The concept of leading activity an leontiev. The concept of leading activity (A.Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin)

The most complete theory of activity is presented in the works of A.N. Leontiev. It is the activity of the child that determines his mental development and develops itself in the process of ontogeny. There are many things in a child's life various kinds activities. some of them play a large role in development, others - a smaller one. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the development of the psyche not from activity in general, but from the main, leading activities.

Each stage of development, according to A.N. Leontiev, is characterized by a certain leading type of activity. A sign of leading activity are not quantitative indicators, but quality. Leading activity is an activity that determines, firstly, development of individual mental processes(thinking, memory of emotions, etc.), secondly, development of the personality of the child as a whole and, thirdly, it is within the framework of leading activity that new forms of child activity.

sensitive periods- the optimal combination of conditions for the development of certain mental properties and processes at a certain age period.

D.B. Elkonin proceeded from the assumption that the mental development of a child is determined by the knowledge of two facets of the surrounding reality - objective world and the world of human relations. Therefore, the child is always included in 2 systems of relationships: "person - object"(S-O) and "man - man"(S-S). The objective world reflects what has been created by mankind throughout the history of existence. Each object is of interest to the child not only as an object with certain physical properties, but also as an object that has a certain special meaning, as well as suggesting the possibility of its use to satisfy needs. For this, the assimilation of socially developed methods of action with objects is of particular importance.

The world of the child's relations with other people allows him to "enter society". After all, an adult, in addition to being the subject of certain individual psychological characteristics, at the same time, through the performance of various social roles, helps the child to learn the necessary norms of relations between people.

In his periodization, Elkonin refers to the concept of "leading activity". He believes that 2 groups of "leading activities" can be distinguished. The first is formed by activities that contribute to the assimilation of the child norms of relations between people (S-S). The second includes activities aimed at mastering ways of working with objects (S-O). At each age stage, one of them is predominantly developed. The child alternately learns the relationship: "man - object" and "person - person".

Name and age limits Leading activity Focus of activities Social situation of development The main neoplasms of age
Infancy Up to 1 year Direct-emotional communication Relationship Cognition (S-S) Adult - child 1. the biological helplessness of the infant, the dependence of the satisfaction of his needs on adults, 2. the child is deprived of the main means of social communication (speech) - Transition to a vertical position of the body, - Appearance of the initial elements of speech (cooing, babble, individual words), - Animation complex (2 months), - Ability to recognize “us” and “them” (5-6 months)
Early childhood 1-3 years Subject-manipulative activity Subject Cognition (S-O) Child - object - adult 1. the child seeks to independently perform actions with objects, 2. the model of action with the object belongs to an adult. - Speech development, - The development of visual-effective thinking. - The first manifestation of independence (crisis "3 years").
Preschool age 3-6 years Role-playing game Relationship Cognition (S-S) The child is an adult 1. the desire to understand the basis of the actions of adults, 2. the child is excluded from active participation in the activities and relationships of adults - The need for socially significant and evaluated activities, - Psychological readiness for school.
Junior school age 6-10 (11) years Learning activities Subject Cognition (S-O) Child - peers 1. for a successful life in society, it is necessary to assimilate social. and cult. Experience 2. the knowledge system is not formed in the game - Arbitrariness, - Internal action plan, - Self-control, reflection.
Adolescence 11-14 years old Intimate-personal communication, Socially useful activity. Relationship Cognition (S-S) Teenager - peers 1. desire for independence and self-reliance, 2. the closest environment is treated like a child - A sense of maturity, - The development of self-consciousness (awareness of oneself as a person), - Submission to group norms, - Development of abstract-logical thinking.
Early adolescence 15-17 years Educational and professional activities Subject Cognition (S-O) Youth - peers 1. dependence on adults (economic, etc.) 2. the need for self-determination is actualized (who to be and what to be) - Formation of outlook, - Readiness for professional self-determination. - Readiness for moral self-determination.

The child is never a passive receiver of the teaching influences of an adult. He always has his own desires, interests, his attitude to the environment, which are reflected in his activities. Human activity is not just his external activity, it necessarily includes an internal, psychological layer. The activity category is one of the fundamental psychological categories and is widely used in child psychology. The most complete and constructive theory of activity is presented in the works of A. N. Leontiev.

The term " activity A. N. Leontiev named only those processes in which this or that relation of a person to the world is expressed and carried out and which meet a special, corresponding need. It is the activity of the child that determines his mental development and develops itself in the process of ontogenesis. There are many different activities in a child's life. Some of them play a large role in development, others - a smaller one. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the dependence of the development of the psyche not on activity in general, but on the main, leading activity.

Each stage of development, according to A. N. Leontiev, is characterized by a certain, leading to this stage the child's attitude to reality, a certain, leading type of activity. A sign of leading activity is by no means quantitative indicators, that is, how long the child is engaged in it. Leading activity is an activity in which:

  • major changes occur in individual mental processes;
  • the personality of the child as a whole develops;
  • new forms of activity are emerging.

A classic example of such activity is role-playing game , which is leading for preschool age. It is thanks to her that major changes occur in the psyche and personality of the child.

Psychologically, activity is characterized by the fact that its object (that is, what it is aimed at) always coincides with what induces a person to this activity (that is, with its motive). For example, a student, preparing for an exam, reads a textbook on literature. Can this process be called activity? To answer this question, you need to find out the psychological characteristics of this process, that is, its motive. If our student, having learned that the exam is canceled, willingly abandons the book, then it is clear that the motive that prompted him to read was not at all the content of the book, but the need to pass the exam. What the reading was aimed at did not coincide with what prompted him to read. Therefore, in this case, reading was not an activity for him. The activity here was exam preparation, not reading the book itself.

Action must be distinguished from action.. An action is a process whose motive does not coincide with its object, but lies in the activity in which this action is included. In the above case, reading a book is precisely an action. After all, what it is aimed at (acquaintance with the contents of the book) is not its motive. It is not the book that prompts him to read, but the upcoming exam.

Since the object of the action itself is not a motive and does not induce to act, in order for the action to arise, it is necessary that its object be recognized in its relation to the motive of the activity in which it enters (that is, for a person to understand why he is doing this). This conscious attitude becomes the goal of the action. Thus, action is prompted by a directly conscious goal. For example, the goal of reading a book (to learn its content) stands in a certain relation to the motive (to pass an exam).

An action is implemented through operations, which are a specific way of performing actions. If actions are determined by a goal, then the operation depends on the conditions in which this goal is given, that is, a task that requires a certain course of action. The same action can be carried out using different operations. For example, you can memorize a poem by reading it aloud in parts, or copying it, or silently, reading it to yourself - it all depends on the conditions. Initially, operations are formed as purposeful actions, and only then can they acquire the form of an automated skill.

In this way, structure activity includes three levels: activity - action - operation, which corresponds to the psychological series "motive - goal - task". However, these levels of activity structure are not rigidly fixed and permanent. In the course of the activity itself, new motives, goals, tasks arise, as a result of which the action can turn into an activity or an operation, and thus the development of activity occurs.

The most important development mechanism activity is, according to the terminology of A. N. Leontiev, “ goal shift". Its essence lies in the fact that the goal, which was previously prompted by some other motive, eventually acquires an independent motivating force, that is, it becomes a motive itself. Continuing our student example, this mechanism can be illustrated as follows. Suppose that, while reading a book, our student is so carried away by its content that it has become more important and attractive for him than preparing for an exam, and, despite the cancellation of the exam, he continues to read it. The content of the book became an independent motive for him, which means that reading this book turned from an action into an activity.

It is important to emphasize that the transformation of a goal into a motive can occur only if the action causes bright positive emotions.

« absorbing» joyful experiences associated with other motives, the subject of action (its goal) itself acquires a positive emotional charge and becomes a stimulus for new activity.


14. Types of activities. Classification of activities according to A.N. Leontiev. The concept of leading activities

At modern man there are many different types of activities, the number of which roughly corresponds to the number of needs.

But if you try to generalize and highlight the main types of activities that are common to all people, then they will correspond to the general needs that can be found in almost all people without exception, or rather, the types of social human activity in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development. development. These are communication, play, teaching and work. They should be considered as the main activities of people.

Communication is the first type of activity that arises in the process of individual development of a person, followed by play, learning and work.

A game is a type of activity that does not result in the production of any material or ideal product (with the exception of business and design games). Games often have the character of entertainment, they are aimed at getting rest.

Teaching acts as a kind of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Teaching can be organized and carried out in special educational institutions. It can be unorganized and occur along the way, in other activities (as their side, additional result).

Labor occupies a special place in the system of human activity. It is through labor that man has built modern society, created objects of material and spiritual culture, transformed the conditions of his life in such a way that he discovered the prospects for further, practically unlimited development.

Leading activity is one of the categories of domestic developmental psychology, denoting the main form of a child's activity at a certain stage of ontogenesis, within and on the basis of which the main changes in his mental development occur. In developmental psychology, leading activity is considered as a form of joint activity between an adult and a child, which is specially cultivated in a certain period of childhood in order to achieve developmental goals.

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In the theory of activity A.N. Leontiev, activity is considered as the subject of analysis. Since the psyche cannot be separated from the moments of activity that generate and mediate it, it is a form of objective activity. When deciding on the relationship between external practical activity and consciousness, the position is taken that the internal plan of consciousness is formed in the process of curtailing initially practical actions. With such an interpretation, consciousness and activity are distinguished as an image and the process of its formation, while the image is an “accumulated movement”, folded actions. These methodological guidelines were formed by A.N. Leontiev back in the late 1920s, when he worked for L.S. Vygotsky within the cultural-historical concept. He studied the processes of memory, which he interpreted as an objective activity that takes place under certain conditions of socio-historical and ontogenetic development.

In the early 30s. became the head of the Kharkov activity school and began the theoretical and experimental development of the problem of activity. In experiments carried out under his supervision in 1956-1963, it was shown that on the basis of adequate action, the formation of pitch hearing is possible even in people with poor musical hearing. He proposed to consider activity (correlated with motive) as consisting of actions (having their own goals) and operations (agreed with conditions). The basis of the personality, in norm and pathology, laid the hierarchy of its motives. He conducted research on a wide range of psychological problems: the emergence and development of the psyche in phylogeny, the emergence of consciousness in anthropogenesis, mental development in ontogenesis, the structure of activity and consciousness, the motivational and semantic sphere of personality, methodology and history of psychology. The use of activity theory to explain the characteristics of the human psyche is based on the concept of higher mental functions, developed by L.S. Vygotsky.

In the theory of activity A.N. Leontiev proposed a structural structure of activity, which involves the allocation of the actual activity, actions, operations.

Activity is a form of active interaction, during which an animal or a person expediently influences the objects of the surrounding world and thereby satisfies its needs. Already relatively early stages phylogenesis, a psychic reality arises, represented in orienting-research activity, designed to serve such an interaction. Its task is to examine the surrounding world and form an image of the situation in order to regulate the animal's motor behavior in accordance with the conditions of the task facing it. If it is typical for animals that they are able to focus only on external, directly perceived aspects of the environment, then for human activity, due to the development of collective labor, it is characteristic that it can be based on symbolic forms of representation of objective relationships.

Among the components of activity are :

1. motives that induce the subject to activity;

2. goals as the predicted results of this activity, achieved through actions;

3. operations, with the help of the activity is implemented depending on the conditions of this implementation;

4. psychophysiological functions.

Activity characteristics:

1. Objectivity - reproduction in the activity of those qualities that are inherent in the subject;

2. Subjectivity - the subject has activity (experience, needs, meaning);

3. Expediency;

4. Indirect character (tools, society);

5. Social nature - the assimilation of socio-historical experience.

Modern man has many different activities, the number of which roughly corresponds to the number of existing needs.

But if you try to generalize and highlight the main types of activities that are common to all people, then they will correspond to the general needs that can be found in almost all people without exception, or rather, the types of social human activity that each person inevitably includes in the process of his individual development. . These are communication, play, teaching and work. They should be considered as the main activities of people.

Communication is the first type of activity that occurs in the process of individual development of a person, followed by play, learning and work.

A game is a type of activity that does not result in the production of any material or ideal product (with the exception of business and design games). Games often have the character of entertainment, they are aimed at getting rest.

Teaching acts as a kind of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Teaching can be organized and carried out in special educational institutions. It can be unorganized and occur along the way, in other activities (as their side, additional result).

Labor occupies a special place in the system of human activity. It was thanks to labor that man built a modern society, created objects of material and spiritual culture, transformed the conditions of his life in such a way that he discovered the prospects for further, practically unlimited development.

Leading activity is one of the categories of domestic developmental psychology, denoting the main form of a child's activity at a certain stage of ontogenesis, within and on the basis of which the main changes in his mental development occur. In developmental psychology, leading activity is considered as a form of joint activity between an adult and a child, which is specially cultivated in a certain period of childhood in order to achieve developmental goals.

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