How to properly cut hoya at home. How to grow hoya from seeds? Propagation by stem layering

Hoya is a vine that naturally lives in the tropics. Flower growers love her for her unpretentiousness, easy care and beautiful flowers. In nature, the stems of vines reach 10 meters, while indoor specimens do not grow more than 2-5 meters. Hoya is also called wax ivy, but this name refers to the fleshy hoya, the most common species for indoor breeding.

Features of growing a flower

Cultivated hoya is divided into three varieties:

  • Hoya hanging (placement in an ampelous planter on the wall)
  • Ivy (wraps around a support)
  • Upright or bushy
  • Hoya is a plant that is not afraid of the shade. A place for hoya can be determined in a not very sunny place, then her stems grow well. But if you want the plant to bloom, you need to find a brighter place for it. In addition, hoya needs daylight hours from 14 to 16 hours. Therefore, in winter, you can extend it with a fluorescent lamp.

When breeding hoya, you only need to observe a few conditions:

  • Proper watering
  • Regular feeding during flowering
  • Fresh air
  • Periodic bathing
  • soil composition
  • The permanent location of the plant during the flowering period (it will drop buds from moving)

Planting an indoor flower

Breeding hoya is possible in several ways, and it depends on its type.

  • Planting seeds
  • Rooting cuttings
  • Rooting with leaves (possible for hoya kerry)
  • Reproduction by layering

Optimal landing time

The best time to plant this homemade flower is spring or autumn.

soil for the plant

The health of the plant and its flowering depend on the composition of the soil. Many gardeners successfully use soil for orchids. If you make it yourself, you need to take 1 part of peat, sand and humus and two parts of sod land. The plant will be grateful if you add sphagnum and charcoal here.

Features of caring for hoya at home

Hoya does not require complex care, it is enough to place it correctly in the room, to provide it with the necessary conditions.

Location and lighting for the plant

This flower is not afraid of the shadow, so you can place it on the wall (hanging variety), or where it will be good in the general interior. Of course, any grower will want to see a blooming hoya, but before trying to get it to bloom, you should think about where it can be placed for this period. The fact is that hoya flowers exude such a strong aroma, especially at night, that it must either be exposed to the open air or constantly ventilated the room. If you want the flower to bloom, add light to the plant.

Important! If the hoya stubbornly does not bloom, change its place, perhaps it does not look like a flower.

Air humidity

Hoya tolerates dry air well, so it is not necessary to create a special humidity regime for it. Leaves are sprayed only in spring and summer. She loves warm showers. During the shower, wipe the leaves with a soft soapy cloth.

Important! During spraying, avoid getting water on the flowers.

The best temperature for this houseplant is +22 - +30 degrees in summer and +16 - +18 in winter.

Important! A sign of hypothermia will be yellowing and falling leaves.

How to water properly

What hoya does not like is excessive watering. It is much easier to accept drying out than the bay. Her roots start to rot very quickly. For irrigation use water at room temperature.

In summer and spring, hoya needs more water, the soil should always be slightly moist. In winter, watering is reduced and the plant is stopped spraying. If wintering for the plant is cold, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

Plant nutrition and fertilizer

During the flowering period, hoya requires top dressing once every two weeks. You can use ordinary fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, but be sure to dilute half the fertilizer than indicated on the package (except for the lanceolate hoya, it calmly tolerates fertilizer at the usual dosage). Experts recommend asking what soil the wild brother of hoya usually grows on, and in accordance with this, choose mineral fertilizers for it.


Pruning is not very necessary for hoya. This is done only when the shoots grow too long.

Trimming methods

Pruning is best done with secateurs, cutting off the stem between the knots.

Hoya transplantation is required no more than 1 time in 2 years. Hoya loves tight pots, she has a small root system. If the pot is too big, you can not wait for flowering. The new pot for the plant should be 3-4 centimeters larger than the old one.

The pot must be clean (there should be no remains of the earth and roots of the previous plant), it is better to boil the ceramic pot to remove the remnants of salts that have soaked into its walls.

Transplant methods

If the hoya grows in a plastic pot, you should press a little on it and carefully remove the plant along with the earthy clod. Carefully clean the roots from the soil and carefully inspect them for pests or rotten parts. If the plant is healthy, it can be transplanted immediately. To do this, you need to lay out drainage (expanded clay, preferably new) at the bottom of the pot and pour part of the soil.

The layer should not be very large. Place the hoya on this substrate and fill the remaining space with the rest of the soil. The top layer of the earth should be well compacted so that moisture is better retained. After transplanting, the flower should be well watered.


Hoya breeds easily, you can do it in any of the following ways.

Reproduction methods


This is the easiest way to propagate a flower. It is only necessary to pin the mother branch to the ground, always with a knot. After some time, roots form in this place, and a process appears. It just needs to be carefully separated from the mother branch and planted in a separate pot or planted next to the mother flower.


To propagate hoya with a cutting, you need to cut it so that at the end there is about 2 centimeters of the stem below the knot. The stalk is cut off so that it had at least one knot with leaves. In most cases, cuttings will root when placed in water. But if this is a type of hoya with a woody stem, it is better to root its cuttings immediately in the ground. For this, transparent plastic cups are best suited, where you can observe the growth of the roots. To create a greenhouse atmosphere, cover a glass with a sprout (it doesn’t matter if you root the stalk in water or in the ground) with a plastic bag, be sure to leave air access.


After flowering, hoya produces seeds. For planting, they must be ripe and well dried. They must be planted in the same year, otherwise they will lose their germination. Seeds are sown in loose soil, preferably in a mixture of sphagnum and earth. After the emergence of seedlings (about a week after planting), you need to follow the irrigation regime. The earth should neither dry out nor be too wet. Move the pallet with seedlings to a bright and warm place. You need to plant the sprouts when they give the first leaves, after about three months. Hoya seeds are rarely on sale, and it is extremely difficult to get them at home. Therefore, seeds are not the most popular way to propagate hoya.


In this way, only some types of hoya can be propagated. You just need to dig the tip of the leaf (handle). The complexity of this method lies in the duration of the rooting process and the ejection of a new shoot.

Its different species bloom with white, purple, red, pink and even green flowers. They look like they're covered in wax.

When the hoya blooms, the shape of the flower

Hoya blooms in spring and summer, the duration of flowering can be from several days to several weeks. Sometimes it happens twice during the spring-summer period.

As a rule, the inflorescence has the shape of an umbrella, on which from 1 to 50 flowers can grow. Flowers have a different shape, but they all have 5 petals. During flowering, odorous nectar is released on the petals. It can turn the petals pinkish.

Plant care after flowering

When the flower has faded, do not remove the peduncle - a new flower will form in this place the next year.

Problems, diseases and pests in a flower

Hoyas may experience the following problems:

  • Spots on leaves. May appear due to excess sun, using too cold water for irrigation, or overfeeding with fertilizers.
  • Hoya sheds leaves. This indicates excessive feeding of the plant or its overdrying.
  • Hoya sheds flowers. The plant is poured, it does not have enough light.
  • leaf pallor may be due to insufficient nutrition or very bright light.

As for pests, hoya can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, aphids or mealybugs. A sign of damage by a spider mite may be dropping leaves. You can remove surface pests simply by wiping the foliage with a swab dipped in alcohol. If the lesion has gone far, it is necessary to treat the hoya with insecticides such as actara or confidor, watering the ground with a solution and spraying it with a contact insecticide, for example, actellik.

If powdery mildew appears on the hoya, you should ventilate the room where the flower lives more often.

Kerry hoya

Hoya Kerry is loved for the unusual shape of its leaves - the shape of a heart. That is why it is so popular as a gift for Valentine's Day - two hearts planted in one pot. True, it can grow for a long time, and it’s not a fact that the leaves will not die without giving sprouts. It is not often found in amateur flower growers. But if there is, then it does not require special care, it is the same as for other representatives of the species. The only thing that distinguishes it from others is the thickness of the stem and the size of the leaves, so it needs a reliable support.

hoya bella

Hoya bella flowers (or beautiful hoya) are so regular in shape that they seem fake. This plant is ampelous, so it is better to plant it either in a wall pot, or determine its place on a high shelf near the window. This type of hoya rarely gives root shoots, so if possible, propagate it with cuttings and plant it in a pot. Then your plant will look magnificent and very beautiful. It has tiny leaves, no more than 3 centimeters and inflorescences of no more than 10 flowers. Hoya bella can grow very long branches (up to 50 meters).

Hoya lacunosa

This species is perhaps one of the most attractive and unpretentious. Hoya lacunosa is beautiful, even when not in bloom, due to the variegated color of the leaves. It is also an ampelous plant. The flowers of this hoya look like fluffy lumps, and they can bloom almost all year round.

Hoya carnosa

Hoya karnoza or fleshy hoya has long stems, sometimes more than 5 meters in length. Its leaves - dense and shiny - can be variegated (with silver spots) and have a wax coating, for which it is also called wax hoya. The flowers are white, with a pink core, collected in umbrellas. This species is not afraid of dryness, high temperatures and is not very picky about the soil. Hoya carnosa has several very popular varieties:

  • Variety "Crimson Queen" - its leaves have a delicate pinkish-cream border
  • Variety "Exotica" (or hoya tricolor), characterized by multi-colored leaves on one plant - green, cream and pink
  • Hoya compacta is distinguished by the unusual shape of the leaves, they are twisted and create, as it were, a curly halo around the flowers.

Hoya australis

This type of hoya has star-shaped flowers, shiny green leaves that can change color to red in the light. Leaves can grow up to 11 centimeters. Flowers are always white. The flowers themselves are quite large for hoya - up to 2 cm in diathetra, and the inflorescences have from 20 to 40 flowers. They bloom for about 7 days and have a strong spicy smell.

  • Do not try to grow a cutting quickly with water rooting in winter. It is better to do this in the spring, it will give roots within a week.
  • For water rooting, add Kornevin to it
  • Flowers appear on stems at least 30 cm long.
  • In order for a hoya to bloom, it must be grown from a cutting from a flowering plant.

Answers to questions from readers

plant life span

With proper care, these plants can live for a long time. The older the hoya, the greater its ability to bloom.

Is this flower poisonous?

Here opinions differ. Foreign experts in their writings on hoya claim that it is completely non-toxic. Our flower growers say that the milky sap of the plant is toxic. You can take care of her without gloves, but from children, just in case, it is better to keep away

Why doesn't hoya bloom?

There may be several reasons - from a lack of color to its incorrect location in the room. Perhaps she needs a cool wintering (up to +16 degrees), after such a rest the plant most often blooms. The watering regime may be disturbed. You just need to experiment and see what changes the hoya will react to.

Why do leaves turn yellow (dry and fall off)?

The leaves may turn yellow and fall off if the plant freezes (stands in a draft), as a result of overdrying or from excess feeding. Perhaps the flower does not have enough light.

Why aren't new leaves growing?

Castings can stop growing for several reasons. It is poured and rots the base of the stem, while the leaves at its end stop receiving the right amount of nutrients. It is better to cut new shoots in water and plant them in a pot.

How does the plant overwinter?

In winter, hoya is allowed to rest if it has stopped blooming. There are species that bloom all year round. They should be fed and watered as usual. Those plants that have faded at the end of summer go to rest. They reduce watering, stop spraying and top dressing. Hoyas winter well on an insulated loggia at a temperature not lower than +14 degrees.

Hoya is a magnificent vine that can often be seen in houses and apartments. Its wonderful flowering attracts the attention of many. The name of the plant is grateful to the gardener Thomas Hoy. The article will discuss exactly such a plant as hoya, in particular about reproduction.

General information

Hoya is a very gentle plant that requires careful care at home. Without a timely garter or support, it will be difficult for him to develop. External characteristic:

  • Shoots are thin, stretching down.
  • The leaves have a rich green color, the shape is diverse, the structure is dense.
  • The color range of inflorescences is great, from white to colored. Each flower looks like a small star, inside of which there is a small crown of a different color.
  • Has a wonderful aroma.

After the plant begins to bloom, it must not be moved or moved, otherwise the color will fall off. With proper care, flowering will be abundant and long, the entire warm period. Faded inflorescences are not removed; over time, new ones form on them.

In nature, there are a lot of types of hoya, about 200. Consider the most popular:

  • Fleshy. Many call wax ivy. Growing at home can reach 2 meters. The leaves are quite massive and large, waxy sheen is inherent. It may have a cream or red tint, with a yellow border around the edges. The color palette of the inflorescences is white and light cream, inside the pink crown. They are fragrant.
  • Beautiful (beautiful). Shrub of low size, with gently sloping branches 30-580 centimeters long. The leaves are small and fleshy. There are a lot of inflorescences, all are small, have a white color, inside a raspberry crown.
  • Multicolor. The plant curls very beautifully, the leaves are oblong, dark green in color. Inflorescences of a white-yellowish hue, inside there are many small flowers. The aroma is pleasant, reminiscent of lemon.
  • majestic. A small shrub with climbing shoots. The leaves are oblong, dense. Inflorescences of a dark red shade, inside an asterisk. Outside, the flowers are yellowish. They smell fragrant.

Reproduction methods


You can propagate a plant at home in more than one way. The simplest is cuttings. For successful rooting, it is very important to create the right conditions. In order for the cutting to take roots faster, use simple rules:

  • The root should be cut off with a sterile and sharp object.
  • It is better to cut short cuttings, which have 1-2 leaves.
  • There must be several nodes on the handle, it is on them that roots or leaves will form. Root hormones are inherent in the nodes.
  • In a long cutting, the tip may dry out due to lack of moisture.

Cuttings can be rooted in several ways:

  1. Water:
  • The pot is filled with water and wrapped in foil to keep out the light (to prevent the development of green algae). The petioles will be upright, inserted through the foil.
  • Leaflets on several nodes are removed, after which one of them should definitely be covered with water.
  • Before lowering into water, the sections are dipped in the root hormone.
  • The pot is left warm, in a damp environment.
  • The temperature should be around 22°C, both air and water.
  • The wilting of the cuttings indicates insufficient air humidity. You can correct the situation by covering the handle with foil. A greenhouse with the necessary climate is being created.
  • After half a month, your cuttings will be dotted with roots.

Transplant the plant into a pot when the root system is just beginning to develop. Longer roots become too brittle, breaking easily when separated.

This method is quite laborious. Many resort to a simplified version. They put the cuttings in an ordinary dark vessel (for example, a vase). Move it to a warm place and spray frequently. As water evaporates, add more. Roots in such conditions appear successfully.

  1. solid substrates. In this method, it is very important to choose the right substrate. It must be good at retaining moisture. Also, too raw will not work. Loose earth is suitable for hoya, so that all excess water does not absorb, but drains. The substrate is bought high-quality and clean, in a specialized store. Before planting, the pot should be disinfected.

Moisture must be present around the plant. This is achieved by creating a greenhouse and frequent spraying. Several plants in the same room can significantly increase the humidity.

Hoya Transplant Tips:

  • Do not use long cuttings.
  • If possible, several cuttings should be planted in one pot.
  • Small-sized hoya cuttings are planted horizontally in a pot, it can be tilted. It is imperative that several nodules are covered with soil. You can also bury 10 knots.
  • For planting in a solid substrate, strong and healthy petioles are used.
  • Stick to a temperature regime of 22 ° C, in which case growth will be active.
  • High humidity is important, spraying is constant.
  • Putting pots next to each other will increase the humidity.
  • In large species of hoya, one node with a leaf is placed in the ground.

Be careful to plant cuttings correctly. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the cut end from the growing one. If the growing end falls into the ground, it dies.

If the stem is green, or at least one leaf is on it, rooting has a chance of success. Do not despair, do not throw out the sprout, give it the opportunity to sprout.

When the stalk is constantly twisted and examined, it is unlikely to survive.

After 14-20 days, the first roots and signs of development may hatch. But this is only if all the rules have been followed, the plant is shrouded in care.

Basically, hoyas initially form an escape, so that in the future there would be a good liana, it should be tied up. The tip of the resulting whip refuses to grow down - the plant stops growing. This phenomenon is absolutely natural, but it refers to ampelous hoya.

When a florist orders cuttings through the mail, they arrive in a dry state. Then they are placed in warm water with the addition of sugar and allowed to lie down for a couple of hours. With proper sending, the cuttings remain moistened, and the chances of successful rooting are quite high.


Sometimes they try to grow hoya from a single leaf. In fact, there are not so many chances to find a new plant, but the method has a chance to exist. In any case, you will have to use powder to form roots.

To propagate the plant in this way, maximum efforts should be made. The leaf is planted in light soil, it takes roots quickly enough, but unfortunately, it does not develop into an adult flower.

Many scientists in the field of botany have proven that it is much easier to grow a plant if the leaf was taken from nature, the places where hoya grows. In such conditions, it receives much more useful components, and it is easier to tolerate weather conditions. Almost all leaves taken in nature successfully become beautiful and healthy plants.

Tips to listen to if you want to grow hoya from a single leaf:

  • To excite growth cells in hoya leaves, it is worth resorting to chemical preparations.
  • When using funds, it is better to take a pipette. It is much more convenient to drop it into the center of the leaflet so that the liquid flows evenly down.
  • A leaf that has at least a tiny petiole is much more likely to grow into a full-fledged plant.
  • The leaf is planted only in loose soil, always at an angle of 45 degrees.


Another way to propagate hoya is to plant seeds. Fresh seeds are brought to full maturity by light drying. The soil for planting should absorb moisture well. For these purposes, sometimes add to the ground:

  • Felt.
  • Burlap.
  • Other artificial fabrics

Seeds are planted fairly quickly, within a year after harvest. Otherwise, it will be difficult to wait for growth. over a longer period they will lose their ability to germinate.

Initially, the seeds are brown in color. After planting, they turn green, and after 7 days the first sprouts hatch. A short stem appears with several leaves. This period is considered the most difficult. Care rules should be clear:

  • Drying out of the soil is contraindicated.
  • Due to the large amount of moisture, putrefactive processes can begin, the sprouts will wither.
  • To avoid the above problems, spraying with fungicides is highly recommended. Oil-based products must not be used. Follow the dosage strictly.
  • Seedlings should be protected from snails and slugs, which will attack especially at night.
  • At the initial stages of growth, fertilizers are not used, there is a huge risk that the senets will burn.
  • It is important to choose the right substrate, then fertilizers will not be needed, good soil already contains all the necessary components.

The young plant is kept warm, with acceptable humidity and good lighting.

According to numerous reviews of flower growers grown at home, it follows that the seeds germinate perfectly in sphagnum balls wrapped in a nylon mesh. Moistened moss keeps its shape remarkably. Small seeds just need to peck through the net. Sprouts can be transplanted to a permanent place of growth along with a ball. In this case, the delicate roots will not be damaged.

In the sowing bowl, the sprouts are long enough, about 3 months, while they are considered to be young plants. To transplant them into a pot, they must gain strength, get stronger, and put out at least a few leaves. It is not uncommon when the sprouts in the sowing bowl are quite different from each other (in size, structure). Only strong and fully formed ones are transplanted, the rest are given time to grow up. Those that remain flimsy and weak are simply discarded.

In a bowl, a plant can come across that does not look like itself, with various mutations. Give that growth a chance to fully grow, and you might end up with a new and beautiful looking hoya. This situation is rare, but still occurs. Almost 80% of the seeds become a full-fledged strong plant. If this does not happen, there are several main reasons for this:

  • Planted old and unviable seeds.
  • Young roots rotted due to active watering.

At home, hoya does not throw out seed pods, so it is impossible to grow a flower from seeds at home. Finding them for sale is also quite difficult, especially in a flower shop. Maximum via the Internet, but no one guarantees quality. Therefore, the main method of reproduction of hoya is cuttings.

Difficulties encountered in growing hoya

If you decide to acquire a plant such as hoya at home, be prepared for such difficulties:

  • There are spots on the leaves. This occurs when there is a lack or excessive amount of light, frequent fertilization, or fertilizing in large quantities. Also, stains can occur from watering with cold water.
  • There are no flowers. The plant may lack nutrients in the soil, or little light. Another reason is wintering in a warm environment. Hoya may not bloom for several years if the flower stalks have been cut off.
  • The leaf of the plant dries up and curls, brightens. Occurs due to a decrease in temperature or direct exposure to the sun's rays.
  • The leaves are falling. The air is too dry.
  • Buds appear, but before they open, they fall off. The air in the room is too dry, and there is not enough moisture (or too much of it).
  • Leaves and shoots fall. The plant was watered with cold water, or moisture stagnation occurred.
  • Putrefactive processes of the root system or stem. Too much moisture.
  • Flowers are falling. Little light, the plant was often rearranged.
  • The plant grows slowly, the leaves change color. The soil lacks nitrogen.

Plants can wait for pests and diseases. If you do not provide hoya with decent care, such troubles can befall her:

  • Spider mite. Appears when the room with the flower is too hot and dry air. Recognized by the presence of brown or whitish spots on the leaves. Over time, they turn yellow, dry out and crumble. The plant stops growing. In this case, increase the humidity and treat the flower with the necessary preparation.
  • Shchitovka. Hoya loses its attractive and healthy appearance, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. A fungus appears. At the initial stage, the plant can be treated with soapy or alcohol water. In advanced cases, it is taken out to fresh air, treated with karbofos.
  • Powdery mildew. It is visible on the leaves in the form of a whitish coating. With a strong defeat, the plaque covers the stems and buds. To remedy the situation, provide good ventilation in the room, humidify the air.

You can deal with sucking pests at home with the help of ordinary garlic-onion infusions. You need to take a teaspoon of chopped onion and 1-2 teaspoons of garlic. Pour in water and leave closed for 24 hours. Treat the plant with tincture.

Unlike some other plants, hoyu can be propagated in several ways:
1. Propagation by stem cuttings.
2. Propagation by seeds.
3. Reproduction of hoi from a leaf.

Propagation by stem cuttings

One of the easiest ways to breed hoya.
For successful rooting with stem cuttings, it is very important to remember two aspects to pay attention to: the size and age of the cutting. At home, cuttings with two nodes that cover two pairs of leaves give the best results. Such a cutting grows new shoots faster than a cutting with a single node and more successfully than long cuttings with a large number of nodes. In general, the rule of thumb for rooting from cuttings is that a cutting with thin, small leaves will root better with two nodes, but some species that have large leaves will root better with a single node.

The age of the cutting is also of no small importance when rooting. A cutting taken from the top of the plant will be less successful in rooting, as the stem tissue is still young and may rot when attempting to root such a cutting. The best option is to take mature cuttings for rooting, but which have not yet become woody.

Before planting the cutting in the soil mixture, it must be properly cut. The best place for roots to grow is the area directly below the node. If the trunk is long, then it must be cut off and leave only a few centimeters under the knot. After a new sprout appears from the leaf sinus of the first node, the second node can also be cut and used for rooting.

It is also very important to correctly direct the plant when planting. If you plant a cutting upside down, it will not take root and grow.

Rooting cuttings in water

For successful rooting of the cutting in water, you should take a darkened dish or a transparent one, but wrap it with aluminum foil so that the light does not fall on the water. Leaves are removed from the cutting from the lower node, which will be immersed in water. Dishes with a handle must be placed in a warm and humid place so that the temperature of water and air does not rise above 22 ° C. The higher the humidity, the higher the temperature must be raised. With insufficient moisture, the cuttings can wither, then they need to be placed in a loose greenhouse. Approximately within 14 days, roots appear on the cuttings. The daylight factor should also be taken into account. In the autumn season, without lighting, plants are more difficult to root. When roots appear, it is advisable to plant the plant immediately at a permanent place of residence, since the roots are very fragile and can be damaged during transplantation.

Rooting cuttings in the substrate

Although most hoi root in water, rooting in the ground is more reliable. But ordinary purchased soil is not very suitable for these purposes. It is best to make a mixture of different components yourself.
Basic rules for the preparation of mixed soil for rooting hoi:
1. Breathability. Without air access to the roots, the cutting can rot. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the soil is well permeable. To do this, you can use sand, vermiculite or perlite.
2. Humidity preservation. Cuttings need water to survive and grow roots. The more breathable the soil, the more difficult it is to retain moisture. By placing the cutting in a plastic bag, the problem of retaining moisture and maintaining soil permeability can be solved. Cuttings absorb water very slowly without roots. It is by placing the cutting in a bag that you can reduce the stress on the leaves while the roots grow and can supply moisture to the foliage.

For rooting, soil, perlite, vermiculite, sand, sphagnum moss are usually used. You can root in one moss: carefully wrap the stem with a knot of moss and put it in a greenhouse. This method is suitable for hoi species that are difficult to root in the ground due to their appearance - for example, H. carnosa compacta, in which the leaves are very close to the trunk and it can be very problematic to plant such a cutting in the ground.
Perlite is also great for rooting - it reduces the chance of cutting rot. It is necessary to pour a small amount of perlite into a plastic bag, slightly moisten it and place the cutting there. This method is well suited for such cuttings that have several nodes. Putting such a cutting horizontally in a bag with perlite and covering it with this substrate, after 10 days you can see the roots near several nodes and after that you can plant several cuttings with roots in the ground.
A mixture of soil, perlite, or sand is great for rooting single-knot cuttings with large leaves. It is best to soak a peat tablet - free it from the mesh and mix it with perlite or sand. The components that are part of the peat tablet prevent the stalk from rotting and promote rapid rooting, and perlite - the passage of air to the roots. You should also not forget about drainage in case of rooting in the ground.

Reproduction by seeds
All hoyas can produce seeds after flowering, but few of us have seen them indoors. In typical apartment conditions, hoyas very rarely form pods. But still consider this option of breeding hoi.
Seeds are formed after flowering in pods. For sowing, they must ripen well - it does not hurt to dry them a little. Before sowing, a well-permeable soil is prepared, it is possible with the addition of sphagnum moss. Seeds for sowing should be taken only fresh (in the year of collection), then the percentage of similarity will be high. After sowing in the ground, the seeds quickly sprout, with two leaves on a short stem. But despite successful germination, the sprouts can die from both overdrying and overflow. Warmth, good lighting, humidity are the main components of successful seedling cultivation. For about 3 months, the seedlings should not be touched, and only when they have several pairs of leaves and good roots, they can be transplanted into a separate bowl.

Reproduction of hoi from a leaf
This is probably the most difficult and long process of reproduction. Very often, a hoya leaf planted in loose soil quickly gives roots, but in this state it can live for many years without germinating. Throughout the history of the development of hoya breeding in the world, many studies have been carried out on this method of rooting. As a result, we can conclude that a new plant can be grown from a hoya leaf, but subject to certain rules. As a rule, hoi leaves that grow in nature are taken for rooting - they have more strength, but it is possible to experiment on a leaf from a houseplant. The leaf is planted in loose soil at an angle of 45 °, within a few weeks the leaf appears roots. Further, the main task is to stimulate the production of growth cells and the development of shoots in the leaves. To do this, you can use the drug heteroauxin (or other hormonal drug), a drop of which is dropped with a pipette onto the base of the leaf. In the case of a successful experiment, within a short time after that, the leaf starts a new shoot.

ampelous plant, belongs to the genus of evergreen shrubs and vines.

Also called wax ivy.

Hoya grows in South and Southeast Asia, Polynesia and Australia.

Interesting fact!The plant was named by the Scottish scientist Brown in honor of his friend, the English gardener Thomas Hoy, who grew plants in the gardens of the Duke of Northumberland.

Optimal conditions for growing hoya

Location and lighting

Hoya prefers good lighting, can easily tolerate direct sunlight. But in the active sun, burns can form on the leaves of the vine.

Hoya is best placed on the western and eastern windows. If the growth, nevertheless, is located on the south window, then in the summer it is better to create diffused light (throw tulle over the window).

Important! Hoya will not be able to bloom on the northern windows.

Temperature regime: summer-winter

In summer, the most optimal temperature for hoya, which is grown in room conditions, will be 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter - not lower than 16 degrees.

If in winter the temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, then the seasonal flowering of hoya will be liquid and insignificant.

Hoya is a moisture-loving plant. The liana is plentifully watered from March to October, but it needs the most active watering in the summer periods.

As soon as you notice that the earth has dried up, you need to water the plant with settled water. Do not forget to also take care of the hoya: clear the stems and the ground under the plant.

Since November, it is recommended to reduce the watering of the hoya. In winter, the plant does not require much moisture, so it can be watered 4-5 days after the topsoil has dried. Water temperature for irrigation in winter should be tepid.

Did you know? If the hoyu is rarely watered, then some of the roots die off the plant and the growing season begins.

Air humidity

Hoya is not demanding in matters of hydration. But it will not be superfluous to periodically spray the plant in spring and summer.

Important! When spraying hoya, moisture should not fall on the flowers.

Soil fertilization

During the growing season, hoya should be fed every 2-3 weeks. It is recommended to use a complex mineral fertilizer for hoya. In winter, the plant does not need to be fed.

Need to know! Before you start fertilizing the hoya, you need to transplant the plant (for young plants, a transplant is needed every year).

An adult hoya plant needs to be repotted every three years. The plant likes slightly acidic or neutral soil (pH 5.5 to 6). Also, it is recommended to transplant a young plant every year (up to 3 years).

Hoya is unpretentious to the soil. The best substrate for it will be a mix of clay-turf, greenhouse and leafy soil (2: 1: 1). The second soil option: clay-soddy, leafy soil, sand and peat (2:1:1:1).

When choosing soil, you should also consider the variety of hoya. For example, Hoya the Beautiful loves a mixture of humus, leafy soil, peat, sand and a small part of charcoal.

Important! Hoya needs good drainage when planting and transplanting.

Reproduction of hoya at home

Reproduction of wax ivy at home can be done in three ways: hoya from seeds, cuttings and propagation by layering.

If you become the owner hoya seed, then they are planted in the ground, consisting of an earthen mixture and sphagnum moss. Water generously and after a week, the seeds begin to germinate. Hoya seedlings should remain moist, but not flooded with water. The seed pot should be kept in a warm and medium-lit place.

To protect young hoya sprouts from fungal diseases, sprinkle them with a solution of copper-containing preparations. After about 3 months, when the sprouts release a pair of leaves, transplant them into separate pots.

Interesting fact!Getting hoya seeds at home is almost impossible.

The next breeding method is hoya cuttings. It is considered the most reliable and easiest way to propagate a plant.

The cutting you want to plant should be up to about 10 cm. It should have a couple of leaves and nodules. Hoya cuttings can be rooted in both water and soil.

When rooting in water, you will need a small, foil-wrapped container. Poke holes in the foil for the cuttings. Don't forget to fill the container with water.

Leave a couple of upper leaves on the cuttings, and treat the lower part with a root growth stimulator. Push the cuttings through the holes made in the foil into the container.

When rooting cuttings, the most optimal temperature will be 22 degrees Celsius. At the same time, do not forget that constant moisture is important for cuttings.

To do this, put a bag on the container with cuttings, leaving an air hole. Thus, the humidity will be constant, but the cuttings, at the same time, will not suffocate.

Hoya cuttings begin to sprout roots after 2 weeks. It is necessary to plant rooted shoots in the ground in a permanent place, since growing roots has weakened the stem, and the cuttings will become even more fragile.

With its long lashes and decorative look, this creeper will turn your home into a jungle in no time. In a short time, hoya propagation by cuttings will help to get a lot of new plants. This is one of the easiest ways, with almost no negative results. How to take cuttings correctly and what is the best way to root them?

Procurement of cuttings

For everything to go well, you need to take sharp scissors to harvest the cuttings, after wiping them with alcohol. For propagation, it is better to use healthy shoots, but not too long. These will need more moisture, and the tips of the chibouks may dry out. It is enough that the cutting has 2 leaves and a couple of live buds.

Hoya propagation by cuttings - what and how to root

You can root cuttings in different ways by planting them in:

  1. Small pots with loose substrate. In it, the hoya grows roots well and will form from 2 to 4 young leaves in a year. Scourges most often appear only the next year.
  2. Plastic cups with vermiculite. Florists practicing this method have noticed that cuttings grow faster in it. Already after 11 months they build up new lashes and in the first year they can give a twig or two up to 40 cm long.
  3. Glass with water. From above, the glass must be covered with foil, make a hole in it and insert the stalk into it. The foil will protect from light so that green algae does not appear. The roots will appear in about 2-3 weeks and then the hoya can be planted in the ground.

When rooting in water, it is advisable to add a little.

The cuttings should grow roots in a greenhouse so that they do not dry out. Periodically, it needs to be ventilated, moisten the soil (vermiculite) or add water. It will be possible to remove the shelter after the first signs of growth of leaves or lashes appear.

Young bushes should be placed for growing on a bright window sill in a room with a temperature of at least 22 ° C. To make the process more active, you can sometimes fertilize the hoya with water from the aquarium. A mineral complex for orchids is also suitable.

If planting material was ordered through the mail for propagation of hoya by cuttings, problems often arise. With improper packaging, the cuttings dry out during the journey and lose their elasticity. They need to be put in sugar water for a couple of hours and the turgor will be restored.