Presentation on the theme of the Day of the Circassians. Adyghe Territory of residence Adyghe (self-name Adyghe) people in Russia and abroad, the indigenous population of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, including

Those who for various reasons visited the North-Western Caucasus in the 18th-19th centuries left numerous memories of the mountainous region in poetry and prose. Particularly noteworthy are the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, who managed to penetrate the character of the Circassians more than others.

It is not surprising that the image of the Circassian warriors occupied a lot of space in his work. In the poems and poems "Circassians", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Callas", "Izmail Bey", "Aul Bastunji", "Hadji Abrek", "Dagger", "Gifts of the Terek" - M.Yu. Lermontov constantly returns to this image.

From the qualities of the Circassian warriors M.Yu. Lermontov put love of freedom in the first place. Freedom was their main shrine. The roots of love for freedom grew out of love for the fatherland. For the sake of their native side, the Circassians could sacrifice their lives. Even being in a foreign land, the Circassians continued to follow them, preserve and emphasize their ethnicity.

One of the central places in the life of the Circassians was occupied by war, due to the fact that they needed to constantly protect their freedom and their fatherland from warlike neighbors. The influence of war, military life, was constantly present and manifested itself in the whole system of life of Circassian societies. The war was naturally associated with the meaning of their lives.

The war did not cause sadness among the Circassians. What has become part of everyday life cannot frighten or sadden. On the contrary, the war excited the blood, made it tremble with horror and happiness, giving rise to a special, sacred joy in people. The Circassians were not afraid to die in battle. Such a death was considered the best and most worthy share for a warrior.

M.Yu. Lermontov presents the Circassians as skillful and daring warriors. Their tactics of warfare was closely connected with the nature of the area and was dictated by its circumstances: ... He wanders through the unknown mountains, fights with the Cossacks, And, having lured their regiments behind him, Covers the desert with their bones And beckons new ones along that road. The Russians are tired of chasing him, Climbing on natural fortresses; But the Circassians do not give rest; They hide, then attack again. They are like a shadow, like a smoky vision, And far and near at the same moment. Ishmael Bey

Military prowess is inseparable from the ability to wield weapons. According to M.Yu. Lermontov, the Circassians owned the saber best of all. With virtuosity, they struck lightning-fast and terrible blows: ... Everywhere, left and right, Drawing circles in the air, The strikes of the checkers fall; Enemies do not see the shine And defenselessly die!.. Ishmael Bey

The military way of life forced the Circassians to be sensitive to their weapons, to cherish them, since the weapon was not only and not so much a means of war, but also its main wealth and a subject of special pride. The walls of the Circassian sakli were adorned with weapons: ... The wealth of the highlander shines on the walls all around: guns, arrows, Daggers with a pious verse ...

The weapon gave the warrior confidence and strength. M.Yu. Lermontov in the poem "Gifts of the Terek" emphasized this unity of the Circassian warriors with their weapons. The set of weapons of the Circassian warrior included: a dagger, a saber, a bow and arrows, a pistol, a gun, as well as chain mail, a shell, a helmet and elbow pieces (worn by noble warriors).

The indispensable quality of the Circassian warriors was their courage. Emphasizing this side in the character of the Circassians, M.Yu. Lermontov noted that they had no fear of death and met it with dignity. In battle, they zealously attacked their enemies, did it openly and swiftly, breaking into the ranks of the enemy:

Ishmael stood for a short time: He only let his horse breathe, He looked, and rushed, and crushed the Enemies, and the bloody path behind him Became visible between their rows! , scattering death, A daring gang broke in ... Ishmael Bey

The courage of the Circassians in battle is reckless. They desperately rushed at the enemies, despite their superiority. Circassian warriors despised cowards. There was nothing more terrible than this name among them. They preferred death in battle to escape by flight, as they would immediately turn into outcasts not only in their village, but also in their own family with an indelible seal of shame.

The Circassians were dashing riders. The Circassian and his horse were one inseparable whole. The mutual understanding of man and animal was so complete that the horse itself adjusted to its rider and in all circumstances did what needed to be done.

On their horses, the Circassians performed the most dangerous tricks, which for an outsider seemed reckless. Such skill was achieved through constant training, which was given a lot of time. Even being already in old age, the Circassians did not lose their riding skills. The horse was an equal comrade of the Circassian warriors, an indispensable part of their military life. The Circassians trusted their horses as well as they trusted their weapons: A good horse will not change: With him - both into water and into fire; He is like a whirlwind in the wide steppe, Everything is close to him, everything is far... Ishmael Bey

blood vengeance was a long-standing and harsh mechanism for maintaining balance in mountain society. This side of the life of the highlanders M.Yu. Lermontov displayed in the poems "Calla", "Hadji Abrek". Honor did not allow the Circassians to evade the ancient and obligatory custom of revenge, the execution of which could take a long time. Sometimes they devoted their entire lives to it. Revenge in this case became the meaning of the life of the Circassian.

Revenge as the meaning of life became the cause of the whole people if they were insulted and humiliated. And then there was no peace in the Circassian villages - every warrior considered himself obliged to participate in retribution and punishment of the offenders: the shame of the insult could only be redeemed by the blood of enemies.

The poetic talent of M.Yu. Lermontov created in many ways perfect image Circassian warrior, surrounding him with an aura of romanticism and exoticism. At the same time, the poet greatly contributed to the fact that the heroes of his works lost their literary character and turned into living people.

- people in the Russian Federation,
living in Karachay-Cherkessia, as well as in
Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Adygea,
Kabardino-Balkaria and other regions.
The number is about 73.2 thousand people.


Traditional male
Circassian costume
single-breasted caftan with
open chest, long
just below the knees
wide sleeves.
Young men in
the age of the warrior was worn
Circassian with short
sleeves - whatever
hindered movement in

Circassian coat strictly differed in men according to
class affiliation color:
white color at the princes;
red for nobles;
gray, brown and black for peasants;
(blue, green and other colors usually
not used).

Beshmet in cut resembled a Circassian but
was with a closed chest and a standing collar,
narrow sleeves, its length was slightly higher
knee, sewn as a rule from light and
thinner material, often beshmet was
quilted on a wadded or woolen basis.

with a wide step to the bottom narrowed.
The papakha was sewn from sheepskin, white, black or
brown, height varied.

sewn from fine home cloth or
purchased material, decorated with fringe
products, rarely embroidery, more often white
but there were also dark shades.

Burka - long, felt raincoat, black,
rarely white. Composite belt. Buckle
it was used as a carving chair

Shoes - dudes were sewn from red morocco,
usually held by the upper class
peasants wore chuvyaks made of rawhide or
felt. Legs - made of thin leather or morocco,
decorated with galloons with garters under the knee with
silver buckles.

Mandatory items of men's costume were
dagger and sword. Dagger - hilt and scabbard ornate
decorated with silver, usually blackened - which
would not unmask the owner, like the handle
checkers, but the scabbard of checkers was decorated with galloon and
gold embroidery (this work was done
young highland girls). Now only a few
have a full set of national costume and
appear in it on holidays.

clothing was very diverse and
richly decorated. Like men's clothing
differed in class variations. In suit
women included a dress, caftan, shirt,
pants, a variety of hats and shoes.


KChR speak the Kabardino-Cherkessian language of the Abkhaz-Adyghe family


summer time of the year eaten
mainly dairy products and vegetables
dishes, winter and spring prevail
flour and meat dishes. Most
popular puff bread made from unleavened
dough, which is used with Kalmyk
tea (green with salt and cream).
They also bake yeast bread. Wide
cornmeal and groats are used.

The National dish

dish, libzha - chicken
or turkey with sauce seasoned
crushed garlic and red pepper.

waterfowl are consumed
only fried. Lamb and beef
served boiled, usually with
seasoning from sour milk with crushed
garlic and salt (bzhynykh shyps).

Be sure to serve after boiled meat
broth, after fried - sour milk. From
millet and corn flour with honey for the wedding and
Behsime is cooked on big holidays
(national low-alcohol drink).

holidays make halva (from
toasted millet or wheat
flour in syrup), bake pies and pies).

Main activities

animal husbandry (sheep, goats,
horses, cattle);
a special place was occupied by breeding

were merged into independent
rural communities that had organs
self-government. Their members were bound
mutual responsibility, enjoyed common
land and pastures, the right
votes at public meetings.

Patrilineal kinship groups persisted
(whose members sometimes formed special
quarters in villages), customs of blood feud,
hospitality, kunachestvo. marriage was strict
exogamous. Marriage prohibitions extended to
all relatives in both lines, for descendants
people who were in a dairy relationship. There were
levirate and sororate, atalism. marriages were
through the payment of kalym.


had wicker walls on a pillar frame,
coated with clay, two- or four-pitched roof
from wattle, covered with straw, adobe floor.
Consisted of one or more rooms (according to the number in
family of married couples) adjacent in a row to each other
friend, the doors of each room overlooked the courtyard.

served one of the rooms or a separate
building. On the wall between the door and the window
arranged an open hearth with a wicker smoker,
inside which a crossbar was installed for
boiler hanging. Outbuildings
also made of wattle, often had a round
or oval. Modern Circassians
erect square multi-room houses.

Culture and religion

ancient culture of the Circassians (Circassians)
the central place is occupied by the moral-ethical and philosophical code "Adyghe
Khabze", formed under
influence of the ancient religious system
Circassians and brought to perfection
centuries-old history of the people. In folklore
the central place is occupied by the Nart epic,
whose positive heroes serve
an example of observance of the code "Adyghe Khabze".

the art of storytellers and performers
songs. Weeping songs spread
labor and comic songs. Traditional
musical instruments - violin,
flute, rattle, various tambourines, on
which were played with hands and sticks. In the end
18th century spread

Circassians in the USSR

In 1921 in the North Caucasus
Gorskaya was formed
Autonomous Soviet
Republic within the RSFSR.
Formed in January 1922
autonomous region in
part of the RSFSR. 26 April
1926 Karachay-Cherkess
AO is divided into
Karachaevskaya Autonomous Okrug and
Circassian national

Presentation on the topic: History of the Circassian people
Prepared by:
Group student №12a
Belimgotov Islam Beslanovich
Project manager: Eremin
Vladimir Nikolayevich

moral and social rules that
observed under all circumstances.
It was these rules that determined the rights and
responsibilities of each person, group or
of people.
provisions to be followed
them, since any deviation from them
considered shameful and unacceptable.
However, these rules were supplemented or
changed according to circumstances.
“Adyghe Khabze is a measure of behavior
people, as a result of repeated and
positive for society
and family, this is the custom.

National clothes and Kabardian breed of horses

Beautiful and comfortable clothing of the Adyghes consists
from beshmet or arhaluk, Circassian, buttons,
chuvyakov, cloaks and hats trimmed with lace, with
hood, reminiscent of a Phrygian hat.
There were strict rules for wearing it.
the manner of wearing a Circassian was also very important. Her
worn buttoned up and belted with narrow
belt belt on which hung a dagger,
a conspicuous detail was the gazyrnitsa
- Chest pockets with small compartments
which were stored tubes with charges for
weapons - gazyrs.
The Kabardian breed of horses (Adygesh) is one of the oldest horse-drawn breeds. Went into everything
world reference books on horse breeding. hallmark Kabardian horses had strong legs and
a special form of hooves "glass". "In such horses, the muscular part of the sole lay deep, as if at the bottom
an overturned glass, and almost all around it was overgrown with a horn formation, strong as a bone "(S. Mafedzev).
And therefore, the Kabardian breed of horses was not forged.

Like other peoples, in the Circassian cuisine
cereal crops predominated. This can also
explain such interesting fact that all meals
prepared from cereals, began with "hya" - in
translated from Circassian "cereal": khelyue, khetyk,
khegulyve and many others.
The most popular cereal among the Circassians is corn
(nartyhu). Maize reached the Circassians in the 16th century from
North America. Adygs liked it so much
this cereal that they gave it its own name nartyhu ("nart food").
When it comes to Circassian cuisine, you need
be sure to pay attention to
important fact that sunflower oil
Circassians began to use in the XX century, and before that
time, all dishes were prepared exclusively on
sour cream, butter, lamb fat, which they
made at home.
The Circassian table and all those rules that had to be strictly observed at the table were firmly rooted and did not
amenable to any changes, moreover, they are brought to perfection. This includes seating at the table, sharing
food among those present, and the head of the table, Thaemade, who oversees the conduct of the meal. He has
assistant uneut or schhegeryt, who makes sure that there is no dirt on the tables, they bring and take away dishes with food.

Conversation on the topic:

Traditions and customs of the Circassians.

Goals of the conversation:

  1. Tell about the traditions and customs of the Adyghe people.
  2. To form moral qualities: respect for elders, modesty, politeness, etc.

Conversation flow:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. The story of the teacher "Traditions and customs of the Circassians".

Each nation has its own customs and traditions, which have been formed for thousands of years and passed down from generation to generation. The Adyghe people also have many of them.

One of the best traditions of the Circassians is the tradition of respect for elders. The tradition of respect for elders is instilled in children from early childhood. In the presence of elders, young people should behave modestly, with all their appearance express attention, respect, readiness to fulfill any assignment. They should not keep their hands in their pockets, stand half-bent, sit lounging, turn their backs to others, fidget in a chair, scratch their heads. The language has special polite-modest forms of addressing elders to express gratitude to them.

3. The story of the teacher "Rock of the old people."

This rock rises like a gloomy wall above the mountain river Ashe. It is called so not by chance. In ancient times, the Shapsug tribe that lived here had a cruel custom - to kill the elderly, who become for the family and useless for the tribe of people. Trusting in the will of Allah, the old people were thrown off the cliff by their own children. The rock chosen for this was called the rock of the old people.

At that time, Shapsug Takhir lived in one of the auls. He was once the most fearless son of the tribe. And he had a son, Kazbek, who took care of him. Soon Tahir became very old and became so weak that he could not properly care for himself.

It's time for the old people's rock, - the people of the tribe said about him.

But Kazbek loved his father very much.

I'll hide you in that cave, - suggested Kazbek. - I will come to you with food, I will return from you with advice. And in the village, let them think that I threw you off the cliff. And so they did.

Every year youth competitions were held in the village. And thanks to his father, Kazbek won in all competitions. And when bashi-bazouks attacked the village, Tahir told Kazbek how to defeat the enemies. And the village was saved.

When at the celebrations on the occasion of the victory the young Kazbek was called the savior of the tribe, he was embarrassed and answered:

I am not your savior. Everything I did, I did on the advice of my father Tahir. The past years have made him a treasure trove of experience and wisdom.

And since then, the old people have ceased to be thrown off the cliff into the abyss, they have been surrounded with respect and honor.

4. Acquaintance with the custom of hospitality.

The custom of hospitality originates in ancient times. Each nation has brought its own specifics to this custom. Adyghe hospitality is distinguished by its unusual sophistication. It applies to all Circassians, regardless of their condition. The guest is a sacred, inviolable person, it is believed that he brings with him happiness and prosperity. It is the duty of every Adyghe to invite to the house those who need food and lodging for the night.

The right of hospitality is enjoyed by both old and young, rich and poor, man and woman, friend and foe. The guest from distant lands enjoys the greatest honor.

Next to the residential building, each family builds a special house - kunatskaya. The doors of Kunatskaya are open at any time of the day or night.

The sacred duty of the host is to protect the peace and protect the guest. It is customary to give gifts to the most honored guests. The guest leaving the house is escorted to the edge of the village, wishing him a happy journey.

5. Reading and discussion of the poem "About the guests."

About guests.

They say that in the house of a Circassian

The room was special.

For her, Circassian, as well as for songs

Didn't feel sorry for the warmth.

Old people still probably remember:

Wonderful carpets hung in it.

Only this one is the best of the rooms -

Still empty for the time being.

But not for nothing in the house of the household

Every day they took care of her, -

The guests may not even knock,

Its door is open for guests.

Come in, friend, stranger,

Overcome a multi-day journey!

Adyghe guest is a holiday at home,

So you can rest, traveler!

Start your story about the capitals,

And about the villages, start the story ...

We should learn from the Circassians

Ancient custom now.

How would the disturbing world change,

A world with tight veins of roads,

If in every heart there was a diversion

The best corner for the guest.

L. Sorokin.

6. "If a child is born" - a custom associated with the birth of a child.

When a child is born in a family, the news spreads throughout the village. A tree is planted to commemorate this event. At the birth of a boy, a nut is more often planted, if a girl is born, an apple tree is planted.

When the baby takes the first steps, a holiday is arranged in the house.

To find out who the child will be by profession, he is offered various objects and toys. If the kid chooses an accordion - he will be a musician, if a thermometer - a doctor, if a hammer - a carpenter, a book - a writer or a poet. According to custom, on this day, guests, relatives and neighbors give gifts to the baby.

7. Reading and discussion of the poem by K. Zhane "The Circassians have such a custom."

The Circassians have such a custom.

If somewhere in the circle of the young

The gray-haired Adyg keeps speaking,

Don't you dare to kill him

Respect his age, gray-haired, -

The Circassians have such a custom.

Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!

The Circassians have such a custom.

If a guest knocks at the door,

Open your heart to the guest.

And give half the house for a while,

And we'll treat him to a treat,

And drink spring water, -

The Circassians have such a custom!

Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!

The Circassians have such a custom!

If you build a new house, -

The whole aul helps with labor.

You alone do not lift a log,

And for everyone it is like a feather.

A joyful house will rise above the river,

The Circassians have such a custom.

Yes Yes Yes! Yes Yes Yes!

The Circassians have such a custom!

If a daughter was born or a son,

Citizen of our glorious country, -

You press him gently to your chest,

And plant a tree in the garden

In honor of the one who disturbed the peace -

The Circassians have such a custom!

Bye, bye, bye, bye

Bayu-bye, my baby, fall asleep.

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, this is the custom of the Circassians.

8. Acquaintance with the ethical program "Adyghe Khabze".

It is necessary to take the moral laws of Adyghe Khabze as the basis for the education of a citizen of Adygea, which have absorbed the best qualities character of the Adyghe people, for whom high ethical principles have always been the norm of behavior. "Adyghe Khabze" is an oral cultural monument that has designed such a model of behavior that any Circassian who wants to maintain a spiritual and material connection with their ancestors must adhere to. This program can rightly be a program of social education and life of all citizens living in the Republic of Adygea.

Let's get acquainted with the basic principles of the "Adyghe Khabze" program.

veneration of antiquity.Should have respect for parents, especially in their old age. Remember that they gave you life and that you are their flesh and blood.

seniority institute.Assumes a well-deserved respect for wisdom and justice, this is the ancient living law of the Circassians with the distribution of rights and duties in society.

The male. According to the Adyghe canons, he was endowed with such qualities as courage, restraint, nobility in Everyday life. A man is responsible for the material well-being of the family and children of his kind, left orphans. A man is an example for children.

Woman. He creates home comfort, brings up men and future fathers from sons, women and future mothers from daughters.

Children. They are obliged to respect their elders, and as they grow older, become more independent, shifting their attention to helping aging parents.

Good and evil. Man is given reason to distinguish between good and evil. It is necessary to do good without demanding gratitude in return.

Warfare. Being a warrior can become a profession for an Adyghe, it guarantees peace.

The cult of beauty and harmony.Adore beauty and honor it. Beauty is harmony. Strive for it in everything.

Beauty from God is the beauty of a woman.

The beauty that we are surrounded by is nature.

The beauty that we create ourselves is the beauty of relationships between people.

Virtue. Don't brag about your abilities. Don't chase bad reputation. An Adyghe who has achieved strength and self-confidence will not boast of his achievements. It is necessary to despise deceit and servility to the strongest. Pure reason, firmness in convictions will always show the right path.

The laws of "Adyghe Khabze" show a person the way to the improvement of virtue, contribute to the establishment of harmonious relations between people.

9. Summing up.

Territory of residence Adyghe (self-name Adyghe) people in Russia and abroad, indigenous people Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, including the Black Sea coast from Anapa to Sochi, the collective term of the Western Adyghe sub-ethnic groups. term of Western Adyghe sub-ethnic groups. Russia Adygea Krasnodar Territory Anapa Sochi Adyg

History On July 27, 1922, the Circassian (Adyghe) Autonomous Region was formed with its center in Krasnodar, which was not territorially part of it. From August 24, 1922 to August 13, 1928 Adyghe (Cherkess) Autonomous Region. From August 2, 1924 to December 28, 1934 as part of the North Caucasian Territory, then until September 13, 1937 of the Azov-Black Sea Territory. With the formation of the Krasnodar Territory on September 13, 1937, the Adygei Autonomous Okrug was included in its structure, being there until 1990. On July 27, 1922, the Circassian (Adygei) Autonomous Region was formed with the center in Krasnodar, which was not territorially part of it. From August 24, 1922 to August 13, 1928 Adyghe (Cherkess) Autonomous Region. From August 2, 1924 to December 28, 1934 as part of the North Caucasian Territory, then until September 13, 1937 of the Azov-Black Sea Territory. With the formation of the Krasnodar Territory on September 13, 1937, the Adygei Autonomous Region was included in its composition, being there until 1990. Cherkessian (Adygei) Autonomous Region Krasnodar Autonomous Region of Krasnodar Adygeiskaya (Cherkessskaya) Autonomous Region of the North Caucasus Territory of the Azov-Chernomorsky Territory of the Krasnodar Territory Adygei Autonomous Okrug On April 10, 1936, the administrative center of the Adygei Autonomous Okrug was transferred to the city of Maikop, which was also included in the Autonomous Okrug. On April 28, 1962, the Tula (now Maykop) district of the Krasnodar Territory was attached to the AO. On April 10, 1936, the administrative center of the Adygei AO was transferred to the city of Maikop, which was also included in the AO. On April 28, 1962, the Tula (now Maykop) district of the Krasnodar Territory was attached to the joint-stock company. composition of the Krasnodar Territory. On July 3, 1991, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the transformation of the ASSR into the SSR of Adygea. Since March 24, 1992, the Republic of Adygea. On October 5, 1990, the Adygei ASSR was proclaimed, thus separating from the Krasnodar Territory. On July 3, 1991, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the transformation of the ASSR into the SSR of Adygea. Since March 24, 1992, the Republic of Adygea.

Religion Residents of Adygea profess various religions. Believers Adyghe are Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims also include Tatars. They, along with the Koran, also recognize the sunnah, i.e., the legends about the deeds of Muhammad recognized as reliable. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians mostly profess the Orthodox religion. It arose in 395 with the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern. Christianity entered the territory of Adygea in the 16th century. Orthodoxy was also widespread among the Adyghes. The inhabitants of Adygea profess various religions. Believers Adyghe are Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims also include Tatars. They, along with the Koran, also recognize the sunnah, i.e., the legends about the deeds of Muhammad recognized as reliable. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians mostly profess the Orthodox religion. It arose in 395 with the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern. Christianity entered the territory of Adygea in the 16th century. Orthodoxy was also spread among the Circassians.

Culture The culture of Adygea is now experiencing a real cultural renaissance. In recent years, a symphony orchestra, a chamber musical theater, a professional orchestra of folk instruments "Russian daring" have been created here. The creative team "Kvadrat" works on the small stage in the republican drama theater. The art gallery acquaints fine art lovers with the works of famous masters of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, folk crafts of Adygea, Kuban, Russia, near and far abroad. Adygea is now experiencing a real cultural renaissance. In recent years, a symphony orchestra, a chamber musical theater, a professional orchestra of folk instruments "Russian daring" have been created here. The creative team "Kvadrat" works on the small stage in the republican drama theater. The art gallery acquaints fine art lovers with the works of famous masters of painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, folk crafts of Adygea, Kuban, Russia, near and far abroad.

Traditions Traditional occupations are arable farming (millet, barley, since the 19th century the main crops are corn and wheat), horticulture, viticulture, cattle breeding (cattle and small cattle, horse breeding). Home crafts are weaving, weaving, cloak, leather and weapons production, stone and wood carving. Clothing and household items of the Adyghes have long been decorated with embroidery with gold and silver threads, silk, cord, appliqué. The patterns are dominated by large plant motifs that sparsely fill the background. Traditional occupations are plow farming (millet, barley, since the 19th century the main crops are corn and wheat), horticulture, viticulture, cattle breeding (cattle and small cattle, horse breeding). Home crafts are weaving, weaving, cloak, leather and weapons production, stone and wood carving. Clothing and household items of the Adyghes have long been decorated with embroidery with gold and silver threads, silk, cord, appliqué. The patterns are dominated by large plant motifs that sparsely fill the background.

Traditional clothes Traditional clothes Traditional clothes Clothing of the general North Caucasian type, for men - undershirt, beshmet, cherkeska, belt belt with a silver set, trousers, felt cloak, hat, hood, narrow felt or leather leggings. For women - harem pants, lower. shirt, For women - harem pants, lower. a shirt, a tight-fitting caftan, a long swinging dress with a silver belt and long sleeve and long sleeve blades-pendants, a high cap trimmed with silver or gold galloon, a scarf.

Animal husbandry "The Circassians keep large herds of cattle and sheep; the wealth of the family is estimated by the number of heads of cattle and horses. Cattle are small, but strong and unpretentious. Bulls are harnessed to carts and to the plow. Sheep make up almost all the wealth of the Circassians and are the most important The basis of their economy. Sheep are milked and cheese is made from their milk. In summer, sheep are driven out to pastures in the mountains. "Circassians keep large herds of cattle and sheep; the wealth of a family is estimated here by the number of heads of cattle and horses. Cattle are small, but strong and unpretentious. Bulls are harnessed to wagons and ploughs. Sheep make up almost all the wealth of the Circassians and are the most important basis of their economy. Sheep are milked and cheese is made from their milk. In summer, sheep are driven out to pasture in the mountains. Since the Circassians are excellent riders, they pay a lot of attention to breeding horses, which are distinguished by lightness, endurance and a very strong leg. "Because the Circassians are excellent horsemen, they pay much attention to breeding horses that are distinguished by lightness, endurance and a very strong leg."

A. de la Motre, French traveler "It is almost impossible to believe the huge number of wild animals and game that are found in this land, despite the fact that they are killed here in large numbers, since the entire population is hunters, and hunting is just as it is almost impossible to believe the huge number of wild animals and game that are found in this land, despite the fact that they are killed here in large numbers, since the entire population is hunters, and hunting is just as allowed here how plentiful."