Children's first aid kit on the road to the sea. First aid kit for a child on the road: what medicines to take with you to the sea? For suspected intestinal infection

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There was a wonderful opportunity to relax and travel with the child. Show your beloved baby the sea, forests, lakes and mountains, new beautiful landscapes and cultural monuments, feed them with new delicious exotic fruits and berries.

This is wonderful, however, everything new, beautiful and tasty can become a load and test the functionality of adaptive systems. Emotional and physical overstrain when moving, food excesses or their diversity can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, change the reactivity of the child. In addition, changes in geographical and climatic conditions are not always favorable, especially in the early days for a child. All this can affect the state of immunity and the behavior of the baby. Mom will need to pay special attention to the child so as not to miss the first manifestations of a change in the baby's well-being.

But, the most important thing before the trip is to collect the right first aid kit on the road for the little traveler. You have to choose and take with you only previously checked and showing effective action medications. Do not save on these funds, purchase medicines in children's forms of release (candles, suspensions, drops) and dosages, according to the age of your baby. In another region or country, they simply may not be. Yes, the list of necessary, important and necessary medical and medicinal products is not small. But you choose those that are familiar and proven, and the list will be significantly reduced.

  1. First aid for bruises, injuries, injuries: wet antiseptic wipes, sterile cotton wool, sterile bandages different sizes, elastic bandage with a clasp, cotton swabs, medical gauze wipes, gauze bandages, medical gloves, self-adhesive wipes with an antiseptic (furatsilin) ​​or anesthetic (lidocaine), a bactericidal adhesive plaster of various shapes and just a medical adhesive plaster, a plaster for calluses, tweezers, small scissors , children's electronic thermometer, small pear, nasal aspirator, medical tourniquet; liquid antiseptics - potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, furatsilina tablets, 3% boric or 5% chloramphenicol, ointments de-panthenol, bepanthen, baneocin, with calendula, eplan, arnica, troxevasin, lifeguard, spray panthenol, synthomycin liniment 5%; hormonal ointment - hydrocortisone 1% or eye, psilo-balm, with severe edema, after a bite, injuries, allergies to midges; tablets of pantocide (monalazon disodium) for water disinfection or aquasept, pantocide - 1 tablet should be diluted in 0.5-0.7 liters of water and kept for 15 minutes; eye drops - albucid, sofradex for eyes and ears, ear drops - otipax, otinum; painkillers: paracetamol, ibuprofen, nurofen, diclofenac, viburkol;
  2. When signs of allergy appear(urticaria, itching, edema) - drugs: tavegil suprastin, diazolin, xizal, erius, telfast, zyrtek, fenistil, advantan, histan;
  3. With manifestations of a cold, inflammation of the nasopharynx: spray or drops aquamaris, aqualor, hexoral, bioparox, tantum-verde, normoflorin L (drip into the nose, gargle), for the nose - nazivin, vibrocil, otrivin, for the throat - pharyngosept, lysobact, strepsils, falimint, tablets with sage , echinacea, carmolis, sanguirythrin;
  4. Temperature rise(by age): viburcol, calpol, efferalgan, panadol, cefeconD, fervex, nurofen, paracetamol, aspirin, aflubin, coldrex;
  5. When coughing- ACC, Gedelix, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Mucoltin, Bronchalis-Hel, Sinekod;
  6. In case of poisoning: sorbents - smecta, eterosgel, polysorb, zosterin, pecto, rekitsen RD, Normoflorin L, D, white coal, neosmectin, probifor, filtrum, lactofiltrum, also with loss of fluid, intoxication - powders for the preparation of glucose-salt solutions (regidron, enterodez , electrolyte);
  7. When motion sickness relieve the condition: homeopathic - air-sea, vertigohel, dramin (from 1 year);
  8. In violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, vomiting and others: intestinal antiseptics - intetrix, ersefuril, enterol, normoflorin L, D, bactisubtil, antidiarrheals - loperamide, imodium, normoflorin D, B, restoring microflora - normoflorins L, B, D, harmony of life; enzymes - creon, mezim-forte, normoflorin L, D, pancreatin, enzistal, festal, antispasmodics - no-shpa, drotaverine, baralgin, cerucal (nausea, vomiting), spazgan. At the same time, they help to improve many processes, because. have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, enzymatic, protective (on mucous membranes) action, i.e. the effect will replace several drugs;
  9. Severe intestinal infections, complicated cold, sore throat, bronchitis, other emergency- antibiotics - 5-7 days: azithromycin - sumamed, azitrok, (in Thailand), ciprofloxacin (tsiprolet), rifaximin - Alfa Normix - effective for severe intestinal infections, flemoxin solutab - for bronchitis, tonsillitis;
  10. Remedies for fainting, lowering blood pressure, stress: ammonia, validol, corvalol, leuzea, aralia, valerian, motherwort, etc .;
  11. High sun protection products, for skin care Mustela, Uriage;
  12. Repellents- protection against ticks, mosquitoes, midges - mosquitol, gardex, others and help after bites: psilo-balm, desitin, fenistil gel, advantan, histan;

Before leaving, take the time and write on a piece of paper, which you then put in the first-aid kit, what drugs should be given and in what dose - in case of fever, poisoning, diarrhea, allergies, colds, bruises and injuries, and other situations. Because, in emergency cases, you can get confused and forget what to do.

After all, it is not always possible to quickly find medical care for a child in unfamiliar places or in another country. Mom, dad themselves will need to help the child in unforeseen or painful cases. Keep the packaging for proper storage and instructions so that in case of emergency, you can find a similar medicine by pharmacological name and give the right dosage.

Put a traveler's first aid kit and a separate baby kit in your hand luggage so that everything is “at hand”. So, you will not depend on the location and arrival of luggage.

And most importantly, think with confidence that the child will not need this first-aid kit, let it be for safety net and your peaceful rest.

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The route has been built, the maps have been verified, the tickets have been bought, and the suitcases have been packed. Great journey ahead little man. How to prepare for this important event so that no misunderstandings in the form of broken knees or a hoarse throat spoil the impressions of the rest? What to put in a first aid kit for a child on the road, so as not to forget anything important, but also not to turn into a branch of a small pharmaceutical company during the trip? The portal site, together with the pediatrician Marina Titova, collected all the medicines necessary for the trip.

When forming a first aid kit for a traveling child, it is very important, first of all, to understand what kind of journey it is. What will the child meet on the road? Will it be an acquaintance with an exotic country or an impenetrable taiga? Is he at risk of sunburn or hypothermia? If the journey has a pronounced direction and the threats are obvious, then the prevention of these negative consequences should be taken as a basis.

If you are going to sunny countries by the sea, then sunscreen is a necessary tool in such a journey. Choose the maximum protection for delicate baby skin. Any mother's must-have - mild antihistamines - will come in handy when traveling to exotic countries, and just to a new area. Even if the baby has never had signs of allergic reactions - in an unfamiliar environment, with changes in climate and nutrition, they can appear.


Expert: Marina Titova, pediatrician. General medical experience - 15 years, work experience as a pediatrician - 6 years.

Children cannot help but run and jump, respectively, injuries are inevitable. Abrasions, bruises, burns, cuts - this is what you always need to be prepared for. In the first aid kit for a child on a trip, you should have several pharmacy products on hand that will help provide first aid to the baby. How should parents deal with childhood trauma?

  • Skin damage. The first step is to treat the wound. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide, but if the wound or cut is very deep and you doubt that the peroxide has reached the bottom, then use a streptocide so that the wound does not fester. After treatment, burn the edges of the wound with brilliant green or iodine. If a child is allergic to iodine or brilliant green, use wound healing ointments, for example, Depanthenol, Solcoseryl, Rescuer. And in the end - close the wound with a bandage or adhesive tape so that dirt does not get there.
  • Burns. In this case, Depanthenol cream and the Cosmopor patch should be at hand, which not only protects damaged skin well, but is also easily removed without causing additional trouble to the baby.
  • Serious bruises. With such bruises, you need to apply cold to the injured area as soon as possible, ice, cold bottled water, a bag of frozen food will do.

Give pain medication if needed. Nurofen will help well, in syrup, if the child is very small, or in tablets for an older child. This drug will relieve pain, inflammation, and fever, advises Marina Titova. - Fix the bruised area with a bandage (elastic bandage, diaper or scarf) if movements bring pain to the child. Make sure that the bandage is not too tight - the blood should flow to the tissues as usual.

  • Insect bites. Yes, and in this case, the child may need help. Very often, the bite site becomes inflamed and begins to suppurate. Local antihistamines (for example, Fenistil gel) help relieve inflammation. The bite site should be covered with a bandage to avoid infection.

With tick bites, in my professional opinion, only preliminary vaccination, planned, in advance, is effective, the pediatrician is sure. - But if the tick has already bitten, then carefully remove the tick from the skin along with the proboscis, but do not throw it away - put it in a jar or box. Treat the bite site and show the child to the doctors as soon as possible - he may need an immunoglobulin vaccine. The tick should be given for testing to find out if it was infected with encephalitis or other viruses, and if necessary, start treatment in a timely manner.

Perhaps, the best remedy from ticks is a specific repellent and regular examination of the skin and head of the child for crawling insects. After all, ticks do not immediately stick, so treating a child’s clothes with tick repellant, removing a crawling tick in time is the best first aid.

  • More serious injury, such as a suspected fracture. In this case, your task is to provide first aid and quickly call for professional help to a medical institution.


Change of food, food in roadside cafes, exotic fruits - all this can provoke poisoning. Most often it is manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases, fever.

At the first signs of poisoning, adsorbents should be used, such as, for example, Smecta or Enterosgel. Most often, it is Smecta that is taken on the road, it is packed in convenient one-time bags - I used it, I threw it away.

In case of poisoning, the child needs to be "drank" with a solution of "Smecta" with water and saline solutions (such as "Regidron") to avoid dehydration. Other drugs without a doctor's prescription should not be used. If intoxication is not removed by "Smecta" and "Enterosgel", the child must be shown to the doctor.


A cold can strike a child anywhere and anytime. It can be a reaction to cold, draft, climate change, even stress. To be ready for its appearance, it is enough to put only two drugs in the first-aid kit for the child on the road. Antipyretic, the same "Nurofen", for example, and an aerosol for treating the throat - "Gexoral" or "Miramistin". The latter, by the way, has a wide spectrum of action: they can treat the throat, wash the nose and even the eyes of the child, if something suddenly gets into them. Of course, if a child has a sore throat, they will not be able to escape, but Miramistin is indispensable as a first aid for catarrhal phenomena.


Not all, but many children react with nausea, weakness to motion sickness in a car, plane or on the water. With such features of the vestibular apparatus, special preparations, such as Dramina, do well. You need to take it shortly before the start of the trip. Then the child will not experience nausea throughout the journey. If special preparations are not at hand, mint candies and even green apples relieve nausea well.

What should always be in a mom's first aid kit?

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Zelenka or iodine.
  • Healing ointment.
  • Pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.
  • Gel antihistamine.
  • Repellents, including from ticks.
  • Sunscreen (protection +30 and above).
  • Antihistamines.
  • Adsorbents.
  • Salt solution for dehydration.
  • Antibacterial throat and nose spray.
  • Motion sickness drugs or mints.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bandage.
  • Adhesive plaster.

Do not forget about the chronic diseases of the child: if the baby has certain health problems, take the main drugs on the road that will help relieve an attack or complete the treatment cycle that has begun.

Perhaps the main advice that can be given to families planning to travel with a child: do not go too far from "civilization". In which case, you should be able to quickly deliver the child to a medical facility.

Portal site compiled common list medicines first aid kit for a child on the road. Write it down, collect everything according to the list and let the first-aid kit remain untouched during the trip, and the trip will be a source of only joyful memories and new discoveries for your baby. Good and interesting roads and safe adventures for you!


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When the long-awaited vacation comes, you want to quickly plunge into the warm sea or climb high into the mountains to admire the beauty of the area from a bird's eye view. Or the whole family go on a trip to some other city and get acquainted with its sights. But, no matter what place you choose to relax, you must remember that you take your children with you and take care of them. security.

Children are fidgets who can overheat in the sun, get some kind of minor injury, or simply eat unwashed vegetables or fruits. After all, it is not always possible to follow this. Yes, and it happens that there may not be a pharmacy or a medical center nearby. Therefore, before you go on vacation, first of all, you need to properly equip travel first aid kit for a child.

The composition of the first-aid kit on the road depends on the type of your trip, whether it will be a city tour or beach holiday with several field trips. Let's bring full list what should be included in a first aid kit for a child, which you can adjust based on the trip plan.

1. Without dressings and antiseptics, it is impossible to imagine a single first-aid kit, especially for children. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to put dressing- sterile cotton and sterile bandages of different sizes, plaster, as well as wet wipes and cotton swabs. Be sure to take hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate. All dressings and antiseptics should be in the most visible place.

2. Be sure to put anti-burn agents especially if you are going to spend your holiday by the sea. Wound healing ointment - Rescuer, sunscreen, as well as Panthenol spray for sunburn and various paresis - all this should be in the children's first aid kit.

3. Of course, without anti-cold and antipyretic drugs impossible to do while on vacation.
In the children's first aid kit should be put from cold remedies - children's nazivin, Aquamaris - nasal spray, only for children from 1 year old; Gedelix, Hexoral spray, which helps with coughs and sore throats, has been used since 1.5 years, and Otipax - ear drops.
From antipyretics, it is necessary to take Cefekon suppositories and Nurofen strawberry-flavored children's syrup, which can be used from 6 months.

4. In case of poisoning or intestinal infection, in the first-aid kit there should be gastrointestinal drugs: Hilak-forte or Linex helps with food poisoning and intestinal infections; with diarrhea and vomiting, gastrolit helps well, and with constipation - suppositories with glycerin.

5. We should not forget about anti-allergic products. With allergies or insect vinegars, Fenistil drops will help the child well.

6. Also in the first aid kit you need to put:
eye drops Albucid;
bodyaga will help from bruises or bruises;
for the prevention of intestinal disorders, chamomile in tea bags is recommended.
And, of course, there should be an electronic thermometer in the first aid kit.

If you take a trip baby, then for him in the first-aid kit you need to put additionally: Kalgel, if the baby starts to worry about teething; Espumizan, since the mother's new food can cause severe gas formation in the child; from diaper rash, you should take Bepanten.

When collecting a children's first aid kit, all the medicines in it must be sorted so that they can be found immediately if necessary. collected separately from the first aid kit for an adult.

Children's first aid kit is necessary and always have at hand. If you are going to fly by plane, then you need to collect a children's mini-first aid kit and have it with you in your hand luggage.
When traveling by car, the first aid kit for a child should also not be hidden far away. Unfortunately, it is possible that the child will also have to be helped on the road - but do not think about the bad, the child may simply react to something with an allergy or catch a cold.

In this article, we will consider the composition of the first-aid kit for traveling with a child. Strictly speaking, it will be two first-aid kits. One is for the road (train, car, etc.). And the second - a set of medicines to take with you (which you will get already "on the spot").

We will give a complete set of medicines “with you”, taking into account that “on the spot” you do not need to buy anything.

If you are going to a place where there will definitely be a normal supply of medicines, they can be quickly and easily bought without a prescription, then the list can be shortened.

And if at least something is planned for difficulties, then it is better to play it safe.

First aid kit on the road with a child up to a year

I repeat, the listed set of funds is the funds that "go with you next to you." These are the means that you can use on the road (when you have not yet reached the place of rest).

All these funds can easily fit into a small one for mom. Buy:

  • and ;

Important! If you are flying by plane, then the list of drugs and medicines will have to be reduced, taking into account the safety requirements on board the aircraft. Syringes will need to be crossed off the list. Drops (in the nose, ears) should be taken in the minimum amount. It is allowed or not to carry liquids on board the aircraft, and the allowable amount of them, depends on the rules of a particular airline. You don’t have to take dressings on the plane, they will definitely be in the first aid kit on board.

  • Dressing materials (bandage, adhesive plaster, sterile wipes, cotton wool).
  • Ear sticks (several pieces).
  • Iodine, hydrogen peroxide.
  • Rescuer.
  • Solcoseryl or Levomikol (healing for wounds and burns).
  • Thermometer (preferably electronic, more convenient).
  • Drops in the nose (nazivin, vibrocil, children's otrivin).
  • Spryntsovka (small enema. for snot). On the road (just from stress, dry air), the child’s nose may be blocked, the snot will have to be “pulled out”.
  • Any drops for washing the nose (by age, your "favorites"), Humer, Aquamaris, etc.
  • Drops in the ears (painkillers, such as Otipax).
  • From burns (panthenol spray and bepanthen (gel or cream)).
  • , with zinc (such as Sudocrem) on the road can be applied prophylactically.
  • Nise tablets (if the child has a temperature above 39 degrees on the road, it does not go astray with ordinary antipyretics, and an injection cannot be given).
  • (which the doctor will prescribe by age, for example, Fenistil drops).
  • Antidiarrheal agent (by age, the doctor will prescribe, Enterol, Nifuroxazide).
  • Espumizan (for colic, if they still exist).
  • Antiemetic (such as cerucal, sturgeon).
  • Smecta, rehydron (poisoning, dehydration).
  • Psilobalm (for bites).
  • No-shpa, noshpalgin (for pain in the abdomen).
  • Tantum Verde, for treating the throat.
  • An ampoule of analgin, noshpa, dexamethasone (prednisolone), spasmolgon, plus two 5 ml syringes.

First aid kit with you when traveling with a child

The drugs listed below can be checked in as baggage, or hidden deeper in bags - you will not need these funds on the road.

To the list of “on the road” drugs listed in paragraph , more medicines are added that you need to take on a trip with a child:

  • Antipyretic (both syrup and suppositories). It is more difficult with candles, they need to be transported correctly (in the cold).
  • Candles with analgin.
  • Candles Viburkol (increasing immunity).
  • Cough preparations (for dry and wet), which the doctor will prescribe (Lazolvan, for example).
  • Creon 10.000 (for problems with the pancreas).
  • Eye drops: chloramphenicol, albucid, floxal.
  • Fenistil drops (for allergies).
  • Take an antibiotic with you, but take it as directed by your doctor. Flemoxin-solutab 125 mg or Sumamed suspension.
  • Syringes 2, 5 and 20 ml, from small ones it is convenient to instill and give medicines, and from a large one it is convenient to drink (in case of dehydration).
  • If the child has chronic diseases for which you need to constantly take medications, then take them with you.
  • If a child has a tendency to laryngitis, edema, then you must definitely take an inhaler (nebulizer), nebulas with solutions for inhalation (which a doctor prescribes, for example Pulmicort, and have adrenaline ampoules (you can do inhalation during an attack of laryngitis), a bottle of saline for injections) , dexamethasone in ampoules for injections.

Be healthy and have fun!

Have you prepared medical supplies - your first aid kit? If not, then let's collect it before it's too late. And if you have a first-aid kit, then we will check whether you have captured everything ...

First of all, put those medicines that you or your family take constantly for any disease, so that you always have a supply, even if the disease itself is not exacerbated. Keep in mind that any medicines, including "tested" ones, should be taken only after a doctor's examination or at least a telephone consultation. Otherwise, you should use the funds from the first-aid kit on your own only in case of emergency.

Remedies for fever and pain

In order not to give antipyretics in vain, not to trust intuition, be sure to put a thermometer, which should be in a special case, regardless of whether you use a mercury or electronic model.

It is necessary to stock up on antipyretics, as the temperature can rise at any time and for any reason. Antipyretics also have an analgesic effect, so they can be considered in one group. What drugs to choose? First of all, in pediatric practice, drugs are recommended for use. paracetamol: drops Tylenol, syrups - Kalpol, Panadol, Aqua-Teva, Efferalgan, Cefekon D and others, also the same remedy in the form of tablets and suppositories (suppositories). Paracetamol can be used in children from 3 months life. At the age of 3 months to 1 year, the drug is prescribed in a single dose of 24-120 mg; from 1 to 6 years - 120-240 mg; from 6 to 12 years - 240-360 mg. This should be borne in mind when only adult tablets are on hand, usually containing 500 mg of active ingredient. In second place in terms of frequency of use can be put Ibuprofen, also known as Nurofen. Children are allowed to use it from 6 months. You can also use homeopathic suppositories Viburkol, their use is allowed from birth.

Be sure to put in the first aid kit No-shpu. This is an antispasmodic drug and should be used in combination with antipyretics if the temperature increase is accompanied by a spasm of the vessels of the extremities (in this case, the child will have cold extremities and high body temperature). For kids over 2 years old you can also use drugs that combine the action of antipyretic and antispasmodic drugs, - Baralgin, Maxigan, Spazgan, Pentalgin, Tempalgin, and children over 6 years oldSpazmalgon. Children 2-6 years old should be given 1/4 tablet, over 6 years old - 1/2. The same drugs can be used for toothache and headache, for trauma - for pain relief.

But even if the temperature drops after the use of antipyretics, the child must be shown to the doctor.

For injuries

Babies are often injured. They are of various origins: bruises, wounds, scratches, abrasions, burns, etc.

With bruises and bruises (bruises), gels will help you Troxevasin or Venoruton(apply 2 times a day), ointments Hepatrombin(apply 1-3 times a day) Heparoid Lechiva(apply 2-3 times a day) or Heparin ointment(apply 2-3 times a day). Apply one of these products to the bruised area, gently rub in circular motions. Swelling and soreness of the damaged area will quickly decrease. These drugs must be used for several days until the swelling of the tissue passes.

For cuts, abrasions and scratches, use 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for the initial treatment of a contaminated wound, stop bleeding from a wound or nosebleed. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, then you can treat the wound with water, in which you need to dissolve the tablet furatsilina, or weak solution potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The edges of the scratch or cut can then be finished 3% alcohol solution of iodine or lubricate the edges of the wound brilliant green solution. In the first-aid kit it is convenient to have special lakers containing iodine or brilliant green (they look like felt-tip pens). On top of a scratch or abrasion can be glued bactericidal plaster. A deeper wound should be bandaged with sterile wipes, bandage or dressing package, fastening on top tubular bandage.

In addition, in case of injuries you will need: cotton wool(it is more convenient if it is already in the form of sterile cotton balls), cotton buds, bandages different sizes and elastic bandage, patches. Just in case, put a hemostatic tourniquet.

Useful for injuries scissors for opening packages, cutting bandages, etc. - you can take small or medium size, they should be sharp.

Another type of injury is burns . The affected area should be cooled as soon as possible by placing in cold water or under running water. cold water for at least 10 minutes. In no case do not smear burns with oil solutions or ointments, as the fatty film prevents the affected area from cooling down, keeping warm. Use sprays: Panthenol, Olazol, "Rescuer". Special ointment for burns Dermazin has an antimicrobial effect, and also contributes to the preservation of fluid at the site of the lesion, which is actively lost at the site of the burn. Silvederm(analogue Dermazina), Acerbin- solution with a spray - have an antimicrobial and wound healing effect. For severe pain, one of the pain relievers mentioned above can also be given. After providing first aid, be sure to show the injured doctor. Can be used for sunburn Panthenol, "Rescuer" or special cosmetic creams. But to avoid sunburn, be sure to use sunscreen before going out into the sun: there are special creams for children. Some of them also combine mosquito repellent, which is very convenient. After sunbathing, use moisturizer or milk.

Medicines for motion sickness

If your child is motion sick in transport (the so-called "seasickness"), then 30 minutes before the trip or flight, give him a remedy for motion sickness - Dramina, homeopathic remedy "Avia-sea" or Kokkulin. The use of all these funds is allowed for children from 1 year. On the road, you also need to stock up on packages in case of vomiting, candy caramels and drinking water with napkins.

Help the intestines and stomach

With a change in climate, on the road, a change in the nature of the water, you may be overtaken by trouble with the intestines - diarrhea or stool disorders. In what cases and what will help? Ercefuril- an antimicrobial agent that destroys the microbial cell wall, reduces the production of toxins, activates the immune system - this drug can be used for babies already from 2nd month life. With flatulence (bloating), smectite can be used, it has an adsorbing and antidiarrheal effect - it precipitates and removes toxins from intestinal infections, eliminates liquid stool. Smecta can be given to children since birth: up to 1 year - 1 sachet per day; from 1 to 2 years - 1-2 sachets per day; over 2 years - 2-3 sachets per day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a 50 ml baby bottle (used throughout the day) or can be mixed thoroughly with semi-liquid food.

can be accepted Activated carbon - can also be given since birth, because he has different forms release: tablets, capsules, powder bags, paste.

Take enzymes with you - Mezim-forte, Creon, Enzistal, Festal, Abomin, their main action is the breakdown of proteins, fats and starch. These drugs are given on the 2-3rd day after the first symptoms of poisoning appear, especially if the baby has no appetite. They are also used as replacement therapy, that is, they help the baby's digestion when expanding the diet.

If diarrhea or vomiting was profuse, then it is necessary to restore the amount of fluid lost. To do this, you need to take salt preparations with you: Regidron, Trisol, Enterodes, Gastrolit, which will help restore the volume of lost fluid, including during heat stroke (overheating in the sun). It is more convenient to use those products that are available in powder form ( Regidron, Gastrolit), as in this form they are more convenient to store and their shelf life is longer.

A saline solution can also be prepared at home: for 1 liter of boiled water, take 20–40 g of sugar, 3.5 g of table salt and 2.5 g of baking soda, and to add potassium, replace 1/3 - 1/2 of the water with raisins or carrot juice. To prepare a carrot broth, you need to take 200 g of peeled carrots, chop, pour 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then wipe the carrots through a sieve, pour in the carrot broth and bring the volume of the resulting mixture to 1 liter with boiled water, cool. If the child does not have allergic reactions to citrus fruits, 1/3 of a lemon can be squeezed into the mixture. Raisin broth is prepared from 100–150 g of thoroughly washed raisins (preferably white varieties) and 1 liter of water, brought to a boil, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered and cooled to room temperature.

At the same time, it is necessary to use means that can absorb (sorb) toxins from the intestines, - Smektu and Activated carbon. Just note that sorbents must be taken one hour before or one hour after eating or taking any medication so that absorption does not occur.

Then you need to restore the intestinal microflora using Linex, Hilak-forte. These drugs contain components of the normal intestinal microflora, contributing to its normalization.

Successfully combines a sorbent and a preparation for restoring the microbial flora Pobifor due to the fact that it includes activated carbon and bifidumbacterin. Can be given to babies from 1 year: children 1-3 years old - 1 sachet 2 times a day, 3-7 years old - 1 sachet 3 times a day. Course - 3-5 days from the first day of intestinal poisoning. The medicine is given simultaneously with liquid food, preferably fermented milk, or with 30-50 ml of boiled water at room temperature, or with mother's milk. If necessary, the drug is taken regardless of the meal.

In reverse situations, that is, when constipation occurs, it is good to have a pear with you for setting a cleansing enema. Help also candles with glycerin, children over 2 years old you can use candles or dragees Bisacodyla.

Remedies for the common cold

Despite the hot summer, no one is immune from colds, in particular from the common cold. It will be a shame to spend even part of the holiday with a clogged nose. Therefore, take with you means for washing the nasal cavity: aqua maris, salin(replace them can non-carbonated mineral water), which can be instilled into the nose of children up to 1 year in the form of drops older than 1 year- in the form of nasal sprays. To soften and remove contaminant accumulations and nasal secretions, these agents are sprayed or instilled into each nasal passage for as long as the situation requires, eliminating the resulting excess fluid with cotton wool or a handkerchief. The procedure can be repeated many times until the accumulation of contaminants is successfully softened and removed. With nasal congestion, remedies such as xylene, For the nose, Otrivin(xylometazoline 0.5% solution - since birth), Nazivin, Nazol(oxymetazoline 0.01% solution - since birth, 0.025% - after 1 year and 0.05% - after 3 years), Naphthyzin, Tizin, Sanorin(naphazolin 0.05% solution - after 1 year) can be used for 5-7 days up to 3-4 times a day. It should be borne in mind that these drops only improve the baby's well-being, but do not affect the cause of the disease in any way, their intake should be minimized. With prolonged use, it is possible to develop dryness of the nasal mucosa or, conversely, hypersecretion. These drugs are vasoconstrictive, therefore, after instillation, nasal congestion is removed, but a pronounced watery discharge appears, which must be blown off. Then dry the mucosa to reduce re-swelling and prevent the growth of bacteria in the inflammatory nasal discharge, using Protargol(silver proteinate) or Vibrocilom. If necessary, that is, when the runny nose has become purulent (green) discharge, drip anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents: Polydex, Isofra.

In cases where you live in an area with a dry climate, increased dustiness, and you are overtaken by a runny nose or you feel increased dryness in your nose, it is better to use oil-based drops - Pinosol, but this drug can be used in children older than 1 year.

So that the eyes do not hurt ...

A stuffy nose is often accompanied by a violation of the patency of the nasolacrimal canal, which leads to stagnation of tears and the occurrence of conjunctivitis. Also, conjunctivitis can occur for any other reason (infection with dirty hands, foreign particles, contact with an infection). What to do? Do you already have pills in your medicine cabinet? Furacilina. Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and rinse the eye with smooth movements from the outer corner to the inner. Change the swab after each wash. Then drip Sulfacyl sodium (Albucid) (antimicrobial, antibacterial and bacteriostatic agent), Sofradex(antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drugs) or put an antibacterial eye ointment behind the lower eyelid - Erythromycin.

Ear pain remedies

At the most inopportune moment, your child may complain of ear pain. You can provide first aid by putting a cotton swab or turunda (rolled gauze napkin) soaked in Otipax, Sofradex or Polydexoy, which have an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Please note that you do not need to dig anything into the ear canal itself, soak cotton swabs or turundas with the drug. Direct instillation of ear drops is dangerous, because at home it is impossible to examine the ear the way an ENT doctor does, and clarify the nature of the inflammation at the moment - is the eardrum damaged or not. If drops fall into the middle ear cavity when the eardrum ruptures, they can cause damage to the auditory ossicles or lead to damage to the auditory nerve, resulting in hearing loss. Instead, you need to make a turunda out of dry cotton, gently insert it into the external auditory canal and drip warm medicine on it 3-4 times a day. A portion of the drops should be heated to a temperature of 360C. You can, for example, heat a pipette in warm water, and then draw medicine into it, or first draw up the drug, and then heat the pipette with it in warm water.

Cough remedies

If the cough is dry, you need to make it wet, for this, mucolytic (sputum thinning) agents are used - Acetylcysteine, ACC. And with a wet cough, it is necessary to facilitate the removal of sputum. For this it may be suitable Ascoril, which includes both a bronchodilator (eliminating bronchospasm) and a mucolytic (thinning sputum and facilitating its removal from the bronchi). Also improve the excretion of sputum drugs such as Ambrobene, Halixol, Lazolvan, Tusuprex, Bromhexine.

Allergy Remedies

Even if you are not prone to allergic reactions, take antihistamines with you in the first aid kit: Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine in tablet form and/or solution or gel Fenistil. These remedies can be useful for acute allergic reactions, for example, those that occur with insect bites, plant burns.

If mosquitoes bite...

The scourge of summer in almost any place of rest is insects (mosquitoes, horseflies, gadflies, midges, bees). So that your vacation is not spoiled by these winged creatures, put various insect repellents in your first aid kit - repellents. For exposed parts of the body - creams, balms, lotions, ointments and sprays.

But what about walks in the forest, fishing? Ticks ... Epidemiologists begin to warn about them in early spring. They are able to carry the tick-borne encephalitis virus. How to protect yourself from them? There are also repellents against ticks. So don't forget to put a tick repellent in your first aid kit.

What to do if mosquitoes managed to bite and leave itchy marks? There are remedies that soothe itching: balms that have menthol oil in their composition. Or you can use alcoholic solution of boric acid(it is sold in pharmacies), which soothes the skin at the site of the bite. There are alcohol solutions of boric acid in combination with novocaine, that is, in addition to the calming effect, they also have an analgesic effect.


It is difficult to predict which antibiotic may be needed. Therefore, it is better to take a broad-spectrum antibiotic - Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Erythromycin, Suprax, Rulid Summamed, macrofoam in pediatric dosage. Such a need may arise with the appearance of a sore throat, purulent otitis media, abscesses (furuncles), especially on the face, with burns. And if it is not possible to immediately show the child to the doctor, then the antibiotic can be given independently.

What drugs should not be given to children:

  • Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid. This drug can cause increased bleeding if used at high temperature, as well as an exacerbation of peptic ulcer; the drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, and according to some sources - up to 15 years.
  • Analgin. Despite the fact that this is the most common antipyretic and analgesic drug, it should also not be given to children, as it can cause hematopoiesis. In addition, after the use of analgin can cause hypothermia, that is, a decrease in body temperature below normal, and a prolonged decrease in blood pressure, as a result of which the baby may lose consciousness.
  • Candles cefekon N. The composition of these suppositories (candles) includes salicylate, that is, acetylsalicylic acid, which was mentioned above.

In addition

Not prevent baby cream, which softens delicate baby skin, heals, soothes redness, and also protects face and body areas prone to climatic aggressions: wind, cold, protects against overdrying, forming a thin protective film. Talc, zinc ointment or having zinc oxide in its composition will help with the occurrence of diaper rash and chafing, which can appear with excessive sweating.

I also want to remind you of ammonia (ammonia solution), which, if necessary (stuffiness, pre-fainting or fainting), will help to bring to life.

There are always a lot of impressions and emotions on the road and on vacation, which can lead to overexcitation of both children and adults. Therefore, the presence of sedatives in the first-aid kit will not be superfluous at all. What to take? Alcohol solutions motherwort, valerian. As well as Valocordin, Corvalol: children are prescribed at the rate of 1 drop of an alcohol solution per year of life. Alcohol solutions of these drugs not only can have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, but also soothe itchy skin. That is, these drugs can also be used externally for insect bites.

Do not forget also such necessary trifles as rubber gloves, fingertips, pipettes, tweezers, vent tube, medical pears- for a cleansing enema and for suction of discharge from a cold. In the first aid kit, you can also put wet wipes, as well as hand washing without water- They are also sold in pharmacies. Medical alcohol is also suitable as such a remedy, but it dries the skin.

Everyone has a flashlight on a hike, it can also come in handy in the first aid kit - look at the neck, look into the nasal cavity or ear canal.

Well, the medicines have been prepared. And what to store them in? Often, drugs are stored in plastic bags, which is completely wrong. If you are relaxing in the country or in the village, then the first-aid kit should be a lockable box, located in a place inaccessible to children.

If you are traveling or hiking, then in this case, as a place for medicines, there should be a box, light but durable, which can be washed. Never throw away annotations to drugs, always carefully read before use not only the indications for use and doses, but also contraindications! The annotation always indicates the method and conditions of storage of the medicinal product - keep this in mind.

Please note that it is better to buy the above drugs in children's dosages - you can easily calculate the dose needed for the baby (usually it is calculated based on the age or weight of the child), according to the instructions. If an adult needs to use the drug, then the dose can be increased, again according to the instructions.

On a separate piece of paper, write what remedy you need to take and in what case.

Try to update the first-aid kit before going on vacation: throw away funds that have expired without regrets or hesitation. Also, throw away medicines that you can't read the name of, that have changed color, crumbled or got wet, or that have broken packaging. Ointments, creams, solutions, balms, emulsions can be stored in the refrigerator door, if there is no refrigerator, then store them in a cool place.

When everything is prepared and checked, you can safely go on vacation, having a collected first-aid kit as a guarantee.

Lada Starostina

Pediatrician, MMA im. THEM. Sechenov
