Protective symbols for the home. Strong amulets for the home and their meaning

I want to return home, here we are waiting for relatives and friends - our family. Here we receive support, rest and dump all the negativity of the day. Naturally, people want to make it safe. There are a lot of charms for the house, there are enough instructions for making. In such a variety it is difficult not to get confused. Let's look at the question of what is placed in the home. Where amulets work, and where they interfere. Which ones are better to do with your own hands, and which ones are not worth it.

We make a reservation that we will only touch. The choice in favor of the amulets of a particular culture should be made depending on the faith. If you are deeply religious, consider yourself a Christian, then protect the apartment only with icons. Without faith, they will be useless. will also benefit only the followers of the Prophet Muhammad. For adherents of Feng Shui, amulets and their location should be based on this teaching. Hanging a bast shoe is absurd.

In choosing protective amulets for your home, you should listen to your intuition. If she suggests that the time has come to turn to the ancient symbols, to the faith of the ancestors, to return to the origins of the native faith, then this is fine. A particle of paganism sits in everyone. There is no need to cast out icons. For a long time, paganism and Christianity coexisted, which is observed even now. The holidays we celebrate come from pre-Christian times. For example, Ivan Kupala, Maslenitsa. Now there are more and more of them.

It is not even necessary to adhere to traditions and symbols. A bright picture will become protection, a toy, a children's craft. Energy and mental comfort are important.

It also happens that after the visit of a person, your favorite thing, which you considered a talisman, breaks, the plant begins to wither. It means that an ill-wisher visited your house, and the talisman averted misfortune from the owners. Note that this especially happens after praise. It doesn't have to be intentional damage. Perhaps the praise is simply said with envy, or the person's eyes are bad. Regardless of the motive, the damaged item must be thrown away. Thank the amulet for help and bury it in the ground. Replace it with a new one.

Before, you need to know the theory: the meaning of the symbols and their correct location.

Charm from the store

Don't be ashamed of people who don't love manual work and against the will to sit down for sewing. Let it be a soulless, massive thing rather than one made with nervousness and irritation. Amulets for the home are also a popular gift.

If you were given it, then you need to think: is there any malicious intent in the gift, whether it was presented from a pure soul. Turn to intuition, remember your relationship with the person who gave it. With undeveloped intuition, just ask yourself: do you like the thing or not. Try on different places in the apartment. The protective amulet will find its own location. A useless thing will prick the eye everywhere. In any case, you need to clear the thing:

  1. Wash the item. Start from the material. Some things will deteriorate in the wash, so just wipe the ones that are afraid of water with something disinfectant.
  2. Lay to dry in the wind and sun. Leave the talisman for a day on the balcony so that it is also in the rays moonlight bathed.
  3. Bury in the ground for a day. Remember about the safety of things, so first put it in a bag or box.
  4. Sprinkle with water from a natural spring.
  5. Hold in your hands, transferring energy. Let the amulet meet and make friends with the owner. The thing needs to warm up.
  6. Burn a candle nearby. Any will do, but magicians advise the church.

This should be done with any thing that came to you as a talisman. Having made the decision to buy a talisman, again, you must turn off your common sense, stop picking up a protective thing to match the color of the wallpaper and surrender to your intuition. We especially note the hand-made items. They take over part of the energy of the needlewoman, so it’s better to buy from friends, in whose purity of thoughts, you are sure of kindness and health. Where is the guarantee that the person who made the amulet was not sick, tired, upset and did not convey the negative to the amulet. Fell in love with the subject - take it.

Where to place

To answer this question, we must turn to the history of the Slavs, because it is from there that we draw knowledge. Our ancestors were afraid evil spirits and its influence on a person, so all the doors through which evil spirits could enter the dwelling were protected by protective signs, amulets. Remember the view of the Slavic hut: carved architraves, shutters depicting mermaids, a horse on the roof, platbands around the front door, gates with carvings.

Such huts can be found even now, if you move away from the center. The Russian North stands out in particular. Small county towns and villages are glorified, where ancient culture and paraphernalia is still preserved in the Vologda region, the Arkhangelsk region, and Irkutsk.

In conditions modern apartment enough to pay attention to:

  • Entrance doors, placing the necessary amulets over them;
  • windows. Our ancestors placed rowan branches on the windows. This was also done for beauty, since coal was poured between the frames against moisture, and to protect against spirits. Anyone can follow the same example. modern man, decorating the window red . You can use branches, beads, crafts. Residents of the first floors should especially pay attention to this when a passer-by looks into the windows;
  • household items. From ancient times, signs were applied to kitchen utensils, bake. Some household items themselves became amulets. Now you can paint some dishes with Slavic signs. It is not necessary to use it for its intended purpose, you can simply put it on a shelf for protection. The simplest technique is dot painting. For it, you can use schemes for.
  • Some amulets were located under the mother (ceiling beam). From here came the custom to place amulets under the ceiling. Not all things can be placed like this. Remember that later the rule appeared to hang amulets below the icons.

You can find a lot of tips for placing talismans on the cardinal points. It comes from feng shui. If you are looking for a place or, then turn to Chinese philosophy, but if you don’t know what to do, then turn to the Slavic faith. Mixing cultures will not lead to anything good, so stick to uniformity in design.

Traditional signs and talismans for the protection of housing

Each had its own place, but there are also universal ones that can be placed everywhere.

  • -, it was placed exclusively on the mother;
  • Horseshoe - must be hung over the entrance;
  • The sun (any image or sign) is protection from evil spirits. Placed above the entrance, on the roof, on the facades, on the windows;
  • Thunder sign - . Depicted on the facade;
  • Mermaids were placed on the windows and protected from ghouls;
  • Images Slavic gods especially Lada. Depicted on the windows and on outbuildings.

Now not every one of these symbols is applicable, most are forgotten. But everyone can use everyday things as talismans:

  • . Locks the house from evil forces, helps to gain wealth;
  • Crest. Protects from the evil eye, damage, evil witchcraft, prevents hair loss. It cannot be accepted as a gift, so that the sorcerer could not work through the hair;
  • Chalk. Symbolizes reorganization. Sweeps away evil spirits. Now signs are associated with it: bristles up brings wealth, bristles down protects from bad influence. Revenge is not allowed in the evening, so as not to sweep away wealth, they do not sweep when someone leaves the house, so as not to frighten away luck on the way.
  • Needle, clasp, . Components of many amulets. However, she herself was both a talisman and a means of damage. Among others, the main value is to prevent the evil eye. stuck in doorway the needle did not pass the witch;
  • Animal tooth. Later, heads, horns, animal skins began to be used. There is only one symbolism - scaring off enemies, gaining the strength and qualities of a killed animal by the owner and hunter. Until now, elk antlers hang on the walls in the huts. Hunters like to have stuffed game in their hunting lodges. This is again the work of intuition, and not a desire to brag;
  • Bell or any other ringing thing. Designed to ward off evil spirits. In the old days, a bull bubble with peas was even used for these purposes. Old people in the outback of Russia still remember this tradition, although they rarely use it.

Modern amulets

As for the amulets for the home now, they come down to brownies, decorated brooms, horseshoes and other crafts. Sometimes they combine several images at once. To use or not - intuition will tell. Many of them have little in common with the original Russian symbols.


A good multi-valued amulet. From ancient times, an old rusty horseshoe found on the road was hung over the front door. It is due to the fact that the metal itself carries cleansing energy, and rust draws out diseases. The image itself is associated with a horse - an assistant.

With the horns up, the horseshoe will bring wealth, and with the horns down, it will protect from evil. It was nailed on one nail above the entrance.

No need to make horseshoes yourself. It will lose its symbolism and will not bring any benefit. In the kitchen, as a magnet, it will also be only decoration, not protection.


It is often found in modern stores, but has little in common with the symbols of the Slavs. Our ancestors believed in the spirit of the house, fed it and transported it to a new hut, but never made its image. The image of a good spirit will not harm your home if you treat it well. Such a doll can be made independently from fabric, thread, plastic or. Give him a whisk, money or a bag of cereal in his hands. If you want to give additional meaning.


You can also use bast shoes, and preferably two, connected with a scarlet thread. These charms are different. Often there are tips on filling an old shoe with needles, broken glass and other piercing objects. This should protect against evil eye and sorcery. You can easily make this talisman at home. Among the ancient Slavs, a worn bast shoe was considered a hearth and happiness, a remedy for the evil eye. They put a gift for the brownie in it so that he would not play pranks.


Such a charm is the easiest to make with your own hands. Take a linen piece of fabric, sew a bag and stuff it with herbs as you wish, and tie the neck with red thread. You can put it under your pillow to improve sleep (stuff it with hops, mint, valerian), you can carry it with you as a talisman. The use of the pouch depends on the content and purposes.

The symbolism of plants according to the beliefs of the ancestors is as follows:

  • Vine, dill, cornflower, rose - defenders;
  • Kalina gave good luck and offspring to the family;
  • Willow, birch protect quarrels;
  • Thistle protects against witchcraft;
  • Wormwood averts trouble;
  • Nettle during the flowering period, onions, garlic prevented spoilage;
  • Juniper protected almost all troubles.

You can not bring reeds and bindweeds into your home. They portend sickness and death. It is advisable not to cut the plants, but to tear them. Herbs acquire great power on Ivan Kupala.

ritual doll

Everyone can make such a charm for the house. They are made without needles and scissors, in a good mood for each member of the family. The face is not painted so that an evil spirit does not settle in it. There was a doll for every occasion.

Here are the most popular:

  • Bereginya. The main doll, its place was later taken by the icon of the Virgin;
  • . She was stuffed with grain or cereals for prosperity and satiety. In hard times, porridge was cooked from stuffing;
  • Swaddle. The first baby doll. did it future mother from pieces of clothes of relatives. In the baby's crib, she kept evil spirits from harming the baby;
  • Nurse. It brought prosperity and prosperity.

There are dolls for unmarried girls that help in finding a groom, cure illnesses, and many others.

Bread and salt

The strongest protection against the evil eye. It is customary to sprinkle salt parallel to the entrance under the rug. Salt in combination with bread is called a gift to the house, it symbolizes prosperity in the family. In general, bread in the old days was considered a generous gift from Mother Earth. Represents fertility. Baking a loaf was a ritual rite that lasted a day. They were accompanied by many holidays. Including . The smell of fresh baked goods is always associated with comfort, it gives peace and a sense of peace. Bake more bread.


Crosses in paganism had great importance even before Christianity. This is protection from all sides. Hence their number in ornaments and swastikas. Traditional cross-stitch embroidery. So clothes, towels, linen were decorated. Ritual towels were supplied with a large number of different signs. On such towels they brought a loaf, tied the young, took babies. It is advisable to depict signs on them that correspond to the occasion and purpose. It can be a towel in the kitchen, a curtain, a bedspread or any other item that matches the interior.

Plants amulets

Some plants will help to find family happiness, others will interfere.

Here are the plants that will positively affect the home atmosphere:

  • Aloe - health;
  • Cacti - oppose evil;
  • Spathiphyllum - bestows happiness on women;
  • Anthurium - to gain male happiness;
  • Hibiscus is a sign of passionate love;
  • Fern is a sign of gaining knowledge.

The location of the amulets in the rooms of the house

Talismans need to be properly distributed throughout your home so that they work better.

  1. Kitchen. The room where the whole family gathers, where the woman, the hostess, rules the ball. A brownie lives in the kitchen. There are many amulets for the house here. Whips or wreaths of garlic or hot peppers, pots, bottles of cereals, for prosperity, spoons for satiety, a broom will be appropriate.
  2. Hallway. A large number of amulets for the home are also concentrated here. This is due to the fact that unkind guests, evil spirits and bad energy enter through the doorway. In this regard, the entrance must be protected. A horseshoe, a wheel (a stylized craft) is hung over the door. A pin or needle was placed in the door jamb, salt was placed under the rug, juniper was laid out around the door. Remember that the hallway should not be twilight.
  3. Living room. Here is a place for a coaster doll, hunting trophies, wreaths, the sign of the sun.
  4. Children's. Each amulet is designed to protect the child. A diaper lives in a crib, a rooster with raised wings, the sun above the crib. There is no place for flowers in the nursery, not only because they can affect the child energetically, but also for safety reasons (some are poisonous).
  5. Bedroom. Place dolls here that bring love, help to find a soul mate (who needs it), help in conception.

We are items that should be present in the house, many amulets for the home with their own hands can protect more than one generation. To cleanse the energy, remember that you need to get rid of old broken, dirty and unnecessary things.

From time immemorial, it was believed that the house is a part of a person, a projection of his personality on the surrounding space. As a consequence of this, all the amulets that protect a person are at the same time amulets that protect his house.

From point of view household magic, almost any thing, any object of human use, any plant or even animal can become a talisman.

The only indispensable condition: this object, thing, plant or animal cannot be purchased with money. Oddly enough, but money and amulet are mutually exclusive things. This is about the same as buying a friend for money. Agree, a friend and money are diametrically opposed concepts. And if it is impossible to buy a charm, then how can we get it in our house? Here we come to such a concept as the classification of amulets according to the way they appear in our house.

Varieties of home amulets

The amulet can be found, accepted as a gift, made with your own hands, you can grow and, oddly enough, educate. So, let's start in order.

Found things

You can find anything. For example, adventures on your strong head. Sometimes along with these adventures some items come across, which, due to the circumstances, save us from the negative consequences of these very adventures, help us find a way out of a difficult situation, or simply turn out to be at hand in time.

In this case, a strong oak stick, which happened to be at hand and saved us from the attack of a pack of hungry stray dogs on a dark January night in forty-degree frost, is the very amulet. Don't throw it away when it's over and the danger will pass. Take it, bring it to your house, find your place for it (this is very important - for every thing, and even more so a talisman, the house should have its own place or, as it is also called, a place of power of the talisman). Who knows, maybe someday this thing will save you again (for example, from an angry wife).

If during romantic date in a hot summer in an old village house, you accidentally found an old rusty horseshoe, do not rush to throw it away. Take it with you, bring it to your home. After all, what is a randomly found horseshoe? This is happiness, luck, financial and family well-being.

Where to hang it, let your own intuition, the current state of your personal affairs and your apartment tell you. If you have not yet found a faithful life partner, hang a horseshoe over your bed. If you have problems in the family, hang a horseshoe over the stove or fireplace. If there is no stove or fireplace in the house - above the gas stove. If the family has financial problems, hang a horseshoe over the front door.

Whether to hang a horseshoe with the horns up or down, everyone decides based on their own ideas about expediency this provision horseshoes. After all, what is it like to hang a horseshoe with the horns down? This means that happiness and well-being will pour on you like from a cornucopia. And if the horns are up? This means that happiness will accumulate in your home and will not flow out in vain into the surrounding space.

Luck is the determining factor for this type of amulets. If it is absent, then the amulet is also absent. A happy accident, in turn, gives rise to a whole host of memories that are of a pronounced personal nature and closely link you and this randomly found object into a single whole. And the result of this process is the emergence of faith. Faith that next time in a similar situation this amulet will not let you down again and will save you again. And what is most interesting in this process is that very often such amulets found by chance really help, help out and save. You just need to believe in them.

Gift as a talisman

We all know gifts for a birthday or New Year. Gifts to your loved ones can and should be given not only twice a year, but more often. After all, a real gift is nothing but the personification of sincerity, selflessness, generosity and kindness. But gifts are not amulets, they are just gifts. And what is the fundamental difference between a gift and a talisman?

You can give as a gift only a hand-made amulet. And you can just buy a gift in the store.

DIY manufacturing

In our industrial time, the production of anything has been put on an industrial basis. And this automatically implies the presence of the so-called conveyor, the unification of all goods and the complete exclusion of the human person from the process of creating the Thing. Labor has become automatic. Instead of things created by human hands and, importantly, by the human soul, we are, for the most part, dealing with consumer goods stamped on soulless machines.

But quite recently, some two hundred years ago, a person who owns a craft was perceived by others as nothing more than a magician, a magician. After all, with the help of his hands and simple tools, he could extract things and objects from non-existence that did not exist in nature until that moment.

Any medieval blacksmith, potter, tanner, mason, joiner, carpenter - they were all first and foremost magicians, each in his own field. And those objects that they created in the process of their magic were a priori not just things and objects. All of them contained a particle of the master's soul, and this automatically made them nothing more than amulets.

It is this ancient creative principle that underlies the creation modern amulets already modern masters. And anyone can become such a master. All you need is desire, patience and faith. The belief that the objects you create are not just useless trinkets, but very important things that help people find happiness and well-being.

Charm doll

Take multi-colored shreds and make a doll out of them. You may not succeed the first time. But if you spend some time on this, real masterpieces of puppet art will surely begin to appear from under your hands. Patchwork dolls can be wonderful amulets.

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, sacredly believed in this. After all, it is no coincidence that in almost every ancient Slavic house there were special dolls made by the hands of the owners. As a rule, such dolls were inherited by the next generations. An interesting feature Old Slavic dolls is the fact that without exception, all Slavic amulet dolls did not have their own face. This was done for a reason. After all, if you give such a doll a human face, then it will become human, turn into a kind of semblance of the people around it and, as a result, lose its magical properties.

There could be several such dolls in the house. They were credited with the ability to cure diseases, save the house from unexpected disasters (for example, from a fire). Each important event in a person's life had its own special doll.

Most often, a personal protector doll was created even before the birth of a child by his mother and then walked with him through life until his death. After death, a personal doll was burned along with its owner.

In addition to a personal amulet doll, there were guardian dolls of the house, which were inherited by the next generations who continued to live in this house. Such dolls were kept in a place of honor at home: as a rule, near the hearth or above the front door.

Dried herb bags

This is the guardian of the hearth. They usually used linen or canvas bags, which were stuffed with dried grass. As stuffing you can use:

  • dill;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • valerian.

Bags can be hung above the front door, above the windows. This can be done both inside the house and outside. It is believed that such herbs attract peace, good luck and prosperity to the house and do not allow dark forces to enter the house.

Other amulets

But there is an important clarification. What kind of salt are we talking about? I hasten to disappoint you. The usual cookbook that is sold in the store will not work. You will have to take salty sea water and evaporate it on fire with all the spells and prayers necessary in this case. And only in this case you will receive the very salt that can be used as a talisman.

Grown Talismans

You can grow both inside the house in the form of all kinds of flowers and plants growing in pots and tubs, and outside, surrounding your house with trees or whole small groves.

  • Charm plants growing inside the house include the following: aloe, geranium, indoor lemons. There are a huge number of plants that have a beneficial effect on the overall energy of the house, creating a unique microclimate.
  • Around the house you can plant oak, chestnut or cedar. If you plant several such trees, then in a few years there will be a whole protective grove around your house, which will reliably protect the house from the outside, preventing all kinds of negative energies from penetrating into it.

Purring Defense

Finally, your beloved pet, which you once found, adopted from a shelter, or received as a gift, can be a home charm. We are talking about domestic cats.

In ancient Egypt, the cat was a sacred creature with all the ensuing consequences. So, the ancient Egyptians believed that it was through cats, or to be more precise, through cat's eyes, that a mortal man could directly communicate with the gods. The Egyptians believed that cats during the day in the light of the sun absorb solar energy with their eyes, and with the onset of darkness they actively give it to people. The cat for the ancient Egyptians was the personification of a happy life, hearth and female fertility.

It was believed that the house where the cat settled would be protected from all hardships and troubles, and the women living in this house would bring at least one baby every year.

Particular importance was attached to the presence of a small bell on the cat's neck. Such a purring bell was considered a real guardian of the house and its inhabitants. Under such protection, the owners could not worry that evil forces under the guise of mice, rats or snakes could enter the house. The cat was always on the alert for such uninvited guests, constantly reminding the owners that the gods remember them and protect their home from all troubles in the world.

What amulets should be in the house? Any, the specifics are unimportant. It all depends on a certain human personality, its passions and preferences, life experience and inclinations. That is why the world of amulets is so diverse and unique. Therefore, the people who use them also do not fit into any single general scheme.

Someone thoroughly masters the ancient professions of a blacksmith or potter, while someone is content with their beloved domestic cat with a bell around its neck.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many people think that making amulets at home is a long and difficult task. But in fact, you can create a charm with your own hands quickly and easily. And at the same time, your talisman will really be your assistant.

A home-made amulet, made correctly, will protect against troubles no worse than purchased on the side. And even better, because it is charged with your energy and tuned specifically for you. A hand-made protective thing will keep you and your household good luck, attract comfort and well-being under the roof of the house. It is only important to get down to business properly and tune in accordingly.

When starting to make an amulet, follow a number of simple recommendations, and your talisman for happiness will delight you and gain great strength.

  • Choose for protection natural materials. The more of them, the better, because the power of nature invariably saved and protected our ancestors from troubles, illnesses and troubles.
  • Set your energy in the right direction. If necessary, cleanse it of negativity with meditation or a suitable ritual. Otherwise, it will not work to make a charm with your own hands: your little thing will absorb the negative and will not serve you and your hearth as a good shield.

Well, if you did everything right, then you will make a talisman for good luck easily and quickly, and most importantly - at home, charging your future keeper with the energy of your home. After all, it is not for nothing that people say: my house is my fortress.

Three reliable amulets that you can make at home

Salt amulet. Salt is in every home. It is better if you have coarse salt, for example, such as is used for home salting fish. good option there will also be sea salt for baths. In this case, it is advisable to purchase salt without additives - it may not look as elegant as aromatic bath salt, but it will also have more natural power.

Such salt must be wrapped in a piece of red or white color and tie tightly with red thread. Then just hang it next to the front door, window, or hide it near the threshold. Salt will scare away and absorb all the negativity of the outside world and improve the situation in the apartment itself.

Herbal amulet. Herbal amulet is much easier to make than it seems at first. Any plants with thorns, for example, rose hips, hawthorn, rosebush, or even nettles or raspberries, have suitable energy. Collect the leaves of such plants and dry on the windowsill. Then, in the same way, assemble them into a small bundle and secure where the house has weak spots- at windows or doors.

To make the herbs stronger, you can collect them on the growing moon:. Raspberries and pink leaves will help attract love, nettles will improve the health of residents, and rose hips will fight your enemies. Wormwood, St. John's wort, dill and thistle have a strong effect. These herbs ward off evil spirits.

Amulet from cereals. From completely ordinary cereals, you can also make a charm for the house. The principle of operation is the same. But pre-charge the cereal by calcining it on fire or rinsing it with water. Of course, not to the point where it will be possible to cook porridge from it. It is not a long time that matters to you, but the very contact of the cereal with the water or fire element. Usually, buckwheat or rice is recommended for such a talisman. In ancient times, our ancestors on "bad" days defended themselves with cereals and seeds from evil spirits, scattering them at the doorstep. Poppy and various grains were also used. But today it is not necessary to litter in front of the front door. A bag of cereals, which you prepare in a special way, will not only absorb negative energy, but also attract money to the house. To do this, among the cereals, you can put a small coin.

Important point: from time to time, amulets for the house need to be changed. Feng Shui talismans are advised to wipe thoroughly during each cleaning, and herbs, cereals and salt tend to accumulate in themselves everything that they have protected you from. So get rid of them by simply throwing them away, and repeat the ritual of making a talisman for the house.

Protecting yourself and the energy of your home is very simple, especially if you take care of it in advance. Protect your home and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2016 02:52

In order to protect their child, in ancient times people created special amulets. AT modern world amulets are not...

My home is my castle. This phrase is on everyone's lips. Everyone finds protection from any troubles in his house. The dwelling should be protected not only from thieves, but also from dark entities. If you try to make a charm for the house yourself, then it will have a stronger magical energy, since part of your energy is stored in it.

Why do you need a charm in the house

Since ancient times, mankind has been using magic to protect themselves and loved ones from the evil eye and damage. Amulets took over the protection from negativity and otherworldly entities.

When the house is protected from malicious intentions, it is comfortable in it.

The amulet of the house was present in every family, and more often not even one. There were many varieties, at that time hand-made talismans were valued. If there are many rooms in the house, then the amulet was placed in each of them. He was spoken to and hidden from prying eyes in a secluded place. Each family had its own talisman, which was passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, it is believed that each house must be protected from dark forces with an individual amulet that suits this dwelling.

It is believed that amulets do not allow otherworldly forces to enter the house.

Types of talismans

Slavs lived in most of our country. Amulets were made for occasions:

  • on holiday;
  • everyday;
  • from the evil eye;
  • from diseases;
  • good luck.

Wearable amulets and for protecting the house were considered common.

If you choose one of the Slavic embroidered talismans to protect your home, then use only linen fabric to make it, arrange the amulet in a frame.

Here are some of the amulets for the home that they make on their own:

  • brownie;
  • horseshoe;
  • broom;
  • bast shoes;
  • infused herbs and spices.

The manufacture of magical things is considered sacred, and it must be treated properly, because every element in such an image has its own special meaning.

Charms for the house from improvised items

It is believed that a hand-made amulet is endowed with a greater magical and protective function than one bought in a store. Each person puts a particle of his soul into the amulet, so he protects and protects him from adversity. Special importance is attached to rituals, spells and symbols. Magic symbols were an ornament in embroidery, decorated bracelets and necklaces. Rag dolls were not only a toy for children, but also a talisman. They decorated children's rooms, protecting them from troubles and misfortunes.


Brooms are hung both in the house and outside it to protect against evil forces. The purchased amulet will not work in full, it is better to do it yourself.

The broom is made from twigs of wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile inflorescences and rowan berries; suitable for couples

Such a talisman is suitable for married people, it will protect the family from contention in the house. You can make it yourself. We need sprigs of wormwood, St. John's wort, nettle, rowan berries and chamomile inflorescences.

Let's start making the amulet:

  1. We take wormwood and St. John's wort, combine them and put nettle branches in the middle, which will drive away dark forces.
  2. We collect in a bundle.
  3. Weave the broom handle with woolen or linen thread.
  4. We decorate the broom fan with rowan berries, according to legend, they bring good luck and replenishment of the family, with chamomile inflorescences, which symbolize the purity of the soul.
  5. Between the handle and the fan of the broom, we carefully attach the icon with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When the amulet is made, it should be activated. The ritual is performed from Thursday to Friday, read the plot three times:

“Twig to twig, blade of grass to blade of grass, good luck and happiness come to the house, protect the family from strife. Word, castle. Amen".

The amulet is placed in the right corner of the room. By creating an amulet yourself, you can be sure that there is no negativity on it.


Figures in the form of brownie dolls are a good idea that the guardian angel of the house can like. He is a mentor and helper, endowed with magic power.

The brownie guards well-being in the house, you can put a broom or a bag of grains in his hand

The brownie is endowed with protective power, but he is not visible: the little helper is hidden from human eyes. At all times it was believed that he is the owner of the house, his favorite place is the kitchen. The brownie chooses warmer places. He takes care of the household, he has everything under control, everything is in its place. He does not tolerate disorder and discord in the house.

In order for the family to have peace and tranquility, a brownie amulet should be made. This amulet can be in the form of a doll. In his right hand, put a broom or a bag of grains (beans, peas, etc.). You can place the figurine in the kitchen, next to the gas stove or battery. The amulet should be activated, the plot is read in complete silence and one on one with the amulet:

“Evaluate my efforts, help set the mood and peace of mind in the family, protect me from negativity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Honey-owner, I feed you and sing. Save and save, drive trouble from home. Amen".

lucky horseshoe

The horseshoe is one of the popular mascots. He is endowed with the ability to drive away troubles and attract happiness and peace into the house. You need to hang the amulet over the doors in such a way that the horseshoe looks like a bowl.

You need to hang it over the doors in such a way that the horseshoe looks like a bowl, the plot is read in seventh lunar day

No wonder our ancestors believed that if you find a horseshoe, there will be happiness in the house. And in our time, the horseshoe is considered a talisman that brings good luck. Charm "Lucky Horseshoe" will help protect your home from discord in the family, improve well-being. It's easy to make it:

  1. Take cardboard, preferably red, cut out a horseshoe shape from it.
  2. Wrap the figure of a horseshoe with brown woolen thread.
  3. The amulet can be decorated with sunflower seeds, pomegranate seeds, spikelets, as they symbolize the well-being of the family.

The horseshoe should be activated on the seventh lunar day. The plot is read three times in complete silence, closer to midnight:

“As a horseshoe absorbs strength, so the Lord God protect your servants (list the names of household members) from enemies. Do not open doors and windows for them, protect us from evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you still find a horseshoe, it will also bring good luck and happiness. But remember that she is considered lucky if this find was found on the road. It should be sprinkled with holy water, while saying defensive words:

“Our house is surrounded by a stone wall,
Our roof is closed with prayers, conspiracies.
Our doors are closed. Save from enemies.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, place a horseshoe over the front doors with the horns up, this symbolizes the full cup of happiness in the house.

Lapotok of happiness and good luck

In the old days, shoes also served as a talisman. It was passed down from generation to generation and was a valuable gift. It was believed that yellow and red shoes protected from negative energy, and bast shoes - a talisman of family happiness. They help you get out of trouble. They are placed above the threshold or next to the gate (if it is a private house).

Now small decorative bast shoes are sold, but you can make them yourself. And they will also play the role of a talisman.

It is also customary to give a charmed bastard to someone close to you. It can be made from birch bark, newspaper, crocheted or made from other material at hand.

You can put a coin and a red piece of cloth in the bast shoes to attract wealth to the house.

After you have finished weaving, you can put a coin and a red piece of fabric in the shoe. You can decorate the amulet with a walnut, dried clover, chamomile, pepper, etc. You need to read a plot on the amulet and hang it at the entrance to an apartment or house. The plot is read six times on the fourth lunar day:

“My dwelling is my fortress, there is no entrance for evil spirits. Keep my home from the evil eye. May it be so. Word, castle. Amen".

baba yaga

Yes, it sounds creepy, but Baba Yaga is a strong amulet for the house from evil spirits. Previously, she was famous as a wise guardian of the family, but then she became a negative character in fairy tales.

Baba Yaga will reliably protect the house from quarrels and scandals, drive away quarrels and strife

A stupa with Baba Yaga is a reliable amulet at home from quarrels, scandals, it will help drive away evil thoughts. Guests with positive energy will feel comfortable in a house where such an amulet is present.

It is easy to make a talisman in the form of Baba Yaga with your own hands:

  1. It is necessary to take a light fabric. Make a head and fill it with cotton.
  2. Make eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Then attach the blank to the stick, it should be 15 cm long.
  4. Then you should make a costume for the doll. It is better to sew a dress from canvas fabric.
  5. In the hands of a woman - a yaga, give a whisk or make a whisk of a suitable size.

The amulet needs to be activated, thanks to this you can really protect your home from the evil eye and damage. A conspiracy to amulet read three times on the seventh lunar day:

“Do not let bad things into the house, from evil people protect. My words are strong as stone. My house is closed from evil thoughts. The word castle. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Video: making Baba Yaga's amulet

Protective pouch

Ancestors believed that if you make an amulet from a part of an animal, then its power will certainly pass to you. Such a charm kept the owner from the forces of evil, for example, the dog was considered the protector of the house. To prevent dark personalities from entering the house, sew a protective bag in which you put the animal's hair.

The canvas bag should be placed or hung next to the front door

A properly prepared bag can also serve as protection against the influence of dark forces. To make, you will need a canvas bag where the dog's hair is placed, three cloves of garlic and seven black peppercorns. The bag should be placed or hung next to the front door. In order for the amulet to work, they speak in this way:

“Get all evil spirits out of the house. Out of sight. Dog friend, protect my home, keep evil people away from me. May God help me. Amen".

In the kitchen, every housewife has bay leaves, they are used while cooking various dishes to improve the taste of food. This spice is not so simple. Laurel is a powerful energy and magical tool.

Laurel leaves woven into a wreath will further attract good luck

Laurel is used for a love spell, the charmed leaf helps athletes achieve victory. With the help of spices, they protect the house from damage and the evil eye, attract good luck.

To make a charm for the house, you need to take fragrant leaves and spread them in all corners of each room. In this case, the conspiracy should be read:

“Like a leaf I put down, so I protect my house, I attract good luck and happiness. May all my wishes come true. By the power of magic, let everything be as intended. The word castle. Amen".

This ritual is best performed on Wednesday, the situation should be calm so that no one interferes.

Bay leaf can also be put in a charm bag

But you can also use the laurel to perform another ceremony:

  1. Craft three linen bags.
  2. Put in them 11 bay leaves, 7 black peppercorns and 7 pumpkin seeds.
  3. Bags to talk.

The plot is read on Thursday on the growing moon, closer to midnight:

“Help the powers of heaven, protect my dwelling from evil spirits. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Bag of salt

According to popular wisdom, salt is a symbol of hospitality. “Bread and salt”, this is how the hosts greet their guests, thereby wishing them health and wellness. Salt has medicinal properties, its crystals are popular for magical rites. With their help, they clear the space of negative energy, attract good luck to the family.

A magical bag of salt will help from the evil eye and damage

Not only hereditary magicians and fortune-tellers use salt for rituals, you can make a charm at home:

  1. Take a piece of burlap fabric and make a bag.
  2. Put a teaspoon of coarse salt in it and tie it with red woolen thread.
  3. At midnight, light a church candle in front of you, put a bag of salt next to you and read the plot.

After reading the plot, you need to wait until the candle burns out and hide the magic bag in a secluded place, from prying eyes:

“As bread and salt are always near, as the sun shines brightly in the sky, as salt is always white, so there will be joy and peace in my dwelling. May it be so. Amen".

You can use salt in another way. Pour the windows along the window sill in the form of a path: in this way, dark forces will not penetrate into the house even through the window. During the ceremony, say the words:

"Away. Away. Go unclean. Leave my house. There will be happiness and joy in the house.”

Kitchen amulets and magic stones

It was believed that the kitchen is a sacred place: the ceremony of cooking takes place here. So that negative energy does not interfere with the hostess, they put a talisman.

You can make a charm for the kitchen yourself. It is necessary on a woolen strong red thread, tie seven heads of garlic, three pods of pepper, attach the dried flower of Ivan-tea. This amulet must be activated, sprinkled with holy water and hung in the kitchen next to the window. You can speak like this:

“Let the house be a full bowl, bread and salt always on the table. Go away evil thoughts, bring happiness and peace to my family.

When creating culinary masterpieces, it is necessary to protect them and the kitchen as a whole from negative energy.

Another amulet, which is made using a glass vessel (bottles, jars). This amulet scares away evil from home and destroys negative waves. It is necessary to take an empty glass vessel and decorate with spices and cereals. Can be used:

  • peppercorns;
  • dried basil;
  • rosemary;
  • peas;

They help from damage and the evil eye, protect your home. The decorated bottle needs to be filled with holy water taken from the church. You need to read a prayer on it and put it in the kitchen cabinet:

“Water is my water, you give everyone and me a drink. You also let me wash. Protect the Servant of God (name) from the dark forces. Grant happiness and comfort in the house. May it be so. Amen".

After decorating, the bottle should be filled with holy water.

Charms and amulets from holy places

Amulets, talismans are present in every culture. Traveling to different cities and countries, people bring various talismans. The Holy Land is Jerusalem. The amulets brought from there have a particularly powerful magical and energetic power, since almost all amulets in the Holy Land are made by hand.

The Church has always illuminated various amulets and amulets, even if they do not have the face of the Saints.

Since ancient times, Orthodox have worshiped various Saints: the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Christ the Savior, who protected not only the house, but also the village. Prayers for family happiness are quite natural if you want to live in peace with your spouse, children, parents. You can turn to the Saints for help and patronage in the temple, in front of the miraculous faces. But if it is not possible to visit the church, pray at home at your iconostasis.

Icon of the Matrona of Moscow

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow can save even in the most difficult situations. It has healing properties, helps to establish peace in the house.

At the present time, the icon with the face of the Matrona of Moscow has become popular. It protects from ailments, helps to set foot on the true path. The icon is placed in the room at the head of the bed. Every evening before going to bed, you should read a prayer, referring to the Matrona:

“Holy Matrona, mother, help!

Protect the house from troubles and evil.

May peace and tranquility come to the house.

Bless and save.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

The magical power of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos protects, heals and protects. If a person believes in the power of prayers, the Mother of God will definitely hear and help.

The icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary protects, heals and protects the household

The icon depicts the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary. who holds the child in her arms. The image of the Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to the dwelling or opposite the front door, but remember that the icon cannot be reflected in the mirror. In the church, purchase this amulet and install it as expected. Before hanging the icon, read the prayer:

“Holy Mother of God, our protector.

Save and save from enemies

Please forgive our sins.

May there be joy and happiness in the house. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayers said in the days of the Great church holidays have even more power.

Amulets from Jerusalem

Bethlehem is considered "God's cradle", on its territory there is the Church of the Nativity. Jerusalem is the holy of holies, everyone knows this. Among the Holy Places of Jerusalem, the most famous are the Church of the Nativity, the road of sorrow and the hill from where Christ ascended to heaven.

The Hamsa amulet is the best amulet against the evil eye; its other name is the palm of God

When you get to the Holy Land, to Jerusalem, you immediately feel a surge of strength and energy. As if the very hand of the son of God touched. All things there have a healing power. Coming home from such a place, you try to bring at least a piece of something sacred with you. Usually amulets and amulets are brought from Jerusalem:

  • a flask with the Holy Land - should be carried with you as a talisman against danger;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • incense;
  • red thread - it is necessary on the wrist, like a bracelet, and it must be woolen;
  • palm of God (hamsa amulet);
  • cross - must always be carried with you and not removed;
  • pendant with the image of Bethlehem;
  • candles - it is better to light on holidays: at Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Trinity, etc .;
  • icons with the faces of Saints - should be placed in the house so that they protect from enemies.

It is advisable to say the words next to the amulet every morning or holding it in your hands:

“I close my house from all troubles, I don’t let everything bad into it. Let there be only peace in the house, and all the bad will remain aside. Amen".

Activation of amulets

Buying a charm or making it yourself is not enough. In order for them to work and protect, the amulets need to be activated, that is, to speak. Both a fortune-teller and a non-specialist in the field of magic can charge with acting magical energy.

Remember, you need to correctly and accurately pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

You need to activate the amulet immediately after it has been made or purchased. If you don’t speak it, then it will be just an ornament, so the amulet should be endowed with magical properties so that it can help a person and protect him. The conspiracy to protect the house is best read on the full moon, but if the matter requires urgency, read it three times any day. When activated, the amulet will have the power of the energy of earth, fire, water and air. These four elements save and protect mankind.

Video: how to activate the amulet correctly

Home amulets provide bright, positive energy. It is pleasant to be in a house reliably protected from negativity and it is easy to restore the forces that are spent throughout the day.

What are amulets for home and family and how are they used

Our ancestors in most cases used various minerals, herbs and wood as amulets. The main task of any talisman is bring clean energy to your home and protect from all the dark that surrounds you.

Each amulet performs its own energy function, for example, a house amulet in the form of runes protects the house from robbers and keeps family peace, Kolovrat protects from troubles, diseases, black magic and love spells, all kinds of herbs protect from evil spirits.

Do-it-yourself charms for the home

Slavic amulets for the home

The creation of such a talisman requires the fulfillment of certain conditions that charge it with the right energy. For example, the collection of Apotropaea is necessary start during the waxing moon and exclusively from new materials, even skeins of thread must be new. Symbolic embroidery or still life from various totem plants can act as defenders.

Before creating, you need to clearly understand what value you put into it. When making it is best to use natural materials: spikelets, acorns, herbs, nuts, natural fabric, wool and various seeds. When you have decided on protection and materials, give free rein to your imagination and create the amulet you need.

Muslim charms for the home

Muslims believe that spirits bring only good things to a person's life, and genies are representatives of the black side. Therefore, all rituals associated with the charging of talismans attract spirits, protecting the penetration of evil genies.

The knot is considered the most important and simple Muslim amulet. To make it for you need woolen threads the following colors: red, green, white, yellow and blue, depending on the value of the amulet.

Chinese charms for the home

Chinese symbols of protection are, first of all, and also to attract material well-being. A simple Chinese talisman for wealth can be made by yourself:

  1. Carefully place a piece of plasticine inside the nutshell.
  2. Cut out a small flag from red paper and hang it on the mast in the form of a match.
  3. Cut out a rectangular or triangular sail.
  4. Make holes along the edges of the sail and attach it to the mast.
  5. Next, in a horizontally laid jar, place plasticine to simulate the sea and a boat with its nose to the neck. For decor, put a ready-made talisman for delivery.

Amulet-bags for home

There are two types of amulet bags:

Charm flowers for home

As you know, not only symbols and objects, but also indoor flowers can act as amulets. After all, a plant, like any other living organism, have their own energy. Therefore, if you want to attract this or that energy, you need to clearly understand what they bring into the house with them. different plants. Here is some of them.

If quarrels often arise in the house, then put a violet in the room where disagreements most often occur, and it will absorb all the negativity. To attract wealth and success to the family, it is necessary to acquire a fat woman, dracaena, palm tree or bamboo. An indoor rose will help to put an end to the betrayal of the second half. If it seems to you that evil spirits have settled in the house, then the fern will be the best defender in this case.

And if you are constantly haunted by failures on the love front, then “settle” hibiscus or oxalis in your bedroom. When the plot of the song "The Island of Bad Luck" fully describes your life, the ficus will drive away bad luck and failure. If you want to get rid of gossip and imaginary friends, tradescantia will be an excellent amulet for the house from bad people.

Charm trees for the home

Since ancient times, it was believed that trees have a soul and magical powers. Our ancestors often went to the forest to recharge with its pure energy and ask for strength and protection. Each tree carries its own energy impulse. It is believed that birch bark will give you vitality and protect you from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. A person who feels on himself must definitely go through 10 sessions of touching a birch.

Mountain ash is a home amulet that can protect a person and an animal from the evil eye and malicious intent. If you collect branches of bird cherry during its flowering and hang them with flowers down, then people who came with bad intentions will not be able to stay in your home for a long time.

Since ancient times, people have believed that Plants have magical properties, because they are able to be reborn after the winter, from the ashes and even where, it seemed, nothing living could survive. Today, herbs are also given special mystical attention.

Ikebana from cornflower will help protect your home from bad people. St. John's wort will protect you and your family from dangers and all sorts of damage. Dried calendula will help get rid of the evil eye. To cleanse the premises of negative energy, fumigate it with dried lavender. To scare away evil spirits for a long time burdock was used. Using a bay leaf as a home amulet will help you protect yourself from the evil eye, bad people and fill your home with positive energy.

From ancient times, apotropaea helped a person not only defend himself, but also. Despite the fact that we live in times of technical revolutions, there is no need to be skeptical about the power of talismans, because even our ancestors noticed their miraculous properties. And although they will not help, but they can make it so that negative impact unkind people was minimal and invisible to you.