How to make a street lamp for a summer residence with your own hands. How to make an original street lamp with your own hands? Original garden lamps

Now lanterns for summer cottages are widely represented in the assortment of any hardware store, but their prices are not encouraging with their affordability. Therefore, the manufacture of such lamps with their own hands is becoming increasingly popular.

What are street lights for summer cottages

Such lights should perform two main functions:

  • Illuminate the area around the house so that its inhabitants can safely move around it in the evening and at night without fear of stumbling or falling.
  • Serve as an element of decor, organically fitting into the concept of landscaping a summer cottage.

At the moment, the main types of street lamps for private households are divided into the following categories:

  • Wall lamps are ideal for illuminating the entrance to the house and a small area in front of it (and also installed near the entrance gate or gate). They can be very diverse in form and decoration, but most often there are so-called "antique" lanterns, which are distinguished by grace and harmony of forms.
  • Floor lamps are installed directly on the ground or on the floor of the veranda. The classic version involves a flat stand with a round ball at the end, but modern models often deviate significantly from this pattern, differing in a variety of shapes, the number of shades and height. The latter is usually from 0.3 to 0.5 m. Such impromptu "floor lamps" usually give a very soft, pleasant and subdued light, while at the same time allowing you to see everything that happens on the site.
  • Soil lamps are mounted both directly into the soil, which opens up unlimited possibilities for beautiful illumination of trees, bushes and flowers, and along pedestrian alleys for the convenience of moving along them. These lanterns are also suitable for installation near small architectural forms (summer pavilions, swings, utility rooms, etc.). They give a beam of light directed strictly from the bottom up, and in some models its angle of inclination can even be changed. Typically, ground lamps have a strict round or rectangular shape.
  • Pendant lights are traditionally attached to ceiling beams on open verandas, sometimes to tree branches, but this is quite difficult due to the technical difficulties of connecting to the mains. Such lanterns in the country, the photo of which is presented below, usually represent a long and strong chain ending with a ceiling lamp of any kind and size.

Light sources in lanterns for summer cottages

In street lamps country house various light sources are used. It can be:

  • Ordinary incandescent bulbs. Their advantage is low cost, but the possibility of using such lamps for outdoor lighting remains in question. They consume too much energy, and excessive brightness does not allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the evening garden.
  • Halogen lamps are more economical and will last much longer than incandescent lamps, providing good color reproduction and light intensity, but at the same time they get very hot and are sensitive to sudden power surges and bulb contamination.

  • LED lamps can save up to 95% of electricity compared to conventional lighting sources. This is not the cheapest option, but they have a long service life, do not contain harmful human body substances such as mercury. Also, any LED lantern for giving is equipped with a very durable housing, which, unlike a glass bulb, is not so easy to break.
  • Solar panels. Lanterns with such lighting elements are perfect for installation in those places of the site where laying conventional wiring is problematic. Their main part is a battery that absorbs solar energy. After dark, such a lamp turns on automatically. When the battery is fully charged, the flashlight is able to work without interruption for 10-12 hours. It should be placed only in those places of the site where the sun warms most of the day.

Materials for the manufacture of lanterns

The most unfortunate material for making street lights for the backyard is plastic, which is easy to smash or break. The most durable will be lamps made of steel, bronze, copper or brass. Steel models are impact resistant environment, but often look a bit boring.

Copper lamps will perfectly fit into the interior of the site in a retro style, but do not forget that copper oxidizes in the air over time and acquires a not very pleasant greenish tint. Bronze also darkens over time and requires constant cleaning. Practical and lanterns made of brass, which combines high strength with aesthetic appeal.

However, for the manufacture of lamps from such materials, a number of tools are required (drills, drills, sets of screws, etc.), therefore, lamps made from improvised materials are also popular: glass and cans, clay and even wood chips. They make an original impression, and in order to make them, no special skills are required. The only drawback of such lighting fixtures is their fragility and short service life.

Features of wiring in street lamps

In the manufacture of lamps for a personal plot, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of installing electrical wiring. To connect lighting devices to the network you will need:

  • Electric cable type VVG.
  • Terminal blocks for secure fixation of connection points.
  • Metal hose (corrugated pipe) to protect the wire.

In order to make do-it-yourself lanterns for summer cottages, they usually take a two-core cable, the core thickness of which is 1.5 mm. In order not to return to the store later, it is best to immediately buy a whole bay in which the length of the wire is 100 meters. It is also necessary to purchase a corrugated pipe with a diameter of 18 to 25 mm, which will protect the electrical cable in the ground from rodents or accidental damage when digging the ground.

Hole diameters in terminal blocks typically range from 2.5mm to 4mm. They consist of one or two strips: which type to choose is determined by the number of connections and shades in the lamp. The pads must be rated for a current of 5-10 A.

At the stage of actual installation, you must perform the following operations:

  • We dig trenches into which the cable will be laid. The optimal depth for them is 70-80 cm, and the distance from the ditches to the house should not be less than 60 cm.
  • In the case of floor lamps, we first install the metal legs and alternately drag the cable through them. Where it will be located in the trench, be sure to place it in a corrugated sleeve. After passing through all the planned lighting fixtures, we cut the cable so that the length of the tail is at least 10-15 cm.
  • After that, we prepare the second segment of the electrical wire, we also pass it through the corrugated pipe and connect both cables with terminals in the upper part of the lamp.
  • If the lights are located on the facade or wall, the junction boxes should be securely insulated. The best option is boxes in which the wires are connected with clamping nuts. Sometimes the wires are connected simply with pliers, but then it is better to solder each connection. The places of twisting are carefully wrapped with electrical tape.

  • Now we proceed to the installation of the electrical circuit. Since it has two wires - “zero” and “phase”, care must be taken to ensure that the switch opens the phase wire. Then, with the switch in the “off” position, when replacing a burned-out lamp, there is absolutely no risk of getting hit. electric shock. Determine the phase wire using a special indicator.
  • As a connection point is quite suitable ordinary socket. In this case, the de-energization of the entire system can be carried out quickly by simply pulling out the plug. But it has the right to life and a way to connect cables directly to the terminals on the electrical panel, which is usually equipped with a special automatic fuse that turns off the power supply in the event of an accident.
  • When installing the circuit breaker, be sure to check that its rated power corresponds to the load in this network.
  • Before digging trenches, make sure that all the lights on the site are working and strengthen the pillars by tamping fine gravel or clay around them. In light soils, it is recommended to fill the supports for the fixtures with concrete.

The most popular types of homemade lanterns

More and more owners of dachas and cottages are striving to make decorative lanterns for their dachas on their own. On the sites you can find a wide variety of modifications of such lighting devices:

  • in the form of garlands, where plastic bottles and cups serve as shades.
  • PVC pipe,
  • from glass and tin cans and cardboard bags from milk,
  • building materials,
  • plastic,
  • metal,
  • wood
  • old kitchen utensils.

Very often material for lanterns on personal plot serve glass jars or bottles. Such a ceiling is made very quickly, and the transparency of the glass allows light to pass freely through its walls, creating amazingly beautiful special effects. To make such a lamp, you will need a glass bottle, a cartridge, pliers, electrical tape, an indicator and a knife for stripping insulation at the junction of the electrical circuit, as well as decorative elements. Now you need to perform the following operations:

  • Perform the wiring, connect the wires in the cartridge and screw the light bulb into it.
  • Take a bottle with a narrow neck, preferably from alcoholic beverages, of an unusual shape or color scheme, and place a variety of small beads, transparent balls that reflect light, and polished glass on the bottom.
  • Wind a thin multi-colored wire around your finger so that it turns into a spiral, and also put it in a bottle.
  • Then lower the cartridge with the lamp into the makeshift ceiling and securely fix it with silicone.

A more durable option is a forged lantern. For its manufacture, you will need steel bars, strips, a corner and a welded machine. Forged lamps are made as follows:

  • The case is made of 4 steel frames, having a trapezoidal or rectangular shape. To do this, use a corner, the cross section of which should be 15x15x2 mm.
  • Outside, the frames are closed with bars, which are either simple or contain volutes and curls. They are welded from a steel bar, the diameter of which is 05 mm. The entire body is covered with an iron cap from above.
  • The bracket responsible for fastening to the wall is made of a square-shaped steel bar, the cross section of which is 12-14 mm. The material for the manufacture of the lower curls will be a thin steel strip. The ends of the curls are connected by electric welding and by means of interceptions.

Garden lamps as decorative elements

In order to bring new notes to the interior of the site, you should pay attention to the various forms of lanterns for country houses, which will help the site sparkle with new colors. So, mushroom-shaped lamps can be placed along the paths, at the very top of which there is a nice ceiling-cap. In this case, the light is reflected down, which creates a unique atmosphere of magic.

Floor lamps in the form of a cylinder or in the form of floating waterproof balls (if the house has a pool) also look unusual. As light sources, they often use special luminous benches, vases, sculptures or planters in which flowers grow. This effect is achieved through the use of a special halogen paint, which gives in the dark fluorescent light. As you can see, ideas for hand-made lighting sources are simply inexhaustible.

How nice it is to have a house with a garden! After all, in the morning, throwing on a bathrobe, you can go out to your yard and take a breath of fresh air. It is also nice to have a cup of tea or fragrant coffee while enjoying the view of a beautiful garden, or sit comfortably in an armchair on the terrace, reading the morning newspaper. In the evening, as soon as the shadows begin to lurk in different parts of the garden, you can add light fairy-tale lighting with the help of lamps, which will help create a relaxed, calm and romantic atmosphere. Today Dekorin will tell you how to make an original garden lamp with your own hands using improvised materials, and will also show 49 photos with their various options.

DIY garden lamp - lighting options

Do you want your garden to be beautiful not only during the day, but also in the evening? Then take care of its lighting. After all, it will help you see the beauty of trees and flowers hidden in the dark, give them unexpected bewitching forms, and also help you move around your possessions without obstacles.

Alternatively, you can purchase a lamp in a store, but if you creative person with a good imagination, then the best solution would be to make a garden lamp with your own hands. Firstly, it will help you save your budget, and secondly, you yourself choose the shape, color, material and lighting option. DIY garden lighting fixtures can be:

  • garden lamps and lanterns from tin cans;
  • garden lamps and lanterns made of glass jars;
  • solar powered garden lamp;
  • wooden garden lamp;
  • concrete garden lamps;
  • garden lamps made of thick thread;
  • other possible options for garden lamps.

Do-it-yourself garden lamp from a tin can

And so, how to make a garden lamp with your own hands from a tin can? To do this, you will need cans, nails, a hammer, fastening clips, two rectangular pieces fastened together wooden beams, small candles.

At the first stage, prepare the work surface: fasten the beams and, using the clamps for fastening, fix them. This is necessary in order to protect the tin from deformation during drawing. The second step is to select and apply a pattern to the paper that will decorate the jar. Attach it to the tin (or you can use a felt-tip pen to dot the pattern directly on the jar) and put it on a piece of wood. Then, using a hammer and nails, transfer it to the lamp. The third step is to place the candles inside the tin. It will help to gently scatter light through the holes.
Experiment with different nail sizes to create your own pattern.

Note that making a lantern out of such a garden lamp is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to attach a simple metal wire to the bank.

DIY street lamp from glass jars

If you have unnecessary ordinary glass or Masonic jars at home, then with their help you can make original lamp street handmade. To do this, you will need candles that you need to install inside these jars, light bulbs or LEDs. As a decoration, you can use beads, ribbons, flowers and other decorative elements.
Note that with the help of glass jars you can create and street lighting with their own hands in the form of a chandelier. To do this, you will need to place them in pre-made holes in wooden board, or, by making lanterns out of them (attaching a metal wire), hang them on the slats with hooks.

Do-it-yourself solar-powered garden lamp - do it yourself

To make a garden lamp with a solar battery with your own hands, you need:

  • purchase storage lamps on a solar battery;
  • remove its upper part;
  • cut a hole in the lid of the jar;
  • wrap with adhesive tape around the lamp;
  • put it in the hole in the lid;
  • spin.

If desired, you can make an attractive decoration of the lamp. For example, in the form of a mushroom or a house in a marine style.

To make a street lamp with your own hands you will need old chandelier and the top of a light bulb that uses solar energy. Below you can view 10 amazing photos.

How to make a DIY garden lantern out of wood

There are many options for wooden garden lamps that you can make yourself. For example, from a stump and an LED strip. To do this, you need to make 4-5 small vertical cuts around the circumference of the stump and clean them. Then insert LED strips into them.

Alternatively, you can cut a hole in the center of the stump and insert a storage lamp or candle into it.

A do-it-yourself garden lantern can be made from branches or small boards hammered together in the form of a standard lantern. Optionally, you can make a lantern with carved funny faces. Candles are installed inside such lanterns.

Do-it-yourself concrete garden lantern - spectacular garden lighting

You can make a lot of things out of concrete, including spectacular garden lighting fixtures. For this you will need a balloon, concrete, paint and candles. The following photo shows the manufacturing process of this instance.

For garden decor the combination of plants is key, a lot of important role is also played by additional elements that contribute to the completion perfect image. But this condition is valid only for daytime, in the evening you will need additional lighting.

Having equipped your site with appliances, you will get the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful extravaganza that puts accents in the right places and turns the yard into a fairyland where you want to enjoy harmony and solitude to infinity. In this article, we have collected for you the most relevant ideas that will help you emphasize the delightfulness of the plant world.

The garden is like a jewel shimmering with bright lights

Even if you have low voltage lamps at your disposal, with them you can highlight flower beds and create a unique atmosphere. Notice how the spotlights are placed under the trees and bushes, making them visually more appealing. A backlit pool will create the effect of an exotic lagoon.

Garden and Yard Design by QAL Surroundings

There is a cozy seating area for you. In addition to the elegant and luxurious headset, attention is drawn to tall trees, which, with the help of lighting, turn into decorative wall providing a relaxing backdrop for a relaxed conversation.

Unique chic from Oak Leigh Manor

On a comfortable site, you can place not only upholstered furniture, but also a dinette. And believe me, dinner in such an enchanting environment will be unforgettable, especially if you have a romantic nature.

Multiple strategic flares for a lovely minimalist look

Wonderful expositions with a combination of light and plants can be found at exhibitions from eminent landscape designers. The combination of shades and textures largely depends not only on the intensity of lighting, but also on the angle from which these streams enter the riot of greenery.

Light Positive (formerly Nancy Goldstein Design): flower garden magic

Garden gazebo should be the star of the show. Outdoor lights will be a good opportunity to showcase a unique design under which you can place furniture. Also, do not ignore the selection of trees and other plants, so that the surroundings are no less spectacular.

A timeless classic wrapped in soft streams of light

Conciseness can become no less attractive,
if it is supplemented with climbing greenery and a lamp

The feeling of a holiday will be present in your yard every evening!

Solemn atmosphere, The Gardens at Great Oaks

A stunning option, designed in the best traditions of the official style.

Below is an option when the direction of lighting can dramatically distinguish palm trees that are identical at first glance.

You can also get some ideas from nature reserves that have lit their fires for visitors. Pay attention to the competent placement of accents, it is especially visible among the thickets of bamboo, where bright red flowers float among the stems. To your attention Clearwater Outdoor Lighting, which provide these nuances, emphasizing them in such a way that they are visible at a glance.

Exotic palm trees in the rays of monotonous lighting

decorative bamboo wall

VOLT makes architectural grade lighting to order and they have some fantastic ideas on how to transform garden landscape design into the fairy-tale world after dusk.

Impressive size Asian-style arch for a luxurious site

Highlighting a chic fountain and ornamental trees

Impeccable layout highlighted by intense lighting

Cozy place to relax

Just imagine a quiet and calm evening in the garden, sitting in a comfortable armchair... in front of the TV. Your Technology Advisor simply couldn't help but combine the harmony of nature and modern technology.

Amazing terrace with all amenities

The shining bright light falling on the trees gives them an original surreal look. S.A. Grows created a creative atmosphere in the garden not only with spotlights, but also with unusual additions, such as a restored wagon.

The light coming from behind flowered shrubs can produce amazing results. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Wilmington uses this technique to great effect, as well as other tricks.

Sometimes an open living room needs an accent with lighting. The peripheral area of ​​light allows you to visually touch the garden.

Unique Gardens in the UK

Landscaping using colored lamps can provide additional drama. For outdoor lighting, apply a blue tint, white and muted green will be great idea to express individuality.

In New Zealand, a garden that surrounds a road has been filled with colorful lanterns that turn the street into a dreamlike action. Just a festive vision is complemented by multi-level spotlights that outline a stunning landscape. Just imagine with what benefit it will be possible to use this solution for your site.

Wellington Botanical Night Street Creative Decoration

But Piedmont Park in Atlanta is decorated with lanterns wrapped around the trees and shrubs themselves. Different colors form an interesting effect, illustrating the fairy tale itself, living in our imagination.

Additional colors like red and green can be effective way green dilution. Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens turned exotic bushes into an unrivaled Garden Walk Garden Talk masterpiece in the evening.

White hues perfectly highlight the tall trees, and a gentle blue tone is used to initialize the pool. The perfect combination is the work of DIYFUSE presenting this enchanting garden.

Features of reservoirs

Probably, few people can not ignore the temptation to create a small reservoir. But we will talk not only about ponds, but also about artificial waterfalls. Water features are a good solution for any garden. And you can radically transform decorative cascades into an enchanting show, which you will get to know later.

St. Louis Homes gives us a kind of lighting that colorfully highlights the trees, stone steps and water surface.

The next example is a really spectacular sight. Huge pond with installed luminaires, well distinguishing boundaries and islands. It is especially breathtaking when fog hangs over the surface.

A fountain is a great addition to a well-lit garden. Shrubs and trees are almost literally shrouded in streams of light, and it is impossible not to notice how correctly and harmoniously the intensity of illumination and the fair prioritization of their potential are chosen.

VOLT also has some bold ideas for ponds, the splendor and luxury of this garden is beyond description!

In addition to the front lights illuminating the edge of the infinity pool, we see three more levels of cascades. Two of them are backlit, which adds drama to the overall picture. Landscape Archives has gone to great lengths to transform this garden into a dreamlike oasis beyond imagination.

Dennis' 7 defies standard landscaping by allowing great lighting to look good enough. As you can see, in the light streams there is not only an artificial waterfall, but also large stones and grasses around them.

Expand fantasy and reveal all aspects non-standard solutions in relation to design and garden lighting it is possible not only on a large plot, but also on a compact terrace.

As an original way to express your individuality, there will be the option of creating a carp pond. This pure pleasure will allow you in the evening, after a hard and eventful day, to plunge headlong into the endless world of tranquility and peace.

A fountain or waterfall in the yard will play a decorative role in decorating your personal space. They go great with the pool or dining area.

The Garden Environments example is a demo of an original show showing off the charms of monochromatic paintings with splashes of green.

Ashland Berry Farms has designed the ideal pond model with a beautiful shimmering effect on the surface provided by the backlight.

Our garden acts as a quiet and cozy haven where we prefer to spend time during the warm seasons. If you like to spend long evenings outdoors, then you simply cannot do without decorative garden lamps.

In this way, you not only provide good lighting, but also add an incredibly beautiful effect to the luxurious landscaping with the help of properly installed spotlights and lanterns. The creative possibilities for you are endless, and you can draw inspiration directly from your garden.


Garden lamps not only illuminate the area, making it safer in the evening, but also decorate it. Many species are designed to highlight flowers, bushes, trees. In the latter case, more commonly used pendant lamps, since they do not obscure the tree; they usually have special discreet clothespins. This type is also used to illuminate the house, gazebo, fence.

There are also ground options. These are the ones that are right in the ground. Their advantages:

  • they are invisible;
  • beautifully illuminate the plant from below.


Garden lamps columns, on the contrary, rise above the ground. They are made so diverse that several subspecies need to be distinguished. First of all, they are high and low. Low ones do not attract much attention, allowing the eye to focus primarily on plants. They cost from 500 rubles.

In contrast, the high ones immediately draw attention to themselves. Therefore, they must be beautiful, regardless of the style in which they are made. In shape, they can be either in the form of a luminous pole or box, or in the form of a classic garden lamp.

The last type looks very noble. It costs from 3000 rubles to several tens of thousands. Price depends on design and size. Perfectly illuminates the surrounding area. But there is also a minus - it is almost impossible to do it yourself.

solar powered

Solar powered garden lights are among the most popular. They do not need to be connected to the mains or power supply, as they shine due to the light energy accumulated by them during the day.

Some people think that recharging only happens on a sunny day. However, it is not. The battery will last even a rainy day, then to give energy all night.

If such a lamp has been lying in the room for a long time, at first it may not work. To correct this situation, it only needs to be placed on the street.

But, despite the economy, such an instance has one significant drawback - it does not shine very brightly. Therefore, if you need a bright light, you will have to choose a different type. However, with the decorative role of highlighting the tracks, this type copes perfectly.

How to do it yourself

Some do not want to spend money on a purchase, and they are curious to try their hand. Such people decide to make a lamp with their own hands. This is not difficult. And although the result, most likely, will be far from the ideal forms, functionality and durability of the purchased copy, it will definitely decorate the garden.

The first thing to do is choose a design. On the Internet you can find photos of a garden lamp in the form of butterflies and flowers, integrated into a tree trunk, hinged, in a classic and modern style, fabulous. As a material for manufacturing, you can use old cans, glass jars, used chandeliers, twigs, hemp.

Secondly, you need to decide what exactly will produce light. It can be a discharge lamp, an LED strip, a solar-powered light bulb, or just a candle. In the latter case, the lamp, of course, will play an exclusively decorative role, but sometimes this is enough.

But in order to attach, for example, an LED, you will need minimal knowledge in electrics. If there is no such knowledge, you can make the “shell” of the device yourself, and ask someone who understands this to connect the wires.

The easiest option for self-manufacturing a full-fledged lamp - a lamp on solar batteries. It must be purchased at a household goods store and mounted in a pre-prepared form.

If it is, for example, a glass jar, then you need to cut a hole in the lid, insert the lamp there with the battery up (so that it receives solar energy), with the lamp down. Also, a similar lamp can be installed in old chandeliers, but in this case you will have to sweat a little.

What materials are suitable

When choosing a purchased copy, you should pay attention to the material. It is important that it is moisture resistant, so the tree is not suitable in this case. It can only be used in summer varieties and must be well processed. The same goes for ceramics. The best option is metal, but impact-resistant plastic will also work.

Not very good reviews are collected by silumin, which, according to many, is destroyed too quickly. If this is a lamp for a pond or pool, then, of course, it must be waterproof.

Photo of garden lamps

country lighting plays a major role in landscape design. But the main problem is the high cost of decorative lamps and electrical appliances. Today we will give each of us a chance to improve the lighting of the dacha and create a stunning illumination with our own hands, at virtually no cost.

Lamps for summer cottages made of plastic, glass and forging are very expensive especially when it comes to the exclusive version. But there is a solution to the issue - the creation of country lighting with your own hands, and even from improvised items, which will not only help to equip the site with high quality and illuminate it, but also save a lot.

We considered a lot of interesting and original ideas, had a conversation with leading lighting technicians and compiled the TOP 7 best offers from amateurs and professionals. So, this list is already in front of you!

A lamp made of skewers or chips

To make such a lamp, you will need about 5-6 packs of standard wooden skewers, or thin chips. The whole design of the lamp lies in the fact that each small element is tied with a neighboring thread. This is necessary to create a form and fix the so-called ceiling.

Alternately, folding the skewers, we bandage each and tighten one or two knots, apply the next one to it and repeat the manipulation. Having folded one side of the lamp, sequentially, one skewer at a time, we begin to assemble the second side. To do this, take a skewer, fasten it between two skewers of the finished side, and tie them all with a thread, carefully braiding them. We continue collecting until the second side is ready.

Note that such a lamp can be not only rectangular, but also in the form of a triangle, or vice versa, increased to 5, 6 or more sides. This will complicate the work a little, but beauty always requires sacrifice.

To make the lamp even more decorative, use colored thread for tying. To strengthen the structure, grease all the ties with a thin layer of glue. To reduce the cost of the project, instead of skewers, you can use thin parts of old bamboo blinds or napkins that have become unusable.

After producing an interesting shade for the lamp, we install a light wire frame inside it and tie it to the lamp. This can be done without a frame, just on a wire or a dense thread.

Lamp for giving from clothespins

It is worth starting the production of such a lamp by creating a frame for clothespins. It can be made from steel wire or thicker aluminum wire.

It is necessary to make 3 circles of different diameters from the selected material, and then fasten them into one common frame. In the upper part, it is necessary to come up with a mount for the cartridge.

When the frame for creating a lamp is ready, you can proceed to it. decorative design. As you can see from the photo below, it's quite simple. One has only to use clothespins and different angles of inclination. Also, you can choose not only wooden, but also plastic clothespins, among which you can find almost any color.

Be careful, every detail of such a lighting device must be reliably protected from fire. To do this, you can use special wood processing, or simply install the lamp on greater distance from the "lampshade" and choose a small power.

DIY bottle lamp (video)

Outdoor lamp for summer cottages based on LEDs

The scheme for installing and connecting individual LEDs may seem like a complicated and lengthy process for many gardeners. Therefore, we suggest using a standard LED strip. Choose the quality and color yourself, and we will tell you about the design features right now.

LED Strip Light can be placed on almost any base, but we have chosen for the production of a country lamp plastic pipe. It is an inexpensive and easy-to-use material that will be easy to cut, bend into the desired shape or install in the right place.

The tape is wound on the pipe, in the direction from one end to the other. It would be more correct to start from the edge opposite from the installation. The tape can be fixed on special clamps, glue or self-tapping screws, if such fastening is provided.

After that, the lighting tube is installed on the wall, a tree branch, the ridge of the house or even under the roof of the gazebo in the country, and the tape is connected to the network.

Due to the low cost, you will receive a unique kind of country lamp. Of course, it won't give as much light as a standard lamp, but it can easily create a pleasant and quiet, and perhaps even romantic environment.

DIY decorative lighting

The simplest type of lighting was suggested to us by our regular reader, who described the process of its production.

We immediately present the image to make it easier for you to decide on the shapes, sizes, production technology.

To create a lamp, we need jam jars different sizes, various glass containers with handles, for which we will mount.

When you have found the right number of cans and other containers, you need to make the main body of the lighting fixture. We assemble it on the basis of a wooden beam, equip it with hooks for hanging cans, and chains, on which the main installation takes place.

Now it remains only to hang the original country lamp in the gazebo or under a canopy, in the garden, on a tree branch, or near the house, but at a low height, since all lighting will occur with the help of candles, which will need to be changed periodically. Agree, great offer!

Country lighting from tin cans

A favorable and cozy atmosphere in the evening in the country can be created with the help of dim and diffused lighting. You can achieve the desired result using simple cans with holes, inside of which ordinary candles are installed.

You can create a pattern on the banks - holes through which light gently passes, you can do it yourself, with a nail or a self-tapping screw. But it will be much more convenient and accurate to work with a drill. Having installed a drill of the desired diameter, place it in a jar round log a small size that the drill can rest against, and drill holes according to the preliminary drawing on the outside of the can.

You can hang such lamps anywhere, and place candles inside and light them in the evening. Just an hour or two for hand-made, and your gazebo or place to relax is illuminated by an original device, designed and created by yourself.

Fairy-tale lighting of the country house

This is truly fabulous lighting, as it is made from natural materials to create the base of the lamp, and can also be placed in the garden, on the lawn, along the paths and so on.

Such lanterns can be electric or run on kerosene, but electric ones are more functional and practical, since you don’t have to turn the lighting on and off one at a time.

To create exclusive lanterns, you will need to prepare logs with holes. It can be fresh stumps, tree cuts that you need to decorate in some way.

A decorative lantern is installed inside the hole, which can be easily made with a chainsaw. If the lighting is powered from the network, you will need to make high-quality wiring and connections.

You can create not even soft, but bright and directional lighting. To do this, you will need to install more powerful lamps in the lanterns, as well as equip them with reflectors directed in the right direction.

Lighting from a garland and plastic

And again, plastic bottles come into play ... remember the greenhouses from plastic bottles, trash cans and various decor items for a summer residence? Isn't it very interesting to work with this material?

But today we propose to use plastic not only from bottles, but also from cups. choose different colors, cut into thin strips and create small cone shades. They are conveniently placed on any garland, which will now work not only for a couple of weeks a year, on New Year's holidays, but even in the summer in the garden, creating nice highlights and beautiful lights in the garden or gazebo.

When arranging lighting in the garden, do not forget about safety:

  • It is worth remembering about high-quality wiring, insulation and precautions when installing electric lamps in the country;
  • For the production of lamps, it is worth choosing non-combustible materials, or making low-power lighting so that the temperature of the lamps cannot heat up and set fire to the product;
  • When working with kerosene lamps, periodically monitor the fuel level, and also extinguish the lanterns at night;
  • Use high-quality fixtures for mounting fixtures so that they do not fall and cause inconvenience.

How to make a lamp with your own hands (video)

Original country lamps (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Inna 07/01/2014

All the options in the photographs are really very original, I was especially struck by the lamps from tin cans, in my opinion, very beautiful and inventive, in addition, everyone can probably make them. In general, lighting plays a huge role, it can radically transform the look of a garden at night, turning it into a magical, cozy corner.

Sasha 06.11.2014

I liked the last version of the garland and plastic the most. It looks really chic and I think it shines just as cool) In general, as soon as I have the strength, I will definitely try to do this)

Yana 19.09.2015

I think, homemade lamps no worse than ready-made ones, and even better, you definitely can’t refuse originality, and how much money you can save! Beautiful lamps can be made literally from everything, even their garbage: old plastic, tin or glass bottles, pots, boxes, and from anything, you just need to call on your imagination to help. These photos are proof of that.

Xenia 27.11.2015

How many ideas! And I thought where I collect old disks, I don’t throw them away. But the light bulbs can be made in different colors. Everything, I will persuade my husband, let him help. And the tin can lamp is cool too. But I'm not sure that the talent is enough to cut such beauty.

Julia 09.05.2019

For the first time I see a lamp made of clothespins, it looks original and beautiful, you can make it not so big. You can also fix the clothespins with glue, then this design will last a long time.

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