How much does a correspondent earn - Report. Earnings in Russia as a whole

A journalist is a representative of a profession through which society learns about the important events of the day, week or year. The presented materials, as a rule, are interpreted, accompanied by in-depth analysis and expert commentary. Without these people, society would feel information hunger. Often this work is difficult, stressful and dangerous.

The media have considerable influence on public opinion, and many seek to bribe them for their own interests (this does not apply to neutral and entertaining topics). Therefore, how much a journalist earns directly depends on the field of activity and the regions in which he has to work. The difference in numbers will be noticeable. "Average temperature in the ward" - these are the numbers that you will learn from our article.

The value of the profession for society

Without journalism it is impossible to imagine our everyday life. Many people start their mornings with breakfast and watching TV or the latest newspapers. During the day, we also receive an incredible amount of news that comes directly from or advertising agencies.

The number of Internet users has already reached half the globe - 3.5 billion people. And most of them leaf through the news feed in the evenings, which cannot but affect the fact that the named profession is becoming more and more in demand. And how much a journalist earns is now of interest not only to current, but also to future specialists.

Evaluation is more difficult. It would seem that it could be easier: find out the news first, compare the facts, draw conclusions, beautifully present the material to the reader. At first glance, this process does not require much effort, and someone will even consider the representatives of this profession to be parasites. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real results of his work in terms of money depend on how the specialist positions himself.

How much do journalists earn in Russia

In Russia, a journalist is very different depending on his location and format of activity. In small regional media, the average income will be several times less than in large metropolitan newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. Also, how much journalists earn in Moscow, for example, can significantly exceed the income of their colleagues in St. Petersburg.

The statistics of 2017 says that the minimum salary of a journalist in Russian cities is equal to the subsistence level - 8,000 rubles. lower threshold a specialist will easily overcome if his material is of high quality, innovative and published frequently.

The official maximum salary of such journalists reaches 120,000 rubles. Consequently, the average income in journalism in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Samara, Kazan, Novgorod and others is 35,000 rubles.

Income in different branches of journalism

One of the most profitable niches in journalism is sports. Sports commentators are paid more than print reporters and analysts. The question of how much sports journalists earn is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Commenting on events in sports is even more creative work than writing articles. Each competition or match always has an unpredictable course of events and a final. The fee of a commentator on television for one event starts from 20 thousand rubles, the details depend on his level of media coverage. On the radio, the average assessment of the work of a sports journalist is 10 thousand rubles per broadcast. Unknown commentators have more modest incomes.

Also, the highest level of income was recorded among the chief editors of publications and editors of departments. The average salary for these vacancies in Moscow is 43,900 rubles. This is the top of the corporate ladder for a full-time journalist.

How much does a journalist earn in the USA

According to foreign recruiting agencies, employers in Russia are willing to pay many times more for the work of a journalist than their foreign counterparts. So, here in the highest echelons of journalism, the salary reaches 60 thousand dollars a year. In the US, the average salary of a specialist is more modest - 40 thousand dollars a year.

If novice authors receive about $1,000 per month, and in the United States this figure is twice as high, then specialists with extensive experience and famous name earn even 5-7 thousand dollars. And this amount is twice the income of journalists in publications with an average popularity in America.

How to get a freelance journalist job

It has become popular in Russia to make a living as a freelancer. This trend has evolved with the development of the Internet and its increasing influence on public opinion. Working as a freelance journalist can also be classified as freelancing.

Anyone who knows the art of language, has analytical skills, a creative outlook on things can try to get this position. For this you should:

  • determine the topic, highlight profile areas;
  • select publications that are interested in the finished material;
  • find out the contacts of the editorial office from the sites;
  • send letters with offers;
  • wait for a response and get to work.

If how much a journalist earns has a fixed framework, then freelance authors receive a salary depending on the level of publication, production, and uniqueness of the material. Journalists who are the first to be in the thick of things are also called streamers. They are not tied to one employer and sell finished material at the best price for themselves.

Whose fee is higher

Along with the profession of a journalist, PR specialists have also become in demand. For a long time, the income of an average PR person was equal to the income of a high-class journalist. Now this distance is shrinking, as the market is oversaturated with unskilled personnel. But how much does a journalist earn? less salary PR manager. Therefore, more and more reporters prefer to work in press centers instead of editorial offices.

It is quite difficult to say right away how much a journalist in Russia earns. For some, this is the main profession, but for someone it is a way to earn extra money. And, of course, we should not forget that in Moscow and other large cities the level of salaries is much higher than in the regions.

What affects the salary?

The most important factor influencing the size of the salary is, of course, the place of work. Journalists can work in:

  • regional mass media;
  • federal;
  • on the Internet;
  • newspapers, magazines and other printed publications.

The earnings of a journalist in a large information company will be significantly higher than in a small regional media. But there are certain exceptions to this rule. Now many large companies widely use the work of correspondents from the regions. Journalists collect the necessary information and news on the spot, and then send it to the editorial office located in Moscow or in the regional center. Of course, the fee of such a specialist will be lower than the salary of a newsmaker sitting still. But still, it is significantly higher than that of colleagues from small companies.

How much journalists earn on average is also influenced by the specifics of the work:

  • reporting;
  • writing texts;
  • participation in television programs;
  • internet journalism.

The least profitable of all of the above is writing articles. Unless, of course, this is not a huge highly specialized material from a Ph.D. But even in this case, the author will have to try to write the article in such a way that it would be understandable to a wide range of readers.

Reporting from the scene is a more profitable option. For example, the salary of a sports journalist starts from 50,000 rubles, while his colleagues earn 25,000-30,000 rubles from writing articles.

Recently, Internet journalism is gaining more and more popularity. The number of sites on the web is steadily growing and each of them requires author's content. If you have a good syllable, there will be no end to orders. In this case, the earnings of an Internet journalist will depend only on him. The more articles he can collect, the more he will earn.

Earnings in Moscow and other large cities

According to statistics from the well-known resource, the largest number of vacancies for this profession is open in the capital, followed by Tatarstan, and the third place is occupied by the Novosibirsk region.

You can also find there how much journalists earn in Moscow. According to the site, their average salary is about 37,500 rubles. Their counterparts from the Yaroslavl region are a little behind the capital's journalists. Their average salary is 37,000 rubles. Closes the top three Voronezh region with an indicator of 33,000 rubles.

For journalists in the capital, the prospects for increasing potential earnings are much greater. For example, the earnings of those participating in direct broadcasts start from 70,000 rubles. This is due to the specifics of the work and high risks.

AT separate category it is worth highlighting the salaries of journalists from the central channels. In some cases, we can even talk about very large six-figure amounts. It is almost impossible to find out a more exact size. TV channels do not disclose them under any pretext.

Earnings in the regions

The incomes of journalists from the provinces are not comparable to the incomes of their metropolitan counterparts. A journalist from a small local TV channel or newspaper can receive from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. In addition, there is practically no opportunity for career growth for them. Worst of all, in this case, novice specialists have to gain experience, they work for symbolic amounts.

Internet journalism can become a way out for provincial specialists. You can work in this way completely remotely. For this, there are even special content exchanges where you can search for suitable orders or put up ready-made articles for sale. Also, if you have certain knowledge, you can try to maintain your blog or promote the site by filling it with copyright materials.

Now various descriptions for films or for goods from online stores are also appreciated. Compiling them is much easier than writing articles. And with a certain approach, you can even make good money on this.

Earnings in Russia as a whole

If we consider the level of salaries of journalists in Russia as a whole, then a standard pattern is observed. High income in Moscow and large cities and much lower in the regions.

The average salary of a Russian journalist is only 23,000 rubles. For those living in Moscow, this is very, very little. But for the province, this is quite a decent salary. That is why this profession is very often chosen by young people from small towns.

  1. Vladivostok 43,000 rubles.
  2. Khabarovsk 42,000 rubles.
  3. Kazan 40,000 rubles.
  4. Sochi 36,000 rubles.

Earn money abroad

Probably very many will be interested in what is the average salary of a journalist abroad. The principle of remuneration of journalists abroad is not much different from the Russian one. Much also depends on experience and qualifications. On average, according to the statistics of various Internet resources, the following figures can be deduced:

  • USA, no work experience - up to $2,500.
  • USA, work experience from 1 year - from 2800 dollars.

The average salary of French journalists does not exceed 3,500 euros, while a significant part of this income goes to taxes. The leading position among all Europeans is occupied by British journalists. Their average salary is £30,000.

Disadvantages of the profession

Despite the fact that the profession of a journalist annually attracts a large number of young people, it has significant drawbacks:

  1. Great psychological stress. Getting fresh and up-to-date information is quite difficult. Very often, eyewitnesses from the scene of incidents are very aggressive towards journalists.
  2. Very low salary in the first years of work.
  3. Very few opportunities for career growth.
  4. Constant worry and hassle. To receive reports, you have to go to the place at almost any time of the day and in any weather.

Should we expect wage increases in the future?

This question interests almost every journalist. According to statistics over the past few years, there has been no positive upward trend in wages. The profession of a journalist has never had strict salaries and bonus payments, so one cannot count on a special increase in payments.

Also in recent years, online journalism has been developing more and more, so there is less and less work left for specialists on the spot. Yes, and hiring remote employees for companies is much more profitable than incurring the cost of maintaining offices and equipment.

Rating of similar vacancies

After we found out how much a journalist earns per month, it may be interesting to get acquainted with the rating of salaries for similar professions. According to statistics in Russia, the writer-journalist is in the first place, his average salary is 56,000 rubles. He is followed by a medical translator with an income of 55,000 rubles. The third place went to the reviewer, his salary is 45,000 rubles.

The above information does not give a complete picture of the earnings of journalists. Very often, various business trips and local reports make up the bulk of their income. And since they happen from case to case, the size of the salary can either increase or decrease.

To choose or not to choose the profession of a journalist is an individual decision for everyone. But, like any other profession, journalism requires certain professional skills. Most often it is a good syllable, high literacy of speech and ability to communicate. Without this, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve professional heights.

In the age of the Internet, high information flows and speeds, the profession of a journalist is becoming more and more in demand. News is interesting to everyone and always, but hardly anyone wants to perceive it as a simple list of events.

People are waiting for news filled with contextual information. People are interested not only in facts and figures, they also need in-depth analysis and expert commentary on the events of the day or week. Journalism is an interesting but difficult and dangerous profession. It demands full dedication and responsibility from people. How much does a journalist earn with his hard work?

Professional responsibilities

The main professional duty of a journalist is the formation of public opinion. In order to do it professionally, you need to be able to:

  1. Quickly search, select, classify and rank information.
  2. Attend various political, economic, cultural and social events.
  3. Know how to interview professionals various areas activities.
  4. You need to quickly and interestingly write articles, press releases and reviews on a specific topic.
  5. Work with photo and video materials, draw up programs of the day, presentations of material.
  6. To carry out technical control of the quality of the image and sound.

What is the salary of a journalist

Professionals who have high creative activity, as well as physical and emotional endurance, can perform the work of a journalist with high quality, and, therefore, earn good money. In addition, the level of remuneration of press workers is influenced by the work experience and fame of the employee.

The topics of reports are important, as materials on politics and economics are paid higher than news from the field of culture and art. If a certain publication requires additional knowledge from its correspondent, for example, a foreign language, then the level of salaries rises.

Of course, work experience in this profession is also important. The more experienced the specialist, the higher his professional level and salary. The profession of a journalist is associated with frequent business trips, incl. to "hot" spots - regions where there are open clashes of the civilian population or military conflicts. Trips to such places are associated with a risk to life, and therefore wages are much higher than in peaceful territories.

The salary of television journalists is higher, since their salary depends on the number of air hours. However, the conference among TV channel workers is much higher than among journalists in the print media.

What is the salary of a journalist

Most often, a complex method is used to pay journalists, which consists of assessing the creative component and volumetric indicators of the materials presented. Thus, the salary can be divided into two parts:

  • the creative component depends on the quality of fulfillment of the goals and objectives set by the editors, and the goals and objectives are constantly changing;
  • the volume component or fee is the product of the total volume of submitted materials for the month and the cost of units of measurement (the number of printed units, lines, paragraphs, pages, etc.)

Various publications establish their own criteria for the qualitative assessment of materials. However, the main principle for assigning such criteria is the editorial policy and professional aspects and specialization of a journalist.

Additional bonuses

The working conditions of a journalist are difficult, the working day is irregular. Specialists of this profession should be ready to work anytime and anywhere, day and night, in the editorial office, at home, at an event. Therefore, editorial managers must create favorable conditions for work.

The workplace of a journalist should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​stationery, reference books, office equipment, an extensive file cabinet, a telephone, a voice recorder, video and photography equipment.

How much does a journalist earn in Russia

Journalist per month in Russia earns from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. average salary- 45 thousand rubles. This is higher than the salary of specialists in other sectors of the economy. However, young specialists with less than 3 years of experience earn only 20-25 thousand rubles per month.

In Moscow

Media workers in Moscow earn 40,000–220,000 rubles a month, which is an average of 130,000 rubles. and significantly exceeds average salary in Russia and in most other regions of the country.

The stars of television journalism are record holders in terms of income, they receive up to 1 million rubles a month for their work.

In St. Petersburg

The monthly salary of St. Petersburg journalists is in the range of 30-100 thousand rubles. On average, they earn 65 thousand rubles a month, the maximum salary is 200 thousand rubles. Analysis of vacancies showed that most employers are willing to pay a specialist with 1-3 years of experience, 30-50 thousand rubles.

In the regional media of Russia

The level of salaries of journalists of regional media is significantly lower than in the metropolitan regions.

  • In Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Kazan, the average monthly salary is 40-45 thousand rubles;
  • in Sochi, Orenburg and Ulan-Ude - 35 thousand rubles;
  • in Yaroslavl, Krasnoyarsk, Vladimir - 30 thousand rubles;
  • in Samara and Saratov - 25 thousand rubles;

According to statistics, there is no increase in the salaries of journalists, since the salary of a journalist has never been fixed. In addition, more and more specialists work on the Internet and it is much more profitable for information companies to hire freelancers than full-time employees.

How much do foreign journalists earn

The highest income of journalists In Great Britain- 25-70 thousand pounds sterling (560 thousand rubles).

Income of the writing fraternity in the USA and Europe roughly correspond to the earnings of Russian colleagues. So journalists in the States earn 2.5 -3.7 thousand dollars a month (180 thousand rubles), and specialists in France- 3.5 thousand euros (200 thousand rubles).

Journalists of Kazakhstan on average, reporters from Belarus receive 24.5 thousand rubles, and Ukrainian colleagues - 23 thousand rubles.


Journalists in Russia cannot count on preferential pensions and seniority pensions. The amount of the pension is determined by the duration seniority, size wages and insurance premiums.

The Internet is an opportunity for additional earnings for journalists

The work of a journalist is generally not badly paid. But for those reporters who want to make money, today there is good opportunity is the work of creating unique content for sites on the Internet. If desired, you can get a significant monetary increase to the basic income of a specialist. For high-quality work on the Internet, a good specialist will be paid 600-900 rubles per thousand characters, and the fee for an article can reach 6 thousand rubles. The monthly salary of journalists working for electronic media reaches 90,000 rubles.

Prizes and awards

The world and Russian awards for journalists can significantly strengthen the financial situation of the workers of the pen and the camera. The world's most prestigious award in journalism and photojournalism is the Pulitzer Prize. Its size is 10 thousand dollars. The main prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia is the Golden Pen of Russia.

Correspondents collect and disseminate information. By the nature of their activities, they should always be in the thick of things. The work is both interesting and dangerous. Not everyone loves the ubiquitous paparazzi. TV journalists are in the best position.

Income of Russian professionals

Novice journalist for one small, on 2 - 3 minutes, plot, earns from $50 to $100. Staff member receives a salary from $700 to $1000 per month. Correspondents' incomes are unstable and depend on the situation and place of work of the specialist.

Profits in major cities of Russia (in rubles):

  • Vladivostok - 43,000 ($687);
  • Khabarovsk -42,000 ($671);
  • Kazan - 40,000 ($639);
  • Moscow - 37500 ($599);
  • Yaroslavl - 37,000 ($591);
  • Voronezh - 33,000 ($527).

Comparative table of income of correspondents (in rubles):

Minimum Maximum Average salary
Russia 30000 ($479) 80000 ($1278) 45000 ($719)
Moscow 40000($639) 220000 ($3515) 130000 ($2077)
St. Petersburg 30000 200000 ($3195) 65000 ($1038)

A journalist in the capital has the highest profits. He does not receive a fixed salary, so he has to always be aware of current events and be the first to appear on the scene. TV journalist who became star screen, earns monthly up to 1 million rubles. ($15976) per month.

The income of correspondents depends on the events covered and the place of work:

  • on a local TV channel - 15 - 20 thousand ($ 240 - 320);
  • participation in live broadcasts from the scene of important events - 70,000 ($1118);
  • international journalist - 60,000 ($959);
  • work on creating content in Internet projects - 600 - 900 rubles. ($ 9.6 - 14.3) / 1000 characters, the fee for 1 article can reach 6000 ($ 96), up to 90,000 ($ 1438) per month;
  • in a private television company - 30 - 50 thousand rubles. ($479 - 799).

Aspiring war correspondent earns income from $1 to 3 thousand. Experienced earns from $4 thousand. per month, and known - up to $30000 . A military corps officer located in a hot spot earns on average 50000 rub. ($799). Reporting from the scene on the front line is paid for by separate fees.

For all the time away from home, journalists receive generous travel allowances. For permanent work in conflict zones, on average they pay 80000 rub. ($1278).

Ukrainian colleagues arrived

As in Russia, the wealth of journalists depends on their determination and assertiveness.

Specialists working in regional and district media earn (in UAH):

  • Vinnitsa region - 15,000 ($574);
  • Kyiv - 10,000 ($383):
  • Odessa - 9000 ($344);
  • Kharkiv - 6500 ($249);
  • Kherson - 5000 ($191);
  • Zhytomyr - 4000 ($153);
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 3500 ($96).

A TV correspondent in the Kyiv region earns approximately 7250 UAH. ($277).

Great importance It has economic policy channel on which the specialist works:

  • New channel” — $700;
  • STB - $1600;
  • Inter” — $600 — 700;
  • “1 + 1” — from $1500 to $3000;
  • SEC "Ukraine" - up to $1200.

Revenue of professionals in related specialties (in UAH):

  • journalist analyst - 30,000 ($1148);
  • production editor - 10500 ($402);
  • literary editor - 8750 ($335);
  • news correspondent - 3180 ($122);
  • journalist writer - 5000 ($191);
  • sportswriter - 7000 ($268).

Revenue of colleagues in other countries

Belarusian journalist newspapers or a site that has a strong grip and a sharp eye, earns from $ 1,100 per month. Kazakh representatives of this profession are content with income at the level $76 .


The salary of an American journalist depends on the level of his qualifications:

  1. I class correspondent with less than a year of work experience, earns $2500/month;
  2. II class is received after a few years, the salary rises to $2800 ;
  3. III class suggests improvement financial situation, with a monthly income of $3700 .

The average annual salary does not exceed $40000 .


The monthly income of a correspondent in France is about 3500 euro Most of it goes to taxes.

A graduate of journalism in the UK earns from £25,000. The earnings of an experienced wordsmith are within from 55 to 68 thousand pounds.

Training and career development

Employers prefer to cooperate with journalists who have received higher education in specialized educational institutions. Welcome an experience work in the media for at least 1 year.

The cherished dream of almost every resident of the CIS is to earn money like in America, and spend this money at the place of residence. The reason is simple: an engineer, doctor, teacher or programmer living in Moscow or St. Petersburg receives about the same amount per month as his Western colleague receives per day. As for the inhabitants of the provinces, their monthly earnings are often equal to the hourly wage of an American.

For most, the dream of an American salary remains a dream, but some manage to realize it more or less successfully and periodically receive checks in the mail that cost three or even four figures in dollars. There are several ways to achieve this, and one of these methods, which I have been using for years, I want to talk to you today. It's about "freelance journalism" - one of the few professions that allows you to honestly and legally earn $ 100 in one evening.


Hearing the word “journalist”, many people imagine a person who graduated from the faculty of journalism or philology, works in the staff of some newspaper or TV station and prepares materials “on the topic of the day”, interviews politicians and singers, talks about incidents during the week and etc. Now imagine a person who has never actually studied journalism, works as a hairdresser, aerobics coach, programmer or heart surgeon (or even does not work anywhere), he also has a hobby - breeding cacti, restoring vintage cars, winter fishing or history Ancient Greece, - and in his spare time he writes articles on topics that interest him, and sells these articles to various magazines. This will be a "free journalist".

For the ex-USSR, such a person may look unusual, but in the West this form of journalism is very common and from 50 to 90 percent of the contents of most magazines (including such well-known ones as Playboy, Cosmopolitan or National Geographic) are supplied by “free journalists." With over 13,000 newspapers and magazines currently published in the US alone, you can estimate the approximate number of "freelance journalists" who make a living (or, more rarely, make a living) by writing and selling articles.


A few years ago I started writing articles - just for my own enjoyment. I did not plan to make money in this way at all, since I worked as a programmer and did not lack money. I published a couple of articles in Russian publications, and since at that time I talked a lot with Americans, I wanted to publish one of my articles in one of the American magazines. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts on my own, I asked for advice from an American friend who, as I knew, often published in this magazine. He explained to me in some detail what to do, helped me prepare a letter to the editor ...

After a while, I received a response from the editor. “We are interested in your article,” he wrote, “and we are ready to publish it in the next issue of our journal. We offer you $120 for your article. "WHAT?! ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS?!” I didn't think I would get paid at all... Is it worth mentioning that I agreed to the editor's proposal? Moreover, I liked the idea itself: to get paid for articles that I already write for my own pleasure. I tried to learn more about how to succeed as a "freelance journalist" - and began to write articles for sale, to be published in Western publications, to receive dollar fees. And although I don’t consider myself a “pro” yet, for a good “amateur league player”, in my opinion, I’m quite pulling.


Believe it or not, but in my firm opinion, almost everyone can earn money by "free journalism" intelligent person. What is hard to believe? Judge for yourself! The minimum requirements for a "freelance journalist" are as follows:

    Good command of the native language, ability to write coherent and interesting texts.

    Having a profession or hobby that is of interest to many people - in other words, many people must either share your interests, or have the same profession as you, or be interested in the services of people in your profession.

    If you plan to work with the English-language press - a good command of English (or German, French or Spanish) or, at worst, the ability to read texts in English (even with a dictionary) plus acquaintance with a good translator from Russian into English.

If you meet these three requirements, you have a good chance of succeeding as a freelance journalist. The first and third points, I hope, are clear and so, but about the second it is worth explaining something. There are two important points here.

Firstly, your field of specialization is really almost unimportant: whatever you do, whatever you are fond of (chemistry, postage stamps, the history of the Beatles, dance, radio electronics, theatrical fencing, breeding exotic cat breeds, etc.) .), almost certainly in Western countries there will be at least 30-40 thousand more people who are interested in the same thing - and magazines on this topic are published for them.

The second trick is that you don't have to be a professional at all. high level in the area you are going to write about. If you need information for an article that you do not own, you can simply interview an expert with the necessary degree of professionalism (it is only important that you are able to competently and without stupid mistakes ask him a question, as well as understand the answer and state its essence for readers in a simple and accessible language). In short, an intelligent person with diverse interests (which I believe you are, dear reader) may well succeed in the field of "free journalism".


All magazines published in the West, from the point of view of "free journalists" are divided into 3 categories - low-paying (pay up to $150 per article), middle-paying (from $150 to $500 per article) and, finally, high-payingmarkets (pay $500 to $12,000 per article). Of course, you should not expect to immediately break into those magazines that pay thousands of dollars - they publish authors of the level of Victoria Tokareva or Sergei Dovlatov, who also write in brilliant English. It will most likely be at least 5 years before you can see your article on the pages of "Reader's Digest" or "New-Yorker". At first, you may have to focus on low-paying magazines and receive royalties from $50 to $100. Then (and if you're lucky, from the very beginning) you will start working with middle-paying magazines and earn from $150 to $300 for each article sold. And then ... the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.

“OK,” you say, “One hundred or two hundred bucks for an article is good. But how many articles can you sell in a year?” It depends primarily on how well and how fast you write. I know people who make their living (which in the US means at least $40,000-50,000 a year) solely by publishing articles. We are talking, of course, about professionals working full time and not for the first year. But even an amateur who has gained his hand and writes in his spare time can easily secure a significant extra income without any special difficulties. Without too much strain, selling just one article per month, you can easily earn $ 1000-1500 per year. And with some effort - and $ 3,000, and $ 4,000, or even more. Agree, an additional 300-350 dollars a month will be a worthy increase to your salary.


Dollar fees are the main, but not the only pleasant aspect of the profession of a "freelance journalist". An additional plus of this activity is the opportunity to meet people who you usually see only on TV. Words: Hello! I am preparing an article for a magazine…” - many doors can open. Of course, people who are already pretty fed up with the increased attention of journalists - "stars of the first magnitude" like Bill Gates or Michael Jackson - will most likely remain inaccessible to you. However, simpler celebrities - "stars of the second magnitude" - most often are very favorable to the attention of the press.

What gives acquaintance with such people? Firstly, it’s just nice and it’s usually very interesting to communicate with them, secondly, magazines are quite willing to buy articles with first-hand information about famous people, and, finally, thirdly, such people often themselves (intentionally or accidentally ) lead you to some interesting topic. In addition, "stars of the second magnitude" sometimes flare up, turning into "supernovae" - and then journalists who have made acquaintance with them in the past find themselves in a hell of a winning position. And most importantly, getting to know famous people and writing articles about them is something of a vicious circle: each subsequent article strengthens both your relationship with the hero of the article and your credibility as a journalist, and as a more established journalist, you will be able to more easily meet other famous people and write articles about them, while each subsequent article ...