Beautiful hand relief for women. The Best Muscle Toning Workout Program for Men

To make your arms look taut and embossed, you need to pump muscles. Of course, this will not help get rid of excess fat, but the limbs will look better.

We have chosen several exercises for pumping all the muscles that affect appearance arms and shoulders. Most will only need dumbbells, but there are also exercises with a horizontal bar, parallel bars, or no equipment at all - with your body weight.

How to do arm exercises

Exercise 2-3 times a week. Rest at least 48 hours between workouts to allow your muscles to recover.

Choose 1-2 exercises from each category and include them in your program. In each session, change movements to pump all the muscle fibers and accelerate progress.

That is, in each workout, perform 3-6 exercises for the hands.

In movements with a barbell and dumbbells, select the weight in such a way that you can complete 8-12 repetitions without breaking the technique of the movement. Do 3-5 sets.

If you chose an exercise with weight own body, do 3-5 sets at close range - as many repetitions as possible. If you cannot perform a movement 6-8 times without breaking the technique - there is a buildup, jerks, failure - replace it with a simpler option.

Exercises for the front surface of the hands

These exercises will increase the thickness of the muscle on the front side of the arm - the biceps brachii. It turns on when you bend your arm at the elbow, and also pull something towards you or yourself to something.

Sit on a bench, take a dumbbell in your hand. Press your shoulder to inside hips. Bend your elbow as you lift the dumbbell and lower it back down. Perform the movement smoothly and under control, try to move the arm in full amplitude: bend to the end and fully unbend.

This is an isolated exercise in which only one joint works - the elbow. So don't move the rest of your body. If you have to work with your body to lift the dumbbell, take a lighter shell or reduce the number of repetitions.

What to buy

Sit on an incline bench with dumbbells in your hands, press your body to the back, feet to the floor. Lower your arms so that they hang freely down and your elbows are behind the line of the body. Bend your arms with dumbbells, then slowly and under control return to the starting position and repeat.

3. Lifting a barbell or dumbbell for biceps

Grab the barbell with an overhand grip, bend your elbows and raise it to shoulder level. Lower back and repeat. Make sure that only the arms move, and the rest of the body remains static: there should be no buildup.

The same exercise can be done with dumbbells. At the extreme point, turn your hands with your fingers towards you.

Take the bar with a reverse grip, slightly tilt the body forward, but keep your back. Pull the bar up until it touches your upper abdomen, slowly lower it back down and repeat.

5. Reverse pull-ups

Any pull-up pumps the biceps, but by turning your hands with your palms towards you, you will load it even more. Grasp the horizontal bar with a reverse grip, lower your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together. Pull up until your chin is over the bar. Keep your neck straight, do not stretch your chin towards the horizontal bar.

If you don’t already know how to pull up, try two simplified options: eccentric and oblique, or Australian. You can do them with a forward or reverse grip. The straight one is a little more difficult, but with it you will quickly learn how to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar without support.

For eccentric pull-ups, jump up and down as slowly as possible.

Australian pull-ups are performed on a low horizontal bar. Stretch your body in one line, bring your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up until your chest touches the horizontal bar.

If you are only doing the horizontal bar, alternate different types pull-ups to properly load the biceps.

Exercises for the back of the hands

On the back of the shoulder is a muscle that extends the elbow, the triceps. It comes into play during any movements where you push something away from you or yourself from the floor or wall.

This exercise is suitable for any fitness level. Place your hands on the bench behind your body, drop your shoulders. Bend your elbows down until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, and then push yourself up. You can bend your knees or straighten your legs. The latter is more difficult.

Jump onto the bars, lower your shoulders and bring your shoulder blades together, stretch your body in one line. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower than your shoulder joint. Push yourself back and repeat.

Perform the movement smoothly, without swinging or jerking. If there is not enough load, add weight in the form of a pancake. If, on the contrary, the exercise is too difficult, try to perform it relying on an expander elastic band. To do this, hang it on the bars, put your feet on it and do push-ups. The elastic will push you up, taking some of the load off.

Stand up straight, grasp the dumbbell with both hands and lift it above your head. Bend your elbows and lower the dumbbell behind your head. Raise back and repeat.

Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward with a straight back. Bend your elbows at right angles, keeping them close to your body. Extend your arms with dumbbells and return to the starting position.

This type of push-up most heavily loads the triceps due to the narrow stance of the hands. Place your hands so that the index and thumbs are connected. Lower your shoulders, stretch the body in one line from the shoulders to the feet.

Lower down and push yourself up, keeping your torso straight. Try not to bend in the lower back, for this strain.

If you can’t do diamond push-ups yet, start with the classic ones: they will also load the triceps well and prepare you for more complex variations of the movement.

The execution rules are the same: the body is in one line, the shoulders are lowered, the elbows are looking back.

If you are doing at home, without bars and dumbbells, alternate different types of push-ups to fully load all the heads of the triceps.

Shoulder Exercises

The shape of the shoulders is determined by the deltoid muscles. They cover the shoulder joint and are involved in flexion, extension, abduction and adduction of the shoulder.

1. Bench press barbell or dumbbell standing

This exercise is good for both shoulders and triceps. Take the barbell to your chest, bring your elbows forward. Squeeze the bar up and take it behind your head. Lower to starting position and repeat.

During the bench press, do not tilt your head back, it is better to pull your chin into yourself: this way the bar will go along the optimal trajectory - straight up.

If you are doing the exercise with dumbbells, in the starting position, hold them above your shoulders, and then press up, turning your palms away from you.

Stand up straight, take dumbbells, turn your hands with your palms towards you - this is the starting position. Bend your elbows slightly, spread your arms to the sides until they are parallel with the floor. Lower to starting position and repeat.

Stand upright lying on your forearms, tighten your abs and buttocks, put one palm on the opposite shoulder - this is the starting position. Rotate your torso to the side to get into a side plank on your forearm. Come back and repeat.

Make sure that in the initial position the shoulder is located above the elbow, do not relax the abdominal muscles - keep the core turned on until the end of the exercise.

This exercise is for the posterior deltoids. Take dumbbells in your hands, tilt your body to parallel with the floor or slightly higher. Spread your arms to the sides and return back.

Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides, clench your fists. With your fists on the floor, lift your upper body and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Try to relax the press and rise only at the expense of the hands. Hold the position for 1-2 seconds, lower yourself back down and repeat.

Thanks to this training program, you will be able to create in the shortest possible time beautiful hands and tone the muscles.

Summer has come, and it's time to get t-shirts, dresses, T-shirts and all clothes with open sleeves out of the closet. It is at this time that it becomes clear who was actively training in the spring, and who was postponing everything for later. However, even if you see excess deposits and sagging skin on your hands in the mirror, do not despair. Thanks to this training program, you will be able to quickly learn how to make beautiful and toned arms, as well as tone muscles.

When it comes to arm training, women, like men, focus on their workouts, although it is the triceps that plays the most important role in terms of practicality and aesthetics. Anatomically, it consists of three heads:

  • long;
  • lateral;
  • medial.

To load each of them you need different exercises that will allow you to work out a specific part. In general, slow and concentrated movements are what you need to build elastic muscles and relief triceps.

Many beginners often prioritize larger muscles and do triceps exercises at the end of a workout when the body is already depleted. Often this makes it difficult to work out this muscle group qualitatively, because of which it will lag behind. If you want toned and athletic arms, try putting triceps exercises at the beginning of your workout. good option there will be a separate training day for this group in order to work out all three beams in a quality manner.

In terms of functionality, triceps strength plays a more important role than biceps strength. This is especially evident in pushing exercises, such as bench press and push-ups from the floor. Therefore, you need to train triceps not only in order to create a beautiful relief, but also in order to improve your physical fitness.

Effective training for triceps

;Effective triceps exercises:

  1. Standing dumbbell press from behind the head.
  2. Leaning the arm back.
  3. French bench press.
  4. Reverse push-ups from the bench.
  5. Extension of the arms on the upper block while standing.
  6. Extension of the arms on the upper block with a reverse grip.
  7. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting of hands.

Do all of these exercises from the program for 3-5 sets and 12-15 reps. Try to rest between sets for no more than 30 seconds. If you want to additionally burn more fat and make your skin firmer, it is better to switch to plyometric exercises instead of morning cardio. Add them to your workout to boost your calorie burn. Perfect for this:

  • running in place (with high knees);
  • jumping rope;
  • alternate jumping on the pedestal;
  • jumps with alternating legs (wide / narrow).

If you want to focus on this muscle group as much as possible and then train it twice a week. The second workout should be in a more strength mode, so feel free to add weights and reduce the number of repetitions in sets to 8-12.

Standing dumbbell press from behind the head

This movement is aimed at developing the long head of the triceps. It is best done with a dumbbell. However, using other types of weights will allow you to use different parts of the triceps, so it's best to alternate them from workout to workout. Use:

  • barbell with E-Z-neck;
  • the lower block in a crossover with a rope handle;
  • two small dumbbells.

How to perform:

Grab a dumbbell with both hands and lift it up over your head. Try to keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. Next, slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head until your elbows are bent at a right angle. Pause briefly at the bottom, then return the projectile to its original position with a powerful movement.

Leaning the arm back

This is quite simple, but very, which will help you achieve relief. It engages the long and lateral triceps more than any other exercise. In order to isolate movement and better fix the body, you can use a bench with an inclined back. During the movement, the arms should be as close to the body as possible - this will create the maximum load on the target muscle group.

How to perform:

Take a dumbbell in your hands, bend over and rest against the bench. Keep your back straight and lift your chest up a little. Next, take your arm back along the body so that the brush is on the same level with the shoulder. Do each movement due to the strength of the triceps. After a short pause at the peak point, return the dumbbell to the starting position at a slow pace.

French bench press

This is a classic exercise that aims to develop the long and lateral heads of the triceps. What's more, you can easily change the angle of the bench during the movement to better load a particular beam. To do this, just raise or lower the back of the bench. When performing, it is very important to keep the elbows near the head and concentrate the tension on the triceps.

How to perform:

Lie down on a bench, grab a barbell or dumbbells and stretch your arms up. Bend your elbows slightly if using heavy weights. Next, lower the bar to the forehead, at the peak point, the elbows should be bent at a right angle. Make a slight delay, slowly lift the barbell and return to the starting position.

Reverse push-ups from the bench

The exercise perfectly loads the lateral head of the triceps and is considered almost the most versatile. It can be performed without weight or add pancakes to increase the load. Reverse push-ups are ideal for, especially if you combine them with other exercises on the same bench.

To complicate the load, it is enough to put one or more pancakes on the hips. You can also use other weights.

How to perform:

Approach the bench on the side and sit on the edge. The body should be perpendicular to the bench. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and rest against the edge, palms should “look” back. Legs should be straight and extended forward. Rest them on the floor or on a parallel bench if you want to make the movement harder.

Next, lean forward a little so that the pelvis is outside the bench and begin to lower it down. The bottom point should be the position when the bend of the arm at the elbow is slightly more than 90 degrees. Next, return to the starting position. The movement must be performed due to the strength of the triceps.

Extension of the arms on the upper block while standing

With the use of ropes, this exercise perfectly works out the lateral and medial bundles. To change and alternate the load, you can use the usual short handle. To move on to the next exercise, simply change the handle - it's convenient.

Exercises can be combined into one set, performing alternately.

How to perform:

Approach the block, stand up straight and grasp the selected handle (hands shoulder-width apart). Lean your body forward slightly to provide more range of motion. The elbows should fit snugly against the body.

Next, make a powerful movement and squeeze the handle down. At the bottom, the arms should be perpendicular to the floor. The bar should touch the hips a little. Next, take a short pause and slowly return the handle to its original position.

During the exercise, the shoulders and body should remain motionless, the movement is made only due to the strength of the triceps and forearms. A similar exercise will help you make beautiful and toned arms.

Extension of the arms on the upper block with a reverse grip

This embodiment shifts the focus of the load to the medial head of the triceps and is an excellent alternative to the usual extension of the arms in the block.

How to perform:

Choose a straight or curved handle and grip it with your palms facing up. Hands should be shoulder width apart. Then lower your arms down until fully extended. Make a slight delay and slowly lift the handle up until the brushes are at chest level.

In this exercise, only the forearms move, the body and shoulders remain motionless. The return of the handle to its original position should be done on the exhale, with the maximum concentration of the load on the triceps.

Push-ups from the floor with narrow arms

It's ideal. It is not considered difficult and is done only with your own body weight, but you can also add extra weight and make an effective triceps exercise even better. besides enough heavy load for the medial and lateral heads of the triceps, this push-up option also works out the pectoral muscles well.

How to perform:

Get into a regular push-up position and place your palms closer together, narrower than shoulder-width apart. In the initial position, the arms should be as straight as possible.

Lower the body down until the chest touches the floor easily (1-2 cm to the floor is allowed). The movement must be done on the exhale. Take a short delay, slowly straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

These tips and exercises will tell you how to make beautiful and toned arms. In addition to using exercise, we advise you to pay attention to proper nutrition. After all good food is the key to effective training.

Almost all the women I meet in sports clubs spend most of their time on, and. Slender legs and a booty like a nut is fashionable, it is a trend, but what about the rest of the body, especially if you are no longer 18?

I don’t want to offend anyone, but from my, male point of view, flabby arms against the background of a pumped lower half of the body do not look so hot at all. And the problem is not that women do not shake their hands. They are pumping.

However, they do it without any training strategy, without taking into account the unique nature of their body. This means that the return on such hand training for women is often minimal. Pump up the girl's hands harder than a man, that's true. But who said that being beautiful is easy?

How to build beautiful arms

Each of us has our own idea of ​​beauty, especially of women. But to answer the question of how to pump up a girl’s hands and make them beautiful, you first need to decide on a starting point.

In my understanding, the beautiful hands of a girl attending the gym are a moderate amount of fat, the proportional development of all muscle groups (biceps, triceps and brachialis), the presence of a soft relief and high muscle density.

The volume of hands is an individual matter and depends on the specific goal pursued by each representative of the fair sex. Someone has enough shapes and volumes like that, but someone wants to have hands, like Natalya Trukhina's.

Natalya Trukhina video:

Conclusion: in order to pump up beautiful hands, you first need to decide on the ultimate goal, and then create a training strategy aimed at achieving each of the listed parameters.

How to lose weight in the arms?

You can have breathtakingly beautiful hands, but if they are covered with a layer of fat and water, then who will appreciate them? Therefore, the question of how to lose weight in the hands comes to the fore for us. It will not work to reduce the percentage of adipose tissue in the arms, while remaining thick in the rest of the body. This is the harsh truth of life, fair for men and women.

To lose weight, you need to reduce the total percentage of fat in the body. Algorithm proper weight loss I stated in the article, so I will not dwell on this issue.

Let me just say that as soon as the process of fat burning starts, all parts of the body begin to lose weight: face, neck, stomach. However, girls, in order to not only lose weight in their arms, but then keep their fat percentage stable, will have to make extra efforts.

Fat on our body is not stored evenly. Its largest deposits are on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. And women also have it on their arms, especially their back (triceps). These areas of the body are less mobile in normal life, so the body uses them as warehouses for excess calories.

For this reason, the question how to lose weight in arms, the beautiful half always cares more than men. And this means that a girl should shake her hands not only to increase them in size, but also in order to reduce the fat layer.

Conclusion: to lose weight hands, you need to lose weight everywhere. This is true for any gender. But in order to keep them in shape and prevent them from swimming, women's hand training should be built according to a special scheme.

Hand training for a girl.What should she be?

The ideal arm training option for women is the “high density” load. talking plain language- performing exercises with minimal rest between sets, or even without it.

For example, using combined sets (exercise for triceps + exercise for biceps) or supersets (two exercises for one muscle group are performed). What does this give us?

  • Increases blood flow to the arms, and with it the amount of fat-burning hormones increases
  • Increases overall calorie expenditure per workout, which in turn helps you lose weight
  • The response of the arm muscles to the load increases, they grow better
  • The amount of work done is increasing. Training time is reduced, and its effectiveness is increased

And most importantly, women are naturally more enduring than men, and their pain threshold is lower. With such a load, they cope better. Where the man stops because of pain or fatigue, the woman continues to perform the exercise.

But in addition to performing exercises without a break, girls need to take into account one more nuance. The number of repetitions in each of them should be 10-15. Or even more. As practice shows, a load with a lower number of repetitions (6-10) for women is less effective than for men. Therefore, women's arm training should be intense, but short.

Conclusion: arm training for a girl should take place with minimal pauses between exercises and a large number of repetitions. This is the most fast way lose weight on the arms, while increasing their volume and muscle density.

Triceps workout for girls

For any woman, triceps is the main arm-building muscle group. Men should also pay close attention to it, but doing triceps exercises for women is of paramount importance. And that's why:

First| Triceps is 60% of the volume of the arm. By developing this muscle group, you can quickly give your hands a proportional shape and volume.

Second| The triceps muscle of the shoulder is strong, responds well to the load and recovers quickly. Pumping up triceps for a girl is even easier than biceps

Third| In the area of ​​​​the triceps in women, deposits of fat are formed. Triceps training for girls in the high-intensity manner described above helps to solve this problem.

But since our task is to create not just sports, but also beautiful hands, I divide the exercises into two groups. The first includes exercises that help to pump up a girl's triceps in a short period of time. The exercises included in the second group are formative. They help to make the hands embossed.

Triceps exercises for women.We increase the volume of hands

There are dozens of exercises for this muscle group and all of them can be used. But in terms of getting the effect, the simplest, most basic movements give the greatest return.

As a rule, in order to pump up the girl's triceps choose exercises with dumbbells. It's easier, more comfortable and, if you like, more glamorous. However, the result of such work is very low. The maximum effect in building triceps is given by other, more boring and heavy types of load:

Narrow Grip Barbell Press

This exercise immediately affects the entire array of the triceps muscle of the shoulder and allows the girl to pump up the triceps faster than the rest. The close grip press also improves the shape of the deltoid muscles and develops the middle of the chest, forming its hollow.

But women avoid doing this triceps exercise. Pressing an ordinary Olympic barbell in this way is difficult and difficult. An analogue of this exercise in is also given to them with difficulty.

Exit: Change the long neck to a shorter one. It is easier to maintain balance and perform the exercise with a smaller and heavier bar. Even if this option seems difficult, the narrow grip bench press can be replaced with floor/bench push-ups with a narrow stance.

In any case, an exercise of such a plan must be present in triceps training for girls without fail.

Note: the width of the grip should be less than when pressing the barbell for the chest, but you should not put your hands very close. The optimal grip width is 30-35 cm.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

This exercise is one of the best quick creation triceps, because it forces him to work in a stretched position. But at the same time, it is quite complex in technical terms. Not every woman in gym runs the risk of including it in his hand training complex.

Exit: a replacement for him can be push-ups in the now popular simulator called the “gravitron”. You can also use the Hamer lever simulator, which simulates push-ups on the uneven bars. If there is neither one nor the other in the hall, you can do push-ups between two benches (feet on the floor, hands rest on the ends of the benches, the body drops strictly vertically).

arm exercises for girls video:

Note: when performing any exercises that are analogous to push-ups on the uneven bars, the elbows should be kept parallel, pressing them to the body.

Extensions on the block with a wide setting of hands

Performing this triceps exercise does not cause any special problems for anyone. Attention should only be paid to the phrase "with a wide setting of hands." This arrangement of the hands is the safest for the wrists and at the same time allows you to use the maximum possible working weight without violating the execution technique.

Note: at the bottom point of the trajectory, fully unbending the arms at the elbows, it is necessary to pause for 1-2 seconds and additionally strain the triceps.

IMPORTANT: these three triceps exercises for women are the most effective in terms of muscle growth and quality. The rest of the movements are much inferior to them in terms of performance.

Triceps exercises for girls.How to make hands embossed

Since for women, muscle shape often means even more than volume, they also need to include shaping exercises in their arm training program:

Push-ups from the bench

The beauty of these push-ups is their simplicity. A girl can pump triceps in this way both at home and in the gym. But this exercise has another advantage.

By loading the triceps muscle of the shoulder in this way, you can develop its middle (medial head), which is responsible for creating beautiful hands when viewed from the front. Push-ups from the bench affect primarily not the back of the hand, but its lateral part.

Note: you can not tilt the body forward, on the contrary, going down, you need to move it back. The load on the triceps will become more.

Extensions on the block with a reverse grip

All the difference between this exercise and the version described above lies in the position of the hands. But this little thing turns a standard movement into a unique formative one. In ordinary life, we rarely use reverse grip. By pumping the triceps in this manner, you can very quickly improve its shape by developing its anterior bundle (lateral head).

arm training for a girl video:

It will not add a large volume to the muscles of the hands, but their appearance will become better. From this point of view, such extensions are best exercise on triceps for a girl in the gym.

Note: performing an exercise with a curved handle is much easier, more convenient and more effective.

Extension of arms on a block with a rope handle

This exercise is special. From the usual version, the correct version differs in one, but extremely important condition. You need to not only unbend your arms at the elbows, but also spread them apart at the same time, turning your hands as far outward as possible. This technique is called pronation and serves to maximize the contraction of the triceps muscle.

No other exercise allows you to contract the triceps as much as this. Thanks to the regular use of pronation, the shape of the triceps becomes better and very quickly.

Note: and again, pause at the end point. Without holding the hands in a state of maximum contraction of the triceps, the exercise loses all meaning.

Conclusion: these triceps exercises for girls should become the basis of its complex. Basic exercises increase muscles in size, and forming ones, due to the development of small departments, improve their shape. But in order to make the hands embossed, you first need to add muscle mass to them.

In the second part of the article, I will talk about biceps training for girls. I will explain why women need to pump brachialis and answer the question of how to increase muscle density. I will also give examples of hand training complexes for a girl in the gym.

To be continued…

Often, ladies are faced with a very unpleasant phenomenon - the skin of the hands sags, and the muscles lose their elasticity. Not only does this fact look unaesthetic, it also causes a lot of inconvenience, a complex appears that hands need to be hidden in long sleeves even in hot weather. The same problem appears in appetizing "buns", whose hands are far from ideal. In this case, exercises for beautiful hands for women will also help. Today you will get to know the most effective ways tone your arm muscles.

Basic rules for doing exercises

Most effective exercises in the fight for beautiful arms and shoulders are all kinds of workouts with dumbbells, exercises with a block, push-ups of all kinds, as well as many other variations of loads.

  • Exercises with dumbbells and a block should be performed as efficiently as your well-being allows. On average, the number of repetitions ranges from 10 to 15.
  • The duration of the training is about 45 minutes, because this is the optimal time to get a good result.
  • The mode of employment should be dosed. It has been established that a 3-day complex of classes will be optimal.
  • alternate power training with cardio loads (running and walking).

Are there any contraindications to strength exercises for the hands?

Even taking into account the fact that during training, a small weight of dumbbells is used, and the mass of the block can be adjusted for comfort, and other exercises are extremely simple, they are still contraindicated for those people who have found:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • menstrual period;
  • pregnancy.

A set of exercises for beautiful hands is not contraindicated for people with problematic thyroid gland and scoliosis, but if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Warm-up before the main load

When doing the training, remember that you will use not only the muscles of the arms, but also the press and buttocks, so warming up is an integral part of the lesson.

  • We stand straight, put our hands on the belt. We make turns to the right, then to the left, spreading our arms to the sides, alternately returning to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  • 20-25 push-ups from the wall or from the table (optional).
  • Spread the handles in different sides, fulfill them rotational movements without bending them at the elbows.

A set of exercises for the beauty of female hands

We list to your attention the main types of load that will help bring the handles to the ideal. Only an integrated approach for the main muscle groups will help build beautiful arms.

Biceps Workouts

  • One of the most effective loads on the biceps area is pulling up with a reverse grip. Grab the bar with your palms facing you. Pulling up is difficult, but try to do at least 1-2 times. Gradually increase the load.

  • Lifting the bar while standing. If you are looking for exercises on how to make beautiful hands, then this is one of the most effective. The full range of loading (from the very bottom to the very top) provides a widespread study of the muscles (2 sets / 15 reps).

  • Bending the arms with dumbbells while sitting. Sit on a bench with your legs slightly apart. Place one hand on your thigh, and in the other, take a dumbbell and sit so that her elbow touches her thigh. Lower the hand with the projectile down. Perform lifts so that the dumbbell is at shoulder level. At the top point, slightly twist the brush inward. (1/20 for each hand).
  • Bending the arms with weights on the Scott bench. Provides the work of the biceps (2/20).

Triceps Workouts

  • Take dumbbells of 2 kg. Standing straight, hold them exactly in front of the chest with straightened arms. We take the shells as far as possible behind the head, then up, then return to the starting position (10 repetitions).

  • Standing straight, press your hands with dumbbells to yourself. Lunge with your right foot, while moving forward with your left arm. Then switch arms and legs. Repeat the movement 10 times for each leg. This training pumps the legs and buttocks well and indirectly stretches the muscles of the arms.

  • The most effective exercises for girls to make beautiful arms and shoulders are push-ups. For beginners, we offer push-ups not from the floor, but from the sofa or even from a high window sill. The main condition is that the whole body rises and falls simultaneously, and not its individual parts. You can help yourself with a bill. Initially, 5-6 times will be sufficient, you can increase the amount to 10-15 over time.

  • Sit on a chair and rest your palms on the sides of the seat. Squeezing your triceps and keeping your shoulders down, raise your torso on your hands, return to the starting position. Minimum speed - maximum effect (20 repetitions).

  • Push-ups from the bench in the back. This element of training is perfect for beginners or intermediate athletes.

  • Standing, extension of the arms with a vertical block. Makes the triceps work on two vectors at once. It is ideal for women, because after classes a beautiful relief appears, which differs from the male one.

  • Push-ups on the bars. More difficult training for more trained athletes. If, when lowering, the elbows are placed to the sides, then the triceps are worked out, and if pressed against the body, then the pectoral muscles.

Exercises for the deltoid muscles

  • Stand straight, with your arms apart, draw imaginary circles in the air in both directions for a minute.

  • Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Lean forward slightly. Cross your arms and stretch out in front of you. Alternately twist the clasped hands in different directions (about 20-25 times). Can be performed without tilting, raising crossed arms up above your head. After that, shake the limbs vigorously several times.
  • Slightly bend your knees, lean forward with your body. Squeeze the limbs into fists. With effort, put your hands behind your head, and then sharply throw them forward. For each - 10 times.
  • We raise dumbbells of 1.5 kg above ourselves, and then lower them to the sides, and then slowly lower them down (10 times).
  • Lying on the mat, raise your hands with inventory above you, then spread them apart, but do not put them at the bottom point on the mat. Repeat around 10-15 times.
  • In the same position, lower and raise your arms above you (15-20 times).
  • Stand, straining the abdominal muscles, arms parallel to the body. Spread the limbs to the sides, fix at shoulder level and return them down. Focus on the state, depending on fatigue, you can do 10-20 repetitions. This exercise is similar to the very first one on this list, only you do not need to raise your arms above you. The middle beam of the delta is pumped.

  • In the same position, lift straightened arms with dumbbells to chest level about 20 times. The anterior bundle of the delta is tensed.
  • For flabby arms, the next workout is perfect. Get on all fours, put your hands parallel to your shoulders. Bending your arms, try to keep your chest touching the floor and your back straight (8 reps).

  • A very easy, but surprisingly effective movement for graceful shoulders is the pose of the Sultan on the floor, and the hands are prayerfully folded in front of the chest. Press your palm against your palm, making sure that your elbows do not sink to the floor. At the maximum point of squeezing the palms are 20-30 seconds. This exercise is also suitable for the beauty of the female breast. To diversify the load, squeeze your hands at the level of the abdomen, and adjust the side and pressure.
  • Bench press with a narrow grip. It will allow you to work with the triceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles, toning and tightening the forearms.

We have created a large list of workouts so that you can choose the most comfortable for you. Take 2-3 exercises from each muscle group into service and perform them qualitatively in 3-4 sets.

The main condition for achieving a result is not to feel sorry for yourself and not to idle. Finish your arms and shoulders slimming exercises with simple post-training warm-up movements.

Being engaged in any of the methods, in a month you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of your hands, your muscles will tighten up, and you will already be able to walk around in open outfits without hesitation, collecting admiring glances from men.

Video: Workout for perfect female hands

Beautiful arms are just as important as toned abs or firm buttocks. At least for open, even for funny sports T-shirts, embossed biceps and triceps are an indispensable condition. So how do you lose weight in your arms? So, if in life your heaviest hand projectile was and remains a computer mouse, it's time to take up dumbbells.

You will be surprised how fast results they give with regular practice. And all because our muscles of the shoulders and back respond to physical activity much faster than the muscles of the lower body. Alas, for perfect press and elastic buttocks will have to sweat, but for sports hands you will need to make much less effort.

A bit of theory

Our main "manual" muscles are biceps and triceps. Biceps in Everyday life they still work at least somehow (for example, when we carry a heavy bag of groceries from the cash register to the car), but with triceps everything is much worse. Meanwhile, they are the main female punishment for the hands. Triceps (in other words, it is called the triceps muscle of the arms) is located on the back of the arm and, in an untrained form, most often “hangs” under its own weight, especially when we raise our hands. At the same time, in everyday life, we use triceps much less often, for example, when we open heavy doors.

No alcohol law

Just pumping the triceps muscle will not be enough. In most cases, you will need additional "drying", which will reduce the volume of the hands in the forearm area. Without this, even the most inflated muscles will simply not be visible. The best result comes from a combination proper nutrition(minimum fat and simple carbohydrates) and cardio loads. As cardio, choose what your soul lies in - running, intensive walking, an exercise bike or dance aerobics. And since it is impossible to lose weight in only one part of the body, such loads will positively affect the figure as a whole.

To the projectile!

In parallel with cardio training, you will have to pump muscles using power loads. Banal push-ups and hanging help a lot, but we haven’t met a single girl who would do these exercises with pleasure, so we’ll still choose another way - dumbbells. Get a couple of beautiful bright dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kg at home, for example, the color of your favorite nail polish, and go to beautiful hands.

We train triceps

1. Lying on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Press your lower back to the floor, tighten your abdominal muscles. Take dumbbells, spread your arms to the sides and lower your elbows to the floor. The fingers should be pointing forward. Without straining your elbows, straighten your arms for three measured counts, lifting the dumbbells up over your shoulders. For a count of four, bend your arms, lower the dumbbells. Raise the dumbbells as you exhale, and lower them as you inhale. Do three sets of 15 reps.

2. Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees, tighten your gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles, do not bend your lower back. Raise your right hand with a dumbbell up, keep it close to your head. Point the brush forward with the palm of your hand. Hold your right elbow with your left hand. On an inhale, bend your arm, lowering the dumbbell to your left shoulder. Bend your arm slowly. As you exhale, straighten your arm, holding your elbow. It is not necessary to fully extend the elbow. Perform three sets of 15 times with each hand.

Let's move on to the biceps.

Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands and lower them along the body. Keep the elbows close to the body. Tighten the biceps of the right hand and lift the dumbbell towards the shoulder, while trying to keep the upper part of the arm motionless. Hold at the top for 1-2 counts, then slowly lower the dumbbell down. Again, repeat 15 times, do three sets for each hand. Another variation of this exercise, also aimed at training the biceps, is performed while sitting, while the elbow of the trained arm rests on the knee.

We go from the back

With the help of dumbbells, you can also train the muscles of the back. We take a chair, sit on it astride, facing the back. We lean on the back with the chest. We take our legs back, resting our fingers on the floor. We take dumbbells, bend our elbows slightly and spread our arms to the sides so that the shoulder blades slightly touch. We do several approaches 15 times. Exercise perfectly trains the muscles that hold the shoulder blades, and this has a positive effect on posture and figure.

The advantage of such exercises is that they are very easy to perform at home, without spending time going to the gym. All you need is dumbbells, and use a mirror and peppy music as you wish. However, even dumbbells are optional: if they have not yet started in the house, you can replace them with bottles of water, sand or any cereal. If everything is done correctly, the training will be no less effective than being supervised by a fit athlete in a fitness center.

Alternative Methods

In addition to exercises with dumbbells, you can form nice-looking muscles in your arms by regularly visiting the pool. Swimming has no contraindications, and the arm muscles will work even if you just go swimming for fun. In addition, surprisingly, yoga has a very positive effect on the muscles of the hands: many asanas require the transfer of body weight to the hands, which, of course, implies at least a minimal presence of muscles (as well as a sense of balance).

Anti-cellulite hand massage is perfect as a way to accelerate the reduction of their volume. For several sessions of intensive massage, you are guaranteed to lose a couple of centimeters on your forearms. It is called anti-cellulite not because you also have cellulite on your hands, but simply because of the techniques used. This is not the most pleasant relaxing type of massage, but the effect of it is obvious.

Additionally, you can make clay wraps. You will need blue clay (it is sold at any pharmacy) and cling film. We dilute the clay with water, apply it to the necessary area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, wrap it with a film and hold for 20-30 minutes. The recipe is applicable to almost any part of the body and is easy to implement.