Abstract (node) on the development of speech using elements of triz - technology. senior group

Summary of the GCD "Mysterious Guest" on the development of speech using TRIZ technology for children of the older group
Author; Deputy Head for VMR of MBDOU "Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type" of the Lyambirsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Target. Development of communicative activity of preschoolers.
Contribute to the development of visual-figurative, causal-heuristic thinking; memory, imagination of children.

To develop monological forms of speech, to stimulate the speech creativity of children.
Enrich children's vocabulary by expanding their understanding of phenomena social life.
Maintain interest in storytelling on your own initiative.
Develop creative thinking, memory, attention.
To cultivate goodwill and responsiveness, the ability to cooperate with peers.
Bayun cat toy;
schemes for inventing riddles;
pictures: sunflower, washing machine, tomato;
figures different color and forms;
maple leaves of different colors;
photos of children and a photo of a cat;
sheets for individual activity, pencils.

GCD progress.
The children stand next to the teacher. The teacher leads the children to think "I like it when." Children put forward versions of answers. Then the teacher voices his version: “I like it when guests come”

Educator. Today we also have an unusual guest, but before he appears, you try to guess who it could be. I'll give you a little hint, the hint will be this: our guest is not a person.
Try to ask me questions, which I will answer for you, and the answers will help you guess our guest.

Children. Is it a bird?
Educator. No it's not a bird
Children. Maybe it's an insect?
Educator: No, it's not an insect.
Children. Maybe it's some kind of animal?
Educator. Yes, but this is an unusual beast, but a fabulous one. (The teacher makes a riddle about the cat Bayun)
Persian Prince
Doesn't like dirt.
Lick from head to toe
And dive into the book.
in striped pajamas
He lies on the sofa.

Educator. Guys, look, and here is our guest. This is Bayun the cat. Say hello to him. How do you think it got here?
Children. Came.
Educator. How else could he come to us?
Children. He could fly, run, come, appear with the help of a magic wand, an invisibility hat, a magic carpet, etc.
Educator. If the Bayun cat flew in, then how could he do it?
Children. By plane, rocket, helicopter, bird, hot air balloon, ship...
Educator. Cat Bayun says that he did not just appear with us, but came to ask for help. The fact is that in the fairy kingdom, the king organizes a riddle contest. The conditions of the competition are very difficult: the one who comes up with the most riddles will win. Cat Bayun heard that you know how to invent riddles. Guys, are you ready to help him?
Children. Yes!
Pictures with images of objects about which you need to come up with a riddle will help you make riddles ( washing machine, sunflower, tomato) and diagrams.

The teacher hangs out one of the plates with the image of a model-scheme for compiling stories and invites the children to make a riddle. For example, about the sunflower.
The educator writes down all the values ​​of the signs on the left side of the table with the first letter clearly marked, and on the right side he draws the object. This allows you to train children's memory: a child, not being able to read, remembers the first letters and reproduces the word as a whole.
What's this? Sunflower







What's this?
What color is he?
What happens the same?
What size is it?
What happens the same?
What does it taste like?
What happens the same?
What is it like if it blooms in summer?
What happens the same?
Name the parts of a sunflower.
What has the same parts?
What is it like if it grows on the field?
What happens the same?
Educator. Here we all sketched the riddle together. Help the cat Bayun to remember it, tell it again, based on the diagrams, inserting between the lines of the right and left columns the link "How .." or "But not how."

Story example.
This is a flower. It is yellow like the bright sun. It is big and tall, but not like a mountain. It has a sweet smell, like perfume. It is summer, but not like a light sundress for girls and shorts for boys. It has a root, a stem, leaves and a flower, just like a tree. He is a field like wheat, rye, barley.
Educator. Bayun the cat is very happy. Listen to how he purrs (Includes a recording of a cat purring). Now, you need to help the cat Bayun make a riddle about one of the miracle things, the washing machine. (The teacher puts up a diagram for compiling a story about household items). This diagram will help you with this. (Scheme explanation)
Before you are sheets divided in half. On the left on the sheet is a diagram, on the right there is nothing yet. Now each of you will draw a riddle about a washing machine. Just as we did when composing the riddle about the sunflower. Remember, you draw on the right in front of each diagram picture.

After filling in the tablet, the teacher offers to read the riddle, inserting between the lines of the right and left columns the link "How .." or "But not how."

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Educator. Guys, Bayun the cat has been watching you and whispers to me that your fingers are a little tired. Let's break them down.
The teacher reads the rhyme, showing his fingers so that the baby remembers their names, sorting and stroking them according to the content of the rhyme.

Finger Thick and Large
I went to the plum garden.
Pointer from the threshold
Showed him the way.
The middle finger is the most accurate,
He picks plums off the branch.
The nameless eats
And little finger mister
Plants bones in the ground.

Educator. Guys, who will tell their riddle to the cat Bayun from the picture? (2-3 stories)
Educator. Bayun really liked your riddles. But he has one more request for you. He brought a lot of items, but he should take only three items with him. To help him, you need to find an extra item among the items and leave it for the Cat. How do you feel about the request? Only to complete it, you need to split into two teams. The first team will be all those who have blue in their clothes; in the second - all the rest.
The first team approaches the blue hoop (task No. 1 inside the hoop), the second - to the red one (task No. 2 inside the hoop). The third task is inside the yellow hoop.
1 task for children whose clothes are blue. Take a sheet that is similar to many others (By the number of children per right choice- maple leaves in yellow, red, green and different sizes and one birch leaf). The birch leaf must remain.
2 task for children whose clothes are not of blue color. Take a figure similar to many others (According to the number of children, the correct choice is squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes, but of the same red color and one blue square). The blue square should remain.
Educator. Guys, we have one more task. What command will execute it? Cat Bayun says nothing about it. What do we do? The teacher leads the children to the joint implementation of the 3rd task.
3 task. Find the extra image (Photo of all children and one photo of CAT)
Educator. Guys, what will Cat Bayun take with him? (birch leaf, blue square, photo of CAT). I'll put them in a box for him.

Reflection. Bayun thanks you for your help and as a sign of gratitude, wants to tell you a fairy tale. Do you want to listen? Then get comfortable.
Watching a video of the cartoon-fairy tale "Three Kittens".
While watching a cartoon, the teacher discreetly hides the guest.
Educator. Guys, Bayun disappeared, as imperceptibly as he appeared, but he left his fairy tales as a gift. I wonder what he wanted to tell us with this tale? But that's another story and we'll talk about it next time.
The teacher ends the lesson with an open outcome, which motivates children for cognitive interest, forms imagination, stimulates the research qualities of children, such as inquisitiveness of the mind, curiosity.

1. Gin. S. I. TRIZ classes in kindergarten: manual for teachers of preschool institutions: 3rd ed. - Minsk: Information Center of the Ministry of Finance, 2007. - 112p. ;
2. Izmailova E. I. Learning to think and remember: Toolkit on the development of thinking and speech of older preschoolers. - M. : ARKTI, 20911-72s
3. Anna Valerievna Korzun, "Merry didactics." Use of TRIZ and RTV elements in work with preschoolers. A guide for educators in preschool institutions. 2000 2.

4. Sidorchuk T.A. OTSM - TRIZ - RTV - technologies as a means of developing children's key competencies preschool age./ Sat. "Preschooler. Education. Innovations" - Ulyanovsk: UIPC PRO, 2008

5. Sidorchuk T., Khomenko N., Lelyukh S. Development creative imagination and thinking of preschoolers based on TRIZ and RTV. //and. "A child in kindergarten" No. 2 (pp. 2 - 8), No. 3 (pp. 8 - 13), No. 4 (pp. 22 - 27), No. 5 (pp. 10 - 15), No. 6 (p. 6-12) 2006

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Text content of presentation slides:
"Mysterious Guest" Summary of GCD on the development of speech using TRIZ technology in senior group MBDOU "Lyambir kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type" Developed by: Batrshina V.R. Target. Development of communicative activity of preschoolers. To promote the development of visual-figurative, causal-heuristic thinking; memory, imagination of children. Tasks. Develop monologue forms of speech, stimulate the speech creativity of children. To enrich the vocabulary of children by expanding their understanding of the phenomena of social life. Maintain interest in storytelling on your own initiative. To develop creative thinking, memory, attention. To cultivate goodwill and responsiveness, the ability to cooperate with peers. Mystery Prince of Persia Doesn't like dirt. He licks his lips from head to toe And buries himself in a little book. In striped pajamas He lies on the couch. Pattern Items Sunflower Yellow Big Sweet Summer RootStem Leaves Field Flower What is it? What size is it? What happens the same? What does it smell like? What happens the same way? What is it like if it blooms in summer? What happens the same? Name the parts of a sunflower. What has the same parts? What is it like if it grows on the field? What happens the same? What color is it? What happens the same? Tell the riddle, based on the sketches, inserting between the lines of the right and left columns the link "How .." or "But not how ...". Draw and tell Draw and tell Finger gymnastics

Mozgovaya Valentina Vladimirovna
MBDOU kindergarten No. 40 "Bee", p. Schepkin

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

using TRIZ technology

in the senior group

Theme: "Save the Enchanted Princess"

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Target: To consolidate the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage, to name the author; activate vocabulary children; develop coherent speech of preschoolers; to promote the development of children's interest in the world around them; to systematize children's knowledge about natural phenomena; develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems; train analytical thinking, attention, learns to highlight the distinguishing features by comparison, find original solutions; cultivate interest in literature.

Lesson progress:

On the table is a toy house with closed windows and doors. The house is completely covered with a piece of cloth, so that the children cannot see it. A doll is hidden behind the house.

AT.: Children look, what do you think is under the fabric? Let's play the game "Danetka". In order to guess what is hidden there, you will ask me questions, and I will answer them either yes or no. A hint is an inanimate object.

Game "Danetka"

D: This is a book?

AT.: Not

D: It is a toy?

AT.: Yes

D.: Maybe a doll?

AT.: Not.

Children's answers...

D: Is this a house?

AT.: Yes

The teacher removes the fabric.

AT.: In a fairy-tale castle there lived a princess. She was bewitched by an evil witch. The princess fell asleep soundly and no one can wake her up. All the windows and doors were closed tightly, firmly, and even a ray of the sun could not get in there.

AT.: Guys, what do you think, what can be done to save the princess.

Children's answers.(Example: "defeat the evil sorceress", "solve tasks"

AT.: In order for the doors and windows to open and the princess to wake up, it is necessary to solve difficult tasks. Guys, let's try to disenchant the princess?

D.: Yes.

AT.: Look, all my tasks are hidden in a magic chest. But in order to find out what the first task is, you need to guess the riddle:

Who is the most shy of all the animals?

Whose ears are longer?

In the garden he eats carrots and cabbage leaves,

knows how to get away deftly,

If you suddenly meet a fox ...

Strongly mows eyes,

afraid of everyone and trembling ...

D.: Hare

AT.: Correctly. Well done boys. What is the name of a hare in fairy tales? (oblique, cowardly, jumping bunny) Now let's try to describe the bunny. What can you say about his fur? (soft, fluffy, gray). Tell me about the hare's tail? (short, soft, fluffy). And what can be said about the nature of the hare? What is he like in fairy tales? (cowardly)

The teacher takes out a wet hare toy from the chest.

AT.: Here is a wet and sad hare. If we can help him, the first window in the castle will open.

AT.: Guys, why do you think the hare is wet?

D.: He was swimming, stepped into a puddle, fell into the river, got caught in the rain.

Discussing with children contradictions in the weather

AT.: Guys, do you think the rain is good or bad?
AT.: What good is the rain?
(Children's answers: everything is growing, fresh air after the rain ...)
AT. Q: What's wrong with rain?
D: You can get sick.

AT.: So, it turns out that in the rain there is both good and bad. We say that rain is good when ..., and rain is bad for us when ...

AT.: What about the sun, good or bad?
AT.: Depending on when, depending on for whom and for what. Guys, what's good in the sun?
(Children's answers: it is affectionate, warm, it is light from it ...)
AT.: What's wrong with the sun?
D.: When it's hot, your head hurts and you want to drink; all flowers will wither.

AT.: It turns out that the sun also has something good and something bad.

AT.: How can we help the rabbit?

D.: Dry, warm a blanket, put in the sun.

AT.: Let's wrap her in a warm blanket and keep her warm. In the meantime, she is warming up, he asked you to help him. It turns out that he completely forgot from which fairy tale he came to us. Remember what fairy tales you know where main character hare?

D.:"Teremok", "Zayushkina hut", etc.

While the children are remembering fairy tales, the teacher quietly opens one window.

AT.: Guys, wait, the bunny is saying something. He remembered that he had come from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", and unfortunately it was time for him to return. Let's say goodbye to him.

AT.: We helped the bunny, warmed him up, remembered fairy tales where he was the main character and, look what happened, the upper window at the castle opened.

AT. : What else do we have in the box? poster "Fabulous confusion".

AT: See what is shown here.

AT: What fairy tales are mixed up? Name them.

AT: Right. What is wrong in the picture?

AT.: Here is another window opened. Now let's take a break and play the word reverse game

- happy - sad

- kind angry,

- Brave - cowardly,

Old - young

Strong - weak

Healthy - sick

Smart - stupid

- polite - rude,

- full - hungry,

- Mighty - weak,

- mischievous - obedient,

- Lazy - hardworking.

AT: Well done, now look at the board - the "shadows" of fairy-tale characters, we need to unravel them.
We call the shadow, turn it over, whether you guessed correctly.

AT: You recognized all the heroes well done.

Fizminutka "Magic Plants"

Get on your feet and imagine that we are in a magical forest, near a magical castle with our enchanted princess and you have turned into plants. Think about who would like to become what kind of plant? Someone is an oak, someone is a blade of grass, maybe someone wants to be a flower. Now imagine that a warm breeze blew, how your plant will react (options: strong wind, rain, snow, etc.).

AT: Well done! We return to our chairs.

AT.: Here we played. Look, you are all smiling. What is your mood.

D.: Good.

AT.: Guys, where can a smile live (Example: on the face, on the jacket, in the shower, etc.)

AT.: Look, another window has opened.

AT.: What else do we have left in the box?

And here is the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". But I think there is something wrong with this story. Listen carefully and correct me if there are any mistakes here.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Yellow Riding Hood:

Not yellow but red

Oh yes, Red. So, her dad called her and:

No, not dad, but mom.

Correctly. Her mother called her and said: go to Aunt Marina and take her:

She told her to go to her grandmother, and not to her aunt:

And Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother to take pies. And the road ran through the town square.

Not a square, but a forest.

And she met a bear.

Not a bear, but a wolf.

AT.: So all the doors and windows of the castle opened, but in order to wake up the princess, you need to remember the names of all the fairy tales that I will now think of for you.

From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the stairs.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl (Cinderella)

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good Doctor...

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all.

He's fed up

sit on the window

And he rolled

Into the forest along the path.


Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was that girl's name? (Snow Maiden)

What is this old woman's name?

The grandmother asks for a hut:

"Unfold your facade:

To me - in front, to the forest - back!

Stomp with a bone foot.

Call grandma .... (Yaga)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

He had a long nose.

What is a fairy tale? - Here is the question. (Pinocchio)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …(Bear)

AT.: Oh guys, look who's awake. This is our princess. The rays of the sun illuminated her entire castle and she woke up. Let's say hello to her. The princess is very grateful to you for your help, for your diligence, for your love for Russian folk tales and gives you gifts, I suggest you paint them at home on your own.

This is where our story ends. Thank you for attention! Come to us again!

Galya Sultanbratova
using TRIZ technology in the senior group of compensatory orientation

Abstract of an open integrated lesson in mathematics using TRIZ technology in the senior group of compensatory orientation Topic: "Rescue of the Princess"

Program content: Develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems; to consolidate knowledge of the number series, the numbers of the next and previous ones, knowledge geometric shapes; ability to navigate on the plane of the sheet; develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech; cultivate positive qualities like kindness, a sense of collectivism, purposefulness and perseverance.

Demo material: cubes - "stones with numbers from 1 to 10", "map" with pasted geometric shapes in the center and corners; doll - "Princess"; a sheet of paper with numbers for decoding, a chest, a letter, Baba Yaga's house.

Dispensing material: a strip of paper for each child to draw geometric shapes, simple and colored pencils.

move lessons: There is a chest with a covered piece of cloth on the table so that the children cannot see it. There is a letter next to the chest.

V .: Children, look, what do you think is hidden under the fabric?

Children's answers...

Let's play a game "Danetka". In order to guess what is hidden there, you will ask me questions, and I will answer them either yes or no.

The game "Danetka"

(Clue : is an inanimate object).

D: Is it a book?

D: Is it a toy?

D: Maybe a doll?

Children's answers...

Is this a chest?

The teacher removes the fabric.

C. Draws the children's attention to the letter that Baba Yaga left.

The teacher reads: Once upon a time there was a king. He had a daughter. Once the tsar left on his royal business, and his daughter remained at home alone. The princess went out for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a wind came up and carried the princess to Baba Yaga.

Q. This is the story that happened to the princess. We must help. What do you think kids?

Q. Guys, what do you think can be done to save the princess.

Children's answers. (Defeat the evil Baba Yaga, "solve problems")

Here comes Baba Yaga.

To save the princess, you need to solve difficult tasks.

Look, all tasks are hidden in this magic chest.

1 task: takes out of the chest "map" secret and shows the teacher, if the children draw in the same way, then you will receive the second task.

Children perform. In the center is a red circle, in the upper right corner is a green trapezoid, in the lower right corner is a triangle orange color etc.

Take the stone with the number that comes after the number 5. Now with the number that comes before the number 4 (or before the number 4).

The next is a stone with a number between 7 and 9, and so on.

Phys. Minute. Resting fingers.

Our fingers are tired

Curled into a fist.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 wanted to play

Woke up the neighbors house

There woke up 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Everyone is having fun

But it's time for everyone to go back.

10,9,8,7, 6 curled up,

5 yawned and turned away,

4,3,2,1 back in the house

We approached the hut, a lock hangs on the door.

Q. Guys, what should we do, how to get into the hut?

Children's answers...

D. Open with a key.

B. Ya. That's right, you can open it if you find the key.

Baba Yaga gives a task: You need to unravel the magic record.

Children sit at tables. In front of them is a sheet of paper with a magical note.

Circle from number one to number 2, from number 2 to number 3, etc.

(They drew a key. With this key they opened the hut and saved the princess).

Q. Guys, let's tell the princess what difficulties you encountered along the way?

What was the most difficult task? Etc.

The children say goodbye to Yaga and return to group.

Related publications:

Summary of classes in mathematics in the preparatory group "Journey to the Land of Mathematics" Journey to the Land of Mathematics Purpose: To exercise children in solving addition and subtraction problems. Also practice comparing numbers and using them.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics Topic: Ordinal counting, solving a mathematical riddle. Purpose: to exercise in distinguishing between quantitative and ordinal counting. Learn to answer.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics Topic: problem solving, guessing riddles, ordinal counting Purpose: guessing a mathematical riddle, developing thinking; reinforce skills.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics Program tasks: To continue to teach independently how to compose and solve arithmetic problems. Consolidate the skill in sequence.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics Educational area: "Communication" Type of activity: Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Age group: Older.

Summary of the lesson in mathematics "Number 8. Number 8" Lesson Scenario Topic -. Objectives of the lesson: 1. educational: to introduce children to the number 8 as the result of the addition of the number 7.




Abstract of the lesson using TRIZ in the senior group No. 5

Theme: "Journey through fairy tales"

Compiled by: Shabunina Elena Aleksandrovna - teacher of the first qualification category

The date of the: February 20, 2014.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales and their names. Exercise in the ability to select definitions for a given word, consolidate the coordination of parts of speech in a phrase, develop the ability to systematize, activate antonyms-adjectives in children's speech. Strengthen the ability to make a chain-story. Think of rhyming words. Continue to teach children to make a riddle using a reference model, to compose a fairy tale using the "catalog" method, in which there are two heroes, positive and negative, who have their own goals.

Develop coherent speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination.

To educate children in kindness, readiness to help those who need it.

Materials and equipment:Blue ribbons, models of trees, a wand, a spoon, a chest with a balloon and subject pictures (rose, bicycle, ice cream), a frog toy, a flannelograph, a model for making a riddle, a flower, a book with fairy tales, an audio recording, a model of a fairy meadow.

Preliminary work:reading Russian folk tales, fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, didactic games “Good-bad”, “Think of a rhyme, “Compose a fairy tale”

Lesson progress

Educator. Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's greet them and smile at them.

Children: Hello.

Good afternoon! - you were told

Good afternoon! - you answered.

How two strings are tied

Warmth and kindness.

Educator.. And now I invite you to go on an exciting journey, to the land of fairy tales. What do you think a fairy tale is?

Children: Fairy tale is a magical world.

Fairy tale is a miracle

A fairy tale is an entertaining story, an adventure

Educator: Right. A fairy tale is a fictional story with a happy ending and an obligatory victory over evil. Most often in fairy tales there is magic and various incredible adventures in ordinary life. The inaccessible becomes accessible, the unreal becomes real. That is why both children and adults love fairy tales. Every nation has its own fairy tales, with their peculiarities, national heroes, and way of life. Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes.

Educator: There are many fairy tales in the world

sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them

Everything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead

We will knock on the door of a fairy tale

Fairy tale visit you wait for us.

Educator. Guys, I have magical blue ribbons that will turn into clouds and take us to a fairyland. Traveling to the country of fairy tales, I will take with me the one who will tell me a fairy tale in the name of which there is a number.


  • - Three Bears

three fat men

The wolf and the seven Young goats

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs

Three pigs

Two greedy bear cubs

Twelve months

(the song “Clouds white-maned horses” sounds, I make clouds from ribbons, I hold the ribbons in the middle, the children take the edges of the “carousel” ribbons, go in a circle.)

Educator. Guys, the forest is magical in front of us, silence is all around. What animals do you think live in the magical forest?

Children's answers: bear, hare, fox, wolf.

Educator. I'll give you a riddle

He looks like a shepherd, that it’s not a tooth - it’s a sharp knife,

He runs with his mouth bared, ready to attack the sheep. (wolf)

What kind of wolf is in fairy tales?

Children's answers: angry, toothy

- Name the fairy tales in which the wolf is the main character?

Sister fox and gray wolf

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf

The wolf and the seven Young goats




Red Riding Hood

Educator. You and I know that fairy tale characters, including the wolf, have different character traits, their mood is also different. Let's play a game called the other way around. For the game, we will take a magic wand. I will touch your palms with a stick and say a word, and you must say a word with the opposite meaning.

Kind angry

hardworking - lazy

Polite - rude

sad - happy

Joyful - sad

Satisfied - hungry

cowardly - brave

Harmful - beneficial

Generous - stingy

Well done guys, you know a lot of different words

Look, we got to the clearing. What is this tree in front of us? What fairy tale is it from?

Children's answers: Geese - swans

There is a spoon near the apple tree. Let's think and make a chain - a story about an apple tree and a spoon. I will start, and you help me.

There was an apple tree in the garden, on which

Children: Delicious and ripe apples hung

The apples were ripe and therefore they themselves

Children: They fell to the ground

The way the apples fell, grandma

Children: Grandma collected them

Gathering apples so they don't go bad grandma

Children Cooked delicious jam

The jam was delicious

Children: Grandchildren ate it straight with spoons

Educator. Well done guys, good story.

What else is under the apple tree?

Under the apple tree is a wonderful chest

He is a friend to all the guys

We all really want

Look, what is there?

(the chest opens, a ball with mosquitoes flies out of it)

What fairy tale is this ball from?

Children's answers: fairy tale "Cockroach"

Educator. And who wrote this tale?

Children's answers: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Educator. Something else is in our chest. And here are the subject pictures. Let's take a look at them. (rose, bicycle, ice cream) In which fairy tale does a rose occur?

Children's answers: three roses, snow queen.

Educator. In what fairy tale is a bicycle found?

Children's answers: Cockroach

Educator.. In which fairy tale is ice cream found?

Children's answers: old man - Khattabych

Educator. I offer you a game called "good-bad"

In each picture, you must find the good and the bad.

(the good thing about a rose is that it is beautiful, but the bad thing is that it has thorns and you can prick your hand)

(Ice cream is delicious, but the bad thing is that you can get sick)

(the good thing about a bike is that you can ride it, the bad thing is that you can fall) Well done guys.

Educator. Wait, don't rush, bend down, something glitters in the grass. Who are these guys?

Children's answers: Princess Frog

Educator.. Why is the frog upset? Let's come up with rhyming words for the word frog and cheer her up

Children's answers: flapper frog, pillow frog, laughing frog, jumping frog, fat frog

Educator. Well done boys. Our frog princess is still sad. Let's make a riddle about the frog princess using the model.

What jumps just like a frog - a ball.

Who dives just like a frog - a duck.

That swims just like a frog - a boat.

Mystery: jumps, but not a ball, dives, but not a duck, swims like a boat?

Educator. Well done guys, they made a good riddle. But the frog princess is still sad. To cheer her up, let's make up a fairy tale. We will compose a fairy tale like real storytellers. (putting caps on). Help us in composing a fairy tale, here is this book. I will ask a question, and you will find the answer by indicating the word on the open page of the selected text. We take a smart chamomile and tear off the petal.


  1. Who lived?
  2. What good could he do?
  3. Met someone evil?
  4. What harm did this negative hero cause to everyone?
  5. Our hero had a friend.
  6. What happened to the evil hero?
  7. What did they start doing?

Educator. Well done guys made a good story. Look, the frog smiled, it means she liked our fairy tale. But the frog has another problem, she wanted to give you drawings as a keepsake of your meeting, but they didn’t work out for her, and only blots came out. Guys, let's help her, turn the blots into drawings.

Children draw blots.

Educator: Well done boys. What good drawings you got, the frog liked them very much, the frog leaves us a memory of our meeting.

Our journey has come to an end. What do you especially remember? Now you know that there is a wonderful land of fairy tales. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

- Used Books

  1. S.I. Gee . "TRIZ classes in kindergarten"
  2. Nesterenko A.A. . Land of mysteries. Rostov-on-Don, 1993 -32s.
  3. Russian fairy tales, collection in processing O.A. Bogdanova, Leningrad, 1991
  4. Sidorchuk T.A. . On the issue of using TRIZ elements in work with preschool children. Edition 2, Ulyanovsk, 1991-92
  5. Sidorchuk T.A. . "imagining, thinking, creating"
  6. Abstracts of classes on the development of speech using TRIZ for children of senior preschool age / ed. B.B. Finkenstein-sp6.: Childhood - PRESS, 2003


  • To consolidate the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage, to name the author;
  • to activate the vocabulary of children;
  • develop coherent speech of preschoolers;
  • develop the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems;
  • train analytical thinking, attention, learn to highlight distinctive features by comparison, find original solutions;
  • cultivate interest in literature.

Material: A large toy house with windows and doors, a doll, a piece of fabric that covers the house, a chest, a toy-hare, a blanket, a house-teremok, subject pictures for each child, a model, apples

Educational activities:

On the table is a toy house with closed windows and doors. The house is completely covered with a piece of cloth, so that the children cannot see it. A doll is hidden behind the house.

V .: Children, look, what do you think is under the fabric? Let's play a game "Danetka" . In order to guess what is hidden there, you will ask me questions, and I will answer them either yes or no. A hint is an inanimate object.

The game "Danetka"

D: Is it a book?

D: Is it a toy?

D: Maybe a doll?

Children's answers...

D: Is this a house?

The teacher removes the fabric.

V .: In one fairy-tale castle there lived a princess. She was bewitched by an evil witch. The princess fell asleep soundly and no one can wake her up. All the windows and doors were closed tightly, firmly, and even a ray of the sun could not get in there.

V .: Guys, what do you think can be done to save the princess.

Children's answers. (Example: "defeat the evil witch" , "solve problems"

V .: In order for the doors and windows to open and the princess to wake up, it is necessary to solve difficult tasks. Guys, let's try to disenchant the princess?

V .: Look, all my tasks are hidden in a magic chest. But in order to find out what the first task is, you need to guess the riddle:

Who is the most shy of all the animals?
Whose ears are longer?
Eating carrots in the garden
and cabbage leaves

knows how to get away deftly,
If you suddenly meet a fox ...
Strongly mows eyes,
afraid of everyone and trembling ...

V: Right.

The teacher takes out a wet hare toy from the chest.

V .: Here is a wet and sad hare. If we can help him, the first window in the castle will open.

V .: Guys, why do you think the hare is wet?

D .: He was swimming, stepped into a puddle, fell into the river, got caught in the rain.

Discussing with children contradictions in the weather

Q: Do you guys think rain is good or bad?

Q: What good is rain?

(Children's answers: everything is growing, fresh air after the rain ...)

Q: What's wrong with rain?

D: You can get sick.

V .: So, it turns out that there is both good and bad in the rain. We say that rain is good when ..., and rain is bad for us when ...

Q: What about the sun, good or bad?

V .: Depending on when, depending on for whom and for what. Guys, what's good in the sun?

(Children's answers: it is affectionate, warm, it is light from it ...)

Q: What's wrong with the sun?

D: When it's hot, your head hurts and you want to drink; all flowers will wither.

V .: It turns out that there is also something good and something bad in the sun.

Q: How can we help the hare?

D .: Dry, warm the blanket, put it in the sun.

V .: Let's wrap her in a warm blanket and warm her. In the meantime, she is warming up, he asked you to help him. It turns out that he completely forgot from which fairy tale he came to us. Remember what fairy tales you know, where is the main character the hare?

D.: "Teremok" , "Zayushkina's hut" etc.

While the children are remembering fairy tales, the teacher quietly opens one window.

V .: Guys, wait, the bunny is saying something. He remembered that he came from a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" , and unfortunately it's time for him to return. Let's say goodbye to him.

V .: We helped the bunny, warmed him up, remembered fairy tales where he was the main character and, look what happened, the upper window at the castle opened.

V .: Listen to the riddle and guess what fairy tale it is talking about:

The fox has found a home
The mouse was kind
In that house, after all,
There were many residents.

V .: Here is another window opened.

V .: And the next task is this. The game "Teremok" . Let's move on to the rug, there is a house-teremok. I will give you cards, one for each. One child will be the leader - the owner of the tower, while others come up to the tower and ask for it

Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

I am guitar. And who are you?

And I am a rod. Let me into the teremok?

If you tell me how you look like me, I'll let you in.

The guest must compare both drawings, identify common features and name them. For example, both the guitars and the fishing rod are made of wood. Or both the guitar and the fishing rod have a string - a rope. After that, the guest places a card in the house, and the next participant in the game enters the game.

V: Let's play. Look, you are all smiling. What is your mood.

D: Good.

V .: Guys, where can a smile live? (Example: on the face, on the jacket, in the shower, etc.)

V .: Look, another window has opened.

V .: What else do we have left in the chest.

And here is a fairy tale "Red Riding Hood" . But I think there is something wrong with this story. Listen carefully and correct me if there are any mistakes here.

- Once upon a time there was a girl, whose name was Yellow Riding Hood:

Not yellow but red

- Oh, yes, Red. So, her dad called her and:

No, not dad, but mom.

- Correctly. Her mother called her and said: go to Aunt Marina and take her:

- She told her to go to her grandmother, and not to her aunt:

And Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother to take pies. And the road ran through the town square.

Not a square, but a forest.

And she met a bear.

Not a bear, but a wolf.

Q: Another window has opened. Almost all windows were open. The next task in the chest

It says here that you need to retell your favorite fairy tale according to the compiled model.

The model is posted on the board. (on the model, any symbols corresponding to the question):

  1. The name of the fairy tale?
  2. Who wrote?
  3. Name of the main character?
  4. What character?
  5. What does he like to wear?
  6. "What would you do if your hero came to visit you?"

2-3 children are called by choice. They tell about their favorite fairy tale according to the proposed scheme.

Fizminutka "Magic Plants"

V .: Get on your feet and imagine that we were in a magical forest, near a magical castle with our enchanted princess and you turned into plants. Think about who would like to become what kind of plant? Someone is an oak, someone is a blade of grass, maybe someone wants to be a flower. Now imagine that a warm breeze blows, how your plant will react (options: strong wind, rain, snow, etc.).

V .: So all the doors and windows of the castle opened

V .: Oh, guys, look who woke up. This is our princess. The rays of the sun illuminated her entire castle and she woke up. Let's say hello to her.

Princess "thank you" children and distributes apples.