How to install sliding windows on the balcony with your own hands? How to install an aluminum sliding balcony frame with your own hands - installation technology Do-it-yourself installation of sliding windows on a balcony.

For a long time, sliding windows were a phenomenon that was relatively rare in our country, and the replacement of old wooden windows with aluminum and plastic structures that are familiar to us now has become widespread. But over the past decade, consumers have finally appreciated sliding windows as a versatile window system that has a number of undeniable advantages for both home and apartment.


The main feature of sliding windows (and at the same time their main difference from the classical design familiar to us) is the way the sash is opened. It opens not by turning, but by shifting parallel to the frame. This provides a number of significant advantages, especially when it comes to small spaces. Often, many dwellings cannot boast of an abundance of free space, and one-room standard apartments, as a rule, are by definition small and cramped. When installing a sliding structure in such a room, the user will feel a clear plus in that the window can be opened, for example, with only one hand, while no space is required for the pivoting sash.

Thanks to this design feature, many pleasant possibilities open up. In particular, a good owner will always be able to figure out how to use the vacated window sill - the swing sash will no longer interfere.


As already mentioned, sliding windows are a relative novelty for our country. But as for Western countries, there this design has long and firmly won its position in the market - many years of using this mechanism in Europe made it possible to fully clarify all its advantages, disadvantages, and features in use. We can only generalize this experience and draw useful conclusions. Consider the types of sliding windows that modern manufacturers offer us.

First of all, windows are divided into "warm" and "cold". As for the first type, its task is to protect against the raging elements - rain, wind and snow in the cold season. For such structures, as a rule, aluminum is used. This variety has found its application for glazing balconies, loggias, summer verandas and pavilions, therefore, it cannot be unambiguously considered for houses and apartments.

As for the “warm” option, the profile structures of this category are characterized by a very high degree of tightness - they require a material such as plastic or wood. Previously, aluminum was not used for the production of "warm" structures, but technical progress does not stand still, and now new models have appeared on the market, equipped with special thermal inserts and reinforced leaf thickness.

Now consider the types of mechanisms. Structurally, sliding windows can be divided into three main categories of systems:

  • parallel sliding system;
  • swivel-sliding system (also called inclined);
  • vertical sliding system (or "English window").

As for parallel-sliding type systems, this solution can be safely called a classic one. Window sashes move along guides horizontally along the window opening. Both in the closed state and in the open state, the movable and adjoining part of the plastic frame are held in the space allotted for them - according to the same principle as sliding wardrobes.

The rotary-sliding system has a lot in common with the parallel-sliding one, but there is still a significant difference - the turning of the movable part of the window frame to get it into the seat. To open such a window, you must first fold the sash and move it “on itself”, after which it will stand on the guide chute, and then smoothly “go around” the window profile and move horizontally.

The system is very reminiscent of the opening doors of Ikarus buses (by the way, you can often hear how experts call this design among themselves). This system has several indisputable advantages: firstly, it provides excellent tightness around the entire perimeter of the window, and secondly, you can open windows at the top for ventilation. The functionality is obvious.

Well, the third option is the so-called "English window" (vertically sliding system). This design is still exotic for our country, although recently it has been gaining popularity among owners of country houses. The essence of such a mechanism is simple. The window frame consists, in fact, of two, which are located parallel to each other in the same plane. The lower part is a movable sash that moves up along the guides and can rise to the height of the window opening, “clinging” to the upper part. At the same time, the upper sash remains motionless.

The "English window" is a very interesting design that deserves special attention due to its undoubtedly useful qualities. The fact is that these lift-and-slide windows have gained popularity in country houses for a number of reasons: they have a reputation for being the most resistant to burglary, withstand the most extreme weather conditions (heavy rainstorms, gusts of wind, heavy snowfalls), are not subject to freezing, they are not distortions or swelling of the beams of the walls are terrible, they perfectly tolerate temperature changes or the formation of condensate. These windows experts with good reason consider the most reliable.

Often, English windows are arranged on the upper floors of country cottages, in attic buildings, in guest houses.

How to install with your own hands?

If a fundamental decision is made to install sliding windows in an apartment or a country house, then the owner will inevitably face the question of price. Of course, in the modern market there are a lot of price solutions to this issue. Let's try to briefly understand what the price of a sliding system depends on.

First of all, it is, of course, the glazing area. The second factor will be the type of construction that the purchaser has chosen for their dwelling - this will be one of the three options described above, as well as the choice of material. But there is another important issue - the forces by which the installation will be carried out. These can be invited experts, but installation on their own is also possible. Of course, the second path will seriously affect the cost of the entire project.

Installing sliding windows with your own hands for a person who has the skill of technical work is not difficult. At the first stage, of course, it will be necessary to choose the type of construction that will be installed in your house or apartment, it was written about them above. Next, you will have to decide on the material from which the frames will be made - here the variety of choices is obvious: the better and more durable the material, the longer and better the entire structure will last, giving the user a minimum of problems during care and maintenance.

The choice of fittings also applies to this aspect: you may want to see tinted or decorated glass in your home. It is possible that you will need mosquito nets and other similar items.

You can also draw up a schematic sequence of work or a drawing that will reflect the entire structure, including frames and slopes.

The first step is, of course, taking measurements. It is necessary to figure out exactly what measurements should be done, and then carefully and carefully measure all the necessary distances.

Sliding window systems have load-bearing frames - otherwise they can be called "deaf", as they remain motionless during operation. Self-assembly is recommended to start with the equipment directly to the base part of the window span with a special profile in the form of overlays, to which special devices called "mounting mustaches" are attached.

The next stage of work is that the base "blind" part of the frame must be mounted in the window opening. For installation, self-tapping screws are usually used, after the end of this stage, plugs are inserted into the holes in the profile, and the space between the window and the walls is filled with mounting foam. The frames are supplied with threaded ties that need to be connected together. Next, you need to fix the guide skids and mount the sashes on the grooves of the "blind" frame. To install the window sash, it must be brought onto the top of the guide rail, then matched and then lowered to the bottom.

An important point during the installation is the installation of the frame in strict accordance with the horizontal profile - this is a prerequisite, if it is not observed, the entire system will be broken.

It should be noted that the installation process is not complicated and time-consuming, but it requires consistency and accuracy.

How to care?

As mentioned above, sliding windows are quite unpretentious in operation. Manufacturers claim that the mechanism and accessories are quite capable, subject to careful attention and regular maintenance of locking mechanisms, to withstand long service life - on average, for 25-35 years. Of course, these terms may vary under different conditions. It is possible that in your case they will last longer.

Also, the useful life depends on the type of construction itself - such a window, regardless of operating conditions, will only require replacing the lower edge of the seal and a device for upper fixation of the movable sash. And even then, this will happen only after 15 years of window service.

Horizontal windows over the same period of work will require much more attention from you - adjustment of the blocking system will be required, with a high degree of probability, due to wear, it will be necessary to replace the rollers. The wear rate depends on the height of the frame: the higher it is, the faster the wear will occur.

Adjustment of locks, adjustment and lubrication of travel stops are the main types of work when servicing sliding windows. The sealing surface, made of silicone and equipped with brushes, needs to be cleaned of dust and lubricated with special protective agents.

The most vulnerable to dirt and dust are the guide troughs. They need to be cleaned and blown regularly. The use of detergents for this is not recommended.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

As in many other industries, German manufacturers have earned the greatest authority on the sliding window market - their products are of very high quality, comply with all applicable European quality and safety standards, will last a long time and will be unpretentious in operation. Of course, the price of German products will not be low.

Enough in the market and fakes. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to check with the seller before buying whether there is a quality certificate for the product. This aspect is especially important for buyers with small children - unfortunately, there are often cases of selling goods that may pose a danger to their health (we are talking about toxic materials).

Among the manufacturers of high-quality glass composite products, one can also distinguish the KBE and Slidors brands, whose opening systems will last for many years.

Are you tired of the renovation noise coming from the neighboring apartment? Tired of constantly removing snow from the balcony in winter, and dust with poplar fluff in summer? Do you want to make a loggia a room? Then aluminum frames installed on the balcony are the ideal solution. Why exactly them? Now we'll find out.

Aluminum construction

"Cold" glazing of the balcony with an aluminum profile is carried out according to pre-made measurements. It uses glass with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm and a white anodized aluminum profile. Its merits are:

  • energy saving due to narrower bindings;
  • ease of installation, accessible even for a non-professional;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • resistance to mechanical damage (compared to other materials);
  • the absence of cracks and holes in the closed form guarantees protection from extraneous sounds, dust and precipitation;
  • the lightness of the design allows you not to create additional reinforcement when glazing the balcony on the take-out;
  • budget: the price of aluminum frames is one of the lowest;
  • a sliding system (unlike a hinged one) leaves more usable area not blocked by sashes;
  • ascetic design in minimalist style.

This type of glazing is considered a cold option.

There are no ideal designs. This also applies to "cold" aluminum glazing. Its disadvantages:

  • winter freezing of the mechanisms by which the movement and fixation of the valves is carried out;
  • low thermal insulation in winter (the difference in temperature outside and on the balcony is no more than 5-7 ° C).

Other types of balcony glazing

For comparison, let's take a look at other types of balcony frames on the market for building materials and structures.

PVC frames

"Warm" glazing is made using a frame made of polyvinyl chloride and multilayer double-glazed windows. The design of the double-glazed window and the use of rubber seals provide:

  • high sound insulation;
  • reliable protection from the cold (hence the name);
  • lack of draft.

Among the disadvantages of plastic glazing (which aluminum glazing of balconies is deprived of) are:

  • inability to use on cantilevered balconies;
  • the complexity of the repair;
  • high cost compared to analogues made of aluminum;
  • high rates of electrostatics of polyvinyl chloride, which actively attracts dust microparticles;
  • accumulation of condensate due to the tightness of the frame and, as a result, the need for frequent ventilation;
  • heavy weight (due to which the PVC frame can only be installed on a reinforced parapet).

Intermediate glazing

This system consists of reinforced PVC profiles, connected by corner elements, and works on the principle of a sliding wardrobe. In the profiles of the sliding system containing the fittings, glass is installed, the thickness of which is from 4 to 8 mm. Combining the advantages of the two previous options, the intermediate option is devoid of the disadvantages of “cold” glazing.” However, the disadvantage of this design is its large weight.

wood frame

The classic way of glazing a balcony, used for a long time. The wooden frame is treated with a fire-resistant and anti-mold composition, which increases its performance. Thanks to rubber gaskets, the frame fits snugly without gaps to the walls of the loggia. The swivel mechanism allows you to easily ventilate the room. The advantages of a wooden frame include:

  • environmental friendliness of wood, which does not emit chemically harmful substances into the space;
  • long service life (up to 50 years) with proper care, which consists in annual painting / varnishing and timely repair;
  • exquisite eco-design.

Wooden frames have their advantages, but they are more expensive than aluminum ones.

But, along with the advantages, glazing also has significant disadvantages:

  • wood swells under the influence of moisture, increasing in size; as a result, the shutters do not close well;
  • high price compared to the installation of an aluminum frame;
  • the frame over time can change its linear dimensions (shrink or warp);
  • installation of such a frame requires certain professional skills, it is difficult for a beginner to cope with it.

Frameless glazing

For glazing a balcony without frames, tempered shock-resistant glasses with a thickness of 7 to 9 mm are used, which move on special plastic hinges. In order to wash the glass, they are shifted into an "accordion". The advantages of this type of glazing are as follows:

  • burglary resistance;
  • wind and sound insulation;
  • simplicity and ease of use (sashes open and close with a slight movement of the hand);
  • Beautiful design;
  • the absence of obstacles in the form of a frame in the path of sunlight.

Significant disadvantages of frameless glazing make this design imperfect. Let's list them:

  • absolute transparency - this, at first glance, dignity turns into excessive publicity and the inability to hide from prying eyes;
  • leakage of the structure, which acts as a decorative barrier: such a frame does not provide thermal and sound insulation, moisture can penetrate through it;
  • the inability to attach a mosquito net makes the balcony vulnerable to insects;
  • deformation of metal guides due to temperature jumps.

Features of balcony glazing with removal

In order to expand the area of ​​​​the balcony, the level of the floor or window sill can be shifted forward by up to 35 cm. In the first case, a profile is welded along the contour to the base plate, sheathed from below with metal sheets. Remove old railings and install new ones. At the end of the work outside, the balcony is lined with clapboard, PVC panels or siding. For such redevelopment, which increases the load on the facade, it is necessary to issue a permit in the relevant departments.

When moving along the window sill, the floor level remains the same, and the area at the level of the window sill increases. Windows with the help of brackets are pushed outward towards the street or on the sides. The disadvantages of such glazing is the risk of the balcony collapsing due to non-compliance with the technical conditions with an increase in its area.

Thus, of all types of balcony glazing, the "cold" version with an aluminum frame is one of the most preferred.

Balcony with removal is very important to do in compliance with all safety requirements

The sequence of works for the installation of an aluminum frame

Let's take a closer look at the installation of aluminum frames on the balcony. First you need to prepare the necessary tools for installation.


For work on cold glazing, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush seal (schlegel);
  • weatherproof silicone sealant;
  • mounting foam;
  • hex key.

Aluminum sliding frame device

The balcony is glazed with an aluminum profile in the following order:

  • dismantle the old frame (if any);
  • clean the parapet and slabs from debris and fragments of the skin;
  • assemble a frame from fragments;
  • fix the assembled structure to the parapet using galvanized self-tapping bolts and mounting loops;
  • install guides for the sashes, for which measure the length of the horizontal sides of the balcony opening, transfer the dimensions to the guides and cut them out
  • polish the place of the saw cut with a file;
  • drill holes in the opening for self-tapping screws in increments of 0.3 m. install guides with screws. The gap between the outer edge of the frame and the guide should be no more than 5 cm, so that the frame does not freeze in the winter season;
  • install a brush seal along the contour of the leaves;
  • insert the sash into the upper guide, and then with rollers into the lower one;
  • put a steel visor under the mounting loops, covered with a decorative and protective polymer coating;
  • connect the visor to the balcony slab using self-tapping screws;
  • draw a tide on the polymerized steel strip. Cut it with roofing scissors;
  • install an outflow outside the frame;
  • seal the joints of the ebb and the visor with weather-resistant silicone sealant;
  • fill the corners between the frame profile, balcony slabs, walls and parapet with mounting foam;
  • mount the glazing of the deaf sashes. To do this, install clamping strips for a tight joint between the frame and glass.

Installing a sliding aluminum frame on a balcony is the most acceptable and economical option for balcony glazing. Detailed instructions will help you install it yourself without much hassle.

Recently, the balcony is increasingly becoming like one additional rest room. People place chairs and small tables there for conversation over a cup of coffee in the fresh air. Make it more comfortable and functional. Less and less often, the balcony began to resemble a pantry or a room for storing unnecessary things. In order for beauty to be not only internal, but also external, people began to resort to aluminum glazing. Indeed, in addition to the modern appearance, this design has a large number of other advantages.

Installation of an aluminum balcony

In most cases, a balcony is a room that is not heated additionally. Installing additional battery sections there is a complex, costly and impractical business. Previously, we used to see with a wooden bottom or slate. The frames were also usually made of wood, and the sashes opened inwards. But this design, although inexpensive, had its drawbacks. Especially in winter, constant drafts appeared due to cracks in the tree, snow fell on the ledges located between the upper and lower parts. When it melted, water could get inside the room, and if frost hit, it could also spoil the material from which the structure was made. Therefore, people increasingly began to resort to more modern materials that are not subject to such shortcomings as, for example, wood. Most people leave the lower part of the structure opaque, and glaze the top with aluminum or PVC. Sometimes you can see fully glazed balconies. For these types, aluminum frames are used exclusively. Modern window sashes can be both sliding and outward opening. Both the first and the other option significantly save space indoors. Mounting a balcony made of aluminum, as well as from any other material, has its advantages and disadvantages.

pros Minuses
The most important advantage is its cost. It is an order of magnitude lower than when using, for example, plastic. Even with a small amount of money, you can transform your balcony. Poor thermal insulation properties. For regions with severe winters, this option is not suitable. But on the other hand, there is a technology of "warm aluminum", which does not have such problems.
A light weight. The design weighs quite a bit, which allows it to be easily installed in houses where it is forbidden to heavily weight the balcony. It will be impossible to use other materials for finishing the room. If this is neglected, an irreversible chemical reaction will appear. The metal will begin to correct.
Fire safety. Aluminum will not be able to ignite when hit, for example, by a cigarette butt from above.

By choosing this design, you can significantly save on the interior space of the room. And the system of sliding windows will allow you to wash them with convenience and comfort.

If you want to isolate yourself from the outside world, noisy streets and enjoy the warmth and comfort of home, then this is what you need. After all, the construction of aluminum allows you to improve sound insulation. In addition, the material is resistant to atmospheric phenomena and temperature differences.

Do-it-yourself aluminum balcony installation

Of course, it is much easier to call a team of professionals who can quickly install an aluminum balcony. After all, they already have their own scheme of work, technologies and certain skills. But with a certain skill, there will be no problems with self-assembly. To do this, you first need to carry out some preparatory procedures. After all, the outcome of all work will depend on them:

  • First of all, the old frames are removed. When dismantling, the force must be directed parallel to the frame, not perpendicular. Otherwise, there is a chance to break the design of the parapet.
  • After that, you need to get rid of the fasteners and the remnants of concrete that were not removed along with the old frame and remained on the parapet.
  • If the parapet is not even enough, then it can be further leveled with a solution in order to subsequently fix the aluminum structure on it. If this stage is present, then it is better to postpone the installation of the balcony until the concrete mixture has completely dried. Usually one day is enough.
  • In order for the window frame to be more securely fixed, it is necessary to install a wooden beam with a cross section of at least 50 millimeters. This will also create better thermal insulation between the concrete structure itself and the aluminum profile.

To make the installation process easier and more convenient, you need to carry out several preparatory steps:

  • All moving parts that are on the aluminum structure are removed. This action will facilitate further installation work.
  • Double-glazed windows are removed from the "deaf" areas of the frame. Thanks to this, they will not be damaged during installation work.
  • Using metal screws, special plates are attached along the window frame. Their step must be at least 700 millimeters.
  • The assembled structure is placed on the railing of the balcony.
  • You need to take a level for construction in order to align the frame in a horizontal position. From below the frame is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • Vertical frames are mounted with wooden wedges. After that, holes are drilled in the walls and in the upper ceiling using a puncher. For fasteners, it is better to use anchors. Before attaching the structure to the upper part, a thin metal visor is screwed to it - galvanized or black metal with a protective coating.
  • Next, you need to construct an ebb at the lower fragment of the frame. Fixing to the aluminum profile occurs with the help of self-tapping screws for metal.
  • Using mounting foam, all slots and holes are blown out.
  • After that comes the turn of installing double-glazed windows in "deaf" zones.
  • The last is the return to the previous position of the moving fastener parts.

Such simple procedures will help to qualitatively install a balcony from an aluminum profile and significantly save the budget on calling specialists.

Do-it-yourself aluminum frames for a balcony

Frames made of aluminum last longer than those made of wood or other materials. This is due to the fact that this metal does not corrode. The service life of an aluminum window frame can reach fifty years. Metal does not require any additional care. It is non-toxic, non-flammable and is considered an ideal option, as it is not flammable. The frames from it are strong, reliable and plastic, so you can install windows of any size and appearance. But good thermal conductivity is considered the main disadvantage of using aluminum for a window frame. But this shortcoming was quickly eliminated by design engineers.

At the moment there are two types of aluminum profiles on the market: cold and warm. The first is much cheaper than the second, and if we take into account its other distinctive features, then this is an excellent option for a window frame if the balcony does not act like another living room all year round. Cold profile frames are quite thin, so it is easy to make sliding doors out of them, which will save the balcony area. The warm profile includes an additional heat-insulating insert structure made of polyamide. It is located in the center between the inner and outer half of the profile. In this case, the double frame with a double-glazed window becomes much thicker. Only one thing can scare a person away - the high cost. But when the balcony will be used as a living space in winter, then warm profile frames are ideal. In addition, fashionable aluminum double-glazed windows can be designed in a modern and varied design, and can be opened in a variety of ways.

How to install aluminum frames on the balcony yourself

After the frames with the appropriate measurements have been purchased, the most important moment remains - installation. Self-installation significantly saves money, and thanks to detailed instructions, it will not be difficult. The first step is to acquire devices that will be useful for further work:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush seal;
  • weatherproof silicone sealant;
  • mounting foam;
  • hex key.

For high-quality glazing, it is necessary to carry out actions in the following order:

  1. If the previous window frame is present, then disassemble it.
  2. We clean the dirt and parts of the skin from the parapet and slab.
  3. We assemble a new frame from the elements.
  4. We fix the assembled elements of the installation on the parapet using galvanized self-tapping bolts and mounting loops.
  5. After we take measurements of the length of the horizontal part of the opening, transfer the measurement values ​​to the guides and then cut them. After - the guides for the sashes are mounted.
  6. Using a file, we polish the sawn area.
  7. In the openings, we drill holes for self-tapping screws with an interval of 30 centimeters. We install guides on the screws. To avoid freezing of the frame, the distance from the outer edge of the frame to the guides must be no more than 5 centimeters.
  8. We install the brush seal along the line of the valves.
  9. We insert the sash first into the upper guide, and the part on which the rollers are located - into the bottom.
  10. We install a steel visor under the mounting loops.
  11. We attach it to the upper concrete slab with self-tapping screws.
  12. We draw on the ebb on a strip of steel and cut it out with roofing scissors.
  13. Installing a tide.
  14. Seal the joints with weatherproof silicone sealant.
  15. We blow out all visible cracks with mounting foam.
  16. Installing blind glazing.

With the help of such instructions, mounting the window frame will not cause difficulties.

How to install an aluminum loggia

It is better to use cold glazing for the loggia, in the case when the balcony does not turn into a separate room. Aluminum frames look dignified due to the fact that they are painted using a modern powder method. They are an order of magnitude stronger and lighter than plastic, which makes the installation process more convenient. In addition, a lot of light enters the room, as they practically do not darken the space. These designs do not require periodic intervention of professionals for preventive maintenance. Modern designs allow you to create a six-leaf window, each leaf of which can be opened separately. The pressure on the bearings by the flaps is minimal. This extends the service life. Due to the low weight of the frames, any loggia can easily withstand them.

Aluminum doors open and close silently and smoothly. For tight closure, the frame is fixed with a special lock, which is invisible from the outside. The strength of a thin frame is able to hold the glazing of the loggia up to two meters in height. Aluminum loggias are installed only when it is necessary to protect as much as possible from the wind or other adverse weather conditions. If desired, sliding and fixed doors can be combined. There are usually two or three guides on an aluminum profile. Each video moves in its own way. If desired, a mosquito net is installed on the loggia. A separate guide is provided for it.

For cold windows, single-chamber double-glazed windows are usually installed. In warm windows there is a thermal insert or a thermal bridge. But it is located in the middle of the profile, the thickness of which is not less than 12 centimeters. If desired, the aluminum structure can be combined with wood. Then the strength of the metal and the "breathing" properties of wood will help resist strong condensation. In addition, wood has excellent thermal insulation characteristics and is environmentally friendly. To install the aluminum structure on the loggia, first remove all movable opening elements for ease of use from the frame. In order not to spoil the glazing, it must be removed from blind areas. Next, mounting plates are fixed to the frame using self-tapping screws. After that, the assembled structure is installed in the opening of the loggia. Then the frame is aligned with wedges in all planes. Mounting plates are attached to the walls and the top. Then it is checked how evenly the frame is installed, and the sashes return to their previous position. After that, the sealing process takes place.

Do-it-yourself balcony glazing with an aluminum profile

As mentioned earlier, there is nothing complicated in the process of glazing a balcony with an aluminum profile. Even if there are no relevant skills, then thanks to detailed instructions, it will not be difficult to carry out glazing. But sometimes a person wants to enjoy the views from the window without any restrictions. For these purposes, you can use the method of frameless glazing. It is no less durable and reliable than with a frame. The main load-bearing structural element in this embodiment is considered to be an aluminum profile, which is attached to the top plate.

The guide rail, also known as the lower profile, is fixed on the parapet post. The enclosing parts of the structure are tempered glass, their thickness should be 6-8 millimeters. The canvases move thanks to a special sliding mechanism, which is located at the top of the profile. If there are uneven or rounded areas on the balcony, then a roll is made there. The joints of the panels are closed with tape, which easily transmits light. The shutters open one after the other in turn. When choosing this type of glazing, special attention is paid to such indicators as reliability, durability and stability.

Do-it-yourself installation of an aluminum balcony video

Do not forget that when installing an aluminum balcony on your own, you need to leave gaps for mounting foam, two or three centimeters under the window sill. All manipulations should be carried out with the presence of a plumb line and level. The video shows a good example of how to properly mount an aluminum balcony with your own hands:

Balcony glazing allows you to turn an open unplanned area into a comfortable room. If the glazing is done correctly, the balcony can become a continuation of the room, which will significantly expand the living space.

It is possible to cope with the glazing of the balcony on your own. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the existing varieties of balcony structures, choose the appropriate option and perform the main stages of work in accordance with the instructions.

Varieties of balcony structures

To date, there are 3 main methods of glazing balconies: using wooden frames, using metal-plastic structures, as well as the method of frameless glazing.

Wooden balcony systems of a modern design are of high quality, reliability and long service life. Such frames are in many ways superior to outdated counterparts, effectively coping with the suppression of street noise and thermal insulation.

Significant disadvantages appear only in the case of using sliding wooden frames. They are designed so that water can penetrate into the sliding elements. When the temperature drops below zero, this will cause icing of the window system, which will not have the best effect on its condition.

Metal-plastic systems

Modern metal-plastic systems are well-known centenarians. The average service life of such structures is 40 years or more. The risk of frames freezing is eliminated due to the presence of a drainage hole in the design of the system.

Frameless glazing, despite its apparent lightness and airiness, provides reliable protection from precipitation, muffles street noise and allows more solar heat to pass through.

The order of glazing is as follows:

  • lower and upper guides for window sashes are installed. In this case, aluminum profiles take over the functions of the guides;
  • tempered glass is fixed to the guides, which is characterized by very high strength and resistance to various kinds of damage.

However, frameless glazing has a significant drawback: the temperature on such a balcony will be only 2-3 degrees higher than the street temperature, so it will not work to fully use the balcony as a residential and equipped room in cold weather.

The concepts of cold and warm balcony glazing

Cold balcony glazing performed using single panes installed in lightweight window frames. In summer it will be quite comfortable in such a room, but in winter such a balcony can only be used as a storage room.

It is important that the supporting frame for such glazing is sufficiently reliable. There is no need to save too much on this structural element, because. it is the frame that takes on the bulk of the wind load.

Warm balcony glazing, equipped with all the rules and requirements of technology, allows you to comfortably use the premises at any time of the year.

When performing such glazing, it is important to create conditions under which the dew point could not move inside the room. Otherwise, condensation will begin to fall on your balcony, which will nullify all efforts to increase the usable area. In addition, the dew point must not penetrate between the installed panes. This condition is especially difficult to meet if the balcony is outside the contour of the building.

To avoid the problems that condensation can lead to, 4 basic conditions must be met, namely:

  • provide high-quality moisture and parapet. Any kind of gaps or thermal paths from outside to the room will lead to condensation;
  • install frames with double glazing and the same quality seal. In the case of using ordinary wooden frames, it is imperative to create a double seal when installing hinged doors and close up all the cracks in the blind structural elements;
  • provide for the possibility of providing controlled natural ventilation. Balcony systems of a modern type made of metal-plastic are usually equipped with dampers initially. In the case of the installation of wooden frames, the valve is equipped in the parapet;
  • provide the necessary level of air exchange between the balcony and the living space. To do this, the design of the window associated with the balcony is complemented by an exhaust fan. In addition, a special ventilation grill is installed at the bottom of the door.

After completion, take the necessary measures to protect the structure from the ingress of atmospheric moisture. To do this, fill the existing gaps with foam and sealant.

High-quality sealing will contribute to an additional increase in the thermal insulation characteristics of structures.

Successful work!

Prices for mounting foams and cleaners for mounting guns

Mounting foams and cleaners for mounting guns

Video - Do-it-yourself balcony glazing

September 20, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If for one reason or another ordinary windows do not fit or you are looking for a cheaper option, then this review will suggest an interesting solution. You can make ordinary or sliding polycarbonate windows with your own hands, the material is easy to use, weighs a little and has a democratic cost. Let's figure out how to organize the workflow and what you should pay close attention to.

Manufacturing technology

Before writing this review, I decided to see what other resources say about this. As a result, I saw that all articles on this topic were rewritten from one source, and the people who talk about how to carry out the work have no idea how the process actually looks like. Therefore, we will deal with you from beginning to end, since there is still nothing worthwhile on the network.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to carry out a number of important activities and understand the many nuances. To begin with, you must decide which polycarbonate will be used.

There are two main options:

  • Cellular polycarbonate consists of two polymer sheets, between which there are jumpers-ribs that give the material strength. Due to the air channels inside, this option has good heat and sound insulation performance. The standard sheet width is 2.1 meters, length is 6 meters, 6-10 mm, more is not needed for windows, the price of a sheet with a thickness of 6 mm is about 3000, and a thickness of 10 mm is about 4300 rubles;

  • Monolithic polycarbonate resembles glass, it is completely transparent, but it also has a number of additional advantages - the material is flexible, impact resistant and can have different colors. The thickness varies from 2 to 8 mm, which allows you to choose the best solution, the standard sheet dimensions are 2.05x3.05 mm.
    The only negative is the high price, a sheet 3 mm thick will cost about 7,000 rubles, and if the thickness is 6 mm, then you will have to pay 13-14,000 rubles;

Both options bend well, but a monolithic one can be bent in any direction, and a honeycomb one can only be bent across the ribs, if you bend it along, it will break.

In addition to the polycarbonate itself, other materials are also needed:

Materials used Description
frame material In general, if you already have windows, and you only want to change the glazing, then you can use the old frames, they are perfect for our purposes. If you are assembling a new design, then the material of manufacture can be wood, aluminum, plastic or metal elements. It all depends on your capabilities and features of the structure.
Profiles If the sheets are connected, then a special bar is needed, there are also other accessories for the ends and junctions. You can do without them, but then the result of the work will not be very accurate. Alternatively, you can use ordinary wooden glazing beads, they also fix the sheets well.
Sealing materials Dust and dirt are very heavily clogged into the voids of cellular polycarbonate, and condensation can also form there, therefore, a special perforated vapor-permeable tape is used to protect and strengthen the ends. If it is not there, then get at least a silicone sealant, in any case, you need to close the ends
fasteners Polycarbonate can be fastened with special self-tapping screws with rubber washers, or it can be pressed with planks. Frames and other structures need to be assembled and installed, so stock up on self-tapping screws of the required length

You can’t do without a certain set of tools, it all depends on what you will make frames from. Most often you need the following:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Perforator (if you need to put windows on concrete or brick);
  • A tape measure and a pencil for marking, as well as a level for controlling the installation plane of the structure.

If you are making a sliding structure, then you will need to purchase a roller mechanism or put the frames in guides so that they can move.

Sometimes it is necessary to make a window in a polycarbonate greenhouse for ventilation, in this case the entire surface is covered with material using standard technology, after which a frame is made, which is attached to the curtains and sheathed with polycarbonate.

The working process

Now let's figure out how to make windows. The instruction for the work is quite simple:

  • To begin with, you should take measurements to determine what sizes the individual elements will be. All results must be recorded, otherwise you can mix something up and spoil the materials when cutting. It is very important to know exactly the dimensions of each window in order to achieve the best result;
  • Next, you need to make a sketch of the future design, this will allow you to clearly present the final result and save you from many questions during the work. This is especially important if you are building a greenhouse, you should take into account the width of the sheets and make the project so that the minimum amount of waste remains during work;

  • Then you need to cut the material to assemble the structure, it is best to cut the elements at an angle of 45 degrees for perfect joining and fasten them with self-tapping screws and flat window corners. To perform this type of work you will need a miter box. You can assemble the structure even easier without cutting corners, it all depends on the installation location and your preferences;

If you do not like the option of attaching polycarbonate from the outside with roofing screws, then you need to make a groove of the required depth along the perimeter of the frame in order to insert the material into it and fix it.

  • Polycarbonate is cut with a construction knife - mark the dimensions, draw along the ruler, after which the sheet is easily broken and cut off on the other side, it is even easier to cut along. The ends are either sealed with a special tape, or closed with an end plate, which must be planted on;
  • As for fastening, you can make it easier and screw the material from the outside, or you can do it, as I wrote above - insert the polycarbonate into the groove and press it either using a special bar or using a wooden glazing bead. It all depends on the size, only small elements can be fastened with glazing beads; for strength, a sealant is applied around the perimeter, which will also serve as glue;

  • As for installation, it can be done in different ways, if it is a wooden frame, then self-tapping screws are enough, anchors are needed for concrete and brick structures, and if you have a sliding system, then you need to install guides and rollers for movement. It all depends on you, you can do it easier, or you can make a convenient and functional design.


Polycarbonate windows can be assembled even without the skills of a builder: it is enough to fasten 4 bars and screw a sheet on top - and the simplest design is ready. More complex solutions will require a more thorough approach, but they are also not very complex. Watch the video in this article and you will understand some important nuances even better, and if something is still unclear, then write questions in the comments below the review.