Nicotine in its purest form affects the body. What is the effect of nicotine on the human body

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. But what is nicotine from the point of view of chemistry and pharmacology, what properties does this infamous substance have, a drop of which kills a horse?

The word nicotine comes from the Latin name for tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. The plant owes them to the French ambassador at the court of Portugal, and part-time scientist, Jean Nico, who recommended tobacco to Catherine de Medici as a remedy for headaches. Nico later brought the plant from Portugal to France and studied its properties. In the Middle Ages, alchemists learned how to obtain pure nicotine by distilling tobacco leaves. Brown oily liquid was used to treat skin diseases, asthma, epilepsy, inflammation of the spleen. The main scientific discoveries related to nicotine were made in the first half of the 18th century and belong to the German chemists Christian Wilhelm Posselt, Carl Ludwig Reimann, Louis Melsen, Adolf Piner. Nicotine was synthesized chemically in 1893.

Nicotine - what is it

Nicotine - what is this chemical? It belongs to the group of alkaloids - plant nitrogen-containing compounds with the properties of weak alkalis. This group includes strychnine, caffeine, quinine, cocaine and other drugs and poisons isolated by humans from plants and later synthesized artificially. Many alkaloids have a certain effect on the nervous system of humans and animals.

Nicotine is a colorless oily liquid with a pungent odor and a pungent taste. During storage, it acquires a yellowish-brown color. In the Middle Ages, alchemists called it "tobacco oil". The density of nicotine is approximately equal to the density of water, it mixes well with it. It forms salts with acids, which are also readily soluble in water. The chemical formula of nicotine is C10H14N2 (pyridine-3-N-methylpyrrolidine).

Nicotine is extremely toxic to cold-blooded animals and insects. In the early twentieth century, it was widely used for pest control as an insecticide. Later in connection with negative impact of the drug for humans and warm-blooded animals, it was replaced by artificial derivatives - imidacloprid, acetamiprid.

Where is nicotine found

Nicotine is an alkaloid found in plants of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Most of it is found in tobacco leaves. The synthesis of the substance is carried out in the roots, and the accumulation - in the leaves of the plant. The alkaloid content in dry tobacco is 0.3–5% by weight of the raw material. Other plants of the nightshade family contain it in smaller quantities:

  • horsetail;
  • stonecrop caustic;
  • club moss.

Does the human body produce nicotine? No, this substance is not involved in normal metabolism. True, under the influence of enzymes, it is oxidized into nicotinic acid, known as vitamin PP (antipellagic). Unfortunately, such an enzyme is absent in the human body and this transformation is impossible.

The effect of nicotine on the human body

Nicotine has a good affinity for all tissues of the human body. It is absorbed by the lungs from tobacco smoke, through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, from the stomach and intestines, when it comes into contact with the skin. Entering the bloodstream, it quickly spreads to all organs, penetrates the brain barrier, through the placenta and other biological membranes.

When inhaled, this drug is detected in the brain after 4-7 seconds. Peak blood levels are reached 10 minutes after smoking a cigarette and are halved after half an hour. During the same time, the brain is cleared of the drug.

How long does nicotine stay in the blood and provide a narcotic effect? Its content returns to the initial amount after 2–3 hours, and the substance is completely excreted from the body after about two days. How much nicotine leaves the human body can be traced by a specific marker, which is cotinine. The fact is that in the liver the drug is split into two molecules - cotinine and nicotine-N-oxide. The kidneys excrete these inactive metabolites in the urine. A simple test has been developed to determine cotinine in the urine 1.5–2 days after smoking a cigarette, which can serve as an indicator of the presence of an addiction.

The effect of nicotine on the human body is determined primarily by its effect on nerve connections - synapses. At low concentrations, it stimulates the release of a mediator in acetylcholine receptors, which leads to a number of effects:

With an increase in dose, it blocks nerve synapses, which is manifested by depression of the central nervous system and.

Nicotine is a drug, it causes physical and mental dependence. It develops rapid addiction - the requirement to increase the dose to achieve a narcotic effect. The question of whether a person receives pleasure directly from the drug remains open, since the substance in a certain way affects the dopamine mediators in the brain responsible for the pain threshold and the pleasure center. According to another version, it is not the drug itself that has such an effect, but the substances contained in tobacco smoke.

Patients with schizophrenia have an increased craving for tobacco. The question is not completely clear - there are a number of hypotheses regarding the reasons for this predilection.

Toxic action

This is a very poisonous substance. The lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 0.5–1 mg/kg, for mice it is 0.8 mg/kg when injected into a vein and 5.9 mg/kg intraperitoneally, for rats - 50 mg/kg orally and 140 mg/kg. kg when applied to the skin. For comparison: the lethal dose of potassium cyanide is 1.7 mg/kg. When smoking, most of the drug disappears with smoke, and 20-30% enters the lungs. When chewing tobacco, this percentage is higher, but the entry of the toxin into the human body is slower, so peak blood concentrations are lower than in smokers. On average, when smoking one cigarette, a person receives 1 mg of nicotine. For teenagers and children, trying to smoke even half a pack of cigarettes in a short time (2-4 hours) can be fatal. The cause of death with an overdose of nicotine is respiratory arrest due to paralysis of the respiratory center, cardiac arrhythmia, or severe depression of the functions of the central nervous system (coma).

Nicotine poisoning in overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

For the human body is very diverse. The nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems are affected, the general metabolism and respiratory organs suffer. Here are the diseases typical for smokers:

In combination with the harmful substances of tobacco smoke, nicotine affects the respiratory system, causing such diseases:

  • chronic inflammation of the larynx;
  • throat cancer;
  • lungs' cancer.

The toxin contributes to the development of inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, cancer of the tongue.

The benefits of nicotine

The substance is recognized by all scientific communities without exception as a life-threatening toxin and drug. Is it possible to benefit from nicotine as a drug? It is no secret that many alkaloids of plant origin, including drugs, were used earlier or are used to this day as medicines. Currently, drugs are being released to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome in former smokers - nicotine patches, chewing gum, and the like. They have many contraindications. So, they can not be used by pregnant and lactating women, patients with heart disease and peptic ulcer.

In a number of countries, laboratory studies are underway in which this alkaloid acts as a means for the prevention and treatment of:

So, perhaps in the near future, nicotine will be part of the drugs for a variety of diseases.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions. Nicotine is an alkaloid of plant origin that has a narcotic effect and acts on the human nervous system through acetylcholine receptors of nerve connections. What does nicotine do? It has a psychostimulating effect, is addictive and addictive. Smokers with experience develop pathologies of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems. The only reasonable and effective treatment for such diseases is to stop the drug from entering the body.

Those who are addicted to snus instead of smoking, believing that it is no more harmful than cigarettes, want to quit snus.
The product in the form of chewing nicotine is highly addictive, even more than when drinking alcohol. In Sweden, chewing nicotine is considered safe, although the European Union prohibits the use of the product and sale.

Nasvay is banned - a cheap drug recently banned in Russia and the post-Soviet space.

It is mainly distributed among schoolchildren, students and other low-income categories of citizens.

We will understand the legal status of this substance in the Russian Federation.

What nasvay consists of depends on the conditions in which it is made.
Improvised means are used that are being processed.
Nasvay gained its popularity recently, the fashion went from Central Asia. Initially, the composition was the plant "us". But now it is being replaced with tobacco, shag.

Nasvait is a mixture to be taken by mouth or nose. It contains nicotine and alkali, which enhance each other's actions. Nasvay stands for "inhale through the nose" in jargon. The type of tobacco product is intended not to be smoked, but to be inhaled through the nose or chewed through the mouth. First appeared in Central Asia and gained popularity.

Nicotine constricts or dilates blood vessels - a fairly common question among smokers.

When thinking about the harm that smoking does to the body, we tend to focus on our lungs. We hear wheezing, we feel a cough, we actually feel a gradual deterioration taking place inside.

nicotine in hookah there is and its quantity depends on the chosen tobacco.

A hookah is a smoking device and for most people it is a way to relax and have a good time.

Kills a horse. But has it ever occurred to you that a person who smokes a couple of packs of cigarettes every day does not suffer at all from these same nicotine drops. Moreover, it is hard for a smoker when he is forced to give up nicotine doping for some time. So what is this substance - nicotine? And why, what is good for a smoker, then horses are death?

The history of the conquest of mankind

Nicotine began its victorious march, the conquest of tribes and peoples in ancient times, when no one had heard of it. A man smoked tobacco, enjoyed it, and did not think why tobacco smoke is so attractive. Christopher Columbus, who, along with the discovery of America, discovered a hitherto unknown occupation for Europeans - smoking, and could not imagine what efforts descendants would make to eradicate this evil, and how futile these efforts would be. Tobacco smoking spread rapidly across the continent and, despite the fact that some countries had severe bans on the use of tobacco, the number of smokers has grown and is growing to this day.

The veil over the mystery of addiction to tobacco was opened only at the beginning of the 19th century, when the French chemist Vauquelin managed to isolate a certain toxic substance from tobacco leaves. Later, in 1828, the German scientists Posselt and Reimann described the properties of this substance. A colorless, oily liquid, highly soluble in alcohol and water, with a burning taste, was called nicotine. This immortalized the name of the French diplomat Jean Nicot, who used crushed tobacco leaves as a cure for asthma, rheumatism, toothache and headaches. It is believed that with the help of this remedy he cured Queen Catherine de Medici of a migraine.

So, from the moment we received the first drops of pure nicotine - a plant alkaloid contained in tobacco leaves, the history of its study began, as well as the history of man. First of all, its toxicity was proven in experimental animals. Even a leech that has sucked on the blood of a smoker, given a very small dose of nicotine, falls off and dies in convulsions under the influence of this substance. But toxicity is not the biggest problem. Worse, nicotine is addictive. It is thanks to this property that nicotine recruits people into a large smoking army.

Nicotine - through the eyes of doctors

An alkaloid of tobacco leaves, nicotine enters the smoker's body through the lungs. Absorbed in the pulmonary capillaries, it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. In the central nervous system, in autonomic nerve nodes, in neuromuscular junctions, there are receptors that are sensitive to nicotine ( acetylcholinergic receptors). Stimulation of these receptors causes changes in the functioning of all body systems. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, blood pressure rises, peripheral vessels constrict, while the vessels of the brain expand, adrenaline is released into the blood, and the glucose content in the blood increases.

All reactions triggered by the presence of nicotine in the blood require energy expenditure, therefore smoking, even in the absence of proper physical activity, does not allow a person to get better.

The high toxicity of nicotine is also not a myth created in order to scare away the gullible from smoking. If the nicotine contained in one cigarette is administered intravenously to a person, then death is inevitable. During smoking, the dose of nicotine that enters the body is much less, due to the fact that not all of the smoke enters the lungs, and the part that reaches the lungs is highly diluted. But even an insignificant dose of nicotine is enough for the body to recognize it and begin to specifically respond to its presence.

Many argue that the most harmful thing in a cigarette is not nicotine, but tobacco smoke. This is true, but only in part. It is thanks to nicotine that a persistent dependence on a cigarette arises, which keeps the smoker on the hook, even if he is aware of all the harm and all the perniciousness of his habit.

Habit or addiction?

Nicotine stimulates the release of adrenaline into the blood, as well as hormones of joy - endorphins. As a result, the smoker feels a rise in mood, a surge of vigor, clarity in the head and a sudden revival, experiencing a mild euphoria. But the effect of nicotine is very short-lived. Already after 20-30 minutes, the concentration of nicotine decreases so much that all the effects caused by the cigarette begin to fade. The brain requires a new doping, additional nourishment. This is a kind of conditioned reflex: I liked it, give me more!

The fact that nicotine really causes dependence, akin to drugs, is already a proven fact. But there are 2 sides of this addiction, each of which holds a person in its vice, each of which requires separate methods of treatment.

physical addiction

The state in which the body adapts and gets used to the systematic intake of a certain substance, and painfully reacts to its absence, is called physical dependence. Physical addiction gives us every right to put smoking on the list of addictions.

The abstinence syndrome that a smoker experiences when he voluntarily or is forced to give up a cigarette is a clear manifestation of physical dependence. Reduced efficiency, interruptions in the work of the cardiovascular system, headaches, depression - these are the manifestations of nicotine withdrawal. But, if the smoker was only physically addicted to nicotine, then quitting would not be so difficult. Overcoming nicotine withdrawal is not so difficult. There are drugs with a nicotine-like effect, a variety of nicotine-containing patches, films, and inhalers. It is harder to break the bonds of psychic addiction.

mental addiction

The habitual way of action, formed from the repeated repetition of a ritual, is called mental dependence. Someone used to smoke at the bus stop, while waiting for the bus; someone cannot imagine a friendly conversation without a cigarette; someone definitely needs to smoke to cope with a difficult task. Sometimes the life of a smoker is all woven from such "cigarette-addicted" fragments. The most difficult thing in the treatment of mental addiction is breaking stereotypes. No medicine will help here, only a strong willed decision is needed.

There are many techniques to help overcome mental addiction, but without the desire of the smoker, without his firm intention to quit cigarettes, any technique is ineffective.

Most smokers are prone to two types of addiction at once. To determine how dependent a person is on a cigarette, it is worth asking him only 3 simple questions, to which he must give an unambiguous answer: Yes or no.

  1. Do you smoke about 20 cigarettes a day?
  2. Do you always smoke in the first half hour after waking up in the morning?
  3. Does your health worsen during the period of voluntary or forced refusal from cigarettes.

Positive answers to these questions reveal, the treatment of which will require determination and considerable effort. Therefore, it is better to stop just when you can answer “no!” to any of these questions.


Then join us for a marathon to give up cigarettes.
Not just quit smoking, not break loose.

Columbus discovered the New World and at the same time began to use tobacco. The main way nicotine enters the human body is cigarette smoking, other forms have gradually been lost. Technological advances have made cigarettes cheap, and society's tolerance and advertising have made cigarettes available to almost everyone, and the addictive nicotine contributes to increased tobacco use.
As tobacco use increased, so did the death rate from lung cancer. If we take all patients with lung cancer, then 80-88% of them will be smokers. Previously, lung cancer was the rarest disease. About 250,000 people die of lung cancer every year in Russia.

New data on the terrible dangers of passive smoking forced the creation of a law prohibiting smoking in public places. Smoking remains one of the most important problems in our society, because. is one of the most prevalent causes of death.

According to statistics, the most smokers are people aged 25 to 45 years. Every year the number of "malicious smokers" (those who smoke 20 or more cigarettes) is only increasing. One in four deaths among people aged 35 to 65 is somehow related to smoking.

Women begin to smoke in more early age
From 1990 to 1999 the number of women who smoke more than 25 cigarettes per day increased from 13% to 23%.
Lung cancer, which killed 56,000 women in 1999, outnumbered breast cancer, the most common cause cancer mortality among women
In children born to women who smoked during pregnancy, body weight is on average 200 grams lower than in children born to non-smoking women
The number of stillbirths or deaths of children in the early neonatal period increases by approximately 33% if women smoked during pregnancy


It is estimated that 6 million teenagers under the age of 13 smoke, although the sale of cigarettes to children is prohibited by law.
From 80 to 90% of smokers started smoking at the same age (before 21 years). 3,000 schoolchildren start smoking for the first time every day
Approximately 1.1 billion packs of cigarettes a year are smoked by our teenagers

Elderly people:

24% of cerebrovascular disease in men aged 65 years and 6% in women at the same age are due to smoking
In 20% of cases, the development of cataracts in citizens is due to smoking.

Passive cigarette smoking and children:

Great risk to children's health. Every year there are 150,000 to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis in newborns and young children up to 18 months of age.
Between 200,000 and 1 million childhood asthma cases were more severe due to passive smoking.
Babies born to women who smoke have an increased risk of developing sudden neonatal death syndrome

The earlier a teenager starts smoking, the more likely they are to switch to other drugs later on. Researchers have noticed that among smokers the bulk are poorly educated and low-income people, as well as those who do not know how to deal with stress.

Advertising is currently aimed at young people, commercials subconsciously impose a "beautiful life" with a cigarette in their hands - a kind of lifestyle. On central television, there are no preventive programs telling about the effects of nicotine and the dangers of smoking. In order to reduce the number of smokers in the next century, it is necessary to direct preventive measures specifically to adolescents.

Of all deaths, death from cigarette smoking is the easiest to prevent. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking (in 90%). In women, mortality from lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking is higher than from breast cancer.
Passive smoking causes 20% more harm than the smoker himself, so passive smoking is very dangerous for non-smoking family members, especially children. Non-smokers have a 20% greater risk of developing lung cancer due to secondhand smoke than non-smokers. Smoking can cause chromosomal mutations, which in the next generations leads to serious diseases or deformities. Smokers and their family members are 5 times more likely to seek medical help compared to non-smoking families, and, accordingly, the cost of medicines is many times higher.

The effect of nicotine and its absorption in the body

The main route of entry of nicotine into the body is through the lungs. Nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke, when inhaled, pass through the trachea, bronchi and enter the alveoli, from where they are absorbed into the blood. After 8 seconds after inhaling, nicotine enters the brain and its concentration will begin to decrease only 30 minutes after smoking. The main process of nicotine metabolism occurs in the liver, kidneys and lungs.

The effect of nicotine on the brain is two-phase: first, there is stimulation of the brain, and then a gradual depression. A smoker needs at least 10 cigarettes (20 mg of nicotine) to satisfy his needs, with about 2 mg per cigarette. nicotine.

Medical consequences of the influence of nicotine on humans

Nicotine affects almost all organs, but it has the greatest effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular and endocrine. Nicotine affects the human body as a stimulant.
The effect of nicotine on a person is sharply negative, it contributes to the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, which can lead to strokes and heart disease. Nicotine contributes to the formation of blood clots, has a carcinogenic (promotes the development of cancer) effect. The worst effect of nicotine on the human body- this is the ability to cause cell mutations, which only increase in subsequent generations.

The effect of nicotine on a passive smoker

Non-smokers, being in a circle of smokers, have a 20% greater risk of developing cancer than smokers themselves, and the risk of developing cancer in non-smokers increases by 70% if the family smokes a lot in the apartment. This is because the composition of smoke when inhaled by a smoker differs from the chemical composition of smoldering smoke produced between puffs. This smoldering smoke contains more nitrosamines, benzapyrene. Therefore, a passive smoker being in a smoking company is harmful to his health. Children living with smoking parents suffer from respiratory diseases 2 times more often than children of non-smoking parents.

The effect of nicotine on humans (clinical manifestations)

When smoking cigarettes, nicotine addiction develops quite quickly, the effect of nicotine on a person can be divided into 3 phases:

1 phase of the effect of nicotine on humans: occurs within 24-28 hours after the smoker has stopped consuming nicotine and is characterized by the development of a withdrawal symptom. Withdrawal symptoms include: feelings of anxiety, bad dream, decreased attention, irritability, a person becomes less tolerant, headache, fatigue. If the smoker continues to abstain from smoking, withdrawal usually resolves after 2 weeks, but some discomfort may persist for up to 2 months. It is nicotine that causes addiction, so smokers should reduce the number of cigarettes per day.

Phase 2 of the effect of nicotine on humans: stress and boredom are factors that provoke the appearance of this bad habit. A habit is a kind of ritual that a smoker performs several times every day (the manner of holding a cigarette, smoking a cigarette with a characteristic squint, exhaling smoke through the nose - all this forms a kind of ritual that everyone has their own). These rituals are reinforced by the fact that nicotine activates the central nervous system.

3 phase of the effect of nicotine on humans: nicotine enters the brain within seconds and immediately causes pleasant sensations, gradually the smoker can no longer do without these pleasant sensations that nicotine gives.

The effect of nicotine on the human nervous system:

A novice smoker, as a rule, has nausea, and sometimes vomiting - these are the body's defense reactions to poisoning. A smoker develops: increased excitability, improved short-term memory, reduced reaction time, improved attention, anxiety disappears, appetite decreases, general relaxation sets in. However, all the positive moments are quickly replaced by the opposite, after the concentration of nicotine in the brain drops.

The effect of nicotine on the human cardiovascular system:

Nicotine contributes to an increase in blood pressure, cardiac output and improvement of coronary blood flow, increasing blood delivery to skeletal muscles. However, again, after the nicotine concentration drops, negative moments occur: blood pressure drops significantly, vasoconstriction occurs, oxygen delivery to skeletal muscles is significantly reduced, blood levels increase fatty acids, lactate, glycerol, platelets are activated.

The effect of nicotine on the human endocrine system:

Nicotine contributes to the development of early menopause in women, increases the risk of developing osteoporosis, increases the level of metabolism, catecholamines, adrenocorticotropic hormone, endorphins, and vasopressin are released into the blood.

The effect of nicotine on the human respiratory system:

Smoking contributes to the formation of sputum, which is also very viscous, all this leads to a strong cough, difficulty breathing. Especially painful cough in the morning. Smokers tend to develop a hoarse, rough voice quite quickly, which is especially bad for women.

The effect of nicotine on a person - the occurrence of acute nicotine intoxication:

Nicotine poisoning is characterized by:

  • development of nausea and vomiting;
  • salivation;
  • stomach ache;
  • frequent pulse and high blood pressure at the beginning of smoking;
  • weak pulse and low blood pressure 30 minutes after smoking;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • general weakness;
  • decrease in vitality.

Nicotine poisoning is generally quite rare and mostly occurs in children who follow adults and try to smoke an adult dose. Help with poisoning: access to fresh air, protection of the respiratory tract from vomit, irrigation of the skin of the face cold water. If convulsions occur, it is necessary to ensure the patency of the respiratory tract before the arrival of the ambulance, to prevent biting the tongue.

The effect of nicotine on the body is known to many from their own experience. Every smoker daily experiences its effect on himself. But no one really bothers what nicotine actually is, and what happens when it is in the body.
Nicotine is a plant-type alkaloid. Entering the human body, it begins to spread rapidly, which is carried out with the bloodstream. The most important property of nicotine is that it is quickly and highly addictive, which is why a person needs to constantly consume it. As a result, a strong addiction develops, which has a bad effect on health in the future.
Without attaching much importance to smoking, people ruin themselves every day. Not everyone thinks that nicotine will develop some processes in the body systems, he knows one thing - he urgently needs another dose of his favorite nicotine, because it helps with stress and, in general, is the best "friend" in a bad mood.
However, scientists who are puzzled by the health of the population, take their heads when the number of people with developing serious diseases that are not colds is increasing day by day all over the planet.
The incidence is increasing every year more and more. Doctors, studying a person as a whole, tried to understand what was happening and why the number of dangerous diseases was increasing so sharply. People began to be vaccinated against various dangerous diseases, various analyzing procedures were carried out, but this did not bring results. The number of patients grew, but the cause was not identified.
But time passed and yet professors all over the planet came to the conclusion that the most main reason, due to which a variety of diseases develop - this is smoking. Of course, ecology, atmosphere, food and water are also involved in destructive processes, but in comparison with smoking, they are truly divine.
And the most deplorable thing in this situation is that, along with the incidence, the number of smokers is growing. Statistical studies do not influence people's decisions in any way, they do not provide any motivation not to start smoking.

But, nevertheless, there are exceptions who also still want to understand why smoking can kill.

  • Does the body need nicotine? Nicotine stimulates breathing and can have a relaxing effect, which is what can make a smoker think that if so, then it's good. But this is only a visible deception. Nicotine does have these effects, just not in the way you might imagine. Starting to smoke, there really is a certain stimulation and relaxation, as a result of which, in any stressful situation you just need to take a cigarette, take a puff and feel calm and relaxed. With each subsequent puff, this effect will pass and the person will develop only a false feeling that he is stressed and needs to urgently take the “medicine”. This is how addiction develops. After prolonged use, nicotine causes a withdrawal syndrome, which consists in the fact that the very stimulation of breathing stops. This causes severe discomfort. Also, nicotine is absorbed into the blood and disrupts the work and functions of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes). Frequent development of blood clots is observed, which leads to irreparable consequences. Due to the violation of blood flow, the most basic organs, such as the lungs, heart, brain and others, also suffer. Therefore, we can conclude that the body absolutely does not need nicotine, at least in the manifestation in which it enters through a cigarette. On the contrary, it is necessary to make every possible effort to protect yourself from nicotine.
  • Production of nicotine in the body. This has become a popular question recently: is there nicotine in the body? And this means the independent reproduction of nicotine by the body. Here you can say very simply: one misunderstood, and the other smashed it the way he was given to understand, according to the principle of a damaged phone. Very often people, reading any information, do not fully understand the essence of its content, as a result, it turns out that there are absolutely wireless conversations. In this case, the same can be said. Now, on the Internet, information is freely circulating that the liver is capable of producing nicotine, but this is not entirely true, although it can be said that for some part this information is correct, but not in the interpretation in which it is presented. In fact, ammonia derivatives, such as amines, are capable of forming in the body, and nicotine is just one of them. As you know, amines are produced literally in every piece of tissue, at certain moments of metabolism. But they are not the nicotine that is contained in cigarettes, but we are talking about just that. Therefore, this statement can be called spam.

  • Another thing is when it comes to nicotinic acid, which can make you feel like it's the same as nicotine. Here we can definitely say that nicotinic acid is really contained in the body, it is a vitamin that is important for many oxidative processes in living organisms. But, despite the rather similar name, these two substances have nothing in common, they belong to different categories of substances and cannot be compared.
  • Effects of nicotine on the human body. This issue is very subtle and requires a separate description, which will be the subject of the continuation of the article. But in more detail.

How nicotine affects the body

Nicotine can affect the body with different parties, not only through the lungs, but also through the skin and mucous membranes.
As mentioned above, getting inside, nicotine is absorbed into the blood, but it does this not only through the lungs, but also through the vessels that are located immediately under the skin and mucous membranes. Further, through numerous ducts, it begins to spread to all parts of our body.
The most dangerous is precisely the inhalation of nicotine, since this fills the oral cavity, larynx, trachea, lungs, while producing irritable effects. After that, with blood, the poison begins to spread throughout all systems.

  • Nicotine has great harm to the lungs, since gas exchange takes place in them, due to the fact that nicotine is located there, this process worsens and from there nicotine is very easily absorbed into the smallest
    cells in adjacent tissues.
  • Through the bloodstream, blood enters absolutely all systems of the human body. The main meaning is the brain and the heart, for these two organs blood is simply necessary, and it is in the composition as it exists, with all the complex that is laid down by nature. When the blood, impregnated with nicotine, passes through the bloodstream and enriches these organs, there is a dissonance for the body. For him it is something foreign. Then the processes of rejection and poisoning begin. However, nicotine is a strong adversary and often wins defensive battles. As a result, defects associated with the heart develop (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertensive crisis, arrhythmia, hypoxia, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loss of sensation and taste, loss of consciousness, and many other problems).
  • Also, nicotine has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system and muscle growth. Entering the blood, nicotine thickens the blood, which disrupts the passage of blood through the vessels, veins and arteries. As a result, the lungs suffer from lack of oxygen. The synthesis of muscles from proteins that enter the body worsens, it follows that muscle growth in this situation reduces its speed. This is especially dangerous for teenagers who have recently become very addicted to smoking, believing that this will give them some experience.
  • No less severe harm is on the reproductive system, both men and women. In men, as a rule, this manifests itself in a deterioration in potency, a decrease in attraction to women, obesity, and a decrease in fertility. Women are failing menstrual cycle, the death of laid eggs, which reduces the possibility of further conception and childbearing, the development of cancers associated with the ability to have children.
  • worsens due to smoking appearance human: teeth and nails turn yellow and break; hair falls out a lot; the condition of the skin worsens, it begins to age earlier; there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth and from the hands. These are external and primary symptoms of the fact that the worst processes that could only develop in the body began. These manifestations are the beginning of the process of "rotting" of a person, when all organs and systems fail in turn.
  • All smokers are familiar with the fact that when smoking, you often want to go to the toilet. This is not good, since the kidneys are forced to work at their maximum, as a result of which, at one moment they may simply not be able to cope with the task that is assigned to them. Due to smoking, an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood can develop, which can lead to diabetes mellitus, which is associated with the kidneys. Cigarettes also contain components that are poisonous to the human being. This is due to the fact that very important processes take place in the kidneys, such as blood filtration. Due to dysfunction of the kidneys, their important filtration processes will also inhibit their activity, as a result, the blood does not contain what is needed, or vice versa, due to insufficient processing, harmful substances may be present in its composition. This proves that, despite the fact that nicotine does not directly affect the kidneys, they still suffer. This confirms the fact that nicotine is the killer of everything.
  • Also, a bad effect is on the liver and intestines. Here, in principle, the same thing happens. Due to a disruption or deterioration in work, a malfunction occurs in the work of a certain organ, and, as everyone knows, the body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected, if any organ fails, then it takes the rest with it, not less important organs. As a result, just because a person smokes, he can spend the rest of his life on various medications, which also worsens the functioning of the body. All this leads to the fact that the former life will no longer exist, since we receive our health at birth, as a hereditary trait. Our health is laid in utero, it cannot be changed, it can be maintained. Or kill. Here the choice is for everyone.
  • And last, and perhaps most relevant, is how smoking affects the fetus. Everything is simple and clear here. Firstly, for a smoking woman, the chance of conceiving a child is reduced by exactly 50%, and if she managed to conceive, then there is no guarantee that she will be able to endure it until the end of the term. Secondly, the risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, early and late miscarriages, and early births increases. Thirdly, smoking parents, more often than others, give birth to children with heart, kidney, hearing defects, they more often than others have a smaller body weight and are slower in development. Children born to smoking parents have a much harder time, as they start their lives with nicotine. Even in the intrauterine period, their vital systems disrupt their work and children are born with imperfect health, and often with imperfect lungs. On unborn children, smoking has the strongest effect, since, in fact, the child smokes with his mother. Even if not mom smokes, but dad, this does not reduce the risk of possible pathologies and mutations, but rather increases.
    This article has only summarized what smoking can trigger. In fact, if we consider each organ separately and in more detail, we can learn even more "interesting". But even from this short story you can see that just a breath of nicotine deprives you of a normal life, correct and healthy. The main value of each person is his health, so it must be protected and maintained. It is necessary to stop smoking so that in an already unhealthy body, which is daily exposed to various natural and human harmful factors, causing problems and diseases, the poison contained in every sip of nicotine did not get into it.