Which tarot card is a life together. Characteristics of the major arcana in relationship layouts

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

Tarot cards in the layout for marriage mean the following:

1. Opinion of a fortuneteller about himself

You want high relationships, pomposity, exemplary signs of attention ... And you do not want to put up with the realities, circumstances and subtleties of male characters. You've probably gotten what you want to some extent so far. However, life will certainly make its own "adjustments", and maybe you have even already felt it.

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

You are considered charming, cordial, romantic. In addition, hardly anyone doubts your creativity. True, sometimes you can see that you are in the clouds, however, this seems to be a natural property of your nature.

3. What is a fortuneteller in family relationships

AT family life you will always be above squabbles and banal quarrels. Your vision of marital relations can be characterized as equality, generosity towards a loved one, constructiveness.

4. Representation of a fortuneteller about a partner

You are convinced that your heart should tell you the chosen one. Perhaps you are even waiting for love at first sight. And you want him to love you selflessly - sincerely, deeply, as if having dissolved in you.

5. Where or under what circumstances can a fortuneteller meet a partner

When you first meet, you will not be bothered by anything significant. You will be confident, calm, balanced. Probably, your acquaintance will take place on a normal weekday, when you will perform your daily duties and visit familiar places.

6. What the fortuneteller should do

Listen to your intuition, trust your inner instinct. And - most importantly - do not share your intentions or fears with anyone. Especially if you want to artificially "adjust" the situation for yourself. If you need someone's help, organize everything so that this person does not even suspect anything.

7. Are there circumstances that aggravate karma

An outsider may well intervene in your sphere of feelings. In particular, you should be wary of weddings. Moreover, it is far from a fact that something will be done purposefully against you. You just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

8. Tarot card advice

You should learn to set global goals. Then everything else will serve to achieve them. Now you are limited to half-measures, private decisions that create the illusion of moving forward, but in fact are not capable of qualitatively changing your life.

9. Opportunity to get married - time forecast

Mid-January is the period that you may later call one of the happiest in your life. But keep in mind that this case goes only about next January. If during this time and in general in winter no key events occur, then the Eight of Coins indicated not this, but another, second period of luck - next summer.

Do you want to know if you will get married soon? In this article, you will learn about the main types of divination on Tarot cards for marriage and marriage, learn examples of layouts applicable to this situation. Enjoy reading!

Types of Tarot layouts for marriage

The phased layout of the Tarot for marriage allows the fortuneteller to find out whether the marriage with a loved one will take place in the foreseeable future. The choice of fortune-telling depends on the wording of the question (for example, “When will I get married”, “Will I be made an offer”, etc.).

The Tarot layout for marriage and children makes it possible to analyze the readiness of partners to create a family, have children, what awaits after marriage, etc.

Note. The above types of fortune-telling are relevant when the issue of marriage has already been voiced, two people are in a long-term relationship, there are prerequisites for an early marriage / marriage

You can find out the details of the above layouts in the courses of the Russian Tarot School or after reading the book by Sergey Savchenko “Evening Tea by Candlelight and Tarot Cards”.

Tarot spreads for marriage with a specific person

Consider the popular types of Tarot layouts for marriage with a man. Details below.

The layout of "Marriage"

Fortune telling is intended for girls / women who are in a long-term relationship, but have not received an official marriage proposal from young man. The alignment will tell about the true intentions of the second half, his opinion regarding the institution of marriage, his desire / unwillingness to become a legal spouse. In the layout, all cards of the Tarot deck can be used. Detailed scheme below.

Consider a detailed interpretation of each position

  1. Indicates the attitude of a man towards marriage in general, whether he considers it a serious / responsible step
  2. Attitude towards the official mural, demonstrated to the surrounding people. The first and second cards can be diametrically opposed. Only the first position points to the truth
  3. Thoughts of the second half regarding the proposed marriage with the querent
  4. Disadvantages / advantages that your young man is ready to “close his eyes” to after marriage
  5. Expectations from the “ideal marriage”, his ideas about him, what he expects from him
  6. Advice from the card on how to improve existing relationships, their future prospects

Note. If the Major Arcana fell out in the layout, pay special attention to the interpretation of their artechips, the characteristics of the life position of each character

The layout of "Marriage"

Suitable for women who are in a long-term relationship with a man, thinking about how to legalize the union. Divination is simple and accessible, so it can be used by novice tarologists. All Arcana of the deck can be used. The layout diagram is shown below.

The interpretation of the positions of the cards is as follows:

  1. Does it make sense to legitimize existing relationships
  2. Is there a desire for a man to enter into a legal marriage with you?
  3. It characterizes the "foundation" of relations, on what they are built. Cups / goblets - sincere feelings, staves / wands - common interests, hobbies, swords - the presence of joint problems that unite you, pentacles / denarii - materialism
  4. Whether to expect marriage proposals from your man
  5. General forecast of wedding prospects
  6. There will be / will not be a honeymoon, how will it develop
  7. Characteristics of the near future of your couple

Spread "Will I get married?"

Fortune telling determines the likelihood of marriage in general. Before conducting the alignment, clearly indicate the desired period of marriage. Recommended terms - 1-5 years. The details of the interpretation and the scheme are given below.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

  1. The attitude of a woman querent to her own person
  2. The opinion of the surrounding people regarding the fortuneteller (impression, attitude, etc.)
  3. What will a woman be like in family relationships (position in the family, her behavior)
  4. Representations of a fortuneteller regarding the future partner (what he should be)
  5. Places, circumstances under which the future spouse will meet the querent. Maps will show not only the surroundings, but also specify the right place.
  6. What needs to be done by a fortuneteller to bring the desired meeting closer
  7. The presence / absence of karmic circumstances that prevent marriage (the seal of loneliness, the crown of celibacy, etc.). If one of the following cards fell out in this position: Death, Moon, Supreme Court, Devil, Tower, Mage, Priestess, Priest - you should be on your guard
  8. Card advice regarding the current situation
  9. Probability of getting married in a given period of time

Tarot spreads for marriage prospects for singles

Below are several options for the layout of the prospect of marriage for single ladies.

The layout of the "Wedding ring"

Fortune telling on the "Wedding Ring" Tarot will be useful to women who have a soulmate, but events are not moving towards the legal formalization of relationships. The cards will help to identify the root cause of this turn of events, to find out the intentions of the partner regarding the legitimization of your relationship, the prospect of concluding marriage ties with him. Major and Minor Arcana involved. The layout diagram is shown below.

Positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. Represents your man's attitude to official marriage
  2. Description of his "ideal wife" as he sees her
  3. Compliance of your image with his ideas about the standard, does he see you as his wife
  4. A hint on how to change your behavior in order to become the official wife of your current partner
  5. Presence/absence of circumstances interfering with the marriage ceremony. Pay close attention to the meaning of this card
  6. Favorable circumstances working in favor of the hidden situation
  7. Will there be a wedding with a beloved man

Layout "I want to get married"

Fortune telling will be useful for those who have not yet met their loved one. It will indicate the prospects for the development of future relationships, whether they will lead to official marriage. Shuffle the deck and arrange the cards according to the diagram below.

Positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. The prospect of marriage in general
  2. What kind of person would be your ideal husband?
  3. Presence/lack of mutual understanding in future relationships
  4. The desire to legitimize the relationship with the alleged boyfriend
  5. The presence / absence of common interests, hobbies, activities
  6. The attitude of the man's family towards you
  7. Under what circumstances will you meet your loved one
  8. Characteristics of the family budget, distribution of future income - joint or separately for each
  9. Card tip - the better to take time to speed up the appearance of the desired object
  10. General forecast for the future, how your relationship will progress in the future

The meaning of cards in Tarot layouts for marriage

Here are examples of positive interpretations of arcana for personal relationships.


  • Ace: Appearance new love
  • C - feelings will be mutual
  • Two + Knight and/or Empress: Mutual love
  • Troika: A quick date is coming, a passionate adventure
  • Six: Karmic relationships are coming - when you meet, it will seem to you that it has not lasted for the first year. Is direct evidence of a relationship in the past
  • Nine: Success, approaching the cherished dream
  • Ten: Happiness and harmony

Arcana indicating a long-term relationship

  • (Priest): Expect a marriage proposal soon
  • Mir: Long, good relationship
  • Four of Wands: Probability of living together
  • Ten of Pentacles: Strong, friendly family

To find out even more interesting information, follow the updates on the site, do not forget to leave comments. All the best and see you soon!

What can show the layout of the tarot for marriage

Before choosing a suitable layout for divination about marriage, it is necessary to understand what the situation of the questioner is, what worries him and what he wants to know about. There is a difference between guessing "when the wedding will be" and "what the wedding will be."

In the first case, we give a forecast for the future and find out whether the person who applied to us should count on marriage as such. Moreover, here you can make an alignment for a specific candidate and for the future as a whole. There are two difficult moments here: determining the execution time of the predicted and the form of implementation.

Sometimes in the layout it may not be completely clear whether it means civil marriage (registered with the relevant authorities) or actual (life together). Here you need to focus on the ratio of emotional and formal cards in the layout.

In the case of the question “what will the wedding be like”, we clarify the moments of the relationship between people, when the very fact of marriage is more or less known to us. Here we will find out how people will live together, how compatible they will be in everyday matters, whether there will be a grinding period, whether their relationship will change after marriage. We can say that here we are looking at the fruits of the wedding.

With the help of this alignment, one can understand: were they in a hurry with the decision, should they take a better look at each other before taking such a step. The alignment is also designed to dispel doubts and fears about the upcoming family life (or confirm them).

Sometimes children are also included in the Tarot layout for marriage, which is not advised, since these areas only seem close, but in reality they line up on a completely different platform, sometimes even independent of each other. You know very well that there are both children without marriage and marriage without children. Therefore, including positions on children in questions about marriage should be done only in exceptional cases, when it is really necessary.

Let's take a look at some examples of tarot layouts for marriage and marriage.

Interesting video on the topic:

Tarot spreads related to marriage, wedding and future family:

Tarot spreads associated with divorce, infidelity and family problems:

Tarot layouts associated with the formation of a new family, marriage and marriage:

Divination layout “Future husband”

1 What kind of husband do I need?

2 What kind of husband will my chosen one be?

3 -Will he appreciate and cherish the family, i.e. how much he valued his family.

4 How well will he provide for his family (financially).

5 - How economic is it, will it help.

6 - His paternal qualities.

7 Is there any chance of cheating on his part?

8 - Advice of cards: is it worth marrying this man

Raskdad “Marriage interest”

The alignment is laborious, but for many interesting! Try it and don't despair!

An old layout, "Marriage Interest", which is carried out mainly on a regular deck of cards of 52 cards. But nothing prevents us from doing this alignment on the Tarot without the Major Arcana.

Let's first understand what the word mariage means. In card divination, this word means marriage and wedding. AT card game, denotes a king and a queen of the same suit available to one player.

For this layout, you can use both a deck with inverted arcana, and only straight arcana.

When conducting this alignment, I use a deck with straight arcana.

The essence of this alignment is as follows. In a shuffled deck of cards, the client’s card is mentally guessed, but it is not intentionally removed from the deck, we just follow where and how it will fall out. For example, the lady of Cups will be the hidden blank card of the client.

From the shuffled and cut deck, we lay out 20 cards in a line. This line of cards is called the mariage path. Let's see if our client card fell out in this twenty? If it fell out in this 20 cards, then the client has a high probability of building a relationship with some partner during the year. Or the client already has such a person at the moment. The whole series reads like a story, where the cards that fell out before the client's blank will show the past, and the cards in the blank field, the present, passing into the near future.

If the form did not fall out in the first 20 cards, then this means that the alleged acquaintance is still ahead, and the period for this event is 2-3 years. If the form did not fall out in the first 20 cards, lay out the second 20 cards.

If the card fell out of the last mariage path, then I do not spend this fortune-telling for some time, simply because the cards do not want to answer this question yet. And the next marriage divination can be done after some time, usually 3 months.

Then these 20 cards are collected, shuffled and laid out in 5 piles of 4 cards.

We look at which pile our form fell into.

If the blank is in the first pile, then the clint has a chance to marry within a year or two. We read the cards in this pile in order to understand how his marginal interest lies, whether he will take advantage of such a chance or miss it.

If the form fell out in the second pile, this means that the client can marry at a later date, from 2 to 3 years, but this marriage may not be official, but civil. We also read this stack of cards.

This means that the concomitant circumstances for the client, regarding the conclusion of marriage, can be pushed back into the future, up to 5 years. But this stack of cards always shows a formal marriage.

The fourth stack of cards will show the probability of marriage for a longer period of time, more than 5-6 years. And in general, it shows that it will be difficult for the client to find a mate and enter into an official marriage, but the loss of forms in this pile does not mean that the client will be left alone for life.

And the last, fifth stack, the most unfortunate, saying that a person can remain lonely. Can show that the client has a "crown of celibacy". The same stack will show the reasons why this is so, and not otherwise.

Layout “Married”

The layout is intended to analyze the approach married man to relationships in the family and relationships on the side.

It can be used by both a lover and a wife, if she knows for sure that her husband has a relationship on the side. Any deck can be used. Reads very well on .

1 - Himself "married", which is his personality.

2 - "Walking to the right", that is, what a wife is for him.

3 - "Walk to the left." Or what a mistress is to him.

4 - His attitude to the fact that he has both women in his life at once. How does he explain this to himself?

7 - What keeps him near his wife.

8 - What keeps him near his mistress.

9 - The most likely development of relations with his wife, during the year.

10 - The most likely development of a relationship with a mistress during the year.

11 – Unforeseen circumstances that may occur in this triangle during the year.

Family tree (tarot layout for marriage)

1, 2, 3 - The root of the tree, this is your relationship. It shows how relationships look now, or maybe they don’t exist at all, then the position will show what is in the way, whether this obstacle can be eliminated, whether there is a future.

4 - the feelings of a man, this card contains the strongest emotions of a person (they can be different, love, hate ...)

5 - the feelings of a woman, this card contains the strongest emotions of a person (they can be different, love, hate ...)

Having learned about feelings, it is already possible to put together a picture of whether there will be further development, and whether it is worth continuing the relationship.

6 - what gives growth to the union, common efforts, common feelings

7 - any relationship can run into obstacles, so this position is no less important, if the tests are passed, then the union has a further continuation

8 - interference from a man,

9 - Interference from a woman.

In this position, any obstacle can be, these are stones that can break a tree (damage, rivals, parents .. and many other life problems)

Tested and now:

10 - marriage card

11, 13, 15 - feelings of a man

12, 14, 16 - woman's feelings

17, 19, 21 - contribution to the union of a man

18, 20, 22 – contribution to the woman's union

Interference from the sides:

23, 25, 27 - interference from a man

24, 26, 28 - interference from a woman

29,30,31 - cards showing the continuation of the family tree, kids.

Family Perspective Spread

Suitable for a nascent or existing family.

1 – Family diagnostics


3 – What to pay attention to



6 – Real perspective

The layout “Marriage forever?”

This is an alignment both for relationships in general, and within a married couple - in particular. It can be done both for the participants in the relationship, and for "interested parties".

1 - Relationships in a married couple now

2 What binds spouses

3 What separates spouses

4 – His role in family relationships

5 – Her role in family relationships

6 How does he feel about his marriage?

7 How does she feel about her marriage?

8 – His plans for their marriage

9 – Her plans for their marriage

10 – What (or who) is interfering in their relationship

11 - Will the marriage last for a year (or - the period of interest)

“Maktub” layout

1 and 2– A karmic lesson from personal relationships that has yet to be learned.

3 and 4- Will there be more marriage relations and will they be official.

If the answer is yes:

5 – 7 What will the future spouse be like?

5 - His spiritual essence

6 and 7- His social status and life position.

8, 9 and 10 What will this person bring to my life?

11 - The essence of the relationship with him. Supreme meaning.

12 Will this marriage be the last in this life.

The alignment is done on a full deck, it was developed more for the classics. In practice, a rather capacious picture emerges.

Building a Family Spread (Annual Forecast)

The layout will show the main problems of the past and present. It will also show the prospects that interest the querents, regarding the topic raised, in the coming year.
In each position of the layout, you can put from 1 to 3 cards.

1 – Did the querent in the past have the opportunity to start a family?

2 If so, what got in the way. If not, why not?

3 - What, who is currently preventing him from starting a family?

4 – What does the querent himself realize at the same time?

5 – What remains hidden for the querent?

6 - What opportunities will the querent have to start a family in the coming year?

7 What needs to be considered in order to take advantage of these opportunities?

Alignment “Beloved in marriage”

1 - Am I ready to accept him as my husband?

2 - How does he perceive me as a wife?

3 - Do we satisfy each other as a married couple?

5 - What is the financial well-being of our family?

6 What is his relationship with children?

7 - Who is the head of the family?

Tarot divination “Probability of marriage”

This alignment is for those situations when it would be time to get married, but everything does not add up, there is no partner, and it is difficult to get to know each other.

1 - The querent's self-image.

2 - How people around represent the querent.

3 - How can a querent be in family relationships.

4 - The querent's ideas about what a partner should be.

5 – Where can I find a partner, a meeting place.

6 – What the querent must do to achieve the goal.

7 – Are there circumstances that aggravate karma (crown of celibacy, corruption, evil eye. 10 wands here, like a crown of celibacy.)

8 - Advice of cards to the querent.

9 – Opportunity to get married (you can specify the time). If there is no possibility at the agreed time, then an additional card is drawn to see the possibility of getting married at all.

“You plus He” layout

We check your compatibility with a specific person in terms of serious, close relationships, creating a family.

1 - what the partner wants to get from you, his main goal and plans for you, his desires and desires

2 - what can he really, specifically give you in a relationship, do for you, his efforts, movements towards creating and maintaining relationships with you

3 - how fateful your meeting is, whether the relationship will be long, regular, serious, and how much they can be

4 - how ready he is for you to change his behavior, established habits, way of life, move in communication towards each other (options can

5 - how ready are you for him to change behavior, established habits, way of life, move in communication towards each other

6 - does he now have the opportunity to change your future for the better, if you take situations into your own hands (work on yourself, behavior, attitude towards yourself, towards you, etc.)

7 - do you now have the opportunity to change your future for the better, if you take situations into your own hands (work on yourself, behavior, attitude towards yourself, towards him, etc.)

8 - how good and acceptable is his character, personality for living together, serious, long-term relationships

9 - how good and acceptable is your character, personality for living together, serious, long-term relationships

10 - what are his main fears, negative scenarios, experience, complexes, bad habits, which can interfere with your relationship, which can become an obstacle between you on his part from a psychological point of view, but which, if desired and diligently, can be changed

11 - what are your main fears, negative scenarios, experiences, complexes, bad habits that can interfere with your relationship, which can become an obstacle between you from a psychological point of view, but which can be changed if desired and diligently.

12, 13, 14 - events that will take place in your relationship, between you (at the beginning of the relationship, in their development and peak, how they can end as a whole)

Layout “Marriage forecast”

A very interesting alignment, I tried it personally, in general, here, using the cards that indicate marriage, you can determine whether there has already been a marriage / marriage, whether it is in the present tense or when it will happen in the future.

1, 2, 3 – past
4, 5, 6 - the present
6, 7, 8 - future
9, 10 - distant future

Spread "When is the wedding?"

This alignment is intended for people who want to formalize their relationship with their loved ones, but for some reason they are unable to do so.

With the help of this alignment, you can find out who or what is preventing this.

Determine whether there are prerequisites for a wedding today.

And finally, if there are any, find out after what time this significant event is most likely to take place.

1 - Characteristics of relations between partners today.

2 - What is the questioner in these respects?

3 - What is his partner in this relationship?

The second and third positions characterize the behavior of partners and the influence on each other in these relations.

4 - What does the partner of the questioner think about registering relationships?

This position reveals the true thoughts and feelings of a partner. Will it help to find out if he wants to legitimize the relationship or is he just looking for reasons to delay this event?

5, 6 – External influences on this couple.

In these positions (5,6) we will see how external circumstances(people, things at work, a crisis in the country, etc.) affect the relationship of a couple, bring together or, on the contrary, alienate partners from each other.

7 – When is the WEDDING?

To answer this question, what card is dealt in this position plays a key role? If this is a minor lasso, then at the moment there are no prerequisites for a wedding. If the senior lasso fell out, then you can congratulate the questioner and calculate after what time the wedding is most likely to take place?

Time is calculated as follows - the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bof all the cards of the minor arcana are added up (except curly cards) dropped out in 1-6 positions. Each suit has its own temporary meaning: Wands - days; Swords - weeks; Cups - months; Pentacles are years.

Family Perspective Spread (Emerging or Existing)

1 – Family diagnostics

2 - What gets in the way of normal relationships

3 – What to pay attention to

4 - What can normalize a family from the inside

5 – What can normalize a family outside

6 – Real perspective

Each position can be played with multiple cards. For example: "past, present, future"; or "this year, next year". But this must be determined before the start of the scenario, indicating the period.

If you have already laid out 1 card, you can additionally put the “reason” and “advice” cards on each of them.

1 - family atmosphere

2 - children

3 - housing problem

4 - money

5 - sexual relations

6 - segregation of duties

7 - love, romance, feelings of spouses

8 – common interests, leisure, spirituality, goals

9 - the attitude of others, influence from outside (the appearance of kings and queens indicates outside interference)

10 - family stability

Interesting video

Do you want to know if you will get married soon? In this article, you will learn about the main types of divination on Tarot cards for marriage and marriage, learn examples of layouts applicable to this situation. Enjoy reading!

Types of Tarot layouts for marriage

The phased layout of the Tarot for marriage allows the fortuneteller to find out whether the marriage with a loved one will take place in the foreseeable future. The choice of fortune-telling depends on the wording of the question (for example, "When will I get married", "Will I be made an offer", etc.).

The Tarot layout for marriage and children makes it possible to analyze the readiness of partners to create a family, have children, what awaits after marriage, etc.

Note. The above types of fortune-telling are relevant when the issue of marriage has already been voiced, two people are in a long-term relationship, there are prerequisites for an early marriage / marriage

You can find out the details of the above layouts in the courses of the Russian Tarot School or after reading the book by Sergey Savchenko "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards".

Tarot spreads for marriage with a specific person

Consider the popular types of Tarot layouts for marriage with a man. Details below.

Alignment &Marriage&

Fortune telling is intended for girls / women who are in a long-term relationship, but have not received an official marriage proposal from a young man. The alignment will tell about the true intentions of the second half, his opinion regarding the institution of marriage, his desire / unwillingness to become a legal spouse. In the layout, all cards of the Tarot deck can be used. The detailed diagram is shown below.

Consider a detailed interpretation of each position

  1. Indicates the attitude of a man towards marriage in general, whether he considers it a serious / responsible step
  2. Attitude towards the official mural, demonstrated to the surrounding people. The first and second cards can be diametrically opposed. Only the first position points to the truth
  3. Thoughts of the second half regarding the proposed marriage with the querent
  4. Disadvantages / advantages that your young man is ready to "turn a blind eye" to after marriage
  5. Expectations for the &perfect marriage& his idea of ​​it, what he expects from him
  6. Advice from the card on how to improve existing relationships, their future prospects

Note. If the Major Arcana fell out in the layout, pay special attention to the interpretation of their artechips, the characteristics of the life position of each character

Alignment &Marriage&

Suitable for women who are in a long-term relationship with a man, thinking about how to legalize the union. Divination is simple and accessible, so it can be used by novice tarologists. All Arcana of the deck can be used. The layout diagram is shown below.

The interpretation of the positions of the cards is as follows:

  1. Does it make sense to legitimize existing relationships
  2. Is there a desire for a man to enter into a legal marriage with you?
  3. It characterizes the "foundation" of relationships, on what they are built. Cups / goblets - sincere feelings, staves / wands - common interests, hobbies, swords - the presence of joint problems that unite you, pentacles / denarii - materialism
  4. Whether to expect marriage proposals from your man
  5. General forecast of wedding prospects
  6. There will be / will not be a honeymoon, how will it develop
  7. Characteristics of the near future of your couple

Layout & Will I get married? &

Fortune telling determines the likelihood of marriage in general. Before conducting the alignment, clearly indicate the desired period of marriage. Recommended terms - 1-5 years. The details of the interpretation and the scheme are given below.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

  1. The attitude of a woman querent to her own person
  2. The opinion of the surrounding people regarding the fortuneteller (impression, attitude, etc.)
  3. What will a woman be like in family relationships (position in the family, her behavior)
  4. Representations of a fortuneteller regarding the future partner (what he should be)
  5. Places, circumstances under which the future spouse will meet the querent. Maps will show not only the surroundings, but also specify the right place.
  6. What needs to be done by a fortuneteller to bring the desired meeting closer
  7. The presence / absence of karmic circumstances that prevent marriage (the seal of loneliness, the crown of celibacy, etc.). If one of the following cards fell out in this position: Death, Moon, Supreme Court, Devil, Tower, Mage, Priestess, Priest - you should be on your guard
  8. Card advice regarding the current situation
  9. Probability of getting married in a given period of time

Tarot spreads for marriage prospects for singles

Below are several options for the layout of the prospect of marriage for single ladies.

Spread &Wedding Ring&

Learn the meanings of the cards and make the first Tarot spreads with the book by Sergey Savchenko & Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards &

Divination by Tarot &Wedding Ring& will be useful for women who have a soul mate, but events are not moving towards the legal formalization of relationships. The cards will help to identify the root cause of this turn of events, to find out the intentions of the partner regarding the legitimization of your relationship, the prospect of concluding marriage ties with him. Major and Minor Arcana involved. The layout diagram is shown below.

Positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. Represents your man's attitude to official marriage
  2. Description of his "ideal wife" as he sees her
  3. Compliance of your image with his ideas about the standard, does he see you as his wife
  4. A hint on how to change your behavior in order to become the official wife of your current partner
  5. Presence/absence of circumstances interfering with the marriage ceremony. Pay close attention to the meaning of this card
  6. Favorable circumstances working in favor of the hidden situation
  7. Will there be a wedding with a beloved man

Alignment & I want to get married &

Fortune telling will be useful for those who have not yet met their loved one. It will indicate the prospects for the development of future relationships, whether they will lead to official marriage. Shuffle the deck and arrange the cards according to the diagram below.

Positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. The prospect of marriage in general
  2. What kind of person would be your ideal husband?
  3. Presence/lack of mutual understanding in future relationships
  4. The desire to legitimize the relationship with the alleged boyfriend
  5. The presence / absence of common interests, hobbies, activities
  6. The attitude of the man's family towards you
  7. Under what circumstances will you meet your loved one
  8. Characteristics of the family budget, distribution of future income - joint or separately for each
  9. Card tip - the better to take time to speed up the appearance of the desired object
  10. General forecast for the future, how your relationship will progress in the future

The meaning of cards in Tarot layouts for marriage

Here are examples of positive interpretations of arcana for personal relationships.

  • Ace: The emergence of a new love. With the Knight - feelings will be mutual
  • Two + Knight and/or Empress: Mutual love
  • Troika: A quick date is coming, a passionate adventure
  • Six: Karmic relationships are coming - when you meet, it will seem to you that it has not lasted for the first year. Is direct evidence of a relationship in the past
  • Nine: Success, approaching the cherished dream
  • Ten: Happiness and harmony

Arcana indicating a long-term relationship

  • Hierophant (Priest): Expect a marriage proposal soon
  • Mir: Long, good relationship
  • Four of Wands: Probability of living together
  • Ten of Pentacles: Strong, friendly family

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One of the most exciting events for a girl is marriage, and here Tarot fortune-telling is more than justified. A wedding is a significant and sometimes a turning point in a person’s life, after it a lot changes, and sometimes it’s completely in the wrong direction in which we would like.

That is why it is so important to turn to the Tarot layout for marriage in time, and analyze all the essential points, analyze the past, present and future, be armed and protected by information. Only then can a final decision be made.

Types of layouts for marriage

There are plenty of Tarot layouts for marriage with a man (however, like any other options). Here it is worth highlighting the following types:

  1. Layouts aimed at finding out whether there will be a marriage, whether the wedding will take place. Such layouts can be made both for a specific person, and in general for the future. Usually, tarot practitioners use such fortune-telling for marriage in case of such questions as: “When will I get married”, “Will he propose to me”, etc. In these situations, it is not known whether marriage will be, if there are any prerequisites for it, which we will have to gradually find out with the help of the Tarot layout for marriage.
  2. This type of layout allows you to analyze the upcoming wedding and the state of the partners, with what mood they enter the marriage and what awaits them after. We turn to such alignments if the issue of marriage is already overdue, people are in a long-term relationship, the proposal has either already been made or is about to be, that is, there are all the prerequisites for an early marriage and marriage. Of course, the division of layouts into such types is very arbitrary, since similar positions can be observed in all layouts, including completely combining all possible questions in one layout. The latter seems completely redundant and even unprofessional to me.

What will the alignment for marriage show

Before choosing a suitable layout and even more so compiling it for yourself, you need to understand what the questioner’s situation is, what worries him and what he wants to know about. As we have already found out, there is a serious difference between the question “when will the wedding be” and “what will the wedding be like?”

In the first case, we give a forecast for the future and find out whether the person who applied to us should count on marriage as such. Moreover, here you can make an alignment for a specific candidate and for the future as a whole. There are two difficult moments here: determining the execution time of the predicted and the form of implementation.

Sometimes in the layout it may not be completely clear whether it means civil marriage (registered with the relevant authorities) or actual (life together). Here you need to focus on the ratio of emotional (cups, wands) and formal (swords, pentacles) cards in the layout.

In the case of the question “what will the wedding be like”, we clarify the moments of the relationship between people, when the very fact of marriage is more or less known to us. Here, first of all, we will find out how people will live together, how compatible they will be in everyday matters, whether there will be a grinding period, whether their relationship will change after marriage. We can say that here we are looking at the fruits of the wedding.

With the help of this alignment, one can understand: were we in a hurry with the decision, should we take a better look at each other before taking such a step. The alignment is also designed to dispel doubts and fears about the upcoming family life (or confirm them).

Sometimes children are also included in the Tarot layout for marriage, which I would not advise you to do, since these areas only seem close, but in reality they line up on a completely different platform, sometimes even independent of each other. You know very well that there are both children without marriage and marriage without children. Therefore, including positions on children in questions about marriage should be done only in exceptional cases, when it is really necessary.

Let's take a look at some examples of tarot layouts for marriage and marriage.

Divination by Tarot "Wedding Ring"

The layout of the "Wedding ring"

This layout is suitable primarily for those who are no longer alone and have loved one next to you. If you are already ready for marriage, but for some reason your partner is slow and does not propose, then this alignment will tell you what is wrong, what stops him, what is the obstacle and what can be done about it. First of all, this alignment allows you to get valuable advice and understand how to behave and what to be guided by in order to achieve what you want.

The meaning of the positions of the cards in the layout

  1. The first card will show the attitude of a man towards marriage, his views.
  2. The second card is in a sense connected with you, this is how he sees his wife, future wife, his ideal. Compare it to yourself.
  3. The third position is a continuation of the second. This card shows how much you correspond to his ideas, whether he sees you as a wife.
  4. What can you do to encourage your partner to get married. This position is especially relevant in the conflict of 2 and 3 positions.
  5. What's stopping you from getting married? There may be a variety of reasons indicated, ranging from his unwillingness to burden himself, ending with other relationships.
  6. Favorable circumstances, what helps you in the pursuit of marriage. This is your trump card and it is worth using it.
  7. The seventh card will show if there will be a wedding. Here it is worth setting a time frame in order to understand when to expect this event, or, if the answer is no, then when it will be possible to re-do the alignment.

Spread "Will I get married"

Spread "Will I get married"

This alignment is most suitable for those who are currently single and have not met their soulmate. Also, when making a deal, it is necessary to set time limits.

The meaning of the cards

  1. Your attitude towards yourself, how you feel and perceive yourself, self-esteem within the framework of this issue.
  2. What impression do you make on others, how they perceive you. Of course, it is worth comparing this position with the previous one.
  3. What position will you take in the family, how will you manifest yourself in relationships. Will there be any changes for you. Compare with the first position.
  4. What do you expect from your future spouse. Here are all your expectations and desires of a relative other person: from appearance to behavior, what is important to you.
  5. meeting circumstances. This is the most interesting position, but also the most difficult to interpret. Where and under what conditions will you meet your betrothed.
  6. An advice card will tell you what you need to do to speed up the meeting or speed up the dating process. One way or another, this is what you need to do in order to have a meeting and a wedding as soon as possible.
  7. Karmic problems that interfere with marriage. Here we can talk both about the problems of the past life, and about magical influences, energy problems, and so on, depending on your tradition. Pay attention if there is a Major Arcana in this position.
  8. The second card is advice. Here you will receive general recommendation regarding the whole issue, including, you can find out that you do not need marriage at all now.
  9. Will you get married at the appointed time. As in the previous scenario, it sums up the final outcome of the alignment and sets the period when you should expect what you want, or when you can apply for the alignment again. Decide in advance which method of determining the time you will use.

Layout "Marriage"

Layout "Marriage"

A very short, but quite understandable alignment, allowing you to find out whether there will be a marriage, and what needs to be done for this. From this alignment, you will also find out the mood of each of the parties and receive a recommendation for the future life of the spouses.

The meanings of the cards in the layout

S - Significator. Describes your mood and readiness for marriage.

  1. Will there be a marriage in the envisioned period. The answer is yes/no.
  2. Preparatory period for marriage (if the answer is “yes”), and a card-advice (if the answer is “no”).
  3. and 4. talk about the condition and well-being of the newlyweds. The third position speaks of the emotional mood of the bride, the fourth - of the groom. Do they both want marriage and what are they guided by?
  1. Card advice for the upcoming family life.
  2. How will your future in marriage turn out?

A wedding is a significant event in life, but it is also not necessary or predetermined. It is very important to approach the situation of marriage wisely. It is necessary to weigh all aspects of your relationship, analyze both the current situation and the likely future, since the very fact of marriage can seriously change the relationship between you.

Do right choice Tarot cards will help, which are better to refer to before than after.