Effective diets - inexpensive cheap diet. Diet food for weight loss: menu for a week, inexpensive

If there is a need to quickly and effectively get in good shape, while not spending huge financial resources, a cheap weight loss diet will be the way out. The menu of such diets includes simple, always available food products, from which habitual, but at the same time healthy food is prepared. After all main secret a good figure is not the amount of money spent, but the correctness of the efforts expended, discipline and competent physical exercises.

How to lose weight cheaply

Fashion magazines have convinced most women that dieting is expensive. After all, they offer options that include exotic fruits in the diet and non-standard food products for our latitudes. And fasting on water is the cheapest, but also the toughest diet option. It has many limitations, so experimenting with this method of losing weight should be done with extreme caution. The best choice would be those inexpensive diets that focus on seasonal products, cereals and affordable varieties of meat. Everything is easy to cook at home.

Budget diet for weight loss

Helping your body cope with excess weight, it is important to observe general rules. For example, whichever diet option you choose, it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. The fluid will help speed up your metabolism, which will ensure faster fat burning. It is important to eat at the same time regularly, every 2-3 hours. The budget menu for weight loss is made up of familiar products, and the emphasis is on the deliciousness of the dishes. That is, the process becomes pleasant, unlike a hunger strike. The latter activates an emergency reaction in the body, aimed at storing additional fat reserves, extracted even from low-calorie foods.

An inexpensive diet for weight loss exists in several varieties:

  • if only one type of food is used for nutrition, then this is called a mono-diet;
  • options where the last meal should take place before six in the evening;
  • a low-calorie diet aimed at ensuring that the calorie content of the daily diet is no more than 900 kcal;
  • diets that have helped famous movie actors or singers in the fight for a good figure are also popular.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is recognized as one of the best dietary products. It perfectly preserves vitamins and trace elements even after heat treatment. Therefore, a cheap buckwheat diet does not injure the body. The difficulty can only lie in the fact that it can be difficult to hold out for a long time on just one buckwheat groats, due to the monotony. But it is such an economical diet that can help you lose about 10 kg. excess weight in a couple of weeks. To do this, buckwheat porridge is included in the diet, which is prepared each time in a different way, in a special way. And also nutrition is supplemented with low-fat kefir, green tea and decoction of herbs.

Main rules:

  • you can consume buckwheat in any quantity;
  • complete exclusion of animal and vegetable proteins from the diet for the duration of the diet;
  • salt, spices, sauces and sugar are also excluded;
  • dinner should take place 4 hours before going to bed.

Kefir diet

This option is more severe, because it is based on the consumption of mainly kefir. Therefore, you can use such a cheap diet for weight loss only if you have good developed force will. A doctor's recommendation is also required. The duration of an inexpensive diet on kefir can be different: from three days to two weeks. A possible result is a loss of up to seven kilograms per week and an excellent cleansing of the body. The exit from this type of diet should not be abrupt: first, light foods are introduced in a small amount and for some time you need to continue to give up sweet and fatty foods.

The principles of the kefir diet:

  • during the day it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of the main product;
  • you can eat up to 400 g of proteins or low-calorie carbohydrates;
  • 6 meals are organized per day;
  • dinner should take place a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • the use of sweet and salty, as well as coffee and tea is excluded.

rice diet

For a successful fight against excess weight, it is recommended to choose a cheap diet on rice. It's all the fault of the properties of cereal for gentle cleansing of the body, good results in the elimination of cellulite and body fat. Unpeeled, brown varieties are recognized as the highest quality for these purposes. The duration of the entire event can be up to two weeks. For a quick result, it is enough to use such a diet for three unloading days. At this time, you can eat boiled rice, a few green apples and drink water or herbal tea.

The main principles of the rice diet:

  • you can not skip breakfast;
  • it is recommended to drink liquid half an hour before meals or one hour after meals;
  • you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water;
  • lack of spices, salt and sauces in dishes.

Effective dishes for weight loss for a week:

  • 100 g of boiled rice;
  • 1 glass of yogurt or fat-free kefir;
  • herbal tea.
  • 100 g of boiled rice;
  • 150 g boiled white fish or chicken meat;
  • herbal tea, unsweetened compote or decoction of herbs.
  • 50 g of boiled rice;
  • 100 g of vegetable salad;
  • herbal tea.

apple diet

Perfect for fruit lovers simple diet on apples. This fruit contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as pectin. Six meals a day with snacks is very easy to organize. This simple food diet is budget-friendly and only lasts one week. All you need is apples of any color and herbal tea or water. The regularity of the diet can be up to three times a month if necessary.

You won’t believe it, but there is a very wonderful 5-day Lasenka diet. She is very good at helping to get her figure in order.

Here it is told that a fasting day on cottage cheese can help to lose weight from 2 to 5 kg. On this diet, the body is practically not exposed to stress.

Variety of apples, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body:

  • sweet varieties are contraindicated in gastritis;
  • on the contrary, sweet apples are recommended for duodenal ulcers;
  • in the presence of malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system, it is possible to introduce sugar into the diet in the amount of 100 g per 1 kg of fruit;
  • any apples will be an excellent basis for a diet in the prevention of hypertension.

A properly balanced diet for weight loss called "Economical" is one of the types of diets that are classified as low-calorie. It includes two healthy menu options at once, their nutritionists are advised to alternate between them.

If for some reason you don't like it or just Menu option not available, which is presented to your attention, you can make your own it, at the same time, having correctly selected similar products using the calorie table.

Nutritionists absolutely certain that with frugal diet You easily you can get rid of 5-6 kilograms total overweight in seven days.

The rules of an economical diet will give you the opportunity to eat food correctly and observe the prescribed measure. You can easily and easily adjust your body weight with little effort.

But it needs to be clarified that effective results weight loss will in complete dependencies from initial weight body. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the larger the initial one, the faster fat deposits can melt. However, just as quickly they can recover after stopping the diet.

The developers of a thrifty diet say with confidence that alternation menu options thrifty diet diet can brighten up and diversify the presented dishes and will allow losing weight endure her requirements until the very end. Simultaneously with the use of mineral table water without gas, it is also allowed to use unsweetened drinks, for example, such as berry and fruit compotes without added sugar, unsweetened green tea, infusion .

Recently, rumors have begun to surface that it is usually healthy proper nutrition will cost expensive financial investments, this is a deeply erroneous opinion. After all healthy food is simple natural food and therefore inexpensive. And if you also reduce the portions used, then in any case your food basket will be quite economical and not very expensive.

Healthy nutrition is, first of all, nutrition that is balanced according to a reasonable ratio of the formula " fats-proteins-carbohydrates". This type of food will contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, while only natural products of natural origin will be used.

in the daily diet a healthy person, depending on his individual needs and characteristics, the food he eats should contain 50% carbs, 40% proteins and 10% fat.

Approximately 20 years ago nutritionists from America through scientific research could define and create a kind healthy eating pyramid". All products in its composition are located from the bottom to the very top, as their usefulness for the human body decreases. The pyramid clearly demonstrates that proper healthy nutrition can be available to everyone, and it is quite economical. The main group of natural products will be represented by cereals, which, by the way, are the cheapest. It is also fresh fruits and vegetables, it is from such foods that the body can get those 50% carbohydrate foods, such foods are usually low in index. They are broken down in the human body for a long time and maintain normal blood sugar levels. And due to the high content of dietary fiber, they are able to ensure the normal functioning of the whole gastrointestinal human tract.

Every day the diet menu should contain two grain and vegetable dishes. Portion of cereals and grain dishes should be equal 70 grams, a vegetable dishes portion should be at least 150 grams. Also, the diet should include a few slices of bran bread and five servings of fresh fruit (one fruit should be medium in size) or one serving of any fresh berries. by the most the best dish breakfast, as always, will be porridge - corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.

Vegetables in fresh, stew and boiled should always be on the menu lunch and dinner. The erroneous opinion that vegetables and fruits will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the grocery basket is completely untrue. Indeed, lately some nutritionists advise reduce the proportion of fruits in the diet, and increase percent eating seasonal vegetables. Also, vegetables and fruits of domestic production (cucumbers, zucchini, apples, pears, plums, carrots, beets, all garden greens) contain much more beneficial vitamins and trace elements than those supplied to supermarkets, brought from distant countries, exotic and fruit products.

Sample diet menu for a thrifty diet

Option one

First breakfast:

  • three boiled quail eggs;
  • a cup of green tea with a slice of lemon.


  • a piece of bran bread;
  • 25 grams of low-fat ham;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • a glass of skim milk.


  • a plate of borscht with beets;
  • two ground beef meatballs with spaghetti garnish;
  • a cup of salad made from fresh, grated carrots, finely chopped dill and parsley with olive oil;
  • strawberry jelly.


  • a portion of lazy dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • A glass of tomato juice.

Option two

First breakfast:

  • a slice of rye bread, spread with a thin layer of butter;
  • 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with finely chopped pieces of any fruit;
  • a glass of natural black coffee with the addition of skim milk.


  • any seasonal fruits in unlimited quantities.


  • a small portion of roast veal, cooked with a minimum amount of vegetable fat;
  • vegetarian broth with the addition of buckwheat;
  • fresh salad of green lettuce, spinach, sweet peppers and cucumbers.

Afternoon snack:

  • a small piece of biscuit;
  • a glass of skim milk.


  • a portion of jellied sea fish;
  • fresh salad of any seasonal vegetables with herbs and olive oil;
  • a piece of stale white bread.

Many people who want to lose weight follow the advice of fashion bloggers, TV shows. But the menu that is offered does not always correspond to the financial capabilities of a person with an average income. A cheap diet can be much more effective than a diet full of newfangled cereals and supplements.

Cheap diet for weight loss: what to get rid of?

What foods eat up the most money? First of all, any diet involves the rejection of fast food. Therefore, soda, chips, purchased sauces are immediately excluded. It is also worth giving up sausages. On average, a stick of good sausage will cost 400-600 rubles. For the same amount, you can buy a couple of kilograms of meat, or several chicken breasts. The latter, in addition to their relatively inexpensive cost, will bring great benefits to the body.

But do not go to other extremes. Now new products are quite popular, which are actively used in their recipes by supporters of proper nutrition. These include:

Couscous, bulgur. All these are types of cereals. They belong to wheat derivatives, although they are more expensive. Easily replaced with ordinary millet, semolina;
quinoa. It tastes like unpolished rice, although many note that this cereal is a little softer;
spelled, linen, bird cherry, etc. types of flour. Adherents of proper nutrition do not really like ordinary wheat groats, believing that it adds overweight and is harmful to health. Of course, if you regularly eat buns and wheat bread, this will damage the figure. But in such quantities you can’t eat pastries from the “correct” flour. Therefore, there is no point in making such an expensive replacement;
almond, olive, linseed, pumpkin oils. Ordinary sunflower oil, if it is unrefined, that is, little processed, is also healthy and contains saturated fats.
An inexpensive weight loss diet does not include such foods. However, they can be added to your menu to diversify it. But this is not at all necessary.

Vegetables in season - savings and benefits

The basis of proper nutrition is the presence in the diet of a large number of vegetables. Of course, if you buy cucumbers and tomatoes in winter, then an inexpensive diet will not work. However, you can buy seasonal vegetables, for example, in the summer the same zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, greens can be bought quite inexpensively. And white cabbage, carrots, potatoes, beets and onions can be purchased in winter at reasonable prices.
Separately, it is worth noting the place of potatoes in the diet for weight loss. The calorie content of boiled potatoes is only 82 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, when boiled, this vegetable contains the same vitamins as in raw. It is recommended to use it to lower blood cholesterol. Therefore inexpensive and effective diet may include the use of boiled or baked potatoes.

Mono-diet - a quick and cheap option

A quick way to lose weight is considered to be the periodic inclusion of fasting days in your life. If at the same time only one or two types of products are used, such nutrition can be called a mono-diet. The cheapest diets consist of just a few inexpensive foods.

Most Popular fasting days on buckwheat, kefir and apples.
buckwheat diet. It lasts no more than three days. During the day, it is allowed to use only boiled buckwheat, in portions of 200 grams. More than five meals per day are not allowed. In addition to buckwheat, you can drink green tea and about a liter of low-fat kefir;
kefir mono-diet includes the use of about 2-2.5 liters of this fermented milk product per day. The diet itself does not exceed more than one day. In some cases, 200 grams of boiled rice is allowed as breakfast;
apple diet consists of 2 kilograms of apples. They are allowed to be consumed both raw and baked. In addition to apples, only green tea and water are allowed. Like the previous diet, unloading on apples is not recommended for more than one day.
All of the above mono-diets do not require special costs. However, their use is difficult to attribute to proper nutrition.

Examples of budget breakfasts

The day should start with a delicious breakfast that will boost your metabolism and allow your body to wake up. Any inexpensive and effective diet consists of simple but tasty breakfasts. Oatmeal dishes are considered the most popular option. In addition to simple porridge, with the addition of seasonal fruits or cheese, you can also cook oatmeal. It consists of only two components - oatmeal and chicken egg. Depending on how dense the pancake should turn out, the amount of flakes is reduced or increased. The resulting mixture is poured into a pan and fried on both sides. You can add any filling: banana and cheese, tomatoes and peppers, cottage cheese and honey.
The second option, which allows you to quickly prepare a delicious breakfast, again includes eggs. Omelettes, scrambled eggs - all this does not require special expenses. You can add a variety of toppings to a regular omelette: chicken meat, fried or green onions, zucchini. Cheap diets do not exclude any of the meals, so the selection proper breakfast very important.

Delicious and inexpensive dinner

For dinner with a quick and inexpensive diet, two components are usually used: a protein dish and vegetables. The first can be chicken, lean pork, beef, boiled fish, legumes. Seasonal vegetables can be cooked into stews or baked in the oven.
Stuffed vegetables are an excellent option for a proper and inexpensive dinner. For example, bell peppers with ground beef or "boats" of zucchini and chicken meat. All this can be supplemented with homemade sauce.

Delicious sauces at home

Any food can be seasoned with a sauce that is easy to make at home. Tomato sauce includes several ripe tomatoes, garlic, herbs. All this is finely chopped and sent to stew in a pan. This dressing goes well with fish and vegetables.
You can also find an alternative to mayonnaise sauce. Plain sour cream or natural yogurt, with the addition of garlic, cilantro, lemon juice and mustard, is an excellent base for homemade pizza, as a sauce for meat and chicken.

Proper nutrition, which is the simplest and most effective diet, may include simple products that do not require large investments. However, if you need to lose a little weight by a certain day, you can resort to the help of mono-diets.

There is a stereotype that weight loss is possible only with expensive and exotic products. But it's not. Diet, cheap and simple, is not a myth at all. There are quite affordable products that will help you get rid of excess weight and save your budget.

Subtleties of the right diet

Important components of losing weight are proper nutrition, exercise and good sleep. Without them, effective weight loss simply will not work. The diet must include soups, cereals, fresh and dried fruits, raw and stewed vegetables, nuts, meat and dairy products. The diet should not cause discomfort, and the person should remain in a good mood. It is better to take as a basis which is not based on deprivation.

So, a simple diet can include chicken, beef, fish, seafood, a variety of fruits, vegetables, greens, unleavened bread, herbal juices and smoothies. With an active lifestyle, easily digestible foods should be added to the diet - these are kefir, bananas and dark chocolate.

Simple rules of harmony

1. Follow the schedule. It is necessary to eat at the same time so that vitamins are absorbed and there is a good metabolism. Breakfast is better before 9 am, lunch - before 2 pm, and dinner - no later than 7 pm.

2. Eat right. The feeling of satiety occurs only after 20 minutes, so it is recommended to leave the table slightly hungry, and not gorged. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not in a hurry so that the food does not enter the stomach in large pieces.

3. Don't snack on sweets, cookies, or cakes. A cheap diet for weight loss does not involve such products. It is better to replace them with apples or dried fruits, in extreme cases - a slice of dark chocolate.

Undoubtedly, it is also worth making a rule of walking, cycling, rollerblading, skating, skiing and sleeping at least seven hours.

Inexpensive Products

To properly balance the diet and lose extra pounds will help:

  • vegetables and fruits. It is better to choose only local and seasonal ones, as they will be cheaper. For example, these are apples, bananas, oranges, cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini. It is very profitable to make preparations for the winter in the form of pickles and compotes;
  • berries. Ideally, it is better to use not purchased, but those that are in the garden. Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, plums are very healthy and are perfectly stored in the freezer;
  • chicken. Great substitute for an expensive turkey. It is quite dietary and is sold everywhere. With chicken, any diet is cheap and effective;
  • beef. In some regions, it costs less than pork, which is also much fatter;
  • fish. Very useful for health. Hake, blue whiting, cod, mackerel, capelin and pollock are inexpensive. Only you need to cook them exclusively for a couple;
  • shrimps. It is better to buy in shell, since peeled ones are expensive;
  • walnuts. A great alternative to expensive overseas options;
  • muesli. Cooked with your own hands from oats and fruits, they are not as expensive as the finished product.

Why not save?

Of course, a diet of cheap products is much more tempting. But in some cases, you should not spare money.

  • Brown rice. It is more expensive, but also much more useful than usual.
  • Olive oil. It will also bring more benefits and fewer calories.
  • Cheese. In diet menus, this product is rather a delicacy and is used extremely rarely. But if you really buy cheese, then only a small piece of expensive, because cheap varieties are of lower quality.

Lose weight and not spend

Perhaps all the girls know that you can instantly lose weight only by fasting. The cheapest diet for quick weight loss is drinking. It involves not eating and drinking only one liquid throughout the day. It can be ordinary water, mineral water, tea, coffee, herbs or kefir. The stomach will be constantly filled with liquid, so there should not be a feeling of hunger. However, not many girls can withstand such a tough regime, although it is economical. In exceptional cases, rice, potatoes or fruits are added to the drinking diet.

Competent diet

Nutritionists recommend not to lose weight through fasting, but to stick to a balanced diet. This weight loss option is designed for 10 days and consists of the simplest products available. Of course, they will have to be prepared, but this is done simply and quickly.

The 10-day cheap weight loss diet is good because you can modify it and add foods to your liking. The menu looks like this:

  • for breakfast: boiled egg, apple, juice and any milk porridge (buckwheat, millet or oatmeal);
  • for lunch: fish or chicken broth with rye bread, salad with olive oil and herbal tea;
  • for dinner: stewed vegetables, any boiled meat, a salad with a high content of greens.

As a snack: fresh vegetables and fruits, juices or fat-free kefir.

Thus, you can and should eat for a long time, and better - all your life. The body will noticeably become more toned and slim, and the skin will take on a healthy look.

Lose weight with grains

Even our grandmothers knew that cereals are very useful and help to become slim. Their prices are low and practically do not depend on currency changes. You can take absolutely any cereal - oatmeal, wheat, rice, millet or buckwheat. You need to cook them on water, without adding oil, salt and sugar, otherwise this cheap diet will be meaningless.

Buckwheat is very effective. It is better not to boil it, but simply pour it with water. For half a kilogram of cereal, you need to take a liter of boiling water. In a couple of hours, the porridge will be ready. This amount is enough for a day. It should be divided into five or six servings and eat at approximately the same intervals. The duration of the diet can be any, but not more than two weeks. The menu can sometimes be varied with an unsweetened apple for lunch and low-fat kefir before bed.

Kefir - the key to harmony

Another cheap weight loss diet for a week. It is based on kefir, but other products will also be included in the diet. It is important to follow nutritional recommendations and not exceed the seven-day duration threshold, otherwise it will greatly damage the body. As a result, you can get rid of up to five extra pounds.

Every day you need to drink 1.5 liters of fat-free kefir. On weekdays, additional foods are included in the diet.

Monday: boiled potatoes (half a kilogram).

Tuesday: boiled lean meat (one hundred grams).

Wednesday: boiled chicken breast (one hundred grams).

Thursday: boiled fish (one hundred grams).

Friday: fruit (half a kilo).

Saturday and Sunday: only kefir.

banana milkshake

Another fast cheap diet includes milk and bananas. It is designed for only five days, during which you can bring yourself into shape. The diet, of course, is not varied, but nutritious. No need to waste time and energy on cooking.

Every day for five days, you need to eat six medium bananas and drink three glasses of milk (skim or low fat). As they say, cheap and cheerful.

Acting Mode

This diet is simple, but requires great ox strength. It lasts strictly nine days, no more and no less. If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to ten extra pounds.

The first three days: drink in any quantity.

From the 4th to the 6th day: eat only chicken fillet, cooked without salt. It can also be unlimited.

From the 7th to the 9th day: only unsweetened apples and juice from them.

This diet is cheap, effective, but tough. It can be replaced with a softer version that will allow you to lose up to five kilograms. Here you can also eat in unlimited quantities, but only recommended products.

First day. Boiled rice and tomato juice (or any tea).

Second day. Kefir and cottage cheese of minimal fat content.

Third day. Boiled chicken fillet (without salt) and green tea.

Fourth day. Good cheese and high quality red wine.

It is better to start this diet from Wednesday or Thursday so that the last day falls on a day off. This is provided that you rest on Saturday and Sunday.

Fasting day

Doctors and nutritionists recommend doing a fasting day once a week. This is very useful, even if there is no desire to lose weight. Some girls drink only water on such a day, but this is the wrong approach to losing weight. It is important that in the diet when unloading, the amount of carbohydrates approaches the daily norm. It is about one hundred grams. Such a simple unloading diet may look like this.

For breakfast: a handful walnuts and a glass of sour milk drink.

For lunch: boiled chicken breast (about two hundred grams), you can add a spoonful of sweet and sour jam.

For an afternoon snack: two grapefruits and three large apples.

For dinner: you can eat any fresh vegetables.

Before going to bed: two boiled eggs.

If you introduce as a rule a fasting day once a week, then the diet may not be needed. Eat right, exercise and stay fit!

A useful addition to any diet, allowing you to maintain efficiency and increase the effectiveness of weight loss measures, will be drugs that help balance cellular metabolism. For example, Mildronate capsules 250 mg is a drug that optimizes the process of cell nutrition during stress. Its action allows you to maintain the health of the heart in conditions of oxygen starvation of cells, which has arisen in connection with a temporary change in metabolic processes. The use of the drug in addition to the diet allows you to maintain efficiency, as a result, the desired harmony will not cause significant damage to health.

"I'm going on a diet tomorrow!" This sacramental phrase at least once in her life was said, probably, by every woman. True, this very “tomorrow” we may already have a completely different mood, and we don’t want to torture ourselves with any diets. Perhaps we will start following this same diet, but in two days we will break, eat sweet buns and spit on everything. But sometimes you still manage to reach the victorious end and see the desired result on the scales ...

An effective, inexpensive diet for weight loss is a real find. There are hundreds of recipes for various diets, but there is no universal recipe for every woman. For someone, one option will be suitable and effective, for someone it will be completely different. There are diets that use expensive or rare foods or require you to cook a lot of specific dishes, which, of course, does not suit everyone.

One of the simplest, most popular and affordable diets is not to eat in the evening, usually after six in the evening. This mode has many fans. Of course, this does not mean that during the day you can gorge yourself on flour and sweets. A variation of this method is to keep the interval between the last meal in the evening and the first meal of the next day at least 12 to 14 hours. Again, don't eat a hearty dinner at midnight and then starve until noon.

Democratic, not requiring complex preparations, but at the same time quite “tough” -. It is designed for a week and promises to get rid of 5 kilograms during this period. The basis of the diet is one and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day. On the first day, you can add half a kilogram of boiled potatoes to this, on the second - 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, for the third - 100 grams of boiled meat, for the fourth - 100 grams of boiled fish, for the fifth - half a kilogram of fruit. On the sixth day, you will have to limit yourself to kefir (all the same one and a half liters), and on the seventh - in general mineral water without gas. By the way, all week you can drink water as much as you like.

The so-called "cinema" or "acting" is effective, inexpensive for weight loss, and also quite original. It is also not so easy to withstand it, but the result is very impressive. So, the first 3 days - kefir in any quantities, the next 3 days - boiled chicken (without skin and without salt), then - 3 "apple" days, in which you can only eat apples and drink apple juice. And finally, the most enjoyable 3 days - dry red wine and cheese. A “softer” version of this diet is designed for only 4 days: on the first day, we eat boiled rice without salt and drink freshly squeezed tomato juice or green tea. In the second - low-fat cottage cheese without sugar and kefir. The third day is devoted to boiled chicken fillet and green tea, and the fourth day crowns the diet with the same red wine and cheese. The first option allows you to lose 9-10 kilograms, the second - 3-5. Just remember that you still need to be more careful with red wine, especially for those who suffer from cardiovascular or gastrointestinal diseases.

Unusual, fast and quite budgetary diet - milk-banana. It is designed for 5 days, and the daily diet is very simple - 3 glasses of low-fat milk and six bananas. Monotonous, but no fuss with the preparation of special dishes.

If you are not afraid of monotony, you can also try a simple rice diet. It lasts 7 days; during the day you can afford 150 grams of rice, 90 grams of boiled fish or chicken fillet, one egg and a tomato.

In general, as mentioned above, the most effective diet for weight loss is for everyone. We hope you find the perfect recipe for you!