opinion

  • Candidate of Medical Sciences, an immunologist-allergist of the highest category Tatyana Tikhomirova commented on the effect of immunomodulators as follows: “Drugs with immunostimulating properties can not only help the body, but also disable it by causing hyperactivation of the immune system. Immunodeficiencies and hyperactivation states are two pathological dysfunctions that are equally dangerous for human health. The immune mechanism cannot work in a coordinated manner in any of the conditions. And when people, at the slightest nasal congestion or sore throat, begin to “help” their healthy immunity, treat it unnecessarily with the help of artificial stimulation, the immune system can behave in an inappropriate way - the production of aggressive bodies and their attack on healthy cells of the body. Functional disorientation of the immune complex ultimately leads to serious autoimmune pathologies and even the development of oncology.”
  • Specialist in the study of drugs, leading pharmacologist of the medical committee in St. Petersburg Khadzhidis A.K. spoke on the issue of the use of immunostimulants with the following remark: “Many therapists often prescribe their patients with acute respiratory infections and colds to take antipyretic tablets along with interferon production stimulants. Such a "tandem" is contrary to all the laws of logic. That is, first - bring down the temperature, which within 38-38.5 gives increased production of interferon, consciously suppress the natural functions of your immunity, and then encourage them to be active and fight infection with artificial stimulants? Where is the common sense? From such a thoughtless influence on the immune system, it can be seriously "broken" and earn a lifelong autoimmune disease.

Of course, in order to bring your body to such a critical state, you need to abuse real immunomodulators. Our people are saved by one thing - the lack of sale of genuine potent drugs with inducers of antibody production. Basically, the entire range is either a fake with a composition that is inappropriate for the original, or medicines with low efficiency in relation to immune correction. But do not forget that even a weak drug can harm a person and contribute to the emergence of an autoimmune phenomenon, especially if he is at risk - has a hereditary predisposition to autoimmune diseases. These include:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroiditis and nodular diffuse goiter;
  • Sjögren's syndrome ("dry" syndrome);
  • scleroderma, rheumatism;
  • psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, etc.

Yes, the risk of a serious disorder is present in people with a hereditary group, but the auto-aggressive mechanism may well not start at all if you protect yourself as much as possible from provocative factors, one of which is unnatural interference in human physiology, namely, immune processes through immunity stimulants.

Synthetic drugs with interferon inducers

All drugs, the basic substance of which is a certain organic compound of a synthetic nature, which induces the production of natural interferon in the blood, are classified as drugs from a number of interferon inducers. The basis of the pharmacological mechanism is the creation of a powerful antiviral barrier and strengthening of cell membranes, stimulation of the active synthesis of interferons within the body, which will prevent the penetration of the viral "aggressor" and its integration into the structure of healthy cells.


Pharmacodynamics: The complex composition of the drug has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect on the body due to three biologically active substances included in it: dipeptide glutamyl-tryptophan, bendazole and acetylsalicylic acid. Dipeptide glutamyl-tryptophan - an organic compound from the class of peptides, represented by a sodium salt, increases the body's resistance to viruses. Bendazole provides enhanced synthesis of endogenous interferons, and ascorbic acid reduces inflammatory pathogenesis, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and cell membranes of respiratory tissues.

The immune stimulant Cyclovir-3 appeared on the pharmacological market in 2001 in a capsule dosage form. After 5 years, the drug began to be produced in two additional versions of the children's form - in a dry powder for the preparation of suspensions and in a bittersweet syrup. For a long time after the first entry of the drug on the market, studies on efficacy and safety are not mentioned in any official medical source. The medicine is very popular among therapists and pediatricians. But in view of the quality unproven by clinical trials, it is not advisable to prescribe this drug in childhood.

Consumer reviews

The drug is in demand, while consumers mainly note its positive effect on the body at the time of treatment or prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza, as well as the absence of negative effects. Judging by the reviews, a noticeable therapeutic effect with positive dynamics on recovery occurs 48-72 hours after infection with a respiratory infection. There are also very rare cases when Cyclovir-3 did not produce any stimulating effect on the human immune system.


  • Capsules - 900-1012 rubles;
  • Syrup - 340-380 rubles;
  • Powder - 302-350 rubles.


Pharmacodynamics: The active ingredients are gossypol copolymer obtained from cotton and cellulose glycolic acid. The two main substances in the complex compound contribute to the formation of late natural interferons in the human body by stimulating the synthesis of immune mediators, which forms a stable antiviral protection. The success of the application depends entirely on the initial period of taking Kagocel.

The most positive pharmacodynamics is observed if the patient started using the drug no later than 1-3 days after the onset of the first symptomatic signs of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Reception for preventive purposes involves the use of Kagocel during a period of high incidence of respiratory ailments in the population, as well as as early as possible, preferably in the first 24 hours, after being close to the carrier of the virus.

Drug release and clinical trials

The antiviral drug was developed by microbiologists of the Russian company Nearmedic Plus under the guidance of a doctor of medical sciences, who is CEO pharmaceutical company since 1989, V.G. Nesterenko. Professor Nesterenko V.G. tells about the creation of an immunomodulatory drug: “To obtain a highly active material element (kagocel), we had to combine a naturally occurring polymer - a gossypol copolymer obtained from cotton, together with an acid ether of a cellulose glycol compound.” The drug today is widely distributed not only within the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring countries - Belarus and Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia.

In 2003, the company successfully passed the state registration of its own products with the name "Kagocel". In 2005, the manufacturer introduces an antiviral immunomodulator to the domestic market. After 6 years, a synthetic interferon inducer is allowed for use by children 3 years of age and older if the child has the flu. As for the prevention of diseases caused by various strains of influenza viruses and other pathogenic respiratory infections, stimulation of immunity with Kagocel is allowed only if the child is 6 full years old.

The drug was subjected to clinical examination at the initiative of the management of the Nearmedic company. Approximately 2,000 people were involved in the clinical trial. At the end of the research project, the results were officially announced in open scientific and medical sources on the proven effectiveness of Kagocel, which creates an antiviral barrier and helps to reduce the risk of infection with infectious respiratory pathologies by 3.5 times. High efficiency has also been proven in the ability of the agent to accelerate the neutralization of viruses by activating a natural protein (interferon), which inhibits the spread of viral antigens.

The fact that the drug acts against viruses and the activation of the immune mechanism, the manufacturers widely publicized the results of clinical studies, but is it in full? After all, the evidence for a safe effect on the human body is too doubtful. It is known that gossypol, and it is part of the drug Kagocel, back in 1998 received a bad reputation due to the fact that it refers to toxic substances that can affect the dysfunction of spermatogenesis in men. Thus, the medical associations of doctors in China and Brazil, quite reasonably in the course of the examinations, declare the dangers of gossypol for male reproductive function and the effect of a potent substance on the occurrence of infertility in males. All over the world, preparations with gossypol are included in the list of prohibited pharmacological agents.

The developers of Kagocel assure that the substance gossypol in the immunomodulating drug is not presented in its original form, but in a biochemical compound with the sodium salt of the copolymer. Thus, a completely different substance in terms of quality characteristics is formed at the output. In addition, the technological process for the production of a medicinal product includes multiple processes of affination - purification of the material composition, which excludes the presence of a dangerous polyphenol in its natural form. At the final stage of manufacturing tablets, as the creators of Kagocel assure, each series of drugs undergoes technical control for quality compliance and the absence of gossypol in free form. The control system allows to analyze the presence of a pure substance with high accuracy - from 0.00035% or more.

Since 2012, anonymous information has been actively disseminated to the public that the company is selling a drug that is unsafe for men's health. Evidence refuting the harm of Kagocel on the reproductive system of men was provided by Nearmedic Plus a year after the accusation. The manufacturer conducted an experimental examination. The subjects were laboratory rats, which were administered therapeutic doses (9 mg/kg) and "shock" portions of Kagocel (225 mg/kg). According to the examination, the manufacturer did not find any toxic reactions in the spermatogenesis of male rodents and deviations in reproductive abilities.

Does such an examination on rats give a 100% guarantee of safe exposure to humans? Based on the fact that the study involved rodents, and not animals that, according to physiological criteria, are as close as possible to the human biological system, all of the company's research is called into question. In addition, the administration of the drug to male test rodents who have reached puberty is only a superficial assessment of the experience. According to the WHO, the substance gossypol, studied on similar individuals in the late 90s, had a side effect in young rats in prepubertal age and in the initial period of puberty - it led to the appearance of cysts in the testicles and a decrease in the volume of ejaculate.

The antiviral immune stimulant with the registration name "Kagocel" is not in the WHO register of medicines approved for sale. In Western Europe and the USA, this medication is not prohibited for use. In Russia, the drug is recommended for use in the treatment and prevention of influenza by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The drug Kagocel has not been clinically tested in terms of the safety of the effect of the active composition on children, but, despite this, it is widely used in pediatrics.

Consumer reviews

Information from people who have been treated with the drug and used it to prevent viruses is mostly positive. In some cases, the ability of tablets to provoke allergic dermatoses, accompanied by skin rashes, swelling of soft tissues and itching, was revealed.


The price of an antiviral agent is relatively affordable for the domestic consumer and varies in the range of 217-276 rubles. The annual revenue received by the company for the sale of Kagocel, on average, is about 2.6 billion rubles.

Tiloron (Tilaxin) and analogues: Amiksin, Lavomax


The main active substance is tilorone, a synthetic compound with antiviral activity that inhibits cellular immunity and stimulates humoral immunity. Thanks to tilorone, the body increases the production of leukocyte (alpha type), fibroblast (beta type) interferons and immune gamma-interferon. The pharmacological properties of the substance provide high protection against various types of influenza antigens, respiratory infections, herpesvirus, infectious antigens of hepatitis A and B. The immunomodulatory component is present in Tiloron, Tilaxin, Amiksin and Lavomax.

Drug release and clinical trials

Tiloron was developed and patented almost half a century ago in America, but due to the discovery of a toxic effect in this substance, the medicinal component was almost immediately banned from the use of pharmacological production in the USA and the countries of the European Union. The researchers concluded that tilorone was not mutagenic after conducting clinical experiments on animals. Scientists found that the active substance provoked degenerative-dystrophic processes in the periphery of the retina and caused fatty infiltration of the liver in a group of subjects.

In the 70s, employees of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR again reproduced the forbidden substrate synthetically in order to continue studying the properties of its chemical composition. In the 80s, Soviet scientists conduct a thorough study of tilorone and set up experiments that confirm the toxic effect on the human body. The risk of developing dystrophic disorders in the structure of the cornea and retina was 14% after the use of Tirolone, while visual acuity remained normal. It was also found that after discontinuation of the drug formulation with tilorone, ophthalmic pathogenesis stopped and eye health improved to its original state.

In the mid-1990s, a drug called Tiloron was introduced into State Register medicines as an antiviral immunomodulator. Since 1996, the Odessa Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant has been exclusively engaged in the production of Tiloron. Since the 2000s, the first analogue of Tiloron has appeared on the Russian pharmacological market under the Amiksin trademark, produced by order of the Moscow CJSC Masterlek by the Dalchimpharm company in Khabarovsk. Thanks to the competent marketing move of the Masterlek company, after 5 years, compared with the first year of production of Amiksin, the sales turnover increased 6 times.

A similar chemical composition is also presented in the Lavomax preparation. This drug is manufactured by Nizhpharm-STADA Artsnaimittel (Russia-Germany). All medicines containing tilorone should not be used in children under 12 years of age. After 12 years of age, without extreme necessity, it is undesirable to prescribe the drug because of the meager research base. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are also included in the main contraindications section of this interferon stimulator, since it is possible that toxic substance, as evidenced by animal experiments, can cause abortion and adversely affect the development of the child.

Consumer reviews

Preparations with tilorone protect during epidemics, but not always. There were cases when the drug, despite the early use for prevention purposes, did not have an appropriate antiviral effect. People believe that the original and its analogues are expensive, along with this, side effects often occur, mainly in the form of allergies.


For 10 tablets with an active substance, you will need to pay 900-1020 rubles. For a package of 6 tablets - 536-600 rubles.



The biologically active component is a low molecular weight substance belonging to the group of synthetic interferon inducers, meglumine acridone acetate. The substance is activated when it enters the blood through internal use. That is, an injection solution or tablets in which there is a main component that activates the synthesis of interferon by the body's immune cells. Due to the induction property, the immune mechanism is in the most "combat" readiness to withstand a possible viral attack. The solution and tablets of Cycloferon are used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections, the treatment and prevention of influenza, herpes, thrush, chlamydia, etc.

Drug release and clinical trials

The main component (meglumine acridone acetate) was produced and registered in the early 90s. But a drug was developed for veterinary use, therefore, until 1995, Cycloferon was considered exclusively a medicine for animals infected with viruses. Starting from the 95th year, it is entered into the register of drugs approved for sale for the treatment of people, as well as children from 4 years of age and older.

There are no arguments in the scientific medical press and other international publications about the safety of the composition and the degree of its effectiveness, starting from the beginning of the release of Cycloferon and to the present, at all. But in domestic popular sources on medicine, Cycloferon's evidence-based experiments are given several publications that claim that clinical trials were carried out at the highest level. But there is one amendment, at the highest in the Russian sense of the word? After all, it is not included in the list of level A drugs of evidence-based medicine. And the World Health Organization Cycloferon is not recommended.

If you believe the tests that the drug was subjected to by domestic specialists, the active component of the drug helps to reduce the duration of the course of influenza and acute respiratory infections by about 2 times, in addition, it significantly reduces the risk of complications after suffering influenza infections - by about 8.5 times. A group of children in the amount of 120 people took part in the clinical experiment. (over 7 years old) and a group of adults consisting of 500 people. Also during the clinical experiment it was found that the drug does not negative impact on the liver and is completely excreted from the body by the kidneys a day after its use by the patient. The drug is not allowed to be used by children under 4 years of age and women at the time of breastfeeding or pregnancy. Data on the conduct of tests are recorded in analytical scientific publications in Russian in medicine. In 2004, the creators of the antiviral and immunostimulating drugs were awarded the Russian government prize for the creation of Cycloferon and their contribution to practical medicine.

Consumer reviews

It helps to reduce the painful unpleasant symptoms of colds and flu, while a very real price for a citizen with a low level of income. Cycloferon can act as an allergen on certain people.


Injection solution - 325-364 rubles, tablets (10 pieces per pack) cost 180-200 rubles in Russian pharmacies.

Preparations with interferon

Medicinal compositions of this line pharmaceutical preparations identical to human alpha and beta interferons. The drugs contribute to the activation of the production of a sufficient amount of immunoglobulins, which creates a reliable antiviral background. If the antigen got inside the human biological system, there is a rapid recognition of foreign molecules and targeted elimination of the pathogenic agent.



The material composition is human interferon (alpha-2b), produced by the method of gene recombination of bacteria from the type of Escherichia coli with human leukocyte cells. As additional substances, the preparation includes 2 organic compounds - vitamins C and E of synthetic origin. The drug is available in various dosage forms: in the form of an ointment, suppositories and gel. The instructions indicate the following information: Viferon is used as an antiviral drug with anti-proliferation and immunomodulation properties. In addition to common respiratory viruses, the medicinal composition is also active against pathogens of chlamydia, herpes and hepatitis types A and B.

Drug release and clinical trials

We note right away that this medication does not appear in the classification of the first level of the research section of evidence-based medicine, and there is also no information on ongoing studies on the safety and effectiveness of the composition in the scientific international press. The drug has not been subjected to any method of experimentation that would meet the norms of world standardization, and where a large group of people would be involved.

But, despite the lack of information about Russian trials of the drug in foreign scientific publications, you should not immediately be completely categorical about the drug. After all, for example, about preparations with glycerol trinitrate, which save many hearts every day from angina pectoris, there is also no published argumentation in official international publications. At the same time, nitroglycerin has been and will be an effective cardiological drug for angina pectoris. Evidence that Viferon can be successfully used in virology has been made public in the Russian-language media.

The drug with the name "Viferon" was created by a team of scientific specialists from the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya N.F. of the city of Moscow. The organizer of the project was V.V. Malinovskaya, who is a researcher at a research institution. Five years of diligent and fruitful work on the creation of a unique composition (1990-1995) were crowned with the success of scientists. And already in 1996, the project manager, together with her husband E. Malinovsky, the founder of SDM Bank, opened his own pharmaceutical company Feron LLC, where he launched manufacturing process for the production of finished products from the antiviral series, the basic raw material of which is human interferon alpha 2b, labeled "Viferon".

The owner of the Feron company, V. Malinovskaya, takes responsibility for the clinical studies of her own drug. She conducts multicenter trials in 6 medical institutions in Moscow and the Medical Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In the course of the studies, it was found that the drug can be effectively used without complications in early childhood and other age groups, including adults and pregnant women, for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and viral pathologies (influenza, hepatitis, herpes, chlamydia).

Dosage and use of Viferon in suppositories for rectal use:

  • infants and children under 7 years of age with complicated pneumonia, the presence of herpes, with respiratory infections and purulent-septic diseases (as an auxiliary medicine), it is supposed to use the drug, which indicates the therapeutic dose 150000 IU, 1 suppository twice a day (course - 5 days);
  • an increased concentration of the active substance requires similar pathologies that a child of 7 years and older is ill with, as well as adults and pregnant women: suppositories are prescribed with a mark of 500,000 IU - in the morning and in the evening, 1 suppository;
  • high therapeutic doses for adults (1000000-3000000 IU) are designed for the treatment of viral hepatitis and complex forms of herpes: the use of suppositories and the therapeutic course is prescribed by a doctor, usually specialists prescribe rectal administration of the drug every 12 hours, the duration of use depends on the severity of the pathology and the dynamics of treatment.

Consumer reviews

The drug helps well against herpes, respiratory viruses, while there are no side effects. In isolated cases, an allergic reaction to Viferon was recorded. The price indicator attracts consumers with its affordability.


The cost of the drug depends on the concentration of the medicinal dose of the active substance in the therapeutic composition. For suppositories, depending on the IU, you can pay from 241-850 rubles, for an ointment (40,000 IU / g) - 168-180 rubles, for a gel (36 thousand IU) - about 150 rubles.



The drug mixture is produced in the form of suppositories containing human interferon alpha-2b in dry form and immunoglobulins M, A, G, as well as a number of accessory substances - an emulsion component, fat with paraffin. Indicated for use in the primary and secondary therapy of respiratory infections and viruses, chlamydia, pathologies of the intestinal bacterial nature, viral hepatitis A and B. The drug has an antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulating effect. It is also used prophylactically to support a weak immune system in people with frequent respiratory diseases.

Drug release and clinical trials

The action of Kipferon was studied exclusively in the gynecological direction, that is, studies were conducted on women who were treated with this drug for vaginitis. The observation was carried out in one of the medical institutions of Moscow, the department of gynecology. According to the results of observations, it was noted that the highly active composition of Kipferon, which was used rectally by patients for 10 days with repeated therapy after 3 weeks, contributed to the absolute elimination of the infectious antigen presented various types bacteria.

More Kipferon was not subjected to clinical trials, so it refers to medicines with unreasoned effectiveness and harmlessness. It is not listed in the official lists of drugs with proven efficacy according to all the rules of the RCT, however, suppositories are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and are widely used in the treatment of children and adults when infected with various infectious bacterial forms of microorganisms, respiratory viruses and rotaviruses. Kipferon is also recommended to prevent infection with acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Despite the lack of an evidence base with recorded facts in scientific medical publications, the drug is approved for use in childhood, starting from infancy. In practice therapy intestinal infections with a severe course in children of the first 2 years of life, Kipferon shows its high activity against pathogens of dysbacteriosis. The use of the drug allows you to quickly eliminate the pathogenic microbe with the restoration of healthy intestinal microflora. Cases of side effects in pediatric practice were not observed.

However, experts believe that the donor raw materials contained in Kipferon, namely, human blood components, can cause a negative reaction from the immune system - allergies and febrile manifestations. There is no information about overdose and its consequences. Producer - LLC "Alpharm", Moscow.

Consumer reviews

As a remedy for the common cold or prevention of acute respiratory viral infections - an expensive drug, as a medicine for the treatment of serious bacterial pathologies of the genitourinary system and intestines - a highly effective drug. No side effects on the human body have been recorded to date, except for rare cases of allergy to the material composition.


Rectal-vaginal suppositories with a dose of the active substance of 500 thousand units at a price of 680 rubles. up to 1155 rubles. for packing.



The drug is produced in liquid form - in the form of a solution for nasal use. The solution is based on human interferon alpha-2b. The main substance is supplemented by auxiliary organic substances - disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, sodium salt of hydrochloric acid (sodium chloride), sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, etc. Grippferon nasal drops are a natural immune activator. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. The drug is often recommended by domestic therapists and pediatricians to combat and prevent viral infections of the respiratory organs.

Drug release and clinical trials

The unique composition was invented in 2000 by acupuncturist doctor of medical sciences. Petr Gaponyuk, who simply worked on human leukocyte interferon in the form of a lyophilizate: he improved the composition using special technological methods so that it would not lose and retain its pharmacological properties in a diluted state for a long time. Then the highly concentrated powder was combined into a liquid drug mixture consisting of excipients. Thus, the result was an immunostimulating drug of complex action, which activates defense mechanisms, protects against the introduction and spread of viruses, purposefully neutralizes the activity of a pathogenic agent in case of infection, reduces respiratory symptoms, extinguishing the inflammatory focus.

The drug passes official state registration, receives a patent for the right to sell, and soon an antiviral immunomodulator with the Grippferon trademark produced by Firn M CJSC appears on the windows of Russian pharmacies. It is distributed not only on Russian territory, but also in Belarus, Ukraine. A nasal solution that can withstand any infection, including AIDS viruses, people learn from the mainstream media.

The drug Grippferon was ignored on public speaking during the tense epidemiological situation, the head of the Ministry of Health T. Golikova, who advised people to use purely Ingavirin, Arbidol, Kagocel for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. But who did not skimp on the praise of Gripferon is the head of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the chief sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko. Whether Onishchenko really considered Gaponyuk's invention a panacea for dangerous viral pathologies, or flattering reviews were only part of a partnership, it is not known, because these two people were connected by a common business in a medical equipment manufacturing company (Farmbiomash OJSC).

Regarding the clinical trials of the drug, they were carried out by the responsible person - the founder of the drug P. Gaponyuk, together with the commission from the GISK them. Tarasevich - in 14 clinical research institutions in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Under controlled supervision was a group of subjects consisting of 4.5 thousand people. Patients were prescribed the drug either for prophylaxis or for the treatment of acute viral infections.

A clinical experiment showed a good effect of Grippferon on immunity with no side effects. The duration and severity of the disease, if influenza and SARS occurred, were significantly reduced. As for the common complications in the bronchopulmonary department, for the most part they did not develop at all, in extreme cases, they had a mild form. According to preventive data Gaponyuk P. gave information that nasal drops with interferon reduced the epidemiological indicator by 2.72 times. Convincing figures make it possible to positively judge the effectiveness and safety of Grippferon.

The annual average revenue from the sale of the drug is about 1.16 billion rubles. And that's just during flu and cold season. The drug is in demand, since an antiviral nasal solution with interferon can be prescribed to women at any period of pregnancy and to children from the first days of life, without fear of negative consequences.

Consumer reviews

Consumer opinions do not allow us to unequivocally state that Grippferon drops have a strong effect. So, 50% of people they helped protect themselves from a viral infection or contributed to a quick recovery, while the other part of the people assures that nasal solution treatment is a waste of time and money. A positive effect is noted by parents who dripped the drug into the nose of their children with a cold, the disease proceeds quickly and in a mild form. Many people do not like that the open drug has a short shelf life. There is no side effect. High price for nose drops.


The medicinal composition (10 ml) in the form of drops costs 280-300 rubles, in the same volume the spray will cost 320-390 rubles.

Direct acting antivirals



The active biological substance of the drug is umifenovir. The organic compound acts as an inhibitor of viral activity, preventing the lipid membrane of the pathogen from merging with the functional units of the human body - cells. Two common types of influenza viruses belonging to groups A and B are sensitive to umifenovir. The drug has an immunomodulatory property, as it stimulates the production of natural interferon. The medicinal component of Arbidol is active against pathogens of intestinal flu, coronavirus syndrome.

Drug release and clinical trials

The medicine was developed back in the early 1970s by a board of medical specialists of the highest category from three Soviet research institutes. The drug was registered in 1974. The invention of the composition was carried out by scientists on behalf of the military units of the USSR. Therefore, there is no data on the release of Arbidol and its therapeutic use before the 90s.

The production start of the release of Arbidol dates back to 1992. The first manufacturer of the antiviral drug was the Moscow enterprise of pharmacological products Moskhimfarmpreparaty. After 8 years, the Masterlek company, headed by its two founders, A. Shuster and V. Martyanov, becomes the owner of the patent for the manufacture of the drug. They set a new cost for the drug, which is 6 times higher than the original price. That is, if Arbidol was sold at 20 rubles before the purchase of the patent from Moskhimfarmproduktsiya, then with new owners it is distributed through pharmacy chains at 120 rubles per pack. Active distribution of advertising about an effective drug against viruses allows Masterlek to increase consumer demand by 4 times in the first 12 months of production, despite the inflated cost.

The owners of Masterlek in 2006 sell their business to OJSC Pharmstandard, the most dominant enterprise among all existing Russian pharmaceutical companies. Thanks to the new drug, the image of Pharmstandard is raised even higher, and the financial indicators of the profit from the sale of Arbidol alone have reached incredible heights and taken a leading position in the Russian pharmaceutical industry. So, in comparison with 2001, the period from 2006-2009 was marked by a grandiose increase in sales of Arbidol medicine, it instantly jumped 100 times.

An important role in such a sensation was played by the speeches of the main figures in healthcare - G. Onishchenko (Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation) and T. Golikova (Head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation). At the time of the swine flu epidemic that raged in 2009, Golikova and Onishchenko give basic recommendations for the prevention and treatment of a dangerous virus, where they focus the attention of the population on a highly effective drug with the trade name Arbidol. The successful result of such advertising from the lips of authoritative people was reinforced by V. Putin's visit in 2010 to one of the pharmacies in Murmansk, where the president anxiously asked about the availability and price of a drug that is extremely important for Russians. A convincing report was shown in the news reports of Russian TV channels, thanks to which the demand for Arbidol reached a peak level.

Soon, the advertising popularization of antiviral products, which adds antioxidant and immunostimulating properties to the drug, allows Arbidol to get into the state register of the most important drugs, which, according to the Ministry of Health, are drugs of vital importance. Pharmstandard currently enjoys a benevolent attitude from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Thus, almost 1/3 of all products manufactured by the company are included in the list of vital and essential drugs approved by the Russian government. Whereas many foreign enterprises do not receive approval from the bodies of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in registering medicines on the state territory, since they can become direct competitors to Pharmstandard medicines, including their main source of income - Arbidol. For information, the total annual revenue from Arbidol is about 8 billion rubles.

There is a lot of comprehensive information about clinical trials in the database of the largest international online library Medline. About 80 articles describe the properties and effectiveness of the drug, but the range of numbers and numerical values ​​​​of the results make you, willy-nilly, think about the seriousness of the test projects. For example, the official resource contains material about Arbidol with the following content: taking pills allegedly helps to reduce the time of illness by 1.7-2.65 days, and symptomatic signs (runny nose, fever, cough, lethargy, etc.) will be neutralized by as much as 1 , 2-2.3 days earlier. There is no information about where these results came from, as well as who conducted the tests, on whom the drug was tested. Somehow, such an ambiguous and anonymous forecast does not inspire confidence.

But there is information about clinical trials of the early 2000s with a real witness who was lucky enough to be an observer of three studies, he became P.A. Vorobyov told the following: “7 studies were carried out, our commission was allowed to control only 3 events. But even this was enough to conclude that the basic rules of clinical trials were not followed, which is a serious violation. Therefore, any facts of the effectiveness of Arbidol are biased arguments. Having voiced our opinion to the management of Masterlek, the commission of the formulary committee was immediately removed from further participation in the research.

In the study of Arbidol for effectiveness, China became interested, and in 2004, Chinese medical specialists conducted their own examination. The subjects were people with various forms of acute respiratory infections who took pills with umifenovir (Arbidol). The total number of observed patients was 230 people. The conclusion of the PRC experimenters: "Arbidol is not an effective drug, has a weak effect on infections and viruses, and is also significantly inferior to Ingaverin and Tamiflu."

It is worth noting that the US Department of Healthcare for the Quality of Medicines did not give approval for the inclusion of the drug Arbidol in the list of officially recognized drugs in the territory of the American states. And the World Health Organization ignored this remedy due to the insufficient evidence base regarding the benefits and harms of the active substance. But in 2013, the Pharmstandard enterprise still receives a long-awaited positive assessment from the WHO certification system for the right to register Arbidol pharmaceutical products. Thus, Arbidol based on umifenovir was included in the registry of the World Health Organization as a drug with a direct antiviral effect. Since 2013, Pharmstandard has launched a number of research projects to present their results to a consumer audience. But until now, the projects are still underway, despite promises to complete state-of-the-art clinical trials by 2015.

Why is the company in no hurry to disseminate the results to the public in order, in the end, to put an end to the heated debate on arbidol efficiency once and for all? One can only guess: either the richest company does not have enough funds to bring the experiments begun to the final line, or is the drug really not so significant for a person because of its low efficiency? And while there is no reliable and logically justified information, Arbidol is included in the unenviable category of medicines with unproven effectiveness. And along with it, any analogue drugs, for example, in Ukraine, a drug with umifenovir is produced under the Imustat trademark. But in Belarus, the manufacturer completely “tarnished” the reputation of the original by writing on the packaging that the tablets with the name “Arpetol” contain not umifenovir, but arbidol hydrochloride.

Consumer reviews

The consumer audience was divided exactly into two opposite positions: 50% of people who took Arbidol talk about the high therapeutic ability of the chemical composition of the drug, while the remaining half assures about the absolute absence of a therapeutic effect. In rare cases, side effects were noted in the form of allergic dermatosis and discomfort in the epigastric zone.


The capsule dosage form of Arbidol (20 capsules) costs an average of 450 rubles, the price for a pack of tablets (10 pcs.) is 153-180 rubles.



This drug has an antiviral compound with a selective effect, that is, it affects only a certain type of antigen. In the drug, the active compound is oseltamivir carboxylate. Selective antigens that are sensitive to oseltamivir carboxylate are influenza viruses A and B. The biologically active component of Tamiflu inhibits the enzymatic functions of viral neuromidases that are part of the surface membrane of pathogenic antigens, which prevents infection of healthy cells and the spread of these types of viruses in the human body. In relation to other respiratory viral infections, the drug is powerless. It is forbidden to use the medicine for children in the first year of life, it is highly undesirable to use it for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Side effects :

  • sleep disturbance, headache;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • dyspeptic manifestations;
  • provoking cough.

Drug release and clinical trials

The invention of the substance itself (oseltamivir carboxylate) belongs to the young American biopharmacist Michael Riordan, who has headed Gilead Sciences since 1987. He and a group of scientists were working to develop a cure for HIV infection. Therefore, originally invented oseltamivir was considered as a cure for AIDS. But during the study of the substance, it was found that its properties are not able to affect HIV, but they have a strong inhibitory effect on influenza viruses.

The World Health Organization in 1996 approves the drug "Oseltamivir" and includes it in the category of essential drugs. Tamiflu is produced by the world leader in the pharmaceutical industry - the company from Switzerland "F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., established in the 19th century. in Basel. The technological process for the production of a drug for influenza viruses (Tamiflu) was first launched in 1999, immediately after the company bought out a license to produce drugs based on oseltamivir from Gilead Sciences.

The medicinal composition, as it turned out in practice, is quite aggressive, as it has a number of side effects similar to influenza symptoms. And this is one of the significant drawbacks of the active substance present in Tamiflu, because side effects greatly complicate the course of the flu. In addition, serious intoxication interferes with the diagnosis of true pathology, especially if the drug was used for long-term prophylactic therapy during the epidemiological period. Therefore, the use of Tamiflu in case of influenza infection should be not only timely and short-lived, but also complex - along with the additional intake of drugs from a number of symptoms. be treated longer term, established in the instructions, is dangerous to health, this is confirmed by cases of toxic effects in patients repeatedly recorded by doctors.

So, in the first four years of the existence of the drug in the pharmacological assortment of pharmacies in a huge number of countries, Tamiflu has already “earned” a bad reputation because of the side effects that it provoked in people who took the drug with oseltamivir during the epidemic. It became definitely known that its use repeatedly ended in the most complex forms of neuropsychiatric disorders: hallucinations, mental retardation, insanity, panic attacks, increased anxiety, nightmares, seizures, etc.

Scientists from Japan, in the course of non-interventional clinical studies, made public a statement about the predisposing fact of a pronounced distortion of the human psyche, the child's nervous system becomes especially vulnerable. Japanese health experts announced the following consequences of taking Tamiflu: the drug causes various mental illnesses, manic-depressive syndrome, up to suicide, mainly in children and adolescents. Along with this, data on the facts of death were provided: 16 people from the age group of 10-20 years old died by suicide; 38 people died due to severe impairment of renal function.

Independent experts of the Cochrane Community have repeatedly sent a request to the management of an enterprise that produces a drug of questionable safety and efficacy, so that they submit reporting materials on clinical trials conducted for generalization, systematization and compilation of objective information about the drug Tamiflu. Of the five research data requested, Roche only sent the documentation for the first module to the Cochrane Society, and even then only in partial form. Attempts by independent experts to get the pharmacological company to provide full reports on all modules were in vain, the drug manufacturer stubbornly ignored all requests.

Based on the materials that were in the hands of the Cochrane organization, its coordinator, Tom Jefferson, publishes a summary of the clinical trials of Tamiflu in The British Medical Journal, which is the world's news provider in the medical field. The review was published in April 2014. It was informed that oseltamivir, the main component of the antiviral Tamiflu, as well as zanamivir, a similarly active substance contained in Relenz, have not proven their intensive effect in the treatment of influenza and its prevention. In addition, the article indicates that both drugs are not credible in relation to the impact on the course of complications of viral pathology. The discouraged manufacturer, having familiarized himself with the published facts, undertook to refute this information in the near future and give evidence-based results of the protocols of randomized experiments. But so far, the actor producing the antiviral drug has not fulfilled its obligations.

So, what conclusions did the Cochrane organization come to after reviewing some 20 research events where Tamiflu was involved? The total number of people tested was 24 thousand people.

  1. The drug with the trade name "Tamiflu" does not significantly reduce infection in a family where there is an influenza patient. That is, the likelihood that the virus will infect a healthy person who uses the drug to prevent infection remains high.
  2. The duration of symptomatic signs in adults taking oseltamivir is reduced by 16 hours. In childhood, this trend is generally absent.
  3. The biologically active substance in no way helps to reduce the risk of possible development of severe complications of influenza, such as otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis, bronchial catarrh, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.
  4. The drug with oseltamivir has highly toxic properties, therefore it often causes signs of intoxication and dyspepsia - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, regardless of the patient's age.
  5. The use of the drug for prevention, as evidenced by the results of studies, is extremely unsafe for the body, as it contributes to damage to the nervous system with serious mental disorders and disruption of the functioning of the kidneys. In some cases, a reduced activity of the immune system with a reduction in antibody formation was recorded.

In any case, heads of countries who care about the health of their own nation will soon react to such impressive facts, clearly indicating the dangers of a pharmacological product. By stopping buying Tamiflu and similar drugs in large quantities, the health of millions of people will be saved from the harmful effects of a toxic and ineffective drug with an alleged antiviral effect.

For your information: thanks to the manufacturer's advertising campaign about an important drug for the population with a potent antiviral composition, which is highly active against influenza viruses and extremely reduces the likelihood of complications, the US and UK Departments of Health in 2009 (at the height of the swine flu virus) purchased 40.2 million doses of drugs with oseltamivir. The total cost was $1.9 billion.

Consumer reviews

A lot of people at the time of taking the drug Tamiflu experienced a toxic effect. It manifested itself mainly in the form of neurological and gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, migraine, mental disharmony, psychosis. As for effectiveness, there are more than enough positive reviews that the flu medicine really helps.


Tamiflu capsules (10 pcs.) in Russian pharmacies are sold for 1245-1470 rubles.

Remantadine or Rimantadine


Many faced the difficulty of choosing a product that is produced with two similar names, but with one difference in one letter. Immediately, we note that both drugs have an identical composition. The tablets of each of the products contain the same active substance against influenza A-virus, herpes infections of the 1st and 2nd type, arbovirus. But pharmacological companies produce Remantadine in 2 different concentrations - 50 mg in 1 tablet and 100 mg in 1 tablet of rimantadine, a derivative of adamantane-1-amine. The drug Rimantadine comes in a single standard dose of the substance - 50 mg each. The chemical composition has an inhibitory effect only on a selected type of influenza virus (type A and its subtypes, including H1N1), inhibiting their M2 ion channels. It is used for influenza A and for its prevention.

Limitations and side effect

  • the drug is prohibited during pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, liver and kidney diseases, children in the first year of life;
  • can cause loss of balance, pre-syncope;
  • during the reception, irritability, unstable mood, anxiety and other symptoms characteristic of excitation of the nervous system may appear;
  • in some cases, Remantadine causes a breakdown, migraines, absent-mindedness, impaired concentration;
  • rarely, but not excluded, the appearance of indigestion - vomiting or nausea, a feeling of dry mouth.

Drug release and clinical trials

The drug has been present on the pharmacological market since Soviet times. Since the 70s, it has been the most famous remedy that was recommended by the health authorities of the USSR as the best medicine that suppresses the activation of the virus in the body and protects against influenza infection during the epidemiological season. The technology for the synthesis of adamantium-derived substances was developed by a scientific Latvian team of pharmacologists from the Riga Institute of Organic Chemistry, headed by J. Polis and his assistant I. Grava. In 1969, a famous chemist from Riga received a document confirming the copyright for the created antiviral agent Remantadin, which is still considered one of the most sought-after medicines.

The first testing has already taken place shortly after the presentation of the certificate to J. Polis. A. Smorodintsev, a doctor from Leningrad, who tested Remantadin on the work team of the Kirov Machine-Building Plant at the peak of the influenza epidemic, became its coordinator. The results of the effectiveness of the composition were at a high level, which made it possible for the drug to instantly win the high favor of the Kremlin government itself. Thus, the production of finished pharmacological products was entrusted to the Latvian company Olainfarm, which continues to produce Remantadin antiviral tablets in large volumes to this day.

Drug testing did not end with evidence-based trials 45 years ago. Remantadine has repeatedly passed high-quality clinical studies, the latest data on the effectiveness of the medicinal composition are recorded in medical scientific sources for 2008. Logically reasoned results, impeccable compliance with all criteria for the implementation of clinical trials, officially registered documents - guarantee the veracity of the information provided to medicine and a potential consumer.

Remantadine legally belongs to medicines with proven efficacy. Each of the fifty randomized trials using a blind placebo-control technique involved at least 1000 people, in some experiments 2000 people, including children, were involved. Summarizing the evidence, the scientists came to the following conclusions:

  • compared with a similar foreign-made drug - Adamantine, the medicinal composition of Remantadine is less toxic, moreover, it reduces the degree of intoxication, which is always present in a flu-like condition;
  • if timely treatment for influenza is taken, Remantadine tablets reduce the likelihood of pneumonia by 6 times, bronchitis by 3.2 times;
  • regarding prophylactic use, Remantadin showed a fairly high efficiency (73%) - taking it, the risk of influenza infection is reduced by 1.7 times when compared with the results of the placebo group;
  • a similar experiment on effectiveness in prevention was carried out with Amantadine - the effectiveness was 61%, that is, 1.6 times higher than in subjects who received placebo;
  • serious signs of fever in the group of patients who were given Remantadin as an antiviral agent were not observed, while toxic signs (weakness, fever, headache, etc.) disappeared 38 hours faster than in the second group under placebo control, and catarrh respiratory tract - for 3 days.

Consumer reviews

A medicine with an antiviral direct effect, for the most part, has a positive assessment from the people who took it: it quickly eliminates such manifestations as high fever, runny nose, lacrimation, headache and weakness, cough. True, a side effect of Remantadine was also noticed: the occurrence of bitterness in the mouth, an increase in heart rate and the appearance of dizziness.


Quite a budget medicine, but its cost depends on the manufacturer. Latvian-made tablets are priced at 220-240 rubles, the Russian drug costs 73-106 rubles.



According to the supplier of the homeopathic product, the medicine contains an extracted substance obtained from the liver and heart of a domesticated bird of the family Anas Barbariae (Barbary duck). Attention, this species is not listed in ornithology, and this already makes one think about the plausibility of the properties of the composition. The instructions say that Oscillococcinum is recommended for the treatment of influenza viruses and respiratory infections, as well as a prophylactic against influenza and colds.

Drug release and clinical trials

The drug was created in 1925. It consists of a sweet-tasting formulation containing an extract from the liver and heart of a duck belonging to the Cairina moschata (musky duck) breed. In the common people, poultry is simply called the Indo-duck, or mute. It turns out that in the extract of offal of this breed, special microorganisms were identified that are the causative agents of influenza. The discovery of a unique composition belongs to the French homeopathic doctor J. Roy.

But the homeopath was the first to discover a similar cellular structure microorganism as early as 1919 when examining the blood of people who suffered from influenza, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever and herpes. Rua gives the bacterium a name - oscillococcus - and uses it to prepare a "healing" serum, which treats cancer patients. That is, initially the homeopathic doctor believed that the medicine with oscillococcus is capable of killing cancer cells. However, as it turned out in practice, the miraculous effect did not occur. His creation was completely powerless to cure cancer. Realizing this, the homeopath stops making the cancer vaccine.

But the idea, by all means, to find a use for his own invention, haunts the French physician. He continues to search for oscillococcus, but not in human blood, but in animal organs. By examining the liver of an Indian woman under a microscope, Rua discovers the desired pathogenic antigen, which, according to the homeopath, will be active against influenza viruses and colds. The medicinal composition with oscillococcus, as the doctor of alternative medicine assured, will work flawlessly on the principle of "like cures like."

So, on the basis of oscillococcal bacteria, they began to produce the famous homeopathic preparation Oscillococcinum, which was credited with antiviral and immunostimulating properties. The drug has been produced for more than 70 years by the French company Laboratoires BOIRON, which receives an annual income from the sale of the drug, an average of 520 million €. In 2011, California residents - consumers of Oscillococcinum from 2006-2011 - draw up a statement of claim with a claim against the manufacturer about a false anti-flu agent and send it to the court for consideration. But both sides came to a decision to resolve the conflict on a voluntary pre-trial basis.

The supplier of Oscillococcinum is not clear what is guided by, indicating on the product false and contradictory information about the composition of the medicinal granules of the drug. In addition to the fact that the extract was allegedly obtained from a waterfowl with a non-existent name, a reputable French company indicates interesting figures for the concentration of the active substance. So, the composition contains the following indicator of a homeopathic substance: 200 SC is included in the contents of 1 dose of the drug. In other words, to make one therapeutic dose, the manufacturer made 200 dilutions of the starting material in a ratio of 1/100. This means only one thing - the degree of content of the extract is not just negligible, but equals 0 units. active ingredient molecules. The indicators were indicated on the basis of the calculation - the client still will not understand anything?

Gina Casey, representing the pharmacological organization Laboratoires BOIRON, gave a stunning answer to the question about the safety of taking the drug: “Oscillococcinum? Of course, harmless, it does not contain anything. This accidental revelation is also confirmed by clinical experiments, which have further clarified the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy for influenza. In the course of seven research events involving 3.5 thousand people, it was found that the Oscillococcinum medicine from the line of homeopathic remedies, as well as all its analogues, do not have antiviral properties.

Conclusion: the drug has confirmed its inefficiency and ability to "work" only at the placebo level. Reasoned data about this was posted on the website of the Cochrane organization in the form of an evidence report. But, nevertheless, it continues to be produced and supplied in grandiose volumes to the pharmacological market of more than fifty states, including Russia, bringing enormous income to the French company. According to the latest data for 2012, the total revenue from the sale of Oscillococcinum amounted to about 34 million EUR, which in rubles corresponds to 2.6 billion of the Russian currency.

With the onset of the first cold weather, the season of respiratory viral diseases “opens”. Everyone gets sick, from young to old. That's why our journal decided to analyze the market of modern antiviral drugs and tell your readers everything there is to know about this group of drugs. We also compiled TOP of the best budget funds for different age categories of patients.

The main thing in the article

What antiviral drugs are most effective?

Viruses enter the human body through inhalation through the upper respiratory tract. Antiviral drugs block their spread. To understand the principle of action of antiviral agents, we turn to biological processes. The virus, getting into the body, is introduced into the cell and actively multiplies in it. Its specific proteins (neuraminidase) inhibit the cell's ability to produce a protective substance interferon , so the affected cells lose their ability to resist the virus. As for antiviral drugs, these drugs are divided into groups, and 4 of them can be attributed to the most effective in the fight against colds.

  1. Antiviral products containing antihistamines and immunomodulators (Anaferon, Arbidol). They have a chemical effect on the replication of the virus and contribute to the production of their own interferon.
  2. Means containing interferon (Grippferon, Alfarona). Interferon - This is a natural protein structure, due to which the cells of the body become immune to viral cells.
  3. Interferon inducers (Kagocel, Lavomax). They activate processes in the body that awaken cells to their own production of interferon.
  4. Neuraminidase inhibitors (Tamiflu, Relenza). The drugs inhibit neuraminidase (specific proteins of the virus), which stops its further progression.

Top 10 most effective antivirals: our ranking

Having studied all the market offers, based on the reviews of doctors and patients, we have compiled a rating of the most effective antiviral drugs.

Antiviral drug Release form Allowed age and dosage Photo of the drug
(Price 180–220 rubles)
Tablets Assign to children from 1 month.
Take on the first day 1 tablet 6 times a day.
On the second day, reduce the dose to 3 tablets.

(Price 280–450 rubles)
Drops and lozenges

Children are assigned:
up to one year - 1 drop;
from one year to 12 years - 5 drops or 0.5 tablets;
children over 12 years old and adults - 10 drops or 1 tablet.

(Price 180–260 rubles)
Available in both capsules and tablets Appointed from three years. Dose:
up to 6 years - 50 mg;
6-12 years - 100 mg;
12 years and older - 200 mg.

(Price 260–340 rubles)
Suppositories for rectal use with different content of active ingredient They can be prescribed from birth, one suppository 2 times a day.
(Price 220–240 rubles)
Tablets Approved for the treatment of children from 3 years. It is taken in the first two days, 2 tablets 3 times. Further, two days, 1 tablet three times a day.

(Price 340–400 rubles)
Granules in special tubes With varying complexity of the disease, 1 dose per day is prescribed.
(Price 60–180 rubles)
Capsules, tablets Allowed from 7 years. The drug is prescribed:
from 7 years to 10 - 2 tablets per day;
from 11 years to 14 - 3 tablets per day;
adults - 6 tablets on the first day, then 4.

(Price 120–250 rubles)
Tablets 15 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the patient's weight.
(Price 1230–1500 rubles)
Capsules, powder for suspension Allowed for children from 1 year old, is prescribed depending on the weight of the child. Adults are advised to take 75 ml twice a day.
(Price 170–320 rubles)
Tablets Assign children from 4 years:
4-6 years - one tablet per day;
7-12 years - 3 tablets per day;
12 and older - 3-4 tablets per day

Immunostimulating antiviral drugs: inexpensive but effective

Immunomodulators are called agents that strengthen the body's defenses (), forcing the body to fight bacteria and viruses.

In other words, immunostimulants are the same antiviral agents, the action of which is purposefully aimed at activating the production of antibodies. This happens by affecting the body. Effective immunostimulants at a reasonable price include:

  • Ingavirin 90. It is recommended for manifestations of influenza and SARS. It is especially effective if the treatment was started in the first two days. The course of therapy with Ingavirin is up to 7 days.
  • Interferon. Release form: powder, which, when diluted, is instilled into the nose and eyes, suppositories, intramuscular injections. It acts as a prophylactic, and in case of a disease it significantly reduces its course.
  • Amiksin. A potent drug that actively supports immunity in ARVI, lung infections, and influenza. Assign a remedy only after 7 years.

As for the treatment of children, immunostimulating agents in childhood should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

The most effective antiviral drugs for children 1-2 years old

  • Immunal. The basis of the remedy is echinacea, it can be found on sale in the form of drops and tablets. Children from one year old are given exclusively drops of 1 ml three times a day for simple colds. Tablets are allowed from 4 years.
  • Cytovir-3. It is prescribed as a prophylactic and as an addition to the main treatment for influenza and SARS. Assign 2 ml three times a day. Available in the form of syrup and powder for children. At an older age, capsules are acceptable. The latter are allowed for children after 6 years.
  • Imupret. For children, use a solution of 5 drops three times a day. The drug is created on herbs and is used as a therapy for respiratory viral infections.

The most effective antiviral drugs for children from 3 years

  • Groprinosin. Antiviral drug for the complex therapy of viral infections.
  • Hyporamine. The basis of the antiviral agent is an extract of sea buckthorn leaves. It is commercially available in tablets to be taken 1 or 2 times a day.
  • Engystol. Homeopathic remedy, prescribed in combination with the main treatment for colds.

Effective antiviral drugs for children 10 years old

The age of 10 years can be called transitional, as the bans on solid forms of medicines - capsules, tablets - are lifted.

Also at this age, aerosols can already be used in treatment. As for the best antiviral drugs, it should be highlighted:

  • Ergoferon.
  • Viferon.
  • Ingavirin 60.
  • Flucid.
  • Kipferon.
  • Orvirem.
  • Relenza.

Are antiviral drugs effective according to Komarovsky: video

Antiviral drugs for adults: which are the most effective?

As already discussed above, antiviral drugs are divided into different groups. The doctor, based on the symptoms present, prescribes a certain type.

An adult with a cold diagnosis may be prescribed:

  • drugs based on interferon, which bring this component from the outside - Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • immunostimulants, their impact contributes to an increase in the production of their own interferon - Kagocel, Tiloron;
  • suppressing the virus itself - Ingaverin, Antigripin;
  • new generation drugsPeramivir, Relenza.

What is the most effective antiviral drug for the elderly?

SARS and influenza are quite dangerous diseases for the elderly. Therefore, long sleep and timely balanced meals are so important for them. A doctor should choose an antiviral agent for an elderly patient, taking into account chronic pathologies, possible problems with and. Most often, they resort to the help of herbal medicines, since they have the smallest range of side effects. Also, one should not forget about vitamins and microelements, since a “worn out” elderly organism needs them especially acutely.

For therapy, as well as for the prevention of colds, the elderly are prescribed:

  • Arbidol;
  • Amiksin;
  • Altabor.

Antiviral drugs during pregnancy

As you know, pregnant women are not recommended to take medications, but what to do if flu or cold symptoms appear? Then you can’t do without specific antiviral agents, since these diseases are a direct threat to the normal course of pregnancy.

You cannot prescribe an antiviral drug on your own. This should be done by a specialist, taking into account the period and features of gestation.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of antiviral drugs is undesirable, doctors recommend using folk remedies, but there are times when you have to turn to medication. Most often, women in position are prescribed candles Viferon, homeopathic remedies such as Anaferon or Oscillococcinum, as well as antiviral drugs Tamiflu or Zanamavir.

Domestic antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

Domestic drugs aimed at fighting viruses are in no way inferior to their "foreign" counterparts, but their price is much lower. The most popular and widely prescribed domestic drugs include the following:

We also advise you to pay attention to the table below, it shows analogues of expensive antiviral agents, which are much cheaper.

Antiviral drugs effective for prevention

If we talk about antiviral agents that can act as prophylactic drugs, then the really effective ones include:

  • Anaferon.
  • Orvirem.
  • Grippferon.
  • Viferon.

90% of people who take antiviral drugs during an epidemic do not experience influenza and SARS. And for those who still get sick, the contagious period is shortened.

The most effective preventive measure is vaccination, which is done before the start of the epidemic. Do not forget about maintaining immunity with the help of healthy lifestyle life, food, immuno-strengthening traditional medicine.

Antiviral drugs effective for influenza

The really effective flu remedies include the so-called new drugs that have been on the market for no more than 10-15 years. Viruses have not yet developed immunity to the active substance of such drugs. These include:

  • rimantadine. Able to stop the process of virus reproduction. It is most effective when taken in the first days of the manifestation of the disease.
  • Relenza. This is a powder intended for inhalation, in combination with it comes a Diskhaler for inhaling the powder. Relenza is great for influenza A and B viruses.
  • Tamiflu. Purposefully affects the viruses that cause FLU groups A and B, as well as swine flu.

Antiviral drugs effective in ARVI

Autumn is a “favorable” time for the development of a cold. ARVI in the autumn-winter period in one form or another affects up to 85% of people. To avoid and minimize the manifestation of the disease, you can use the following antiviral agents:

  • Cyclic amines:Remavir, Rematadine.
  • herbal remedies : Immunoflazid, Altabor, Flavazid.
  • Interferons:Grippferon, Viferon.
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors:Zanamivir, Oseltamivir.
  • Interferon inductors:Arpeflu, Immustat, Arbivir.

The most effective antiviral drugs for angina

Angina can also be treated with antivirals. For this, drugs with an extended spectrum of action are chosen. In most cases, doctors prescribe interferons, as they have a pronounced antiviral activity. Due to this property, the painful flora cannot penetrate deep into the soft tissues of the larynx. Effective antiviral drugs for angina include:

  • Relenza.
  • Viburkol.
  • Neovir.
  • Immunal.

Antiviral drugs for herpes

Almost all people have the herpes virus in their body in a latent state. For some, under the influence of certain reasons, it is activated, and antiviral drugs come in handy. The drugs that can "fight" the herpes virus include:

  • Galavit. It is an immunomodulator that relieves inflammation, while stimulating the protective properties of the body.
  • Isoprinosine. Prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by a virus. Prevents the reproduction of the virus.
  • Valtrex. Able to block the reproduction of viral cells.
  • Famvir. Mostly prescribed for herpes zoster.

Effective antiviral drugs: reviews

Julia_Sha: When my children are just starting to get sick, Derinat never does without antiviral drops. I really like the drug! If you start using it at the very beginning of the disease, it is super effective.

Alexander: During epidemics, I am saved by Ingaverin. He gets to his feet very quickly. But I think it's only for adults. For very busy people, it is convenient to take just 1 capsule per day. In general, Ingaverin is in the first place for me in the treatment of SARS.

Mom Katya: Here they raised a fuss that "ferrons" are useless, only pumping money from the population. I have three small children, and from my own experience I can say that Oscillococcinum and Anaferon just help us out a lot. What I just haven’t tried, but these drugs 100% help in the treatment of SARS. If we started giving the drug at the early stages of the manifestation of the disease, then we manage not to get sick, we continue to go to the kindergarten, the temperature is a maximum of one day, if we are a little late, then we still go to the hospital, but the virus is much easier to tolerate and we are recovering faster. Always in my first aid kit.

Fox-Alice: And I treat children with Orvirem syrup. It helps very well, if I'm not mistaken, you can give it from 3 months, the virus instantly recedes.

Treatment of such an ailment as a cold involves the use of a number of measures to reduce temperature and reduce inflammation. However, if the disease is viral in nature, then there is a possibility of developing complications, because the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs for colds, which have a direct effect on the particle that infects the body.

During flu season, TV channels flood viewers with advertisements for flu drugs. According to statistics, Russians annually spend about 30 billion rubles on the purchase of such medicinal and preventive drugs, while trusting the recommendations of doctors and pharmacists, as well as commercials, the heroes of which are almost instantly healed after taking a miraculous drug. We invite you to disregard advertising suggestions and impartially look at the most popular "winter" drugs, study their compositions and try to find the results of laboratory tests.

List of the best drugs 2019

  • Arbidol
  • Theraflu
  • Anaferon
  • Oscillococcinum
  • Kagocel
  • Coldrex
  • Fervex
  • Amiksin
  • Ingavirin
  • Viferon
  • Anvimax
  • Grippferon

Antiviral drugs for colds - a list

Taking these drugs helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of complications. They are recommended to be taken as a prevention of many diseases. With a cold, doctors advise resorting to antiviral agents, and not to antibacterial ones, in order to overcome the virus that caused the disease. Antibiotic treatment is carried out in the presence of bacterial complications.

The most popular antiviral drugs for colds are those with the following names:

As well as homeopathic antiviral drugs for colds:

Consider some of the drugs presented:

  1. Ribavirin prescribed for diseases associated with the activity of viruses of groups A0 and A2, effectively copes with rhinoviruses.
  2. Arbidol used to get rid of diseases caused by viruses A and B. Also, the agent inhibits adenoviruses and is effective for laragrippe.
  3. Groprinosin reduces the load on the body created by viruses, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, thus increasing resistance to diseases.
  4. Inosine Pranobex especially effective in the treatment of ailments associated with the influence of rhinoviruses, group B viruses and adenoviruses. Also, the use of the drug helps to cope with parainfluenza and the influenza virus.

Inexpensive antivirals for colds

Among the cheap means of destroying infectious particles are:

  1. Amizon. with a clear interferonogenic effect. In addition to low cost, its advantages are the absence of side effects, including allergic reactions;
  2. Anaferon. inhibitory activity of influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, supports immunity. The drug is actively used with other drugs in combination for the treatment of diseases caused by the herpes virus.
  3. Amiksin stimulates the immune system, has a long-term effect. In many cases, a week is enough to drink one tablet.

Strong antiviral drugs for colds

The most powerful of all drugs are neuraminidase inhibitors, which weaken the enzyme responsible for the development of the virus. These include Zanamivir and Tamiflu.

Medicines inhibit the growth of viruses in groups A and B. Their use reduces the duration of the febrile stage by 50%, reduces the likelihood of complications by half. The main advantage of such funds is that they lose their action throughout the duration of the disease. However, due to numerous side effects, they are not prescribed to children under the age of twelve.

The most effective antiviral drugs for colds

The most convenient and effective form are interferons. These components are active against all viruses, since their activity is not limited by anything. Interferon is synthesized in the body, therefore the main side effect is intolerance to a foreign protein. The best antiviral drugs for colds in this category are: Cycloferon, Laferon, candles - Kipferon, nose drops - Grippferon.

Antiviral remedies for colds - a list of the best

Three days ago, our regular reader Natalya asked me to write an article with a complete list of the most effective antiviral cold remedies.

We first wanted to find good article on the Internet and give her a link so as not to waste your time, but searching the Internet for information, we did not find a single article that would answer this question completely. Thus, this material appeared, which contains more than 30 of the most effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs.

The human body is surrounded by hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms every day, which at any time can undermine the immune system and cause colds or viral diseases. Infections caused by virus agents bring up to 5 million deaths annually - this, unfortunately, is the sad statistics of the World Health Organization.

Despite the danger of viruses. people often ignore a cold and go to work and other public places with symptoms of the disease, thereby endangering those around them.

Such neglect of health sometimes leads to serious complications, up to disability and death. Therefore, every person, especially during epidemics, must be on the alert and meet the virus in all weapons.

Viruses enter the human body through the upper respiratory system. With strong immune protection, they die in the barrier zones - the nasal mucosa and oropharynx and do not reach the lower parts of the respiratory system. Even if the disease begins, it will proceed in a mild form and will pass in a maximum of a week.

With a weakened immune status, unpleasant symptoms develop. which provoke viruses: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat, fever, general malaise. They last more than seven days, and in some cases the full recovery period occurs only after a few weeks.

Not so long ago, therapeutic therapy for SARS was carried out in order to relieve symptoms. The modern approach to treatment is aimed at preventing complications by prescribing the necessary antiviral agents that can stop the rapid course of a cold and quickly remove all symptoms of the disease.

When taking antiviral drugs in prophylactic doses a healthy person has an increased chance of not “catching” a respiratory infection in an epidemiologically difficult time.

Enhanced nutrition for colds and gentle nutrition for flu.

Most of us have heard about this, but experts say that not everything is so simple.

Perhaps people think this way because during a fever they lose their appetite. But in fact, you need healthy food to keep your strength. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself.

Listen to your body. Do not force yourself to physical activity, rest. How much time you need to take to rest will depend on how you feel. A mild cold should not be an obstacle for you to walk or go to work.

Should I be afraid of a cold?

In the understanding of many people, a cold is a benign condition that is caused by hypothermia, drafts, wet feet, etc. Indeed, about 20% of all “wet” noses have these causes, but it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease. Therefore, a generalized name has taken root among the people - a cold, which includes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and conditions associated with hypothermia.

The remaining 80% of viral infections require antiviral agents, because. antibacterial drugs in this case are not helpers. To competently influence the common cold, antiviral drugs are used that can cover a wide range of viral agents.

You should not be afraid of a cold, you need to competently resist it. A good antiviral remedy for a cold can only be picked up by a doctor who knows what virus is currently “walking” around the city.

You can read more about the dangers and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in this article.

What viruses most commonly cause the common cold?

Respiratory infections are caused by the following types of viruses:

To suppress all these microorganisms, the pharmacological market provides antiviral agents, and your doctor will definitely tell you which one is better to choose.

What effective antiviral agents to use for a cold?

Antiviral agents for adults and children differ in their group relation (interferons, etiotropic agents, others) and in their effect on the body. We will not dwell on complex medical terminology in detail, but will immediately move on to acquaintance with antiviral drugs and their brief characteristics.

List of frequently bought (best) antivirals for colds:

Let's consider some of them.


Remantadine is an old proven antiviral agent, inexpensive, suppressing even swine flu strains. The drug is allowed for use in children from one year of age. Most reviews about the drug are positive, but there are patients who report a number of side effects: dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, gastralgia, tachycardia, apathy, nervousness, and others.

The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease. when there are only signs of the disease.

Proven. that Remantadin shows resistance (resistance) to some mutating viruses, then the drug must be replaced with more modern antiviral agents. It is not used for epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price of capsules 100 mg No. 10 ranges from 174 to 300 rubles. Tablets at a dosage of 50 mg No. 20 cost an average of 50 - 150 rubles.

Tamiflu is a drug with high activity against influenza A and B strains. It is used in the first days of illness. Tamiflu may cause the following side effects: diarrhea, headache, nausea, insomnia, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and others.

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, some international experts consider Tamiflu to be a dangerous drug advertised by the manufacturer.

If you look at the official instructions for Tamiflu, then, probably, any patient will not read it to the end. There is a lot of data on studies, special instructions, which by itself suggests the idea of ​​the complexity of the drug. One gets the impression that Tamiflu is not well studied, although it is recommended for patients from 12 months of age.

The price of the drug is high, the minimum cost in pharmacies is approximately 1150 rubles per pack (75 mg of oseltamivir No. 10). Therefore, we wrote a material where we reviewed cheap analogues of Tamiflu and instructions for using the drug.

Arbidol is a low-toxic antiviral drug used for influenza, SARS, acute severe respiratory syndrome, immunodeficiencies, as well as complex therapy for bronchopulmonary diseases, rotovirus and herpes infections. The drug is used from the age of three, both for treatment and prevention.

Side effects are associated only with individual intolerance to the drug, which makes it popular and safe to use. In Russia, Arbidol is widely used, it is included in the standard regimens for the treatment of viral infections.

The price of Arbidol averages 220 rubles per capsule 100 mg No. 10, which is quite expensive. We reviewed cheap analogues of Arbidol.

Ingavirin is an antiviral agent used for ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, adenoviruses. The drug is prescribed only for the treatment of adult patients. Ingavirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic effect, and has established itself as a highly effective immunomodulatory drug for colds of various origins.

The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes allergic reactions.. A number of studies have shown that Russian Ingavirin has a higher antiviral activity than Tamiflu (Switzerland).

The price of capsules 60 mg No. 7 averages 350 rubles.

Ribavirin is a fast-acting antiviral drug used only after 18 years of age. A remedy for respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza, herpes, oncogenic viruses and other diseases caused by rare forms of viruses, for example, smallpox group viruses, is shown.

Ribavirin will be relevant when traveling in Africa and South America, where there is a high probability of catching something "exotic" for health.

The drug has toxicity, is contraindicated in heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, severe renal and hepatic pathology, autoimmune processes, the patient's suicidal tendencies.

The price in pharmacies for Ribavirin of a domestic manufacturer 200 mg No. 30 averages 160 rubles.

Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It is non-toxic, and at therapeutic doses, it usually has no side effects. At higher dosages, allergic reactions, chills were observed. complaints from the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is used from the age of seven. main indications: SARS, influenza, herpes, hepatitis of viral origin, cytomegalovirus infection. Amiksin is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathologies.

The price of Amiksin 125 mg No. 10 is 600 rubles and more. We wrote an article about cheap analogues of Amiksin.


Cycloferon is an immunomodulatory agent used in patients from 4 years of age. The drug induces interferon, thereby forcing the immune system to show antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune protection against influenza, SARS, papillomavirus, herpes, and other viruses.

Cycloferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, severe liver disease. There are also relative contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and allergies in the past.

The price of Cycloferon in tablets 150 mg No. 10 is approximately 165 rubles.

Instructions for use of cycloferon tablets.

Viferon (rectal suppositories) have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The drug belongs to the group of interferons and is recommended for use from birth.

Indications for use are SARS, herpes and other complications in infectious processes. The usual course of treatment is 5 days. Viferon can be used by pregnant women. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.

Most pediatricians in practice confirm the effectiveness of the drug, so it is often prescribed to children.

The price for a pack of candles 150,000 IU (10 pieces) is about 250 rubles.

In addition to the presented drugs, doctors often recommend other drugs for colds, such as:

  • Grippferon (drops in the nose) - 250 rubles;
  • Amizon - 350 rubles (tablets 250 mg No. 20);
  • Leukocyte interferon (10 ampoules) - 95 rubles;
  • Relenza (powder for inhalation) - about 1000 rubles.

Tips for Treating a Cold

Inexpensive antivirals

In the article, we reviewed the most popular drugs with antiviral action for colds. Based on the information provided, you can make a list of inexpensive drugs:

  • Leukocyte interferon - 95 rubles;
  • Grippferon - 250 rubles. (analogue of Derinat);
  • Cycloferon - 165 rubles;
  • Remantadin - 100 rubles;
  • Viferon - 250 rubles;
  • Anaferon - 220 rubles;
  • Arbidol - 220 rubles;
  • Ribavirin - 160 rubles.

Naturally, the patient faces a dilemma: “Which is better to choose antiviral pills?” You should not select these drugs on your own, and not always cheap products will help replace an expensive drug.

That's why only the doctor decides the question of the appointment of an antiviral drug, its dose and course of administration. In exceptional cases (self-administration), it is recommended to use the drug, following the clearly attached instructions for use.

Related article - antiviral nasal drops - inexpensive but effective.

What immunomodulatory drugs can be used with antiviral agents?

Such medicines include:

  • IRS-19 (nasal spray 20 ml) - 420 rubles;
  • Polyoxidonium (tablets 12 mg No. 10) - 700 rubles;
  • Likopid (tablets 10 mg No. 10) - 1400 rubles;
  • Ribomunil (tablets 0.75 mg No. 4) - 300 rubles;
  • Broncho-munal (capsules 7 mg No. 10) - 470 rubles.

These funds help the body to increase its adaptive properties and strengthen the resistance of cells against viruses and bacteria.

Children's antiviral agents for colds

Parents should not forget that at the first sign of illness, a pediatrician should be called urgently. The main thing is to kill the virus in the child's body in time, when the disease is only at the initial stage of development.

For the treatment of flu and colds in children, the following drugs are suitable:

  • Interferon and fluferon(drops) - used for children of the first year of life (for babies up to 6 months, drip 1 drop into each nasal passage twice a day, from 6 to 12 months, 2 drops three times a day) - the price of these funds is within 250 rubles;
  • Children's Anaferon(tablets No. 20) - approved for use in children from 6 months, the treatment regimen is individual (as prescribed by a doctor) - price 175 rubles;
  • Flu-heel(tablets 50 pieces) - a homeopathic remedy used from birth. The dosage of the drug is individual, depending on age. Price from 400 rubles ;
  • Tamiflu- a toxic antiviral agent that suppresses influenza viruses. Use from 12 months. Price - 1150 rubles;
  • Oxalin ointment(0.25% 10 g) - excellent cheap ointment against influenza and virus, used from the age of two (good to use as a preventive measure) - price 37 rubles;
  • Kagocel(tablets 12 mg No. 10) - prescribed from the age of 6 for the prevention and treatment of influenza and SARS - price 190 rubles. You can get acquainted with cheap analogues of Kagocel.
  • Amiksin ( 60 mg No. 10) is an antiviral drug with an immunomodulating effect. Price500 rubles;
  • Remantadine(50 mg No. 20) is an inexpensive anti-flu remedy used from the age of seven. The price is from 50 to 100 rubles.

Plant-based antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

Among herbal antiviral drugs for influenza and viruses, the following are recommended:

  1. Gossypol is a natural polyphenol from cotton;
  2. Altabor - gray and sticky alder (substance of dry extract);
  3. Oscillococcinum - a preparation from the liver extract of the Barbary duck;
  4. Proteflazid - ground reedgrass grass and soddy pike (liquid extracts);
  5. Flacoside is a drug from the rue family (Laval velvet and Amur).
  6. Helepin - kopeck lispida (liquid extract);
  7. Megosin (ointment) - a product based on cottonseed oil;
  8. Echination (extract) - used in immunodeficiency states;
  9. Alpizarin - the composition includes exotic ingredients: mango leaves, alpine and yellowing kopeck;
  10. Imupret - contains in its composition walnut (young leaves), horsetail, oak bark (exhaust).

These drugs block the spread of viruses and increase the production of natural interferon in the body.

Folk (natural) antiviral remedies for colds

Don't neglect folk methods treatments, yet they are safer, and sometimes they work no worse than advertised expensive drugs. Based on a huge number of recipes collected over the years, we have identified the most effective and popular remedies among patients.

List of folk remedies for the treatment of colds - 10 best recipes

  • Onion and garlic - among the people, these funds are held in high esteem, they are considered almost a panacea for all infectious diseases Recipe onion juice for a cold;
  • Vodka with pepper - take a pinch of black pepper for 50 grams of vodka, or buy ready-made peppercorns (drink three times a day). The body warms up well, blood circulation improves, and recovery occurs;
  • Homemade chicken broth - perfectly relieves inflammation and improves immunity;
  • Foods with vitamin C - citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, various types of cabbage (especially sauerkraut). These products reduce fever and increase the body's defenses;
  • Teas from viburnum, raspberries, black currants, meadowsweet, ginger, lingonberries, lindens and elderberries;
  • Propolis tincture (recipe) - drink 20 drops, diluting them in 30 ml of water. The course of treatment should be continued for at least 7 days;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day (it is better to buy honey in combs, and try to chew wax rich in propolis, pollen and other beneficial substances) More than 20 recipes for the preparation of medicines based on honey;
  • Red wine with tea and raspberry jam - all ingredients are taken in equal parts and placed in a 300 ml cup. Stir well and drink before going to bed;
  • Hot milk with honey - in milk (200 ml) add honey (1 tsp), a pinch of soda and butter(on the tip of a knife). The mixture is thoroughly mixed and drunk before going to bed;
  • Horseradish juice with honey - products are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Before preparing the mixture, horseradish is ground in a blender and poured with a small amount of water. Insist the gruel for 30 minutes, and then squeeze the juice. The resulting juice is mixed with honey. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.


The article presented various means of antiviral therapy. If it so happened that medical assistance cannot be received on time, then we hope that the information provided will help guide our readers in the treatment of colds.

If the cold is minor, always start with herbal preparations, you should not abandon the "heavy artillery" for mild forms of the disease. But, with the appearance of a sharp malaise and high temperature from the first hours of illness, influenza or another severe viral infection should be suspected.

Eat right, exercise and swim, spend more time in the fresh air, and then a cold will not be terrible. Be healthy!

How to treat a cold - the answer of a professional doctor

Antivirals for colds

Antiviral drugs are a large group of medicines that are used to prevent and treat SARS. They contribute to the inhibition of pathogenic flora in the mucous membranes of the nose, trachea, bronchi and larynx. Antiviral drugs for colds can stop the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prevent complications such as pneumonia, otitis media, laryngitis, bronchitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.

There are several types of antiviral medicines for colds, which differ in the principle of action and their origin:

  • interferons - drugs that include protein groups (interferons) that inhibit the development of viruses in the cells of the mucous ENT organs;
  • interferon inducers - drugs that stimulate the synthesis of its own interferon in the body. This contributes to a significant increase in the reactivity of the immune system;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors - drugs that prevent the synthesis of the neuraminidase enzyme in viruses, which prevents the release of new pathogens from infected ciliated epithelial cells;
  • phytopreparations - herbal preparations, which include extracts from medicinal herbs. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiviral effects;
  • cyclic amines - drugs that contribute to the destruction of the protective shell of pathogens, which leads to their death.

Using antiviral drugs for flu and colds, you can significantly reduce the sensitivity of cells to pathogens.

Many of them contribute to the removal of metabolites from inflamed tissues, which accelerates the process of their epithelization.

Effective pills for ARVI

What antiviral tablets for colds will help to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease? To eliminate the unpleasant signs of SARS, such as coughing, sneezing, rhinitis and lacrimation, use medications that are active against the following viral pathogens:

  • picornaviruses and reoviruses;
  • adenoviruses and coronaviruses;
  • paramyxoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The most effective antiviral pills for colds will be:

  • Groprinosin is an immunocorrector that promotes the production of cytokines and interferon responsible for the body's resistance to pathogens. Increases the stability of the immune defense against most strains of viruses;
  • "Arpeflu" is an antiviral remedy for colds with a pronounced anti-influenza effect. It has interferon-inducing properties, which helps to strengthen cellular and humoral immunity;
  • "Isoprinosine" is an immunostimulating agent that stimulates the synthesis of T-lymphocytes in the body. It normalizes the ratio of helper cells to suppressors, which helps to block the reproduction of pathogens.

It is advisable to start taking antiviral drugs for a cold when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

This will prevent inflammation in the respiratory organs and the active reproduction of the pathogenic flora inside the mucous membranes.

Homeopathic remedies for SARS

Homeopathic medicines are often used to prevent and treat colds. They activate the immune forces of the body, which contributes to the speedy elimination of the infection. Below is a list of antiviral drugs for colds that can stop the symptoms of the disease, thereby facilitating its course:

Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat colds of almost any etiology. They are aimed not at the destruction of pathogens, but at increasing the reactivity of the immune system. Thus, the process of eliminating ARVI pathogens is accelerated, which contributes to recovery.

Domestic cold medicines

According to experts, inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds stop the symptoms of the disease no worse than expensive drugs. The difference lies only in their "origin".

Domestic medicines are cheaper, but this does not affect their therapeutic properties.

To eliminate pathogenic viruses, you can use:

  • "Arbidol" - antiviral tablets, active against most ARVI pathogens. They have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Reduce intoxication of the body, which allows you to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease;
  • "Ingavirin" is an effective antiviral drug for colds, which has antiphlogistic properties. Helps to eliminate fever and inflammation in the respiratory system;
  • "Amiksin" is a stimulator of interferon synthesis, which helps to increase immunity. Prevents the development of complications and can be used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy.
  • As practice shows, domestic antiviral drugs for colds quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogenic flora. But unlike imported medicines, they are much cheaper.

Herbs with antiviral action

For the treatment of children, phytotherapeutists recommend using not synthetic drugs, but natural herbs that have an antiviral effect. They stimulate the production of macrophages, lymphocytes, immune proteins and helpers that destroy pathogens. Some of the best antiviral herbs for colds include:

  • echinacea - a medicinal herb that increases the reactivity of the immune system and relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections: sore throat, rhinitis, cough;
  • lemon balm - accelerates the process of regeneration of inflamed tissues and contributes to their detoxification;
  • Canadian goldenseal - inhibits the activity of pathogens, which is possible by reducing vascular permeability.
  • astragalus - relieves puffiness and removes free radicals from the body, which stimulates cellular immunity.

Antiviral remedies for colds based on medicinal herbs are used in the form of teas, infusions and decoctions. They rarely cause an allergic reaction, so they can be used in pediatric therapy, but on the recommendation of a specialist.

Overview of the best cold remedies

According to immunologists, the best antiviral agents for colds should have a complex or etiotropic effect. Only in this case it will be possible not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also to destroy viral pathogens, the further development of which provokes serious complications. What antiviral agents for colds are more appropriate to use?

  • "Remantadine" is a strong antiviral chemotherapy drug that inhibits the replication of pathogens in the early stages of the development of the disease. Active against arboviruses and pathogens of influenza B;
  • "Immust" is a broad-spectrum drug that has immunocorrective properties. The active components of the product quickly eliminate rotavirus and herpesvirus infections;
  • Lavomax is an immunostimulant that promotes the induction of interferon in the body. Stimulates an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes and neutrophils that are active against ARVI pathogens.

Good antiviral drugs for colds contribute to the etiotropic and symptomatic treatment of the disease.

They eliminate not only pathogens, but also “illiquid assets” that worsen one’s well-being: toxins, virus metabolites, toxins, etc. Effective drugs include Amiksin, Groprinosin, Aflubin and Ingavirin.

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Antiviral drugs for colds are the main tool in the fight against this category of ailments.

As you know, during the period of activation of colds, it is better to engage in their prevention, and not bring them to states where treatment is already necessary. Activating the immune system in the cold season is the most effective measure to protect yourself from colds. Then the disease will not develop, or at least the situation will not become severe.

If the disease is of a viral nature - an acute respiratory viral disease (ARVI) - then treatment is indispensable here. And best of all in this case, antiviral drugs cope with the problem. The essence of their action is in the impact on the virus itself, which is an etiological factor.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat SARS and influenza. These drugs interfere with the replication of the virus in such a way as to stop it from multiplying. Antiviral drugs have a synthetic base or a natural one. They are used both in the fight against the disease and for its prevention. Different stages of the common cold can be affected by antiviral drugs. To date, modern science knows about five hundred pathogens of different types of colds. There are few antiviral drugs to combat them.

Basically, viral diseases are treated with three types of drugs:

  • broad spectrum flu medicines;
  • drugs for the treatment of herpes infections.
  • means for combating cytomegalovirus.

In the case of a severe form of the disease, antiviral drugs are taken, with a mild form, the use of interferons is acceptable. Within a day and a half after the onset of the first symptoms, it is urgent to start taking an antiviral drug. If the virus is allowed to multiply to such an extent that it colonizes the entire body, then it can be brought to the point that taking medications will not have any effect.

The effect of antiviral drugs in colds

With the help of antiviral drugs, the causes of the onset and development of acute respiratory disease are eliminated. The results of this action are:

  • reducing the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • shortening the duration of the course of a cold by several days, alleviating its symptoms;
  • reducing the risk that severe complications will appear after an acute respiratory illness.

Antiviral drugs for colds are also used as an emergency prophylaxis in the event that a family member is ill and it is necessary to reduce the risk of infection of healthy people.

Antiviral pills for colds

In the class where there are synthetic antiviral drugs that do a good job with the influenza virus, there are two groups effective means. The essence of the action of M-channel blockers is to block the virus so that it cannot enter the cells and multiply. One of the proven drugs against viruses in this category is Amantadine (Midantan), as well as Rimantadine (Remantadine). For the desired effect, they must be taken as soon as the disease begins to manifest itself. Another drawback is that it is not always possible to understand what kind of virus a person has fallen ill with. And these antiviral drugs are indicated for an epidemic of the influenza A virus. In addition, bird and swine flu are resistant to them. It is important to remember that taking an antiviral drug for a cold should be done not only by the sick person, but also by all members of his family.

An effective antiviral remedy for colds

But neuraminidase inhibitors act on influenza viruses A and B. The essence of their action is to suppress the enzyme that is responsible for the reproduction of the virus. Representatives of this group of drugs are Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza). You can start taking them within two days from the initial manifestations of the disease.

List of antiviral drugs for colds

  • "Tamiflu";
  • "Relenza";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Anaferon";
  • "Amixin";
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Remantadin";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Ribavirin";
  • "Amizon";
  • "Cycloferon".

Antiviral drug for colds "Zanamivir"

"Zanamivir" is prescribed for influenza in adults and children over 5 years old, 5 mg inhalation twice a day for 5 days. The total daily dose reaches 10 mg. The drug is not combined with other inhaled drugs (including bronchodilators), due to the fact that exacerbations are possible in patients with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific lung diseases. In a number of people without pulmonary pathology, there may be signs of irritation of the nasopharynx, reaching in rare cases until the appearance of bronchospasm.

Antiviral drug for colds "Oseltamivir"

For influenza for adults and children over 12 years of age, the recommended dose of Oseltamivir is 75 mg 2 times a day for at least 5 days. "Oseltamivir" is prescribed for children over 1 year old - with a body weight of less than 15 kg, 30 mg, from 15 to 23 kg, 45 mg, from 23 to 40 kg, 60 mg, more than 40 kg - 75 mg twice a day for five days.

The drug is prescribed with caution in renal failure, it can cause nausea and vomiting when taken.

Antiviral drugs for colds with a broader spectrum of action - Ribavirin (Ribarin) and Inosine Pranobex (Groprinosin).

Antiviral drug for colds "Ribavirin"

"Ribavirin" acts on influenza A and B group viruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses. A feature of the drug is its high toxicity, so it is used only if a respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed, which often leads to bronchiolitis in children.

Ribavirin is used to treat influenza in adults over 18 years of age (200 mg 3-4 times a day with meals for 5-7 days) in the absence of pregnancy, renal failure and hemolytic anemia.

Antiviral drug for colds "Inosine pranobex"

"Inosine pranobex" fights influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses. This antiviral drug for colds stimulates the human body's defenses. For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to take it: for adults, 2 tablets 3-4 times a day at regular intervals for 5-7 days; children daily dose is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Take the daily dose in 3-4 doses at regular intervals. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days.

Interferons and interferon inducers

Another large group of antiviral drugs for colds are interferons and interferon inducers. Interferons are protein substances that the body synthesizes as a response to infection, due to them the body is more resistant to viruses. They have a wide spectrum of action, which compares favorably with many others. synthetic drugs. But some experts argue that with SARS they are not very effective. In the case of colds, they are prescribed as nasal drops and rectal suppositories. Native leukocyte interferon is instilled four to six times a day, Reaferon (interferon alfa-2a) two drops twice to four times a day. Viferon (alpha-2b interferon) usually comes as suppositories, adults usually use Viferon 3 and 4.

There are also interferon inducers. These are drugs that stimulate the body to produce its own interferons. Colds are treated with "Tiloron" ("Amiksin"), "Meglumine acridone acetate" ("Cycloferon") and a number of other antiviral drugs for colds.

Antiviral drug for colds "Amiksin"

For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections, Amiksin is prescribed orally after meals, two tablets of 0.125 g for adults and 0.06 g for children over 7 years old on the first day of illness and then 1 tablet every other day.

For a course of treatment - up to 6 tablets. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.

Antiviral drug for colds "Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is used to treat influenza and acute respiratory infections in the form of intramuscular injections at a dose of 250 mg (12.5% ​​in 2 ml) two days in a row, then every other day or 1 tablet of 0.15 g every other day for 20 days.

Antiviral drug for colds "Kagocel"

"Kagocel" is an interferon inducer with a direct antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.

Usually it is prescribed for influenza and acute respiratory infections for adults, 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first two days (daily dose is 72 mg), then 1 tablet 3 times a day (daily dose 36 mg). In total, up to 18 tablets fall on a 4-day course.

Antiviral drug for colds "Arbidol"

An antiviral drug such as Arbidol is effective in treating colds. It acts against viruses A, B, they are also treated with parainfluenza, syncytial infections, adenoviruses. The essence of the action of the drug is to stimulate the production of endogenous interferon, it has an antioxidant effect, strengthens the immune system.

Arbidol for colds without complications is prescribed: for children from 3 to 6 years old - 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg, over 12 years old and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. With the development of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), children from 3 to 6 years old take Arbidol 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg, over 12 years old, adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours ) for 5 days, then a single dose once a week for a month.

Antiviral drug for colds "Amizon"

The antiviral drug for colds "Amizon" is an inducer of endogenous interferon, has antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

Adults take "Amizon" 2-4 times a day after meals with moderate flu and acute respiratory infections, 0.25 g, with severe - 0.5 g for 5-7 days; the course dose of treatment is 3-6.5 g. Children aged 6-12 years old drink 0.125 g 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Antiviral drug for colds "Anaferon"

"Anaferon" refers to homeopathic remedies with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It is also used to treat colds and flu. Dosage for adults: 1 tablet, sublingually from three times a day to six, depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment begins at the first respiratory symptoms. After the condition improves, it is recommended to switch to taking the drug once a day, for 8-10 days. For children from six months to three years old, dissolve one tablet in 15 ml of water and give to drink. For prevention, "Anaferon" is prescribed one tablet once a day, for one to three months.

Antiviral drug for colds "Grippferon"

"Grippferon" is an immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug for intranasal use. The duration of the course of use and the dose of the drug "Grippferon" is usually determined by the attending doctor.

The recommended dose for children under 1 year of age is 500 IU (1 drop of the drug) 5 times a day; for children from 1 to 3 years old is 1000 IU (2 drops of "Grippferon") 3-4 times a day; from 3 to 14 years is 1000 IU (2 drops of the drug "Grippferon") 4-5 times a day. The recommended dose for adults is 1500 IU (3 drops) 5-6 times a day. The duration of the course of application is 5 days.

Herbal antivirals for colds

Some medicinal herbs also have antiviral effects. The action of many herbal preparations is directed against viruses belonging to the herpes family. Colds are often accompanied by herpetic eruptions, in addition, the course of cytomegalovirus infection also often occurs with the same symptoms as SARS. Alpizarin belongs to this category of drugs. The active substance in it is an extract of plants such as alpine kopeechnik, yellowing kopeechnik, mango leaves. The antiviral drug "Flakozid" contains an active ingredient, which is obtained from Amur velvet and Laval velvet. For external use, ointments are used "Megozin" (cotton oil), "Helepin" (the ground part of Lespedeza penny), "Gossypol" (obtained when cotton seeds or cotton roots are processed).

Altabor also belongs to antiviral drugs that are used for colds. It is based on an extract of gray and black (glutinous) alder seedlings.

Soddy pike and ground reed grass give life to the drug "Proteflazid", it is also used in the treatment of colds, flu and for their prevention. The German drug "Imupret" has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It consists of horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark.

The price of antiviral drugs for colds

The run-up in prices for antiviral drugs for colds is quite wide - from 20 to 200 hryvnia (of course, it still depends on the packaging and the number of tablets). In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe a drug that will be most effective in a particular case.

If we call the approximate prices for the main antiviral drugs used to treat colds, in pharmacies of Ukraine they are: "Amizon" - from 20 UAH, "Arbidol" - from 50 UAH, "Amiksin" - from 30 UAH, "Anaferon" - from 40 UAH, "Remantadin" - from 11 UAH, "Kagocel" from 70 UAH, "Viferon" - from 70 UAH - from 110 UAH.

Inexpensive antivirals for colds

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds, which are often prescribed by doctors and widely used - "Amizon", "Amiksin", "Anaferon". For 20-40 hryvnia, you can buy 10 tablets. But once again we pay attention: before deciding on the purchase of an antiviral drug for a cold, you should consult with your doctor.

With the help of antiviral drugs, it is not the consequence that is eliminated, but the cause of the onset of a cold. This is a great advantage of antiviral drugs in the treatment of colds, this also explains their effectiveness. Antiviral drugs shorten the duration of a cold by two to three days, making it easier for her. Due to the intake of antiviral drugs for colds, the risk that other chronic diseases will worsen (exacerbation of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases) will decrease, and various complications will not arise, as is often the case with other drugs. In addition, antiviral drugs for colds have an excellent effect in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, including among healthy family members when the patient is at home.

What antiviral drugs should you buy for a cold?


Olga Oliinyk

There are more than 200 cold viruses :) Effective antiviral drugs - in which the effectiveness of SARS is greater than the total harm to the body - does not exist. A normal body itself completely masters these viruses, producing interferon at a high temperature (therefore, it is not necessary to bring down the temperature below 38.5 - it is good!) - in 3 days. If not, then antibodies will be produced for a week :) So - do not torture yourself with chemistry - fresh wet !! ! air, rinsing the nose with saline and gargling - with any herbs or just water - the process itself is important, drinking plenty of water often and - BE HEALTHY !!!

jack cat

Evgeny Usmanov

Avlaak "x Mage

if you have a runny nose, then RINZA is checked

mp3 player

strange question .. drugs against the virus for colds .. .
so virus or cold
pepper for colds
antiviral prescribes vrc


Do not buy either Arbidol or Remontadin. One good doctor told me a secret.


Andrey Enyutin

don't waste money. once I got sick it’s too late: (((what with them or without for any week.

Tanya Abramovich


drink fresh juices

Maxim Baranov

Antiviral are effective on the first day, when it just starts to tickle, sneeze and watery. Then they are useless. Colds are treated with bed rest, plentiful (up to 2 liters per day, but better as needed) drink (+ lemon, honey, etc.) and paracetamol for fever over 38.5 degrees. This is on the recommendation of infectious disease specialists. In general, a cold occurs when the body VERY wants to rest. Therefore, without treatment, a cold goes away in a week, and with treatment - in just 7 days ...


tea with lemon and honey! you can warm milk with honey also helps a lot!! pills is chemistry is not desirable.

Antiviral remedy for colds. The best antivirals

A healthy person is not at all interested in the causes of disease. But the first "sneezing" or "sniffing" makes him rush to the pharmacy. This is where the question arises: "Which drug to choose?" The source of the common cold is a bacterial or viral infection. The first is perfectly eliminated by antibiotics. But often a cold is caused by a viral infection. Antibacterial therapy is useless here. Only an antiviral agent for a cold can help.

Admission feasibility

As you know, the immune system is a protective barrier against viruses. It is she who is able to resist many of them, preventing the disease from developing. Unfortunately, a weakened immune system is unable to protect the body. In this case, the best antiviral agents come to the rescue. They should be started right away. Then it is possible to avoid serious complications and exacerbation of chronic ailments.

An antiviral remedy for colds can reduce inflammation, lower temperature and promote healing of the body. These medicines are also recommended for prophylaxis before the onset of seasonal colds.

It is quite difficult to determine which type of virus caused the disease, so doctors advise using an antiviral agent for a broad-spectrum cold. Important. The doctor should prescribe the necessary medications after the examination.

Consider the best antiviral agents. Each of these drugs is able to quickly defeat a cold. And at the same time to prevent the development of unpleasant complications.

The medicine "Kagocel"

It is an immunomodulatory antiviral drug. The composition of the drug contains the sodium salt of the copolymer. This component contributes to the production of late interferon. Thus, there is an antiviral effect.

The medicine "Kagocel" is most effective if its use is started on the first day of the disease.

Side effects rarely occur. It manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions. The medicine "Kagocel" is approved for use by children from three years of age. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Medicine "Tsitovir 3"

An effective antiviral agent with a complex action. The drug includes ascorbic acid, bendazole, which stimulates the production of endogenous interferon in the body.

The medicine is produced in several forms:

  • capsules intended for adults;
  • syrup approved for children from 1 year old;
  • powder for making a solution.

There may be side effects, such as a decrease in pressure in those individuals who suffer from VVD.

Medicine is contraindicated for patients with diagnoses:

  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes.

The therapeutic effect occurs already on the second or third day.

The drug "Amixin"

Good antiviral. It has excellent immunomodulatory properties. In addition, it is an interferon inducer. The drug "Amixin" perfectly fights colds with viral ailments. It is effective in a wide range of diseases of this group. Use the medicine "Amixin" not only for treatment. It is advisable to use it for the prevention of viral diseases.

Children under 7 years of age are not prescribed medication. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Relatively rarely, side effects can occur. The only manifestation is an allergic reaction.

Means "Ingavirin"

The drug is in demand for the treatment of influenza A, B, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and many other ailments. It is an excellent immunomodulator. It activates the body's defense against viral pathogens.

The product is intended exclusively for adults. Under 18 years of age, its use is not recommended. Pregnant women and lactating women can take the drug "Ingavirin" only as prescribed by the doctor.

Possible side effects are allergies.

The drug "Tamiflu"

A fairly effective antiviral agent for colds. It is used to fight influenza viruses A, B. In relation to other colds (ARVI), the medicine is ineffective. The drug is not intended for prevention.

The tool can be used for children who have reached 1 year. An important condition is the correct dosage. The drug "Tamiflu" is allowed to use during lactation and pregnancy. In this case, you should be careful and carefully monitor your well-being.

The use of this tool can cause side effects:

  • insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

It is forbidden to use the medicine for a long time without interruption. Because it can provoke depression and psychosis in the patient.

The medicine "Arbidol"

Popular antiviral tablets for colds. They are effective in the treatment of a number of viral ailments. This drug is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. Pregnant women can use the remedy, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

To side effects from the use of medicines include:

  • headache;
  • individual allergic reaction.

This drug was invented in 1974. To this day, it remains in demand. Since the drug "Arbidol" is an effective and safe remedy that has a wide range of effects.

The drug "Anaferon"

This is a homeopathic medicine that can stimulate antiviral immunity. The drug is used to treat influenza. In addition, it is prescribed for preventive purposes. The drug can reduce the risk of complications.

The medicine "Anaferon" is allowed to be used by lactating and pregnant women. In addition, when choosing effective antiviral drugs for colds for children, the choice of most parents and doctors stops at this remedy. For crumbs, manufacturers have released a special form of medicine.

The drug "Anaferon" is contraindicated in individuals who are lactose intolerant. Basically, the remedy does not cause complications. At the same time, it is very efficient.

Medicine "Oscillococcinum"

Homeopathic preparation, which is available in granules. The tool provides effective prevention. Good for colds and flu. The drug has almost no contraindications. The only exception is lactose intolerance. The tool is allowed to use newborns, from the first days. It is prescribed for lactating and pregnant women.

The medicine is most effective if it is started at the first symptoms of the oncoming disease. The drug "Oscillococcinum" helps to suppress the activity of the influenza virus, protects against possible complications.

Treatment of children

Nature provided us with the best antiviral agents. These are lemon, garlic, ginger, honey, aloe, rosehip. Regularly supporting the baby's immunity so accessible and simple means, the need for drugs will disappear by itself.

But if the crumbs have all the symptoms of the disease, then drug therapy is indispensable.

Children's antiviral drugs for colds are used as follows:

  1. Homeopathic remedies. In these medicines, the content of active substances is extremely small. How they affect the body is still not clear. But the positive effect is quite often denied. Doctors recommend using the one day rule. If a homeopathic medicine does not give a favorable effect during the day, there is no need for further intake. Such drugs are: Oscillococccinum, Aflubin, Anaferon, Ergoferon, Vibrukol (candles).
  2. interferon inductors. These are effective immunostimulants. They force the body to produce interferon on its own. They are prescribed with extreme caution. At the same time, it is recommended to use these funds for a short time. Since long-term use depletes resources. In this connection, the effectiveness of drugs is significantly reduced. This group includes drugs: "Citovir", "Kagocel", "Viferon" (candles), "Grippferon" (drops). The drug "Derinat" of a new generation is very effective. It is noticed that under its influence the body produces its own interferon much faster. Antiviral suppositories (for example, Viferon) deserve special attention. Studies have confirmed that rectal administration can increase the bioavailability of interferon up to 80%.
  3. Combined drugs. These are excellent antiviral agents, and at the same time, excellent interferon inducers. These include drugs: "Cycloferon", "Amiksin", "Arbidol", "Ingavirin", "Isoprinosine", "Panavir". All agents act on viruses and at the same time stimulate the production of interferon. They are not used for children under two years of age, since the drugs have side effects.
  4. Anti-influenza. This group includes drugs: Tamiflu, Remantadin, Relenza. Their effect extends only to influenza viruses. In relation to other diseases, they are ineffective.

The use of drugs for children

It must be remembered that an antiviral remedy for a cold is a powerful weapon. If used incorrectly, it will not cure SARS, influenza. And it can even hurt. Therefore, use the medicine only in the prescribed dosages and according to the indicated schemes.

The following list of funds will allow parents to navigate which children's antiviral drugs for colds are suitable for their crumbs.

The following medications may be prescribed for newborns:

  • "Aflubin" (drops).
  • "Interferon".
  • "Oscillococcinum".
  • "Viferon" (candles).
  • "Grippferon".
  • "Kipferon".
  • "Genferon light" (rectal suppositories).
  • "Acyclovir".

Crumbs who are 1 month old are allowed to use the Anaferon remedy for children. Six-month-old babies are allowed to use the medicine "Ergoferon".

From 1 year old, babies can be treated with drugs:

  • "Remantadin".
  • "Citovir 3".
  • "Tamiflu".

Two-year-old children may be prescribed Isoprinosine.

For babies whose age reaches 3 years, medicines are suitable:

  • "Kagocel".
  • "Arbidol".

For four-year-old children, the use of the drug "Cycloferon" in tablet form is allowed.

Five-year-old crumbs can already use drugs:

  • "Relenza".
  • "Aflubin" (in tablets);

Seven-year-old children can be treated with Amiksin. And from the age of 13, children are allowed to use the drug "Ingavirin".

Important warning

In conclusion, it should be said that any antiviral drugs you choose should be taken very carefully. You shouldn't do this often. Constant stimulation of the immune system depletes the system. The body's own defenses begin to work less effectively. Doctors advise for one year to conduct no more than 3-4 courses of antiviral drugs. A person who uses these drugs more often is at great risk. Since it is quite dangerous for the immune system.

List of inexpensive flu and cold medicines

Almost everyone suffers from a cold at least once a year. No matter how strong the human body is, it cannot be completely insured against viruses and infections, especially if the off-season or winter has come. Manufacturers for disease control offer inexpensive cold and flu medicines. You need to know which ones are not only cheap, but also effective.

Antivirals are inexpensive but effective

All cold and flu remedies fall into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These drugs fight the virus, make the cells of the body more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations for correcting the protective reactions of the body to a natural level.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. The drugs in this group do not suppress the infection, but simply remove the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs in this category:

  1. Tamiflu, Oseltamivir. Adults and teenagers drink 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those who have diseased kidneys.
  2. "Amixin". Adults drink two tablets of 125 mg on the first day of illness, and then - one at a time every other day. The dosage of the children's drug is halved. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women.
  3. Ribavirin. A new generation drug, very effective. Adults take 0.2 g four times a day. Course - 5 days.


Inexpensive good cold and flu medicines in this category:

  1. "Cycloferon". A drug for adults and children who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take a tablet every other day.
  2. "Kagocel". This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults take two tablets three times the first two days, and then one at a time. "Kagocel" should not be taken by pregnant women for the first three months.
  3. "Anaferon". Homeopathic medicine. Adults drink one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment

List of drugs that can remove the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Coldact Flu Plus. Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. You need to drink them one by one every 12 hours. During treatment, it is necessary to categorically refuse alcoholic beverages.
  2. "Coldrex". Helps with colds with wet cough. It is necessary to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. This drug should not be taken if you have diabetes, liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rinza". Tablets are taken one at a time 4 times a day. They should not be drunk by pregnant women, children under 15 years old, people with heart disease, blood vessels. Course - 5 days.
  4. "Fervex". The drug is produced in the form of sachets with powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. Do not use Fervex for more than three days. Do not drink more than 4 packets per day.

Cold remedies

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs that effectively fight the disease. If you do not want to take antiviral drugs for colds and flu, drink complex symptomatic remedies, then you can try a different treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive cold and flu medicines that will help you get better.

For sore throat

To relieve inflammation and irritation, the following medicines will help you:

  1. "Grammidin". Fast acting lozenges with anesthetic. You need to take them two pieces 4 times a day, observing a weekly course.
  2. Strepsils. They relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. Tablets should be sucked one by one every three hours. It is allowed to be treated with the drug for children older than five years. Completely remove the pain in the throat in three to four days.
  3. Faringosept. A powerful medicine that is forbidden to be taken by children under six years of age. It is recommended to dissolve the tablets after meals and then not to drink liquids for some time. Per day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Nasal drops

A runny nose will help you remove such drugs:

  1. Sanorin. They have a vasoconstrictive effect. Do not treat nasal congestion, but temporarily eliminate it. These drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. As part of a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor substances and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol". Medicinal drops with a therapeutic effect. They slowly fight the causes of a runny nose, but do not eliminate congestion.
  3. Aqua Maris. Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. Does not dry out blood vessels, speeds up the healing process. Moisturizing drops are recommended to be used for any type of runny nose.
  4. "Vibrocil". Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only the common cold, but also its cause. They have a vasoconstrictive, antihistamine effect, kill bacteria, relieve swelling.


The following medicines will quickly reduce the temperature:

  1. "Paracetamol". A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that removes fever, relieves pain and inflammation. It has practically no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active component of many other drugs: Panadol, Fervexa, Flukold, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen". This medicine is rather anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. It should not be taken by those who have an ulcer, kidney or liver disease. It is part of Nurofen, Ibuklin.
  3. "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid). Antipyretic and analgesic. Should not be taken by pregnant women, children under 12, those with reduced blood clotting. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.

For herpes

This unpleasant symptom of a cold will help to overcome such ointments:

  1. "Acyclovir". The cheapest remedy. Fights the virus, does not allow it to multiply. If you are pregnant or nursing a child, then do not use the drug. If you often have herpes, then it is better to alternate Acyclovir with another antiseptic ointment or cream so as not to be addictive.
  2. Zovirax. The composition of the cream includes propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates into the cells faster and more efficiently. Well absorbed into the skin. "Zovirax" must be used clearly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pencivir". A very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes instantly. Prevents wounds from becoming scars. The drug should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12.

From cough

Table of drugs:

Inexpensive analogues of drugs

If you can't afford even the cheapest antiviral drugs, use Paracetamol, Aspirin, or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: Naphthyzin or Farmazolin nasal drops, Septifril tablets for treating sore throat, Cough medicine. Gargling with Chlorophyllipt will also be effective.

Medicines to prevent flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, and not to cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with an immunomodulatory effect. The rules of preventive administration are described in the instructions for each of them. You can try capsules "Broncho-munal", which is allowed to be combined with almost all drugs. Such drugs as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon have a good preventive effect.

Video: homemade "Coldrex" for a cold

Antiviral drugs are one of the most popular items in pharmacies. The greatest demand for these medicines falls in spring and autumn, when flu and SARS epidemics pass through the country. What types of antiviral agents can be purchased from the proposed range, and whether they are really effective, we will describe further.

The pharmaceutical market around the world in the last two decades has not come up with any fundamentally new drugs from lowering the temperature to relieving headaches. Old drugs are repackaged and reshaped, put on a new label, and presented as a completely new product. What transformations occur with antiviral drugs?

Medicines for colds and SARS

A cold in its true form and SARS are one and the same disease. All other types of colds - on the lips, female colds and others - are just popular names for cystitis, herpes and similar diseases that have nothing to do with the above.

ARVI itself is caused by viruses that infect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. More than two hundred of these viruses are known, so no one will determine which type your tonsils are affected by. The doctor will prescribe a broad-spectrum antiviral drug and send him to rest home until recovery.

There are only three types of antiviral drugs:

  • Vaccines
  • Immunostimulants
  • Drugs - inhibitors of neuraminidase
  • M-2 inhibitors

Annual vaccinations against influenza and other diseases are commonplace. A vaccine is a drug with antigenic material that stimulates the production of antibodies of our immunity even before the disease itself. Thus, we are protected in advance from a viral infection.

Immunostimulants are already used directly in the treatment of the disease. Your immune system is artificially stimulated to produce interferons - body proteins that specialize in protecting against viruses. These are drugs such as Interferon, Amiksin or Arbidol.

Drugs - neuraminidase inhibitors can be easily bought at any pharmacy. The main action of Tamiflu and its analogues is the suppression of the mechanism of virus reproduction. That is, your body will fight the virus on its own.

M-2 inhibitors are designed to prevent the entry of the virus into the cell. Rimantadine and other drugs of this series act in this way.

Antiviral drugs for rotavirus infection

rotavirus infection ( plain language Intestinal influenza is caused by a virus from the Reoviridae family. The main source and carrier of rotaviruses is a person, and transmission to other persons occurs by the fecal-oral route, that is, due to dirty hands.

  • This virus can be transmitted through food or water;
  • The virus is especially often spread through dairy products;
  • The virus survives well in a cold environment (such as a refrigerator) and can cause disease in humans even after prolonged exposure to an unfavorable environment.
  • Children are most susceptible to rotavirus infection, especially at preschool age.

Antiviral drugs for this disease should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Interferon preparations are often prescribed. It can be "Laferon" in the form of candles or a low-volume suspension "Lipoferon".

You should also write about the vaccine for the prevention of intestinal flu. Certified in Russia, Rotatek has been successfully used in the West for several years. Vaccination allows you to develop immunity to the five most common types of rotavirus and will protect against severe illness when infected with other forms of the same virus.

Full vaccination takes place in three doses. The vaccine is presented in the form of drops for oral administration, which are first given to a child at the age of 6-12 weeks. Subsequent appointments take place at intervals of more than 4 weeks.

Antiviral drugs for prevention

Advertising and other media unanimously talk about the effectiveness of Arbidol and similar medicines as a prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. Frankly, these drugs can do little to help if you are constantly in crowded places.

The most common prophylactic agents are drugs of the interferon series (Anaferon, Cycloferon), as well as vaccination to prevent the disease. Anaferon for prevention is taken once a day during the entire period of the epidemic. Cycloferon has a more complex application scheme, described in detail in the instructions.

Vaccinations and prophylactic drugs should begin approximately two weeks before the expected onset of the disease epidemic. During the outbreak itself, it is better to focus on maintaining immunity through food and a healthy lifestyle.

To prevent infection, it is advised:

  • Avoid large crowds
  • Dress for the weather
  • Maintain immunity
  • More often to carry out wet cleaning indoors
  • ventilate the room

Antivirals for children, adults and pregnant women

In the instructions for all antiviral drugs, the gradation of the dose of drugs is prescribed depending on the age of the patient. Medicines should be taken according to the recommendations of the doctor or the manufacturer of the drug. Therefore, we note only a few features of different types of antiviral agents.


  • Contraindicated for use in pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Contraindicated in children under 1 month
  • Many of these drugs have an age limit of up to 4 years.

medicines, suppressing the reproduction of viruses:

  • They are used to treat the disease in children older than 1 year.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should seek the advice of a specialist, as the active substance of these drugs may pass into breast milk, and their effect on the fetus has not yet been studied.
  • After the first dose, it causes vomiting in about half of patients. This is a normal reaction to the drug.

M-2 inhibitors:

Like immunostimulants, they are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
Children under 7 years of age are not recommended as a medicine.

All antiviral drugs should be taken with caution in people with kidney or liver disease.

Effective antiviral drugs

In recent years, the number of virus species resistant to Amantadine and related drugs has been growing. Immunostimulants, in turn, are able to help only at the first signs of the disease.

The most commonly used drugs in the fight against viruses are:

  • At the first signs of illness, take Anaferon or Cycloferon similar to it. These drugs boost your immune system to produce interferon.
  • Derinat can also be used as an immune stimulant.
  • Arbidol has a similar effect.
  • If the condition worsens, you can turn to Tamiflu and its analogues.
  • Preparations of the Rimantadine series are very effective in the fight against viruses.

Arbidol: instructions for use

Few people know, but the well-known Arbidol is just a trade name, and the real name of the drug hiding under it is Umifenovir. The drug has become so popular in Russia that, according to statistics, in 2000 it was the best-selling antiviral agent.

An interesting fact is that the action of Arbidol has not been scientifically proven. No studies have been conducted on its action, and if they were, then there is simply no data on them. The manufacturer himself claims that the remedy is able to modulate immunity, but there is no evidence for this fact.

The funny thing is that when an epidemic of bird flu broke out in the United States, some companies tried to smuggle Arbidol into the country for treatment in "emergency cases." But the control agency food products and medicines, banned the use of the drug.

It is not known what the Americans did not like there, but in our country Arbidol is not banned and is very actively used. Moreover, when the Soviet patent expired in 2007, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce its generics - that is, drugs with the same composition, but under a different name. Today in pharmacies you can find cheaper analogues of Arbidol - Arpetol, Anaferon, Immustat. Their action is somewhat similar to the effect of echinacea tincture.

The drug is prohibited for use:

  • pregnant and lactating women
  • children under 6 years old
  • people with kidney failure, heart disease, liver and blood vessels

Amiksin: instructions for use

The active substance of this drug is Tiloron. Quite a lot is known about this substance, because, unlike the previous Arbidol, Tiloron succumbed to significant research. So, scientists managed to establish that taking the drug can:

  • lead to miscarriage during pregnancy
  • cause osteopenia
  • cause mucopolysaccharidosis in the body

It is difficult to say whether Amiksin is really able to help with influenza and SARS. Authoritative sources indicate only one case of the study of the drug as an antiviral agent. In 1972, Tiloron was really tested on rats, and the production of interferon in the body really increased, but huge doses of the drug were administered for this.

In more recent studies, the analysis of the antiviral properties of Amiksin was not carried out. The only experience that was made in the 21st century showed that the drug can be used in the treatment of breast cancer with metastasis, but the result of its effectiveness was the lowest among all tested drugs.

Features of the use of Amiksin:

Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

If you can’t afford the drug at all, don’t despair, but ask your doctor to find you a cheaper analogue with a similar effect:

  • Arbidol
  • Interferon
  • Cycloferon
  • Anaferon
  • Derinat

Kagocel: instructions for use

The drug Kagocel stimulates the production of interferon in the body, which fights various viruses. The main active ingredient of this remedy is gosypol. Kagocel is actively used in the former Soviet Union, while it is not recognized by the World Health Organization as a drug with proven efficacy. In European countries, the tool is not registered.

An interesting fact is that the active substance of Kagocel - gosypol was previously used as a method of male contraception, because it greatly reduces the quality of sperm production. Later, for this purpose, the drug was banned from being used as a toxic agent, the benefits of which do not exceed the risk of negative consequences.

Children 3-6 years old Children from 6 years old adults

3-7 days - break

Days 1-2: 1 tablet per day

3-7 days - break

8-9th day - one tablet per day

1-2 days: 2 tablets per day

3-7 days - break

8-9th day: 2 tablets per day


1-2 days: 1 tablet 2 times a day

Days 1-2: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Days 3-4: 1 tablet per day

2 tablets 3 times a day for the first two days. The next two days - one tablet 3 times a day

You should refuse to take Kagocel:

  • expectant mothers
  • breastfeeding
  • children under 3 years old

Other antiviral agents have a similar effect:

  • Cytovir-3
  • Anaferon
  • Remantadine
  • Cycloferon

Remantadin: instructions for use

The drug was developed back in 1963 by American scientists and was used with high efficiency to treat influenza. Later, in the United States, the drug was canceled, as studies showed that its active ingredient, adamantane, was powerless to fight the influenza virus, which had adapted to it.


  • lactation
  • pregnancy
  • all types of hepatitis
  • thyroid disease
  • kidney disease

Ingavirin: instructions for use

Another domestic antiviral drug that has been produced since 2088. The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, in Europe and the USA the drug is not registered and is not considered a drug.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, studies of Ingavirin showed that the allowable dose of the substance for the body does not have a direct antiviral effect, and an increase in its concentration is toxic to living cells.

The effect on the fetus or mother's milk has not been studied, therefore it is not recommended for use.

Means analogues:

  • Grippferon
  • Viferon
  • Kagocel
  • Anaferon and others.

Are you taking antiviral drugs?

No one can answer this question unambiguously. The action of most of the drugs is aimed at strengthening the existing immunity, which is forced to fight viruses on its own. In addition, a huge number of conflicting reviews about medicines are confusing.

At the moment, the action of immunostimulants has not yet been fully studied, as well as the mechanism of immunity itself.

There are many versions that antivirals are a myth that is in no way valid in real life. Many scientists and doctors say that there are no drugs against the virus, and only the body itself, including its protective and immune mechanisms, can overcome a viral disease.

Why are there so many antiviral drugs on drugstores? The answer is banal, pharmaceutical companies successfully earn multi-million dollar fortunes on our health. Whether cold medicines are really ineffective - time will tell, because pharmacology and medicine do not stand still, but for now it remains to be treated with these drugs, which either really help, or the placebo effect works.

Video: Antivirals. School of Dr. Komarovsky