Get rid of the last 5 kg. How to lose the last three kilograms? Eliminate extra pounds without stress for the body

There are many reasons for stopping weight loss, so there is no single solution to this problem. Let's find out how to say goodbye to the last kilograms on the way to ideal weight.

Here are some proven ways, from intensifying your diet and training to more extreme solutions.

Reevaluate your calorie intake

If you have already lost more than 5 kilograms, you should not expect further weight loss without adjusting the caloric content of the diet to your new body weight. Make sure you calculate everything correctly and be sure to keep a food diary. You may start to be less mindful of your diet over time, so reevaluate your goals and how to achieve them.

Focus on strength training

Physical exercise will help you say goodbye to the last extra pounds, because for this you need to burn more calories than you consume. Strength training will shake up your usual activities and help get rid of excess weight.

Eat More Protein

Fiber helps you feel full, but so does protein, so eat it with every meal, especially if you exercise regularly. Plant-based protein from legumes and lentils ranks first for health benefits.

Other great sources of protein are plain yogurt, fish, and eggs. Try not to eat saturated fats with protein.

Change your workout program

As your body gets used to the calorie restriction and training regimen, progress slows down. Keep updating your exercises. Following the usual program will allow you to maintain the current weight, but nothing more.

Try interval training, increase the difficulty of the exercises, and change the time of day when you exercise so that the scale needle slides to the left again.

Drink more water

Even if you remember the importance of water in the body, you can miss this moment. Increase your water intake a little. This minor change can make all the difference in getting rid of the last few pounds.


If you don't get enough rest, your attempts to lose weight will be blocked by the stress hormone and your metabolism will slow down. And if you want to say goodbye to the last extra pounds, make it a rule to sleep at least 8 hours. Pay special attention to the quality of your sleep and try to eliminate noises that may disturb you during the night.

Reduce your consumption of convenience foods

If you are not giving up on the path to your ideal weight, it is best to completely abandon processed foods.

Eat fresh foods and say no to alcohol for at least one to two weeks. This is not just liquid calories, but also a weakening of control.

stand more

Once you've made the most of your diet and exercise, even the smallest changes, such as more time on your feet, can get you closer to your desired weight. If you can’t say goodbye to those extra 5 kilograms, remember that standing requires 100 calories per hour more than sitting.

123RF/Felix of Britain

Fight metabolic adaptation

If you're no longer making progress on your weight loss journey, just accept that your body has gotten used to everything you've tried. It may sound strange, but increasing portions and calories for a couple of weeks can speed up your metabolism, and further weight loss will be more successful.

Focus on maintaining your weight

If all else fails, maybe you just don't need to lose any more weight. Your weight may be ideal for your age, and if you're feeling well and are happy with your progress, it's best to focus on maintaining your weight.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Extra pounds are a problem for most women. Some simply accept themselves as they are and do not try to do anything to lose weight, while others are very worried about this and are constantly looking for new ways to lose weight.
If you need to lose weight by 5 kg (± 1-2 kg), then you don’t need to look for any ways, much less buy special food or any pills in pharmacies. Losing 5 kg is much easier than you might think at first. But there is one caveat - the lower your initial weight, the longer your path to success will be.

If you are wondering how to lose 5 kg, then we suggest that you consider several weight loss options:

  • healthy, that is, gradual;
  • fast, which will allow you to lose those extra pounds in just a few days.

Naturally, the first option is the most suitable for everyone, because it promotes gradual weight loss without harming the body, while allowing you to maintain the results achieved for many years. The disadvantage of this method is that it will take 2-3 months to reach your goal.

The advantage of the second method over the first is the rapid loss of extra pounds in just 4-7 days. The disadvantage is that the lost kilograms return very quickly, since most often weight loss occurs due to the removal of stagnant feces and excess fluid from the body. It is recommended to use this method for those who want to urgently lose weight by 5 kg or more, for example, before any celebration or important event.

But remember that you can stick to it no more than once every 6 months, otherwise it will lead to health problems.

Another problem with rapid weight loss is often the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. To avoid this, dermatologists and beauty industry experts recommend the use of special cosmetics. For example, a modeling cream. But remember, before you buy a product, you must carefully study its composition. If the label contains components such as parabens, mineral oils or animal fats, then the purchase should be discarded. The above substances cause serious harm to both the skin and health in general.

Experts advise using only natural cosmetics. The leader in their production is Mulsan Cosmetic. All its products, including the modulating cream, have passed laboratory tests and are completely safe for health, which is confirmed by quality certificates. We recommend visiting the site to choose a modeling cream and other cosmetic products that are right for you.

Healthy weight loss also means increased physical activity. If you need to lose 5 kg, then you must understand that without changing the basic daily routine and diet, you simply will not be able to achieve your goal.

Let's talk first about healthy eating and what it is. A healthy diet is one that incorporates carbohydrates, proteins, fats,. At the same time, their fat content (in particular, animal origin) should be minimal, since they are the main source of fat formation.
The same applies to carbohydrates, but all. There are complex carbohydrates that are found in meat, cereals, etc., and there are simple carbohydrates found in buns, sweets, cakes and other sweets. So, the latter are enemy No. 1 for people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

And all due to the fact that simple carbohydrates are very quickly broken down by the body and begin to be spent, while the energy that is in fat cells remains unaffected. At the same time, if too many simple carbohydrates enter the body, it will begin to “save” the “excess”, as a result of which a couple of extra pounds may form.

Therefore, foods high in animal fats and simple carbohydrates should completely disappear from your diet! If this is already impossible for some reason (for example, you simply cannot imagine your life without chocolate or buns), then their consumption should decrease by 3-4 times. That is, if you previously ate a whole bar of chocolate with a cup of tea, now you can only eat ¼ of it. Believe me, for overweight people, even this is a lot!

You will also need to give up everything fried and fatty. Fried potatoes, fried cutlets, even if they are from dietary meat, should not be present on your table. If you decide to really lose weight by 5 kg, then you will have to eat only those foods that are steamed or in the oven, as well as those that are simply boiled in water.

You will have to taboo the following foods:

  • pork;
  • duck, goose;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • sugar;
  • fatty varieties of dairy and sour-milk products;
  • white bread and rich pastries;
  • cakes, pastries and other sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee.

As you can see, the list of prohibited products for gradual weight loss is not large, and therefore reducing the weight loss process will not be something unbearable for you. You can cook a variety of dishes from:

  • chicken, turkey (only without skin);
  • beef, rabbit;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice
  • barley;
  • lentils;
  • peas;
  • white cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • Luke;
  • beets;
  • low-fat cream or sour cream;
  • a small amount of olive oil (can be added to salads) and other products.

The main thing is that in your dishes there are no products that are prohibited. And if you eat by the hour (breaks between meals should be a maximum of 4 hours), and also exercise exercise, which are aimed at different muscle groups, you can easily get rid of extra pounds in 2-3 months.

Rapid weight loss by 5 kg

Quick diets, or as they are also called, will help you urgently lose 5 kg. They are based on the consumption of one of any product within 3-5 days. As a result of this, the body is completely cleansed and the waist becomes a few centimeters smaller.

It is highly not recommended to engage in active physical activity during the period of such weight loss, since the body will be focused on cleansing and excess activity will lead to rapid fatigue (dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. are possible).

Losing weight with mono-diets is dangerous to health, so before using them on yourself, we recommend that you visit your doctor and get approval from him.

This diet allows you to lose weight by 5 kg very quickly. You only need 3 days to do this! You will need to drink one and a half liters every day with a low percentage of fat content and do not eat anything else. The diet is not varied, not everyone can withstand such nutrition.

Therefore, we offer you another option for a kefir diet. It is the most gentle, and therefore it can be adhered to for 5 days. During this time, your daily diet should consist of 1.5 liters of kefir and 1.5 kg of fresh.

This diet has a powerful cleansing effect, so we do not recommend you to go far from home during this period. Fresh cucumbers can be replaced with green apples, but you cannot achieve such an effect (minus 5-6 kg).

Buckwheat diet

Are you still wondering how to quickly lose 5 kg? Then we will tell you about. It is just as effective as kefir, but it is also difficult to sustain.
For 4 days you will need to eat buckwheat. You can cook it in several ways:

  • pour one glass of cereal with two glasses of water and cook until cooked without adding salt and butter;
  • pour one glass of cereal with two glasses of kefir and leave to swell overnight.

It is better, of course, to use the second option for preparing buckwheat porridge, because it helps to cleanse the intestines faster. But if for some reason you didn’t like it, it’s fashionable to use the first method.

Buckwheat should be consumed in 5-6 doses. To do this, the finished porridge should be divided into equal parts and consumed one part every 3-3.5 hours.

Perfect for those who want to lose weight and just love bananas. They are sweet and quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger. There are several options for the banana diet. The first of them is the most - you can eat no more than 1.5 kg of ripe bananas per day. There is nothing else to eat. It is allowed to drink only water or.

The second version of the banana diet involves eating three bananas a day. At the same time, it is allowed to drink three glasses of kefir or milk. Green tea also allowed, but no more than two mugs.

To adhere to such diets should be no more than 5 days. If during this time it is not possible to achieve the desired result, the diet can be extended, but at the same time adding animal protein to the diet, for example, boiled chicken fillet or fish. You can eat no more than 100 grams of these products per day.

salt-free diet

It also helps you lose weight quickly. True, in this case, fat deposits will really burn, and not just cleansing will occur. It is recommended to eat all foods without adding oil, salt and oil. That is, if you cook rice, then it should not be salty. The same goes for meat, salads and other dishes.

In this case, nothing can be fried or baked. Everything should be boiled or steamed. On such a diet, you can sit for 1-2 weeks. The result is minus 5-9 kg, depending on the initial weight and the duration of the diet.

To urgently lose 5 kg or more, you must follow some rules:

  1. the last meal should occur 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  2. drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day;
  3. only fresh products should be used for food;
  4. all food should be prepared without the addition of oils and fat;
  5. physical activity should occur regularly (if mono-diets are observed, this rule is excluded).

By following these rules, you can easily get rid of extra pounds. The main thing is confidence in yourself and your abilities!

Video on how to quickly lose weight by 5 kg

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Doctors have already said so much about the dangers of fast weight loss on strict diets that it makes no sense to repeat, but it happens to a woman that she has to look for a way to quickly lose 5 kg or more. Is it possible to lose such an amount of hated weight and reduce volumes in a week and a half, and what methods can help with this? What rate of weight loss in express mode can be considered not too dangerous?

How much can you lose 5 kg

The main measure of the time for which a person is able to lose a certain amount of excess weight is not the chosen diet - this is a secondary factor - but the initial data. If you are obese, there are chances to lose the first 5 kg quickly, even in a couple of weeks, only by limiting yourself to the amount of servings, or eliminating fatty foods. Further, the lower the weight, the more difficult it is to determine how much you can throw off 5 kg - in the case when it last step to perfect figure, “finishing”, long-term fat burning is not excluded, up to a rate of “less than a kilogram per month”.

In addition to the initial weight, how quickly you can lose 5 kg is answered by:

  • physical (aerobic) loads;
  • well-designed training regimen;
  • rigidity of the diet;
  • hormonal background (women are often prevented from losing weight due to fluid retention);
  • metabolism.

Lose 5 kg in 2 months

Such a rate of weight loss is not considered unnatural, since doctors call it possible to lose weight even by a kilogram in a week, which in 2 months will amount to 8-9 kilograms. However, an individual calculation is more reasonable: to lose about 7% per month of the current weight - this is the optimal speed. So even a woman with a body weight of 50 kg can lose 5 kg in 2 months without loss, but she should not do this more quickly.

Correctly and without the risk of a return weight loss, you can lose five kilograms at home within the specified period:

  • Removing sweets from the menu.
  • Stop eating before bed.
  • Having reviewed the composition of the dinner, you need a light one, preferably formed from vegetables and seafood.
  • Having calculated for yourself the basic metabolism and the calorie intake per day (directly for how to quickly lose the extra 5 kg, and not for mild weight loss).
  • Having made regular physical activity (for a week at least 2 workouts of 40 minutes each).

How to lose weight by 5 kg in a month

These rates are already slightly out of the natural, but are not yet considered impossible, even if you are trying to reset last kilos in pursuit of a perfect body. Traditionally, limited calories come to the rescue, which you need to calculate for yourself. You can lose weight by 5 kg in a month without fasting on mono-diets, so do not rush to make a menu only from carrots and lettuce. You only need:

  • Eliminate simple carbohydrates.
  • Actively drink clean water (break 2 liters into 10-15 times a day).
  • Start the morning with gymnastics - pick up a set of aerobic exercises for yourself, or from running.
  • Before the workout you are doing, in order to quickly lose weight, eat only three boiled eggs without yolks (no porridge, sandwiches, etc.).

Diet 5 kg per month

You can make weight loss more effective if you stick to a clear menu and the same clear activity schedule. The 5 kg per month diet focuses not so much on cutting calories (although here you need not exceed 1200 kcal), but on the correct ratio of BJU and the time between food and cardio training. Consider - losing weight quickly (even by the indicated five kg for a period of a month) with problems with the endocrine system may not work.

Daily plan, which is desirable to withstand the entire month (hours are indicative):

  1. 9:00 am - egg whites (from 3 soft-boiled eggs), green tea.
  2. 9:30 am - any cardio workout: running, jumping, aerobics. Duration - from 40 minutes.
  3. 10:30 a.m. - oatmeal (milk is allowed), sweetened with a spoonful of jam (the only moment of sweets allowed).
  4. 12:00 h - 150 g of fruit.
  5. 14:00 - boiled buckwheat with tofu, fresh carrots and cucumber.
  6. 16:00 - grapefruit.
  7. 18:00 - salad of greens, tuna (or other canned fish) and tomatoes.
  8. 21:00 - kefir with cinnamon.

How to lose weight by 5 kg in a week

In life, a situation can always occur that requires an emergency correction of the figure. There are ways, but all the methods that offer schemes to “quickly lose weight by 5 kg in a week” or rather are very difficult to tolerate if the body has chronic diseases. Only a healthy person is allowed to use these diets and rarely. If you set out to learn by any means how to urgently lose weight by 5 kg in a week, do not be surprised at the decline in strength, the inability to give yourself physical and mental stress. Even morning exercises will have to be postponed.

Diet Minus 5 kg per week

The daily calorie intake in the case when you need to lose weight quickly is reduced to 1000 kcal, and only the following remain in the diet:

  • greens;
  • vegetables (without potatoes and thermally processed beets with carrots);
  • green fruits (kiwi, apples);
  • lemons;
  • nuts (portion - 20 g);
  • chicken breast;
  • egg whites;
  • kefir.

A diet of 5 kg per week requires you to definitely use any kind of cabbage, because. This is a product that helps to quickly burn fat. Spices are also needed, which will activate the metabolism. You will have to forget about cottage cheese and other dairy products, because. There is lactose, which is sugar. Salt should also be abandoned - it does not affect body fat, but the rate of weight loss slows down.

How to lose 5 kg in 5 days

If you rely on the reviews of those who tried to quickly lose weight (for a period shorter than a week), then among the recommendations, the sequence of diets with protein / carbohydrates by day flashes predominantly. There you can also see confirmation of the medical words that only overweight people can lose weight by 5 kg in 5 days. The rest, even when fasting, will not be able to lose so much in less than a week. Additional advice from nutritionists looking for how to quickly lose weight by 5 kg is to drink plenty of water: clean water, fruit drinks, fresh juices, teas. However, it is not suitable for people suffering from kidney disease.

Diet for 5 days Minus 5 kg

Mono-power with alternation for a short period of time in degree negative impact on the body is no different from other fast methods with severe calorie reduction, but this diet for 5 days "minus 5 kg" takes advantage due to the lack of monotony between days. The principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation prevents weight stagnation, so it is good to overcome the “plateau” with it. The nutrition scheme for those who do not know how to quickly lose 5 kg, by day is like this:

  • Monday. Animal protein (heat-treated) - 450 g per day.
  • Tuesday. Vegetables that can be exposed to temperature - 1 kg per day.
  • Wednesday. Kasha, nuts. The latter is not more than 100 g per day, and cereals (dry product) - up to 150 g.
  • Thursday. Any fruit - up to 800 g, but only one banana.
  • Friday. Cottage cheese and kefir - up to 700 g and 1 liter. Fat content is not evaluated - it will not hurt to lose weight quickly.

Lose 5 kg in 4 days

Not everyone can lose five kilograms in almost half a week, and the nutrition scheme to achieve such a goal will quickly be very cruel. In addition to the requirement to stop eating at night, you will have to forget about animal protein, leaving only legumes as the source of this nutrient - chickpeas, beans and lentils will become the basis of your dinner. For breakfast and dinner, those hoping to lose 5 kg in 4 days should try to make do with vegetables and fruits, supplemented with cereal bread.

Diet for 4 days Minus 5 kg

The menu of this emergency weight loss does not differ in variety and balance: a diet for 4 days minus 5 kg is a meager vegetable diet interspersed with rare buckwheat porridge and boiled eggs. Rapid weight loss provides such nutrition:

  • Orange and a glass of tea for breakfast.
  • Buckwheat, cucumber and lettuce for lunch.
  • Fresh celery with cucumber and boiled egg (yolk removed) for dinner.

5 kg in 3 days

When urgent weight loss is needed, experts advise trying to lose weight on detox diets. This is almost the only idea for urgently looking for a method to lose 5 kg, only here there are several conditions:

  • The menu will be very hungry, because it consists of plant foods, and it does not provide the proper amount of energy.
  • Lose 5 kg in 3 days - do not burn fat in the same volume, but remove liquid, so be prepared for a quick return of weight.
  • Losing weight fast on fiber activates the intestines, so it is better to be at home during this three-day diet period.

Diet for 3 days Minus 5 kg

It is allowed to resort to this express weight loss system once a quarter. You need to get out of it not quickly, but for a week, eating light foods: cereals, vegetables, eggs. No meat, no smoked meats, etc. The urgent diet "5 kg in 3 days" involves the use of only raw vegetables / fruits, so some of them will not be on the menu - eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, i.e. those that require heat treatment. Freshly squeezed juices and salads will help to quickly lose excess, the volume of which and the frequency of consumption are not limited.

How to lose weight by 5 kg without diets

If too fast weight loss is not relevant for you, and you do not want hard weight loss with a deterioration in well-being, use these doctors' advice to lose 5 kg without diets:

  • Adopt an active lifestyle as a rule - this is how you spend what you eat.
  • Try to eat at home, as it is difficult to track calories and BJU in a restaurant (not all establishments indicate these parameters on the menu).
  • If you had to eat out, choose dishes that are understandable in composition: salad without mayonnaise, grilled vegetables, etc.
  • It will help to quickly lose some weight by replacing baked goods with whole grain bread.
  • In search of an answer, how to quickly lose 5 kg, have you decided to eat once a day? This will not solve the problem - fasting will slow down the metabolism, the weight will only increase.

Video: how to quickly lose 5 kg

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to quickly lose 5 kg at home in a week

One of the fairly common phenomena during weight loss is the plateau effect. This term implies an unreasonable stop in the process of weight loss. This means that the scale arrow stands still or even moves forward, despite the fact that you continue to follow all the rules of the diet, do not “break down” and do not overeat. What, then, is the reason for the “stagnation” in weight loss?

First of all, I would like to note that many people often confuse the effect of a weight loss plateau with a simple slowdown in the rate of weight loss.

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Why kilograms "leave" more slowly?

1. Sudden fluid loss.
At the beginning of the weight loss process, the body first of all gets rid of fluid, and not directly from subcutaneous fat deposits. This happens by limiting the decrease in the total daily caloric content of your diet and the complete or partial rejection of salt and sugar, which can retain fluid in the body. Getting rid of water, the plumb line can be 1-2 kilograms per day.

2. Getting rid of "fresh" fats.
Following the liquid, fats that have been deposited quite recently “leave” with ease. They have not yet had time to securely "fix" on the areas of your body, they are quite loose, so they can be quickly eliminated with the help of physical activity and a number of adjustments in the diet. In this regard, at the beginning of the diet, you will notice fairly rapid changes in volumes, and over time this process will slow down.

It is after the first two stages of weight loss that the plateau effect is usually observed. Having got rid of the liquid and recently gained fats, the body will already need a lot more effort in order to continue the process of losing weight. The next “in line” are directly those kilograms that you initially sought to get rid of - something that “ate up” for a long time.

Long-formed fatty layers, unfortunately, do not leave our body as quickly as we would like.

It is after this that the so-called plateau effect can begin. However, do not confuse it with a simple slowdown in the process of weight loss. Slower weight loss in this case is quite normal, but the plateau effect is a complete stop of this process. You can talk about it only when no changes are observed for several weeks, and the weight does not decrease by a single gram.

What causes the plateau effect?

As a rule, there can be only two reasons for "stagnation" in losing weight.

1. The body gets used to the new nutrition system, perceiving it not as temporary changes, but as a radically new way of life, therefore it begins to successfully adapt to it.

The process of losing weight is due to the fact that the body expends more calories than it receives. If you lose weight with long-term, but at the same time low-calorie diets, the body will try to protect itself by getting used to consuming fewer calories in the end, focusing on the approximate daily calorie content.

2. The second reason for the plateau effect is the slowdown in metabolic processes. Your metabolic rate starts to slow down as you already consume less food and your body doesn't need to function as actively. In addition, you burn part of the calories you get yourself while doing physical activity. This body can also feel and take into account.

There may come a time when the combination of the above reasons leads to the fact that the weight simply stands still, even though you have not deviated from the rules of your diet and have not missed a single workout. Do not give up - this is only a temporary phenomenon, you just need to wait a little.

You can also protect yourself as much as possible from the occurrence of the plateau effect if you approach the issue of combating excess weight very thoroughly: comprehensively, focusing on individual needs and characteristics of the body (for this you need to consult a doctor) and having previously “prepared” for a diet.

So that the body does not begin to experiment with the pace of the metabolic process, you can lose weight with the help of special diets, each day of which provides for its own individual daily calorie intake. Often in such dietary courses, there are "jumps" in calories. That is, for example, today your norm should be 1200 kcal, tomorrow - 800, the day after tomorrow - 1000, etc. Thus, if the daily calorie content is, roughly speaking, chaotic, the body will not be able to adapt to it and will not lower the rate of exchange processes.

Read also: Diet 800 kcal

However, it is impossible to say for sure whether such a diet would not be dangerous to health. A less risky method to combat the plateau effect is to exercise. It's simple: if the metabolic and digestive processes already refuse to promote fat burning, then your muscles will be able to successfully do this. In addition, regular training will reward you with a more toned body and graceful silhouette. If you lose weight without physical exertion, there is a high probability of stretch marks and sagging skin.

What sport is better to play?

In fact, any physical activity will do, so you can choose the sport that is closest to you. It is important that you enjoy training and that it becomes your hobby. Then you yourself will not notice how you will fully bring the body into shape and, moreover, you will continue to lead an active lifestyle, thereby ensuring yourself from weight gain.

Are you trying your best but can't seem to lose weight? Let's see what could be the reason for this state of affairs.

Eat only diet meals, go to a fitness club... The results are obvious, but after a few months it turned out that the progress had stopped and the last 3-4 kilograms did not go away. Is the situation familiar? According to nutritionists, the cause of this common problem is the diet itself. Perhaps by getting rid of the following “healthy” habits, you can turn the tide.

Eat whole grain bread

You completely got rid of white flour bakery products, and now in your kitchen there are only breads, crackers and whole grain cereals. They are lower in calories and good for the cardiovascular system…

“But you have to be careful with them, they still contain a lot of saturated fats, sugar and salt, which provide additional calories,” says Lisa Sasson, MD, professor at the Clinic of Diet and Nutrition at New York University.

Changing strategy:

Data from scientists at the Clinic of Diet and Nutrition suggests that lovers of self-cooked whole grains control their weight better.

You can advise them to additionally eat more brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, sesame seeds, whole grains.

"They are rich in fiber, which is very filling but has a low glycemic index," says Sasson. "Carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood very slowly."

Allow "breakdowns" for a couple of days

During the holidays, do you allow yourself to deviate from the accepted diet? Parties are not in vain and leave behind extra centimeters on the sides.

And, say, adhering to a diet only on weekdays, you lose fewer calories than you spend from Friday evening to Monday morning. When we want to get rid of the last 3-4 kilograms, we need to count every calorie, according to scientists from the Washington University School of Medicine.

Kati McManus, MD, director of the Department of Nutrition at the Women's Hospital in Boston, says: “On the weekend, you need to eat strictly on a diet. Otherwise, all the work that you have done in the last 5 previous days will go to waste.

New strategy:

When only a few kilograms remain before the goal, protect yourself from all temptations. People who distribute the diet evenly for a week lose weight twice as fast.

It’s better to allow yourself to eat 150–200 more calories a day every other week, but don’t break loose on weekends.

cooking at home

According to Clemson University, restaurants serve portions that are many times larger than recommended. For this reason, many people prefer a homemade meal, because by preparing it, you can correctly calculate the proportions.

However, the habit of tasting food during cooking, eating up after the child and adding a lot to the dish vegetable oil loads you with an extra hundred or two extra calories.

New strategy:

“Calculate how much soup fits in your favorite cup. Most likely, not 150–200, but all 300 ml! Find a bowl of the right size, and the same goes for the size of other dishes - to control how much you eat,” advises Sasson.

Another trick: put some of your portion in the refrigerator before meals, and when you get hungry, eat it as a second meal.

Eat slowly, chew your food well

When you spend a lot of time chewing, it can backfire. Scientists at the American Center for Dietetics have found that we get 40-70% more calories if we dine slowly with family or friends.

“In a warm company, a person eats more than surrounded by a large number of strangers in a restaurant, for example,” says an assistant professor of marketing at the New York State University Colin Payne.

New strategy:

“When you are going to eat with friends, think in advance how much you will eat, because in a fun company we don’t care about counting calories,” Payne says. “For example, decide whether you will eat one or two slices of bread, drink one or two glasses of wine, how many snacks you will eat before the hot dish is served.”

Lose weight with a friend

“Losing weight with friends puts you at risk of being influenced by their dietary behavior,” says Becky Marquez, MD, a scientist at Miriam Hospital. “If any of them want to go back to eating buns for lunch, for example, you might want to follow suit.”

Dieting alone is easier than with someone else.

“If you try for a long time to convince a friend to do this or that set of exercises or give up sweets, apparently she is not yet ready to work on herself,” Marquiez says.

New strategy:

“After deciding to go to the goal with a friend, discuss the nuances,” Marquiez advises. - If he does not share your aspirations, do not be offended. One will be even easier. You can also look for like-minded people not among friends, but among people who are already engaged in themselves.


Whether you want to lose 5 kg of fat or 50 kg, you can apply this principle: to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

FROM proper nutrition and a solid plan, you can ensure that most, if not all, of the weight you lose comes from fat. However, depending on where you start and what your goal is, you will likely need to continuously adjust your plan to ensure you are making steady progress. Also, various factors become more important as you get closer to your goal.

In general, when you get thinner, losing weight is much more difficult and you need to pay attention to special details that may not be so important at first.

How to make those last 5 kg go away?

"Last 10 pounds of fat" will be different different people. If your goal is to drop from 210 pounds to 200 pounds, you'll likely have an easier time than if you're training for a bodybuilding or fitness competition, have 8% body fat, and want to lose an extra 10 pounds.

When setting your goals, it's important to be honest with yourself, and it's a good idea to ask an expert for initial input. Most people grossly underestimate how much fat they need to lose in order to become lean or have a sculpted body. Many people have claimed to want to lose 15 pounds in order to show muscle, although in fact they needed to lose about 30-40 pounds. This is important because underestimating the need to achieve the goal can lead to disappointment.

What needs to be done to lose the last 5 kg?

1 - Determine your calorie needs

When you lose weight, your caloric expenditure decreases. As an extreme example, a person who used to weigh 500 pounds and now weighs 180 takes far less energy to get from point A to point B than he expended when he weighed 320 pounds more. This is important for continuously monitoring progress and adjusting for fewer calories if it stops.

Reducing calories reduces metabolism. Hormones that control energy expenditure, such as thyroid hormone, are downregulated to allow the body to adapt to less calorie intake. And again, this requires further reduce calories to maintain weight loss.

Remember: Building your metabolism, or the process of adding calories very slowly to maintain your current weight before dropping again, can keep you from having to cut calories to the point where your exercise performance and ability to stick to a plan has a significant impact. However, it requires a lot of patience and the utmost attention to detail, although the result is worth it. While it can be psychologically difficult to keep from thinking "I wanted to be there yesterday", it's important to remember that you want to be able to maintain your weight, and a metabolic building period increases your chance of long-term success.

2 - Get more sleep

Poor sleep (both quality and quantity) can make it difficult to lose weight. Lack of sleep is a powerful appetite stimulant and if you do not pay attention to sleep, your chances of reducing the amount of food you eat will disappear. In addition non-fat tissue loss increases when your sleep is shortened.

3 - Sequential exercises

The effect of exercise on weight loss (versus calorie intake) varies widely from person to person. However, if you are lean, the effect of exercise on weight loss is much greater. By reducing the concentration of fat in the body, there is a great risk of losing muscle in a negative state of calorie balance. (In this case, resistance exercise can reduce or prevent muscle loss.)

High-intensity exercise increases metabolism for a long period after exercise, and this becomes more important when reducing body fat. For example, a 300-pound woman eating 3,000 calories a day can lose significant weight just by reducing calories without significant loss of muscle tissue. On the contrary, a man who is trying to reduce body fat from 9% to 5% needs to focus on maintaining muscle and increasing metabolism through training.

4 - Create nutritional proportions

Although, ultimately, calories must be reduced to reduce fat, certain people have carb or fat sensitivities and it is easier to lose more fat by following a plan that takes this into account. As you get closer to your goal, it becomes especially important to keep track of not only calories, but also the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats consumed. When you're trying to get moving, often a adjustment (i.e. increase in protein and decrease in carbs) can push the movement back in the right direction.

5 – Understanding Medicine and Medical Conditions

This has been covered in a previous article (6 Common Drugs That May Cause Weight Gain), this should be taken into account and revisited if necessary.

Dropping the last 5 pounds isn't easy, but you can do it.

Most people have significantly more excess body fat than 10 pounds, so if your goal is 10 pounds, congratulations. To shed the final 10 pounds, first, make sure you're actually eating the amount of food you think you are. It may be necessary to measure and weigh your food, as portion size estimates may not be accurate. This doesn't mean you should measure your food on a date, but if you're cooking at home, it doesn't take long to make sure your portion size is right.

Secondly, the exercises must be appropriate and rational. For most people, this means doing resistance exercises in between high-intensity workouts.

Third, consider using supplements. Although supplements do little to promote fat loss in people with unhealthy lifestyles, if you are an astounding distance from your goal, they can help.

Finally, have patience. Weight comes off slowly, and there is a temptation to do something extreme in order to get closer to ideal physical shape. But remember that achieving this form is not the end of the road. You want to keep it, and having enough time to reach your goal increases the chance of keeping it. If you're trying to get moving, take a close look at every aspect of your life that affects weight and reach out to each one, opting for subtle adjustment over drastic changes, and you'll reach your goal before you even know it.

Every girl (woman) who has tried to lose weight at least once knows how hard the last few kilograms are. For example, with a height of 160 cm, you weigh 72 kg., And your dream is to lose 12 kg. So 9 kg. will leave quite easily (provided that you follow a diet), but the last 1-3 kg. at some point, “they just get up to die” and it seems that no tricks and tricks can move them.

But there are no hopeless situations: you don’t just need to despair and quit what you started halfway. You need to go to the intended goal to the end, despite the stop in weight. Psychologically, this is the most difficult moment in the whole weight loss process, as you are still on a diet, but you do not see results. And when there are no results, I really want to send everything to hell at that moment! Some do. And in vain, because without bringing the weight back to normal, you are 99.9% likely to gain your previous weight, and even add a few extra pounds.

So what to do to "wipe off the body" such stubborn extra pounds and finally "flutter" into your favorite trousers in two months? And for those who will be especially demanding of themselves, they will be able to boast of the result in a month.

First, make sure that these kilograms are really superfluous for you. This can be determined by the most elementary formula: height (in cm) minus 100 for men and 110 for women. But such a calculation does not take into account other important indicators, such as age and personal characteristics of a person. It is better to take data from the Egorov-Levitsky table, which is very popular among domestic nutritionists. There is no need to count anything, everything has been counted for you for a long time. There, according to growth, taking into account individual characteristics, the ideal weight has already been derived.

And in general, my advice to you, before you lose weight, decide on the right weight. This can be done on the site “losing weight correctly” (this is not advertising, but a vital necessity!). There you will find good tools that will help you determine your ideal weight, calculate calories, determine the level (value) of BMR (basal metabolic rate), calculate the percentage of body fat and much more.

For example, for a long time I was in happy ignorance about my weight - I always believed that with a height of 164 cm, my ideal weight should be 60 kg, although, being in this weight, I always experienced some kind of discomfort. And when I got to this wonderful site, I was surprised to find that I was right to experience discomfort - it turned out that I still need to lose weight, at least 2 kilograms. These two kilograms were given to me with such difficulty, as if I had lost 20 kilograms!

But I passed this stage thanks to the technique that my dietitian brought out for me. It is simple and consists of five points. After I started using it, these unfortunate two kilograms left my body quite comfortably.

And now you get FIVE rules that will help you at the last and most difficult stage.

1. Drink water. Doctors, nutritionists are already tired of shouting that for health you need to drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters / day!). Pay attention - not tea, not coffee, not compote, but plain clean water! What are we doing? Either we ignore this alarm call, or we drink a glass of water for decency and think that we have fulfilled our mission for today.

That's not how things will work. Water should be drunk for at least three reasons!
First, it reduces appetite.
Second, although water has no calorie content, it nevertheless increases metabolism, because it activates the processes that are associated with its absorption.
Third, water is necessary for the efficient functioning of our organs, especially the liver and kidneys. It is they who are responsible in the body for the processing and removal of various toxins and other unnecessary substances formed in the process of losing weight. So, it is in our interest to properly moisturize these organs. Do you agree?
Are you still not thirsty? Then you will slow down the whole process and push your ideal weight indefinitely.
But it’s not enough just to drink water, you need to drink it smartly: after six - try to drink less, and the rest of the time you drink 30 minutes BEFORE eating, and 60 minutes AFTER. And these are not the whims of doctors - we stimulate the release of endogenous fluid from fat deposits with this fluid intake.

2. Eat regularly. The mistake of many is that as soon as the weight goes down, the woman, seeing the result, relaxes and begins to allow herself to eat irregularly. Attention! She doesn't start eating cakes, sandwiches, fast food, she just starts skipping meals! Can afford to skip breakfast or lunch. Because of this, the diet that you worked so hard to normalize is disrupted.
It just so happened evolutionarily that our metabolism (the metabolic process) depends on the time of day, and when we sleep, the metabolic process slows down. But after the morning breakfast, this process “wakes up” and remains at a low level until lunch. So that good breakfast at the same time, you will save yourself from unwanted deals with conscience, such as “if I don’t have breakfast, and eat only an apple for lunch, then for dinner I can certainly afford whatever I want.”
So, do not relax for a second and follow a diet that includes at least 4-5 small meals a day.

3. Eat the right food. For you to understand, the right food is those foods that help speed up the metabolism. It's no secret that the less energy spent on digesting food, the more kilograms "stick" to us. In fact, everything is extremely simple: you don’t need to use fast carbohydrates, which are called so because they are digested in a matter of minutes and are quickly deposited in our “bins”. These include sugar, cakes, sweets, chocolate, cookies, jam, honey, sweet fruits.
But when processing unsweetened fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains, which contain fiber and dietary fiber, our body is forced to make an effort and “sweat”. So, set yourself a daily bar from 1100 to 1250 kcal, and continue the previously started “struggle” with fast carbohydrates.

4. Go half vegetarian. This means that half a week (3 days) you should not have meat in your diet. This advice I want to give you is not just for a while until you reach the desired weight. Becoming a "partial" vegetarian is better for you for life. Make it a rule to not eat meat 2 times/week. Try instead of meat (even chicken) to eat a serving of vegetables: broccoli, eggplant, peppers, zucchini.
Vegetarian food will help you save at least 600 kcal (calories) per week. Only on partial vegetarianism in two months can easily take up to two kilograms. And we, in fact, this is what we are trying to achieve.

5. Combine aerobic exercise with strength training. Aerobic exercise, also called cardio training, burns significantly more calories per session than strength training. good example serves cardio activities: aerobics and running, skating and skiing, walking, cycling and swimming.
But the effect of strength training lasts much longer: you have long finished exercising, you have long arrived home, and calories continue to be burned. This process can last from 3 to 15 hours. Power training necessary to tone the muscles of the body, because experts say that two workouts a week allow a woman to lose up to two kilograms of fat within a month.

So, draw conclusions - with one type of exercise you are unlikely to be able to achieve results in such a short time, and alternation will bring this result closer.

And finally, the main stages of the path have already been completed, there is only a little bit left. Without faith in yourself, it will be difficult for you to master it. As one of the Russian writers perfectly said, that faith is that category of knowledge that does not need actual evidence. So believe in yourself by applying these five simple tips, catch the buzz from the very process of losing weight, and you will succeed!