Gentle caresses threesome. Between two fires: the spicy features of a threesome

1. And your mother too

Producer: Alfonso Cuaron

Two guys meet a girl and invite her to go on a journey together. It would seem that the topic is to sleep and run away, leaving the audience the opportunity to sympathize with the heroes or wonder at their youth and recklessness. But instead, the creators paint a very multifaceted realistic canvas with dirt, political squabbles, complex feelings and vague hopes. The picture will appeal to lovers of philosophizing and complaining about the imperfection of the surrounding world, writes

2. Gloomy Sunday

Producer: Rolf Schuebel

Two men fall in love with the same waitress, and the girl cannot quite understand what she wants from life. Beauty inspires one of them to write a song that becomes a sad theme song for many lives. The action takes place in Hungary on the eve of World War II - the audience is drawn into the oppressive and at the same time exciting world of sensuality and hopelessness.

3. Especially dangerous

Producer: Oliver Stone

Two guys sell marijuana and share the love of one girl without any problems. That's just their profitable business attracts the attention of the leaders of the local mafia. A common sweetheart is the perfect way to force the heroes to submit to someone else's will. The girl is kidnapped, and the guys have to find a way to return their beloved. The action-packed action movie looks quite easy, the actors delight with a talented game, but the tape does not indulge in an abundance of meanings.

4. Dreamers

Producer: Bernardo Bertolucci

A young American meets a French couple. Despite the fact that the guy and the girl are brother and sister, they are not afraid to indulge in lovemaking. It does not come to incest, but this form of relationship at first shocks the protagonist. However, then the world of art, tenderness, bold thoughts draws the guy into their networks. All three move away from reality, their universe is beautiful and almost perfect. However, a revolution is raging outside the windows... Hiding in the shell of pink dreams is becoming more and more difficult.

5. Etudes for three

Producer: Salvador Garcia Ruiz

The main characters are young and talented. All three are students of the art academy. And it just so happened that two guys love one girl. At first, the characters give vent to passions, without making problems out of non-standard relationships. After all, art and free love are quite tasty and inspirational cocktails. That's just human nature takes over - the thirst for property destroys the idyll.

6. Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Producer: Woody Allen

A colorful and light film by the legendary director tells about difficult but beautiful relationships. Two friends fall in love with a temperamental artist. One of them begins to actively flirt with a man, but the other seizes the initiative. And everything would be fine, but the eccentric wife of the artist appears on the horizon. Instead of driving away her husband and mistress, the girl becomes an active participant in their romance.

7. The beauty of vice

Producer: Zivko Nikolic

A married girl from a traditional family, by the will of fate, gets a job as a waitress on a nudist beach. The sight of nudity and the caresses of vacationers are shocking at first, and then they begin to attract. The climax of the story is passionate and beautiful love the three of us. But a jealous husband is waiting at home, and according to the traditions of her circle, it is customary to kill for treason. A beautiful and at the same time tragic story allows viewers to draw their own conclusions, choosing between freedom and dogma.

8. Threesome love

Producer: Tom Tykwer

The heroes live in a civil marriage, but over time, the relationship begins to crack. Then a third appears in the lives of both - a man with whom both she and ... he enter into an erotic relationship. Not quite a standard love triangle is flavored with intellectual conversations. The creators of the picture offer viewers a fresh look at the forms of relations between people accepted in traditional society. 10. On the road

Producer: Walter Salles

The protagonist seeks to know life with different sides. He meets a married couple who prefer creativity, psychedelic drugs and travel to routine. The whole trio will have to make an exciting trip, getting into problems with the law, thinking about the meaning of life and indulging in love pleasures. Moral dogmas recede into the background - after all, on the road you can, for example, sit naked in the front seat three of us and caress each other. However, the illusory paradise does not last long - life forces the heroes who have played dissidence to return to reality.

Let's talk about the eternal male dream - "he and two gentle houris." And at the same time, consider another option - also quite common: "me and two passionate machos." Faced?

Many couples have such experience, but it is usually single - according to statistics, only 2% practice such sex all the time. Why do such thoughts creep into the heads of even the most faithful, respectable wives and husbands? Sexologists say that threesome love can make relationships bright and unforgettable, but they warn that you need to be prepared for such relationships not only physically, but also mentally.

Relatively massive, if not fashionable, sex scenes MFF (two women and one man) and MMF (two men and one woman) have become around the 1960s - thanks to the sexual revolution.

Sharing a bed with two beauties at once is the cherished dream of men of all times and peoples. Look through men's magazines, read ads on dating sites. “A married couple is looking for a liberated girl for a relationship”, “Two beauties will meet an interesting gentleman.” Why is this happening? The answer is clear, although the men themselves are not very fond of voicing it.

Firstly, a man is terribly afraid of leaving a woman unsatisfied. And two girlfriends will be able to entertain each other if the man was not up to par.

Secondly, he has the hope that there will be plenty of sex - simply because two women in bed are more than one.

Thirdly, men love with their eyes - the sight of two naked women will turn him on not like a child.

Fourth, men are vain. Which of them can resist the next morning not to casually drop in the smoking room: “I had a group sex yesterday ...”

And fifthly, in this way the most primitive instincts of the male are realized - to gather a harem and enjoy everyone's attention. Among chimpanzees and gorillas, one such “sultan” leads a flock of six to eight females, protecting and satisfying them all, and his furry wives take care of him in every possible way. Men, of course, for the most part, are still different from monkeys, but the motives for their behavior are sometimes strikingly similar.

As for women, the motivation is a little different. Many try the MZHZH option because the “F” in this combination interests them no less than the “M”, and such a trio allows a woman to realize her lesbian inclinations without risking relationships. Sometimes a woman joins a couple in order to attract the attention of her beloved man, and later, if she's lucky, to take him away. Very young girls often participate in the MFF combination “for the company” or just out of curiosity.

For a sexually and psychologically mature man who is not prone to homosexuality and other frills, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsharing his wife or girlfriend with someone else's uncle usually does not appeal at all - healthy instincts outweigh any fantasies.

Young men of hypersexual age sometimes make contact with MMF out of desperation - if there is only one kind, sociable and understanding girl for the entire male company, you will have to put up with competition willy-nilly.

But, surprisingly, it also happens that a man agrees to such an option out of love for a woman if she expressed a desire to try a threesome.

Women in this matter are easier to understand - it's nice when not one but two men carry you in their arms, admire all parts of the body and try their best to deliver maximum pleasure. As a rule, ladies in such combinations are hypersexual, uninhibited mature women who like sex in all its manifestations, and one man is already not enough for complete happiness.

Will you be third?

The question of how to convince your partner (partner) to agree to a threesome is one of the most popular on specialized forums. And not by accident. Many couples intuitively refuse this option, clearly anticipating serious problems in relationship.

No matter how liberated we are and no matter how much we talk about sexual freedom, for most of us the situation when a loved one makes love to another before our eyes is an unbearable sight, which can also seriously injure the psyche. Even if the lady herself brought the second "F" into the bedroom; even if a man on his knees begged his girlfriend to try "three of us with my friend Vasya" - the logic in this situation completely fails.

What to do? Follow your desires, but be sensitive to your partner's feelings. You need to honestly explain to him why you want to try love in a threesome. It is important to dispel his fears, jealousy and resentment, to convey that you will not stop loving him and will not part, that it is not about his appearance or ability to satisfy you. Answer all questions, talk in detail about how and where this will happen, let this topic become the object of jokes. Approach it as if you were talking about some unusual but very exciting adventure.

Where to looking for?

There are many specialized forums where couples are looking for a partner. However, finding a combination in which all participants will be satisfied and happy is an almost unrealistic task. After all, you are actually inviting a stranger into the holy of holies - into your bedroom.

Be prepared for the fact that the expectation of the feast of the flesh can easily be replaced by disgust. In addition, there are many potential dangers - ranging from various diseases to banal theft, uncleanliness, or threats to compromise you. Therefore, when registering on thematic forums and making acquaintances there, be careful and be careful again.

Reminder for Adventurers

1. If you have already decided to take this step, leave the thought that you are a pervert. Threesome love is a phenomenon as ancient as the history of mankind. Even the biblical patriarch Abraham actually offered his wife Sarah to the Egyptian pharaoh, and then conceived a child with the lawful concubine Hagar. His grandson Jacob quite officially had two wives - Rachel and Leah. Catherine the Great, who was in connection with Potemkin, turned on young favorites with his approval. The fatal beauty Lilya lived for many years in the same family with her husband Osip and the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. Psychologist Sigmund Freud entered into an ambiguous relationship with Minna, the unmarried sister of Martha's beloved wife. And this list can be continued for a long time.

2. Friends are taboo. Never invite a third friend or girlfriend. With a probability of 99.9%, after such experiments, you will lose these friends. It is safer to find a person who is only interested in the sexual side of the relationship - which will save you from jealousy too.

3. This desire must be mutual. If one of the partners is against it, in no case do not insist and do not press. In addition, such thoughts are often impulsive - today you want to, and tomorrow you ask yourself with surprise and disgust: “How could this come to mind?”

4. Discuss with your partner the scenario of his or her behavior before the guest is in your bedroom. It is possible that a partner will object to kissing a third person or oral sex. These things need to be discussed in advance.

5. Before you go looking, ask yourself again why you need this. Often in this way, couples try to solve some long-standing internal problems. However, this is a dead end move - relations will only worsen. If behind this is a desire to take revenge or punish, you need to seek help from a family psychologist. When the question “either the third in bed, or we part” is posed with an edge, it is better to disperse immediately - anyway, the relationship will end with this.

6. Remember what you are risking. The threat to health and reputation is far from fiction. In fact, you invite a stranger to your place, who can be anyone.

In conclusion, we note that, despite all the sexual revolutions, there are people for whom the option of threesome love is still unacceptable in principle. I would like to add - "fortunately." But we will be tolerant and politically correct.

The opinion that men have only one erogenous zone - the penis - is deeply erroneous.

  • Men are quite sensitive to gentle biting on their earlobes.
  • Your partner will likely enjoy stroking their inner thighs and massaging their feet.
  • The nipples, armpits and abdomen (especially the “path” from the navel to the base of the penis) of men are also sensitive to kissing.
  • He will enjoy an erotic back massage, especially if you do it with your chest. Pay special attention to the so-called "cat's place" - the area between the shoulder blades, as well as the lower back in the coccyx area.
  • Responsive to caresses and male buttocks, especially when a man is dressed, oddly enough. Naked male buttocks are less sensitive to caresses.

For woman

In addition to traditional erogenous zones, a woman can find "points of passion" in the most unexpected places.

  • Your partner will enjoy kissing the back of the neck and the hairline. The neck is one of the most sensitive female erogenous zones, sometimes not even inferior to the chest in terms of the strength of sensations.
  • Touching, kissing and gently stroking the inner surface of the thigh, as well as popliteal dimples and elbow bends, will give your partner a lot of pleasant sensations.
  • Kissing the hands, especially the wrists and sometimes the palms, can cause intense sexual arousal.

clitoral caresses

In skillful hands, the ice will melt.

For most women, the main organ of pleasure, which determines whether she will experience an orgasm, is the clitoris. Important erogenous zones are also the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and the external opening of the urethra.

In a calm state, outwardly the clitoris can be almost indistinguishable, under the fingers it is felt as a soft seal the size of a millet grain or as a soft papilla. It is covered with a delicate fold. If this fold is very tight, then the sensitivity of the clitoris may be reduced. The clitoris, and especially its head, contains 3-4 times more nerve endings than the head of the penis. The excitability of the clitoris and the erotic reaction of a woman do not depend on its size. In a state of sexual arousal of a woman, it increases one and a half to two times, becomes dense, its head approaches the entrance to the vagina.

Stimulation of the clitoris causes an erotic reaction only if it is preceded by general caresses that increase the woman's arousal.

The only physiological role of the clitoris is to induce feelings of lust. Its participation in the occurrence of orgasm is 70%. The remaining 30% falls on the front or back wall vagina, cervix and breast nipples. So the clitoris has a clearly dominant role.

In some women with the most optimal structure of the genital organs (sexologists call such an organ "princess" - the name speaks for itself), the clitoris is stimulated by the penis during intercourse. But there are few such women. All other women do not have contact of the clitoris with the penis during intercourse, so they need preliminary (before intercourse) or combined (during intercourse) stimulation of the clitoris. If ordinary intercourse is practiced, without additional stimulation of the clitoris, then the woman will not be satisfied.

Ball. Natasha Rostova approaches Rzhevsky.

- Lieutenant!

- Yes, sir!

- Why don't you dance?

- And we'll show you in bed, sir.


You can start caressing the clitoris only after caressing other erogenous zones. He is very excitable, and any woman immediately reacts to touching him, but if the partner immediately starts stimulating him, this can lead to the opposite effect. A woman unprepared by foreplay can even experience pain, especially if a man is eager to excite her as soon as possible, therefore he is hasty, rude or indelicate. Don't forget Dr. Ferrier's wise advice:

A true husband cannot exist without tenderness;

caution is the best companion for anyone on the path to enjoyment!

Immediately make direct contact with the clitoris should not be. After stroking and kissing the labia majora and labia minora and entering the vagina, you can stimulate the clitoris indirectly by grabbing the labia majora with your fingers and massage it in this way, and then move on to direct touching the clitoris.

The most effective way is oral-clitoral caresses with the tongue and lips (this is called cunnilingus), but if the partner prefers another, for example, with a finger or a vibrator, then only her desires should be guided.

“Doctor, my wife is as cold as ice cream,” the man complains.

- And you try to lick, - it will melt, - the sex therapist advises.


Manual stimulation (finger, hand) can also be used if the partner is shy. Oral caresses (tongue, lips) suggest that the partner sees the woman's vulva, and besides, they are best done in the light, since the sight of the female vulva is the most powerful erotic irritant for a man. The shy partner is not yet ready for this and at first may reject oral stimulation. Therefore, in order not to test her bashfulness, accustom her first to manual caresses, and when the orgasm from this stimulation becomes familiar to her, the partner will no longer be so squeezed.

You can do without sex, but you don't have to.

All sexologists believe that stimulation of the clitoris and any caresses of this area do not bring any harm to health and are not only morally permissible, but also mandatory.

Additional stimulation of the clitoris is especially needed by those women whose clitoris is located high (more than 2.5 cm from the entrance to the vagina). At the same time, during intercourse, the penis does not touch the clitoris, regardless of the size of the male organ.

And with manual (that is, with a hand or finger), and with oral (mouth and tongue) stimulation of the clitoris, pleasant sensations in a woman do not cause any touches, but those that meet her needs.

Some men use their own ideas of stimulation based on masturbation experience to clitorally caress, so they make quick and intense finger or hand movements.

Georgian girl is going on a date. Worried, does not know how to behave. The mother noticed this and gives her advice:

Let him do everything - hug, kiss, and when he crawls between his legs, say that it’s impossible, it’s hot there, like in an oven.

The girl comes home in the morning and laughs. The mother asks what is the matter.

We kissed, then he climbed there, and I told him that it was impossible, it was like in an oven, and he said - then let's fry my barbecue. Well, we fried until the morning, and in the morning I took it in my mouth to try it, and it was raw!


However, such stimulation does not suit women at all. The clitoris is very sensitive, requiring light, gentle touches, and any roughness and intense pressure or friction will cause pain in a woman, and in the future she will reject all attempts by a man to stimulate her clitoris with a finger.

The most optimal thing is to ask a woman to say what she wants, or to show exactly how the partner should perform manual stimulation, and correct his actions during the stimulation of the erogenous zone.

If a woman's genitals are not moistened with a secret, then irritation of the clitoris and small lips with a “dry” finger will very soon cause discomfort and soreness in a woman, which can persist even after intercourse. And if the partner was awkward or caused damage to her by strong friction, then soreness in the genital area can persist for quite a long time. A woman will never again allow her inept partner to touch her genitals with her hands.

When stimulating the clitoris and small lips with a hand or finger, it is best to lubricate the woman's genitals with a special cream. You can use "Baby Cream", there are no perfume additives that can irritate the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. Vegetable oil is also recommended, which will not cause irritation of the mucous membrane. Some use boron vaseline, but vaseline only initially gives the effect of lubrication and sliding, but it is very “drying”, so the woman will soon feel strong friction. You can buy special creams that are sold in Intim stores. Some of them increase the excitability of erogenous zones.

If a man does not know how to do anything and begins to torment the woman's genitals in the same way as he stimulates his penis during masturbation, causing only pain to this partner, then it is best for him to leave both the woman's erogenous zones and the woman herself alone, or learn how to caress correctly her.

Some women say they are so pissed off by their partner's ineptitude that they'd rather have him no longer touch their clitoris than needlessly get turned on and end up aroused but unsatisfied.

If the partner is sexually relaxed and "without complexes", then you can ask her to stimulate the clitoris in your presence. Many women have masturbation experience and will show you what rhythm of movement and intensity of pressure is most enjoyable.

In bed, you can do anything that pleases both of you, such as eating, drinking coffee, smoking, watching TV, reading.

Most men dream of seeing a woman masturbate. If the partner manages to convince the woman of this, then they will both win - this scene will greatly excite the man, and if he learns to stimulate the woman's clitoris in the same way, then in the future he will be able to caress in accordance with her requirements.

Only those women who do not know what pleasure is are sexually constrained.

If your partner at least once feels ecstasy, she will stop resisting caresses.

Went to dance - you have to cuddle.

Spanish proverb

You will be rewarded a hundredfold and you yourself will be surprised how your girlfriend will change, moving from an army of sexually unsatisfied women to a squad of sexually satisfied ones. She will have a different look, a different smile, a different posture and gait, a turn of the shoulders and a landing of the head. And most importantly, it will become different psychologically, softer, more emotional, sincere and warmer.

Bitches are always sexually unsatisfied women.

In the eyes of a woman who knows what pleasure is, some special light shines. I don’t know if you know how to see him, but I can accurately determine by one glance at a woman whether she is sexually satisfied, or whether her soul is rushing about in search of a real man.

It is in your power, dear men, to awaken the sensuality of your partner and create a new woman.

Guy - girl:

- Have you ever had a sixty-second orgasm?

- How is it?

- Do you have a free minute?


Oral sex is a full-fledged way of sexual satisfaction

“Kissing the genitals of a loved one, some partners experience deep sexual pleasure,” writes the coryphaeus of sexology K. Imelinsky.

In modern sexology oral caresses are designated by the term "oroaltruism". The term was first introduced by the Polish sexologist Eva Braun. The term quite accurately reflects the essence of these caresses. This is truly altruism - that is, the desire to care for the welfare of a loved one, even neglecting their own personal interests. But in this case, we are not talking about neglecting one's own interests, since the oroaltruist also experiences satisfaction from the realization that it is thanks to caresses that the partner (sha) experiences unusually strong sensations.

Oral caresses enrich sex life and give a lot of new indescribable sensations.

The ancient Greek poetess Sappho sang of oral sex, as there is nothing in the world more tender than the touch of the tongue. So did all the ancient Greeks. Cunnilingus was also highly favored by ancient Chinese women.

In terms of the intensity of sensations and their duration, the pleasure given by oral caresses is immeasurably higher than during sexual intercourse.

“The genitals are extremely sensitive to the touch of the tongue, sucking, kissing and biting. Most women are aroused by oral clitoral stimulation, which involves lightly touching the body and head of the clitoris with the tongue, as well as quick licking and sucking movements. both cautious and stronger.” (A.Bova and E.Savina).

A woman comes to the priest:

- Father, the sin is on me!

- What sin, my daughter?

- I took it in my mouth.

- How much did you keep, my daughter?

- 10 minutes...

The priest counted something in his mind and said:

- Three times "Our Father", three circles running around the church and the sin is removed.

Another woman comes. Similar conversation. The priest counted for a long time, moving his lips and bending his fingers, then he says:

- Come on, my daughter, hold it for another three minutes, otherwise I get a very complex fraction!


The famous Casanova always conquered women precisely with skillful oral caresses and his ingenuity, and by no means with the gigantic size of his manhood. His genitals were of the most ordinary size. He said: "... I understood the nature of a woman, I learned the laws of female love and the fact that the whole sexual essence of a woman is based on caresses, without which her uterus may not open."

M.Kinessa writes: “Why should kissing the genitals of a loved one be considered a shameful act? And what is better than cheeks, lips, a hand, on which there are many times fewer erogenous nerve endings? And there should not be any shame, even signs of shame. On the contrary, in a loving family, this should become the norm of sexual life, a sexual delicacy, the first sign of deep respect for partners from each other. What is there to be ashamed of? Why is a woman not ashamed when she spreads her legs and allows a man to insert his cock into her vagina and lay down on her? Why should she know only the rough sexual intercourse, reminiscent of the mating of animals? Why shouldn't she experience the sweetest caresses associated with kissing her clit? Kissing by a man and a woman of each other's genitals is the most beautiful and the best remedy inciting passion in the genitals.”

At the 22nd World Conference of Sexologists in 1969, the English sexologist Gray, in his report “On the state of modern sexual culture in Europe,” said that sexual culture in the West has advanced significantly - wives use oral sex, but husbands also successfully use the tongue caresses of their wives. According to statistics, families where wives use mouth and tongue caresses are listed as the most durable families today. And it is absolutely certain that women who receive oral sex are absolutely faithful to their husbands and are not prone to adultery under any circumstances.

At an international oral sex competition, Madame won first place, who collected a Rubik's cube in her mouth with her tongue.


All modern sexologists approve and recommend kissing the genitals of a beloved partner, rightly considering them the most physiological and tender in the entire arsenal of sexual sophistication. There is no damage to morality with the mutual caresses of two loving people, everything that causes tenderness and affection of spouses to each other is all moral. This is beneficial not only in a spiritual sense, bringing together partners who give each other pleasure, but also in terms of health benefits, because in the absence of sexual satisfaction, both men and women experience various disorders.

Oral caresses are especially important for a woman. A man can regularly experience an orgasm during normal sexual intercourse, since a woman's vagina gives him all the necessary stimulation, and oral sex for him is a “sexual delicacy” and variety.

The vast majority of women without clitoral caresses cannot experience orgasm during normal intercourse, since sexual satisfaction in many women is directly related to the stimulation of this organ of sexual pleasure, so caresses on the clitoris become of paramount importance for them. And this has nothing to do with sexual coldness, this is the normal reactivity of most women.

Even after the mutual cooling of the spouses, the use of oral sex can restore their attraction to each other and sexual harmony. It happens that even after many years, when there is no intimate relationship between spouses, harmonious relationships can be restored.

Galina and Maxim met when she was 18 years old, he was 26. Maxim had no erection problems then, but he did not refuse cunnilingus either.

Before him, Gali had two sexual partners, but the closeness left her indifferent. She has a clitoral version of orgasm, so the hasty frictions of her former inept partners left her indifferent. With Max it was different. Having barely met, they left for his parents' dacha and spent two weeks together, happy and in love. From the very first time during cunnilingus, Galya had a long orgasm, and while, in her words, she was “shaking all over” from the experienced sensation, Maxim had sexual intercourse, and it seemed to Galya that her pleasure continued and even intensified. Her excitement did not subside, and if Maxim, after sexual intercourse, again caressed her with his tongue, then Gali again had an orgasm. And so it happened several times.

She recalls that period as a “celebration of the body”, a complete unity of bodies and souls. She liked everything about Maxim, she considered him handsome, the most intelligent and attractive of all the men with whom she had a chance to communicate. Upon returning, they immediately applied to the registry office and three months later became husband and wife.

They lived well for 14 years, but from about 40 summer age Maxim had problems with erection. Not with every sexual intercourse, but sometimes the erection was sluggish, and Maxim could not insert the penis and carry out intercourse. He used to do cunnilingus to his wife before intercourse, because otherwise Galina could not achieve orgasm. But several times after cunnilingus, Maxim was unable to have sexual intercourse. For some reason, he decided to refuse the help of his wife, and if he felt that his erection was sluggish, he would tell his wife that he was already satisfied that she was well and did not want intercourse.

Galina had no idea about anything, since he had never had such problems before. She was grateful to her husband for the pleasure she had brought, kissed and hugged him, whispered kind words to him, and Maxim considered himself the most unfortunate person in the world. Most of all, he was afraid that his wife would guess everything, feeling his weak erection. Because of this, more and more often, under various plausible pretexts, he began to avoid intimate relationships.

Maxim constantly thought that he was probably already old, and his wife was still young (she was six years younger than him) and was in the prime of her sexuality; sooner or later she will understand that her husband has already “been out of print”. He lost his peace and sleep, he couldn’t concentrate at work and caught himself thinking that he was constantly wondering if his wife had a lover, why she didn’t take the initiative, because before Galya was much more active in bed and began to caress him first, and now she kisses him before going to sleep and calmly falls asleep.

Tormented by jealousy, he even tried to follow his wife, waited for her near work and quietly followed her, but she calmly drove home or stopped by shops on the way. He told her that he was leaving on a business trip, but that same evening he came home with a falsely cheerful smile, saying that he had canceled the trip. Convinced that his wife did not have a lover, he, however, did not calm down. It seemed to him that Galina would not endure for so long without an intimate relationship and sooner or later she would find a replacement for him. Maxim became absent-minded, thoughtful, and answered the questions of his colleagues inappropriately. After suffering like this for two years, he asked for help.

Later, his wife came to the reception. Galina had long noticed that her husband was depressed, did not seek intimacy with her, and suspected that he had taken a mistress. Upon learning that he was worried about a weak erection and that is why he avoids intimacy, fearing to fail, Galina laughed: “Yes, why do I need his erection! I can do without sexual intercourse at all. For me - even if Maxim were a castrato, but he was just as gentle with me and caressed me just as before, then I don’t need anything else: ”

The problem of this couple was solved. It turned out that Maxim, although he had a fairly wide range of acceptability, for some reason did not practice fellatio. He told me that with his former mistresses he had experienced fellatio, but either the mistresses were inexperienced, or he had a prejudice against fellatio, but with Galina he did not want to have oral sex. “Not that I was a hypocrite, but it just seemed to me that in my situation asking my wife for oral sex would mean admitting my complete failure. I still wanted to be a man and be able to have a normal sex life.”

They tried fellatio, it didn't work right away. Maxim did not leave the feeling of some kind of artificiality of this type of stimulation. It seemed to him that Galina herself, who had no experience of fellatio before, did not like it, and maybe even disgusted, and she agreed to it only to help him achieve an erection. Maxim tried to hide his embarrassment with joking words: “Well, let's start treatment, as the doctor told us.” At first he was constrained, all the time looking at his penis, waiting for an erection. Galina tried very hard, but her husband's attitude interfered with her. She felt his reaction, and since she herself was not aroused at that moment, she also treated the oral stimulation of her husband's penis as a “treatment”.

After trying several times, they came to the reception discouraged. Conducted a course of sex therapy and then they reversed the order of sexual satisfaction. At first, Maxim brought Galina to orgasm with the help of cunnilingus, and then the grateful Galina did fellatio in a completely different way. She herself said that she felt such boundless tenderness and gratitude for her husband, which she did “with inspiration”.

Oral sex can solve many problems. It happens that with manual (hand) or other stimulation, an erection in a man is insufficient, but oral stimulation causes a good erection.

The artist, completely unaware of the role, goes on stage, sits down on a chair.

The prompter tells him the words of his role:

- Yes, Fedor, my hands are not the same.


- Yes, Fedor, my working hands are not the same, these hands are not the same.


- And the eyes too.


- And my eyes, Fyodor, are also not the same, my eyes are not the same ...

The prompter takes a glass of tea. The actor repeats his movements. The prompter waves his hands, showing that this is not necessary, and whispers what the actor should do: “Get up slowly ...”. The actor looks at the prompter in bewilderment. He makes movements with his hands, trying to explain that the actor should get up from his chair.

The actor, continuing to sit, puts his hands on his lower abdomen:

- And finally, about the main thing, Fedor ...


Among modern young people there are no ardent opponents of oral sex. In any case, among mentally healthy men, I have not met such people. Only people with repressed sexuality or mental disorders vehemently oppose fellatio.

But among the representatives of the older generation there are many ardent opponents of fellatio. In fact, they simply did not try, and therefore reject.

Once I gave an interview to a journalist, and she said: “No, I will not write this. The editor-in-chief will have a heart attack if I write that you teach patients how to give blowjobs.” Recently, I talked to a young, advanced journalist and said that I do live sex therapy, perhaps the only sexologist in Russia, and I brought up a conversation with the above-mentioned journalist, of course. without naming either her name or publication. We talked with him “for life” for more than two hours, moreover, he came to interview me as an author of detective novels, and not as a sexologist. However, in an interview, he published these words of mine, and many people of advanced years regarded this as shocking. Yes, what shocking can it be if this is my work! As well as any other sexologist! People with repressed sexuality and a narrow range of acceptability need to seek help from a professional, and not impose their hypocritical views on society, condemning what is not available to them.

A woman comes to church.

- Father, the sin is on me ... I took it in my hands.

- Go to the river on Sunday, put your hands down, your sin will be washed away by water.

On Sunday, only male parishioners came to church, without wives. The priest sends the deacon to find out where the women are.

- Father, all the women stand near the river, wet their hands in the water, and mother rinses her mouth.


It is worth a man, no matter how old he is, to experience fellatio at least once, and he will not only cease to be an opponent of oral sex, but will also beg that his partner pamper him with this exquisite caress.

“A man will never exchange his sexual partner, skilled in oroaltruistic caresses, for any other woman,” writes Polish sexologist M. Kinessa.

The same is true for women. Many, having tried it once, then prefer oral sex to ordinary intercourse, or oral sex becomes an integral part of foreplay.

Even after cooling or betrayal of one of the spouses, as a result of which the changer acquires a certain experience, it is possible to restore harmonious sexual relations.

- Have you heard scientists claim that Eve was unfaithful to Adam?

- Yes, it can not be! There were no other men besides Adam then!

- And here are “other men”! Didn't they teach you at school that man descended from a monkey?!


At first family life Marina and Mikhail developed well. Her husband loved her, she considered him a decent man, a good husband and father, appreciated her husband for his kindness and attention. After the second birth, she experienced severe bleeding with a threat to her life (she had multiple fibroids). Given that she already has two children, the gynecologists decided to amputate Marina's uterus.

After that, something broke in her. She hid from her husband that her uterus was removed, fearing that he would not receive satisfaction - like many people, Marina believed that such an operation affects the feelings of a man. It seemed to her that intercourse would be painful for her; during sexual intercourse, the woman tensely waited for the fact that she was about to be hurt. For some reason, she decided that if she had pain, then the question of a second operation might arise and she was very afraid of this.

Because of all these fears, Marina began to avoid intimacy. She never experienced orgasm, so abstinence did not bother her. Mikhail always treated his wife with care, and after several of her refusals under the pretext of pain and ill health, he no longer insisted. Recently, Marina has been depressed and sad all the time, this also affected Mikhail.

Once, when his wife and children were resting in the country, Svetlana, Marina's cousin, came to visit them. At the request of his wife, he took the guest around Moscow, and in the evenings they drank a little, chatted about trifles and told each other about their lives. He immediately liked Svetlana. Affected and prolonged sexual abstinence. And, as often happens when a man and a woman spend a lot of time together, they were drawn to each other, and they became lovers.

Svetlana is 6 years younger than her cousin and turned out to be an experienced lover. After the first time, she told the newly-made lover that it was high time for him to abandon such a primitive technique, which is practiced only by "dense scoops", and taught him all the tricks of oral sex.

Mikhail did not dare to immediately try everything he had learned with his wife. After seeing off his mistress, he went to the dacha that very evening and, hugging his wife, whispered that during these two weeks he had missed her very much, caressed his wife for a long time and was happy to make sure that he managed to excite her. She did not guess anything, deciding that her husband really missed being apart. For the first time in many months, Mikhail again spoke affectionate words to his wife. Later, Marina told me how she was worried about her fullness, it seemed to her that she had become so ugly that her husband was no longer attracted to her. But Mikhail was not embarrassed by her fullness. Gradually, he taught his wife to oral sex. She never found out who taught him this technique, and was sure that her husband learned himself, wanting to please her.

Marina began to regularly experience orgasms. She immediately cheered up, took care of herself, lost weight and got prettier. Many years have passed since then, but now she looks much better than when she was depressed and sad. I remember her former expression, with the corners of her lips downturned and the crease between her eyebrows. Now this is a completely different woman, blooming and happy. The fact that her uterus was amputated, Marina has long forgotten, and for her feelings it does not matter.

Married couple after a cool party.

- Darling, didn't you give me a great session of oral sex in the bathroom?

- Look at what time, dear.


In the preface to his book The Eroticization of Marriage Life and Sex Therapy, Dr. Janis Zalitis quotes a letter from one of his patients with the title: “Why didn’t I kill my wife?” The patient, seeing how his wife was caressed in all intimate places by her lover, how she blossomed under his caresses, had already picked up a gun, deciding whom to kill first, but changed his mind in time, realizing that he himself had never caressed his wife like that; she agreed to his demands with silent obedience and lay down with him as if on a chopping block. Realizing this, he and his wife turned to Dr. Zalitis, and although at first the couple sat in his office, hating each other, the doctor’s recommendations helped them save the family, the wife experienced an orgasm with her husband for the first time, and both spouses did not even think about looking for new ones. partners. Ten years later, this patient writes a letter of thanks to his doctor. There are many such cases in the practice of any sexologist.

Oral caresses are recommended for partners of any age, and, with age, their importance increases due to a decrease in physical activity and illness, when heavy physical exertion is contraindicated. In these cases, oral sex is indispensable. And sexual discharge after oral sex has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a person.

Mutual oral sex can be used if, for some reason, normal intercourse is undesirable, for example, it is painful for a woman.

Everything that happens between two loving people during intimacy, everything that brings them spiritually together and brings them pleasure, everything that happens in the marital bedroom and does not go beyond the bed of love - everything is completely natural and necessary. Hypocritical views on the behavior of partners during sexual games and caresses are completely inappropriate.

A young, inexperienced spermatozoon asks an experienced veteran:

- How to distinguish an egg?

Look for the black dot. As you see, immediately fly to her and ask: “Are you an egg?” If the answer is “yes”, immediately merge with her!

The young man immediately jumped into the subject. It got to the point. He flies in, looks - a huge black dot. Headlong flies to her, asks:

Are you an egg?

- No, I'm caries!


Conditions for oral sex

Wash the forbidden fruit before eating.

The first necessary condition for orogenital contacts should be the hygiene of the genitals.

If you take a shower once a week and have oral sex in the stairwell or in the attic, then this is really absolutely unacceptable. In a car or other inappropriate place, oral sex without preliminary hygiene measures is also unlikely to cause aesthetic and sensual pleasure.

For partners who have no idea about the hygiene of the genital organs, oral sex is not only not recommended, but contraindicated.

An unpleasant smell can completely discourage desire and interest not only in oral sex, but also in sex in general and in such a slut partner. And even more so, it is unacceptable when a woman is such a slut.

A shower before intimacy, no matter what method of sexual satisfaction the partners choose, is strictly required. No need to pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself, it is not necessary to spray the genitals with deodorant.

The genitals should be simply clean, and then their natural smell is very pleasant. Many men talk about this, and it even excites them.

The holy place must be clean.

Kostya and Natasha, both 19 years old. Students. They live together for six months, they are going to get married. Kostya was the first to come with a naive question - is it normal that he wants to have oral sex with his girlfriend.

“I love kissing her so much, I love the way she smells,” Kostya said, “but when I try to do this, she shrinks all over, moves her legs tightly, pulls the sheet over herself and pushes me away. I can’t forcefully caress her, but I don’t know how to explain that I like it myself. It got to the point that we began to quarrel because of this, and Natasha called me a “pervert”. To prove to her that I'm not a "pervert", I put on a pornographic cassette, where a man kisses his partner downstairs in the same way, and she squealed: "Turn off this abomination immediately! And I know that this is not a perversion, only we are so notorious, but you can’t prove this to Natasha, when I try to talk to her, she covers her ears with her hands and says that she doesn’t want to hear anything.

The most remarkable thing is that when Kostya persuaded his beloved to come for a consultation, it turned out that Natasha is not only well aware of oral sex and that this is not a “perversion”. She dreamed of trying with Kostya, but was shy, believing that Kostya would compare her with beautiful porn stars, and she didn’t like her own figure at all - her breasts were supposedly too small. And she generally considered her genitals disgusting.

Since Kostya had already attempted cunnilingus more than once, Natasha hoped that someday this would come true, but for some reason she was sure that a woman should desperately resist this, otherwise he would think that she was “lecherous” or had already tried with someone -something else.

In the evening, Natasha always took a shower, washed herself thoroughly with soap, including her genitals, and nevertheless, she was very afraid that there might be some kind of unpleasant smell, Kostya would be disgusted to touch her genitals with her tongue, because of this he would fall out of love with her and quit. She even wanted to spray her genitals with perfume, but she was afraid that Kostya would misunderstand her and decide that she perfumed herself on purpose - supposedly she herself offers him cunnilingus.

“I won’t even give this one a sniff!”

Helping this couple was not difficult, but you can see how much prejudice exists even among young people due to false ideas about what is allowed and what is not. And for other couples, such prejudices and a narrow range of acceptability can be a serious obstacle not only to oral sex, but in general to any form of sexuality, except for primitive intercourse in a normal position.

Patients often ask me questions related to the fear of an unpleasant smell, which, in their opinion, can cause a negative attitude of a partner. They do not neglect the shower and personal hygiene, they are just afraid that the vagina may have a specific smell that the partner will not like. According to doctors, the vagina healthy woman- it is self-cleaning, and there is no unpleasant smell. If there is one, then the woman has gynecological diseases that need to be treated.

So, the first necessary condition for orogenital contacts, as in general with any intimacy, should be the hygiene of the genitals.

By their purity, the genitals of a man and a woman before oral sex should be as clean as the face.

In the West, some women use special deodorants to irrigate the vagina and ask doctors if they can or should use them. Do not use any deodorants to irrigate the vagina.

The natural smell of a woman is very attractive to a man. Of course, the genitals must be perfectly clean.

Moreover, the problem of smell for some reason confuses women much more often than men. Men do not ask about this at all, therefore, this does not bother them.

Some women irrigate the hair on the genitals with perfume or other substances to give the genitals a pleasant, slightly stimulating smell. If a man likes any light smell of perfume, then this is not contraindicated, the only condition is that perfume should not get on the genital mucosa, as this can cause a burn. You can irrigate only the pubic area or the inner thighs. But it is important not to overdo it, as perfumes containing alcohol and aromatic components can get on the mucous membrane of the glans penis, which will cause burns or irritation.

Many men do not like any perfume, preferring the natural smell of a clean body.

“Vaginal deodorants can be used, but only the deodorant must be sprayed no closer than a hundred meters from a woman,” jokes American sexologist Marty Klein.

Women as a whole pay much more attention to genital hygiene than men. Of course, there are exceptions here and there, but here I mean general trends. Not every man performs daily ablutions with soap, pushing the foreskin aside. And for a woman, similar events are familiar, and every self-respecting woman performs them several times a day.

The second necessary condition for effective oral sex should be the experience of a partner (partner) who caresses her loved one's mouth.

Even such a flexible and delicate organ as the tongue can cause not only pleasure, but also pain.

The pressure of the tongue on the erogenous zone should be minimal, light and gentle. Any rudeness or haste, strong pressure or excessive sucking effect will lead to the exact opposite effect - the partner (partner) will experience pain, not pleasure, and his (her) excitement will quickly fade away.

Conditions of oral caress: tenderness of pressure, constant movement and variety of touches.

Two Georgians solve a crossword puzzle.

- The female genital organ of five letters.

- Vertically or horizontally?

- Horizontally.

- Then the mouth.


Many men don't practice cunnilingus because they don't know how. Some tried - it did not work, the partner did not experience an orgasm, and they refused this method of sexual satisfaction, they say, why try, since the woman does not experience anything.

So, dear men, there are no women who do not experience pleasant sensations with this caress, if it is used by a skilled partner.

The prejudice of the stronger sex regarding cunnilingus was influenced by the conservative views of sexually retarded people: they say that sexual intercourse is normal, and oral sex is almost a perversion, and a woman is supposed to be satisfied with intercourse if her partner has a normal erection, and if she does not enjoy it, then frigid. And women themselves sometimes consider themselves sexually inferior if they cannot experience an orgasm during intercourse.

The opinion is fundamentally wrong.

I repeat once again that oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio) is a complete way of sexual satisfaction.

The vast majority of women cannot experience orgasm without additional clitoral stimulation. Previously, the female orgasm was divided into clitoral and vaginal, and even now sex therapists traditionally use these terms, but only to emphasize which of the main erogenous zones is the most excitable - the vagina or the clitoris. The work of the luminaries of sexology has established that even during coitus - in certain positions and with a certain anatomical structure of the female genital organs - indirect stimulation of the clitoris by the root of the penis is possible. In this case, a woman, if her vagina is excitable, does not require additional stimulation of the clitoris. However, there are few women with such a structure of the genitals, and the positions of intercourse necessary for such stimulation are not known to all men (see the section “Non-boring” positions of intercourse”).

The same is true for women. Some do not practice fellatio, because they believe that a man is quite enough and sexual intercourse. In general, this is true, but why not diversify the sexual menu? Black bread is loved by many people, but this does not mean that you need to give up cakes.

There are women who, unable to overcome their aversion to the penis, are pre-set negatively and become indignant when a partner asks for fellatio. The most important thing here is to overcome your prejudice. I assure you, when you try, you will give up false installations.

Giving pleasure is much more pleasant than receiving.. And for loving woman God himself commanded to pamper your loved one.

More than once I heard from my patients: “No way, doctor! I can’t even think!” And then it turned out that there was nothing to worry about. Moreover, a woman may like it. At the same time, some themselves experience pleasant sensations, while others are pleased to give pleasure to a partner.

I also heard the opposite statements: “What a pity that I did not try this before! How much we have lost because we did not know!”

So, until you try it yourself, you should not tune in negatively in advance.

Here I write mainly for older people. Young people do not need to be persuaded to have oral sex, they are without a complex and prejudices, and so they constantly practice it.

Among my patients were people of very old age who believed that they had long overcome the sting of the flesh. For example, the spouse has problems with potency, and the wife put up with it. Or the spouse no longer (as it seems to her) desires to have sex.

Neighbor to neighbor:

- You don't work anywhere, men go to you. How do you earn your living?

- Oral sex.

- What, what? You suck, don't you?

- What is your salary?

- 600 rubles.

- So it's you sucking, and I'm doing oral sex.


“What sex! one of my patients told me. - I am grandmother already!" So what? And grandmothers, too, should not deprive themselves of carnal joys. And by the way, when I nevertheless convinced my grandparents to try it, they were transformed and rejuvenated. Even with a reduced potency of the spouse and both, it is possible to have oral sex.

It is also useful for women who have long gone menopause. At the same time, the glands of the vestibule do not secrete enough lubrication, the genitals are dry, the mucous membranes become thinner and cracks easily occur, and therefore ordinary intercourse is painful for a woman. And there are no contraindications for cunnilingus. Even at sixty years of age and later, a woman can experience an orgasm. In one of my books, I wrote about a young bisexual man who, for the soul, had sex with men, and for earnings - with ladies of advanced years. And then I received a lot of letters with a request: “Dilya Derdovna, please give me the address of this young man...” The hint is clear, dear women?

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Foreplay In Japan, as nowhere else in the world, the art of sepun, or translated from Japanese - "the art of kissing and caressing the tongue", has become widespread. Masterfully mastering this technique, Japanese courtesans could bring their partner to the pinnacle of bliss. sepoon

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Men also love caresses Hot kiss - with a cigarette in your mouth. D.E. Not only a man should caress a woman, but she should also caress him. What is sex without mutual caresses?! Be an altruist too, give your partner the full range of sensations. He, too, must feel your touch and

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The main thing in sex is affection. A person can deny himself everything, but not sex. D.E. Touching the genitals is the final stage of erotic foreplay and should be carried out only after other erotic caresses. Everything partners do

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CLITORIAL PASSENGES In skillful hands, the ice will melt. D.E. In most women, the main organ of pleasure, on which it depends whether she will experience an orgasm, is the clitoris. Important erogenous zones are also the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and the external opening.

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Tantric caresses Tantric caresses best example what should be the preliminary games in sexual relationships. In turn, tantric caresses are divided into five phases, for which we need at least an hour and a half: 1. Gentle caresses. Begin

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Caressing breasts and penis This is one of the most piquant, exciting caresses, giving pleasure to both giving and enjoying a partner. After all, when a woman caresses her beloved with her breasts, excited nipples, she thereby additionally stimulates them, becoming excited.

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Oral caresses Oral caresses - the most effective method reaching the peak of pleasure, including super orgasm. There are many methods for satisfying a partner with lips and tongue, as they say, for every taste. Someone likes the gentle touch of the tip of the tongue, and

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Blindfolded caresses Blindfold your partner and caress him in every possible way until he is aroused to the limit. His sensations will be even more intense if you also tie his hands. Helpless state combined with stimulation of erogenous zones

When the tips in this article don't help:

  • if you met by chance at one time;
  • if you are two guys or two girls who want thrills right now;
  • if you don’t care what happens after, you don’t plan a repetition and by and large you don’t care if everyone is satisfied.

Here I will give tips that will help the couple get new sensations and not get burned on it.

Why should you add variety to your sex? Passion subsides over time, and this is a proven fact. If you have been together for more than three years, then you already understand what I am talking about. My wife and I have been together much longer and still maintain an interest in each other. Trio is one way. This article is for established couples who want to diversify their sex life. I will talk about my experience from the point of view of a man.

I will not talk here about how to come to this or persuade a partner. I assume that your relationship is quite frank and you talk to each other about your desires. If not, you need to start somewhere else. Here are articles to help you:

First experience

The trio's first experience is a test for any relationship. For the first time, you need to treat each other especially carefully. Make it clear that you are here for each other, the highest value for you is your relationship, and not an invited participant.

If in the process you see that your partner does not like something, pause, drag him or her to the bathroom and talk.

Tell how you love each other. Relax, calm, inspire - well, you know better what to say to your spouse. And if the discomfort has disappeared - continue. If not, it's better to finish for today. You will have another chance to try.

If you have not had a similar experience before, do not rush to invite good friends to your place. In case something goes wrong, you run the risk of spoiling the relationship with the third party for a long time. If you have the slightest doubt, first practice on a professional. Look at each other's reactions. At the end, discuss whether you liked everything, and be sure to show how much you care for each other. It is very important to understand that your partner values ​​you.



The simplest format is MZHM. It is simple in that in this way a woman is easy to satisfy and the case almost always ends successfully.


1. Two men can satisfy a woman much better than one. Four arms, two mouths, two limbs. Double penetration. Double pleasure. One of the most common fantasies for a woman is her and two machos (or more). The lady feels like a queen, being in the focus of attention of two men at once.

2. With some sophistication of at least one of the participants, this method requires almost no preparation. All you need from a woman is trust, then everything will work out on its own. Two men will always find something to do with a woman.

Why do you love group sex so much?

Because there is an opportunity to cheat.


3. Everyone has heard of multiple orgasms in women. The male body is built differently. Men need time to recover from ejaculation and the MFM trio is perfect for that. While one is busy with active actions, the second is resting, and vice versa. Thus, it is possible to provide many hours of continuous extravaganza.

4. There is no danger of transfer of microflora. If the invited man is wearing a condom, then no one will get new germs and fungi. Unlike the ZHMZH format, where security needs to be monitored much more carefully.


1. A woman must trust at least one of the men, and trust justifiably. You need someone to be able to hear, "Stop, I don't want that." Four strong hands in the midst of passions greatly reduce the degree of freedom of the partner, and it is easy to overlook that something makes her uncomfortable. For example, it is in this position that it hurts her from his frictions. Moans of pleasure and moans of pain are barely distinguishable, especially if you don't know each other well. There must be someone who can stop actions that are unpleasant for a woman, change her position or amplitude.

Okay, what are you...

movie "Brother-2"

Or, for example, she was not going to have anal sex today. In the heat of the moment, two men can easily get their way. It's not coercion, no. After another orgasm, exhausted, the girl may simply not have time or be unable to object. But then she will say: “No, I didn’t want this, somehow it happened by itself. I was against it, it's unpleasant for me." And the impression will be spoiled, and there will be resentment. To avoid this, a stop word should be set.

2. Homophobia is strong in our country. Men need to be aware that they will be in the same bed with another naked man with an erect member. And there are no options at all to avoid accidental touches. If you are frightened by the sight of a resurrected jade rod next to you, if you blush with a suffocating wave, lightly touching something, refrain from such adventures. The psyche is more expensive.


The ZHMZH format is much more complicated.

There is a common legend among men that sex with two women is just wow! An enchanting picture arises before your eyes: two houris are dancing, passionately kissing, stroking each other, at times looking invitingly at the man. Excited utterly, they call him to her and, trembling with lust, attack him.

Lyosh, if you want, I'll tell you
how would it really be?

No I do not want to.

And everyone wants.

Come on.

k / f "What Men Talk About"

In nine out of ten cases, either one or both women immediately remain dissatisfied and dissatisfied with the past party, no matter what they tell you.

Plenty of reasons:

  • the man gave her less attention than she would like;
  • the man was engaged in the second partner for too long, and the first had time to cool down;
  • the man was overexcited and finished too quickly;
  • one of the partners turned out to be jealous;
  • girls began to compare themselves and suffer from their imaginary physical defects and so on.

The main reason is that male forces and attention was not enough for two at once. There is a way out, and below I will tell you how to organize a trio of ZHMZH and satisfy both.


1. That's very beautiful. The sight of two naked women in one bed is a delightful sight. Men, with rare exceptions, find Lesbi erotica exciting. No wonder this is one of the most popular stories in the porn industry. Most women love it too.

2. The ZHMZH format allows you to reveal female sexuality. According to statistics, over 70% of women are bisexual or would like to try. Not all of them are ready to admit this even to themselves, and of these 70%, a significant part will never get this experience. Trio ZHMZH - excellent and safe way explore this area of ​​your sexuality.


1. It's easy to mess up. I described the reasons above. A man will have to give everything to the fullest in order to satisfy both. It is really difficult, and all three risk being dissatisfied.

In addition, women are more sensitive than men to notice any nuances of the mood of the whole trio and react to it. One bad joke - and the temperature of arousal drops by a dozen or two degrees. Or, for example, a woman usually drinks semi-sweet, and you bought brut.

And women are more shy of each other than men. "Oh no, she will see mine overweight on the hips, horror, quickly turn off the light! ZHMZH is a fragile system.

2. Considering the first point, it is necessary to prepare for such a meeting in advance. If the partners are not familiar with each other, you need to get to know each other better. Find out your taste preferences. Make sure that the invited girl is not afraid and trusts you. Once again tell your woman how much you love her, it is never superfluous. Make sure your woman doesn't see a threat in the invitee. And other little things, about them - below.

3. In the ZHMZH format, increased security measures must be observed. You can transfer the microflora of the vagina from one woman to another not only with a member, but also with fingers, lips and other parts of the body. Here you caress the vagina of one of them with your fingers. Now, before you do another, you need to wash your hands or somehow process them.

4. Among women, there is a significant percentage of those who do not accept sex or even just erotic games with a person of their gender. And if you have such a girl (or both) in a couple, they will not like it. You can try: suddenly they will wake up interest. Sometimes it happens, but hardly the first time.

How to build a WJM meeting so that everyone is satisfied and wants more?

A man, in order to satisfy two women alone, you need to be a sex giant. In our age of bad ecology, these are vanishingly few. But there is another way: to cooperate.

The high-quality ZHMZH format is team game when two partners are engaged in a third.

Start with the invited girl. Together with your regular partner, give her all the attention. Then, after the climax and rest, switch roles and take care of your woman, again together.

You are lucky if the partners in your trio have bisexual tendencies. Then the idea of ​​caressing the other party together with you, they will perceive with a bang. But what if they are strictly heterosexual?

To help keep you and yourself busy, they don't have to fake lesbian porn, do cunnilingus, or squeeze breasts. You don't even have to kiss. Enough harmless strokes on the back, stomach, legs. Kissing the neck, shoulders and ears. Caress of the head and hair. Even just to hug, look into her eyes and smile reassuringly, while a man fully caresses her. Believe me, it turns on all three even in the case of one hundred percent heterosexuality.

This method increases the likelihood of success by an order of magnitude. To do this, your partner must understand and accept him, or better, both girls.

There are a few important points that should be taken into account when planning. Your first meeting will probably go completely different than you imagined. But still, something can be foreseen.

1. Most importantly, all three must like each other. If at least one participant has unpleasant feelings for any other - sex will only aggravate them. Nothing will come of this combination. Stop and start looking for a partner again.

2. To break up an orgy that's gone too far, set up a stopword with your regular partner. Anyone who hears it must immediately stop the action. In what situations it is necessary, I painted above.

4. It is better to meet on neutral territory. The invited partner - a girl or a man - in the apartment of the owners in any case will feel constrained. Unless you have a big Vacation home bath and guest bedroom. In the master's apartment, a tactful person will be bound by the norms of guest behavior, but in a rented apartment or in a hotel room everyone is equal. In neutral territory, it will be easier for you to relax.

Rented apartment with good finishes is the best. Then hammam. According to some girls, the sauna is good because if there is an awkward pause in the conversation, you can always fill it with the words “Let's go to the pool!”.

At worst, a hotel room. Not everyone will like to go into the room three of us in front of security. The most terrible option is the murdered Khrushchev. Don't even consider.

If you have the opportunity, make sure the room is clean beforehand. Grab your slippers. Dirty floors and dust on furniture - the right way spoil the first impression of the evening that has not yet begun.

5. Provide a romantic atmosphere. Soft music, candles, flowers, chocolate, twilight. This is important for a woman, even when you are alone. And in such a sensitive matter as a trio, romance is triple important.

If you are not sure that all participants like aroma candles, do not use them, take the usual ones. Some people find their smell unpleasant.

You can pick up the music yourself or take one of the specialized podcasts, such as Sexy Lounge.

6. I have heard advice to start the evening by watching porn. From my point of view, this is doubtful and strongly depends on the preferences of the partners. Decide for yourself.

7. Stock up on fruits, water, and light snacks. For some, light snacks are half a banana, for others, half a grilled chicken. Everything is relative, so it’s worth finding out in advance who has what kind of snack and what kind of alcohol they prefer. Food and alcohol is better less and lighter. Avoid strong alcohol. Water is a must!

8. Stock up on lubricants and contraceptives in sufficient quantities. Prepare disinfectants such as Miramistin. They can handle the hands of a man in the process of action, if you have ZHMZH, and the genitals after. Here is a complete guide on how to use it.

I told you about my experience. If you want to add or clarify something - write a comment on this article, I will definitely read it and answer.

Good luck to you and keep going!