What can be cooked from turkey meat. What simple and delicious dishes can be prepared from turkey

Turkey, without which not a single Christmas table and Thanksgiving is complete in America, is becoming popular with us, but not all housewives know how to cook this meat so that it turns out tasty, soft and juicy. Since this product is considered light, low-calorie and hypoallergenic, it should definitely be included in the diet, especially when it comes to baby and medical nutrition. The fact is that turkey contains the least cholesterol compared to other types of animal products, and from one serving of poultry you can get 60% of the daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Although turkey meat is not the easiest to prepare, there are a few tricks that will help turn it into a favorite dish on the home menu.

Choosing a good turkey

If you are going at home and hoping to get a delicious dish, you should choose only fresh young meat. good quality. Make sure that the skin of the bird is light and smooth (not slippery), and the meat is dense and elastic.

The belly of a fresh turkey is usually moist and shiny, the carcass and scallop are light pink, the legs are smooth and gray, and the eyes are bulging and transparent, without cloudy spots. The tastiest meat is from a turkey, which is 16 weeks old and weighs 5–10 kg. You should not chase large carcasses weighing 35 kg - as a rule, these are “older” birds, the meat of which remains tough and dry even after several hours of cooking.

Ways to cook a turkey

Stew in pieces, boil, fry in a pan, bake in the oven, on a spit, in foil - stuffed or without stuffing. You can cook minced meat for cutlets, pies, meatballs or make pate, boiled pork, roll, schnitzels, goulash, stew and azu.

Fruits, mushrooms, chestnuts, liver, dried fruits, nuts, rice, potatoes and other vegetables are popular as fillings for turkey. The turkey is very tasty in fruit glaze or with various sauces, often this bird is stewed in wine or champagne.

Turkey has one unusual feature- the white flesh of a bird easily “adjusts” to the taste of other types of meat, and if you mix a turkey with chicken, beef or pork, it will be difficult to guess that there is a turkey in the dish.

Turkey Cooking Secrets

  • Buy a turkey no earlier than two days before cooking - at the same time, the carcass of a fresh bird should be thoroughly washed under water, wiped dry inside and out, covered with foil and refrigerated. A frozen turkey needs to be thawed slowly - either indoors or cold water which needs to be changed periodically. Remember that a bird weighing 9 kg can be thawed for two days.
  • Never cook a cold turkey, as only meat at room temperature will be tender and juicy. Take the bird out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking.
  • Before roasting, it is better to pre-marinate the turkey so that it turns out to be more tender and tasty. Water, wine, champagne, cognac with sugar, honey, spices, herbs, lemon and garlic are used as marinade. The turkey should be in the marinade for up to three days.
  • Instead of marinating, you can rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of garlic, salt, olive oil and rosemary, leaving it for several hours to soak.
  • Stuff the turkey with stuffing (not too tight) and sew up the opening.
  • How to cook a turkey in the oven so that the meat is juicy? Place the bird breast down on a baking sheet, in a sleeve or in foil, set the temperature to 170-190 degrees and bake, pouring the resulting juice on the carcass.
  • The roasting time is calculated by the weight of the meat (including the filling) - add 18 minutes for every 450 grams.

Roasted turkey was a favorite dish of the Indian tribes, which is why, in fact, it got its name. Learning how to properly cook a turkey is easy if you practice more often. In addition, this bird is combined with all products, is highly nutritious and inexpensive. And most importantly, it is quite possible to feed 10-15 people with it, which means you don’t have to worry about the festive menu. However, it is not necessary to wait until Christmas to enjoy delicious meat - cook it at least every week, try different recipes, toppings, sauces and turn on your own imagination!

Turkey meat is known to have a low fat content and a special red tint. A huge amount of dishes can be prepared from such a product, as it is fried, boiled, stewed, smoked. Even from the meat of this bird, excellent canned food, pastes, minced meat, sausages and much more are obtained. The turkey breast has a lighter shade; it is not uncommon that this part is called “white meat”, which is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Not infrequently, many housewives prepare this bird for festive table or just want to pamper their loved ones with a variety of masterpieces. But not everyone knows how to cook a turkey so that it is soft and juicy. In order for the dishes to be tasty and enjoyable, it is necessary to follow some cooking technology.

Juicy turkey breast

To prepare this dish, you need to prepare:

- 0.5 kg of poultry fillet;
- 0.2 kg of fresh mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms);
- a tablespoon of butter;
- a couple of cloves of garlic;
- several heads of onions;
- 2 tbsp. l. potato starch;
- 0.5 cups of cream 35%;
- breadcrumbs and flour (for breading portioned pieces);
- salt, spices, herbs.


The turkey is cut into identical slices and lightly beaten with a hammer. Then salted, sprinkled with spices and left for a while, so that the meat is nourished. Then it is breaded in flour mixed with breadcrumbs and quickly fried in a hot frying pan until half cooked. Do it quickly so that the meat retains juiciness.

After the meat is fried, it is put into a deep pan. Next, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, cut the onion and mushrooms into cubes, and slice the garlic and fry the vegetables in butter until golden brown. Then carefully add the starch diluted in cold water. Add cream and bring to taste.

Pour the semi-finished turkey with the finished sauce and put in the oven for half an hour. Then check the meat for readiness. If the dish is ready, then it is served hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

To prepare this dish you will need:

- turkey;
- fresh tomato;
- fresh cucumber;
- lemon;
- greens;
- salt, spices.


Squeeze juice from lemon. Cut the turkey into portions and rub with juice, salt and spices. Leave for half an hour so that the pieces are saturated with marinade. After that, each piece of turkey is wrapped in foil and placed on a deep baking sheet, a little water is added and put in the oven for an hour. After that, the meat is checked for readiness, the foil is removed, the pieces are laid out on lettuce leaves. Decorate with slices of fresh tomato and cucumber and serve.

Sleeve cooked turkey

To prepare this dish you will need:

- turkey;
- onion;
- garlic;
- potato;
- spices, salt, honey;
- sleeve.


Chop the turkey into portions and rub with spices, salt, garlic and honey. All spices can be mixed into a homogeneous mass, it is easier to rub. Then cut the potatoes into circles, salt and put them together with the meat in a sleeve and bake until tender. Garnish with parsley sprigs before serving.

Turkey with cheese in pans

For cooking, you need to prepare:

- turkey;
- sour cream;
- cheese;
- green pea canned;
- green onion;
- potato;
- vegetable oil;
- salt, spices.


This dish is best cooked in portioned pans, and served in them. The turkey is cut into portioned pieces, the potatoes are cut into rings. Add a little to serving dishes vegetable oil and lay in layers of potatoes, then chopped green onions. After that lay out the pieces of turkey. Each layer is sprinkled with spices and salt.

After that, the pans are placed in the oven and stewed until cooked. Sour cream is diluted with a little boiled water so that it does not become pieces, but acquires a uniform consistency of medium density. Sour cream, green peas are added to each pan and sprinkled with grated cheese, again put in the oven, so that the cheese melts and browns a little. A turkey cooked this way will always be soft and juicy.

Turkey in pots

To prepare this masterpiece you will need:

- turkey;
- fresh champignons;
- onion;
- carrot;
- Bulgarian pepper;
- cheese;
- potato;
- celery root;
- tomatoes;
- salt, spices.


Chop the turkey into pieces. Cut potatoes into medium cubes. Carrots, celery root and onions are chopped into thin strips. Meat is placed in pots, carrots, onions and celery are placed on it. Then spread the potatoes and mushrooms, cut into quarters. Spices, salt are added to boiled water and poured into pots, and then put in the oven for stewing. Stew until half cooked. Then the pots are taken out of the oven, spread on top of the mushrooms in rings bell pepper, a slice of tomato and sprinkle with grated cheese. Then stew until tender and serve, sprinkled with herbs.

It is better to cook a turkey in a deep bowl, as juice and fat from this healthy meat is collected there. Plus, if a bird cooks in its juice, it will always excel. delicate taste cooked dish, and having such a secret, culinary masterpieces will always be on top.

The bird, once known as America's favorite Thanksgiving treat, has slowly made its way into Russian cuisine, debunking one myth after another about itself.

It used to be thought like this: this is a dry bird, from which little can be cooked, and even that little promised a lot of labor, fraught with a dubious result.

But this bird, contrary to rumors, has a significant nutritional value and low price, and is also able to replace beef or pork in any meat dish. And you can cook it at least every week, using a variety of recipes, sauces, combinations and your own imagination.

Turkey in a pan - general cooking principles:

It is better to fry the turkey separately from the rest of the ingredients. Of course, if the recipe provides for subsequent stewing, then there will be no crispy crust left. But there will be a pleasant taste: having stewed a turkey in a pan without frying, you will no longer achieve it.

A chilled turkey is always better than a frozen one.

Never start cooking a turkey while it is still cold. In this case, her meat loses its juiciness. Remove the bird from the refrigerator in advance so that the temperature rises to room temperature.

Frozen poultry should be “thawed” slowly: in water that needs to be changed regularly, or indoors. A carcass of about 8–9 kg, for example, is thawed for up to two days.

You need to purchase a turkey no earlier than two days before cooking: a fresh carcass must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, wiped dry both inside and out, cover with foil and refrigerate.

A homemade turkey is fried in a pan without oil - it will release fat itself, and no oil is needed. You always have to add vegetable oil to the store bird.

Each part of the turkey in the pan takes its own time. The fillet will be ready to eat in 25 minutes. It will take 20 minutes for the chops, the legs should be fried for about 35 minutes.

The skin of a fresh bird should be light, a slight yellowish tint is possible.

If the turkey is pre-soaked in marinade (suitable for any recipe), then the turkey meat will turn out to be much more tender and richer. The carcass is marinated for 2 to 4 days, depending on the size. The marinade can be simply salty water with the addition of spices or vinegar (ordinary or wine), dry wine, as well as pomegranate, apple, orange and any freshly squeezed juices. Natural kefir or yogurt are equally excellent turkey marinades.

There are a lot of spices suitable for pickling turkey. Marinate the bird with pepper and ginger, cloves and cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon and many other spices. Oriental and Caucasian spices are well suited. It is not recommended, however, to use ready-made ground black pepper for such purposes - it will add bitterness to your dish with turkey meat. It is better to crush the peppercorns yourself. Salt is desirable to use table, coarse grinding. If desired, you can change it to soy sauce.

Common ingredients for all recipes: vegetable oil (usually 2-3 tablespoons), pepper and salt.

Tender turkey in a Stroganoff pan with mushrooms


Meat from turkey legs: 300 g.

White mushrooms: 100 g.

Bulbs: 2 pcs.

Sour cream (high fat): 0.25 cups.

Mustard: 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

The meat from the legs needs to be cut into "bars" and put on a hot frying pan with butter and fry a little. Then the onion is cut into cubes, and each porcini- in quarters. Mushrooms and onions are added to the turkey in a pan, the resulting mass is stewed over low heat until the water evaporates.

Then sour cream, mustard, pepper and salt are added here. It remains only to mix, bring the dish to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Turkey in a pan "Hercules" in oatmeal breading


Poultry fillet: 1 kg.

Chicken egg: 1 pc.

Bulb: 1 pc.

Mayonnaise: 3 tbsp. l.

Flour: 1 tbsp. l.

A little oatmeal.

Cooking method:

The cooking process begins with marinating the turkey according to one of the above principles. The fillet is cut into not very large pieces and placed in the marinade. Then, when the pickling process is over, you can start cooking the dish itself. Before putting the pieces of turkey in the pan, grate (or just finely chop) the onion on a coarse grater, mix it with the egg, flour and mayonnaise, add vegetable oil to the mixture, pepper and salt. Fillets are poured with the resulting mass, the products are mixed, and in this form they remain for some time at room temperature. This is an additional marinade in mayonnaise.

After 2 hours, you need to heat the pan, pour two tablespoons of any vegetable oil into it, and, breading the fillet pieces in oatmeal, put the turkey in the pan and fry until it is well browned.

Country-style turkey in a frying pan


Egg whites: 3 pcs.

Flour: 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

First you need to separate the whites and yolks. Add flour, salt and pepper in a small amount to a container with proteins, and beat well with a whisk or blender. Cut the turkey meat into pieces, beat off, pepper and salt. In a pan heated with oil, each piece of turkey is laid out after it is dipped in batter. Pieces of turkey are fried in a pan for about 10-15 minutes on all sides over low heat without a lid until cooked.

Turkey breast chops in crispy breadcrumbs

This healthy and completely dietary turkey dish in a pan is prepared as quickly as the previous ones. Turkey chops according to this recipe will save you in case of unexpected guests, when you need to act quickly, and the food is delicious.


Fillet: 400-500 g.

Chicken eggs: 1-2 pcs.

Breadcrumbs: 5-6 tbsp. l.

Provence herbs (or other spices): 0.5-1 tsp.

Flour: 1 tbsp. l.

Some oatmeal.

Ghee or butter(in addition to vegetable): 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

You need to start by washing the fillet piece and drying it thoroughly with paper napkins or towels. Then the meat is cut into pieces - always across the fibers. A half-kilogram piece of fillet is 4 to 6 slices about 20 mm thick. Place the slices in a bag and beat with a wooden mallet, without much effort, until they “lose weight” to 13-15 mm. Sprinkle with pepper.

Next, beat the egg with a fork or whisk, adding Provence herbs there (they can be replaced with any set of dried herbs that can be found on the farm). Dip the chops in a mixture of eggs and herbs, then put them in a container and pour the rest of the beaten egg there. Leave to stand for at least a quarter of an hour at room temperature. If your guests did not suddenly appear unexpectedly, then such a marinade can be made in advance. In this case, the container with meat and eggs can be covered with a film and left overnight or even half a day in the refrigerator.

It remains only to thickly bread the chops in breadcrumbs immediately before the frying process. Put a frying pan with a thick bottom on an intense fire and, when the vegetable oil “overheats”, add a little butter (not necessary to taste). By themselves, turkey chops in a pan fry faster than the preparation process was going on. After almost a minute, the bottom of the chop becomes ruddy, you need to turn it over, “remove” the fire a little, salt the already fried side. The second side is ready just as quickly. The main thing is not to overcook, the turkey in such cases quickly becomes hard and dry.

Turkey drumstick in a spicy pan in soy sauce


Shin: 1 pc.

A little olive oil: about 2-3 tbsp. l.

Paprika: 1 tbsp. l.

Garlic: 2-3 cloves.

Dried basil: 1 tsp

Soy sauce: 2 tbsp. l.

Balsamic vinegar: 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

The bird's shank should be cut across into pieces of approximately 2 cm. Put the pieces in a deep plate or bowl. Then grind.

Now you need to prepare the sauce: mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, adding paprika, basil, and salt. The resulting mixture is poured over pieces of the leg, the whole mass is covered with a lid and it remains to marinate for at least one hour (at room temperature). Pieces periodically need to be turned over. The longer the cooked mass stays idle, the tastier and more tender the dish will turn out.

When it's time to fry a spicy turkey in a pan, you will need to heat the pan with olive oil over low or medium heat and put the marinated pieces there, leaving the marinade in the container without pouring. In this case, the drumstick is fried for 5 minutes on all sides, then poured with the remaining marinade. Simmer another 10 minutes.

Juicy turkey in a pan with vegetables in Samarkand style


Turkey loin: 0.5 kg.

Zucchini: 1 pc.

Bulgarian pepper: 1 pc.

Tomatoes: 2 pcs.

Carrot: 1 pc.


Garlic: 2 cloves

Olive oil: 3 tbsp. l.

Parsley: half a bunch.

Turmeric: half a teaspoon

Cooking method:

First, heat the pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, then put the turkey and fry, stirring the pieces occasionally, for about a quarter of an hour over low heat, without covering with a lid.

At the same time, you can have time to peel and cut the vegetables, if not everything is ready yet. Onions and bell peppers are cut into half rings, carrots should be grated with a coarse grater. Tomatoes should not only be washed, but also doused with boiling water and peeled, then cut into small pieces. Zucchini also needs to be peeled and seeds removed. Grind the garlic in any suitable way.

For vegetables, you first need another pan. On it in turn, with a break of five minutes, vegetables are laid out in a certain sequence:




After the products in both pans look like they are ready, they should be mixed together and fried together for another 20 minutes, adding seasonings.

Mix vegetables and fillets, sprinkle them with salt, turmeric, pepper, add garlic, add half a glass of boiling water, then simmer under a lid over low heat for about 20-25 minutes.

Chopped parsley and sour cream will give the final note of taste to the Samarkand-style turkey with vegetables - already on the table, as a seasoning and decoration.

Mexican Roast Turkey with Green Beans, Tomatoes and Garlic


Turkey loin: 0.4 kg.

Tomatoes and onions: 2 each

Garlic: 2 cloves.

Green beans: 2 cups.

Olive oil: 2 tbsp. l.

Parsley, other spices.

Cooking method:

Turkey fillet in a pan with vegetables is a light and “quick” dish that is enough for a large family.

First, the fillet is finely chopped, then it is fried in olive oil until lightly browned. Put the pieces on a separate plate with a slotted spoon.

All green bean pods must be cut into pieces of 2-3 parts, hard parts and veins removed and boiled until softened in a small amount of water. In the pan where the fillet was prepared (in the same oil), fry the tomatoes and onions, cut into half rings, add chopped herbs and garlic, season with spices to taste, salt and pepper.

Mix the resulting mass and fry together for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Then add turkey and beans. The last stage of cooking is stewing. A little liquid is poured into the pan (just enough so that the ingredients are barely covered with water). Now you can cover the almost finished dish with a lid, and in 10-15 minutes of the final stage of the process, start serving the table.

French turkey steak in a frying pan

Because of the ease with which turkey fat is digested human body, this dish is perfect for those who are on a diet for weight, although the word "steak" itself sounds like something high-calorie.


Turkey meat: 0.5 kg.

Butter: 1 tbsp. l.

Ground red pepper: 1/3 tsp

Oil - olive or corn.

Paprika: about 5 tsp

Curry powder: about 5 tsp

Cooking method:

Rinse the fillet thoroughly in running water and cut into steaks. Mix all spices together. Grate each piece of turkey with spices and leave for half an hour. You can wrap the steaks in cling film - this way the spices will soak the meat deeper.

Heat a heavy bottomed pan with a mixture of butter and corn or olive oil.

Then cover the pan with a lid and turn the heat down to low. Thus, the steaks should languish for another 5 minutes. After turning off the pan, cover the pan with foil for a few minutes and allow the already prepared steaks to “walk” a little.

Pumpkin stew with turkey "Autumn"


Turkey (legs, fillet or minced turkey): 0.5 kg.

Pumpkin: 4 cups.

Bulb and Bell pepper: 1 pc.

Garlic: 1 clove.

Tomatoes: 3 pcs.

Greens: to taste.

Grated cheese: 0.5 cups.

Sour cream: 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

Grate cheese and pumpkin.

If you have prepared drumsticks or turkey fillet for the recipe, then they should be fried in a pan until evenly blushed, turning over and set aside.

Clean vegetables. Onions and garlic are cut smaller than everything else, bell peppers are cut into squares. Put vegetables in a preheated pan and simmer over low heat until they become soft. Next, add the turkey to the pan (or minced turkey) and fry until the mass acquires a dark golden color.

Add diced tomatoes along with pumpkin, season with spices and salt. It remains only to simmer under the lid over low heat for another 15-20 minutes.

Grated cheese is already useful for ready-made stew: the dish is served at the table with cheese, sour cream and greenery decoration.

Turkey fillet in a frying pan "Remains are sweet"


Turkey fillet: how much to eat.

Sour cream, cream, kefir: any fermented milk products.

Onions, garlic, herbs, dill, parsley - any vegetable that is in the refrigerator.


Cooking method:

This recipe is suitable for those housewives who have a turkey, but nothing is added to it from the ingredients indicated in other recipes. Therefore, in the refrigerator you can find everything that looks like vegetables and herbs, and chop for frying.

The fillet is cut first. Pieces of turkey in a pan are fried for several minutes until a light blush. Then chopped vegetables are added to the ruddy pieces. The resulting mass is fried on a not very high heat for about 15 minutes.

In principle, you can do without fermented milk products by simmering the dish under a lid over low heat, adding ordinary water. But with kefir or sour cream, the taste will be softer and thinner.

If you want the turkey meat to turn out crispy in a pan, there should not be any excess liquid in the dish - vegetables or water. Only frying on medium heat, excluding stewing. You can fry vegetables separately and serve as a side dish.

If you dare to fry and stew the whole turkey in a pan, then put the bird breast down. This is the driest place in the carcass and so it will turn out much juicier.

The readiness of the turkey, like the chicken, is determined by piercing: a clear liquid should flow from the thick parts.

The liquid remaining after frying the turkey fillet in the pan can be used to prepare another dish: a side dish, soup or gravy.

Adding a few drops of lemon will give the turkey steak in the pan a tender and subtle flavor.

Steaks after frying must necessarily “rest” for a few minutes.

Fried turkey meat is just as good for sandwiches as sausage or bacon, especially if you add a piece of fillet with lettuce and a slice of tomato.

It is better to water large pieces of meat of this bird during frying with its “own juice”. This is an additional safety net against the notorious dryness of turkey meat.

Do not forget about the subtleties: the rules for defrosting and marinating. This applies not only to satsivi, chakhokhbili, schnitzels, julienne, but also to cutlets, meatballs and even nuggets and turkey pies.

Turkey meat is a very tasty dietary product. Fans of American cinema are well aware that the baked turkey is traditionally prepared in the States for Thanksgiving. Today, this meat is admired by an increasing number of Russian gourmets. When they talk about turkey fillet, they mean, first of all, its most juicy part - the breast. How to cook delicious turkeys? Some of the recipes can be found in this article.

About the reasons for the popularity of the product

The dietary properties of turkey meat are widely known. It is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, the amount of cholesterol in it is minimal. Turkey meat provides long-term saturation, is quickly absorbed and enriches the body with iron, calcium and potassium, so it is recommended for anemia and joint diseases. In addition, turkey is valued for its hypoallergenicity, making it ideal for children. Turkey meat is also rich in sodium, which makes it possible to use less salt in its preparation. This is especially important for dieters and hypertensive patients.

How to cook turkey breast fillet? Recipes (overview)

Breast fillet is one of the most delicious and popular parts of poultry. As a rule, it weighs much more than chicken - about 1-4.5 kg. This should be taken into account when deciding how much meat to purchase when preparing for a festive feast. On average, the size of one serving of turkey breast is about 150-200 g. It is used to prepare a dish that can feed from 2 to 4 people. Two breasts will be enough to feed 6-8 eaters.

Tender turkey meat can be prepared in many ways: it is fried, stewed, baked, sandwiches and salads are made from it. Most suitable for diet food is cooking turkey breast in the oven (you can choose a recipe to your liking from those presented in the article).

As a side dish, vegetables, rice, and potatoes are best suited for fillets. Meat is in perfect harmony with herbs and dry wine. White tender turkey fillet is an excellent base for almost any combination of seasonings (it is wonderfully complemented by thyme, oregano, sage or basil). If fresh herbs are used, they should be coarsely chopped and inserted directly under the skin of the turkey carcass. The cooked turkey is stored in the refrigerator, the leftovers are used to make hamburgers or a variety of salads.

The recipe for this wonderful meat, in addition to the list of ingredients used, usually contains instructions, thanks to which you can easily create a delicious delicacy. Experienced housewives also recommend that those who decide to treat their guests or homemade turkey meat to follow certain rules regarding the selection and preparation of the product.

  1. About choice. When buying a fresh turkey, you should pay attention to the color of the meat - it should be tender and pink, without any stains.
  2. On the use of frozen meat. Frozen turkey fillets are selected without signs of freeze burn. The meat is kept in freezer no more than nine months. Make sure it is completely defrosted before cooking. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time baking the breast. It is best to thaw a turkey on slow thaw in the refrigerator (this will take about a day). You can also defrost fillets in the microwave or large capacity with water.
  3. On the features of preparation. Oven-baked turkey breast (recipes are offered in the article) is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy dish, perfect for those who follow their figure and health. One of the most common problems that housewives have to face is the relative dryness of the prepared product.

How to cook delicious turkey breast? Recipes to avoid dryness of turkey, as well as recommendations for them, are offered by home cooks:

  • The breast can be baked in foil, in a sleeve or with vegetables and fruits.
  • You can not overdo the meat in the oven - depending on the size of the fillet, it is enough to bake it for 20-60 minutes.
  • When baking a turkey breast in the oven, according to the recipe, onions and potatoes cut into thick slices can be added to it. This makes an excellent side dish, for the preparation of which you do not need to spend extra time.
  • In accordance with the recipe for cooking turkey breast, marinade is used during baking, due to which the meat becomes fragrant and tender. Marinade is recommended to be done at least an hour before cooking. For every 0.5 kg of turkey, it is recommended to use up to 60 ml of marinade. Meat should be marinated 1 to 3 hours before cooking.
  • Let the cooked turkey rest for about 20 minutes. at room temperature so that the meat is saturated with juices. Otherwise, it may be dry.

Properly cooked according to the recipe, the turkey breast is very tender and juicy. Delicious dishes from this bird can significantly diversify the diet. What can you cook with turkey breast? Recipes, photos are offered in the article.

Roasted Turkey Breast Pastrami: Ingredients

One of the popular turkey breast recipes is pastrami. For cooking use:

  • water for marinade - 2 l;
  • one teaspoon ground coriander;
  • one tablespoon each: coriander beans; mustard; oregano; dried basil; red paprika;
  • one teaspoon of red hot pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

How to cook?

Water is poured into the pan, salt is diluted in it, washed and skinned turkey breast is lowered there and left to marinate for 2 hours. Then the turkey fillet is removed from the brine, slightly blotted with napkins. Then it should be stuffed with chopped garlic cloves. Next, prepare a homogeneous mixture of seasonings and oil (vegetable). The fillet should be smeared with this mixture on all sides.

The oven is heated to 250°C. The meat is laid out on a baking sheet, put in a preheated oven and kept for 15 minutes. Then the oven is turned off and the fillet is kept in it for about two hours (the door must not be opened in any case, otherwise the temperature regime!). In the cooling oven, the turkey should reach readiness. On top of the fillet there will be a baked crust, inside the meat turns out to be very juicy, pale pink. Many people call the taste of the dish truly delicious.

For lovers of spicy food

One of the turkey breast recipes recommended for lovers of spicy dishes is turkey breast fillet (spicy) baked in foil. This method cooking is simpler than the previous one, it characteristic feature is the generous use of adjika, red pepper, garlic. A spicy turkey breast recipe in the oven with a photo is offered later in the article.

For those who do not like spicy food too much, chefs recommend using black pepper instead of red pepper, while reducing its amount, adjika can be replaced with mild ketchup or tomato paste. You do not need to save on garlic, the turkey should be stuffed very generously with them. To do this, it is necessary to make deep cuts on the carcass with a knife and push the pieces of garlic deeper inside.

Composition of products

For cooking use:

  • turkey breast fillet - one and a half kilograms;
  • two tablespoons of adjika;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of red hot pepper;
  • two teaspoons of salt;
  • water for soaking fillets.


Water is poured into the pan, salt is diluted in it, the turkey breast is marinated in this brine for two hours. Then the meat is removed, blotted with a paper towel, stuffed with garlic. Next, a mixture of hot pepper (red), adjika, vegetable oil is prepared, which is diligently spread on the meat. After that, the fillet is wrapped in foil and put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, for half an hour. Then the oven is turned off, the meat is left inside for an hour and a half (it is not recommended to open the oven door!).

Turkey fillet in the oven with potatoes

What other dishes can be prepared from turkey breasts? Recipes that have been approved by gourmets, hostesses are happy to share with each other. Thanks to the instructions, the dishes are easy to prepare. One of the excellent, simple and very delicious recipes from the turkey breast is a fillet baked in the oven with potatoes. The method involves the use of a minimum of ingredients. The dish is recommended to be cooked in a special sealed bag for baking.

What products are used?

Among the ingredients:

  • one kilogram of turkey breast fillet;
  • six potatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • champignons (whole) - 300 g.

About the cooking method

Turkey fillet should be washed and cut into small cubes. Potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into pieces. Next, chop the onion, grate the carrots. Mushrooms are washed, but not cut. Then meat, carrots with onions, potatoes, vegetable oil are mixed in a saucepan, the mixture is salted and peppered.

After that, it is laid out in a cauldron or a baking bag, water is added (a couple of tablespoons) and placed in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 50 minutes. The baking dish should be hermetically sealed, the cauldron should be tightly covered with a lid so that water does not evaporate and the dish is not fried, but stewed in its own juice. According to reviews, the treat is soft and very juicy.

Turkey breast baked with vegetables: composition

To prepare this dish, you should use:

  • 1 kg turkey breast fillet;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • 200 grams of chopped white cabbage;
  • 150 grams (handful) of sauerkraut;
  • one small zucchini;
  • one small eggplant;
  • a handful of green beans;
  • one sweet pepper (preferably colored - red, yellow);
  • three tablespoons of adjika or delicious Georgian tomato sauce;
  • salt;
  • black ground pepper;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • herbs: dill and parsley.

How to cook?

Turkey fillet is washed, cut into small cubes (2x3 cm). Potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into large pieces. Cabbage is chopped, carrots are rubbed on a grater, onions are chopped, eggplant and zucchini are chopped, removing the skin, sweet peppers are chopped into strips. Meat and all vegetables, adding green beans, mix in a large saucepan, salt, pepper to taste, add sauce (tomato), oil (vegetable), knead the dough.

The mixture is transferred to a large cauldron or a baking bag, covered with a lid. Bake in the oven for two hours at 180°C. It should languish and stew until cooked. During this time, the vegetables will give the meat all their flavors and juices.

Turkey breast baked with mushrooms

To prepare this delicious dish you will need:

  • 900 grams of fillet;
  • one teaspoon of spicy ketchup;
  • 9 potatoes;
  • 2-3 table. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 240 grams of broth;
  • five table. spoons of sour cream;
  • spices (used to taste);
  • 15 grams of cheese;
  • 20 grams of garlic;
  • 260 grams of mushrooms.


The meat is washed, dried, cut into portioned slices, fried in a pan with spices and oil. Mushrooms are boiled, chopped with plates, browned in oil (vegetable). Garlic is added to the mushrooms, poured with mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, sprinkled with grated cheese and all components are mixed. Next, cut the potatoes into quarters. Put all the ingredients into the form, add the broth, sauce. Bake for approximately 70-80 minutes. at t=200˚С.

"Accordion": turkey breast baked with cheese, tomatoes and soy sauce

"Accordion" is meat, cut along the entire length of the slices. In this case, the cuts should be incomplete: the fillet retains its integrity, but is repeatedly cut along. Slices of cheese and tomato are put into each of the cuts (pockets). The result is a beautiful meat "accordion", the folds of which are filled with red pieces of tomato and bright pieces of browned cheese.


The dish is prepared from:

  • turkey breast fillet (one kilogram);
  • two medium tomatoes;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • salt;
  • black ground pepper;
  • all kinds of seasonings to taste (hops-suneli, coriander, basil, red sweet paprika, etc.).


The turkey fillet is washed, the skin is removed. Dip the meat in the brine for one hour (4 tablespoons of salt will be enough for 2 liters of water). Turkey in brine can be marinated in the refrigerator. After an hour, the meat is taken out, dried with a napkin. Then it should be sprinkled with soy sauce and seasoned with spices. After that, the meat is repeatedly cut, but not cut to the end. Slices of cheese and tomato are put into the cuts. The accordion meat is wrapped in foil and baked in an oven heated to 200 ° C for half an hour. According to reviews, the dish turns out so tasty that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it.

Turkey has long established itself as a delicious dietary meat. In addition, it is very useful, because. has a rich chemical composition. Therefore, turkey is often present in the diet and children's menu. Another advantage of this meat is that it cooks quickly and you can get a delicious hot meat dish in a short time. Today we will talk about what to cook tasty and fast from a turkey, and consider several recipes from a turkey fillet or thigh.

You can cook turkey fillet in the form of goulash. Quick and easy goulash with gravy is a real find for connoisseurs of healthy and tasty food. Light, juicy goulash will be a great dinner for the whole family. It can be served as an independent dish or supplemented with a light vegetable side dish.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Calorie content: 63 kcal per 100 g.


  • 0.5 kg turkey fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 pods of sweet pepper (green, yellow);
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp wine vinegar;
  • 100-200 ml of water or broth;
  • 2 tsp ground paprika;
  • 1 tsp curry;
  • 1 tsp dry Georgian adjika;
  • 5-7 sprigs of parsley;
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream;
  • A little salt, black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. We thoroughly wash the pulp, cut into equal pieces of medium size.
  2. We clean the onion, cut into cubes. Remove the husk from the garlic cloves, finely chop with a knife.
  3. From washed peppers, cut out the core with seeds. Cut the flesh across into thin strips or large cubes. My tomatoes, cut into large slices.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, when it is hot, put the onion. We fry it, stirring, until it browns a little. Then add garlic, mix, cook for a couple more minutes. Pour wine vinegar into the contents, which will evaporate without a trace, but will give the vegetables a pleasant sour-sweet note.
  5. Now add sweet pepper to the pan, mix, cook for 2-3 minutes. Next, add the tomato slices, fry everything together for 5 minutes. Then we put tomato paste, stir thoroughly, simmer for a couple more minutes.
  6. In parallel with vegetables, fry pieces of turkey in another pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. We spread the fried meat on vegetables, add water or broth to the pan so that the liquid covers the pieces of meat a little.
  7. When the contents boil, add spices: curry, ground paprika, Georgian dry adjika, black pepper, salt.
  8. Stir the goulash, cover with a lid, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  9. Meanwhile, wash and finely chop the parsley. Sprinkle the finished dish with greenfinch, season with sour cream.

You can cook turkey fillet with different ingredients. A particularly good combination of turkey meat with pineapple and cheese. It will conquer any admirer of delicious food. This dish can be prepared quickly and tasty in minutes. The dish is suitable for a festive dinner or for a family dinner.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Calorie content: 113 kcal per 100 g.


  • 0.5 kg turkey fillet;
  • 50 gr. fresh champignons;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 250 gr. canned pineapple rings;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • A little salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the fillet, dry it, cut into portioned slices 3-4 cm thick. We beat off each piece with a hammer on both sides. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Now let's prepare the other ingredients. We clean, cut the onion into thin circles. Rinse the champignons, clean, cut into plates.
  3. We take out the pineapple rings from the jar, cut them in half into half rings. Three cheese on a medium grater.
  4. We cover the refractory form with parchment, grease with vegetable oil, put the beaten turkey meat. Top with mushroom slices, onion rings and 2 slices of pineapple.
  5. Sprinkle each piece generously with grated cheese, put the mold in the oven, heated to 170 degrees for half an hour.
  6. Serve the baked turkey meat hot on a pillow of fresh vegetables with herbs. You can serve baked potatoes, boiled rice or just a salad of fresh vegetables as a side dish.

Turkey fillet in sour cream mustard sauce

The dish is a whole piece of poultry, pre-marinated and baked in a sauce with mustard and sour cream. This dish is deservedly considered dietary, because. contains very few calories. Such meat can be offered to children with absolutely any side dish. And if the meat cools down, then it is quite suitable for making snack sandwiches or canapes.

Servings: 10.

Preparation time: 3.5 hours (including 2 hours for marinating).

Calorie content: 98 kcal per 100 g.


  • 1 kg turkey fillet;
  • 1 tbsp table mustard;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 tbsp French mustard with grains;
  • 1 tsp ground paprika;
  • 6-7 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1 tsp seasoning mixes for poultry.

Cooking process:

  1. So, let's talk about how to cook delicious turkey fillet. Wash the bird well and pat dry with paper towels. Separately, mix seasoning for poultry, dry ground paprika and salt. With the resulting mixture, rub the fillet well on all sides.
  2. For the marinade, mix sour cream, honey, chopped garlic, two types of mustard. We combine the turkey with the marinade, coat it on all sides. We tighten the bowl with meat with cling film, send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After the specified period of time, we shift the meat into a refractory form with sides, tighten the top with foil, put in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes. Then remove the foil and return the meat to brown for another half hour.
  4. When the meat is golden brown, it is ready. We put it on a dish decorated with a green salad or vegetable slices, serve as hot with any side dish. The cooled meat will be well served as cold cuts.

Quick and tasty cutlets will always please loved ones. Dense thigh fillet cutlets can be fried in the usual way in a pan with oil. And you can cook on the grill or grill pan. The second cooking method will be less high-calorie, because. there is no oil when frying.

Servings Per Container: 5.


  • 0.8 kg boneless turkey thigh;
  • 200 gr. stale loaf;
  • 2 onions;
  • 70 gr. butter;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 pinch each of salt and black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. We cut off the peels from the stale loaf, cut the pulp into large cubes, pour over the cream and leave for a while.
  2. We clean the garlic cloves and onions from the husk. We cut the vegetables into arbitrary large pieces, put them in a chopper, twist them to a puree state.
  3. Rinse the thigh fillet, dry it, cut into medium pieces. We place it in the chopper container, chop the minced meat using a double meat knife. You can also use a meat grinder to prepare minced meat.
  4. We spread the bird to the onion, put a soaked loaf in its place, a piece of frozen butter (it will give the cutlets juiciness). Mix bread and butter mass with minced meat. All salt, pepper, knead well by hand. When the stuffing becomes homogeneous, we throw it several times or just beat it with our palms. This simple technique will remove excess air from the cutlet mass and the cutlets will keep their shape better.

    So that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, and the cutlets turn out to be beautifully shaped, we moisten our hands in plain cold water before forming each cutlet.

  5. With moistened hands, take a ball of minced meat, form a cutlet. We spread a few pieces on a grill pan, fry for a total of 10-12 minutes, periodically turning it over to one side or the other.
  6. Cutlets served hot with spicy tomato sauce and pickled vegetables.

Paprikash is a moderately spicy turkey dish in a thick tomato sauce with the addition of sweet and hot peppers. Wine gives the dish a subtle aroma and piquancy, so it turns out to cook an original dish of turkey thigh in a fragrant gravy. And how to cook it deliciously, let's talk a little lower.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.


  • 0.7 kg turkey thigh (without bone);
  • 150 ml dry red wine;
  • 1 pinch of red ground pepper;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 150 gr. tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 1 tbsp white flour;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil, odorless;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tbsp sweet ground paprika.

Cooking process:

  1. Thoroughly wash the turkey thigh, dry it, cut into small pieces. Pour a little oil into the pan, put it on the stove, put the pieces of meat in the hot oil, salt quite a bit. Fry the pieces on all sides until a bright golden brown for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Meanwhile, peel and finely chop the onions. Add it to the pan, mix, fry everything together for about 10 minutes over medium heat.
  3. We shift the contents of the pan into a thick-walled pan or cauldron.
  4. My pepper, take out the core, cut the pulp into cubes. Pour the pepper to the meat, add wine, add finely chopped tomatoes.
  5. Let's not forget the spices. We put sweet paprika (you can put a little red hot ground pepper). Mix everything thoroughly, cover, simmer over low heat until soft, about 20 minutes.
  6. In the meantime, separately mix sour cream with flour so that there are no lumps. In a thin stream, we introduce the mass into the finished dish, mix thoroughly, taste for salt and let it boil. Simmer the dish for another 5-7 minutes, turn off the stove.

Turkey in sweet and sour sauce

Turkey meat dishes are easily digestible and deservedly considered dietary and nutritious. Poultry with sweet and sour sauce will perfectly satisfy your hunger and give you strength for the whole day.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 138 kcal per 100 g.


  • 450 gr. turkey thigh fillet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar;
  • 0.5 st. tomato paste;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 0.5 st. starch;
  • 1.5 tsp table salt;
  • 4-5 tbsp olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp wine vinegar;
  • 50 ml of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Before cooking the thigh, cut the washed meat into medium rectangular pieces.
  2. In a deep bowl, prepare the egg marinade. We break the egg, salt, pepper, add 1 tbsp. starch. Mix the mass thoroughly, lay the meat for a quarter of an hour, mix.
  3. Pour the rest of the starch onto a flat plate. Then we take out the pieces of turkey, roll on all sides in starch.
  4. Heat up a frying pan with oil, fry the turkey until blush on all sides. We spread the workpiece on paper towels to dry them from excess fat.
  5. We clean the onions with carrots. Finely chop the onion into cubes, and coarsely three carrots. We spread the vegetables in the pan where the meat was fried, fry them, stirring all the time. Add brown sugar, and after a minute put tomato paste, add white wine.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly, return the meat. Add water, mix everything again, bring the dish to a boil. Then cover with a lid, simmer the turkey in sweet and sour sauce for about 10 minutes.
  7. Serve the turkey with sauce and boiled rice. Bon appetit everyone!
