Honeysuckle Tatar difference from others. Honeysuckle Tatar

Tatar honeysuckle is one of the most popular in the landscape gardening culture of different countries and continents. It can be found in the USA and Central Asia, in China, European and post-Soviet countries. The popularity of the plant is easily explained - it steadfastly endures adverse external factors, including those accompanying life in megacities, grows rapidly and adapts to new conditions, forms excellent ones that protect well from snow and wind. We offer a closer look at the Tatar honeysuckle, with its description and the technology of proper cultivation.

Selecting a landing site

Selection of seedlings when buying

To get a beautiful and healthy Tatar honeysuckle, to carry out its successful planting and care, the first step is to choose successful seedlings.

To do this, use these tips:

  1. Go shopping in a specialized store where the consultant can provide you with all the information you need about the plant you are purchasing.
  2. Buy two-year-old seedlings for planting having 3-4 branches that have already reached a length of 30-40 cm and a thickness of 5 mm at the base.
  3. In the store, carefully inspect all parts of the plant: from top to root. They should not have dried or damaged areas. Branches should bend well. They must be with kidneys.

    Important! Peeling of the bark is the norm for honeysuckle. It is because of this feature that the people call her "shameless".

  4. should be well developed. If there is rot or damage, choose another seedling.
  5. If planting is planned, then 2-4 varieties should be purchased to ensure their cross-pollination, since honeysuckle is a cross-pollinated plant.

Rules for planting seedlings

If you purchased a seedling with an open root system, then it should be planted in September. It is at this time that the plant falls into a dormant state and will be able to endure the winter favorably.

Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted throughout. For this, the method of transshipment is well suited.

Holes need to be prepared 3-5 days before planting. They should be dug 40 cm long, 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep. The optimal distance between plants is 1.5–2 m for varieties with low growth and 2.5–3 m for tall varieties. At the bottom of the planting hole, you need to put a 5-centimeter layer of drainage. Broken brick, gravel, expanded clay and other materials are used for it.

A soil mixture of this composition is introduced into the hole:

  • sod land (3 parts);
  • or humus (1 part);
  • river sand (1 part).
Fertilizers are also added to the soil:
  • (2 buckets);
  • (50 g);
  • (1 kg).
If the soil is acidic, then the acidity must be reduced by adding lime (200 g / 1 sq. M).
Landing pits are plentifully watered.

A small earthen mound is made in the center of the hole, on which a seedling is placed. If the root system is open, then the roots should be carefully distributed over the pit.

The hole is covered with earth. The root neck should remain on the surface. The earth in the trunk circle is plentiful. If after this there was a strong shrinkage of the soil, it is additionally poured.

Directly after the ground in the trunk circle. To do this, use peat, straw or other materials.

Did you know? , flowers and leaves are very useful, they are actively used in cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology and perfumery. Means based on them help with high blood pressure, problems with the heart, kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal disorders, malaria, anemia, psoriasis, and bleeding. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, honeysuckle is not inferior to and. In Ayurveda, the plant is considered an aphrodisiac.

Only a planted seedling in the first year of its life should be watered regularly. In the future, you will need 2-3 waterings per season. In the hot period, it is necessary to use a bucket of water for each bush.
After watering, it is desirable to loosen the soil in the trunk circle to a depth of 20 cm. Every autumn, the bush needs to be mulched. The mulching procedure will protect the root system from frost and retain moisture in the soil in spring.

top dressing

  • in early spring, before the nomination of the kidneys - with preparations containing (20–30 g per 1 sq. M);
  • before flowering - with complex preparations (for example, Kemira-universal, 20 g per 10 liters of water);
  • after fruiting in the fall - (200 g per 1 sq. M for digging).


Shrubs can be pruned in the fall, after the leaves have fallen, and in the spring, before the buds open. As a rule, adhere to standard recommendations for pruning - leave 1/3 of the shoots.

Old bushes should be rejuvenated by cutting out drying and weak shoots. This procedure is carried out once every 2-3 years.

Annual sanitary pruning is carried out in plants that have reached 6 years of age. Old, dry, diseased, damaged branches are removed, as well as those that are too close to the soil.
Shrubs tolerate the forming haircut well, they retain their shape for quite a long time.

Pest and disease control

The defeat of diseases and harmful is the most vulnerable point of most types of honeysuckle, and Tatar in particular.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce preventive measures and know the methods by which an infection can be overcome if it occurs.

Most often the plant is attacked by:

Important! Chemical agents for combating diseases and pests must be bought only in specialized stores. When processing, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package, as well as observe personal safety measures, protecting the body with a special suit, eyes- glasses, respiratory tract- mask.

Tatar honeysuckle tolerates especially severe frosts well, and flowers and leaves can withstand temperatures as low as -8 °C.

Tatar honeysuckle is a beautiful and unpretentious plant, ideal for decorating your summer cottage.

In the wild, honeysuckle is found in China, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, as well as in the territory from western Kazakhstan to the Volga.

A decorative shrub is distributed throughout the world. Honeysuckle has become popular among gardeners for a reason.

Due to its resistance to various adverse natural phenomena and build its growth rate, vulnerability to viruses can be attributed to the disadvantages.

Honeysuckle bushes look great as solo decorative elements, as well as in company with other perennial bushes and plants.


Buds appear at the end of May and honeysuckle blooms for the next 2 weeks. Then a lot of beautiful round orange-colored berries are formed on the bush, not edible, like the fruits of all types of honeysuckle.

The Rosea variety is unpretentious in care, grows in any soil, easily tolerates pruning and transplanting. Easily propagated by cuttings.

Honeysuckle Tatar: grade Hack Red

A distinctive feature of this variety is bright saturated purple flowers that flaunt on the bush from late spring to mid-June. Bright flowers are replaced by no less bright fruits, continuing to decorate your gardens and orchards.

Honeysuckle Tatar: variety Elegans

It differs in the color of the petals, the petals themselves are bright red with pink veins.

Honeysuckle Tatar: variety Zabelli

Distinguished by deep rich burgundy flowers and light red fruits.

Cultivation and care


Honeysuckle can be propagated by almost all known methods.:

  1. cuttings,
  2. layering method,
  3. seedlings,
  4. seeds.


You can collect cuttings for planting either in summer or autumn.

  1. In summer, young shoots are used for this, and in autumn they are already stiff, which are added dropwise until spring.
  2. For cuttings, good shoots of this year are chosen, they are divided into parts of 10-12 centimeters with two nodes and an internode.
  3. The cuttings are placed in a nutrient substrate of sand and peat, before planting, the cuttings are treated with a root growth agent, and the branches are placed in a box at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Next, the box must be turned into a greenhouse, covered with a thick film and reap the appearance of the first leaves.
  5. After the appearance of the leaves, the boxes are covered with spruce branches and hibernate until spring.
  6. In the spring, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place when the temperature is above zero.


Bushes 3-4 years old are used for reproduction, part of each layer is dug in in the summer, the branch takes root, but it is better to separate it next spring.


Growing bushes and plants from seeds is a rather complicated process, and honeysuckle is no exception. And the quality of shrubs is lower from this - the qualities of the mother variety are not preserved, therefore it is better to use part of the plants for propagation - cuttings or layering.


The soil for honeysuckle should be loose and with good drainage. The recess in the soil for planting honeysuckle is filled with a special mixture of sand, peat and turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

5 centimeters of drainage fall asleep at the bottom; honeysuckle will not take root in moist soil.

Otherwise, honeysuckle is unpretentious - without special care, an unremarkable bush can turn into a flowering and fragrant bush for everyone to envy.

But with the effort you put in, you can achieve more results in less time. Shrub care includes the usual procedures.

Honeysuckle wants top dressing, pruning, mulching and prevention of various diseases.

In the spring, the plant needs to be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, before flowering it is better to feed with complex fertilizers, and in the fall, add wood ash.

Honeysuckle requires 2-3 heavy waterings per season, on hot days each honeysuckle bush requires 10 liters of water.

The soil around the honeysuckle must be loosened periodically

Honeysuckle trunks need mulching in spring and fall.

Pruning is best done in late autumn, after leaf fall. It is necessary to transform the shrub through pruning in late autumn, when the leaf fall is completed.

For the winter, honeysuckle does not require special shelters in our climatic conditions.

Diseases and pests

Dangerous for honeysuckle can also be ticks, scale insects, pseudopods, various insects that eat leaves ( caterpillars, moths etc.)

The shrub is still susceptible to attack by fungi ( spotting And flour dew) And viruses.

The most dangerous for honeysuckle is aphid.

It is possible to fight it only with the help of biological insecticides.:

  • garlic,
  • tobacco,
  • pepper tincture.

You can also use synthetic:

  • Aktara or
  • Actellik.

If you are planning to purchase honeysuckle seedlings, then consider the following points when choosing.

Buy seedlings in specialized stores!

  • buy adult seedlings from 2 years old, 30-40 centimeters long and 5 millimeters thick at the base.
  • carefully evaluate the appearance of the plant for the absence of dried or damaged places, the presence of buds and the elasticity of the branches.
  • choose seedlings with well-developed roots.

Thus, the Tatar honeysuckle on your site will be an unpretentious decor that creates beauty and elegance for many years, without much effort on your part. It remains only to choose and buy the variety of Tatar honeysuckle you like.

decorative honeysuckle Tatar

honeysuckle honeysuckle Tatar

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Tatar honeysuckle: beautiful flowers, delicious honey and poisonous berries

Tatar honeysuckle is a deciduous shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family. In nature, honeysuckle is found in the southeast of Russia, in Siberia, at the foot of the Altai and Tien Shan.

Description of honeysuckle Tatar

This culture is grown as an ornamental, to decorate garden plots. Honeysuckle looks unusually picturesque during flowering.

Source: Depositphotos

Honeysuckle Tatar is valued for its decorative effect and beauty.

Botanical description of the species:

    • Plant height reaches 1–3 m. The crown is lush. Fruits in 3-4 years. Life expectancy reaches 100 years.
    • Shoots inside are hollow, covered with yellowish-brown bark with dark lenticels. The bark of mature shrubs is gray in color and peels off.
    • Leaves are oval, entire, up to 6 cm long.
    • The flowers are paired, with a pleasant aroma, painted in white, pink, red or purple. They produce yellowish pollen, from which honey is obtained. Flowering is abundant and lasts from May to June.
    • The fruits are round, single or paired, up to 6 mm in diameter, orange or red. Taste - with pronounced bitterness, the berries are inedible and poisonous. They ripen in July - August.

This shrub is not capricious, frost-resistant. The plant thrives in shady areas of the garden. The only drawback of this shrub is susceptibility to viral diseases.

Varieties of honeysuckle Tatar

This variety of honeysuckle attracts gardeners with accelerated development and growth, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions. It is not afraid of salty soils and polluted urban atmosphere.

Preference is given to planting ornamental varieties of honeysuckle - "rosea" and "hack red".

Rosea is a pyramidal shrub. The flowers of the plant are large, reach a diameter of 2 cm, painted in rich pink. A plant of this variety is also grown in shaded areas with atypical soil for honeysuckle. Rosea is propagated by cuttings.

The variety "hack red" is characterized by dark purple flowers. The shrub of this honeysuckle is spreading and blooms for 4 weeks. After the end of flowering, it continues to amaze with its decorative effect due to the bright color of the fruit.

No less interesting are the varieties "alba" and "grandiflora", blooming with fragrant white flowers, "elegans" - with red flowers and pink stripes on the petals. Varieties "orange", "amold red" and "punica" - honeysuckle with monochrome red flowers.

Despite the unpretentiousness of honeysuckle, the true beauty of the shrub is appreciated from a plant planted in sunny areas. In this case, the decorativeness of the shrub is fully revealed.

Often we see a plant, admire its beauty, but do not know what it is called.

Among the people, Tatar honeysuckle is better known as "zhilomust", or "wolfberry", because of its bright poisonous berries.

Honeysuckle is just one of these plants. The shrub that gives berries is edible honeysuckle (about her). However, there are also species grown for decorative purposes.

Plant Type: Upright shrub with a dense crown

Watering: moderate

Flowering: May - June

Height: up to 2 m

Reproduction: cuttings


Honeysuckle can be easily recognized by its foliage.

The leaves are sessile, sometimes even clasping the shoot. Their coloration is dark green or bluish-green. Disperse early.


In May - June, the entire shrub is strewn with flowers, even if it grows in the most unfavorable conditions. The flowers are fragrant, about 2 cm in diameter. Coloring from white to intense dark pink.


From July to August, honeysuckle is strewn with poisonous red fruits, which are arranged in pairs, and often grow together with each other.

Choosing a seedling of Tatar honeysuckle

Planting material in the form of 2-3 year old seedlings should be a shoot with 4-5 skeletal branches 25-35 cm long and about 5 mm thick at the base.


When choosing a place for planting, it must be taken into account that the Tatar honeysuckle tolerates shading and salinization of the soil well, and is undemanding to humidity. The plant is frost and drought resistant.

Planting decorative honeysuckle

Before planting, pits about 40x50x40 cm in size are prepared, into which organic fertilizers are applied, as well as superphosphate (up to 200 g) and potassium salt (35-40 g). Honeysuckle grows quite quickly. Withstands transplantation at any time.

The distance between plants in a hedge should be about 0.5 m, in a free landing - 2-2.5 m.

Features of growing honeysuckle

The first years after planting, the main care work is weeding and loosening. It is necessary to loosen carefully, since the root system of honeysuckle is superficial. It is better to mulch the root circle - this will retain more moisture.

Shearing plants should be carried out in early spring with cutting old and weak branches. In varietal plants, it is necessary to cut out all "non-varietal" branches. It is important to rejuvenate old bushes.

Types and varieties of Tatar honeysuckle

There are several garden forms that differ in flower color, leaf shape and bush compactness:

Varieties of Tatar honeysuckle

White. White flowers.

large-flowered. White large flowers.

Siberian. The flowers are red.

crimson. The flowers are dark pink, the leaves are large.

broad-leaved. Large pink flowers and large leaves (up to 10 cm).

Low- undersized dense shrub with small pinkish flowers and leaves tapering to the base.

yellow. The fruits are yellow.

Arnold Pink. Flowers are dark pink.

Hux Red. The flowers are dark purple. The fruits are dark red.

Arnold Red. The flowers are pink. The berries are larger than those of the main species.

Rosea. Almost pyramidal shape. Flowers are bright pink. The fruits are "orange" in color.

Zabeli. Intense pink flowers on short spikes. Light red spherical fruits.

elegans. Red flowers with dark pink stripes.

By planting several varieties of Tatar honeysuckle, you can achieve a long flowering period, fill your garden with an exquisite aroma and attract bees. In autumn, you will enjoy the brightness of colors thanks to the beautiful berries that cover the entire bush.


Despite the fact that Tatar honeysuckle tolerates shading, in shade conditions it can bloom and bear less fruit, as well as thin out or become bare from the bottom of the bush. Therefore, in the case of planting in shaded places, it is necessary to prevent thickening, to carry out regular top dressing and preventive treatments from pests.

curly honeysuckle

Curly honeysuckle Homeland: Western and Central Europe Plant type: climbing deciduous shrub Family: Honeysuckle Illumination: photophilous Soil: drained, light, fertile Watering: plentiful Temperature regime: thermophilic Flowering: June-July Length: 0.5-4 m (depending on from the species) Reproduction: dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, seeds.

Curly honeysuckle, able to climb high on a support, is a real find for a small area.

With long shoots of curly honeysuckle, you can decorate fences or create flowering walls on arbors and pergolas. Its melliferous flowers are white, cream, yellow, pink or crimson.

Curly honeysuckle smells good; the aroma intensifies in the evening.

In August, red berries appear on the vines.

Place for honeysuckle

Curly honeysuckle is photophilous, but will grow well in the garden under crowns. The soil should be drained, light and fertile. It is better to choose a place protected from the wind.

The plant does not like stagnant water, but with stable watering it grows stronger and more decorative (especially undersized species).

Wintering of decorative honeysuckle

To preserve the vines in winter, they are removed from the fence (pergola or other support) in the fall and easily covered (with spruce branches or non-woven material). Scourges winter well under the snow.

Types of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Brown- a species with bright fuchsia-red tubular flowers in racemes and dark green elongated leaves. Blooms in June - July. Relatively undersized. The flowers remain decorative for a long time (until August).

The red berries that appear on the climbing honeysuckle in August are very decorative, but not good for food.

honeysuckle- the most common, very vigorous, winter-hardy and not demanding on growing conditions honeysuckle. The flowers are fragrant, creamy pink. The leaves are wide, dense, green. Blossoms in June 20-25 days.

Honeysuckle Telman- a plant with bright yellow large flowers and large, elongated bright green leaves. This vine is medium tall and blooms in June.

honeysuckle- weakly climbing liana, relatively stunted. The leaves are oval, dense, shiny. The flowers are whitish, blooms up to 2 weeks in June.

Honeysuckle Hekrot- the most undersized, very elegant liana with pale pink numerous flowers. Forms openwork greenery, blooms up to 3 weeks in June July.

Honeysuckle, wolfberry

Honeysuckle(genus Lonicera, family Honeysuckle, Caprifoliaceae).

Belongs to the best garden shrubs of Central Russia; especially noteworthy is the Tatar honeysuckle and its modifications: blue honeysuckle, golden honeysuckle. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Honeysuckle, wolfberry (L. xylosteum L.).


A common plant in forests and shrubs. Shrub 1.5–3 m high, broadly spreading crown, gray bark, brownish-gray branches; grows rapidly, annual growth in height is 30-35 cm; lives 60-100 years; leaves ovate or elliptical, 4-6 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, dull green above with a purple vein in summer, lighter below; yellowish in autumn; flowers are white, yellowish at the end of flowering, 1-1.5 cm long; blooms in May-June; fruits are dark red berries, 5-7 cm in diameter, poisonous; most decorative during flowering and fruiting; used in single plantings, in groups, in forest edges, in hedges, in plantings on slopes; shade-tolerant; tolerates drought well; it is undemanding to the soil, but prefers fertile loams containing lime, tolerates salinity; frost-resistant; smoke and gas resistant; cuts well.

It works well in the shade, under trees, and therefore is sometimes useful for occupying those places where vegetation is generally difficult to take root.

Honeysuckle Tatar

Honeysuckle Tatar (L. Tatarica L.).

East of the European part of Russia, Siberia, Turkmenistan, China.

In culture since 1752. Shrub 3-5 m high, crown broadly spreading; growing fast; annual growth in height 20-35 cm; lives 60-100 years; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 4-6 cm long and 3 cm wide, dark green above, glaucous green below; flowers from white to dark pink, up to 2 cm long, fragrant; blooms profusely in May-June; fruits are yellow, orange or red, slightly poisonous; especially decorative during flowering and fruiting; used in single plantings, in groups, in edges, in hedges; shade-tolerant, but grows better in open places; drought-resistant; undemanding to the soil, tolerates salinity; frost-resistant; smoke and gas resistant, tolerates a haircut; honey plant.

A very favorite and widespread species in gardens, in numerous modifications with white, pink and red flowers of considerable size.

Honeysuckle blue, blue

Honeysuckle blue, blue (L. coerulea L.)

Northern Europe, Siberia.

Very beautiful small shrub, 0.9–1.5 m high, leaves with short petioles, oblong-elliptic, slightly downy, obtuse or pointed, blue-green below, with protruding veins; greenish-yellow flowers, blooms in early spring. In the wild, occasionally found in damp forests and shrubs in the Tver, Moscow, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions, bred in gardens.

It is considered a modification of the Tatar honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle edible

Honeysuckle edible (L. edulis).

Eastern Siberia, Altai Territory, Far East.

A small, slow-growing shrub up to 1 m high with yellowish-brown bark, exfoliating in longitudinal narrow stripes on old branches; leaves opposite, oblong, 5-8 mm long; flowers yellowish, sessile in pairs in the axils of the lower 3 pairs of leaves, drooping; blooms in the second half of May - June; berries are juicy, 9-12 mm long, oblong-ellipsoidal, reminiscent of blueberries, dark blue or blue-black in color with a bluish wax coating, edible, sweet and sour taste without bitterness, with a slight aroma, ripen in late June - July.

It grows mainly in mountainous areas on limestone soils in dark coniferous, moist forests, along the edges, edges of peat bogs, in wet meadows. Bred in gardens.

honeysuckle golden (L. Chrysantha Turz.)


Large shrub with yellow flowers. Modification of honeysuckle Tatar.

Honeysuckle bristly

Honeysuckle bristly (L. hispida pall.)


Deciduous shrub with a height of 0.5 to 1 m. The branches are thin, hollow, red-brown, with peeling bark. The rhizome is pivotal, with developed fibrous roots. Leaflets are oval, opposite, short-petiolate, pointed at the end, pubescent, entire, lighter below. The flowers are light green, almost white, bell-shaped, petiolate, drooping, collected in pairs in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a bright red berry, growing in pairs in the axils of the leaves, not growing together. Seeds rounded, flattened, white.

It grows mainly in the mountainous alpine zone, sometimes descending to the borders of the forest. Mostly along the banks of mountain rivers, on forest edges, glades located in humid places, lowlands.

Honeysuckle small-leaved

Honeysuckle small-leaved (L.microphylla, Willd.)


Low growing shrub with small blue-green leaves; flowers are yellow.

Complete list of hedge plants in the book