Briefly formulate Likhachev's main advice on how to speak. D

Russian language lesson. Topic: "Oratory"

Tyurina S.N., teacher

MKOU "Soshnikovskaya secondary school"

Vichugsky municipal district

Target:creating conditions for formation of the ability to highlight the signs of a good oratorical (public) speech.


    Develop skills in working with text in the technology of RKCHP.

    To acquaint with the main features of oratory speech.

    Develop student communication skills.

The lesson is conducted using the technology of developing critical thinking through reading and writing.

During the classes

    Organizational moment.

The teacher greets the students and invites them to greet each other by doing the “Polite bow” breathing exercise.

Description of the exercise: Starting position, standing: legs together, arms down. Inhaling the air with the nose, we slowly rise on our toes, raise our hands up, and then fold our palms at chest level, bend over, spreading our arms to the sides, while exhaling we say the word “hello”.

Students perform the exercise, take their places and check their readiness for work.

    Actualization of knowledge (call stage).

The teacher invites students to play the game "Do you believe?"

Questions for the game:

    Do you believe that it takes a certain amount of experience in giving speeches to be successful on stage?

    Do you believe that it is not at all difficult for a person who speaks often to start his speech from the stage?

    Do you believe that one person can hold the attention of an audience of 600 people?

    Do you believe that the qualities of the speaker do not affect the success of the speech?

    Do you believe that even an unprepared speech can be successful?

    Do you believe that in life it is very often necessary to be able to speak in front of an audience with a speech?

Students answer questions. The teacher accepts all answers.

The teacher addresses the students:

You probably already know what we are going to talk about today.

What speech? (public, mass, oratory).

Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Students formulate a topic, and their wording may differ from that stated in the KTP. The task of the teacher is to accept children's proposals).

Tell me, why do you need to study public speaking? Where, when, under what circumstances do you have to deal with it? (speech at the lessons - reports, essays, oral answers in the lessons, defense of projects, a note in the newspaper).

Fulfilling homework, you have already encountered the word speaker. What is its meaning? ( Speaker - the one who makes a speech, as well as a person who has the gift of speaking speeches (eloquence).

I propose to check the correctness of your assumptions in the game by listening to a short text.

A story that once happened to a children's writer, Vadim Chirkov. In his article "Mark Twain's Rival" he writes : “Once I had to speak in front of a huge, almost 600 people, hall - there was some kind of holiday, I was put up as a wedding general. The hall was noisy, rejoiced at each other and the noise, and here in front of the microphone was a writer. Better singer...

The thought came to me at the last second.

- There was one person, - I said into the microphone, - a boy of 12 years old. Vlad Scriabin. He unusually answered ordinary questions - so unusually that those who listened to him forgot about everything in the world ...

The hall began to fall silent. The one who was still screaming, laughing or talking was “calmed down”.

For example, they asked him: “Vlad, what is a ringing?”

“The cry of the object,” he replied.

- And… the weather?

- The impulse of nature.

- Vlad, what is a fool?

- It's a wheel that's stuck.

Hall, I noticed, craned its necks. And I continued:

- Vlad ... - they asked him, - but what is ... just a hole?

- Pit of air, - answered Vladik.

- A ... a ... for example, grandfather?

- A textbook for the little one, but he will quickly tear him apart.

The hall laughed approvingly, but continued to listen.

- Vlad, but tell me, who are the philosophers?

- Problem expanders.

The room was mine. Or rather, Vlad.

- And conscience, Vlad, conscience?

- This is when a person knows himself and what he does.

And then my hero was asked a global question: “Vladik, what is an atomic bomb?”

"Mushroom," he replied. - In that world.

And yet, and yet another question was asked:

- Where did you get all this, Vladka?

- Well, it's clear to everyone.

The audience agrees with the latter especially willingly and claps for a long time - to Vladka Scriabin and me, although I did not sing or dance.

The teacher asks a question:

So what does it take to deliver a successful speech? To answer the question, you can use the conclusions that you have made now and the knowledge gained during the homework.

The students name the qualities, and the teacher writes them down on the board in the ZUH plate, in the “We know” column.

The teacher asks a question to help move from the challenge stage to the reflection stage:

Do you think we have identified all the qualities? (We fill in the ZUH plate in the column “We want to know”).

3. Observation of textual material (comprehension stage).

Among the researchers of the Russian language, a personality stands out Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. Dmitry Sergeevich paid special attention to human speech. He believed that a person's speech can be used to judge his culture and education. In one of his articles, he names the signs of a good public speech. Let's try to highlight them. We work with the text using notes (displayed on the board):

V- it was known before reading;

+ - I learned this while reading the text;

- - this contradicts what I thought;

? I don't understand, I would like to know more about it.

After reading the text, we return to the original list of knowledge, students fill in the marking plate in order to be able to carry out the stage of reflection.



New to me


Thought otherwise


I don't know, I want to know


I think you are a little tired. I offer a break. Let's perform several breathing exercises: "Speech breathing", "Glass blower", "Count", " Strong wind". Moreover, the success of the performance also depends on breathing.

After a warm-up, the knowledge gained by the students, the teacher proposes to present it in the form of a memo “Advice to a young speaker”. We make out in notebooks and on the board (if possible). At this stage, you can conduct another speech warm-up with intonation exercises.

    Summing up (reflection stage).

The teacher suggests thinking about which of the initial assumptions were confirmed and which turned out to be false, and which may be of further interest. The columns of the ZUH table are filled in (“Learned”, “We want to know”) Students can ask questions that arose during the speech. Some of the questions can be answered in the lesson, other questions will be covered in the course of the upcoming rhetoric lessons on prepared and unprepared oral speech. To sum up the final result, the teacher asks the children to compose a syncwine about oratory. Those who wish can read the resulting syncwines.

The rules for writing syncwine are as follows:

    On the first The line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

    On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of syncwine.

    On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.

    On the fourth a line is placed a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. It could be popular expression, a quote or a phrase compiled by the student in context with the topic.

    The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic, allows you to express your personal attitude to it.

The teacher thanks for the work, evaluates the success of the students.

    Homework assignment.

Ex. 201 - promising (prepare working materials for rhetoric lessons).

Ex. 202 - for the next lesson (prepare for the vocabulary dictation).


1. Gats I.Yu. Methodical notebook of a teacher of the Russian language. - M: Bustard, 2009.

2. L.E. Lopatina, V.V. Lopatin "Russian dictionary", Moscow "Russian language" 1998.

3. Russian language: textbook. for 8 cells. general education Institutions / S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov. and others - M: Education, 2006.

4. Chirkov V. Rival of Mark Twain // Library at school - 2009 -

No. 4 - S. 37 - 39.

5. Materials of educational portals of RUDN University and Gramota.Ru.

And one more thing, and perhaps the most important: be truthful. He who seeks to deceive others is first of all deceived himself. He naively thinks that they believed him, and those around him were actually just polite. But the lie always betrays itself, the lie is always “felt”, and you not only become disgusting, worse - you are ridiculous.
Don't be ridiculous! Truthfulness is beautiful, even if you admit that you have deceived before on any occasion, and explain why you did it. This will fix the situation. You will be respected and you will show your intelligence.
Simplicity and "silence" in a person, truthfulness, lack of pretensions in clothing and behavior - this is the most attractive "form" in a person, which also becomes his most elegant "content".

Letter nine

You should be offended only when they want to offend you. If they don’t want to, and the reason for resentment is an accident, then why be offended?
Without getting angry, clear up the misunderstanding - and that's it.
Well, what if they want to offend? Before responding to an insult with an insult, it is worth considering: should one stoop to an insult? After all, resentment usually lies somewhere low and you should bend down to it in order to pick it up.
If you still decide to be offended, then first perform some mathematical action - subtraction, division, etc. Let's say you were insulted for something in which you are only partially to blame. Subtract from your feelings of resentment everything that does not apply to you. Suppose that you were offended from noble motives - divide your feelings into noble motives that caused an insulting remark, etc. Having performed some necessary mathematical operation in your mind, you will be able to respond to an insult with great dignity, which will be the nobler than you attach less importance to resentment. To certain limits, of course.
In general, excessive touchiness is a sign of a lack of intelligence or some kind of complexes. Be smart.
There is a good English rule: to be offended only when you want offend intentionally offend. There is no need to be offended by simple inattention, forgetfulness (sometimes characteristic of a given person due to age, due to some psychological shortcomings). On the contrary, show special attention to such a “forgetful” person - it will be beautiful and noble.
This is if they “offend” you, but what if you yourself can offend another? In relation to touchy people, one must be especially careful. Resentment is a very painful character trait.

Letter ten

I don't like definitions and am often not ready for them. But I can point out some differences between conscience and honor.
There is one essential difference between conscience and honor. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and by conscience they are cleansed to one degree or another. Conscience "gnaws". Conscience is not false. It is muffled or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But ideas about honor are completely false, and these false ideas cause enormous damage to society. I mean what is called the "honor of the uniform." We have lost such a phenomenon, unusual for our society, as the concept of noble honor, but the "honor of the uniform" remains a heavy burden. It was as if a man had died, and only the uniform remained, from which the orders were removed. And within which a conscientious heart no longer beats.
The “honor of the uniform” forces the leaders to defend false or vicious projects, to insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful construction projects, to fight with the societies protecting monuments (“our construction is more important”), etc. There are many examples of such upholding of the “honor of the uniform”.
True honor is always in accordance with conscience. False honor is a mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of the human (or rather, “bureaucratic”) soul.

Letter Eleven

A person develops from the first day of his birth. He is looking to the future. He learns, learns to set new tasks for himself, without even realizing it. And how quickly he masters his position in life. He already knows how to hold a spoon and pronounce the first words.
Then he also studies as a boy and a young man.
And the time has come to apply your knowledge, to achieve what you aspired to. Maturity. You have to live in real...
But the acceleration persists, and now, instead of teaching, the time comes for many to master the position in life. The movement goes by inertia. A person is constantly striving towards the future, and the future is no longer in real knowledge, not in mastering the skill, but in arranging oneself in an advantageous position. The content, the original content, is lost. The present time does not come, there is still an empty aspiration to the future. This is careerism. Inner restlessness that makes a person unhappy personally and unbearable for others.

Letter 12

A person must be intelligent! And if his profession does not require intelligence? And if he could not get an education: that is how the circumstances developed. What if environment does not allow? And if intelligence makes him a "black sheep" among his colleagues, friends, relatives, will it simply interfere with his rapprochement with other people?
No, no and NO! Intelligence is needed under all circumstances. It is necessary both for others and for the person himself.
This is very, very important, and above all, in order to live happily and for a long time - yes, for a long time! For intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long - not only physically, but also mentally. In one old book it says: "Honor your father and your mother, and you will live long on earth." This applies to the whole nation, and to individual person. This is wise.
But first of all, let's define what intelligence is, and then why it is connected with the commandment of longevity.
Many people think: intelligent person- this is the one who read a lot, received a good education (and even predominantly humanitarian), traveled a lot, knows several languages.
Meanwhile, you can have all this and be unintelligent, and you can not possess any of this to a large extent, but still be an internally intelligent person.
Education should not be confused with intelligence. Education lives on the old content, intelligence lives on the creation of the new and the awareness of the old as new.
More than that... Deprive a truly intelligent person of all his knowledge, education, deprive him of his very memory. Let him forget everything in the world, he will not know the classics of literature, he will not remember the greatest works of art, he will forget the most important historical events, but if with all this he retains a susceptibility to intellectual values, a love of acquiring knowledge, an interest in history, an aesthetic sense, he will be able to to distinguish a real work of art from a rough "thing" made only to surprise if he can admire the beauty of nature, understand the character and personality of another person, enter into his position, and having understood another person, help him, will not show rudeness, indifference, gloating , envy, but will appreciate another at its true worth if he shows respect for the culture of the past, the skills of an educated person, responsibility in solving moral issues, the richness and accuracy of his language - spoken and written - this will be an intelligent person.
Intelligence is not only in knowledge, but in the ability to understand another. It manifests itself in a thousand and thousand little things: in the ability to argue respectfully, to behave modestly at the table, in the ability to imperceptibly (precisely imperceptibly) help another, to protect nature, not to litter around oneself - not to litter with cigarette butts or swearing, bad ideas (this is also garbage, and what else!)
I knew peasants in the Russian North who were truly intelligent. They observed amazing cleanliness in their homes, knew how to appreciate good songs, knew how to tell “by-life” (that is, what happened to them or others), lived an orderly life, were hospitable and friendly, treated with understanding both other people’s grief and someone else's joy.
Intelligence is the ability to understand, to perceive, it is a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people.
Intelligence must be developed in oneself, trained - mental strength is trained, as physical ones are also trained. A. training is possible and necessary in any conditions.
That physical strength training contributes to longevity is understandable. Much less people understand that for longevity, the training of spiritual and spiritual forces is also necessary.
The fact is that a vicious and evil reaction to the environment, rudeness and misunderstanding of others is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, human inability to live ... Pushing in a crowded bus - a weak and nervous person, exhausted, reacting incorrectly to everything. Quarrels with neighbors - also a person who does not know how to live, deaf mentally. Aesthetically unreceptive is also an unhappy person. He who does not know how to understand another person, attributing only evil intentions to him, always taking offense at others - this is also a person who impoverishes his life and interferes with the lives of others. Mental weakness leads to physical weakness. I am not a doctor, but I am convinced of this. Years of experience convinced me of this.
Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. Yes, it's beautiful.
A person's face, distorted by anger, becomes ugly, and movements evil person devoid of grace - not deliberate grace, but natural, which is much more expensive.
The social duty of a person is to be intelligent. This is a duty to yourself as well. This is the guarantee of his personal happiness and the "aura of goodwill" around him and towards him (that is, addressed to him).
Everything I talk about with young readers in this book is a call to intelligence, to physical and moral health, to the beauty of health. Let us be long-lived, as people and as a people! And the veneration of father and mother should be understood broadly - as the veneration of all our best in the past, in the past, which is the father and mother of our modernity, the great modernity, to belong to which is great happiness.

Letter thirteen

Letter fourteen

In the life of every person there is a curious age-related phenomenon: third-party influences. These third-party influences are usually extremely strong when a boy or girl begins to become adults - at a turning point. Then the force of these influences passes. But young men and women must remember about influences, their "pathology", and sometimes even normality.
Maybe there is no particular pathology here: just a growing person, a boy or a girl, wants to quickly become an adult, independent. But, becoming independent, they seek to free themselves first of all from the influence of their family. Ideas about their “childishness” are associated with their family. The family itself is partly to blame for this, which does not notice that their “child”, if not, then wants to be an adult. But the habit of obeying has not yet passed, and now he "obeys" the one who recognized him as an adult - sometimes a person who himself has not yet become an adult and is truly independent.
Influences are both good and bad. Remember this. But bad influences are to be feared. Because a person with a will does not give in to bad influence, he chooses his own path. A weak-willed person succumbs to bad influences. Beware of unconscious influences: especially if you still do not know how to accurately, clearly distinguish good from bad, if you like the praises and approvals of your comrades, whatever these praises and approvals may be: if only they praised.

Letter fifteen

If a heavyweight sets a new world record in weightlifting, do you envy him? How about a gymnast? And if the champion in diving from a tower into the water?
Start listing everything that you know and that you can envy: you will notice that the closer to your work, specialty, life, the stronger the proximity of envy. It's like in a game - cold, warm, even warmer, hot, burned!
On the last one, you found a thing hidden by other players while blindfolded. It's the same with envy. The closer the achievement of the other is to your specialty, to your interests, the more the burning danger of envy increases.
A terrible feeling, from which the one who envies suffers first of all.
Now you will understand how to get rid of the extremely painful feeling of envy: develop your own individual inclinations, your own uniqueness in the world around you, be yourself, and you
you will never be jealous. Envy develops primarily where you are
yourself a stranger. Envy develops primarily where you are not
distinguish yourself from others. Envy means you haven't found yourself.

Letter Sixteen

I am not satisfied with the dictionary definitions of the word "greed". “The desire to satisfy an excessive, insatiable desire for something” or “stinginess, greed” (this is from one of the best dictionaries of the Russian language - four volumes, its first volume was published in 1957). In principle, this definition of the four-volume "Dictionary" is correct, but it does not convey the feeling of disgust that seizes me when I observe manifestations of greed in a person. Greed is a forgetfulness of one's own dignity, it is an attempt to put one's material interests above oneself, it is a spiritual crookedness, a terrible orientation of the mind, extremely limiting it, mental withering, pity, an icteric view of the world, jaundice towards oneself and others, forgetfulness of fellowship. Greed in a person is not even funny, it is humiliating. She is hostile to herself and others. Another thing is reasonable thrift; greed is its distortion, its disease. Thrift controls the mind, greed controls the mind.

Letter Seventeen

In life, you have to argue a lot, object, refute the opinions of others, disagree.
A person shows his upbringing best of all when he leads a discussion, argues, defending his convictions.
In a dispute, intelligence, logical thinking, politeness, the ability to respect people and ... self-respect are immediately revealed.
If in a dispute a person cares not so much about the truth as about victory over his opponent, does not know how to listen to his opponent, seeks to “shout” the opponent, frighten him with accusations, this is an empty person, and his argument is empty.
How does a smart and polite debater argue?
First of all, he carefully listens to his opponent - a person who does not agree with his opinion. Moreover, if something is not clear to him in the positions of his opponent, he asks him additional questions. And one more thing: even if all the opponent's positions are clear, he will choose the weakest points in the opponent's statements and ask again whether this is his opponent's assertion.
By carefully listening to his opponent and asking again, the arguing achieves three goals: 1) the opponent will not be able to object that he was “misunderstood”, that he “did not assert this”; 2) arguing with his attentive attitude to the opinion of the enemy immediately wins sympathy among those who are watching the dispute; 3) the arguing, listening and asking again, gains time to think over his own objections (and this is also important), to clarify his positions in the dispute.

End of Free Trial

"Violation of speech" - The main directions of professional activity. Development of basic sound analysis skills. Articulatory - acoustic. Improvement of syllabic and morphemic analysis and synthesis of words. Stage III - filling in the gaps in the formation of connected speech. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

"Speech at the lessons" - Answers at the lesson. ...At informatics lessons, using a computer... ...Children work at the lesson... ...Children communicate during recess... ...School timetable... ...At recess, talking on a mobile phone... Speech at school. … Get information… …School library opening hours… …School wall newspapers…

"Our speech" - Not a bush, but with leaves. Who will color our album. We strike regularly every hour. Language and speech. Masks. Our speech. Little thing. Distribute the words. Write the words in the text. I love directness. Types of speech. What is speech for? Birds.

"Stages of speech preparation" - Key words. Story drawings. Rehearse the performance. Speech preparation techniques. Restore the content of the fairy tale by keywords. What kind speech errors allow our friends. Learn how to prepare a speech. Consider the drawings. Speeches to conduct - do not weave bast shoes. How to plan a text. Make a diagram.

“Speech class 1 lesson” - Appeal (!) message (.) signature (.). We write telegrams. We love you very much. Lesson objectives: To introduce first graders to one of the small genres writing. Teach concise messages. My first presentation. Learning to write notes. 1 class. Learning to write. Grade 2 In what order?

"Speech Lessons" - The requirement of speech is accuracy, clarity and simplicity. Application number 3 Polysemantic words: Read the poems. Speech is a very broad sphere of human activity. Conciseness is considered an important quality of good speech. Slo. Pineapple room eleven ditch. Language, according to the apt expression of N. G. Gogol, is alive like life.

In total there are 17 presentations in the topic

Help write an essay reasoning on the text of D. Likhachev Task C1. You are absolutely right in loving old buildings, old things, everything that

about accompanied man in the past and accompanies him in his present life. All this not only entered the consciousness of man, but itself, as it were, perceived something from people. It would seem that things are material, but they have become part of our spiritual culture, merged with our inner world, which could conditionally be called our “soul”. After all, we say “with all our hearts”, or “I need this for the soul”, or “made with the soul”. That's how Everything that is done with the soul comes from the soul, we need it for the soul - this is the "spiritual culture". The more a person is surrounded by this spiritual culture, immersed in it, the happier he is, the more interesting it is to live: life becomes meaningful for him. But in a purely formal relationship to work, to teaching, to comrades and acquaintances, to music, to art, there is no such “spiritual culture”. This is “spirituality” – the life of a mechanism that feels nothing, is incapable of loving, sacrificing oneself, having moral and aesthetic ideals. Let us be happy people, that is, those who have affection, who love deeply and seriously something significant, who know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their favorite work and loved ones. People who do not have all this are unhappy, living a boring life, dissolving themselves in empty acquisitiveness or petty base “perishable” pleasures.

Letters about the Good and the Beautiful! Letter Twenty

1) paragraph (2-3 sentences in which the problems of the text are indicated.) 2) commentary: a) the main idea; b) what the author thinks about, what worries him, or what he is enthusiastic about; c) what wishes, advice, statements? 3) position of the author 4) your arguments 5) micro-conclusion: what made the article think about 5 paragraphs urgently needed ... help pliz

People tell me plz, from which book for preparing for the exam in Russian, is this text taken?

(1) In the March and April issues of the magazine "Ural" for
2004 published the story of Marina Golubitskaya "That's all
, love". (2) It is dedicated to the Perm teacher of literature,
famous in the 70s and 80s, Elena Nikolaevna (surname in the story
changed, but the name and patronymic - no).
(3) And I knew Elena Nikolaevna well. (4) Under Soviet rule, her
survived from an elite school: they didn’t like then that a person stood out
mind and sincerity - oh, how they did not love! (5) And she went to work in
school for working youth, where I just served as a librarian.
(6) In fact, it only seemed to me that I knew Elena well
Nikolaevna! (7) I knew, but I didn’t know! (8) Letters are given in the story
Elena Nikolaevna, many of her beautiful letters. (9) deep, bright
letters in which her love for her students, her memory of each of them
hit me so hard!
(10) I cried for a long time when I finished reading the story, and these were
enlightened, grateful tears. (11) I felt happy
and "because Marina Golubitskaya wrote this beautiful story
about a wonderful person, and because this person lived - Elena
Nikolaevna - in Perm, my city! (12) And most of all I was pleased
the idea that in fact "time is an honest man". (13) How loved
teacher of her students! (14) And they reciprocated her!
(15) When Elena Nikolaevna ended up abroad, where she suffered from
nostalgia, loneliness and illness, the students wrote, came,
helped, wrote again, came again...
(16) I remember how we once were at the school of working youth
==:;..- had a long conversation with Elena Nikolaevna about "The Cherry Orchard",
(17) She said: “Lopakhin has the ability to live, but there is no culture,
and Ranevskaya has culture, but absolutely no ability to live.
- (18) Will there be a time in Russia when all this will fit in one
l.i.humane7 - I asked.
(19) I remember how ironically she looked at me in response ...
(20) But how she yearned for this Russia! (21)Reread
lu" "imgh authors" "wrote beautiful letters to students who remained
- . at home. (22) There is such a famous saying: "Patience is beautiful."
(23) Her patience was beautiful.
(24) And yet, when she fell ill and ended up in a house for
elderly ... suddenly refused to take medicine and after a month
died. (25) Like Gogol. (26) But I think so.

help write an essay reasoning on the text: what do you think What is the meaning of our communication with art, literature? First, that we

we begin to enjoy the wealth of our own personality, which suddenly opens up to us. This is infinitely far from egoism, from immersion in oneself. This is the comprehension in oneself of that new, high, which was previously, as it were, “curtained” ... But this is not all: the meaning of communication with literature, art and that we become richer for one more life, for the life of the artist who created it. I wrote now "for one more life". But no! Not for one, but for a million lives, because the artist expressed, expressed what worried millions of his contemporaries. In his symphony, painting, novel - hope, longing, pain, joy of millions of people. Therefore, we become richer by a million lives. Our hearts and minds are filled with the spiritual experience of centuries and generations... A good reader is a writer's co-author. His spiritual life, in contact with the world of Pushkin, Stendhal or Tolstoy, takes wings, and he sees what he had not seen before. And that's what a writer is for. To teach to see. I have now written "spiritual life". But is it accessible to any person?.. Forms of spiritual life, as well as forms of creativity, are infinitely diverse. Spiritual life is communication with people, art, the autumn forest and with oneself. We are spiritual when we talk about something precious with a friend, trusting his mind and heart. We are highly spiritual when we feel the pricelessness of life and want to leave a modest imprint of our own personality in the world ... And we are spiritual when, rereading our favorite volume, we understand it in a new way.

Speeches for rhetorical analysis

Sample questions for the analysis of rhetorical text

1.Target setting of the speaker

2.Compositional construction of speech

3. Lexical and syntactic design of speech (Which words does the author use (analyze them from the point of view of relevance). Are there any synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, historicisms, neologisms, jargonisms, colloquial words and expressions, terms, etc. in the text? With what what purpose are they used for?)

4. Decoration of speech. The presence in this text of rhetorical figures and tropes. 5. Persuasiveness of speech (by what methods is achieved)

6. Methods of influencing the jury

7. Your opinion about the text and its effectiveness.

Attachment 1.Page 2 to 22

1. Likhachev D.S. Speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR (1989).

3. Ukhtomsky A. A. About knowledge

4. Vinogradov V.V. On the culture of Russian speech (early 60s)

4. Men A. Christianity (1990)

5.Archimandrite John(Krestyankin). Word on Bright Easter Week (1993).

Annex 2. Judicial speeches C.22-204

Speech No. 1. Koni A.F. About the drowning of a peasant woman Yemelyanova by her husband

Speech #2. Koni A.F. In the case of the forgery of a receipt for 35 silver rubles from Princess Shcherbatova




Speech number 6. Urusov A.I. speech in defense of Volokhova




Speech number 10. PLEVAKO F.N. In defense of Georgian


Speech No. 12. Spasovich V.D. Case of David and Nikolai Chkhotua and others.

Speech No. 13. Karabchevsky N.P. Protective speech in the case of I.I. Mironovich

Speech No. 14. Karabchevsky N.P. Speech in defense of Olga Palem

Attachment 1 Speeches from general rhetoric

Page 1 to 21

1. Likhachev D. S. Speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR (1989).

3. Ukhtomsky A. A. About knowledge

4. Vinogradov V.V. On the culture of Russian speech (early 60s)

4. Men A. Christianity (1990)

5. Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). Word on Bright Easter Week (1993).

D. S. Likhachev Speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR (1989)

I will speak only about the state of culture in our country and mainly about its humanitarian, human part. I carefully studied the pre-election platforms of deputies. I was struck that the vast majority of them did not even have the word "culture". At the Congress itself, the word "culture" was uttered only on the third day<...>

Meanwhile, without culture, there is no morality in society. Without elementary morality, social and economic laws do not work, decrees are not followed, and there cannot be modern science, because it is difficult, for example, to test experiments worth millions, huge projects of the "construction of the century" and so on.

The low culture of our country has a negative effect on our social life, public work, on our interethnic relations, since national enmity is one of the reasons for having a low culture. People of high culture are not hostile to a foreign nationality, to someone else's opinion, and are not aggressive. Ignorance of elementary, formal logic, the elements of law, the absence of social tact brought up by culture has a negative effect even on the work of our Congress. I don't think it needs to be explained.

Unfortunately, there is still a "residual" principle in relation to culture. Even the Academy of Sciences testifies to this. Soviet Union, where humanitarian culture takes the last place.

The extremely low state of culture in our country is evidenced, firstly, by the state of monuments of culture and history. It's in front of everyone's eyes, and I won't talk about it. Secondly, this is the state of libraries and archives<...>. Thirdly, the state of museums, the state of education, in the first place - secondary and primary, when human culture is being laid.

I'll start with libraries. Libraries are the most important thing in culture. There may not be universities, institutes, scientific institutions, but if there are libraries, if they do not burn, they are not filled with water, they have premises, they are equipped with modern technology, headed not by random people, but by professionals - culture will not perish in such a country. Meanwhile, our most important libraries in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities are burning like candles.<...>. Even in the main library of the country named after V. I. Lenin, which I especially care about, small fires break out. Compare with the Library of Congress in the United States. What about rural libraries? Local libraries often close<...>because they need their premises for other purposes<...>.

Librarians addressed directly to the reader<...>, do not have time to read and know a book, a magazine, because they drag out a semi-beggarly existence<...>. Librarians in rural areas, who should be the main authorities in the village, educate people, recommend books, receive 80 rubles. Meanwhile, Russia in the 19th century - contrary to the myth of its alleged backwardness - was the most advanced library power in the world.<...>. Now about museums. Here is a similar picture - antediluvian technical equipment. The salary of people-oriented workers - not administrators, but restorers, curators, guides - is unacceptably low. And they, they are the real enthusiasts, like the "lower" librarians<...>.

We have innumerable museum wealth, despite all the sales, partly continuing even now. But the position of cultural monuments is low, and we are forced to invite restorers from Poland, Bulgaria and Finland, which costs many times more.<...>.

Our schools are again the same picture and even worse. Children and teachers need to be protected now. School teachers do not have authority, they do not have time to replenish their knowledge. I can give examples, but I won't. Teaching is stifled by various programs that imitate the command and control methods of the past, regulatory guidelines and low-quality methodologies. Teaching in high school It is, first of all, education. This is the creativity of the teacher, and creativity cannot be outside of freedom. It requires freedom. Therefore, the teacher should be able to tell students outside the program about what he himself loves and appreciates, to instill a love for literature, art, and so on.

I note that the students themselves note these serious shortcomings in our press. Teachers in Russia have always been the masters of the thoughts of the youth. And the current teacher does not have enough means of subsistence and to ensure that more or less decently dressed.

You will tell us where to get the money to raise the standard of living of people whose professions are addressed to a person, specifically to a person, and not to things. I'm realist. At the risk of making enemies among many of my comrades, I will say. First. It is necessary to reduce - and very decisively - the extremely overgrown and well-provided administrative apparatus of all cultural institutions and ministries. Let the compilers of the manuals themselves teach according to their own methods and follow these instructions, let them protect the monuments, let them lead excursions, that is, let the employees of the ministries work.

Museums should be given funds from the income of Intourist, which he receives from our poorly preserved cultural values.<...>. Need to dedicate more funds to culture from the reduction of military spending<...>, from the reduction of material assistance to other countries, assistance at the expense of our people, about which we are little aware.

Culture cannot be self-supporting. The return of culture to the people, to the country is immeasurably greater than from the possible direct income of libraries, archives and museums, than from any area of ​​the economy and technology. This I affirm. But this return is not given immediately. The low state of culture and morality, the growth of crime will make all our efforts in any field fruitless and useless. We will not be able to reform the economy, science, public life, promote restructuring if our culture is at the current level<...>.

There must be a long-term program for the development of culture in our country, which does not exist, or at least is not known to me. Only then will we not have national disputes that testify to low culture, but there will be a normal economic life, and crime will decrease. In particular, the decency of public figures will increase<...>.

The fate of the Fatherland is in your hands, and it is in danger. Thank you for your attention.