Why pink hydrangea does not bloom in the garden. Why is the hydrangea not blooming? Common gardening mistakes

Heiress of the Far Eastern natural species and breeding novelties of the European collection, hydrangea (Hydrangea), as this flower is called in botanical atlases, is represented in domestic floriculture by several varieties resistant to cool summers and harsh winters:

Among them there are no evergreen forms. Sometimes, for wintering, certain varieties have to be transplanted into pots and brought into the room, but sub-zero temperatures up to 10 ◦ C, and even -25 ◦ C, some of the hydrangeas (for example, paniculate) endure with reliable shelter.

When planting in a row, an interval of 1.5 meters is prudently laid on the growth of a bush, but it happens that the bushes grow up to 2.5 m in diameter (with good lighting), covered with a cap of inflorescences - each the size of a human head. Here you can not do without supports and props.

A year after planting, the flower, if properly cared for, forms a spectacular bush of 5-7 inflorescences, which, with a total height of up to 2 meters and above, is a serious application for a decorative accent in the garden.

It blooms by the middle of summer, when there are more sunny days, and at night it is relatively warm..The bush blooms by September-October, repeating this cycle up to 30-50 times. For 8 years of life, the mother plant is able to give numerous offspring - up to 50 basal cuttings.

ATTENTION: The aroma is noticeable only in warm sunny weather, it is inferior in strength to its southern relatives. The flowering plant, located in the shade, in the cool environment of the northern summer, will not please with the aroma.

Photo of plants

Here you can see photos of blooming hydrangeas.


Reproduction of hydrangea is most often carried out by cuttings. prepared from flexible basal shoots (up to 3 internodes 7-8 cm in size). Stem cuttings are also suitable for propagation, which are buried in the substrate (peat and sand) at t◦20◦С and humidity - 80%.

5-6 weeks are enough for rooting, after which the plants are planted in pots or soil. In pots, seedlings can overwinter, cleaned in the basement. Flowering attempts in the first year are interrupted.

By dividing the bush, they are propagated in the spring, transplanting the “dividings” into prepared places. One-year-old layers can also give life to a new plant, if they are bent down and dug, leaving the top of the shoot on the surface.

Grafting is occasionally used for varietal changes. Its implementation requires special knowledge and skills, therefore it is not used in home gardening. Growing hydrangeas from seeds is a very time-consuming task, and therefore not popular.

The hydrangea growing cycle consists of:

  • reproduction (cutting, layering, dividing the bush, grafting and seeds);
  • summer care for her (watering, top dressing, pruning, mulching);
  • rest period (from October to March - wintering);
  • spring forcing (depending on the purpose) for one-year-olds - 5-10cm (potted), 5-30cm (ground); a plant wintering in the basement can be put up for forcing as early as February.

How to properly care?

Summer care

  • regular watering (every 7 days - 20-30 liters) with rain or settled water, in the heat - more often;
  • weeding, loosening (to a depth of 10 cm) and mulching of the root circle (up to 3 times per season);
  • nitrogenous fertilizer of the bush during the budding period (spring) and potash fertilizer - at the time of flowering (summer), with a regularity of 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • sanitary and from 4 years old - shaping pruning in open field, in order to rejuvenate the bush and stimulate flowering;
  • maintenance period - spring-autumn;
  • preparation for the dormant period: removing leaves, tying the bush into a bundle, high hilling, establishing support for covering material - spruce branches, film, lutrasil;
  • in severe winters, cover the entire structure with snow;
  • planting or transplanting new plants into a prepared pit of 50x50 and a depth of the same; soil composition in equal proportions: turf, sand, humus and peat;
  • in the first year, the expected growth of stems is 20-30 cm.

ADVICE: Create supporting fences around the bush to protect the stems from lodging under the weight of large inflorescences.


The rest period for hydrangeas in a mild warm climate does not require any protective measures.: trimming and tying in bundles only. After a snowy winter, with the beginning of sap flow and bud germination, the stems should be gradually opened during the day, airing the bush, lifted from the shelter, tied up vertically, protecting from sunburn.

All parts of the growing hydrangea are considered poisonous because they contain cyanogenic glycoids, but in traditional medicine root extract is used as a tonic, wound healing, diuretic and analgesic.

Necessary conditions for flowering

Among gardeners, there are two opinions on the cultivation of hydrangeas: an unpretentious plant, and a rather capricious one. They are based on the right and wrong choice of landing site.

After all, growth inhibition, scarcity of flowering, damage by chlorosis or powdery mildew are the result of unsuccessful placement of the bush, or the choice of soil composition. The plant can also suffer from an excess of gardener love: excessively flooded or “fed” with fertilizers.

Optimal conditions for growth:

  1. Well-lit high ground above the horizon ground water where there is no direct sun, but partial shade is formed.
  2. Natural or artificial protection from constant winds and heavy rainfall.
  3. Podzolic soils and nutritious loams; acidity is not higher than pH4.5-5.
  4. Constant moisture of the earthen coma.
  5. The temperature background is not lower than +12◦С.
  6. Regular removal of weeds and shoots from the root circle.
  7. Formative cutting.
  8. Proper winter preparation.

IMPORTANT: In areas with alkaline soil, artificial acidifiers are used for the well-being of the bush: citric or oxalic acid (30 ml per bucket of water), and even battery electrolyte (1 ml per liter of water).

Watch the video about the conditions for the lush flowering of hydrangeas:

The ability to influence color is a rare gift of nature to man.

The beauty of the spherical inflorescences of hydrangea is provided by sterile four-petal flowers, bordering nondescript small fertile ones. Of the latter, a seed box is formed, they are honey plants, but barren flowers, similar to moths, cause admiration.

At the very beginning of flowering, regardless of the variety, they all have a light green color. Only with time does it become obvious what color the panicles will be.

Palette blooming hydrangea: from chaste white and pale beige through all shades of pink to delicate tones of lilac, blue and blue. It's hard to believe but the color of the inflorescences is determined by the acidity and the content of chemical elements in the soil:

  • the presence of Al or Fe in the form of alum guarantees all shades of blue;
  • on slightly alkaline soils, sterile flowers will have a pink (natural) color;
  • the change in color is also facilitated by the introduction of peat.

ATTENTION: Commercially available harmless chemical compositions, capable of changing the color of inflorescences, with greater or lesser intensity according to the amount of the applied substance.

This treatment is carried out during the beginning of the growing season. Regular use of additives gives the unambiguity of the color of the panicles, irregular - a manifestation of two-color.

Special hybrids of hydrangeas have been bred that can change color and very easily “repaint” in the desired color - “NikkoBlue”, “Blaumeise”, etc. Snow-white varieties are the most difficult to change color, at best, their inflorescences can acquire a slightly pink tint. Influencing color samples, you can get complex shades of red and blue - lilac, purple.

This feature of influencing the color of hydrangea inflorescences was discovered by people experimentally a long time ago: they buried rusty objects up to the bush or watered the plant with rusty water.

How to prolong the joy of admiring?

A flowering bush pleases the eye for several months, inflorescences cut for a bouquet stand in water for 2 weeks. But the desire to prolong the flowering time prompted florists to preserve blooming hydrangeas different ways up to a year. This is drying.

Such a flower will stand in a floristic composition for a year, without losing color, but then it will fade anyway.

Cut flowers for drying at the end of the season when fertile flowers begin to actively bloom, and sterile ones change color, withering. It is very difficult to catch this moment: hurry up - the flowers will dry for a very long time to the detriment of beauty, if you are late - they will turn from colored to brown. Plucking of faded flowers is also not welcome, which can provoke the withering of the entire panicle.

IMPORTANT: Hydrangea does not tolerate drought, but excess moisture is harmful to it. Fungal diseases appear from it, roots can rot. A weakened plant is a home for aphids, mites and nematodes.

Watch a video about drying methods:

Why does it not bloom in the garden and what should be done in such cases?

This is perhaps the most important disappointment of the grower. Well, in the first year - of course, it's too early for her. And then? The reason may be in:

  • incorrectly selected variety for this region;
  • artificial stimulation of a pre-sale copy, as can be seen from the emerging buds;
  • a sharp change in the substrate in which the purchased plant was located, and garden soil;
  • lack of development of the root system;
  • early release of the bush in the spring from the frost cover;
  • frost damage to the upper bud buds;
  • improper pruning of stems, with the removal of flower buds;
  • constant stay of the plant in the shade;
  • the absence of a complex of dressings.

The correct determination of the causes will help to correctly eliminate them, and wait for the solemn moment: the lush flowering of the hydrangea bush.

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How to care for hydrangea at home? Indoor hydrangea should be planted in acidic soil with a pH level of 5.5. The mixture may include peat, coniferous soil, humus and sand. The pot is preferably large and wide, due to the root system growing in breadth. The root neck does not need to be covered, it should be flush with the ground. When planting, mulching with peat is recommended.

Hydrangea will need to be repotted every 2-3 years. Each new pot should be 1.5 times the size of its predecessor.


In summer, hydrangea prefers moderate sun, favorably perceives partial shade in a well-lit room. It is better to protect the flower from direct sunlight at this time. In winter, completely darkened rooms are also acceptable - during the dormant period, lighting does not play a big role.

But at the end of winter, the plant will be happy with well-lit window sills, because it needs a lot of light to form buds.


There is nothing outstanding in the hydrangea watering scheme. Experienced florists it is recommended not to overdry the earthen clod in a pot, but also not to overmoisten it. Requires moderate to heavy watering as the topsoil dries out.

Reference! Surprisingly, the moisture-loving hydrangea is not afraid of overdrying, and there are always good chances to “drink” a dried plant.

Water for irrigation should be soft, settled and reached room temperature. Some people prefer to water their hydrangeas with rainwater or cooled boiled water. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter time stop at all - before the appearance of buds.

Air humidity

Accustomed to the maritime climate, the hydrangea will be grateful for regular spraying, as it loves humidity. The flower should be sprayed especially often and abundantly if it is located near heating appliances that dry out the air (by the way, this is highly undesirable for hydrangeas).

Will not hurt hydrangeas and bathing: the flower pot is dipped in water for a while, and then the moisture is allowed to drain completely.

Temperature regime

During the active period, hydrangea requires temperatures in the range of 18-20 degrees Celsius. In the summer it can be taken out into the street. During the dormant period, the room should not be hotter than 8 degrees. Therefore, in winter, putting a flower on the windowsill, try to protect it from the heat of the batteries.


Feed the hydrangea during its flowering once a week. Also top dressing is carried out in winter - to stimulate growth. Both complex mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for this. Ammonium nitrate or superphosphate will help the flower grow.


Hydrangea inflorescences have an impressive hemispherical shape resembling an umbrella up to 20 cm in diameter. In total, there can be up to 6 of them on one plant. They delight the eye of florists from April to November. The most spectacular flowers appear in hydrangeas in the first years of flowering. Over time, they shrink and may even twist due to the stretching of the shoots.

Does it need to be cut?

After flowering, hydrangea shoots are cut almost half, leaving a few of the strongest. This will help the flower to form beautifully and harmoniously. Also, partial pruning is carried out in the spring - weak and overly elongated shoots are removed.

Reproduction methods

Indoor hydrangea is propagated by cuttings - as a rule, these are sprouts that make the crown too thick. The most suitable time for the breeding procedure is July. Sprouts 7-10 cm long with 2-3 internodes are cut at an angle (3-4 m below the node).

The leaves are cut in half, after which the sprouts are planted in river sand or the lightest soil, deepening by 1.5-2 cm. They are either covered with a jar or polyethylene, or left open, but sprayed regularly.

The required temperature is 22-25 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to keep the cuttings under these conditions until the first leaves appear - as a rule, you have to wait up to one and a half months.

At this point, young hydrangeas can be planted in separate pots, after a couple of weeks, pinch the tops and gradually accustom them to normal conditions.

Watch a video about the propagation of room hydrangea:


Indoor hydrangea lives 3-4 years, after which it is replaced by a new, young plant.

Growth per year

The growth rate of room hydrangea will depend on the care of it. The maximum height that indoor hydrangea can reach is 1 meter.

Can the color be changed?

Changing the color of home hydrangea is a separate fascinating topic. In some cases, the color of the petals depends on the composition of the soil, so if you want to get blue flowers, the earth can be enriched with iron salts (simply by adding iron shavings or ordinary nails to the pot with earth).

Note! Another option is to spray the hydrangea with a solution of potassium alum: 7-8 g per 1 liter of water. You need to do this twice a week. Then pink flowers will turn blue, dark pink - violet-blue, and red - pure purple.

A photo

Next, you can get acquainted with the photo of the indoor hydrangea plant:

What problems might arise?

Dry leaves - what to do?

Why do leaves dry? Most often, the cause of this trouble is an ordinary drought, in other words, insufficient watering. Solving the problem is simple: change the irrigation scheme: moisten the soil a little more often or a little more abundantly. The dryness of the air in the room can also be the cause of dry tips.

But yellowing leaves indicate a possible decrease in soil acidity. If the test confirms this, lemon water can correct the situation: a few drops of lemon juice should be diluted in 1 liter of water.

Treatment of diseases

On the leaves and stem of hydrangea may appear powdery mildew: it looks like oily spots that turn yellow over time. Heat combined with high humidity can be the cause. Affected hydrangeas are treated with a composition that includes 150 g of green soap and about 15 g of copper sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water.

Gray rot can be recognized by wet gray spots and blooms of the same color, they can appear on any part of the flower. Bordeaux liquid will help to cure this ailment, but all damaged leaves will have to be removed.

Reference! But the fall of the leaves should not frighten the owners of hydrangeas. This flower belongs to deciduous, therefore, like many representatives of the flora, in this way it prepares for wintering. By spring, the foliage will again decorate the houseplant.

Pests and their control

One of the most ubiquitous flower pests is the spider mite. But if you take care of the flower correctly, you can not be afraid of its attack on the plant. Also, indoor hydrangea can be overcome by traditional home plants. mealybugs, aphids and thrips. You can get rid of them with the help of special insecticides.

Useful video

Watch a video about growing hydrangeas in pots:


Bright room hydrangea umbrellas are an excellent decoration for any interior and any floral collection. Their flowers delight the eye for a long time, while not causing trouble to their owners at all.

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Many beginners in the field of floriculture often make simple mistakes when growing hydrangeas. Because of this, plants can stop flowering, and all useful material put in the development of foliage.

Hydrangea is a perennial shrub that produces amazingly beautiful flowers. But it is not always possible to see these flowers on your plant. When growing these plants, you should know why hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. This will help flower growers to observe the flowering of their plants every year.

white flowers

Hydrangea has more than 80 varieties, and they can differ in a large number of characteristics. The main part of the varieties are small shrubs, 1-2 meters high, and creepers can climb to a height of more than 30 meters.


Flowering of plants begins in late spring and lasts until late autumn. The main part of the flowers is white, but the flowers of some varieties of hydrangea can be painted in pink, red, blue and lilac colors. As a rule, the color depends on the level of soil acidity.

Reasons for not flowering

Many flower growers, having decided to grow hydrangeas in their garden plot, cannot achieve flowering. There may be several reasons, and you should know the main ones in order to avoid mistakes when growing plants.

  • Not correct pruning bushes.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Underdevelopment of the root system.
  • Buying fraud.
  • Wrong transfer.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Freezing of kidneys in winter.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Choosing the wrong variety.
  • Diseases and pests.

Pruning bushes

Hydrangeas, like other shrubs, need timely and proper pruning. It greatly affects the amount of foliage and the abundance of flowering. Incorrect pruning is often the reason why the hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. This phenomenon is very common in large-leaved hydrangea varieties.

As a rule, the main part of pruning is carried out in the spring after the snow has melted. In the fall, work on cutting hydrangea bushes is rarely left, only faded parts are removed. Spring pruning is done before the formation of foliage. Pruning methods may differ for each individual type of hydrangea.


Hydrangea loves moisture. Even its name in Latin is translated as "a vessel with water." Watering for bushes should be plentiful. In summer, up to 50 ml of water is used for each bush.

Watering is done regularly. In the summer, the bushes are watered twice a week. If the weather is rainy, then watering should be reduced to once. The amount of watering should be adjusted according to the current weather.

root system

Young plants that have only recently been planted in the soil have a weak root system. They need a long time to finally strengthen and start producing flowers.

Full flowering of plants begins only at the 4th year of hydrangea growth. Therefore, you should not panic if the hydrangea does not bloom immediately after planting. With proper care, you can get stunning flowers every year.

Purchase of planting material

When buying hydrangeas, you should not contact little-known sellers of planting material. Often unscrupulous sellers can use growth and flowering enhancers. When buying, you can observe excellent flowering, and by planting such plants in your soil, flowering may stop.

The use of flowering enhancers puts a very high stress on the plants. Subsequently, such a plant will not produce flowers for a very long time. And in the worst case, you can not see the flowers at all.

Buy planting material only in established companies, and before buying, you should carefully study the reviews about it.

Bush transplant

Incorrect transplantation very often becomes the reason why pink hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. Novice flower growers can easily damage the root system, disrupting the usual metabolism of plants.

planting flowers

Also choosing a container that is too tight or too spacious for growing indoor plants can lead to a slowdown in development and, as a result, the cessation of flowering of hydrangeas.

The choice of a suitable soil is also very important, because a sharp change in the composition of the soil can adversely affect the general condition of the plants.


The reason for poor flowering or its absence may be insufficient lighting. This is often observed in places where natural sunlight is not fully available.

To solve this problem, additional lighting should be established by other methods or plants should be transplanted to places where there will be plenty of sunlight.

pink flowers

Shelter for the winter

In severe frosts, flowering buds can easily freeze. Such buds will no longer be able to produce flowers, and they will only have to be cut along with damaged stems. To prevent this from happening, the plants take cover for the winter.

Shelter for the winter

  • You should tie together the stems of hydrangeas and spud them with sawdust. After that, it remains only to sprinkle them with earth.
  • If it is possible to cover the hydrangea with a non-woven covering material, then this opportunity should be used.
  • Coniferous branches will be a good covering material. They will not only save the bushes from freezing, but also increase the acidity of the soil, which hydrangea bushes love.
  • Plants can be covered even if all the leaves did not have time to fall. Neither pests nor diseases hibernate on hydrangea leaves.

top dressing


For the full flowering of hydrangeas, regular, but moderately dosed top dressing is needed. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers is the reason why paniculate hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. The flowering of the bushes stops, and the beneficial substances go to the enhanced formation of foliage.

  • In the spring, at the beginning of the growth of the bushes, it should be applied for one square meter soil 25 gr. urea, 40 gr. superphosphate and 35 gr. sulfuric potassium.
  • With the onset of the budding phase, the supply of nitrogen fertilizers is reduced. For one square meter of soil, 80 gr. superphosphate and 45 gr. sulfuric potassium.
  • The use of nitrogen fertilizers is relevant after flowering. Under each bush, 15 kg of compost or rotted manure should be added.

There are special fertilizers for hydrangeas. They contain a set of minerals and trace elements necessary for the full development of plants. You can use them as the main top dressing. Please read the instructions carefully before use.

Selection of varieties

Each plant requires certain growing conditions. It is not always possible to achieve them in different regions of the country. Varieties that are initially accustomed to a lot of light and heat will feel uncomfortable in the northern regions.

Variety selection

On the other hand, a variety intended for growing in northern climates is unlikely to take root in hot, dry regions.

Choosing the right variety is one of the many basic conditions for the full growth and flowering of hydrangeas.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests on hydrangeas are rare, but even they suffer from similar troubles. The most common hydrangea problems are:

They do not directly damage flowers, but they can interfere with plant development by slowing the onset of flowering or stopping it altogether. Use to control diseases and pests modern facilities on a biological or chemical basis, as well as folk methods.

Knowing why the hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, you can easily eliminate all the reasons that interfere with the full development of the plant. Applying these tips in practice, you can enjoy the pleasant flowering of your pets every year.

Hydrangea is a flowering plant, which can be a shrub or a small tree, even creepers are found. Its abundant flowering amazed many gardeners with its grace. In Japan, the flower was called Ajisai - which means "sunny purple flower." A huge variety of flowers of inflorescences allows you to create beautiful blooming gardens, starting in spring and continuing until late autumn. The main feature of the plant is that the color of the buds can vary depending on the acidity of the soil:

  • With a pH of 6.5-7.5, hydrangea acquires paler colors - beige, pale pinkish, cream or white-bluish, white.
  • With an alkaline reaction (pH more than 7.5), the color becomes bright pink, purple, red.
  • If the pH is below 6.5, the flower turns blue to dark blue.

Reasons why the plant does not bloom?

Despite the fact that hydrangea grows well in all soils, it may still not bloom. There are reasons for this though:

  1. Young hydrangea is able to bloom in the first year after reproduction. But if her stalk was very weak and did not gain strength over the summer, then it may not give the expected buds even in the second year, since all the forces will be spent on growth, so they simply will not be left for laying flower buds. To avoid such a turn, you should use regulators. They contribute to the rapid development of the root system, the formation of stems and branches. After landing in a new place, it is worth feeding with a weak solution of fertilizers so that the hydrangea takes root faster.

  2. mature plant ceases to bloom due to the fact that he lacks nutrition. The second name of hydrangea is "hydrangea". She received it due to the fact that she loves moisture very much. Therefore, the lack of watering can lead to the fact that the plant will lay only leaf buds. Regular watering and loosening of the soil around the root neck (so that the water does not stagnate) will allow you to avoid such a problem.
  3. A huge number of varieties lay their flower buds exclusively on the tops of the branches. Inexperienced flower growers can, while pruning shrubs, cut them off. As a result of this, the hydrangea will not bloom in the current season until it recovers. Before you begin to form the crown of a plant, it is worth studying its characteristics.

  4. Severe climate and poor overwintering can affect the flowering of the plant. In the first case, it is worth giving preference to varieties that are adapted to one or another temperature regime. Secondly, the plant should be well covered before the onset of cold weather so that the flower buds are not damaged, since they begin to be laid in the fall.
  5. Improper transplantation can ruin the flowering of hydrangeas. In the process of experiencing, shoots and the root system can be damaged, as a result, the plant spends its energy exclusively on restoring organs, and not on laying buds. In order not to damage the roots of the shrub during the transplanting process, it is necessary to dig it out together with an earthen clod, carefully holding it at the base.

  6. The choice of planting site significantly affects the flowering of hydrangeas. The lack of consecration leads to the fact that the shrub does not lay buds well, or even does not bloom at all. If there was no open place for landing, it is worth taking care that there is an installation (pillar) with artificial consecration nearby.

Video about why hydrangea does not bloom

Hydrangea is one of the most unpretentious plants, which even novice gardeners can grow. If you care why is the hydrangea not blooming, but gives only foliage, we will help to sort out this issue. There are several types of hydrangea, each of which has its own characteristics. With our tips, you can achieve abundant flowering of this plant and decorate your site.

What are the types of flowering hydrangea

Annabelle - the most common type of hydrangea, which is distinguished by large fluffy flowers and grows up to 2 meters.

Paniculata hydrangea tolerates cold well and grows up to 5 meters. Flowers can be red, cream and yellowish.

indoor hydrangea considered one of the most capricious and at the same time the most beautiful flowers. It is able to change color, depending on the composition of the soil.

If you want to decorate the arch in the garden, choose curly hydrangea. Keep in mind that this species does not tolerate cold well.

Reasons why hydrangea does not bloom

If the hydrangea does not produce flowers, but only goes into foliage, it is necessary to determine the reasons why. Although this shrub is unpretentious, it must be properly cut in the spring. Particular attention should be paid to watering, lighting and fertilizer. If you do not feed the soil, then there will be only foliage, not lush flowers. It is important that the plant develops a good root system, otherwise it will be weak and not bloom.

indoor hydrangea

One of the most common reasons why hydrangeas don't bloom and only produce foliage is that vendors may have used flowering stimulants that may keep the plant from blooming for several more years. If your hydrangea does not bloom, but gives only foliage, think about whether it has frozen over in winter. You may need to cover the bush if it is very cold in your area.

After you have figured out the reasons why the hydrangea bush does not bloom, proceed to proper care for her. In any case, flowering can be restored, so do not worry.

How to care for hydrangea

It is very important to carry out timely feeding of the plant. This should be done on average about 4 times a year, in spring and summer. In early spring, start with organic fertilizers, which will stimulate the growth and flowering of hydrangeas. During the period of active growth of buds, one more top dressing should be carried out, adding, in addition to organic fertilizers, urea and potassium salts. In the summer, apply mineral fertilizers, and then special mixtures for hydrangeas.

When caring for hydrangeas, you need to monitor the humidity of the air. If it is too dry, spray the leaves. Pay special attention to watering, as the plant loves moist soil. Hydrangea grows best on clay soils and poorly on sandy ones. If the pH of the earth is acidic, then add sawdust and needles to the soil before planting hydrangeas.

Now you know what to do if the hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves. you can grow lush flowering bushes and transform your own yard.