Beloved impotent husband offers to have a lover. Imported lover and impotent husband

Impotence is a serious problem that can happen in every family. Unfortunately, a very small number of families are able to withstand such a misfortune, in most cases sooner or later the marriage breaks up. However, this should not be the case, because impotence is not the end of the world. First, there are various ways return, so you should not despair immediately. Secondly, it is necessary to act as a united front, as in the case of any other problem that arises in the family. A wife should not distance herself from should not start blaming her for her problems. Spouses should unite and analyze the current situation together in order to find a joint solution. If the husband is impotent, then this is not a sentence, so you should read this article for information on what to do and how to live with it. In no case should you panic and allow emotions to prevail over you. If you care about your husband, impotent or not, you will stay by his side and help him deal with his problem.

Impotence in the modern world

Unfortunately, in modern world It's not quite as simple as many would like. An impotent husband is now a full-fledged stigma that is terrifying for both the man and the woman who lives with such a man. And it is very difficult to get rid of it, because it is a kind of stigma. But you should understand that intimate life is not just called intimate - this is what happens only between you. So why is it so difficult to deal with this problem?

What it is?

So, impotence is the loss of erectile function by a man, which leads to the inability to have sexual intercourse. In today's world, the image of a macho male is very common, so any man who loses the ability to have sexual intercourse can be considered as an inferior class. And that is why many husbands do not even share their problems with their wife, simply trying in every possible way to avoid her and, accordingly, sexual intercourse. But this only leads to more serious complications, since a woman may suspect her husband of infidelity or any other unpleasant affairs, which further increases the likelihood of a family split and subsequent divorce.

Causes of impotence

At the same time, in the modern world, impotence is becoming more common, and there are a huge number of reasons for this, from constant stress to unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, you should not see impotence as a personal problem and damage to your own image, as this is just a disease with which you need to see a doctor. And in this case, the wife should play a decisive role, since most men do not want to damage their ego so much and go to the doctor with intimate problems. Accordingly, it is his wife who must convince him of the need for such a step. As you can see, an impotent husband is a serious problem, but not at all in the sense in which many might think. This is a problem because of the prevailing stigma that must be overcome if you want to maintain happiness in the family.

Is the wife to blame?

However, before you go to the doctor, you need to think carefully and analyze the situation yourself, because the reason may not be physiological at all. There is a possibility that it is the wife who is the reason that the husband is impotent. What should the wife do in this case? How can this even happen? It turns out that cases of partial psychological impotence are very common, that is, the reason lies not in physiological, but in psychological problems, and the spouse herself often acts as the root of these problems. She can criticize her husband, make fun of him, and criticism of his abilities in bed especially affects him. There may also be a lack of spiritual intimacy, which deprives some men of the desire for physiological intimacy. So first of all, you need to think about how you have behaved lately towards your spouse. Try to change your behavior, talk to him about your relationship, and so on. However, this is only a special case, and it often happens that the cause is indeed physiological. So your husband is impotent. What should a wife do in such a situation?

Possible reasons

The fact is that impotence is not something shameful and has nothing to do with a man's libido, because in most cases it is caused by a variety of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and so on. As you can see, all these diseases damage the blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the penis, thereby making it impossible to get an erection. Accordingly, you need to monitor not only how the impotent husband behaves, but also what diseases he has manifested. There is a high chance that all his problems in bed are related to some serious illness, and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. And this is no longer about the ability to have sexual intercourse, but about the health of your man, and even about possible threat his capacity and life. If your husband is impotent and does not want to be treated, then you will have to influence him, because this will be the only reasonable way. Therefore, try to explain to him how important it is to start treatment as early as possible.

Timely treatment

If a woman says to herself, “I love an impotent husband,” then the problem is already half solved. The fact is that impotence often becomes the result of a rather cool relationship between spouses, and not only because the wife no longer loves and praises her husband so much, but only criticizes him. The fact is that, as you have already learned, impotence most often does not occur on its own, but is the result of a disease. Moreover, there can be a lot of diseases that cause such an ailment, since impotence is manifested both due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, and due to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary and even nervous systems. Therefore, a caring wife will quickly notice that something is wrong with her husband's health, so the problem will be eliminated effectively, and potency will gradually return to the man. So the task of the wife is to follow her husband, and even if he refuses to go to the doctor, as many men do, to convince him that timely treatment will benefit both him and the whole family. So you should not be the woman who writes "I'm cheating on my impotent husband", because such women not only do not help solve the problem, but they are also one of the main causes of this problem.

How to act?

In the event of such an unpleasant set of circumstances, the wife must be very careful not to offend her man in any way. As you already understood, this is not the end of the world, so you just have to accept the fact of illness and that now your husband is impotent. How to live on? This is a stupid question that for some reason appears on the Web very often. You need to live on in exactly the same way as before, but at the same time you just need to overcome an unpleasant disease. How to move on when your husband has the flu? That kind of question doesn't make sense, does it? The same goes for impotence. But only in this case it is worth understanding that many men become very closed and sensitive to intimate topics, so you will need to behave as carefully as possible and show care and love. If a man sees that you understand him, that you accept his problem and want to help him, then he himself is more likely to open up and happily work to regain his male power.

But first of all, you need to understand that there should not be any psychological problems in your family, since in this case no clinic will help you. There must be love and understanding in the family, and only in this case you will be able to deal with the physiological factors that cause problems. So, as you can see, you do not need to decide how to live with an impotent husband. You need to focus on how you can heal your husband.

Spouse Activity

If your husband has become impotent, then you need to see a doctor who will help determine the cause and prescribe treatment. However, as mentioned earlier, there is no cure for impotence, there is only a cure for diseases that cause impotence. Therefore, you need to take matters into your own hands and promote further sexual life in your family. Potency does not immediately return to the man, so you need to take the initiative. This is much easier to do than you might think. You just need to use some unusual underwear, turn on the music, choose a new place, a new position, and most importantly - do not put any pressure on your man, and if he still does not succeed in bed, convince him that that everything is fine and he has nothing to worry about.

Increase in tone

Also, the general tone of the body affects the potency, so your husband should go in for sports. Now there are a large number of gyms, and it is likely that at his workplace there is already one that he can use for free. Naturally, this is not the only option, and you can inspire him to go out in the evenings for a run or just walk with him on foot. You can also give him a relaxing massage, and many experts recommend a contrast shower as a way to quickly and effectively increase the tone of the body.


When a woman has statements: “Husband has become impotent - what to do?”, Users often suggest using Viagra and other similar drugs. However, this is wrong advice, since such drugs only temporarily increase blood flow to the genitals, which does not give a long-term beneficial effect. You need to focus on foods that are called aphrodisiacs. This means that they increase a person's sexual desire, and if your husband constantly consumes such products, then his sexual function will not only return, but will become even better. Most often, aphrodisiacs include a variety of seafood, from mussels to oysters. It is also recommended to consume citrus fruits and a variety of spices, known for their miraculous properties. These include, for example, ginger, cloves and saffron.

What should not be done?

Since we are talking about Viagra and other similar drugs, you should pay attention to all the main points that neither husband nor wife should do if they are faced with this unpleasant problem. The most important point that you should always remember is that you first of all need to consult a doctor. Even when it comes to proven methods such as toning up the body and eating citrus products, you should always consult a doctor first. In no case do not use traditional medicine, as they, most likely, will only harm you or, at best, will not have any effect.

You should also work on your attitude towards this problem. You shouldn't ignore it, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to it either. No panic, no "doomsday". Together you need to seriously and calmly approach the problem, develop a strategy to deal with the disease and solve it once and for all. In no case do not try to look for the guilty, blame yourself or your husband. This will only make the situation worse.

What should a husband do?

A wife is the person who should help her husband in everything if he is faced with the problem of impotence. However, the main responsibility for treatment in this case still lies with the man. Therefore, he should independently understand the seriousness of the current situation and take the initiative. Firstly, he should not oppose visits to the doctor, but, on the contrary, independently express a desire to visit him. Secondly, a man should not be afraid or ashamed, especially in front of his own wife. It is with her that you first need to discuss the problem. Thirdly, you need to focus not only on the disease, but also on additional factors, such as a passive lifestyle, excess weight and so on. Fourth, you need to follow exactly all the doctor's instructions, both in terms of treatment, and in matters of diet, physical activity, and so on. And fifthly, you need to be more attentive to the issue of sexual intercourse. Do not have sex during stressful experiences, when you are tired and when you are having a hard time. The best thing to do in case of such a problem is to create ideal conditions for sexual intercourse for a greater likelihood of success.

Letters from afar

“I read a letter about how a woman divorced her husband, and she herself went to live with a Turk. How it worked out or didn’t work out there is the fifth thing, but everyone, including women, condemns the poor lady who was looking for love and no one I thought that wives do not run away from good husbands.
I will tell my story.

My husband and I have been married for a long time, about 25 years. From the outside, a great family, adult children, everyone has their own business, we live in abundance, we have an excellent house and apartment. But about what is happening inside our family and in what kind of cauldron we are brewing - no one knows about this, and even parents. Why worry about parents? We are adults.

So, I have my own business, I bring goods from Turkey, and I have had a lover in Turkey for 14 years. All the years the same lover. And I go to Turkey once every two months for two weeks, not so much for goods, but for the warm embrace of this dark-skinned man. We are good. We are happy with him. Sometimes we go somewhere on vacation with him, but most often we relax and have fun in Istanbul. And all this time the husband was with the children and nothing terrible happened to him.
We have our own apartment in Istanbul.

Does my husband know that I have a lover?
I think he guesses. Everyone knows exactly as much as they want to know.
I wanted to get divorced 8 years ago. My husband persuaded me not to get divorced for the sake of children, but I know the real reason, and promised that he would not say anything, even if I had a lover. But I didn’t want to have a lover in my city, where everyone knows each other through one. She didn’t want unnecessary rumors and gossip, and she didn’t want every dog ​​to poke her mother’s behavior into the eyes of children and parents.

What caused me to have a lover?
Husband served. He was the cause of my misfortune.
It is clear that any young woman in the prime of her life and strength needs a man, she needs sex. And my husband stopped being a man already at 30, and by 33 he became simply impotent. He says that the army was the reason, since the service was not easy, he had to lie on the snow in the cold. I do not exclude, but I believe that beer is to blame for everything. My faithful did not see anything wrong with drinking a couple of liters of beer after work.
He watches movies - drinks, watches football - drinks, on weekends with friends for beer, on trips beer is a river. That "fell interest" in the opposite sex. And then he was treated, and to grandfathers, and grandmothers, but what's the point?

I can say that I'm not the only one so strange who is from good husband walking...
And with such a good impotent husband, life is not easy either. He can’t do anything, but he’s freaking out, but he’s mad, but he’s angry, but he’s nervous. This must be endured. He struts, what a man, what a hero, but in reality he only wears pants and in this way looks like other men.

So, any woman can be condemned, but I would not be in a hurry to pour slops on everyone.
Women, tell me honestly, would you be able to live with impotent from a young age? At what age could you?
Men, would you live with a wife who has a decent lover? And this lover she has appeared through your fault?
Just don't say that good hands and the rope stands, and in the bad ones the crowbar falls. My hands are fine, no one complained."

Every man is proud of his masculine strength, because the blood of his ancestors boils in his veins - males, miners, conquerors. What happens to a man when he loses this power? Impotence is a terrible blow, first of all, to pride. Some rush to doctors for help, others - to grandmothers - healers, others simply close in on themselves. There are also those who begin to blame women for their weakness and begin endless attempts to establish a sex life with prostitutes or random ladies they meet. In all cases, a single goal is pursued - to make your reproductive organ work again! What should a woman do in such a situation, how should she behave? After all, she, too, suffers from this turn of life.

Tips for a woman whose husband is impotent:

1. Do not take dirty linen out of the hut

It often happens that a woman, having learned about her husband's impotence, hurries to seek support from relatives or friends. Under no circumstances should this be done! No matter how much you ask to keep your secret secret, gossip, chuckles behind your back and gossip will still begin. Sooner or later, all this will reach the husband. After such a betrayal on your part, saving the situation and saving the marriage is out of the question.

2. Don't be ironic

If you still love your husband and do not want to leave him in difficult times, then do not humiliate him, reproaching him for not being able to satisfy your sexual desires. There is no need to be ironic about his male impotence, such pressure from a loved one is disastrous, and an already deplorable situation will only worsen.

3. Trust each other

Usually a man is ashamed of his impotence and does not want to discuss this topic with his wife, naively hoping that everything will work out by itself. But the problem exists and it is extremely serious. A wife should try to convince her husband to trust her. Spouses together will be able to find a solution to the problem that makes their family life inferior. You can go together to an appointment with a sex therapist, a psychologist, or ask a nutritionist for advice and stick to a diet with stimulating dishes that increase potency.

4. Support your significant other

Despite your own feelings, support your husband, let him know that you still love him and do not want to live without him. As for sex, then inspire the man that you want only him and are ready to look for a solution to the problem with him. This will give him hope, instill confidence that impotence is not the end of life.

5. Don't force sex

Be patient and in no case do not force a man to intimacy. You can not insist if you know that he has problems with potency. At the same time, you can’t completely leave your husband without affection, without light flirting. Tenderness and affection can work a miracle, you need to try again and again, but without excessive perseverance.

6. Avoid self-medication

Constant frequent use of stimulants can only worsen the condition of a man. Viagra will solve the problem once, twice or three times, but on the fourth, fifth it will only get worse. You need to make a joint decision and go to an appointment with a specialist, it is he who will prescribe those drugs that will help increase potency.

The most important thing that a woman must decide for herself is whether she is ready to be there, help, wait, endure. Does she love a man so much that she can put up with the lack of an erection. If love is real, then even if impotence cannot be cured, you can find a bunch of other solutions so that a man can satisfy a woman.

If the husband is impotent, this means that the man cannot perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse. Such a situation in family life is common problem for husband, wife. It is bad for both to live, often the spouses cannot understand that both are “guilty” of this. Impotence can occur at any age, with a very different length of family life, regardless of whether people live together or apart. Family psychologists believe that the first step in solving this problem is to recognize the existence of such a problem with which spouses live.

When to think about a problem

Any sexual failure is hard experienced by the husband. If there were 1-2 misfires during sexual intercourse with the wife, it cannot be argued that the husband is impotent. In order to become a problem, 25% of intercourse must be unsuccessful. Most of the causes of sexual failure are related to the state of the psyche, which makes them easily eliminated. This:

  1. Emotional overload (stress at work, at home, without which few people live).
  2. Physical overwork (when you have to do work that does not correspond to physical capabilities).
  3. If a husband suffers from serious illnesses (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, urogenital problems), cannot live without medicines that he takes for these diseases, erection is often disturbed, impotence is more difficult to treat.

In any case, if you suspect the development of impotence, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause. This is a common disease that is well treated. The earlier the visit to the doctor occurred, the more favorable, the faster the result of treatment is achieved.

How to be a lady

A man is even afraid to admit to himself that he is impotent. If it is impossible to have sex, he looks for the guilty (always finds), often closes, does not make attempts to solve the problem. Almost always the husband is convinced that impotence is incurable. Let's figure out what to do to his wife, how to live in such a situation. The advice given by a family psychologist is as follows:

  • Convince your husband that the problem is temporary.
  • Avoid criticism of your husband.
  • Provide your loved one with conditions for sufficient rest, adequate physical activity, good nutrition.
  • Pay attention to your appearance, homely atmosphere.

If the husband has problems with potency, you can not criticize him, this can only aggravate the problem.

Do not demand sexual exploits from a husband if he is not in the mood for it; Forcing them to have sex will only make things worse. Try not to lose psychological contact with your husband, encourage, be tactful. Explain that impotence is a temporary phenomenon that happens to all men, it is wonderfully treated. Persuade an impotent husband to visit a doctor together to deal with the cause of the condition.

Psychologists give advice to avoid criticism of the husband. An impotent person will interpret any critical or ironic remark addressed to him as a criticism of sexual activity. A wife should be especially careful (according to psychologists) in companies where they hint at problems in family well-being, they injure the psychology of an impotent.

A guy can be impotent even before the start of married life, if the woman in love did not pay attention to the lack of sexual activity before the wedding. The revealed situation, when the husband cannot give maximum pleasure to the young wife, puts her before the choice of ending the relationship or deciding how to live on with the impotent. The different sexual temperament of the spouses, attachment to each other, upbringing suggest an ambiguous solution to these issues, the help of a psychologist is often helpful.

marriage guardian angel

For the wife, the sexual component of marriage is less important, so her choice often turns out to be on the side of the impotent, with whom she is ready to live. Family psychologists believe that the main thing is that the husband and wife live in an atmosphere of trust in each other. The advice of psychologists is based on the fact that in the vast majority of cases the husband is impotent for psychological reasons. Calm relaxing home environment, the moral support of the spouse does wonders, providing invaluable assistance in overcoming impotence.

Often the cause of male impotence is a psychological problem.

The spouse will appreciate the attention to his well-being, health care, if this is done unobtrusively, tactfully. Here the wife needs to stock up on great patience, calmness and optimism in order to inspire her husband with confidence in a good result of the treatment. Sharp mood swings of the impotent, the transition from delight to despair, gloomy silence should not be a reason for a showdown.

The expression "time heals" is also true for impotence with the right attitude to health. loved one. Doctors great importance give the correct way of life of a man during the period of treatment. The advice of specialists - psychologists, andrologists - is simple:

  1. The maximum possible increase in physical activity.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Sufficient sleep, rest.

Sleep should be at least 8 hours per day. If possible, they recommend a country vacation or a change of scenery during a long joint trip, which is planned in advance. You can increase physical activity by purchasing subscriptions to a fitness club, Gym attending dance and swimming classes. What to do specifically, you need to discuss with a man, taking into account his tastes, preferences, advice on this topic is endless. The main thing is that physical activity is enjoyable.

Deliciously cooked food can give pleasure, be a good aphrodisiac, a healing factor for the impotent. It is not necessary to be a skilled chef for this, it is enough to use the advice of the Internet or the services of a cafe, restaurant (depending on financial capabilities, preferences). Internet videos will help to make unusual recipes that give pleasure even to a gourmet. Products that doctors recommend to impotent patients for constant use:

  • Lean meat.
  • Seafood.
  • Raw fruits, vegetables.
  • Greens, spices.

During the treatment period, you need to adjust your lifestyle.

These products contain a sufficient amount of high-grade protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements for the synthesis of sex hormones, the normal functioning of the brain, all organs of a man.

Proper nutrition increases the level of brain endorphins (pleasure hormones), which makes a husband confident in sexual viability. Herbs and spices are irreplaceable sources of vitamins and microelements. They have the properties of natural stimulants of sexual function (pepper, cloves, ginger, parsley, onion).

The connection of bed failures with a woman

A long marital union does not always mean the strength of sexual relations. A man can become impotent at every stage of family life. Often the wife “helps” in this when she does not think about the consequences of her actions. For example:

  1. Forcing her husband to have sex, wanting to have fun without taking into account his capabilities.
  2. Comparing the quality of sexual contact with a husband and a former partner, voicing his wife with censure of his "talents", giving advice on this topic.
  3. Discussing with friends, other family members the mistakes of her husband, even in a joking manner.

The physiological capabilities of the male body in the field of sexual relations are quite large. At an age when there are adult grandchildren, a grandfather can maintain a libido, a sufficient erection. It depends only on the state of health, the presence of an attractive object for sex that gives pleasure. It depends on the wife herself whether she will be such an attractive object. The husband's desire to have sex with his wife gradually becomes less if every day he observes his wife's indifference to her appearance, figure, behavior.

There are cases when a man cannot have sex only with his wife.

Sometimes a spouse becomes impotent only with his "half". Such a frequent scenario means that it was this woman who became the psychological cause of bed failures. It is not at all necessary that a reason for breaking up a relationship appears if it is a long-term family union.

It is important for spouses to show the wisdom inherent in an elderly age, to seek advice from a doctor. Most often, a routine attitude towards marital debt is revealed. The appearance of surprising each other details of communication normalizes the situation, there is pleasure from sexual intercourse.

It is easy for a sexologist or a family psychologist to deal with the causes of family troubles, the development of impotence. Appeal to them accelerates the resolution of all emerging male blunders. The main thing is to do this as soon as possible when the first signs of the disease appear. Rare cases of fatal illness can be compensated by advice on how to please each other in other ways. These pleasures can be associated with sexual intercourse, be surrogate or substitute, depending on the specific requests of partners.

Still, the strange creatures of a woman, sometimes they refuse sex, sometimes they complain that impotent husband. What to do in this case? Recently I heard a case that one friend is cheating on her husband because he has become impotent. He became impotent after the accident. And who is to blame now? Wife or husband? In principle, no one is to blame, it just happened, and both should suffer. Although, they may not suffer, but simply try to overcome this situation and survive this problem. There are many other ways to please each other.

Instead, the wife began to cheat on her husband. It seems that she got married just to have sex. She says she can't live without sex and is cheating on her husband with many men. What to do? Sympathize with her? After she quenches her thirst for sex, she repents and says that she is ashamed to look into her husband's eyes.

In this case, for some reason, I forget about female solidarity and begin to sympathize with her husband. I don't know if he guesses, but even if he does, he can't tell her anything because he feels guilty that he can't satisfy her.

What is a woman to do? Leave your husband, or continue to cheat on him? In my opinion, both are bad. It seems to me that she does not love him, although she claims the opposite. If she loved, she would behave differently. And anyway, how did they get the idea that he was impotent? This is the doctor's verdict, and doctors sometimes make mistakes. If there would be love and support from his wife, then maybe everything would work out. I heard a similar story a long time ago, but there the husband became impotent because he drank too much. Here he himself is to blame, so there is nothing to regret.

And in general, recently men have begun to lose ground, and this is all because they smoke, drink, have connections with just anyone. And who is to blame after that? Men often become impotent after 30-35, and all because they are too careless about their “beloved” organ.

In general, it is not clear whether they are proud of him, or they are destroying him. It seems that they do not need children, and nothing at all. Well, of course, a dissolute life up to 25, and after 30 already impotence. Do not believe that men have lost ground? Even out of curiosity, you can find out from acquaintances and girlfriends if their partner satisfies. How many of them had an orgasm?

Before reaching impotence, men first “please” with poor-quality sex. And what do you suggest in this case? How to help those who are ruining themselves and us? Maybe that's why there are so many lesbians? Because many men are useless in bed. A woman is already accustomed to solve her own needs. If we count all the aggregates from sex shops, it turns out that men are not needed at all?

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    Everyone is like everyone else, but let me disagree with you. There are still healthy men with great "potential". They are few, but they are. As for women, I completely agree with you, they themselves are to blame. As they say, a good husband has a good wife and vice versa. In a word: “if you want to solve a problem, start with yourself!”.

    please help me!!! I want to become an imponent, I got an erection. I'm 32 I don't have a family and I'm tired of jerking off who can help me with anything

    so you get married and there will be no problems

    vetal, the fact that you do not suffer from impotence is actually good, but if you want to suffer, start smoking, and only you will lose not only impotence, but also life
    So better woman find yourself, but would it be with someone to satisfy your own? desires
    By the way, why aren't you married yet?
    by the way, there is a disease when the penis is always in a standing position, I don’t remember what it’s called, but it’s very bad and you definitely need to go to the doctor, I hope you’re not sick and just crave sex, by the way, maybe if there is normal sex, then you won’t constantly stand

    But in general, you can earn good money on such a riser
    or look for a nymphomaniac

    I'm so Ho-ooochchchchu!

    I have a problem, probably not with me ... One person works with me, rather in the neighborhood, but it doesn’t matter ... The fact is that we seem to have sympathy for each other ... There would be contact, but he didn’t succeed, I’ll find out later that he is impotent (so I was told by people who have known him for a long time). I would like to help him purely, no one can see it for a long time. He is 33 years old. Please advise!

    What people say is one thing, but did he tell you that?
    Invite him to go somewhere, purely in a friendly way, since there is sympathy. Communicate as friends, well, and then bring this matter to something more, kisses, etc. It is not worth talking to him directly about this, you will just offend him, just behave at ease, as if you do not even know about it. If he wants, he will tell you.
    So the basis is to become a friend for him, and then try to seduce, and suddenly it will work out. Or maybe he doesn’t really have a problem, or it’s something psychological, there can be many of them ...
    but you should not ask direct questions: “Are you really impotent?” with these words you can forever push away from yourself
    if the problems are of a different nature, well, with health, etc., maybe he will trust you and you can help him, support him and he will find the courage to go to the doctor
    Naturally, men are complex about this. I wish you all succeed!

    P.S. From what you wrote, the situation does not appear very clear, so it is still difficult for you to advise more specific actions. If you find out something, write, we will think about how best to proceed ...

    I believe that no matter what happens, we must be together. in sorrow and joy. otherwise it is not a family and not a loved one. If so, stay true to your loved one. God willing, everything will return.

    Elena, you are absolutely right. Medicine is also not completely powerless and can treat a similar ailment as impotence. Faith in God, love, all this can help too.
    And then, in such cases, I say what a man's hands, tongue, etc…. A woman can be brought to orgasm in multiple ways. The main thing is to want to be with a person nearby .. love and accept him for who he is.

    I have had an impotent husband for 14 years now, I have not had any relationship with a man, I will soon go crazy or I will get my hands on myself to such an extent, life has already got me and I am only 48 years old. If a man is impotent, then this is a complete collapse, he is not interested in anything

    Tatyana, yes, this is a difficult case. On the one hand, you don’t want to change, but on the other hand, a man must understand that this is not possible. Maybe try to make you reach orgasm in other ways. And it’s even more difficult that they are so vulnerable and you can’t say this to their faces, in any case it turns out that the woman is to blame, when in fact she is only to blame for the fact that she endures all this. Although this is hard for me .. but if he does not want to fix it in any way, do something .. then maybe you should look for your happiness with another man. After all, the problem is not only that he is impotent, but that he considers only himself to be the victim and does not appreciate the sacrifices you are making. May God bless your life! In life, sometimes it’s worth showing a little selfishness when you see that the one who is nearby does not appreciate what you are doing for him.

    I’m already tired of everything, for about 14 years we’ve been living almost like a brother and sister, I’m not cheating YET, I’m constantly hysterical, I break down on trifles, my self-esteem drops, they seem to stare like that, I pretend that everything is okay with us, like I’m satisfied in life I cry at night....

    Layla, I'm sorry. It is a pity that many do not understand how a woman needs a man to notice her and want her. After all, they are not only impotent, they stupidly do not want it. Due to health problems, the hormonal background collapses, on the basis of which they cease to be interested in women. In fact, a woman can be satisfied in different ways. If he does not think about you at all, then why not change? As he is with you, so are you with him. But the decision is yours, I'm not pushing for treason, rather I'm saying that it will not be such a big sin, this is on condition that he could satisfy you in some other way, but does not want to. Selfishness is answered with selfishness.

    I have been living with an impotent for 20 years, I wanted to prove to the whole world that you can love and respect a man only for what he is. So that men do not pay attention to me, dress and look untidy, or rather, my husband drove me into such a framework that neither things nor hairstyles there was not enough money. All the best was only with him, he only fed me with promises. Now I cry with bitter tears that I have deprived myself of sex. The pain in my stomach is unbearable. Men don’t look at me and I don’t know what to talk about with them, I get shy and start to stutter.

    Olga, I sincerely sympathize with you. I don't know what it is, but it must be very difficult for you. Here it is, it's really true that people don't appreciate the sacrifices that others make for them. That's why you have to live for yourself.
    But it's never too late to bring yourself back to life. Start looking after yourself, chatting on dating sites to gain confidence, and you can fix everything. Husband did not appreciate your act? It's time to do what's best for yourself. You can still be loved. Where there is no love and you are not appreciated, there should not be you either, you should be where everything is mutual. Reciprocity, that's what makes our life harmonious and beautiful! I wish you to get HAPPINESS again!!!

    And yet, if you want men to pay attention to you, then you need to not only look good, but also be ready to start a new relationship.
    Men understand everything when they look at a woman. Lack of interest does not arouse their interest either. Good luck to you!

    my husband is not only small in size, but also sluggish. Of course, he does not notice this problem, and when I hint, he is offended. And I can’t do that, I want full sex. I involuntarily look at all men and feel that I can change

    because it is impossible for a healthy woman to live without sexual relations

    Nastya, it is unlikely that he does not notice these problems, most likely he is trying to pretend that he does not notice. You should have a serious talk with him about this problem. Maybe he's offended by hints because he thinks you're laughing at him. Perhaps a serious conversation will be perceived differently.
    You can try to heal. If he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t give a damn about himself and you, then yes, two steps to betrayal.
    I really remember one phrase “you shouldn’t make big sacrifices for other people, they won’t appreciate it anyway”, so you really shouldn’t sacrifice yourself for him.
    If he wants to try to be treated and fix everything, then it’s good and it makes sense to continue the relationship. And if not, then who needs these torments?

    Potency problems for a man turn into mental disorders ... and then everything is shifted onto the fragile shoulders of a woman.
    There are women who can without sexual relations, in which case you can put up with impotence. The only pity is that a man who feels slighted tries to humiliate a woman and everyone around. So it's also a mental illness in the end.
    And in this situation, there are two ways out - to treat or get a divorce .. otherwise, both will be tormented.
    maybe there is a third option ... if someone has found another way out and does not agree with everything that I wrote above, share your experience and information ... it will be informative for everyone .. and even useful for some ..

    What to do to not be impotent by sex

    In order not to face such a problem as impotence, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life in every sense. The causes of impotence are different, but this is not only about physical, but also about mental health. Stress, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases can all lead to impotence. You will say that many men lead the wrong way of life, why do only some have impotence? Because each organism is individual and reacts differently to it. Not everyone gets cancer either. Impotence occurs in many men, but usually with age, and if it occurs earlier, then this is already a problem. It is necessary to determine the causes that led to impotence and eliminate them, and then be treated and restore your body. Impotence is cured if you catch yourself in time and act.

    this is really a problem .... very serious. There is no single solution. Because there is no clear reason why a man becomes impotent. And the reasons are different, and the behavior of men is different. So it is necessary to consider each example separately in order to find ways out, and there are definitely ways. Only they are also different. For some, it's clear to leave, for others - to learn to live with it. Perhaps one thing unites EVERYONE in this case - the inability to leave it unnoticed.

    I never thought that this problem would affect me (we all often think so). But for three years I have been living in this nightmare, despite the fact that my husband is 6 years younger than me, we had this problem. At first, I blamed myself for everything , then I realized that everything was much more serious. What I didn’t do, but he didn’t care. I don’t know how much more my patience will last, but there is still love for my husband, it’s just a shame that no one sees and appreciates my desire to help. Take care of each other.

    Good day. I have a problem. We have been married for 9 years, my husband is 19 years older. I love him very much, but it seems that we are faced with the problem of his potency. What to do? hinted, spoke openly, but he closes up and withdraws into himself. I thought - it’s my fault, says no, - “I love you, I want you,” but as soon as I want to feel masculine power, then ... .. How should I be? I would understand if the mistress, everything went away, something else - I can’t figure out how to get out of this situation. Thank you in advance

    Hello! First you need to determine the cause. The reasons are usually physiological or psychological in nature. If you say that he feels desire, then this is good, then everything is not so bad. It is advisable to discuss the problem with him and try to find a solution. Psychotherapy, medication, or folk recipes. It is advisable to contact a specialist so that he can find an individual approach to treatment. As a rule, it is an individual and integrated approach that will help solve the problem.
    As a rule, a woman always thinks that the problem is in her, but not always so. Problems with potency can arise as a result of smoking, malnutrition, alcohol intake, due to certain stresses, harmful work, etc. The treatment of any disease must begin with the clarification and elimination of the cause. I wish you good luck in solving this problem. Health and happiness to your family!

    In 90% of cases of impotence or no desire, this is a psychological wedge. It is necessary to look for the problem in the head, both in Him and in Her.
    The speech in this chat also touched upon treason, well, not a single drowning person will emerge if he is thrown not with a lifebuoy with a rope, but with a cast-iron ring from a sewer manhole with a cable. Everyone who talks about treason should be impaled, so the situation in our country is so difficult that treason is already the norm, as medicine is advised by the fallen.

    Why are women so two-faced. When you hint at sex to a free woman, they can send you off, and at the same time call you a pervert. And when you don’t want to but you are offered, then you are impotent and a goat. How is this to be understood in general?

    Such a thing cannot be understood. Let's start with the fact that not all women are the same, for example, there are free and not even free women who can and will agree to a proposal for sex. Also, not every woman will insult a man with words that can really offend.
    If you want to understand, then one of the options is that a man’s refusal harms his pride, supposedly she is not attractive and does not cause him sexual desire. Men are also offended when they are called impotent, as men's pride is offended about manhood and opportunities in bed.
    What's the point in trying to understand it? It is enough just not to take it to heart and carefully select partners.

    I live with my husband, and faced impotence three years ago and before that with poor quality sex. It is possible to satisfy a woman even with such a diagnosis, but this is not the same. There is no feeling that they want you, during these manipulations there is no unity of two people who are well together, there is no initiative on the part of a man, only a healthy male organ is able to give harmony in intimate relationships, everything else is so that you don’t go crazy with desire. If I had my own apartment, I would run away losing slippers from my husband, but I endure it. They will not forgive me a lover, I will immediately find myself on the street with a child. The situation is hopeless. Despair, constant desire, irritability, insomnia. I can't imagine how to make money even for a tiny apartment. Lack of housing is the only thing that stops.

    Amalia, in this case, either you need to try to solve the problem of your husband, if at all possible, or find yourself a man, if you really want to. There are not many men who would accept a woman with a child, but you can still find one. Another question, if you love your husband, then maybe you really need to look for the causes of the problem and try to solve everything. Relationships without sex are not the same, of course, and even if a child grows up without a father, it’s bad. Maybe you and your husband should talk. As for the lover, it is certainly better to do without such drastic measures, but if you can’t stand it at all, you can satisfy your needs without the knowledge of your husband. If you are sitting at home, maybe it's time to get a job, then there will be earnings and the opportunity to meet other men. There are no desperately hopeless situations, rather there are exits that may suit you or not. Determine what is more important to you and you will know how to act. Best wishes for you!

    impotent husband is tin

    I would not be able to leave a loved one, even if he did not satisfy me in bed. There are other ways to have fun, and even just being hugged is enough for me. Perhaps it also depends on who and what sex means. It doesn't mean much to me, so I'd put up with it.

    The worst thing in such a situation is that a man becomes unbearable, he is so absorbed in his problems that he does not notice how he hurts the rest. It is not so important that the wife feels bad, it is important that he has lost his masculine strength, he should be sorry for everything, but he is all embittered. If a man took it differently, maybe for women it would all be less painful. While a man wants a woman, he is a hero and, accordingly, his behavior is different.
    They need to go to a psychologist and sort themselves out.
    Potency is not a sign of courage, but the ability to understand and accept a problem, not to complicate life for oneself and others.

    maybe Alexandra is right ... it's terrible to feel not a man
    it seems that you are sorry that you are nobody, etc.
    terrible feeling
    everything is in the head and everything is aggravated by all sorts of bad thoughts

    When a man has such a problem, the command changes. You are not just not wanted, but in fact rejected as a woman. refuse intimacy and yawn when trying to talk. No desire, no sex. The man is not a man. Now I can’t even believe that there were once stormy evenings and you were given so much attention that you didn’t even think that there were such problems. It is so depressing from hopelessness, lack of demand, uncertainty about the future and loneliness. When such a problem happens, love alone is not enough, there are still physical needs and there are temperamental people, and then life becomes very difficult and joyless.

    I sympathize ... It is really important for women to feel both loved and desired.

    Also faced this. We live 6 years. After 3 years, sex became less and less. It got to 1-1.5 per month. Then she found Sealis with him, made a scandal, thought she was going somewhere. After that, there was no sex at all. Half a year already. It's a shame, I don't feel welcome anymore. But he doesn't understand anything and doesn't suffer about it. The relationship is good, but as a woman she does not react at all. At least he said something, showed that he was ashamed, ... nothing ... poor women who faced this.

    Women also need sex, but even more they need this feeling of being desired, of being a woman, it's hard to live without it. The fact that he does not suffer about this and does not notice at all is not the worst that could be. It happens that they care, they feel flawed, suffer and make the woman who is next to him also suffer.
    If he had this drug, then he tried to fight it, but after your quarrel, he decided not to do anything. It's up to you to decide how to be, talk to him or leave everything as it is. It's hard to be undesirable, but if at the same time you remain loved, then it's easier to endure all this.
    Strength and patience to you!

    For the first time I felt that I was not alone with such a problem, I have not had a relationship with my husband for more than 3 years, and it infuriates me that he does not consider the lack of sex a problem, he says to me: I don’t need it, why do you need it? how to live?

    It's hard to say how to live, every woman must decide for herself where exactly her limit of patience ends. You do not understand how important it is to have a normal sex life until all this disappears. The problem is not only in the very absence of sexual intercourse, but also in the fact that the husband ceases to be perceived as a woman in general and something important from the relationship disappears. When a man is not attracted to a woman, he behaves in a completely different way, and it is this behavior that is most difficult to come to terms with. You can try to treat if the treatment is given and the husband agrees to it, you can endure it, you can have a lover, you can get a divorce and remarry .... probably there are some other options, and every woman should make her choice and then live with it. I wish you patience and strength to overcome everything. I hope everything is resolved in the best way for you.

    Lovely women! I am an impotent with 26 years of experience, I am not proud of this and I do not say that it is good, I just fell ill, my spine, even the doctors could not make a diagnosis, when my legs failed they said cancer, but I still live. My wife and I got divorced after 5 years of living with this diagnosis, she did a great job, she was able to put me on my feet, but we never had sex. She was young and had to get a divorce. Yes, a man can satisfy a woman with his finger and tongue, but does a woman need this? Here main question. You can go to a sex shop and buy any size there, but does this make a woman happy? I cannot answer this question. And that's why I'm afraid to even think about intimacy with a woman, so I'm afraid to offend her without giving her what she wanted, and it's not very pleasant to feel like a complete idiot myself.

    Here are the fools: an impotent man is the dream of any woman. Feeds, waters, contains and does not stick this terrible garbage in you. Live and be happy.

    Irka, apparently it's everyone's business, whether he can live without sex or not, and how serious this need is.

    Zhuv has been living with an impotence for 9 years. When they started living together, he was 25 years old, he abused alcohol. Every weekend did not pass without a holiday. The first time I encountered dysfunction. The first two years there was affection and something was at the very least, now we live like a brother and sister or like a grandfather and granddaughter. I remember when was the last New Year and when I had my last sex no. Zero self-esteem, zero mood. We sleep separately different rooms according to his desire from the very beginning, no children. All relatives discuss our life and the absence of children most likely hangs on me. They cannot be incompetent. I yearn for full-fledged, healthy men. An impotent person like mine has a sick psyche. Behaves like a woman, mood swings, tantrums, eternal weakness and lack of strength. There is no life in it, an old saddle. She talked about his illness, says that he is healthy, everything works for him, he just doesn’t want me, my chest doesn’t suit me, I have 2.5 and he needs 5 or 6. The problem is not solved, I’m all depressed. And he masturbates and life is beautiful. I am 32 years old, I do not tell anyone about my trouble, from the outside and imperceptibly.

    Sympathize with you. Strength and patience to make the right decision, change something or put up with it, but the main thing is to find your peace and happiness. All the best!

    Or maybe try to talk to her husband, maybe he just doesn’t have any useful substances. My husband had a moment when the attraction also disappeared, of course he didn’t do it in a rag. We sat down and discussed this issue, someone advised him to drink vuka vuka, a month of treatment and the problem went away as unexpectedly as it appeared.

    Well, how can you take medicine on your own, even for a whole month. I need to take my husband to the doctor.

    Most likely, he will not go to the doctor, but as for wuk wuk, this is a herbal preparation, it does not affect the heart or pressure, there are no side effects from it. The main thing is to make sure that without gaps, take two tablets every day for a month. Then only you will see the result. The drug is good, natural, so that both desire and strength will return very soon. The main thing is that the wife still wanted him.

    I need to offer my own, although he doesn’t drink with me, but recently he has enough strength for once a week, well, is this the norm for a healthy man?

    If there are no health problems, then it is quite possible. Vuka helps well with physical or moral overwork. If there are serious health problems, then of course it is better to discuss and decide with the doctor.

    Katya, tell us the details about the application this method to solve problems with potency. Blog readers might be interested. What is wuka? How to apply? How fast does it work? What are the contraindications (if any)? How long is the treatment and what is the cost?
    Thank you.

    Question for women: I'm over forty. Impotent who wants to be with a woman. And if everything is so, then he is ready to satisfy her with a vibrator, a strapon. Hence the question: this kind of relationship, i.e. sex with a man who has, let's say, a prosthesis - can a woman be interested?
    Here, I will meet a woman, it will come to bed, I put on a strap-on (which, by the way, is always hard), is it possible to form a long-term relationship this way? Or is a woman not satisfied with such an option for long-term intimacy with a man?

    Good afternoon, 92nd. Relationships are built not only on sex, especially since there are women who are also not particularly interested in sex. Long-term relationships are formed on the basis of love, respect, friendship, devotion, trust. You can find a woman who will love you as a person, as a person. Everything will suit a woman if she loves you, but finding a loved one and achieving reciprocity is quite difficult. If you conquer a woman according to all other criteria, you will be gallant, courteous, you will help, etc. and so on. then she can accept such an alternative way of sexual satisfaction. Often women do not want to live with an impotent man, not because he cannot satisfy, but because his mood and behavior change in connection with this problem. When a woman ceases to feel like a woman, when she does not receive attention and feels unwanted, especially if a man is apathetic, sullen and irritable towards her, then the relationship does not survive. Well, if all this is not there, then you have every chance. Good luck to you, health and happiness!

    Thank you! Will seek! :)) On the contrary, I am often very cheerful.

    Good luck to you and all the best. It is important to surround a woman with care, affection and positive. Sex is not so important for all women, and there are many ways to satisfy, not necessarily traditional sex. Some do not even need a traditional one, for some women the hormonal background changes after 40 and they already want a calm peaceful existence, and not violent passions. For others, the feature of the body is the absence of the need for sex, even at the age of 20-30 years. Your task is feasible if you find the right woman for this. All the best!

    Good afternoon I am familiar with the problem of impotence, 12 years ago I had a common-law husband (25 years old), and I (34) have always been a wanting woman. I found a lover (a woman 10 years older), she satisfied me with her hands, I love multiple orgasms .... Everything was fine for 12 years, but after years she lost interest in sex, said that she no longer wanted, but she loved me and offered to find another ... I love this woman very much, but after 30 years my desire became even more, I found my mistress (42 years old) and I am going to give birth to a child from a donor. Found a donor 47 years old good man, and wants to be a weekend dad for the child, when they began to discuss the method of conception, he proposed artificially at home .... As I understood he was impotent, I agreed. We began to spend time together, we wanted to get to know each other, we are future mom and dad, and he offered me sex with his hands (I love clitoral stimulation and G points), said that he enjoys looking at female orgasms ... This is how it happens, there would be a desire .... And I didn’t get orgasms from a male member (I don’t like deep penetration), I only squirt with puddles from my hands. Sincerely, Ekaterina

    Yes, some extremes and accusations! The Internet will not solve problems, only existing ones will inflate, people, each with their own approach to life and most often the way of thinking of many leaves much to be desired ...

    Many men experience erection problems. And such a problem is relevant not only for the representatives of the stronger sex, but also for his companion. Every woman wants to help her loved one cope with the problem. Therefore, the question arises - what to do if the husband is impotent? How to overcome the disease?

    Features of manifestation

    According to many experts in the field of urology, andrology and reproductive medicine, problems with potency in men have recently arisen more and more often. The reasons for the manifestation of this condition are frequent stress, the influence of adverse exogenous and endogenous factors. Inflammatory or infectious processes do not contribute to full sexual function, as a result of which impotence develops.

    It is very important to help your sexual partner, to push him to see a specialist. After all, if a man is impotent, this is also a disease that requires some therapy. The difficulty is that the representative of the stronger sex does not always agree to visit a doctor, preferring self-treatment. And therein lies the danger, because it is not enough just to restore sexual function if the husband is impotent, it is important to find out the cause of this condition, get rid of it, and only after that proceed to restore erectile function with the help of medications.

    Is the wife to blame

    If the husband is impotent, he becomes incapable of intimacy. In the case when sex happens less and less, this is an occasion to think about whether there are problems with sexual function. To begin with, you need to independently analyze the situation, determine possible cause. Psychological factors could provoke such a state. Sometimes the wife does not even notice that she herself brought her husband to such a state.

    may be the following factors:

    1. Criticism of the wife, especially in the presence of strangers, contributes to the development of impotence.
    2. Frequent ridicule of her husband, a constant emphasis on one or another of his shortcomings negatively affect potency. This is especially true for the topic of intimacy. Often, psychological problems arise after a woman criticizes a man's sexual incompetence.
    3. Lack of spiritual intimacy. It is no secret that after gaining the official status of a wife, the girl no longer seeks to take care of herself, naively believing that the man is already with her anyway and will not go anywhere now. The result is overweight and other negative changes in appearance that do not color any woman and completely discourage sexual desire from her husband, impotence develops.

    It is these psychological factors that negatively affect the sexual functions of a man.

    Other causes of impotence

    There are also certain physiological factors that cause problems. Often, impotence begins to develop due to various diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • drug addiction.

These conditions adversely affect the blood vessels, due to which they lose their elasticity and flexibility, become brittle and brittle. diseases, stressful situations, taking certain medications adversely affect the possibility of a full-fledged sexual intercourse.

Why you need to start treatment on time

It is very important to understand that if a man is impotent, it is not just the absence of a full-fledged intimate life. This is also a signal that any serious disorders in the organs of the endocrine, cardiovascular, genitourinary or nervous system are developing in the body. Problems with potency lead to various complications, for example, to the development of chronic prostatitis, prostate tissue hyperplasia, chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. This happens due to stagnation due to the lack of sexual life.

That is why it is important to start treatment as early as possible, if a man experiences certain problems in the sexual sphere, a woman should push him to see a doctor, undergo appropriate examinations and a course of treatment. Otherwise, not only dysfunctions in many systems will develop, but also the inability to conceive a child.

How to help a wife if her husband suffers from impotence

What should a wife do when her husband has problems? Usually, if a man has difficulties in the sexual sphere, this negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. He closes in himself, there is irritation, anger, aggression. Impotence needs efforts from both partners. A woman should do everything possible not to further exacerbate her husband's fears. You have to be very careful in terms of jokes about his sexuality or failure.

It is necessary to carefully direct it in the right direction. Do not talk about the fact that he is impotent and this has a bad effect on their lives, do not blackmail a man that if he does not go to the doctor, she will look for pleasure on the side. This will only make the situation worse. If the wife does not treat with understanding, calmness and support, even the most effective treatment for impotence may be unsuccessful. Therefore, it is very important, before visiting a medical institution, to improve the psychological climate in the family, get rid of all disturbing factors, restore mutual understanding and friendly relations.

If a husband or boyfriend sees that his beloved supports him with all his might, strive to solve the problem, this will be a great incentive for him, he will definitely do everything possible to overcome his difficulties.

Activity on the part of the wife with impotence of the husband

If the attraction of the spouse gradually fades away, it is recommended that the friend of life take the initiative in their own hands. It is important to be liberated, to be confident in the possibilities, to become more relaxed in bed. This cannot but arouse the interest of a man. For him, she will become even more desirable. The routine in the sexual sphere comes invariably, any couple is faced with such a phenomenon. Therefore, it is very important to be able to return the former passion during the crisis. You should not treat sex as a marital duty. There is nothing wrong with trying in every way to arouse desire in a loved one.

For such purposes, a whole arsenal of romantic tricks is suitable - sexy lingerie, quiet calm music, subdued lights, a glass of red wine. And be sure to give him compliments. A man must be sure that, as before, he attracts his wife, that he is desirable and attractive to his beloved. Only in such an atmosphere can sexual difficulties be dealt with.

How to increase the tone of the body with impotence

The physical tone of a man's body greatly affects how powerful the desire and subsequent erection will be. It is not necessary to go to the gym regularly. It is enough to introduce moderate physical activity into your life. It can be swimming, light jogging or walking. With the help of moderate physical activity, blood circulation improves, and this only has a positive effect on the libido and potency of a man.

It is recommended to give her husband a foot massage. On their surface there are many points that are responsible for the sexual abilities of a man. Making simple manipulations, you can improve your sex life. Just make circular movements, lightly pressing on the surface of the foot, between the fingers and on the fingertips themselves. This procedure is very effective for improving blood circulation.

The effect of a contrast shower on impotence

A contrast shower also has a positive effect on the microcirculation of the blood fluid. It is recommended to start water procedures with dousing warm, alternating it with hot. Gradually, you can reduce the temperature of the water, changing cold to hot.

In this case, it is not necessary to completely pour over the entire body, only the lower half of the body can be used. After that, intensively rub the skin with a towel. Due to this, the flow of blood fluid into the pelvic area will increase. A visit to the bath or sauna can also help increase blood circulation.

Proper nutrition for impotence

To restore potency, it is recommended to adjust the diet. Add to the menu a large number of products that help increase sexual desire. The daily diet should include foods such as eggs, fish, poultry. With the help of seafood, you can increase potency by periodically eating mussels, shrimp, oysters. Saturate the body with vitamin substances will help the use of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. Foods such as ginger, saffron and cloves are famous as aphrodisiacs. Just add these spices to your daily meals and it will bring results.

It is not recommended to consume foods that contain a large amount of cholesterol, so you must either completely eliminate or reduce the amount of sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks, smoked and spicy foods consumed. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of coffee and alcohol consumed. They negatively affect male sexual and reproductive functions, as they contribute to the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The following foods can help restore sexual health and restore potency: nuts, honey, dairy products, greens, garlic, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, a large amount of citrus fruits, lean meat (

It is very important for a wife to be attentive to her husband, to help him in every possible way in solving difficulties in intimate life. It is strongly not recommended to use any folk remedies for self-treatment of impotence. This is only fraught with deterioration. It is very important to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease. It is also not recommended to independently purchase any stimulants of sexual activity. Firstly, it is necessary to find out the cause of impotence, and secondly, there may be contraindications to the use of such drugs.

You do not need to ignore the problem, but at the same time you should not overreact to it violently, intimidating your spouse. Often women are interested in whether an impotent child can have children. Impotence directly affects the ability to conceive a child, since with the development of such a condition, not only blood circulation worsens, but also quantitative and qualitative indicators of seminal fluid. Therefore, in order to improve sperm motility, it is important to restore full sexual functions.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Impotence is a common problem for men, and they are not always ready to make efforts to solve it. Women usually easily recognize such people during the dating period and are eliminated. The situation is much worse if the sex life is lost after several years of marriage, putting a previously strong union in jeopardy.

Impotence in men comes on suddenly only after severe stress or injury. In all other cases, the problem develops gradually - within 3-4 years. The first sign is a decrease in the intensity of sexual activity.: sex occurs less frequently, without much enthusiasm from the husband. At his wife's attempts to take the initiative, he withdraws, citing fatigue. In the process, the man increasingly begins to tire, his dick drops periodically, as a result, the act often ends without ejaculation. The wife notices that the husband has moved away, become withdrawn, the old emotions and feelings give way to causeless irritation. As a result, even tortured sex disappears.

Lecture on the signs of the disease reads sexologist Yuri Prokopenko

Another characteristic symptom incipient impotence is sexual hypocrisy. If a man used to react with interest or neutrally to openly dressed women, erotic scenes, now he deliberately condemns such things and even attacks his wife with reproaches for promiscuity if she tries to reason with him.

In some cases, a man feels guilty towards a woman, trying to satisfy her in other ways, but without the corresponding emotions. Such a substitute for normal sex becomes a burden to both. The wife accumulates resentment, the husband grows complexes and anger at himself. Relationships of the "man-woman" format are slipping into the "son-mother" or "father-daughter" model. If a wife loves her husband, there is a warm relationship between them despite impotence, then she is in a trap. The only way out can be mutual frankness and a desire to find a solution to the problem.

Is the spouse to blame?

There is a stereotype in society that the wife is to blame for the husband’s impotence: either she is not well-groomed, or she has recovered, or she is unkind, as well as a host of other reasons why a man does not want a particular woman. However, as practice shows, husbands with a normal level of libido and healthy erectile function, even with a not too desirable wife, perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse from time to time - the sexual instinct needs to be realized.

There is also such a problem as habit when the wife is no longer a sex object. Nobody's to blame here. But you can try to wake up the libido by playing on curiosity: order intimate toys that excite lubricants. But there is a risk that all efforts will run into a wall of male bewilderment.

We should not forget that the main erogenous zone of a man is his brain. So that sex does not disappear in a long relationship, a woman should be interesting to him not only physically, but also spiritually. The main mistake of wives is fixation on the interests of husbands, children and everyday life. At first it will be accepted with enthusiasm, then by default. As a result, the wife is lost against this background as a woman. It remains to console yourself with a stereotyped status in social networks - "a happy wife and mother." A self-sufficient, constantly developing, passionate woman always gives food to the notorious male instinct of a hunter. The husband will perceive his wife as a person, and this also fuels sexual interest.

There are options when a man does not want sex in principle, no matter what tricks a woman goes for. But he is not necessarily physically impotent. In youth, almost all men have excellent potency, due to an excess of androgens. It depends on the sexual constitution how long this period will last. For some, the decline occurs after 30 years - a man becomes sexually lazy. At the same time, he has no problems with erection, but there is no desire to cause it either. Sex for him turns into a duty, an extra tension that does not bring pleasure. The wife is not to blame.

You can talk about impotence when sex between spouses has become impossible due to the inability of a man to have sexual intercourse even if there is a desire (read) . The erection is uncertain, unstable or completely absent. A woman can provoke this in the following way:

  • Ridicule and humiliation of the dignity of a man;
  • Indifference to sex, suppression of any attempts to induce intimacy on the part of the husband;
  • Treason;
  • Bad habits that affect appearance and behavior;
  • Protracted postpartum depression;
  • Change of character, scandals, constant claims.

If a man, due to his upbringing or mild temperament, cannot influence the above factors, and in principle he does not allow connections on the side, then he may well develop. The desire for intimate relationships will be gradually forced out, sexual energy will be sublimated into a career, sports, hobbies. Returning to a normal rhythm of sexual activity can be difficult.

Many husbands are to blame for their impotence, but they follow a simple path - they blame wives. Going to the doctor, giving up the sofa in favor of the gym is unthinkable for them. Even male sexologists in most cases, when talking with a couple, tend to put the blame on the woman. Moreover, the arguments often contradict each other:

  1. Too much pressure on a man, excessive ingenuity and activity.
  2. Boring and monotonous sex.
  3. You can't tell a man that sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship.
  4. Sex should not be elevated to a cult.

In addition to women, there are many factors that negatively affect male libido and erectile function. You can deal with them if you want. The main problem for the impotent wife is to stimulate him for treatment, to find motivation. Men often resign themselves to the situation and do not want to do anything.

Reasons for the development of impotence

Everything can be divided into psychological and physiological. It is easy to distinguish psychogenic impotence from organic - just pay attention to availability of night and . If a member can get up spontaneously, then the cause of failure in bed should be sought at the level of the psyche.

Physiological causes

Most often provocateurs of organic impotence in men are pathologies associated with the state of blood vessels:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Violation of peripheral blood flow;
  • Cerebrovascular diseases.

Obstructed blood flow not only does not provide normal blood supply to the penis, but also causes malnutrition of the brain. As a result, the conductivity of nerve impulses worsens, libido decreases.

In men, it often occurs against the background of chronic prostatitis, the treatment of which is sometimes ineffective and drags on for years. A common cause of impotence is also observed in diabetes mellitus, testicular or adrenal dysfunction, pituitary tumors.

Especially hard for men over 45, When androgen levels themselves are steadily declining. The situation is aggravated by high blood pressure, medication, stagnant processes in the pelvic area.

Impotence can also develop in young men. The cause is usually a passive lifestyle and bad habits, but it can also be the other way around. Sport for potency is a stimulating factor, but in a moderate dosage. There are men who fully devote themselves to classes, along the way actively using anabolic steroids. As a result, the wife observes an athletic, but not sexually functional body-souvenir. Most often, this happens to men of asthenic physique, who abruptly decided to take care of themselves and gain weight. Anabolics and exhausting workouts lower libido.

Psychological reasons

Most frequent the cause of psychological impotence in modern men is ordinary infantilism, caused by uninteresting work, personal complexes, chronic unwillingness to change their lifestyle. As a result, the husband in the evenings discusses with the TV or sits down to realize himself in computer games. At the same time, the wife's claims are embittered, and their absence is even more relaxing.

Psychotherapist Grigory Ovtsov talks about the causes of psychological impotence

Psychogenic impotence can be caused phobias. Modern men under the influence of the information environment often develop pathological fear of infection. They try to avoid any situations in which they could theoretically become infected. As a result, there is a feeling of disgust even towards his own wife.

A common cause of impotence is job loss. A long search for a new one, adaptation in another place for many men is a strong stress, as a result of which libido decreases.

How can a wife help?

A wife can help only if a man has realized the problem of impotence, accepted it and is ready to solve it. Some women, desperate to persuade, begin to frighten with divorce, provoke jealousy, but the opposite side perceives this as a challenge and a reason to go deeper into depression. You can’t demonstratively show your annoyance at the lack of sex. This stresses the man even more. The wife in his eyes becomes a nymphomaniac, far from his own needs.

There are men who close in on themselves and try to move away. The complexity of the situation is that this may be evidence of his connection on the side. It is important not to immediately accept this thought as the only true one. A confidential business conversation in a calm tone without a hint of pity will help bring a man to revelation and work out constructive tactics with him.

The first thing to be done when exclude physical pathology. There is no need to wait for special enthusiasm on the part of a man for a proposal to be examined by a urologist-andrologist, but you need to gently insist. You can start with a simple hormone test.

If everything is in order in terms of urology, then it will not be superfluous check the spine. Due to damage in the lumbar region (hernia), the erectile function and libido of a man can deteriorate significantly.

In the absence of physiological problems, you can agree with a psychologist (sexologist) and go to family counseling.

If the husband is overweight, then you can adjust the diet by removing trans fats and enriching it with fiber and protein.

What is a man to do

There are many ways to get rid of impotence (we wrote more about them), but they will work only with the intended use. First you need to find out the cause of the dysfunction, so as not to aggravate the situation with self-medication.

Medicines and dietary supplements

Most men, at the first sign of a violation of potency, go to the pharmacy for dietary supplements or "Viagra". Both remedy can help if a man has or psychogenic. Bioadditives will help accelerate blood flow in the groin area, gently stimulate the production of testosterone, and relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Examples of bioactive supplements:

  1. Extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm, tribulus, ginseng.
  2. Yohimbine.
  3. Ikariin.
  4. Beekeeping products: dead bees, perga, propolis, drone homogenate.

With impotence supplements are taken in courses. The first effect can be seen after 2-3 weeks.

As for PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra), then you can drink them only with the permission of a doctor. The drugs are strong, they expand not only the vessels of the penis, but also raise the overall blood pressure. Single dose tablet May help with psychogenic impotence when some men on a reflex level forget how a normal erection occurs. Viagra will help you remember, but only when sexually aroused. Subsequent sex often occurs without pills.

The most popular drug for erection and potency is Viagra. Urologist-andrologist Tonyan Arsen tells more details

In the initial stages of impotence will increase erection stimulating lubricants and sprays(more about them in). Some of them can be used in courses for medicinal purposes.

In men over 40, along with impotence, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • weight gain;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Headache;
  • Depression.

All of the above - andropause symptoms And decrease in testosterone. The doctor may suggest hormone replacement therapy. Don't be afraid of her, exogenous testosterone does not cause oncology. But others are possible side effects which are taken into account and controlled by the doctor.

Lifestyle Correction

The human body has the ability to self-regulate, but to start this process, it will take effort. Many men underestimate the impact of a healthy lifestyle on potency, but it is significant, especially in adulthood. What can be done:

  1. Minimize the amount of fatty and soy products, smoked meats, semi-finished products, and alcohol in the diet.
  2. Exercise regularly, take a contrast shower.
  3. Drink courses of vitamin complexes with zinc.

If there are contraindications to physical activity, then static squats, yoga, qigong gymnastics are well suited to get rid of vascular impotence.

Surgical intervention

There are cases of hopeless impotence when it is impossible to achieve a natural normal erection in a man by conservative methods. This is possible, for example, with diabetes, Peyronie's disease, after prostate surgery. The output is. The essence of the operation: implants are introduced into the cavernous bodies of the penis, allowing the organ to take an erect form.

There are 3 types of prostheses installed for impotence:

  • elastic in which an erection is achieved by raising the penis with the hand;
  • hydraulic two-component. A pump is placed between the testicles, balloons with reservoirs filled with saline are sewn into the cavernous bodies of the penis. When you press the scrotum, the solution flows into the cans, an erection occurs;
  • hydraulic three-component. The solution reservoir is placed behind the pubic bone. This avoids excessive pressure on the corpora cavernosa when the balloons are deflated.

Service life of modern order models 25 years. The probability of rejection is 0.5%.

Prevention of impotence

Even minor erectile dysfunction can develop into impotence, so it is important for a man to take action at its first signs.

Prevention methods:

  1. Regular physical activity - from stagnant processes and prostatitis.
  2. Rational nutrition - from problems with blood vessels and excess weight.
  3. Fighting bad habits- for the health of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Timely treatment of infectious urological diseases - to preserve the reproductive organs.

For the prevention of endocrine impotence, it is useful to periodically donate blood for hormones (especially for men after 35).


For some women, an impotent husband is a real disaster. Many of them develop neuroses because of the lack of sex. But there are wives for whom the husband's impotence does not play a decisive role. The sexual constitution allows them to be content with periodic self-satisfaction. But for the man himself, the inability to live a normal sexual life is always a blow to self-esteem. The only way out is loving friend other partners: a woman will support and show patience, and a man will actively work to solve the problem.

Site Expert

Bozhko Svetlana Igorevna

Experience in medical practice 23 years.

Impotence worries not only a man, but also his wife. Problems in sexual life you need to decide not on your own, but together with your partner. After all, it is the wife who is always ready to help and do everything to normalize intimate life. Many men do not believe in this and withdraw into themselves, preferring to remain in splendid isolation.

Who is an impotent and how does he behave?

An impotent is a man who is unable to have sexual intercourse due to erectile dysfunction. He may experience sexual attraction, but at the same time his sexual organ refuses to stand up. Such men cannot satisfy women, and they themselves receive only negative emotions after futile attempts to make love. If an excited guy suffered a “defeat” once in bed and at the same time was under the influence of alcohol, he is not impotent. An erection in an impotent does not occur with any partner for a long time.

For many women, sex life plays the most important role, as for men, and they are afraid to start a relationship with an impotent. But there are also those for whom emotional intimacy plays the greatest role and they dream of building their life with an impotent. This is not surprising - all people are different, and for some women the most important role is played by spiritual intimacy, not sex. Many men may argue with this, but the reality is that asexuality has long been in vogue.

Women who do not plan to give up sex often wonder how to recognize an impotent so as not to waste time on him. In fact, a man who has problems with erectile function is practically no different from the rest, unless his pathology is caused by an excess or lack of sex hormones. He behaves in the same way as the rest of the stronger sex. The only difference may be that he will not hint at sex on your first date and try to drag an unfamiliar girl into bed. He will be quite polite, gallant and calm. Perhaps a little anxiety and depression. But such men are also found among those who do not have any problems with potency.

Why does a man become impotent

Psychological or physiological factors can lead to impotence. Physiological include:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Injuries.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Men are very susceptible to bad habits. Smoking, drinking, unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle will sooner or later lead to impotence. The wife needs to reconsider the diet and add vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and lean meats to it.

Become impotent and after psychological trauma. It is enough to regularly tell a man that he is impotent, and he will become one. Unsuccessful sexual experience, constant partner dissatisfaction, stress, depression and much more can make an impotent man out of a completely healthy man.

What should a wife do if her husband is impotent

Impotence is a disease that can be treated. Do not give in to panic and even more so to bring charges against a man. Men, faced with erectile dysfunction, are even more upset than their wives. And, if your husband currently has problems with potency, this does not mean that he will be impotent for the rest of his life. Not a single person is immune from diseases, and think about how, in your opinion, a man should behave if his wife is seriously ill? To reproach her for this or to make fun of her at all?

My husband is impotent: what should I do?

  1. Intimate talk. If your husband is impotent, you should not worry and put pressure on the man. The wife needs to prove to the man that the lack of intimacy does not affect feelings in any way, that she will also love him, but she sees how bad he is - and wants to help.
  2. Specialist visit. Men are afraid to visit doctors, especially urologists. But what if you need to establish the cause of the disease? It is best if the woman herself finds the most suitable clinic and makes an appointment with her husband. To establish the causes of impotence, it will also be necessary to visit an endocrinologist, psychotherapist and sexologist.
  3. Faith in success. Relationships with her husband may deteriorate due to his experiences. Inside, he has already decided to stay alone and believes that no woman will need him. After all, society repeats every day - a man cannot be impotent! In fact, all these are tricks of advertising remedies for impotence, because more than 50% of men have problems with potency. Never give in negative emotions husband and make sure that he takes the recommended medications.

At the moment, there are only a few diseases that are not treatable - and impotence is not one of them. Men who are faced with this problem have every chance to make their sex life as bright and rich as before. In this case, a woman has an important role to play: to direct her husband to active actions - and in no case be depressed.

How to excite such a man? There are cases when an impotent husband turns out to be even a very hardy partner in terms of intimacy, but with another woman. If a man has a mistress, with whom he often spends time, then impotence with his wife will only be to his advantage. A satisfied man will never go to a specialist, and will not take drugs to increase potency, referring to their harm to the body. It remains only to recognize a deceiver by an internal erection or to determine the presence of a mistress with the help of female tricks.

Very often the cause of impotence is psychological. The emotional impotent does not have diseases of the internal organs and impaired blood circulation, but he does not have an erection. Indeed, at an important meeting, in transport or when communicating with an unfamiliar woman, they do not have an erection. Being under the influence of irritating factors, men turn on the mode of self-preservation, and this is just a myth that a man should want everywhere and always.

If a man is in a state of stress, depression or anxiety disorder, then there can be no question of any sexual desires. Sometimes impotence appears due to failures in bed, when a man inspires himself that he will not be able to. In the future, he cannot relax in bed, thinking only about how to please a woman. If a man does not have any physiological disorders, then impotence can be cured in a short time using medications and psychotherapy.

You should know:

  1. Impotence is a treatable disease that is not a sentence. Think about what you did wrong that you had to deal with this pathology? Maybe it's time to start leading a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking?
  2. If you do not know how to live without intimacy, then rethink your behavior. Very soon you will be able to cure the disease, but for now you can enjoy the world around you and find your favorite hobby. Life is not only sex.
  3. Do you feel bad when your wife tries to excite you? Treat it like a game. There will be no great tragedy if you fail. Her overly sexual behavior is designed to help you. After all, no one, except your soulmate, dreams of making love to you so much.
  4. If impotence is psychological in nature, then a man is able to defeat it himself. To do this, you need to carry out a long work on yourself and remember how the problem of erectile dysfunction began. If you yourself can’t put your feelings and nerves in order, contact a psychotherapist who will definitely help.

Do not exaggerate the danger of impotence. Just because you can't now doesn't mean your sex life is over. Perhaps this is a hint that you need to do something else that will bring even more pleasure.

How not to become impotent

  1. Avoid fatty, salty, smoked foods.
  2. Quit bad habits like alcohol and smoking.
  3. Normalize your rest and sleep patterns.
  4. Get exercise.
  5. Treat inflammatory diseases promptly.
  6. Do not forget to strengthen the body with vitamins and minerals.
  7. Avoid stressful situations.
  8. Work on yourself and your emotions - try to get rid of the negativity inside.
  9. Believe in yourself and your success, then you will not be afraid of impotence!
PLEASE do not transfer to sex.

My husband is completely impotent, after the accident (I don’t want to go into details), he is not subject to treatment. My husband is 42 and I am 35. The child is 8 years old.
The accident was 3 years ago, the recovery period is almost a year. After that, he had depression for a year. I do my best. Starting from conversations that sex is not the main thing in family life (I really think so) with the involvement of sexologists, psychologists and ending with a wide variety of sexual games, including constant oral sex, use of an artificial member, petting. I want him to understand - he is for me, in spite of everything, the most beloved, most desired, real man, except for whom I do not want anyone. We've been through a lot together in 15 years. life together, many have passed since the accident. I love him very much because he is a wonderful husband, father, talented businessman, good son and friend.

To say that I absolutely do not want live full-fledged sex is to play a trick, sometimes I want to, I have dreams. But I don't show my husband. It's an instinct that you can fight against.

But recently, two months ago, a problem arose. My husband called me to a frank conversation and said that he understands that a beautiful young woman needs at least occasionally full-fledged sex with a man and that he will not mind if I get a lover with whom nothing but sex will connect me and I will begin to meet with him once a week. Only, he asked that it be a person not from the circle of acquaintances. To say that I was stunned is to say nothing. I was shocked. I began to passionately explain that I didn’t want to, that I didn’t need anyone, that there was him - and this is the only man I can have. I thought that he was just talking like that, maybe he was testing me like that. Especially before the accident, we had a very beautiful, rich sex life.

The conversation resumed a week later, my husband suggested the same thing, said that he was not just not opposed, he insisted, because he cares about my health and knows that long abstinence is harmful to women's health. I refused again, even offended. The conversation fell silent again.

A week later - again, he was a little drunk and again began to say that he felt guilty in front of me, that I was the best, that he knew how much I love him and that he was the only man in my life, but no matter what he felt myself guilty, so that I would know that it happens to me well - I need to have a lover.

What to do? Yes, probably, I would not refuse to sleep with someone a couple of times, but then I will feel guilty before my husband, I will be gnawed by guilt, I know, I will wipe myself into powder later. Yes, and my husband, I'm sure, will start this conversation again.

M.b. somehow try to get pregnant from him? I am completely naive in this matter, is it possible to get pregnant from an impotent husband? But pregnancy and a child will distract him. Moreover, before the accident, we dreamed that we would definitely have two children.

Or again go to them to a sexologist, a psychologist? Although I am more than sure, with THIS question, he will not go to specialists.