Step-by-step drawing of autumn for elementary school presentation. Landscape: step by step drawing for children

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost without exception, children love to draw, but many parents, due to their own laziness and excuses like “get dirty and smear everything around”, “I can’t draw to show a sample of how to do it”, “it’s too small, it’s still full these paints ”do not give the kids brushes and paints, which is a pity ... We hope that our marathon of children's drawings on the autumn theme will inspire creativity for everyone without exception. There is plenty to choose from, dear Creators!

We tried to collect for you the most ideas for drawing in order to organize the child’s leisure time more interestingly when it’s time for rains, “dull charm” and sitting at home. Read ideas for things to do at home with your child in bad weather.

Idea #1

You need to put the dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint over the sheet with solid strokes using soft colored pencils or crayons. A sheet with all the veins will appear on white paper. Using this method, you can compose compositions: a bouquet in a vase, an autumn landscape, etc.

Idea #2

A similar method, only the leaves need to be waxed (with a candle or white wax crayon), and then covered with watercolor on a sheet of paper. It is convenient to paint over large planes with a wide squirrel brush or foam rubber sponge.

Idea #3

Paint is applied to the sheet from the side of the veins. Then the sheet is applied to paper and an imprint is made. The effect will be different, depending on which paint to use.

You can come up with many compositional solutions: the imprint of a large leaf can become the crown of a tree if you finish drawing the trunk; a few prints - that's a whole forest!

Prints made with white ink on a colored background look spectacular. You can combine several techniques, draw images with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Idea #4

By blowing paint through a straw, you can draw bizarre trees. This method gives you endless possibilities for experimentation! You can, for example, draw trees on a pre-prepared background.

Idea #5

Fill the background yourself with the kid or offer colored cardboard. Let him draw the crown of the tree and fallen leaves, dipping his finger into the paint.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminous if you make it clear of colored pencils. Spot glue in the right places and sprinkle with small chips. The trunk and branches can be blown through a straw or drawn in any other way.

Idea #7

It is convenient (and completely non-marking) to draw a crown with a cotton swab. In the same way, you can depict a bunch of mountain ash, a sprig of currants or other berries.

Idea #8

A very unusual picture can be made using foil. Lay a dried leaflet (you can have several) on a sheet of cardboard with the veins up. Cover it with thin foil and gently, so as not to tear, smooth it with your fingers so that the pattern shows through. Cover the foil with dark paint (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let dry well. Scrub the painting very gently with a hard washcloth. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can frame your work!

Idea #9

Those who love textures will surely enjoy filling various silhouettes with patterns. Draw or circle an autumn leaf according to the template, divide it into small planes, like a stained glass window. Let the child fill in each piece with a different pattern. You can do this with a gel pen, felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be performed using the scratching technique. Paint a sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard with paints and rub with wax (candle). You can use wax crayons to create the background. Cover the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea #11

Using a stiff bristled brush or toothbrush, splatter the paint. This method is suitable for drawing tree crowns, creating compositions based on plant prints.

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's golden time autumn- an extraordinarily beautiful phenomenon in nature, but so fleeting, and is given to us, as if as a consolation before a long winter. I so want to keep such beauty in my memory and keep it.

Today we will try draw the simplest,elementary landscape using natural material accessible to older children. We will need watercolor and gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, yarrow inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wet the sheet with water.

2 On a still wet sheet, draw clouds. Fill the sky with different shades of blue and purple watercolor. Closer to the bottom of the sheet, the sky should be lighter.

We also depict the earth on a raw sheet. Take soft colors, with shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the ground below is darker, closer to the horizon, lighter.

3 On the horizon line, draw a strip of forest.

4 We depict trees. Hold the brush vertically start drawing from the ground,and not vice versa.

5 With a thin brush from the trunk we draw branches, with the tip of the brush we draw small branches, "worms" on thick branches.

6 We mix brown paint with a little black and put a shadow on the trunk.

7 We tint the birch in the same way. We add a drop of black to white gouache, mix it, we get a shade of gray, we also apply a shadow on the trunk and branches.

8 Spread yarrow inflorescences with gouache of red, yellow and a little green. Firmly compress into a bundle and "print" the foliage. Experiment with paints, achieving interesting shades.

9 We also cover the leaves with gouache and apply to the drawing. It turns out the image of small trees or bushes. Draw the trunk and branches. Yes, and do not forget to "print" foliage under the trees.

That's all. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

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Drawing "Autumn" at least once in a lifetime draws every child - in kindergarten or school, this topic is often present in the lessons of fine arts, the world around us and literary reading. Few adults can remain indifferent to the brightness and variety of autumn colors, and many of them want to show this palette to children by conducting a master class with step by step photo or step by step building a schematic drawing on the chalkboard.

Before you draw an autumn landscape, you need to choose the materials that will be taken as the basis for the work. We suggest considering a variant of a drawing made with watercolors and colored pencils on plain, but fairly thick, white paper (it is best to use sheets for watercolors or sketches).

With a simple pencil, as usual, we make a sketch of a drawing - a sketch. Our composition will consist of several trees and a small village house. The presence of a hill gives her interest, in the center of which we plant the main thing. Due to the hill, the horizon line, foreground and background looks different.

The autumn sky is filled with color. Using the watercolor technique. This technique is used when you want to get an uneven solid background.

In the same way we make out the crown of the trees in the background. They will turn out blurry and will complement the main details of the picture.

Watercolor Fill - Background

In the same way, fill with color the grass and the line of the bush, which is in the background. We make the shrub darker than the grass. We highlight the tree near the house with a lighter tone of paint, thereby focusing on the house. And it begins to attract attention, although it is located on one of the lines remote from the edge.

Watercolor Fill - Foreground

We are working on large tree trunks, giving them volume using the play of light and shadow: we make one side of the trunk darker than the other. We denote the shadow that the trees and the house cast on the grass, fill the path with color.

Watercolor coloring - step 1

Highlight the burgundy and red bushes in the background. We emphasize dark color descent in the central part of the picture. We emphasize the relief of the tree trunk in the foreground, highlighting its right side with a darker color.

Watercolor coloring - step 2

We draw bushes around the house, fill in the color of its windows. We emphasize the play of color in the crowns of the trees on the right side of the picture, using warm autumn colors. Coloring the same warm colors foreground of the picture.

Watercolor coloring - step 3

We dry the picture well, after which we begin to work out the details with colored pencils: foliage, shrubs located in the distance. We pay attention to the fact that the closer to the edge of the picture the object is located, the brighter its details should be. The tree in the center - a key element of the landscape - should be as expressive as possible and worked out to the smallest detail. We draw flying birds.

Look at the video how to draw an autumn landscape with a child 6-9 years old.

We offer detailed instructions painting an autumn landscape in gouache. The finished picture will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help you improve your gouache skills, learn how to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line in light blue.

2. Cover the upper part of the sky with dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint over the rest of the sky to the horizon line.

4. Draw water, painting the background with light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. We draw clouds with white gouache.

6. We draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. In the background, draw a tree

8. Against the background of water, draw a mirror image of this tree

9. In the same way, draw a few more trees

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors with a semi-dry brush using the poke method, and in the water reflection we use less saturated shades.

11. By the same principle, draw the rest of the trees.

12. We can finish the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. In the foreground, draw a pine trunk and branches.

14. Draw a pine crown with green paint in horizontal strokes.

15. Let's draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush with white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine.

16. With a semi-dry brush using the poke method, draw the crowns of trees, fallen leaves in small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now it can be decorated with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

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Autumn landscape with colored pencils

First, let's sketch the main plot of the future picture.

With a blue pencil, we begin to tint the sky and the river. Strokes are placed horizontally.

With a darker blue pencil, changing direction, put the second layer of hatching.

We introduce a purple pencil into the sky and the river, at the same time we paint over the birch trunks

With a yellow pencil, we begin drawing the crown of a birch. Strokes are placed horizontally

In yellow, paint over the ground under the birch, the nearby hill on the opposite bank and two trees in front of the church.

We shade the leaves in the crown of birches with a brown pencil. We put short strokes in different directions. The same color is slightly introduced into the river under the birch and under the trees near the church.

Enter green color in the crown of a birch

With a burgundy-brown pencil, paint over the far hill and introduce this color into the river under the birch

With a dark green pencil we draw the foliage of the bushes, tall grass along the river bank and paint over the foreground of the bank where birch trees grow.

Draw blades of grass with a brown pencil. We put the hatching in different directions - this creates the feeling of swaying grass. Hatching emphasizes the tops of the hills.

We also put a light brown hatching behind the birches.

With a black pencil we make a drawing on the trunks of birches.

We introduce black strokes into the crown of birches.

With a green pencil we make a mesh hatching in the background, behind the birches, and paint over the black background.

We make burgundy spots.

We introduce a red pencil into the foliage of the bushes.

We decorate the church and the trees in front of it.

We decorate the river: with a light blue pencil we make horizontal and vertical strokes. We paint over the space unevenly to create a feeling of water movement.

In the background, behind the birches with a black pencil, draw spruces

Now with wide strokes we paint over the entire crown of birches with a yellow pencil. And we introduce the same color into the river.

We emphasize the pattern on the birch trunks and the conspicuous line of the river with hatching.

Fill in the hatching in the river from above with a black pencil. Now the picture can be inserted into the frame.