Row mushrooms are bitter. Mushrooms: edible white row - photo and description

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye or Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Tricholoma (Tricholoma or Ryadovka)
  • View: Tricholoma portentosum (Grey row)
    Other names for mushroom:


  • Row hatched

  • Row is strange
  • sunflower
  • Podzelenka
  • Sandpiper gray
  • Serushka
  • Agaricus portentosus
  • Gyrophila portentosa
  • Gyrophila sejuncta var. portentosa
  • Melanoleuca portentosa


Hat: 4-12, up to 15 centimeters in diameter, broadly bell-shaped, convexly procumbent with age, then flatly procumbent, in adult specimens the edge of the cap may be slightly wavy and fissured. A wide tubercle remains in the center. Light gray, darker with age, there is a yellowish or greenish tinge. The skin of the cap is smooth, dry, pleasant to the touch, in wet weather it is sticky, covered with pressed fibers of a darker, blackish color, diverging radially from the center of the cap, so the center of the cap is always darker than the edges.

Leg: 5-8 (and up to 10) centimeters long and up to 2.5 cm thick. Cylindrical, sometimes slightly thickened at the base, can be curved and go deep into the soil. White, greyish, greyish-yellowish, light lemon yellowish, slightly fibrous in the upper part or may be covered with very small dark scales.

plates: adnate with a tooth, medium frequency, wide, thick, thinning towards the edge. White in young mushrooms, with age - grayish, with yellowish spots or completely yellowish, lemon yellow.

Bedspread, ring, Volvo: absent.

spore powder: white
controversy: 5-6 x 3.5-5 µm, colorless, smooth, broadly ellipsoid or ovate-ellipsoid.

pulp: The gray row is quite fleshy in the cap, where the flesh is white, under the skin - gray. The leg is dense with yellowish flesh, yellowness is more intense in case of mechanical damage.
Smell: slight, pleasant, mushroomy and slightly floury, in old mushrooms sometimes unpleasant, floury.
Taste: soft, sweetish.

Season and distribution

From autumn to winter frosts. With a slight freezing, it completely restores the taste. It was previously indicated that Ryadovka gray grows mainly in the southern regions (Crimea, Novorossiysk, Mariupol), but its region is much wider, it is found throughout the temperate zone. Recorded in Western Siberia. Fruits unevenly, often in large groups.


The fungus appears to form mycorrhiza with pine. Grows on sandy soil in pine and mixed with pine forests and old plantings. Often grows in the same places as Ryadovka green (greenfinch,). According to some reports, it also occurs on rich soils in deciduous forests with the participation of beech and linden (information from the SNO).


A good edible mushroom, consumed after heat treatment (boiling). Suitable for preservation, salting, pickling, you can eat freshly prepared. It can also be prepared for future use by drying. It is also important that even very adults retain their taste qualities (they do not taste bitter).
M. Vishnevsky notes medicinal properties of this row, in particular, the antioxidant effect.

Similar species

There are a great many rows with a predominance of gray in color, we will name only the main similar ones.
An inexperienced mushroom picker may confuse the gray row with the poisonous pointed row (), which has a bitter taste and a more pronounced, sharp tubercle.
The row is earthy-gray (earthy) () does not turn yellow with age and on damage, in addition, very young specimens of Tricholoma terreum have a private veil, which collapses very quickly.
Row Gulden () is more attached to spruces than pines, and prefers to grow on loamy or calcareous soils, while Row Gray prefers sandy soils.

Characteristics and description of the most popular forest mushrooms known to most mushroom pickers. There are also rare varieties that are collected exclusively by experienced mushroom pickers. These mushrooms include rows.

Botanical description

Ryadovka or tricholoma, from the Latin Tricholoma, is quite common from the Ryadovkov family. May have a dyed or white cap. Young rows have hemispherical and convex hats, while older specimens have a flat and prostrate hat with jagged edges.

The surface part of the cap can be fibrous or scaly, depending on the type of fungus. The plates grow to the leg or are located freely. The leg has sufficient density. A not very pronounced annular film cover may be observed. Field determination of rowing is very often difficult due to the external diversity of these mushrooms, even in the picture they are depicted in different ways. It should be remembered that the genus includes poisonous and non-poisonous edible varieties.

Ryadovka: collection features (video)

Main types: gray, brown, white, earthy, scaly, poplar, autumn and others

In total, the genus includes about a hundred species. On the territory of our country, and in particular in the Crimea, no more than fifty species grow. There are both autumn and spring varieties of rowing. The number of edible and inedible species almost the same, so when picking a mushroom picker, you should be extremely careful.

Top category Edible Conditionally edible inedible Toxic and poisonous
Matsutake or Matsutake Blackscale or Atrosquamosum Silvery

















sulfur yellow




Carved or Sculpturatum


Earthy gray or Terreum

Photo gallery

How to distinguish edible varieties

It is very easy to get confused in the numerous types of rows for novice mushroom pickers who are little familiar with this type of mushroom. The most common species in our forests include the following species:

  • Purple-footed or with firm flesh and floral aroma. The name is obtained due to the peculiar shade of the pulp of the cap and stem of the mushroom.
  • Red row or field mushroom. Only the youngest specimens should be collected. The old mushroom has a very specific unpleasant aftertaste. A feature is a velvety hat of orange-yellow color with a red tint. The pulp is rather dense, bright yellow coloring.

  • yellow variety with a yellowish-olive cap and a dark spot in the central part. The yellowish plates are narrow and close to each other. The leg is shortened and hollow, with fine scaly.
  • gray line with a light gray hat and a slight purple tint. Young specimens have a slightly convex cap with a smooth surface. For old mushrooms, the presence of a flat cap with cracks is characteristic. Taste is quite good.

  • Poplar row or large poplar mushroom yellow or terracotta coloring with a lighter shade along the edges of the cap. A feature is the stickiness of the fungus and a fairly dense, white-colored flesh.
  • May row, appearing in the forests in early spring and having a hump-shaped cream-colored hat. Adult and overgrown specimens are characterized by a white cap and the presence of cream or ocher plates.

  • Crowded row- mushrooms are strongly fused with each other and have brittle, but rather fleshy hemispherical or convex-prostrate caps. Depending on age, the diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom can vary between 5-11 cm, sometimes it grows more. The caps are smooth, with pronounced stickiness, grayish or off-white in color. The pulp is fibrous type, elastic consistency.
  • Most popular in Europe earthy row characterized by a flat-convex shape of the cap with a sharp point in the center. Its surface, depending on the age of the fungus, can be either silky or scaly. The main color is gray or with a slight brownish tint.

The remaining varieties of edible and conditionally edible rows are relatively rare in our country, so they are little known to domestic mushroom pickers.

Varieties inedible and poisonous

And poisonous ones often cause not only severe poisoning, but also deaths when they are eaten. Several types of poisonous rows grow on the territory of our country, which you need to know well so as not to be confused with edible mushrooms.

Name Latin name Habitat Description fruiting period
Poisonous leopard or tiger Tricholoma pardinum grows in middle lane our country, but is quite rare. Usually the mushroom can be seen on calcareous soils under trees, in clearings and forest edges. Adult fruiting bodies are able to form the so-called "witch circles". The cap of young specimens is dense and fleshy, spherical, with age it becomes flat with wrapped edges. Flake-like scales are located on the surface, and numerous cracks are also observed. Pulp with sufficient density, off-white coloring Mass fruiting occurs from mid-August to the onset of a significant cooling.
pointed Virgatum Raw conifers and deciduous forests The hat is bell-shaped, conical or convex, ashy in color with stripes on the edges. The pulp is soft, grayish-white or whitish. The leg is cylindrical, dense, with a thickening at the base September to October
soapy Saponaceum Conifers, deciduous or mixed forests The cap is rounded, bell-shaped or flat-convex type, depressed in the center, with thin edges. The surface is smooth or finely scaly, gray-brown or reddish-brown. The pulp is white, reddening in the air. The leg is root-shaped, elongated, covered with an olive-gray or blackish scaly coating.
speckled Pessundatum Raw conifers The cap is reddish-brown or rusty-brown, with light edges. Surface with spots, slimy type. The pulp is white. Leg with powdery coating From August to the last decade of September
scaly Imbricatum Elniki The cap is plano-convex, with rolled edges and a finely scaly surface. The surface coloration is reddish-brown. The pulp is white. Cylindrical leg From August to the last decade of September

Rowberry poisonous grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, preferably in calcareous soil. The ripening period is from August to October. Most often, this fungus can be found in clearings in the form of seeds that form small rings.

In the common people, such circles are called "witch rings."

Outwardly, poisonous rows have a hat up to 12 cm with a developed edge of a convex shape in the center and flat towards the edges. May have dirty White color, light silver or brown-gray, most often with a blue tint. Mushroom rowadovka poisonous has a whitish flesh with a floury smell and taste. Leg about 8 cm long and 3 cm in diameter, dense, mealy. Its plates are often located, have a dirty yellow tint, adherent to the stem.

This mushroom can not be eaten, it is very toxic. After a maximum of 4 hours, it causes intestinal upset, vomiting and other unpleasant consequences.

Distinctive features

Despite the fact that many people choose to collect rows, they put themselves in serious danger. After all, a poisonous row can often be mistaken for edible. And this, in turn, threatens a serious health hazard. Distinctive feature of this poisonous mushroom lies in gray scales densely located on the cap. The hat itself has a silvery color with a blue tint, it is distinguished by a small tubercle in the center. There is a powdery coating on the leg. If this fungus is found, in no case should it be eaten. Poisonous rowing is very easy to confuse with an edible mushroom because of the pleasant smell.

The use of this row, even in small quantities, is fraught with severe poisoning: nausea, pain in the stomach, vomiting, diarrhea. This is due to the release of a potent toxin.

When collecting rows, you must firmly make sure that it was edible mushrooms that were collected. Therefore, it is important to carefully examine the find.

  • It should not have scales, the flesh should be white.
  • If there are worms inside, this is a good sign, because a dangerous fruit is always clean inside.
  • After boiling, a slightly specific smell should remain.
  • It is better to collect those types of mushrooms that are well known.

Of course, in autumn I really want to walk through the forest, pick fresh mushrooms and fry them with potatoes. However, one should never forget about precautions so as not to subsequently end up in a hospital with poisoning. Therefore, before heading into the forest, you should carefully study the features of the area and find out if the mushrooms have a killer double. If you find a previously unknown mushroom, you should not take risks and try to cook it. The same applies to rows, because due to ignorance, you can collect a full basket of poisonous doubles.

picking mushrooms or silent hunting- A very interesting and rewarding activity. They are tasty and healthy, if, of course, you know exactly the “correct” mushroom, that is, competently approach this activity in order to avoid sad consequences.

Simultaneously with edible mushrooms, poisonous counterparts also come out.

Difference and description of rows

Row mushrooms in nature are found both poisonous and edible, but they can be eaten only after careful processing (after boiling). It is difficult to distinguish between them, because appearance they are very similar, so before collecting it is important to study the photo and description of row mushrooms.

So, poisonous mushrooms have even hats, which are painted exclusively white and have an unpleasant pungent odor.

Edible ones look more attractive - in various colors (pink, purple, lilac, gray and similar colors), with a stem of the corresponding shade. Under the mushroom cap are bright yellow plates. If you cut the mushroom lengthwise, you can see that the flesh will be the same color as the plates.

Row mushrooms can be found in autumn (from September to the very end of October) in the forest on the surface of the forest floor or on the soil among the moss. They especially bear fruit in large "friendly" groups after the first autumn frosts.

According to the description of experienced mushroom pickers, rows, or rather some of their types, have an exceptional unique taste, but each of them is worth a try.

The main types of rows

The row family includes more than 2 thousand species, but not all of them grow in Russia. Here are the most common ones:

Violet - edible rows on a dense stem thickened to the bottom with a flat convex hat, the edges of which are bent inward. The color of this species necessarily has a shade of purple.

The pulp of the fungus is fleshy and dense with a pleasant smell, over time it burns out and becomes light and hollow.

Row goose or two-color. The mushroom is cream or beige in color, dense with a cap diameter of a maximum of 15 centimeters. Whitish plates under the hat are quite often located.

The giant row or white pig lives up to its name, that is, a large mushroom with a large massive hat (diameter about 40 centimeters).

The skin is white in color and covered with small scales. The cap is wrapped inside the mushroom in the form of a funnel. A short thick leg is covered with white villi with a coating in the form of flour.

A special type of mushrooms are May rows or St. George's mushroom. The name is directly related to fruiting immediately after the snow melts in May; you can find them in almost any forest belt.

This species is quite unpretentious and does not require special conditions for growth. But with the onset of the summer season, the mushroom completely disappears.

Georgiev mushroom has no competitors, since the bulk of the crop usually falls on the autumn season, and its color cannot be overlooked.

Properties and uses of row mushrooms

Edible rows contain a large amount of B vitamins, manganese and zinc and have antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Tuberculosis patients benefit from the pulp of the fungus, but do not forget about the preliminary consultation of specialists. It is important to know that gray rows can cause acute poisoning of the body!

Ryadovki can be eaten in any version: stewed, salted, fried, pickled and boiled forms of processing. You can collect and cook both young and mature specimens.

Previously, the crop must be properly cleaned, then thoroughly rinsed with running water and boiled for about 20 minutes in salt water.

If you properly cook this type of mushroom, their taste resembles the taste of boiled meat, which is why fragrant mushroom caviar is made from them.

Mushroom suitable for diet food and belongs to vegetarian cuisine.

Its calorie content is quite low (19 kcal) and successfully harmonizes with carbohydrates.

In practice, it has been proven that regular use of rows blunts the growth and reproduction of dangerous cancer cells, calms the nervous system and improves human immunity. On their basis, even a number of drugs for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and some antibiotics are made.

Traditional medicine uses a specimen for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, healing ointments and lotions. To remove acne and irritation of the skin, cosmetologists use powder from dried rows.

Mushroom lovers need to know that in diseases of the stomach, gallbladder and similar diseases, rows should not be abused too much in order to prevent exacerbations, abdominal pain and heaviness on the stomach.

Photo of row mushroom

What does the white line look like? This numerous mushroom has a sharp unpleasant odor. Ryadovka white - poisonous inedible agaric mushroom.
In autumn, mushroom pickers often come across small strong white mushrooms. Most likely, this is a white row or white tricholoma. Ryadovka perfectly disguises itself as other mushrooms. From a distance, she looks like a mushroom, a talker. Tricholoma white can be mistaken even for a young White mushroom. But one has only to cut off this miracle, as everything becomes clear - the mushroom has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Some mushroom pickers believe that white tricholoma smells like radish, to others it resembles the smell of gas. It seems to me that this is a peculiar unpleasant specific smell. Unfortunately, there are mushroom pickers who sometimes put this foul-smelling mushroom in baskets.

Of course, this is not poisonous rowing, causing severe poisoning. But a few unpleasant hours a white line can deliver. Even after prolonged heat treatment, bitterness and bad smell do not disappear. Some lovers of mushroom snacks manage to get poisoned by this inedible row.

Where does the white row grow?

It is found mainly in birch forests. There are few groups and single specimens. White tricholoma grows not only in dense forests, quite often it appears in groves, park areas and meadows.

When a white row appears

Fruiting begins in late August. Beautiful white inedible fruiting bodies disappear immediately after the first frost. The most abundant fruiting occurs in the last ten days of September.

Description of the row of white

I want to note that you can learn to identify mushrooms only in the forest with an experienced mushroom picker. No description, even photographs, give a real and complete picture of the representatives of the mushroom kingdom.

  • The hat does not grow more than eight centimeters in diameter. In a young row, it is convex, but gradually straightens. In an adult mushroom, the edge is wrapped down. Dry skin is smooth to the touch, painted in white-cream color. The overgrowth has light ocher spots on the hat. Winding and frequent white plates are located under the cap.
  • Thick flesh is white. When broken, the color gradually becomes pink. There is a strong unpleasant odor. The smell is very similar to the smell of musty mold.
  • Dense cylindrical leg. She is painted white. Near the base, the stalk is noticeably widened. Sometimes a white coating appears in the upper part.

What kind of poisoning causes a row of white

This row is considered slightly poisonous. It can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Two hours after poisoning, weakness and sweating, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach, and diarrhea appear. Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by fainting.