Regulations on the personnel reserve at the enterprise example. Approximate position on the personnel reserve




This provision has been developed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and establishes:

General goals, the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the personnel reserve;

The composition of the personnel reserve;

Rights and obligations of persons included in the personnel reserve, departments and employees .... (....your organization) responsible for working with the personnel reserve.

1.1. The goals of creating a personnel reserve:

1.1.2. Formation of an optimal professional and qualification structure of personnel capable of ensuring the achievement of strategic goals.....

1.1.3. Creation of a system of work with personnel, ensuring the formation of professional and production behavior in each employee adequate to strategic goals.....

1.1.4. Ensuring continuous professional growth of staff...

1.1.5. Improving the efficiency of management of structural units.....

1.1.6. Growth in labor productivity.

1.1.7. Decreased staff turnover.

1.1.8. Optimization of personnel costs through targeted redistribution of the budget for training and development of personnel.

1.2. The Company forms the following types of personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as HR):

1.2.1. Internal reserve of functioning in order to ensure uninterrupted operation .... in existing areas of activity.

1.2.2. Internal development reserve for the purpose of staffing new areas of activity.....

1.2.3. An external reserve of functioning in order to ensure uninterrupted operation .... and replenishment of its personnel by attracting highly qualified specialists from the external labor market, university graduates and ensuring the replacement, movement (mobility) of personnel .....

1.2.4. External development reserve for the purpose of staffing new areas of activity .... and replenishing the staff by attracting highly qualified specialists from the external labor market, university graduates.

1.3. Criteria for enrollment in the KR are established in accordance with the “Competence Map” (professional and job profile) for all positions enrolled in the personnel reserve.

1.4. Responsibility for the formation of the CR and the organization of work with it rests with the Human Resources Management Service, heads of structural divisions ...., mentors.

1.5. The personnel management service, together with the heads of structural divisions, develops a competency map for each of the positions recommended for enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic.

1.6. Enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out only with the consent of the employee.


2.1. The reserve of functioning (internal and external) is formed for the following positions:

2.1.1. …….(positions)

2.2. Full list positions with an indication of the structural unit is approved by order:

2.3. One candidate cannot be simultaneously included in the personnel reserve for two positions.


3.1. Employees with work experience in ... can be enrolled in the Kyrgyz Republic. at least one year or newly hired specialists, if they were part of the external personnel reserve before joining the job.

3.2. Human Resources Department (Human Resources Department, Administrative and Legal Department, Human Resources Department):

3.2.1. Requests from the heads of structural divisions the following information about candidates for the internal CR of functioning and development: Full name candidate, the position for which the candidate is nominated to the reserve, brief description professional and personal qualities of the candidate in any form.

3.2.2. It searches for candidates for the external CR of functioning and development in universities and in the labor market.

3.2.3. Conducts the primary selection of candidates in the Kyrgyz Republic, including:

Comparison of knowledge, skills, abilities of the candidate with the requirements of the competency map;

Interview with a candidate in the Kyrgyz Republic;

If necessary and with the consent of the candidate - psychological testing, psychophysiological examination and assessment of the state of health according to the list of methods (Appendix 1 to this Regulation).

3.2.4. After agreeing the candidates with the heads of the Services, submits for approval to the Curator information about the candidates for the internal and external CD (summary, brief description of the candidate from his immediate supervisor, test results).

3.2.5. Submits the issue of approving candidates for the personnel reserve for consideration by the Attestation Commission.

3.2.6. Based on the decision of the Attestation Commission, he prepares an order on the enrollment of employees in the Kyrgyz Republic and signs it with the General Director ....


4.1. The activities of mentors are managed by:

Working group for the implementation of the Program for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel .... (hereinafter - the Working Group), created on the basis of the order ....;

4.2. The working group selects mentors from among the most professionally trained employees with life experience, work experience in ... and work experience in the specialty for at least five years.

4.3. A mentor can lead no more than seven reservists at the same time.

4.4. For the performance of the duties of a mentor under these Regulations, the employee is paid a monthly personal bonus to the official salary in the amount of:

- ...% of the official salary for mentoring reservists in the amount of one to two;

- ...% of the official salary for mentoring reservists in the amount of three to five;

- ...% of the official salary for mentoring reservists in the amount of six to seven.

4.5. Payment is made on the basis of an order .... on assigning a reservist to a mentor.

4.6. Working group:

4.6.1. Requests from the heads of structural divisions a list of candidates for the assignment of the status of "mentor".

4.6.2. Considers candidates for the assignment of the status of "mentor" and selects them.

4.6.4. Prepares a draft order to approve the status of "mentor" indicating the period of mentorship and signs it with the CEO ...

4.7. The replacement of the mentor is carried out by order of the General Director .... in the following cases:

4.7.1. Dismissal of a mentor.

4.7.2. Inadequate performance by the mentor of the duties assigned to him.

4.7.3. Psychological incompatibility of mentor and reservist.

4.8. Control over the activities of mentors is carried out by the Working Group.

4.9. The organization of the work of mentors is entrusted to the Personnel Management Service, which:

4.9.1. Interacts with the Working Group on Coordinating the Activities of Mentors.

4.9.2. Analyzes, summarizes and disseminates the positive experience of mentors.

4.9.3. Creates the necessary conditions for organizing optimal interaction between the mentor and the reservist.


5.1. Mentors in each structural unit prepare personal development plans for reservists and send them to the Human Resources Management Service in the form of a personal development plan for a reservist (Appendix 2 to this Regulation).

5.2. The personnel management service forms a consolidated plan and budget for the training of reservists who are full-time employees ...

5.3. The Director General … approves the RC training plan, within the funds planned in the budget…. for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

5.4. The mentors of the reservists, together with the Human Resources Management Service, organize the training of the CR within the approved plan and budget and submit to the Human Resources Service quarterly reports with assessments of the training results of the reservist in the form of a report (Appendix 3 to this Regulation).

5.5. In the event of an unsatisfactory assessment of the learning outcomes and / or the course of training, the mentors of the reservists correct the training program and coordinate its changes with CEO….

5.6. Upon completion of training, mentors inform the Human Resources Service about the readiness of the reservist for the position:

Ready for office;

Additional training required.

5.7. If the mentor and the CEO decide that the reservist is ready for the position, the Human Resources Service forms a package of documents for the reservist for consideration by the Attestation Commission.

5.8. The certification committee evaluates the reservist's compliance with the requirements of the position for which he was enlisted in the reserve and makes one of the following decisions:

Ready to work in office;

Further training is needed;

Exclude from the composition of the CR.

5.9. If the Attestation Commission decides that a reservist is ready for a position, a reservist who is a full-time employee ...., in order to form additional motivation for training and development, an allowance of 10% to the official salary may be established at the expense and within the funds allocated in ... . for the payment of personal allowances in accordance with the Regulations on the payment and stimulation of the work of employees ....

5.10. Each reservist undergoes an annual interview, during which the Attestation Commission makes one of the following decisions:

The reservist remains in the personnel reserve with the retention of the bonus to the official salary;

The reservist remains in the personnel reserve and continues his training without retaining the allowance;

The reservist is excluded from the personnel reserve, the bonus to the official salary is removed.


6.1. Reservist rights.

6.1.1. Specialists and managers who are part of the personnel reserve have the priority right to:

To participate in training, retraining and advanced training programs funded by the Company;

Offer their candidature for participation in the competition for vacant positions in the event that their training and the data of the planned certification meet the requirements of the position.

6.2. Reservist duties.

6.2.1. Specialists and managers enrolled in the personnel reserve are obliged to fully and timely fulfill the plans for the personal development of the reservist approved for them.

6.3. The rights of mentors.

6.3.1. Specialists and managers .... who act as mentors have the right to:

Send proposals to the Certification Commission on the exclusion of an employee from the personnel reserve in case of improper performance reservist duties assigned to him;

Give an expert opinion on the level of readiness of the reservist for the position.

6.4. Duties of mentors.

6.4.1. Specialists and managers .... who act as mentors are required to:

Know the basic legal documents ...., the requirements of regulations that determine the performance of reservists;

Requirements of competency cards for the position for which reservists are being trained;

To study the business and psychological qualities of reservists, their attitude to work, behavior in a team;

Draw up, together with the reservist, a personal development plan for the reservist, make the necessary adjustments to it and monitor its implementation;

Upon completion of training, inform the Human Resources Service about the readiness of the reservist for the position or the need to continue training;

Prepare quarterly reports on the results of the training of the reservist for submission to the Human Resources Service;

The level of performance by the mentor of the duties assigned to him is determined by the Working Group.

To be completed by a reservist

The table is filled in in accordance with the job responsibilities for the position held and proposed for appointment.

I propose to the piggy bank an approximate position on the personnel reserve of a small or medium-sized business.
The Regulation is part of the regulatory framework governing the processes of training and development of personnel in the company, and contains links to other local regulatory documents. For efficient work this provision it is also necessary to have a package of templates (applications) available.
At the request of the customer, I will adapt this document to the requirements of your company, including the development of templates for working with the personnel reserve (applications to the position).
Also, as a separate project, I will develop a regulatory framework for your company on learning and development processes, including evaluation processes.



XXX companies

AND ABOUT. Surname

"____" ____________ 201___

Regulations on the personnel reserve of the company "XXX"

I. General provisions.

II. Stages of personnel reserve preparation.

III. Preparation of participants in the personnel reserve program.

IV. Assessment of the level of training of reservists.

I.General provisions

2. The purpose of preparing a personnel reserve is:

  • scheduled and unscheduled replacement of key, incl. managerial positions;
  • implementation of the company's staffing to implement its strategy;
  • ensuring the continuity of the production process.

3. The owner of the business process of training the personnel reserve is the company's training center. The key participants in the process are the heads of departments and employees participating in the personnel reserve training program (reservists).

4. When preparing reservists, the training center uses the following methods of training without interrupting the main production activity.

  • Training in the training center - obtaining theoretical knowledge for the target position in the training center of the company.
  • On-the-job training - gaining practical skills for a targeted job position under the guidance of a mentor.
  • Developing assignments - solving work tasks aimed at developing the professional and personal competencies of an employee within the target position.
  • Participation in projects - the formation of project teams from among the reservists and other employees to achieve production goals for the target position.
  • Temporary substitution - temporary execution official duties colleague/supervisor.
  • Self-training - independent acquisition of knowledge on the target position in accordance with the program of general or individual training of the reservist.

5. In the final assessment of participants in the talent pool program, the training center uses the assessment methods specified in section II, clause 4 of the Regulations on assessment.

6. The Training Center provides regular information about the progress of the personnel reserve training program by posting information on the corporate portal.

II. Stages of personnel reserve preparation

The training center organizes and carries out the training of the personnel reserve in the following stages.

1. Determination of target positions for the preparation of the reserve.

2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position.

3. Creation of cards of target positions.

4. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

5. Evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve.

6. Fixing the mentor.

7. Preparation of participants in the personnel reserve program.

8. Monitoring the effectiveness of training reservists.

9. Assessment of the level of training of reservists.

10. Summing up the results of the training program for reservists.

11. Planning for further work with the personnel reserve.

12. Retention of promising employees.

1. Determination of target positions for the preparation of the reserve

The list of target positions for the preparation of the personnel reserve includes all vacant positions arising for various reasons (for example, maternity leave, upcoming dismissal, creation of new divisions, introduction of new functionality).

The list of target positions for the preparation of the reserve for the current year is approved by the company's management.

When determining the target positions for the preparation of the reserve, the Matrix of appointments to the position is used.

2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position

For each target position, at least 2 reservists must be trained.

3. Create target job cards

In the absence of a target position card, a position card (Appendix 1 to the Regulations on internal training) must be developed by the head of the unit for which training is being carried out under the personnel reserve program.

4. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve

Nomination of candidates for the personnel reserve is carried out in three ways:

1) nomination of an employee by his immediate supervisor;

2) nomination of an employee by the management of the company, director of personnel, training center;

3) self-promotion of an employee.

The selection is carried out in 2 stages:

1) preliminary selection - selection according to formal requirements;

2) main selection - evaluation of candidates.

The purpose of the pre-selection is to assess the formal compliance of the candidate with the requirements for enrollment in the personnel reserve.

Requirements for enrollment in the personnel reserve:

  • The age of the candidate for the reserve is not less than 25 years.
  • Work experience in the company - not less than 1 year.
  • Absence of disciplinary sanctions during the work.
  • The result of passing the assessment based on the results of the probationary period and / or planned assessment in the current position is at least 4 points (80%).
  • High performance of the employee for the period (previous + current year) in the current position - at least 4 points (80%).
  • Availability of professional achievements (previous + current year) in the current position.

5. Evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve

The purpose of the main selection is to assess the potential (professional and personal qualities) of the candidate in accordance with the position card for each position.

The Training Center organizes a scheduled assessment procedure for employees whose candidates have passed the preliminary selection for enrollment in the personnel reserve, in accordance with the Assessment Regulations.

The results of the preliminary and final selection of candidates for the personnel reserve are recorded in the selection card for the personnel reserve (Appendix 1).

As a result this stage the final list of participants in the personnel reserve program is formed.

6. Fixing a mentor

Each participant in the talent pool training program is assigned a mentor from among more experienced colleagues or senior managers. The work of mentors is regulated by the Regulations on Mentoring.

7. Preparation of participants in the talent pool program

The purpose of training participants in the personnel reserve program (see Section III of these Regulations) is to improve their professional and personal competencies for successful work in the target position. The Training Center, together with the heads of departments, develops the following training and development programs for participants in the talent pool program.

  • Development of a general training program for reservists (Appendix 2 form 2). Purpose: acquisition and development of knowledge, skills, competencies applicable to all targeted positions.
  • Development of an individual training and development plan for each reservist (Appendix 2 forms 3-5). Purpose: training a reservist for the requirements of the target position, taking into account his individual characteristics.

The general training program is developed for a period of at least 1 month, an individual training and development plan - at least 2 months. The general training program and individual training and development plan are agreed with the HR director and the company's management. The training center independently selects the training methods for program participants (see section I, clause 4), in accordance with the objectives of the position and the individual characteristics of employees.

8. Monitoring the effectiveness of training reservists

To assess the completion of the personnel reserve training program, the training center holds regular intermediate meetings of reservists and their mentors with the heads of the department for which the employee is being trained, heads of the personnel service, and company management. If necessary, the general training program and the individual training and development plan for the reservist are adjusted.

9. Assessment of the level of training of reservists

Upon completion of the personnel reserve training program, the training center conducts a comprehensive assessment of the level of training of reservists / implementation of the program for the development of professional and personal competencies (see Section IV of these Regulations).

At the end of the program, the reservist provides feedback on the results of the training program (Appendix 4 to the Regulations on internal training) and sends the completed questionnaire to the training center. The information received from the reservists as feedback is used to improve the process of preparing the personnel reserve in the company.

10. Summing up the results of the training program for reservists

Based on the results of assessing the level of training of reservists, decisions are made on:

  • readiness of the reservist to fill the vacant target position;
  • exclusion from the reserve of employees who showed a decrease production indicators and/or lack of progress in the development of professional and personal competencies;
  • conducting additional training in skills and competencies, in the assessment of which the reservist received a score below 3.5 (70%);
  • rewarding successful reservists who have demonstrated an increase in performance and an increase in the level of development of professional and personal competencies.

Stage result: reservists with high level readiness to fill vacant targeted positions.

11. Filling vacant positions by participants in the talent pool program

If there are open targeted positions in the company, candidates for replacement from among successful reservists are considered and they are appointed to the position.

Within 2 months after the transfer to a new position, the training center, if necessary, adapts the employee trained under the personnel reserve training program to new position.

Adaptation to a new position is carried out using the following methods:

  • assigning a mentor to the reservist from among colleagues / senior managers;
  • consultations on the general training program and individual training and development plan;
  • conducting additional training.

12. Retaining promising employees

If there are no open targeted positions at the end of the training program for reservists, measures are taken to retain promising employees in the company.

The retention program for promising employees who successfully completed the talent pool training program includes the following retention methods:

  • expansion of the functional duties of the employee, his area of ​​responsibility and the level of decision-making;
  • inclusion in project teams;
  • independent project management as a project manager;
  • organization of temporary substitutions for the head (for vacations, business trips, illness, etc.);
  • the opportunity to become a mentor for less experienced employees;
  • salary supplement;
  • provision of additional social benefits.

When choosing a retention method, the individual needs of the employee are taken into account.

Stage result: promotion of trained reservists to vacant targeted positions, preservation of the company's human resources potential by keeping promising employees in the personnel reserve.

1. For employees who have successfully passed the selection for participation in the personnel reserve program, a Training Card for the personnel reserve program is drawn up, which includes the following documents:

III. Preparation of participants in the talent pool program

  • General information about the employee (Appendix 2 form 1). Completed by the lead training manager 2 days before the start of the training program;
  • Training plan at the training center (Appendix 2 form 2). Compiled by the lead training manager 2 days before the start of the training program;
  • Workplace training plan (Appendix 2 form 3). Compiled by the mentor on the first day of the training program. The on-the-job training plan includes: training activities, developing assignments, participation in projects, temporary substitutions;
  • Entry plan (Appendix 2 form 4). Compiled by the immediate supervisor or the head of the unit on the first day of the implementation of the training program;
  • Self-training plan (Appendix 2 form 5). Compiled by the lead training manager on the first day of the training program.

IV. Assessment of the level of training of reservists

1. The criteria for passing the personnel reserve training program are as follows:

  • results of on-the-job training;
  • results of accomplishment of key tasks from the Plan of entrance into a position;
  • results of self-training;
  • attitude to work / feedback from a mentor and a higher manager;
  • the results of the performance of assessment tasks during assessment activities.

2. The lead training manager forms a package of materials for assessing the level of training of the personnel reserve:

  • general information about the employee (Appendix 2 form 1);
  • training plan in the training center with results (Appendix 2 form 2);
  • on-the-job training plan with results (Appendix 2 form 3);
  • induction plan with results (Appendix 2 form 4);
  • self-study plan with results (Appendix 2 form 5);
  • attitude to work (Appendix 2 form 6);
  • the results of the evaluation tasks (Appendix 2 form 7);
  • final assessment sheet for the position (Appendix 2 form 8).

3. The reservist successfully completes the personnel reserve training program upon receipt of an overall assessment score of at least 4/80%.

4. Evaluation activities based on the results of passing the personnel reserve program are carried out by the evaluation commission and consist of the following sections:

  • general information about the company (electronic test);
  • theoretical knowledge by position (written or electronic test);
  • functional duties for the position (written or electronic test, interview with the immediate supervisor);
  • work in corporate systems (practical task);
  • motivational coefficients / KPI (electronic test, interview with the immediate supervisor);
  • professional skills (assessment event with the solution of cases and practical tasks).

5. The results of the evaluation tasks are recorded in the evaluation sheets (Appendix 2 form 7).

6. The results of the passage of the personnel reserve training program and the decision of the evaluation commission are drawn up in the final evaluation sheet for the position (Appendix 2 form 8). The decision of the evaluation commission is signed by all members of the evaluation commission.

7. The results of passing the personnel reserve training program and the decision of the evaluation commission (Appendix 2 Form 8) are submitted to the General Director. The General Director makes the final decision on the passage of the personnel reserve program.

8. If during the period of training under the personnel reserve program an employee’s non-compliance with the requirements of the target position is revealed, the immediate supervisor for the planned position draws up a memo on the non-compliance of the reservist with the requirements of the target position. The memorandum is agreed with the HR Director and submitted to the General Director for consideration.

9. During the period of training under the talent pool program, an employee may refuse to participate in the program.

Document development

Document approval

Job title


the date


Acquaintance with the document

Job title


the date


This Regulation defines the goals, principles, main conditions and general procedure for the formation and training of the managerial personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the Personnel Reserve) in the open joint-stock company "KKK" and in companies integrated into OJSC "KKK".


subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC KPC, as well as companies in the authorized capitals of which the subsidiary and dependent companies of JSC KPC have a predominant share;

Corporation - a set of joint-stock companies that are part of KKK OJSC, including the parent company - KKK OJSC, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as companies in the authorized capitals of which the subsidiary and affiliated companies of KKK OJSC have a predominant share;

The head of the direction - the immediate supervisor of the reservist, the appointed head of the internship, the appointed mentor, the appointed project manager;

Knowledge - information that you need to know for the quality performance of work in this position;

Skills - the application of knowledge in practice to achieve the desired result;

Competence - the ability to apply one's personal and business qualities, professional knowledge and skills in such a way that the work is done the best way. A competency describes a behavior or action that can be observed when doing a good job;

Job profile - a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies necessary for an employee holding a certain position in the company.

  1. This provision is obligatory for all Companies of the Corporation.
  2. The personnel reserve is formed for:
  • operational staffing of vacant or newly created positions;
  • maintaining continuity in management in the Companies of the Corporation;
  • timely and high-quality recruitment of senior positions by trained specialists;
  • increasing the level of staff motivation for professional growth;
  • improving the results of professional activity of personnel of all categories.

Tasks to be solved through the formation and preparation of the Personnel reserve:

  • identification and study of specialists capable of occupying vacant and promising management positions;
  • professional training and education of potential leaders;
  • ensuring the systematic replacement of vacancies while maintaining the continuity of management;
  • minimizing the risks associated with the selection of candidates for vacant and promising management positions;
  • increasing the level of motivation of the Corporation's employees.

Formation of the Personnel reserve is based on the following principles:

The principle of prospects: The personnel reserve is formed for both current and future needs in filling the Corporation's management positions;

Maximum principle: The personnel reserve is formed for all managerial positions of the Corporation at all levels;

  • The principle of objectivity: a comprehensive and objective assessment of the results of professional activity, knowledge, skills, competencies and personal qualities of candidates for admission to the Personnel Reserve;
  • The principle of collegiality: collegiality of decisions on the inclusion of candidates in the Personnel reserve based on objective evaluation criteria;
  • Principle equal opportunities: any employee of the Corporation can apply for inclusion in the Talent Pool and participate in the competitive selection for inclusion

to the Corporation's personnel reserve;

  • The principle of voluntariness: voluntariness of inclusion and being in the Personnel reserve;
  • The principle of publicity: publicity in the formation and work with the personnel reserve;
  • The principle of personal responsibility: employees included in the Talent Pool are personally responsible for the implementation of the self-development program. The manager who nominated the employee to the Talent Pool is personally responsible for the preparation of the participant of the Talent Pool;
  • The principle of mobility: an employee included in the Talent Pool and who has successfully completed the training program can be promoted to a position suitable for the level of development of professional and personal competencies in any Company of the Corporation.
    1. This provision is subject to adjustment as application experience is gained.

2. Structure of the talent pool

  1. The personnel reserve of managers (specialists) for promotion to managerial positions consists of three groups:

a) The first group - the Personnel reserve for top management positions - is agreed upon by the Board of Directors of JSC "KPC" (the nomenclature of the Board of Directors of JSC "KPC"):

  • President of JSC "KKK";
  • Vice-President of JSC "KKK"
  • General Director of SDCs;

b) the second group - is agreed with the President of JSC "KKK" (the nomenclature of the General Director of SDCs):

  • chief designer of the project;
  • Chief Accountant; chief designer;
  • Deputy General Directors for areas of activity;
  • chief engineer (technologist, builder);
  • deputy chief engineer (designer, technologist, builder);
  • heads of divisions (management, department, service).

c) the third group - the reserve of the nomenclature of heads of departments - is approved by the general director of the SDE:

  • heads of departments, workshops, bureaus;
  • deputy heads of workshops, departments, bureaus (including those in areas and projects);
  • deputy chief specialists (narrowly focused specialists);
  • employees belonging to the category of managers, heads of technical services of divisions (mechanics, energy);
  • chief specialists - group leaders, highly qualified specialists

in "narrow" areas of activity, managers (specialists), whose positions in departments are in the singular.

  1. For each group, the reserve is divided into operational and strategic.
    1. Operational (urgent) reserve - includes employees who fully meet the requirements for this position and are ready to start working immediately or within the next three years. From one to three people are included for a specific position. The operational reserve is designed to replace managers with employees for the period of vacation, illness, business trips (etc.) and urgent appointments to vacant positions.
    2. The operational reserve is formed from a number of authoritative and highly professional managers (specialists) with the necessary experience in design bureaus and manufacturing, with the necessary business and management skills.
  2. Strategic reserve - young professionals with leadership qualities who are able to take leadership positions in the long term may not be assigned as candidates for a specific position.
  3. According to the sources of formation, the personnel reserve is divided into external and internal.
    1. External reserve - represented by potential candidates who are not employees of the Corporation. Work on the formation of an external reserve is determined by the Standard in the field of selection and recruitment of personnel.
    2. Internal reserve - is formed from the employees of the Companies of the Corporation. The formation and use of the internal personnel reserve is of paramount importance and plays a decisive role in the selection, selection and training of employees for managerial positions.
  4. The structure of the reserve is determined on the basis of:
  • staff schedules of the Companies of the Corporation;
  • availability of key, hard-to-replace, highly specialized positions;
  • concepts of development of KKK OJSC and SDCs.
    1. When issuing an order to replace temporarily absent employees, managers, as a rule, should give priority to employees who are in the Personnel Reserve.
    2. The age limit of the operational Personnel reserve is from 25 to 55 years, the strategic Personnel reserve - from 23 to 45 years.
    3. In exceptional cases, the decision to include candidates who do not meet the specified age limit in the Personnel reserve is made (by the nomenclature group) by the board of directors, the president of OSYU OJSC, the general director of SDEs (subject to mandatory agreement with the OSYU HR Service).
  1. The general list of the Personnel reserve for the Corporation is approved by the President of KCC OJSC, for SDCs - by the General Director.
  2. The formation of the Personnel reserve in each SDC is carried out on a competitive basis by the commission for the formation and organization of the preparation of the Personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the Competition Commission).
  3. Organizational, coordinating and methodological functions for the formation and work with the Personnel reserve in SDEs are carried out by the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management with the involvement of middle managers and heads of structural subdivisions of SDEs.
  4. The general coordination and control of the work on the formation and preparation of the Corporation's Personnel Reserve for the first and second groups is carried out by the Personnel Service of OJSC KPC.
  5. Work on the formation and training of the personnel reserve of the third group can be carried out according to the internal regulation on the personnel reserve of SDEs (if any), subject to the basic principles of work on the formation of the personnel reserve (section 1, section 2 of this regulation) with reporting (Appendix 6; 9) to the personnel service of JSC "KKK".
  6. The personnel reserve is formed and reviewed annually, taking into account the development concept of the Companies of the Corporation, JSC "KKK" and the forecast of the current and prospective need for personnel.
  7. Managers and specialists who are members of the Personnel Reserve and do not show any desire for training, retraining and advanced training during the year, as well as those who do not participate in the development of the scientific and technical potential of the SDC/Corporation, upon the proposal of the Competition Commission, are excluded from the Personnel Reserve for a period of one year by decision General Director of SDCs / President of OJSC KPC.
  8. To ensure control and accounting for employees enrolled in the Personnel Reserve, a "Reservist Card" (Appendix 1) is issued, which is stored in the unit (department, service, department, department) for personnel management according to the rules for maintaining and storing documents containing the employee's personal data .
  9. Subdivisions of SDCs responsible for work with the Personnel Reserve of the organization submit to the Personnel Service of JSC "KPC":
  • a list of the operational and strategic personnel reserve of enterprises for all groups - in December (Appendix 6);
  • plan (training) for the preparation of the Personnel reserve for the next year - in December (Appendix 2);
  • report on the training for the past period (Appendix 6) in July (for half a year), in January - the final report;
  • report on the results of work with the Talent Pool for the past period (Appendix 9) in January.

Procedure and conditions for inclusion in the Personnel reserve

  1. Enrollment of managers and specialists in the Personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of a competitive selection from among applicants (one or more candidates can be selected).

Employees of the Corporation who meet the following requirements have the right to participate in the competitive selection:

Work experience in the Corporation for at least two years (for young professionals to be included in the strategic personnel reserve for at least one year);

  • work experience in the field of activity from three years;
  • conscientious attitude to the performance of official duties;
  • high performance indicators;
  • developed organizational skills;
  • timely and high-quality performance of production and service tasks;
  • observance of labor discipline;
  • systematic increase professional level(self-training);
  • possession of modern information technologies;
  • positive relationships with colleagues and subordinates;
  • high level of personal responsibility;
  • loyalty to the Corporation.
  • compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety.

Participation in the competitive selection can be carried out in three ways:

  • self-nomination (Application for inclusion in the Personnel reserve - Annex 3)
  • nomination of a candidate by the immediate supervisor (Recommendation - Annex 4);
  • nomination of a candidate by the head of the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of the Corporation's Company based on the results of the annual assessment of professional and personal competencies (Recommendation - Appendix 4).

Competitive selection is carried out in three stages:

  1. First stage.

The General Director of the SDC / President of OSU OJSC issues an order to establish a Competition Commission (no later than October of the current year), conduct a competitive selection for admission to the Personnel Reserve with a deadline for accepting applications (proposals), terms and conditions for the competitive selection, a list of positions, for which is formed by the Personnel reserve, etc.

The subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management, together with the Competition Commission, develops / updates the list of requirements for positions for which the Personnel Reserve is formed (Appendix 5).

  1. Second phase.

The Competition Commission collects and considers applications and recommendations for enrollment in the Personnel Reserve and evaluates candidates for enrollment in the Personnel Reserve (in accordance with paragraph 5 of this regulation), prepares a draft list of persons proposed for enrollment in the Personnel Reserve, coordinates the lists of the Personnel Reserve according to the first and second groups in accordance with clause 2.1. of this provision.

  1. Third stage.

The General Director of SDCs / President of JSC KCC approves by order the list of persons included in the Personnel Reserve of SDCs / JSC KCC (List format - Appendix 6).

The general list of the personnel reserve for the Corporation is approved by the President of the OJSC

  1. The results of the competitive selection are brought to the notice of the employees of the SDCs / JSC KKK.
  2. Distribution of responsibility for the stages of formation of the Personnel reserve






to the organization

each stage

1. Creation of the Competition Commission

1.1. Analysis of the need to create new or fill vacant management positions

Subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDE / JSC





by position



competition conditions

2.1. Order of the General Director of SDCs / President of OSYu OJSC). Creation of a working group for the development of job profiles for the positions of the Personnel Reserve, the working group must include heads of areas and employees of the unit (department, service, department, department) for personnel management and specialized units

The position profile for the first group is being developed

in JSC "KKK",

on the second - design groups with participation of representatives of JSC "KKK". For the third group - project teams of subsidiaries and affiliates

on the formation of a reserve on a competitive basis

2.2. Formalization of requirements for the participants of the competition in terms of education, qualifications, specialty, age, length of service, health and managerial experience

Subdivision (department, service, administration, department) for personnel management of SDE/OJSC

3. Determination of a specific date for consideration of applications and selection of candidates for the Personnel reserve of SDCs

3.1. Order on the establishment of a commission for the selection of applicants for leadership positions, its powers, terms and procedure for activities and dates for the competitive selection

General Director of SDCs / President of OJSC

4. Development of instructions on the procedure for promotion to the reserve

4.1. Determination of the procedure for submitting documents to the commission: characteristics, attestation sheet, applicant's application

Subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDCs / JSC "KKK", Competition Commission

1. Announcement on the dates, place and time of work of the competition commission and the date of the competitive selection

1.1. Acceptance of applications and other documents in accordance with the developed requirements

Competition Commission

Promotion to reserve

2. Selection of candidates for inclusion in the Personnel reserve

  1. Conducting assessment activities to collect objective information

about candidates nominated to the Personnel reserve

  1. Analysis of the compliance of candidate data with the position profiles (if they are not available with the requirements for the position), selection of suitable candidates based on the documents reviewed by the commission

and interviews with candidates

Competition Commission

2.3. Formation of the list of the Personnel reserve


1. Approval of candidates selected for the reserve for managerial positions

1.1. Registration of the protocol, reserve list

Competition Commission

1.2. Order on approval of the list of the reserve, on the procedure, terms and conditions for the internship of candidates for a managerial position

General Director of SDCs for the organization, President of JSC "KPC" for JSC "KPC" and the Corporation as a whole



1.1. Communicating the results to the participants

Competition Commission


about the results


employees who participated

1.2. Announcement to employees who have passed the competitive selection about plans for further interaction

1.3. Providing feedback to employees who have not passed the competitive selection, providing information on missing competencies and opportunities for their self-development

  1. By decision of the Competition Commission, experts from third-party organizations in the shipbuilding industry and consulting companies may be invited to participate in the competition.

4. The procedure for the work of the Competition Commission for the formation and organization of the preparation of the Personnel reserve

  1. The Competition Commission is an authorized body for the formation and organization of the training of the Personnel Reserve and operates on an ongoing basis.
  2. The tasks of the Competition Commission include:
  3. - development of the Profile of the position, for the positions for which the Personnel reserve is formed;
  4. - approval of the criteria for evaluating candidates for inclusion in the Personnel Reserve;
  5. - selection of candidates for inclusion in the Personnel reserve;
  6. - formation of a list of persons included in the Personnel reserve;
  7. - coordination of work on professional training, advanced training and internships for employees in the Personnel Reserve;
  8. - confidential selection and evaluation of candidates from the Personnel reserve for appointment to the position;
  9. - presentation of candidates from the Personnel reserve for filling vacancies to the General Director of SDCs / President of OJSC “KCC” / Board of Directors.
  10. The Tender Committee consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, at least three members of the Tender Committee, approved by the order of the President of JSC "KCC" / General Director of SDCs. It is obligatory to include a specialist of the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDEs and JSC KKK into the composition of the Tender Commission (allowed in absentia).
  11. To carry out an independent expert assessment (assessment of professionally important qualities) of candidates, external experts with an advisory vote may be invited to the Competition Commission.
  12. The decisions of the Tender Committee are documented in a protocol signed by the Chairman of the Tender Committee, in case of his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Tender Committee. The decision of the Tender Commission is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the total number of its members were present at its meeting.
  13. Decisions of the Tender Commission are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Tender Committee is decisive.
  14. Meetings of the Tender Committee are held in accordance with the annual work plan of the Tender Committee, approved by the General Director of the SDC / order of JSC "KCC", but at least once a quarter.
  15. Organizational and methodological support of the activities of the Tender Commission is carried out by the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDCs, in general for the Corporation - the Personnel Service of OJSC KCC.

Evaluation of candidates for inclusion in the reserve

  1. The main criterion for evaluating a candidate for inclusion in the Talent Pool is the effectiveness of his professional activities and the availability of managerial potential.
  2. The inclusion of candidates in the Personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of identifying the ability of candidates for managerial activities and assessing professionally important qualities - the ratio of the development of professionally important knowledge and competencies with the position profile (requirements for the position) for which the Personnel reserve is formed,
  3. Sufficiency of the level of professional knowledge and skills required to perform the work.
  4. Core competencies:
  • professional competencies;
  • analytical thinking;
  • managerial competencies;
  • personal competencies;
  • corporate competencies;
  • communicative qualities.

Evaluation of candidates for inclusion in the reserve can be carried out using the following methods in parallel:

  • biographical with the analysis of personal data;
  • questioning;
  • testing;
  • interviewing;
  • observations;
  • expert assessment;
  • competency assessments;
  • business games, assessment center;
  • situational cases;
  • certification results, etc.;
  • actual performance results for the year.
    1. Evaluation of candidates for inclusion in the Personnel reserve is carried out during the competitive selection for enrollment in the Personnel reserve.
    2. Inclusion in the reserve of candidates who do not have the ability to manage is unacceptable.

6. Preparation (training) of the reserve

  1. The training of reservists for promotion to managerial positions aims to develop the necessary business and personal qualities of managers, to give them certain knowledge and skills in the field of managing a unit or organization.
  2. The training of a reservist in various areas of activity, the acquisition of special professional knowledge by him is carried out in accordance with the requirements for the position of the reserve and the profile of the position.
  3. The preparation (training) of the reserve is carried out according to a specially developed program, consisting of the following sections (Format of the Training (training) program for the reservist - Appendix No. 7):
  4. Theoretical training, which includes:
  • study of special literature on the management of organizations;
  • study of special literature on the main activity;
  • training in special disciplines necessary to improve management efficiency;
  • training at a corporate university;
  • seminars, conferences, additional education;
  • distance learning.

Practical training, which consists of:

  • participation in practical training;
  • solutions to individual production, technical, economic and other issues relevant to design offices and production;
  • temporary fulfillment of the duties of the head of the position for which the Personnel reserve is formed for the period of his absence (vacation, business trip, illness);
  • internships in leading organizations of the shipbuilding industry, including abroad;
  • mentoring programs;
  • staff rotation.

Self-training, which includes specific tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities for each specific specialist enrolled

in the Talent Pool, and to some extent based on the first two sections of the program. The self-training plan (Self-training plan - Appendix No. 8) is developed directly by the reservist himself together with the head, based on the need to develop certain competencies necessary for successful work in the positions for which the reserve is being prepared. An independent training plan, signed by the reservist and the head, is transferred to the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of the SDC / JSC "KKK".

  1. The training (training) program for the personnel reserve is developed by the members of the Competition Commission with the involvement of current managers, for whose positions the reserve is being trained, with the direct participation of the reservist and taking into account the identified points of insufficient knowledge and skills.
  2. The reserve training (training) program is developed annually and adjusted as necessary, but at least once a year.
  3. Based on the approved training (education) programs for reservists, a training plan for the Talent Pool (Plan / report / budget for training, training - Appendix 2) is formed for SDCs and JSC KPC, which is approved by the General Director of the SDC and the President of JSC KPC within a month after approval of the list of the Company's Personnel Reserve of the Corporation.
  4. Systematic control over the implementation of the self-training plan is carried out by a specialist of the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDCs / JSC "KCC", responsible for the preparation of the Personnel Reserve. The results of the control are reflected in an independent reservist training plan.
  5. Control over the implementation of the Training (Training) Program for the reserve of the Company is carried out by the Competition Commission. General control over work with the Corporation's Personnel Reserve is carried out by the Head of the Personnel Service of OJSC KCC.

7. Evaluation of employees in the reserve

  1. Every year, at a meeting of the Competition Commission, an analysis is made of the placement of leading personnel, as well as the state of the reserve for nomination. The performance of each candidate enrolled in the reserve is evaluated for last year and a decision is made to leave it as a reserve and to move forward.
  2. Each reservist draws up a report on the work for the year and submits it to the immediate supervisor, who, in turn, prepares a report for the Competition Commission on the quality of the employee's implementation of an independent development plan.
  3. Evaluation of reservists is carried out annually in accordance with the work plan of the Competition Commission.
  4. The assessment of reservists is carried out by the Competition Commission with the participation of a specialist of the subdivision (department, service, department, department) for personnel management of SDCs and managers for whose positions the personnel reserve is being prepared, and is carried out in order to adjust the list of reservists and the training (training) program of the Personnel reserve.
  5. The main evaluation criteria are:
  • professional characteristics of the reservist;
  • the presence of the necessary business qualities, including managerial ones;
  • opinions of the immediate supervisor and colleagues;
  • the degree of interest of the reservist in being in the personnel reserve;
  • compliance with the requirements for the position (competence model), for which the Personnel reserve is formed;
  • ability to learn;
  • perspective;
  • the age of the reservist;
  • health status.
    1. Proposals for the formation and adjustment of the list of reservists and training (education) programs are prepared by the Competition Commission before October 1 of the current year.
    2. The list of reservists and training (education) programs for the next calendar year is approved by the general director by order for the subsidiaries and affiliates and the president of JSC "OSYu) for JSC "OSYu" as a whole before November 1 (for 2011 until March 20, 2011).

8. Exclusion from the reserve

The exclusion of an employee from the Personnel reserve for managerial positions is carried out in the following cases:

  • appointment of an employee to a managerial position, if further promotion is not planned;
  • commission by the employee of gross or repeated violations of labor discipline;
  • repeated facts of dishonest attitude of the employee to the performance of official duties;
  • repeated violation of the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety
  • systematic non-fulfillment by the employee of the activities of an independent training plan;
  • low results and assessments of the attestation commission;
  • bringing to criminal responsibility;
  • filing a personal application for exclusion from the list of the Personnel reserve;
  • layoffs;
  • health deterioration;
  • reaching the age limit;
  • refusal to fill the proposed vacant position.

9. Appointment

  1. When appointed to a position, candidates from the operational reserve of SDCs and the Corporation have priority.
  2. In the event that a key position is vacated and there are no candidates for its replacement from the operational reserve of the Corporation, candidates from the list of the strategic reserve of SDCs and OJSC KPC are evaluated according to the following parameters:
  3. - readiness of the candidate, taking into account an independent training plan;
  4. - authority in the organization;
  5. - Willing to relocate.
  6. When an employee is promoted to a managerial position, the following should be taken into account:
  7. work experience in the Companies of the Corporation;
  • availability of relevant education;
  • age;
  • state of health (ability to perform a function in full);

on the personnel reserve of the federal state body
(approved by the President of the Russian Federation of March 1, 2017 No. 96)

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve of a federal state body (hereinafter referred to as the personnel reserve) and work with it.

2. The personnel reserve is formed for the following purposes:

a) ensuring equal access of citizens Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as citizens) to the federal state civil service (hereinafter referred to as the federal civil service);

b) timely replacement of positions in the federal civil service;

c) promoting the formation of a highly professional staff of the federal civil service;

d) promoting the promotion of federal state civil servants (hereinafter referred to as civil servants).

3. The principles of formation of the personnel reserve are:

a) voluntary inclusion of civil servants (citizens) in the personnel reserve;

b) publicity in the formation of a personnel reserve;

c) observance of equality of rights of citizens when they are included in the personnel reserve;

d) prioritization of the formation of a personnel reserve on a competitive basis;

e) taking into account the current and future needs for filling positions in the federal civil service in a federal state body;

f) the relationship of career growth of civil servants with the results of assessing their professionalism and competence;

g) personal responsibility of the head of the federal state body (hereinafter referred to as the representative of the employer) for the quality of the selection of civil servants (citizens) for inclusion in the personnel reserve and the creation of conditions for the promotion of civil servants;

h) objectivity in assessing the professional and personal qualities of civil servants (citizens) applying for inclusion in the personnel reserve, taking into account their experience in federal state bodies, state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations.

4. The regulation on the personnel reserve is approved by a legal act of the federal state body in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation") and by this Regulation.

5. Information on the formation of a personnel reserve and work with it is posted on the official websites of the federal state body and the state information system in the field of public service in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network) in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

II. The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

6. The personnel reserve is formed by the representative of the employer.

7. Personnel work related to the formation of a personnel reserve, the organization of work with it and its effective use, is carried out by a division of the federal state body for public service and personnel.

8. The personnel reserve includes:

a) citizens applying for a vacant position in the federal civil service:

based on the results of a competition for filling a vacant position in the federal civil service with the consent of these citizens;

b) civil servants applying for a vacant position in the federal civil service in the order of promotion:

according to the results of the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve;

based on the results of a competition for filling a vacant position in the federal civil service with the consent of the said civil servants;

based on the results of certification in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 16 of article 48 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" with the consent of these civil servants;

c) civil servants dismissed from the federal civil service:

on the grounds provided for by clause 8.2 or 8.3 of part 1 of article 37 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", - by decision of the representative of the employer of the federal state body in which the positions of the federal civil service are being reduced, or by the federal state body to which the functions of the abolished federal state body, with the consent of the said civil servants;

on one of the grounds provided for by Part 1 of Article 39 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", with the consent of these civil servants.

9. The competition for the inclusion of civil servants (citizens) in the personnel reserve is held in accordance with the standards provided for by this Regulation.

10. Civil servants (citizens) who are specified in this Regulation and did not become the winners of the competition for filling the vacant position of the federal civil service, but whose professional and personal qualities were highly appreciated by the competition commission, on the recommendation of this commission, with their consent, are included in the personnel reserve to fill the positions of the federal civil service of the same group, which included the vacant position of the federal civil service, for which the competition was held.

11. Civil servants who are specified in these Regulations and who, based on the results of the certification, are recognized by the certification commission as corresponding to the position of the federal civil service to be filled and recommended by it to be included in the personnel reserve to fill the vacant position of the federal civil service in the order of career growth, with their consent, are included in the personnel reserve within one month after certification.

12. The civil servants specified in this Regulation are included in the personnel reserve for filling the positions of the federal civil service of the same group to which the last position of the federal civil service they occupied belonged.

13. The inclusion of civil servants (citizens) in the personnel reserve is formalized by a legal act of the federal state body indicating the group of positions of the federal civil service to which they can be appointed.

14. The inclusion of civil servants specified in this Regulation in the personnel reserve is formalized by a legal act of the federal state body in which the positions of the federal civil service are being reduced, or by the federal state body to which the functions of the abolished federal state body have been transferred.

15. A civil servant who has disciplinary action, provided for by paragraph 2 or 3 of part 1 of Article 57 or by paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 59.1 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

III. Competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve

16. A competition for the inclusion of civil servants (citizens) in the personnel reserve (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is announced by decision of the representative of the employer.

17. The competition is held in accordance with the unified methodology for holding competitions for filling vacancies in the state civil service of the Russian Federation and inclusion in the personnel reserve of state bodies, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

18. Personnel work related to the organization and provision of the competition is carried out by the subdivision of the federal state body for public service and personnel.

19. The right to participate in the competition has citizens who have reached the age of 18, who own state language of the Russian Federation and complying with other requirements for civil servants established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the civil service. A civil servant has the right to participate in the competition on a general basis, regardless of what position he holds for the period of the competition.

20. The competition is conducted by a competition commission formed in a federal state body in accordance with the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2005 No. 112 "On the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service service of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the competition commission).

21. The competition consists in assessing the professional and personal qualities of each civil servant (citizen) who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition and is admitted to participate in it (hereinafter referred to as the candidate), based on the qualification requirements for filling the relevant positions of the federal civil service.

22. On the official websites of the federal state body and the state information system in the field of civil service on the Internet, an announcement is posted on the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition, as well as the following information about the competition: the names of the positions of the federal civil service, for inclusion in the personnel reserve for replacement of which a competition has been announced, qualification requirements for filling these positions, conditions for the federal civil service in these positions, place and time of acceptance of documents to be submitted in accordance with these Regulations, the period before the expiration of which these documents are accepted, the expected date of the competition, place and the procedure for its implementation, other information materials.

23. A citizen who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition submits to the federal state body in which the competition is held:

a) a personal statement;

b) a completed and signed application form in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, with a photograph;

c) a copy of the passport or a document replacing it (the relevant document is presented in person upon arrival at the competition);

d) documents confirming the required professional education, qualifications and work experience:

copy work book(except for cases when official (labor) activity is carried out for the first time), certified by a notary or personnel service at the place of service (work), or other documents confirming the official (labor) activity of a citizen;

copies of documents on education and qualifications, as well as, at the request of a citizen, copies of documents confirming the improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education, documents on awarding an academic degree, academic title, certified by a notary or personnel service at the place of service (work);

e) a document confirming that the citizen does not have a disease that prevents entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation or its passage;

f) other documents provided for by the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

24. A civil servant who has expressed a desire to participate in a competition held in a federal state body in which he replaces the position of the federal civil service, submits an application addressed to the representative of the employer.

25. A civil servant who has expressed a desire to participate in a competition held in another federal state body submits to this state body an application addressed to the representative of the employer and a completed, signed and certified by the personnel service of the federal state body in which he replaces the position of the federal civil service, a questionnaire in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, with a photograph.

26. The documents specified in this Regulation shall be submitted to the federal state body within 21 calendar days from the date of the announcement of their acceptance on the official website of this body on the Internet.

27. A civil servant (citizen) is not allowed to participate in the competition if he does not meet the qualification requirements for filling positions in the federal civil service, for inclusion in the personnel reserve for the replacement of which a competition has been announced, as well as the requirements for civil servants established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on public civil service.

28. A civil servant is not allowed to participate in the competition if he has a disciplinary sanction under paragraph 2 or 3 of part 1 of Article 57 or paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 59.1 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

29. Untimely submission of documents, their submission not in full or in violation of the rules for registration, inconsistency of information contained in copies of documents with their originals are grounds for refusing to admit a civil servant (citizen) to participate in the competition.

30. A civil servant (citizen) who is not allowed to participate in the competition in accordance with these Regulations is informed by the representative of the employer about the reasons for the refusal in writing. The specified civil servant (citizen) has the right to appeal this decision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

31. The decision on the date, place and time of the competition is made by the representative of the employer. The competition is held no later than 30 calendar days after the deadline for accepting documents for participation in the competition.

32. Not later than 15 calendar days before the date of the competition, the federal state body shall post on its official website and the official website of the state information system in the field of civil service on the Internet information about the date, place and time of its holding, as well as a list of candidates and sends relevant messages to candidates.

33. During the competition, the competition commission evaluates candidates on the basis of the documents submitted by them, as well as on the basis of competitive procedures using methods for assessing the professional and personal qualities of candidates that do not contradict federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including individual interviews, questionnaires, conducting group discussions, writing an essay or testing on issues related to the performance of official duties for positions of the federal civil service, for inclusion in the personnel reserve for the replacement of which candidates apply.

34. Competitive procedures and a meeting of the tender commission are held if there are at least two candidates.

35. The meeting of the competition commission is considered competent if at least two thirds of the total number of its members are present at it. Holding a meeting of the competition commission with the participation of only its members who fill positions in the federal civil service is not allowed. A member of the competition commission, in the event of a conflict of interest that may affect his objectivity in voting, is obliged to declare this and should not participate in the meeting of the competition commission. Decisions of the competition commission based on the results of the competition are taken by open voting by a majority of votes of its members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the competition commission is decisive.

36. The decision of the competition commission is taken in the absence of candidates and is the basis for including the candidate (candidates) in the personnel reserve for filling the positions of the federal civil service of the corresponding group or refusal to include the candidate (candidates) in the personnel reserve.

38. Messages on the results of the competition are sent in writing to candidates within 7 days from the date of its completion. Information on the results of the competition is also posted within the specified period on the official websites of the federal state body and the state information system in the field of civil service on the Internet.

39. Based on the results of the competition, no later than 14 days from the day the decision was taken by the competition commission, a legal act of the federal state body is issued on the inclusion in the personnel reserve of the candidate (candidates) in respect of which (whom) the corresponding decision was made.

40. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the competition commission, containing the decision of the competition commission to refuse to include the candidate in the personnel reserve, is issued by the division of the federal state body for public service and personnel to the candidate personally or, upon his written application, is sent to him by registered mail no later than three days later from the date of application.

41. The candidate has the right to appeal against the decision of the competition commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

42. Documents of civil servants (citizens) who were not allowed to participate in the competition, and candidates who were denied inclusion in the personnel reserve, may be returned to them upon written application within three years from the date of completion of the competition. Until the expiration of this period, documents are stored in the archives of the federal state body, after which they are subject to destruction.

43. Expenses associated with participation in the competition (travel to and from the venue of the competition, rental of housing, accommodation, use of communication services, and others) are covered by candidates at their own expense.

IV. The procedure for working with personnel reserve

44. For each civil servant (citizen) included in the personnel reserve, a subdivision of the federal state body for civil service and personnel prepares a certificate in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

45. A copy of the legal act of the federal state body on the inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve or on the exclusion of a civil servant (citizen) from the personnel reserve is sent (issued) by the division of the federal state body for civil service and personnel to the civil servant (citizen) within 14 days from the date of issue of this act.

46. ​​In the personal files of civil servants, copies of legal acts of the federal state body on inclusion in the personnel reserve and on exclusion from the personnel reserve are kept.

47. Information about civil servants (citizens) included in the personnel reserve of the federal state body is posted on the official websites of this body and the state information system in the field of civil service on the Internet.

48. The professional development of a civil servant who is in the personnel reserve of a federal state body is carried out by this body on the basis of an individual plan for the professional development of a civil servant approved by it.

49. Information on activities for the professional development of a civil servant who is in the personnel reserve is reflected in the certificate specified in this Regulation.

50. The appointment of a civil servant (citizen) who is in the personnel reserve to a vacant position of the federal civil service is carried out with his consent by decision of the representative of the employer within the group of positions of the federal civil service, for the replacement of which the civil servant (citizen) is included in the personnel reserve.

V. Exclusion of a civil servant (citizen) from the personnel reserve

51. The exclusion of a civil servant (citizen) from the personnel reserve is formalized by a legal act of the federal state body.

52. The grounds for the exclusion of a civil servant from the personnel reserve are:

a) a personal statement;

b) appointment to the position of the federal civil service in the order of promotion within the group of positions of the federal civil service, for the replacement of which the civil servant is included in the personnel reserve;

c) appointment to the position of the federal civil service within the group of positions of the federal civil service, for the replacement of which the civil servant is included in the personnel reserve in accordance with this Regulation;

d) demotion of a civil servant in the position of the federal civil service in accordance with clause 3 of part 16 of Article 48 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation";

e) committing a disciplinary offense for which a disciplinary sanction is applied to a civil servant, provided for in paragraph 2 or 3 of part 1 of Article 57 or paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 59.1 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation";

f) dismissal from the state civil service of the Russian Federation, with the exception of dismissal on the grounds provided for in clause 8.2 or 8.3 of part 1 of article 37 of the Federal Law "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation", or on one of the grounds provided for in part 1 of article 39 of the said Federal Law ;

g) continuous stay in the personnel reserve for more than three years.

53. The grounds for exclusion of a citizen from the personnel reserve are:

a) a personal statement;

b) appointment to the position of the federal civil service within the group of positions of the federal civil service, for the replacement of which the citizen is included in the personnel reserve;

c) death (death) of a citizen or recognition of a citizen as missing or declaration of his death by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

d) recognition of a citizen as incapable or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

e) the presence of a disease that prevents entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation and confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization;

f) reaching the age limit for being in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, established by Article 25.1 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation";

g) the conviction of a citizen to a punishment that excludes the possibility of entering the state civil service of the Russian Federation, according to a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

h) the withdrawal of a citizen from the citizenship of the Russian Federation or the acquisition of citizenship of another state, unless otherwise provided international treaty Russian Federation;

i) recognition of a citizen as completely incapable of labor activity in accordance with a medical report issued in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

j) application to a citizen of an administrative penalty in the form of disqualification;

k) continuous stay in the personnel reserve for more than three years.

Document overview

The regulation on the personnel reserve of the federal state body was approved.

The reserve includes citizens applying for a vacant position in the federal civil service: civil servants applying for a vacant position in the federal civil service in the order of promotion, some dismissed civil servants.

A competition for inclusion in the reserve is announced by decision of the representative of the employer and is carried out in accordance with a unified methodology approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for exclusion from the reserve - personal application, appointment to a position, continuous stay in the reserve for more than 3 years, etc.

The Decree comes into force from the day of its official publication.

Dear reader! requires, among other things, the existence of a developed and approved provisions on personnel reserve at an enterprise operating in accordance with the development strategy.

The regulation on the personnel reserve contributes to solving the tasks of retaining employees, increasing loyalty, etc. As an example, your attention is presented to the provision on the procedure for the formation and work with the personnel reserve at the enterprise:

1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation determines the procedure for the formation and work with the personnel reserve for managerial positions.

1.2. A personnel reserve is a group of highly qualified and promising employees who have positively proven themselves in their positions, have undergone the necessary professional training and possess the professional, business and personal qualities necessary for promotion.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the formation of a personnel reserve:

Ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the management of the enterprise and its divisions;

Closing vacancies in a short time;

Replenishment of the management personnel of the enterprise with highly qualified candidates;

Effective use of the labor potential of the enterprise's employees;

Promotion and development of employees with development potential;

Improving the quality of management.

Identify employees with potential for further development;

Predict the career development of employees;

Reduce the period of adaptation of employees in a new position;

Create a system for the development of candidates for the personnel reserve by systematically studying the personality and plans for individual training;

Increase the loyalty of employees in the personnel reserve and prevent the leakage of the most capable and energetic personnel by offering them a clear and mutually beneficial prospect for career and personal growth.

2. The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

2.1. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out annually in October of the current year.

2.2. The basis for starting the formation of a personnel reserve are:

present position;

Memo (official letter) signed by the head of the personnel management department at the enterprise.

2.3. The personnel reserve is formed taking into account the structure of the enterprise by divisions.

2.4. The memo (official letter) of the head of the personnel management unit at the enterprise determines:

The structure of the personnel reserve (positions of managers and specialists of structural divisions in accordance with the staffing table);

Terms of formation of the personnel reserve;

2.5. On the basis of a memo (official letter), the enterprise issues an order in which the composition of the qualification commission is approved.

2.6. The organization of work on the formation of a personnel reserve is carried out by the personnel management unit together with the heads of the relevant interested structural divisions of the enterprise.

2.7. The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve:

Drawing up a forecast of expected changes in the composition of management personnel (in any form, it is compiled by the personnel management unit together with the heads of the enterprise's divisions);

Preliminary selection of candidates for the personnel reserve;

Obtaining information about business, professional and personal qualities candidates;

Formation of the composition of the personnel reserve.

2.8. Preliminary selection of candidates for the personnel reserve is carried out, as a rule, from the ratio: one to three candidates for one position in accordance with the established qualification requirements:

High professional training (relevant higher professional education, knowledge of industry specifics, experience in managerial positions);

Necessary business qualities (possession of modern management methods, the ability to gain and maintain authority, high demands on oneself and others, etc.);

Positive personal qualities (purposefulness, efficiency, perseverance, goodwill, balance of character, etc.);

Age from 25 to 40 years.

2.9. The composition of the qualification commission includes:

Head of the department for personnel management at the enterprise;

Heads of structural divisions;

Trade union member.

2.10. The selection of candidates for the personnel reserve is carried out by the qualification commission on the basis of:

Representations of the head, by whose position the personnel reserve is formed;

Evaluation sheet of a candidate for the personnel reserve;

Self-assessment sheet.

2.11. The decision to include a candidate in the personnel reserve or to reject a candidate is documented in the minutes of the meeting of the qualification commission and brought to the attention of the candidate.

2.12. The list of the personnel reserve is agreed with the first head of the enterprise and sent to the personnel management unit.

2.13. The personnel management division forms the received lists of the personnel reserve and sends them for approval to the deputies of the first head of the enterprise in the areas of activity.

2.14. The personnel management division of the enterprise forms agreed lists of the personnel reserve in common list personnel reserve of top and middle management levels of the enterprise and submits it for approval to the first manager.

3.Organization of work with a personnel reserve

3.1. Work with candidates for the personnel reserve is planned from one to three years, depending on the position for which the candidate is preparing.

3.2. Work with the personnel reserve includes:

Determining the development needs of the candidate;

Conducting training and other forms of advanced training for candidates included in the personnel reserve;

Evaluation of the readiness of the candidate, enrolled in the personnel reserve, to fulfill the duties of the position planned for replacement.

3.3. The choice of forms of work with the personnel reserve and the procedure for their application is determined when developing individual training plans for each candidate in the personnel reserve.

3.4. The individual training plan is developed by the candidate together with the manager, by whose position he is included in the personnel reserve, and approved by the deputy first head of the enterprise in the area of ​​activity no later than 2 months (November - mid-December) after the candidate is included in the personnel reserve.

3.5. The plan for individual training of a candidate who is in the personnel reserve is carried out both with and without interruption from work in the following areas:

Advanced training (courses, seminars);


Self preparation.

3.6. Based on the plans for individual training of candidates, the qualification commission, together with the HR department of the enterprise, determines in December:

The need for development;

Forms a work plan with a personnel reserve, which includes:

a) a training plan, including advanced training in courses, seminars;

b) a plan for in-house internships;

c) terms and forms of summing up the results of the annual cycle of training the personnel reserve.

3.7. Control over the implementation of the individual training plan and analysis of the candidate's production activities is carried out by the head, by whose position he is included in the personnel reserve.

3.8. Every year in September of the current year, the candidate submits a written report on the implementation of the individual training plan for the year to the head, by whose position he is included in the personnel reserve.

3.9. The head in October of the current year, together with his review - a characteristic, sends a report to the personnel management department at the enterprise.

3.10. In October of the current year, the HR department submits the report for discussion by the qualification commission.

3.11. Within two weeks, the Qualification Commission evaluates each candidate according to the following indicators:

Implementation of the individual training plan for the year, including the quality of the report prepared on the basis of the internship, advanced training;

Performance indicators in production;

Evaluation of the immediate supervisor.

3.12. According to the results of the evaluation of the qualification commission, the following may occur:

Correction of the candidate's individual training plan;

Exclusion from the list of personnel reserve.

3.13. Candidates who have not satisfactorily completed the individual training plan or who have shown themselves negatively are excluded from the personnel reserve.

3.14. In order to exclude candidates from the personnel reserve, the head prepares a submission to the HR department, in which he indicates the reasons for the exclusion of the candidate.

3.15. In October - November of the current year, the qualification commission updates and approves the composition of the personnel reserve for the next year.

3.16. The effectiveness of work with the personnel reserve for the reporting period is assessed by the following indicators (criteria):

The degree of formation (staffing) of the personnel reserve:

The degree of movement to the planned positions:

The turnover of the personnel reserve of managers, defined as the proportion of candidates from the reserve who left the enterprise:

The average length of stay in the personnel reserve before occupying key positions:

The readiness of the personnel reserve:

The effectiveness of the training of managers within the enterprise, which is determined by comparing the share of key positions vacated during the analyzed period, occupied from the personnel reserve, and the share of those invited from outside.

3.17. Control over the work with the personnel reserve; organizational, coordinating and methodological functions for working with the personnel reserve are carried out by the personnel management unit at the enterprise.

4. Responsibility for the formation and work with the personnel reserve

4.1. The personnel management unit at the enterprise is responsible for:

Organization of work on the formation of a personnel reserve (September - November of the current year);

Organization of the development of a work plan with the personnel reserve, including plans for the individual training of candidates for the personnel reserve (November - December);

Monthly reporting on work with the personnel reserve (until the 15th day of the month following the reporting one).

4.2. The head, by whose position the personnel reserve is represented, is responsible for:

Timely and reasonable selection of a candidate for the personnel reserve (November of the current year);

Organization of work on the implementation of the individual training plan by the candidate for the personnel reserve (during the year).

4.3. The candidate for the personnel reserve is responsible for:

Implementation of the individual training plan (during the year):

Submission of a written report on the implementation of the individual training plan for the year to the head, by whose position he is enlisted in the reserve (September of the current year).

4.4. The Qualification Commission is responsible for:

Formation of a personnel reserve (qualitative and quantitative composition) (November of the current year);

Organization of work with the personnel reserve (during the year).


As well as, the proposed example of a provision on the procedure for the formation and work with a personnel reserve, supplemented by the relevant annexes, can serve as the basis for the preparation of a local normative act at your enterprise.

Dear reader! Please express your opinion in the review!