Like basal temperature during ovulation. How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation

For most girls planning their pregnancy, measuring basal temperature can be called an indispensable method in this matter. It can be used to determine auspicious days for conception.

Also, the measurement of basal temperature is important for women who adhere to the calendar method of protection. This method suggests that these days, it is worth taking contraception seriously, as there is a high risk of becoming pregnant.

The concept of "basal temperature"

Basal temperature- the low temperature that the human body reaches in a state of complete calm. As a rule, this time comes after a long sleep (at least 5 hours). As soon as a woman begins to perform any movements, the temperature rises significantly, which is already unacceptable for the correct construction of the schedule.

Hormones influence basal body temperature. A woman with a healthy body has a monthly sequence of phases menstrual cycle- luteal, ovulatory, follicular. In the period of each phase there is a predominance of one or another hormone. Their level and quantity is reflected in the basal temperature.

Basal temperature options

Gynecologists advise to measure BBT and build graphs for the following purposes:

  1. if during the year it is not possible to get pregnant;
  2. when there are doubts about the infertility of a partner;
  3. if there is a risk of hormonal disorders.

In addition, basal temperature helps in other situations:

  • determine the most optimal day for conception;
  • helps with planning the sex of the baby;
  • to understand the work of the body, in the processes that occur.

Graphing gives answers to the main questions:

  1. whether the maturation of the egg has occurred;
  2. whether there was ovulation after the maturation of the egg;
  3. how well the endocrine system works;
  4. identify the presence of gynecological problems;
  5. the time of the next menstruation;
  6. whether conception occurred;
  7. determine how well the ovaries secrete hormones at different phases of the menstrual cycle.

Measurement of basal temperature to determine ovulation

When a young couple comes to see a doctor, the specialist asks a lot of questions. Measurement of basal temperature is included in the list of frequently asked questions. By keeping records of temperature, it is possible to determine the presence, absence of reproductive or hormonal disorders in a woman's body. According to the graph, conception can be determined already at the earliest possible date.

If, when measuring temperature, it often has a high mark, then a woman may have serious diseases, such as endometritis.

The measurement of basal temperature tells about the upcoming ovulation. By creating schedules, you can already plan a pregnancy in advance, and also determine the days when it is best to conceive a baby.

In addition, basal temperature is able to detect anovulation, i.e. lack of ovulation. Every woman can have such moments during the year. If such a pause is observed often, it is necessary to see a gynecologist.

Each organism is individual, therefore, and the menstrual cycle too. As statistics show, ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the expected cycle.

  • before ovulation;
  • during;
  • after.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

At the initial stage of the first cycle, estrogen progresses in the woman's body. Under the influence of this hormone, the temperature is kept at low levels. On the last phase the situation is completely changing. Progesterone is released, causing a significant increase in temperature.

The difference between the cycles is from 0.4 0 C. When observing such changes, we can assume that ovulation was successful. It is possible that the basal temperature during ovulation drops sharply, then rises. In any case, the third phase occurs at an elevated temperature.

Ovulation process

A mature and fully prepared egg leaves the follicle. The meeting with the sperm is carried out in the abdominal cavity. Such an "event" can only occur within a day. Therefore, in order for everything to happen successfully, and fertilization occurs, the sperm must already be in the tube.

Measurement of basal temperature during ovulation

One of the main questions when planning a pregnancy is "How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation?". Basal temperature must be measured in the morning at the same time (slight deviation is allowed, no more than 30 minutes). A woman should, without getting out of bed, lie on her side (preferably on the left, it's easier to enter the thermometer). Insert the thermometer into the rectum without sudden movements. If an electronic thermometer is used, the measurement will take no more than three minutes. These indicators are recorded in a table or recorded on a graph for measuring basal temperature.

In the initial phase, the temperature is 36.0 or 36.5 0 C (small fluctuations of no more than 0.1 0 C are acceptable). What should be the basal temperature during ovulation? On the day when ovulation occurs in a woman's body, the basal temperature rises to 37.0 or 37.3 0 C.
Throughout the measurement time, which is at least 3 menstrual cycles, it is recommended to use 1 thermometer. The new schedule starts from the first day of the start of the cycle.

Situations are not excluded when it is necessary to get up at night, then the measurement should be made after 6 hours, otherwise the indicators will be incorrect. In addition, it is worth considering that with an increase in body temperature due to illness, BT will also increase. This fact should also be recorded when plotting.

computer graph

AT modern world girls are increasingly using the help of the Internet in their everyday affairs. Even in such a simple matter as plotting, many use special programs. All that needs to be done is to measure the temperature and enter the data into the program. She, in turn, will be able to calculate the estimated date of ovulation, draw a graph and be able to calculate the temperature difference between the phases.

Factors affecting thermometer readings

Basal temperature during ovulation, if it is measured every morning, then a woman may notice some deviations, this indicates an incorrect measurement method or problems in the body. In addition to all this, several factors can affect the data:

  1. If the temperature is measured a couple of hours earlier or later, the thermometer may show false results. As a rule, the measurement is carried out after continuous sleep, at least 3 hours. If the rest is much shorter, then this will affect the result.
  2. To common reasons incorrect indicators include: sex at night or before taking a temperature, drinking alcohol, using a heating pad, stress, and some diseases.

If for any reason there are situations that affect the increase or decrease in temperature, then this must be recorded in your schedule.

Basal body temperature after ovulation

Performing daily measurements, most girls are interested in basal temperature after ovulation. Basal temperature after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation different meanings, which depend on the phase of the cycle. If there is a discrepancy, then this means that it is time to visit your attending gynecologist.

During ovulation, progesterone plays a major role. In the place where the wound forms in the ovary, a corpus luteum appears. At this point in the cycle, the hormone is responsible for fertilization - it prepares the endometrium for the meeting of the fetal egg. In addition, it plays an important role in maintaining pregnancy. The basal temperature after ovulation, with a positive result, is kept within 37.0 - 37.5 0 C. Similar indicators are observed during the second cycle and during periods of the entire pregnancy.

With a positive result (fertilization), the embryo moves to the uterus. After 7 days, it is attached to the wall. On the graph, this action can be seen as a slight decrease in temperature by a couple of tenths of a degree. Such a decrease occurs only for 1 day, then the indicators return to normal. This sinking has a scientific name - implantation.

However, not every girl can see such a change, since the body is individual for everyone and the reaction to the attachment of the fetal egg is unpredictable.

The basal temperature index is different for everyone: in some patients, pregnancy proceeds calmly even at a temperature of 36.9 0 C. Therefore, there are simply no clear criteria for what the basal temperature should be during pregnancy. The only indicator of diagnosis is the absence of a decrease in temperature after ovulation has occurred.

Fertilization and basal temperature

If fertilization has occurred, the basal temperature rises after ovulation. Also, an increase in temperature indicates a long-awaited conception even before the start of the delay. Since the temperature drops before menstruation, but this does not happen during conception, this fact can be noticed when plotting. To verify the assumptions, a pregnancy test should be done on the very first day of the delay.
Despite such arguments, gynecologists do not recommend relying on BT to confirm conception. A high basal temperature after ovulation may indicate gynecological problems, infectious diseases.


To build a measurement schedule, it is necessary to record the thermometer readings daily from the very morning. Electronic devices have a number of advantages: their indicators are more accurate, besides, they give the finished result much faster.

If during the measurement there are factors that affect the readings, this must be recorded in a separate column. Such actions are necessary for a more accurate analysis.

When plotting a graph, all correct readings are connected by a straight line, days with deviations are indicated by a dotted line.

In addition to thermometer readings, women who take full responsibility for planning pregnancy create another column. It records the secretions, their consistency, color and volume.

Ovulation line on the chart

When the schedule of basal temperature during ovulation is made in accordance with all the recommendations, then you can easily follow the characteristics of the female body and a number of concomitant diseases. For a woman who wants to become pregnant, determining the basal temperature is necessary to determine the favorable moment of fertilization. During this very period, this indicator will have a low value.

After the long-awaited day, the temperature will rise for three days. The difference between the values ​​​​should be no more than 0.1 0 C for two days out of three, or not less than 0.2 0 C for one day out of two.

If everything is done correctly, it will not be difficult for a woman to draw an ovulation line. It is this moment that is important when plotting a schedule, since on a certain day + 2 “spare” there is a high probability of conception.

Temperature difference on the graph

The difference between the averages of the two phases should be less than 0.4 0 C. If the basal temperature is lower, this indicates hormonal problems in the female body. To make sure of the alleged diagnosis, it is necessary to take tests for progesterone and estrogen.

The temperature will be higher when a woman has an increased amount of progesterone in her blood (7.6 - 12.7 nmol / l). It is possible that an increased temperature will be observed in the second phase of the cycle.

The day when there is a sharp change in temperature, gynecologists consider it the most suitable for conceiving a child. On the day before the bubble burst, the BZ on the chart noticeably decreases. Since the breakthrough of the wall of the ovary, it increases markedly. Here many people are concerned about what should be the basal temperature during ovulation? The thermometer in this period and for another 4 days will show about 37 0 С.

If fertilization has occurred, then the basal temperature after ovulation is kept between 37.3 and 37.5 0 C.

It is important to note that if the basal temperature is normal, and there is no ovulation, the patient may be diagnosed with "Luteinization Syndrome of the Non-ovulating Follicle" during examination and passing certain tests.

Elevated temperature

The temperature measurement schedule is divided into 2 phases. The separation occurs at the point where the ovulation line passes on the chart. Phase 1 is located in front of it, the second, of course - after it.

During the first cycle, there is a predominance of such a hormone as estrogen. It affects the basal temperature before the onset of ovulation, therefore it will be in the range of 36.2 and 36.5 0 C. If the indicator is higher, then most likely there is a lack of this hormone in the female body. As a rule, the temperature is 36.5 and 36.8 0 C. To compensate for the lack of estrogen, the doctor prescribes a special remedy.

Low temperature

During the second phase of the cycle, the basal temperature changes significantly - by four tenths of a degree. When the measurement is carried out rectally, the temperature reaches 37.0 0 C, sometimes more. In a situation where the difference is less than 0.4 0 C, there is a possibility that negative processes occur in the female body. You should see a specialist.

However, there may be some exception here. Due to the fact that each woman's body is individual, therefore, the temperature in any phase may vary slightly. Therefore, doctors advise keeping a schedule of at least three menstrual cycles.

Basal body temperature in numbers

To sum up all the above data and easily remember important indicators, it is enough to use a short but understandable list:

  • From the first to the last day of menstruation, the temperature is 37 0 C.
  • After 4 days, it drops to 36.5 - 36.8 0 С.
  • Before the rupture of the bladder, a slight decrease of 0.1 - 0.2 0 C is observed, after which a sharp increase occurs, which indicates the release of the egg from the ovary.
  • In the second phase, the basal temperature rises to 37.1 - 37.3 0 This temperature lasts no more than 4 days.
  • A few days before this, a sharp decline is observed within 36.8 0 С.
  • With the onset of a new cycle, everything is similarly repeated.

When a family is planning a pregnancy, it is very important to keep track of the state of the body of the expectant mother. Those who have already encountered this issue know that the chances of fertilization increase precisely during the period of ovulation.

The modern medical market offers special tests to determine this period, but they are expensive and not always accurate. The chart of basal temperature during ovulation with explanations will help you learn how to determine it yourself.

How it all works

The female monthly cycle is divided into two phases. During the first phase, maturation of female germ cells (follicles) occurs in the female ovaries. One of the follicles (dominant) matures earlier than the others, after which it bursts, and a mature egg comes out of it - this is the ovulation period, which usually occurs in the middle of the cycle.

After ovulation, the second phase begins, during which a special gland is formed in the place of the burst follicle in the form of a corpus luteum, which produces hormones (including progesterone). During this period, the lining of the uterus becomes loose and ready to receive a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, menstruation begins in about two weeks.

In the first phase, the hormone estrogen “dominates” in the female body, in the second phase progesterone appears, and its appearance is reflected in the graph when measuring temperature - it rises. When the corpus luteum dies, temperature indicators gradually decrease. If fertilization has occurred, progesterone continues to be produced, and then the temperature indicators remain high.

Why keep a schedule

1. Determine the most favorable day for conception

Basal temperature is measured in the morning immediately after waking up until the moment the woman got out of bed. If you plot graphs for several months in a row, you can know exactly the day of ovulation and, therefore,

2. Find out the days when you are more likely to get pregnant

If you do not aspire to become a mother yet, the schedule will help you identify the most “dangerous” days, when the probability of conception increases several times. On such days, you need to be as careful as possible and protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

3. Learn more about your health

Monthly charts will help you understand if you have health problems, hormonal disruptions, inflammation or diseases of the genitourinary system. With their help, you can find the answer to the question why for a long time it is not possible to conceive a child. To find out if everything is in order with your health, it is advisable to start keeping a schedule at least 3-4 months before the expected date of conception.

4. Plan the gender of the unborn child

It is believed that if you plan sexual intercourse on the day on which ovulation occurred, the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases. If the family dreams of a girl, it is advisable to make love 2-3 days before the expected date.

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation

To get the right readings, it's important to stay in bed throughout the night and take your temperature as soon as you wake up. The measurement must be taken rectally or vaginally. Hold the thermometer for at least 5-10 minutes. It is important to completely relax, close your eyes and immerse yourself in a state close to sleep.

It is better to give preference to a more accurate mercury thermometer, since even tenths of a degree are very important when measuring basal temperature before and after ovulation.

Here are some more important clarifications:

  • Measurements must be started from the first day of menstruation.
  • You cannot change the selected method of determination and the type of thermometer during one cycle.
  • It is important to measure indicators at the same time (permissible deviation - no more than half an hour).
  • Before measuring, the duration of sleep should be at least 5-6 hours in a row. The most accurate indicators are obtained precisely after a night's sleep.

There are many factors that affect the performance and can change them:

  • climate zone change;
  • changes in lifestyle and diet;
  • lack of sleep in the last two days;
  • sexual intercourse the day before;
  • stress;
  • bad habits(smoking and alcohol);
  • taking antibiotics and / or hormonal pills;
  • colds.

Please note that when taking contraceptives, measuring basal temperature does not make sense at all, since these drugs generally block the maturation of eggs.

How to keep a schedule

Take a sheet of squared paper and draw two axes: vertical and horizontal. On the vertical axis, plot temperature values ​​from 36 to 38 degrees so that one cell equals 0.1 degrees. Under the horizontal axis, write down the dates and days of the menstrual cycle. Starting at 37 degrees, draw a horizontal line across the entire chart (for convenience, highlight it with a bright color - for example, red or green).

After each measurement, it is necessary to put a point at the intersection of the temperature indicator and the day of the menstrual cycle. Then the points need to be connected to each other. At the same time, under the horizontal axis opposite the date, you must write all the factors that could affect the result, as well as make notes about your own well-being.

It is important not to miss a single day so that the observing gynecologist can see the most accurate picture.

Norm or not: decoding indicators

In the first days of the cycle (during menstruation), temperature indicators usually fluctuate around 36.9-37.2 degrees. Further, at the end of menstruation, the temperature indicators decrease to 36.2-36.7 degrees. They remain at this level throughout the first phase - that is, during the first week and a half. It is important to understand that the indicators will not be the same every day: they may remain within the normal range, but will almost always fluctuate at least a couple of tenths of a degree.

How to determine ovulation by basal temperature? Before its onset, the value on the thermometer drops sharply by 0.5 degrees, and sometimes a little more. Such a change cannot be overlooked. When ovulation occurs, the indicators rise sharply to 37 and above (up to an average of 37.4).

If fertilization has not occurred, then no later than in a couple of days, the indicators will begin to gradually decrease and will soon reach the values ​​that were in the first phase. If conception has occurred, the indicators will remain at a level slightly above 37 degrees.

Why doesn't basal body temperature rise after ovulation?

Due to various health reasons, ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle. This phenomenon has received a completely logical name - anovulation. With this phenomenon, the egg is absent and.

As you know, right after ovulation, which going on around the middle of the cycle, the temperature should rise, but during anovulation it remains at about the same level and does not rise above 36.9 degrees. Although the absence of this phenomenon is considered a pathology, it passes almost asymptomatically: menstruation is regular and the patient does not have any complaints.

There can be quite a few reasons for anovulation, here are the main ones:

  • young age (from 15 to 18 years);
  • postpartum period;
  • period breastfeeding;
  • the use of oral contraceptives;
  • the use of certain hormonal drugs;
  • great physical activity;
  • stress;
  • serious deviations from the norm in weight (wasting or obesity).

However, you should not worry ahead of time, because the temperature graph does not always provide accurate information. There are many stories when a woman, despite the anovulatory schedule of basal temperature, ( forums for expectant mothers are often full of such happy headlines). The fact is that the increase (or, conversely, the lack of it) can be influenced by many factors:

  • incorrect measurement (perhaps you got up at night to go to the toilet, but forgot about it, or you don’t hold the thermometer for long enough);
  • sexual intercourse immediately before or on the eve of the measurement;
  • colds.

In addition, you need to know that even a completely healthy woman can have up to 4 anovulatory cycles per year. After the age of 40, the number of ovulations varies on average from 3 to 5 per year.

Of course, in some cases, the absence of ovulation may indicate the presence inflammatory diseases genitourinary system or diseases thyroid gland and some other internal organs. It is highly recommended in such a situation to take tests for hormones, to conduct an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs, and some other studies that will be prescribed by the attending physician.

However, do not forget that the measurement of basal temperature to determine ovulation This is just an auxiliary diagnostic method. It is far from always accurate, and it is necessary to measure the temperature for three cycles in a row in order to talk about any suspicion of a pathology. It is better, in addition to this method, to acquire and use both methods of determining the appropriate day of conception.

Taking temperature to determine ovulation is one of the oldest and most time-tested methods.

You must immediately warn that this technique requires more than one cycle control, you will have to spend several months in order to study your degree curve and approximately know the right days, since too many factors can influence this. In addition, it rises as evidence of the egg being released into the wild, which means that the ovulation calculation schedule can be used more for prediction than for diagnosis.

Basal temperature (BT) is the indicators in the rectum. It must be measured regularly in the morning without getting out of bed.

The calendar method for calculating the moment under discussion is suitable for women with an established, regular menstrual cycle, if the cycle is not regular, for example, due to youth, or if menstruation is regulated artificially, using hormonal contraceptives, there is no point in measuring BT at all, it will not be indicative.

BBT is very dependent on the level of hormones, and varies slightly depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This was noticed by Professor Marshall in 1953, and developed a calendar method for calculating the day "X" from temperature. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, it usually does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees, immediately a day-12 hours before important point it falls in order to rise 0.5 degrees after it. BBT after the egg has left the ovary averages 37.6-38.6 degrees, and it will remain so until the start of the next menstruation. Responsible for increasing the levels of progesterone, a hormone produced by the corpus luteum and designed to maintain pregnancy. If a woman becomes pregnant, the indicators do not change throughout the entire stay in the position. If no changes are observed, the absence of ovulation can be assumed.

If you plan to use a method based on the fixation of BBT, then you must remember that it involves a daily rigorous measurement of degrees in the rectum, or in the mouth, or in the vagina. You need to measure in the morning after at least 6 hours of sleep, without even getting out of bed, and record the results in a table. This table is then used to create a chart that will help you get pregnant.

BT is measured at the same time in the same place, with one thermometer. They measure even on critical days. You can use any thermometer, the main thing is the same. If for some reason the measurements were taken differently (deviation in time, change of thermometer), this should be noted in the notes.

Calculation of the moment when the egg is ready for fertilization according to this method it is difficult because it is influenced by a lot of factors, if there was sexual intercourse, if they drank alcohol, if they slept for an hour longer, even if they experienced excitement - this will be reflected in the graph. That is why you will have to write down literally everything that happened, and only after 3 months you can try to draw some conclusions.

The drawn up schedule must necessarily fix factors such as discharge (the appearance of cervical mucus, similar to protein raw egg), and fixing in the miscellaneous column everything that could affect the level of basal temperature.

Measurements can be recorded on a simple piece of paper in a box. Build a graph in which each cell is one day and 0.1 degrees of temperature, the length of the graph is equal to the duration of your cycle (26-35 days). The graph shows the date, BT, and those factors that could affect it. The nature of the secretions is recorded.

Measurements begin to be recorded from the first day of the menstrual cycle, they are recorded for 10 days, then a parallel line should be drawn at the height of the highest "normal" degrees on these days. It's called the temperature line. On the 14th day, +-2 days, ovulation occurs, BBT decreases slightly before it, then a stable rise is noted. 3 days after the process of rejection of the egg, if fertilization has not occurred, it dies.

The graph can be used for two purposes:

  • calculation better days for conception
  • contraception by the calendar method
In the first case, you should try to guess the time for the main sexual intercourse, in the second case, you should be protected from pregnancy by other methods from the first day of menstruation to the 3rd day of the rising numbers on the thermometer, then the non-fertile period begins and the chances of pregnancy are minimized.

When using such calculations, you can notice a lot of subtleties that will make it possible to assess the overall reproductive health of a woman.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, low numbers are due to estrogen, in the second phase of the cycle, their increase is provided by progesterone. A change in the indicators on the thermometer indicates that it has already occurred, and cannot warn that it is approaching. For many women, there is no drop in temperature just before the release of the egg in "free swimming" at all. That is why this method is not ideal for choosing the day of conception.

Charts may look different, everyone has their own norm, so before drawing conclusions, consult with a specialist.

There is a standard schedule suitable for most. It is characterized by a sharp and stable rise in the readings on the thermometer after the moment "X", which persists until the end of the cycle.

However, there are other options:

  • Stepped graph - when the degrees rise sharply, then stay at the same level for 3 days, and then sharply go even higher.
  • Schedule with a gradual rise. With such a schedule, it is not possible to calculate the desired day at all, since there is a smooth rise in indicators throughout the entire cycle.
  • Return lift. In this type of chart, after a sharp rise the next day, everything falls in order to start rising again.
For some women, the difference in the results of different phases of the cycle is negligible and almost imperceptible, this is also a variant of the norm.

The menstrual cycle in different women can have different durations, from 23-24 to 45 or more days, but this difference is possible only due to its first phase, after the rupture of the follicle, the cycle phase does not exceed 12-14 days in all.

If in the first phase of the cycle the degree is higher than in the second, this may be evidence of a lack of estrogen or progesterone in the body, you should consult a doctor.

Delayed menstruation in combination with high BBT indicates pregnancy, the presence of increased BBT and scanty menstruation indicates the possible presence of pregnancy, combined with the threat of its termination. If you chose a measurement method and saw a uniform graph or a graph with a chaotic change in BBT (fence), this may indicate the absence of ovulation, you should contact a gynecologist.

This method has been used for about 60 years, and it is not in vain considered obsolete. Of course, you can patiently insert your thermometer into some natural hole every morning, draw intricate curves, if you like it, why not?

But still, there are much more modern and accurate methods that will help you conceive a baby at the right time, so maybe it’s better to keep up with the times?

To correctly plan your pregnancy, a woman needs to know how to determine ovulation. Signs and symptoms of the phenomenon will help:

  • determine the best day to conceive a baby;
  • prevent unplanned conception, but only in cases where the menstrual cycle is regular;
  • plan the gender of the future baby.

Thermometer determining the day of ovulation
First symptom after childbirth

There is an opinion that boys are born on the day the egg is released from the ovary, and girls - 1-2 days before it. Scientists say that spermatozoa with male chromosomes are fast, however, not very hardy. Female chromosomes are slow, but their viability is higher. When unprotected sex occurs about a day or two before the release of the egg, the female chromosomes survive and the male chromosomes die. It is for this that you need to know how to determine ovulation at home.

How to know the right time

Everyone has healthy women reproductive period there is a menstrual cycle that lasts about a month. If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to know how to determine the day of ovulation. When the cycle lasts 28 days, then the right time is on the 14th day from the beginning of menstruation. If the cycle lasts about 35 days, then the day must be calculated from the moment of the arrival of menstruation. It happens that it lasts 22 days, then you need to schedule unprotected sex for 8 days.

Measurement of basal temperature

This calendar method is very simple, since counting the days since the start of menstruation is not difficult. However, there is a big "pitfall". The method will work only if the menstruation comes "by the clock." But today, not every woman has a regular cycle. In addition, it is affected by:

  • emotional condition;
  • possible drug treatment;
  • physical exercise.

You can also determine the day of ovulation using a calculator. For this method, an online calculator is suitable, which can be easily found on various sites. It is very accurate and fast way, which is suitable if you need to define not a specific day, but several. The situation is greatly simplified if you have the Internet. You will only need to find the desired website, and then enter the necessary data in the calculator. The program will automatically determine ovulation.

When for some reason you cannot go online and use an online calculator, you should understand how to independently determine ovulation using this method. To do this, you need to know the date of the onset of menstruation, first subtract 12 from it, and then 4. The long-awaited phenomenon occurs in the interval between the days received. Today, this is a particularly relevant method, since there are many programs that are easy to install on a tablet or phone, so you can make calculations at any time convenient for you.

Unfortunately, if you have an irregular cycle, the online method for accurately determining ovulation will not work. Especially if the day needs to be calculated in order to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy. Now let's figure out how to accurately determine the day of ovulation with an irregular menstrual cycle.

If the cycle is irregular

Yes, the calculator allows you to most accurately determine the day of ovulation, but what if the cycle is irregular? In this case, there are also several reliable ways:

  • saliva diagnostics;
  • temperature measurement;
  • allocation tracking.

Try the saliva method. 1-3 days before the onset of the desired day, the level of estrogen in the female body increases. This hormone contributes to the retention of sodium and potassium in the body. Because of this, the composition of saliva changes slightly.

You will need a drop of saliva and a small microscope. Saliva must be applied to the instrument glass of the apparatus and after a while to consider its pattern. When the image becomes like fern leaves, it means that in the coming days you can actively engage in unprotected sex - this is the ideal time to conceive a baby. If you still settled on the "saliva" method, but you want to make everything as simple as possible, try special tests that are sold in pharmacies.

If it is not possible to determine the day of ovulation using a special online programs, you can use the temperature method. To do this, in the morning immediately after waking up, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. It should range from 36.2 to 36.9 degrees. When the temperature rises to 37 degrees, it means that the process has occurred and on this day you need to have unprotected sex.

Temperature method

You should know not only how ovulation can be reliably determined by basal temperature, but also how to do it correctly. It is best to put a thermometer on the bedside table in the evening so that you can use it in the morning immediately after waking up. The tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly, then turn on its side and insert the tip of the device into the rectum by 1-1.5 centimeters. Then you need to wait from 3 to 7 minutes and see the result. This diagnosis should be started only after the end of menstruation. Every day you need to measure the temperature at the same time, for example, at 8 am.

If you are trying to understand the most accurate way to calculate and determine your ovulation day, try this method. It is accurate and suitable for irregular and regular monthly cycles.

It is worth learning how to reliably determine ovulation by the discharge that has appeared. During this period, the cervix secretes mucus, through which the spermatozoa enter the uterus. The translucent mucus is similar to raw egg white. This is a very simple and easy way. There is another method that is reliable, but costly - an ultrasound study. The doctor will diagnose and determine the possible onset of the desired date. But for this, ultrasound will have to be done daily, which is inconvenient and expensive.

What external signs will help

If the above methods are not suitable for you, you need to find out how you can determine the onset of ovulation by internal sensations. It is believed that they are no less reliable than popular tests and analyzes for hormones. So, let's talk about how exactly at home you can determine the onset of ovulation.

General health control

First of all, uncomfortable sensations appear in the abdomen and chest. Due to a sharp change in hormonal levels, the breasts can swell and hurt. Often flatulence develops, so the stomach swells, as with problems with the intestines. From the side of the ovary, which released the mature follicle, there are pulling, aching pains.

Now you know how you can determine your ovulation by various sensations and secretions, so you are unlikely to miss this long-awaited phenomenon. But it is better to use several methods at once to be 100% sure.

calendar methodCalculate what date falls on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This day will be the most suitable for conception.
CalculatorUse online calculators posted on websites on the Internet.
Temperature measurementWhen the time is right, the temperature will rise to 37 degrees.
Saliva diagnosticsPut saliva on the dashboard and look at it through a microscope. If the time has come, then the saliva pattern will look like a fern leaf. Or use special text.
Excretion controlWhen the right period of time comes, white mucous discharge begins to appear from the vagina.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist


Basal body temperature (BBT) shows a woman when pregnancy and ovulation can occur. They measure it in a certain way: early in the morning, just waking up, at rest. Any thermometer is suitable for measurements, the time required is 3-6 minutes. Everything is simple, and the results clarify many points.

What is basal temperature and how to measure it

BBT is body temperature, which is measured in the rectum early in the morning, without getting out of bed. This will allow you to find out whether ovulation or egg maturation is currently taking place, on which days conception is possible. Basal temperature will indicate the imminent onset of menstruation, changes in the cycle, help in planning and detecting pregnancy or diagnosing some gynecological problems in the body.

How to measure basal temperature at home:

  1. It is necessary to measure BBT from the first day of the arrival of menstruation.
  2. The thermometer should be placed in the rectum, not in the vagina. The rectal method gives accurate data.
  3. The device should be held for 3 minutes.
  4. Measurements must be taken daily for 2-3 months at one hour.
  5. It is better to do it in the morning, after waking up, right in bed. BBT may differ by 1 degree if you measured it in the evening.

Why you need to measure basal temperature

When menstruation occurs, the hormonal background of a woman undergoes changes. The increase in the amount of progesterone is immediately displayed in numbers on the thermometer:

  • When the egg matures high level estrogen), BTT is low.
  • After this phase, it rises again.
  • On average, an increase in thermometer readings reaches 0.4-0.8 degrees Celsius and indicates that ovulation has occurred.

The days before and during ovulation are favorable for conception. You need to know how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation. It is important to first clarify all the points for yourself in order to keep a schedule, entering indicators into it with the necessary regularity. Such records will help the doctor to get a picture of what is happening, and over time, the woman herself will understand the numbers.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? The measurement should be made during the period of maximum rest, which is sleep. Since this is impossible, you need to get as close to the ideal as possible and measure it early in the morning when you are extremely calm. It makes no sense to find out the data if you are taking hormonal drugs or antidepressants, and also while drinking alcohol.

What thermometer to measure basal temperature

There are three types of thermometers for these purposes: electronic, mercury and infrared. The latter are least suitable for such a measurement. With mercury, you should be extremely careful, because during the measurement early in the morning, being sleepy, you can break it. It is unacceptable to change measuring device otherwise errors cannot be avoided. Do you want to use a regular thermometer or change it to a more advanced one? No problem, but choose the device for a long time.

How to measure basal temperature with a mercury thermometer

Accurate data can be achieved using a mercury thermometer, but even in this case it is possible to measure incorrectly. The thermometer can be entered incorrectly or removed too quickly. Given the danger of mercury, this type of thermometer is less commonly used. How to measure basal temperature with a regular thermometer:

  • the tip of the thermometer can be lubricated with ordinary oil (vegetable) or petroleum jelly;
  • then gently insert the device into the anus;
  • wait 5 minutes, lying with your eyes closed in a state close to sleep.

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation with a digital thermometer

Electronic devices are easy to use but have a bad reputation for not being accurate enough. To achieve the desired result, follow the instructions: so, using the oral method, close your mouth as tightly as possible so that the thermometer does not show a value less than it actually is. As a rule, the end of the measurement is indicated by a sound signal.

The greatest advantage of such devices (and the reason for the recommendations of doctors) is their safety:

  • If you drop it while you are asleep or it breaks in your hands, it will not cause you any harm.
  • The flexible tip makes the instruments comfortable to use, they are waterproof and take measurements faster.

How long does it take to take a temperature

Regardless of the method you choose, the time for this process will remain the same. How to measure basal temperature correctly? It's simple:

  1. The thermometer lasts 5-7 minutes. All this time you should remain motionless.
  2. The thermometer itself must be prepared in advance and placed near the bed so that in the morning you do not make any unnecessary movements that could affect the data.
  3. The time when the temperature will be measured must be observed to the nearest quarter of an hour.