Tom yum at home. Tom yum recipe with coconut milk and seafood

The Secrets of Thailand's Most Popular Dish

In a hot climate, you want something cool and refreshing. It is all the more surprising that the most popular dish in Thailand is spicy tom yum soup. And they serve it scalding, often in special samovars, so that it does not have time to cool down.

The tradition of cooking soup in a samovar, however, is not uncommon in South-East Asia. It most likely came to Thailand, as well as to other countries of the region, from China, where hogo soup has long been known, which means “fire cauldron” in Chinese. Chinese and Thai differ from the vertically elongated Russian samovar not only in shape (they look more like a pot or cauldron), but also in the location of the miniature stove. In the Russian version, it is at the bottom, in the Asian version - in the middle of the pan. Heat is evenly distributed from the center to the edges. In China meat broth it takes a long time to cook in a “fire cauldron”, in Thailand, on the contrary, they prefer to subject fresh products to minimal processing, and therefore they often use seafood and chicken, which are quickly cooked. In recent years, Thais are increasingly replacing the samovar with a regular, steel pan, but in rural areas it can still be found.

To make the simplest version of the tom pit, a few minutes are enough. The main thing is not to forget to put kaffir lime leaves, ginger or galangal and lemongrass stalks into the water. It is these seasonings that determine the taste of the soup. In addition, you can add curry paste, hot chili peppers, tender shallots, tomatoes, oyster mushrooms. Chili pepper was brought to the country from the New World in the 17th century, the tradition of using different types curry paste came from neighboring India. And tomatoes, which also came from America, and mushrooms appeared in the composition of the dish only in the 20th century.

When did it take shape classic recipe volume pit, it is difficult to determine exactly. In any case, the famous poet Sunthon Pu, who is called the Thai Shakespeare for the reform of national versification, in early XIX century, he created the "Instructions for Women", where among the necessary skills he included masterful preparation of tom yama. And at the end of the same century, the dish was included in the menu of the royal cuisine.

Amporn Choeng-Ngam

A native of Chiang Mai, chef at Jahn Restaurant at Conrad Koh Samui (Thailand) talks about spiciness and spiciness.

Thai cuisine seems too spicy to Europeans ...

But traditional Thai tom yum is not necessarily very spicy. Chili peppers began to be added to soup quite late, because it was brought to Asia by Portuguese missionaries only in the 17th century.

So what is the correct volume?
It is hardly possible to use such a definition. Thai cuisine is based on improvisation. Spices and herbs play a leading role in this soup, but each chef has his own proportions. Be that as it may, the tom yum will certainly turn out spicy.

Where is it worth trying just such a soup - spicy?
In Thailand, it is prepared literally on every corner. There are also semi-finished products, thanks to which you can easily and quickly cook soup at home. I like the way they cook the tom yam served in the restaurant blue elephant in Bangkok. If you are on Koh Samui, come try it to me in Jahn.

How often do Thais eat tom yam?
Almost every day, at any time, but more often for breakfast and lunch. It is believed that due to the presence of spices, this soup improves blood circulation and cleanses the body well.

Thai cuisine is based on a combination of four elements: sweet, sour, spicy and salty. Nam pla fish sauce is responsible for salt in that pit, sugar for sweetness, lime leaves and juice for acid, chili pepper and ginger for spiciness and spice.

The name of the spicy Thai soup consists of two words: "tom" means "cook", and "yam" - according to one version, "spicy salad". If shrimp are put in a dish, then it is called tom yum kung, fish - tom yum pla, if chicken - tom yam kai.

Tourists coming to Thailand are sure that the classic tom yum is prepared with coconut milk and galangal, but in fact the first component began to be added only in the 1980s. Apparently, the idea was borrowed from another popular Thai soup - tom kha kai. It is based on chicken, galangal root and coconut milk, which is obtained from the pulp of the nut.

Today, Tom Yum is one of the most popular dishes not only in Thailand, but also in the world. It can be found in expensive restaurants, eateries, home kitchens and street vendors. Tourists often take bags of spices and dried coconut milk with them to their homeland to enjoy their favorite taste.

Wherever Tom Yam is cooked, the right mood will help you enjoy it. Leave the fuss and worries for later, try to relax, let in peace and quiet - and then you will feel the true taste of Thai food.


tom yum kung

For how many servings: 6

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Water - 2 l
Peeled shrimp - 600 g
Shimeji mushrooms (a kind of oyster mushroom or oyster mushroom), you can champignons - 12 pcs.
Shallot - 60 g
Cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.
Lime or lemon - 6 leaves
Galangal or ginger root - 50 g
Fresh lemongrass - 80 g
Lime - 3 pcs.
Nam pla fish sauce - 60 g
Parsley or cilantro leaves - 30 g
Brown sugar - 60 g
A few green onions

1 AT cold water put chopped galangal and lemongrass, lime leaves, shallots. Boil.

2 Add peeled raw shrimp with tails left to boiling water. Cut the tomatoes into quarters, rinse the mushrooms and throw them into the soup too. Boil 5 minutes.

3 Pour in lime juice, put parsley, chopped green onions. Cook for 1 more minute.

4 Before removing from heat, add fish sauce and sugar. Pour into bowls.

Photos: Grigory Polyakovsky

The editors would like to thank the Mr Lee restaurant for their help in preparing the material.

Tom yum is a Thai recipe, the execution of which will provide an opportunity to taste a delicious thick spicy soup. This dish cannot be called a budget one, but the final result fully compensates for the money and time spent on creating such a culinary masterpiece.

How to cook tom yum?

If you are going to cook tom yam, you need to study and purchase the ingredients in advance, since not every kitchen has overseas ingredients, without which the Thai dish will not be one.

  1. To prepare a classic tom yam, you will need ingredients: lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves and shrimp or fish sauce. In addition, the technology often requires the addition of coconut milk.
  2. Seafood is often used as a filling for soup: shrimp, scallops, squid, less often mushrooms or chicken meat.
  3. Lime juice is added to the dish at the end of cooking.
  4. An integral part of Thai food is spicy pasta. How to cook tom yum pasta at home can be found in the following section.

Tom Yum Pasta - Recipe

Tom yum pasta is an invariable basis for cooking spicy Thai soup in all its variations. In addition, the spicy hot mixture can effectively transform the taste characteristics of other culinary creations of its own invention, filling them with spiciness and amazing taste.


  • chili pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • shallot - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. In hot oil, fry the garlic until blush, remove to a plate.
  2. Shallots are browned in the same oil, added to the garlic.
  3. Put in chili oil, fry for a minute, return onion and garlic to the pan.
  4. Let the ingredients together for a few more minutes, after which they rub with a blender.

How is tom yum eaten?

For those who are not yet familiar with Thai cuisine, it will be interesting to learn how to eat tom yum soup, with or without rice.

  1. Large pieces of meat or seafood from the soup are eaten with chopsticks.
  2. For small pieces of ingredients and broth, a small Thai spoon is served separately.
  3. Tom Yam soup, like other Thai dishes, is always served with rice, which eliminates excessive spiciness. It is collected with a spoon, dipped into the broth from the soup and sent to the mouth.

Tom yum with coconut milk - recipe

Tom yum, the recipe of which will be presented below, is prepared on the basis of fish broth with the addition of coconut milk. Instead of shiitake mushrooms, you can take always available champignons, and instead of galangal, ginger root. Seafood is pre-boiled or fried in oil until tender.


  • coconut milk and fish broth - 300 ml each;
  • lemongrass stalks - 5 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • galangal - 1-2 pieces;
  • shrimp - 10-15 pcs.;
  • shiitake - 5 pcs.;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • brown sugar and sesame oil - 0.5 tsp each;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • cilantro and tom yum paste - to taste.


  1. Lemongrass, lime leaves cut into 3 parts and lightly beaten, galangal, cut across with plates of medium thickness, and tom yam paste are added to the boiling broth, boiled for 2 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms and fish sauce, heat for another 2 minutes.
  3. Pour in coconut milk, lime juice, add sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  4. Lay in the finished boiled seafood.

Tom yum with chicken - recipe

Tom yum, the authentic recipe of which involves the use of chicken meat as a component for broth and filler, turns out to be especially rich and rich in taste. It is allowed to replace cherry tomatoes with ordinary tomatoes, galangal with ginger, and canned Caogu mushrooms with fresh champignons.


  • chicken bouillon- 1 l;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • lemongrass stalks - 2 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • galangal - 2 pcs.;
  • canned mushrooms Tsaogu - 1 can;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • cherry tomatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cilantro.


  1. Lime leaves torn into several pieces, coarsely chopped galangal, chopped and softened with a hammer lemongrass and tom yum paste are placed in the broth, boiled for 15 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms, chicken, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Put cherry halves, coriander, fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, if desired, in that yam with chicken.
  4. Remove the dish from the heat and serve with cilantro.

Tom yum soup with seafood - recipe

Tom yum, the popular recipe of which will be presented below, will delight seafood lovers, because it is prepared with their participation. The classic set with shrimp, scallops and squid can be expanded with other inhabitants of the sea. Instead of fish sauce, in this case, shrimp is used.


  • coconut milk - 350 ml;
  • chicken broth - 600 ml;
  • lemongrass stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • galangal - 1 pc.;
  • shrimp, scallops and squid - 100 g each;
  • fish sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • cherry tomatoes - 7-10 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste - 2 tbsp. spoons or to taste;
  • green onions, butter.


  1. Cut the lemongrass into several pieces, beat off a little, tear the lime leaves and cut diagonally into 3-4 pieces of galangal. Fry everything together for 2 minutes.
  2. Add seafood, fry for another 2 minutes.
  3. Lay cherry halves, fry for 1.5 minutes.
  4. Send green onions to the container, pour in hot broth, coconut milk.
  5. Season the tom yam with seafood with spicy pasta, sauce, lime juice, after boiling, remove from the stove.

Vegetarian Tom Yum

Tom yum soup is a recipe that, even without meat and other animal products, can become the basis for obtaining a stunningly tasty, satisfying and nutritious meal. In this case, shiitake mushrooms are used as a filler, which can be replaced with champignons or oyster mushrooms.


  • coconut milk - 250 ml;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemongrass stalks - 1-2 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • galangal - 1 pc.;
  • shiitake - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste - to taste;
  • cilantro, parsley.


  1. Galangal is prepared first, the leaves are cut into 3 parts, the lemongrass stems are cut into 3 parts, beaten to a soft state, the lime leaves are torn into several parts by hand.
  2. Add lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves and spicy paste to boiling water, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Coconut milk is poured in, and after 5 minutes mushrooms and tomatoes are added.
  4. The food is boiled for 10 minutes, seasoned with lime juice, greens are added.

Spicy tom yum soup recipe

Tom yum is a recipe that, in authentic execution, turns out to be extremely spicy and is served only with rice. The latter acts as a pungency neutralizer and is moistened with hot broth as a sauce. In addition to adding pasta to the broth, a whole red chili pod is laid, which will emphasize the character of the dish.


  • coconut milk - 350 ml;
  • chicken broth - 400 ml;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • lemongrass stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • galangal - 3 pcs.;
  • seafood - 400 g;
  • fish or shrimp sauce - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • tom yum paste - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled rice.


  1. Lemongrass stalks are cut first, beaten off, galangal is cut into 3 plates, lime leaves are torn with hands
  2. Lemongrass, lime leaves and galangal are placed in a boiling broth.
  3. Add pasta, sauce, mushrooms, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Milk, cream, lime juice are poured in, chili pods and boiled seafood are laid.
  5. Serve spicy tom yum soup with.

Tom yum soup with shrimp - recipe

Tom yam with shrimp is excellent in taste and fragrant. The taste and aroma of tropical ingredients is revealed to the maximum when they are pre-fried in sesame oil. At the same time, you should add the components of a spicy Thai paste or a ready-made burning additive.


  • coconut milk - 400 ml;
  • shrimp broth - 400 ml;
  • lemongrass stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • lime leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • galangal - 5 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • fish or shrimp sauce - 40 ml;
  • sesame oil - 30 ml;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • tom yum paste - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Cut the lemongrass, soften, cut the galangal into 3 plates, tear the lime leaves.
  2. Fry galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves for 2 minutes in oil.
  3. Add tom yum paste and then shrimp, fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Separately, bring the mixture of broth and milk to a boil, pour it into the main components.
  5. Season the dish with lime juice, sauce.

Tom yum with beef

Tom yum soup with beef is not a traditional or authentic version of cooking, but rather an exception to the rule. However, even in this performance, the culinary creation has many admirers. As an accompaniment to a spicy dish, rice, roasted peanuts and sesame seeds are used.

Soup Tom Yum- national Thai soup No. 1, famous all over the world. It is cooked on the basis of chicken or seafood broth, to which a classic Thai set of three spices is added - galangal root, lemongrass stalks and kaffir lime leaves, giving the soup a pronounced citrus flavor and aroma. Shrimps, or chicken, or fish / seafood are dipped into the broth, and mushrooms and tomatoes are added. The soup is famous for its sour and fiery-spicy taste at the same time. Lime juice gives it a sour taste, and Thai chili paste Nam Prik Pao gives it the strongest spiciness. In addition to chili peppers, this paste contains dried shrimp, fish sauce, garlic, shallots, and it is Nam Prik Pao paste that Tom Yam soup owes its spicy rich taste, characteristic bright orange color and seafood aroma. Sometimes, for even more pungency (although much more?), Dried chili peppers are added to the soup. Ready soup is usually decorated with cilantro. To Thai soup Tom Yam always served boiled unleavened rice.
We offer tom yum shrimp soup recipe- the most common variation of the dish, which is called Tom Yum Kung. Shrimps in this soup are used large (royal or tiger), ideally - raw, in our more real reality - raw-frozen. They need to be defrosted beforehand. natural way and it is highly recommended to clean it (you can leave the head and tail uncleaned for beauty, but it’s better to get rid of chitin on the body so that you don’t mess around in a bowl of broth later). Tomatoes in this soup are an optional element, it is more convenient to use small ones (such as cherry tomatoes). As for mushrooms, Thais put mainly straw mushrooms (tsaogu) in Tom Yam, Tom Kha and similar soups. they have a neutral smell and taste and are small in size (canned caogu are usually filled with quail eggs). Instead of caogu, oyster mushrooms or, more rarely, champignons are sometimes used. Shiitake is not used, as they have a pungent smell that can interrupt and disrupt the “correct” range of flavors of Thai Tom Yam.
As for coconut milk as an ingredient in soup, it is usually added to soften the spiciness of the broth. Coconut milk gives the soup a subtle note of coconut sweetness, slightly changes its taste and makes the soup more “soft”. The option of soup with coconut milk is very fond of European tourists. Milk is added to the soup just before removing it from the heat, at the stage when the shrimp are ready.
Few people will remain indifferent, once having triedthai soup tom yum. Therein lies the secret of its popularity. Many consider him the most delicious soup in the world.
This recipe uses original Thai ingredients including fresh lemongrass stalks, galangal root and kaffir lime leaves. If you are unable to use fresh spices (galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves), you can replace them with dried ones or use ready-made tom yam pasta, brewed on the basis of these ingredients.
The process of making Thai chili paste Nam Prik Pao is very laborious (step-by-step photo recipe Nam Prik Pao you can see). Can be bought alreadyNam Prik Pao cooked pasta, which will be enough for you for a long time, since it is consumed in very small portions due to its sharpness (1 tablespoon of pasta is taken for one saucepan with a volume of about 4 servings).

There are two variations soup tom yam- with coconut milk (ต้มยำ กุ้ง น้ำ ข้น, Nam Khon - creamy broth) and without it (ต้มยำ กุ้ง, Nam Sai - clear broth). We will cook a version of Tom Yum "Nam Khon" (creamy broth).

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
chicken broth - 0.5 l;
raw-frozen king prawns -16 pcs. (8 pcs per serving), or raw-frozen tiger - 8 pcs. (4 pieces per serving);
Caogu mushrooms (straw mushrooms)- 10 pieces. (5 pieces per serving), or champignons, or oyster mushrooms (but not shiitake);
cherry tomatoes - 6-8 pcs. (3-4 pieces per serving);
galangal root- a piece 2-3 cm long (if fresh) or 2-3 slices (ifdried);
stalks of lemongrass (lemongrass)- 3-4 pcs. (if fresh) or 2-3 tbsp. (ifdried);
dried kaffir lime leaves or fresh- 8-10 pieces;
Nam Prik Pao Paste (Thai Chili Paste)- 2-3 tablespoons;
fish sauce- 2-3 tablespoons (taste);
lime juice- 1-2 tablespoons (taste);
coconut milk- 100 ml (half a glass);
cilantro for decoration - a few leaves;
dried chili- 2-4 pcs. (optional).

Note: instead of galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves, you can use cooked based on themTom Yum pasta. About, how to make soup with tom yum pasta, read (under the text describing the paste).

*Pay special attention - if the chicken broth was salted or diluted from concentrates, then less fish sauce should be added.
**Chilli is a highly optional and controversial ingredient, as the level of spiciness can be adjusted by the amount of Nam Prik Pao chili paste.

Defrost shrimp ahead of time at room temperature. Clean the shrimp from the chitinous cover, leave the tail.Gently, with a shallow cut (up to 1 mm), cut the shrimp along the spine to remove the black vein (intestine).
Wash all vegetables. Rinse the canned Caogu mushrooms under running water and cut each mushroom in half lengthwise. If you use champignons - then they need to be cut into 4 parts, and if oyster mushrooms - then large straws.
Cut cherry tomatoes in half.
Boil the chicken broth in a wok. It should not boil strongly, but gurgle slowly. While it is heating, prepare the spices (if using fresh ones): cut the galangal root into thin slices, tear the kaffir lime leaves to the middle in several places, crush the lemongrass stalks with a culinary mallet (especially the white part of the stalks) or flatten with the flat side of a knife. This is done so that fresh spices better reveal (release) their flavor in the broth.
If dried spices are used, then simply release them from the packaging.
Drop the galangal and lemongrass into the simmering broth. When the broth boils again, simmer for 1-2 minutes, then add Nam Prik Pao Thai Chili Paste to the broth, stir well.
Add caogu mushroom halves and fish sauce to the broth. Try the broth. If it's not salty enough, add another tablespoon of fish sauce (or to taste). Then add torn lime leaves.
Thanks to Nam Prik Pao paste, the broth will be quite spicy, but if you want more spiciness, add dried chili to the broth at this stage.
Then add tomatoes and shrimp to the broth. Cook in boiling broth for 2-3 minutes (it is important not to overcook the shrimp so that their tender, elastic meat does not become like a rubber tire from long cooking).

Do you like to delight households and guests with delicious and unusual dishes? choose original recipes? Do not stop at creating traditional dishes? Then you will probably be interested in a recipe that will help you prepare Thai Tom Yum Soup. This spicy sour soup the National dish Thailand, which has also spread to nearby countries. You can cook this dish at home.

The classic Tom Yam recipe involves creating a spicy and sour soup that many will like. Its base is usually a pleasant chicken broth with squid, shrimp or other popular seafood, or chicken or fish. It is distributed in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

If you translate the name of the dish, you get the translation of 2 separate words: "Tom" - boiled, "Yam" - spicy type salad. Following this logic, this concept unites almost all sour-spicy soups of the region, which are served hot. To clarify the type of dish, often the type of meat used or the type of broth prepared is also added to the name.

  • Tom Yam Kung - a shrimp dish popular with visitors;
  • Tom Yam Pla - a dish with fish, the most common among the local population due to the general availability of fish;
  • Tom Yum Gai - chicken version;
  • Tom Yam Thale - Thai soup with some available seafood (mussels, squid, shrimp);
  • Tom Yum Nam Khon - shrimp soup, the recipe of which involves the addition of coconut milk or coconut pulp at the end of creation;
  • Tom Yum Ka Moo is a pork-based version.

And now consider the most common recipes that can be used to prepare this dish.

Tom Yum Kung with shrimp

So, now more about Tom Yum Kung. Prepare the following foods:


  • 400-450 milliliters of chicken broth and coconut milk;
  • cream 10-15% - 200 milliliters;
  • peeled shrimp - 400 - 450 grams;
  • champignons, mushrooms - 250 - 300 grams;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • one and a half tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • six cloves of garlic;
  • a few centimeters of fresh ginger;
  • two medium chili peppers;
  • one incomplete spoon of sugar;
  • one and a half tablespoons of oil;


  1. First, we prepare seasonings for Kung. To do this, heat the oil in a frying pan and add the garlic cut into small pieces, chili peppers decorated with rings.
  2. Fry these ingredients for a few minutes. Now garlic and pepper are extracted from the oil, then they are crushed. The creamy mass (after the blender) is again placed in the pan.
  3. Lemon juice is squeezed into a separate cup, the zest is rubbed and ginger on a fine grater or in a mortar. We pour sugar there. After mixing this composition well, add to the oil and seasonings whipped in a blender in a pan. This mass is stewed over low heat until tender. This sauce is ready.
  4. Let's start cooking Kung soup with shrimp and coconut milk. To do this, heat the broth in a saucepan, and when it reaches a boil, add coconut milk to it.
  5. After boiling, the pasta cooked a little earlier is laid out in the pan, and after boiling, shrimp and mushrooms are placed. Mushrooms must first be cut into medium-sized pieces. Thai soup is cooked for several minutes. Now let the dish rest a little.

As you can see, this Kung recipe is not so complicated, and even a novice housewife can cook Tom Yum Kung with coconut milk and shrimp at home.

Shrimp soup without coconut milk

This recipe can also be called very common among tourists and affordable for cooking at home. His distinguishing feature- lack of coconut milk. We will need:


  • chicken broth - about half a liter;
  • 250 grams of shrimp and mushrooms;
  • two small tomatoes;
  • three chili peppers and a clove of garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • one large spoonful of tamarid paste;
  • lemongrass stalk;
  • a few kaffir lime leaves


  1. To begin with, we prepare seasonings: the lemongrass stalk is choked and tied with a knot, the kaffir lime leaves are washed. Chili and garlic are crushed.
  2. In a pan in sunflower oil, first fry the spices, then add the lemongrass and kaffir lime. After that, pour the chicken broth and cook for about five minutes.
  3. After that, add shrimp, tomatoes cut into small slices, as well as mushrooms and cook for about ten minutes over medium heat. At the end, add tamarid paste and lemon juice.
  4. This soup is served with rice, usually warm. You can sprinkle it with cilantro beforehand. If you do not have any seasonings, then you can slightly change the recipe for yourself.

Thai soup with seafood

Another popular recipe is Thai seafood soup. So, it will require:


  • various seafood (clams, mussels, shrimp) - about half a kilogram;
  • four medium tomatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • 100 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  • galangal root - 20 grams;
  • lemongrass leaves - 5 pieces;
  • lemongrass - a few stems;
  • three pieces of chili and a clove of garlic;
  • ginger - 20 grams.


  1. Let's start with the spicy pasta. To do this, grind ginger, pepper and garlic in a mortar. After that, this composition is fried in oil until cooked.
  2. Now let's start making the soup. We prepare all the ingredients: we wash the spices and process the seafood. Mushrooms, onions and tomatoes cut into cubes.
  3. Put the spices in a saucepan with water and bring the mass to a boil. Now add the tomatoes, onions and mushrooms and cook over medium heat until the vegetables are cooked.
  4. After that, add seafood and bring the soup to a boil. It boils for several minutes. Now the paste is added, the heating is turned off. Let the dish brew for a few minutes and serve it with lime slices.

If you like the recipe but it's too spicy, you can use coconut milk to neutralize the spiciness. It goes great with seafood soup.

We offer you a recipe for Thai Tom Yum soup at home. This soup is simply delicious, especially for those who love spicy dishes. In a restaurant, one serving of Tom Yam costs about 300 rubles. and far from everywhere (alas) they can cook it. Having visited overseas countries and tried everything, I can say with confidence that Tom Yum the best soup of all the ones I've tried. In Thailand, it is prepared using local ingredients, while in Russia there are many analogues, so we will prepare this wonderful dish from them. Usually they write a recipe for two to four servings, but this is not our method, so we cook 3.5 liters of a narcotic potion, no less!

Ingredients for 3.5 liters of Tom Yum soup(I will also indicate the cost as of December 3, 2014):
1. chili pepper - 10 pcs., or 100g. - 25r.
2. ginger root - 1 piece, or 130g. - 52r.
3. lime green - 2 pieces, or 160g. - 22r.
4. onion - 1 pc., or 160g. - 4r.
5. garlic - 1 head., Or 100g. - 8r.
6. chicken - 300g. with a bone, about - 30r.
7. soy sauce - 10 tablespoons, about 15 rubles.
8. fresh mushrooms. oyster mushrooms - 400g. - 90r.
9. large shrimp - 300g. - 150r.
10. salmon / trout - 300g. - 150r.
11. cream pit.10% - 400g. - 50r.
12. coriander greens - 100g. - 25r.
13. green onion 100g. - 25r.
14. salt, sugar, vegetable oil - 7r.
The total cost of Tom Yam soup is 653 rubles, i.e. is equivalent to two servings in a restaurant, but with us, if we assume that usually 1 serving is 250g, we get 14 servings, which is 4200 rubles. or 84% of the purest savings + pleasure from the process + joy from the work done and gaining new experience, in general, you understand that all this is priceless! You can get all this beauty in a regular hypermarket, I bought it in Magnit.
Preparation + description of ingredients for soup
Before preparing the ingredients, pour 2.5 liters of filtered water into the pan and throw the chicken into it, i.e. cook chicken broth. As usual, bring everything to a boil, remove the foam, cook over low heat. The broth should be rich, so the meat should be with bones, the so-called soup set is also suitable.

Shrimps should be large, the larger the better, the octopus tentacle and scallop meat are also very suitable, this is such a mollusk. Wash shrimp, pour over hot water, we clean it from chitin, everything except the tail, as in the picture (don't ask why, it's just like that)
We clean the fish from scales (it is better to leave the skin), finely cut. Fish is added to Tom Yam for gluttony, in principle, you can do without it, but, believe me, it always tastes better with it. Mushrooms and herbs are washed, cleaned, finely chopped. Instead of oyster mushrooms, champignons are quite suitable, just don’t take frozen ones, they don’t give flavor at all, and this is very important in this soup.

Now we move on to the extremely dangerous task of preparing the chili peppers. It needs to be crushed, as an option, grind it with a mixer or similar device. Tough men like me choose Ikea's garlic press. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into pieces that can fit in the garlic press. It is best to work with chili with plastic gloves to avoid burns from the hot juice. If you cut without gloves, then try not to soak your fingers in concentrated juice - you will burn yourself. If you decide to use a garlic press, then turn away when squeezing the pepper, otherwise the stream of pepper concentrate in the eyes will make you day. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. We cut the onion finely. We cut the ginger into large slices so that it is easier to catch them later from the soup, they should not be eaten. The ingredients are ready, go directly to cooking.

Soup cooking
Put the mushrooms into the stock pot

Pour into the pan vegetable oil and fry the onion until golden brown, then put it in a bowl for chopping.
In the same pan, fry the chopped chili, put it in a bowl with onions. We do the same with garlic. Grind everything with a crush and add 10 tablespoons of soy sauce. Return the resulting mixture to the pan, fry for 2-3 minutes.

We shift our burning mixture into a saucepan with broth and mushrooms. We launch shrimp and salmon (or trout). Then we send coarsely chopped ginger there. Next, right above the pan, remove the zest from the limes with a regular grater, then cut each lime in half and squeeze the juice into the pan without residue, discard the squeezed halves, as an option, you can boil them a little, then catch and discard. Add salt and sugar to taste, taste, add more.

Cook for another 5 minutes and pour in the cream, then add green onions and cilantro, about half of what we bought, the other half will need to be added to each serving separately.

Tom Yum is usually served with a bowl of steamed rice (no bread). It is eaten something like this: we hook a little rice with a spoon and scoop up the soup with it, and send it where it should be. Tip: if Tom Yum turned out wildly spicy, then eat it anyway, no matter what! To reduce the sharpness, you can add more cream, they soften the taste very well. It is also recommended not to sip soup from a spoon, you can choke. It is better to send the whole spoon into your mouth, and you will feel the taste better.
So, the soup is ready. According to this recipe, the soup turns out very tasty.

If you suddenly have questions about How to cook Tom Yum at home please write about it in the comments to the article. Good luck in your great deeds!