All about the benefits of dairy products. Useful properties of milk in the diet of a student What are the beneficial properties of milk for children

Until recently benefits of milk and dairy products for children did not cause any doubts. Babies literally from the first months of life begin to be fed with milk mixtures, and at a later age they are replaced by all kinds of curds, yogurts, kefirs and fermented baked milk. Cow's milk, which forms the basis of all these products, at first glance really is an indispensable source of useful substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. These substances include:

  • easily digestible proteins;
  • animal fats;
  • carbohydrates that form galactose and glucose during digestion;
  • minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus);
  • vitamins A, B, B2, C, D, E.

Cow's milk almost never causes rejection from the children's digestive system, and it can rightly be called a universal food product. However, recent studies show that in fact, everything is far from simple, and the benefits of dairy products are already being questioned, despite the thousand-year history of human use of these products.

Proper nutrition for children: is it worth feeding a child with milk?

First of all, scientists are confused by the fact of the banal species incompatibility of a person and such a familiar, domesticated animal as a cow. After all, what is in fact cow's milk? This is the secret of the mammary glands of a female mammal, which is very far from Homo sapiens on the ladder of evolutionary development.
The secret secreted by the cow is intended exclusively for the calf, but not for the human cub, which completely lacks the individual enzymes necessary for the breakdown and assimilation of some components of cow's milk. For example, during the breakdown of milk carbohydrates (in particular, lactose), glucose and galactose are formed.
There are no problems with glucose, and for a person it really is a universal source of "fast" energy, but our body cannot absorb galactose. It practically does not participate in the processes of chemical metabolism, and leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is subsequently extremely difficult to get rid of.
Let's analyze the main components and try to compare them with those beneficial substances found in breast milk.

Milk fat

Few people know, but almost 50% of the energy when drinking the usual 3% of milk, we get not from carbohydrates, but directly from fats. How is it, because the packaging says that the fat content is only 3%? The fact is that pasteurized dairy products for children(and in general any dairy products from the store) contain saturated fats, largely oxidized during the process of repeated pouring and mixing.
Such fats are very high in calories, and to a large extent increase the level of cholesterol in the child's body. Everyone knows that this substance cannot be called useful in any way, and it is the main cause of vascular atherosclerosis, obesity and other unpleasant diagnoses. The most interesting thing is that when a calf is fed naturally from the udder, milk fats do not come into contact with air and do not oxidize, and they become "harmful" only thanks to a person, in the process of repeated transfusions and pasteurization.

Milk carbohydrates

When talking about the carbohydrates contained in milk, they primarily mean lactose. In mother's milk, its percentage is from 5.5 to 6.0%, and in cow's milk - less than 5%. In addition to the quantitative difference, there is also a qualitative one. In fact, galactose, formed during the breakdown of lactose, is a "reserve fuel" for the child's body. It begins to be broken down in the liver when the reserves of glucose formed during the digestion of the same milk run out.
From a certain age, the ability of the human digestive system to absorb galactose decreases, and it ceases to participate in energy exchange processes, accumulating in subcutaneous fat, joints, eye lenses, etc. Therefore, the need for the use of milk by older children who have long ceased to be infants causes great doubts among scientists.

Milk proteins

It is very important to understand that animal proteins that enter our body are not absorbed in their original form and require prior splitting into amino acids. Subsequently, from these amino acids, as from a constructor, those proteins that our body needs at a given time are built (for example, for the construction of muscle fibers, for the regeneration of damaged tissues, etc.). This process is called protein biosynthesis in biology.
The protein contained in cow's milk is perfectly broken down in the stomach of a calf (due to the enzyme renin), but the same cannot be said about a human child. For normal protein biosynthesis, the baby needs milk nutrition mother, which, in addition to proteins, contains symbiotic bacteria suitable specifically for the species Homo sapiens. In the case of cow's milk, the child's body spends too many resources on the breakdown of foreign proteins, and in the end it still does not absorb them in full.


A simple laboratory analysis will show that cow's milk contains about 4-5 times more calcium than mother's. Without knowing all the nuances, one can actually believe in the undeniable benefits of dairy products, which should cover our need for this mineral by 100%. In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. When drinking cow's milk, in addition to calcium, casein (the strongest oxidizing agent) enters the child's stomach, which can only be neutralized with the help of minerals.
To normalize the acid-base balance, calcium contained in the milk itself is first spent, and when it is not enough, the internal resources of the body are used. Thus, cow's milk can not only not bring calcium into our metabolism, but also "wash" it out of the body, adversely affecting the condition of teeth and bones. In the case of mother's milk, the amount of calcium and casein is strictly balanced, and the child gets enough of this mineral instead of losing it.
After receiving such information, only one conclusion suggests itself - it is worth resorting to feeding with cow's milk and milk mixtures based on it only when baby refuses breast milk. For older children (from 2 years and older), milk consumption should be strictly dosed, and it is clearly not worth abusing this product.

Dairy products: how do they affect the children's body?

Doubtful benefits of cow's milk (in pure form) is described above, but does all this apply to secondary dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.? Let's try to figure this out point by point.


  • high content of vitamin A, which is responsible for the condition of the skin and vision of the child;
  • an abundance of calcium and phosphorus involved in the construction of bone tissue;
  • the presence of trace elements necessary for the synthesis of B vitamins;
  • normalization of the intestinal microflora due to the large number of "beneficial" bacteria;
  • an obstacle to the development of a disease such as anemia (often found in infants);
  • stimulation of the production of antiviral antibodies (immune strengthening).

However, this dairy product has its own "side effects". Kefir for children may be contraindicated for the following reasons:

  • too aggressive for the children's digestive system (the reason lies in the same casein, which increases the acidity of the stomach);
  • contains too much protein and minerals, which overloads the baby's fragile kidneys;
  • contains fatty acids that are poorly absorbed in the children's body (especially relevant for children under one year old);
  • large portions of kefir can lead to bloating and intestinal upset in a child;
  • the use of kefir at an early age can provoke the washing out of useful hemoglobin from the child's body.

There is no exact answer to the question of whether children can use kefir. You need to weigh all the pros and cons of this dairy product, and correlate them with the characteristics of your child's metabolism. We can definitely say only that kefir is contraindicated for children under one year old, and at an older age, its consumption should be strictly dosed.


This product, obtained by lactic acid fermentation of baked cow's milk, is often used to feed young children. There are certainly benefits from fermented baked milk, but its potential harm should also be taken into account. Let's look at the pros first:
  • magnesium and iron contribute to the development of muscle fibers, including the child's heart muscle;
  • sulfur compounds ensure the proper formation of internal organs;
  • calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bones and teeth of the baby;
  • lactic acid and potassium improve the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole;
  • prebiotics stimulate the growth of the child, strengthen the immune system and stabilize the intestinal microflora.
Now let's move on to the cons:
  • not compatible with other animal protein foods such as: meat, fish, eggs, etc. (the joint intake of these products will harm the digestive system of the child);
  • contraindicated in children with high acidity of the stomach, and especially with chronic gastritis;
  • often causes allergies in children under 3 years of age;
  • with frequent use leads to obesity (accumulation of subcutaneous fat);
  • when expired, it carries the threat of dangerous intestinal infections.
Overall, fermented baked milk for a child not contraindicated. You can feed her from 7-8 months, carefully observing the well-being of the baby. If negative reactions appear (indigestion, rash, etc.), feel free to exclude it from the children's diet. is not an indispensable product, and the same useful substances can be obtained from other varieties of "milk".


Sweet yogurts are loved by children of all ages, and this one milk product today it is presented in stores in a large assortment: with berries, fruits, cereals, nuts and other additives. Yogurt, along with kefir and fermented baked milk, is a fermented milk product, and carries exactly the same potential risks to a child's health. Its benefits are about the same. Let's start with it:

  • digested faster than milk and in a more complete volume;
  • approved for use by children with lactase deficiency;
  • reduces the risk of caries;
  • contains useful inclusions that carry additional benefits (nuts, fruits, berries);
  • it tastes good (unlike the same kefir, children do not have to be persuaded to eat yogurt).

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of modern much more than that of kefir and fermented baked milk. Regardless of the effects described above (increased stomach acidity, excess protein and minerals, etc.), yogurts have the following disadvantages:

  • contain various stabilizers, flavors and dyes that adversely affect the children's body;
  • contain preservatives such as E1442 and its analogues, which can cause severe damage to the pancreas (pancreatic necrosis);
  • contain sodium citrate (E331), which significantly increases the level of acidity in the stomach and oral cavity of the child;
  • due to various additives (berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa), they often cause allergies.

Harmful chemical additives that extend the shelf life and enhance the taste are found in almost all dairy products in this category. Therefore, the answer to the question is yogurt good for kids, unambiguous - only in small quantities, and in the absence of negative reactions from the child's body.

Perhaps, of all dairy products, cottage cheese is the least dangerous for a child's health. Of course, this refers to natural cottage cheese - without preservatives, palm oil and other additives, which are now littered with store shelves. The useful properties of this product include:

  • a high content of calcium, which is much better absorbed in the body of a child compared to calcium from ordinary milk (along with the intake of vitamin D, this product is able to cure even severe bone diseases);
  • low acidity (unlike kefir and milk, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa);
  • easily digestible animal proteins and fats necessary for the full development of the child's body (protein concentration in cottage cheese is extremely high - about 7-8 g per 100 g of product);
  • an abundance of vitamin B2, which improves vision and skin condition;
  • antibacterial substances that normalize the work of the digestive system of the child.

It is absorbed in the children's body much better than milk, kefir and yogurt. It prevents the development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, and does not have such a big burden on the liver and kidneys, like the rest of the "milk". Cottage cheese has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).
The benefits of cottage cheese for a child allows you to use this product as a complementary food for your baby as early as 7 months of age. It is recommended to take low-fat curd mixtures, with a minimum amount of additives. After three years, you can switch to medium-fat curds.
As for sweet glazed curds based on cottage cheese, here, first of all, you need to look at the composition. In the presence of chemical additives marked "E", it is best to refuse such a product - it will do the child much more harm than good. In addition, cocoa, sugar and other additives in themselves are harmful even for an adult, not to mention a fragile child's body.

Solid (or fused) is considered an "adult" product, but many children also love it, and parents do not deny them this pleasure. If we are talking about a natural product, then there is nothing wrong with that. An average cheese (for example, "Russian") contains about 1300 mg of calcium per 100 g of product, which is more than 10 times higher than its concentration in cottage cheese. This delicious product has other advantages:

  • large amounts of sodium, magnesium and potassium (as well as small inclusions of selenium, zinc and iron);
  • abundance of useful amino acids - " building material"for the child's body;
  • various vitamins of groups B, C, PP, E (as well as beta-carotene);
  • high concentration of animal fats (depending on the type of cheese).

At the same time, hard cheese has its drawbacks:

  • exerts an increased load on the digestive system of the child (therefore, it is contraindicated in large quantities);
  • contains a large amount of salt (negatively affects the joints and internal organs);
  • can lead to severe allergic reactions.

Many children show interest in cheese, and start eating it with enough early age. This is especially true for all kinds of processed cheeses that can be spread on bread, cookies, etc. For children under 3 years old, this product is recommended to be given no more than 2-3 times a week, in small portions. You can add it to various dishes: scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, porridge.

Goat milk for a child: benefit or harm?

We have roughly figured out the advantages and disadvantages of the main varieties of dairy products, but what about ? Unlike cow, it has a slightly different composition, and is much better suited for feeding babies. The advantages of this product include:

  • a large set of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B12, C, D;
  • an extended list of minerals included in it: manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • good digestibility in the child's body;
  • reduced lactose content;
  • the content of linolenic acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • bactericidal properties (due to lysozyme);
  • normalization of the conduction system of the child's heart;
  • rickets prevention.

In terms of composition, goat's milk is closer to mother's than cow's. However, it cannot completely replace natural feeding for the following reasons:

  • extremely low iron content (which is necessary for the normal development of the baby);
  • lack of folic acid (may lead to anemia);
  • an excess of phosphorus and calcium (additional burden on the child's urinary system);
  • a sufficiently high level of casein (badly affects the stomach);
  • increased fat content (with frequent use, it can lead to the formation of excess subcutaneous fat).

The benefits of goat milk for the health of the child, of course, there is. However, it is not recommended to constantly use it for feeding. You need to be very careful with the "raw" goat milk from the village. No one will give you a guarantee that the animal from which the milk was taken was not infected with a dangerous viral or bacterial disease.


Summing up, we can say that milk (both cow and goat) is a priori a product alien to humans, not designed for feeding Homo sapiens cubs. It is certainly not necessary to count on the fact that it will be completely absorbed by the child's body and will only benefit him. The composition of cow's and goat's milk is in many respects similar to mother's, but the mechanisms of splitting of the substances included in it are strikingly different. 100% proper diet for children possible only with breastfeeding, and should be used only for complementary foods, as an additional source of nutrition.
  • sleeping badly
  • daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • Many parents believe that milk is incredibly healthy for children. It contains both calcium and bacteria useful for digestion. Naturally, from an early age, a child begins to be taught to drink and eat dairy products, even if the little one desperately resists and shows with all his appearance that he does not like them. Is it necessary to insist and is milk as useful as it is commonly believed, says the well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

    Good for kids, bad for adults

    In order for milk sugar (lactose) to be absorbed in the body, a special enzyme is produced - lactase. In newborns, the level of lactase is very high, it is produced a lot, since breast milk is the only food for crumbs. As you grow older, the amount of lactase produced decreases, and in an adult this enzyme is practically absent in the body, since biologically he no longer needs dairy food. But an adult organism quite normally accepts and digests fermented milk products.

    A decrease in lactase levels in some people begins at the age of 3, in others from the age of 10, in others later. This is an individual feature of the body and there are no norms in this matter in principle.

    If nature has provided for the child the opportunity to eat milk, this does not mean that you need to eat the milk of farm animals. Nature has made sure that the baby absorbs mother's milk well, and not goat's or cow's.

    Benefit and harm

    The milk of cows and goats for children of the first year of life is not just harmful, but dangerous, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But this fact is rather difficult to explain to parents who, from their own childhood, remembered sayings that milk is a source of health and energy for a growing organism. It is very difficult to explain to parents that due to the lack or lack of breast milk in a nursing mother, it is best to choose an adapted milk formula.

    First, it is important in terms of composition. The mixture contains vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets. But if you give your child cow's milk and give vitamin D supplements separately, then rickets develops very often. And this can be explained by the processes that take place in the body after the child has consumed cow's milk.

    Contains more cow's milk calcium, than in breast milk, almost 4 times. The content of phosphorus exceeds the similar parameter of breast milk by 3 times. Calves need such amounts of phosphorus and calcium so that their bones grow faster. However, the rapid growth of bones for a human infant is not the most preferred developmental option.

    In addition, excess amounts of calcium and phosphorus that enter the intestines of the child cannot be fully absorbed. The body will take only the amount it needs, the rest will come out with feces.

    with phosphorus other story. His body takes not as much as it needs for normal life, but about one third of the amount received. Thus, the consumption of cow's milk leads to an overdose of phosphorus. The kidneys of the child react to the increased content of this substance, which begin to quickly remove excess phosphorus from the body. Unfortunately, it leaves along with the received calcium, which is so important for the harmonious development of the crumbs.

    The kidneys mature closer to the age of one, at about the same time you can start giving milk to the child, gradually introducing it into the diet.

    No need to drink liters of crumbs, it is quite enough to give a one-year-old child about half a glass of milk a day, a two-year-old - 1 glass, and a two-year-old toddler - no more than 2 glasses a day. By the age of 3, all restrictions lose their relevance, and children can be given this product, even cow or goat, in any amount that he is able and willing to "master".

    Another not the most “useful” aspect is cow protein intolerance, which happens quite often in children of the first years of life. It manifests itself in the impossibility of assimilation of protein, which the body of the crumb regards as foreign. The immune system is activated, an allergic reaction begins. If you have such a child, you should not give him any milk. Only adapted mixtures are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, in which the milk protein is processed in a special way and neutralized.

    In recent years, cows and goats also eat little natural food, and many of the feeds that the owners give them contain hormones and antibiotics. Naturally, this entire set passes in certain quantities into milk. This is another reason not to give this product to children under one year of age, although the final decision rests with the parents. After all, it is quite difficult to dispute the fact that it is rather difficult to provide a varied diet for a child without milk.

    Blend or milk?

    If after 12 months a decision is made to introduce whole milk into complementary foods, Evgeny Komarovsky advises making an informed decision. This product in dosed quantities will no longer cause harm, but it will still be more useful for an adapted infant formula, in which the amount of phosphorus is reduced, and calcium and vitamin D are increased.

    The amount of iron in cow's milk is insufficient and its regular consumption will lead to anemia. In adapted mixtures, this composition parameter is provided, and the child will receive the amount of iron he needs.

    If the family budget allows, it is better to choose a mixture that is appropriate for age - from 12 months. Typically, such mixtures are indicated by manufacturers with the number "3".

    Fatty or low fat?

    Today, the food industry offers a plethora of skim milk options. It is considered preferred by adults and children who are intolerant to full-fat cow's milk. However, in the very concept of “fat-free”, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, there is a catch.

    Baby milk differs from regular milk by ultra-pasteurization. The percentage of fat in it is reduced, but is not at the minimum mark. The box usually indicates at what age the manufacturers recommend the product. Most often it is 8 months. Komarovsky urges to give such milk, if the mother really wants to do it, no more than once a day and in small quantities.

    Children after a year can dilute regular milk with a fat content of 3% with ordinary water by about one third of the volume.

    Dairy products

    It is very good if a mother learns how to make homemade fermented milk products for her child. For them, you can use ordinary store-bought cow's milk with a fat content of not more than 1.5%.

    Complementary foods in the form of fermented milk products are not very desirable for children with impaired mineral metabolism, with signs of rickets. Therefore, before introducing such complementary foods, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

    Do you boil milk?

    Pasteurized milk, which is sold in any store, does not need additional boiling, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But if the product is bought on the market, from grandmothers who keep cows or goats in their household, then it is necessary to boil.

    If you buy a product from a neighbor you know well, and you know her cow almost personally, then milk that was milked no more than 2 hours ago does not need to be boiled. It has a large number of beneficial bacteria, the content of which already after a couple of hours after milking noticeably decreases.

    Lyubov Parakhina
    Conversation "What is the use of milk?"


    Lay the foundation for a healthy food: to give knowledge about vitamin value milk its impact on health status.

    Clarify children's knowledge about the variety of products dairy origin.

    Cultivate a conscious mindset healthy lifestyle life, the desire to take care of their health.

    To develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination, a creative approach to their nutrition in children.

    Conversation flow:

    caregiver: - Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and try to guess it. And then you and I will find out who came to us today in guests:

    kicked out the horns

    Take a walk in the meadows.

    And horns in the evening

    Came from milk.

    Correctly. The cow Milka came to us today and brought gifts.

    What do you think the gifts are? (Milk)

    caregiver: Let's tell you what benefits it brings milk.

    Children's answers.

    caregiver: Well done, remember how rich milk.

    AT a lot of useful milk

    Vitamins and substances.

    Drink fresh milk,

    For caries to disappear.

    To keep bones strong

    Didn't have a headache

    The mood to be

    Always cheerful.

    Where did it come from milk.

    caregiver: Guys! You are also given milk in kindergarten. Do you know how it appeared on your table?

    caregiver: Let's tell and show what a long way has come milk to appear on our table?

    "Where did it come from milk» (slides)

    How the journey started milk?

    The cow is grazing in the meadow, eating grass;

    After she ate, her udder appeared milk. She was milked;

    Car « milk carrier» drove milk at the dairy;

    On the dairy plant milk processed and poured into beautiful bottles, boxes, bags, made from milk various dairy products;

    FROM dairy factory car delivered milk and dairy shopping products.

    In the shop we buy milk and dairy products we bring home. So milk appears on our table.

    How much work has gone into making milk hit our table?

    Surprise "Gifts from Milka".

    caregiver: What kind dairy you know?

    From cart (on slides) children take turns picking up one object - milk product.

    (milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, butter, cheese, glazed curd, cream).


    In the store, in the window

    A conversation ensued.

    What is more needed? What tastes better?

    A heated argument broke out.

    Bighead cheese

    Boasting in front of everyone:

    "I'm squishy

    Firm, fragrant

    With round holes

    There is no better cheese!

    I'm not what milk,

    Cause it's easy to spill


    And white sour cream

    Suddenly, too, became bold:

    Sour cream:

    "I, listen, guys,

    Spill over salads

    Soups and vegetables

    Casseroles and borscht.

    Without me and cakes -

    All second grade.

    I need more milk,

    I'm sweeter than cottage cheese."


    Here cottage cheese intervened:

    Cottage cheese:

    “That's one of us.

    Respect for cottage cheese:

    We are the stuffing for pies.

    I need more milk

    And sour cream. Well, a little."


    The oil was also not silent,

    He said it very loudly:


    "To make a sandwich,

    You need butter for bread. Here.

    Pancakes and porridge without me

    There is no one will even.

    I'm fatter milk,

    Cheese, cream, cottage cheese.


    Here is ice cream

    Exclaimed enthusiastically:

    Ice cream:

    "And me, and me

    All the guys love:

    With strawberries and cookies

    And with nuts, and with jam.


    There was a pause milk,

    sighed deeply:


    "Stupid products,

    How did you forget

    What cow milk

    All once were?

    Cheese made from milk,

    And cottage cheese - from milk,

    And sour cream with butter -

    This is clear to the children!

    Physical education minute: "Burenushka"

    Give milk, Burenushka, Children show how a cow is milked

    At least a little on the bottom.

    Kittens are waiting for me

    Little guys. Do "muzzles" from fingers

    Give them a spoonful of cream

    A little creativity

    Oils, yogurt, Bend one finger on both hands,

    Milk for porridge. starting with little fingers

    Gives health to everyone Again "milk"

    cow's milk!

    Quiz "Visiting a fairy tale".

    Name the works, excerpts from which you will now hear.

    1) “What to do? She ran to dairy river - jelly banks.

    “River, river,” Masha asks, “hide me!” ( "Swan geese" Russian folktale)

    2) “Kids, kids!

    Open up, open up!

    Your mother has come brought milk.

    Runs milk by mark,

    From the notch - on the hoof,

    From the hoof to the cheese ground! ( "Wolf and goats" Russian folktale)

    3) It used to come out, Tiny-Khavroshechka in field, hugs his pockmarked cow, lies on her neck and tells how hard it is for her to live - get along:

    Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry. By tomorrow they gave five pounds to spin, weave, whitewash, roll into pipes. ("Tiny-Havroshechka" Russian folk tale)

    4) “I brought hay to the cow - the cow gave butter. Brought chicken butter cockerel. The cockerel swallowed butter - and swallowed the bean. jumped up and sang: Ku-ka-re-ku! ( "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" Russian folktale)


    Our conversation about milk and dairy products have come to an end. I wish you good health, remember guys that milk is very healthy!

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    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!


    Milk is a unique natural product that a person gets acquainted with from the first hours of life, receiving mother's milk.

    At an older age, for many children and adults, milk becomes a frequently consumed product. Everyone is familiar with the varieties of milk: cow, goat, camel, mare, deer, etc. But there is also milk of plant origin: coconut, soy, rice ...

    Let's try to understand and clarify the data on the benefits and harms of milk.

    The benefits and harms of cow's milk

    Since childhood, we all hear about the health benefits of cow's milk. And there are a number of arguments for this. Recently, more and more material has appeared with facts about the dangers of cow's milk. Let's try to analyze what prevails: benefit or harm?
    1. Milk contains a lot of calcium. But this calcium is not absorbed by the body. Milk protein (casein) significantly increases the acidity of gastric contents. The enzyme for splitting casein ceases to be produced from about the age of 10, and the body uses calcium to neutralize the acid. Calcium from milk is not enough, and the body extracts calcium from the bones. Therefore, the use of milk not only does not prevent osteoporosis (rarefaction of bone tissue due to the loss of minerals, including calcium), but contributes to its development. This is confirmed by statistics: in countries with low milk consumption, the percentage of patients with osteoporosis is much lower than with high milk consumption.
    2. It is believed that the benefits of milk are to improve digestion. But milk increases the acidity of gastric juice, and thus creates a threat of erosion and ulcers.
    3. Commercials try to convince that drinking milk is good for the body. And the body itself convinces us of the opposite: milk for it is poison. After all, the body gets rid of poisons with the help of secretions: with saliva, sweat, sputum, nasal discharge. Milk drinkers may notice profuse sweating, accumulation of phlegm, and nasal congestion in the morning. If you do not consume dairy products for a week, all this passes.
    4. Many studies confirm that milk is the cause of some types of cancer (breast, prostate, testicular cancer). Some scientists attribute this to the carcinogenic properties of milk sugar or lactose. And others - the influence of the hormone estrogencontained in milk. After all, many cows whose milk is used in the dairy industry are pregnant. In addition, many cows develop leukemia (blood cancer).
    5. Even according to official statistics, 5% of cows have mastitis, which means that pus gets into the milk. Drinking milk with pus cannot be of any benefit.
    6. The content of growth hormone in cow's milk is much higher than in female breast milk. In addition, dairy producers often use the introduction of hormonal drugs to cows to increase the size of the udder and increase milk yields. Growth hormone in adults, and even more so in the elderly, can also cause cancer.
    7. Some cows are treated with antibiotics, which also pass into milk. The use of such milk contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of resistance to antibiotics.
    8. The calming effect of milk is due to the action of opiates, which are formed from the milk protein casein during digestion.
    9. In the human body, with age, the production of the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for the assimilation of milk sugar, or lactose, gradually decreases. It is with this that milk intolerance is associated, which is characterized by the appearance of painful sensations in the abdomen, bloating and diarrhea.
    10. The statement that lactose promotes the development of lactobacilli in the intestines, which prevent putrefactive processes, is also not entirely true. Unprocessed lactose serves as a breeding ground for putrefactive bacteria, rather than fighting them.
    11. Milk proteins can cause an allergic reaction to milk. Milk is a fairly strong allergen. This allergy can be manifested by skin rashes, skin itching, difficulty breathing, sore throat, swelling of the eyelids and lips, nasal congestion.
    12. The benefits of drinking milk for colds are doubtful, since milk increases the secretion of sputum from the nose, i.e. further exacerbates the discomfort of the patient.

    Preservatives added to milk, or "aseptic packaging" (soaked in disinfectants or antibiotics) for long-term storage of milk, also cause significant harm to the body.

    From the above, it is clear that for an adult, milk is more of a harmful than a useful product. However, everyone must decide for himself whether to drink milk or refuse it.

    The benefits and harms of goat milk

    Goat milk - useful product nutrition for adults and children.

    Goat's milk contains more calcium than cow's milk, therefore it helps to strengthen hair and nails; protects teeth from decay. It is goat's milk that should be drunk for bone fractures. Calcium is also necessary for nursing mothers to ensure good lactation. Goat milk contains an abundance of manganese, iodine, phosphorus, molybdenum, copper, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and these trace elements are important for the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and thyroid gland. And although there is less iron than in cow's milk, goat's milk is better absorbed, and the body receives a sufficient amount of iron.

    Goat milk increases efficiency, improves memory. It is recommended to drink it for depression, neuroses, stressful situations, insomnia .

    Lysozyme, which is part of goat's milk, reduces the content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so it is recommended for use in gastric ulcers and frequent heartburn.

    When drinking goat's milk, favorable soil is created for the development of normal microflora in the intestines - it gives positive effect with dysbacteriosis, with immunodeficiency.

    Goat's milk does not contain the protein fraction that is contained in cow's milk and causes allergies, so goat's milk can be consumed without any fear even for allergy sufferers.

    It also contains cobalt, which is part of vitamin B 12, and the vitamin is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolism - which means that goat's milk protects against anemia (anemia).

    Those who consume goat's milk are not at risk of beriberi - after all, it contains a whole arsenal of vitamins: A, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9, B 12, C, D, E, H, PP. It helps the body recover after surgery, after illnesses.

    The therapeutic effect of milk is also obtained with colds, with bronchitis.

    People who constantly eat fast food should include goat's milk in their diet to normalize digestion and prevent gastritis and peptic ulcer.

    Goat milk practically does not harm the body. With caution, goat's milk should be used for thickening of the blood (it increases hemoglobin) and for pancreatitis (pancreatic disease) - its fat content is 4.4%, and these fats can exacerbate the process. The fats contained in milk are completely absorbed in the body, so you should refrain from consuming it if you are overweight.

    Some people report intolerance to goat's milk, but it's most often caused by the smell or taste of the milk. However, both taste and smell depend on the feed and the conditions of keeping, caring for the goat. At good conditions goat milk has no specific smell and taste.

    It is most effective to use fresh milk, but without heat treatment it can be drunk only when there is confidence that the goat is healthy and kept in good conditions.

    Goat milk stays fresh at room temperature for 3 days and in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

    The benefits of goat's milk, its advantages in comparison with cow's milk, how to choose whether to boil before drinking - video

    The benefits of milk for children

    Breast milk

    Breast milk is the best type of feeding for a newborn baby, because it allows the baby to adapt to life outside the womb.

    Modern pediatrics recommends breastfeeding at least up to 6 months of age as the only type of food, and from 6 months to a year, breastfeeding should be maintained with the introduction of complementary foods in accordance with the age of the child. After one year, you can breastfeed your baby for as long as the baby wants, but breastmilk will only supplement good, age-appropriate nutrition. WHO (World Health Organization) recommends breastfeeding your baby for at least 2 years.

    Advantages breastfeeding obvious, proven by many years of experience and research by scientists:

    • It protects the child from infections, because. breast milk contains antibodies to some pathogens of infectious diseases, special protective cells (macrophages, lymphocytes), interferon (a protective protein against viruses) and lysozyme (an enzyme that destroys a bacterial cell). In addition, mother's milk is a pure product, free from germs.
    • The acidic reaction of breast milk is favorable for the growth of lactobacilli (beneficial microorganisms) in the intestines of the child.
    • There is less mortality among breastfed babies.
    • Breast milk stimulates the development of all the senses in the child.
    • Breast milk contains fewer trace elements (potassium, sodium, chlorine) compared to milk of animal origin, and this makes it easier to create homeostasis (maintaining a constant environment in the body).
    Breastfeeding is prohibited if the mother is HIV-infected, is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus, is receiving opiates or some medications(to be agreed with the doctor).

    Cow's milk

    If we compare cow's milk and mother's milk, then the difference in the content of calcium and phosphorus attracts attention: calcium in cow's milk is 120 mg, and in women's milk - 25 mg, phosphorus, respectively, 95 mg and 13 mg. This means that almost 6 times more calcium and phosphorus enter the intestines of the baby with cow's milk than required. Most of the calcium is excreted from the body with feces. But phosphorus is absorbed from the intestine much more than the child's body needs. The child's kidneys cannot remove "extra" phosphorus without calcium. This means that the baby does not receive calcium with cow's milk, but removes it. Therefore, no matter how much vitamin D is given to a child fed on cow's milk, he develops rickets.

    After a year, the kidneys begin to "ripen", electrolyte metabolism improves, and cow's milk ceases to be a dangerous product.

    Therefore, if breastfeeding is not possible for any reason, it is preferable to give the baby formula milk rather than animal milk.

    Cow's milk can be given to a child after 3 years of age, when he still has enough lactase enzyme in his body to digest it, to break down the milk sugar (lactose) contained in milk. With age, lactase activity decreases, and after 15 years it is practically absent.

    In addition, it is lactose in cow's milk that often develops an allergy in children.

    Goat milk

    Goat's milk is closest in composition to mother's milk. The protein and fat molecules in it are smaller than in cow's, so it is absorbed faster. Proteins are represented mainly by beta-casein (as in breast milk). It practically does not contain lactose, so it does not cause allergies in children.

    Despite this, if breastfeeding is not possible, it is not recommended to replace it with goat's milk due to the high fat content of milk. Infants do not yet produce lipase (an enzyme for breaking down fats).

    Milk for men - good or bad?

    Milk is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Many men drink it in large quantities, especially those who lead an active lifestyle.

    Recently, data have appeared on some aspects of the harmful effects of milk on the body of men.

    So, for example, the higher the fat content of milk, the more cholesterol it contains, which forms cholesterol plaques in the vessels that impede the blood supply to organs. Atherosclerosis thus developed leads to stroke, myocardial infarction and impotence. In this regard, after 40 years, it is better for men to consume skim milk.

    Many studies confirm the link between milk consumption and the incidence of prostate and testicular cancer. Some scientists explain this by saying that the milk protein casein and the milk sugar lactose are carcinogenic (the ability to cause cancer). Other scientists attribute the occurrence of cancer to the effects of hormones in cow's milk. Hormones get into milk, firstly, due to the fact that producers inject hormonal preparations into cows to increase milk yield, and secondly, milk from pregnant cows is used.

    These data are confirmed by statistics: in countries where milk consumption has increased, the incidence of cancer is increasing proportionally.

    Not only cow's milk has an adverse effect on the male body. The use of large amounts of soy milk causes the appearance of signs of feminization in men (the appearance of features characteristic of the female body). Soy milk helps to reduce the concentration of sperm in men.

    Coconut milk has no contraindications for consumption by men, except for intolerance to coconut itself and intolerance to fructose. Apparently, only it should be drunk by men. Especially after 40 years.

    The benefits and harms of baked milk

    Baked (or stewed) milk has long been prepared from whole milk. To do this, the milk is first boiled, and then simmered for a long time at a temperature slightly below 100 o C. At the same time, the milk acquires a pleasant aroma, cream color, and a crispy tasty crust forms on the surface. After cooling, the milk can be consumed.

    Baked milk can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself. You can cook it in the oven, in a slow cooker, and even in a saucepan on the stove.

    Baked milk can not only be drunk, but also used in recipes. On the basis of baked milk, you can cook ryazhenka. Porridges, soups and jelly cooked with baked milk acquire an unusual pleasant aroma. To get a delicious cocktail, you can mix baked milk with fruit juices.

    Baked milk contains all the substances that are in whole pasteurized or fresh milk: trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium and others), proteins, lactose, vitamins (A, B, C, E, D, PP and beta-carotene). Vitamin C, however, is destroyed during heat treatment, and there is very little of it left. When languishing in milk, the amount of water is significantly reduced, but the content of fat (up to 6%), calcium, iron and vitamin A increases.

    Proponents of the beneficial effects of milk on the body recommend using baked milk for children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestines, and diabetes. They consider baked milk a source of trace elements, proteins and vitamins.

    Baked milk is an easily digestible high-calorie product. The calorie content of baked milk is 67-84 kcal per 100 g, it is absorbed better than boiled or steamed milk. It can satisfy hunger. A lower-calorie drink can be obtained if it is prepared from skim milk.

    Baked milk is contraindicated only for persons with lactose deficiency and milk allergy.

    Powdered milk - the benefits and harms

    Powdered milk is obtained by thickening and subsequent drying in special apparatuses of fresh cow's milk. For use, the powder is diluted in warm water (ratio 1: 3).

    Powdered milk is in high demand in winter in areas where whole fresh milk is not available in sufficient quantities.

    To date, manufacturers are preparing whole milk powder, instant milk and skim milk. powdered milk.

    Whole milk powder contains protein 26%, fat 25%, lactose 37%, minerals 10%, moisture 4%; its calorie content is 549.3 kcal.

    Skimmed milk powder contains protein 36%, fat 1%, lactose 52%, minerals 6%, moisture 5%; its calorie content is 373 kcal.

    It has been analytically proved that the difference between whole fresh milk and milk prepared from dry powder is insignificant. It contains the same vitamin composition and the same trace elements. Powdered milk contains 20 essential amino acids. Approximately the same amount of cholesterol in powdered and fresh milk. 100 g of milk made from dry powder covers the daily requirement of vitamin B 12, so it is recommended to use it for anemia (anemia).

    Some scientists recommend drinking reconstituted (made from powdered) milk in the morning or evening without eating other foods. Honey, sugar, cardamom, fennel can be added to reconstituted milk - this will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It can be used for the preparation of confectionery and bakery products.

    Powdered milk can cause harm only to people with lactase deficiency in the body.

    Milk prepared in violation of technological standards for its manufacture will also bring significant harm. Some manufacturers do not add milk fat, but low-quality vegetable fat; This disorder can only be detected in the laboratory. Therefore, when buying, preference should be given to brands of well-known large manufacturers.

    Condensed milk - the benefits and harms

    This sweet delicacy is known, perhaps, to everyone. Condensed milk is prepared from whole fresh cow's milk by heat treatment.

    The composition of 100 g of this high-calorie product includes saturated fatty acids (8.5 g), proteins (7.2 g), carbohydrates (56 g), vitamins important for the body (B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9, PP , B 12 , E) and trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, etc.).

    When preparing condensed milk, a temperature of 60 o C is used, which allows you to save the maximum amount of trace elements and vitamins contained in whole milk. The beneficial properties of vitamins and microelements are preserved throughout the year. Therefore, condensed milk can replace whole fresh milk and provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

    The calorie content of condensed milk is 328 kcal per 100 g of product. Compared to whole milk, condensed milk is not only more nutritious, but also easier to digest.

    Therefore, it should be avoided by patients with diabetes and overweight people. Eating 1 can of "condensed milk", you can get 1200 cal, but for those who intend to lose weight, nutritionists are advised to gain no more than 1400 cal per day. Therefore, it is recommended to use only 1-2 tsp. condensed milk a day, using it instead of sugar.

    Condensed milk is added to ice cream, cakes, pastries, cookies and sweets. It can also be added to coffee and tea.

    Proponents of the positive effect of milk on the body recommend using 1-2 tablespoons of condensed milk, supposedly to strengthen immune system. In their opinion, the vitamins and minerals that make up milk contribute to faster recovery after physical and mental stress.

    In our time, manufacturers often, unfortunately, violate production technology, deviate from GOST, add cheap vegetable oil, dyes, preservatives, sweeteners, or powdered milk is used for cooking. Can be used sugar substitutes and dye (titanium dioxide E 171), which is commonly used in the manufacture of rubber, paper and varnishes.

    Of course, such surrogates are capable of causing significant harm to the body, and not benefit. The name on the label should only be: "Whole sweetened condensed milk" and contain 34% protein and 8.5% fat. Any deviations in the name and composition indicate that this is a surrogate.

    Therefore, when buying condensed milk, you need to carefully study the label.

    Tea and coffee with milk - useful or not?

    It is a well-known British tradition to drink tea with the addition of milk. Many people in other countries love this tasty and high-calorie drink. There are lovers and coffee to drink only with the addition of milk.

    The opinions of scientists are also different about the benefits and harms of these delicious drinks for the body.

    Some researchers believe that only milk can neutralize the stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system of caffeine contained in tea and coffee. And they emphasize that this is especially important for people who consume tea and coffee in large quantities. This is also important for people with high blood pressurewho find it difficult to stop drinking coffee - they can try drinking it with milk. Caffeine helps flush out calcium from the body. This means that less calcium will be washed out when drinking tea (coffee) with milk, which is important for the elderly.

    The advantage of coffee with skimmed milk (no sugar) can be seen in the fact that it can be consumed when trying to lose weight. After all, the energy value of 50 ml of skimmed milk will give only 13-16 kcal! The drink will make the diet more enjoyable.

    German scientists, on the contrary, argue that tea with milk not only does not benefit the body, but only causes harm. The milk in this drink dramatically reduces (by 80%) the amount of antioxidants. And, as you know, antioxidants help to eliminate toxins from the body and prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. So, it is milk that turns tea from a healing drink into a harmful one.

    Opponents of German scientists dispute their conclusions, based on the fact that only 16 people participated in the study, i.e. studies are not reliable.

    However, there are other facts. Animal protein casein, contained in milk, decomposes at a high temperature of tea, the drink loses some of its beneficial properties. And if the tea is green, then the milk protein combines with theafamine and forms a hard-to-digest substance. Fats, which are part of milk, dissolve faster at a high temperature of tea and are absorbed faster.

    The neutralizing effect of milk on caffeine deprives tea (and coffee) of its vasodilating effect on the vessels. The expected invigorating effect of another cup of tea (coffee) also disappears. In addition, coffee tannin, in combination with milk proteins, forms a substance that has a harmful effect on the liver. Both people with lactase deficiency and people with an allergic reaction to milk or coffee should avoid drinking such drinks.

    The question of the benefits and harms of these drinks continues to be studied by scientists. In the meantime, generally healthy people can afford to consume them.

    Benefits of milk with honey

    Many people, on their own or on the advice of a doctor, use honey with milk for colds and coughs (1 tablespoon of honey per glass of warm milk). If a cold is accompanied by a rise in temperature, then they try to use linden honey. Only milk should be warm, not hot, because. honey loses its healing properties with strong heating and boiling.

    It is not recommended to give such a drink to children under one and a half years old. And older children can reduce the dose of honey. It is better to use the prepared drink at night, because it also has a calming and mild hypnotic effect.

    The effectiveness of this treatment has been verified by many years of experience. What is the secret of its influence? Honey contains many trace elements, improves immunity. Proteins are needed to produce antibodies against viruses. And milk proteins are absorbed better than from any other food.

    Such a drink should not be consumed if you are allergic to honey or milk, as well as people with lactase deficiency.

    The benefits of mare's milk

    Mare's milk is widespread in Eastern countries as a medicinal dietary product. The popularity of mare's milk is quite high both in Russia and in other countries.

    It is a white (with a bluish tinge) liquid with a somewhat tart-sweet taste. Mare's milk differs in composition from other types of milk of animal origin: it contains 2 times less lactose and proteins. It has less fat than cow's milk. But this fat has more low temperature melting and smaller fat molecules, making it easy to digest.

    Proteins contain 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 5.8 g, fats - 1 g in 100 ml of milk.

    But the main and important difference of mare's milk is that it is rich in linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic acids. These acids inhibit the development of tuberculosis bacteria.

    In composition, this milk is close to women's, and it is absorbed even faster than women's. Therefore, mare's milk can become a natural substitute for women's milk and is used in infant formulas.

    About forty biologically significant components are contained in the milk of mares. These are vitamins (A, E, C, B 1, B 2), trace elements (potassium, zinc, sodium, copper, cobalt, iodine, phosphorus, iron, aluminum, calcium, etc.). The calorie content of this milk is 41 kcal. It improves immunity and tissue respiration.

    Mare's milk is a healing drink. It helps to slow down the growth of malignant tumors, improves tissue regeneration and blood circulation, increases male potency, prevents colds, increases hemoglobin. It improves immunity and tissue respiration, and even slows down the aging of the body.

    The results of exposure to the product in diseases of the respiratory system are unique. This miracle drink is indicated for tuberculosis, pleurisy (in remission), chronic pneumonia and bronchitis.

    The benefit of mare's milk is that an even more valuable medicinal and dietary product, koumiss, is obtained from it by fermentation.

    Contraindication for the use of mare's milk is an increase in the acidity of gastric contents and allergies. Many cannot consume mare's milk simply because of the specific smell, but this does not harm the body.

    The benefits and harms of soy milk

    There are many useful natural substitutes for cow's milk. Among the existing types of plant milk, soy milk is closest to cow's milk in terms of taste. It contains 0.8 g of protein, 7 g of carbohydrates and 0.3 g of fat; its calorie content is only 34 kcal.

    This milk is obtained from soybeans. It has a sweetish, rather pleasant taste and a slight specific smell. You can make tofu, cottage cheese and kefir from it.

    The composition of soy milk includes valuable proteins and amino acids, minerals and vitamins, a large amount of vegetable fiber. The content of vitamin E in soy milk is close to the daily requirement for a person, and this vitamin is associated with the body's anti-cancer defense. Therefore, people who include soy milk in their diet are less likely to get cancer. The content of vitamins B 1, B 6 and B 12 is slightly less - they improve the function of the nervous system. Soy milk is completely lactose-free, so it is used in infant formula for babies with an allergic reaction to animal milk. Soy milk contains calcium in small amounts, so manufacturers fortify milk with calcium additionally.

    The low calorie content of soy milk makes it possible to recommend its use in obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemic disease. The easy digestibility of this product makes it possible to use it as a dietary food for peptic ulcer and chronic cholecystitis.

    Soy milk is popular and in demand in East Asia, North and South America, in southern countries Europe and some African countries. In Japan and China, it is preferred over cow's milk.

    And yet, some scientists point to the negative qualities of this product. Contained in soy milk in a significant amount of phytic acid contributes to the fact that magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron come into contact with each other. And this prevents the absorption of these minerals.

    Soy milk contains phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of female sex hormones. Therefore, drinking soy milk can help menopausal women alleviate menopausal symptoms. However, it is not recommended to consume soy milk for persons with an increased risk of developing hormonally dependent tumors (estrogen dependent). These individuals include people with a family history of prostate cancer, uterine cancer.

    Some scientists have linked excessive consumption of soy milk to suppression (especially in children) of the endocrine system and the development of the disease. thyroid gland.

    Despite the fact that soy milk is a very useful product, its effect on the human body still needs to be studied. Serious disputes of scientists about its effect on the body have been going on for many years.

    Soy milk: composition, benefits, benefits - video

    Benefits of coconut milk

    Coconut milk is a white sweet liquid. It is artificially made from the pulp of the coconut, as opposed to coconut water and coconut juice, which are produced naturally in the cavity of the fruit.

    Depending on the manufacturing technology (first pressing or second pressing), it can be very thick or liquid, like white water.

    In Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines, coconut milk dishes are popular. Europeans also love it, in France it is called Asian cream because of the large amount of fat in the composition of thick milk.

    dense coconut milk used in the preparation of sauces for meat and fish dishes, desserts and sweets. Liquid - for fruit and non-alcoholic cocktails, soups, added to salads and main dishes.

    Coconut milk has a rich, delicate taste. It contains vegetable fats and oils - 14.9 g, carbohydrates - 2.7 g, proteins - 1.8 g. Milk contains vitamins B, A, E, ascorbic acid, manganese, copper and iron.

    Despite the fat content and calorie content of coconut milk (150-200 kcal per 100 g), its fatty acids and oils are well absorbed and do not contribute to weight gain. That is why it is recommended by nutritionists to patients with obesity. The drink causes rapid saturation, one glass of milk is enough to provide the body with nutrients. And pleasant taste qualities allow you to easily include coconut milk in the diet of any patient.

    Coconut milk is recommended for beriberi and chronic fatigue, to improve immunity, for nervous disorders and depression. It improves memory and concentration. Lauric acid, found in milk, has an antiviral effect.

    Coconut milk, when consumed regularly, reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases, it does not contain cholesterol.

    Enzymes and vegetable fiber of coconut milk improve digestion. It is digested better than cow's milk. And its antibacterial action restores the normal intestinal microflora, improves the healing of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to drink with gastritis and Crohn's disease.

    Due to the content of manganese in milk, the drink helps to normalize blood sugar levels. The presence of antioxidants and magnesium helps to reduce inflammation in the joints, relieve muscle tension and joint pain.

    Coconut milk provides the body with phosphates, which are essential for bones. The calcium content of coconut milk is significantly higher than that of cow, goat or almond milk.

    The optimal level of vitamin C in the drink is involved in the prevention of colds, and a high concentration of iron increases hemoglobin.

    It is advised to drink a drink for urological problems.

    If you are allergic to the animal protein of cow's milk, it can be successfully replaced with coconut milk. It does not cause allergies, and it can be used by children.

    Coconut milk is also successfully used in cosmetology: it improves skin tone, moisturizes it, improves hair condition. Milk also helps with psoriasis, eczema, stretch marks.

    Currently, the harm from drinking coconut milk is unknown. This nutritious drink can undoubtedly have a significant positive impact on health.

    Coconut milk can only harm people with fructose or coconut intolerance. Potential harm lies not even in the milk itself, but in preservatives, stabilizers. For example, guar gum is difficult to digest and toxic to the body, and is often added to milk canning. Therefore, it is better to purchase natural coconut milk, rather than canned, even though it has a shorter shelf life.


    Summarizing all of the above different types milk of animal and vegetable origin, it can be concluded that milk is a nutritious and important drink for health. However, it is impossible not to take into account the negative impact of it on the body. Each person has the right to choose, having weighed for himself all the "pros" and "cons" in relation to this product loved by many. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

    Milk was called "white blood", emphasizing its value and indispensability in the human diet. The enormous importance of milk in nutrition can be explained by the fact that it contains a huge amount of substances necessary for life: calcium, more than 200 types of mineral and organic matter, protein, a great variety of vitamins, enzymes, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, amino acids, mineral acids and other important trace elements. Today we will talk about beneficial features milk in the diet of schoolchildren.

    Milk and various dairy products, as already mentioned, are a source of useful and nutrients, which are simply necessary for the growing body of the student. These substances are contained in milk in a balanced amount, are easily absorbed by the child's body, and are often unique, i.e. are not repeated in other foods.

    Milk is an excellent source of calcium, while it is absorbed by the human body almost completely - by 97%. This distinguishing feature milk makes it almost indispensable. Without the consumption of milk and dairy products, it is very difficult to provide the growing and developing body of a schoolchild with the necessary amount of calcium and vitamins A and B2, protein. For the full formation of the skeleton, the development of bones and teeth, schoolchildren simply need to consume daily milk and dairy products that contain calcium and phosphorus - the ratio of these microelements contributes to better absorption of calcium. A glass of milk a day is about 1/3 of the calcium norm for a 10-year-old schoolboy. Such an amount of calcium and phosphorus is not found in any other food product, except for milk.

    Calcium is one of the most important trace elements in the body. Maintaining normal calcium levels is vital. Insufficient calcium in developing children and adolescents can have bad consequences - bone mass decreases by 5-10%, in adulthood this increases the risk of fractures by 50%, as well as the risk of developing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Now they also say that calcium has a positive effect on the human bioenergetic field. Confirmation may be the fact that people who do not have a lack of calcium, or who regularly take it, have increased vitality, good mood, they have increased endurance both mentally and physically, they are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

    But it must be remembered that calcium is best absorbed from foods that have not been subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, dairy products should only be subjected to specialized processing. When boiled, all the benefits of milk almost completely disappear. And unprocessed homemade milk is highly undesirable because of its high bacterial contamination. Therefore, the best option is to buy milk in stores that has undergone special processing in order to destroy extraneous microflora and bacteria, pathogens of various diseases, worm eggs, etc.

    If you still buy milk from the owners, then, firstly, be sure to find out if they have veterinary confirmation that the cow is completely healthy and that the sale of milk is allowed. And be sure to boil this milk! In addition to calcium, milk protein plays an important role, which is quickly absorbed and is very useful for the body. Milk protein is not inferior to the protein of meat, fish, eggs in its composition. The milk protein casein contains the amino acid methionine necessary for the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Tryptophan and lysine proteins play an invaluable role in the proper development and growth of a child's body. Milk also contains B vitamins, which contribute to proper formation nervous system and strengthen it.

    Milk is valued in the diet of schoolchildren also because it contributes to the development of the child's intellectual abilities, respectively, academic performance increases, concentration of attention improves. Milk fat is also useful, containing fatty acids that are easily digested and protect the body from adverse effects. It has been observed that children who regularly eat milk are less prone to obesity than those children who do not drink milk. This is due to calcium, which helps burn fat in the body.

    The daily amount of milk in the diet of schoolchildren should reach 1 liter, but this does not mean that you need to drink a liter of pure milk every day, because many other dairy products are now being made. Part of the milk can be drunk in its pure form, and the rest can be consumed through various dairy products. So you make the diet tasty, healthy and varied.

    Which milk you choose depends on your tastes and preferences. Most often in our stores you can see cow's milk. Goat's milk contains a lot of calcium, but it's also high in fat. Flavored milk with different flavors contains the same substances as regular cow's milk, but it has more carbohydrates due to the addition of sugar.

    The most useful milk is fresh milk, it contains antibodies that are designed to help the calf grow up healthy. These antibodies are very useful to humans. But fresh milk must be from a reliable source, because. drinking raw milk can be dangerous.

    Sterilized milk is a canned product. Such milk is subjected to high-temperature processing, which destroys most of the nutrients in it, but the product is stored for a long time.

    Pasteurized milk is the healthiest. Its useful properties and taste remain at a very high level, practically not yielding to fresh milk.

    Most children love milk and dairy products, so there should be no problem getting your child to drink milk regularly. The main thing is that it is fresh. If your child has an intolerance to pure milk, replace it with yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. If the child has an allergic reaction to all dairy products, then protein and B vitamins can be obtained from meat, legumes, wholemeal flour products; cabbage, fennel, leek, etc. are rich in calcium.

    But what if the child does not like milk and refuses to drink it? Prepare milk porridge, sauces. Give your child ice cream, but with caution. Try replacing milk with yogurt or cheese. Let the child drink cocoa - it also has a huge amount of nutrients that are in milk. Try your best to ensure that the child receives the necessary substances, this will help him grow up smart, strong and healthy. Now you know about the beneficial properties of milk in the diet of a student.