Production of metal structures for power lines. Design Bureau "Topinzhener" - Production of power lines

One of the areas of work of our company is the manufacture of power transmission towers - metal structures in various designs.
These can be angular (installed at the turn of the line),
anchor (used when necessary to cross obstacles or engineering structures), intermediate structures that support wires on straight sections of the line,
terminal, designed with the expectation that they will withstand one-sided loads of power lines.

About us and our production

Our company specializes in the production of metal structures of all types and degrees of complexity of products.
We have a strong enough technical base, which allows us to implement large-scale projects in various fields of use and industries.
An integrated approach to solving problems becomes possible due to the presence of a full range of technological equipment of different capacities and capabilities, special equipment, a fleet of vehicles, and a team.

Calculations of the cost of manufacturing metal structures for power lines

The cost of a structure is determined by its technical features, metal consumption, steel grade, as well as the timing of the construction.
A feature of the manufacture of most transmission towers is the possibility of using standard designs
(rarely enough situations arise when individual design is required, associated with the complexities of the installation site topography, the presence engineering structures or other barriers).
Upon receipt of such an individual order, the cost of the support will increase slightly.

What types of structures do we manufacture besides power lines

  • building frames,
  • light metal structures,
  • platforms,
  • farms,
  • beams,
  • stairs,
  • columns,
  • bunkers,
  • fencing,
  • flyovers.

Our production limits

The technical equipment of the production does not allow us to produce cast or forged parts.

Detailed description of the manufacturing process of metal structures for power lines

In the manufacture of power transmission towers and their structural elements, steel is today the main material.
Depending on the place of installation in the system, according to their design, metal structures can be made in a portal or tower version.
In this case, bolted or welded joints can be used to connect individual elements.
Angle-rolled metal is required for production, steel pipes are laid in projects for the manufacture of high-height supports.

How to calculate the manufacturing time for the construction of power transmission line supports

It is possible to determine the minimum production time based on the dimensions and technical design of power transmission line supports, technology and production material.
The workload of the enterprise for the specified period of time is also taken into account.

Equipment of our factory

Our plant is a full-cycle enterprise that allows us to implement any turnkey project.
To do this, its technical equipment provides for the presence
machine tools for metal processing,
welding equipment,
lifting equipment,
installations for applying protective coatings,
fleet of truck cranes.

Application for transportation of fabricated metal structures of power transmission lines

If necessary, our customers always have the opportunity to apply for logistics services and order the delivery of metal structures for power lines.
We work throughout Russia, for transportation we can use both the road transport of our fleet and rail freight.

Our company is engaged in the development of design documentation for metal structures of power lines

The design of metal structures of power transmission lines is carried out by our designers in relation to all types and designs of such structures.
We offer a wide range of options for the most comfortable scheme of working with specialists.
The package of developed documents always contains drawings and explanatory notes to them, which allow the project to be accepted for production after passing the examination.

Examples of power line projects developed by us

A portfolio is posted on our website, in which there are quite a few projects of supports for power lines in different options and difficulty level.

How is the examination of the metal structures of power lines

When passing an expert assessment of the design, the compliance of the proposed solution with the norms of the specialized SNiP, GOST is checked.
A set of verification calculations is also carried out, which become reference points for the entire project as a whole and make it possible to judge the accuracy of the calculations performed based on the data obtained.

Features of installation of metal structures of power transmission line supports

Installation of power transmission towers is a specific area of ​​work that requires special professionalism, the use of powerful equipment.
The installation technology is largely determined by the characteristics of the terrain: it can be either a stable plain or the banks of a river that will flow under the support.

The main advantages of our company

The possibility of an integrated approach to production, design, installation.
Availability of a complete technical park of special machinery and equipment for welding and metalworking.
The ability to order any design, regardless of the level of complexity.
We provide a delivery service for finished metal structures in all regions of Russia.

Quality control of metal structures of power lines

At the stage of manufacturing structures, quality control is carried out by involving specialists from the QCD department and the laboratory.
In the first case, methods are used that determine the mechanical strength and reliability of the structure, in the second case, the composition of the metal when it enters production, measurements are performed by the method of non-destructive quality control of the welded seams of power transmission line supports.

Are you engaged in the construction and repair of high-voltage overhead power lines? Novomoskovsky plant of metal structures invites you to mutually beneficial cooperation. At the service of customers - design and production of power transmission towers for all regions of Russia and neighboring countries.

Assortment of supporting metal structures for power transmission lines

The company manufactures products designed for the transmission of electricity with a voltage of 35 to 750 kV. We can order the following metal structures for power lines:

  • intermediate (support the wires at the right height, are required in large quantities);
  • transitional (allow to overcome obstacles of engineering or natural origin, differ in greater height and mass compared to the previous variety);
  • anchor-angular (installed in places of turns, make it possible to adjust the tension of the conductors);
  • end (used at the beginning and end points of the routes, in front of transformer substations).

Supportive power line metal structures they can be free-standing or strengthened with braces, have a non-standard height (lower, higher), differ in the number of chains (1-, 2-, multi-chain).

Production of power transmission towers: materials and technologies

At manufacturing of power line poles high-quality carbon steel sheets and angle bars are used. Materials are delivered directly from the warehouses of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, as well as from Nizhny Tagil and Magnitogorsk. Raw materials entering the plant are subjected to laboratory control through chemical and spectral analysis.

Production elements power lines is carried out on innovative imported Voortman equipment. At the disposal of skilled workers - laser cutting machines for metal, semi-automatic welders with protective gas environment, ultrasonic devices to check the quality of welds.

Advantages of manufacturing and delivery of steel poles LEPotNZMK

The plant has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with GOST ISO9001:2011. It provides three levels of control productionpower transmission towers andfixingmetal structures, guarantees their reliability, safety, compliance with the requirements of state standards. Each batch of products is supplied with a quality certificate and an official 10-year warranty.

The company has been operating on the market since 2007 and sells Power lines of metal structures at an affordable price - from 74,000 rubles per ton. Products are transported on railway or road platforms in the form of separate compact sections. Assembly is carried out directly on site using bolted connections.

Metal structures for power transmission lines are of great strategic importance for the power supply of the population. High-voltage lines are laid along the metal structures for power lines, which are the energy supply system as a whole. Metal structures include all elements that are made of metal and are necessary for attaching wires to power transmission towers. Metal structures for power transmission lines provide connection of power lines between supports.

The production of metal structures for power transmission line supports does not suffer misfires. After all, the safety and functioning of the entire energy system as a whole depends on how the support is made. The metal structures of power transmission towers must be made only from the appropriate steel and in compliance with all design data to the nearest millimeter. Also of particular importance is the design of power transmission towers. Structures must withstand significant wind loads, be resistant to other atmospheric phenomena, in case of violation of the integrity of the lines, must ensure safety environment and people.

The rapid development of the energy system sometimes poses such tasks that only professionals in their field can solve. The task of the electric power industry is to provide electricity to the entire population of the country. This requires the installation of metal structures of power transmission line supports in hard-to-reach places, their manufacture taking into account all external loads. It is also necessary to replace worn-out objects throughout the country, which in turn requires the manufacture of metal structures for power transmission towers.

Production of metal structures for power lines

The company "Metal structures MSK" is engaged in the production of metal structures for power lines. The designs for power transmissions produced by us fully comply with all regulatory documents. For the manufacture of metal structures for power lines, only high-quality carbon steel is used, which does not contain alloying elements. Also, the entire structure is treated with anti-corrosion agents, which ensures the durability of objects. Elements of metal structures for power transmission lines are connected by welds, which undergo a thorough quality check.

Our company carries out the production of metal structures for power lines at the very modern equipment and only from high-quality materials at reasonable prices. Thanks to our own production, we guarantee the best value for money. Turning to us, you get unique quality metal structures for power lines, which will last for decades.

Dek Stroy LLC manufactures metal structures for power lines of all types.

We offer the production of both standard products presented in the catalog and individual samples in accordance with individual orders.

Our production is based on the use of advanced metalworking technologies (laser cutting, welding, bending), the use of high-quality carbon steel, and environmentally friendly methods of applying protective coatings. The fleet of modern professional equipment and the high experience of the company's specialists guarantee the production of high quality products.

The company's products are sold at competitive prices. All metal structures for power transmission lines meet the requirements of regulatory and regulatory documents in the field of power supply to consumers.

When installing an overhead power line, there are cases of its intersection with another line, as with insulated wires, and with non-insulated, as well as other engineering structures.

Traverses low-voltage voltage transformers are used in overhead power lines with a rated voltage of 0.4 kV for the safe fastening of wires on power transmission line supports. For the manufacture of low-voltage traverses, carbon steel without alloying additives is used.

Traverses high-voltage TM are designed for fastening wires on supports high voltage lines power lines. The design of high-voltage traverses provides protection against currents short circuit.

Fastening elements overhead lines power lines with voltage up to 10 kV (wires, insulators and insulating suspensions) to the supports are carried out using headbands and overlays.

Brackets are designed for installation of various elements of power transmission lines. The category of brackets includes many different designs with their own purpose.

Pin insulators are attached to the traverses of the supports using special pins. There are three types of pins: Ш, ШУ, ШВ. The required type is selected based on the cross-section and brand of wires, mechanical loads and the design of the support.

Fastening and installation of various metal structures to power transmission line supports is carried out using special devices - clamps of the X series.

Guys OT perform the function of leveling the racks of power lines ensuring the stability of the power transmission line.

Mounting units U are used for attaching the strut when installing supports for overhead power lines of 0.4 kV and 10 kV.

Ensuring the reliability and safety of operation of power transmission lines is carried out by organizing the grounding of metal structures using grounding conductors.

Screeds G, ST, X are an element of the metal structures of power lines used for installation on anchor plates of anchor-angle supports.

The purpose of the RA drive shaft is to connect a manual drive of types PR, PRN, PRz, PRNz to linear disconnectors with voltage from 6 kV to 10 kV of types RD (Z) -10/400 (630) U1, RLND (z) -10/400 U1.