What is initiation into students at the university. How to survive initiation into students

The first of September is already very close, which means that very soon the universities will open their doors to freshmen.

Newly minted students have a long way to the coveted diploma. And the first test that must be passed through will be initiation. Each university has many traditions and rituals. Of course, not all of them are observed to this day. Basically, traditional competitions are adapted to modern views, and selectivity and talent of senior mentors are simply necessary here.

We picked top 4 unusual and interesting dedications to students from different countries peace.

University of St. Andrews, Scotland

In one of the oldest Scottish universities, St. Andrews, the tradition of initiation began in 1410. Then the newcomers had to buy the undergraduates a pound of raisins, and those who refused to swim in the cold fountain. The tradition has been preserved, but in a modified format. Now the freshman buys a bottle of wine instead of raisins.

But perhaps the most interesting part of the whole dedication is shaving foam battle, which is arranged after with "university parents." This is another unchanging tradition that still exists today. The essence of the so-called "parents" is that students of 3-4 courses bail newcomers. Everything is like in life: mom, dad and a couple of dozen children who require fun and emotions. A family day is scheduled before a grand battle. First, freshmen go to the student mother and spend time with her until five o'clock in the evening. But the fun does not end there, and everyone moves to dad's bar until the morning, and then they go to the battlefield with prepared cans of shaving foam and spray each other for an hour.

It is believed that academic families allow students to enter the student community more quickly.

Charles University, Prague

Here, as a dedication, various quests are arranged every year. For example, a game called "Faust" is organized at the Faculty of Philosophy: there are many tasks related to specialties at the faculty (foreign languages, cultural studies, linguistics). But besides this, newcomers are given some strange task: to get the keys from the disgusting slurry, paint each other with markers. The last and most difficult task is to stand in a box of earth in front of a student in knightly armor and repeat after him incomprehensible Latin words while he touches the freshman's shoulder with his sword.

British colleges

Photo: dailymail

Several colleges in Edinburgh have a strange tradition of initiation, not as first-year students, but as members of the local rugby team, which applies to many local students as well. The whole future team they playing rugby in the city center(on a symbolic mat, without markings, field boundaries and everything else), but the main thing is that they do it completely naked. But that's not all. Instead of a ball, these guys use live chicken.

Local student unions are very worried about the hens and the future rugby players themselves, and strongly urge them not to continue this strange tradition. But they do not pay any attention to the calls.

There is a tradition in British colleges and universities drinking society - "secret societies of drinking students."

These are a kind of fraternities in which students of different courses gather to drink together and generally have a good time, and for freshmen good opportunity to show what they are capable of. Usually such societies imitate secret meetings (for example, Masonic lodges), have their own charter and rules. It is considered an honor to be a member of such a club.

Photo: ridus.ru

But entrance tests for beginners can be extremely sophisticated.

So in the Cambridge fraternity The Wyverns newbie forced p swallow a live goldfish, then vomit it back. If the fish survives, the student is accepted into the fraternity. If it turns out to be dead, then the newcomer is subjected to new tests. For example, forced to eat something disgusting: cat food, rotten eggs and the like.


Photo: telegraaf.nl

Dutch universities have become famous for the so-called hazing. Ontgroening - "debunking the green" is a series of humiliating and very painful procedures for newcomers during initiation into students. Often there are reports in the press: "A student who was forced to drink too much juniper vodka died at the University of Groningen", or "A student who drank 6 liters of water died after a two-day coma."

At all times, as long as there is a student body, its customs and traditions have been an integral part of studying at a university, as obligatory as attending lectures, writing term papers or passing exams. It is known that student life cannot be called carefree and easy. Maybe because students tend to at least somehow diversify their everyday lives and get distracted from their studies, and they have their own interesting traditions. One of them - initiation of freshmen into students.

Was, is and will be

This tradition is known in every university. Back in the Middle Ages, young people who had just entered the University of Paris went through a series of tough tests, proving their strength of mind. Those who withstood all the tests with dignity became members of a secret union of students, who rebuffed the actions of the administration.

But if history is to be believed, then the initiation ritual arose much earlier and is somewhat analogous to the initiation rite known in ancient times. In the course of it, teenagers were subjected to a series of tests to prove to society that they have the right to have the status of a full-fledged man.

Another version of the initiation ritual is associated with pre-revolutionary times. It was conducted by sophomore students who passed the baton to newcomers.

Today, initiation into students resembles a merry holiday - sometimes official, solemn, sometimes merry, with inventions and gentle mockery of newly minted students. But always memorable for a lifetime. They prepare for it long and thoroughly, and all this in order to enable the "green" students to feel the importance of such an event - joining the student fraternity.

What interesting and original offer the organizers of such a holiday?

solemn dedication

This is the first official participation of freshmen in public life educational institution. In most universities, such a ritual is associated with the peculiarities of the future profession and takes place on stage. Sometimes, after the solemn part, the university leadership gives freshmen the opportunity to attend an event for free: a concert, a disco in a nightclub or a bowling alley. Young people can relax and have fun all night long! But what is mostly remembered is the informal initiation into students, which is usually initiated by senior students.

informal initiation

So students of chemistry or biology are offered to try various liquids and determine by taste what kind of drink was drunk. The experiment is difficult, because you have to act with your eyes closed, and the most unexpected liquids are offered for testing: water, vodka, "lemon", tea and more. To mislead freshmen, they make up the most "tangled" mixtures. The fun increases if you offer any living creatures as a "snack", for example, spiders or bugs. And at the end of the ceremony, a student who has adequately passed all the tests is hung around his neck with a dried chicken foot as a reward.

For some time it has been customary for young mathematicians to be beaten on the head with a weighty collection of problems. This is a harmless occupation that does not cause any harm to health. Well, senior students want all mathematical terms, formulas and theorems to be fixed in the head of a beginner on the threshold to the country of Knowledge for a long time!

Newly minted journalism students are fed "dessert", which is pieces of newspapers dipped in "ink". The role of "ink" is usually played by blueberry or currant jam, so it's even nice to eat such a "cake". The dedication ends with “marking”, when a freshman is stamped in different places with the name of the university or faculty.

But at the Faculty of Law, a “marriage” is made between a new student and Mrs. Jurisprudence. From the point of view of the law, this event is not supported by anything, but sometimes it becomes the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

In general, each university and each faculty has its own traditions. Future oil workers, for example, have to dip their finger in oil and lick it (which is not always pleasant, but what can you do - a tradition). First-year food workers are invited to cook pasta for dinner and eat it at a specific time. Everything half-eaten on time is put on with a plate on the head of an unfortunate freshman who “flunked” the test. There are other scenarios, but the main thing is that everything that happens should be fun, but completely harmless and voluntary for "green" students.

To please all the first-year students of a college, university or institute and help them join the team, a dedication holiday helps a lot. During it, beginners can demonstrate their talents, surprise teachers and future comrades with their ingenuity, attention and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations. That is why it is necessary to conduct initiation into students both interesting and cool. For the entertainment of invited guests and participants in performances, competitions and tests can be drawn up. Cool numbers, skits will help freshmen to cheer up and leave unforgettable memories. Among the proposed ideas and video presentations, you can pick up original examples for compiling a new script for a student holiday.

Original dedication to students - a cool holiday scenario for freshmen

Surprise modern students cool holiday pretty hard. That is why the usual performances with poetry should be replaced with interesting performances, competitions or skits. They will help freshmen in college and university have an unforgettable time and get to know students from other courses and parallels.

Ideas for writing a fun script for a student initiation

The main part of the holiday must be entrusted to the preparation of students from senior courses. They, as experienced students, will be able to pick up the coolest numbers and make funny dialogues. For example, include in holiday scenario For first-year students, you can:

  • sketches about life in a hostel, studying at the university;
  • funny stories about passing exams or learning from specific teachers;
  • useful tips about the rules of "survival" in a university or college.

It is important to remember that both curators and teachers will be present at such events. Therefore, stories about them or their teaching methods should be funny, but not offensive.

Examples of original numbers for the dedication of all first-year students to students

To create a cool scenario and please the first-year students with an unforgettable dedication, it is recommended to study examples of such events. Among the speeches offered below, you can choose useful materials for compiling an initiation program.

Unusual initiation of first-year students into students - an interesting scenario for the holiday

A prerequisite for conducting a cool dedication at the institute is the selection of funny and interesting numbers for congratulating freshmen. They can also be used in the holiday by entrusting the learning of songs, ditties.

Examples of performances and speech ideas for creating an interesting script for student initiation

An excellent option for raising the mood of all those present at the holiday are funny dialogues between students and teachers, the dean. Original stories can also be built on life situations that happened to senior students at a university or college. It will also perfectly complement dialogues and skits, competitions with the inclusion of musical or dance numbers in which freshmen will participate. For example, the following alteration song will help create a great mood:

How interesting it is to conduct initiation into students - competitions and tests for the script

Salt eating can be considered a classic test for all freshmen. It should first be mixed with sugar and poured into a small plate. At the beginning of the festive event, each freshman must eat a teaspoon of salt (so to speak, so that life does not seem like honey). And then other contests and competitions can already be held.

Competition "Our life in a hostel" for a fun student dedication

Among the first-year students, several people are selected and each is given one chair. The task of the captain-commandant is to "settle" in his dormitory: to seat students on a chair or simply put them to hold on to his back. The winner is the participant who can collect the maximum number of tenants.

An interesting test "Testing ingenuity" for students for the holiday of dedication

A pair of boys and as many girls as possible are selected to participate. The task of the guys will be to transfer the girls from one end of the office, the hall to the other. This task is complicated by the fact that each time you need to carry the girl in a new way. The guy who will be smart and will be able to transfer more students in different ways will win.

Cool initiation into students - a script with funny scenes

To cheer up all the guests of the holiday and please them with interesting performances, the selection of an interesting topic for the scene will help. It can be a story about student life, funny revelations about passing exams or doing an internship.

Funny scene "Daily worries" for the scenario of a cool student initiation

A funny scene that tells about the hard everyday life of each student will help to make teachers and first-year students laugh at the celebration of initiation. It can include dialogues between fellow students, their stories about preparing for the next couples, competitions, communicating with teachers and life in a hostel.

To conduct a cool and interesting initiation into students, you need to look at many examples of numbers and scenes. It is they who should become the basis of the holiday, which will help freshmen in college, institute, university to meet senior students and make new friends. By all means, competitions and tests must be included in the celebration script. Among the proposed video examples, you can choose original numbers to create an unusual and original celebration of the initiation of all beginners.

The Organizing Committee for the preparation of the Day of the Freshman prepares posters in advance:

    Happy student day!

    Teaching is light, and ignorance is a little light, and on to work.

    The fish rots from the head, and the student from the tail.

From the very morning in the hall, freshmen are met by senior students with various competitions. A rope is stretched in the hall, through which the freshman is invited to pass. Next, they are invited to pull out the next task that they have to do from the cap (for example: jump on one leg, do push-ups, tell a joke, sing one verse from a song about a student, etc.).

At a big break, first-year students are given a task to "play by stations" (Appendix 1). Purpose of the game:

Before the start of the event, songs about medical students and the college anthem will be played"

VED. one: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday.And first of all, we welcome yesterday's entrants.

VED. 2: Those who, two months ago, were faced with the choice of which CMS to submit documents.

VED. one: And here you are.

VED. 2: With which, in general, we congratulate you.

VED. 2: And today we invited you to a traditional evening, initiation into students, after which you officially become part of our friendly and large family!

VED. one: By tradition, on Freshman's Day, you are greeted by the director "Novorossiysk Medical College» Schukina Larisa Viktorovna Meet…( director's word).

VED. one: Thank you very much, Larisa Viktorovna, for your congratulations and instructions for our first-year students. Well, we continue.

VED. one: So,Let's see who are these students?

VED. 2: Student - this is someone who can live on a scholarship on such a scale, as never before, on any salary!

VED. one: Student - this is the one who eats on occasion, and sleeps - where necessary!

VED. 2: But what about exams?

VED. one: An exam is a conversation between two smart people.

VED. 2: Well, what if one of them is so-so?

VED. one: Well, then the second one will go to retake!

So,Dear Guys! All of you can be ranked among the most enduring,

VED. 2: ... the most resourceful

VED. one: ... the most fun

VED. 2: ... the coolest army in the world,

Together: student armies!

VED. 2: And now, we suggest you remember a few rules for a successful session!

VED. one: Before the exam, put 5 rubles under your heel - you are guaranteed to get a five!

VED. 2: You can not wash your hair during the session, otherwise all knowledge will be washed out of your head!

VED. one: You can’t paint them either - after all, the teacher may not recognize you!

VED. 2: Don't forget to use your notes during the exam!

VED. one: …only so that no one sees!

VED. 2: Well, we wish you interesting lectures, excellent teachers and tolerable exams! Good luck in this difficult battle!

VED. one: Well, well, sleepless nights, anxiety and excitement are behind us. The most beautiful time is ahead -student years . students - the people are cheerful, inventive. And now we will check it.

VED. 2: As leaders,we would like to test you competitive program and see what you are like, are you ready for the difficult trials of student life andworthywhether you are proud to be called students of our college.

VED. one: We invite you to go through several competitions, and here is one of them. called"Enema"

This competition requires one person per group. Each is given a syringe. The facilitator invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the host gives them a very light paper boat each and announces the start of the race. The ships are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the boats with a jet of air from a syringe. Whose boat reaches the finish line faster, he wins.

VED. 2: Well, it's too early for us to put an end to it - all the most interesting things are ahead of us. I know that our first-year students were given a homework assignment to come up with and present their group, what they areactive and creative. Andnow I propose to go to our stage group 11M


VED. one: Well done, let's continue.The next competition is"Procedural"

Couples participate. Each is given a bandage. One of the pair is a nurse or a nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient's face as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until you use the entire roll with a bandage.

VED. one: And now for you the presentation of the group 11F.


VED. 2: And now I propose to test your ingenuity, speed and cohesion. The next contest is calledSew me on"

Teams must quickly "sew" all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a string is tied. “You can sew on through a strap, a strap, a loop on trousers.

VED. 2: And now for you the presentation of the group 12M.


VED. one: Well done, now we see how energetic, active and unique you are. Well, we continue our evening and the next competition for group leaders called"Fate of the Stream"

There are 3 chairs on the platform. On one is a textbook (it symbolizes knowledge), on the second - a cap and a bottle of alcoholic drink with water (army, expulsion), on the third - a young man is sitting, and behind him is a doll (personal life). The participants are blindfolded, they are untwisted and let in the direction of the chairs. To which chair the participant goes, that fate awaits the group. (At this time, the contents of the chairs are swapped. )

VED. 2: Probably, each of you, at least once in your life, played the game "Crocodile", of course, it is difficult to determine the winners in this competition, but a lot of laughter and positive awaits you. So, I suggest you play a contest called "Picture it."

The elders of the group draw three cards with words (names of animals, birds, fish or insects) and must depict this living creature, and guess the groups. Whoever guesses the fastest is the winner.

VED. one: It's time to relax, move, namely to dance, which, by the way, is good for health! The contest is called"Musical change".

The task is the following: Various music will sound, and we will tell the teams which part of the body to perform the movements. You have to navigate and come up with interesting moves.

So, we give a countdown: three, two, one - let's start!

1st melody. Teams dance with one hand ...

2nd melody. Teams dance so that there are as few feet on the floor as possible ...

3rd melody. Teams must dance with their stomachs...

4th melody. Teams dance only with their heads ...

5th melody. Teams dance with one foot ...

6th melody. Teams dance with their shoulders ...

7th melody. Teams dance holding their nose with one hand, their head with the other ...

8th melody. And now all parts of the body are dancing!

VED. 2: Well, now you need to confirm that you are athletic. The next test is called"Bound in one chain" .

Seven people from the group stand in a column, "fetter their left legs with a common chain" (toilet paper plays the role of the chain). Your task is to overcome the distance from the start to the finish line in a chained column and not break the chains.

VED. one: Well done, today you have shown how friendly you can be.And now comes the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday - the oath of the freshmen of the medical college.

So, for the solemn pronouncement of the oath, the group 11M is invited to the stage.

Fanfare sounds

VED. one: Attention to pronounce the Oath of FRESHENERS group 11M


Entering the ranks of students of the medical college, I warmly thank fate for giving me the right to master the medical specialty. Deeply aware of the great responsibility that comes with being a medical student, I swear:

1. Give all your strength and abilities to the persistent and creative acquisition of knowledge in order to become a worthy specialist. I swear!


2. Accepting with deep gratitude the rights of a medical worker and understanding the importance of the duties assigned to me, I take an oath: throughout my life I will not sully the honor and title of doctors, in whose ranks I join! I swear!


3. Being in an industrial practice, in a medical institution, at home, on the street, at any time to help the patient in accordance with my strength and knowledge! I swear!



VED. 2: DFor the solemn pronouncement of the oath, the group 12M is invited to the stage.

Fanfare sounds

VED. one: Attention is pronounced Oath FRESHENERS group 12M

It sounds like an oath...

VED. 2: DFor the solemn pronouncement of the oath, the group 11F is invited to the stage.

Fanfare sounds

VED. one: Attention is pronounced Oath FRESHENERS group 11F

It sounds like an oath...

VED. one: This wonderful evening has come to an end. I so want it to remain in the memory of every freshman for the rest of his life as a celebration of entering a new life.

VED. 2: And remember tphilanthropy and purposefulness never go unnoticed, they evoke a feeling of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition not only within the walls of the college. The main thing is to never stop there.

VED. one: Be positive and lucky. Makiyan Tamara and Gaeva Ekaterina were with you today.

VED. 2: We ask all freshmen to line up one at a time and go through to the next ritual.

    Kiss of the flag (robe with a cross)

    2-3 students: smear with brilliant green

    Salted porridge + salted water

    Gift from alumni.

    Sprinkling with a brush (valerian ...)

Attachment 1

"The Station Game"

Purpose of the game: Find the most ancient college student (skeleton).

To achieve the goal, groups need to complete all the tasks in turn, according to the results of which they receive 1 puzzle. By putting the puzzles together, you will find out where the oldest college student is hidden.

Tasks for the game:

1. Station "Sacrament of silence and knowledge" (library)

Randomly choose a word from the book and tell a joke with this word.

2. Station "Sleepy came - peppy left" (gym)

Line up in the composition "train" go 3 circles grunting or meowing.

Feel like a physical education teacher, give a lesson to your classmates and come up with your own exercises.

Perform the anthem of the Russian Federation (without music)

3. Station "Grave of poets" (Cabinet of Literature)

Perform a dramatic scene

Perform a comedy scene

Perform a horror scene

4. Station "Open air, next to the toilet" (Sports area)


Dance to the musicLadyGaga- Judas

Dance to the music of little ducklings

5. Station "ICT Storage" (Informatics)

Make sentences correctly: information is information about the world around

Make sentences correctly: a computer is an electronic, computing machine.

Make sentences correctly: the Internet is a worldwide information computer network.

Dear freshmen of group 12M!

Dear freshmen of group 11M!

Let me congratulate you on such a significant day for you. HAPPY DEDICATION TO STUDENTS!!!

To become a real medical student, you will need to prove yourself today. And we will start, perhaps, with the game on the stations.

Not everything is as simple as it seems. You will have to follow our instructions. And all for thisto find the most ancient student of our college. After each task, you will receive a puzzle piece, which is the key to the treasury.

So, follow the instructions given.

Station name.

    ICT storage

    The grave of poets

    The mystery of silence and knowledge.

    Sleepy came - cheerful left.

Dear first-year students of group 11F!

Let me congratulate you on such a significant day for you. HAPPY DEDICATION TO STUDENTS!!!

To become a real medical student, you will need to prove yourself today. And we will start, perhaps, with the game on the stations.

Not everything is as simple as it seems. You will have to follow our instructions. And all for thisto find the most ancient student of our college. After each task, you will receive a puzzle piece, which is the key to the treasury.

So, follow the instructions given.

Station name

    Outdoors, next to the toilet.

    ICT repository.

    Sleepy came - cheerful left.

    The mystery of silence and knowledge

    The tomb of poets.

Randomly choose a word from the book and tell a joke with this word.

Randomly choose a word from the book and tell a joke with this word.

Randomly choose a word from the book and tell a joke with this word.

Line up in the composition "train" and go 3 circles grunting or meowing.

Feel like a physical education teacher, give a lesson to your classmates and come up with your own exercises.

Perform the anthem of the Russian Federation. (without music)

Perform a dramatic scene

Perform a comedy scene

Perform a horror scene

Dance to the musicPenPineappleApple

Dance to the musicLadyGaga- Judas

Dance to the music of little ducklings

Make sentences correctly: information is information about the world around

Make sentences correctly: a computer is an electronic, computing machine.

Make sentences correctly: the Internet is a worldwide information computer network.

Yesterday still a schoolboy - today a student. Every autumn excited freshmen flood the higher educational establishments. They, so different, are now united by one word - students. However, any freshman knows. He will become a student by taking "baptism of fire". Initiation into students, the script of which is known only to the elite, is a great sacrament for juniors and a real holiday for seniors.

The tradition of initiation into students originated in medieval Paris. At first, it was a sophisticated mockery of freshmen. Having passed "through water, fire and copper pipes," the newcomers entered into a "secret alliance" designed to obstruct the hated administration.

Now student dedication, the scenario of which is far from the medieval action, it is a holiday. He is eagerly awaited by freshmen, seniors and students responsible for organizing the holiday.

Each institute (and students of different specialties) initiation into students has its own characteristics. On the holiday freshmen get to know each other, participate in various comic competitions, pass funny tests.

Initiation into students - a solemn event, so prepare for it in advance and thoroughly. The organizers take care of festive colorful posters, multi-colored humorous drawings and inscriptions on student topics. They hang them everywhere. They create a festive atmosphere, amuse, set the student-combatant mood.

In the midst of organizational fuss, even the most experienced can get confused. After all, writing such a script so that everything is in place and insanely funny is far from a joke. The Internet comes to the rescue. It is enough to type in the search box “the scenario of initiation into students”, or rather “ initiation into students script”, and you will have hundreds of original ideas for the main performance, competitions and challenges in your hands. A little bit of imagination, acting skills and improvisation on the part of the organizing committee, and the finished script will turn into a masterpiece.

A lot of people gather for the main performance. Excited joyful freshmen, rubbing their palms seniors who consider themselves "guru".

No one will offend anyone, but dedication to students will be remembered by everyone and for life. As something that embodies the atmosphere of reckless youth, student enthusiasm and humor and, of course, selfless friendship for centuries.

Scenario "Initiation into students"

Gaudeamus sounds, the presenters (B1 and B2) enter the stage.

Q1: Hello, our dear freshmen!

Q2: And our no less dear guests!

Q1: Today, more than ever, we are glad to welcome you within the walls of our university! After all, today we dedicate you to students! Today you will become part of our big and friendly family!

Q1: Let's ask our freshmen to stand up so we can all look at them!

Q2: Applause!

freshmen stand up to applause

Q1: I ask all teachers to remember our new friends well so that at the session you can easily identify who came to you!

Q2: This is it (referring to the first host) jokes. Remember, the more often you go to classes, the longer you will sleep during the session. (laughs).

B1: Thank you, we looked at you, sit down! (to freshmen)

Q2: So, let's see who are the students?

B1: And let them tell you!

To the music:

On the French side, on a foreign planet

I have to study at the university.

What I miss - not to say in words ...

Weep, dear friends, with bitter tears!

Let's shake hands in farewell,

And the martyr of science will leave his father's house.

Here I stand, holding the oar - in a moment I will set sail.

The poor heart was filled with grief and sadness ...

Quietly splashing water - blue ribbon
Remember sometimes your student

Leading leave, go out, singing along, 4 students.

S1: You don't know who a student is?

S2: We'll tell you!

C3: A student is someone who can live on a scholarship on such a grand scale as never before on any salary!

S4: A student is someone who is there for the occasion, but sleeps where he needs to!

S1: You can easily identify a student by their appearance.

S2: STUDENT. Rarely cut, combed occasionally. He dresses stylishly, once a year - in a new one. In his first year, he has a lot of thick notes on various subjects. On the latter, as a rule, there is one thin notebook called "for everything."

C4: STUDENT. It is rarely combed, as a rule, it is cut. In her first year she has a fashionable handbag with notes, in her last year she has an old bag. In her first year, she has a fashionable manicure, in her last year, wedding rings are frequent. They try to create heirs on the eve of the diploma, because the thickness at the waist contributes to the easy passage of all protection.

S2: Is it difficult for students to study?

S3: The first five years, yes, but then you get used to it!

S1: And what about the exams?

S3: An exam is a conversation between two smart people.

S1: Well, what if one of them is so-so?

S3: Well, then the second one will be retaken!

S1: And what about your scholarship?

S4: Well, for the first semester you will get it ...

To the music:

Many winters and many years we lived together,
Keeping the holy vow of fidelity and honor.
Well, always be alive and well -
I believe the day will come when we will meet again.
I will gather all of you together, if in a foreign land
I won't accidentally die from my Latin
If the Romans and Greeks do not drive you crazy,
Compose volumes for the library.

The students bow, leave, the leaders come out.

Q1: Well, I hope you have already realized a little what you have to do.

Q2: As they say, he acted recklessly, but he entered the institute!

Q1: For those who don't know yet, we will give you two important documents!

Q2: Please note that they are in hard crusts. They are expected to live to see you graduate from our alma mater!

Q1: As you probably guessed, this is a student and a transcript. What are they for?

Q2: Oh, these are extremely important documents! (laughs)

Q1: So, student ID! Don't lose it! After all, he will give you a bunch of discounts in cinemas, theaters, exhibitions and transport! Well, he will protect our strong half from falling into the valiant armed forces!

Q2: Well, what about the transcript?

Q1: First of all, it is sometimes rated! It can also be exchanged for a diploma once. But its most important function is that at midnight on the eve of the exam, it needs to wave through the window with a cry of “Freebie, come!”.

Q2: As you already understood, this was one of the secret ways to pass the session! But actually there are more! Remember! When you go to the exam - put 5 rubles under your heel - get a five!

Q2: Don't forget to tell everyone that on the day of the exam you should be scolded with the last words!

Q1: Do not wash your hair during the session, otherwise the knowledge will not stay in your head!

Q2: You can’t paint them either - otherwise the teacher won’t recognize you! (laughs)

Q1: It is better to find out the name and patronymic of the teacher in the corridor before the exam, and not during it, then your chance of passing will increase slightly!

Q2: Don't forget to use your notes on the exam!

V1: …the main thing is not to be seen!

Q2: Do you know that teachers divide students into "dogs", "lizards" and "coachmen".

B1: “Coachmen” are those who ride in troikas.

Q2: In "lizards" as soon as one "tail" falls off, the next one immediately grows.

Q1: And the “dogs” have a smart, smart look, but they can’t say anything.

Q2: Well, it's time to finish our official part! To you (to students) After all, celebrate with your new classmates!

Q1: We wish you interesting lectures, worthy teachers and easy exams! Study hard!

В2: Well, now everyone has champagne!

To the music:

If I don’t get drunk to death at a drunken feast,
I will definitely come back to you, friends, girlfriends!
Here I stand, holding the oar, in a moment I will set sail!
The poor heart was filled with grief and sadness.

Quietly splashing water - a blue ribbon.
Remember sometimes your student!

Bring out all the champagne.

At the very beginning, after the 3rd line, you can add the dean's speech with an official speech about the institute (history, achievements, presentation of the teaching staff, a wish to be worthy of the title of "student" - gnaw at the granite of science with zeal)

Instead of a conclusion

And finally, I would like to add that any ritual of initiation into students should bring a good mood to the participants in the ceremony, and not end in a scandal or the intervention of law enforcement agencies. As it was, for example, in September 2016 in Kemerovo, where freshmen were stripped naked at the dedication.

We hope that you, our dear readers, do not hold such extreme views. Therefore, we wish you a fun student life and success in your studies!