Spray roses in garden design. Pink spray or spray roses: description, varieties, planting and care

Rose spray appeared relatively recently. Many gardeners have never even heard such a name, and have no idea what it is - spray roses. However, they are already quite common, especially among florists.

It is from these roses that wedding bouquets are made. Planting and caring for a spray rose does not require special skills, and even a novice gardener can handle this task.

The best varieties, in their beauty they are not at all inferior to floribundas and hybrid tea roses.

Rose spray - what is it

Spray rose is a group of varieties that are very similar in their properties to floribunda roses. A distinctive feature is a short bush, usually up to 60 cm high, and beautiful miniature flowers from 3 to 7 cm in diameter.

What is rose spray? This is a low-growing rose bush, strewn with charming flowers. On one branch can be located from 10 to 15 buds. They evenly bloom, and one branch can be a full-fledged bouquet.

Florists use them not only in wedding bouquets, but also as a backdrop for larger flowers in complex arrangements.

The best varieties of spray roses

Most best roses spray are distinguished not only by their beautiful appearance, but also by unpretentious care and resistance to diseases.

For beginner gardeners, spray rose is a great opportunity to try your hand at growing a noble flower in your garden on your own.

Among the spray varieties, there are roses of completely different colors. It is most convenient to separate varieties by color, as it is convenient in terms of garden design and floristry.

Red roses spray:

  1. Tamango (Tamango) - a compact bush 60 cm high and 50 cm in diameter. The flowers are quite large for a spray - up to 7 cm. Velvety petals are bright red with a crimson hue. Frost and disease resistant. Feels good both in the sun and in partial shade.
  2. Midget is a miniature bush up to 25 cm high. The flowers are bright red, no more than 3 cm in diameter. Perfect for decorating borders.
  3. Layli flirt is a compact shrub up to 40 cm tall. The flowers are bright, red, with an open yellow center.
  4. Mikado (Mikado) - a bush up to 70 cm high for its species. Small flowers of an elegant goblet shape. Up to 6 buds are formed on the stem. The color is rich red, terry.
  5. Mirabel (Mirabel) - a spectacular shrub with many scarlet flowers. Fragrant, long blooming. Height up to 50 cm.
  6. Rubicon is a beautiful shrub with many elegant burgundy flowers. Looks great not only open field but also in a bouquet.
  7. Ruby Star - unusual bright flowers, consisting of two colors. The inside of the petals are bright red, while the outside is almost white. Looks colorful, white and red. Blooms all season.

Yellow Spray Rose Varieties:

  1. Sphinx is a bright yellow rose with a delicate aroma, large flowers. The bush is disease resistant. Height up to 60 cm.
  2. Fire flush is a spectacular bush with flowers of a characteristic yellow-red color. Flowering is lush, plentiful. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter.
  3. Summer is a spray rose with large flowers in a light, lemon hue. Like other representatives of the species, it is resistant to weather conditions and diseases.
  4. Samba is a very showy varietal variety of spray rose with yellow and red petals. The flowers look more iridescent than variegated.
  5. Sun City - a variety with large flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. The color is bright, lemon. Resistant to external factors and sickness.
  6. Zorenka is a yellow-red spray rose. The bush is very showy, with dense double flowers. Petals shimmer from yellow to crimson. Height up to 70 cm. Blooms until the end of autumn.

Light pink and lilac varieties of spray roses include:

  1. Cherry folies is a compact shrub with elegant, beautifully shaped flowers. Lilac color with white. Frost resistant.
  2. Orion is an attractive shrub with large flowers of delicate lilac color. Long flowering and frost resistance characterizes this variety.
  3. Tiramisu - justifies its delicious name with an unusual color, from terracotta-raspberry inside to light cream outside.

In addition to the basic colors, spray roses are also quite unusual. For example, the Abracadabra rose makes an impression, the petals of which are painted in burgundy and lemon stripes.

White varieties also have their own charm, which can be both an independent element in the garden and part of the composition. Among them are excellent varieties of Kent, Princess.

Planting and caring for a bush

Growing spray roses does not require much experience or special skills. This makes it especially attractive and widespread. After all, roses are truly considered a royal flower, the queen of the garden. And perhaps every gardener dreams of growing it on his own.

In addition to ease of care, the spray is highly resistant to. They winter well and are hardy.

One of the main advantages is long flowering. From the beginning of summer and almost until the very frosts, roses of this species delight with their flowering. And what is important, they are suitable not only for open ground, but also for containers. They look great cut.

Spray roses are usually planted in the spring. should be adhered to general rules planting roses:

  1. Prepare a seedling - place its roots in slightly warm, clean water. You can add a growth stimulant.
  2. Dig up the soil with the addition of peat and compost. Sand can be added to heavy soils.
  3. Dig a hole with a diameter of 40 cm, and the same depth.
  4. Pour drainage at the bottom of the hole - a layer of expanded clay is ideal.
  5. Sprinkle drainage with a layer of prepared soil. After that, you can start landing.

How far to plant spray roses is determined by the variety and its size. However, between the bushes in one row there should be at least 30 cm. More sprawling bushes are planted on greater distance to allow air to circulate near the lower leaves. This will prevent many diseases.

Spray roses

Despite their unpretentiousness, spray roses need regular feeding. It is especially important to fertilize the bushes during the budding and flowering period.

Top dressing is carried out according to the rules common for most species: during the period of bud appearance and until the end of summer, nitrogen fertilizers are preferred.

By autumn and at the end of flowering, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. You can use both ready-made store mixes, and make them yourself.

Spray watering roses

The rules for watering a variety of spray roses do not differ from the rules for watering other types of roses. You need to water directly under the root to minimize the ingress of moisture on the leaves. You need to start watering only when the soil has dried well after the previous time.

One bush requires about 8 liters of water. It is strictly forbidden to use cold, not settled water for watering roses. After watering, you need to loosen the soil so that crusts do not form.

Rose pruning spray

Despite the compactness of this type of roses, they need regular pruning.

Autumn produce decorative pruning if they want to adjust the shape of the bush. This pruning is optional. Given the small height of the spray bushes, autumn pruning can be completely excluded.

The main pruning is carried out in the spring. It is required to maintain the health of the bush, its decorative properties, as well as abundant flowering. Usually, the bushes are cut above the fifth bud. If you want to rejuvenate an old bush, then pruning is done over the second kidney.

All dry branches that have not woken up after the winter must be completely removed. Therefore, pruning begins only when all the buds appear.

It is important to cut off all dry flowers. If they are not removed in time, then fruit ripening will begin, for which the rose will spend a lot of energy. This will adversely affect the further flowering and growth of the bush. By cutting off all faded flowers in a timely manner, you will not only preserve the attractive appearance of the rose, but also prolong its lush flowering.

It is possible to allow the fruits to ripen only in the first year, when flowering is excluded throughout the season.

curly and climbing roses usually pruned as needed. But also be sure to remove old flowers.

Rose propagation spray

Spray roses can be propagated in several traditional ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rooting.

When choosing the appropriate method, you need to take into account that breeding roses is not only a rather complicated process, but the result can be unpredictable. Since all garden roses are the result of the work of breeders, they are poorly propagated by seeds. Even if the seed germinates, there is no guarantee that the rose will look the same as the mother plant. It may be a completely different flower, with different qualities, and of course, it is not a fact that it will also be attractive.

by the most in a simple way is the division of the bush. Using this method, you get ready, mature plant. However, it should be borne in mind that this is stress for the parent plant. It loses immunity, can get sick. Flowering may become scarce, and growth may stop. It also takes a lot of time to root.

The most correct method is cuttings. It guarantees the safety of the mother bush. You can also be sure that exactly the same plant will grow from the cutting, with the same characteristics and external qualities. For cuttings, a part is taken from the middle of the stem, 15 cm long. The cuttings are cut at an angle of 45 degrees and placed in highly moist soil, or in a solution that stimulates root formation.

Rooting gives the same effect. For rooting, one of the stems is bent to the ground, and sprinkled with earth in one place. When roots form in the ground, the new plant is cut and planted in the right place.

How spray roses are used in garden design

Their versatility, ease of care and short stature make them ideal for borders, paths and flower beds.

Along the tracks, they look just great. The bushes are neat, luxuriantly blooming.

An incredible number of colors makes it possible to embody unusual ideas color games. You can make smooth transitions from shade to shade, making flower beds. It is good to use the difference in the height of the bushes.

And, of course, the indisputable advantage of this rose is the ability to grow it in containers. This facilitates care, and also allows you to change the location of the bushes, based on the wishes of the garden owner.

Roses - a whole bunch on one stem, spray roses and others:

The rose is the most popular and beloved representative of flowering plants, which can be seen not only in flower beds near private houses, but also in flowerbeds in city parks and various public recreation areas. High popularity this plant forced breeders to work on breeding new varieties. They have a wide color spectrum, as well as high resistance to various diseases and adverse climatic conditions.

One of the latest achievements in the field of breeding has become a spray rose. The new plant quickly gained a leading position in the sales ranking of this group of products due to its high aesthetic parameters and undemanding to agrotechnical measures.

What it is?

Rose spray (pink spray) is an innovative development that arose as a result of the joint work of professional botanists and breeders in the 20th century. The second name for flowers is patio roses. Small flowers are very popular with florists, who use them to create wedding and holiday arrangements and bridal bouquets.

Distinctive features - the small size of the bush, the maximum height of the plant is not more than 80 cm, the formation of more than 9 buds on one branch. Peduncles can be both large and medium, and small, the diameter of which is in the range from 3 cm to 8 cm.

The main advantages of this plant:

  • mass fruiting over a long period;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to low temperatures and adverse climatic conditions;
  • lack of prickly spines;
  • the last formation of peduncles in late autumn;
  • the presence of a delicate aroma;
  • the ability to grow in flowerpots and flower containers.

The best varieties and their characteristics

In specialized nurseries, you can see a large assortment of spray roses, which differ both in color and in the shape and size of the bud.

The range of the most common shades:

  • red;
  • Orange;
  • white;
  • cream;
  • pink;
  • citric;
  • yellow.


There are other color shades that are sure to surprise even experienced gardeners.

Representatives of pink and cream roses are the following types:

  • "Lovely Lydia";
  • "Yana";
  • "Memi Eden";
  • "Barbodos";
  • "Deep Waters";
  • "Hiho Spray";
  • "Evelyn";
  • "Grace";
  • "Lankom";
  • "Bonica";
  • "Satin";
  • "Lidelaike";
  • "Pinks Intuition";
  • "Jessica";
  • "Victoria";
  • Gloreus.

Bright representatives of orange and yellow varieties spray roses have become the following types:

  • "Mandarin";
  • "Sphinx";
  • "Fire Flash";
  • "Kelly";
  • "Samba";
  • "Samer";
  • "Clementine";
  • "Hit";
  • "Makorena";
  • "Sant City";
  • "Orange Spray";
  • "Alegria";
  • "Orange baby";
  • "Jazabel";
  • "Rizenshine";
  • "Rumba";
  • "Typhoon";
  • "Zorenka";
  • "Tibet".

Red roses include the following types:

  • "Tomango";
  • "Natalie";
  • "Midget;
  • "Leyli Flirt";
  • "Mikado";
  • "Baby Bakara";
  • "Mirabel";
  • "Black Jack";
  • "Cheri Folies";
  • "Rubicon".

Multi-colored varieties are less popular - Papple, Princess, Kent, Droplet, Abracadabra, Orion, Bordeaux, Tiramisu.

Particular attention should be paid to the description of the most popular representatives of this flower.

  • "Lovely Lydia"- a Dutch plant, whose height is less than 75 cm, and the diameter of the bush reaches 55 cm. The color range of the buds ranges from raspberry to pale pink. The main feature is the presence of a dark core. The size of the buds is about 3.5 cm. Advantages - long and massive flowering, high resistance to low temperatures and the most common types of diseases, spectacular appearance.

  • "Fire Flash"- a bright variety, the color of which resembles fire. Yellow buds with orange spots grow on low bushes, the size of which does not exceed 3.5 cm. This variety is one of the most popular among florists and designers.

  • "Yana"- a decorative representative of the spray rose family, the maximum bush height of which is 55 cm. Advantages - compactness, the presence of an elusive and delicate aroma. Scope - decorating borders and balconies.

  • "Rumba"- a colorful flower that has a deep yellow tint with pink and crimson highlights. The number of flowers on one process is 15 pieces. The color of each bud is unique and inimitable.

  • "Hiha Spray"- an abundantly flowering plant, the number of bright pink buds, their number can reach 20 pieces. The height of one bush reaches 100 cm.

  • "Tomango" small plant with large velvet flowers. The main feature is the preservation of color even under the scorching ultraviolet rays of the sun;

  • "Black Jack"- a spectacular bush, the number of buds on which can reach up to 30 pieces. Petals have an openwork structure and are indispensable for making bouquets.

Landing Rules

Spray rose is an unpretentious type of ornamental plant that does not require increased attention. To obtain beautiful flowers, experienced gardeners recommend using the secrets of plant care and reproduction.

Selection and storage of seedlings

Right choice seedlings - the key to obtaining a strong and beautiful plant. Plants packaged in plastic bags with a nutritious soil mixture and with an open root system go into mass sale. Breeders recommend giving preference to the first type of flowers.

Signs of a healthy plant:

  • strong root system;
  • no mechanical damage;
  • lack of dry branches and signs of a fungal disease;
  • the presence of a pleasant earthy aroma and loose soil in the container;
  • the presence of living white shoots at the ends of the roots.

Before planting, it is imperative to trim the planting material, during which buds, dry branches and damaged stems are removed. The maximum number of eyes should be 5 pieces. The cut points must be treated with garden pitch.

Placement of seedlings in water with sodium humate overnight is a prerequisite before planting.

Drop off time and place

The choice of planting site for your favorite plant depends on its variety. For some species, the most favorable place for growth and development are sunny flower beds, and for others, places with partial shade, where the buds will always have juicy and rich shades.

The landing process consists of several main stages:

  • formation of a landing pit with a diameter of 50x50;
  • laying a drainage layer, for which it is necessary to choose river sand and fine gravel;
  • the formation of a nutrient layer, which consists of fallen leaves, humus, manure and organic fertilizers;
  • placing a bush in a prepared pit;
  • backfilling the plant with earth while compacting the soil around the stem;
  • abundant watering of the bush with clean water at room temperature in the amount of 10 liters per planting hole.

If planting is planned for autumn, then from the summer it is necessary to actively prepare the land in the flower bed.

  • cleaning of weeds and their root system;
  • digging the site with turning over the soil coma;
  • digging the necessary trench;
  • mixing the upper fertile layer with mineral fertilizers and placing the mixture at the bottom of the pit;
  • keeping the landing pit for several months.

If planting is scheduled for spring, gardeners recommend simply digging up the site and adding fertilizer to the ground. By the arrival of spring, the soil will be enriched with minerals, and for planting it will be enough just to dig a hole of the required size.

Before forming a flower bed, one must take into account the type of plants that grew in front of the roses. Quince, cherry and hawthorn will have a negative impact on the rose garden. To create favorable conditions for the growth and development of flowers, it is necessary to replace the topsoil.

To normalize the acid balance, ash should be added to acidic soil, and humus, compost and needles should be added to alkaline soil.

How to propagate?

To obtain new plants, breeders distinguish several methods of reproduction:

  • seminal- growing seedlings from the collected seed material;
  • rooting branches- digging the lower branch of the mother bush to form the root system of a new plant;
  • root offspring- separation of young plants with developed roots from the main bush;
  • cuttings- cutting off pieces of the stem and placing them in a growth stimulator, as well as planting shoots in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • division- division of the whole bush into separate independent parts.

How to care?

Caring for an ornamental plant will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. This process consists of the following procedures:

  • loosening of the upper fertile layer;
  • timely removal of weeds;
  • regular watering and fertilizing;
  • correct pruning.

top dressing

An ornamental plant needs constant feeding throughout the growing season. The most important type of fertilizer in the summer is nitrogen, and in early autumn, experienced gardeners recommend potash and phosphorus fertilizers.


Regular watering is the main condition for abundant flowering. The amount of water depends on temperature conditions environment and should be increased during drought periods. A thick layer of mulch will significantly slow down the drying of the soil, and reduce water consumption for irrigation.

To prevent the appearance of burns on plants, experts recommend watering only after sunset.

Disease and pest control

Botanists consider aphids, cicadas, spider mites and leafworms to be the most dangerous pests of spray roses. To combat these insects, it is advisable to use a soap solution with mustard powder and red pepper, as well as special chemicals.

Among the most dangerous diseases of roses, powdery mildew and black spot occupy a leading position. To prevent the appearance of these diseases, regularly treat flower beds with Bordeaux liquid and potassium preparations. At the first sign of the appearance of affected areas, treat the plants with a solution of soda.

Preventive pruning will help prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. Cut shoots must be taken out of the site and burned.

Spray roses have appeared on the flower market recently. Florists create chic bouquets from them, especially for weddings. Flowers do not require painstaking care, they are easy to grow even for a novice gardener. In order to create a romantic atmosphere on your site to the envy of your neighbors, you should familiarize yourself with all the features of the subspecies, the intricacies of planting and supervision.

Spray roses are a group of subspecies similar to floribundas. Them hallmark is the short stature of shrubs. They reach up to about 60 centimeters. The flowers are miniature, beautiful, from 3 to 7 cm in diameter. On one branch there are 10-15 buds. They bloom evenly, one shoot is a full-fledged bouquet. In floristry, flowers are used not only to create wedding bundles, but also as a backdrop for larger crops in complex compositions.

The most popular varieties of Patio roses

There is an abundance of varieties of the Rosaceae family of the Spray variety. They differ in color range, type of color. The method of planting and care is the same. The difference lies in the price. It is advisable to buy seedlings from trusted sellers or in specialized stores, so as not to run into a wild seedling or a rose of another variety. The following varieties normally tolerate frosts, which is in the hands of residents of the CIS countries. Also, the bushes are not afraid of pests, diseases, if they are cared for properly.

Pink and cream

Pinkish and cream Patio roses are divided into the following varieties.

  1. Cherry Folies. It is a shrub of compact size, graceful shape. Purple shade with white undertones. The variety takes root well in the middle and northern latitudes.
  2. Orion. An attractive bush is famous for its large flowers of pale lavender color. The variety blooms for a long time, resistant to frost.
  3. Tiramisu. Roses of terracotta-crimson color, inside the shade turns into a lighter one. The variety is unpretentious in care.

In addition to the main colors, roses are found with marvelous colors. These varieties include Hocus Pocus. Petals are painted in purple and bright yellow stripes. The floral mix creates a brindle color. White varieties are no less charming, they can be an independent element in the garden. Among these flowers, the varieties Kent, Princess are distinguished.

Yellow and orange

Yellow miniature roses captivate with exotic beauty, have wide combinatorics in landscape design.

  1. Sphinx. These are bright yellow roses with a mild fragrance. Shrubs with large flowers of rich yellow color grow up to 60 centimeters. The subspecies is resistant to changeable weather.
  2. Fire Flash. Such a representative of the Rosaceae family has a bright yellow color, closer to orange. The petals are painted to the end in coral color, the coloring resembles a tiger. The flowers are about 4 cm in diameter.
  3. Zorenka. Rose yellow-red, spectacular bush, with dense double inflorescences. Petals shimmer from yellow to crimson. A shrub grows up to 70 cm high. Blooms until the end of November.

The given subspecies of yellow spray roses fit into any flower arrangements, the shade perfectly dilutes the pinkish-red, classic range.


Scarlet spray roses are a must have in every garden. Of these, bouquets are made for any occasion, the red tint symbolizes passion, personifies love.

  1. Tamango. Shrub up to 60 cm high, 70 cm in diameter. The subspecies is distinguished by its compact size, abundant, long flowering. Velvet flowers are quite large, about 7 centimeters in diameter. They are made up of many petals. On one branch there are up to 10 scarlet inflorescences with a crimson color. The rose grows well both in the sun and in the shade.
  2. Natalie. Decorative subspecies grows no more than 70 cm high. The bush is compact, blooming profusely. The flowers are small in size, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a subtle smell. The color of the roses is red.
  3. Mikado. Rose dark scarlet, with double goblet-shaped flowers. Shrub compact, up to 70 cm high, with sprawling shoots and abundant pollen. Up to 6 buds can grow on one cyst.

Red varieties harmoniously look on the borders, the foreground in flower beds.


There are also a number of varieties of different shades.

  1. Apple Tiger. The subspecies is one of the most extravagant, the flowers are densely doubled, of a unique purple-lilac color with white strokes and spots. In one brush up to 5 flowers, about 6 cm in diameter. The flowering is long, often the bush blooms again. Shrubs grow up to 70 cm high. The aroma is light with hints of musk. The subspecies is widely used for decorating borders, decorating flower beds.
  2. Droplet. Spray rose grows up to 60 cm high. The culture perfectly takes root in garden plots, suitable for bordering paths, growing in containers, on balconies. The color is varied: red, pinkish, purple.
  3. Kent. This is a compact shrub, covered with a mass of snow-white flowers. The plant grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Blooms before the first frost.

The above types are the most popular in recent years in the countries of the former USSR and abroad.

The subtleties of landing

Planting a rose is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Choose a lighted place, protected from wind gusts. Some subspecies burn out in the sun, partial shade is also quite suitable. To plant a flower, you will need to perform the following actions:

  • dig a hole 45*45;
  • at the base of the hole there should be a drainage layer of pebbles, sand;
  • put organic top dressing over the drainage - dry foliage, humus, manure, rotten;
  • plant the plant in a hole, cover it with open ground and tamp a little at the stems;

At the end, pour settled water, with the calculation of 8 liters per bush.

Nuances of care

From March to July, apply fertilizing with a high content of nitrogenous substances. In summer and until autumn, add potassium, phosphorus. It is important to recharge during budding and at the end of pollen. Loosen the soil around the shrub regularly. For the winter, cover the plant. In the heat, it is worth spraying the petals with water, but in the late afternoon, when the sun sets.


Water Miniature Spray Roses in the same way as other Rosaceae varieties. Pour water under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. Start irrigation when the soil dries out after the previous watering. One bush will need 8 liters of water.

You can not use ice liquid, it should be at room temperature. After, weed the ground so that there are no crusts.

top dressing

Roses should be fertilized periodically. Top dressing is especially required during budding and pollen. The procedure is carried out according to the general rules:

  • during the appearance of buds;
  • at the end of summer.

Roses love nitrogen fertilizers. By autumn, add potassium-phosphorus compounds. You can buy ready-made mixtures in the store, dilute them according to the instructions.


Before frosts, around the beginning of October, cut rose bushes to a height of 30-40 cm. Remove leaves, buds, and flowers from them with earth up to 30 cm up. Needles are placed on top, covered with burlap. If the roses are covered with snow, do not worry. This will serve as an additional shelter, give them moisture.

How and when to prune

It is necessary to cut shrubs in order to activate the formation of young shoots, long flowering. Pruning 2-3 times during the growing season. At the same time, remove damaged and dry branches. At the end of flowering, remove wilted flowers. Shorten the bush in June so that the rose does not expend energy on the formation of fruits, the pollen is more intense. Pruning will serve as an excellent prevention of fungal infections.

Diseases and pests

Rosa Patio is rarely affected by pests and diseases, but if an attack occurs, it is important to take sanitary measures.

  1. From aphids, a soapy solution with mustard powder helps. They also use chemicals Aktellik, Rogor, Karbofos.
  2. The cicada is eliminated using chemicals, insecticides.
  3. Spider mite is excreted by Vermitek or Fitoverm.
  4. The leafworm is removed with insecticides.
  5. Powdery mildew is removed by spraying the plant with a 0.5% soda ash solution.
  6. They fight black spot by treating the bush with Bordeaux liquid. If the defeat is severe, the rose is burned.

Properly carried out pruning, fertilizing the soil, will help to avoid attacks by pests and diseases..

How to propagate spray roses

A miniature rose is propagated by seeds, cuttings, division and rooting. The result can be unpredictable, therefore, it is better for gardeners without experience in breeding flowers not to take on this matter.

Rosa Patio is poorly propagated by seeds, another flower can grow from them. The easiest way is to resort to dividing the bush. Thanks to this technique, a ready-made, adult plant is obtained. This is stress for the mother rose, she loses her immunity. Flowering can be scarce, growth stops. It also takes a long time to root.

Spray roses are a relatively new group of roses. This group appeared only in the second half of the 20th century and has already managed to catch the fancy of flower growers from all over the world. They are also called patio roses. What is spray and patio roses?

The spray group separated from the floribunda group. They are represented by low compact bushes. The average height is about 50 cm. Although they can grow up to 90 cm. About 15 buds can open on one branch. The flowers themselves can be both large and not very large. The diameter of the flowers is from 4 to 7 centimeters. because of a large number of flowers on one bush rose spray is called pink spray.

It is incredibly refined and ornamental plants. They are used to decorate personal plots, and are also used to create bouquets, including wedding ones. Therefore, these flowers are often called "wedding".

Spray roses combine best qualities: long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and endurance. They can also be grown in central Russia at the expense of good frost resistance.

There are not so many thorns on the stems, or they may be completely absent. If the flowers are cut correctly, then you can get a long and continuous flowering - with the onset of heat and until the first frost.

Culture is actively used in landscape design. They are grown in containers, as well as along paths.

The flowers have a light pleasant aroma.

In the title photo variety Evelyn.


As a result of breeding work, a huge variety of varietal varieties was bred. In this regard, spray roses appeared with flowers of different colors, shapes and sizes. Varietal types of spray roses differ in the size of the bushes, flower colors. There are red, pink, white, yellow, orange colors and their shades.

Pink and cream

Lovely Lidia This is a sample of a spray rose. The variety appeared at the end of the 20th century in Holland. The height of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. It grows up to 50 cm wide. The flowers have a bright pink color, shimmering from bright crimson to pale pink. A loose flower can have a dark core. The diameter of the flower is about 4 cm. Love Lydia is characterized by long and continuous flowering. The variety is frost and disease resistant. Lydia is spectacular for container plantings, in the foreground in flower beds, as well as for bouquets.

Lovely Lydia

Yana- decorative varietal variety. The bushes are compact. Height - up to 60 cm. Flowering is long and plentiful. The diameter of soft cream flowers is up to 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible. Can be used to decorate borders and alleys.

Mimi Eden- an incredibly elegant spray rose with densely doubled two-tone flowers. Inside the petals are pale pink in color, and outside - almost snow-white. The flowers are not large, there are about 10 of them on one stem. Blooms from early summer until the first frost. The bush grows up to 85 cm, and grows in width up to 1 meter. Mimi edem will decorate absolutely any flower garden due to its unique sophistication.

Mini edem is another spelling of the variety name.

Barbados- Dutch spray rose with pink flowers of fairly large sizes. The bush grows up to 70 cm. The aroma is not pronounced. Barbados is frost-resistant. It can be used to decorate borders, as well as create a unique accent in landscape compositions.


deep water- the original profusely flowering shrub with double flowers of medium and fairly large sizes. Inside the petals have a soft pink color, and the outer petals are distinguished by a lilac hue with hints of red. Deep water is used to decorate gardens, as well as to create bouquets.

deep water

Hiho spray- a rose with rich pink terry flowers. Their size is average. Up to 20 flowers are collected from the inflorescence. Flowering is abundant and long. The aroma is almost invisible. The bush can reach a height of up to 1 meter. Due to its bright color, this varietal variety will be a wonderful decoration for a flower garden.

Evelyn- a low (about 60 cm) plant with pale pink densely double flowers. You saw her in the title photo. When blooming, the flowers are apricot in color, and as they open, they acquire pink hues. In hot weather, the color becomes more saturated, but in the sun the petals can fade to white. Flowering is abundant and long.

Grace- another spectacular spray rose, blooming pink medium-sized flowers. The bush can grow up to 80 cm. There is a pleasant, light aroma. The variety is often used for making bouquets. Plants stay cut for a long time.

Lancome- spray rose with densely doubled bright pink flowers. Bushes grow up to 60 cm. The variety is characterized by long and abundant flowering, resistance to frost and pests.

Bonica- a romantic varietal variety up to 100 cm tall. The color of double flowers is pale pink. Diameter 6 cm. In the brushes can be located up to 15 buds. The aroma is barely noticeable. The culture blooms profusely and until frost. The variety is frost-resistant.

Satin- a plant of amazing beauty with two-color flowers (diameter up to 8 cm). Coloring - bright pink with cream spots. The growth of the bush is not more than 70 cm. The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible. The variety is resistant to frost and rain. Sick rarely.

Lidelaike- a spectacular bush no more than 60 cm high. The flowers are terry bright pink, almost white closer to the center, they look very beautiful against the background of dark green foliage.


Pink Intuition- another original plant. The flowers are marbled with bright pink strokes on the petals. Flowering is abundant and long. The smell is fruity, weak.

Pink intuition

Jessica- an elegant, profusely flowering variety. The flowers are pale pink in color, the edges of the petals have a brighter pink hue. Often used to create bouquets.


Victoria- decorative grade with terry pink and salmon flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in width and height. Victoria is suitable for creating bouquets, for growing in the foreground in flower beds.


Glorius (Glorius)- decorative bush with double bright crimson flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long. The aroma is pleasant, weak. Glorius was bred in Holland.

Little Dream (Little Dream)- floriferous variety. The bush grows up to 60 cm. It blooms with cream flowers with a pink tint. Little Dream is resistant to frost and disease. Differs in decorativeness and elegance.

Little dream

Yellow and orange

Mandarin- another popular variety. The bush has a height of up to 60 cm. About 5 medium-sized (about 4 cm in diameter) flowers open on one stem. They have a tangerine or orange color. Closer to the center, the shades are lighter, and the edges of the petals are juicy. orange. The varietal variety is very effective, therefore it is actively used to decorate gardens.


Sphinx- spray rose about 60 cm high. The flowers are quite large in size and rich yellow in color. They have a pleasant, mild fragrance. Flowering is long. The variety is frost and disease resistant.

Fire Flash- another spectacular varietal variety. It is called a flash of flame due to the bright and abundant flowering. The height of the bush is not more than 60 cm. The flower is bright yellow with orange strokes on the petals. Diameter - no more than 4 cm. This is a very elegant variety that will decorate any flower garden or bouquet arrangement.

Fire flash

Kelly- incredibly beautiful spray rose. There are about 10 buds on stems about 70 cm high. The flower is orange with a salmon hue. The diameter can reach 7 cm. The variety is best grown in partial shade, as the color fades in the sun. Kelly is frost tolerant and can rarely be affected by pests. The effectiveness of the variety allows it to be grown in containers, flower beds, along paths.

Summer- a variety with lemon flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Up to 5 buds can be on one stem. Flowering is long. Summer is resistant to frost and diseases.

Samba- a spectacular spray rose no more than 60 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, terry. Coloring - yellow, on petals there is a wide border of red color. The variety is frost-resistant and resistant to pests and diseases. Flowering lasts throughout the season.

Hit- rose spray with dense double small flowers. The inner petals are yellow and the outer petals are pinkish. The bush itself is undersized, no more than 40 cm.

Clementine- one of the most popular varieties. The flowers have a pinkish hue when dissolved, then acquire a peach or tangerine color. In addition, citrus notes can be caught in the aroma. The diameter of the flowers is about 5 cm. About 5 pieces can be counted on one stem. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm. The variety is resistant to frost and diseases.


Macarena- a popular varietal variety, bred in Holland. When opened, the flowers, whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm, are distinguished by a pale yellow tint, and then acquire a juicy pink color. There are up to 10 flowers on the stem with a delicate light aroma. The bushes are compact and long flowering. Macarena is resistant to frost and disease.


sun city- bright yellow spray rose. Flowers densely double, size - 8 cm, lemon color. The bush grows up to 60 cm. It is used for cultivation in an open ground and in containers. The variety is resistant to frost. Flowering is long and abundant.

Orange spray- bright orange rose. The variety has been released recently. The bushes are dense and compact. Height - up to 60 cm, bush diameter - about 40. Flowers resemble hybrid tea rose. Their diameter is about 4 cm. They are distinguished by a light aroma. Orange spray is resistant to frost, pests, and is not afraid of rain. Flowering is abundant and long.

Orange spray

Alegria- a very delicate varietal variety with double orange flowers with a pink tint, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. Alegria is resistant to frost and diseases. Grown for decoration of gardens, as well as for creating bouquets.

Alegria photo

Orange Baby (Orange Baby)- bright varietal variety. It blooms profusely and for a long time with orange-red flowers. It is used for decorating borders, as well as for growing in containers.

Orange baby

Jazzabell (Jezzebell)- bright spray rose with orange inflorescences. Diameter - about 4 cm. There can be up to 10 buds on one stem. Blooms from June until frost. The bush grows up to 1 meter.

Risen Shine- a popular pale yellow variety of spray roses. They are often used as borders, since the bush grows no higher than 50 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long.

Rise Shine

Rumba- another bright spectacular varietal variety. The flowers, when opened, have a rich yellow color, gradually acquiring pink and crimson hues. On one stem they can grow up to 15 pieces. All of them are not similar in color, which makes the bush unique and very decorative. The growth of the bush does not exceed 70 cm. Flowering is long and abundant. The variety may bloom again.

Typhoon characterized by long and abundant flowering until the onset of frost. It blooms with double bright orange flowers. Their diameter can reach 5 cm. The growth of a bush rarely exceeds 70 cm. Up to 10 pieces can grow on one stem. Rumba is frost and disease resistant.

Typhoon photo

Zorenka- Brightly flowering, showy variety. Hustomahrovye flowers are yellow in color, there is a scarlet border around the edges of the petals. Bush height - no more than 70 cm. Flowering is plentiful and long, lasts until frost.


Pareo- varietal variety with orange flowers of a reddish hue. Closer to the edges, the petals become brighter. Height - no more than 60 cm. Used to create bouquets and decorate gardens.

Tibet- orange-red rose spray. The plant can grow up to 90 cm. The flowers are goblet-shaped, visually reminiscent of hybrid tea rose flowers.


Tamango (Tamango)- this is a bush up to 60 cm high and about 50 cm in diameter. It is distinguished by a compact bush and abundant and long flowering. Velvet flowers are quite large (about 7 cm in diameter) and consist of a large number of petals. On one branch there are up to 10 red flowers with a raspberry tint. The variety is frost and disease resistant. The plant can grow both in the sun and in the shade. Tamango is successfully used for decorating garden plots.

Natalie- ornamental variety, height no more than 70 cm. This is a compact and profusely flowering plant. The flowers are medium-sized - their diameter is about 5 cm. They differ in a subtle aroma. Coloring - red. The plant is frost-resistant and is effectively used in landscape design for landscaping gardens and creating bouquet compositions.

Midjet- spectacular red spray rose. The height of the bush is only 25 cm. Therefore, the variety is often used for decorating borders and for planting along alleys. The flowers are small in size - their diameter does not exceed 3 cm. There is practically no aroma. Bushes are compact with abundant flowering. Midget is resistant to frost and pests.

Leili flirting- an elegant varietal variety. The flowers are double bright red with a yellowish center. The edges of the petals are burgundy. The bush is undersized (no more than 40 cm).

Layla Flirt

Mikado- dark red rose with double goblet-shaped flowers. A compact bush about 70 cm high is distinguished by sprawling shoots and abundant flowering. One brush can have up to 6 buds. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to frost and pests. It looks spectacular in the foreground in flower beds, and is also used to decorate paths and borders.

Baby Baccara- A very showy flowering plant. The color of densely double flowers is rich red. Diameter no more than 6 cm. The aroma is pleasant and light. This varietal variety is often used for growing in containers, decorating flowerbeds and for bordering alleys.

Baby Baccarat

Mirabel- bright low (up to 50 cm) compact bush with abundant and long flowering. The medium-sized flowers have a rich scarlet color that are luxurious against the green glossy foliage. Mirabelle has a light, pleasant aroma with fruity notes. The variety is resistant to frost and pests.


Sveta- rose spray, characterized by unique decorative properties due to the lush flowers of red color with yellow touches. The bush grows up to 70 cm in height and grows in width by the same amount. The bush differs in plentiful and long blossoming up to frosts.

Arrow Follies- original decorative culture with bright and abundant flowering. Bushes no more than 70 cm high are completely covered with elegant double flowers. Coloring - red with a purple tint. The petals have white and cream strokes. Errow Folis is used for single and group plantings, and is also often grown in containers.

Rose spray ario foles

Fire King Flash- profusely flowering bush up to 85 cm high. Terry flowers, bright red. One brush can have up to 15 buds. The variety is frost and disease resistant.

fire king

Black Jack- spray rose, has spectacular decorative properties due to rich red, abundant flowering. The variety was bred in the USA at the end of the 20th century. On one bush, which grows up to 60 cm, there can be up to 30 buds. Roses are medium in size (no more than 5 cm).

Black Jack

Cherry Folies- a beautiful compact bush with goblet rich red flowers with an almost white base. The aroma is pleasant, weak. The varietal variety is frost-resistant.

Cherry foliese

Rubicon- Exquisite varietal variety. Sufficiently large flowers have a dark red color. The variety is grown outdoors, but is more often used as a cut flower to create bouquets.

Ruby Star (Ruby Star)- two-tone spray roses with bright red flowers, the outside of the petals have an almost white tint. The variety is unpretentious, blooms throughout the season. Suitable for growing in containers and for framing borders.

Ruby Star

Sasha- red rose spray. The petals have orange streaks. Roses are about 6 cm in size. The height of the bush is up to 60 cm.

Terracotta- a compact bush not higher than 70 cm. The flowers are densely double, have a rich red color with an orange tint.

Sangrita- bright red, miniature spray rose with small cupped double roses. Blooms long and profusely. Used to frame borders, also grown in containers.

Red Sensation- American varietal variety of incredible beauty. Medium sized flowers are deep burgundy. The bush itself is not higher than 70 cm, it can grow up to 1 meter wide. The variety is unpretentious, winter-hardy.

Red sensation


Purple Tiger- one of the most spectacular spray roses. Gustomahrovye flowers have a unique color - purple-lilac with white strokes and spots. In this case, lilac and pink shades can also be added. One brush can have up to 5 colors. Diameter - about 6 cm. Flowering is long, often blooms again. The bush grows up to 70 cm. Notes of musk are caught in a light aroma. The variety is used to decorate borders, and will also become a unique decoration for flower beds and recreation areas.

Apple tiger

Princess- an elegant plant with densely double snow-white flowers that bloom throughout the season until frost.


Kent- a compact bush covered with numerous small snow-white flowers. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height and width. Flowering is long until frost.

droplet- spray rose no more than 40 cm tall. This crop is suitable for growing in garden plots, for bordering paths, as well as for growing in containers, including on balconies. the colors are varied: red, pink, purple.

Abracadabra- unusual rose spray. Medium-sized flowers have an almost burgundy color with yellow strokes. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. Abracadabra is used for growing in open ground, in containers, and is also suitable for creating bouquet compositions.


Orion- a very delicate spray rose with large flowers that have a lilac hue. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Frost resistant.

Bordeaux- a very elegant variety with maroon flowers of medium size. The bush is compact, has a height of no more than 60 cm. There can be up to 12 buds in one brush. Used for cutting, for growing in containers and in open ground.

Tiramisu- spectacular varietal variety. Small roses have an unusual color. It is terracotta on the inside and cream on the outside. Height - no more than 50 cm. The variety comes from Holland.


Where could I buy?

You can buy seedlings of these amazing crops in nurseries, gardening stores, buy spray rose seedlings by mail or through an online store.

Good catalogs of plants can be viewed on the website of the Omsk nursery "Wonderful Garden", on the website of "Rose Bushes" Krasnodar Territory, also in the Altai selection catalogs there are spray roses of various colors (pink, red, yellow, white and others).

Landing and care

Planting a spray rose is not at all a difficult process. For planting, it is recommended to choose a sunny place. However, some varieties burn out in the sun, so a little partial shade is quite suitable.

In order to plant a plant, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole with dimensions 45 * 45;
  2. Put drainage (pebbles, sand) on the base of the hole;
  3. Put over the drain organic fertilizers(dry leaves, rot, humus, manure);
  4. Plant the plant in the planting hole, cover with soil and compact around the stems;
  5. Pour settled and warm water (8 liters of water per bush).

These cultures are unpretentious. From spring to July, fertilizing with a high nitrogen content is required. And in the summer and until autumn, the plant needs microelements such as potassium, phosphorus. It is very important to apply fertilizer during the budding period and after flowering.

The soil around the stem must be loosened regularly. Watering should be moderate.

For the winter, roses need shelter.


Pruning is very important for spray roses. It stimulates the formation of young branches and provides more abundant and longer flowering. Pruning is recommended several times during the season. At the same time, dry and damaged branches are removed. Also, at the end of flowering, wilted flowers must be cut off.

It is especially important to cut the bush in the summer, so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation of fruits, but blooms more intensely and more abundantly. In addition, pruning is the prevention of fungus.

Reviews and opinions of gardeners

In Russia, the most popular varieties are called Lydia, Ruby Star, Mimi Eden, Fire Flash. Reviews about them are left on the forums more actively than about others. Moreover, these opinions are mostly positive - these varieties deserve them.

Most often discuss the issue of wintering. In central Russia, it is desirable to cover the crop for the winter, despite the rather high winter hardiness of all varietal species. It is recommended to cover with spruce branches or needles.

In general, no additional plant care measures are required. The exception is pruning. It stimulates flowering that lasts throughout the season. When pruning at the end of flowering, leave about 15 cm from the soil surface.

It is desirable to purchase grafted bushes in trusted stores and nurseries, and plant them in the fall, around mid-September.

Application in landscape design

Spray roses are widely used in floriculture and landscape design. They look great in the foreground in flower beds and flower beds. Also suitable for growing in containers. They can become a decoration for recreation areas, verandas, house adjoining territories.

Due to their low stature, they are used to frame paths and curbs.

Manufacturer's perspective

For greenhouse growers - how much space should be allocated for spray roses? The view of professionals who grow roses on an industrial scale and therefore have the opportunity to compare a really wide range of varieties is always interesting.

Roses with the fashionable name spray became known recently, at the turn of the century, and they gained wide popularity even later - at the beginning of the 21st century. Varieties with bright buds collected in a brush used to belong to the Floribunda group, but the rapid increase in the number of these beautiful flowers made it possible to distinguish them into a separate group. The spray rose is very decorative and elegant. It is appropriate in any flower arrangement - in a flower bed or in a wedding bouquet. This article offers a description of the most exquisite varieties of roses, as well as recommendations for their cultivation.

Description of the species

What are spray roses and what is their difference - this question may be of interest not only to beginners, but also to experienced flower growers. Spray roses have all the characteristics of the Floribunda, with the only difference that they are more compact and shorter.

The bushes of this rose have a height of 40–50 cm, although some varieties can grow up to 80–90 cm. The flowers are small, sometimes even miniature, 3–7 cm in diameter (depending on the variety), arranged in tassels of 10–15 pieces per branch . The buds can be elegant goblet or densely double, in different color shades.

One cut branch may well be considered an independent bouquet, which is why spray roses are often called "bouquet roses". They are also beautiful as a background for larger flowers, or in mini-bouquets, which is why florists use these flowers most often in wedding bouquets.

Like the Floribundas, spray roses bloom profusely and for a very long time. At correct pruning flowering lasts almost all summer. In addition to high decorativeness, they are very unpretentious to the conditions and winter-hardy, which allows them to be grown in the climate of the middle zone and even in cooler regions.

Another nice feature of roses is a small number, and sometimes a complete absence of thorns, making them easy to care for and make bouquets. In recent years, spray roses have been increasingly used in landscaping and home gardening. They are equally beautiful both in the flower bed and in a single planting, and the small size of the plants allows them to be grown in pots and containers.

The best varieties of spray roses

The rapid popularity of flowers contributed to the fact that new varieties of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and color palettes began to appear regularly:

  • Lovely Lidia (Beloved Lydia) is one of the very first varieties bred in Holland at the end of the 20th century. The bush is quite sprawling, about 70 cm high. The flowers are small (3–4 cm), pink, lighter at the edge, darker in the middle.
  • Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden) - an incredibly beautiful and elegant rose of a white and pink palette. The buds are light apricot, becoming soft pink as they bloom, eventually fading in the sun and turning white.
  • Tamango (Tamango) - very compact (about 50 cm high) and decorative rose. The buds are large (6–7 cm in diameter), densely double (about 40 petals), saturated scarlet in color, arranged 10–12 pieces per branch. The high winter hardiness of the variety allows it to be grown in cold regions of the country.
  • Typhoon (Typhoon) - a very bright rose with double buds of rich orange color. The edges of the petals are red, gradually turning yellow towards the middle.
  • Satin (Satin) - an amazingly beautiful rose with marble two-tone buds. The flowers are large (up to 8 cm), bright pink with cream stains.
  • Tiramisu (Tiramisu) is another spectacular variety with two-color buds, bred in Holland. The rosettes are small, the petals are terracotta inside, the outside is cream, one brush contains 12-15 flowers. The bush is compact (up to 50 cm).
  • Rubicon (Rubicon) - a very sophisticated rose of dark purple color. The buds are large, goblet-shaped, the aroma is light, refined.
  • Orange spray (Orange spray) - new variety roses with bright orange petals. The buds are small (3–4 cm), reminiscent of a Tea rose in shape, exude a light aroma.

Planting and caring for a bush

Growing spray roses is a pleasant and exciting process. For landing, you should choose a sunny or slightly shaded place protected from the winds. Roses of light shades can be planted in the sun, but varieties with dark buds are best placed in light partial shade, since the flowers fade quickly in the sun.

The landing process consists of the following steps:

  • digging a landing hole about 45 cm wide and deep;
  • laying the drainage layer (sand, small pebbles);
  • it is desirable to lay organic fertilizers on top of the drainage (dry leaves, compost, well-rotted manure);
  • sprinkle fertilizer with a layer of earth;
  • place a bush on the formed mound, straighten the roots and gently cover with earth.

After planting, the rose should be well watered at the rate of 6–8 liters of water per bush. Water should be settled and not cold, and it should be poured into a small depression made around the seedling.

Caring for roses spray requires uncomplicated. They love regular watering, especially during the flowering period. To prevent moisture from evaporating, the ground can be covered with mulch. In the absence of mulch, the soil must be regularly loosened and cleared of weeds. In hot weather, burns may appear on the leaves and petals of flowers. To avoid this, periodically the bushes need to arrange sprinkling.

For lush and long flowering roses need top dressing. In the spring, before flowering, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Flowering shrubs are more in need of phosphorus, potash fertilizers and trace elements. Despite the high frost resistance, bushes need to be spudded and covered for the winter.

Pruning for roses has great importance- it stimulates and prolongs flowering, and also promotes the formation of new shoots (rejuvenates the bush). It is necessary to carry out pruning several times during the season: sanitary in the spring, shaping in the fall. In summer, it is necessary to regularly remove faded buds, as they not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also serve as a haven for pests and microbes.

Video "Rooting a rose from a bouquet"

From this video you will learn how you can root a rose from a bouquet yourself.

This rose was bred in 2001 in France (Meyland). Bush varieties Mimi Eden 0.55 to 0.85 meters high, they can reach a width of 0.9-1.1 m. They consist of numerous straight, highly branched branches with almost no thorns, covered with medium-sized dark green leaves with a slight sheen.

Spherical terry roses with a diameter of 3 to 4 cm are located on peduncles of 5-10 pieces. Each flower can have from 27 to 40 petals. The two-tone color is especially attractive. The inside is painted in a rather rich pink color, and the outside is white with a slight green tint. Powerful flowering Mimi Eden continues throughout the season (from June to the first frost)

Variety Romantic Pepita created in 2013 in Germany. Narrow and compact bushes (length and width is 0.5-0.6 meters) consist of branched branches looking upwards, covered with dark green leaves. Rather large cup-shaped roses (width from 5 to 7 cm) have many petals (about 45 pieces). They are formed in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces.

Particularly like the most delicate combination watercolor shades of pink and green. The inside of the rose is pink, while the outer petals are light green. Variety Romantika Pepita is liked for its good frost resistance and tolerance for long rains.

This rose was bred in 1990 in Holland and was intended for cutting, but later it was planted for landscaping garden and summer cottages. Neat variety bushes Lydia reach a height of 0.5 to 0.6 meters, and a width of 0.3 to 0.5 m. They look best in groups of several bushes. Rather large flowers with a diameter of 3 to 6 cm open in small inflorescences, which usually consist of 5-10 pieces.

The color of the buds is bright pink, but as it blooms, it turns into a pastel pink. Shows the middle. Variety Lydia practically does not get sick powdery mildew. Flowering repeats several times throughout the summer months

Variety Lovely Lydia, created in Holland in 1995, is considered one of the best among spray roses. It is considered a Lydia sport. Quite compact bushes reach a height of 0.6 to 0.7 meters, and their width can vary from 0.5 to 0.6 m. Small flowers with a width of 30 to 40 millimeters bloom in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The color of the flowers is striking, which varies from creamy pink to the most delicate raspberry. When the flowers are fully opened, they show the middle of a dark shade. Flowering, lasting almost the entire season, is practically uninterrupted.

Variety Love Lydia is perfect for decorating the foreground of flower arrangements, as well as for cutting in greenhouses. This rose tolerates cold quite well, but has little resistance to powdery rose and black spot.

Variety Tamango created in 1965 at the company Meyland (France). Small neat bushes (width and height about 0.5 meters) are formed by smoothly curved and branched branches, which are covered with green-gray foliage with a slight gloss.

Red-crimson flowers with a velvety sheen, from 30 to 50 millimeters wide, bloom on bushes in attractive inflorescences from 5 to 8-10 pieces. Each flower has approximately 35 petals. Abundant flowering continues throughout the warm season. The variety is resistant to prolonged rainfall.

Rose Arrow Folies brought out in 2002 in the USA. The bushes of this variety are formed by harsh straight branched shoots with large spines and are about 0.7 meters high. On the bushes are large leaves with a slight gloss, which are painted in dark green. The size of the bush in width is only 0.5 meters.

Flowers ranging in size from 4 to 6 cm open in inflorescences, in which there can be from 5 to 10 pieces. Their coloring is especially attractive. Purple-red petals are scattered with transverse stripes of pastel pink and almost white shades.

The Arrow Folis variety is liked for its luxurious and continuous flowering, as well as for its excellent resistance to rainfall. It is used for planting in portable containers and in groups.

Small but dense cultivar bushes Yellow Evelyn, reaching a height of 0.4-0.6 meters, consist of many branches with leaves painted in a very dark green tint. Attractive double yellow-lemon flowers (45-50 pieces) are collected in inflorescences, which number from 8 to 15 pieces. Moreover, when the roses are just opening, the color is bright lemon, and towards the end - pale yellow, almost white.

Repeated flowering lasts almost the entire warm season

Variety Macarena was released in the Netherlands. Small and rather dense bushes are from 0.4 to 0.6 meters in height. And their width is only about 40 cm. They are formed by straight, highly branched branches with shiny dark green leaves.

Yellowish and pastel pink flowers about 4 cm in size bloom from spectacular yellow buds, which are collected in large inflorescences, consisting of 9-12 pieces. During flowering, the color of the roses becomes paler. Macarena stands out among other varieties with resistance to high temperatures

Variety Alegria created in 2007 in the Netherlands. Rather narrow bushes with a height of 0.6 to 0.7 meters consist of rigid straight branches. Orange-pink flowers, resembling a neat glass in shape, are collected 25-30 pieces in bouquet inflorescences. The width of the flower is about 50 millimeters.

Almost continuous flowering lasts until frost. In years with high rainfall, black spotting may appear on plants.

Variety hot rococo very young variety. It was received only in 2013 in Germany (Tantau). Bushes of compact form, 0.6 meters high and 0.4 meters wide, consist of numerous strong and branched branches, which are covered with leaves of a dark dense green shade with a sheen. Quite large flowers of bright dark red color with many petals are formed on peduncles in an amount of 1 to 3 pieces.

The Hot Rococo variety attracts attention with good disease resistance. It is suitable for the foreground of landscape compositions, as well as for cutting.

Variety Sisi Mikado also bred by the well-known German company Tantau in 2012. Quite dense bushes, reaching a height of 50 to 70 cm, are formed by straight branches with a large number of branches.

Round pink buds with a pointed end appear in bouquet inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. When blooming, they turn into cupped roses of a very delicate pink shade with a dark middle. Sissy Mikado looks great in portable containers and in groups

Variety Ruby Star was obtained from the Dutch company Interplant. Quite dense bushes, reaching a height of 0.6 to 0.7 meters, are formed by branched branches with dark greenish-gray leaves.

Spectacular two-color rosettes with a slight aroma, 4 to 5 cm in size, appear on the bushes in inflorescences of 6-11 pieces. The inner part of the petals has a thick red tint, and the outer part is painted almost white. The elongated shape of the bud, resembling a glass, attracts attention. Fairly disease resistant

Variety Tiramisu also created in the Netherlands (Interplant). Straight bushes, reaching a height of up to 0.7 meters, are covered with small leaves that have a bright green tint. The size of the bush in width usually varies from 40 to 50 cm. Terry flowers (from 25 to 35 petals) with a slight aroma with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm open in inflorescences - bouquets of 5-10 pieces.

The inner surface of the petals has a red-terracotta hue, and the outer surface is creamy-whitish. During the season there are from 2 to 3 waves of flowering

Variety white mikado attracts attention with rather large snow-white flowers 6-7 cm wide. Not very wide bushes from 60 to 70 cm high and half a meter wide consist of upright branched branches. Flowers, consisting of 20 petals, are located on peduncles of 3-5 pieces. Flowering is repeated during the growing season 2-3 times.

Variety White Mikado is poorly resistant to diseases

Variety Barbados was obtained from the well-known company Interplant (Netherlands). Pretty neat bushes (height from 0.6 to 0.7 m, width - 0.6 m) consist of branched branches with shiny leaves of a dark dense green hue. Large roses (diameter from 6 to 7 cm) of an attractive bright pinkish-coral shade are located in inflorescences of 3,4,5 pieces. Flowering can be repeated 2 to 3 times.

This variety is best used for creating group plantings and borders.

Varieties rose bushes Cherry Folis, reaching a height of 50 to 60 cm, have a fairly compact shape. Straight, slightly branched shoots are covered with small leaves with pointed tips. Spectacular roses with a width of 30 to 50 millimeters have about 40 petals.

They open in inflorescences, consisting of 8-10 pieces. Particularly attractive dark red color with a deep cherry tint. The middle of the rose and the outer side of the petals of Cherry Folies has a light cream shade. Long flowering repeats throughout the season. Attracts attention good resistance to various diseases

Variety Orange B abe I like it for the juicy bright orange color of the flower. Bushes, the length and width of which are from 0.5 to 0.6 m, are covered with medium-sized leaves of a bright green hue with a shiny surface. The diameter of roses, consisting of 35-40 petals, can vary from 40 to 50 millimeters. Flowers appear on powerful peduncles in inflorescences of 6-10 roses. Abundant flowering (multiple) begins in June and ends in October.

Variety Orange Baby attracts attention with good tolerance to rainfall. It has moderate disease resistance.

Variety Mirabel was obtained in the Netherlands (Interplant). Bushes with a height of 60 to 90 cm consist of shoots looking up, covered with medium-sized dark green shiny leaves. Reddish-scarlet roses with a slight aroma bloom on branched peduncles (from 4 to 6 pieces).

May fade slightly in the sun. Flowering can be repeated several times per season (2-3). This variety is quite resistant to rain and diseases.

Variety Fire Flash bred at Interplant (Netherlands). Rather narrow bushes, reaching a height of 0.6 to 0.7 meters, are covered with a mass of leaves, painted in a bright green hue. Large flowers with a width of 50 to 60 millimeters are liked for a striped two-tone yellow-red color that can fade in the sun.

Flowering repeats up to three times per season. Bouquet peduncle may consist of 5-10 roses. Variety Fire Flash withstands rain well and is quite resistant to diseases

Variety Typhoon stands out with bright yellow-orange flowers of a beautiful modern form, which have many petals. Their diameter can vary from 4 to 5 cm. The flowers have a slight aroma. The height of the bush can vary from 60 to 70 centimeters.

Variety of spray roses Typhoon perfectly withstands high rainfall and disease resistance

Variety Wedding Piano bred in 2013 in Germany (Rosen-Tantau). Narrow bushes (from 0.45 to 0.6 m) reach a height of 1 to 1.2 meters. White-cream flowers of an old spherical shape with a pleasant mild aroma consist of 40 petals. Their width reaches 6-7 cm. Attention is drawn to the slow opening and high resistance to precipitation. Flowering can be repeated several times.

Variety WeddingPiano stands out for its good resistance to the main diseases of roses

Garden crops such as spray roses amaze the observer with incredible beauty. These low compact plants appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity among gardeners.

The best varieties of spray roses

The ever-increasing demand for spray has led to the fact that more and more varieties begin to appear in the world selection every year. Next, we will get acquainted with the description of the most common varieties.


It is considered the ancestor of many cultures. The variety was bred by Dutch breeders at the end of the last century. The plant is distinguished by a sprawling bush up to 70 centimeters in height, flowers up to 4 centimeters in diameter with pink petals.

Rose Mimi Eden

It differs from the rest in beautiful white inflorescences with a pink tint. In the stage of formation, the buds are apricot, when blooming they become pink. The initial color of the petals changes to white under prolonged exposure to sunlight.


A bush of a compact decorative rose Tamango reaches a height of 50 cm. The buds of this culture up to 7 centimeters in diameter consist of numerous dense scarlet petals. Up to 12 peduncles can be placed on each branch at the same time. A feature of the variety is considered to be high winter hardiness.


The Dutch rose Tiramisu is distinguished by two-color buds. The height of the plant bush does not exceed 50 centimeters. The flowers are small, 12-15 pieces per brush. The outer side of the petals is terracotta, the outer side is cream.


The orange variety lives up to its name, because it has bright orange petals. Buds by appearance resemble a tea rose, their diameter does not exceed 4 centimeters.


Rubicon spray roses have large goblet purple buds. These flowers create a light, sophisticated fragrance.


Terry rose Typhoon has orange-red petals that turn yellow closer to the middle.

All varieties of spray roses are often used to create bridal bouquets.

Site selection and soil preparation

Both beginners and experienced gardeners can grow crops, the main thing is to observe all the nuances of growing. To plant a plant in the garden, you need to choose a sunny, but protected from the winds area.

Varieties with light petals should preferably be planted in sunny areas, and roses with dark inflorescences are recommended to be placed in partial shade. If this is not done, then with high solar activity, the intense color of plant buds will soon become light.

It can take up to three months, therefore, for planting plants in autumn, the soil must be prepared from summer or in October if planting is planned for spring.

The basic rules for soil preparation are as follows:

  1. We remove weeds and their rhizomes from the site.
  2. We dig up the soil on the bayonet of a shovel with simultaneous transshipment of the earth. Next, a ditch is made 40-50 centimeters deep and the top soil with fertilizers is poured to the bottom, and then the bottom layer mixed with fertilizers. For several months of standing, the earth in the ditch sags and is saturated with useful substances. Along with this, excess moisture also disappears.
  3. Some flower growers immediately plant plants in pre-dug soil with dug recesses, but this method is considered less effective.

In the case of planting plants in previously prepared, transshipped soil, the root system will develop rapidly and receive unhindered access to oxygen.

Many gardeners do things differently. They dig up the site on a spade bayonet without prior leveling in the fall. This will help to freeze the topsoil and destroy pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms harmful to roses, pest larvae. Fertilizers added during this period will be able to dissolve over the winter.

With the advent of spring, the landing site is leveled with a metal rake and holes are dug for planting crops. The depth and width of such recesses should be 25-30 centimeters higher and wider than the root system of the plant. Subject to these parameters, the pit is filled with light nutrient soil, which will give impetus to the intensive development of the root system.

During the preparation of the soil for the rose garden, it is necessary to take into account the influence of predecessors. It is known that roses do not grow well in areas where Potentilla, cherry, quince or hawthorn were previously located. In such areas, a 50 cm layer of earth is removed and replaced with new soil.

The acid composition of the soil can be determined by litmus paper. So red indicates acidic soil, blue indicates neutral acid soil. On acidic soil, sorrel and horsetail usually grow, on alkaline soil - clover or horseradish. In the presence of alkaline soil, superphosphate or compost, needles are added to its composition. Wood ash or bone meal is added to acidic soil.

How to choose the right seedlings

Rose planting material can be sold in mini containers or in bags filled with a nutrient substrate, less often in open form. When planting in the fall, it is better to choose seedlings with an open root system, but plants in containers are better suited for planting in the spring.

Before buying, carefully inspect the bush and its root system for damage and other defects, such as mold and dried patches. In the case of purchasing plants in a bag, pay special attention to the condition of the soil, it should be crumbly, not have a specific smell. The best option the choice will be a strong healthy seedling with white roots on the bottom.

The successful combination of the scion with the stock is indicated by an even callus at the grafting site.

Preparing seedlings for planting

Before carrying out planting work, the stems of rose seedlings must be cut. Along with this, the removal of buds, damaged and shrunken branches is carried out. On the main shoots of the bush, 4 ... 5 eyes are left. less developed stems must contain at least 3 buds. It is also necessary to slightly trim the lateral roots and remove the damaged ones.

For disinfection and speedy healing, carefully coat all the cuts with garden pitch.

After carrying out these operations, plants with open roots are placed for 12 hours in a solution of water and sodium humate. To prevent drying, the roots of the seedlings are dipped into a mash, which is made of clay, water and a root stimulant, the components are mixed to a creamy consistency. After that, the root system is carefully wrapped with moistened burlap.


Planting spray roses can be done by both an experienced gardener and an amateur. The entire workflow can be divided into several stages:

  • we dig a landing hole with a depth and width of 45-50 centimeters;
  • we fill the bottom of the ditch with drainage in the form of small pebbles and coarse sand;
  • scatter organic matter (compost and humus);
  • sprinkle nutrients with a thin layer of earth;
  • carefully straighten the roots, place the seedling in a hole and sprinkle it with earth.

After carrying out such actions, we water the roses with warm water. For each bush, you need to use 6-8 liters of liquid.


Further care for spray roses is simple. All that is required is to loosen the aisles in time and remove weeds, as well as water and fertilize, cut the shoots on lush bushes. Next, we will deal with all the events in more detail.

Watering and fertilizing

Plants need regular abundant watering throughout the growing season, and especially during flowering with persistent drought. Laying mulch in the root zone of the plant will help simplify the process. A thick layer of sawdust or lowland peat will prevent moisture from evaporating.

In the absence of a mulching layer, the soil must be constantly loosened and weeds removed. In hot weather, burns may appear on the leaves of roses. To prevent this phenomenon, the bushes are watered with warm water in the evening by sprinkling.

For long intensive flowering, spray roses must receive additional nutrients that are applied to the soil in the form of dressings.

At the initial stage of development, before the appearance of the first buds, nitrogen is needed. Flowering shrubs take a significant amount of phosphorus and potash fertilizers, as well as trace elements from the soil.

Correctly cut and form a bush

Not only old, but also young bushes are shaped. After pruning in the fall, strong lignified branches with buds should remain on the plant. Old and shrunken, as well as wind-damaged shoots are not left on the plants. When pruning roses, the following rules must be observed:

  1. use a pre-disinfected sharp pruner or other tool for work;
  2. pruning is carried out from the bottom to the top of the bush;
  3. sections are carried out above the external kidney at an angle of 45 degrees;
  4. if the plant is affected by diseases and pests, the wounds are covered with garden pitch.

The technology of forming a bush depends on the variety of culture. So short pruning is used for heavily bushy plants. With an average formation, the bush is shortened by half the length, leaving 30 cm stems with 5 ... 6 buds. Long pruning means removing 2/3 of the branch helps to achieve early flowering.

Similar work is carried out in the autumn in the evening in the presence of warm weather. During the formation, the 5 most developed shoots are determined on the bush, the rest are removed under the root.

A healthy shoot does not have a large number of lateral branches, has a dark green bark, and has a diameter of at least 1 centimeter.

On the selected stems, five buds are counted from below and an even cut of wood is made. During work, make sure that the upper kidney remains on the outside. A distance of 1 centimeter retreats from it and an oblique cut is made towards the middle of the bush. After pruning the wound, the plants are covered with garden pitch and the branches are removed.

Preparing for winter

For normal wintering, it is necessary to make a hill from the ground above the shoots of plants. Before hilling, non-lignified shoots, flowers and leaves are removed. Experienced gardeners already in the last decade of October cut off all the flowers and buds of roses. This will help harden the plants and prevent the use of additional nutrients from the ground. Sand or dry soil is poured over the stems of roses to a height of 35 centimeters. Next, the hill is covered with sawdust, low-lying peat or spruce branches.

Do not take soil from the row spacing of flowers, such actions can cause damage to the root system of plants.

There is another method of sheltering roses for the winter, air-dry. It consists in the device of an improvised frame made of metal wire up to 50 centimeters high. Further, this design is furnished with foam rubber, foam sheets or reeds. Next, pull on the frame polyethylene film which will protect the plant from moisture penetration. To prevent the destruction of the material, hanging pieces of the film are sprinkled with earth. An impromptu shelter can be ventilated before the onset of cold weather with negative temperatures below -15 degrees.

How can you reproduce

In practice, several methods of propagation of spray roses are used:

  1. With the help of seeds. A laborious method that involves the collection and stratification of grains, the cultivation of seedlings.
  2. Rooting roses by layering is carried out in the spring. With this method of reproduction, one of the lashes is bent from the mother bush and covered with earth. By autumn, this shoot will have its own roots, after which it can be transplanted to a new place, as a separate plant.
  3. With the help of root suckers. Such plants are separated from the mother bush a year after the appearance, when they have their own root system.
  4. Cutting method. In the middle part of the shoot, several pieces of the stem are cut and placed in a solution of water and a growth stimulator. In the future, the plant is rooted in a special greenhouse, school under a certain temperature and humidity regime.
  5. In the case of dividing the bush, the rose is cut into pieces. At the same time, each plot should have its own root system and 2 ... 3 developed buds.

The fastest way of propagation is considered to be the division of the bush. In this case, spray roses retain varietal characteristics. The use of seed material is practiced by breeders to obtain new types of crops.

Pest and disease control


For effective pest control, a soap solution with the addition of mustard powder or chemicals Karbofos, Aktelik, Rogor is used.


Pale yellow or white leafhopper with an elongated body does not pose a danger to the plant. The main harm is caused by insect larvae that feed on the juices of the plant.

spider mite

You can detect the pest with a magnifying glass or by thin cobwebs that bind the leaves.

Tick ​​settlements can be destroyed with chemicals such as Vermitek or Fitoverm.

leaf roller

Of the rose pests, special attention should be paid to the leaflet. Caterpillars appear on the plant in early spring, begin to gnaw buds and young shoots, then take on the leaves. Caterpillars are harvested by hand and destroyed, with strong lesions, the plant is treated with insecticides.

powdery mildew

Of the rose diseases, powdery mildew is considered the most popular. The disease manifests itself in the form of a powdery white coating on the leaves and shoots of the culture.

The reason for its occurrence may be moderate temperature and high humidity.

Prevention of powdery mildew is spraying plants with a Bordeaux mixture and applying phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. At an intensive rate of development of the disease, roses are sprayed with a solution of soda ash 0.5% concentration.

black spot

This is a fungal disease that appears on the leaf blades of roses in the form of brown spots from mid-summer. Severe damage leads to complete blackening, drying out and falling leaves. Fungus spores overwinter in fallen leaves and shoots, which is why organic remains must be removed from the site and burned.

Another effective solution to the problem is the spring treatment of rose leaves with Bordeaux liquid.

Even a novice gardener can handle growing spray roses. The main thing in this matter is to follow the rules of planting and caring for plants, to carry out timely processing of flowers from diseases and pests.

Spray roses are a separate group that appeared as a result of directional selection relatively recently. But in spite of the short story flowers have already fallen in love with many and are currently widely used in gardening, landscape design.

In addition, more often than others, Spray roses are used in the preparation of chic wedding bouquets. Let's take a closer look at these amazing plants, find out which varieties of Spray roses are the most popular, find out how to plant and grow them.

Spray roses are derived from the Floribunda variety. A separate group appeared recently - only in the second half of the 20th century: it includes both low-growing varieties and medium-sized ones. Shrubs of this group are not very tall: the maximum height is 90 cm.

The diameter of individual flowers is small - roses reach only 7 cm. However, they bloom in large numbers, which allows you to give the shrub the necessary majesty and splendor (see photo). Up to 15 flowers can bloom simultaneously on one shoot.

Application in landscape design

Rose sprays can be widely used for decoration adjoining territory, parks, squares. Since the plants are small in size, it is appropriate to plant them in the foreground.

Roses are also suitable for container growing. This method is also convenient because you do not have to bother with shelter: before the onset of cold weather, you can simply bring the container into the room.

All varieties can become a real decorative decoration of gardens, verandas, terraces, various recreation areas. And thanks to their low growth, the bushes can also become spectacular borders, frame garden paths, flower beds.


Let's get acquainted with the description of the most spectacular and popular varieties of Spray roses.


The bush reaches a height of 70 cm, boasts small (up to 5 cm) flowers that have a beautiful orange and red hue. The aroma is almost imperceptible. But it blooms all summer season without stopping, besides, the plant is distinguished by an enviable resistance to cold and disease.

Romantic Pepita

The variety appeared in Germany in 2013. The shrub turned out to be compact and rather narrow - its parameters are 0.5-0.6 m. The leaves are bright green and pink flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm. The shape of the buds is cupped, the shade of the petals is very delicate, beautifully contrasting with rich foliage. The color is interesting: inside the petals are pink, outside - greenish.

Individual buds are collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. Romance Pepita tolerates frost well, is resistant to waterlogging, which means prolonged rains too.


A new variety that appeared thanks to the efforts of Dutch breeders. The bush reaches a height of 70 cm, has pink flowers: the shades may be different. Bud diameter - 5 cm, the aroma is barely perceptible, but pleasant. Variety Lydia boasts abundant and long flowering, resistance to cold and diseases.


The Dutch rose is compact and lush. The bush reaches 40-60 cm in height, but grows no more than 40 cm wide. The foliage is glossy, bright green.

The flowers have a yellow and pink-pastel hue, reach a diameter of 4 cm. Their small size is compensated by lush inflorescences, in which the buds are collected in 9-12 pieces. Variety Macarena stands out among others from the Spray group with resistance to heat.


A variety originally from the USA, bred one of the first after the opening of the Spray group. Although this variety has been around for many years, it is still considered one of the best among yellow roses. Moreover, the yellow color can be either saturated bright or muted peach. The height of the bush does not exceed half a meter, individual flowers grow up to 40 cm in diameter. The variety boasts a surprisingly rich and pleasant aroma.


A variety characterized by surprisingly abundant flowering: one shoot of this rose can hold up to 15 peduncles. The diameter of the flowers is small - only 5 cm, but due to the number of bushes it looks very elegant.

The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. The buds have a delicate pink color, which by the end of summer under the influence of the sun becomes almost white. The rose tolerates frost well and is quite resistant to diseases.

Star & Stripes (Stars and Stripes)

The original type of rose, a real hit. The height of the bush does not exceed half a meter, the thorns are practically absent. The unique color of the petals: white and raspberry spots and stripes fancifully alternate on them. The diameter of the buds is only 2-3 cm, in rare cases it reaches 5 cm. The flowers have a rich sweet aroma, and the bush blooms continuously throughout the season. The variety is resistant to cold, but prone to powdery mildew.

We also note the Chinese variety Hiho, which is distinguished by lush buds.

Growing conditions

We will find out what requirements must be observed when planting Spray roses.

Location and lighting

Spray roses are best planted in well-lit areas. However, from the direct sun, delicate petals require shading: it’s not bad if a sprawling tree with a thinned crown grows nearby.

However, if the variety has petals of a light shade, an unshaded place is also suitable for this plant - the petals in this case will not burn out much. If the rose is dark, burns and fading of the petals will be very noticeable: in this case, it is necessary to plant the plant in partial shade.


Most varieties of Spray roses tolerate the cold quite well. But sheltering them for the winter, nevertheless, is necessary.

Humidity and drafts

Roses are delicate flowers, so they need shelter from cold gusty winds and drafts. Make sure that such a shelter is on the north side: Brick wall or a fence would be fine.

Soil composition

In order for the Spray rose to develop safely and bloom for a long time, it needs a loosened substrate with a slightly acidic reaction. In addition, the soil must be nutritious, and you need to prepare the bed before planting in advance.

Landing Features

We will find out how to prepare the garden bed and seedlings before planting, and also go through the entire process of planting a Spray rose step by step.

Soil preparation

In order to qualitatively prepare a garden bed for rooting spray roses, you need to do this business in advance. So, if planting in the fall, prepare a hole in the summer, and for spring rooting - in October.

The first step is to remove weeds and debris from the future beds. Then follows the digging of the site and the formation of a hole for one shrub. If several roses are planted at once, it is better to form grooves.

The depth of the pit-groove should be 40-50 cm. The top layer of excavated soil, mixed with fertilizers (humus and compost), is poured into the bottom of the recesses. Before this, a drainage layer of expanded clay is poured into the pit.

From above, the pit must be covered with boards or plywood and left in this form until planting. During this time, the earth in the pit will stand up and be saturated with useful microelements.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Spray roses are commercially available with both open and closed root systems. If planting is done in the fall, a seedling with open roots is better, if in the spring - with closed ones.

Carefully inspect the seedling, if the roots are open, then them too. Pay attention to all defects: rot, mold, damage. Ideally, there should be no such shortcomings. Roots, if exposed, should be white and healthy, with no dark or rotten areas. And from a seedling with closed roots, an unpleasant odor should not come.

Before planting, the stems of a young plant are cut. On the main branches leave 4-5 buds, on the side - three. It is also necessary to remove dry buds, if any, damaged, dried shoots. Trim and roots, remove rotten and damaged rhizomes.

If the seedling has open roots, place it before planting for 12 hours in soda or sodium humate solution. After that, the rhizomes are dipped in a clay mash to prevent them from drying out. If the root system of the seedling is closed, such manipulations are useless.

Boarding procedure

  1. Sheets of plywood are removed from the pit, the earth in the recess is loosened.
  2. The seedling is placed vertically in the hole, its roots straighten along the bottom. (if the root system is open).
  3. The plant is sprinkled with soil, the earth is rammed.
  4. The seedling is watered: for one bush - 6-8 liters of water.

How to care

What kind of rose spray care is needed - we will find out further.


It is necessary to moisten the roses of this group moderately, but at the same time regularly. It should be watered throughout the growing season, strengthening measures for moisturizing in the summer drought. It is better to water the shrub in the evening, as when moistened during the day in the heat, sunburn may appear on the leaves.

top dressing

Since the spray rose blooms for a long time and very luxuriantly, minerals and useful substances she needs a lot. In the spring, it is necessary to add nitrogenous minerals under the bush, which will help the plant gain a lush green mass faster. When flowering is over, add potassium and phosphorus to restore strength.

Loosening, mulching

Mulching is also very important. A layer of mulch will protect the roots of the plant from lack of moisture, prevent the rapid evaporation of water, and rid the shrub of annoying weeds. It is good to use peat or sawdust as a mulch layer: after decomposing, such mulch will become an additional source of nutrition.

By the way, in the presence of a mulching layer, it is not necessary to loosen and weed the soil in the garden.


The procedure for spray roses is mandatory. In the spring, shoots frozen over the winter are cut off from the shrubs, in the summer - thickening the crown, in the fall - weak and frail branches that presumably will not survive the winter. This is the so-called sanitary pruning.

There is also a formative one: it is necessary to give the shrub a neat, compact shape. Pruned to form a Spray rose both at a young and adult age. Rules:

  • use for work only clean and sharp tools, previously disinfected;
  • cut the bush from top to bottom;
  • shoots are removed above the upper bud at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the places of cuts are treated with garden pitch to avoid infection of the plant.

Properly performed pruning solves several important tasks at once:

  • stimulates more active growth of young flowering shoots;
  • relieves the plant of old branches, sick and infected;
  • gives the bush a compact shape, well-groomed appearance;
  • is the prevention of fungal diseases.

Support for a compact spray rose bush is not needed in most cases.


No matter how cold-resistant these roses are, in our climate they need shelter for the winter. But before preparing the plant for winter, it is necessary to carry out autumn pruning, remove dried buds, leaves, weak and damaged branches.

Then hilling follows: a hill is poured with a height of 35 cm. The shoots of the plant are placed in a recess. Sawdust, peat are poured on top of the resulting circular hill, or the rose is covered with spruce branches.

Protection from pests, diseases

A pest that infects a miniature rose bush more often than others. Aphids settle on the lower part of the leaves and quickly multiply to huge colonies. The pest sucks the juices of the plant, which leads to drying, twisting and falling of the foliage.

They fight aphids with a soapy solution with the addition of mustard powder. But if the lesion is severe, only chemicals will help:

  • Aktelik;
  • Karbofos;
  • Rogor and others.

spider mite

A very harmful insect for spray roses. The spider mite is small in size, and is usually detected by thin white cobwebs that appear in secluded places of the plant.

The pest infects the lower parts of the leaves, sucks the juices out of them, leads to the withering of the foliage, the appearance of dry yellow spots on it, and the loss of decorativeness by the plant. They fight insects by spraying with Fitoverm, Vermitek, etc.

powdery mildew

The most common disease affecting spray roses. Pathology manifests itself as a whitish coating on the foliage. This is a fungus that is most often caused by external conditions: high humidity and cool temperatures.

It is better to fight powdery mildew using preventive measures. It is recommended to spray the shrub with a Bordeaux mixture, feed with potassium and phosphorus. If the disease has already begun, spray the rose with a solution of soda ash (0.5%).


Roses of the Spray group can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • offspring of roots;
  • cuttings;
  • bush division.


A very labor-intensive method, which few gardeners dare to do. It is long and difficult to germinate rose seeds, so the option is usually used only for breeding work.


A working method that gives good results. Rooting is done in the spring, and already in the same autumn it will be possible to separate young rose bushes from the mother plant. Layering is a shoot of an adult plant, which is bent to the ground and sprinkled with soil: the layering takes root in the soil over the summer.


By root offspring is meant the young shoots of roses, which usually appear in autumn. For further reproduction, such an offspring must be separated from the mother plant along with the roots. Then it is planted in a new place.


The most popular way, and the easiest at the same time. Cuttings are cut from the middle part of healthy and strong shoots of an adult plant. Root growth occurs in water with an admixture of growth stimulants. After the roots appear, the rose is planted in a greenhouse or insulated container, where it is grown until planting in open ground.

The division of the bush

The division procedure is quite complicated, it requires skill and experience. Therefore, this method is used only when transplanting a rose or when the bush has already grown too much, too old. Each separated part should have its own viable buds and roots. Note that this method is the fastest, as it allows you to get an almost adult, abundantly flowering plant in the shortest possible time. In addition, the method retains all the species and varietal characteristics of a divided bush.

So, we learned what a spray rose is. This is a special group of roses, characterized by compact size and external decorative effect. The Spray group is easy to grow, and the number of varieties and variety of colors will satisfy the tastes of the most picky grower.