Stepashin Sergey Vadimovich new position. Sergey stepashin

Sergei Stepashin was born on March 2, 1952 in the city of Port Arthur. Grew up in the family of an officer. In 1973 he graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Leningrad. In 1981 - the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin.

Then from 1983 to 1986 he studied at the graduate school of V.I. Lenin Military Academy. Candidate historical sciences dated 1986 on the topic of the dissertation "Party leadership of the firefighting formations of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War". Doctor of Law from 1994 on the topic of the dissertation "Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation."

After graduating from the Leningrad VPU, he served in 1973-1976 in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1980 to 1992 he taught at the Leningrad, now St. Petersburg Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He took part in the actions of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Fergana in 1989, where, in his own words, "participated in maintaining order."

In December 1989, the staff of the Leningrad Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was nominated as a candidate for people's deputies of the RSFSR. In the electoral struggle, he relied on the support of the school staff and opposed Anatoly Kurkov, head of the KGB Department of the Leningrad Region, who was supported by party and state bodies.

In March 1990, he was elected a people's deputy of the RSFSR for 112 Krasnoselsky territorial constituency of Leningrad. At the 1st Congress in June 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and headed the subcommittee of the Supreme Council Committee on Affairs of the Disabled, Veterans of War and Labor, Social Protection of Military Personnel and Members of Their Families.

He was a member of the CPSU until August 19, 1991. From February 1991 to September 1993 he was Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, then - Russian Federation for defense and security.

At the II Congress people's deputies in December 1990, together with Dmitry Volkogonov and Sergei Shakhrai, he became one of the organizers of the Yeltsinist moderate-democratic Left Center faction. Since December 1992 - "Left Center - Cooperation", which at that time united about 1/8 of the entire deputy composition. He was co-chairman and coordinator of the faction.

During the attempted coup d'état in August 1991, the GKChP was in the "White House", taking part in the resistance to the coup. Later he said that at that time he had a sprained ligament, and he went out to " to the White House"on crutches. Immediately after the failure of the coup attempt, he headed the State Commission for Investigating the Activities of the KGB, created by order of Mikhail Gorbachev, the "Stepashin Commission." The result of the work of this commission was an unpublished report in several volumes.

Stepashin stated, nevertheless, that the leadership of the KGB played one of the key roles in the preparation and conduct of the August events, which had been going on at least since the autumn of 1990. The commission refrained from publishing the materials, according to Stepashin, at the request of Prosecutor General Valentin Stepankov.

In December 1991, he was appointed head of the department of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, which at the beginning of January 1992 was renamed the Federal Security Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and on January 24, 1992 - the Ministry of Security of Russia. At the same time, he was Deputy Minister of Security Viktor Barannikov. During the period of Stepashin's work in the Leningrad security agencies, several cases related to major economic crimes were solved.

In April 1992, he resigned from the post of chairman of the committee of the Supreme Council, remaining deputy minister of security. He took an active part in the creation of Russian security agencies and the transfer of the territorial structures of the KGB from the union to Russian subordination.

In December 1992, at the VII Congress of People's Deputies, he presented a draft resolution on the situation in the Armed Forces and on the military policy of the Russian government. In his speech, he stated that the Armed Forces exist according to their own laws, and the principle of unity of command in them must be inviolable.

In the spring of 1993, he was one of 8 members of the Supreme Council who announced their condemnation of Ruslan Khasbulatov for not taking into account the results of the referendum, which indicated voters' support for President Yeltsin in his conflict with parliament.

In November 1993, he was nominated in St. Petersburg as a candidate for the State Duma in the Western constituency No. 206, but withdrew his candidacy.

After the liquidation of the MGB and the creation in December 1993 of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), he remained Nikolai Golushko's deputy. Three months later, on March 3, 1994, he took his place, after N. Golushko refused to prevent the release of the amnestied Seres of the October rebellion from Lefortovo. And on November 30, 1994, he was included in the Leadership Group for the disarmament of gangs in Chechnya. From December 1994 to January 1995, from the headquarters in Mozdok, he directly supervised the activities of counterintelligence in Chechnya.

On November 10, 1995, he was appointed head of the administrative department to the Government apparatus. Supervised power structures.

In 1996 - executive secretary of the State Commission for the settlement of the crisis in Chechnya.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Since July 25, 1996 he was appointed a member of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation. Since January 21, 1997 - a member of the working group to resolve disagreements that arose during the development of basic documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On February 22, 1997, he entered the Federal Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure control over the management and privatization of facilities, enterprises and organizations of the defense complex

Since March 1997, he has been a member of the federal commission on problems of Chechnya. And on July 2, 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, on July 21, 1997 he was appointed a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997, he was introduced to the State Commission for the Protection of Investors' Rights in the Financial and Stock Markets of Russia. August 1, 1997 was included in the Scientific Council of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In the period from October 28, 1997 to July 1998, he was the coordinator of the Commission under the President on countering political extremism. On March 6, 1998, he became a member of the Government Commission for the Implementation of the Concept of State National Policy.

In the reorganized Government of the Russian Federation, headed by Sergei Kiriyenko, he was appointed Minister of the Interior on April 28, 1998. Since May 1998 - Member of the State Commission for Military Development. And on May 15, 1998, he headed the Government Commission for Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Soon May 25, 1998 was included in the Council for Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation.

In 1998, on August 23, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the government of Sergei Kiriyenko was dismissed. Before the appointment of the new Government, he was acting. minister.

Already on September 11, 1998, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was again appointed Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation in the office of Yevgeny Primakov. He was included in the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since November 1998 - Member of the Council for Local Self-Government under the President of the Russian Federation. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on November 18, 1998, he was included in the new membership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Appointed on April 27, 1999, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, retaining the position of Minister of the Interior. Soon, on May 12, 1999, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Acting Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation instead of the dismissed E. Primakov. On the same day, President Yeltsin submitted Stepashin's candidacy for approval to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And on May 19, 1999, he was approved by the State Duma of the Russian Federation as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the same day, by Presidential Decree, he was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On June 14, 1999, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and on August 9, 1999, Stepashin's cabinet was dismissed.

On January 26, 2000, he was appointed a member of the State Duma Security Committee, and on February 23, 2000, he was elected chairman of the Standing Commission of the State Duma on Combating Corruption.

He was elected president of the Russian Book Union - non-profit organization April 23, 2001, which included the largest publishing houses, distributors, as well as printing and paper industries.

In 2005, on January 27, Stepashin's candidacy was submitted to the State Duma for approval for the post of chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, and on February 4, 2005, the State Duma was approved in the position.

Associate Professor, Colonel General. State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Witte medal "For thoughts and deeds". owns English language. Hobbies - books, sports, theater.

Wife Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina, a bank employee, works in the Moscow office of the Industrial Construction Bank. In July 1999, she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank. Son Vladimir, graduated from the Financial and Economic Institute in St. Petersburg.

, Political figure


Born in the family of an officer of the Soviet Navy.


  • Higher Political School of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. 60th anniversary of the Komsomol (Leningrad, 1973)
  • Military-Political Academy named after V. I. Lenin (1981)
  • Postgraduate Military-Political Academy. V. I. Lenin (1986)
  • Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (2002)


  • In 1973-1981. served in internal troops MIA.
  • In 1981-1990. He taught at the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences on the topic "Party leadership of the fire-fighting formations of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War".
  • In 1987, he took the post of Deputy Head of the Department of the History of the CPSU at the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
  • In 1987-1990. repeatedly visited "hot spots" - Baku, Ferghana, Nagorno-Karabakh, Sukhumi.
  • 1990-1993 - people's deputy of the RSFSR, in June 1990 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and headed the subcommittee of the Supreme Council Committee on the Affairs of the Disabled, Veterans of War and Labor, Social Protection of Military Personnel and Members of Their Families. Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Supreme Council of Russia, Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Russia (1991-1993).
  • Chairman of the State Commission for the Investigation of the KGB during the State Emergency Committee, created by a joint Decree of the Presidents of the USSR and the RSFSR in early September 1991.
  • From November 1991 to January 1992 - Deputy CEO Federal Security Agency of the RSFSR - head of the AFB department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
  • On December 12, 1991, being a member of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, he voted for the ratification of the Belovezhskaya agreement on the termination of the existence of the USSR.
  • From January to October 1992 - Deputy Minister of Security of Russia - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (was relieved of this position on the recommendation of the Supreme Council).
  • In September 1993, during the conflict between the Supreme Council and the President, he participated in negotiations on the "zero option" of resolving the conflict on the side of the President and the government.
  • From September to December 1993 - First Deputy Minister of Security of Russia.
  • From December 1993 to March 1994 - First Deputy Director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service.
  • From March 3, 1994 to June 30, 1995 - Director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (since April 1995 called the Federal Security Service) of Russia. By decree of the President of Russia, he was relieved of his post at his own request. He retired after the terrorist attack in Budyonnovsk.
  • Defended his doctoral thesis "Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation"
  • On November 10, 1995, he was appointed head of the administrative department of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • 1996-1998 - Member of the Russian Defense Council.
  • From July 1997 to March 1998 - Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • On April 28, 1998, he was appointed Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation.
  • On April 27, 1999, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, retaining the post of Minister of the Interior.
  • May 12, 1999 appointed and. O. Chairman of the Government of Russia.
  • From May 19 to August 9, 1999 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The government formed by Stepashin remained without personnel changes under the next chairman V. V. Putin and a significant part of the chairmanship of M. M. Kasyanov.

  • On December 19, 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the 209th Northern district of St. Petersburg from the Yabloko electoral association.
  • Since January 26, 2000 - member of the State Duma Committee on Security, member of the YABLOKO faction.
  • On February 23, 2000, he was elected Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the State Duma for Combating Corruption.
  • The powers of a deputy of the State Duma in connection with the appointment to the post of chairman of the Accounts Chamber were prematurely terminated on April 26, 2000.
  • From April 19, 2000 to September 20, 2013 - Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
  • Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in 1994-1995, 1997-1998. In 1999 - Permanent member of the Security Council of Russia.

In May 2008, Stepashin ran as a Corresponding Member of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The elections were accompanied by a loud scandal: in addition to Stepashin, the list of applicants included more than a dozen officials and businessmen, such as Andrei Belousov, Garegin Tosunyan and others. Academicians felt that the high proportion of VIPs discredited them, and rejected applicants already at the stage of scientific sections.


  • Wife - Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. She owned a stake in the Industrial Construction Bank with an estimated value of $ 30 million. In 2005, the stake was sold to the state bank VTB simultaneously with the appointment of Tamara Stepashina as its senior vice president.
  • Son - Vladimir Sergeevich Stepashin, studied at the Law Academy.
  • Granddaughter

Social activity

  • President of the Russian Book Union
  • Chairman of the Association of Control and Accounting Bodies of Russia.
  • Chairman of the Russian Bar Association
  • President of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (2002-2005)
  • Chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society (IOPS) since 2007
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the football club "Dynamo"
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the All-Russian Scientific Journal "Questions of Jurisprudence"
  • Since April 2006 - member, since May 2008 - chairman of the editorial board of the socio-political journal "Union State".


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (March 2, 2007) - for a great contribution to the strengthening and development of state financial control and many years of conscientious work
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (March 2, 2002) - for great merits in strengthening the Russian statehood and many years of conscientious service
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (February 28, 2012) - for services to the state and fruitful social activities
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014)
  • Order of Courage (December 28, 1998) - for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of law and order, courage and selflessness shown at the same time
  • Medal "For excellent service in the protection of public order"
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st and 2nd class
  • Commander of the Legion of Honor (France)
  • Commander 1st Class of the Order of the Polar Star (Sweden)
  • Order of Diplomatic Merit (Republic of Korea, 2004)
  • Order of Merit II class. (Ukraine, March 2, 2012) - for a significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian-Russian interstate relations.
  • Order of the Star of Jerusalem (Palestinian National Authority, 2014).
  • Order of Glory and Honor I degree (ROC, 2012) - in attention to the works for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the birth
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, I degree (ROC, 2009) - in attention to the works on the restoration of the Volsky Cathedral
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree (ROC, 2006) - for his contribution to the restoration of the Transfiguration Monastery in Murom
  • Order of the Commonwealth (CIS Interparliamentary Assembly)
  • Medals
  • Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (October 2, 2006) - for a great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the system of state financial control, increasing the efficiency of the use of federal budget funds
  • Badge of honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development of parliamentarism" (2006)
  • Honorary citizen of Murom (2006)
  • Badge of honorary citizen of the Palestinian national autonomy (January 2012) - for a great contribution to the development and strengthening of Russian-Palestinian relations
  • Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (October 25, 2011)
  • Imperial Military Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1st class (Russian Imperial House, July 15, 2002) .
  • Imperial Order of St. Anna, 1st class (Russian Imperial House, June 4, 2012) - for great merits in strengthening the Russian statehood, in consideration of the works for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church, in commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.
  • National Award "Best Books and Publishing Houses of the Year - 2013" (2014; for the development of book publishing)

Ranks and ranks

In the city of Port Arthur (China).

In 1973 he graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1981 he graduated from the Military-Political Academy, in 2002 - from the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

From 1973 to 1990 he served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1991-1992 - Deputy General Director - Head of the Office of the RSFSR AFB for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

In 1992-1993 - Deputy Minister - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

From 1990 to 1993 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation on Defense and Security.

In 1993 - First Deputy Minister of Security of the Russian Federation.

In 1993-1994 - First Deputy Director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

In 1994-1995, Sergei Stepashin was the director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation, then the Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

From 1995 to 1997, he headed the administrative department of the Russian government apparatus.

From July 1997 to April 1998 - Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.

In April 1998, Stepashin took over as Minister of the Interior. In April 1999, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government while retaining the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in May 1999 he was appointed acting. prime minister.

On May 19, 1999, Sergei Stepashin's candidacy for the post of head of government was approved by the State Duma from the first presentation.

On August 9, 1999, Stepashin was relieved of his post as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.
After being elected to the State Duma in December 1999, he headed the Anti-Corruption Commission.

On April 19, 2000, Sergei Stepashin was appointed by the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the post of Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. He was again appointed to this post on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation in 2005 and 2011. From 2002-2005, he served as President of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI).

On September 20, 2013, by a resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he was relieved of the post of Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

January 9, 2014 it became known that Sergei Stepashin of the state corporation - the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services.

Sergei Stepashin - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Law, Professor. Speaks English.

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Military rank - Colonel General.

Stepashin is the President of the Russian Book Union, heads the Board of Trustees of the Et Cetera Theatre, and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dynamo Society.

He was awarded the Orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" II (2007), III (2002) and IV degrees (2012), the Order of Courage, medals "For Distinction in Military Service" I and II degrees, "For Excellent Service in the Protection of Public Order", Order of "Glory and Honor" I degree, Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov I and II degree. Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor (France), Commander 1st Class of the Order of the Polar Star (Sweden). Stepashin was also awarded the Mikhail Speransky Gold Medal, the Pyotr Stolypin II Degree Medal and other awards.

Russian statesman and public figure. Born in the family of a naval officer, mother is a psychiatrist. In 1973 he graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Leningrad; in 1981 - the Military-Political Academy named after Lenin; In 1983-1986 he studied at the graduate school of the VPA. Candidate of Historical Sciences. In 1980-1992 he taught at the Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Leningrad. In March 1990 he was elected a people's deputy of the RSFSR, then to the Supreme Soviet. During the August Putsch of 1991, he worked in the White House, taking an active part in resisting the coup. In December 1991 he was appointed head of the department of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, at the same time he was deputy minister of security. In April 1992, he resigned from the post of chairman of the committee of the Supreme Council, remaining deputy minister of security. He took an active part in the creation of Russian security agencies and the transfer of the territorial structures of the KGB from the union to Russian subordination. In September 1992, Stepashin, having left the Ministry of Security, returned to a permanent job in the Supreme Council. After the October events of 1993, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Security. In March 1994, he headed the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) (the former Ministry of Security). In June 1995, he was dismissed from the post of minister because of the attack by Sh. Basayev on a hospital in Budennovsk. In 1995-1997, in the government apparatus, he was the head of the administrative department (curator of law enforcement agencies). In July 1997 he was appointed Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, in April 1998 - Minister of the Interior. In April 1999, the President proposed Stepashin's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister instead of the retired E. M. Primakov. The State Duma approved him in this position from the first time. In August 1999 he was relieved of this post, in December 1999 he was elected to the State Duma. In the spring of 2000, he was appointed chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

STEPASHIN Sergei Vadimovich

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Colonel General. Born March 2, 1952 in Port Arthur in the family of a naval officer and a psychiatrist. Until the age of three he lived in China. In 1973 he graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Leningrad, in 1981 - the Military-Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin. From 1983 to 1986 he studied at the postgraduate course of the VPA. IN AND. Lenin. Assistant professor. Candidate of Historical Sciences (dissertation on the topic "Party leadership of the fire-fighting formations of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War", 1986). Doctor of Law, Professor. In 1973-1980 he served in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, from 1980 to 1992 he taught at the VPU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was a member of the CPSU until August 19, 1991. In March 1990 he was elected a people's deputy of the RSFSR in the Krasnoselsky territorial constituency No. 112. At the I Congress in June 1990 he was elected to the Supreme Soviet (SC) of the RSFSR. From February 1991 to September 1993 he was chairman of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet Committee for Defense and Security. At the II Congress of People's Deputies in December 1990, together with D. Volkogonov and S. Shakhrai, he became one of the organizers of the Left Center faction ”(from December 1992“ Left Center - Cooperation ”). In December 1991 he was appointed head of the department of the Ministry of Security and Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. (from January 1992 - the Federal Security Agency, from January 24, 1992 - the Ministry of Security of Russia) - Deputy Minister of Security. In September 1992, having left the Ministry of Security, he returned to a permanent job in the Armed Forces. September 22, 1993 resigned as Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee. On September 24, he was appointed 1st Deputy Minister of Security. After the liquidation of the Ministry of Security and the creation of the Federal Grid Company in December 1993, he remained deputy head. March 3, 1994 was appointed head of the FSK. On November 30, 1994, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Leadership Group for the disarmament of gangs in Chechnya. In December 1994 - January 1995, from the headquarters in Mozdok, he directly supervised the activities of counterintelligence in Chechnya. June 30, 1995 was fired in connection with the events in Budennovsk (hostage-taking by Chechen militants Sh. Basaev). In November 1995 he was appointed head of the administrative department of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of law enforcement agencies. July 2, 1997 was appointed Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and since October 1997 - Chairman of the Commission on Federal Constitutional Security. Since November 1997 - Member of the Commission for Combating Political Extremism of the Russian Federation. In 1997, he actively tried to initiate another reform of the special services in order to increase the powers of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. April 28, 1998 became Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation. In April 1999 he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister with the retention of the post of Minister of the Interior, from May to August 1999 - Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Since 1999 - Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee. In December 1999, he was elected to the State Duma for the Northern District (St. Petersburg), was nominated by the Yabloko association, joined the Yabloko faction and became a member of the Security Committee. April 19, 2000 was elected chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Colonel General. Speaks English. Married, has a son. Cit.: Constitutional audit. Moscow: Nauka, 2006; Security of man and society: (Political and legal issues). SPb., St. Petersburg. legal Institute, 1994; Security issues in the system of state and municipal government Russian Federation: Textbook for universities // S.V. Stepashin, V.L. Schultz, R.F. Idrisov. Kazan: Ideal-press, 2001. Lit.: Russia-2000: Modern political history (1985-1999). T. 2. Faces of Russia. M., 2000; Federal and regional elite of Russia: Who is Who in politics and economics: Annual biographical reference book M., 2001; Kolpakidi A.I., Seryakov M.L. Shield and Sword: Heads of Organs state security Muscovite Rus', Russian Empire, Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. SPb., M., 2002.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

STEPASHIN Sergei Vadimovich

(b. 03/02/1952)

V. V. Putin's predecessor as chairman

Government of the Russian Federation from 19.05.1999 to 09.08.1999

Born in Port Arthur (China) in the family of a naval

officer. Educated at the Leningrad Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

USSR them. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol in the specialty "officer-political worker"

(1973) and at the Military-Political Academy. V. I. Lenin By

specialty "pedagogy" (1981), in the graduate school of this academy. Candidate

of historical sciences, doctor of jurisprudence. Topic of Ph.D. thesis

(1986): "Party leadership of the firefighting formations of Leningrad in

years of the Great Patriotic War. In 1973–1983 served in internal

troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he went from deputy company commander for political affairs to

assistant chief of the political department of special units for Komsomol work. WITH

1983 teacher, in 1987-1990. deputy head of department

history of the CPSU of the Leningrad Higher Military-Political School

internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1990–1993 People's Deputy of the RSFSR, member

Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Committee on Defense and

security. In post-Soviet times, Deputy General Director

Federal Security Agency of the RSFSR - Head of the AFB Directorate for St. Petersburg

and the Leningrad region; deputy, then first deputy minister

security of the Russian Federation; First Deputy Director, Director of the Federal Service

counterintelligence and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation; head of administrative

department of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation; Minister of Justice and Minister of the Interior

affairs of the Russian Federation. According to V. V. Putin, who worked in 1991 in the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg, A. A. Sobchak very much supported the appointment of S. V. Stepashin to the post

head of the Leningrad Department of the Federal Grid Company: “I remember Sobchak told me after

putsch, that we have FSK headed by a democrat. I didn't like it at all. Although to

Sobchak himself I treated with sympathy. But then… Some kind of policeman…

We in the Cheka have always been disliked by policemen. Besides, a person never

associated with the security forces. No, of course, to be honest, I don't

jarring that he was a representative of the democratic wave. I myself was already from this

environment. But it became worrying. Remember the situation in which the organs found themselves then

security? On this wave, I wanted to crush, break, tear, offered

open lists of agents, declassify cases. And Stepashin behaved completely

suddenly. In fact, he covered the secret services with his democratic authority

Leningrad. From the very beginning he firmly said: “If you trust me, then

trust. What will be possible, we will publish, but nothing that is harmful

the state, we won't do it." We must give him credit, he was able to establish business

relationships with operational and management staff. They believed him, it's true" ( From

first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin. M., 2000. S. 129). V.V.

After that, Putin met with him in Moscow, although, according to the future

President, they did not have close, friendly relations. But remember, after

resignation from the Federal Grid Company, he worked in the government apparatus? I was already in

administration of the President. And when the question of who would become a minister was being decided

Justice, I suggested Stepashin. Before that, I went to him and asked: “Sergey, are you

Want? I don’t know what will happen, but I am ready to support you.” He replied that

wants, because he is tired of carrying papers ”( Ibid). S. V. Stepashin about

In this episode, he recalls: “I was going on vacation, well-deserved, normal. Not

there was a war, it was 1997. Unexpectedly, I received a call from Vladimir Putin, the head of

Control Department of the Presidential Administration (with him I was very good

familiar from Leningrad, we had friendly relations) - and said:

"Sergey, we need to meet." We agreed to meet outside the White House. He

drove up, and we walked a little in the park. The visit was not unexpected, but the reason

arrival was strange. He says: "Here, Kovalev is gone, why don't you

not to become the Minister of Justice? You are a doctor of jurisprudence, you have a lot of experience.” I

was discouraged, though flattered. I say: "A somewhat unexpected proposal,

albeit interesting. But how will the president look at it?' 'If you don't mind

fundamentally, then I’ll talk over,” he finished the conversation. All over

Apparently, he already had a conversation with Yeltsin» ( Mikhailov A. Sergei Stepashin. Portrait of the minister in the context of troubled times. M., 2001. S.

306–307). 04/02/1999 together with V. V. Putin as co-chairs

the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council set up two weeks earlier,

tasked with verifying "the veracity of information about misdemeanours,

discrediting the honor and dignity of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation”, confirmed the authenticity

video footage of Yu. I. Skuratova in the company of two prostitutes.

The journalists who came to the press conference wrote that S. V. Stepashin

was suppressed, and V. V. Putin was filled with self-confidence and even some

cheerful courage. When S. V. Stepashin became prime minister, V. V. Putin, according to him

words, rejoiced at it. According to some reports, at the same time it was discussed

B. V. Putin's candidacy for this post, but at that moment B. N. Yeltsin gave

preference for S. V. Stepashin, which he soon regretted. This manifested itself in the fact that

B. N. Yeltsin did not approve any of the candidates submitted by S. V. Stepashin

to ministerial positions in his government: after reviewing the list of members of the new

Cabinet of Ministers, the president casually returned it to the prime minister. Trying to smooth

made in conversation with G. N. SeleznevAksenenko- premier)

reservation during a conversation with S. V. Stepashin and N. E. Aksenenko, B. N. Yeltsin

he made a reservation again: “Don't worry, Nikolai. Today he is the prime minister, and tomorrow you are.

Let's wait until autumn, we'll see." Later B. N. Yeltsin said that he chose

between S. V. Stepashin and V. V. Putin: “Minister of the Interior and Director

Federal Security Service. Both started in St. Petersburg, both worked with

Sobchak. Both are intelligent security officials. People of the new generation, young,

energetic, thoughtful. But what a huge difference in character! Stepashin too

soft, likes to pose a little, loves theatrical gestures. I'm not sure

that he will go to the end, if necessary, will be able to show that huge will,

tremendous determination, which is needed in the political struggle. Without these traits

I can’t imagine the character of the President of Russia. Putin, on the contrary, has the will and

there is determination. I know there is. But intuition tells: to withdraw Putin

it is still premature to enter the ring of political struggle. It should show up later.

When there is too little time for political dispersal, it is bad. When too

a lot - it could be even worse. Society must not during these "lazy" summer months

get used to Putin. His riddle must not disappear, the factor must not disappear

surprise, surprise. This is so important for elections. The expectation factor

associated with a new strong politician" ( Yeltsin B.N. Presidential

marathon. M., 2000. S. 311–312). B.N. Yeltsin admitted that the pause before V.V.

Putin had to be filled in by someone – “purely technically, as they say,

to divert eyes" ( Ibid. S. 312). And he filled her with "pretty,

decent” S. V. Stepashin. Although B. N. Yeltsin explained to him that the question of

future, the presidential election is still open, and he also has a chance to

to show, the feeling of uncertainty and imminent dismissal did not leave S.V.

Stepashin all 82 days - the period of his stay in the premier's chair.

09/05/1999 B.N. Yeltsin summoned him and the head of the administration A.

S. Voloshina: “Sergey Vadimovich, today I decided to send you to

resignation. I will propose Vladimir Vladimirovich to the Duma as Prime Minister.

In the meantime, I ask you to endorse the decree appointing Putin as First Deputy Prime Minister.” -

“Boris Nikolayevich,” Stepashin said with difficulty, “this is a decision...

premature. I think it's a mistake." - "Sergey Vadimovich, but

the president has already made a decision,” Voloshin said. - "Boris

Nikolaevich, I beg you very much ... to talk to me alone. I nodded and we

were left alone. And he began to speak ... He spoke for a long time. The keynote was

one thing: "I have always been with you and never betrayed you." Sergei Vadimovich recalled

events of 1991 and 1993, events in Budyonnovsk and

Krasnoarmeysk. He promised to correct all his mistakes, immediately start creating

new party. Realizing the futility of this conversation, I could not

interrupt Stepashin. Everything was right: faithful, honest. Never betrayed. AND

no reason to resign. Except for one, the most important: the wrong person - in

the current struggle needs another! But how do you explain it to him? Here I am

I felt like my patience was running out. "Okay, go, I'll think," -

I said as calmly as possible" ( The same. pp. 38–381).

08/09/1999 dismissed, as foreign observers wrote,

in the most humiliating way. As B. N. Yeltsin said, during the second

meeting, 08/09/1999, also refused to endorse the decree on his resignation and

appointment of VV Putin and. O. premiere. I did this after a lot of persuasion.

At a meeting of the government presidium, S. V. Stepashin said that in the morning he had

a meeting was held with President B. N. Yeltsin: “In the morning I was with the president, he

signed my resignation. Thanks for Good work» ( Work. 10.08.1999). Speaking of the appointed and. O. Prime Minister V.V. Putin, S.V.

Stepashin noted that he is “a decent, worthy person. I would like to wish

good luck to him, namely good luck, because he has the rest ”( Ibid). WITH.

V. Stepashin also said that his position on the resignation of the cabinet

ministers, he “frankly expressed” to the President of Russia: “This is his right: he

President, Supreme Commander. Emphasized that "was, is and will be

together with the President until the end. “I am sincerely grateful to this man,

as a boy, he introduced me to big politics" ( Ibid). B. V. Putin

later stated that he had nothing to do with the dismissal of S. V. Stepashin, and he

knows: “But it was still terribly awkward when, on the eve of Stepashin’s dismissal,

they called me and asked me to come to Yeltsin in Gorki in the morning. We were sitting on four

- Boris Nikolaevich, Stepashin, Aksenenko and me. To Sergei, the president announced his

retired. Represent my condition! I'm his friend. make excuses to me

like there is nothing in front of him. Well, say: “Sergei, you will be fired anyway.” Well,

it's impossible to say it out loud. The tongue does not turn. Of course it was very

unpleasant" ( From the first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin. M., 2000.

S. 130). When they left B. N. Yeltsin, they said goodbye, but did not talk. Later

came back to that morning: “I think there was resentment in him. Not to me, but there was resentment.

Time will pass, it will be forgotten. Outwardly, he did nothing for which it was possible

fire. But the president thought otherwise. He came, probably, not only from those

two or three months that Sergei was prime minister ... "( Ibid). One by one

from the versions, B. N. Yeltsin’s strong discontent caused an alarming development

situation in Dagestan, and even before S. V. Stepashin's departure for Makhachkala, he spoke about

that "the government missed this problem." Added fuel to the fire

the presidential administration, which saw a "dangerous discrepancy" between the interviews,

which was given in Makhachkala after the arrival of Prime Minister S. V. Stepashin and the head

General Staff A. V. Kvashnin. General Kvashnin said that the attacks on militants

will be applied, S. V. Stepashin evasively said that we must look for other

conflict resolution methods. Since December 1999, deputy of the State

Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation, elected according to the federal list of association

"Apple". In 2000, he resigned as a deputy in connection with the election

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Colonel General of the Internal Service

stock. All years of being the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

hatches plans to expand its powers. According to him, he sees the president

regularly, once every one and a half to two months, they have normal human

relationships: “There are people who are connected by something more than politics. AND,

Thank God we have it" TVNZ. 04/06/2004). IN

May 2006 withdrew his candidacy from the election as a Corresponding Member

RAS "in connection with the deployed in the means mass media campaign capable of

damage the prestige of the RAS. Awarded the Order of Courage, medals, French

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Stepashin, Sergei

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation since 2000. Previously - Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (May-August 1999), Minister of Internal Affairs (1998-1999), Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (1997-1998), Director of the FSB (1994-1995), Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1990-1993) years). Colonel General, State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia. Doctor of Law, Professor.

Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin was born on March 2, 1952 in Chinese city Lushun (in 1898-1905 - Port Arthur) in the family of a naval officer and a psychiatrist. Until the age of three he lived in China,,.

In 1973, Stepashin graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (HPU), in 1981 - from the Military-Political Academy (VPA). In 1983-86 he studied at the graduate school of the VPA (according to other sources, at the graduate school of the Leningrad State University). In 1986 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Topic of the dissertation: "Party leadership of the fire-fighting formations of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War",,.

In 1973-1990, Stepashin served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while in 1980-90 he taught at the VPU. In 1987-1990 he visited "hot spots" - Afghanistan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia. In 1987, he took the post of deputy head of the department of the history of the CPSU at the VPU,,,.

In March 1990, Stepashin was elected a people's deputy of the RSFSR from the Krasnoselsky territorial district of Leningrad. At the first Congress of People's Deputies in June 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. At the second congress in December 1990, together with General Dmitry Volkogonov and Sergei Shakhrai (later the direct author of the 1993 Russian constitution), he organized the Left Center faction. In February 1991, he headed the committee of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on defense and security, entered the presidium,,,.

In August 1991, Stepashin spoke out against an attempted coup d'état by the State Committee for the State of Emergency (GKChP), an organization made up of senior officials of the USSR dissatisfied with the reforms of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Immediately after the failure of the coup attempt, Stepashin headed a state commission to investigate the activities of the KGB and the State Emergency Committee, created by order of Gorbachev (the "Stepashin Commission"). The result of the work of this commission was a report in several volumes, which remained a secret for the general public,,,.

In December 1991, Stepashin was appointed head of the St. Petersburg Department of the Ministry of Security of Russia - Deputy Minister of Security. According to media reports, at that time Stepashin worked closely with the head of the St. Petersburg City Hall committee on foreign relations Vladimir Putin, who was elected president of the Russian Federation in 2000,,,.

In September 1992, Stepashin resigned from the Ministry of Security and returned to the Supreme Soviet, where he again headed the defense and security committee. During the conflict between the Supreme Council and the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin in the fall of 1993, Stepashin sided with the latter. On September 24, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Security, and in December 1993, after the reorganization of the Ministry of Security, he became First Deputy Director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) ,,,.

On March 3, 1994, Stepashin was appointed director of the FSK (since April 3, 1995 - the Federal Security Service, FSB). On November 30, 1994, Yeltsin was included in the leadership group for the disarmament of gangs in Chechnya. In 1994-95, from the headquarters in Mozdok, he directly supervised the activities of counterintelligence in Chechnya,,.

Stepashin headed the operational headquarters during the capture of hostages by Shamil Basayev's militants in the Stavropol city of Budennovsk in June 1995. During the operation, Basayev's brother Shirvani, who collaborated with federal forces, suggested that Stepashin take Basayev's family, including himself, hostage. At the same time, Shirvani noted that otherwise Basayev would not make concessions. Stepashin categorically refused this proposal. On June 30, due to the large number of dead and wounded during the terrorist act, Stepashin was dismissed from his post. At the same time, Minister of Defense Pavel Grachev, Minister of the Interior Viktor Yerin and Minister for Nationalities Nikolai Yegorov were dismissed.

Subsequently, observers noted that Stepashin's actions during the operation in Budyonnovsk were, on the whole, correct. They explained the failure of the FSB officers by the intervention of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Chernomyrdin, who promised Basayev free passage along with the hostages to Chechnya. However, Stepashin himself never relieved himself of responsibility for Budyonnovsk,,.

In November 1995, Stepashin was appointed head of the administrative department of the Russian government apparatus, which was in charge of law enforcement agencies. On July 2, 1997, he became the Minister of Justice and a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. According to media reports, in 1997 he actively tried to initiate another reform of law enforcement agencies in order to increase the powers of the department under his control,,,.

On April 28, 1998, Stepashin became Minister of the Interior. In April 1999, he was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister while retaining the post of Interior Minister, and in May, Chairman. In August 1999, he left the government, giving way to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin,,,. According to media reports, Stepashin was one of the candidates to succeed Yeltsin as president of the Russian Federation. Observers explained the replacement of Stepashin by Putin by the fact that he failed to develop a tough position in the negotiations when uniting the pro-Kremlin movement "All Russia" and "Fatherland", headed by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and also did not take a firm position in the conflict between the presidential administration and the NTV channel , . In the presidential administration itself, Stepashin's dismissal was motivated by his weakness as a politician and manager. Stepashin and Putin themselves called the reason for replacing the successor to accidental circumstances,,,.

In December 1999, Stepashin was elected to the State Duma for the Northern District of St. Petersburg. He was nominated to parliament by the Yabloko party. In the Duma, he became a member of the Yabloko faction, became a member of the security committee,,.

In 2000, Stepashin was appointed chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. In 2002-2005, he served as President of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) , , .

In the winter of 2003, Stepashin announced the intention of the Accounts Chamber to check the legality of the 1993-2003 privatization. According to him, the privatization of 145,000 enterprises gave the state only $9.7 billion in ten years. This statement caused a great resonance in society. A number of media and experts regarded it as the beginning of deprivatization. The publication of the audit report has been delayed several times. Initially, it was planned to be published in the spring of 2004, and then in the summer. And only in October 2004, the Board of the Accounts Chamber approved the report. According to the results of the audit of 140 largest privatized enterprises, the damage to the state was estimated at $45 billion. The main reason for the damage was called the many times lower price at which the enterprises were sold to private individuals. However, the publication of the report of the Accounts Chamber did not have any serious consequences,,,,.

In the spring of 2004, Stepashin accused Roman Abramovich, a major businessman, owner of the Sibneft oil company and governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, of using Chukotka's internal offshores to evade taxes. At the same time, Stepashin publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that in the summer of 2003 Abramovich bought the London Chelsea football club. As a result, by the beginning of 2005, Sibneft had reimbursed the state for $300 million. And although there were no other sanctions against Abramovich, a number of analysts believed that pressure from Stepashin and the Accounts Chamber partly contributed to the fact that in September 2005 Abramovich sold Sibneft to the Gazprom gas concern,,,.

On June 7, 2006, Stepashin exposed corrupt officials within the ranks of the Accounts Chamber itself, naming several of its employees who helped Levon Chakhmakhchyan, a member of the Federation Council, extort a large bribe from the management of the Transaero airline. The persons suspected of corruption were the auditor Vladimir Panskov, the head of the chamber's inspection Vladimir Fedotkin, his deputy Elena Lebedeva and the chief inspector Vladimir Filippov. Stepashin ordered an internal audit of these employees and removed them from their positions,,.

In March 2007, the State Duma approved and adopted a presidential law on changing the procedure for appointing joint venture auditors. According to the document, both houses of parliament will have to approve candidates only on the proposal of the head of state (previously, the parliament did this on its own). According to some reports, Stepashin himself has long advocated the idea of ​​appointing auditors from the president. The main goal of the new bill was called the exclusion of "the possibility of undesirable outside influence on the selection of candidates for the positions of auditors of the Accounts Chamber" - a source of Nezavisimaya Gazeta in the Kremlin administration noted that "some auditors appointed in the Duma or the Federation Council through inter-party bargaining, steeply mixed with big money, it is very difficult to remove them from their places." Auditor of the Accounts Chamber Valery Goreglyad positively assessed the bill, stressing that "the new appointment procedure will increase the authority and status of auditors" and "will help not only to weed out insufficiently professional and biased candidates, but also to optimize the very procedure for electing auditors." Along with this, other assessments were made: for example, Victor Ilyukhin, deputy chairman of the Duma security committee from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, said that "the Duma is now finally and irrevocably turning into a branch of the presidential administration."

In September 2007, the Accounts Chamber became involved in two corruption scandals. So, on September 6 (about other sources - September 11), Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Yury Gaidukov, seconded to the ward from the Ministry of Defense, was detained. He headed a group of auditors who audited the defense enterprise NPO Energomash named after Academician V.P. Glushko (this enterprise is the world's leading developer and manufacturer of liquid rocket engines) and, according to the investigation, extorted a bribe in the amount of seven million euros. On the same day, lawyer Nikolay Serykh was detained with one million euros in cash, and a little later, businessman Alan Gogichev, who allegedly had to transfer this money to Gaidukov. Lawyers for the detainees argued that the corruption case was fabricated by Energomash itself in order to hide the violations discovered by the auditors. According to them, the mentioned million (the whole amount was collected in specially marked bills) was a fee that the company paid to Gray for legal advice. On September 27, in the case of Gaidukov, the head of the Legal Department of the Accounts Chamber, Zarina Farnieva,,,, was also detained.

Stepashin first made it clear that Gaidukov was exposed at the suggestion of the Accounts Chamber itself. It was reported, in particular, that Gaidukov was dismissed from his post by order of the chairman of the joint venture. But a couple of days later, the head of the joint venture stated that violations had indeed been revealed at NPO Energomash, due to which the state had lost several hundred billion dollars. He told journalists that NGO representatives tried to convince both him and Gaidukov that the auditors should not check Energomash too meticulously - and that Gaidukov even told the management of the joint venture that he was being offered a bribe. Stepashin also explained that in addition to the representative of the Ministry of Defense Gaidukov, representatives of the FSB were seconded to the group of auditors, and that Gaidukov knew about this - and expressed surprise at the fact that, given all the circumstances, Gaidukov allegedly decided to take the money. Energomash itself then began to assert that bribes - even specially marked banknotes - were not given to anyone,,,.

On September 27, it also became known that on suspicion of taking a bribe, the head of one of the inspections of the Accounts Chamber Sergey Klimantov was detained. According to the Information Department of the chamber itself, Klimantov was caught red-handed by FSB officers at the time of receiving 120 thousand dollars from a representative of one of the Moscow firms "for the exclusion of violations of the current legislation from the audit materials of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation." Together with him, the deputy head of the administration of Vladivostok, the head of the representative office of Vladivostok in Moscow, Sergei Dubovitsky, was detained (in the mayor's office of Vladivostok, journalists were told that Dubovitsky did not work there, but the newspapers claimed that he would have been fired only after it became known about his arrest). The media did not rule out that these scandals could be used by Stepashin's own political opponents. In particular, the Vremya Novostey newspaper emphasized that two of the detainees, Farnieva and Gaidukov, had been working with Stepashin for a long time, ever since he headed the Ministry of Justice (that is, since 1997-1998), and after his transfer to the Accounts Chamber, both followed him. Dubovitsky once also participated in the checks carried out by the joint venture,,.

On September 28 of the same year, Stepashin again stated that the recent arrests were the result of the joint work of law enforcement agencies and the security service of the Accounts Chamber itself. He even said that the chamber itself initiated cases of bribes and promised that the fight against crooks and bribe-takers would continue - through the efforts of the FSB, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the security service of the Accounts Chamber itself,.

In November 2007, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation chose new key areas of its activity. These included monitoring the spending of funds by state corporations and preparing for the Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

In 2008, Stepashin was among the candidates for the title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but was not elected. Two years earlier, in 2006, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber also claimed this title, and even passed the vote, but eventually withdrew his candidacy, as he considered that a large number of representatives of government and business among the candidates "could damage the prestige of the Russian Academy of Sciences" .

On November 30, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Russian Lawyers' Association (ARA), of which Stepashin was co-chairman, and Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev to make proposals for the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On December 25, Medvedev issued a decree reducing the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 20 percent and transferring it to federal funding. On January 22, 2010, at a meeting of the AJUR, Stepashin announced those measures to reform the ministry that he would propose to Medvedev. Among them was the division of the ministry into the federal police, the militia and the national guard. He also suggested creating a single investigative body and dividing the traffic police into a traffic police and a traffic safety service.

In November 2010, Medvedev submitted Stepashin's candidacy to the State Duma for his appointment as chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation for a third term.

According to Stepashin's income and property report for 2009, his earnings during this time amounted to about 2.5 million rubles, and he owned an apartment with an area of ​​209.6 square meters while his wife still owned land plot, a residential building, two apartments, a garage place, as well as a Mercedes-Benz car.

In April 2012, Stepashin filed a lawsuit against LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky, demanding ten million rubles in compensation for discrediting his honor and dignity of statements made by the deputy during a meeting with students of the Shchukin Theater Institute. Zhirinovsky suggested that the students put on a modern version of Gogol's play ("it's not the auditor who arrives, but the auditor of the Accounts Chamber. Stepashin has arrived ... Fat, fat, takes bribes"); this fragment of the meeting on February 20, 2012 was broadcast on the air of the Russia 1 channel,.

Stepashin has military rank Colonel-General and class rank of State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor. In 1994, Stepashin defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation." He has a number of publications on security and public administration, .

Stepashin was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree, the Order of Courage, medals "For Distinction in Military Service" I and II degrees, "For Excellent Service in the Protection of Public Order" [