Panel paintings with their own. Do-it-yourself wall panel - we make masterpieces from improvised means

Each of us wants to live in a comfortable, cozy home that would not strain or overload with its appearance. Often, a new worthy repair is already bored, it is not possible to make updates, but you want to breathe a new breath of air into your home.

It is in these cases that a decorative panel placed on the wall surface can decorate and refresh the interior without much hassle and alterations.

The panel can be placed in any room from the hallway to the bathroom. Each specific room has its own selection criteria and features of such wall decorations.

There are several characteristics that distinguish wall products from each other:

  • the material from which the thing is made. It can be a product made of wood, plastic, mirror surface, cardboard and others. Such paintings are decorated with buttons, and dry plants, and small mosaics, etc.;
  • manufacturing technique - it can be in the form of knitting, weaving, embroidery, carving, inlay, etc .;
  • form - here production is not limited by any framework. Products can have completely different sizes and shapes. These are ovals and polygons, and models consisting of several elements stand out;
  • 3D effects, which are at the peak of popularity today. The effect of volume is then created by voluminous paper applications, ledges. Similar products imitate carved and bas-relief surfaces.

Wall products have two functions. The first and most important is the decorative effect of use. The panel is a full-fledged independent element of room decoration.

The second equally important function is to hide existing flaws in the form of bumps or cracks. It is also possible to hide the safe under the panel.

Varieties of wall panels

There are several types of panels that can be made from the most different materials and in various technologies.

Textile products - this type is made of fabric using the embroidery technique. Most often, a wooden canvas is taken as the basis. Embroidery can take the form of picture compositions, ornaments, appliqués. As a rule, such panels are made on an industrial scale, however, there are also manual copies, the cost of which is much higher.

Wooden products (carving, burning), the cost of which is high, and the appearance is quite premium.

Panels made from wallpaper fragments look very original. In addition, it is possible to make such a panel with your own hands.

Freesize type, the main difference of which is their free size and the ability to add other elements to the composition. An example is modular compositions with different images.

Mirror panels, for the creation of which they use both standard mirror surfaces and elements of unusual shapes, wavy and uneven mirrors.

Panel placements

In any living space there are many wall surfaces on which it is possible to place decor panels. The main condition is that the product is in harmony with the functionality of the room and its style.


It is from the hallway that any apartment begins. Therefore, it is advisable to place a pleasant wall composition here that will meet all those who come. When choosing a suitable product, you should consider the size of the room.

For small spaces, it is better to choose small panels with a non-aggressive image in soothing colors. the best options there will be images of flowers, natural paintings.

corridor passage

If the corridor is not equipped with light sources, then the panel can be chosen brighter by supplementing it with a wall lamp. If the corridor is small, then a few compositions on the wall will be enough.

But a spacious room should be equipped with a number of panels. An excellent option would be a composition related to one theme, for example, four products that reflect the change of seasons.

kitchen area

The kitchen is often decorated in light warm colors, but the panel should be bright, gathering all the attention. A composition with a still life or coffee bean products that fit the theme will perfectly fit into the atmosphere.

Living room

The main purpose of the living room is rest and relaxation. Based on this, decorative panels on the walls, too, have a peaceful look. The color palette of products is calm, images in the form of landscapes.

In spacious living rooms, the composition is recommended to be placed along the entire length of the wall surface; it can consist of several elements interconnected by a single plot. An excellent option would be a large ship plowing the sea surface, which is embroidered on a fabric.

Another composition is a world map applied on a wooden base consisting of several blocks. Lighting should be added to such a composition, and then the backlit wood panel will become the main focus of the entire interior.

sleeping area

The bedroom is the room where you fall asleep and wake up. Decorative panels here should serve as a means of appeasement in the evening and a source of awakening in the morning.

It is better to place images of nature in front of the bed, as in the photo panel in the bedroom on the wall. Pictures with space views look quite original.

In the children's bedroom, you can create a wall decor composition on your own, involving the kids themselves in the joint creativity.


Making a panel in the bathroom, you should pay attention not only to the external characteristics of the composition, but also to its performance. Wood products immediately fall off, because due to high humidity they will quickly become unusable.

The most suitable option is products from marble elements. Attached to a special solution, such compositions are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Thanks to a large selection of wall decor compositions, choose suitable option possible for any room and style direction.

Photo panel on the wall

This is not only a way to apply all the accumulated ideas and give vent to wild imagination, it is also a great opportunity to create a truly individual wall design in your home, and as a gift, such a thing will always be to your liking! A sea of ​​ideas and incarnations, the most interesting options, the use of various, sometimes very unexpected materials, helpful tips and recommendations - from the already familiar to you Helena the Immortal! Meet, learn, implement! Happy viewing!

Fast, cheap and easy. Fourteen ideas on how to make your home perfectly beautiful. panel on hastily. All ideas for NON-ARTISTS, that is, extremely simple. And they are designed to help you believe in yourself and make a panel with your own hands.

What is a panel, you ask, and what is it for? :) A lot of all sorts of differences fit the definition of "panel". We need to start from functionality. And the function of all the panels is the same, and the mother of Uncle Fyodor from the famous cartoon “Prostokvashino” spoke the homespun truth about it many years ago. Remember, there was such a dialogue. Dad asks what is the use of this useless picture on the wall? And my mother replies: “This picture is very useful. She closes a hole in the wall!” Roughly, of course, it is said, but it is a fact: the panels cover design gaps. It is far from being a painting, but it is no longer a piece of the wall. This is an item that seems useless, but at the same time remove it, and you will understand how the entire interior was fragmented into fragments. The panel is the final touch in the decoration of the house, giving chic and completeness to the look. These are several items, beautifully laid out and framed. That's all. The mystery is what and how to decompose.

Panel made of plastic micromosaic and rhinestones

A panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It should be a good spot of color, and located in the right place. It has to match exactly your home, so it's silly to buy something more or less suitable. It is better to make a panel with your own hands, using what is under these hands and buying only what is necessary.

Let's look at several ways to make panels. Absolutely different. When you practice and understand what the principle is, then any other will not be a question! The only thing they have in common is the frame. The frame and base is canvas, like a painting. So.

We make panels ourselves

Idea number 1. Using Lightning

We find several zippers for clothes. We intertwine them in random order, focusing on color. Glue with super glue to the substrate. The panel is ready!

Idea number 2. Of the most common hair ties

We buy a lot of them, bright and different. Or we make, if there is something. Randomly attach to the substrate. I would not even glue, but fastened with pins. Such work will sooner or later become a chic gift for hundreds of girls.

You have already understood that the feature of these panels is the variety of colors with the uniformity of the form. That is, many identical objects of different colors. You can make your own perfectly with buttons, ribbons, bottle caps... the list goes on!

Idea number 3. Diversity of form

The central part of the composition is silicone spiders. Approximately the same as in the photo. Next, take three identical empty frames, paint in White color, with black paint we imitate birch bark. From a thread of the "iris" type we weave a "web": we cross 6 threads in the center, fasten them to the buttons to the sides of the frame. Then we tie knots in concentric shapes that form a web. We glue insects on top. Birch can be decorated with leaves, you can leave it like that. Voila!

Idea number 4. different size frames

In order not to be unfounded, we take them already 13. Frames that do not differ too much in size. And a Chinese regular alarm clock. At 12, we make applications according to the principle of patchwork in country style. That is, such cheerful little pictures are primitive. In the thirteenth, we make a hole in the center, insert the clock mechanism, turn it over, fasten the arrows, and they can be anything, even straws for a cocktail. We fasten the arrows through the hole to the mechanism. Don't screw it tight, the clock must run!

Even if you are too lazy to do such simple things, fasten the finished clock to the wall and 12 patchwork frames around. Very nice decoration for the kitchen wall.

Idea number 5. Marine panel

Favorite topic for many of us. Need a sisal frame. We buy or do it ourselves. And a lot of sea souvenirs brought from vacation. We arrange it beautifully, glue it with superglue. It is only important not to shift the center of gravity. A hollow shell, a round bead will be difficult to glue with a small amount of glue. And if you pour a lot, even the most transparent, the untidiness of the work will simply repel. For this kind of work, we use only a glue gun. He holds the parts together with silicone-based hot glue.

When we fix hollow parts with a thermal gun, we apply hot silicone so that it covers the edge well and goes inside the part, and not out.

Idea number 6. Triptych

Three stretchers of the same size are covered with fabric. Different flaps that communicate with each other either in color or pattern. This option is called textile decor.

Or a fabric with a large pattern is divided into three parts. In this case, stretchers can be taken different shapes. We fasten the fabric with buttons. Very thin and transparent is better not to take. But it is very interesting when such a triptych is consistent with the curtains.

Option: three shapes - one pattern

Idea number 7. Black and white panel

Anything you want but black and white. Ideal Solution for decorating a multicolored interior.

Idea number 8. Compositions of artificial or dried flowers

Need a frame with or without a backing and floral material. Flowers, even fake ones, are beautiful in their own right. So you need to work hard to spoil the composition. On inspiration, she will always be beautiful. Since dry petals are very fragile, feel free to cover the finished ikebana with Presto spray car varnish.

Idea number 9. Fruits, berries

A very fashionable theme is dry and artificial fruits, berries and spices. Sisal (palm fibers), nuts and branches will also fit well here. The principles are the same as in flower bouquets, but the emphasis is more on the clear outlines of the lines than on the color.

Idea number 10. Panel from CD disks

Give a second life to vinyl CDs. They lend themselves perfectly to painting and decoupage (details in the article Decoupage master class ), have a perfect round shape!

Idea number 11. Embroidery

It is not necessary to embroider with a cross or stitch. A wonderful crazy style gives ample opportunities (for more details about the crazy technique, see the article Crazy technique in the interior ). This means that we fasten what we want and how we want with the help of threads. Here is the embroidery. The main condition is stunning beauty.

Idea number 12. feng shui panel

A beautifully designed hieroglyph with a good meaning attracts happiness to the house, according to the Chinese sages. Looking at how fast China is taking over the world, maybe it's worth a try? Cut a bamboo stick into 4 parts, tie it into a frame with a rope, pull a piece of thick fabric, cardboard or leather over the frame. And draw a beautiful hieroglyph - happiness, love, wealth, good luck!

Hieroglyphs "happiness" and "money"

Idea number 13. Mosaic panels

We buy a decorative mosaic in an art salon, one set costs about 20 UAH. And post a cute picture. Mosaic always wins (details on working with mosaics in the article DIY mosaic ). It is also difficult to do badly, as is the case with flowers. Just do not rush to glue tightly, first lay out the drawing “dry” several times, play with mosaics. When you think that there is nowhere better, then take it on the glue.

Idea number 14. Abstract speed painting

We draw any bright things with construction paints and construction brushes. The main thing is to repeat this several times and remember that the colors should emphasize the interior colors. We add an accent for volume in the form of buttons, glass pebbles, etc. Why not charm!

As you yourself have already understood, a panel is something made in one breath, without painful preparations and efforts. Go ahead and decorate your home!

Many thanks to Elena for a very interesting article!

Good luck to everyone and endless creative inspiration!!

A wall panel is one of the most interesting decorative decorations, the creation of which has no restrictions - a complete flight of fancy. On such an interesting topic, the editors of the online magazine site have prepared exhaustive material with a little surprise - interesting step-by-step master classes.

Decorative panel in the interior

This element of interior design can be created from a wide variety of materials. Many believe that exclusivity is achieved not only by creating a special pattern, but also by using a variety of materials in one composition. Here it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of each and their compatibility.

Carved wood panels on the wall

Wood has always been considered the best option for creating design elements of any premises. This material is durable and looks great. Environmentally friendly elements are perfect for creating panels, or.

To create a unique interior, you can use different parts of the tree. It can be both branches and small sections of the trunk. Many use ready-made canvases. For example, . With the help of special tools for (wood cutters or) each element is made individually. At the final stage, individual elements are assembled into a special pattern.

In order for wood to last as long as possible, it must be subjected to additional processing. Coating with varnish, paint and special compounds that prevent decay and the appearance of a wormhole. At the same time, you can buy a wooden panel on the wall both in the budget version and real works of art.

Panel on the wall of ceramic tiles

Mosaic elements are attached to a degreased surface. To do this, you need to use a special glue. When creating your own interior model, you can use ready-made elements. They are sold in stores in kits, which include everything you need.

Glass and mirror panel - a little journey with Alice through the looking glass

Glass wall panel options will add variety to your room. Glare will make the room look new every time. This material is recommended for use in the design of the kitchen. We stick individual elements on a flat surface and form exclusive patterns. In order for the panel to look complete, it is recommended to apply.

Important! This design option allows you to clean the room without risking destroying the composition. Glass is the most wear-resistant material that can last for a single year.

Recently, mirror panels have been especially popular. But this material is difficult to process. Accordingly, you can use a variety of substitutes: special and so on. That is, in fact, any materials that have the properties of a mirror are used.

When using glass and mirrors, you can create the most amazing decor options for. Designers recommend using these types of materials for decorating living rooms.

Decorative plaster panels - work for real masters

To create a special mixture is used, which is based on the use of finishing. At the moment, several types can be distinguished. In particular, they are popular. Each drawing will be embossed. Smooth options are, in fact, the creation of a complete picture.

The surface is covered with special materials that contribute to the ease of surface care. If necessary, you can quickly change the drawings. This material is considered the most wear-resistant.

Textile as an art form

For the manufacture of panels on the wall, you can use a wide variety of types of fabric. To create a unique option, you can even use burlap. That is, you can take any fabric that you find in your bins.

1 of 5

The elements are sewn together with threads. These panel options are enough to sew and hang on the wall. Accordingly, this view can be regularly updated, changing the features of the interior. You can create for every season and holiday.

Panel on the wall in macrame technique

Weaving has been famous since antiquity. Modern nodular macrame options allow you to quickly create the most bizarre and beautiful patterns. After you tie this or that product, you need to fix it on the wall. This version of the panel attracts with its originality. Handwork is considered the most demanded. Needlewomen can create patterns in the national style, which will make it possible to make a unique interior in.

Paper panel - beautiful, elegant, but short-lived

To create decorative elements, it is enough to recall the lessons of labor in kindergarten. To do this, you need to select a picture and take colored paper or . By gluing small elements, you create individual paintings that can be safely considered real decorations. Therefore, a do-it-yourself panel made of paper is a fairly popular type of decoration among needlewomen. And most importantly - the cheapest.

Panels can be mounted on the wall different ways. In particular, elements can be . At the same time, it is possible to use buttons and other materials.

Related article:

: what is the difference between these decor elements, what compositions are in trend today, the features of choosing and placing interior paintings in different parts of the house, tips on decorating an office, where and at what cost you can buy paintings and posters - in our publication.

Photo panel on the wall

Experts consider this species the most interesting. In order to create decorative element, must be applied to the wall surface using a special print.

You can select a wide variety of images and combine them into a single composition. This interior design option will make the room a real place to relax. Many seek to give their rooms the look of a beach or forest. These pictures bring peace.

Related article:

The choice of a place for installation, existing methods of fastening, the best fasteners for fixing modular paintings to surfaces made of various materials - we will consider in the publication.

Wallpaper wall panel

To create paintings, there is no need to purchase new ones. It is enough to use the waste that remains after the completion of the repair work. It is enough to choose an image and realize them in the form of a picture on the wall.

In this way, you can decorate any room. By the way, when using detergents, a bathroom panel is created.

Salt dough panel or do-it-yourself 3D images from childhood

This option is suitable for families with children. Do not forget that kids just love to make various crafts from plasticine or. Here there are no limits for imagination. Each element of the picture is created separately.

In the end, every detail becomes an element of the big picture. You can create a wide variety of decorative ornaments.

Other types of panels

Decorative elements can be made from any materials. Including using improvised means. In this case, it is recommended to combine materials. For example, you have , wood and glass. Try to combine these materials into a single, integral composition. Or you can just make a simple and beautiful wall panel from.

In addition, the panels differ in the type of premises. Only environmentally friendly elements are suitable for a nursery. For the bathroom, you need to use those materials that are not afraid of high humidity. The living room is decorated in light colors. The theme of the image can be emphasized with frames and other related elements.

How to place a panel in the interior

When placing, you should consider a few basic rules:

  1. The panel should look harmonious with the rest. For example, if you are using expressive images, then it is recommended to make the background of other surfaces more calm and uniform.
  2. We take into account the purpose of the room. The image should bring calm and a sense of comfort. Accordingly, it is not recommended to decorate with elements that are heavy in meaning. The feeling of pressure and nervousness will not let you rest in peace. It is not recommended to decorate with dark tones. All images should be joyful luminaries.
  3. Each element must have its place.
  4. The image must be coherent and complete. That is, if you decide to decorate the walls with a three-dimensional panel, then choose a place where the picture will be visible in full size. It shouldn't be cut. This may cause a feeling of discomfort.

Thus, in order to give your interior originality and exclusivity, we recommend using a variety of types of panels. Moreover, this decorative element can be safely created without the help of specialists.

How to make a do-it-yourself panel from newspaper tubes

Do-it-yourself decorative panel is an affordable interior decoration for everyone who is interested in this technique. How to prepare newspaper tubes for subsequent weaving, the video below will tell in detail. And we will consider how to make a panel fan.

Illustration Action Description

Prepare two semicircles from durable.

According to their size + 1 cm on each side, cut a semicircle from the fabric.

Glue the prepared tubes to one of the semicircles.

Glue the second part with a cloth and also attach it well to the existing workpiece. This will be the face of the future product.

On the back side, to stiffen, glue a semicircle with a large diameter.

Weave the first row with a volumetric oblique according to the principle shown in the photo.

Weave subsequent rows simply - through one tube. In our case, it turned out 6 rows.

Then step back from the first block of weaving by 2-3 cm and continue in the same technique. To prevent the work from slipping, make limiters from cocktail tubes.

When the weaving is finished, complete the work by closing the tubes.

Be sure to plant the last row on.

Trim off excess parts.

Also shorten the main tubes so that there is no more than 3 cm of free edge.

Weave a voluminous braid from the tubes.

Glue the resulting braid along the edge of the product. Decorate the fan with lace and a bow.


Wanting to make your home not only stylish, but also cozy, everyone probably thinks about what decorative details to add to it so that everything looks harmonious. Wall panels are one of those options. This is a picturesque work of decorative art that will help to fill the house with bright accents, using a wide variety of materials. With our review, we will demonstrate various wall panel ideas, as well as the features of their stylistic design.

Mirror panel on the wall

Modern designers quite often use mirror surfaces. Moreover, sometimes these are the most unexpected decisions. Mirror panels on the wall are made not only from a natural mirror, which is quite difficult to process. Now there are a lot of substitutes, for example, mirror wallpaper, film, wall tiles, "pseudo-mirrors" made of polycarbonate. They are not nearly inferior in their showiness, but they make it possible to design a mirror panel on the wall (see photo below) of the most extraordinary shape.

Wood panel on the wall

For centuries, wood has been used as a raw material for the manufacture of many household items and decorations. This is an easily accessible material, while being easily processed, durable. A decorative wood panel on the wall can be made using any part of it. The photos show us original works made from dry branches, the design of a large wall with “pyataks” sawn across the trunk, as well as the presence, as a wall decoration, of almost an entire array. A wooden panel on the wall must be processed so that various bugs do not start up, and dampness and temperature changes do not affect the material.

Glass panel on the wall

Various elements of glass decor will help to fill the interior with wonderful highlights, bright accent points. If there is a photo frame lying around at home, it will allow you to create a glass panel on the wall. You can apply a pattern on the outside of the surface, then open it with varnish, or stick the pattern on the wrong side, setting it in a frame. It is very good to arrange the working surface of the kitchen in this way. By the way, such processing of an apron in glass is called "skinned". Frequent drawings on them are vegetables, fruits, landscapes, photographs of megacities.

Light panel on the wall

An LED garland will help to create a spectacular light panel on the wall. The main materials of the canvas can be cardboard or canvas. Apply any drawing you like (there are special stencils on sale). Carefully cut out with a utility knife. Then the canvas is attached to the frame, and a garland is laid from the back, which is also covered with plywood or thick cardboard, bringing the power cord out. A light panel on the wall will serve as an original night light in the evening, and during the day - no less beautiful art decor.

3d panels on the wall

Three-dimensional images have become a new trend of our days, which are often present in the design of decoration: 3d wallpaper, tiles, curtains. Their price, of course, is an order of magnitude higher than the materials we are used to. A more budget option would be self-decoration of 3d panels on the wall. In the photo below you can see examples of such a design: a voluminous clock, soaring butterflies and a landscape painting made with plaster. “Soft” 3d panels on the wall and voluminous paper applications look beautiful.

Mosaic panels on the wall

The first mention of the creation of mosaic paintings has been known since ancient times. Now this art is no less relevant. If you are interested in it, try, for starters, to create a small mosaic wall panel on your own, and then you can proceed to more complex work, decorating the interior with large luxurious drawings. The work is quite painstaking. The mosaic-panel on the wall is laid on a degreased, cleaned surface using a binder primer. It is impossible to make small mosaic elements on your own - they are sold in special sets, where there is everything you need. On your part, painstaking, correct sequence performance of work.

New Year's wall panel from improvised materials

When decorating the interior of an apartment for the New Year, in addition to a lush Christmas tree, it is worth embellishing empty walls. At the same time, the simplest household gizmos are taken, creating three-dimensional compositions. A New Year's wall panel made of improvised materials is often decorated in blue tones, and to emphasize the “winterness” of the holiday, artificial snow, cotton wool or foam balls are used.

Children's panel on the wall made of paper

So that the child’s room does not look uncomfortable, deserted, you can decorate a children’s panel on a paper wall. Involve your kid in this work - together you will create the most interesting compositions. Perhaps these will be applications depicting various cute animals, fabulous creatures. It is not necessary to use stencils, come up with characters yourself. A branchy paper tree with voluminous flowers and foliage will perfectly complement the room, as the photo shows.

How to make a panel on the wall, observing the style of the interior

When an apartment is decorated with strict observance of a certain style, the decor, of course, must correspond to it. To create a stylish wall panel on your own, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main criteria inherent in a particular direction.

Panel on the wall in a classic style

The classic direction suggests a reflection of luxury in any element of the interior. At the same time, there is an aristocratic restraint. For example, a mirror panel on the wall. Modern technologies make it possible to create many effects on mirrors, including artificial "secular" scuffs, which will give the canvas a particularly valuable look. The frames of paintings, compositions are well arranged from figured baguettes, which have relief drawings.

Wall panel in Provence style

The originality, elegance, comfort of the old French village life can be complemented by a wall panel in the Provence style. Dishes will be a good material. Look at the photo, where a luxurious composition was created using painted plates. It is appropriate here, as if faded in the sun, the colors of landscapes, combined with the lightness of the French character, floral motifs, rough wood elements.

Wooden panel on the wall in eco style

Decorating a room in an eco-direction involves the use of natural natural materials. Of course, wood takes the first position here. A wooden panel on an eco-style wall can be “weaved” from branches, preserving their original appearance, using varnish compositions, or painted to match the color of the interior. One of the options shows a vertical panel on the wall in the form of a branchy tree, obtained by sawing an array.

Art panel on the wall

The modern direction of art deco is refinement, flexibility of lines, alternation of contrasting colors, geometric figures, versatile lighting. Art panels on the wall can be decorated with glass, mirror surfaces, elegant compositions with additional lighting, as well as abstract canvases.

Wall panel options in modern directions

Modernity dictates its own rules. Popular areas of minimalism, high-tech offer us to practically completely abandon decoration, but, in an apartment, you still want to somehow diversify the empty space. Modern wall panels have a laconic look, but, nevertheless, are not without originality. Look at least at the "high-tech" chessboard decorating the office or an extraordinary mirror composition of minimalism.

Panel on the wall of the loft interior

A stylish loft stands out sharply against the background of other areas - it is simply impossible not to recognize it. brick walls, bare concrete of the interior require additional decor details that will give the appearance of "lived-in". To decorate a loft wall panel, they often use large meter-long canvases (often wooden) with various images: social posters, symbols, works by contemporary artists, black and white photographs. The picture shows the successful design of the panel on the wall from a wooden pallet.

The panel is an element of decor and its purpose is to decorate the interior and fill the empty space on the walls or ceiling. Sounds very similar to the description of the painting, doesn't it? How does it differ from the picture, if both decor options are designed to decorate the room? The answer is simple: the picture is the subject of the art of painting, and the panel can consist of anything. Dough, plastic, gypsum, beads, fabric, wood - there is no limit to fantasy when it comes to making panels and the material for decoration can be anything. If you want to make your interior unique, then the panel will do just fine!

Scope of work

The first step in creating a wall panel is to decide on the design of the future product. If you already know where it will be located, then this complicates the task. It is necessary to weigh the color scheme, the dimensions that it will have, whether the material from which it is planned to be made fits into the overall picture of the interior.

So, we decide: size, color scheme and what materials will be used. This is the first step. If possible, it is worth drawing a sketch of the planned product. This will help to take into account all the nuances in the execution of the task.

If a piece of cardboard, canvas or any other solid surface is taken as the basis, then markings are made on it: where and how the decor elements will be located. If the base is fabric, then it is stretched over the base (for example, on a piece of plywood, board or plastic), and the rest of the fabric is fixed from the back. After the craft is completed, it is placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

There is another option for making panels on a fabric basis. You will need to take a solid base, for example, a drywall sheet of the right size and glue foam rubber to it. On the resulting soft base, the fabric is stretched. In this case, you can do without a frame.

After all the preparations, you can proceed to the main part of the manufacture: decoration.

Types of panels with your own hands

Consider the main types used in decoration:

fabricThese are all variants of embroidery, appliqués and tapestry techniques that are made on fabric. The execution technique can be anything: from hand embroidery to machine embroidery, made by mass production.
StoneOften made in mosaic technique. Natural stones are used, which are considered noble: basalt, marble and others. Rarely in such products there is also an artificial stone.
from ceramicsThey are made using ceramic tiles and are usually placed in the bathroom or kitchen.
sculpturalVolumetric version of the product, which is made of special plaster, gypsum or metal.
GraphicEverything done with various kinds print. It can be reproductions of paintings, photo printing.
Other typesHere are the products self made which are made using any improvised materials. Salt dough, wood, dried flowers and plants, shells, clay, beads - there is no limit to the imagination for decoration.

Here are examples of the manufacture of various types of panels:

From prints of fruits and vegetables

When creating this panel, a child can also participate, as it is very simple to perform. The bright, colorful design of this creation is perfect for the kitchen.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Solid vegetables or fruits (it can be apples, any citrus fruits, pears, cabbage, etc.);
  • Paint (gouache, oil, acrylic);
  • The basis on which the decoration will be made. It can be cardboard, a board, a fabric stretched over a sheet of drywall.

The surface of the base is pre-degreased and painted in the desired shade. Cut fruits and vegetables in half and dip them in the paint. The dye is best poured thinly into a plate. We apply the painted fruit with the cut side to the base and get a stamp.

Stamps are made anywhere on the base, but images that look symmetrical look best.

From paper

There are many options for making paper creations. Let's look at the main ones:

From round paper structures

This product can be made with your own hands in an hour and is a great way to decorate the interior, as well as get a lot of positive emotions.

Let's prepare the materials:

  • colored paper;
  • Paperclips;
  • Scotch;
  • pins;
  • stapler.


  1. A sheet of paper is folded into an accordion, like a fan.
  2. We bend the accordion in half.
  3. We fix the edges at the fold with a stapler so that the accordion does not fall apart and a small fan is obtained. We connect three such fans and get a circle.
  4. Harmonicas different colors can be combined into one circle, then the panel will turn out even brighter.
  5. Connect many circles together by attaching them to the wall safety pins. The size of the circles and the composition itself can be as large as desired and take any shape.

From photos

In fact, this is a collage of photographs or artistic pictures, which can either have a specific theme or be completely abstract. Photos are combined into one composition and fixed on the wall or other base. Design option: combine many images of sea and sky.

From colored paper

There are a lot of options for making crafts from colored paper. Today we offer the option "Flowers from Hearts", which is suitable even for children's master class. It is very simple to perform, is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills of the child, and it looks amazing!

We will need:

  • Office colored paper;
  • The basis for the panel;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard;
  • Paints;
  • Tassels;
  • Frame.

Let's get started:

  1. Cut out the heart template. To make one flower, we need eight of these hearts. All hearts in a flower must be the same size.
  2. Fold the heart in half and get a petal.
  3. We glue a flower from such petals onto the base. It can be cardboard or a wall.
  4. To make flower leaves, you need smaller green hearts.
  5. We lay out the flowers in any order, depending on the general shape of the desired panel. It can be a heart shape, or you can lay out flowers in the shape of a tree. Show your imagination and bring it to life!

From newspaper tubes

Newspapers can be great for making DIY panels.

Necessary materials:

  • Newspapers;
  • Knitting needle;
  • Glue;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Knife;
  • Acrylic paint.


  1. We cut the newspaper sheet into two parts with a knife.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to these parts.
  3. We wind sheets of newspapers on a knitting needle diagonally. You should get thin tubes.
  4. We take acrylic paint and paint over newspaper tubes in the desired color.
  5. We coat the resulting flagella with glue again and wrap the ends of each newspaper tube so that a spiral is obtained. Both ends must be twisted in opposite directions if you want to get the shape of a seahorse. You can make a circle: for this you just need to roll the entire tube in a spiral.
  6. We fix the spirals with rubber bands and leave for 24 hours to dry.
  7. We remove the rubber bands and make up the desired pattern from the resulting elements. Elements can be immediately mounted on the wall, or create a panel on a pre-prepared basis.

Circles from newspaper tubes can be painted in different colors, combining several shades in one circle. Circles with a gradient look interesting: a transition from one color to another.

From wallpaper

it interesting solution, which will enliven your interior and give it even more comfort.
There are several ways to make a panel of wallpaper yourself:

  • Patchwork technique

Cut out fragments from existing wallpaper. Pieces can be of any shape, but must fit together. Consider the general view of the entire future composition. For example, you can cut out squares with flowers from three different types wallpaper and combine them together in several rows in a certain sequence. In this case, paired elements do not have to be arranged symmetrically.

  • Whole wallpaper technique

We take the wallpaper with the desired image (for example, a sakura branch), carefully cut it out and paste it into the frame, or glue it on the wall and decorate it with moldings or panels.

  • Style Combination

The design here is only limited by your imagination! Combine whole pieces of wallpaper with small cut-out fragments. This is a modern and inexpensive way to decorate your home.
Important! If you can’t decide on the style of the future composition, then you should take a closer look at the image of flowers and plants in soft colors. It is always appropriate and looks beautiful.

From salt dough

This type of panel is one of the most budgetary, since its manufacture requires a minimum of material and usually everything you need is always at home.

We offer a variant of a stucco panel, where the arms and legs of your child will be printed. This creation will allow you to decorate your baby's bedroom in an original way and keep the memory of his childhood for a long time.

We will need:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Colored gouache (optional).


  1. We take flour and salt in proportions of two to one. Two cups of flour are mixed with a glass of salt, then water is added. The approximate volume of water for this amount of flour and salt will be 125 ml.
  2. Knead a stiff dough. If it sticks to your hands, add more flour. The dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  3. If you want to make the panel colorful, then it's time to add gouache, decorating the dough with it.
  4. Roll out the dough. Its approximate thickness should be about 2 centimeters. The shape of a piece of dough can be any.
  5. We bring the dough to the baby and gently press his palm and foot into the mass. The pressure should be light, but sufficient to leave a mark.
  6. We make two through holes in the dough - this is for the future ribbon, on which the panel will then hang.
  7. Put everything on a baking sheet and cover with baking paper.
  8. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees and put the dough there to dry. This will take approximately two to two and a half hours. It is necessary to turn the dough gently once, in the middle of drying.
  9. We paint the resulting panel with colored or white gouache, thread the tape into the holes - voila! A very touching and cute decoration for your home is ready!

From fabric

Making panels with fabric came into fashion not so long ago: only in recent years, hand-made lovers have turned their close attention to the fabric. Such a product is ideal for an interior in the Provence style. Consider the main types of woven panels that you can do with your own hands:


Various techniques are used to make such panels, but they all have one thing in common: this is the use of scraps of fabric in the work. There are many patterns of such products on the Internet. Panels can be both on a fabric basis and on rigid structures. You will need any fabric for making: from pieces of tulle to scraps of old bed linen.

Felt for creativity

The felt panel is one of the most popular among needlewomen. You only need pieces of felt of different colors, a pattern of future details of the picture, threads with a needle or glue and a base on which it is planned to fix all the details of the panel. Felt is a very fertile material for creativity: it will help to bring all fantasies to life. A felt panel will be a great decoration for your living room or hallway.

Burlap panel

Burlap looks like an extremely nondescript material, but it begins to play with completely different colors when craftswomen use it in their work. Burlap can be wrapped around a frame for a panel, can be used as a basis for other materials: beads, lace and others. This coarse material perfectly emphasizes the tenderness and sophistication of other fabrics.

Wool panel

A wool panel is the simplest product in the wet felting technique. This is an interesting process in which the wool is compacted in a certain way to make felt. The drawing on such a panel can be anything: it all depends on the skill of the needlewoman.

If you want to take a one-color piece of fabric and draw a certain picture on it, then keep in mind that this is not as easy as it seems. It is worth practicing on a draft, and then move on to the fabric that you plan to use on the panel.

From beads

In this version of the panel, all or part of its elements are made of beads. To begin with, the elements themselves are made, and then they are already fixed to the base and, if desired, framed.

From thread and nails

This is far from new, but a very interesting way to make a panel with your own hands! Minimalism reigns here in the choice of materials, but this panel does not become insipid and boring, but, on the contrary, attracts admiring glances.

The whole point is that carnations are hammered onto a solid base. This can be done randomly, or it can be done according to a certain scheme, which can be successfully found on the Internet. Threads are stretched between the nails in several layers. Thanks to this, a certain pattern is created.

From buttons

Ideal option for beginners! Buttons can be used to decorate a panel made of fabric or paper, or you can create a product made entirely of buttons. This will require

  • PVA glue;
  • Buttons;
  • The foundation.

Order of execution:

  1. Draw on the basis of the sketch: where the buttons will be located and what pattern they should depict together.
  2. Glue the buttons with PVA glue to the base.

The design can be anything: inscriptions, abstraction, flora and fauna, and others.

Mirror panel

A modern panel created from pieces of mirrors. Its complex variants can only be made by specialists, while simple ones are very affordable for independent work. The mirror panel will become an additional lighting in the room.

Necessary materials:

  • Mirror tiles;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • Base with wooden planks, if you plan to stick the mirrors not directly on the wall.

The principle of operation is clear: we combine various mirror pieces and fasten them in the right order to the wall or other base with liquid nails.

Wooden panels

They are usually made in an abstract style from a variety of wood species. Wooden panels with inlaid semi-precious stones look very advantageous in a classic interior.

Dry flowers and leaves

Great for children's creativity. We decide on the plot of the future work, and then on a solid base (cardboard, fiberboard) with glue we glue dried flowers and leaves (juniper twigs, tree leaves - any flora will do). Grains, seeds and twigs will be an excellent addition.

Grains and seeds

A sketch of the future picture is applied to a solid, already painted base. Then, cereals and seeds are attached to the base with PVA glue. Large grains need to be glued each individually, and a small scattering, for example, rice, should be poured onto the glue already applied to the base.

Decorative plaster

A very costly and laborious process. Everything is done on a pre-plastered surface. A drawing is sketched, and then a special plaster is applied using a stencil or independently adjusted with tools. This type is used to decorate walls and ceilings with a variety of images.

Gypsum putty

By analogy, it is similar to the manufacturing process from decorative plaster. It may take a little more labor, because all the reliefs in the image on the panel are made using a special syringe or spatula.


A panel made using the decoupage technique can decorate any wall: be it a kitchen or a corridor. This technique consists in sticking cut-out pictures, decor elements on the selected surface, and then covering it all with several layers of varnish. The general idea of ​​the work can be anything.


A very interesting technique. Strips of colored paper are twisted into a spiral, and then the whole product is formed from such spirals. This is a simple and interesting form of creativity.

Following:Inexpensive ranch style home