When will the census take place? This autumn Russia will conduct a trial population census

The total budget of the 2020 All-Russian Population Census will be about 33 billion rubles. This was announced in September 2019 by the head of Rosstat Pavel Malkov. Approximately half of the amount will be the wage fund. About [[a quarter of the funds will go to IT infrastructure and new technologies, including 360,000 tablets from PJSC Rostelecom ]]], the refinement of the Government Services portal and the development of the Population analytical platform.

According to Pavel Smelov, adviser to the head of Rosstat, deliveries of tablets for enumerators have not yet begun. The contract with Rostelecom has not yet been signed. The company has not yet selected suppliers. All tablets must be diluted to the regions before August 1.


Preliminary results of the 2018 Pilot Census

According to a report dated November 13, 2018, the 2018 trial population census was the largest and most unusual trial census in Russia. At its first stage, which took place from October 1 to October 10, 2018 throughout the country, a fundamentally different way of collecting information about the population was worked out - self-filling of electronic census forms by respondents on the Unified Portal of Public Services (Gosuslugi.ru) . More than 1.2 million people in Russia with a confirmed account on the Gosuslugi.ru portal.

The population liked the experimental online census, which is evidenced by the positive feedback from respondents on the portal Gosuslugi.ru. In turn, we are convinced that the use of digital technologies can significantly save public funds. In addition, the reaction of the country's residents to the use of Internet technologies made it possible to take a different look at the procedure for conducting population censuses. “The Internet census led us to think about how to simplify the questions of the census forms, to formulate them more clearly. More than half a million residents of the country took part in the second stage of PPN-2018, which took place from October 16 to October 31 in 10 pilot districts. According to the head of Rosstat, the experience of using tablet computers by enumerators turned out to be positive. In addition to compiling the route of the census taker, simplifying the procedure for interviewing respondents, the use of portable computers made it possible to significantly speed up the process of transferring the received primary data. “]]The software]] of our tablet computers is efficient enough to use, easy to train enumerators, and there are no doubts about its use.

The idea of ​​using the Multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC), proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and municipal authorities, turned out to be successful. At the MFC, residents of the country can access the Gosuslugi.ru portal.

In addition, it is necessary to stimulate the participation of domestic respondents in population censuses, expanding the contingent using the Internet for these purposes, the head of Rosstat drew attention.

As Surinov noted, hard-to-reach regions were included in the number of pilot regions of the PPN-2018, in which Rosstat conducted a census at the usual time - in October. “But this required significant additional transport costs, so we will discuss the feasibility of this practice. The report on the 2018 Trial Population Census and proposals for optimizing the organizational and technological scheme of the 2020 All-Russian Population Census 2020 will be formed in November 2018, and the results of the PPN-2018 will be published in the first quarter of 2019.

2018 census trial enters home stretch

On October 27, 2018, census takers will complete a 100 percent residential survey in Pilot Census areas. From October 28 to October 31, a selective control bypass of residential premises will be carried out in these areas to check the quality of work of census takers and the correctness of population accounting, reported TAdviser on October 26, 2018 in Russian Post.

For four days of the control round in the areas of the Pilot Census - the Elbrus municipal district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Khangalassky Ulus municipal district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Aleutsky municipal district of the Kamchatka Territory, the city of Minusinsk of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nizhneudinsk and Katangsky municipal districts of the Irkutsk Region , the city of Veliky Novgorod, the urban-type settlement of Yuzhno-Kurilsk of the Sakhalin Region, the Sviblovo district of the North-East Administrative District of Moscow and the municipal district of Knyazhevo of St. Petersburg - census takers, together with an instructor or field level controller, will bypass 10% of residential premises.

During the control round, the correctness of the population count will be checked: are there any missed or erroneously recorded people. To do this, it will be specified how many people in the premises were enumerated, and the presence of records about them in the corresponding forms of census documents will be verified by name. If necessary, corrections can be made to the census forms. At the first stage of the Trial Population Census - from October 1 to October 10 - any resident of Russia with a verified account on the Unified Portal of Public Services (Gosuslugi.ru) could enroll on their own by filling out electronic census forms for themselves and their family members on the Internet.

The second phase of the Pilot Census takes place from 16 to 27 October. Residents of Pilot Census areas who enrolled online can provide the census taker with the received online census confirmation code for verification. Those who did not enumerate in the first stage and do not want to let the enumerator into the house in the second stage can take the pilot census in the census tracts located within the 2018 pilot census areas.

In the Moscow district of Sviblovo, the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia, the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region and part of the urban district of Veliky Novgorod, the population is enumerated by employees of the Russian Post. For the delivery of census sheets, equipment of census takers to these areas, as well as Supplies the logistics infrastructure of the Post Office is used.

Rosstat raised the forecast for a trial electronic population census

About some optimistic or pessimistic estimate [of the number of expected participants in the electronic census]. We conducted surveys, did focus groups, analyzed the experience of other countries. Our original minimum estimate was 10%. Judging by how IT breaks into our lives, we roughly figured that we could raise this bar to 20%. Moreover, we are not talking about today, but about 2020. Therefore, for a trial census, we call on the entire population [to participate] in order to assess whether we have very optimistic moods or, conversely, we are too pessimistic,” Alexander Surinov emphasized .

The 2018 trial population census is being carried out to develop an optimal organizational and technological scheme for conducting the 2020 All-Russian Population Census, which involves combining various ways collecting information about the population. Based on the results of the pilot population census, recommendations will be developed to optimize budget expenditures for the 2020 All-Russian Population Census, taking into account the introduction of new methods of collecting information about the population.

The data collection and processing system being created for the 2020 All-Russian Population Census will become one of the components of the National Data Management System (NCMS). In the future, this system should ensure the complete digitalization of the process of collecting and processing data based on unified methodological and technological approaches.

The 2018 trial population census will be held from October 1 to October 31 in two stages: the first will be all-Russian, the second - local and will affect 10 districts in nine subjects Russian Federation. At the first, federal, stage of the preliminary census, any resident of Russia who has a verified account on this portal will be able to fill out census sheets on the public services portal from October 1 to October 10. In 10 pilot districts, respondents who filled out the census questionnaires on the Internet will receive unique census confirmation codes - they will be needed at the second, local, stage of the census.

From October 16 to October 31, in 10 pilot districts in nine constituent entities of the Russian Federation, census takers will carry out door-to-door visits: from October 16 to October 27 - 100%, and from October 28 to October 31 - a selective control tour of 10% of residential premises. In addition, residents will be given the opportunity to correspond at stationary sites. Respondents from 10 pilot districts who have already enrolled on the public services portal will only need to provide the census taker with the previously received confirmation code for verification.

Trial census of Russians will be held on the Internet

As part of the Trial Population Census, which will take place in October 2018, Russians will be able to fill out a questionnaire via the Internet for the first time, CNews reported on May 31, 2018. This can be done directly on the public services portal during the first stage of the event from 1 to 10 October. The government has previously made adjustments to the regulatory framework necessary for the operation of this service. The event is preparatory to the All-Russian population census planned by Rosstat for 2020.

After filling out the questionnaire on the public services portal, the citizen will receive a confirmation code for participation in the census by e-mail or SMS. At the same time, a citizen will be able to fill out the document for all family members - confirmation codes for participation in the census will be sent to everyone.

Meanwhile, the question of whether citizens will need to provide the consent of other persons for their relative to fill out questionnaires for them has not yet been worked out. The possibility of participating in the census through regional portals of public services has not yet been implemented - the issue is being worked out by Rosstat together with the Ministry of Digital Development.

The population census will be carried out in the traditional way in certain territories of a number of Russian regions. Including in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Irkutsk and Sakhalin regions, the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk and Kamchatka regions.

At the second stage, from October 11 to October 15, 2018, a list of residents of the territories who have already completed the survey via the Internet will be compiled. At the third stage - from October 16 to October 31, 2018 - a survey of citizens will again take place, but in the traditional way. At the same time, the census taker may ask to see a code confirming the fact of participation in the census online.

In addition, during the trial census, they plan to allow census takers to use tablets, but only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod. Devices will not be purchased. Instead, tablets will be used that were previously used during the Microcensus in 2015 and the All-Russian Agricultural Census in 2016. In total, Rosstat will be able to accumulate 25 thousand - 30 thousand tablets.

Some census takers will also be armed with paper questionnaires. They are needed as a fallback and for citizens who want to see a record of the answers to their questions.

Tablets will be equipped with special software for conducting surveys, which has not yet been developed: Rosstat, together with the Ministry of Digital Development, is completing the formation of the corresponding competitive task. The future software must be of domestic production and have information security certificates from the FSTEC.

Half a billion for the census

The state allocated 484.6 million rubles. for the development of a system for preparing, conducting, processing materials and obtaining the results of the All-Russian population census in 2018.

This amount appears as the starting price of the contract in the tender of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), launched on March 16, 2018. Applications from applicants will be accepted until April 6, 2018.

Purpose of the system

Reviewed here automated system Rosstat is officially intended to prepare, conduct, process information about the population and obtain the results of all-Russian population censuses, including pilot censuses and even so-called micro-censuses.

As stated in the tender documents, the system is a single software and hardware complex that combines the means to perform work on the stages of preparing, conducting, processing information about the population census, including scanning and recognizing machine-readable forms, data entry via the Internet, tablet computers and smartphones. carrying out coding and formal-logical control, forming a census database, obtaining final tables, as well as "other operations necessary to monitor all stages of the census," the authors of the procurement note.

Front of works

It follows from the tender documents that the future contractor will have to develop the software already existing in the system to update the list of addresses registered in it, prepare the software for collecting the necessary data, to organize the collection of information about the population, for "implementing methods for supplementing and analyzing statistical data on the population of Russia in the basis of geoanalytical data in the preparation and conduct of the 2020 census, etc.


Russia to conduct a trial population census using electronic questionnaires

main stage

It is planned that the main stage of the 2020 census will be held for the first time using a new methodology: citizens will be able to fill out the form on their own via the Internet. This “will ensure a more complete participation of the population in the census and obtain high-quality results” and “create a new, operational format of communication with the population,” representatives of the regulator and experts are sure.

"Electronic census"

The "electronic" census will be carried out on a special state portal, which can be accessed from the official website of the department or through the public services portal. Identification in the system is planned to be carried out by the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS), it will also be possible to specify an e-mail and a phone number.

A population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the size and composition of the population, summarizing, evaluating, analyzing and publishing demographic, economic and social data on the entire population living at a certain point in time in a country or its clearly limited part.

The history of the census in Russia has several periods, during which the census takers were interested in completely different issues.
The beginning of the registration of the population on the territory of Russia was laid by the Kiev and Novgorod principalities in the 9th century. Accounting was carried out for fiscal purposes, that is, for taxation.

From the second half of the 13th century, during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, population censuses were carried out in individual Russian principalities to determine the amount of tribute. The same goals were pursued by censuses on the territory of Transcaucasia in the 70s of the XIII century.

Accounting at that time was economic: houses or "smoke" were taken into account for taxation of tribute, then the object of taxation in the XIV century became land, productively used on the farm - plow (later - a quarter, tithe). The so-called soshny letter was compiled, the results of the descriptions were entered in scribe books. In the 17th century, the yard became the unit of taxation, and household censuses became the main form of accounting.

In 1718, Peter the Great issued a decree instructing "to take fairy tales from everyone (give them a year), so that the truthful ones bring, how many male souls in which village." Lists compiled in this way ("fairy tales") were collected only after three years, and then over the next three years they were subjected to verification - "revisions". Since then, population records in Russia have been called "revisions of the taxable population" or simply "revisions". Such revisions were carried out for almost a century and a half, until the abolition of serfdom. In total, ten revisions took place in Russia, the last - in 1857-1860. These revisions lasted for several years and were very inaccurate, since they did not take into account the actual number of inhabitants, but only "assigned" from taxable estates, i.e. people on the lists for the payment of tax (tax). The landowners were in no hurry to file another revision "tale", so many of the dead were considered alive.

After the abolition of serfdom, population censuses began to be carried out in individual cities and even entire provinces, however, many of them were state-owned police "population numbers", in which householders simply collected information about the number of residents who did not even live, but were registered in their homes.

The Federal State Statistics Service has summed up the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, obtained as a result of automated processing of census forms.

1. Number and distribution of the population

According to the All-Russian population census conducted as of October 14, 2010, the permanent population of the Russian Federation amounted to 142.9 million people.

The census took into account 90,000 citizens of the Russian Federation who are abroad on the date of the census due to a long business trip through the authorities state power and members of their households living with them (in 2002 - 107 thousand).

In addition, the census took into account 489 thousand people temporarily (less than 1 year) in the territory of the Russian Federation and permanently residing abroad (in 2002 - 239 thousand people).

The Russian Federation ranks eighth in the world 1 in terms of population after China (1335 million people), India (1210 million people), USA (309 million people), Indonesia (238 million people), Brazil (191 million people) ), Pakistan (165 million) and Bangladesh (147 million).

Compared to the 2002 census, the population has decreased by 2.3 million people, including in urban areas - by 1.1 million people, in rural areas - by 1.2 million people.

Urban to rural ratio amounted in 2010 to 74% and 26%, respectively.

The population of the Russian Federation lives in 2,386 urban settlements (cities and urban-type settlements) and 134,000 rural settlements.

Changes in the placement of the urban population are characterized by the following data:

93% of the urban population lives in cities (in 2002 - 90%), the rest of the urban population lives in urban-type settlements.

Accommodation of the rural population characterized by the following data:

During the intercensal period, the number of rural settlements decreased by 8.5 thousand villages and villages. This happened due to the inclusion of rural settlements within the boundaries of cities and urban-type settlements, as well as their elimination by decisions of local authorities due to natural decline and migration outflow of the population to other settlements. At the same time, the census recorded 19.4 thousand rural settlements in which the population actually did not live. Compared to the last census, the number of such settlements has increased by 48 percent.

2. Distribution of the population on the territory of the Russian Federation

The population by federal districts has changed as follows:

3. Age and sex composition

According to the 2010 census, women outnumber men by 10.8 million. In 2002, this excess was 10.0 million people.

There were 1163 women per 1000 men in 2010 and 1147 in 2002.

According to the 2010 census, the predominance of the number of women over the number of men is noted from the age of 30 (in 2002 - from the age of 33).

Significant changes have taken place in age group population.

According to the results of the All-Russian population census of 2010 average age population of the country was 39 years (in 2002 - 37.7 years).

The age-sex pyramid clearly illustrates the changes that have taken place during the intercensal period.

4. Marital status, fertility

Number couples amounted to 33 million (in 2002 - 34 million). Of the total number of married couples, 4.4 million (13%) were in an unregistered marriage (in 2002 - 3.3 million, or 9.7%).

The marriage structure of the population aged 16 and over is characterized by the following data:

In addition, 1.8 thousand people under the age of 16 indicated that they were married, of which 1.1 thousand people were unregistered (in 2002, respectively, 3.7 thousand people and 2 2 thousand people).

According to the 2010 census, the birth rate among women aged 15 and over living in private households is characterized by the following data:

Average born of women children decreased per 1000 women from 1513 in 2002 to 1469 in 2010. In urban areas, this figure was 1328 children (in 2002 - 1350), and in the village - 1876 (in 2002 - 1993) .

Of the total number of women aged 15 and over who gave birth, 19% of women aged 15-19 gave birth to their first child, 54% aged 20-24, 19% aged 25-29, aged 30 -34 years - 5.3%, aged 35 years and over - 1.9% of women.

5. Number and composition of households

In 2010, there were 54.6 million private households 3 in which 141.0 million people lived, or 99% of the total population of Russia. By size, private households (hereinafter - households) are distributed as follows:

The average household size (average number of household members) in Russia has decreased and amounted to 2.6 people (in 2002 - 2.7 people). The low average household size in Russia as a whole is due to the presence of a large number of households consisting of one and two people, such households make up more than half of all private households.

Among households with two or more people, 17.9 million households (44%) have children under the age of 18 (in 2002, households with children under the age of 18 accounted for 52%). During the intercensal period, the number of households without children under 18 increased by 15%.

Households with 1 child still dominate in both urban and rural households.

In collective households (these are people living in orphanages, boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, stationary social service institutions, barracks, places of detention, monasteries and similar specialized institutions), 1.8 million people, and in 2002 - 2.3 million people. During the 2010 census, 34 thousand homeless households were recorded (in 2002 - 68 thousand), which include almost 64 thousand people (in 2002 - 143 thousand people).

6. National composition, language skills, citizenship

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, nationality during the survey of the population was indicated by the respondents themselves on the basis of self-determination and was recorded by census workers strictly from the words of the respondents. When considering the national composition of the population, it should be borne in mind that the population of individual nationalities could be affected by the fact that the population had the right not to answer the question of nationality. In this regard, in 2010, 5.6 million people (almost 4.0%, in 2002 - 1.5 million people, or 1%) do not have information about their nationality, of which about 3.6 million people received information from administrative sources, and 2 million people did not identify their nationality.

The change in the population of the most numerous nationalities is characterized by the following data4:

Of the total number of private households consisting of 2 or more people, 84% of households are mono-ethnic, where all members of the household belong to the same nationality.

In 2010 proficiency in Russian 138 million people indicated (99.4% of those who answered the question about knowledge of the Russian language), in 2002 - 142.6 million people (99.2%). Among the townspeople, 101 million people (99.8%) spoke Russian, and among the rural population - 37 million people (98.7%).

Among other languages the most common are English, Tatar, German, Chechen, Bashkir, Ukrainian, Chuvash.

Possession of the Russian sign language of the deaf was indicated by 121 thousand people.

population citizens of the Russian Federation amounted to 137.9 million people (99.4% of persons who indicated citizenship), 0.7 million people have citizenship of other states and 0.2 million people are stateless. Of the total number of citizens of the Russian Federation, 79 thousand people have two citizenships. More than 4.1 million people in census form citizenship is not specified.

The change in the citizenship of the Russian population during the intercensal period can be seen from the following data:

7. The level of education of the population

The 2010 census took into account 110.6 million people aged 15 and over with basic general education and above, representing 91% of this age group. Compared to 2002, the number of people with the above level of education increased by 1.2 million people (1.1%).

The dynamics of the level of education of the population aged 15 years and over is as follows:

Of the total number of people with higher vocational education 1.1 million people (4.3%) have a bachelor's degree, 25.1 million people (93%) have a specialist 5, and 0.6 million people (2.3%) have a master's degree.

Among specialists with higher professional education, 707 thousand people have postgraduate education (in 2002 - 369 thousand people).

There are 596,000 candidates of sciences and 124,000 doctors of sciences in Russia. There are 265,000 women (44%) among Candidates of Sciences, 41,000 (33%) among Doctors of Sciences. By age, candidates of science are dominated by people of working age (65%), among doctors of science - people older than working age (51%).

The number of persons with incomplete higher education(by 44%), while 68% of them continue their education.

The number of people with secondary (complete) general education(by 189 thousand people, or by 0.9%). At the same time, the number of people aged 15 and over with basic general and primary education has decreased.

It should be noted that the proportion of the illiterate population aged 10 years and over is decreasing. If in 2002 the share of illiterates in this age group was 0.5%, then in 2010 - 0.3 percent. Among the illiterate population, 42% are persons aged 60 and over (67% in 2002).

8. Livelihoods

In 2010, 103.6 million people had one source of livelihood, 33.0 million people had two sources, and 2.2 million people had three sources or more.

The types of sources of livelihood and the number of people who named them and the main source are characterized by the following data:

9. Economic activity of the population

Change in the economic activity of the population aged 15-64 years old living in private households in the intercensal period is characterized by the following data:

The economic activity of the population increased by 6.1%, while the growth was due to an increase in the employed population (by 8.8%) while reducing the number of unemployed (by 16%).

The number of economically inactive population (for example, non-working pensioners, students, housewives, persons who do not have and are not looking for a job) decreased by 18%, and their share among the population of private households aged 15-64 was 25% against 31% in 2002 year.

In 2010, out of 109 million people aged 15-72 living in private households, 72 million (66%) were economically active, while 32 million (29%) were economically inactive and 5 million ( 5%) did not indicate economic activity.

Almost 66 million people (or 91%) of the economically active population aged 15-72 are employed in the economy, and 6.3 million (or 9%) are unemployed. Among the unemployed, 2.8 million people, or 44%, are young people aged 15-29.

In 2010, 1.7 million employed people (2.5%) indicated that they had more than one job.

Of the total number of people aged 15-72 employed in the economy, the absolute majority - 61.6 million people (94%) - are employed. Compared to 2002, the number of employees increased by 5.8%. The number of employers employing employees to carry out their activities amounted to 1.4 million people (in 2002 - 923 thousand people).

A population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the size and composition of the population, summarizing, evaluating, analyzing and publishing demographic, economic and social data on the entire population living at a certain point in time in a country or its clearly limited part.

The history of the census in Russia has several periods, during which the census takers were interested in completely different issues.
The beginning of the registration of the population on the territory of Russia was laid by the Kiev and Novgorod principalities in the 9th century. Accounting was carried out for fiscal purposes, that is, for taxation.

From the second half of the 13th century, during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, population censuses were carried out in individual Russian principalities to determine the amount of tribute. The same goals were pursued by censuses on the territory of Transcaucasia in the 70s of the XIII century.

Accounting at that time was economic: houses or "smoke" were taken into account for taxation, then land plots productively used in the economy - plow (later - a quarter, tithe) became the object of taxation in the 14th century. The so-called soshny letter was compiled, the results of the descriptions were entered in scribe books. In the 17th century, the yard became the unit of taxation, and household censuses became the main form of accounting.

In 1718, Peter the Great issued a decree instructing "to take fairy tales from everyone (give them a year), so that the truthful ones bring, how many male souls in which village." Lists compiled in this way ("fairy tales") were collected only after three years, and then over the next three years they were subjected to verification - "revisions". Since then, population records in Russia have been called "revisions of the taxable population" or simply "revisions". Such revisions were carried out for almost a century and a half, until the abolition of serfdom. In total, ten revisions took place in Russia, the last - in 1857-1860. These revisions lasted for several years and were very inaccurate, since they did not take into account the actual number of inhabitants, but only "assigned" from taxable estates, i.e. people on the lists for the payment of tax (tax). The landowners were in no hurry to file another revision "tale", so many of the dead were considered alive.

After the abolition of serfdom, population censuses began to be carried out in individual cities and even entire provinces, however, many of them were state-owned police "population numbers", in which householders simply collected information about the number of residents who did not even live, but were registered in their homes.

The most important wealth of any state is people, and any wealth must be taken into account. Therefore, the population census is a record of the resources available to the country. Let's talk about who was the first to enumerate people, what are the principles and methods of conducting censuses, what is their history and future in Russia.

Census Concept

Each specific territory depends on its inhabitants. They provide her income, but also require corresponding expenses. In order to competently plan the economic support of a country, region, city, you need to know how many people live in them. For this, there is a census, a specially organized procedure for recording the number of inhabitants. The census also makes it possible to identify the qualitative characteristics of the population, which is important for the management of the infrastructure and activities of the region.

History of censuses in the world

Many ancient empires conducted the first censuses in order to levy taxes on the inhabitants, as well as to plan military conscription. Rulers need to know the amount of projected financial income from each person, and for this, first of all, calculations of the male population were carried out. Heads of families were taxed, as well as only men were called up to the army, so it was precisely the calculation of the number of individuals of the stronger sex that was the main thing during the first censuses. AT Ancient Rome made censuses regular, sometimes they conducted “studies” of a wider level: coins of different denominations were collected from each inhabitant of the country, depending on gender and age. Counting the collected coins made it possible to draw conclusions about the qualitative characteristics of the population. In the Middle Ages, the tradition of recording in scribe books the number of taxes collected from certain people continued. But the accumulated knowledge about the number of inhabitants was quite scarce. For rulers in those days, it was important to know only the number of households. With the growth of industrial production and the detachment of people from peasant farms, it became more in demand detailed information about the size and characteristics of the population. Censuses are becoming more regular and with greater coverage. The development of statistics and sociology leads to the fact that in the 19th century censuses begin to be carried out on scientific basis. The first census of the new type is the Belgian census of 1846. It covered the entire population of the country. Gradually, this experience spread to all countries. Today, there is not a single country left in the world where a census has not been conducted at least once.

History of censuses in Russia

In the 9th-10th centuries, the Russian princes also kept a record of the inhabitants by collecting taxes. In the 13th century, the Mongols, who seized Russian lands, were the initiators of household accounting in order to calculate the amount of taxes they levied on the occupied territories. After the unification of the Russian principalities around Moscow, the practice of keeping scribe books was introduced, in which the number of people, villages, and cities was recorded. Then taxes were taken depending on the size of the land owned by the farm. Later, a household tax was introduced, each household was recorded in special books. Regular censuses in Russia begin in the 17th century, they are held about once every 30 years. Under Peter the Great, a procedure for conducting state audits was introduced, during which the number of men in the country was counted every 20 years. The census of the population over the years has become a common practice, it made it possible to make some kind of forecasts, to identify patterns. These estimates were not accurate, since they were based on fixing only those residents who were assigned to taxes. The people were afraid of such revisions, as they were accompanied by forcible detention of people at the place of "registration", and many did not want to pay taxes and tried to avoid the census in order not to pay them. After the abolition of serfdom, attempts were made to count the inhabitants of the country, but it was not possible to collect accurate information. The first general census, in which women and children were counted, took place only in 1897. This census was carried out immediately on three grounds and made it possible to most fully estimate the population. People were not only counted, but also classified into different categories, asking 14 different questions. Processing the census data and publishing the results took several years.

After the revolution, the new authorities also decided to conduct a census, realizing its importance for the state. In 1920, it was decided to conduct simultaneously a population census, an agricultural census and a register of enterprises. Since military operations were still going on in some territories, the census was not recognized as universal. To conduct it, a questionnaire with 18 features was used, the education and occupation of citizens were of particular interest to the new government. As the territories were liberated, additional surveys were conducted, and the final results were presented in 1921, according to which it turned out that 136.6 million people live in the country, of which 15% are in cities, that is, Russia was an absolutely agrarian state.

In subsequent years, population censuses in Russia were carried out at intervals of approximately 10 years. In 1937, another "roll call" of the people was held. And it turned out that, contrary to the expectations of the party, the population had fallen and, apparently, significantly, because the results were classified. And in 1939 a new census was carried out. Later, the procedures for counting the number of inhabitants in the country were no longer given great importance and censuses have become less frequent. In total, during the existence of the USSR, 7 censuses were carried out, the last - in 1989, according to which 286.7 million people lived in the country.

Censuses of new Russia

With the collapse of the USSR, the new country had many problems, in particular, of an economic nature, and the government simply did not get around to counting the number of inhabitants. The first census took place in 2002, which showed that 145 million people live in Russia. The next population census in 2010 was more carefully prepared and made it possible to identify not only the number of inhabitants, but also the qualitative characteristics of the population. According to these calculations, 142 million people live in Russia. In 2014, after the annexation of Crimea, a local census was conducted in the new territories, which showed that the country's population increased by 2.2 million people.

Goals and objectives of censuses

The population census is a complex and costly procedure, why is it needed? The main purpose of the census is to obtain generalized holistic data on the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the population. Regular surveys of the population make it possible to identify the dynamics of demographic indicators, to determine the level and quality of life of people. Based on these data, the government makes decisions in the field of social policy, builds economic forecasts and forms plans for the development of the country. For these purposes, both general and partial surveys, for example, of the population in 2016, can be carried out. The objectives of such studies are to assess the state of individual segments of the economy and society. Censuses also have another important function - historical, they document the state of the country at some point, they are a kind of chronicle.

Types of censuses

From the point of view of strict scientific terminology, the census is a general survey of the population. But in practice there are several options for these procedures. According to the principle of obtaining data, censuses are distinguished, when information is filled in from the words of the person being examined, and one-time registration, when data about people are taken from various registration forms, for example, personal files in passport offices. According to the object of study, general censuses and partial censuses aimed at assessing a specific segment can be distinguished. For example, the agricultural census of 2016 will be partial, and censuses of entrepreneurs are also periodically conducted. A variant of the census are also forms of statistical accounting, which are submitted by various bodies, for example, committees on social. security, educational or medical institutions.

Principles of

A population census is an information collection activity organized according to special rules and principles. There are several conditions that make a census representative and reliable and provide objective information. The census should be:

- Universal, that is, to cover all categories of the population. Traditionally, three groups of residents are included in the census: the actual population, i.e., the one that is currently in the territory, the legal population, i.e., fixed by any documents in this place, permanent, the one that lives in one place over 6 months.

- Simultaneous- the procedure should be carried out as soon as possible in order to cover the so-called counting moment and not allow people to be counted in several places at the same time.

- programmed. The census is carried out according to a clear, carefully designed program, which makes it possible to obtain uniform and reliable information.

- by name. During the census, each person must be interviewed separately.

- Personal. In the course of the census, data about a person is obtained only when his personal answers to questions.

Also, the census should be centralized, take place periodically and keep the information confidential.


There are several ways to determine the population. The population census is most often carried out by the expedition method, that is, a specially trained person with questionnaires goes to the respondents' homes and fills them out according to people's words. There is also a questionnaire method, when respondents are sent a questionnaire, which they fill out personally and return to the place of information collection. Another method of conducting a census is the informal one. In this case, the respondents come to specially equipped points, and there they answer the questions of the questionnaire.

2016 Agricultural Census

Once every 10 years, a specific census is conducted in Russia - an agricultural census. It is aimed at counting the number of people living in rural areas and engaged in various types agricultural labor. The planned 2016 agricultural census will cover not only individuals living in villages, but also owners of personal subsidiary plots, farmers, gardeners, individual entrepreneurs in the village. The purpose of this event is to collect information about the real state of affairs in the agricultural sector of the country.

The future of the census

The last population census conducted in Russia in 2010 turned out to be a rather laborious and costly undertaking. Therefore, the government proposes to conduct the next census using the Internet. The experience of some European countries shows that this is quite possible. The next census should take place in 2020, and by this time it is planned to develop an optimal survey mechanism that will cover every resident of the country. A version of the bill is also being considered, which would make participation in the census mandatory. Today there is a fairly large segment of the population, which, for various reasons, shy away from participating in the survey. Therefore, the government is looking for options to maximize the involvement of people in this process.